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A58208 A guide to the Holy City, or, Directions and helps to an holy life containing rules of religious advice, with prayers in sundry cases, and estates ... / by Iohn Reading ... Reading, John, 1588-1667. 1651 (1651) Wing R447; ESTC R14087 418,045 550

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understanding there are many Concerning which we must hold First That the essentiall properties of God are all really the one essence of God for there is nothing in God which is not God there is no accident in him a man hath wisedome power justice but not of himselfe not ever not infinitely neither as his essence for the wisedome power justice c. of a man are not man but whatever is in God is of God and his eternall essence of himselfe subsisting independently inseparably neither are they after his essence but coeternall and coessentiall though they have not alwaies beene declared to the creatures so his wisedome and omnipotency was from all eternity though they were not manifested till that time he had appointed for the creation of the world wherein he made men and Angels witnesses thereof the same is to be understood of his other properties mercy justice patience c. Secondly That these properties are not parts of Gods essence for that which is infinite hath no parts and that which hath parts cannot be infinite but every essentiall property is the being of God who is indivisible and truly one Thirdly The essentiall properties of the deity are inseparable and incommunicable so that no creature can become a deity or have such an essence as is infinite omnipotent omnipresent c. Fourthly Some things absolutely spoken of God are in the abstract to intimate his selfe-being as when we say he is life wisedome goodnesse c. Some things in the concrete to import to us the reallity of his existence as when we say he is good just holy c. in both we understand that whatsoever is attributed to him herein is the essence of God Fifthly We are taught in Gods Word that he is an uncreated Spirit of selfe-being infinite perfect eternall immense immutable everlasting life it selfe infinitely blessed wise omniscient good gracious loving mercifull just true holy omnipotent freely and by his owne independent power doing whatsoever he will in heaven and in earth and all creatures of infinite glory and majesty 4. The foole hath said in his heart there is no God none but the foole can think so considering 1. What we reade in the booke of Nature where that which may be knowne of God is manifest Rom. 1. 19. the admirable forme masse making preservation of the world with the diversities and perpetuities of motions demonstrate a present God whence could all these things at first come who set that admirable order and constant lawes who reduced those vast and discordant seeds of this great fabricke of the world into the harmony which still preserveth it can any man thinke of an effect without a cause thou wilt say how shall we know that God made this who saw him creating why if thou seest an house thou canst easily conclude it had some builder if none but the builders were privy to it and wilt thou not believe Gods worke except thou see him that all see this none can Whatsoever thou canst see is not God Neither let this seeme strange that he is invisible thou feelest the stormy winds thou believest they are winds without the testimony of thine eies thou knowest thou canst not see them thou thinkest speakest movest and livest by thy soule didst thou ever see it if thou canst not see the creatures part of thy selfe wouldst thou examine thy invisible Creatour with carnall eies with what sense canst thou apprehend a spirit The eye cannot see him except hee be coloured the eare cannot receive him except he bee some sound the feeling cannot perceive him except he be a body hee might therefore needs passe by thee as Job said and thou not see him being obvious to no sense and above and more pure then any created understanding Thou wilt say all these things are by nature such And what is nature but the ordinary power of God Which when he pleaseth he dispenseth with parting the red sea smiting the rock and bringing the fountaines thence dividing Jordan restraining the Babylonish sier and the like that all may know that he only is Lord of the creaturs who but spake and they were made whose will is his word and his word his worke Thou seest the heavens incessantly and without any rest turning about day and night in uniforme and unwearied motion who could have set up and furnished those admirable starres and planets with a never-failing light who could move them thus but a God of infinite power thou seest and treadest on this vast ball of earth hanging in the midst of heavens which turne about it who could substaine it but God thou seest the sea ebbing and flowing the wonders of the deepe on earth the plants and flowers keeping the first law of their creation preserved by a kind of mortall immortality dying and reviving as it were in a yearly resurrection who can do the least of these things amongst all the creatures where is he in heaven or earth can imitate these things which can give life to the poorest fly when thou hast considered all thou shalt know that none but a stupid foole can thinke there is no God 2 If we consider the testimonie of mans own conscience trembling at the apprehension of suddaine dangers stormes earthquakes thunders as Caligula was wont feare of death sheweth an Atheist the same if there be nothing after death nor God to punish the wicked what art thou afraid of 3 If we consider the punishments of the wicked in this life so following sinnes that it appeareth no fortuitous hand or chance that strooke them but the all-seeing just God so fitting his rods to mens sinnes that the punishment pointeth out the crime so in Sodoms unnaturally burning lust punished with a supernaturall shower of fire and brimstone so in Pharoahs drowning Adonibezecks cruelty requited with the like it were too long to recite all the remarkable instances of this kinde wherein the consciences of wicked men convincing them they have confessed with those Egyptian●orcerers ●orcerers this is the singer of God 4 If we consider the constancy of the Martyres suffering death where sometimes the casting one graine of incense upon an alter might have saved their lives they constantly resolving we will not serve your Gods our God whom we serve is able to deliver us When they endure such varieties of torments under the wearied hands of tormenters in hope of that which God hath promised them who suffer for his truth we may certainly conclude that neither the consent of so many nor the perseverance of dying men would be vaine or dis●embled and that patience it selfe could never have willingly endured such tortures without the admirable assistance of God 5 If we consider predictions of things to come and their certaine fulfilling in the appointed time and manner who but God
to him nor understand how they ought to serve him which when they attempted by idol-worship and the vaine forgeries of mans inventions they knewe it was but the foolish and frivolous dreames of selfe-beguil●ng authors and the blind assent of a seduced multitude the great and tyrannicall mistresse of errous which swaied them 4. That remainder of the law of natures light after mans fall was such as rather or more immediatly concerned the preservation of the naturall man in this present life then for the compleat instruction of the spirituall for eternall life and so to be reckoned among those common gifts of God bestowed equally on elect and reprobates of this kinde was the admirable prudence temperance equity constancy and ●idelity of some meere heathens wherein the conscience had these principles that intemperance injury murder theft perjury lying stealing rapine adultery false testimony c. were odious crimes for all these and the like were● immediatly serving to the preservation of humane society which the God of order and omnipotent parent of this universe will conserve unto the end of time therefore causeth he his sunne to shine and his raine to fall indifferently on the just and unjust and therefore these principles of the Law of nature were left more undeniably cleere and lesse obscured and obliterated on the tables of mans heart in his fall then those which more immediatly concerne the worship of God in the first table of the morall law and the spirituall mans relation thereto God constantly resolving in his unsearchable wisdome and justice to preserve the life of nature respectively to all men for the appointed times but the life of grace to eternall salvation onely to his elect in Christ upon the tables of whose hearts he writeth his laws in their regeneration So that though there be no principle to lead and direct a meere naturall man after his e●cecation in his fall to the worship due to one only God yet none can more reasonably deny that a man in the state of innocency had a perfect knowledge of all the law of God and principles in the law of nature to lead him to the observation of every precept thereof then that the light of the eye is not naturall to a man accidentally blinde and so having no sight to direct him in the way he should walke in Man had in his state of innocency a sufficient knowledge of the whole law of God and therefore as that principle which led him to the true worship of one onely God so also to the keeping of the Sabbath which is a part thereof because all the morall law and every precept thereof hath its ground in the law of nature uncorrupted cleerly appearing though in the corrupt state it be obscure in some branches thereof more in some lesse obliterated and the written morall law is indeed no more then a repetition second writing or supply thereof figured in God's duplicate writing againe the same lawes on the second tables after the first were broken 5. The fourth commandement in the morality that is sanctification of a seventh day Sabbath is a law of nature as having its ground therein and therefore bindeth all men of all times and ages and conditions to the end of time as well as those lawes which say Honour thy father and thy mother thou shalt not kill commit adultery or steale but that which was ceremoniall therein as the observation of a seventh from the creation was positive and therefore alterable it being the nature of a positive law to binde either certaine persons only as Adam and Eve by the precept of not eating the forbidden fruit or to a certaine time as the ceremoniall law bound Israel untill the fulfilling of all by Christ and as all before and under the law were bound to observe the seventh day Sabbath from the creation untill it should be changed for the Lords day in whose power the alteration thereof was as he was the creator appointer and sanctifier of the first Sabbath and was and is the Lord of the same now changed for that which wee celebrate in remembrance of his resurrection 2. Christ changed the day to remember us of his resting from all the workes of his humiliation in his resurrection the creation of a new spirituall world as it were new heavens and new earth which shall remaine that from one Sabbath to another all flesh may come and worship before him of which hee saith old things are past away behold all things are become new this day that heavenly light the day starre and sunne of righteousnesse arose therefore as hath beene noted we begin not this Sabbath from the evening darknesse as the old world untill the fulnesse of time to be exercised under the shadowes of the law● but from the morning light a type of that which the Apostle saith the night is past the day is at hand Rom 13. 12. 3. To be a figure of that eternall Sabbath and rest specified Heb 4. 9. by Christs accomplishing the worke of our redemption and justification by his resurrection 4. That beleevers might therein have a perpetuall pledge of the new covenant of grace salvation their deliverance from the servitude and curse of the law 5. Lastly that it might bee a marke of distinction betweene Christians and Jewes and Mahumetans who obstinatly adhere to antiquated ceremonies or ordinances of men It remaineth that we consider how wee must sanctify this Sabbath which that we may doe it is necessary to observe 1. the due preparations for it 2. practices in it 3. duties after it Concerning the first these rules are necessary 1. Doe not overtoile travell or overwatch thy selfe or servants least thou or they be sleepy so inattentive in hearing or praying 2. So consider it before it come that thou maist be sure to set apart all businesses and distractions which might hinder the performance of thy duty 3. Rise up so early that thou want no convenience to fit thy selfe for Gods publike and private worship which when men do not they come both unprepared to Church neglect their private duty for preparation which often rendreth the publike unfruitfull this discovereth an admirable hypocrisie in men who will to rise that they may have time to wash dresse the outward man for the sight of men least any thing should be uncomely to outward view but for the inward man obvious to the severe eye of an heart-searching God they are litle or nothing so●icitous 4. Renew thy repentance before thou come to heare the law of Go lest thou appeare there like the ghest without the wedding garment untrimmed and fowle in a sacred solemnity lest the seed of Gods word fall unprofitably among thornes and the venomous weeds of thy old sinnes and so become a ●avour of death unto thee 5. Consider the sanctity of God into whose presence thou art entring as Moses into the clowd to heare
his voice wherein are the issues of life and death remember that the time is holy by Gods owne institution that the place is consecrated and set apart for Gods publike worship and let that come into thy minde which God said unto Moses approaching towards him loose thy shooes from thy feet for the place thou standest on is holy ground to thy selfe thus appliable put off all thy carnall affections resigne thy selfe body soule unto the guidance of Gods holy word and spirit Christ said not in vaine my house shall be called an house of prayer to all nations and where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them 6. Pray privatly that God would forgive thee thy sinnes give thee such a measure of his spirit to enable thee to serve him as may make thee therein acceptable to him blesse his owne ordinance unto thee sanctify thee body and soule to his service that thou maist sanctify his Sabbath with that zeale care and fervency of spirit which may please him that hee would assist the Ministers of his word and thy selfe and the whole congregation so that the word may profit you to the amendment of life and building you up to the assurance of salvation in Christ. In the Sabbath if thou wilt performe thy duty well thou must 1. Begin with delight in it and all the service of God therein to be performed this was God's condition of prospering Israel that they should call the Sabbath a delight the carnall man for feare of humane law or censure resteth from his ordinary workes goeth to Church joyneth with the Congregation in prayer hearing c. but it is irksome to him he thinkes the time long because he delighteth not in the Lord and his Sabbath but he that through delight therein keepeth it not as in help to sanctification keepeth it no better then a beast 2. Glorifie God therein In hearing praying receiving the holy Sacrament singing praises c. thou shalt honour him not doing thine owne waies any servile worke Those things may be done which are subordinate to the sanctification of a Sabbath as the Priests laboured in sacrificing the Ministers now doe in preaching and officiating without breach of this precept Workes of necessitie or mercy to man or beast are to be done the Ox fallen into a pit must be releived the Physitian Apothecary Chirurgion or others in case of necessitie may and must respectively helpe though it be the ordinary worke of their calling because it is a worke of mercy so to doe is to honour God as on the contrary it were to his dishonour as if his law bound any man from doing all the good hee can or shewing mercy to the distressed whereas indeed he is a God of mercy loveth the same in all those who beare his image but thou must not for gaine doe that which might equally be omitted as bargaining bearing burdens or other servile worke or labour of thy calling or travelling except in case of necessity or subordination to a Sabbath dayes workes it is certainly an ingratefull sacriledge to rob God of his owne daies service appointed for no necessitie of his but only for our own good and salvation and to entrench on that which he hath reserved to himselfe whereas he hath allowed men six daies to doe their workes and take their lawfull delights therein Therefore hee saith as we must not on the Sabbath doe our own waies so must not we finde our owne pleasures nor speake our owne words it is an hatefull robbery of God to use pastimes on that day though lawfull on others much worse those which are never lawfull whereby the Devill is more served on that day then any other The many fearefull judgements of God on offenders herein and that which usually befalleth them in that God seldome prospereth the most probable industries of such is enough to deter all considering men from profanation of the Lords day 3. Doe what good thou canst to thy selfe in that which concerneth thy soule or thy body health and preservation in case of necessitie or to others in the like at convenient times when the publike or private worship of God require not thy attendance walke in the fields or gardens that thou maist contemplate on Gods creatures and his benificence power providence and wisedome therein visit the sick and imprisoned if thou have ability and convenience of releiving or comforting them 4. Absteine from immoderate drinking feeding sleeping and whatsoever else may render thee lesse apt for the sanctification of this day 5. As all thy life thou must rest from sinne so specially on this day wherein the very sanctity of the time violated doubleth the offences committed there when God specially requireth the sanctimony and endeavours to learne his will and doe not thinke it enough to rest from labour as God resteth not in an inactive contemplation and as the glorified Saints in the life to come in their rest aud refreshing shall yet continually sing their Halleluiahs and doe those things which shall be to the eternall glory of God in them so doe thou now compose thy selfe to have thy present conversation in heaven and to begin thy rest and Sabbath here which shall never end When the Sabbath is ended if thou canst write down some principall heads for directions or of comforts heard that day and by often perusing them commit all to memory However repeat to thy selfe if single or with thy family the summes of that thou hast heard praise God for the same sing Psalmes meditate of the eternall rest whereof this is a type frame thy whole life for the attaining thereto beg pardon of God for thy severall failings and defects and pray for the assistance of his good spirit and that his ordinance may be powerfull in thee and thine to life eternall A Prayer for the Sabbath day morning O Lord our God holy and mer●●●● W●●umbly pray thee for Jesus Christ sake to forgive 〈◊〉 our sinnes to cleanse us bodies and soules from all those corruptions which make us lesse able to serue thee as we ought and unworthy to appeare before thee O our God be pleased to send the Comforter to enlighten us and to open our understandings that being now sequested from all worldly cares affections and thoughts we may lift up our hearts to thee serving thee in fervency of spirit and tru●th that we may this day beginne our heaven on earth in doing thy will here as it is there done And because they are unworthy of new blessings who are unmyndfull of those they have received we here desire to render thee the fruites of our hearts and lipps praise and thanksgiving for all thy mercies and favours eternall and temporall for thy unspeakable love in electing us to salvation for thy infinite goodnesse in creating us after thyne owne glorious image to a capacity of light and understanding that we might be able in some measure
neither subject to time nor age the motions thereof are eternall it apprehendeth things present absent past and future it deliberateth formeth directeth discourseth judgeth doubteth concludeth so excellent is it that the Oratour said God hath not given any thing so divine to man and that there are certaine lineaments thereof more beautifull then of the body the body is adorned by the soule without which beauty it selfe becommeth gastly and good Abraham saith give me a possession of a burying place that I may bury my dead out of my sight the soule cannot be deformed by any unevennesse discomposure or disproportion of the body which it animateth as a beautifull feature is the same in a poore cottage and in a magnificent palace so is it in the beauty of the soule which is vertue with which could wee but see the soule of a Saint there 's no embellishment on earth so glorious no created beauty here of so divine a lustre The soule though now shut up in his darke prison having onely some diviner breathings in the rapts and heavenly contemplations which sometimes call it up like Moses to the mount or like a Jacobs ladder landeth it in God's presence hath some knowledge of its originall by grace unspeakable joy in the apprehension thereof which arresteth the desire as appeared in Peter seeing Christ transfigured and Paul wishing to be dissolved it being a great signe of our interest in heaven that wee feare not to part hence he knoweth whether he shall goe who remembreth whence he came but what shall bee the beauty of an holy soule in its separation when it shall be restored to its native heaven when it shall be all light and God shall be all in all Christs raiment on the mount became shining white as snow so as no Fuller on earth could white them Moses face he having talked with God became so glorious that Israel could not behold it without a vaile what shall our glory be when we shall be like Christ 2. The faculties of the soule are the understanding will memory affections and senses internall and externall My purpose being not to enter the lists with Philosophers but to direct Christians I shall not further consider these then as some of them doe very much concerne the practicall part and right ordering the thoughts of the heart and minde to the service of God and our mortification whereby we may be accommodated thereto 3. The heart in scripture often taken for the principall seat of the rationall soule imparteth any faculty hereof the mind is the inward act the result and proceed of its reason and discourse the thoughts as they say animus consilii est anima vitae the minde is the fountaine of counsell the soule of life and againe we understand by the minde and live by the soule This minde of man is sometimes a soveraigne to governe in vertue and sanctimonie it selfe and the body sometimes a tyrant and indulging to vice which like the worme bred in the wood destroyeth its own originall misled by tumultuous passions lusts vaine desires and other perturbations of a discomposed minde which having unthroned reason dangerously usurpe the command a prudent man whose cogitare is his vivere in the light height and use thereof differing him not only from the brutes but ignorant men doth principally enjoy himselfe in his minde and inward man There is indeed in humane possessions nothing great and excellent but a great and good minde contemning externall greatnesse or supposed excellencies as power strength riches beauty obvious to sense in respect of tha● which is within apprehensible by the enlightned understanding and certainly the all-wise God w●o created the affections ordained them to none but some excellent end use in the soule as handmaides to devotion and religion neither would he in our regeneration kill but correct them by moderating them where they grew extreame and retrenching them into their own channels where they overflow their banks like over ranck water sources becomming muddy and troubled with that which they fetch in from without or reducing them where they ar● exorbitant All extreames are foolish and dangerous a Stoicall apathie is incompatible with a well composed minde and violent passion with a prudent the dead calme corrupteth aire water and violent blasts disturb them the moderate more safely purify the meane is best Affections are as they said of Caligula there is no better servant nor worse master good commanded mischievous reigning like fire and water there necessary here destructive without love there can be no acceptable service without anger no zeale without feare no coërcive power in the soule without hope no comfort which bringeth us to a necessary consideration of the hearts corruption vanity and exorbitancy of the thoughts and the necessity of their regulation by some rules of practice 1. The Corruptions of the heart are all only evill continually the heart is the fountaine of sinne hence are adulteries murders thefts rapine rebellions all the sinnes of man all iniquitie is here forged as 't is written Isai 32. 6. his heart will worke iniquitie hence words of falshood are conceived and uttered here is the root of war and mischiefe here errour frowardnesse and that hardnesse which excludeth all capacity of hearing and understanding Gods word and judgments that they may repent and be healed is hatched The heart is deceitfull above all things who can knowe it Jer 17. 9. Here lodgeth hypocrisie Jer 3. 10. Here secret sinnes like that unseene multitude which rangeth through the paths of the deeps such is counsell in mans heart Prov 20. 5. Nor is this the condition of some few but the secret corruption of all naturall men nor are the regenerate absolutely freed from these pollutions being yet partly flesh 2. The dangers hereof hence appeare first in that these are the seeds of every sin and fomenters thereof yea that which barreth from remedy faith and repentance Secondly as the Physitians say if there be a fault in the first concoction there will follow the like in the rest so is it here the hearts faults are derived to the tongue and all the actions of man it is a people said the Lord that doe erre in their hearts and they have not knowne my waies As the eye is deceaved through a fals medium so is the minde through the cloude of false opinion and the very thought of foolishnesse is sinne into which they must needs runne who set not their heart aright and whose spirit is not stedfast with God Thirdly God fearcheth the secrets of all hearts and will once make all the thoughts thereof manifest Fourthly hee requireth the heart Prov 23. 26. If a man regard iniquitie there hee cannot be heard Psal 66. 16. The thoughts of the wicked are an abomination to the Lord.
rich epulo but the worlds minion Wants occasion many a mans return unto God as it was with great Nebuchadnezzar who through the dark shadows of affliction as men at noon day see stars out of some deep well could at last looke up to heaven and finde the glorious omnipotency of God and his sovereignty ruling over all which the glittering light of his prosperity did before hide from him To conclude when a man hath duely weighed what this world is how unconstant all things thereof how short a time he can enjoy abundance or bear wants he shall finde no just canue either to be proud of external riches or dejected in want 4. Aspire to a better world riches which perish not food and raiment which shall not faile nor decay how great should our reward be with our heavenly father if wee would not affect our reward here 5. Learn to depend on Gods providence aske of him daily bread bread of thy stature that which hee knoweth convenient for thee food raiment and protection as Iacob did or as Iabez who called on the God of Israël saying O that thou wouldst blesse mee indeed and enlarge my coast and that thy hand might be with mee and that thou wouldst keep mee from evil that it may not grieve mee and God granted him that which hee requested I have been young saith David and now am old and yet saw I never the righteous forsaken and his seed begging bread though possibly in extreame wants yet never forsaken 6. Seek happinesse within thy selfe such is the brevity of this life such the variable inconstancy of all external estates so many accidents like stormes from divers quarters lie upon this sea of glasse that in the possessions thereof they leave no place for true happinesse which is in that whereof the least measure is enough and the greatest secure from losse The best ornaments and truest riches are those which are layed up in a good conscience where no violent hand can reach them Be not deceived by the false lustre of secular prosperity and thou shalt not be broken with adversity The poor mans Petition O Lord God great and glorious severe in thy judgements and abundant in mercy the earth is thine and thy providence divideth it among the sons of men thou bringest down to the grave and raisest up again thou makest rich and poore thou bringest low and liftest up the needy out of the dust that hee may glorifie thee thou savest the poor from the hand of the mighty redeemest from death and in famine givest hope thou art the Saviour and deliverer of the fatherlesse and him that hath no helper the needy shall not alwaies be forgotten nor their exspectation perish for ever because thou wilt preserve thine own work when they cry thou wilt arise and deliver them from their troubles who hast of thy goodnesse prepared to satisfie them Lord behold my necessities who despisest not the needy though thou thus afflict mee yet strenghten mee so that my wants may never cast me down to despaire of thy favour nor endeavour their supply by any thing which offendeth thee what ever I want let mee never want the comfortable assurance of thy love and mercy what ever else thou pleasest to take from me take not thy holy spirit thy mercy thy selfe from mee Be my strength in distresse a refuge from the storme a shadow from the heat I am weak and my heart is wounded in mee Lord assure mee that thou carest for mee Thou hast said blessed Jesus that first seeking the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse all bodily necessaries shall be administred unto us Lord give mee an heart so to doe sanctifie those wants to mee that thou maist comfort mee make mee rich in faith and those spiritual treasures which once had shall never be lost againe Lord Jesus who becamest poore to make us rich poure out the riches of thy grace into my poore soul Thou best knowest before I aske what I have need of who feedest the sowles of the aire and clothest the lilies of the field Lord famish not the afflicted soule of thy servant man liveth not by bread only but by the power of thy word blessing it O God who madest the Sarephtan's little store sufficient what ever thy providence shall allot mee let thy blessing be upon it that I may finde a sufficiency therein that I may serve thee contentedly and cheerfully depending confidently on thy fatherly providence which never faileth them which trust in thee O Lord who art a refuge in trouble who never forsakest them that truely seek thee supply all my necessities heare mee and make speed to relieve mee forsake me not O my God open the high places and the fount●ines in the midst of the vallies for the thirsty soule let thy hand relieve mee until thou shalt be pleased to bring mee into thy blessed presence where is fulnesse of joy without want measure or end Grant mee these things O merciful God and what ever else thou knowest necessary for mee for thy dear sonne my ev●r blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ his sake AMEN CHAP. XXXI § 1. Liberty and restraint misplaced by an injurious world § 2. Comforts for Prisoners § 3. Rules thereto appertaining 1. LIberty is the natural inheritance of every good man but what doth not the malice of the world which hateth them and the impiety thereof pervert to the same merit this unjust judge swayed by affection seldome led by reason or equity adjudgeth contrary rewards for the like sinne one is crowned and another crucified it vexeth the innocent dove and dismisseth the bloody raven the wicked Pilate sitteth judge where holy Jesus is arraigned as guilty hee is condemned and Barrabbas acquitted by their proclamation who cryed but now Hosanna to Christ and now deliver us Barrabbas If they doe this in the green tree what will they do in the dry Why the supream judge admitteth such surrogates or permitteth Satan to governe such judges as 't is written Satan shall cast some of you into prison whosoever is the delatour or sergeant to imprison the saints Satan makes the mittimus they but doe him service wee know not wee know it is for the more heavy damnation of the one and the greater glory of the other in his conformity to Christ's sufferings which as they abound in us so our consolation shall in him if so be that wee suffer with him that we may be also glorified together 2. Among external afflictions wee may reckon imprisonment and captivity yet have these a capacity of comfort for the Saint whose peculiar advantage it is that all things work for good to him 3. Among the comforts of the Prisoner these have I learned as Protogenes the true pourtraict of meagered Ialysus by being dyeted himselfe with pulse wherein blessed be God even the father of our Lord Iesus Christ the father of
perish so long as thou reignest over all The next is his comming to judge the quicke and the dead properly annexed to the foregoing because he so sitteth at God●s right hand as that he both exerciseth the patience of the elect under the crosse and long permitteth the wicked enemies to insult over them to comfort us herein 't is necessary to beleeve that Christ who now sitteth at God's right hand will thence come to judge all men those whom he shall finde surviving who shall be changed in a moment at the sound of the last trump and the dead raised againe all elect and reprobate some to eternall absolution from sin and death and others to eternall shame and destruction of bodies and soules This judgement shall be of all our thoughts words and actions the books shall be opened and every secret thing manifested the evidence of every fact shall speak as Abels blood did The time of this judgment shall be at the second comming of Christ the particular yeare or day no creture knoweth neither the son of man himselfe here knew it in the state of humiliatiō nor need it seem strang how being God and man in one person the manhood could be ignorant of any thing the deity being omniscient seeing he tooke on him all our infirmities sinne excepted amongst which natiue ignorance was not a little one therefore t is said that from his childhood he encreased in wisedome which no infinite can doe and why shall I not as easily beleeue that there was a vaile of the slesh betweene the deity and humane soule intercepting some light of knowledge as I certainly know there was intercepting the present sense of his fathers assistance and of the comfort of the deity in his passion when he cried out My God my God why hast thou forsaken mee The signes of this judgements approach are 1. preaching the Gospell to all Nations 2. revelation of the man of sinne 3. a generall departing from the faith 4. Universall corruption of manners 2 Tim. 3. 1. 5. warres and rumours of warres 6. hardnesse of heart so that no importunity of the lowdest sonnes of Thunder can awake men out of sinne as it was in the dayes of Noah 7. Calling of the Jewes Rom. 11. 25. The signe which shall accompany the comming of Christ shall be the signe of the sonne of man in heaven Math. 24. 30. The Summe is Christ shall come againe to judge all men Act. 17. 31. Math. 25. 31. Jud. 14. 14. 1 Thes. 4. 16. and Math. 24. 30. where he joyneth the declaration of the judgement with the prediction of Jerusalems destruction to the end that men might be assured of the judgement to come by that which they saw or knew fulfilled in that City Concerning the place whether in the valley of Jehoshaphat or the time and lasting of this great Assizes the manner of proceeding and the like it is vaine to enquire after that which God hath not revealed specially seeing his word directeth to make better use hereof 1 To deterre men from sinne in respect of the inevitable terrour of that day 2 Not to judge one another Rom 14. 1 Cor 4. 5. 3 To prepare because the day is neere fearing God Eccles 12. 14. Rev 14. 7. keeping a good conscience Act 24. 15 16. watching that we may lift up our heads at that day Luk 22. 28. 35 36. Repenting Act 17. 30 31. Without delay 2. Pet 3. 2. Loving one another 1. Joh 3. 18. 19. That wee may assure our hearts before him and have boldnesse in the day of judgment 1. Joh 4. 17. Comforting our selves in all our sufferings our Saviour shall be our judge and who shall condemne us seeing he died to acquit us He cannot but avenge for us though he suffer long therefore we must be patient expecting his sentence Come yee blessed of my father inherit the kingdome prepared for you A Prayer O Lord God of mercy and compassion who in thy eternall and infinite love to man gavest thy onely Sonne to become man to take experience of our miseries to be tempted in all things like us sinne onely excepted and to suffer the severity of thy wrath against us sinners by offering him up a living sacrifice for us who were dead in trespasses and sins the just for the unjust that by his stripes we might be healed and hast revealed unto us that great mystery of godlinesse so much desired of the faithfull from the beginning the inestimable riches of thy grace and mercy hid from all ages unto the fulnesse of time God manifested in the flesh justified in the spirit seene of Angells preached unto the Gentiles beleeved on in the world and received up into glory make us truly thankefull to thee for all thy unspeakeable favours give us true faith to apprehend and finde our interest in him with assurance that he is our God and Saviour O ever blessed Jesus whose name is as sweet ointment powred forth whom the Virgin soules therefore love draw us that we may runne after thee let the annointing which we have received of thee whereby we have the honour to be called and to be Christians and the happinesse to be enlightned with thy truth and led in thy paths abide in us and teach us all things necessary for the advancement of thy glory and our salvation let it bee like that precious nard wherewith thou wast imbalmed against the day of thy death to fill our hearts and affections with that comfortable savour of life unto life that thou maist wholy season us dwell in us and be all in all with us that the merit of thy death and vertue of thy resurrection may both mortify all our sinfull corrupt affections and raise us to the life of righteousnesse that dying to sinne governed here by thy power to which all things are committed in heaven and earth and hereafter acquitted by thy finall sentence when thou shalt come to judge the living and the dead we may at last come to the perfect union with thee in a full view and eternall enjoying of thee and thy blessed presence who hast suffered all these things to redeeme us and to purchase the kingdome prepared for us from eternity that wee may attaine that true blessednesse in the which thy holy Gospell hath preached unto us Grant this through thy mercies O heavenly Father thy merits O gracious Lord Jesus and thy assistance O holy Spirit three persons one onely wise omnipotent and immortall God to whom belongeth all honour glory praise might Majestie and dominion in heaven and earth from this time forth and to endlesse eternitie AMEN CHAP. VI. § 1. What we are to beleeve § 2. Rules thereto belonging 1 ALL knowledge of God the Father and Sonne with man can attaine to availeth him not except it be made good to him by a blessed application thereof to himselfe wrought by the
out of feigned lips 5. With expectation God sometimes long exerciseth the patience of his children deferring that which he meaneth to give and subjection to Gods holy will who without errour seeth what is best so cannot we without fainting and giving over as Christ declared in the parable of the widow whose importunity moved the unrighteous judge to doe her justice because God will exercise our faith and patience and this was figured out in the perpetuall incense Exod 3. 8. so must it be also without vaine bablings tautologies and repetitions as if one should be heard for his much speaking no sacrifice could be accepted without salt the meaning was God loveth not the unsavory sacrifice of fooles therefore be not rash with thy mouth and let not thy heart be hasty to utter any thing before God for God is in heaven and thou upon earth therefore let thy words be few a fooles voice is known by the multitude of words Herein hath that saying of the Apostle place I had rather speake five words with my understanding Christ forbad as vaine repetitions in prayers so by the instance of the heathens all thought of being heard for much speaking Be yee therefore not like unto them it is noted of the antient Christians in Egipt that they used frequent but very short prayers probably lest they should by any deviation of the minde profane instead of praying Our Church in her publike Liturgie used not any long but almost all short formes of prayers Minister and people by often concluding in the name of Christ and saying amen might be stirred up to attention which is the life of prayer it being not so easie to loose ones selfe in a short attention as in a long in which some incogitancie or spirit of slumber is too apt to obrepe and come upon Eutychus● yea Christ found the best Apostles slumbring some times though the spirit were willing therefore hee who out of the infinitude of spirit which dwelt in him bodily used by himselfe alone to spend whole nights in prayer when he taught his disciples to pray considered and complyed with their infirmities and prescribed them so short a forme that even childrens memories serve them to repeat it there is as in the body so in the mind a definite strength and ability to performe their severall offices to● which that which wee undertake is discreetly to be proportioned and here we may not so long pray as to dull the attention of the mind in which is as I said the life of prayer nor cease where the spirit of God by giving us fresh and unwearied vigour inviteth us to a continuation in our prayer all long prayer is not much babling all is to be valued by the affection not the words words are necessary in respect of our selves and others praying with us that they may know how to joyne in petition with us not that we can thereby enforme God 't is the heart that looketh on the faith presenting him the merit of Christ for which he heareth us and the intention of a serious mind sensible of its owne wants and depending on his help without which he will not heare us 6. In charity with all men enemies not excepted Math 5. 44. malice is strange fire which came not downe from heaven Levit 10. 1. Jam 3. 14 15. 17. whosoever offereth therewith shall be cut off from Israel Charity is that heavenly fire on the Altar which must never goe out Levit 6. 13. 1. Cor 13. 8. Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar and remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee leave there thy gift before the altar and goe thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift for saith Christ if yee forgive not neither will your father forgive you upon the matter he saith unto us as Joseph once to his brother 〈◊〉 yee shall not see my face except your brother be with you 7. It must be with watching The subtile enemie watcheth to lead away thy thoughts by suggesting something contrary or impertinent to thy prayers so depriving thee of the fruit thereof Prayer must be with great intention of the minde to God which cannot be except we exclude all other busie thoughts as Christ did the tumultuous multitude at Jairus house we must when we are to offer this spirituall sacrifice leave all other businesse as Abraham did his servants at the hill foot to wait for his returne to them againe we must incessantly drive away all suggestions of other thoughts by perpetuall ejaculations as he did the fowles which fell upon his sacrifice for then only we cry withall our heart to God when we thinke of nothing else that prayer appeaseth not but provoketh Gods anger wherein wee speake one thing and thinke another the heathens by the twilight of nature so much abhorred perturbation or distraction in their false worship that Alexanders page holding a torch therein a sparke falling on his naked arme hee rather suffered the paine of burning then the least disturbance of that service we must come to prayer with the most calmed affections in smooth waters you may behold the heaven and glorious lights thereof but in the troubled all appeareth wreathed and confused 't is so here any extreame passion discomposeth the soule and rendreth unapt for prayer 8. Cheifly our petitions must bee presented by the great Master of requests Christ Whatsoever yee aske in my name that will I doe he presenteth our prayers the much sweet odours in the golden Censer his own unvaluable merit Hee prayeth the Father for us he is the faithfull high Priest over the house of God for ever to beare our names and remembrance on his breast-plate there is but this one mediatour betweene God and man they that goe to others follow lying vanities and forsake their mercy Jacob obtained the blessing in his elder brothers garment so must we in the merit and mediation of Christ. 9. Our prayers must be for that which concerneth God's glory and our salvation absolutely for th●ngs temporall conditionally as these are in subordination and relation to them so farre as may stand with God's honour our sou●es health so taught he us by precept and example to say thy will be done we many times pray for that which God denieth in mercy it were not good for us to obtaine it it made some sober heathens pray in generall for that which was good and leave the choice to God we must pray not to informe an omniscient God but to performe the parts of dutifull children ever with subscription to his will who best knoweth what is good for us aske nothing of God but that thou maist pray for before all men There are many motives to incite us to fervent prayers 1.
Our owne necessities and others necessitie cryeth to thee as that master of the Joppa shippe to Jona in the storme What meanest thou O sleeper arise call upon thy God that wee perish not Charity bids thee pray for others though God have no need of our prayers wee have of his mercy and blessings which we will give whe● wee in faithfull prayer acknowledge his power to give and his mercy to grant which is our dependance on him without his helpe and blessing no creature can helpe if the Lord doe not helpe thee Whence should I helpe thee Said the King of Israel no not the bread which thou hast in thy hand can nourish thee therefore hee taught rich and poore to say give us this day our dayly bread● he gr●●th it and power to nourish 2. Admirable is the power of prayer it calmeth the surges of a troubled spirit Takes men up to heaven in holyrapts it inclineth heaven to earth shuts the lyons mouths opens the prison doores beats the fiercest enemies while Moses hand was held up Israel prevailed David armed herewith beat the overgrowne champion of Gath Joshua hereby fetcht ammunition from heaven and the Lord cast downe hailestones from heaven to destroy the enemies the Sunne and Moone stood still the Starres in their order fought against Sicera It was the answer of the Oracle to the Cretians that their enemies must be conquered with prayers before they could with armes Prayer is the key of heaven Eliah hereby shutt and opened it for raine it casteth out devils which can no otherwise but by fasting and prayer be cast out Prayer is a sacrifice to God a reliefe to the supplyant a scourage to the devill 't is the Bathsheba of heaven which can receive no repulse Abraham interceeded for the impious Sodomites and Abraham gave over asking before God gave over granting and condescending when Moses prayed God said Let mee alone that I may destroy them as if he had laid violent hands of God's judgements and by prayers arrested his justice His mercy like that oile 2 King 4. ceaseth not increasing while there is any vessell to receive it if the widowes importunity could incline an impious judge to justice how much more shall ours a righteous God to mercy If we who are evill will give our children good things how much more will God who cannot erre in giving prayer obtaineth the spirit of sanctification Luk. 11. 13. wisedome Jam. 1. 5. deliverance from troubles Psalm 50. 15. for our selves and others Act. 12. Jam. 5. 15. health in sicknesse blessing in health remission of sinnes it must needs be so seeing hee inviteth us to pray and promiseth to heare our prayer he is nigh unto all them that call upon him in truth Christ inter●edeth for us when Aquilius brest was opened before the Roman Judges and he but shewed the wounds received in their service it enclined them to mercy and recovered the almost forlorne cause what shall not the merits of Christs wounds perswade with God O that he would say to my soule as he did once to Peter before his temptation I have prayed for th●e that thy faith faile thee not Let the Lyons yell the powers of hell muster up against mee if Christ pray for mee I passe not who is against mee My addresse is to him and my dependance on him no man might come to the Persian King but he must first solicit the second in the Kingdome but Christ saith Come unto mee thou shalt need no other mediatour fervent prayer never returneth empty it bringeth us either that we aske or something better in the fervencie of spirit it ascendeth like the Angell in the ●lame of Manoahs sacrifice and doth wonderfully it saith as wrastling Jacob I will not let thee go except thou blesse mee It was a motive to Benhadad to sue for quarter we have heard that the Kings of Israel are mercifull Kings therefore he sent and obtained we have heard and certainly knowne that God is abundant in mercy why are we silent when Moses came down from talking with God his face shined never stay wee with God in the mount by hearty prayer but our soules bring away some divine lustre and heavenly beauty on them some secret joy assurance of obtaining and confidence to persevere But some may say I have long prayed and yet obtain not I answer the rule is that hee will speedily answer and grant according to his promise Before they call I will answer and whiles they are yet speaking I will heare nor will he delay except in case that 1. The obstruction be in our selves as when we continue in sinne and repent not when our faith and patience is not throughly exercised and then it concerneth us to amend and learne patience considering that God hath sometimes granted the requests of impatient men in his anger and that it is best which God will not that we and when any thing happeneth contrary to our desires to bear it meekly and give thankes 2. That he deferreth to our greater advantage meaning to recompence that delay by multiplying the blessing so was it with the poore Canaanite whose importunity would receive no denyall I am not sent but to the lost sheep of the ho●se of Israël then a reproach 't is not meet to take the childrens bread and give it to dogs yet at last to her praise as long as that Gospel shall sound in the Church of God and to●her confirmation to eternity she heard O woman great is thy faith be it unto thee as thou desirest Some urge I have many times and long prayed and find no fruit nor successe but rather things contrary I answer there may be many causes hereof 1. It may be you performe not the conditions of prayer your mind wandreth you waver or wax faint in prayer if Moses but let downe his hands Amalecke prevaileth you pray not in spirit your heart is not upright you seek God only for the worlds sake you want charity you pray not in faith See Num. 20. 12. 2. It may be you aske somethings which obtained would hurt you as children crie for knives or fire He both mercifully heareth us and mercifully denyeth the Physitian better knoweth what is good for the patient we have all begged mischiefes if God had not denyed in mercy we had long since perished by our owne des●res you that are so impatient because God granteth not what you desire come to the Scriptures you shall find the devill was in some case heard the Apostle not heard God heard him whom he had damned and heard him not whom he would heale save 3. It may be you aske something good to an evill end you aske and receave not because you aske amisse that yee may consume it on your pleasures Jam 4. 3. 4. It may bee
to know thee who art the fountaine of life of holinesse that wee might be like thee whose beeing is an independent selfe-happinesse and immortality that we might in thy presence enjoy thy favour eternally for thy gratious providence which in thy rest from creation is ever active in our preservation for that as it was thy pleasure to forme all creatures on earth in the aire and those unseene paths of the deeps for our sakes so by the powre of the same word which at first said let them be made and they were so thou still preservest them in their severall kinds for our use releife and comfort nor is thy goodnesse lesse considerable in those remoter lights of heaven the greater and the lesse which thou hast made to distinguish and measure times and seasons to rule the day and comfort the unked shades of night O Lord the heavens declare thy glory and the firmament sheweth thy handy worke in wisedome and great power hast thou created all things the unseene multitude of those glorious Angels which thou hast made ministring spirits and sent them out to pith th●ir tents about us night and day for out defence and preservation are the worke of thy hands they and we live move and have our beeing in thee who art the incomprehensible beeing of beeings Above all thy workes is thy mercy and above all instances thereof is that for which we are this day to praise and glorifie thy holy name the accomplishment of the greatest worke our redemption by the resurrectio● of thy Sonne Jesus from the dead our creation had not profited us if our redemption had not repaired us when we were fallen in our creation thou gavest us our selves and be●ings but in our redemption thou not onely restoredst us to our selves but gavest us thy selfe in Christ the some of thine eternall love Lord what is man that thou so regardest him or the sonne of man that thou so visitest him Who is able to declare thy goodnesse and to set forth that praise which is worthy of thee Thou hast also made the Sabbath for man for whom thou madest this universe thou hast sanctified it and given it to be a time of rest and a signe betweene thee and us that we might knowe that thou art he who sanctifieth us that we might herein meet together in thy publike worship to learne thy holy wil for our salvation to present our supplications severall necessities before thy throne of grace and mercy ●●ffer up the incense of our prayers and thankesgiving that wee may rest from sinne and our daily labours and being disburdened of all the cares and distractions of this world may approach neere unto thy sacred Majestie with pure hearts and hands But O Lord our God who among the corrupted sonnes of men is worthy to appeare in thy holy presence who art the searcher of hearts and a God of pure eyes O Lord we humbly acknowledge our vilenesse and unworthinesse beseeching thee for thy sonne Christ Jesus sake to forgive us all our sinnes and throughly to purge us from the old levin of our iniquities give us such a measure of thy grace and sanctifiing spirit that we may rest assured of our calling and election to eternall life repaire thy decayed image in us every day more and more enabling us to serve thee in true holinesse mortifying and subduing all our carnall affections which resist the motions of thy good spirit in us make us comfortably sensible of the vertue of Christs resurrection in us quickning us to newnesse of life in a perfect and entire obedience to all thy holy commandements that in assurance of our sinnes remission in Christ our peace we may enjoy a comfortable rest in true peace of conscience and our reconciliation to thee by a justifying faith in him To this end wee humbly pray thee to blesse thine owne ordinance to us this day Lord give thy spirit of prayer and prophesie unto thy messengers therein appointed to entreat a blessing for us and to declare thy will unto us distill the dew of heaven into their hearts and tongues that they may minister faithfull directions for the recalling those that erre confirmation of those that stand and sound comfort to the afflicted consciences of those that mourne in Zion Lord who bountifully findest seed to thy sowers grant that they may finde the hearts and affections of thy people not stony or thorny but fruitfull ground be thou present with us by thy sanctifying spirit this day that thy Sabbath may be our delight and thy word our soules food comfort and refreshing that this and all our daies we may walke worthy of our high calling in Christ and have our conversations in heaven where hee sitteth at thy right hand that this Sabbath as it is a representation of that which shall be an eternall rest from all our sorrowes cares and labours may also be a meanes to direct and bring us to the same even to the end of our hopes the salvation of our bodies and soules the fulnesse of joy and eternity of true happinesse in thy presence through the merits of thy sonne our Lord Saviour Jesus Christ to whom with thee O Father of mercy and the holy Ghost the comforter of the elect be ascribed all honour praise dominion and glory this day and evermore AMEN To the ordinary evening Prayer may be added this private prayer for the Sabbath O Lord God of mercy and compassion we render all humble hearty thankes to thy gratious Majestie for all thy mercies and favours as in our whole lives so specially this day bestowed upon us for our peace health and opportunity to serve thee that in thy tender mercy sparing us thou hast not according to our deservings by our neglects of thy holy ordinance and sundry profanations of thy Sabbath made this day unto us as unto many others a day of dread and terrour of trouble and flight but a day of comfort an holy rest and refreshing to our bodies and soules in a peaceable and plentifull use of thy holy word and ordinance O good Lord continue thy goodnesse to us herein give us true repentance and reformation of all our lives forgive us our many sinnes and sundry ●ailings in our duties so sanctify our memories that wee may receive and our affections that we may readily obey thee according to thy holy will now declared in those portions of thy holy word which have this day beene opened unto us Lord who only givest the encrease to the planting and watring of those who faithfully labour in thy vineyard blesse that which wee have heard so that wee may walke in the strength thereof and give us a setled resolution to obey the same to submit our selves wholy to thy will and word to have our conversation so ordered thereby that sin may dye in us and the life of grace shew it selfe in an holy and sincere obedience of our thoughts words and ictions untill we come
not over thy minde to heavinesse and afflict not thy selfe in thine own counsell the gladnesse of the heart is the life of a man and prolongeth his daies Some mindes are like the sea which instantly turneth sweet showers into it own bitternesse because they indulge to impa●●ence pleasing themselves with that which tormenteth them but the wise in every affliction lift up their soules to God seeking comfort in him and to the consideration of the life to come where shall be no more curse 3 no more discontent but every heart shall be filled with joy A Prayer against Impatience and discontent O Lord God gracious and mercifull I humbly acknowledge thy fatherly goodnesse in measuring to me those corrections which my sinnes daily provoking thy justice most justly deserve and thy abundant mercy in sparing mee whom in thy severity thou mightest not only have made the most miserable of all men living but also of those afflicted souls which now suffer in the flames of hell Lord as thou hast in Christ shewed me this mercy so for his sake forgive me all my sinnes and lay no more upon me then thou wilt make me able to beare cheerfully neither suffer me fraile dust and earth for any trials to fall from thee but give a blessed issue out of every triall Good Father correct me not in thine anger neither chasten me in thy heavy displeasure lest I perish in thy fierce wrath let thy corrections breed in mee a true sight and loathing of all my sinnes a filiall feare to offend thee a fixed resolution to love and serve thee more carefully to this end I humbly pray thee give mee assurance of my justification by Christ's righteousnesse my atonement with thee and such peace of conscience as the world can neither give nor take from mee that I may love thee above all and be truely thankeful to thee for all thy mercies temporal and eternal proposing to my selfe and having ever in my heart the example of my Saviour assuring me that he that suffered such things for me will not suffer mee to faile in any trial Lord sanctifie mee by his good Spirit and all my afflictions to mee by him cast out of my soule all those sinnes and corruptions for which thou fillest me with bitterness let the summe and height of all my ambition be only to be thine give mee a prudent and contented heart in every estate and condition a faithful dependance on thy good providence in assurance that thou who hast promised wilt never faile me nor forsake me that in every affliction I may expect thy gracious deliverance give me patience and meeknesse of spirit that I may in the midst of all my troubles finde rest to my soule in thee let not my heart be fixed on any worldly desires but on things which are above where Christ my peace sitteth at thy right hand take from mee all impatience bitternesse of spirit diffidence and the secret murmuring of flesh and blood let thy good spirit the comforter dwell in mee to keep and counsel me in the greatest and in the least affairs and interests spiritual and secular with his joyful presence so to sweeten all those Marahs of afflictions which thy providence shall set in my way to the promised rest as that I may ever rejoice in thee and in every estate live cheerfully before thee until thou please to bring mee unto the fulnesse of eternal joies in thy blessed presence where thou wilt wipe all teares out of mine eyes make mee glad with the light of thy countenance and unite me to that triumphant society of Saints and Angels which sing their Halleluiahs to thee eternally through Jesus Christ my Lord and blessed Saviour Amen CHAP. XX. § 1. Of Hope § 2. Of Feare § 3. Of Cares § 4. Of Iealousie 1. HEe liveth not who hath no hope the childe hopeth to be a man the old man to live one yeare more the poore man hopes for wealth the sicke man for health the imprisoned for liberty the afflicted that it may be better to morrow Hope makes the husbandman sow the weary Palmer endure his tedious waies the swimmer to spread his tyred armes upon the death-threatning waves thus hoping and suffering takes up the whole life of man 2. But there 's great difference in hopes there is an humane vaine hope then which there is none more dangerous delusion in this world such hope is but the name of an uncer●aine good 't is a treacherous guide leading to desperate precipices the minde 's ignis fatuus dreame of waking men it was the tempters artifice first to assaile man's innocency with vaine hope grounded on a lying promise without this he could do nothing against us First he sheweth the forbidden fruit then sai●h in the day yee eate thereof yee shall be as Gods the vaine hope tooke unhappy man so he assailed the second Adam when he shewed him the Kingdomes and Glory of the world so still hee sheweth us false heavens to precipitate us into a true hell suggesting vaine hopes that he might bereave us of the true Who sinneth without some vaine hope whethe● the instance be in Cain's murder Amnon's lust Juda's treason or Achitophel's despaire the sinner hoped for some other proceed of his resolutions then he found in his acted sin The worst hope for some good but all in vaine the hope of the wicked must faile because God's Justice cannot Wee must expect because reason is provident and till Time's glasse be runne there must be something future all which seemeth good save what wee see through feare and doubting so flattering a liberty of hoping for himselfe hath every man specially yong men who having least acquaintance with the falshood and constant inconstancy of the world relying much on hope and little on memory promise themselves great things but when the wicked sing requiems to their soules sudden destruction is upon them by so much more terrible by how much lesse suspected The hypocrite● hope shall perish their hope shall be sorrow of minde Job 11. ver 20. Confidence in an unfaithful man in time of trouble is like a broken tooth and a sliding foot And truely such is confidence in an evill conscience however it may seeme to have made thee a covenant with death and an agreement with hell it will deceive thee However it promise long life and strength in an arme of flesh and the vain counsells of men raising thy hopes to high ●lights they are but dreames of deluded men breaking in the midst of their course giving thy minde dangerous strapadoes by carrying it up to cast it down from such heigth to make the fall more desperate How often do despairing wretches wish they had never hoped when the vaine shewes thereof like Pharoahs chariot wheels there fall off where they are most deeply engaged between floods of returning miseries 3. There is an hope of the righteous which faileth not
that we may know him and feel in our souls and consciences the comfortable power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death in the mortification of all those corrupt and sinful affections which continually resist the working of thy regenerating spirit in us O Lord our God being deeply sensible of our own disability to save or helpe our selves wee ●ast all our care and confidence of present protection preservation and future salvation on the merits of thy son Christ Jesus in assurance that thou art faithful who hast promised as by him to save us so through him to hear and help us in all our wants and distresses O Lord God of trueth and mercy who hast commanded us to aske and promised to grant accept our obedience and confidence in asking and according to thy trueth grant our requests in forgiving all our sinnes and giving us all those blessings which thou knowest needful for us that wee may serve thee cheerfully sanctifie our bodies and soules to thy service that in them both wee may cleave to thee please thee and rest assured by the testimony of thy holy spirit and the powerful working thereof in us that thou hast sanctified called and elected us to life everlasting Lord give us experience of thy trueth which never failed give us lively and justifying faith to apprehend Christ Jesus and all his merits give us perseverance therein that no trials of life or death may ever separate us from thy love nor any powers of hell be able to overthrow our confidence therein And now O Lord our God who makest the out-goings of the morning and evening to praise thee wee humbly thank thee as for all thy mercies and favors spiritual and temporal continually poured out upon us in our election creation redemption calling from the kingdom of darknesse our sanctification preservation from daiely imminent dangers of body and soule our liberty peace health and all those temporal necessaries for the comfort sustenance of us and ours which thy fatherly providence hath bestowed upon us so also for that it hath pleased thee to preserve us this night past from the powers of darknesse terrors of night and all the ovils thereof Lord continue thy mercy to us safely brought to the begining of this day the day is thine the night also is thine thou hast prepared the light and the sunn● O Lord our refuge let no evil befal us this day let not any plague come neer our dwelling give thine Angels charge over us to keep us in all our waies that wee may in nothing displease thee as thou hast put away the late darknesse which covered the face of the earth and waters by the comfortable appearance of this great light which thou madest to govern the day that men may follow their several labours therein so blessed Father of lights cause the sunne of righteousnesse Christ Jesus to arise on every one of our hearts thence to chase away the remainders of ignorance darknesse of minde and unbeliefe to open our eies that wee sleep not in death to enlighten us with a sound knowledge of all the mysteries of eternal life and salvation that we may arise and shake off the dangerous security in sinne and conscionably walk with thee who hast called us to thy kingdome that we may please thee being fruitful in every good worke encreasing in the knowledg● of thee strengthned to all patience and long suffering with joyfulnesse and thankfulnesse for that thou hast made us partakers of the inheritance of thy saints in light that wee may walke worthy of the vocation wherewith we are called with all holinesse and meeknesse love and charity toward all men endeavouring to keep the unity of the spirit in the b●nd of peace so labouring in our several callings as being ever careful first to seek thy kingdome and the righteousnesse thereof in assurance that so all temporal necessaries shall be administred unto us in all our endeavours expecting the blessing from thee without which it is but lost labour to rise early late take rest eat the bread of carefulnesse and deprive our souls of ease Blesse all the creatures to us this day make them good and prosperous unto us direct us so in all our thoughts words and actions that wee may glorifie thee preserve a good conscience and give an example of holinesse to those with whom we converse that in nothing the trueth of religion with which thou hast blessed us be evil spoken of through our failings but that we may by our integrity stop the mouths of all adversaries and adorn the Gospel by walking unblameably toward all men and sincerely before thee ever remembring that of all our thoughts words and actions we must give a strict inevitable account at the dreadful day of judgment now kept from the knowledg of all men that they may every day live as if it were their last keeping a constant and careful watch in exspectation of that houre which shall come like a theefe in the night wherein thou wilt assuredly bring to light things hid in darknesse and make the counsels of all hearts manifest judging every man according to his workes Neither pray wee for our selves only but wee also beseech thee for thy whole Church and all thy distressed servants whether their afflictions be in body minde or estate comfort now and in thy good time enlarge all prisoners and captives which suffer for or with the testimony of a good conscience Lord God of all consolation assure them that when thy will and work is done in them thou wilt shew thy self their gracious deliverer and comforter Lastly we pray thee O Father of mercy blesse this family wherein by thy providence we are blesse us all from the first to the last with all those whom thou hast made neer unto us prosper us O Lord and our endeavours upon us feed us with bread of our stature that which thou knowest necessary and convenient for us give us a faithful dependance upon thy fatherly hand which never leaueth them destitute who trust in thee give us a prudent holy and thankefull use of all those good things which thou hast bestowed upon us that thou maist be pleased to continue thy mercy and providence over us give us contented mindes free from covetousnesse and distracting cares in assurance that thou wilt never forsake us and good Lord as thou art pleased to adde this day to our transitory lives so adde that grace to this day which may direct and guid every one of us in our bodies and souls that we may spend it and the remainder of our daies to thy glory and the comfortable assurance of our consciences before thee so that having our present conversation in heaven and walking with thee in sincerity of heart when these fleeting daies are ended we may live with thee in thy kingdome of glory through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen A Short Evening Praier O
yesterday or are to day precipitate hours by their succeding moments pass with the flight of a thought quickly changing us from secure youth to solicitous age which stealeth on with so slie a foot that like the remoter lights of heaven in their vast orbes the speed of their motion is not so much perceived passing as passed away and so wee become old before wee have well composed our youth or thought of age like men sailing wee make our port sleeping and waking as the Prophet said of Ephraim Strangers have devoured his strength and hee knoweth it not yea gray haires are here and there upon him yet hee knoweth not Truely the age of man is but of a short date as the flowers beauty of few houres continuance will wee nill we wee grow old and that which David once said 1 Sam. 20. there is but a step between me and death the strongest in every age may truely There is some little difference between the yong and the old which as little time will take away the old decrepid man was a flourishing youth not long since and the young man must quickly be old the end evens all whether the last yeere of Methusalah's long-spun life or of the dying infant which like those water sourses rising neer the sea and by a short and speedy course rendring themselves into the bitter depths again whether the long lasting Patriarcks before the flood or the now epitomized lives of men in this worlds senio which like Winter's sunnes but rise shew themselves above the horizon creep a low course quickly set againe exchanging the short day for a long-some night all comes to one invariable conclusion at last hee dyed Vain and fraile life of man on which wee set so high a rate there 's nothing long in the longest life of man nothing lasting in which there is something last which being come that which was is eternally past that which wee call old age is but the circuites of a few yeeres surrendring to death 3. Death hath three messengers to arrest and Sub poena up to that high court whence there 's no appeale chance or accident infirmity and old age The first telleth of doubtfull things the second of grievous the last of certain No man is secure of one houre to come death cometh to the young man like Recha● and Baana to Ishbosheth about the heat of the day to slay him insidiis but to the old man aperto marte there by ambush here with displayed banners flying colou●s so that it concerneth all the living to be prudent in not sleeping without oile in their lampes least the Bridegroom coming in an houre they dreame not of while they endeavour too late a preparation the door be shut and they knock in vain Being here to lay down some directions and comforts against the sorrowes and evils of age I shall consider 1. What must be done for prevention or where the foundation of an happy age must be layed 2. How the evils of age may be lessened 3. Or how more patiently born 4. How they may be used to the good of the aged 1. For the prevention of evils incident to age wee must lay the foundation in youth it is a good rule in thy youth study to live well and in thy age to dye well The vices and distempers of youth deliver up a surfeited body to age whereby they not only incommodate but dishonour it with the faults of youth making it not onely heare evill as wretched unhappy and contemptible a burthen continuall disease and worse then death but also to be so in respect of the decayes paines and aches and specially the conscience of an ill-spent life but for these age hath often a capacity of health sufficiency of strength and solidity of comfort as appeareth not only in Moses whose eye was not dim nor his naturall force abated at the age of 120 years Deut. 34. 7. but also Joshuah's defectlesse strength Josh. 14. 10 11. at 85. and in the cheerefull health of divers moderne examples of temperance wherein it is a more happy part of life then youth which at best is not far from if not in danger of mischievous incentives to sinne for what good man ever doubted but that an holy reformed age is incomparably better then a vitious youth and who seeth not the way in consideration hereof to make the age which greiveth them more blessed then that which did vainely delight them 2. Set the Lord ever before thee and remember thy Creator in the daies of thy youth then recken that thou maist quickly provide for it by the studies of young men you may probably conjecture what fruits they will beare in age if they be not blasted they that would make their provision by gathering Manna went out betimes the scorching sunne once rising all was gone happy are they as I noted that have a grave Lois and an holy Eunice to season their tender yeares with knowledge of God before the heat of corrupted youth which permitteth not the dew of heaven to lye upon the heart 3. Suspect thine own judgement many had been happily wise had they not by too early an opinion thereof anticipated that fruit and thought themselves such before they were so youth is the age of folly and precipitate errour which few discover untill they are past it it is the age of vaine hopes and overgrown confidence so dangerous that it hath not only subverted some persons and families but States and Kingdomes as Israël found in Rehoboams young Counsellors The Hebrews expresse a young man by a word which in the root importeth an ●eadlong falli●g into any thing the opinion of selfe ability and daring ambition to rule the day hath too often set the World on fire 4. Be thou as circumspect as a man considering the dangers he is to passe or perish in them the Prodigall had many dangerous companions power of himselfe his estate in his hand company of enticing harlots place farre from his fathers sight none but trustlesse strangers to advise him but the worst of all was his youth without which all the rest could not have hurt him youth is neere dangerous falls easy to be transported with pleasures then which there are no more dangerous Sirens or capitall mischiefes they are Lusts panders Treasons brokers universall incentives of all impiety which could never be hatched did they not bewitch the unhappy actors with some pleasure pleasures are unconsistent with vertues monarchy they blind reason and pervert the will they are counsailes enemies and the affections corrupters no wonder that M. Curius wished that the Samnites and their enemy Pyrrhus could have been given to pleasures that they might the easier have been overcome how pernicious a dreame is it of those who think young men may securely indulge to their genius walk
179. l 11. had perished 204. l. 8. strings of musi●all ib. l. 23. therefore 1 in every ib. l. 26. ease of sorrows 213. l. 1. ha●e some remission 216. l. 6. so Haman 229. l. 12. in any creature may be defeated p. 246. l 4. who cannot give 249. l. 24. his posterity ib. l. 29. repaire 252. l. 11. the same spe●ch as reason 259. l. 12. seasonable 260. l. 16. his by just meanes 261. l. 31. themselves heires thereof 268. l 31. for or by any 273. l. 16. see thee impious 288. l. 19. there is compulsion 295. l. 19. to foment discord 296. l 14. with discretion 300. l. 18. did I desire a son 306. l. 33. or fatherly 307. l. 6. is no easier The prudent Reader may be pleased to amend other light slips and mispointings as the sense requireth A GVIDE TO THE HOLY CITY c. CHAP. 1. Concerning the necessity of a Christians aiming at a right end in all his actions 1 THere is an end of every action and intention which as the rudder of the ship though it come last is first purposed and guideth ●he whole course 2 By the instinct of Nature every thing worketh to some end which shewes is the perfection thereof to which what ever is not conducing is uselesse especia●ly reasonable creatures who have Will and Preëlection among them they propose to themselves more divine and excellent ends of their desires and actions who understand the cheife good to be attained true and ●ternall blessednesse in Christ are regenerate and repaired by the holy Spirit and wisdome of God 3 In every undertaking propose some certaine end and before thou enterprise examin that diligently run not on at adventure as children use in some unknown path till they loose themselves but carefully look to what end the way thou takest ●eadeth thee consider seriously what danger or profit is therein who knowes not that the end of sin cannot be happy because there remaineth something after it And that the end of the just man shall be peace at last The cause why so many run the broad way to destruction and so few the strait to eternall life must principally be want of a due forecasting what will be the end of that they doe fixing their hearts on the present evill which pleaseth them they regard not the misery which followeth their tasting the forbidden fruit but for its sake wilfully shut their eyes against their dangers or seeing and thinking them much lesse or the recovery more easie they desperatly venture in vaine hope of repentance and pardon and on the other part beeing too sensible of the difficulties which beset the way to heaven they doe not enough consider their future blessednesse and therefore either faint in their trialls their heart saying with prophane Esau Lo I am almost dead what is then this birthright to me Or doting on this world resolve to settle their affections hereon this is the Jazer and Gilead which they would were their portion 4 The supreame and best end of all is Gods glorie into which ocean all desires and actions of the reasonable creature must emptie themselves subordinate hereto is the true blessednesse of the elect in the fruition of God the fountaine of all good in the life to come which naturall men mistaking sought in pleasures riches and such things as the world adoreth whereas indeed all those things if they could have met in one man should have come as short of making him truly happy as the intended top of Babel would have been from landing the builders in heaven 5 The way to this end is true holinesse that is faith ad obedience the end of the Commandement without faith apprehending Christ for our justification no workes are more acceptable to God then Cains sacrifice the sacrifice of the wicked Whatsoever is not of faith is sinne And without obedience there is no justifying faith Faith without workes is dead it saith as once barren Rahel give me Children or I die 6 That which we are to beleeve and obey is the infallible truth of God the first and second trueth God and his oracles and his will concerning our salvation sufficient to make a man wise there to revealed in his word the word and testimonie of man may be the ground of opinion which is of things probable but faith can stand on nothing but the word of God which is infallibly certaine and can have no falshood in it because he cannot ly this is contained in the bookes of the Old and New Testament this is a sure word 2. Pet. 1. 16. 19. for it was indited by the Spirit of God 2. Tim 3 16. 2. Pet 1 21 the same is the rule of obedience like the clowdie Pillar leading Israël into their promised rest Num 14 14 and the star to lead the wise men to Christ Math 2 9 whosoever will be saved must follow this guid hee that walketh without this g●eth like those Israëlites Num 14 40 to the Mountaine of the Canaanites to their own destruction for the Lord is not with him 7 That which is the object of faith is comprehended in the Creed which is the summe of the Gospell our obedience to God is set downe in the Law the summe whereof is love to God and to our neighbours Luk 10 27 28 The Prayer MOst gratious and most holy Lord God who dwelling in unaccessible light of Majestie and glory hast yet been pleased to manifest thy infinite power and unsearchable wisdome in all thy creatures especially those who thou hast created to thine own image to praise and glorifie thee in their eternall participation of thy divine blessednesse Give us true wisdome to consider the end for which thou hast made us make us truely understand that thy glory is incomparably better then all the creatures and our salvation then all the world Lord open our eyes that we sleep not in death let not the transitory dreames of this present life beguile us let not the malitious temper so prevaile upon our infirmities as ●o cause us s●curely to run on in the easie way to destruction but gratious Lord as thou hast appointed the end our eternall life so be pleased to dispose the meanes which may lead us thereto Thou canst as easily make us holy as command us to be so Lord therefore make us such as thou hast commanded us to be make us faithfull to beleeve in thee and obedient to serve and please thee as thou hast in thy great and tender mercy given thy holy word to be a light and true guid unto us so blessed Lord give us of the same spirit by which it was endited which may lead us into all truth and holinesse and these daies of sinne being ended into that holy and blessed inheritance which thou hast prepared for all those wh●m thou hast elected to eternall
life and salvation through JESUS CHRIST our onely Saviour and Redeemer to whom with thee and the holy Ghost be all honour and glory ascribed in heaven and earth henceforth and for ever AMEN CHAP II. Of Religion and Faith § 1 Of true Religion wherein it consisteth § 2 Of Faith and those things which concerne the same THere is no nation so inhumane and barbarous but it pretendeth to some religion and worship divine Satan cannot put out all the light of conscience still there is a slender remainder which sheweth the very wicked that there is a God therefore he hath ever laboured to beguile men with false religions or corruptions of the true 2 True Religion is the right worship of the true God in imitation of his holinesse all other worship not agreeing with his revealed will is profanation and irreligion this is life eternall to know God and whom he hath sent Jesus Christ. He that will with such knowledge come unto him must beleeve that he is no man hath seen Gods essence that is greater then any finite apprehension so that we walke by faith not sight and therefore Christ when he had assumed a visible nature for the worke of our redemption would not long be conversant on earth in his publike ministry that our salvation might not be in sense but beleeving and blessed are they which have not seene and have beleeved 3 Concerning faith these things are considerable 1. What it is 2. Whence it is 3. Whose it is 4. How necessary it is 5. How excellent it is 6. Of what measure it is 7. What we must doe concerning it 8. What is the object thereof 1 Faith is the evidence of things not seene and the substance of that we hope for it is a grace and guift of Gods spirit whereby we assent to the word of God and apply the promises thereof to our selves it cannot be forced it is wrought in our minde by perswasion not compulsion faith is by hearing this is the unchangeable rule thereof one and the same forever 2 Faith is the worke of Gods spirit in us applying the promises bearing witnesse with our spirit that we are the children of God opening the hearts of hearers to the word preached and Sacraments administred Paul may plant and Apollos water but except God give the encrease who shall beleeve their report The naturall man perceiveth not the things of the spirit neither can he without a spirituall eie they shall seeme foolishnesse to him so that Paul and Apollos are but the ministers by whom we beleeve as the Lord gives to every man 3 All have not faith many talk of it and professe it but as the heathens among the multitude of their Gods made Faith a Goddesse and were farre from beleeving in God faith here intended is the White stone with a new name written which no man knoweth save he that receiveth it a peculiar of the elect as many as were ordained to eternall life beleeved the seale and earnest of the spirit of promise therefore though we are taught to say our father give us forgive us yet in profession of our faith we say I beleeve in God c. we must pray one for another but every man must beleeve for himselfe 4 The necessitie of faith appeareth in that 1 the just shall live by it Heb 2. 4. 2. By faith onely we are justified Rom 3. 28. 3. Without Faith it is impossible to please God whatsoever is not of faith is sin 4. God hath appointed this meanes for us to take hold on the merits of Christ that we may be saved 5 The excellency of faith is in that it apprehendeth that is Christ and in him the unspeakable treasure of Gods mercy peace of conscience reconciliation with God remission of our sinnes indemnity from the guilt and punishment thereof justification sanctification in fine all things which concurre to the accomplishment of an happy man it is the rocke against which the gates of hell shall not prevaile the shield against the spirituall enimie it stiled Abraham Gods freind and us his sonnes it is the sanctuary of a troubled spirit the first fruits of the heavenly Paradise the effect and cause of illumination the eye which enlightneth the conscience if we beleeve we shall understand commendable is that faith which beleeveth that all the word of God is true and to be obeyed before it understandeth the particulars faith made Noah an Arke to preserve mankinde in gave Abraham possession of Canaan it hath subdued kingdomes wrought righteousnes obtained the promises stopped the mouthes of Lyons quenched the violence of fire delivered from the sword made men strong of weake and valiant in battle it is the doore keeper of heaven it lets in the thee●e from the crosse the Bathsheba which can have no repulse Whatsoever yee aske if yee beleeve yee shall receive it it is in effect all the world all things are yours the world and life were made for the Saints it is that one thing with which we have all things without which nothing it giveth us confident entrance to God and salvation of our selves through Jesus Christ. 6 The measures of true faith are divers yet sufficient to every one to salvation as 't is written he that gathered much had no superfluity and he that gathered little had no want In all ages God gave some great and eminent measures of faith as to the Prophets Apostles and Marty●s not that they should by their greater faith obtaine greater salvation then we who have received a farre lesse measure but because God appointed them to encounter greater tryalls to his honour and that the example of their constancie might be helpfull to our infirmitie as in the body of man there are veines sinewes flesh and bones to strenghthen all these not that the bones have more life then these so is the mysticall body of Christ 't is certaine that weake faith may lay sure hold on Christ and therefore be a saving faith yea the power of God is perfected in mans infirmitie to conclude it is not the merit of faith but of Christ apprehended by faith which saveth us so God crowneth his owne gifts in us 7 We must 1 examine our faith 2. Use the ordinance of God for the attaining it as hearing the word and receiving the sacraments praying c. They best know what need we have of frequent examination of our selves herein who are deeply sensible of their owne wants to them who are deluded with false lights tentations of security there appeareth no want either of faith in them selves or examination of their faith That we may examine profitably we must knowe there is a common faith which reprobates may have and it is
to the people in scorne and di●ision the chiefe Priests and Officers lead the peoples suffrages ringing out their crucify him crucify him Pilat startled as by his dreaming wives admonition so more at their mentioning his being the sonne of God goeth againe into the Pretory reexamineth him seek●s to deliver him yet for feare of complaint to Caesar so powerfull an adversary to good conscience is the love of this world against his often acquitting him as innocent he once for all condemneth him us guilty and delivereth him to the popular rage to crucifie him 8 They lead him away bearing his Crosse to Golgatha the place of skulls called also Calvarie where some thinke Adam was buried but others are of a contrary judgement One thing is certaine it was the area damnatorum and place of execution and it is most likely that Gods providence so disposed that he should there be crucified as there to set up the Trophe of his victory on the Crosse in that where sinne and the punishment thereof had abounded in the execution of notorious malefactors grace should manifest it selfe in his suffering there and that most ignominious kinde of death so also that he might take away the curse from the elect so suffering and that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Prophet he made his grave with the wicked and was counted with transgressours Isai 53. 9 12. this place was without the city having a resemblance of that which was to come that is that the maine benefit of his passion was not to be shut up in Jerusalem but to be derived also to the Gentiles who were without so he suffered in the place of sinners that it might import his suffering for sinners other moralls the Apostle openeth as to teach us to goe out of our carnall affections and love of the world to Christ and so he shewed himselfe the only satisfactory sacrifice prefigured in all the legall sacrifices whose bodies were burnt without the gates of Jerusalem Here they crucified him betweene two theeves the one converting the other dying in his obstinacy having so done they parted his garments among them and cast lots for his seamelesse coat thus was fulfilled that of the Psal 22. 18. Jesus commended his mother to John thirsting they gave him vinegre to drinke as was also foretold Psal 69. 21. having received that he said it is finished that is all the types have their meaning accomplished and the justice of God is satisfied so bowing his head he gave up the ghost 9 The certainty of his death appeared when the ●ouldiers comming to breake the leggs of the other two finding him already dead they spared him that the Scripture might be fulfilled which saith a bone of him shall not be broken but pierced his side with a speare so that blood and water came out At this time the Sunne was darkned so fearefully that some are said to have concluded that either the Godhead suffered or sympathized with that which did so The vaile of the Temple rent to shew the way into the holiest made manifest and that the stop or middle wall of partition betweene Jewes and Gentiles is taken away The stones clave in sunder the graves opened the earth trembled And after his resurrection many of the dead Saints arose and were seene in the holy city to shew that in his death death was conquered and that the vertue of his resurrection should shortly after declare it selfe in the Saints rising from the death of sinne The Centurian seeing this acknowledged him the Sonne of God the multitude smote their breasts and returned home 10 Joseph of Arimathea begg's the body of Jesus takes it from the Crosse he and Nicodemus imbalme it put it into linnen cloaths with the spices and bury it in a new Sepulcher in a garden nigh the place the providence of God thus disposing to convince their malitious cavills who might pretend that either his resurrection was caused by the vertue of some other servant of God there formerly buried as one was at the touch of Elisha's bones or that it was some other rose againe not Jesus He was buried according to the Scriptures 1. Cor 15. 4. Psal 16. 10. thou wilt not leave my life in grave There were many witnesses thereof Joseph Nicodemus the women the Centurian with his band the Jewes sealing the tombe Thus he descended to the lowest step of his humiliation that he might follow death into the heart of his dominion and conquer him in his imperiall seat destroying as it were with his own sword the Goliah who had the power of death as it is written O death I will be thy plagues O grave I will be thy destruction that he might sanctifie our house of rest taking away the horrour of the grave the curse of death being abolished and the dead loosed from their bonds as shall appeare in the appointed houre We are next to beleeve the first degree of Christ's exaltation in that he rose againe from the dead the third day according to the Scriptures 1. Cor 15. 4 reckning the later part of the first day the second entire and the beginning of the third So Christ told his Disciples that he must goe to Jerusalem suffer many things of the Elders and be killed and raised againe the third day this was so publikely knowne before his death that his enemies remembred and spake of it so that this was the reason why they sealed up and set a guard upon the Sepulchre God so disposing that they should be made witnesses of the truth thereof who most opposed it which had they not beene they might with lesse impudency have said his Disciples came by night and stole him away The Angell testifying his resurrection referreth them to that he had told them before the type also agreeth as Jonas was three daies and three nights in the Whales belly so shall the Sonne of man be three daies and three nights in the heart of the earth so long he would lye in grave to manifest the truth of his death but no longer because he was not to see corruption and least the faith of his Disciples should by a longer delay have beene in hazard and lastly to fulfill his word concerning the same for the confirmation of our faith seeing his word concerning his own death and resurrection came truely to passe why should we doubt of the same word concerning our resurrection In this three daies the Deity was the middle band betweene the body and the humane soule that it might see corruption proper to sinners as before the humane soule was betweene the Deity and body in all he became a pledg of our incorruption and immortalitie in the life to come to consirme us herein he manifested himselfe to many after his resurrection by the space of forty daies See 1. Cor 15. 5.
Act 1. 3. Wee are next to beleeve his ascension into heaven the third heaven where God manifesteth his glory to the Angels and blessed spirits this was in the sight of his Disciples when he had sufficiently instructed them and confirmed them by his often appearing to them and conversing with them He ascended from the Mount of Olives neere Bethanie when he had lifted up his eyes and blessed them hee went apart from his Disciples and while they beheld was taken up and a cloud received him out of their sight to teach us no more to seeke him with carnall eyes The ancient Prophecies foretold this Psal 68. 18. Thou hast ascended up on high thou hast led captivity captive The high Priest entering into the holy of holies prefigured it It demonstrateth the Justice of God fully satisfied and our sinnes discharged Heb 9. 12. If any one sinne of the elect had beene unexpiated hee had still remained in death but he not only rose againe for our justification but is ascended into heaven the first fruits and earnest of our ascen●ion carrying up with him a portion of our flesh blood as it were to take livery and seison for us as he gave us the earnest of his Spirit thereby to make us secure of inheriting the kingdome of God Thus he declared himselfe the very Son of God who came from heaven ascending who before had descended from thence Eph 4. 10. Thus became he our faithfull high Priest to appeare before God for us to open to us the way to the holy of holies to prepare vs place and give us confidence against all Satans machinations Who shall condemne us It is Christ who is dead for us yea rather who is raised againe who also sitteth at the right hand of God and intercedeth for us which was prefigured in the high Priests bearing the names of the people engraven on the stones upon the shoulder of the Ephod for a m●moriall of the children of Israel which he was to beare before the Lord. Next we must beleeve that Christ now sitteth at the right hand of God the Father So Mark 16. 19. so was it foretold Psal 110. 1. Math 22. so the Scriptures evidently speak yet must we not with the foolish Anthropomorphites dreame that God is like man that he hath a right hand and a left this is a translatitious and borrowed manner of speaking sitted to our understanding God pleasing thus to descend to our infirmitie Men give honour by setting others at their right hand as Solomon set his mother 1. King 2. 19. but there is indeed no le●t hand or inferiour place betweene the Father and the Sonne all is equall he is neither lesse then the Father nor inferiour to him It is said at his right hand in respect of the order of divine power not humane honour God is not circumscribed in place nor hath the Deity any left hand ●importeth here a wonderfull exaltation to power authoritie and majestie so the Apostle expresseth it Phil 2. 9 He hath highly exalted him and given him a name above every name as also 1 Cor 15. 25. He must reigne till he hath put all his enemies under his fect It importeth an entrance into and full possession of his kingdome over all as he saith Luk 24. 26. Ought not Christ to suffer these things and so to enter into his glory So Act 5. 31. This Jesus hath God lifted up by his right hand to be a Prince and Saviour farre above all principalities and power and might and dominion and every name that is named not only in this world but also in that which is to come and hath put all things under his feet and gave him to bee the head over all things the meaning is that Christ doth actually reigne in heaven with the Father in infinite glory and majestie And this honour is thus peculiar to him that God the Father will governe all things by him and that because he onely and none other is able thus to performe all parts of King and Saviour of his Church yet must we know that in his severall acts the Father and holy Ghost unite and worke by him All serves to terrifie the enemies of Christ and obstinate sinners by his present power to destroy them could not malitious Haman prevaile against Esther and her allies because of her interest in the kings favour and shall the enemies of Christ and his ever prevaile against them And to comfort the afflicted could Joseph being exalted and set next unto Pharaoh in the kingdome of Egypt provide for all his Fathers family and preserve them in the famin and shall not Christ much more be able to save and deliver us in all our necessities when he was in his state of humiliation and forme of a servant who ever came unto him for helpe and went away unrelieved sicknesse lamenesse deafnesse blindnesse wants stormes devils death no difficulty could intercept his mercy shall we feare he hath lesse power or will to helpe and succur us now he sitts at the right hand of God in heaven no no make thy requests to him feare not he that hath had experience of our miseries is both willing and able to succour us t is he that helpeth our infirmities we know not what to pray us we ought our best prayers are dull and inactive but he is our faithfull high Priest to intercede for us When Adoniah knew he could not of himselfe prevaile he intreated Bathsheba to speake for him in assurance that the king would deny her nothing how much more may we be assured of attaining seeing we have such an high Priest if we draw neere with a true heart in full assurance of faith to the throne of grace by this new and living way Court friends like Pharaohs butler eftsoone forget the afflictions of Joseph but Christ can never he prayed that Peters faith might not faile him and professed I pray not for these alone but for them also which shall beleeve in me through thy word I have many times feared that I have cryed and lifted up my hands in vaine and effectlesse votes till I remember that my Saviour ●itteth at Gods right hand able to helpe how and when he knoweth best I want faith patience and the spirit of prayer but therefore hee is ascended up on high that he may give these gifts unto men and he will supply me he will keepe me from evill When he was in the forme of a servant the devill could not enter into the heard of Swine before he gained leave and shall all the powers of hell be able to hurt me while he now in the state of glory protecteth me he to whom all power in heaven and earth is given Lord only give me a faithfull heart to depend on thee and thy saving health and I shall not