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A54120 The Christian-Quaker and his divine testimony vindicated by Scripture, reason, and authorities against the injurious attempts that have been lately made by several adversaries, with manifest design to rendor him odiously inconsistent with Christianity and civil society : in II parts. / The first more general by William Penn ; the second more particular by George Whitehead. Penn, William, 1644-1718.; Whitehead, George, 1636?-1723. 1674 (1674) Wing P1266; ESTC R37076 464,302 582

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all that may be Necessary to be known therefore the Light is Insufficient The first will be answer'd by what I have already said the Reason being the same for the Sufficiency of the Light against such as charge it with Defect because they do not do what they should as against those who so impeach it because they do those things which they should not As for not knowing all that is to be known I deny it utterly For things are necessary in reference to their proper times That may be requisit to morrow which is not to day It is fit for Children to learn to read yet it is most necessary that they should begin to spell first If a School-Master should be charg'd with Insufficieney because he tells not little Children all that he knows as soon as he initiates them in the first Principles of Learning he would think himself unreasonably dealt with What must we then conclude but that the Master may be very capable were his Scholar so that if the Scholar observe and obey his Master he will increase in his Learning that the Defect of the Scholar should not be laid upon his Master that to tell or amuse him about things unsuitable to his present Capacity were the ready Way to overcharge and wholy Spoile him And Consequently that the Tutor not telling his Pupil all that is fit to be known at once implyes no Defect in or Ignorance of those things in the Tutor which to apply Scripturally in short thus If you do my Will you shall know more of my Doctrine I have yet many things to say but you are not able to bear them now In short If for a Man to say that the Light of the Gospel for so T. Hicks thinks Pauls was to be charg'd with Insufficiency because it discover'd not to every Believer all those ineffable things revealed to the Apostle would be both False and Antichristian to what an Extremity doth Tho. Hicks's Zeal lead him in his passionate Endeavours against the blessed Light of the Son of God as he is the Inlightner of Mankind who charges it with Insufficiency because it Reveals not to every Individual in every Age what HE shall ever know it self or shall be known in future times The Light then is not Insufficient though it tell not all at one time which may be a Duty to the End of the World especially in extraordinary Cases whilst it informs me or any Man of Daily Duty Yea the Light is Sufficient in Point of Discovery whilst it shews unto any Person something more then they do and which they ought to perform If T. Hicks will say and can prove that he is come to the Upshot of the Light 's Teachings that he has Learnt whatever it is possible for the Light of Christ to Teach him and yet is able to make appear that there is some thing further wanting he will prove himself not only above Men but God also who is the Fountain of all Light that searcheth the Hearts and tryeth the Reins of Men by the Inshinings of his manifesting Light and which as obey'd leads to God who is the Fulness of all Light and Life But indeed this Light is the Savour of Death the Wages of Sin to all that Rebel against it and the Savour of Life to those only who are Obedient to it For Such shall not walk in Darkness but have the Light of Life But whilst he pleads against a Sin-less State and shows so Sin-full an One in his Scribles let him cover his Face for Shame for all his Attempts against the Lights Sufficiency for in that State he shall never know the Life and Vertue of the Light To conclude If the Light be allowed to Manifest all things that are Reproveable then by the just Reason of Contraries should it be Sufficient to Discover all things that are Approveable with respect to Man's Faith Salvation and Duty If the Light tells it is Evil not to Believe in God it follows that to Believe in God is according to that Light Within And if it Reproves T. Hicks for being Passionate it consequently Teacheth him that he ought to be Patient If the Light Condemns Theft it necessarily Instructeth to Honesty If it Reprove me for doing my own Will it implies I ought to do his Will to whom I ow all and if it Reproves for Sin it Instructeth to Holiness without which none shall see God In short If it Manifest Reproveable Things to be such at the same time It Condemns them and Teacheth Things quite Contrary The Unfruitful Works of Darkness are judg'd by the Light that the Holy Fruits of the Light may appear ●…e were Darkness but now are ye Light in the Lord and The Reproof of Instruction is the Way of Life He that comes out of the Reproved Darkness walks in the Approved Light and who so answers the Holy Reproof unto Such is Sealed up THE INSTRUCTION OF THE WAY OF LIFE And this brings me to the third Property of the Light with respect to Men and that is It doth not only Manifest and Condemn Sin and discover and incline to Purity but as adhered to or rather that Principle which is this Light it is able in Point of Power and Efficacy to Redeem from Sin and Lead to a State of Highest Felicity I am the Light of the World said Jesus himself he that follows me shall not walk in Darkness but shall have the Light of Life In which it is very evident that The same Light which Manifests Darkness Redeems from it unto a State of Light and Life that is to say Those who confidently believe in Christ as he manifests himself a Light to condemn Sin in every mans Flesh whom he hath therefore illuminated and obediently follow the Holy Requirings and yield to the Heavenly Discoveries of that Blessed Appearance relinquishing the Pleasures of Sin which last but for a season and taking up the daily Cross such shall most assuredly find that Divine Principle which in reference to the Dark State of Men and that Discerning and Conviction it brings is rightly denominated Light to have also Power and Efficacy to Save from that which it manifests and condemns and to bring unto that Glory which it gives a true Revelation of For that same Word of God who is called the true Light that inlighteneth all Mankind is also the Life Power Wisdom and Righteousness of the Father in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and unto whom all Power both in Heaven and in Earth are committed who is Heir of all things who also said While ye have the Light for their Day of Visitation was almost over or as some Translations more truly have it While you have a little Light IN YOU believe or walk in it believe in the Light that ye may be Children of th●… Light Again I am come a Light into the World that whosoever believes in me should not abide in Darkness
its directing Men to the same Power of God for the subduing and bruising Satan under their Feet which in their own particulars they must experience whoever attain to Deliverance or Salvation from the Power of Sin and Satan As also God hath promised to make a New-Covenant with his People It s new not as opposed to the Light within as implying its waxing old but new as that the old Covenant without which the Jews broke was to decay and vanish this New-Covenant being a Covenant of Light Life and Peace a Covenant whereby he takes away and forgives Sin This they only have a Part in who obey the Universal Light of the Son of God within which no Way differs in Nature from the Covenant it self nor can it oppose the Ends of it but is a Light of the same Life and Fulness that is enjoyed in the Covenant or Agreement with God moving and conducing to the very same End and Agreement as ob●…ed and waited in and as the Jews outward had a Rule directory and Law in the Letter without though that alone could not give Life so the Jew inward hath his Rule directory and Law inward in Spirit which can give Life And this New-Covenant is the last Dispensation of God in Christ to Man wherein his Highest Spiritual and Saving Knowledge is to be received by all that truely obey his Light and though this be new as to his renewed glorious Discovery herein yet he who is the Life of this Covenant and given for a Covenant and Salvation is the first and the last the Rock of Ages whom God hath decreed to anoint or set up upon the Hill of his Holiness even the Holy Hill of Sion that he may subdue and rule the Nations and be the Salvation of God to the Ends of the Earth more abundantly to be manifest in these last Ages wherein his Church cometh out of the Wilderness and the Holy City New Jerusalem is discovered from Heaven as a Bride prepared for the Bridegroom and the Lord God and the Lamb as promised is the Light thereof and the Nations of them that are saved shall walk in the Light of this City and for this End is the Gospel made known and preached again after a long Night and Reign of Anti-Christ Beast false Prophet Dragon and Whore whose Judgment is revealed even against all the dark Whorish Spirits and Hypocritical Envieus Agents of Anti-Christ and Satan who do not only envy oppose and gain-say the Truth and undervalue the True Light as its an Universal Principle in man but also resist and strive against the Glorious Breaking forth and Discovery thereof in our Dayes for which the Lord will rebuke them and he that sits in Heaven hath them in Derision And all such Babylonish Builders and Envious Agents as divers of these Men called Anabaptists or Dippers now shew themselves to be whose Malice Madness and Folly shall be manifest to all Men why do they rage and fret and revile but because the Light is sprung up and the Over-spreading Day of God is broken forth who hath said as truely as I live all the Earth shall be filled with the Glory of the Lord Num. 14. 21. The Stone cut out without Hands that s●…ites the Image shall become a great Mountain and fill the Earth the God of Heaven is setting up his Kingdom which shall never be destroyed as is prophesied in Daniel Yea Truth is sprung out of the Earth which strikes at Satan's and Anti-christ's Kingdom and again bruiseth the Serpent's Head who hath lodged and covered himself under their empty Forms Shaddows and Liveless Professions as he did among the persecuting Jews of old The Lord hath lifted up a Standard against their Hypocrisie and Deceit who have been covering an Envious Spirit with a Pretence of Christianity And he is exalting his Gospel-Dispensation in setting up his Light above their Darkness his Power above their empty Forms the Substance above the Shaddow the Spirit above the Letter and his Worship in Spirit and Truth above Will-Worship in Hypocrisie At this Satan is offended and his Agents are angry These our present Opposers vent forth their Confusion Envy and Strife though it be against the Stream they are wearying themselves for very Vanity the Fire which they have kindled in their Envy against the Lord's Heritage wherein they are labouring shall devour them 1. These Anabaptists Babylonish Confusion greatly appears about the Light which is in every Man as Men whom Enmity hath blinded and whose Minds are alienated from it into gross Darkness Though the Controversie between us is not upon the Question Whether there be a Light or any Light in every man for thus far we both agree in the Affirmative but whether God hath given a Divine or Sufficient Light to every Man to shew and direct him out of Sin and Evil to God who is Light and the Giver of Light for Life and Salvation which we affirm but these Dippers deny especially such of them who are particular Electioners or Predestinarians whose partial Doctrine doth not really place the Cause of Men's Condemnation upon their Neglect or Disobedience of the Light given them but originally upon God's secret Decree against them and his with-holding saving Light or Grace from them as they both falsly and partially imagine however it s confest to be tendered to all in preaching the Gospel without Exception or Respect of Persons But under what Terms or Names do these our Opposers represent this Light which they confess is in every Man to prove it Insufficient either for a Rule or Guide to Salvation Sometime they call it a Creature sometime a Natural Light sometime the Substance of the Law or first Covenant which they grant ought to be improved Sometimes after a more gross manner they blasphemously represent it as a Mis-guiding Light directly opposing the Covenant of Grace and to be rejected but how well this agrees with its being a Light given of God to be improved surely sor a good End I leave to the Serious Impartial Reader to judge of which he may see further about in the following Answer to Thomas Hicks And as touching these Men's Envy against us called Quakers as being offended at our present Liberty and Prosperity H. Grigg endeavours to clear them in his Epistle to the Baptists not Babylonish by this Passage viz. I have not the least Enmity nor Hatred in my Heart against the Persons of any of these People called Quakers nor are we offended or troubled at their present Liberty as he seems to charge us though we cannot deny but their Principles and unsound Doctrines tend to the wounding and grieving of our Souls because we see daily more and more the dangerous and damnable Nature thereof Mark that while hypocritically they pretend to clear and quit themselves from having the least Enmity against our Persons or Offence at our present Liberty It appears they would be gratified or pleased if the Powers would do them
leavest out part of the Controversy between us whichw as thus viz. T. H. The Light in every Man cannot be the divine Essence in God for God is in Heaven and his Divine Essence is not communicable c. G. W. What is this but to deny the Omni-presence of God and to endeavour to confine him 〈◊〉 is Infinite and not limitable We ask if the Holy Ghost or the Eternal Spirit be not God And if this Holy Spirit be not communicable This Question in the Narrative T. H. is willing to wave as that which pinches him and thus does he reply to the Words before viz. T. H. Then it seems that the Lightwithin and the Omni presence of God is one and the same thing Is this your Champion a. 4. Answ. Thou scoffs but durst not answer God's Omnipresence divine Light and Spirit are inseparable God is Light whose Presence fills Heaven and Earth and upon whom doth not his Light arise And in what Country or People does not his Spirit come if an Infinite Spirit Whether shall I go from thy Spirit Or whether shall I flee from thy Presence Psal. 139. 7 8 9 10. His Infinite Spirit is not tyed up to a few Predestinarian Electioners who only conceit they are elected and saving Grace only free for them though in Vertue and Uprightness they be far short of many called Heathen who were a Law to themselves in Truth and Uprightness towards God and man Sect. III. The Baptist's Quarrel grounded on his Mistake about the Light and our Testimony of it T. H. THough it be granted that God is an Infinite Immutable and Perfect being will it therefore follow that every thing he created and communicated is his own being What man but a Quaker would dare affirm this Answ. Thou wrongst the Quakers as thou callst them its none of their Argument that because God is Infinite therefore every thing that he creates is so But because of his Infiniteness and Omni-presence he is near unto all men even shining in their Hearts But it is thy gross Error to take for granted that his Light in every man is Created See 2 Cor. 4. 6. God hath shined in our Hearts and that Christ that enlightens every man that cometh into the World is God in worshipping of whom we do not worship a Creature as thou falsly insinuates against us p. 6. But thou shewest thy self against the Light as an Agent of the Son of Perdition who exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the Temple of God shewing himself that he is God 2. Thes. 2. 4. Is not man this Temple of God by right And hath not this Son of Perdition or Mystery of Iniquity been exalted in Apostates above all that 's called God And what was that that was called God and that was worshipped above which this Son of Perdition exalted himself Was it not a Manifestation of the divine Life and Light And what was the Apostles Rule to try and reveal this Son of Perdition by when he wrought in a Mystery and as God did sit in the Temple of God shewing himself to be God Is it not the Day of Christ that reveals and so God himself that makes manifest this man of Sin And is not God then the Saints Rule to discover this Mystery T. H. Let me tell thee that thy Light is very imperfect forasmuch as it hath not yet instructed thee by what Name to call it whether Christ or only a Measure or Gift of Christ p. 6. Answ. Thou hast wronged my Light sor God is my Light and my Salvation and Christ is my Life and Light who is perfect and this Christ we preach as the Light of the World that enlightens every man that comes into the World though we do not say that he is revealedly or manifestly the Light in every man or by Way of Union nor yet that Christ considered as thou describes him p. 11. as to his outward Birth and Person is in any much less in every man Yet this hinders not but that as God or as with Relation to his divine Life and Light he is Infinite over all and through all and in all yet to those only revealed and united who truely obey and follow him in the Measure of his Light which is universally given unto Man-kind T. H. The Apostle did needlesly exhort the Corinthians to examine themselves whether Christ were in them or no viz. If he were in every man p. 7. Answ. Nay he bad them examine themselves whether they were in the Faith for saith he know you not your own selves that Jesus Christ is in you except you be Reprobates And if thy Mind were not reprobated and estranged from his Light in thee thou mightst know him revealed in thee But as Christ the annointed is a Mystery he is hid from thee and many more though his Light be in thee and others that is sufficient to reveal Christ and leave you without Excuse and to condemn you for Iniquity Sect. IV. Christ guides to Salvation by his Inward Light and the Baptist confounded in his opposing it T. H. I Grant that every man is enlightened has a Light in them but this doth not prove that this Light in every man is Christ nor yet sufficient of it self to guide to Salvation Christ is sufficient but I say the Light in every man is not sufficient p. 7. Answ. First If Christ hath given to every man a sufficient Light to leave them without Excuse as he hath then it is sufficient to guide and direct them unto Salvation for if they could justly charge this Light with Insufficiency for this end this would be an Excuse Secondly That Light which is sufficient to convince of Sin and lead out of it is sufficient to guide to Salvation but such is the Light of Christ in every man Thirdly God offers a good end to man in giving him Life and Grace Job 10. and this Grace tends to his Salvation if obeyed otherwise mans Destruction is of himself for his Disobedience and not Designed by the Lord in his giving him Life and Grace 4thly Thy denying the Light in every man to be sufficient to guide to Salvation is plainly enough contradicted by thee in thy confessing Christ to be the Life and Light of men p. 22. whose Life and Light is sufficient And for what end is his Light in every man given if not to direct unto Salvation Thou art not so ingenuous as to relate though thou both appealst to it and grantst it ought to be obeyed this will stand in Judgment against thee for thy false Judgment given against it in other Places as also what thou further acknowledgest viz. T. H. There is something within that checks for many Evils and excites to many good things and that I ought to shun those Evils and to do that good p. 8. Answ. If thou didst obey this something or Light within thus acknowledged
the Law in the Letter or as outwardly written And if this Immediate Light be not of a saveing Property what Light is And for what end is it given universally to Man-kind That they may be saved or onely to condemn them 2. Christ's enlightning all men as the Eternal Word and that with a spiritual Light flowing from himself as the Eternall Word Enlightening It is not with the Letter which killeth and Cannot give Life but with an Immediate Illumination or Influence of Light from himself which can both kill and make a live it hath both the Law or sentence of Death in it to the transgressor and quickning Vertue and Gospel in it to make alive to God and minister Life and Justification from God to them that truly obey it 3. This immed iate Light or Shining from Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word is neither the Letter of the Law nor created nor yet natural as Anabaptists use to say but as the Eternal Word enlightning man and the Life which was in him being the Light of Men is therefore a Light and Law which can give Life which the Law as in the Letter could not it being the Life it self that was in the Eternal Word H. G. The great Darkness of these Men who cry up Light and Power within this Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-Christ p. 31. H. G. Contradiction The Lord Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word enlightneth all Men this Light is the Substance of the Law the Candle of the Lord it doth convince of Sin p. 8. If Heathens follow it they would shine in just living the Work of Faith with Power I do mantain that Faith is required and must be wrought with Power in the Heart p. 15 16. G. W. Animad What horrible Blasphemy is it then to term our crying up the Light and Power of Christ within the Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-Christ and how plainly hereby confuted We have Cause to look upon those Heathens that follow the Light or Gift of God within to be more godly and better Christians then many of these Baptists H. G. Rep. Your Lyes and Ignorance I say the Darkness of these Men who cry up Light and Power within is great and I did say in p. 31. I should make appear this Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-Christ that is to say the Evil Doctrine and Principles of yours And do I contradict this in affirming there is a Light in all Men called the Candle of the Lord and in owning the Inward Work of Faith with Power upon the Heart c. p. 4. G. W. Answer Hath he not before evidently made their crying up Light and Power within the Character of the great Darkness and this the Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-christ You that understand Grammer and common Sence mark the Tenour of his Words and how he shuffles to cover this Blasphemy and Contradiction to his confessing that the Lord Jesus as the Eternal Word enlightneth all Men and this is our Principle though now he placeth the great Darkness Wile of Satan and Cheat of Anti-Christ upon our Doctrine and Principles without Exception concerning the Light within and thus still ensnares himself in his Confusion as also in one while affirming that this Light in Man is the Substance of the Law or first Covenant another while that it is the formed Spirit in Man Zach. 12. 1. which is called the Candle of the Lord as in his 9th pag. of his first Book Where note that by seeking to obscure his gross Contradiction before he is run into another viz. One while calling the Light of the Eternal Word in every Man The Substance of the Law of the first Covenant yea now the Ministration of Death or Letter that killeth from 2 Corrinth 3. 6 7. cited by him another while he calls this Light in every man A Spirit that God hath given or formed in Man you who can distinguish between the Law or Letter of it written in Table of Stone and the Spirit of Man Judge if this Anabaptist be not plainly contradictory to himself herein for is the Spirit of Man and the Law written both one and the same thing And while the Spirit of Man is confest to be the Candle of the Lord it s lighted by his Divine Word or Fire The Lord hath lighted my Candle II. The Sufficiency of the Light within to reveal God Christ c. HEnry Grigg again shuffles and beggs the Question thus viz. Do not you say that this Light which is in every Man that cometh into the World is God is Christ is the Holy Spirit or Blessed Comforter and a Saving Light and that it will convince a Man of every Sin and Transgression and lead into all Truth c. Answ. He here questions the things which in his 18th pag he affirms The Quakers speak of the Light within viz. That it is the Divine Essence the Lord Jesus Christ the holy Spirit c. But I ask him where or in what Book and page do the Quakers speak all this of that Measure or Gift of Light that is in every man he deals disingenuously in not citing our own Books and Pages for these Words that we might consider further thereof seeing the Stress of his Charge lies so much on them which though we assert it to be a divine Light of God and Christ and holy Spirit which are one and omni-present filling Heaven and Earth over all and through all God unlimitted in his Presence which to man is an Enlightning Presence yet God and Christ is not revealed in all for he was in the World and the World was made by him and the World knew him not yet his divine Light or immediate Shining in Man is manifest by measure or Degrees as man is capable to receive it the least degree whereof is saving to them that obey it and tends to direct and draw Man towards God who is the absolute and alone Saviour and he and his Light in men are inseparable whose Salvation is manifest by degrees as his Light or Grace in man's Heart is which hath taught us to wait and to look for that blessed Hope and the glorious apprearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ. The Measure or Manifestation of this Light and Grace which immediately directs and leads to this Appearance of the great God and our Saviour must needs therefore be saving And because God or his Son in his infinite Fulness and Knowledge as in himself cannot be contained in man in that the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain God it follows not therefore that the Measure and Manifestation of his Light in Man is not convincing sanctifying or saving whilst it is confest to be a Light or Illumination of Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word enlightning all Men and Women If the infinite Fulness or Giver of this Light cannot be contained in Man yet God hath promised to tabernacle with Men and to dwell in them it follows
the Permission of Sin another to commit it between God's fore-ordaining the Sin and the actual Commission of it came in the Will and wicked Hands of Men The Will and these wicked Hands were the Author and Cause of Sin and not God's fore-Ordination Answ. How S. S. can clear himself from rendering God to be the Author of Sin while he accuseth him of determining or fore-ordaining the wicked Actions of these Men of fore ordaining the Sin let the unbyas'd Reader judge whether this be not an Unjust Charge against God And I ask Did God determine and fore-ordain the Wicked Actions of Men and yet warn and counsel them to turn from Iniquity What Inconsistency is this How will these hold together Doth not God first counsel and desire the 〈◊〉 before he lets them alone and gives them up to their Lusts and Hardness to Work their own Ruin How like the Ranters Principle that all Actions are of God and by his Power is it to say in these general Expressions That God hath determined or fore-ordained the Actions of wicked Men For then how should they reform as he counsels them by his Light in their Consciences and what need of Reforming what God hath fore-ordained But how contradictory to this Fore-ordination of wicked Actions which the Man hath unjustly accused God with is his P●…rmission of Sin although he doth not alwaies permit Sin to go unpunished yet in this we agree that the Will and wicked Hands of Men as acted by the Divel were the Author and Cause of Sin and the Commission of it and therefore not God nor any Fore-ordination of his for he hath fore-ordained his Son Jesus Christ to call Sinners to Repentance to offer Life and Salvation to all before he g●…ves up any to a reprobate Mind or to work their own Ruin S. S. to those he counts Elect saith You are now afraid sect 16 you have lost all for you have greatly fallen as did David * your Faith is even giving up the Ghost yet are you not fallen from Grace God hath not forsaken you Psal. 89. 30. Answ. Although I confess that in the Lord is plentious Redemption and Forgiveness to all that unfeignedly repent and turn from Iniquity yet as this Man placeth all upon a personal Election even David's Forgiveness and Redemption not so much taking notice of his Repentance Judgment and Terror that he under went under which David often asked God Forgiveness for his Transgression This pretended personal Election and telling Men they are not fallen from Grace when guil●…y of horrible Wickedness gives them a large Scope and gross Liberty to Sin and Wickedness if they can but in the first place conceit they are elect Persons and be but such Hypocrites as out-face their own Consciences and murder the Just Witness and evade the Conviction and Reproofs of Truth therein and be so self-confident as to perswade themselves they are not fallen from Grace when they have committed Adultery or Murther and acted as badly as Reprobates can do and then flatter themselves with that Imagination That Christ hath payed all their Debt and satisfied the Justice of his Father which they call vindictive for all their Sins past present and to come This is an easy way to make Hypocrites for them to continue in the Sin of Whoredom and other Abominations But this is too broad a Way ever to lead them to Heaven and the Wicked had not need thus to have their Hands strengthened in Sin nor thus to be encouraged in a course of Impioty by a Pretence of an Impossibility of falling from Grace seeing there is a just Man that perisheth in his Righteousness and then where shall the Wicked and Ungodly appear and what manner of Persons ought we to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness 2 Pet. 3. Will it avail Persons any thing before the Just God for a Company of daubing Hypocritical Priests to tell a few conceited Electioners Though you have fallen very foully as did David or into Adultery or Murther yet have a good Heart on it believe still you are elect Persons chosen and designed of God for Salvation from all Eternity you are not fallen from Grace when you are guilty of Whoredom and the like as if Grace had such a great Affinity with them in this their Wickedness A pleasant Doctrine for the Devil and his Children to feed upon as Hypocrites Whoremongers and abominable Workers who though as bad and filthy as those they count Reprobates yet do imagine that God respects their vile Persons Eternally to mak●… Choice of them only more then others who it may be ar●… not so bad as they as if they were such choice Jewels in their Filthiness which is no small Blasphemy and Reflection upon God thus to render him partially-indulgent to the Wicked and unequal in his Way towards Mankind as eternally to design such great Favour and Indulgence to a small part thereof which is as bad as the rest and inevitable Cruelty as eternal Wrathin Hell to the greater part thereof whereas all Mankind in general is God's Workmanship by Creation all made of one Earth one Blood c. surely he is no such Respecter of Persons As concerning God's Covenant with David and his Seed sect 17 Psa. 89. It is said His Seed also will I make to endure for ever and his Throne as the Dayes of Heaven If his Children for sake my Law if they break my Statutes then will I visit their Transgressions with the Rod and their Iniquity with Stripes nevertheless my Loving Kindness will I not utterly take from him I ask From Whom Was it not David that is beloved who as he entered into Covenant and Agreement with God he was his Servant anointed with the holy Oyl There remained a true and tender Seed in him which the Name Beloved most properly related to though the Man passed through great Judgment and Tribulation he obtained Forgiveness and God had such regard to him for his own Name and Seed sake and the Sincerity that had a Root in him that his Children fair'd the better in some respects for his sake 1 Kings 11 12. howbeit this proves not that all the Seed of David after the Flesh kept their Covenant with God or stood in his Grace so as not at all to fall from it for however God for a time retains Favour Kindness and Patience to Revolters who have tasted of his Grace and Power as very unwilling they should be utterly lost yet in departing from the Lord into Iniquity they do in themselves turn from and abuse his Grace not being stedfast therein with the Lord So that the Instance proves not that his loving Kindness did always continue unto such as run into Adultery Idolatry and Abominations and continuing in Rebellion after their many gentle Chastisements though the Lord is long suffering and keepeth Covenant and Mercy with them that fear him his Faithfulness fails not he is ready to fulfil the
perishing Vesture or decay'd Cloathing which for Man to be divested of can be no more Loss to him as to his immortal Being then 't is to the Wheat to dye bring forth much Fruit unto which Resurrection is applicable as well as to Man though not to the Sameness of Body And as it cannot unman a Man to put off his Old Cloathing that he may put on New no more can it annihilate our Spiritual Existences to have the Earthly Cloathing put off and dissolved but be to our far greater Advantage Glory to be invested with that Spiritual Transcendent Cloathing most Excellent House Eternal in the Heavens which State they only attain to who become Sons of God and of the Resurrection and desire Christ may be magnified in their Bodies here And furthermore from that Belief and Discovery I have received in the true Light of the Resurrection and future Rewards according to the holy Scripture I desire it may be minded that God commandeth all Men every where in their Day and Time to Repent because he hath appointed a Day in the which he will judge the World in Righteousness by that Man whom he hath ordained So that there will be a Day of Judgment Wrath and Perdition of the Ungodly unto which Day the Lord Knoweth how to Reserve the Unjust to be punished and this will be a Terrible Day to all that make Lyes their Refuge and reject the universal Call of God to Repentance And seeing that in the Great Day of the Lord a final Dissolution may be expected of all those things that are perishing and dissolvable even of the Heavens and the Earth and that they shall be changed what manner of Persons ought we to be here in all Holy Conversation and Godliness After T. H. hath vented his Blasphemous Out-rage against our Religion as before in his Catechism he impudently abuseth and bespattereth our Sufferings p. 75. where he thus questioneth viz. Tell me what it is that doth influence and prevail with you to Do and Suffer as you do And then he makes us thus to answer viz. Answ. What doest thou think it should be And then he thus proceeds Quest. May not the Satisfaction of your Wills and Lusts the Promoting your Carnal Interests be your chief Motive and Inducement And then he makes the Answer thus Answ. We deny the Flesh and the Lusts This is thy own Dark Imagination And then he proceeds again Quest. May not you live in and fulfil the Lusts of the Flesh whilst you deny it in Words since your Opinion denies any eternal Advantage to be reaped by Persons after Death in denying the Resurrection of this Body Must you not then have respect to something to be injoyed here as your Incouragement p. 75. Rep. The Malice Falsehood and Absurdity of these Forgeries against the real Intent and End of our Sufferings Thousands may testifie against and all Impartial Readers that know us and have beheld our deep Sufferings may perceive the Man's Envy Considering the great Number of our Friends that have dyed in Prisons and the many hundreds that have been ruined and spoiled in their Estates and Callings could these be either consistent with Lusts or carnal Interest and the many that have been banished and many Families undone besides the many that have been knocked down Bruised and Beaten in the streets and their Lives often hazarded and resigned up for Meeting in the Fear of God Could these things be endured for a Carnal Interest No No but meerly upon a Religious and Conscientious Account wherein we have eyed the Glory of God and our own Peace andfturue Happiness If we did not own any Resurrection eternal Advantage or Existences hereafter what should we suffer for we were of all men most miserable If we were of that Atheistical Opinion instead of chusing our Great Sufferings we should have chosen this viz. Let us Eat Drink for tomorrow we dye 1 Cor. 15. 19 32. It may be easily judged whether we are justly reflected upon or no as being influenced either to satisfie our Wills or promote carnal Interest or to fulfil the Lusts of the Flesh or obtain any temporal Injoyment here by our Losses Sufferings These gross abusive Slanders are so apparent that he that runs may read them being also manifestly detected by our apparently often resigning up our Estates Liberties and Lives also in Times of deep Suffering when we could see no publick Appearance of such as T. H. and many of his Brethren before the face of Persecution but then they could sculke creep into Corners and Obscure themselves and leave all the Burden upon u●… there being but a few Baptists that did suffer in the late Tryal sor their Religion or Consciences Though to give them their due a few of them have suffered Imprisonment some whereof have received the Benefit of our Labours among our Friends in a late General Discharge but the most cowardly and base-spirited among them are now most Quarrelsom against us and why They have lost Ground by their Carnal Policy in Obscuring themselves in Stormy Times which they are never like to regain but still to loo●…e more by Fretting and Struggling against us and therefore T. H. is offended that our Number should now augment though that he cannot hinder for the Hand of the Lord is in it And many having seen the Coldness of Baptists Zeal Night-Dipping and their Timorous Creeping and Securing themselves in Suffering Times as also the Emptiness and Dryness of their Religion Divers are aweary thereof And when they come among us to receive the Sence of God's Power then divers of the Baptist-Teachers do fret and are Angry eagerly besetting the Parties And in that God hath made our Sufferings effectual for his Name Truth sake for the drawing many after it T. H. endeavours in the Malice of Sathan to debase and render our Sufferings Odious saying He believes our Carnal Advantage is one grea●… Thing in our Eye And then he adds Quest. Though you may sustain some outward Losses yet whether you have not a Way to augment your Outward Gain by Loosing pag. 75. Reply He now questioneth that which before he saith he believeth as namely That Carnal Advantage is one great Thing in our Eye One Great Thing implyeth some thing else but What else he leaves no place for in what he hath concluded before to wit That we have regard only to something to be injoyed 〈◊〉 afterward he falsly rekons Carnal Advantages to be One great Thing in our Eye and then questions the Matter surmised and before believed by him as Whether we have not a Way to augment our outward Gain by Loosing and thus bewrayes his own Guilt Falsehood and Wickedness in his Traducing a People or whole Body of us and Reproaching our Conscientious Sufferings though it is known that Carnal Interest and Advantage is a great thing in the eye of divers Baptist-Preachers while they
Man in his own Image in the Image of God created he him From whence I draw this Argument That if Man was made in God's Image then because God is Light Adam must necessarily have had of the Divine Light in him and have been the Image of that Light so long as he walkt and remain'd in It Since no man walks in the Light but he becomes the Child of Light And as the Apostle Paul expresseth it of such as were converted to that Light they had once erred from Ye were Darkness but now are ye Light in the Lord That is Through Obedience to the Light of the Lord. For any man then to say Adam had not Light were to suppose his Innocent State to be that of Darkness and instead of and being God's Image who is and ever was and alwayes will be Light he would have been wholy ignorant of him in whose Image he is said to have been created II. This Moses directed the Children of Israel to when he in God's stead recommended and earnestly pressed the keeping of the Commandment and Word in the Heart as we read in Deuteronomy For this Commandment which I Command thee this day is not hidden from thee neither is it far off It is not in Heaven that thou shouldst say Who shall go up for us to Heaven and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it Neither is It beyond the Sea that thou shouldst say Who shall go over the Sea for us and bring it unto us that we may hear it and do it But the Word is very nigh unto thee in thy Mouth and in thy Heart that thou mayst do it See I have set before thee this day Life and Good and Death and Evil. From whence I cannot but observe these Three Things 1. That the Commandment and the Word are so called by way of Excellency and Preheminence to all written Commandments or Words 2. That this Commandment or Word is Nigh even in the Heart of Man it self none need plead Distance or Ignorance 3. That the Setting Life and Good Death and Evil was and could only be in the Light within since without the Light how could they have Seen it Set before them And that it was in their Hearts the Lord so set those States before them the Verse immediately follows that wherein the Word is by Moses argumentatively prov'd as well as affirm'd to be in the Heart of Man Now I hope it shall not be injuriously done of me and I know who will bear me out if I say This Commandment is that which David spoke of when he said The Commandment of the Lord is pure Inlightning the Eyes and this Holy Word the same with that Word which he said was a Lamp unto his Feet and a Light unto his Path and not an other Word then what Paul call'd the Word of Faith which he preach't by which the Just live consequently a Saving Commandment Word or Light it was and is to such as Believe and Obey it III. The next Scripture I will urge shall be this For thou art my Lamp O Lord for the Lord will Lighten my Darkness Now if God was the Light and Lamp of that Day to such as regarded the Light cerainly then they had a Light and such an one as was Saving too unless we should Blasphemously Deny God to be either a Light or a Saving One who is most certainly both IV. Wicked Men were not without Light to Condemn them as Good Men ever had Light to Preserve them They are of those that Rebel against the Light they know not the Wayes thereof nor abide in the Paths thereof said Job In which Passage it is very obvious that Wicked Men have Light otherwise it would have been utterly Impossible for them to have Rebell'd against it Nay against THE LIGHT implying that it is the same Light in Nature with that which Righteous Men are guided by answerable to another Emphatical Passage in the same Book of Job Is there any Number of his Army and UPON WHOM DOTH NOT HIS LIGHT ARISE Certainly this Universality strongly pleads on the behalf of our Belief of the Light And if our Adversary would but venture to let it come close to his Conscience I cannot be so Uncharitable as to think he should not make some Acknowledgment to its Universality antecedent to the Coming of Christ. I omit to say much of its Efficaciousness at that time though one would think that Light alwayes gives to Discern a Good Way from a Bad one referring it to another place Only I shall observe how that Job expresly tells us and that when he was in his deep Troubles of Spirit O that I were as in Months past in the Dayes when God preserved me when his Candle shined upon my Head and when by his Light I walked through Darkness where it is most apparent that Job attributes his Salvation from the Darkness which stands both for Sin and Affliction unto the Light wherewith God had Inlightned him And certainly It had been utterly Impossible for those weighty things that are deliver'd in that Book of Job as well from others as from Job to have been known had not they been Inlightned and received very great Discoveries from that Light and Candle of the Lord in their Hearts For in all the whole Book I find not one Verse expresly cited out of any other Writings but what purely proceeded from Immediate Impulse and Inspiration of the Almighty which sayes the same Book gives Men Understanding V. To this Doctrine David was no Stranger who so very often commemorates the Light and the Divine Excellencies of it some few places I shall mention of those many that I might offer The Lord is my Light and my Salvation whom shall I fear the Lord is the Strength of my Life of whom shall I be afraid This weighty Passage of the Prophet is a lively Testimony to the True Light wherein David confessed what John call'd his Evangelical Message viz. That God is Light Next that not only God is Light but which doubtless was most of all to his Comfort HIS LIGHT The Lord is MY Light and MY Salvation As much as if he had said Because the Lord is become my Light I have known him to be my Salvation or him by whom my Salvation hath been wrought In short thus That God is My Salvation as he is My Light or as I have Obey'd the Lord My Light I have witnessed Salvation O! that such Professors of Religion in whom there is any Moderation would but be pleas'd to weigh What was David ' s Light What his Salvation and Who must needs have been his Rule at that time of the World of which he further speaks God is the Lord who hath shewed us Light Thy Word is a Lamp unto my Feet and a Light unto my Pathes I have not departed from thy Judgments for thou hast taught me This made him far
the Righteousness of God reveal'd from Heaven against all Ungodliness and Unrighteousness of Men who hold the Truth in Unrighteousness Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them for God hath shewed it unto them For the Invisible Things of Him from the Creation of the World are clearly seen being understood by the Things that are made even his Eternal Power and God-head so that they are without Excuse because that when they knew God they Glorified him not as God neither were Thankful but became Vain in their Imaginations and their Foolish Hearts were Darken'd And even as they did not like to Retain God in their Knowledge God gave them over to a Reprobate Mind to do those things which are not Convenient These Notable Lines of that Great Apostle give an apparent Overthrow to all Objections against either the Universality or Sufficiency of the Light within which will be further manifest if the Reader be but pleas'd to observe these few Particulars 1. That in the Gospel of Christ is the Righteousness of God revealed and that from Faith to Faith 2. That this Faith the Just have ever lived by for he quotes a Time past as it is written which Writing was about 700. Years before he wrot that Epistle 3. That many had degenerated from the Righteousness of God to wit the Gentiles into Ungodliness against which the Wrath of God was revealed from Heaven 4. That they however once knew the Truth 5. That they came to the Knowledge of this Truth from the Manifestation of God who is Light within since what might be known of God was manifested in them because God had shewed it unto them 6. That the Cause of their after Darkness was their Rebelling against that Manifestation or Light not Glorifying the God that shewed it to them when they both saw it and knew him so to do Consequently that God had given them Light Sufficient both to know and obey him And since they liked not to retain God in their Knowledge the Deficiency was theirs and not the Light 's 7. If therefore their foolish Hearts were darkned that is by Disobedience it follows that therefore that Darkness came by Sin into their Hearts they had Light in their Hearts or a Light within 8 Lastly If the Wrath was therefore revealed because the hold the Truth in Unrighteousness and when they knew God by that Manifestation of Light within they glorified him not as God but became vain in their Imaginations and their foolish Hearts darkned Then certainly had they kept to that Principle call'd the Truth and the Manifestation of God within and preserv'd their Faith in God as he had reveal'd himself to them So glorifying him as God and delighting to retain him in their knowledge Not Wrath but Mercy ●…nd Peace had been revealed from Heaven as saith the same Apostle in his following Chapter to them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for Glory and Honour and Immortality ETERNAL LIFE In short This we may safely conclude that the Righteousness 〈◊〉 in the Gospel of Christ of which Paul was not ashamed from Faith to Faith by which Faith he 〈◊〉 the Just Ancients lived or were accepted is One in N●…ture though not in Degree with that TRUTH the Gentiles Apstatized from and therefore lived without Faith Righteousness or God in the World for which the Wrath was reveal●…d which had they lived up unto glorifying God as God ●…ccording to the Manifestation of himself in their Hearts and Consciences they would have had not the Revelation of Wrath but of the Righteousness of Faith by which the Just in all Ages have liv'd ●…cceptably with God For without Faith can no Man please God in any Age as without Holiness that flows from true Faith to Man shall ever see the Lord. VII And Lastly I do earnestly intreat the Unprejudic'd Reader to observe these two notable Passages which with my Consideration of them shall conclude the Scripture-Proofs I have urg'd for the Universality of the Light and Spirit of God antecedent to Christ's Appearance in the Flesh. Then Peter opened his Mouth and said Of a Truth I perceive that God is no Respecter of Persons but in every Nation He that feareth him and worketh Righteousness is accepted with him For not the Hearers of the Law are Just before God but the Doers of the Law shall be justified For when the Gentiles which have not the Law do by Nature the things contained in the Law these having not the Law are a Law unto themselves which shew the Works of the Law written in their Hearts their Consciences also bearing Witness and their Thoughts the mean while Accusing or Excusing one another in the Day when God shall judge the Secrets of Men by Jesus Ch●…ist according to my Gospel These Scriptures are a severe Check to our Adversaries undervaluing Apprehension of the blessed Light of God and that will appear in several particulars 1. God is no Respecter of Persons in any Nation from whence I honestly conclude that all Persons and Nations were inlightned as well Gentiles as Jews 2. That here are Men not of the Circumcision made with hands who fear God work Righteousness and are Doers of the Law not from any outward Obligation ●…or they had none but the inward Work of the Law writ upon 〈◊〉 Hearts which is a Demonstration that they had not only 〈◊〉 Light as a Reprover but as a Teacher and Leader whereby th●…y came to fear God and work Righteousness which is else-where said to be the Sum of the Matter and whole Duty of Man 〈◊〉 then no 〈◊〉 that fears God works Righteousness and keeps the 〈◊〉 Law of God as the Scriptures testifie some Gentiles to h●…ve done can be said to do so and yet worship false Gods or not ri●…htly Worship the true one be void of the true Light the most part of T. Hicks his 9th page where he objects the 〈◊〉 Ignorance of the true God against the Sufficiency of the Light within and a Challenge to us to produce one Instance amon●… the many Thousands of Mankind that from the Light within hath been reproved for not believing Jesus to be Christ 〈◊〉 as the smoak For though perhaps he thinks he may have done a great deal in making that bold Demand of 〈◊〉 yet I shall briefly tell him that such as lived up most sincerely to the Light in their own Consciences acknowledged most readily that glorious Appearance of Light in ●…hat Body then in the World They were the great Pretenders to Scriptures that would not come to Christ the Traditional Literal and Ordinance-Men that Rejected and Crucified him and that had not both Cornelius and the Centurion with many others been upright Livers to the Light within neither 〈◊〉 Peter been so received by the one nor Christ so follow'd by the other But that measure of the Divine Light which they had thitherto obey'd as the more sure Word of Prophecy lead
Objection consists mainly of these Four Parts The First relating to the Light 's being but the Law not the Gospel The Second to the Light 's never being called Christ by Jews or Greeks The Third to Christ's being typified and yet in Being at the same time The Fourth to Christ's Blood the Bearing our Sins and which way this could be appropriated to the Light and not do Injury to the Holy Manhood First then I shall answer to that Part of the Objection which concerns the Light 's being but or no more then the Law I do thus far agree That the Light is the Law but that it is not therefore in any sense the Gospel I also deny yet not in that Capacity wherein it is the Law for as in that state it cannot justifie so it would be to say it is the Law and it is not the Law I say then that the Light may be both in reference to a two-fold Manifestation Where there is no Law there is no Transgression It might as well have been said since they themselves confess it to be the Law That where there is no Light there is no Transgression and the rather because whatever is reproved or Sinful is made manifest by the Light therefore since all have transgrest all have Light and ever had In this State then it is a Law which justifies none for whoever is in that which is reproveable is under Condemnation from the Law or the Reproving Act of the Light But again Such as by unfeigned Repentance come to turn unto the Light they are herein justified in a two-fold Sense and I so speak for the sake of the Simple beguiled by a wrong Apprehension of the Word First In that God acquits for his Name 's sake who is Merciful Pardoning Iniquity Transgression and Sin all that Repent with Unfeigned Repentance Secondly In that he accepts upon the Renewal and Conti●…uance of the Creature 's humble and sincere Obedience Neither are such properly come to the compleat Sonship they are but on their Journey they must give good Proof of their Fidelity Diligence and Loyalty to God as Servants before there be a Receiving of them into that excellent State of Sorship which never goes out of the Father's House 〈◊〉 This is clearly distinguisht and weightily exprest by the Apostle Paul to the Galatians The Heir sayes he whilst 〈◊〉 Age differs not from a Servant but is under Tutors until the time ●…pointed of the Father even so we when we were Children were in Bo●…dage under the Elements of the World therefore the Seed came that by Faith in it the Adoption of Sons might be known This is the Perfection of the Brightness of the Light which is all along still the same in It self though not the same to the Creature The outward Sun is the Cause of the early Dawnings and is at that very time in it self the same Glorious Body of Light as when in the Meridian but if Men either through Natural Weakness or the many Fogs and Mists of Tradition Education Ignorance or Prejudice suffer an Eclipse they must not blame the Light but themselves He that follows the Light which was ever the Just Man's Path shall meet with Blessedness at the End of his Travels But such as let the World of Wickedness get between are over-taken with Night Abraham saw Christ's Day What Day The Dispensation of Sonship as Heir of all things the Day of perfect Restitution which he could never have done had he not had Light by which to have seen it So several of those Holy Ancients obtain'd a Degree above many and arriv'd at a Growth yea the Benefit and Enjoyment of a Dispensation that was not general through the Weakness of the Age Such really saw beyond the Offerings Types Figures and Shaddows to a State more Inward Spiritual and Substantial by taking good heed to the Heavenly Light And this was the End of all External Administrations to drive the Creature in point out unto it some more hidden Mystery that Man's Wandering from God had caus'd him to neglect yet still was Christ the Word God a saving Light in that State And the Light of the Law was as a School-Master that led such as diligently obeyed it to that more excellent Discovery of the same Light which is now called the Gospel or Glad-tidings as certainly it was and is after so Black and Cold a Season as hath tediously overcast the Heavens to have that Sun of Righteousness appear in that Body prepared and anointed for that Purpose in a transcendent Manner to all former Manifestations of Himself Thus it was that such as had liv'd up most faithfully to the Law of God or Light of that Dispensation gladly received Christ believed in him became his Followers and the Companions of his Sufferings so that he who was the Light of the Law is also the Light of the Gospel though not in one and the same Degree of Discovery as the Light is not one in Condemning and Justifying though it be one in it self nor in the Degree and Growth of little Children young Men and Fathers yet one Pure Eternal Unalterable Light of Life and Righteousness in it self If therefore it doth the Office of the Law in any to be sure such one is yet under a State of Condemnation for Evil and he is not yet come to know the fulfilling of the Law as becometh every Follower of Christ yea every one that would come to Christ. Christ indeed fulfils the Law for us but how The Light in us as we are subject to it and led by it administers an Holy Power by which we are enabled to do that which is Good and Acceptable in the Sight of the Lord and so obeying the Light we fulfil the Law Thus he works his Works in us and for us And so far was Christ from Dis-ingaging his Followers from an indispensible Necessity of keeping the Law as outwardly ingraven on Stones that he set them a far harder Task by how much it is more easie to restrain from Acting then Thinking Thou shalt not Commit Adultery saith that Dispensation of Moses Whosoever looks on a Woman to lust after her hath committed Adultery already with her in his Heart saith that more Excellent Dispensation of Christ. Certainly then those Men who fancy themselves upon the easie Terms of being excluded the Fulfilling of the Law or Performing good Works as a Condition to Justification must basely abuse themselves and dangerously adventure the Well-being of their own Souls In short He was the True Light who said He that looks upon a Woman to lust after her has committed Adultery with her already in his Heart But so was he also that said of old by Moses Thou shalt not commit Adultery Therefore should we conclude two Lights and not rather two several Manifestations or gradual Discoveries of the self-same Eternal Light To conclude The Law as I may say is the Gospel begun and the Gospel is the
of Conscience and so consequently from Wrath which thou art yet highly guilty of and from which thy Water-Baptism has not washt thee T. H. You express your selves with great Varity sometimes you say 't is Christ another time its only a Measure of Christ anon its only of the Divine Essence this is a very uncertain Sound p. 3. Answ. Thou shewest thy self a dull cavilling Baptist must we be tied up to one Word to express a Principle by when the Scriptures allow of Varieties for Demonstration to divers Capacities which doth not alter the Matter This divine Light in man is exprest in the Scripture with as much Variety of Words as we do As it s called the Life the Light a Gift Manifestation Seed Kingdom of Heaven within a measure of the Gift of Christ the Grace of God c. yet one and the same spiritual and divine Life or Light T. H. Notwithstanding thy most diligent Attendance to the Light in thee that which thou callst the Light in thee hath in many things mis-guided thee p. 3. Answ. Now thou beginnest to be mad again the Light within that which I call the Light within is the very same that Christ and his Witnesses did witness to to wit In him was Life and the Life was the Light of men therefore thou hast blasphemously accounted this a misguiding Light And in thy 7th pag. hast plainly contradicted thy self herein where thou appealest to the Light in me and grantest it ought to be obeyed See how thou hast broke the neck of thy corrupt cause if it were a mis-guiding Light how dost thou for Proof appeal to it as Rule and grantest it ought to be obeyed ought that which is mis-guiding to be obeyed But the Light within ought therefore it will not mis-guide T. H. saith G. W. in his Discourse upon it urged that text Joh. 1. 4. In him was Life and the Life was the Light of men If the Life said he be the divine Essence my Words were If that Life be of the divine Being the Light must be so also Answ. This Argument thou didst never answer to purpose yet but cavillest and draws what Absurdities thou pleasest upon thy own Forgeries as will further appear only sillily thou argued against it thus viz. T. H. That the Life or Light spoken of Joh. 1. 4 9. is not supernatural because it is the Light of the Word as a Creator Answ. To which was answered that its false and inconsistent Doctrine For the Light of the Eternal Word is supernatural because the Light of the Eternal Word the Creator See here the Reason thou rendrest for its not being supernatural proves it super-natural for because it s of this divine Relation it must be divine And thou shifts but very sorrily to come off here when thou tellest me that the Life and Light commnuicated to every man from that Eternal Word is not supernatural Eternal and Divine But for this we have only thy Say-so contrary to what thou hast granted before to wit as being the Light of the Eternal Word Neither could thy other Shift serve thy turn viz. T. H. That the Life which is in God which is the Light of Men Joh. 1. 4. is divine as it is in God but natural as it is in man Answ. The Conclusion of this is Blasphemy for that divine Life is Immutable because divine it did not loose his Divinity by being given to man for being divine 't is no more subject to mutation than God is Remember here how thou wast nonplust and how thou art in a Laborinth and of this thou dost not clear thy self in all thy perverse cavilling against us Sect. II. The Life which is the Light of Men not a Creature or meer Effect c. WHereas on the Behalf of God's immediate Illumination or Shining in man's Heart for the Divinity thereof I alledged that the Cause thereof being divine this Effect thereof must needs be divine and supernatural as in my Narrative But instead of taking notice of the Words his Immediate Illumination or Shining thou art pleased to quarrel upon the Words such as is the Cause such the Effect must be and thus thou proceedest upon it viz. T. H. From this kind of Reasoning we may conclude not only the Light within but every Creature both Beasts and Trees are God these being the Effects of Infinite Wisdom dost thou not tremble at this Consequence p. 4. Answ. How causlesly dost thou quarrel Are both Beasts and Trees Immediate Effects of God's Power Did he not cause both Plants and Trees to grow out of the Earth 2ly Were these Immediate To be sure I never affirmed so many Gods as there are Effects of Infinite Wisdom But be it remembred that I never called the divine Life which is the Light of men a meer Effect but admitted of the Word Effect with reference to the Immediate Illumination or Shining of God in the Heart as being of a divine Nature because God is the Enlightener and Shiner And thou denying the Light to be of the divine Essence because communicated I urged this Argument That if the Life be divine or of the divine Being then the Light in man must be divine because the Life that was in God was that Light and such as is the Cause such is the Effect in some sence holds true in all the Effects of Infinite Wisdom true in all Creatures as they were made good God the Cause being the chiefest Good who beheld all that he had made that it was very good And God who is Light is the Fountain of Life and Light whose divine Life or Light it self which is the Light of men I never intended to be a meer Effect strictly taken as an Act of Power or thing made or created but as the Illumination or Immediate Shining in man immediately and naturally flowing from God the Fountain of Light its Envy makes thee carp and cavil and was not the Effect of the Law written in the Gentiles Hearts of the Nature of the Law Canst think thou art Ingenuous Dost think that I do not own Varieties of Effects from the Infinite Wisdom and Power of God as not only supernatural but natural both mediate providential and immediate Effects as well as Increated Immediate Products of Life Light and Vertue flowing naturally from him Yet though divine Illumination as manifested in man be an Immediate Act or Effect the Light or Life which doth illuminate is greater for it is the Cause which is more then the Effect though this Illumination hath a Living Vertue and Resemblance of the Cause in it and they are inseparable So that the Life which is the Light of Men Joh. 〈◊〉 4. being divine and of the Being of God himself who is Light it is not proper to call it a meer Effect as a thing made or a Creature as thou blindly calls it and would have it wherein thou dost meerly beg the Question and builds a false Structure thereupon Again thou
by thee in shunning those many Evils thou art checkt for and performing the good to which it excites thee thou wouldst both know and speak better of it then thou dost as that which both moves and leads in the Way to Salvation which is from Sin here and from Wrath hereafter and so unto Christ who is the Giver of it But it is probable thou thinkst thou art an elect Person and so in thy Presumption slites the Light within as not only Insufficient of it self to guide unto Salvation but also as a mis-guiding Light And this Doctrine herein opposeth thy Maker and his Universal good to Man-kind How then thinkest thou that the Rebellious can be left without Excuse or God be known to be clear when he judges Sect. V. The Dipper proved a Blind Guide and in gross Confusion in undervaluing the Light within T. H. DId the Light in Saul reprove him for persecuting the Church Doth not he himself confess that he verily thought he ought to do many things against the Name of Jesus Yea doth not Christ tell his Disciples that some would kill them and yet think they did God Service But how could they think so if this Light in them did reprove for it p. 8 9. Answ. Thou having asserted that there are some Sins which the Light reproves not among these thou instancest namely persecuting the Church doing many things against the Name of Jesus killing the Disciples and therefore concludes it no sufficient Rule O! thou blind Guide how darest thou thus accuse and undervalue the Light of Christ within contrary to thy many Concessions elsewhere Is Christ the Life and Light of men And yet does not his Light reprove Persecution and Murther If it reprove not these what are the Evils it checks for What rational Man cannot see thy manifest Folly herein thus to confound Persecutors evil Thoughts with the Light within and to conclude the Light within no sufficient Rule because of some mens Wickedness who have rebelled against the Light and therein thou hast put Darkness for Light And what were the Pricks that were hard for Saul to kick against And where was that Holy Ghost which the Persecutor alwayes resisted Act. 7 Their Envious and superstitious Minds and dark Thoughts were not the Light but such as clouded and obscured the Light in them yet the Kingdom of Heaven was in those Jews and so much divine Light in those Heathen as shewed them that there was a true and unknown God to be worshipped with sincere Hearts and pure minds and that in him we live and move and have our Being had they waited in that Light and listened to it they would both truely have known God his Way and Worship as some did If all things that are reproved are made manifest by the Light how dost thou exclude those gross Sins of Persecution and Murder from being reproved by the Light And why dost thou argue against it from mens persecuting and murtherous Thoughts which arise from their Enmity and Rebellion against the Light But further I argue against thee on the Behalf of the Light viz. That its manifesting all things that are reproved is in order to guide men out of all reprovable Wayes which if they be guided out of they are in their Duty For where man is not reproveable for any thing he is in his whole Duty and so in the right Way T. H. Did the Light in the Heathen-Philosophers check them for multiplying their Deityes and for not believing that Jesus is the Christ Or did it reprove them for their manifold Superstitions And were they thereby directed to the right Way of worshipping the true God I demand an Instance among the many Thousands of Man-kind c. p. 9. Answ. That which might be known of God which was manifest in the Heathen and which did open the Eyes of many clearly to see the eternal Power and God head Rom. 1. that was able to direct them into the right Way of worshipping the true God for the reason why many run into Superstition and to multiply Gods was because that when they knew God they Glorified him not as God but became vaine in their Imaginations Rom. 1. which was their Sin and not any Defect of the Light given them from above for that Light which gave them the Knowledge of the true God was therefore able to direct them into the right Way of worshipping him And whereas thou demandest an Instance among the many Thousands of Man-kind that hath been convinced or reproved for not believing Jesus to be the Christ by the meer Light within before any Light of Revelation was brought unto them p. 9. Thou still persists in thy dull course of begging the question while thou takest it for granted that the Light within is but a Creature or natural and so not any absolute revealing Light But this I cannot grant thee while it is revealing God and his eternal Power to man that waits in it However thou slites it under thy frequent Phrase Meer Light within though it be neither opposed to the Spirit nor Revelation as thou wouldst have it while it is Divine and Spiritual And that thousands of Man-kind are reproved for not believing in the Son of God is evident by the Spirit of Truth reproving the World of Sin because they believe not in the Son of God in that they do not believe in his Life or Light within they do not believe in him who is the Giver of it and therefore reproved by the Spirit and surely many Thousands are comprehended in this World of Unbelievers Sect. VI. His Ignorance of the Divine Principle T. H. I Grant that the Light in thee may reprove for those Sins the common Light in all Man-kind will not because thou hast borrowed much Light from the Scriptures p. 9. Answ. It s evident thou understands not the Principle of divine Light within from what thou hast borrowed from the Scriptures with thy Imaginations perverting them wherein is thy great Darkness thou egregiously mistakeest a litteral Notion and Historical Faith for the divine Light within which is given to all which is a pure Incorruptible and Unchangeable Principle of Life and Truth immediately given and shining from Christ the Eternal Word and not mens acquired Notions from the History of Christ's outward Manifestation in the Flesh. But in thy gross Ignorance thou exalts such Acquirements of men above the Principle of Light within And so mens Historical Profession of the Scriptures as their only Rule though they much differ in their meanings therein which they make their Rule many times above the Scriptures and above the Gift of God this is a great Error of you Litteral Professors Thou wouldst not be pleased should I alledge your various Opinions upon the Scriptures to prove them no sufficient Rule though thus thou art pleased contradictorily to deal with the Light within Had the Princes of this World obeyed the Light of Christ within they would not have crucified
Light from Christ Jesus the Way out of the Fall the second Adam receiving the Light they receive Redemption and Sanctification whereby their Spirits Bodies and Souls are sanctified Great Mystery p. 91. Note here still that he plainly distinguisheth between the Soul and him that redeems and sanctifies it so that the Soul or Spirit of Man is neither God nor Christ but as much inferior in Subordination to God and Christ as the Creature Man is to the Creator or that which is saved and redeemed to him that saveth and redeemeth The sum of what 's said amounts to this candid Account about the Soul viz. That the Soul and Spirit of Man is not the very Being of God nor a part of God though the original Life of the Soul which came out from God is immutable and infinite there is a divine and infinite Life in the Soul of Man which we would have you be sensible of This is the Life of Lives the Soul of Souls the Being of Beings by which the Soul of man is made to subsist in its Being and Immortality whether in the Kingdom of Glory or Pit of Darkness although this original or divine Life in the Soul stands clear and free from both the Guilt Torment and Anguish that comes upon every Soul of Man that does Evil. Every Soul must appear before the Lord in its own proper Image and Nature which it hath born been under and received while in the Body having been subject either to the Spirit and Power of God or to the Spirit and Power of the wicked one wherein it s capable of either being a Vessel of Mercy and Love or a Vessel to hold Wrath and Anguish according to what it doth here love and effect and contract to it self whether Good or Evil. Therefore as it s commanded Take heed to thy self and keep thy Soul diligently c. love the Lord thy God with all thy Soul c. and then thou wilt know Christ to be the Salvation of it The Scripture speaks variously of the Soul and as in divers States and Conditions viz. 1. Of the Soul of God which is Immutable 2. Of the Soul of Man and that 1. Of the Righteous which really pertake of the divine Nature 2. Of the Wicked which pertake of the Nature of Enmity And these differ in their Affections the one being to Good and the other to Evil. Mention is made of the Soul as under the Power of Sin Death and the Grave by man's Disobedience and Fall and of the Soul as quickned raised up and delivered or saved by the Power of Christ the living ingrafted Word Sometimes the Soul is mentioned as including the whole man sometimes as distinguished from the Body sometimes it s esteemed as the Life and sometimes the Spirit or Breath of Life and an active Soul inspired and there is a State wherein the Word of the Lord is said to divide asunder betwixt the Soul and Spirit Now if you do not own a divine Seed or unchangeable Principle of Life in the Soul I query of you 1st Do you or did you ever know your own Souls 2ly What the Soul is in it self and distinct from the Body 3ly What and where is that to be known that is to change the Souls and so the whole man's Affections from Evil to Good while man remains in this Life 4ly Do you own the Souls Immortality that it doth not dye with the Body Do not some of you Baptists hold that the Soul dyeth with the Body and sleeps in the dust of the Earth untill both arise together 5ly Whether Man doth not subsist in his spiritual Being and Parts with a spiritual Capacity and spiritual Sences having a Sense of perpetual Gain or Loss when his Earthly Tabernacle is put off 6ly Whether the Spirit of Man doth not return unto God that gave it to receive its Judgment and Reward 7ly Whether Man must not be born again here of an Immortal and Incorruptible Seed in him if ever he enter into God's Kingd●…m or enjoy Glory hereafter 8thly Whether it be not more necessary for you to wait in humilily to know this immortal Seed in you and to be born thereof then to puzzle your Brains and to busie your Thoughts either about the Quest●…on how and with what Body are the Dead raised Or how your Souls shall be invested hereafter If you remain here in the Enmity slighting and contemning the Light within or the immortal Principle or incorruptible Seed within as T. H. doth scoff and ridiculously droll at our Testimony for it you 'll be clothed with perpetual shame and Contempt hereafter God knows how to reserve the Unjust to the Judgement of his great Day to be punished as both Divels fallen Angels and wicked men are reserved You need not question in what Bodies or Vessels for that you shall be vessels fit to hold inevitable Wrath if here in time you repent not But if you repent and return to the Lord God and love and serve him with all your Souls it will be well with you hereafter God will provide well for you And the Glory wherewith his sanctified Ones shall be invested And of that House wherewith Righteous Souls shall be cloathed upon is beyond the reach of humane Capacities Thoughts or Imaginations of men And you who are contending and quarrelling about your carnal Bodies have not had so much as a Vision of the Glory of the Saints hereafter nor of the Gloriousness and Spirituality of their Body who are as the Angels of God in Heaven Sect. XII The Neck of the Baptist's Cause broken by his own Concession to the Light within in which Christ and his Testimonies are effectually received T. H. HOw could you call the Light within Christ if some Scriptures had not mentioned Christ in you that he is the Life and Light of Men Give me an Instance of any Person in the World that never had Acquaintance of the Scriptures that ever called the Light in every Man by this Name If none can be produced then the Scriptures must be your Rule for this p. 22. Answ. Thou hast said enough in not only granting the Light within to be Christ but also in confessing that he is the Life and Light of men which while he is really so to men this is sufficient for them to call him as he is and appears to them Is it not therefore great Ignorance to imply him an insufficient Rule for men to give Testimony of him while he is a sufficient Rule and Light to them for their Supply and Life in him And what if they cannot call him by all those Names by which he is called in Scripture while they feel him in Vertue and Power to be really what he is called according to their Enjoyment of him It s true we having the Knowledge of him as our Life and Light we must needs reverently own and make use of those Testimonies in Scripture which concur with our Knowledge of him
and that to evince the Truth concerning his Light to them that pretend a Belief of the Scriptures while yet they are opposing his Light testified of therein As there are those that pretend to believe Moses and the Prophets and think to have Eternal Life in the Scriptures while yet they really oppose that Life and Light testified of in them And such profess the Scriptures to be their Rule while yet they are perverting them against the Life and Light from whence they came and this Hypocrisie many of you are guilty of and therefore with Abraham we refer you to the Scripture Testimony in this Case which if you believe not while you profess them you will not believe if one rise from the Dead The Scriptures are not our only Rule for our refusing to swear our not breaking Bread with you c. for which thou falsly accusest us of arguing against the Institutions of the Gospel p 23. for 1st We stand for the Reputation of Christianity and that Love which injures no man in our res●…sing to swear which the Prohibition without us did not bring us to but the Power of Christ when it begat us into that Love wherein we know the fulfilling of Christ's Command 2ly O●…r Experience of Christ Jesus the Living Bread which comes down from Heaven hath shewed us the Uselesness of your breaking Bread as being but a Shadow while we are come to the Substance to wit Christ Jesus the Bread of Life come down from Heaven which if thou knowest him so come as that his Flesh and Blood were thy Meat and Drink thou wouldst not be doting about the Shadow We do not grant that Christ is so come and revealed in all men and yet own some degree of this Light to be in all Thou hast no Reason to accuse us for Lyars in this matter as in p. 23. But thy slanderous Tongue and Pen is at Liberty in this and many other things Thy Malice also plainly appears in charging us of denying the Person of Christ whereas we have fully confest the Man Christ according to the Scriptures both with respect to his Sufferings and Glory Sect. XIII The Baptist's Impious Forgery upon the Quakers about the Scriptures which are in Reality owned and used by them AFter thou hast erroniously accused that of God in us as not sufficient to direct thou proceedst in thy false fictitious Dialogue thus viz. Chr. Is it ingenuous and honest in you to deny the Scripture to be a Rule to others and at the same time you make it though by mis-interpreting it a Rule to your selves Are not you ashamed of this Deceit and self-condemned of plain Partiality And then he most falsly personates the Quaker Qua. Thou mistakest us for when we make Use of the Scriptures 't is only to quiet and stop their Clamors that plead for it as their Rule Reply Who but an Ungodly Man would have brought forth such a lying Forgery as this in the Sight of the Sun as the Quakers Words which is not the Speech of any real Quaker so called but one of thy own making to speak as thou pleasest for thy own wicked ends and thy Lye upon the Quakers is manifest herein Is this the Way thou proposest for our Conviction to make Lyes thy Refuge Was it not known unto the World that we have a better and more serious Esteem of the Holy Scriptures then here thou represents as knowing them to be profitable to the man of God who is come to know that eminent divine Rule of the Spirit which opens them and to make use of them in Subjection thereunto As also our denying that they are the Rule of Faith is no Proof that we deny them to be any Rule at all while in Subserviency to and Proof of the greater we make use of them as the Spirit of God teacheth and for the Information and Conviction of them that have a Belief concerning them for the End still that they may eye that Light and Spirit of Truth which gave them forth and come to know that Inspiration of the Almighty which giveth the Understanding As for Deceit Impudence and presumptuous Conceit which thou T. H. accusest us of thou art highly guilty thereof thy self or else thou couldst never forge such Lyes against us as thou hast done And we wish thou didst in Reality own the Scriptures as feigndly in Words thou pretend'st So far are we from strenuously endeavouring to take People off of the Scriptures as falsly thou accusest us that we desire all might come to know the Righteous Ends for which they were given forth by that divine Light which opens them Much of thy dirty stuff is gathered out of other dirty lying Pamphlets which have been long since answered Sect. XIV His impious Abuse about Revelation Light within Scriptures c. ANd why dost thou quarrel against us for owning Revelation or Perfection as attainable What hast thou against Immediate Revelation Instead of confuting the thing it self thou tellst us of some personal Mistakes or Weaknesses of some particulars as First Of one being mistaken by Paul Hobson's speaking through a Trunk though that was no Quaker who was thus cheated 2ly Of others being mistaken about the Persons to whom they should have declared some Message 3ly Of a notorious Falshood being taken for a Revelation 4ly Of the Opposition of some professing the Light and Revelation p. 26 27. together with several other Stories and Personal Reflections which I have very much Cause not to believe But suppose many of these Stories were true against private Persons Hast thou herein dealt ingenuously thus no inveigh against Principles from personal Failings of such as profest them Is there no such thing as divine Revelation or the Guidance of an Infallible Spirit to be known because some do err or are mistaken that profess them Or no such thing as an infallible Light because some have differed in some particular Cases that have profest it Wouldst thou thus be dealt by concerning thy Water-Baptism or pretended Gospel-Institutions If it should be argued that because the Dippers are greatly divided among themselves and that about Principles and Doctrines and some of them have been grosly corrupt and debaucht in their Lives therefore their dipping or Water-Baptism is no Institution of Christ wouldst thou look upon this as a good Argument Nay further Do you not much differ among your selves in several principal matters As about personal Election and general Redemption and so about the Death of Christ whether for all or some and about Free-Will the seventh Day Sabbath and laying on of Hands and about the manner of administring your pretended Lord's Supper and about the Immortality of the Soul as also some affirming Water-Baptism to be of Necessity to Salvation others not with several other things and yet most of you that thus differ profess the Scriptures to be your Rule If then I should from hence argue that therefore the Scriptures are not the Rule
witnessed in order to bring forth this justified State If in the latter Sence as thy Words import then all must be in a justified State for whom Christ dyed If their Justification was wholy wrought without them in his Person and then all men must be in a justified State for Christ dyed for all men and then what hast thou to do to revile or condemn any as thou hast done those whom thou severely opposest must be in as justified Estate as thou canst think thy self But if men receive the Pardon of Sin through true Repentance and Justification through living Faith in the Name of the Son of God and by his Vertue and Blood then are not all men justified nor the Justification of any effected nor fulfilled wholy in his Person without them for First Men are not in a justified State while their Sins are unremitted 2. They are not in a justified State while the Wrath of God abides upon them And mens Sins are unremitted while they impenitently persist in Transgression and the Wrath of God abides upon them who bclieve not the Son Again we do not affront either the Grace or Wisdom of God in adding what more Light he pleases to any measure that he hath given while we are witnessing against mens affronting that measure of Light and Grace which he hath already given to Man-kind T. H. This Light within directs not our Actions to those Holy and Spiritual Ends which the Scripture does Alas whereto do the best of mens Actions naturally tend p. 37 and 38. Answ. Here like a dull and dark Opposer still thou endeavourest to confound the Light within with man's corrupt Nature whereas thou hast confest it to be not only such a Light as can discover God and that he is to be worshipped but also that Christ is the Life and Light of men and also that it can discover morality that its serviceable to its end and that God's Soveraignity over man and man's Inferiority to God ought to be acknowledged And doth not this extend to the same holy and spiritual Ends which the Scriptures direct to What more holy then God's Soveraignity over man and man's Subjection to and Adoration of God But according to Scripture is it not an holy and spiritual End truely to ●…ear God work Righteousness and do Good which in every Nation he that doth is accepted And this the Light teacheth and Glory Honour and Peace to every man that worketh good to the Jew first and also to the Gentile for there is no respect of Persons with God Rom. 2. 10 11. Besides 't is most natural and proper to a spiritual and divine Light to direct to sacred and spiritual Ends. And if thou didst not vary and waver in thy Confusion from thy Concession to the Divinity of the Life and Light of the eternal Word which is the Light of men thou wouldst have spared much of thy Babylonish Work to the contrary who in thy 39 pag. sayst that thou opp●…sest not the Scriptures to the holy Spirit but to the Light within And why dost thou oppose the Scriptures to the Light within Or imply such a Difference between the Spirit and the Light within while thou hast granted that the Light within is not only serviceable but ought to be improved as that which chccks for many Evils and excites to Good And does not this agree with the Testimonies of the Scriptures And will thy reviling of G. Whitehead as dealing deceitfully for but asking a sober Question excuse thee in thy Malice and Confusion The Question being By what Rule shall we be convinced that the Scripture is the Rule and hath Preheminnece above the Spirit Apology pag. 48. which instead of answering directly to thou revilest me as in pag. 39. not at all telling me by what Rule shall we be so convinced but asks this Question By what Rule shall we be convinced that the Light within is the Rule and hath Preheminence above the Scriptures pag. 39. Answ. Every one that doth Truth brings his Deeds unto the Light which Light within being divine is sufficient to evince it self as supream Rule in the Conscience And as it is so manifest where it is not withstood but obeyed it s own Brightness Vertue and Operation sufficiently discovers it self but where Enmity is lived in and Darkness loved rather than Light the Excellency of it cannot be known Concerning the Rule that the Patriarchs or Holy Men had before the Scriptures thou tellst us they were instructed by Dreams Visions and Angels pag. 40. But were these the standing Rule Had they these Dreams and Visions to instruct them in the sole Course of their Lives or rather on particular Occasions Surely these were neither the standing nor yet their chief Rule They had a Rule to know the Truth of those Visions and whether those Angels were good Angels or no a Rule of divine Light to discover whether they were good Angels or evil Angels transforming themselves into Angels of Light which nothing but that which is divine can discover for the Saints in this Light shall judge Angels And Peter James and John had both a Vision and Voice when in the Mount from Heaven yet Peter himself testifieth We have also a more sure Word of Prophecy ●…nto ye do well that you take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark Place until the Day dawn and the Day-Star arise in your Hearts 2 Pet. 1. 19. Though the former Vision and Voice were true yet not so universal and abiding as this shining Light was That Vision and Voice was only seen and heard by a few the other was seen and known by all who attained to the dawning of the Day and the arising of the Day Star in their Hearts for it did shine as in a dark Place for that end It s evident that this Light or Word so shining was a Light of the same holy Ghost which moved the holy men of God to speak forth Scriptures ver 21. and therefore the Apostle prefers it before the Scriptures as the Cause of their being given forth Sect. XVIII The Baptist's Quarrel against S. Crisp removed THou makest a great Pudder against S. C. about knowing the Beginning and Date of thy Christ whom to confute thou pleadst his Deity p. 44 45. having before told us of expecting to be saved by Jesus as being in a Person without what Scripture hast thou for this Creed Is Christ the Object of Faith only as a Person without But dost thou believe in thy Conscience that he could intend any such thing with reference to the Deity of Christ Why art thou so wilfully quarrelsom And though the Appearance of Christ in the Flesh or as man when upon Earth was within the Compass both of time and date that is as to his coming into the World and going out at his Ascension yet still the same man Christ is in being glorified with the Father in the same Glory that he had with him before the
those few mentioned namely for Christ saith he sent me not to baptize but to preach the Gospel So he did not thank God for neglecting part of his Commission in baptizing so few but partly to prevent their wrong Use thereof and chiefly because his Commission did not extend to Water-Baptism And as to his Allegation to prove that the Word not is not alwayes used as an absolute Negative p. 27. he cites Joh. 6. 27. Labour not for the Meat that perisheth but for the Meat which endureth c. If the Occasion of these Words be minded not will prove an absolute Negative in this Place Jesus speaking to them that sought after him because they did eat of the Loaves ver 20. and were filled for which end they ought not to have sought after him And admitting his Instance in Adam that he was not deceived namely that he was not first deceived taking in the Word first from the Verse before this is altogether impertinent unto his Purpose about Paul's not being sent to baptize there being no such Discovery that Paul was sent at all to baptize as there was of Adam's Transgression but the contrary in that Paul expresly said Christ fent me not to baptize but to preach the Gospel V. Of the Anionted TO his saying the Word Christ signifies one Anointed accounting it absurd to say the Spirit or Anointing is Christ p. 37. I answer are not the Father the Spirit and the Word one Christ as the Son of God is God's anointed And is it not granted that he was the Son of God by eternal Generation And fo was before he took upon him that Body prepared for him called the Lord 's anointed Psal. 2. 2. which Word Anointed sometimes relates to his being set up or exalted as King yet have I set or anointed Hebr. my King upon Sion the Hill of my Holiness ver 6. As also to his being endued or anointed with Power from on high which Power is that divine Unction and in that Christ is called the Power of God and the Wisdom of God 1 Cor. 1. 24 He may as properly be called the Anointing as where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty now the Lord is that Spirit this Anointing is not an outward Unction nor outwardly received upon the Flesh or Body but being a divine Unction of Glory and Power from above it s inwardly and spiritually received by an immortal Seed and Birth born from above as that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit As for his Term Humane Nature and Glorious Unity between the divine and human Nature p. 36. he talks he knows not what besides Scripture-Language the Word human is not applicable to Christ in Glory by the Scriptures but originally relates to the Earth and so to the Body of man as coming thence But Jesus Christ was the Anointed as he was the Son from the Father's Substance which he was before he came in the Flesh or took upon him that Body that was prepared for him and the Anointed and Saviour by the divine Power given him when in that Body upon Earth though more highly exalted or anointed as ascended far above all Heavens and exalted in the Father's Glory the Anointed and Saviour also as revealed and formed in the Saints Gal. 4. 19. the Anointed as set up from Everlasting the Anointed both in Sufferings and in Glory the Anointed both as he came in Flesh and as coming and revealed in the Spirit in his People and his Name by which Life and Salvation comes and is given is his divine Nature and Power to which his Name relates that is above every other Name One thing this man H. G. and his Brethren stumble at and at which his Soul is wounded as he saith p. 30. is that Christ was never seen with an outward or rather carnal Eye which H. W. is accused of sor saying The Eternal Son of God was never seen with any Carnal Eye to which I say they should have been so ingenuous as to have considered the Intent of these Words and more candidly to have construed them thus Christ as the eternal Word the Lord from Heaven the only begotten of the Father in his spiritual Discovery as the Image of the invisible God and Brightness of his Glory cannot be seen with a carnal Eye Flesh and Blood hath not so revealed him the saving Light of Christ never was nor can be reached with the carnal Eye he that seeth the Son and believeth on him hath everlasting Life Joh. 6. 40. and as saith the Son of God he that seeth me seeth my Father also Joh. 12. 45. and 14. 9. but none can see the Father with a carnal Eye therefore none could ever see the eternal Son with their carnal Eyes in this Sence of seeing which extends to true Knowing Joh. 8. 19. and 14. 7. though many did see the Body or Person of Christ in the Dayes of his Flesh wherein he was crucified and put to Death the Jews ●…nd Persecutors saw him in that Sence with their outward Eyes when they did neither truely see nor know him to their Salvation it being the Spirit that quickneth and such a Sight of Christ as that of his Body or outward man no reasonable man can be so absurd as to say it was not obvious to the Bodily Eyes and as absurd for any to imagine that any of us should intend otherwise Now these Baptists Faith concerning the Son of God according to their carnal Discourse of him may be modelized into this or the like Argument viz. If Jesus Christ the Son of God be also the Son of man glorified on the right Hand of God in Heaven then he consists of human Body of Flesh and Bones as some say or of a body of Flesh Blood and Bones as others say But he is the Son of man glorified c. Ergo he consists of a human Body either of Flesh and Bone or of Flesh Blood and Bones in Heaven Ans. I deny their varied Consequence as inconsequent for Christ was called the Son of man in a higher Sence then this human earthly or carnal Sence which they represent him in in that he himself said no man hath ascended up to Heaven but he that came down from Heaven even the Son of man which is in Heaven Joh. 3. 13. and what if you shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he was before it is the Spirit that quickneth the Flesh perfitteth nothing Joh. 6. 62 63. who will affim that as he came down from Heaven or as he was before in Heaven he so consisted of a carnal human Body either made up of Flesh and Bone or of Flesh Blood and Bone in their gross and carnal Sence John the Baptist had not such mean Thoughts of Christ as these carnal Baptists have for John said he that cometh from above is above all he that is of the Earth is earthly and speaketh of the Earth he that cometh from Heaven is above
but is falsly deduced as before is proved that Man both did and doth exist when he hath not such a carnal body as he intends although I do own Christ to be the heavenly and spiritual Man glorified and in a more sublime and heavenly Sence his flesh and bone of which the Saints are Members and that the true Christ is not without Blood to communicate which the Spiritual Communicants drink of H. G. also further adds Unless it can be proved that Man can exist and have a Being without Flesh and Bone which I suppose all will conclude is impossible p. 47. To which I say This is not only confuted by what I have said before but also by himself where he confesseth the Coming of the Spirit into his Heart for the binding of the Strong Man Satan p. 16. here he hath found out a Man and that a strong one to too wit Satan whom I suppose he deems not a man made up or consisting of flesh and bones though he be called the strong Man but the Heavenly and Spiritual Man Christ Jesus is stronger then he VII Of the Resurrection AS for his insinuating against us as denying the Resurrection of the Dead or of the Body p. 41 42 43. This Accusation is not only in general Terms but also it is notoriously false as may be evinced not only in many of our Books and Writings but also by our deep Sufferings for Christ so that if in this Life we had Hope only we were of all men most miserable It s true there hath been and is a Controversie between us and many of the Baptists and some others about that or the like unlearn'd Question which they have been busie to obtrude upon us viz. How are the dead raised and with what Body Which we have answered as the Apostle did such Thou Fool that which thou sowest is not quickned except it dye and thou sowest not that body that shall be but bare grain it may chance of Wheat c. but God giveth it a body as it pleaseth him and every Seed his own body or its proper body 1 Cor. 15. 35 36 37 38. c. But to prove the arising of the same Bodies buried in the Graves he perverts and miscites Phil. 3. 21. thus He will change our vile bodies and fashion them like unto his glorious body whereas that Phil. 3. 21. is in the singular vile Body or rather he shall change the body of our Lowness or our suffering body that it may be ●…ashoned like unto his glorious body now the body of their Lowness or Humility 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 comprehended the whole Suffering Estate of the Church And I do confess that the Resurrection Change and Translation or Transfiguration as some renders it of the Just or Righteous extends not only to a Resurrection from Sin Corruption and Weakness but to an arising out of a Suffering State into Glory And as God knows how to deliver and raise up the Righteous out of Temptations Tryals and Sufferings so he knows how to reserve the Unjust unto Punishment and unto the day of Destruction for both shall rise to their several Ends and Rewards yea the Sea Death Hell and the Grave shall deliver up their dead to be judged c. and he giveth to every Seed his own proper body as he pleaseth and we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle be destroyed we have a building given of God that is a House not made with Hands but eternal in the Heavens Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God 1 Cor. 15. 50. H. G. sayes By Flesh and Blood the Apostle doth intend Corruption p. 44. whereas the Apostle spake of them distinctly viz. flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God neither doth Corruption inherit Incorruption to say that by flesh and blood he doth intend Corruption is no Answer to their Question with what body are the Dead raised c. Which though reproved as foolish yet not so foolish as to ask whether Corruption be raised And more absurd it is to imply that by flesh and blood he doth not intend Body but only Corruption Again H. G. to prove the rising of the same Bodies cites Job 19. 25. In my Flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my self and mine Eyes shall behold c. p. 44 45. By this his Instance it appears what gross Apprehensions he hath of God while he thinks to see him with his bodily or carnal Eyes which no Being nor Thing is visible or obvious unto but what is of an outward or corporeal Substance or formal limitted matter which an infinite eternal Spirit is not for God who is that Spirit is invisible therefore Jeb did not speak of his bodily Eyes but of his spiritual who afterwards said unto the Lord I have heard of thee by the hearing of the Ear but now mine Eye seeth thee Jo. 42. 5. which cannot be understood of his seeing him with his bodily Eye H. G. pretends to know the State or manner of the Saints being in Glory telling us that all deformity shall be done away p. 44. and that these vile Bodies shall be fashoned like unto Christ's glorious Body How then shall they be these very same earthly and numerical bodies many whereof are not only deformed but greatly defective both as to Infants and Aged that dye as also his confessing to 2 Cor. 5. 1 2. doth appear a Contradiction plain enough to himself if righly considered its probable this Man has as strange Conceits about the Resurrection as Tho. Vincent in his Book of the Coming of Christ to Judgment and the Resurrection but I cannot look upon either him or the Baptists to be such divine Philosophers as either to know or define the manner of the Saints Existance or Beings in Heaven and Glory but rather that they are Imaginary and Intruders therein though it would better become them to acquiese with God s Will and Pleasure concerning such Mysteries as are beyond their Capacities I expect some of them in their busie minds will give me farther Occasion to speak to this weighty Point of the Resurrection though it be a matter I never desired to make publick Controversie of it being beyond human Capacities VIII Of the Word the Light the Sufferings of Christ and his Work within H.G. THere is a great difference between the Essence Body of the Sun and its Beams or Rayes for though the Sun by its Rayes doth give Light to all yet is not the Essence or Body of the Sun in them so in like manner though the Word be the true Light which lighteth every man yet is he not essentially in their Hearts p. 48. 49. Answ. He hath strain'd his Simile too sar and thereby hath denyed the Omni-presence and Infiniteness of God whose Presence filleth Heaven and Earth the Sun and its Rays and Beams are finite and limitable so and in like manner is not God and his Illumination
Martyrs p. 9. And I require this Man to prove that Gospel-Ordinances are a Shadow as he hath confessed their Supper to be H. G. I would know of this Man where he reads of any thing called the Lord's Supper but this which we contend for pag. 10. Answ. You are contending but for the Shadow but there is the Lord's Supper in the Mystery for saith the faithful and true Witness the beginning of the Creation of God Behold I stand at the Door and knock If any man hear my Voice and open the door I will come in to him and will sup with him and he with me Rev. 3. 20. Is not this the Lord's Supper that 's above the Shadow And Christ said I appointed unto you a Kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me that ye may eat and drink at my Table in my Kingdom Luke 22. 29 30. Verily I say unto you I will drink no more of the Fruit of the Vine until that day that I drink it new with you in my Father's Kingdom Is not this the Lord's Supper in the Mystery or Anti-Type And I am the Bread of Life I am the living Bread which came down from Heaven if any Man eat of this Bread he shall live for ever and the Bread that I give is my Flesh that I give for the Life of the World He that eateth my Flesh and drinketh my Blood dwelleth in me and I in him Joh. 6. Is not this living Bread from Heaven conf●…st to be the Substance and the ontward Bread the Shadow thereof H. G. I do affirm That this is spiritual to wit the Lords Supper the Baptist p. 10. Answ. The Lord's Supper in the Mystery is spiritual but not your Bread and Wine unless they be transubstantiated which we utterly deny H. G. The Ordinance of Water-Baptism was given forth by Christ after his Resurrection Mat. 28. 20. Answ. There 's no mention of Water but baptizing them 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 into the Name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit and this Baptism was saving so is not your dipping H. G. And this of the Lords Supper Paul received of Christ sometime after his Ascension 1 Cor. 11. 23. Answ. 1st Paul received of Christ the Lords Supper in the Mystery not in the Shadow 1 Cor. 10. 15 16 17. yet he delivered unto them the Relation how the Lord Jesus took Bread and the Cup the same Night in which he was betrayed ver 23 24. which he applyed to a spiritual End ver 28. explained before Chap. 20. 16. and he delivered the Gospel as well touching Christ's Resurrection as his Death 1 Cor. 15. 3. and for their being baptized into his Death and raised in the Likeness of his Resurrection which was more then a Remembrance of his Death in or by the Shadow which could not be positively enjoyned by as oft as ye do this 2. That which the Apostle received of the Lord was the Gospel and a Gospel-Discovery of the Substance which was beyond and above the Shadow And his Recitation of the Shadow was directly to point at the Substance viz. that Bread and that Cup which was the Body and Blood of Christ and the spiritual Communication thereof he was a Minister of the Gospel the Dispensation whereof was not a Dispensation of Shadow but of Substance H. G. The end of this Ordinance doth remain notwithstaning the pourings forth of the Spirit and therefore the Ordinance must needs remain which is to confirm our Faith in the true Saviour and to keep up our Love to him p. 21. G. W. What Faith and Love are these of theirs which are confirmed by Bread and Wine and what Idolatry and Diversion from the Spirit doth their Doctrine tend to herein Surely the holy Spirit can best supply the said End Gal. 5. 22. H. G. Rep. This Ordinance tends to increase our Love to him and our Faith in him therefore the end remains unless you can prove Christ is come the second time without Sin unto Salvation do you suppose there is no need of this Ordinance because the Spirit can best supply the said End p. 11. Answ. There 's no need of the Shadow where the Substance is enjoyed and whilst thou Henry hast confessed your Supper as its called to be the Shadow the Substance being Christ thou dost but contradictorily begg the Question calling it a Gospel-Ordinance the Lords Supper in full Force the Ordinance the Ordinance 2. Thou dost but imagine a Confirmation and Increase of Faith in and Love to Christ by your Bread and Wine which they cannot do true Love and Faith being Fruits of the Spirit which in that it can best and only supply this End which idolatrously thou proposest to reap from thy pretended Supper There can be no Necessity of this thy Shadow for any such End to the Soul can there be any need of that which cannot supply the Soul when that which best can do it is manifest Is there Necessity where there 's Plenty or a full Supply 3. Whether those Believers in the Apostles dayes who hoped and looked for Christ's appearing the second time without Sin unto Salvation Heb. 9. 28. did not accordingly come to experience his Appearance unto their Salvation H. G. Darest thou say the Spirit can best supply those Ends without making use of the means God in his Word doth direct unto The Usefulness and Sufficiency of the Spirit in fulfilling of its Work doth not dis-annul Christ's Precepts p. 12 Answ. 1. I would know where the Word of God hath dictated that your shadowy Supper of Bread and Wine is the means to confirm true Faith in Christ or increase your Love to him or else confess thy Error for the means thou talkst of must have reference to what we were upon before about your pretended Supper or else thou art insignificant and impertinent in thy discourse 2. If the Spirit be sufficient to fulfil its Work and Office which is to bring forth its own Fruit what Necessity of your Shadow which cannot do it nor so far help man as in the leasts supply those Ends the Spirit is given for much less help the Spirit therein which is al-sufficient VII The Anabaptist's Imposition about their shadowy Baptism AGain H. G. is very fierce and rash for thei●… Water-Baptism or plunging People in Water where he saith Whosoever brings any other Gospel let him be accursed p. 〈◊〉 G. W. Hereby he hath cursed all the People of God and sincere minded both Protestants and all others in the World who oppose and come not under the Baptists dipping or plunging People in Water The Lord sorgive him he is very uncharitable herein for our parts we cannot believe their Baptism to be either the Baptism of Christ or Gospel or of Necessity and available to Salvation H. G. Rep. Thou hast in this manifested thy Imperfection and false Anti-christian Spirit hast thou no more Care nor Conscience that thou goest about thus to belie the Innocent Have I affir●…ed
true Union with him and Knowledge of him to experience his Indwelling as he dwelleth in us and we in him if we keep his Commandments and thus the true Believer hath the Witness in himself which that thou mightst experience was thy Sister 's wholsom Advice to thee to believe in the Light that reproves for Sin which enlightens every one that cometh into the World and so thou mightst in Love and Humility have received the Witness in thy self which if thou hadst obeyed thou durst never have prayed so wickedly as God forbid that ever I should own their Principle of the Light in all contrary to thy pretended Praises and Hallelujah to God for the Witness within neither co●…ldst thou have opposed the Witness in the Believer to the Light which reproves for sin which enlighteth every man as thou hast done H. G. This Witness through Grace I in measure do Experience not that I believe in that Light which every man that cometh into the World is inlightened with for Life and Salvation that is insufficient c. pag. 19. Answ. If thou rejectest the Gift or Measure of the Light or Life of Christ within thou rejectest the saithfull Witness Christ the Giver and canst not know him to be thy Saviour while thou art disobedient to his Light within and Christ and his Light in man are so inseperable that he who obeys and believes in his Light within he and his Faith must needs have a dependance upon Christ the Enlightner who is the Object Author and Finisher of Faith and so upon God who is the Fountain of Light who shineth in man's heart to give the knowledge of his Glory in the Face of his Son and hereby is the benefit of him as the one Offering and the vertue of his Blood known that both Sanctifies and makes Perfect XII His Groundless Comparison and Distinction between the Light of God in Man and the Light of Christ or Gospel further Refuted ANd whereas in thy other Book from Rom. 1. 19. and Chap. 2. 14 15. thou callest the Law or Light of God in men The Law or Light of the Moon to Guide their Paths by which they are taught their duty to God in morrals but understand nothing of the glorious Mystery of the Gospel pag. 6●… To this I Answer 1. Those Gentiles mentioned in Rom. 1. had a Sight and Knowledge of the Invisible things of God even his Eternal Power and God-head ver 19 20. was this but the Light of the Moon and was there nothing of the Gospel or Mystery of it in this whereas the very reason of their becoming foolish vain in their Imaginations darkned and reprobated in their minds was that because that when they knew God they glorified him not as God ver 21. they did not like to retain God in their knowledge ver 28. Therefore if they had continued in the Light given them glorified him as God and retained him in their knowledge they had been preserved unto Salvation out of that dark reprobate state and out of those gross evils which they fell into 2. Those Gentiles mentioned Rom. 2. 15. were accused or excused according to that Light or Law of God in their hearts and the secrets of them and all men to be Judged by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel but could this be or were it Just if there were no Law nor Light of Jesus Christ and Gospel given men are they and their secrets to be judged by a Law or Light which they never had in secret for my Part I know none so gross and partial as to affirm it on any serious Thoughts or Consideration 3. If the Light of God and his Knowledge be but the Light of the Moon and the Light of Christ the Light of the Sun how doth he demonstrate this difference between God and Christ and the Light of each and wherein the Glory of the one so far exceedeth the other or can any suppose there is a Light proceeding from Christ as man that so far excels the Light flowing from him as he is God or the Eternal Word as the Light of the Sun doth the Light of the Moon what Scripture hath H. G. for this distinction are not God and Christ and holy Spirit One and one Eternal Light and Fulness in their own Being and so the Light immediately shining or flowing thence unto man's Heart and Conscience one Divine Light though manifest by degrees and in several measures being still one in kind in man And this which H. G. calleth the Law or Light of the Moon is granted to be 1st The Light of Jesus Christ as the Eternal Word 2dly That which may be known of God manifest in men 3dly That Light which gives the Light and Knowledge of God and his Eternal Power 4dly The Law written in the Gentiles hearts who were a Law to themselves to which I add If men truely believe in and obey the Light of the Eternal Word in them and retain the sence and Knowledge of God as therein they receive it they will find Preservation and Acceptance with God for is the Improvement of any more then what 's given required XIII His belying us with denying the Man Christ Jesus to cloak his own Absurdity and Ignorance of Christ and his Being AGain H. G. To prove thy slanders 1. That we deny the man Christ Jesus 2. That we are found daily in the Sight of all Persons denying that man to be Christ who was born of the Virgin c. pag. 20 21. Thou judgest us insolent for saying we are falsly accused and guilty of this If it be absurd as we judge it is to say Christ doth Consist of a human Body of Flesh and Bone pag. 21. which is thy own absurdity To these I say Though we never deny'd the man Christ Jesus nor him to be Christ that was born of the Virgin according to the Flesh yet I must still count it absurd to say That Christ doth Consist or is made up of a human Body of Flesh and Bone for that 1. because Christ the Son of God was and had a Being before he took upon him that Flesh or Body in the Virgin 2. Because that when he took upon him that Body and even in the dayes of the Flesh he was spirit as well as had Flesh. 3. In that he is ascended up where he was before and far above all Heavens and is glorified with the same Glory that he had with the Father before the World began 4. He was before all things and by him all things consist this is truely our Christ and Saviour But If your Christ doth consist of a human or earthly Body of Flesh and Bone our Christ who consisteth of quickning spirit and heavenly Body of divine Life and Light a spiritual and glorious body is above you and yours so we must leave you Anabaptists with your earthly Christ consisting of a human Body of Flesh and Bone together with your empty and lifeless Shadows
we will not boast of things without our Measure but according to the measure of the Rule which God hath distributed to us c. ver 15. not boasting of things without our Measure that is of other mens Labours but having Hope when your Faith is increased that we shall be enlarged by you according to our Rule abundantly vers 16. not to boast in another Mans Line of things made ready to our hand And Philip. 3. 16. whereto ye have already attained let us walk by the same Rule let us mind the same thing Gal. 5. 15. and 16. for in Christ Jesus neither Circumcision nor Uncircumcision availeth any thing but a new Creature and as Many as walk according to this Rule Peace be on them By all which note that there was an universal divine and spiritual Rule dist●…ibuted of God to the true Believers and new Creatures in Christ in whom stood their several Attainments and Growths and this was not other mens Lines nor the Letter wherein they were mutually enlarged nor could the Letter be this Rule for that required Circumcision what then was Paul's Rule for denying it but the Spirit of Li●…e the new Covenant the Immediate Dictates of the holy Ghost see Act. 15. 24 28. Heb. 8 9 10. By the Word Scriptures we understand not only Writings in general but particularly all the holy Scriptures contained in the Bible not excluding those many Writings of Prophets and Apostles which are not inserted in the Bible which contain a Plurality of Words of Truth Commands Prescriptions Precepts c. and in that Sense Rules or Directions relating to both the old and new Covenant and to divers States Occasions and Dispensations many of which are abolisht with the old Covenant which therefore cannot properly in the Singular be called the Rule or one Intire full Rule much less the only Rule with Exclusion of all others as falfe as S. S. very blasphemously doth the Chiefest and highest Rule as he unscripturally and erroneously calls them for the Spirit or Light that first gave them forth with its Immediate Illumination Motions and Directions being both before and higher then the Scriptures or Writings how true soever they be So though we confess the holy Scriptures to contain true Words Commandments Precepts Directions and so Rules yet it 's no more proper to call them the only highest Rule and Guide to Heaven and Glory as S. S. doth then to call them the only highest Word Commandment and Light which they are not We can neither call the Scriptures God nor Christ nor the Light nor the Spirit nor the Power of God but Innocently and simply as they term or call themselves owning them in the true Light given us according to the true Intent Purpose and End for which they were first given out from divine Inspiration for which none that are Ingenuous will Blame us for the Word lives forever It 's setled in Heaven It 's also to be known and felt nigh in the Heart and it is the holy and living Commandment of Power which is called Life Everlasting and this is Immediate This Word was to David a Light and Lanthorn to his Paths and therefore his only Way and Rule to Felicity Yea for its Eminency it may be truly esteemed the Word of Words the Commandment of Commandments the Rule of Rules that divine Light wherein consists the Government Rule and Order of the Everlasting Day of Salvation Glory and Life to all the Children of the Day who in order to that Attainment have obeyed and followed the Degree and Measure of this true and divine Light in its Manifestation in them The Scriptures also or Bible contain many various Passages as well Historical as Doctrinal even of the Examples of Men in the fallen State of things done in the time of Ignorance and of the Failings and Weaknesses of divers of things transacted and do●…e in a Time and State not sutable to that of Man in the beginning nor to that of the Gospel or new Covenant As for any Man to have divers Wives or many Concubines at once it was not so in the Beginning nor ought to be so now yet such things are recorded in Scripture of divers Therefore 't is both Gross Impious and Contradictory for any to count the whole Bible the Rule of Life and Duty without Exemption according to our Opposer p. 61. Moreover for his Asserting the Scriptures Infallibility and as so being the highest Rule * He neither puts a Limitation of what part of the Scripture or Bible he intends nor yet tells us in what Language Copy or Translation they are infallible for every Rule whether moral or artificial ought to be infallible otherwise 't is n●… Rule but therein lyes obscure under Ambiguities Howbeit we may suppose he means according to his Masters the Assembly of pretended Divines Confes. Chap. 1. where having declared that the holy Scriptures are given by Inspiration of God to be the Rule of Faith and Life they add Artic. 8. The old Testament in Hebrew which was the Native Language of the People of God of old and the new Testament in Greek which at the time of the writing of it was most generally known to the Nations being immediately Inspired by God and by his singular Care and Providence kept pure in all Ages are therefore Authentical so as in all Controversies of Religion the Church is finally to appeal to them thus far the Assembly From hence it follows that when Steph. Scandret and these his Masters tell us that the Scriptures are the chief and highest Rule the only Infallible Rule to Heaven and Glory or the Rule of Faith and Life and to decide Controversies we are to understand it is as they are in Hebrew and Greek and as in the first Copies as given by Divine Inspiration by which these men still lead people in the dark and in Doubtfulness at a Distance from Life and Glory and Ignorant of the Rule and Way thereto implying this Difficulty that they must first learn Hebrew and Greek and be ascertained of the truth of the Copies as concurring with the first And this must be from their own knowledge not from the Priests Interpretations and various Meanings and yet the Assembly and S. S. still fall short of clearing the matter of the Greek not resolving which is the true infallible Copy there being divers Greek Lections or Copies of the new Testament But further if they could produce or evince the first Copy or that which most agrees with it while they prefer the Writing as the chief or only Rule of Faith and Life they leave people in Darkness and Death in not referring them to the Inward Divine Light or Inspiration of the Almighty as the chief and only Rule which gave forth the holy Scriptures and without which they cannot be truly understood in any Language Moreover concerning the Hebrew W. Tindal of whose Translation we have one ancient English Bible without Verses in
his Prologue prefixt in some Bibles he saith thus viz. W. Tindal unto the Christian Reader If ought seem Changed or not altogether agreeing with the Greek let the Finder of the Fault consider the Hebrew Phrase or Manner of Speech left in the Greek Words whose Preterperfect Tense and Present Tense is oft both one and the Future Tense is the Optative Mood also and the Future Tense is oft the Imperative Mood in the Active Voyce and in the Passive ev●…r likewise Person for Person Number for Number and Interrogation for a Conditional and such like is with the Hebrews and Common usage and he further adds if I shall perceive either by my self or by the Information of others that ought be escaped me or might be more plainly Translated I will shortly after cause it to be amended howbeit in many places me thinketh it better to put a Declaration in the Marg●…nt then to run too far from the Text. Now from hence considering the Difficulty of truly translating the Scriptures from the Hebrew both as to Time Manner Voice Person Number and Condition c. how easily herein may the Sense be greatly changed and how this ingenuous Translator himself doth not place Infallibility upon his Work or Translation from the Hebrew but ingenuously proffereth Amendment of it if either by himself or an others Information he shall perceive a Deficiency in which he hath done and also considering what Irreconcileable Controversies have been among many counted Learned about the Translations in divers Places of Scriptures and how many Amendments have from Time to Time been made upon them and even how many various English Translations we have what Dubiousness and Uncertainty are both Priests and People in both as to Rule Faith and Foundation of their Religion who neither know nor own the Principle of true Knowledge and divine Understanding which is God's Gift while they have no regard to divine Illumination as the Rule of Faith before the Scriptures but do cry and set up one while a meer Translation or Reading which to them may be dubious as their only highest infallible Rule of Faith another while their own uncertain Meanings private Conceptions and fallible Interpretations upon the Scriptures they set up as the Rule and Judge over them as their Phrase hath been to Reconcile the Scriptu●…es which as given by divine Inspiration cannot be broken And while still their Work tends to divert peoples Minds from depending upon the Spirit of Truth and its Inlightning as the chief and only infallible Guide and Rule where will they center and what a Babylonish Structure do they erect upon their uncertain Conjectures and dubious Interpretations from their fallible Spirits and Judgments And to place Infallibility upon the Letter or Writing or English Translation whereas W. Tindal a Translator himself did not attribute this to his Translation nor divers others in their putting many marginal Notes upon some English Bibles as from the Hebrew and Greek and even their learned D. Ce●…l set forth a large Book in Folio entituled An Essay to the Amendment of the Last English Translation of the Bible wh●… he finds fault with and corrects several noted Places and what less is signified in their ample Annotations and manifold Notes upon some Bibles And moreover when some of the Clergy have made that of Job 2. 9. their Texit viz. that Job's Wife said unto him Curse God 〈◊〉 dye they have told People that that Hebrew Text signifieth Bless God and dye and some take it so as to desire humbly of God that he might dye which arguing Impatiency was reproveable others that it was Curse God and dye which was much more reproveable not only as Foolishness but Wickedness And concerning that of Saul and the Witch of Endor his bidding her bring him up Samuel it 's said And when the Woman saw Samuel ver 12. and Saul know that it was Samuel vers 14. And Samuel said unto Saul why hast thou disquieted me c. ver 15. then said Samuel ver 16. So the matter runs in Samuel's name Whereas those of the Clergy have told us it was Satan and that Saul spake according to his gross Ignorance not considering the slate of the Saints after this Life and how Satan hath no Power over them it was Satan who to blind Saul's Eyes took upon him the Form of Samuel c. Now seeing this Interpretation is so plainly contrary to the Words themselves for which I blame them not in this though in many others I do I query how the●… agrees this with their placing Infallibility upon the Scriptures not only on the Doctrinal but on the Historical Part when they are minded to oppose the Sufficiency of the Light of Christ within Many more Instances might be brought to shew their vast Variations from the Letter of the Scriptures in their Interpretations By the Tenor of all which Discourse before of this Import it 's evident that their Confession at least of many of them is that a●…l the Scriptures are not Infallible but some Corrupted in the various Translations ●…hers not to be taken meerly as the Words import Howbeit for all this many Priests and Professors for their own Ends if they be about to oppose the Light within or divine Illumination and the Sufficiency of the holy Spirit 's Teaching denying it to be either the Rule of Faith or Life or sufficient to guide to Heaven without the Scriptures which argues their gross and carnal Diffidence and sinful Unbelief then in plain Contradiction they place all the Infallibility and sole Sufficiency therein upon the Scriptures as the only highest Rule of Faith and Life the only Rule and Way to Heaven and Glory the only Rule totry both Doctrines and Spirits by And here they most Idolatrously and in a most pre●…sterous Manner prefer the Scriptures before Christ and set them up above the Spirit that gave them forth while they slight and cry down the Light of Christ within as not any Rule c. though it both manifests all things reproveable and be the Prover of Deeds whether they are wrought in God for which End he that doth Truth bringeth his Deeds to the Light Joh. 3. 19 20. But as Christ said to the unbelieving Jews so it may justly be said to these Opposers of his Light within now Ye search the Scriptures for in them ye think to have Eternal Life and they are they which testifie of me but ye will not come to me that you might have Life Joh. 5. 39 40. Mark ye will not come to Christ that ye might have Life and now the Scriptures do not direct Men to themselves for Life and Salvation but to the Son of God who is both the Life the Foundation the Way and so the only Rule Guide and Teacher and not the Scriptures But why do the Presbyters of our Times so often exalt their own divers Meanings and Interpretations as the Rule above the Scriptures contrary to the great
Stress which at other times they lay upon the Scriptures So that finally they deny both the Spirit the Scriptures to be the Rule setting up their own Meanings over both being ignorant of the Scriptures and the Power of God We may believe that the Truth of it is It is more consistent with their Gain and Trade of Preaching that their Meanings should be the Rule over or above the Scriptures then that the Scriptures should be the only or highest Rule to Heaven as sometimes they pretend for that Bibles are had at a great deal cheaper Rate then their Trade of Preaching can be had But then for their own Ends on the other Ha●…d they can in plain self-Contradiction cry up the Scriptures as the only 〈◊〉 Rule to Heaven when their Design is to divert Peoples Minds from depending upon the DIVINE LIGHT and IMMEDIATE TEACHING OF GOD WITHIN for Life and Salvation Seeing that it 's evident they can more easily avoid the Scriptures Infallibility for their own Ends that they may be Masters both over the Scriptures and Mens Faith for their Lucre and Gain than they can get any of the Children of Light to assist their Trade or any to maintain them therein who are turned from Darkness to the LIGHT to wait upon the Immediate Teachings of God it 's easier for them to evade or dispense with the Scripture's Infallibility then to hinder the true LIGHT WITHIN from shining in Mens Hearts for that is impossible for them Again the Scriptures were not the Presbyterians sole Rule of Faith and Practice when they set forth their 〈◊〉 Confession of Faith and Scotch Covenant agreed upon by the Kirk of Scotland and the Assembly at Westminster which was of no small Charge It 's easie to see that their sole Rule as they have pretended the Scriptures to be they can easily dispense with add to or vary from for their own Ends at their Pleasure both in Doctrine Discipline and Practice as might be instanced not only for their unscriptural Sprinkling Infants but in many othe●… Traditions and Babylonish Reliques S. Scandret ' s Sense about the Points in Controversie examined S. S. BY the Light in every Man understand not the Light of the Gospel 2 Cor. 4. 4. lest the Light of the glorious Gospel should shine c. p. 1 2. Answ. The God of the World hath blinded the Minds of them that are lost lest the Light of the glorious Gospel should shine unto them 2 Cor. 4. 4. And this Man's Work is of the same Tendency viz. to blind Peoples Minds which implies that the Light of Christ Jesus which is Gospel-Light is given to all but the Minds blinded by Satan oppose it The Subject which Satan works upon and prevails with is their Minds not the Light S. S. Mark 't is not said the Light but God hath shined p. 7. Answ. A frivolous Exception Can there be such divine Shi●…ing without his divine Light God hath shined in our Hearts c. and God is Light S. S. Upon Phil. 3. 16. The Saints were to walk according to their several Attainments what they had got out of the Scri●…s by the same Rule c. p. 9. Answ. What Scriptures They were to walk in the Spirit which directed their Minds to God that he might reveal his Mind to them And here was the same Rule the same Thing the same Principle their several Attainments being according to their spiritual Growth in the Light Was the Rule mentioned in 2 Cor. 10. 13. and Gal. 6. 15 16. to be got out of the Bible See this Man's gross Ignorance S. S. Innocency man's perfect Light must not be the whol●… his Rule p. 11. Answ. A gross Error God was then his perfect Light and Rule in his Teachings and is not that Light which is perfect whole S. S. We need no infallible Spirit to help to discern the Counsels of Light and Darkness in Scripture for all there comes from God p. 27. Answ. He is not told this by an infallible Spirit for many Counsels of Darkness Serpent and wicked Men both against God Christ and his People are recorded in Scripture And it is the Spirit of Christ which is Infallible that truly opens and reveals the Truths in Scripture to the Understanding of the Children of Light S. S. The Spirit dwelling in all Believers is sometimes a sweet Mo●…r to Duty though no indwelling Spirit p. 38. 〈◊〉 Gross Ignorance and Confusion What! no indwelling Spirit and yet dwelling in all Believers Did you ever hear such Doctrine before S. S. God's Commands cease not to be God's Commands either because the Spirit doth not within put Men on to obey them c. p. 38. Answ. A gross Inference against the Spirit for the Spirit of Truth leads true Believers into all Truth from which no true and necessary Commands can be excluded unless he will say some of them are no Truths S. S. We are to obey them though the Spirit 〈◊〉 puts not on otherwise some wicked men in living contr●…ry to the Scriptures do not sin cannot be dam●…ed for so doing for s●…e have sinned away the Motions and Strivings of 〈◊〉 Spirit p. 8. Answ. What will become of such poor ●…eople that are fed with such Chaff and Darknes as this And what is the Tendency of it but to set 〈◊〉 on to work in their own Wills to set up their own 〈◊〉 without the Movings of the Spirit of God And what will that profit them though without this Spiri●… they are carnal and selfish in all their Acti●…gs and can●…t truly obey Nor can wicked Men who have 〈◊〉 away its Strivings escape Damnation withall S. S. ●…is pressing them to obey the Scriptures wi●…hout the Guidance of the Spirit for without him we can do 〈◊〉 but all things through him that strengthneth us S. S. Because a Thing is written in the Scripture are we to do it I will in God's Assistance rowl my self and act Faith on God and Christ because I see the sweet Words in the Scriptures c. p. 38. Answ. This is a Faith of his own making a Will acting that is not grounded upon the Spirit of God and its Perswasion within an imperfect Imitation of the ●…etter wi●…hout the Spirit for he hath not an infallible Spirit o●… discerning between the Counsels of Light and Darkness in the Heart nor to discern those few Truths it doth reveal as he confesseth p. 27. and 31 So that this Book of his against us pr●…ceeded from his Darkness and fallible Spirit But if God s Spirit teach us by the Works of Creation and the Light in every Man propounding the Creation to be considered and he helps us to conclude a God thence that he is to be worshiped c. for in him we live move and have our being as is largely confessed p. 53. Then there is a twofold Testimony afforded of God to Mankind viz. Immediate and Mediate as namely First his Spirit or Light 2dly His Works
of Creation thr●…gh which his Light gives Men to consider and see God and his eternal Power Rom. 1. and to worship him And this Light and Works are and do preach forth the Power of God and his Wisdom where the Scriptures are not And therefore God affords a Sufficiency even to the Heathens both of Light inward and Evidence outward of his Power c. They that have the holy Scriptures in the Bible may thank God for those good Testimonies in them as his Light within opens their Understandings in them to the Right Use of them A●…d they that have not the Bible have the Book of the Creation to read in and the Light within to open it and to read and understand a Deity and Divine Power through all and over all And they that are born Deaf and Blind shall not be therefore damned God having afforded an invisible sufficient Light to save being obeyed to leave them without excufe being disobeyed And if by the use of Reason the Spirit of God teacheth the Heathen moral Duties as in p. 54. which Duties as he explains are to love and worship God and to love our Neighbours as our selves then have the Heathen First A supernatural and Divine Light to wit that of the Spirit 2dly His Spirit with the Teaching and Reason of it in that degree it is in them is a Rule of Life to them that have not Scriptures who obey it And this confutes and overthrows the greater part of S. S. his Book or bundle of Confusion S. S. Most falsly obtruds upon R. Ludgater this Concession viz. That the Will of God as much of it as is revealed by the Light in every man without the help of Scripture is not the only Rule to Heaven p. 23. And this sayes S. S. fetcht out of the very Heart-Blood of Quakery Epist. This is a gross Abuse and Lye for R. L. hath a better Knowledge and Esteem of the Light of Christ in every man and its own Sufficiency to guide the Obedient to Heaven In him was Life the Life was the Light of Men Job 1. 4. This Life and Light of Christ being divine is therefore a sufficient Rule Also S. S. hath abused G. W. in several places perverting his Words and setting down words in G. W's Name which he never wrote nor spoak and in particular these words about Christ's Coming viz. He hath tarried above Sixteen Hundred Years p. 86. quoting Divin of Christ p. 49. and then to back this Abuse and to lay Judgment 〈◊〉 G. W. brings those Scriptures 2 Pet. 2. 3 4. and Mat. 4. 48. Whereas G. W's Words were quite contrary ●…nfessing both to Christ's Outward and Inward Coming which ●…is Disciples did not put afar off as you do it being above ●…ixteen Hundred Years since they both waited for and receiv'd ●…is Coming Here is no such Word as that He hath tarried so long we refer the Reader to the Book and Page before mentioned to see S. S's Abuse in this as also many more might be instanced where instead of answering he hath wronged and belyed our Words and Books S. S. in p. 32. saith though the Counsels of God's Spirit in Believers Hearts be IN themselves as certainly the Truth of God as are his Counsels in the Scriptures yet are they not to Believers so certainly the Truths of God Answ. What 's this but to tell us that the Scriptures can better ascertain us of the Truths therein then the Spirit that first gave forth those Truths or that the Spirit of Christ is Insufficient assuredly to manifest his own Counsels to Believers which is contrary to Christ's own Testimony He shall guide you into all Truth He shall abide with you forever and the Sons of God are led by his Spirit and hereby know we that we dwell in him and be in us because he hath given us of his Spirit 1 Joh. 4. 13. Chap. 3. 24. Therefore this Spirit is our certain and highest Rule And as to his pudder he makes about Water-Baptism 't is very confused and silly as at the Dispute not plainly asserting whom he would have the Subjects of it whether Infants or Believers yet brings some of the Anabaptists Arguments though we still suppose he intends Infants but durst not tell us whether it be his Practice now So see what a Laborynth and Loss his Work tends to bring People to neither plainly telling them the Subjects nor showing who are the Ministers of this imposed Water-Baptism whether himself or such as he or who and yet injoyns it as a Means of Sanctification a Means of Salvation which we do not believe As also he explains not his terms of the Lord's Supper what he means by the Lord's Supper whether the Shaddow or the Mystery and what is his own Practice therein whether he ministers Bread and Wine as a Figure or the Substance And whether the Mystery or thing signified be attained by any in this Life This is unanswer'd Nor whether Shaddows be essential to the Gospel Dispensation Concerning Justification He hath in some degree granted to truth that the word Justifie the Scripture sometimes useth it to signifie to make Just by inherent Holiness or to Sanctifie Tit. 3. 5 7. He saved us by the Washing of Regeneration that being justified c. Herein he hath assented more to Truth then many of his ●…rethren but 't is much contradicted again in his handling the matter of Imputation of Adam's Sin to those that are not Partakers of it and so of Christ's Obedience p. 96. As if Adam's Sin and Christ's Righteousness were so imputed to them who partake not of them This we cannot own and hath been often answered in our Books and much we have against this his Sense of Imputation as also against their Opinion about personal Election and Reprobation and the Cruelty Partiality and ill Consequence of the Presbyters Opinion therein And against S. S. his shallow and absurd managing the matter whose manifest Contradictions were long since published which we do not understand that he hath made any Publick Essay to reconcile also his work about the Scriptures Baptism and the Supper are more particularly and fully answered elsewhere which there hath not been for some time an oppo●…tunity to publish CHAP. II. About JUSTIFICATION and IMPUTATION S. S's Quest. WHether we are justified by the Righteousness of Christ imputed The Question would better reach the Controversie as thus stated viz. Whether Impure that is unsanctified Persons while 〈◊〉 be justified by the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness Thus I stated the Question at first which S. S. evaded with this viz. Whether Justification be by the Works of the Law 〈◊〉 by the Righteousness of Christ through Faith No●…●…enying the former and granting the latter this Question will not find out the Controversie but rather Whether Christ's Righteousness be imputed unto Persons in a disobedient unsanctisied or unconverted State Or Whether Christ's Righteousness be imputed of Co●… to Persons
terms of his Covenant and Promise on his part I Would ask our Opposer who reckons it not a falling from Grace for those he counts Elect Persons as David and his Children with others of his own Opinion now to sall into the Guilt of Adultery and Murther c. whether or no did not his Son Solomon fall from Grace when he loved the outlandish Women so as they turned away his Heart aster other God's 1 Kings 11. Did he stand in the Covenant of Grace or in God's Favour all this time Was not the Lord angrv with him See ver 10 11 12. And surther that of Psal. 89. Concerning David his Seed and Throne it extends further then meerly a literal Relation of him and his Seed according to the Flesh for David is beloved I have sound David my Servant with my holy Oyl have I anointed him ver 20. his Seed also will I make to endure for ever and his Throne as the dayes of Heaven ver 29. his Seed shall endure forever and his Throne as the Sun before me ver 36. Herein David was truly a Type of Christ the Anointed of God to whom these Promises relate which were typified in David as also that saying I will make him my First-b●…rn higher t●…en the Kings of the Earth ver 27. This is a Mystery beyond a meer Literal Acceptation and I may say in this as the Apostle said in his Instance of Abraham and his Seed That as they that were of Faith were of Abraham and his Children so they that are spiritually anointed of God and his Beloved Children and Faithful Servants are of David's Seed even such who incline their Ear to God and obey his Voyce for it is written Hearken diligently unto me and eat ye that which is Good and let your Soul delight it self in Fatness Incline your Ear and come unto me hear and your Soul shall live and I will make an Everlasting Covenant with you even the sure Mercies of David Isa. 55. 2 3. A POSTSCRIPT about the Will of God Election and Reprobation Concerning the Will of God in its Manifestation both 1st as unresistable ●…dly as resistable sect 1 FIrst On what Considerations it may be said to be unresistable shewing forth the Might of his Power as 1. In bringing forth the Works of Creation Whatsoever he pleased that did he Psal. 135. 6. 2. In fore-ordaining his Son to be set forth in him to tender Grace and Salvation in due time to Mankind Who could hinder his first Ordination though many reject the Tenders 3. In extending his Light and Power universally to the final Conviction of Impenitent Evil-doers for their Rebellion which Light and Power unavoidably at times seizes upon their Consciences reproving and convicting them while they have a Day and though they may shun being reformed thereby yet they cannot alwayes avoid the Torment and Trouble thereof in themselves That God may shew himself clear when he Judgeth 4. In bringing and executing his Judgments and Wrath as he sees Cause upon the Wicked and Rebellious who are finally Impenitent By all which God hath manifested his Power or Soveraignity which on these Considerations hath irresistably shewed it self for the fulfilling his Righteous Will so far as it hath absolutely extended it self from an Intention or Design of God to shew forth his Wisdom Justice and the Greatness or Might of his Power without the Creature Complyance as 1. God's Work of Creation 2. His Fore-ordination to bring forth his Son into the World c. 3. His Power in finally Convicting Rebellious Sinners 4. The Execution of his Judgments upon the Rebellious In all these who shall say to God What doest thou Who shall let what he will do so far as his Will inevitably and unresistably hath acted or doth act in any thing without Man's Complyance as it was in Making Man in Convicting and Condemning the Rebellious and Stubborn But Secondly The Will and Power of God as condescending and reaching gradually to the Creature 's Capacity it is possible ●…or Men to resist the Manifestation thereof to their own Condemnation As the Will of God is manifest in a Way of Friendship and Kindness to Mankind as 1. In a way of Counsel Commands Instructions Invitations Perswasions and gentle Reproofs which have a tendence to draw Men out of Sin and 2. In his Patience and long Suffering towards them waiting to be gratious desiring their Return striving with them by his Spirit Thus his Will is That all should know the Truth and be saved 1 Tim. 2. 4. 2 Pet. 3. 9. But Mens Conversion and Salvation is not wrought without their Subjection Obedience and Complyance with the Spirit and Power of God co-operating by Faith Reprobation What it is A Reproving Disallowing Rejecting sect 2 Reprobate is Wicked Base Dishonest Corrupt so as to be cast out of God s Favour c. And the Cause of Persons being given over to a Reprobate Mind is their Rebellion against Light given them their rejecting the Knowledge of God till their Minds became so reprobate or corrupt as to be void of true Sence and Judgment Rom. 1. As they who w●…re called Reprobate Silver or as corrupt drossy false Coyn were rejected of the Lord Jerem. 6. 30. The Word Election explained Election is Choice which respects both sect 3 I. The chusing of some from amongst many as Christ said to his Followers I have chosen you out of the World Joh. 15. 19. II. The Excellency or Choiceness of that which is chosen And this relates First To Christ the Elect Seed of whom it is said Behold my Servant mine Elect in whom my Soul delighteth Isa. 42. 1. And He is also called a chief Corner-Stone Elect Pretious 1 Pet. 2. 6. Secondly To the true Church or Elect People who being chosen through Sanctification of the Spirit and Belief of the Truth are the faithful Followers of Christ these are choice and pretious in God's Sight and therefore are called the Elect of God Holy and Beloved Col. 3. 12. a chosen Generation a Royal Priesthood an Holy Nation a peculiar People c. 1 Pet. 2. 9. They that are with the Lamb are Called Chosen and Faithful Rev. 17. 14. the Pretious Sons of Sion comparable to fine Gold Lam. 4. 2. This God's Election or Choice of his Church or People is gradually manifest and experienced in them as 1st When they have known the Work of God by his Grace begun it them unto their Separation from the World through a Decree of Faith and Sanctification are called Elect that is as chosen out of the World or from among Men being more peculiar to God then others while yet they are not perfectly grown and established in the Truth as Israel of old was Elect and Jerusalem chosen before their Estrangement from God Esa. 44. 1. 1 Kings 11. 13. Paul was a Chosen Vessel when first he had received and obeyed the heavenly Vision and Call Acts 9. 15. and Chap. 26. 19.
they shall seize upon their Bodies and Tear them and Drag●… them to the Judgment Seat and there is none to Rescue and Deliver them 3. The Third Antecedent to the Judgment of the Wicked will be their Meeting one with another O what an innumerable Company of Rebels and Traytors and Villains will then be got together How fiercerly and horribly will they look one upon another And if they speak what Language of Hell will there issue forth of their Lips They may meet with their old Companions and Fellow-Sinners but it will not be like such as they now call Meetings of Good Fellowship when they get together in a Tavern Ale-house or someHouse of Wickedness to Drink and Sing and Daunce and Sin and make Merry in the pleasing of their Flesh they shall not then have Ale and Wine and Women and Musick or any Incentives to Mirth and tensual Pleasures O the Angry Countenances the Wicked will have on that Day O the Angry Speeches How will they Rage and Storm at one another p. 52. O the Horrible Noise that will be amongst the Damned Crew when they are got together It may be from Words they fall to Blows and Tear one anothers Hair and Spurn at one anothers Bellies and Bite one anothers Flesh and even Claw out one anothers Eyes we cannot conjecture so much of the Misery of the VVicked as will be on that Day p. 53. Friends will be together at that Day as at other times Some will be in Churches together it may be Ministers preaching and People hearing as you are hearing me this Day Suppose that the Heavens should just now open and you should hear the Sound of the last Trumpet then all you that are Believers would immediately be caught up into the Clouds but all you that are Impenitent and Unbelievers would be left behind VVhat Terror would fall upon you to see us caught away from you It may be some of you might come hanging about me and others when you see us arrayed in shining Garments O take us up along with you VVhat will you leave us behind Alas what can I do for you then p. 54. I came with Oyle often to Sell from my Lord and Master and you might have had it for nothing you might have bought it without Money and without Price but then you ●…leighted and refused all Proffers of Grace which were made p. 56. Alas●… VVhy do you hang about me with Tears and VVeeping VVhat can I do for you now Can I carry you all up with me in my Arms If all of us together could hand and help some of you up into the Air with us and bring you into the Presence of our Dear and Glorious Redeemer with what Confidence could you stand before him with what Face could you look upon him when you are so Black and Filthy VVould not your Looks betray you to be none of our Number Would not your black and Trembling Joynts speak what you are Could we carry you up with us If you should lay hold on us would not the Angels snatch us out of your Arms or would not Devils tear you away from us pag. 58. The Saints are all risen and have put on their Glorious Attire and we are called for It is your own Faults that you did not help to fill up this Number p. 59 The whole Innumerable Company of Saints shall attend Christ in white shining Garments with Bodies like unto Christ more Beautiful and Glorious then the most spendid Attire can make them pag. 66. The Accusers of and Witnesses against the Wicked they will be 1. God 2. Men. 3. Devils 4. Themselves First God's Justice will arraign the Wicked before the Judgment-Seat of Christ p. 78. 2. God's Goodness and Bounty and Patience will accuse them 3. God's Omniscience will be a Wit●… ness against the VVicked at the Day of Judgment pag. 79. 1. Ministers will be the Accusers and VVitnesses against the VVicked p 80. 2. The Godly Friends of the VVicked will be their Accusers and VVitnesses against them 1. The Believing Husband will then accuse and witness against his Unbelieving VVife pag 83. 2. The Believing Wife will then accuse her Unbelieving Hu●…band p. 84. 3. Believing Parents will VVitness against their Ungodly Children p. 85. 2. The Ungodly Friends and Companions of the VVicked will at that Day be their Accusers and witness against them 3. Devils will be the Accusers and VVitnesses against the VVicked p. 86. 4. The VVicked will be accused by themselves their own Thoughts shall accuse them in the Day when God shall judge the Secrets of Men by Jesus Christ their own Consciences will accuse them and be as a Thousand Witnesses against them They will find all their Sins registered in that Book and that Book will then be opened and they will not be able to deny one word of what they shall find there recorded Concerning the Conviction Suppose that this very Day were the Day of Judgment and in this very Church were the Judgment-Seat that here were a great white Throne and the Lord Jesus Christ sitting upon it in his Glory with Millions of Holy Angels about him and all the Saints in white at his Right Hand and on his Left all the VVicked gathered together into one Body as it will be at the Last Day And the Judge should cry with a loud Voice Bring the Prisoners to the Bar Bring the Sinners to Judgment p. 87. and so summon and convict particular Sinners 1. Come forth all ye Ignorant Persons who have not known the Father nor me nor the Mysteries of Salvation who lived in Darkness and loved Darkness and hated the Light le●…t your Deeds should hereby have been reproved had you an Ear and yet not hear so as to learn Had you an Eye and yet not see so as to understand And if you were Naturally Blind had not I Eye-salve Could not I have opened your Eyes was I not willing Did I not stand in the Gates to call upon you How long ye Simple Ones will you love Simplicity and Fools ha●…e Knowledge Turn unto me and I will pour out my Spirit upon you and make known my VVords unto you Have you neglected me through Ignorance Is not your Fault double because you have neglected Knowledge too Did not you hate Knowledge and therefore disregard●… Did not you love Sin and therefore shunned the Light which would have discovered it and disturbed you in your wicked Courses Have you liked Darkness so well and is it not 〈◊〉 then that you should go to the Place where there is Blackness of Darkness forever TAKE THEM DEVILS BIND THEM HAND AND FOOT 2. Come forth all ye Sloathful Unprofitable Persons Had not ye Talents committed to you for my Use and Service and what have ye done with them did you bury them in the Earth p. 88. 89. Did not Hell gape for you long ago and Devils long for
Lucid they namely the Bodies of the Angels are with which the best of them are invested as truly that of Exod. 3. 2. Acts 7. 30. which answers well to that of Hebr. 1. 7. The Bodies of the more Glorious Angels are Igneous and Lacid That also is a remarkable Example of the Lucidity of the Bodies of Angels which we have Acts 12. where while Peter was sleeping betwixt two Souldiers in the Prison bound in Chains the Angel of the Lord is said to come upon him and a Light to shine in the Prison c. I will add one Instance more which is Dan. 10. 5. where the Angel that instructed Daniel is thus described Then I lifted up mine Eyes and looked and behold a certain Man cloathed in Linnen whose Loins were girded with fine Gold of Ophaz his Body was also like Beryl and his Face as the Appearance of Lightening and his Eyes as Lamps of Fire c. This Appearance certainly of this Angelical Shape is Fiery Lucid and Glorious It is manifest that they are very Luminous and Glorious Whoever is invested with such a Body as is reserved for the Sons of the Resurrection will be if he please to shew himself thus Lucid and Glorious of which I shall want no more Examples then that one of our Saviour Christ's Body for all ours at the Resurrection are to be made like to his Glorious Body and how Lucid and Angelical his Body was after his Ascension into Heaven may appear from Apocal. 1. 13. where one like unto the Son of Man is said to be cloathed with a Garment down to the Foot and girt about the Paps with a Colden Girdle his Head and his Fair to be white like Wool as white as Snow that his Eyes as a Flame of Fire and his Feet like unto fine Brass as if they were burning in a Furnace and his Voice as the Sound of many VVaters a sharp Two-edged Sword came out of his Mouth and his Countenance was as the Sun shining in his strength This Body I think is sufficiently Lucid and expresly and almost exactly conformable to that of the Angel which appeared to Daniel as any one may observe that listeth to compare them The like Appearance of our Saviour se●…meth to be also Apocal. 10. where an Angel is said to be cloathed with a Cloud with a Rain-Bow on his Head and his Face to be as the Sun c. I will add his Appearing to an out of the Heavens as he was going to Damascus Acts 9. that suddenly there shined round about him a Light from Heaven c. above the Brightness of the Sun Chap. 22. 6. 26. 13. Which again doth not only assure the Reality but the exceeding great Splendor of the Corporeal Presence of Christ which is also agreeable to that in Apocal. And his Countenance was as the Sun shining in his Strength Out of all which I hope it is plain enough that as our Saviour hath said That the Sons of the Resurrection do become i●…so facto Angels in Condition as well for the Splendour and Constitution of their Body as their Immortality The Body of our Saviour after his Refurrection being so accurately answerable in Light and Glory to the most illustrious Appearances of Angels in either the Old or New Testament and this alone one would think might be sufficient to assure us of the Lucidity or Luminosity of the Body of Christ as also of all our Resurrection-Bodies For the Spirituality of this Body see 1 Cor. 15. 44. It is sown a natural Body it is raised a spiritual Body there is a natural Body and there is a spiritual Body c. I think it is most reasonable to understand the Resurrection-Body to be called Spiritual not for that it is actuated by a Spirit for the Soul is a Spirit that actuates the natural Body but for that the Body it self is become spiritual which I must confess Calvin seems abhorrent from but meerly out of his Ignorance in Philosophy for he reprehends those qui substantiam corporis putant fore spiritualem c. Calvin seems to be afraid of the Opinion of the Body being spiritual as implying a substantial Change c. There is not any Inconvenience to admit that the Resurrection●… Body is a spiritual Body that is to say that the Contexture of it is of more subtil Parts then those that constitute the Earthly Bodies pag. 498. And so he distinguishes between that Terrestrial Statue or Body that Adam had and the Spiritual Bodies of those that are made conformable to the last Adam and to his Glorious Condition Such as are not of a stupid and Statue-like Condition of themselves but of such a Nature as hath an Activity in it self and doth most wonderfully contribute to the most lively and most divine and enlarged vitall Operations of the Soul ●… In this Manner hath he g●…ven his Distinction upon the Words It is sown a Natural or Animal Body it is raised a Spiritual Body The Resurrection Body is Heavenly or Celestial as the first Man is of the Earth Earthly the second Man is the Lord from Heaven as is the Earthly such are they that are Earthly and as is the Heavenly such are they also that are Heavenly and as we have born the Image of the Earthly we shall also bear the Image of the Heavenly And then it follows But this I must tell you Brethren That Flesh and Blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God not that they shall only have Heavenly Bodies in a moral Sense or spiritual Meaning Bodies in which they shall be Heavenly-minded For such Slips as these and dilute Sences are very Dangerous c. but that they shall have an Heavenly Body in that Sense that Adam had an Earthly which was not called an Earthly Body for that he was Earthly-minded in it but because his Body was of an Earthly Substance Really and Physically Heavenly not only Morally we shall be such in our Corporeal Constitution as our Celestial Lord is in his we shall bear his Image of Heavenly Glory and Brightness not only in a Moral but Natural Sense nor can I imagine how Interpreters could be carried so forcibly off from so obvious and true a Sense had it not been by reason of some false Pre-conceptions in Philosophy that had corrupted their Minds and perverted their Judgments namely the Hypothesis of Ptolo●…e and Aristotle By an Heavenly Body I would understand an Angelical Body That the Heavens are fluid according to the most ancient and divinest Philosophy as the very Notation of the Hebrew word intimates Our Resurrection-Bodies will be furnished with the Seeds and Principles of Light and Splendour and be more Beautiful and more full of Lustre and Glory then the Heavenly Matter it self as that part of the Earth which becomes an humane Body is more precious and beautiful then the Earth it self before it be modified into a Frame fit for the Functions of Life So that whether we
3 One God and Father of all 1 Cor. 8. 6 Now to the King Eternal Immortal Invisible the Only Wise God be Glory c. 1 Tim. 1. 17. The Heaven of Heavens cannot contain Thee 1 Kings 8. 27. 2 Chron. 6. 18 What House will ye build me Acts 7. 49 God dwells in the Light 1 Tim. 6. 16 To whom will ye liken God what Likeness will ye compare unto Him Isa. 40. 18 25 God is a Spirit John 4. 24. Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 2. Lact. Fals. Rel. 1. 5. Cic. de Nat. Deor. 1. But to us there is but One God the Father of all of whom are all things 1 Cor. 8. 6. Where wast thou when I laid the Foundations of the Earth read on Job 38. 4 And the Earth was without Form read the Chapter in which is declared God's Making and beautifying Heaven and Earth and all Living Creatures therein Gen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. and so to the end Thou Lord madest the Heavens and the Earth and all that in them is Acts 4. 24. August cir Del. 8. Tim. de De Anim. Mund. The Pure in heart shall see God Mat. 5. 8. He dwelleth in Immortality no Mortal Eye can approach or behold him 1 Tim. 1. 16. One Thing have I desired of Thee O Lord to behold the Beauty of the Lord Psalm 27. 4 The Things of God knows no Man but the Spirit of God but God hath Reveal'd them to us by his Spirit 1 Cor. 2. 10 11. 1. 13. Is Christ divided 1 Cor. 1. 13 And I heard a great Voice saying THE TABERNACLE OF GOD IS WITH MEN. He that Overcometh shall Inherit all things I will be his God and he shall be my Son Revel 21. 3 7. Jambl. * Jamblich * De Anim. Mund. In the Beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God John 1. 1. The Word is nigh thee in thy Heart and in thy Mouth Rom. 10. 8. I dwell in the High and Holy Place with him also that is of a Contrite and Humble Spirit Isa. 57. 15. Ye are the Temples of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you 1 Cor. 2 16. Whatever may be known of God is manifested within for God shews it unto them Rom. 1. 19. Valer. Max. 7. 2. Lay up Treasure in Heaven where neither Moth nor Rust can Corrupt nor Thief break through and Steal Mat. 6. 20. This Treasure hath God put into Earthen Vessels 2 Cor. 4. 7. Fear not for the Lord thy God it is that doth go with thee he will not fail thee nor forsake thee Deut. 31. 6. In all their Afflictions he was Afflicted Isa. 63. 9 The Lord is a present Help in the time of Trouble Psal. 46. 1. * Oedip. Tyr. Shall not the Uncircumcision that is by Nature if it fulfil the Law judge thee who by the ●…etter and Circumcision dost transgress the Law For he is not a Jew that is one Outward implying such as keep the Law is one Inward Rom. 2. 27 28. And the Word of God nigh in the Heart shall abide forever Isa. 40. 8. Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5. Plutarch de Gen. Socr. There is a Spirit in Man but the Inspiration of the Almighty giveth Understanding Job 32 8. 2 Tim. 2. 22 25. For as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Children of God Rom. 8. 14. * In phaed. God is Light 1 John 1. 5. In thy Light 〈◊〉 we see Light Psalm 36. 10 God is not far from every one of us for in him we live move and have our ●…eing for we are also his Off-sping as certain of your own Poets have said Acts 17. 27 28. One of whom was Arabus whom the Apostle quotes as speaking Truth and imployes it against them to prove a True God and to introduce his Gospel which if it shewed their Apostacy it also implies that there had been Heathens rightly apprehending of God else surely the Apostle would never have cited the Poets Saying for a Confirmation of his own Doctrine * Enead 1. cap. 1. For the Lord God is a Sun a Shield the Lord will give Grace and Glory no good Thing will he withhold from them that trust in him and walk uprightly Psal. 84. 11 12. For God hath shewed it unto them Rom. 1. 19. Clem. Alex. Strom. L. 5. A Manifestation of the Spirit is given unto every one to profit withal 1 Cor. 12. 7. One God and Father of all who is above all and through all The Lord is Good unto all Psal. 145. 9. Leg. Alleg. L. 1. The Things of God knoweth no Man save the Spirit of God 1 Cor. 2. 11. I will put my Law in their Minds and write them in their Inward parts I will be their God and they shall be my People Heb. 8. 10 11. Plut. Dion Prus. Because whatever may be known of God is manifest within for God hath shewed it unto them but because they liked not to retain God in their Knowledge God gave them up to vile Affections Rom. 2. 19 26 28. Dis. lib. 1. cap. 14. O Lord thou hast searched me thou understandest my Thoughts afar off Whither shall I go from thy Spirit Psal. 139. 1 2 7. We have a more Sure Word of Prophesie 2 Pet. 19. The Lord hath shewedun to thee O Man what is Good and what he doth require of thee Micah 6. 8. In him we Live Move and have our Being Acts 17. 28. Such as Men Sow such shall they Reap Gal. 6. 7. That was the true Light which Inlightneth all Mankind John 1. 9. * Senec. Epist. 41. * De Benef. c. 17. * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Behold the Tabernacle of God is with Men Rev 21. 3. He that d●…clareth 〈◊〉 Man his Thoughts the Lord the God of Hosts is hi●… Name Amos 4. 13. W●…ite ye have the Light walk in the Light that you may be the Children of the Light God is Light John 12. 26. 1 John 1. 5. * ●…pist 8. * Epist. 31. * If Angry Tho. Hicks will please to inform himself of the Reasons that induced Justin to turn Christian he will find the Light Within acknowledged to be the Efficient Cause thereof for it was the Principle of God in his Conscience that continually pleaded the Christians Cause within him and who at last overcoming Justin Believes in Christ and Dyes for him too Now what Disgrace is this to the Light Within Liv'd after Christ Ann. 123. 1543. years since Apolog. Liv'd after Christ 190. Admon ad Gent. Strom. L. 5. Clem. Alex. in Admon ad Gent. Liv'd Ann. 195. Liv'd about Ann. 203. Liv'd about Ann. 315. De Cult Ver. Lib. de Ira cap. 2. Liv'd about Ann. 325. Athanas. cont Gent. Liv'd about Ann. 3 80. Liv'd about Ann. 393. Liv'd about the Year of the World 3313. before Christ about 630. years which is 2330. years since Thou therefore which teachest another teachest thou not thy self Rom. 2. 21. Love thy
and thus to limit and circumscribe God and his Light or Shining to be so and in like manner as the Sun and its Beams doth mani●…est such gross Apprehensions of God as he did before in expecting to see him with bodily Eyes And this relates to the old Heresie of the Anthropomorphites or Monks in the desarts of Aegypt as also to that of the present Mugletonians who imagine God to be a personal or bodily Existence circumscribed as to place denying him to be an infinite Spirit yet thus far I will admit of his Simile by a Reason of the contrary that as the natural created Sun immediately sends forth its Beams or Rayes which are natural and do influence the Earth with the Vertue of the Sun so the eternal increated Spi●…itor Word doth shine and shew forth its own immediate increated divine Light and Vertue in the Hearts and Souls of Man-kind as the Sun is natural and created so is its Light or Shining and as God the eternal Word is increated and super-natural so is his immediate Shining or Light in the Hearts and Souls of Man-kind and as a man's Eye is directly set towards the Sun in the least Beam thereof shining through any Crevis into any Dungeon Cell or other oscure place it sees directly to the Sun it self so the Eye of the Soul being directe dtowards God by the least Appearance of his divine and immediate Shining or Illumination therein it hath a Sight of God and the Soul thereby comes to seel of his Vertue and Power in waiting upon him And for this man to conclude that this Light of the eternal Word cannot teach and reveal unto man the Lord Jesus Christ p. 50. is to deny Jesus Christ to be the Word or that true Light that enlightneth every Man whereas his Illumination directs man immediately to himself as its eyed and minded As also he is as narrow shallow and partial in concluding the Light will not reveal unto man his Saviour without the Help of the Scriptures p. 50. this is a strange undervaluing of the Light of Christ what then did the Scriptures proceed from Was it not the Light And what shall become of all those Nations and People that have not the Scriptures if this be true It is none of our Assertion that Christ in his Death and Sufferings was but only a Pattern or Example of that which must be wrought over again in us for though we own him to have left an Example yet he was more then an Example and he did not only end the Types but was a Sacrifice and Offering for Man-kind and opened the new and living Way giving Testimony of God's free Love towards all and making Way for the enforcing of the new Testament or Covenant of Life But yet that either all or any men are cleansed or justified or saved meerly by the outward Sufferings Crucifixion Death or Blood shed of Christ the Scripture proves not but by Christ himself and his Blood Life Spirit and Power nor yet that men are acquitted or saved by their outward Application thereof And this man to his own Confutation confesseth to the Power of Christ s Spirit being risen in us for our Sanctification and Renovation as well as Christ was raised from the dead for our Justification p. 54. then all is not fully doneby his Death without them but both the End and Mystery of the Cross Sufferings and Death of Christ without 〈◊〉 be known and fulfilled within see Philip. 3. 10. although this man seems not willing to hear of Christ's being a Pattern or Example of that which must be wrought over again in us p. 50 yet in Contradiction to this he saith The Lord Jesus Christ hath wrought Red●…mption and Salvation for me and revealed this by his Word and Spirit and 〈◊〉 it in me p. 52. it s well that in any Measure he is made to grant to this inward Work of Christ. IX Further about their Ordinances His pleading for their shadowy and carnal Ordinances to continue under this Notion viz. Under his Shadow I have with the Spouse sat down and his Fruit is and hath been sweet unto my t●…ste p. 53. This is a very impertinent Instance and altogether improper to reckon Bread Wine and Water-Baptisin that Shadow of the Souls Beloved to wit Christ that the Spouse sat under seeing the Lord himsel●… saith I will be a Shadow from the Heat and a Refuge from the Storm And we are so far from believing these his carnal Ordinances to be the direct Shadow of the Souls Beloved in that neer Sence that we look upon him he is yet to prove them Appointments Institutions and Ordinances of Christ or of Necessity to continue in the Church notwithstanding his spiritual Coming and Revelation which he hath not much less that they are spiritual or of a Spiritualness as he saith p. 59. and 60. which he hath manifestly contradicted in granting They are but the Sign the Shadow the Shell and Christ the Substance p. 53 54. For my part I don't look upon either John's Baptism or the Supper of Christ and his Disciples at which they had the Passover to be Institutions and Ordinances originally appointed by Christ or enjoyned to all that should succeed in the Gospel and true Church but rather though they were not directly enjoyned by the Law of Moses as we say modo forma yet that they did more naturally relate to that former dispensation of Shadows then to that of the Gospel and new Covenant and that John's Baptism was rather for a Consummation of the Jews divers Sprinklings and Washings under the Law comprehending them in order to end them and Christ's eating of the Passover and drinking with his Disciples Luke 32. to be as a Consummation of the Jews Feasts under the Law viz. that of the Passover and others according to the Relation given at large concerning the Ecclesiastical Rites of the ancien●… Hebrews by T. Goodwin in his Antiquities of the ●…ews called Moses and Aaron p. 86 87 88 89 90 91. and 〈◊〉 and Christ saying As often as you do this is not a ●…ommand and This do in Remembrance of me and 〈◊〉 the Lord's Death till he come does limit a time for its Discontinuance for till he come must either respect his next Coming or render not only his coming after he was risen but his spiritual Coming and Revelation in his Saints no Comings which were absurd and Auti-Christian and there was a time to shew forth his Life as well as his Death Hi●… saying The Sign and thing signified God hath joyned together p. 54. is again contradicted by his granting a Personmay find a Shell and have no Kernel in it p. 54. To which I add That God hath so joyned the Sign or Shadow and the Substance together as so to continue I deny or that the Scripture any where so saith but as for these Baptists Shells Husks and Shadows they are both dry and empty and the Lord is