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A65748 A commentary upon the three first chapters of the first book of Moses called Genesis by John White. White, John, 1575-1648. 1656 (1656) Wing W1775; ESTC R23600 464,130 520

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For Moses doth not say here Let the Lights be in the Firmament as pointing at the disposing of that which was before but Let Lights be as Creating now that which was not at all Again there is something more considerable in this expression which differs from the decree of Creating herbs and plants There God saith Let the Earth bring forth which words import a fructifying power given to the Earth to bring them forth both at present and for continuance Here he saith only Let there be Lights not Let the heaven bring forth Lights seeing there needed no new generation of Lights which are not subject to Corruption Lights The word must be taken in an Active signifi●ation implying that they were not only to have but to g●● Light It must be chiefly understood of the Sun which hath Light in it self and diffuseth unto the Moon and Stars the most part of that Light which they have and conveigh unto the earth In the Firmament The place where these Lights were fixed whether it be the Ayr or in some higher and purer Coelestial bodies that carry them about the world let Philosophers determine only we see that God hath placed them far above us as Ornaments of his Throne as well to shew forth his Majestie as withall that they might the more conveniently cast their Light and Influence over all parts of the world It may be besides to manifest that light comes only from heaven from the Father of Lights without whom the world must needs abide in darknesse Besides all this the heavens are most agreeable to the nature of these Lights And lastly by their moving about the world at so great a distance they help to discover the vaste Circuit of the Heavens which could by no other means be found out To divide the day To limit or set out the bounds of the Civil day which is the space of the motion of the Sun above our Horison during which time the Light which the Sun casts upon the Earth contin●es with us as by the absence thereof the Light ceasing when the Sun being under our Horison the darknesse of the night succeedeth and so Day and Night are divided or distiuguished one from the other by the motion of the Sun although it be here attributed to the light Indefinitely Now God had before divided the Day and the Night but that was done by an extraordinary means which hence forward is ordained to be done by the constant and regular motion of the Sun So that we have here no new division of the Night and Day but only the giving and ordaining of a new rule and means of settling what God had ordained before For signs Of natural effects which they produce as of Rain Cold Heat Winds and the like Nay perhaps of some remarkable mutations in humane affaires which God foreseeing and fore-ordaining in the Course of his Providence may give intimation thereof by Eclipses and unusual conjunctions of Celestial bodies appointed by the same providence to fall out in an Ordinary course of their Natural motions but yet at such time as they may concur with such events though they be not caused by them As we use to set our Alarmes to go at such a set hour although the wheeles that move them be regulated by the poises that keep them going that thereby we may be put in mind of some set time when we would have businesse undertaken or dispatched Seasons The word is usually taken for opportunities of doing things and signifies here the different estate and disposition of the times of the year which offer men opportunities of Planting Ploughing Sowing Reaping and the like which we know long before by observing the motion of these Lights And for dayes That is for computing and accounting times by dayes moneths and years which all Nations from the beginning of the World have and do calculate according to the Revolutions of the motions of the Sun and Moon and Stars In this description of the Creation of these heavenly Lights the Sun Moon and Stars Moses sets before us 1. The Decree 1. What should be made 2. Where they should be placed In the Firmament of Heaven 3. To what Uses they were to serve 1. To stint mens labours by distinguishing the day serving for labour from the night wherein thye are to rest 2. For the directing of mens employments by pointing out fit seasons for them 3. To rectifie mens accounts of the times of things past and to come 4. To further mens labours by giving Light to direct them in all their works and Influence to prosper many of them 2. The Execution of the the Decree is 1. pointed at in general ver 15.2 described more particularly ver 16 17 18. Thus we see whence those glorious Creatures the Sun Moon and Stars which men and that worthily behold with so much Delight and Admiration had their first beginning they were neither Eternal nor of themselves we see here When and by Whose Power they were Created VVhence we may 1. Observe The Sun Moon and Stars and no gods but Gods Creatures Observ 1 HE made all the host of heaven by his Word Psal 33.6 Those great lights Psal 136.8 9. Jer. 31.35 so that they are truly the work of his fingers Psal 8.3 and are still his servants Psal 119.91 observing the order that he hath set them Psal 104.19 1. Honour them not as gods as some have done and that not only the Heathen but even amongst Gods own people both Princes as wicked Manasseh 2 Chron. 33.3 and the whole body of the State Jer. 44. that it is no marvail though God so precisely forbid it to his own people Deut. 4.19 An evil that men are so prone unto by nature that though they fall not into that grosse evil of adoring them yet by depending more upon their Influence then upon Gods providence they ascribe that unto them that is peculiar to God alone 2. Honour God in and by them with David Psal 8.1 standing amazed at his glory who inhabiteth the light which no man can approach unto 1 Tim. 6.16 seeing we are not able to behold the brightnesse of the Sun which is but a shadow of it without the dazzeling of our eyes no marvel then if the Angels themselves that stand in his presence cover their faces as being not able to behold his glory Isa 6.2 To this if we adde Gods wonderful Power by which he guides them in their courses stayes them or brings them back at his pleasure Josh 10.13 2 King 20.11 and by their Influence makes them serviceable to cherish and bring forwards the fruits of the Earth it cannot but fill our hearts with the admiration of his greatnesse and glory and fill our mouthes with his praises that hath prepared such glorious Creatures to do us service Before the Creation of the Sun the Light was in the World and appeared in the day time although we know not in what body it was carried but now
a God Now seeing there can be but one Being or Jehovah all things besides him must needs be Nothing Of themselves and In themselves Depend not then on the world or any Creature in it Wilt thou set thine eyes upon that which is nothing Prov. 23.5 What Creature soever it be it was nothing at the first and is nothing at present in it self farther then God upholds it Heb. 1.3 nor in Gods account before Whom all the Inhabitants of the Earth are reputed as nothing Dan. 4.35 and shall be after a little while nothing of that which now it is Isa 51.6 Let men stay their hearts upon God when Means fail He that made all of nothing can at his pleasure provide means where there are none Numb 11.23 or do and supply all without means as he gave water without clouds 2 King 3.17 and as he sustained Moses Elijah and Christ 40 dayes without food The last cousiderable Circumstance in this brief summe of the Work of Creation is the Subject or Matter that was made the Heaven and Earth He names the Heaven first as being First if not in time yet at least in dignity and therefore usually acknowledged to be the chiefest amongst Gods Works From whence we may 7. Observe Heaven is more excellent than the Earth Observ 7 HIgher in Place Larger in Extent more pure in the Substance of it more glorious in shew more effectual in Operation graced with the manifestation of Gods presence there inhabited by the Angels and the spirits of just men made perfect as they are termed Heb. 12.23 Let us then make Heaven our chiefest care and desire Matth. 6.33 the scope of all desires and negotiations which the Apostle terms the having of our conversation in heaven Phil. 3.20 whither we make over our estates Matth. 6.20 where we make us friends Luke 16.9 and lay the foundation of our building 1 Tim. 6.10 as being strangers here on Earth Heb. 11.13 heavenly in our better part and partakers of the Divine nature 2 Pet. 1.4 having an inheritance in heaven Col. 1.5 and the earnest of it already Eph. 1.14 our head Christ in heaven Heb. 4.14 from whence we look for him Phil. 3.20 to take us up thither to himself Joh. 14.3 to behold his glory Joh. 17.24 that we may be ever with the Lord 1 Thess 4.17 and be satisfied with his likenesse Psal 17.15 Let us learn of the heavens to stoop to those which are below us as we are advised Rom. 12.16 cherishing them with out influence of love and the fruits thereof and serving them with our abilities as the Heavens do the Earth nay as Christ doth his Church Mark 10.45 teaching us to do the like by his example Joh. 13.15 though we receive nothing from them again Luke 14.14 as the heavens afford their influences to the earth though they receive nothing from it back again Now though the Heavens be first named yet the Earth is not left out that also and all the store of it is affirmed to be Gods Workmanship who created the one as well as the other Whence 8. Observe Even the Earth and all the store of it is the Work of Gods hand Observ 8 ISa. 45.12 18. The Earth as well as the rest of the World he formed from the beginning Psal 90.2 beares up the Pillart of it to this day Psal 75.3 and renewes the face of it from time to time Psal 104.30 and so will do as long as it shall continue 1. Let all men then depend on Gods Power and faithful providence for the supporting and guiding of things here below which he can and will abase himself to look upon though he dwell on high Psal 113.5 6. to take care of and make provision for them Psal 145.15 16. God is not like the Ostrich Job 39.14 15. Whatsoever he hath made he takes care of 1. Because he is a faithfull Creator 1 Pet. 4.19 2. And besides because he hath made all things for himself Prov. 16.4 that is for his own glory which although it be advanced above the earth Psal 148.13 yet is manifest in the earth where all his Creatures praise him Psal 148.7 145.10 2. Acknowledge God alone even in the Conservation and Dispensation of earthly things looking at him as the only true owner of them Psal 24.1 seeking at his hands even our very bread and allowance for every day referring all to his glory 1 Cor. 10.30 and using all things according to his direction 3. Observe the hand and work of God in the ordering and disposing even of the things here below amongst these visible Creatures which both in their Creation Rom. 1.20 and much more in their administration manifest the invisible things of God and were Created for none other end but that in them he might manifest his Wisdome Power Righteousnesse Mercy and Truth and therefore to be searched into by those that fear him Psal 111.2 Vers 2. Vers 2 WIthout form and empty That is without Ornament shape or furniture and void of any Inhabitant The same phrase we find used in the same sense Isa 34.11 which we there render Confusion and Emptinesse and Jer. 4.23 to represent and expresse an utter Desolation or Confusion of all things and emptinesse thereby Darknesse was That is there was no light yet created the absence whereof is darknesse how long that darknesse continued that is how long it was before this light which was after created appeared after the creation of this rude masse is not here expressed sure we are there was light the first day and that this darknesse was no Creature as being a meer Privation and therefore could have no positive cause Notwithstanding as Darknesse is taken for Affliction so God is said to Create it Upon the Face Or upper part which first appears unto and is seen by the eye as being derived from a word in the Hebrew Language which signifies to look upon the same word signifies sometimes Presence and sometimes Person Of the Deep That rude unformed Masse a mixture of Earth and Waters and covered by them like a Sea Psal 104.6 But that place 2 Pet. 3.5 which some apply to this purpose where the Apostle saith The earth consisted out of the water and in the water seems rather to note the present state and form of the earth Consisting and appearing out of the Waters since God gathered them into their channels and Subsisting and abiding still firm in the middest of them Spirit The Third Person in the Trinity to which all Operations are most properly ascribed and by which God still renewes the face of the Earth Psal 104.30 Moving Or Hovering as a bird doth over her Eggs or Young ones as the same word is rendred Deut. 32.11 intimating the cherishing of that Mass by a secret influence of that quickening power of the Spirit by which it drew all the Creatures out of that gross lump or mass into their several forms and natures in which they were all formed
and perfected successively and in which themselves or the kinds of them do continue and remain unto this day Thus the Holy Ghost in the first place layes before us this mishapen and confused Masse which was the Matter out of which all these various and beautifull creatures some whereof we do and that deservedly behold not without admiration were taken that looking upon them and considering them in their first Original we may be the more sensible both of our own and their vilenesse a meditation hinted by the order in which things are expressed in this Narration which we may therefore think to be intended by the Holy Ghost And may 1. Observe The best way to judge of things aright is to look back and consider them in their first Original Observ 1 THus God leads Adam back to the dust out of which he was first formed Gen. 3.19 The Children of Israel to the rock whence they were hewen Isa 51.1 to a Syrian their Father ready to perish Deut. 26.5 and their Mother an Hittite and to the blood in which they were born Ezek. 16.3 4. To the same end also we are often minded of that naturall Corrupt condition in which we were as we were born 1 Cor. 6.11 Ephes 2.1 Let every man that desires to judge unpartially of himself exercise himself seriously and often in that meditation Our Bodies in their Original base and vile every way in their substance place of Conception manner of birth Our Soules which is our more excellent part though not in themselves yet by the corruption that cleaves unto them more base then our bodies a masse of sin which hath overspread all the parts of them in which there was nothing to be discerned but the hatefull and deformed Image of the Devil A Meditation of singular use unto us 1. To bring down our Pride 2. To quicken our Endeavours 3. To fill our mouthes with praises to him that hath made us what we now are considering what we were at first and by our own deserts might have continued to be still without his free and infinite mercy But if we consider this description of the Original of the World and all things contained therein as we find it positively laid down unto us by Moses in this place we may 2. Observe All Creatures how Glorious and Beautifull soever they appear at present were Base and deformed in their Original Observ 2 FIrst Nothing Next a rude confused masse without shape or form And such are they in their continued propagation even Kings and Princes the most eminent amongst the sons of men at first a substance that one would loath to look on shapen in a den of darknesse at first a lump without parts without shape without life and born in as base a manner as the meanest beggars Let it bring down every high look and take away all Vaunting from the sons of men who can challenge nothing as their own but basenesse and deformity whatsoever they have more then that is but borrowed and is the beauty that God hath put upon them And let it take off our hearts from admiring any Creatures as unworthy of honour and estimation in themselves if we consider whence they came The Earth as the Holy Ghost tells us was not only without any form but Empty too that is unfurnished of that variety of Creatures wherewith every part was afterward and is now stored which the Psalmist calls the fulnesse of the Earth Psal 24.1 Whence 3. Observe The Earth was Empty till God furnished and stored it Observ 3 IT is true it was not made to be empty Isa 45.18 but was ordained and fitted by God to be the habitation of men and other Creatures but was Empty of it self till he himself furnished both it and the Seas out of his store so that both the one and the other are full of his riches Psal 104.24 25. so that he justly claimes both beasts and fowles and all to be his own Psal 50.10 11. Let all men admire Gods All-sufficiency who so easily speedily and richly furnished the Heaven Earth and Seas with such infinite variety of Creatures which we cannot behold but with admiration considering with what labour and difficulty we furnish a poor Cottage that we have built or stock a small Farm that we have purchased and that too with such things as we do but borrow out of Gods Store Darknesse saith Moses was indeed upon the face of the deep but not made by God as the Heaven and Earth and other Creatures were as being only a meer privation and want of light and could not be the effect of any positive cause as we have shewed Whence 4. Observe Imperfections and Wants are no part of Gods Work Observ 4 NOt Sinne for God made man righteous Eccles 7.29 but sin entred in by man Rom. 5.12 allured by Satan and not by God As for other wants they came not in by any act or work of God the effect whereof is sufficiency and perfection but by his ceasing and forbearing to work any longer Let us if there be any thing wanting to us not lay the blame upon God whether it be in Outward things either within us as strength or usefulnesse of the parts of the body or without us as want of necessaries for the sustaining of our lives or in Inward defects of the mind wants of Knowledge Faith Holinesse or the like but blame our sins that hinder good things from us Rather acknowledge his mercy and bounty if we have any thing in bestowing what we have which is more than either we had of our selves or can any way deserve or do use as we ought Moses having set before us the condition of the Earth what it was at the first and beginning now to shew us how it became to be that which it now is points out unto us first the Agent by whom it was brought to this perfection the Spirit and the manner how it wrought it moved or hovered upon the waters So then all the Creatures which are afterwards described to be formed into their several kinds and natures must necessarily be the effect or work of that Spirit Whence 5. Observe The formes and natures of all sorts of Creatures are the work and effects of Gods Spirit Observ 5 ANd that not only in their first Creation but in their successive Generation too Elihu acknowledged that he was made by Gods Spirit and that the Breath of the Almighty gave him life Job 33.4 Yea the Spirit sent forth from God creates all things to this day and renewes the face of the Earth Psal 104.30 How much more then must mans Renovation and the life of Grace wrought in him thereby be the effect of the same Spirit 1. Pray earnestly for the power of that Spirit to fashion our hearts anew with the Prophet David Psal 51.10 Even the Spirit of Sanctification as it is termed from that effect 1 Pet. 1.2 by which we must be born anew John 3.5 and
and the thoughts of his heart to all Ages Psal 33.11 and his Word or Decree brings to passe whatsoever he will Depend upon that Word with the Prophet David Psal 130.5 as being in it self unchangeable Isa 45.23 as God himself is that utters it Mal. 3.6 who will not alter the Word that is gone out of his lips Psal 89.34 whether it be for good Numb 23.19 or for evil Numb 14. comparing verse 12. with 25.35 And is as effectuall in the event 2 King 10.10 much more than the word of Kings Eccles 8.4 because he is strong and faithful that utters it Trust in it then firmly it is surer than the strongest Evidences And fear it it is firmer then the Lawes of the Medes and Persians Light is the first of all the Creatures that God makes as being it self most generally useful especially to the end which God principally aimed at which was to make all the rest of his works Visible and thereby capable of observation which was the principal end wherefore he made them This Light being a Creature must needs infinitely differ in nature from that Eternal brightness which God who only hath Immortality is said to dwell in from all eternity 1 Tim. 6.16 In what body it was fixed and how spread over the face of this unformed masse it is not easie to conjecture especially seeing at present we know not the way where the Light dwelleth Job 38.19 nor needful to enquire after seeing the Holy Ghost passeth it over in silence Only because all the works following must needs be created in the Light which was created before them all We may 3. Observe God loves to do all his Works in the light Observ 3 AS he dwells in the light 1 Tim. 6.16 The manner indeed of his working is secret and not observable or visible to men but the work it self is brought forth into the light and made manifest to all He declares his strength Psal 77.14 and his righteousnesse Psal 58.11 92.2 and hath therefore published in his Word the rule by which he proceeds and the end at which he aimes in all that he doth and hath besides planted in all men a light of understanding by which they may both comprehend and judge of all his works Reason 1. Because his work is Perfect Deut. 32.4 and therefore able to endure the light John 3.21 which none hide their works from but evil doers verse 22. 2. Because one special end of all his works is that he might be known In and By them Rom. 1.20 and be honoured for them Psal 111.2 3 4. 145.10 11. for which cause he hath also left his most memorable works upon record to posterity that men beholding all his wayes might know and fear him and trust in him Psal 78.6 7. Let us then search into and heedfully observe Gods works which is the duty and practice of all those that have pleasure therein Psal 111.2 A study 1. Pleasant 2. Profitable 3. Necessary both by Gods Command and because they nearly concern our selves Unto the true understanding whereof there needs Outwardly the direction of the Word Psal 73.16 17. and besides that Inward light of the Spirit which discovers unto all the Counsels of God as far as they concern us Let us also after Gods Example Walk and Work in the light 1 Joh. 1.7 as being Children of the Light Ephes 5.8 ordained by God to shine as Lights in the world Phil. 2.15 that our works being seen of men they may glorifie our Father which is in Heaven Matth. 5.16 doing those things that may abide the light and be approved by it Joh. 3.21 and setting all that we do before the light of our own consciences and before Gods presence Psal 139.23 24. Yea if need be before the faces of all men when Gods honour and our own necessary justification and the credit of Religion thereby require it at our hands Otherwise even works of the light are to be done in secret Matth. 6.3 unlesse the encouragement of other men or the necessity of the work it self require the performance of it in a more publick manner As even modest women choose rather to uncover their breasts before others than to suffer their children to cry for hunger In this Relation although the way where the light dwelleth be not discovered unto us yet the Author who Created it is expresly mentioned Light as well as all other Creatures was the effect of Gods decree Whence 4. Observe Light as well as all others Creatures is the Work of God himself Observ 4 IN many respects resembling him that made it as being Glorious Spiritual Pure diffused in an instant searching all places and useful for Direction and Comfort Thus both the light it self and the Sun that carries it are both prepared by God Psal 74.16 Isa 45.7 How much more is God the Author of VVisdom and Understanding the Inward light of the soul seeing he is the Light that enlightens every one that comes into the world John 1.9 but more of his own children whom he enlighteneth with that true knowledge of the glory of God in the face of his Son Jesus Christ 2 Cor. 4.6 Let all men then seek the Light of VVisdom at Gods hand as we are directed Jam. 1.5 Ephes 1.17 18. and that by the meanes which he hath ordained his VVord especially which is a light Prov. 6.23 shining in a dark place 2 Pet. 1.19 enlightening the eyes Psal 19.8 and directing the steps Psal 119.105 and yet not comprehended by the darknesse John 1.5 which rests upon the hearts of all them that remain in their natural condition and that this light may be discerned the eyes of the mind must be opened by the Spirit which must be begged of God by fervent and frequent prayer as David prayes God to open his eyes Psal 119.18 Let us acknowledge the light as a speciall blessing from God without which our life were both Uncomfortable and Unprofitable and all the Creatures to us for the most part unserviceable as we see in the Egyptian darknesse which fixed men to their places that they moved not for three dayes Exod. 10.22 23. and was an immediate fore-runner of a greater plague Much more let us acknowledge the light of our minds to be his blessing who hath opened our eyes and shined into our hearts when he hath left the rest of the world to perish in their ignorance Our thankfulnesse for so great a mercy ought to be manifested by walking in that light and perswading others to walk in it with us Isa 2.5 We cannot but take notice that God brought this Light out of Darknesse for there was nothing but darknesse upon the face of the Deep when God commanded this light to shine forth as there was nothing but deformity till God brought beauty into the world Whence 5. Observe God can and often doth bring Light out of Darknesse Observ 5 AS he doth daily by renewing the light of the day after the
darknesse of the night Thus he changeth the darkness of Affliction and Misery into the light of Prosperity and Peace according to his promise Isa 58.10 and the darkness of ignorance into the light of knowledge 2 Cor. 4.6 as being able to do whatsoever pleaseth him in heaven and earth Psal 135.6 nay he makes misery to yield comfort and Errours direction and Wisdome to walk warily for time to come 1. Admire his Work and compare his Power with mens weakness We can bring one body to borrow light of another as the candle of the fire but where is he that can make light where there is none And we can bring light into dark places but who is he that can turn darknesse into light and cause light to shine out of darknesse not onely where it was not before but where it was not at all This is a Wonder of all wonders sufficient to astonish all men to see salvation brought out of destruction one contrary out of another these wonders God doth alone Psal 136.4 2. Despair not in the greatest outward Evils Mic. 7.9 10 11. see that wonderful change of the Jewes condition resembled by Ezechiel's dryed bones of which themselves concluded that their hope was lost Ezek. 37.11 Let us be of like comfort in the inward agonies of our spirits when our soul refuseth comfort when God hiding for the present his face from us we doubt that his Promises fail for evermore Psal 77.2 8. Remember in such a condition Christs promise Joh. 16.20 and his Commission from God Isa 61.1 who creates peace Isa 57.19 and comes with healing in his wings changing Gods wrath into love and the sentence of death into a gracious promise of Life The Word and Decree of God for creating light we have heard the Effect followes immediately There was Light as he had Commanded so it came to passe Whence 6. Observe Gods Word and Deed are all one Observ 6 HE spake the word and it was done he commanded and it stood fast Psal 33.9 11. Sometimes the word and effect go together as in the Judgment upon Dathan and Abiram Numb 16.31 and upon Ananias and Sapphira Act. 5.5 10. Or at least the Word is fulfilled in the appointed time as in the Judgment denounced Numb 14.33 34 35. then it shall come and not tarry Hab. 2.3 Reason 1. Gods Truth and Power neither of which can fail he cannot lye Tit. 1.2 nor faint Isa 40.28 Let us then rest confidently upon his VVord which is firmer then the earth Tremble at his threatenings sometimes executed as soon as they are uttered as we have seen in Dathans case or perhaps the next day as in the Plagues of Egypt or after a few years as the flood came upon the old world after 120 years and be no more mockers with those 2 Pet. 3.4 lest your bonds encrease And trust in his promises which are Yea and Amen 2 Cor. 1.20 seeing God cannot repent Numb 23.19 nor fail in power Numb 11.23 but speaks Righteousnesse Isa 45.19 failing none of those that wait for him Isa 49.23 in the way of his Judgments Isa 26.8 That God by his VVord made the light is evident in the letter of the Text how he carried and spread it over the world and in what body he fixed it is much disputed That it could not be the Sun which now carries the light about the world it is evident seeing the light was made the first day and the Sun not till the fourth It could not be planted in the element of fire which some imagine compasseth the VVorld for then it must have shined night and day and then how came the darknesse of the three nights following But since it is expresly said that where was light but where and in what body it vvas fixed is not expressed why doth it trouble our thoughts sobriety is best where the Scripture is silent and thereby in effect commands us silence Sure we are that though it please God now to make use of the Sunne to carry the light of the VVorld he had povver to spread it abroad and to take it in again without the help of a Creature and it is here expresly affirmed that he sent out the light in the day and withdrew it in the night before there was any Sun VVhence 7. Observe Though God be pleased ordinarily to make use of second means yet the want of them cannot hinder his work Observ 7 HE could give rain without clouds 2 Kings 3.17 Provide bread for his people without corn and flesh without flocks or herds or the fishes of the Sea Numb 11.22 31. VVhen there was no man to help he could help vvithout man Isa 63.5 as he shall be able and vvill hereafter supply all things to his servants without any means at all Rev. 21.23 Reason 1. Even the means themselves are not only created by him but receive all their strength to work any effect from him Isa 54.16 17. which therefore he can as easily conveigh and put forth without them as by them if he please 2. It is fit for God to work without means sometimes that his povver may be the more clearly seen and acknovvledged as he tells Gideon Judg. 7.2 which where means are used men are more apt to ascribe unto them than to him that works by them Let not want of means or Insufficiency of means be any impediment to our faith and dependance upon God no more than it was to Abraham to believe that he should have a son by Sarah though it were beyond the course of nature or to the blessed Virgin to believe the Angels promise that she should conceive a Child though she had known no man This is indeed to give glory unto God to believe in hope against hope Rom. 4.18 And is of the very nature of Faith to be an Evidence of things not seen Heb. 11.1 Hitherto of the Creation of the Light The Approbation of the Goodnesse of it by God himself and the distinction of the Light from the Darkness both in succession of time and in name and appellation followes VERSE 4. ANd God saw Looking back as it were upon his own work not as if he then first knew it to be good by experience when it was made and not before For we are sure that God knew the goodnesse of it before he made it as well as he did afterwards But this is spoken after the manner of men who being weak in their judgments find many times errours in their own works by Experience when they have made them which they foresaw not before so that they find them unanswerable to their own intentions and expectations In Gods works it was otherwise they all of them proved as good as they were intended and that in the most exact Judgment of God himself who having in himself all Perfection must needs be the best Judge of it So then seeing in this place signifies no more then Knowing or Approving That it was good In
furthers their use and service to the earth and to the Creatures here below which are cherished and quickned thereby and so becomes in a sort a common band and meanes of union between heaven and earth 3. It makes way both to the motion of our selves and every other moving Creature by the yielding nature thereof without which the places in which we and other creatures are would become our prisons and consequently would make both them and us utterly unfit for any service at all 4. It sustaines the clouds in which the rain is bound up and maks way to their moving about the Earth and le ts down from them the soft rain without which all hearbs and plants must wither of necessity and by consequent the Earth must become wholly barren and unfruitfull The truth is those common blessings which all Creatures enjoy the Light Ayre VVater and the Earth whereon we walk and by the fruites whereof we are sustained are of an infinite and inestimable value infinitely beyond gold and silver which we set at so high a rate and yet are despised because they are enjoyed in common and therefore ought to be the more throughly enquired into and observed by Gods Children whose hearts ought to be enlarged unto thankfulnesse by the Consideration and taste of Gods goodnesse communicated to us in every one of his Creatures The dividing of the waters from the waters which is conceived to be one use of the Ayre is a work worth the scanning especially if by the waters above we understand the clouds vvhich contain the rain which is raised in thin vapours and consequently severed thereby from the waters below and carried about over our heads and let down upon the Earth without which a great part of it would be utterly unfruitfull for God having gathered the water here below into one Chanel that the Earth might be dry and by that means habitable howsoever in his Wisdom and Providence he hath so ordered it that waters issuing out from the Seas by secret passages and breaking out into Fountaines and Rivers may thereby make fruitfull the vallies and lower parts of the Earth yet we know they reach not to the higher grounds much lesse to the tops of the hills It was therefore needful that some water should be carried on high above the hills and higher grounds that from thence they might distil and fall down in just showers upon the mountaines and higher places of the Earth to moisten them too that no part thereof might remain barrain and unprofitable and might thereby further manifest the care and Providence of God in cherishing those parts from Heaven which seem to be most unprovided and in a sort neglected in the constitution of the World and the several parts thereof Thus Moses affirmes that Gods Eyes and Care were more for Canaan then for Egypt because that was overflowed by waters below which might be carried hither and thither by the industry of men to make their grounds fruitful but Canaan was watered from Heaven with seasonable rains Deut. 11.10 11 12. Whereupon the Prophet taxeth the Jewes of great unthankfulnesse for not fearing God that gave them rain from Heaven the former and the later and thereby brought about the appointed weeks of harvest Jer. 5.24 So this division of the waters must needs be acknowledged to be a speciall work of Gods Wisdome disposing them so as they might be most useful to the Earth Whence 3. Observe God so orders all things as they may best serve for use Observ 3 THus in the Creation he drevv the waters into their Channels that the earth being by that means left dry might be fit for habitation compassed the earth with the Heavens that they might cherish every part thereof with their influence hath so ordered the course of the Suune that it might successively give light and heat unto the World Set herbs and plants on the upper face of the earth that they might be at hand for the food of men and beasts In our bodies he hath set our eyes on high as it were in a Watch-tower our feet below to support and carry the whole body our hands in the middest that they might be usefull and serviceable to every part and the like And the same order we may easily see he observes in the whole course of his Providence Reason 1. His Wisdom and goodnesse which together both moved and enabled him to dispose of all things for use and profit which is not the least part of his honour 2. Gods end in all his works was to make all for use and service for the mutual support of Creatures one by another that they might be all knit together in a straight band of Love grounded upon or strengthened by the mutuall help and supply which they have one from another without which they could not subsist Let it quiet all mens hearts which are so apt to quarrel at the distribution of the Commodities of the Earth the division of mens habitations and disposition of their estates which howsoever we conceive out of a partiall respect to our selves to be full of ertour and inequality yet we shall find upon due examination to be equall and just directed by the Wisdom of God to the send for which all things were made the honour of himselfe and the general good of his Creatures It should indeed silence all our murmurings that God may do with his own what he will and if we understand not in every particular how he hath done things well let us in modesty blame our own ignorance who cannot search into the depth of his counsels whose waies are past finding out Rom. 11.33 2. Let it move us to dispose of our selves as we may be most serviceable to others and employ our abilities and means to the good of others as having received whatsoever we have for that end The Creation and Use of the Firmament we have seen the matter whereof could be none other then that which was taken out of that rude and confused masse which before was described to be without shape or form out of that deformed and mishapen heap were taken those glorious bodies of the Heavens Sun Moon and Stars the beauty whereof we now behold with so much admiration Whence 4. Observe God can put beauty and excellency on the basest things that are and raise Earth to Heaven if He please Observ 4 THis is clearly manifested by the shapes of all Creatures which are all of them comely in their kinds and yet all of them deformed and base in their Originals as all experience shewes not man himself excepted although created after Gods own Image Thus God puts beauty upon his Church which he found weltring in her blood cast out to the contempt of her person Ezek. 16.14 Reason 1. God hath all beauty and excellency in himself and therefore can easily bestow it where he pleaseth even where it is not 2. He delights to do it that no flesh might glory but the
the Sunne was made for that service God hath planted it in the body thereof and by it conveighs it unto and carries it round about the world Whence 2. Observe When God hath prepared and affords meanes he doth ordinarily perform and conveigh all things by Meanes THus he brings forth Herbs and Plants by the seed of them makes the ground fruitfull but by mans labour Prov. 12.11 though he can do it as well without it as he did in the Land of Israel in the seventh year And strengthens mans heart by his food though man lives not by bread but by every word that proceedeth out of Gods Mouth Deut. 8.3 As appeared in the examples of Moses Elijah and Christ And this he doth 1. To humble us by making us to stoop to the means whereas in the state of Glory he shall convey all unto us without meanes 2. To manifest his Wisdom in making the means though weak in themselves useful and effectual 3. To unite rhe Creatures in love one to another and to move us to take care of them when we find them so usefull by daily experience Let all men then make use of such meanes as God offers unto them but yet in a right way 1. In obedience to the Will of God and in submission to his Ordinance 2. As depending still upon God for the issue and successe making use of them onely as instruments in his hand who works In and By them according to his good pleasure still praying for and expecting successe in the use of them by his blessing onely 3. Ascribing the successe and effects by meanes unto him alone with thankfulnesse who hath given both the means themselves and that efficacy unto hem by which they work for our good The place which is assigned to these Lights is the Firmament of Heaven So that God not onely gives them their Nature but withall assigns unto them their place where they shall be and besides limits them their use they must be What Where and for What service he appoints them VVhence 3. Observe The Places and Uses of all Creatures as well as their Being are assigned unto them by God himself Observ 1 OF the Elements we see the Earth is set lowermost as the foundation of all the rest Job 38.4.6 The Sea kept and penned up within the Channels which God prepared for it Jer. 5.22 Psal 104. The Ayre above them both and the Heavens higher then all The Stars and Planets placed in the Firmament the Birds and Beasts upon the Earth The Fishes in the Sea and all by Gods appointment VVho as he hath disposed them in their places so he hath appointed and limitted them their uses Giving the Stars for Light and influence the Ayr for Breath the Earth for habitation the Seas for Navigation the herbs and plants for food and medicine Beasts and fowls for Labour Nourishment and cloathing and amongst them the Horse for the saddle the Oxe for the plough the Asse for burthens and the like in many others And amongst men some for one kind of imployment and others for another Reason 1. That he might manifest both his Soveraignty and VVisdom in ordering and disposing as he did his Power in creating all things 2. That he might establish a setled order amongst the Creatures which without it must necessarily be in confusion and which without assignment of them to their stations and employments by God himself were impossible to be preserved Let the disposition of all Creatures by the Will and Decree of God direct us both in the disposing of our dwellings and making use of any Creature for our service Let it be our care to abide in the places and exercise our selves in the employments unto which God in his Providence hath assigned us He set the bounds of the people Deut. 32.8 And called them to their imployments as Moses and Aaron Bezaleel Aholiab David and others either by his own immediate call as Moses Amos Chap. 7.14 Or by the Ministry of men furnishing them diversly with proportionable abilities to their implyoments 1 Cor. 12.8 Let man abide then in the same calling wherein he was called 1 Cor. 7.20 1. To testifie his obedience to the Will of God 2. At that which God in his Wisdom knowes to be every way best both for himself and others 3. As being assured that in the way that God hath set him his prospering hand will not fail to be with him both to assist and give effect to his endeavours and to protect him in his way and to reward his Obedience Besides it may direct us in the use of the Creature to apply them to those ends for which they were ordained abhorring the vanity and folly of those that turn the Natural use of them unto that which is against Nature Rom. 1.26 Now when we consider the uses and services unto which these Creatures are designed by God and reflect upon their places and great glory wherewith God hath cloathed them We may 4. Observe All sorts of Creatures though never so high and glorious are ordained by God for Use and Service Observ 4 NOt onely those glorious Creatures which God hath made useful and serviceable to the whole Earth and divided to all Nations Deut. 4 19. But even the glorious Angels themselves who though they excell in strength yet do his Commandements Psal 103.20 in the service of the Elect as he hath appointed Heb. 11.14 This order the Lord hath established to continue amongst all his Creatures to the worlds end when God shall be all in all 1 Cor. 15.28 and then and not before the service of the Creature shall cease Rev. 22.23 Let all men of what rank or condition soever they be apply themselves to be serviceable in one employment or other for the good of others Gal. 5.13 Stooping even to those of the lower sort Rom. 12.16 As being by God ordained thereunto Mark 10.44.2 And most honoured thereby seeing the perfection of every creature in this present world is the Use of it for service 3. And bound thereunto by that love which we are bound to owe unto all men 4 And knowing that for such services we have an assured reward laid up for us in heaven Eph. 6.8 And lastly having Christ himself for our Precedent who came not to be served but to serve Matth. 20.28 though he were Lord of all Phil. 2.6.7 The first use of those lights was to distinguish the day from the night and to set the limits unto them both which is indeed performed by the Sunne as we know Whence 5. Observe Distinction between the day and night though it proceed from a cause in Nature yet is an Ordinance established by God Observ 5 HE makes the darknesse and it is night Psalm 104.20 So that both day and night are his Psal 74.16 who hath appointed unto them their periods and natural succession And that to set bounds unto mens labour which would if they were continued without intermission soon waste mens
that it is not so much a quality flowing from the Nature of the Creature as planted in it by the Creator who could as well have continued it without the Sun as he Created it before the Sun Whence 1. Observe The Excellencies of the Creatures are not of themselves but are bestowed on them by Him that made them Observ 5 THe beauty of the flowers Matth. 6.30 the feathers of the Ostritch and Peacock Job 39.13 Strength and Courage of the Horse verse 21 22. and divers others Much more the wisdom of men which God hath put into the inward parts Job 38.36 Most of all their spiritual gifts Rom. 12.8 1 Cor. 12.8 11. So that all Creatures are comely or graceful by his beauty as himself speaks of the Church Ezek. 16.14 Reason 1. Because Excellencies and Perfections are Originally in God and therefore wheresoever else they be found they must come by dispensation from him according to his VVill. 2. That the honour of all might return to him alone who bestowes all by which any Creature excels according to his own good pleasure Let all men then acknowledge all their abilities to that God that gives them 1. Seeking all at his hand who bestowes freely Jam. 1.5 2. Enjoying them without Pride or lifting up our selves above others alwayes remembring that we have nothing but what we have received 1 Cor. 4.7 3. Giving thanks alwaies unto Him for his free mercy in bestowing that on us according to his good pleasure which he hath withheld from others Eph. 1.3 4. Job 35.10 11. 4. And using whatsoever we have received to his glory as being his own 1 Cor. 6.20 and bestowed on us that he might be honoured by them lest he take away that which we abuse Matth. 13.12 As he did Nebuchadnezzar's understanding when he was lifted up in the pride of his heart Dan. 4.31 33. What it was that carried the Light about the World before the Sun was made is uncertain only this is evident that when God had created the body of the Sun and made it fit for that use he planted the Light therein and then that other means ceased whatsoever it was So that we may 2. Observe Wheresoever God provides Ordinary Means there he usually takes awry those which are Extraordinary Observ 2 WHen his people had Corn in Canaan then the Mannah from heaven ceased Josh 5.12 And when once they had a King then God forbare to raise them up extraordinary Judges as he had done before Judg. 2.16 The widow of Zarephath's meal and oyl shall multiply and last no longer than till God send rain on the earth 1 King 17.14 And Apostles Miracles and the gift of Tongues and Prophecying are now taken away since the Government and Ministery of the Church is settled in an ordinary course Reason 1. Because God makes nothing in vain and consequently must needs take away that whereof there is no farther use 2. Lest otherwise Ordinary means should be despised if those which were extraordinary should still continue Let no man expect or depend upon Extraordinary Means when God supplies us with those that are Ordinary If we have Moses and the Prophets let us not look for a Messenger from the dead Luke 16.29 Look not for Grace by a Miraculous Influence of the Spirit from heaven when God offers us a supply of it by the Ministery of the Word in an Ordinary way No man expects to be supported fourty dayes without food when he hath in his house sufficient provision of food to sustain him Seeing it is neither Means Ordinary nor Extraordinary that produce the effect but God alone that worketh by and in them or without them at his pleasure doing All in All 1 Cor. 3.7 Who by providing us Ordinary Means not only directs us to the use of them but besides to expect his blessing on them as being his own Ordinances which he never gives us in vain Now though the Sun be wonderfully adorned and made glorious by the Light that is planted in it above all other Creatures that are visible yet we see here that it hath this light given it by God not for it self but for the use and service of the world below and of the Creatures therein Whence 3. Observe The Light which God bestowes upon the Creature he gives for the use of Others as well as for those that Receive it Observ 3 AS he gave Wisdom to Aholiah and Bezaleel but it was to enable them to perform the work about building the Tabernacle a Spirit of Government to the Seventy Elders to rule the people Numb 11.17 and to Solomon to judge the people at all times as he desired it for that end 1 King 3.9 And for the same end he bestowes all graces upon men 1 Cor. 12.9 and abilities upon other Creatures Fruitfulnesse on the ground to furnish men and beasts with food healing properties on herbs and plants and the like Reason 1. That no man might esteem that to be his own wherein other men have an interest as well as himself 2. That the benefit of any good might be doubled to the owner who by employing it to the good of others shall find the benefit received by them put to his account hereafter and considered in his reward Let every man improve that Talent which he hath received for the good of those for whom he hath received it Abilities of body to labour for the good of others as well as for his own Ephes 4.28 Wealth to relieve other mens necessities 2 Cor. 8.13 14. Knowledge to instruct and build them up Col. 3.16 Duties of holinesse to provoke others to imitation by our example 1 Pet. 3.1 2. And all Graces to Admonish Exhort Reprove and Comfort Luke 22.32 2 Cor. 1.4 Heb. 1.13 As 1. Being members one of another by consequence every member of the body may justly challenge an interest in whatsoever any part enjoyes 2. Whatsoever we receive is given to that end that thereby we might be useful and serviceable one to another of our faithfulnesse or failing wherein we must at the last come to account before him that bestowed what we have 3. Our faithful employing what we have received for that end invites God to trust us with more See Matth. 13.12 25.29 It hath been noted that it was not the least of Gods Wonders that these Planets cast their influence upon the Earth at the distance of so many millions of miles so that the wide space between heaven and earth hinders neither their light nor influence upon the Creatures of this lower world Whence 4. Observe No distance can hinder us of the fruits and effects of Gods Care and Providence over us for our good Observ 4 THough Gods Throne be in heaven yet his ey-lids behold the Children of men Psal 11.4 and he looks on things below Psal 113.5 6. And that not with a regardlesse eye but he takes care for them 1 Pet 5 7. Even for bruit beasts 1 Cor. 9.9 and
person and the pattern according to which he intends to make it after his Own Image all those Circumstances laid together cannot but raise up our hearts to the Expectation of some great and extraordinary piece of work to follow So that we may 1. Observe Man is a singular and Extraordinary Piece of Work Observ 1 MAde a little lower then the Angels Psal 8.5 and Crowned with honour advanced above all the Creatures of this Visible World in the Majesty of his Person in the Abilities of his Mind Job 35.11 in Soveraignty over all the Works of Gods Hands but above all in his Spiritual Estate wherein he is made a Member of Christ a Son of God and Heir of Glory that the consideration thereof may justly ravish us with Admiration as it doth Holy David Lord what is man that thou art so mindfull of him Psal 8.4 1. Then questionlesse he must be Gods Chiefest Care more worth in himself then many Sparrowes Matth. 10.31 than Oxen 1 Cor. 9.10 created after the most perfect pattern the Image of God Himself Purchased at the Dearest rate even with the blood of the Son of God and ordained unto the highest end the Advancing unto and enjoying of Glory And shall he that so graciously cloaths the Lilies of the Field that so carefully feeds the young Ravens when they cry satisfies the desire of every living thing neglect to provide necessary supplies for man the Glory of all the Creatures and Lord of all the works of his hands See how our Saviour presseth this Argument Matth. 6.26.30 and 10.30 And the Apostle 1 Cor. 9.10 Now if men in generall may rest upon those grounds the assurance of Gods Children must needs be much stronger both for needfull supplies and protection seeing he that hath given unto them his own Son cannot but with him give them all things Rom. 8.23 Especially being Members of his Body who is Lord of all things and therefore cannot suffer his own Members to pine for hunger to starve for cold to be persecuted afflicted and tormented having received besides a charge from his Father to lose none of those that are given him but to raise them up at the last day Joh. 6.39 So that he cannot but be the Saviour of his own body Eph. 5.23 2. Let men who are so far advanced above all other Creatures do him service above them all Let the rest of the Creatures which in their places continue according to his Ordinance Psalme 119.91 stir us up that more especially are appointed for his service engaged by greater Mercies and furnished with greater abilities to serve and honour him with all our Endeavours rendring unto him proportionally to what we have received of him that as God hath put more Honour upon us then He hath done upon any other Creature so we may advance and Honour him in a greater Measure then any other Creature Remembring that we must give up an account unto him of the Talent which we have received from him and according to the proportion of what we have received as it is represented unto us by our Saviour Himself in that Parable Matth. 25. Before we come to the examination of the particular circumstances Considerable in Mans Creation it will not be amisse to take notice of the Order in which he was Created he was the last of all Gods Visible Works when the Heavens were framed and furnished with Lights both to guide and cherish him the Earth made dry for him to walk and dwell upon and furnished with all variety of Herbs Plants and Cattel for food Service and Delight when nothing was wanting which was needful and useful for him then was man made Whence 2. Observe God provides before hand all things needful and convenient for mans supply Observ 2 THus he prevents us with the blessings of his goodnesse Psal 21.3 causing his Care and Providence to go before our necessities Thus when he had resolved to call for a Famine upon Canaan and the Countries adjoyning he provided and sent into Egypt Joseph before to make provision and to lay up store of corn before-hand Gen. 45.7 And thus before any request be presented unto him he considers beforehand what we need Matth. 6.32 And in the course of nature God provides milk for children before they be born as their Parents provide them cloathes whose care notwithstanding comes far short of Gods as David found by experience Psal 27.10 Out of the same provident care of his he brings forth store of provisions in the Summer to supply the pinching necessities of the Winter following which if he should forbear to do all flesh must necessarily perish Moses in this History of mans Creation to apply himself to our weak capacity sets God before us undertaking and proceeding in his work after the manner of men by way of advice and consultation before-hand as men use to do when they undertake any businesse of importance although it be true that God who apprehends all things at once cannot be capable of deliberation but thus far he is pleased to abase himself in compassion towards us to shadow his wayes unto us by the actions of men that we may the better understand them Whence 3. Observe God is pleased in compassion of our Weaknesse to expresse Himself and his Actions unto us many times after the manner of Mon and their Actions Observ 3 THus God sometimes in his VVord represents himself as moved with humane Affections Grief Joy Wrath Compassion with humane expressions in forms of speech as Expostulations Complaints and Deliberations with humane Actions Coming Going Sitting still Arising Standing Sleeping Forgetting Remembring and the like And this he doth 1. That he may condescend to our weaknesse which moves him to feed us as Paul doth his hearers with milk because we cannot brook strong meat 1 Cor. 3.2 representing Heavenly things to Earthly men by earthly means as our Saviour speaks Joh. 3.12 And 2. To affect us the more by representing spiritual things by those which being Earthly are nearest to Sense which usually works most on our affections Let it fill our hearts with the admiration of Gods mercy and compassion towards such unworthy wretches as we are unto whom he is pleased to descend so low seeing we cannot ascend up unto Him cloathing himself as it were with our flesh and appearing to us in a sort in the form of a man laying aside his own Glory and Majestie for our encouragement and instruction A special end which the Spirit of God aymes at in setting out this history of Mans Creation with such variety of Circumstances and representing God consulting in such a manner is to raise up our hearts to a more serious consideration of and diligent searching into the work it self which must be supposed to be of more then ordinary importance unto which there is such unusual preparation VVhence 4. Observe Eminent and Extraordinary Works of God require of Men more Especiall and Extraordinary observation of them
a nearer degree of Communion with God otherwise God might have delighted in man as he doth in the rest of the works of his hands Psal 104.31 but could never have had Communion with him as he hath with all those whom he hath chosen in Christ 1 Joh. 1.3 and renewed for that purpose after his Image Let it move all those who are Created after Gods Image to carry themselves answerable thereunto in Wisdom approving and esteeming only things spiritual and heavenly God himself and the things freely given us of God and in Holinesse answering his Will in all our affections desires and endeavours This 1. is our greatest honour to be as near as we may be like unto God a dignity that the ambitious men of the world have endeavoured to arrogate unto themselves Isa 14.14 though they sought it in a false way 2. Will move God to delight in us Prov. 11.20 12.22 3. Will bring us a sure reward when by walking worthy of Him Col. 1.10 we move others to glorifie him Matth. 5.15 Let it be a means to raise up all mens hearts to the detestation of sin which not onely defaced this Image of God in us but besides hath stamped upon us the character of Satan whom all men that are born and still remain in the corruption of their nature resemble both in their disposition and in their actions Joh. 8.44 1 Joh. 3.8 Abiding Walking and Delighting in Darknesse as Satan doth whose dominion is also called the Kingdom of Darknesse and walking in perverse and crooked wayes contrary to God who therefore must of necessity walk contrary to them It cannot but be granted that this Image of God according to which he formed the most excellent Creature of all the works of his hand must needs be the greatest ornament and crown of glory that could be set upon the head of a Creature not onely because God bestowed it as a speciall and eminent favour upon the chief of all his works but besides because there cannot be conceived a greater perfection in a Creature then the nearest resemblance of the Creator Whence 9. Observe Gods Image in Man is his greatest Glory Observ 9 IT is Righteousnesse and that alone that makes a man more Excellent then his neighbour Prov. 12.26 Whence it is that the Saints have that title given them that they are called the Excellent Psal 16.3 as if holy men onely were worthy to be so called and for the other part of Gods Image which is Wisdom Solomon tells us that it excells folly as far as light excells darknesse Eccl. 2.13 We must understand by it that wisdom which consists in the knowledge of the most High without which Agur acknowledgeth himself to be altogether bruitish Prov. 30.2 3. Wherefore our glory whereunto we are reserved though we know not in Particular what we shall be is in General described to be this that we shall be like unto God because we shall see him as he is 1 Joh. 3.2 Let us then despising the vain shadowes of honour which vain men so much affect 1. Labour to gain this true honour to come as near to God as we can in Wisdom and Holinesse climbing up from one step of this dignity to another Giving all diligence to adde unto our Faith Vertue to Vertue Knowledge and the rest that follow in the Apostles direction 2 Pet. 1.5 6. And by patient continuance in well doing seeking honour Rom. 2.7 striving to adorn not our bodies but our hidden man of the heart which only God sets much by 1 Pet. 3.4 and commends Rom. 2.29 As for outward ornaments that grace the body or Titles or places of honour which advance one man above another in the eye of men without the inward and true Ornaments of Wisdom and Holiness they are but like the paintings of Sepulchres and advance not a man one step above the beasts that perish Psal 49.20 2. According to this true honour of the stamp of Gods Image upon a man let us esteem both of our selves and others which is godly mens property Psal 15.4 who judge as God judgeth After the Pattern according to which Man was made followes the estate unto which he was advanced God bestowes on him the Dominion over all his Creatures that as he was in some degree Partaker of his Nature so he might in some sort resemble him in his Soveraignty and so be as it were his Deputy here on Earth Commanding under him and in his Name all the works of his hands or at least the greatest part of them Whence 10. Observe God hath advanced Man to have the Dominion and Lordship over all the works of his hands Obser 10 To enjoy the benefit of them all even those which are not under his command the Heavens Sunne Moon Stars Clouds Winds all of them in their Courses doing us service to give us Light Influence and Rain by which they drop down fatnesse on the Earth So Deut. 28.12 Job 36.28 and to be subdued by us The Earth by habitation and Culture the Sea by Navigation and fishing But above all the rest the Cattel are most at our Command which besides the food and cloathing which they afford us in their labours do us a kind of voluntary homage in obeying our directions and submitting to our government So that all things are put under our feet Psal 8.6 So that as they are all Gods Servants so we may with all thankfulnesse acknowledge that he hath made them our Servants too Now howsoever we had by rebellion against God forfeited this Lordship of ours yet God in mercy hath restored it in some measure by Christ whom he hath given to us and with him all things Rom. 8.32 So that in him we may say All are ours 1 Cor. 3.22 And this in part God manifested in renewing this Patent to Noah and in him to all the faithful saved out of the waters in the Ark which was a Type of Christ Gen. 9.1 2. 1. Let no man doubt of a sufficient supply for the necessities of this Life seeing God hath given us all things abundantly to enjoy 1 Tim. 6.17 How can any man want food and cloathing that hath all the Creatures in Heaven and Earth to do him service Onely let us walk in Faith and Obedience to which the promise of sufficiency belong Psal 37.3 Otherwise as sin forfeited our Lordship over the Creatures in Adams Apostacie so it may and will still hinder Good things from us Jer. 5.25 2. Let us be carefull to use the Creatures well both for their good and our own ruling over them like Lords and not as Tyrants indeavour to preserve them a Righteous Man regardeth the life of his Beast Prov. 12.10 Using them as supplies for o●r necessities and not as Fuel to our Lusts remembring that we enjoy them onely by grant from God and not by any right of our Own and therefore are to use them within the bounds and limits which he hath set us unto whom
alone being prefixed before the Lawes that are mentioned afterwards gives us just occasion to take special notice of the Right which God had to dispose of all things according to his own Will and to give them what Lawes he pleased seeing all of them being the works of his own hand and therefore his Own by the strongest Title were consequently to be ordered by him as he pleased So that out of this order observed by the Holy Ghost in this Narration we may 1. Observe He that gives things their Being may Dispose and Order them as he will Observ 1 THe Master gave What and to Whom he pleased because it was his Own and therewith stops the mouthes of all that quarrelled at his unequal dealing Matth. 20.15 Upon that ground God may order all things as he pleaseth as indeed he doth whatsoever he pleased in Heaven and Earth Psal 115.3 because all is his Own and none hath given unto him first nor consequently can claim any thing of him Rom. 11.35 nor limit him in any respect God cannot wrong his own Creatures no though he should destroy them much lesse when he doth Command or prescribe unto them as for the former reason so withall because his Will is Just 1. Let it cease all our murmurings in Afflictions Job 1.21 much more in duties of Obedience If Saul must obey because God made him a King 1 Sam. 15.1 much more must we obey because God made us Creatures and gave us our Being St. Paul upon this ground stops every mans mouth that reasons with or answers again unto God that God may do with his own what he will much more and by a juster right then the Potter may frame his clay into what fashion he will 2. Let no man go about to rule or prescribe unto others according to his Own will because no man can say that he made them by his Own Power nor consequently can justly challenge this unto himself May I not do with mine own what I will Let all Humane Power be bounded by the Will of Him whose all things are and from whom the Authority that men challenge unto themselves is derived which also they receive from Him with such limitations as he was pleased to bound it withall and no farther Moses contents not himself to say These are the generations of the Heavens c. but thinks fit to adde withall In the day that the Lord God made the Earth c. VVhence 2. Observe Whensoever we mention and remember the Being of the Creatures we ought withall to set before us and remember Him that made them Observ 2 AS David doth Psal 8.3 having mentioned the Heavens he in the next clause calls them the work of Gods singers and having taken a surview of all Gods works and the wonderful order in which he hath disposed them he calls them all Gods manifold works made in Wisdom Psal 104.24 VERSE 5. BEfore it was And by and by after Before it grew that is when it had yet no Being God made it and gave it that Being which it hath Nor caused it to rain He proves that God made the Herbs and Plants because before they were there was no other means by which they might be produced according to the course of nature neither the Influence of the Heavens nor any humane Culture VVhence 1. Observe Every Herb and Plant upon the Earth is Gods Creature Observ 1 SEE Chap. 1. Ver. 11. Observ 3. 2. Observe Not only the Mercies of God in General but every Particular Blessing must be taken notice of as coming from God Observ 2 NOt only the Blessings themselves but besides the means by which God conveighs them unto us and the measure in which he bestowes them with every other considerable circumstance belonging to them Thus God himself recounts them by Particulars Levit. 26. Deut. 28. both every kind of them and the Particulars of every kind that so he might have a cloud of witnesses to testifie for him and to affect our hearts the more The Argument by which Moses makes it appear that those Herbs and Plants were Created by God because there was no other means by which they might be produced warrants us to 3. Observe That which is brought to passe without Ordinary Means must needs be wrought by the Hand and Power of God Himself Observ 3 AS Nebuchadnetzars stone which was cut out without hands Dan. 2.45 was a Kingdom set up by God Himself ver 44 In like manner those effects which are wrought beyond the power of the means must needs be acknowledged to be the acts of a Divine Power as when Gideons three hundred destroyed the huge Host of the Midianites it argued that the sword of the Lord was there as well as the sword of Gideon Judg. 1.18 Let us so take knowledge of it and that with admiration in all such events as fall out either without or beyond the Power of Ordinary means When the Israelites had bread to satisfie them without sowing it was God that fed them as he did Moses when he had strength supplyed unto him 40 dayes without eating or drinking So in the very ordinary course of nature when our life is renewed and continued by dead things and strength encreased by weak things things impossible to nature we must acknowledge that he hath His hand in those works who is above nature Note Moses shewing that there fell no Rain on the earth to make the Herbs and Plants to grow tells us that God had not caused it to rain upon the Earth as if he had said It had not rained on the Earth Whence 4. Observe There can be no Rain on the Earth unlesse Godsend it Observ 4 HE causeth it to come both for Judgment and Mercy Job 37.12 13. and prepares it for the earth Psal 147.8 Therefore he promiseth it Deut. 11.14 28.12 and he keeps it back at his pleasure Amos 4.7 and then none can give it Jer. 14.22 whence the Apostle tells us that the giving of rain was a witnesse for God unto men Act. 14.17 and his people are justly taxed that they did not take notice of it and acknowledge it Jer. 5.24 Let us then seek it at his hand as Elijah did 1 King 18.42 and thank him for it that we may work his fear into our hearts Jer. 5.24 who only can give it and if he should withhold it for any long time might starve the whole Earth as he had near done the Land of Israel 1 King 18.2 5. Moses proves that God made the Plants and Herbs because the Means by which they are ordinarily produced and cherished were wanting the first and principal whereof he names to be the Rain Whence 5. Observe It is by Rain from Heaven that all the Herbs and Plants on the face of the Earth do grow and are nourished Observ 5 BY it God waters the ridges of the earth and blesseth the springing of the fruits thereof Psal 65.10 The Heavens must hear the
follow and to intimate that as he was now taken from the soil out of which he was made to be removed into Paradise So he should one day be removed from the Earth from which he had his Originall unto Heaven a place of all delights and pleasures for evermore The time when man was put into Paradise seeing the Holy Ghost hath passed it over in silence it will be lost labour to enquire after To dresse it Or use such husbandry about it by sowing setting pruning watering and thereby preserving and increasing the fruitfulnesse of those fruits wherewith God had stored that pleasant Garden that they might be the more serviceable to man both for his food and comfort A very equall law that man should bestow paines upon that whereof himself was to receive the benefit And the onely outward imployment which at that time was to be found for him or have exercised his posterity after him if man had not fallen This dressing or Husbandry of Paradise by Adam was far from that toilsome drudgery in which men are now exercised eating their bread in the sweat of their browes a bondage which was brought upon man by sin Seeing the Creatures then needed lesse attendance then now they do And Adam was then more able to labour without wearinesse then now men are by reason of the manifold infirmities of their bodies from which he was free Besides the weaknesse of their minds which are not now so Inventive and Judicious to devise the readiest and easiest way to order their works This labour of Adams whatsoever it was must be esteemed as a part of his Abasement although it had this honour mixed withall that man was therein as it were a fellow worker with God in the way of his Providence for the conservation of his Creatures Withall the employment as it was full of delight so it brought with it much profit as being a great meanes to lead the man on to a more exact Observation of the works of God in the wonderfull variety of the severall effects wrought in the Creatures according to their different natures and manifested to him by his own experience in his attendance upon them and labouring about them which must needs both affect his mind with a wonderful delight and exercise it in a continual admiration of Gods Wisdom and quicken it in an Holy rejoycing in his goodnesse and establish it in a firm dependance upon his faithfulnesse and Truth And keep it In order and fruitfulnesse The word may imply either the continuance of Adams labour or the effect of it or both He should so dresse the Garden that it might be preserved and kept every way The whole in the beauty and good order of it for delight and the several plants in strength and vigor for fruitfulnesse all reserved and kept several from the beasts of the field that might otherwise tread down or hurt those plants wherewith God had stored this pleasant Garden This labour in which God exercised our first Parents and which he injoynes them as their task implies their duty towards the Creatures which as God had put under mans government so he appoints him to take care of for their preservation doing about them such services as might conduce the reunto so that we have here laid before us the foundation of mens particular Callings and the scope of them which are services about the Creatures for their preservation and thereby for supporting of Community So that as man in a sort partakes with God in his Soverainty over them so he might some way resemble Him in his Care and Providence for their good Wherefore this Law given to Adam must be the more heedfully observed and more carefully searched into In which we may 1. Observe Every son of Adam is bound to some imployment or other in a particular Calling Observ 1 A Commandement given to Adam when the whole nature of man was in him is a Commandement given not so much to his person in particular as generally to all that are partakers of that nature and that not for the present but for ever as long as man hath an abiding upon earth All things are full of labour saith the Wise Man Eccl. 1.5 6 7 8. The Heavens and Sunne and Moon and Stars the Seas the Windes That which is a law to all Creatures to be exercised and imployed for their mutuall preservation is much more a duty unto man unto which God directs us 1. By laying a necessity upon all Creatures here below of subsisting by mutuall support and assistance one of another men and beasts by food plants by Culture Cattell by care in storing up provision for them in Summer to sustain them in Winter 2. By disposing and placing the Creatures so that without mans labour they are unserviceable as Mettals Stones and other Mineralls yea oftentimes Soil for manurance of grounds are placed below in the bowels of the Earth where they are unuseful thornes we see grow in Thickets where they cumber the Ground which by mans labour being set abroad they fence All kind of materials for Cloathing building and most for food without labour would be utterly unserviceable Few things are indeed by nature either so prepared or so placed as they may be fit for use without Labour 3. God directs to labour by making it appear that these things by labour are made usefull and serviceable which without it would be of little use at all As corn by grinding and baking flesh by roasting or boyling become good food VVoole and flax by dressing Spinning and VVeaving make us good Cloathing and generally labour brings in wealth Prov. 10.4 and thereby through Gods Blessing there is profit Prov. 14.23 Thus the Commandement as it is Generall so it is urged upon men by necessity that men must either labour or starve 2 Thess 3.10 Yea and labour the thing that is good Eph. 4.28 Either by Inventing Directing or Executing things needfull for the preservation of the Creatures and particularly for the supporting of Humane society both in things Naturall and Spirituall This Ordinance of God concerning mans labour as are all the rest of his lawes is both equal and good 1. That men might exercise their love to the Creatures wherein they some wayes resemble God Himself 2. That they might have some title in Equity to the use of the Creatures which they preserve by their labour 3. That by busying themselves about the Creatures they might the better observe God in his various works In and By them that so they might yield him his due honour and quicken their hearts to more chearfulnesse in his service and settle them in a faithful dependance upon him 4. That their employments about the Creatures might keep their hearts both from vain and idle thoughts and from swelling with the apprehension of their Lordship and Soveraignty over them 5. That the Body of man being exercised as well as his Mind might at present be the better preserved in health
bodies and spirits 2. In divers parts of the Earth to temperate the Ayre which is inflamed there by the extream heat of the Sunne 3. To make way for the falling of those sweet and comfortable dewes by which the Earth especially in those hot countreys is much refreshed 4. And to manifest by experience the comfortablenesse of the Light by interrupting and cutting it off daily by the darknesse of the night and so discovering the comfortablenesse of the presence of that glorious Creature by the terrours occasioned by the absence thereof Let no man in Use confound those things which God hath severed in nature by turning day into night and night into day shutting and closing their eyes against the Light of the day by unseasonable sleeping and opening them to the darknesse of the night using the day for their rest and the night for their sports and pastimes surfeiting and drunkennesse chambering and wantonesse a Custom though sometimes countenanced by great examples yet in true estimation preposterous and every way unprofitable and commonly by experience found to be as much prejudiciall to health as it is undoubtedly crosse to Nature The next use of these Lights is to be for signs or Indications of events which are to follow as natural causes are Prognostickes oftentimes of their effects to ensue now seeing God hath among therest appointed them for this end we by warrant may 6. Observ It is not unlawfull by the Stars and Planets to guesse at some events that are to follow Observ 6 WHether certain and infallible as Summer and Winter which God himself hath promised shall never cease Gen. 8.22 And which we constantly and upon good ground expect according to the Revolutions of those heavenly bodies or probably onely as Heat Cold Rain Drout whereof there may be some sleight guesses by the conjunction of those Celestial bodies but more probable conjectures when the effects themselves begin to appear as rain in the skie which is lowring red which our Saviour himself allowes to be a sign of Rain presently to follow Math 16.3 Onely we must take heed that we ground no more but conjecture upon such signs as these Nay beyond all this as we have already intimated although these general Causes work very uncertainly upon things here below yet the conjunctions of the Planets especially in Eclipses though they point not out the particular events to follow in the Persons Places Times Measure and Manner thereof yet they may not unprofitably stir us up to the expectation of some observable events to ensue which experience shewes us to fall out accordingly sometimes Let no man upon this ground undertake by the observation of those Celestiall bodies to guesse at the knowledge of such future events as they were never appointed for neither in their own Nature can foreshew as the disposition of mens minds successe of their affaires Length of their lives kinds of their death Mutations and Periods of Kingdomes and Cities and the like Curiosities which are condemned by God Isa 47.13 and unprofitable to men to busie their heads about seeing Constellations have their operations in such events only as general causes which effect nothing farther then they are seconded by the more immediate working of particular causes 2. The nature of many of them is rather guessed at than distinctly known and consequently our guesse at their operations must needs be very uncertain 3. If their Nature could be fully known yet the Impediments of their Operations partly by the frequent failing of Particular and Immediate causes and partly by the different disposition of the Subjects on which they work are so many that the effect hath an exceeding uncertain dependance on them which the frequent failings of the predictions grounded thereupon doth evidently discover A Third Use of these Lights and Celestial bodies is for the determining of Seasons by which the labours of men and their affaires are directed Thus we see what a stroke God hath by the Influence of these heavenly bodies on things below in all the affaires of men VVhence 7. Observe All especially the chief of the affaires of men are ordered and directed by God himself from heaven FAring and Harvest have their dependance on the Spring Summer and Autumn included under the names of Summer and Wanter Gen. 8.22 all of them appointed by God in their seasons by the Motions of the Celestial bodies The light of the day sets men on work Psal 104.23 then comes the Night when no man can work Joh. 9.4 Fair weather invites men to labour abroad the Snow and Rain seal up their hands Job 37.7 and confine them to their houses Nay much more is the successe and prospering of all mens labours from heaven From thence they are prospered Deut. 28.12 Mal. 3.10 or blasted Deut. 28.23 24. Hag. 1.10 So that Good and Evil are dispensed as it were out of his storehouse that men may know his work Job 37.7 Let all men then have their dependance upon God who onely Ruleth and disposeth of the Heavens Stars yea of the Clouds that let down the rain on the Earth which are turned about by his counsel to do whatsoever he commands whether in Mercy or Judgment Job 37.12 13. He must hear the Heavens and the Heavens the Earth and the Earth the Corn and Wine Hos 2.22 Let us then pray to him 1 King 8.35 as Elijah did 1 King 18.42 Fear him Jer. 5.22 and behold his Metcy or Judgment in all these dispensations Job 37.13 that our hearts may be sometimes quickned to thankfulnesse and at other times be humbled before him The last Use of the Lights is for dayes and years that is for Computation of Times without which neither could we well either give directions for things to come nor take account of things past without such a means of computing Times which must needs cause great Confusion in all mens affaires So that amongst divers blessings which we enjoy from God this rule for the computation of Times is not to be accounted the least VERSE 15. TO give light And not only to have it in themselves Now under this name of Light is included that secret and effectual Influence which those Celestial bodies cast out with their Light upon things here below to make all things fruitful and to cherish the Creatures Upon the Earth Which hath neither light nor life in it self but that which it borrowes from above It is not amongst the least of Gods Wonders that these Celestial bodies should cast out their light and influence at such an incredible distance as we shall see anon Now this Light and Influence which they convey unto the Earth although it be especially serviceable to men yet we find by experience to be a singular benefit to the rest of the Creatures or at least to the most of them We cannot but take notice that this Light which God hath now planted in the Sun was notwithstanding Created before it that it might be the more evident
of heaven adorned with so many glorious Lights of such incredible greatnesse of such glory in brightnesse excellency in their uses All which the Creator of them so far exceeds in glory dwelling in the light that no man can attain unto that we may justly take up the Prophet Davids exclamation O Lord our Lord how excellent is thy name in all the Earth who hast set thy Glory above the heaven Psal 8.1 These Lights are great in their appearance unto us greater indeed in their true measure although nothing in comparison of him that made them for the manifestation of his own greatness and Glory But seeing the Holy Ghost sets them out unto us as great Lights and calls them so that we might take the more notice of them we may warrantably Thence 1. Observe We may take notice of any Eminency of the Creature so far as thereby to lead us to the Admiration of the Supereminent Perfection of the Creator Observ 1 OF this way of advancing the Majesty of God we have divers examples in Scripture as Psal 104. Thus Elihu adviseth us to magnifie Gods Work Iob 36.24 And God himself with wonderful variety of words sets out the eminency of diverse of his Creatures Iob. 38.36 40 41. The truth is this is a special part of our wisdom to consider the Work of God Eccl. 7.13 and search it Psal 111.2 For which purpose he hath set the world in our hearts Eccl. 3.11 So that it cannot be denied that we may lawfully advance the Creature as Gods Work-manship the effect of his Power Wisdom and Goodnesse that we may bring all the glory of the Creatures and lay it down at Gods feet who Created them and to whom therefore it solely and properly belongs Both these lights being Created for the ruling of the day and night God in his Wisdom bestoweth most light upon that which was of greatest use and whereas the day was to be the time of mens businesse and employment and therefore needed the greatest and clearest light for the directing of men in their waies and works he bestowed the greatest and clearest light upon the Sunne which he had appointed to rule the day Whence 2. Observe God useth to proportion the Abilities of his Creatures according to the uses in which he employes them Observ 2 ANd this as we may discern in irrational Creatures amongst which the Horse excels in Courage the Oxe in strength the Greihound in swiftnesse and the like So it s more especially to be found amongst men Moses while he was to rule alone had a double measure of the Spirit which was shared in a great part amongst the Seventy Elders when they were joyned with himin the government Numb 11.17 God gave Solomon a great measure of wisdom and largeness of heart above any that were before him or that came after him 1 King 3.12 According to the largenesse of the imployments whereunto he was designed to build the Temple and to settle the State Civil and Ecclesiastical and to raise Gods People unto the top of their Outward glory And the Apostles who were to publish the Gospel to all Nations to settle the Church to encounter the great and mighty men of the world were furnished with the gift of Tongues Wisdom and Courage proportionable to those great employments unto which God designed them Reason 1. God infinite VVisdom and Sufficiency by both which he is inabled and carried to make all things Beautiful both in time and measure Eccl. 3.11 2. The necessity of furnishing the workman with sufficiency for the accomplishing of his work lest otherwise 1. He be oppressed and overlaid with too heavy a burthen And 2. The work it self fail to the dishonour of God that employes him and to the hurt of the Creature as it falls out where a Message is sent by the hand of a fool Prov. 26.6 1. Let it be a direction to us in the choosing of men to any place of Employment publick or private Civil or Ecclesiastical Let us observe whether God hath marked them out to such a work as we employ them in for God is only with those whom he designes both to Assist and Protect them and hath sealed them as our Saviour terms it Joh. 6.27 which we shall discover by observing what abilities God hath furnished them withal as he did by pouring out his Spirit on the Seventy Elders upon Joshuah Deut. 34.9 upon Saul 1 Sam. 10.9 upon Solomon 1 King 3.12 yea even on Bezaliel and Aholiab Exod. 31.3 Let those that receive much from God dispense unto others according to the proportion of the Abilities which they have received Rom. 12.6 as Christ having received Grace without measure dispenseth to all his Members Grace for Grace John 1.14 16. Thus let men bestow their labours for the Churches service according to the measure of their Abilities their Almes according to the measure of their estate 1 Tim. 6.17 18. that they may be rich in good works as they are rich in wealth remembring the account which must be given up unto God according to mens receipts Luke 12.48 The Reason why God gave a greater portion of Light for the day was because that is the time for employment and dispatch of mens businesse in which they need the help of the Light for their direction VVhence 3. Observe Men must make Use of Light to guide and direct them in all their Employments Observ 3 OUtward light to direct them in outward works for in the Night no man can work Joh. 9.4 Because he knowes neither what he doth nor whither he goes Joh. 12.35 wherefore the Egyptians in that plague of darknesse sate still and could not move out of their places Exod. 10.23 But much more need they the Light of Wisdome and Counsel which is profitable to direct Eccles 10.10 and in that respect more useful than strength and weapons Eccl. 9.16 18. excelling folly as far as light doth darknesse Eccl. 2.13 Only let it not be our own wisdome Prov. 3.6 7. but that which the Lord gives Prov. 2.6 the rules whereof are delivered in his Word which is a Lamp and a Light Prov. 6.23 by which David guided his steps Psal 119.105 Now though the day which needs it most was furnished with a greater measure of light by the Sun yet the night is not left without some light The Moon the lesser light is appointed to rule and shine in the Night as well as the Sun was designed to shine in the Day VVhence 4. Observe Though all the Creatures be not furnished alike yet none of them wants that which is competent for their use and employment Observ 4 THus all Creatures have their desire satisfied Psal 145.16 All men are fed though not deliciously cloathed though not in Purple dwell conveniently though not in Palaces are illightened Joh. 1.9 though not furnished with Solomons wisdome This Competency is a proportion fitted to the necessary support of the Creature and the Being and estate and