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A49329 Look unto Jesus, or, An ascent to the Holy Mount to see Jesus Christ in his glory whereby the active and contemplative believer may have the eyes of his understanding more inlightned to behold in some measure the eternity and immutability of the Lord Jesus Christ ... : at the end of the book is an appendix, shewing the certainty of the calling of the Jews / written by Edward Lane. Lane, Edward, 1605-1685. 1663 (1663) Wing L332; ESTC R25446 348,301 421

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therefore hath God made choice not of the Object but the Act of faith to be imputed to us for our Justification There is indeed a lenitive cast in to qualifie the sharpness of this corroding and poisonous errour graunting faith not to be the meritorious cause of Justification But why then is the Lord Jesus Christ the Object of our faith so plainly shut out from having any part at all in this matter and why are we told that where it is said we are justified by faith it is not to be taken Tropically and Metonymically for the Object as many Orthodox Writers do interpret it whom I could set in opposition to those that are mustered up for the defense of this Errour if they have at least given that suffrage unto it as is pretended yea and why is such an inference derived from the Apostles frequent magnifying of faith Rom. 4. as to say the Holy Ghost had not bound himself so precisely to those words and syllables viz. of justification by faith if he had not meant to give this Honour unto faith it self but rather to some other thing as it is most uncomely called which faith laieth hold upon Alass alass that any who pretend to have a share in the merits of Christ should in this manner detract from his Glory did the Lord Jesus Christ himself Bear our sins in his own body on the Tree yea become sin for us that his righteousness might be imputed unto us and according to the appointment of his Father be made glorious in our justification and shall not the travel of his Soul be his peculiar satisfaction what is faith it self become false to the justling of Christ out of his Throne whose office it is and ever hath been to advance and promote his Crown and Dignity or rather is not the hand of Joab I meane the malice of the Devil as I said before evidently to be seen going along in this matter In vain it is for any man living to make a flourish and to boast of a constant adherency to the Protestant Profession notwithstanding the fury of late persecutions when there is such a manifest agreement avouched with Rome in this particular viz. of justification by works It seems by common report that the Authour of the Book called Theologia Veterum is of late deceased nevertheless what is here written may stand as an antidote to preserve others from the infection of these postilent errours which if there were nothing else to work in the hearts of those that are faithful to the Gospel of Jesus Christ a loathing of that Anti-christian Synagogue this alone were enough to cause an everlasting separation But I have done and do be think my self what I have done how I have raised up some spirits that may possibly be thought not to be easily laid again whereas my hope is they are rouzed to give Glory to God in consenting to what is written Nevertheless so long as I have Truth on our side I shall not be afraid though an Hoste of adversaries how Potent soever they may prove to be did rise up against mee It is not God knoweth out of any unbeseeming contempt or disrespect of any Person that I have medled in this controversy Learning I do reverence wheresoever it is as much as any shall onely I do wish that it may not be used as a Weapon to fight against Jesus Christ But floreat Veritas Ruat Coelum Let the World go which way it will with me I cannot I dare not betray the Truth by a sinful silence when so fair an opportunity of vindicating it is presented unto me I must confess there hath been in this particular some small digression for having an Errour in chase it hath made me go beyond my bounds But we shall return and take into consideration the second Period of Time here mentioned in the Text with a reference unto this third interpretation of it Consider what hath been said and let us pray that the Lord may give unto us a right understanding in all things CHAP. II. Sheweth the meaning of the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is to day as it is rendred in the Text according to our Third Interpretation and treateth also of Christ's Oeconomy therein Proposition JESUS CHRIST is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Same or the onely Hee to Day Now herein also two things are to be considered by us First The Denomination of Time 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Secondly What is predicated of that Time viz. Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Same to Day First the Denomination of the Time 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 i. e. mansuetus ad differentiam noctis quae immitis ●orrida est to Day from whence we may collect The Time of the Gospel is a time of light The word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 derived from 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 implying it which the former word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth not The text we see calleth it a day and it is light we know that formeth the Day without which it vanisheth and cometh to nothing A Day then it is and a light-some day A day which the Lord hath made even the Lord our Light and our Righteousness the Path of that just one having from the beginning been as the shining light that shineth more and more unto the perfect day A glorious day wherein is concluded the light of Yesterday For as the light which for the three first dayes of the Creation was dispersed through the Heavens it pleased God to gather and unite into one body of the Sun so that Light of Yesterday which was diffused through so many shadowes and Legal Ceremonies was at last complicated and folded up in Christ the Son of Righteousness who is now in this day of his Power like a strong man running his Race displaying his Beames distilling his Influences filling the Earth with knowledge even as the Waters covers the Seas But let us more particularly behold and see the Glory of this Light First the Light of this Day is the true Light 1 Joh. 2.8 as the Evangelist Saint John calleth it 1 Joh. 2.8 Not like unto that of old which was darkned with the shadowes of the Mosaicall Oeconomy but clear and manifest Lumen illuminans Joh 1.9 A Light that inlightneth every man that cometh into the World non illuminatum not inlightned by Moses or any man in the World Secondly It is a great Light overspreading the whole World shining out into all Nations making a day of Salvation unto all People There were two great Lights which God Created in the beginning the greater Light to rule the Day Gen. 1.16 and the lesser Light to rule the Night Answerably hereunto hath God ordained two great Lights for his Church the lesser Light to rule the time of the Law and the greater to rule the time of the Gospel and as the Evening did precede the Morning in the ordering of the natural
persons putting them upon this Blasphemy that they poor worms are as well and as truly God as Jesus Christ And why Because they have their Being in God Act. 17.28 are partakers of the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1.4 and are one with Christ John 17.21.22 c. Now if this were admitted what a sordid profession would Christianity be What in time would become of Satisfaction for Sin Imputation of Righteousness the Purity Dignity Royalty of the Blood of God How ridiculous and contemptible would the pretended terrour of the great Day seem unto the World For a Contest might possibly arise who should be the chief Judge at that time and according to the person and quality of the Judge so would the Judgment be But to these deluded ones we may well say as Moses did to Korah and his Complices Num. 16.9 10. Seemeth it a small thing unto you that God hath separated you Numb 16.9 10. and brought you near unto himself but you will seek the Priesthood also What is it nothing to be as you pretend your selves to be advanced to the knowledge of the true God and of his Son Jesus Christ our Lord to have the Image of God consisting in Righteousness and true Holiness 2 Pet. 1.4 to be repaired and renewed in you which is the participation of the Divine Nature but that you will aspire like the Devil 1 Tim. 3.6 to be equal with God speaking after the language of him who said in his heart I will ascend into Heaven Es 14.13 14. I will exalt my Throne above the Stars of God I will sit upon the mount of the Congregation in the sides of the North. I will ascend above the heights of the Clouds I will be like the most High Is the iniquity of our first Parents too little for you from which we are not cleansed until this day but that you will rise up and rebel against the Lord even after the same manner as they did What have you been coeternal with Jesus Christ and immutable like unto him Can ye say You are the same yesterday to day and for ever Where were you then Job 38.4 when God laid the foundations of the earth Declare if you have understanding When he prepared the Heavens when he set a compass upon the face of the Depth when he established the Clouds above when he strenghned the Fountains of the Deep Were you then by him Pro. 8.27 as one brought up with him rejoycing alwaies before him Have you known the mind of the Lord Or have you been his Counsellours Were you joyn'd in Commission with Jesus Christ to be his Co-agents in the great Work of Redemption Es 63.3 Did you help to tread the Wine-press in the discomfiting of his Enemies Or to establish a Church so as the Gates of Hell should not prevail against it Look then now on every one that is proud and bring him low and tread down the wicked in their place hide them in the dust together and bind their faces in secret Then will I confess to you that you are free from those Delusions that are charged upon you and unjustly tax'd with Blasphemy whereof otherwise you cannot but be deeply guilty But enough of this The other Project of Hell which is now on foot against Jesus Christ in these our daies is to level him with poor dust and ashes not allowing him a preheminence above the sons of men unless it be such as hath been devised by the Devil for the more close conveyance of his inveterate malice I do not say it is an Egg lately hatch'd by that Cockatrice for it is of an old brood and did exceedingly infest the Church in former times as hath been said before but though it was smitten through and through with the two-edged Sword of Gods word yet there are now again sprung up new Heads of that old monstrous and malicious Hydra who with the faces of Sodom and Gomorah dare publickly tell us that our great Redeemer of whom we make our boast is no other then a meer man I am prone to believe that such as love the Lord Jesus Christ in sincerity do find their hearts shivering within them at the very mentioning of this horrid Blasphemy but behold yet greater Abominations What an amazement must it be to all the Churches of Christ to read or hear that In A. B. his Exposition of the 17th Chap. of S. John which I have read of Socinus In the reciting whereof there may be some doubt as one said in another case whether you should be desired to open or to stop your ears the speech being so horrible as it is a wonderful patience of God that the Earth opened not her mouth to swallow him up quick yea it may seem strange that the dumb and dead paper did not stand up refusing to take that Ink wherewith such an abominable Blasphemy should be either printed or written which is expressed in these words viz. This Doctrine of Christs Deity is so absurd that the Christian World will one day be ashamed of it and that the word Trinity may be in time as much abhorred as Transubstantiation and the Mass What shall we say to this but as the Angel spake to the Devil Increpet Dominus Es John 12.40 41. Psal 102.19 22 23.26 27. Heb. 1.10 11 12. Let the Lord rebuke them whosoever they be that have their Tongues thus set on fire of Hell against Christ and his Glory The Apostle tells us Phil. 2.6 That being in the form of God he counted it no robbery to be equal with God Yet these wretches do in effect say that he is a Thief and a Robber if he shall lay claim to such an equality What Is he the great Jehovah Eternal and Immutable the same yesterday to day and for ever and all this while but a meer man Could a meer man be able to wade into the vast Ocean of the wrath of the Almighty and not be swallowed up everlastingly therein Could he be able to enter into a Plea with Divine Justice and put her to a Non-suit To undertake by his own Righteousness to justifie so many Myriads of Saints and not find to his shame his covering infinitely too narrow to hide the deformities of so great a multitude To encounter with Death and Hell and overcome them in their own Den Surely we must needs say with him in the Gospel If this man were not of God Nay If this man were not God he could do nothing nothing I mean in these great noble and glorious Atchievements For admit that he was perfect in himself both in his birth and in his life the power of the most High when it came upon the Virgin in her Conception stopping up the Current of original sin that it could not pollute him and his own proper power preserving him all his life-time from the least spot of any actual sin yet alas wherein could this single
God Whereby surely is not meant that the Father is subservient in either of these respects but the first Mover and efficient cause in both so is the Son also in the work of Creation though the Father is said to work by him for he saith John 5.17 My Father worketh hitherto and I work John 5.17.19 And what things soever the Father doth these do the Son likewise V. 19. As the Father therefore is the sole Creatour of all things so in like manner is the Son John 10.30 because the Father and the Son are both one the Father by the Son and the Son from the Father excluding only all Creatures in Heaven or in Earth from having any concurrency herein To conclude Peter Lombard's sense concerning this Point or rather S. Chrysostom's quoted by him will give us some clear light in this Mystery and it is indeed well worthy to be remembred by us The Father Lib. 2. Dist 13. saith he worketh by the Son Quia tum genuit omnium opificem Because he begat him in that ineffable and eternal Generation the Creatour of all things and if the Father be the cause of the Son secundum quod Pater est As he is Father much more is he the cause of those Creatures which are created by the Son Hence it appeareth John 5.26 that as the Father hath life in himself and hath given to the Son to have life in himself so the Father hath this honour soo modo ordine In his glorious Rank and Order to be the Creatour of all things and he hath given to the Son in his order likewise to be the Creatour too the like we may say also of the Holy Ghost in his Order Since then it is the priviledge of the Son by virtue of his Divine Generation to be entituled to this Honour in an equality with the Father let him be as the Apostle calleth him 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Bringer forth of every Creature Col. 1.15 And 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The Authour the Beginner Rev. 3.14 the Prince of the whole Creation the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he and none but he He it was that stretched forth the Heavens alone Es 44.24 Psal 104.9 Ps 147.4 and did spread abroad the Earth by himself he made his Angels Spirits and his Ministers a flaming fire He telleth the number of the Stars and calleth them all by their names or as it is rendred Giveth names unto them He prepared the Light and the Sun Ps 74.16 Ps 104.19 Job 38.28 29. Job 38.22 Ps 135.7 Ps 33.7 Ps 24.1 the Moon also he appointed for seasons And what Father hath the Rain but he Or who but he hath begotten the drops of Dew Out of whose Womb came the Ice And the hoary Frost of Heaven who but he hath gendred it He created the treasures of the Snow the Hail and the Wind and he laid up the Depth in Storehouses The Earth is his and the fulness thereof whether it be in the Surface or in the Bowels of it the round World and they that dwell therein In fine the Apostle sums up altogether Col. 1.16 By him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in the Earth visible and invisible Col. 1.16 whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers all things were created by him and for him And the Evangelist agrees in the same account saying All things were made by him John 1.3 and without him was not any thing made that was made Thus was Jesus Christ Yesterday that is in the beginning 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the only he in the work of Creation He himself undertook it without the assistance of Angels whom Saturnius Basilides Cent 2. cap 5. and other Hereticks of old would obtrude upon him to be his Co-agents in the Work And he was likewise the same in carrying on his work there was no variableness in him whilest he continued in it exercising his Divine Artifice and Dexterity in the Magnitude Variety Multitude Distinction Order Harmony of his Creatures which he produced one day after another till all was finished At which time he look'd upon all with much complacency and delight beholding the Travel that he had gone over and was satisfied therewith not retracting the least thing that had passed through his fingers for he was not ashamed of his Work but set his Seal unto the whole giving this Testimony of it That it was all very good Gen. 1.31 With men indeed there is a marvellous mutability in their Works either they are not able to perfect what they begin and so are not the same when they have wearied themselves about their work as they were at first entrance upon it ashamed and vexed to see their expectations frustrated As it was with Solomon after he had stretched forth his uttermost Abilities which in truth surpassed all others to extract the most exquisite Spirits and purest Quintessence for his delight which the variety of the Creatures could afford how miserably alas was he deluded I locked saith he on all the works that my hands had wrought R● 2.11 and on the labour that I had laboured to do and behold all was vanity and vexation of spirit Or else they are not wise enough to carry on their Enterprizes to such a progress and maturity as may probably produce any desirable Issue being fain to sit down many times re infectâ even as wise as they began or out of envy they are not willing to impart their Experiments to others Plutarchus in vita Alex. As Alexander would not have Aristotle to publish his Acroamatical Sciences for wherein saith he shall we excel others if those things which thou hast secretly taught us be made common to all O! but the Lord Jesus Christ is the same all along in his Works shewing forth the immutability of his Wisdom Coodness and Power therein for by his Wisdom he made the Heavens and by his Wisdom he made the Worms Gen. 1.25 which though they may be generated by corruption Ps 136.5 Gen. 1.25 yet they had their Original by virtue of the Principles of the first Production caused by that Omnipotent Fiat which gave Being to all things and the smaller the Creature is the more is the Divine Workmanship to be admired both in the shaping and in the using thereof The Hebrews have an opinion as it is observed that Enchanters cannot shew their skill in little things if they be less then a Barley-corn and therefore the Sorcerers of Egypt failed in producing Lice Exod. 8.18 But the Wisdom of the great Creatour is the same in the smallest Creature of the World as in the greatest the organical body of a little Ant is no less to be wondred at then the huge body of Behemoth His goodness also is the same shining clearly throughout the whole Creation It was not out of any need that he began this Work
wise and carnal Politician What subjection do all these yield unto this great Preserver of men Though in him they live and move and have their being though they be under his protection every day Act. 17.28 yet they will not be subject unto him the God in whose hand their breath is and whose are all their waies Dan. 9.23 they will not glorifie The covetous Earth worm grovels upon his Dunghil saying to his Wedge of Gold Thou art my confidence and as Riches encrease so is his Soul more and more prostituted to his Mammon Job 31.24 Pro. 10.22 never considering that it is the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich nor remembring that the earth is the Lords and the fulness thereof and that he giveth it to whomsoever he will Doth the ambitious man that hunts greedily after honour acknowledge Christ's absolute Sovereignty when he will not content himself with that Station wherein Divine Providence hath put him but breaks over all bounds Civil Natural Spiritual aspiring still higher and higher beyond his proportion of strength and ballast of wisdom for the management of his acquired Interest which undoubtedly will either involve him in a Snare to his eternal perdition or else precipitate him here into many woful miseries As for the proud and vain-glorious man who exalts himself like the Pharisee proclaiming his Merits to the World Luke 18.11 12. and brow-beating others with overly looks of contempt and disdain he I say not closely and sliely disclaimeth Christ's Sovereignty but above all others is most guilty of an impudent and arrogant encroachment upon his Prerogative Royal Ps 138.6 and accordingly doth the Lord look upon him afar off in his due time giving a check to his folly making him to know his distance and that wherein he deals proudly Ex. 18 11. he will be above him In fine the profane Politician also that hath been trained up in the Schole of Machiavel and is become a profest and perfect Disciple of his great Patriarch Achitophel is very busie in his contrivances carrying on his unrighteous projects with much confidence and security as if Providence it self were blinde and that he who formed the Eye could not see and he that teacheth man Knowledge were altogether ignorant And thus do poor Creatures make bold with the Lord of the whole Earth withdrawing from him their subjection though they could not one moment subsist without him But O what a sad account will such presumptuous wretches make at the great Day when they shall come to stand before the Tribunal of this great Lord of Heaven and Earth They shall then finde that their preservation here hath been but a reservation they flourish and prosper awhile but it is that they may be cut off for ever Secondly In that Jesus Christ abideth continually the Governour and Preserver of the World here is matter of Instruction to be learned which Instruction shall be branched out into Three Particulars First It may teach all the faithful people of God not to be dismaied at the appearances and apprehensions of Death or of the troubles that come upon them here in this World Secondly It is a Lesson and inducement to draw poor Creatures to a constant dependance upon Divine Providence Thirdly It may let all sorts of people see their own nothingness in respect of a Spiritual standing in Grace and Holiness First then 1 Branch seeing that the Lord Jesus Christ takes a constant care of the World is the same yesterday to day and for ever in preserving the Work of his own hands what need they who may be well assured of his everlasting love unto them be afraid of death Or be daunted at the troubles that may sometimes come upon them or the World about them Concerning the first of these we may for our comfort know that Death was none of those Creatures that received a being from this Prince of the Creation Wisd 1.13 whose design was ever to uphold and maintain his own Workmanship against whatsoever might be destructive unto it But the Apostle tells us which way Death came in It entred saith he Rom. 5.12 into the world by sin This Thief and Robber then came not in at the door but foolish man lets in sin which came creeping upon him by a Serpentine Insinuation Et sicut mors intrat per peccatum ●a peccatum exit per moriem and Sin like a false Traitour makes way for this Cut-throat the Devils Emissary who no sooner in but he shews himself a Tyrant thrusts Life and Immortality into Darkness Plaies Reakes and makes what havock he pleaseth all the whole Race of Mankinde being in danger for ever to be swallowed up by him But when the Lord Jesus Christ who is the beginning of the Creation of God the first-born of every Creature findes this pragmatical Intruder so busily trampling upon the Work which he had made Gen. 1 26. Ps 139.14 Es 9.6 especially that Work which with such infinite Wisdom and power was wonderfully formed after his own Image whose Name is Wonderful he cannot suffer this Stranger thus to spoil his Labour but as he began it in Wisdom so he will in Mercy preserve it And therefore out of pure love to his own helpless Creatures he undertook to vindicate it against the Assaults of Death sending forth his Challenge with Indignation as hot as fire in these words O Death I will be thy death Hos 13.14 O Grave I will be thy destruction And not only speaks it but acts it too enters into a Combat with him And here may poor Creatures stand amazed to behold this admirable Duel a Duel of so great Import that the Victory which attends thereupon must carry with it the perpetual Monarchy of the whole World First then Christ hath a body prepared for him Heb. 10 5. that so he might be a fit Combatant with Death In this Body he appears Armed with the Breast plate of his own Righteousness though indeed loaden also with the sins of all the Elect 1 Pet. 2.24 for he bore our sins in his own Body 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 both to the Tree and on the Tree which was the field where this Combat was fought and carried them with him also to the Grave yea to Hell which is that Land of separation appointed for them mentioned Lev. 16.22 and there left them with the Devil from whom they had their first Original Lev. 16.22 Death on the other side being set on by the Devil for the Apostle saith Heb. 2.14 He was under his command finding a Body in his way ready to give him the Encounter and finding sin also upon it wherein his great strength was wont to lie makes use of his old Plot and stratagem which never before failed him layeth hold upon Sin and with it mortally wounds the Lord Jesus Christ Where alas is now the hope of the Creatures being rescued from under
as he is But I hope I may without offence give in my poor Judgment as I have done concerning this Scripture considering it is not inconsistent at all with the scope of the Holy Ghost therein and being guided hereto by some certain Probabilities First They are Angels we know and a great multitude of them who did at the Birth of Jesus Christ proclaim Peace to the Creature as well as Good-will towards men the Creature therefore may be in expectation of the manifestation of the Angels that this Promise or Salutation given by them might be made good and perfected Secondly It is not without some reason that the Holy Ghost doth use the different terms of Sons and Children in this Scripture viz. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Sons in the 19 Verse and 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Children in the 29 Verse especially considering that that which is predicated of each carrieth with it also a great difference too for the manifestation of the Sons of God answers the expectation of the Creature But the Deliverance of the Creature is not there to be terminated but only by the liberty of the Children of God Now there seemeth to me to be some probability that the varying of the terms should imply also in this place a varying of persons viz. The first to be understood of the Angels of God and the latter of the Saints the latter word also being comprehensive of the first and not the first in a true propriety of speech of the latter considering withall what hath been before said that the Creature must have the Angels employed in working their Deliverance but not the Saints Sons being also fitter then Children in the bringing to pass so great a Work as delivering the Creature out of Bondage is like to be More might be added but this shall suffice for the third Observation from this Scripture viz. The time of satisfying the Creatures expectation that is at the manifestation of the Sons of God Fourthly That which is next offered to our View is the manner of the Deliverance of the Creature or to what it shall be reduced at the expiration of its Bondage it shall be delivered into the Glorious Liberty of the Children of God For it is but subjected saith the Apostle 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in hope or under hope of a happy change to a better Estate and though this hope deferred maketh the poor Creature to faint yet the patient abiding thereof shall not perish for ever For hope maketh not ashamed especially when it is fixed upon such a sure Foundation Rom. 5.5 as Gods Eternal Purpose which cannot be disanulled A Deliverance therefore shall undoubtedly arise unto the Creature even as there shall be to the Children of God for as in this corrupt estate wherein they are involved for the present by the first Adam they are both together fellow-sufferers so shall they together in their several Capacities be set at liberty and have their Pristine Excellencies restored yea much more enlarged unto them by Jesus Christ the second Adam who being the Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the End of the Creation the same yesterday Rev. 21.5 6. to day and for ever is of power sufficient to make all things new It is indeed upon the Childrens account that the Creature shall be Interessed in that glorious Deliverance for as the Apostle speaks in another case Doth God take care for Oxen So may we say doth God so respect the Creature that is the frame of Nature that he will vouchsafe for its own sake to beautifie it when it is deformed Or doth he altogether for our sakes that are his Children For our sakes no doubt shall this glorious Work be accomplished that even the Creature it self also may in a free and liberal manner which is earnestly desired by it be subservient unto his Glory And thus we finde the Preposition here 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which is translated into is taken by some as carrying the force of another viz. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Propter which signifieth for so reading the word thus The Creature shall be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption for the Glorious Liberty of the Children of God that is That the Childrens Liberty might by their service be the more Glorious For as God made the Creature in the beginning for Man and because of him subjected it likewise unto Vanity that so it might not even in the daies of Vanity be superiour to him for whom it was created So will he deliver it again for Man's sake that is for the Accumulation and Illustration of his childrens Glory Though I confess upon the Creature also it self as it is said before shall be conferred a Glory which shall be in the proportion of its Nature a sutable Advancement unto it as the glory of the children shall be unto them And this I conceive in short to be the sense of the Apostle as to this Particular whereby we may see clearly that there shall be a Restauration of the Creature that is as saith S. Peter 2 Pet. 3.13 Now Heavens and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness Which words of new Heavens and new Earth as they are used in a certain place by the Prophet Isaiah being spiritually understood Es 65.17 are I confess appliable to the state of the Church in the times of the Gospel under the Kingdom of Christ when it should be so renewed that it should seem to be as 't were a new World old things being done away 2 Cor. 5.17 Types and shadows removed yea the whole Service of the former Tabernacle abolished and all things made new 2 Cor. 5.17 So that in this sense this Prophecy is already fulfilled Nevertheless though the words of the Prophet may be so taken yet we are not to confine the Spirit of God thereunto especially when he hath declared his meaning elsewhere to be of a larger extent as he hath done in this very particular for the Apostle S. Peter in the forecited place Commenting upon the Prophet speaks of the new Heavens and the new Earth as not so much to be seen in this World as in that which is to come his whole Scope in the said Chapter tending thereunto Let then the spiritual sense be acknowledged by us yet that hinders not but that the other sense viz. That there shall really be new Heavens and a new Earth at the last Day may be acknowledged also even as Glory is said to be begun here in those Graces that are shed abroad by the Holy Ghost in the hearts of the Elect which shall notwithstanding shine forth in its full Splendour in the Kingdom of Glory Objection I hear what is objected unto this viz. That in the Day of the Lord 2 Pet. 3.10 The Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the works that are therein shall
be burnt up which implies a total Abolition of the Heavens and of the Earth How then can there be such a Restauration For answer to this Objection if a late Writer may be heard he will tell us that this place of S. Peter is to be understood of the Destruction of Judaea and not of the end of the World Which suggestion of his I shall not for my part insist upon it being an unwarrantable Interpretation differing not only from the Prophet before and the Apostle himself after him in the 7th Verse where he clearly expresseth presseth his meaning to be of the general Conflagration as it were of the Heavens and of the Earth at the Day of Judgment That which I have to say unto the Objection shall be folded up in a twofold Reply Answ 1 First We see the Apostle speaks there of Heavens in the Plural Number 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as comprehending all Heavens So that if the place be to be taken in that sense as that the Heavens and the Earth shall so pass away 1 Reg. 8.27 Es 63.15 Heb. 12.28 as to be no more then we must conclude also that even the Heaven of the Blessed which is the Heaven of Heavens the Habitation of Gods Holiness and Glory shall be altogether taken away likewise But that is a Kingdom which cannot be moved therefore surely it is not so to be understood Answ 2 Secondly Whereas the Apostle speaks of the Dissolution of these inferiour Heavens being on fire and their passing away with a great noise of the Elements also melting with fervent heat and the burning up of the Earth and the Works that are therein the meaning is not as if the substance of these Creatures shall be annihilated and reduced to nothing but only that their present Form and quality shall be changed For first the Quintessence of the Heavens is not combustible by any Elementary fire if the Apostles sense should be taken with a reference to any such kinde of fire it being a most certain Maxime Coelum à subcoelestibus nihil patitur that is Heaven cannot fall under the power of any thing that is below it self for being next unto the Angels the prime Agent in Nature it cannot possibly be Passive And if it were subject to any such Consumptive fire then should that fire which is a far more ignoble Creature have a Being in its greatest height and glory when the Being of the Heavens is under a Decay which is too great an absurdity to be imagined by any that take pleasure in searching into the great Works of the Almighty Yea more considering that the constant Product of such fire is nothing else but Ashes it will follow that when the Heavens and the Earth are consumed the Ashes thereof must remain in the presence of God as if he favoured only the Dust of the Creatures But doubtless in stead of Ashes there shall be a glorious Beauty upon the face of Nature at that Day which beauty even that very fire that shall then visibly flame out shall also be a means through the mighty working of the most High to bring forth We will not too curiously search into the nature of that fire possibly it may be such as that wherein God appeared unto Moses in the Bush but consumed it not Ex. 3.2 and connatural with that which took up Elias into Heaven not destroying his body but changing it into a glorious estate 2 Reg. 2.11 In both which Apparitions as in many more the Ministry of Angels was imployed whom as the Psalmist speaks God maketh a flaming fire And therefore when the innumerable multitude of these Angels shall appear at the last Day waiting upon the Lord Jesus when he comes in his Glory well may Heaven and Earth be then said to be in a flame and as it were all on fire But let the Nature of that fire be as it is ordered by the Wisdom of the Creatour far surpassing our shallow Apprehensions being sparkles of those everlasting Burnings that are in himself This fire at that day shall put a new Form and Quality upon the Heavens and the Earth But how Or what I say again we know not neither is it indeed fit for us to know while we are in this our present estate This we know because God hath promised it there shall be new Heavens and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness that is it may be such Heavens and such Earth at least as there was in the beginning wherein Adam dwelt when he was in his Innocency This also we know that the Angels who are this flaming fire as they are now employed by God in the Ordering Guiding and Governing the Heavens and the Earth which now are so they shall in the end be instrumental in making all things new for they shall take away every thing that doth offend and like unto fire separate the Precious from the Vile which will necessarily bring on a perfect Renovation and this Renovation is that which will surely be the Dissolution of the former both Heavens and Earth so as they shall not be remembred nor come into minde according to the word of the Prophet Es 65.17 Add unto this the melting of the Elements which the Apostle also mentioneth a plain Metaphorical expression what doth it imply but that they shall be brought into a new form even as Mettal when it is melted loseth not its substance but only the faeculency and dross is taken away and the Mettal transformed into another shape then it had before And thus in like manner the Prophet David when he had spoken Ps 102.26 of the perishing of the Heavens doth declare what his meaning thereof was in the words immediately following viz. All of them shall wax old like a Garment Ps 102. 26. as a Vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed He speaketh not of other Heavens but the old changed into better The wrong side of the Vesture is for the present only discernable but the day shall come when it shall be seen in all its Glory Unto this we have the concurrent assent of Expositours both Ancient and Modern whose words because they are so clear and pregnant in the confirmation hereof I judge it fit to intersert them at large as I finde them Holy Hierom upon Isaiah writes thus Extrema illa Coelorum mutatio erit tantum renovatio illorum promotio in meliorem statum That is The change which shall be of the Heavens at the last Day will be nothing else but their Renovation and a promotion of them to a better estate And in his Commentary upon the 102 Psalm writing on these words They shall perish and wax old as a Garment gives his judgment thus Coelorum iste interitus non erit abolitio corum sed reformatio redintegratio that perishing of the Heavens shall not be their Abolition but their Reformation and Redintegration So likewise S. Augustine on the same
yea and the greater was our sin that after we had some large experience of this great Glory wherein Divine Goodness had put us we should through our absurd folly deprive our selves of it This for the second Consideration arising from the said Doctrine The third brings a Light in her hand to guide us in the first Resurrection and to shew us the Glory of the second First we are hereby taught to fit and prepare our selves against this time of Restauration viz. By raising up our dull heavy and carnal hearts from this present evil World where they are too apt to lie groveling and by setting our Affections on things above and upon this Comfortable time of Refreshing wherein the Lord Jesus will freely and fully manifest his love and faithfulness unto his beloved people And indeed seeing that these things shall be dissolved and again restored What manner of persons ought we to be in all holy Conversation and Godliness Scarce any among us I dare say but do look for new Heavens and new Earth that is expect Salvation in the Day of the Lord. But can we be so deluded as to think that the old Adam should bring us thither A Delusion notwithstanding it is wherewith multitudes are miserably deceived But beloved Brethren let it be remembred that the flaming Sword which keeps the Way to the Tree of Life will never suffer any to enter there under such a Conduct There must dwell nothing but Righteousness neither shall there in any wise enter into it any thing that defileth Rev. 21.27 nor whosoever worketh Abomination or maketh a Lye If therefore we carry our sins along with us we shall certainly stand without amongst Dogs and never be admitted Rouze up thy Soul therefore O poor Sinner and with Indignation shake off whatsoever it be that may hinder thee from having a part in that Glory that shall be revealed For be assured the Lord Jesus Christ will never suffer his new Creation to be sullied with the least spot or stain of Uncleanness He will not have his poor Creature to be ever groaning and when he hath once freed it it shall be freed for ever none but the new Creature shall be the Inhabitant of his new Creation Let all old things then be done away both in our hearts and in our lives and let all things become new I shall conclude this first Branch with that excellent Gloss of Mr. Calvin upon that of the Apostle 2 Pet. 3.10 Non subtiliter de igne procellâ c. Disputare voluit Apostolus sed tantum inde elicere exhortationem quam mox attexit nempe ut enitamur nos quoque advitoe novitatem The Apostle's design is not subtlely to argue about the sire c. that shall be at the last Day but from the consideration of the change that shall then be to draw forth an Exhortation to perswade men to newness of life So say I let us not busie our selves about too curious an inquisition after the manner of that change that shall be made of the Heavens and of the Earth rather it should be our care according to the advice and warning of the Apostle that seeing we look for such things as new Heavens and new Earth 2 Pet. 3.14 to give all diligence that we be found of him who is the faithful Authour of this Change in peace without spot and blameless And thus are we guided by this Doctrine to the first Resurrection Secondly it will shew unto us somewhat of the Glory of the second For according to the Power and Wisdom of the Workman so is the Work to be expected that cometh out of his hands if he be able and expert in his Art whatsoever it be his Work will be answerable Now it is to be presumed that Jesus Christ who is the Wisdom of God and the Power of God will like himself produce a most glorious Work in his Restauration of all things for herein also he will be the same which he was from the Beginning What therefore the Prophet spake in a certain place may very well be applied to this purpose Es 64.4 Since the beginning of the World for in the beginning there was some kinde of resemblance of that Glory which shall be Eye hath not seen as the Apostle renders it nor Ear heard 1 Cor. 2.9 neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him The Eye of man hath seen much the Ear perhaps hath heard more but the Heart conceiveth more then Eye hath seen or Ear heard but Eye Ear and Heart are all too narrow to comprehend or describe the exceeding weight and superlative Greatness of that fulness of Glory It may suffice that it is of his wise and powerful ordering who is the same yesterday to day and for ever In the 14 of S. John the Lord speaketh to his Disciples in these words which have a measure that reacheth unto all Believers I go John 14.2 saith he to prepare a place for you a place with himself that where he is there also may his people be Being then I say of his preparation who is the Lord of Glory and of his Prepossession too how can it possibly be but exceeding Glorious Kings do not use to erect Cottages but set forth their Magnificence in sumptuous Buildings How stately then shall that place be which is prepared by Jesus Christ the King of Glory It was as he himself faith elsewhere prepared from the foundation of the World Mat 25.34 Yet after some thousands of years he saith again I go to prepare a place for you Once more behold here by the way how Jesus Christ is still 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The same that excellent Work which he made and prepared at first and which was afterwards lost and forfeited by man'd Disobedience he will now prepare it again for all those that believe in him for in him there is no variableness nor ever shall be That Preparation therefore that is to be made will be it seems in part the Reparation of that which was made in the Beginning In part I say for it will not become us to mete out or to set Bounds to this great Work of Christ by any Topographical Delineations otherwise then we have the Word to guide us neither indeed can we positively determine what it shall be 1 John 3.2 It doth not yet appear saith the Evangelist what we our selves shall be though for the present we be the Children of God And what the Glory was of our first Creation we are not able in this our low estate to finde out much less do we know what that Glory is which Christ is preparing But notwithstanding this is certain because it is revealed there shall be new Heavens and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness and where Righteousness dwelleth there must needs be great Glory For if Righteousness here where she is but a Forreiner
a time of clearer Light coming which when the shadows were removed and that old Tabernacle taken down should make the way plainer to those that should walk in that Light for the Word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 doth certainly signifie this kind of manifestation by Light as we may see in sundry places of Scripture and not such an Apertio portarum an opening of the gates of Heaven as these Popish Phantasticks vainly imagine who do hereby onely manifest their gross Ignorance in that whereas the Apostle saith the way to Heaven was not manifest in regard of knowledge They will against all sense and reason maintain that the way to Heaven was not open in regard of Entry as if the way could not be open to enter because it was not manifesty known Upon which account as one well observeth they may shut out our Christian Infants at this day who do not onely not manifestly but not at all know the way to Heaven and if the way to Heaven be open to them for entry although it be shut in regard of knowledge how much more was it open to the faithful under the Law who as to sufficiency knew the way to Heaven although not so manifesty as we do As for that which hath been Objected out of our Common Liturgy viz. When thou hadst overcome the sharpness of Death thou didst open the Kingdom of Heaven to all Believers I answer they are much mistaken who render the sense of the said words in that manner to the derogation of Christ's merit for if they be interpreted aright they do rather advance the honour of the Lord Jesus in that way and kinde that we have here insisted upon And as Athanasius used them who was the Authour of them then in the least degree detract from it the genuine meaning of them as we use them being this Jesus Christ after his death did open the Kingdome of Heaven to all Believers viz. to the Gentiles as well as to the Jews whereas before it was open onely unto the Jews Lastly Where as it is said by some that though the Fathers were not shut up in Limbo as the Papists fondly dream but immediately after Death were carried up into Heaven yet they were not admitted to that Vbi that place of Glory wherein they have been ever since our Saviour's Ascension I Answer till such time as we can see some constat for this in Scripture we must take leave to declare our Judgment against it rather because the Holy Scripture is so clear that Jesus Christ was the same Yesterday which he is to day we may admire that the least scruple should arise in the thoughts of any that the power of his Resurrection could not put forth the same Virtue to the Saints of old so as to make them Quoad statum separationis as perfectly happy as it doth unto those that have and shall come after We are not to be regulated by the Opinions of Men in this matter whether Antient or Modern though in some other points that are not of so great concernment we may happily afford a willing compliancy In this case we will call no man Father upon Earth for one is our Father which is in Heaven To the Law therefore and to the Testimony whosoever speaks not according to this Word in Order to Christ's Glory and the Salvation of his Church it is because there is no Light in them And now when I was even about to leave this point so to proceed unto that which followeth I have met with a spoke in my way upon which I must stop a little being well assured notwithstanding that my Text will bear down all Opposition that may be raised against it There have been we know in these late times certain strange Opinions scattered about such as have been of pernicious consequence to Religion And if amongst the rest I meet with any which strike at the Honour of our Lord Jesus Christ which our present Text ascribeth unto him I hope I may take liberty to bear Witness against them of how great Name soever the Authours thereof may be that have maintained them I shall forbear to nominate any Persons but doe heartily wish they would seriously consider with themselves how they may for the Church's sake retract that which they have of this Nature so unadvisedly written It hath been maintained and published by one Authour especially of great and eminent Note That the Object of the faith of the Patriarchs and Fathers of old was not Jesus Christ the Mediatour but God alone that is God the Father And that such efficacy as the expiatory sacrifices of the Law had was not so much in reference to the sacrifice to be made of Christ as extrinsecal and affixed by the Divine ordinance and institution of Almighty God Yea that the very Heathen did in those times without Christ even by the light of Nature attain unto such a Knowledge of God as was enough for their everlasting Salvation That these Cockatrice Eggs were hatched by Hereticks of old is well known The Church was much pestred with these Pelagian vermine in former times But that after they have been crushed with the hammer of Divine truth in the hands of Holy Antients and Servants of Christ of late that they should I say be now brought to Light again perking up with such boldness as they do and that among us in this Church who have been taught by terrible things in righteousness to set up and adore the Lord Jesus Christ in his Throne It is and will be surely too great a provocation of God's jealousie against us Having therefore mett with such Assertions as these so destructive to the Piety of the times and so diametrically contrary to the Doctrine that hath been insisted upon being derogatory to the Merits of the Lord Jesus making them useless to the World before the time of his coming I conceive a necessity is laid upon me to protest against them It hath been the great design of Satan at all times to bring the world to be as little beholding to Christ as may be and to that purpose hath he bewitched men with strong delusions one while suggesting to their minds prejudicate opinions concerning the ways of Christ that they are greivous unprofitable and unreasonable ways another while infusing into them Principles of self-sufficiency that so long as they have materials enough of their own to finish their building what need they go to seek in another's Quarry sometimes perswading them that the Saints in Heaven must be his Coadjutours in office to obtain grace for his people here and to help them in time of need again making them believe that after this Life is ended their souls must lie down in Purgatory for a time before they can be carried up into Heaven And why is all this and much more attempted by this grand Adversary the Devil but because as I said he would draw men to have as little dependance upon Christ
Day so was the Law before the Gospel in Reference unto this Day When therefore the Night is spent and the Day come we may conclude that a great Light greater then what was before hath appeared in the World and as it was foretold so can we say It is fulfilled The People that walked in Darkness have seen a great Light Es 9.2 they that dwell in the Land of the shadow of death upon them hath the Light shined so then it is a great Light Thirdly It is likewise a marvellous Light as Saint Peter calleth it 1 Pet. 2.9 Leading its followers into a knowledge that passeth knowledge either Humane or Angelicall So Zanchy interprets the Place Eph. 3.19 Revealing such things which Eye never saw nor Eare ever heard 1 Cor. 29. nor could have entred into any heart to conceive Marvellous to the Blessed Angels whose Glory and Crown though it be to be Angels of Light alwayes beholding the face of God in Heaven yet perceiving a Light here also in this Day of the Gospel Mat. 18.10 whereby they might come to have more experience of the manifold Wisdome of God they are said with much greediness of Speculation to stoop down and to gaze upon it Marvellous to the Children of the Day who are on all sides filled with Admiration of the glorious appearance of that shining Light which they constantly behold in the dispensations of Grace and wherein they conceive themselves ten thousand times happier then if they had the Glory of the world laid at their feet Marvellous also to the Children of this World it being the Astonishment of Nations that all their Projects and Attempts to put out the Light of this Day have ever been frustrated and blown away like the Spiders web for loe the powers of the Earth and the Gates of Hell were Assembled they passed by together they saw it and so they marvelled they were troubled and hasted away Ps 48.4.5 Ps 48.4 5. Veniunt vident vanescunt they come and see and vanish together Yea fourthly so invincible is the light of this day that all the powers of darkness shall never be able to extinguish it To illustrate this particular let us take into consideration the invincible nature of that light whatsoever it is which God who is the Authour of Lights hath set up among the Creatures in this World And to this purpose give me leave to intersert a very pithy and pertinent Meditation of an Anonymous Authour that I have met with in a late Writer which may lead us farther into the knowledge of the Light of this day we see and prove saith he by dayly Experience how powerfull and dreadfull a thing the darkness of the Night is for when it falleth it covereth and muffleth up the face of the whole World it obscureth and hideth the hue and fashion of all Creatures it bindeth up all hands and breaketh off all employments it arresteth and keepeth Captive all living Wights Men and Beasts that they must be still and rest there where it arresteth them yea it maketh them fearfull and faint-hearted full of fancies and much subject to frights It is of all other such a powerful and unconquerable Tyrant as no man is able to withstand And yet nevertheless it is not of that Might that it is able to overwhelme or to quench the least Light in the World For we see that the darker the Night is the clearer the Stars shine yea the least Candles-light that is lighted withstandeth the whole Night and not only suffereth not the darkness to cover or to smother and oppress it but it giveth Light also even in the midst of the Darkness and beate●h it back for some space and distance on every side of it So that which way soever it is borne or wheresoever it cometh there must Darkness depart and give place unto Light all the power and dreadfulness of it cannot help or prevaile ought against it And though the Light be so weake that it cannot cast Light far about or drive the Darkness far from it as in the sparkle of an hot Coale yet cannot the the Darkness cover or conceale and much less quench it but it giveth light to it self alone at least so that it may be seen afar off in the darke and it remaineth unconquered of the dark though it cannot help other things nor give light unto them Yea that that is yet more wonderful a rotten shining piece of wood which hath the faintest light that can be found yet remaineth invincible of all the power of darkness and the more it is compassed about with darkness the clearer light it giveth so little is darkness able to overcome or keep down any light but that it ruleth and vanquisheth and expelleth the darkness which else overwhelmeth and snareth and fettereth and putteth all things in fear Now if this natural light be so powerful and so able to prevail against the darkness of the night why should not the glorious light which now shineth in this day of the Gospel continue still in its Brightness notwithstanding all the attempts that are made by the Prince of Darkness and his Adherents to put it out Continue doubtless it shall and remain invincible to the end of the World Yea according to that measure and proportion of the darkness of errour which in sundry Generations is raised up to obscure and deface it It shall certainly encrease into a greater Glory And though this may carry with it the sound of a paradox in the ears of some people unacquainted with the ways of God yet it will be found to be a most certain truth because this day of the Gospel is not a day of small things of things to be despised of things easy to be reduced to a non-entity as if they never had been such as the designes of Men oftentimes to their shame prove to be but excellent things they are surpassing the comprehensions of Angels which are the fruit and ofspring of this day even the Arcana Coeli Magnalia Dei The secrets of Heaven and the great things of God things which many Prophets and righteous men in the generations of old have desired to see but could not are now clearly made known to the Church in this day which is therefore called the Day of the Lord's power Ps 110.3 Ps 10 3. Dies exercitus dies successus dies victoriae A day of assembling his armies that is his Apostles and Ministers to subdue the World A day wherein his mighty acts have appeared unto men and the glorious Majesty of his Kingdom ruling in the midst of his enemies and making himself known to his Church not onely by the name of God Almighty but to be the faithful Jehovah giving such a being to all his promises as never could be the like in the Generations that were before and therefore whensoever any adverse power shall now rise up against him to hinder or interrupt him in the
compleating of his most glorious design in this day of his power he will most certainly get himself a name in casting it down and having commanded his Light to shine out of Darkness Joh. 1.5 though the darkness of mens hearts will not receive it yet his Commandment still continueth in force and his word runneth very swiftly In a word true and great and marvellous and invincible is the light of this day concerning which much might be spoken from the predictions of the Prophets who prophecyed of this day and much might be added from the triumphant exultations of the Apostles whose eyes were first opened to see the light of this day but there is no need to undertake any further the clearing of the truth of this point for the day it self doth declare it the Sun which is the light and life of this day being not onely risen but ascended and not onely risen and ascended but fixed in his Meridian never more to descend till time be no more Nescit occasum Let us therefore now come to improve it by some close Applications unto us all whose lot it is to live under this Light First Seeing that this time of the Gospel is such a Lightsome day we then that are the Children of the day are to take notice of those Duties which the day requireth of us First whereof is that we rejoyce and be glad in it Truely Light is sweet saith Solomon and a pleasant thing it is for the eyes to behold the Sun Eccles 11.7 1. Duty Ec. 11.7 How sweet then and pleasant a thing is it to behold the light of this day wherein the Glory of the Lord is risen upon the Church Es 60.1 as the Prophet foretold it should Es 60.1 That glory which since the beginning of the world was out of the reach and apprehension of any Creature which yet notwithstanding was earnestly longed for by the Holy and faithful Servants of God of old How happy would Abraham Isaac Jacob Moses David Hezekiah Josiah Esaiah Jeremiah Ezekiel Daniel c. have accounted themselves to have seen that Glory which is now revealed How full of joy would they have been in the light of this day wherein with open face we behold as in a Mirroir the Glory of the Lord saith the Apostle 2 Cor. 3. 2 Cor. 3.18 Nay wherein all flesh seeth the Salvation of God wherein the Word of God comes with power and evidence and Demonstration wherein the Spirit is shed forth abundantly in the hearts of Believers wherein knowledg covereth the earth even as the waters covers the seas so that God's people now need teach no more every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother the sense and meaning of the Shadows and Ceremonies of old saying Jer. 31.34 Know the Lord the Lord whom these things do typifie and so far as such carnal Ordinances are able make known unto you for now is fulfilled that which then the Lord promised saying they shall all know me from the least of them to the Greatest of them The whole Mystery of Godliness is now clearly revealed in so much that they who are endued with the Spirit of God know all things yea 1 Job 2.20 Act. 2.17 even Children and Handmaidens people of all sorts and Sexes understand more fully the Doctrine of Salvation then the Prophets and great Rabbies of old could be able to reach into And therefore it is worth our considering how emphatically the Spirit of God in scripture doth found out this word now in reference to the great glory of this day of the Gospel to that very end that all who are I say Children of the Day may see the Light and rejoyce in it Observe some instances Behold now is the accepted time now is the day of Salvation 2 Cor. 6.2 Now is manifested the Righteousness of God Rom. 3.22 2 Cor. 6 2. Rom. 3.22 Eph 3.10 Eph. 3.5 Col. 1.26 1 Joh. 2.8 Now is made known the manifold Wisdom of God Eph. 3.10 The Mystery which was hidden from Ages and Generations is now revealed Eph. 3.5 Col. 1.26 The Darkness is past the true Light now shineth 1 Joh. 2.8 Now Now Now implying that now and never before the dawning of this day there was a light in the world to be reckoned of the highest value O blessed and happy Day And for ever and ever blessed be that good Providence of Heaven that hath brought us to see the Light of this Day making it unto us a good Day A Day of good tidings A day of Reconciliation with the God of Heaven A Day of joy and gladness Let us therefore I say again and again rejoyce and be glad in it Let the Children of the World glory some in their carnal wisdom some in their strength some in their riches But let us glory in this that we underl and and know the Lord. Now in this serene and joyful day of his gracious visitation did Abraham with great pleasure and rapture of spirit rejoyce to see this day afar off and shall not we now rejoyce when it is at hand yea when it comes upon us and the Light of it shineth round about us Surely we are not Abrahams Children unless we do the works of Abraham and if herein we do not rejoyce we are not of the Faith of Abraham and consequently shall not be blessed with him Objection But alas you 'll say this day is a day of trouble of rebuke and blasphemy of trouble to the Churches of Christ throughout the world of rebuke for God is angry with the world for sin of Blasphemy the Provocations wherewith God is provoked every day being very great reaching up into Heaven And should we now rejoyce Answer I Answer It is indeed a day of trouble to the people of God and possibly if they had rejoyced more for the consolation which their eyes have seen they had not seen so much trouble upon them as they do this day But nevertheless albeit there be so great and sore afflictions lying upon the Churches which all the Children of the Day must be sensible of yet in the midst of all this sorrow there is cause of rejoycing for why it is not a Night of trouble wherein no succour or comfort can be found but the Light of the Lord so shineth out before his people that they may plainly see his good works which with an out-stretched arme he hath wrought and still doth for their deliverance Ps 112.4 Vnto the Righteous saith the Psalmist Ps 112.4 Ariseth Light in Darkness that is in the darkest times of trouble then hath their light of comfort been wont to arise most And therefore though in some respect the day be somewhat cloudy yet it is not a Dismal Day though the Affliction be great yet the consolations of God are not so small with us but we may glorifie God in this day and rejoyce before him True you 'll say But alas we remember
dead light Joh. 8.12 as the light of yesterday was which consisted in carnal Ordinances and dead Sacrifices but a living light that is Jesus Christ himself who though he was dead to extinguish the former Light yet being quickned by the Spirit he liveth to establish this new Light that shall therefore undoubtedly continue to the end of the World For behold saith hee I am alive for evermore affixing his Seale with an Amen to note the unalterableness of his present estate Hee I say again is this light of life not like unto other lights that have no Life in them whoso followeth the Sun in the firmament 't is true hath light but it is a Light wanting life when death cometh it cannot give him life because it hath it not to give There is indeed hope of a tree Joh. 14.7.10 when it is cut down that it may live again saith Job and that the tender Branch thereof will not cease but when Man giveth up the Ghost where is Hee Not the sent of water nor the light nor heat of the Sun can be able to revive him But saith Christ Hee that followeth mee hath the light of Life that is my self Who am the Sun of Righteousness having healing in my Wings Mal. 4.2 Joh. 5.26 Joh 5.2 it being given unto me to have Life in my self Joh. 5.25 So that I quicken whom I will Joh. 5.21 And thus saith the Evangelist of him Joh. 1.4 Joh. 1.4 In him was Life and that Life was the Light of Men. So then here you see what is the light of this day that you are exhorted to receive It is Christ Jesus let him come therefore into your souls He will bring both light and life with him light into your understandings whereby you shall get more intimate Acquaintance in the great Mystery of Godliness and life into your Affections raising them above the World and from groveling in flesh and bloud to a spiritual elevation light to direct you in the way and life to quicken you in it light to comfort you in your troubles and life to deliver you out of them the light of the life of grace here and the light of the life of glory hereafter Awake therefore thou that sleepest rise up from the dead and Christ shall give thee Light Secondly The light of this day is the light of the glorious Gospel of Christ 2 Cor. 4.4 shewing to the world such glorious Mysteries which before this day could not be so clearly known such as the Incarnation of God the expiation of sin by his death the freeness of Salvation through faith in a Mediatour remedy against the Curse and mitigation of the rigour of the Law reconciliation with God spiritual Administrations of the New Covenant all which and many more had never been manifested to the Children of Men had not the day sprung from on high even from the Zenith of the Heaven of Heavens visited the Church with this glorious light and therefore is it well worthy to be entertained by us Thirdly It is called the light of the knowledge of the Glory of God then which nothing can to the Saints be more desireable and unto which when the Soul hath in the utmost extent of her Capacity fully attained she is fully satisfied setting up her rest with a Ne plus ultra as the Prophet confessed saying I shall be satisfied when thy Glory shall appear When as therefore this glory now appeareth in some glimpses to the Soule whiles she is shut up in this Corps of Clay such Apparitions being the Praeludium of that perfect happiness that is to come must needs be very welcome Now the Light of this Day sheweth unto the Soule of a Believer so far as it is capable the Glory of God viz. The Glory of his Wisdome the Glory of his Power the Glory of his Grace and Goodness with other his glorious Attributes in the Protection of his people in the fulfilling of his Promises in the propagating of his Gospel yea it filleth the Soule with Joy and Gladness raising it up to a Life Heavenly and Angelical And therefore well worthy of Acceptation Consider I beseech you shall the Glory of the Lord shine round about us and shall not we open our Hearts to let it in Have we a Price put into our Hands to get Wisdome and shall we have no heart unto it God forbid Yea let us not content our selves with that which we have already attain'd 1 Cor. 12.31 but labour to see more and more of this Glory covet earnest●y the best things saith the Apostle be still craving Lord shew me thy Glory Let me see thy goings how thou my God and King goest in the Sanctuary in the Dispensations of thy Grace in the manifestations of thy Presence O come into my Soule and let me be Metamorphosed into thine Image from Glory to Glory 2 Cr. 3.18 from one degree of Grace to another till I come in the Light of Glory to see the King in his Beauty beholding him as he is and knowing him even as I am known Thirdly As we must rejoyce in the Light of this Day 3. Duty and receive it into our Hearts so are we to walke in it and by it ordering our whole Conversation according unto it otherwise we are very unworthy of it And here give me leave a while to lead you into that Walke wherein Zachary and Elizabeth a holy couple whose Praise is in the Gospel were wont to walke They Walked saith the Evangelist Lak 1.6 in all the Commandments and Ordinances of the Lord Luk. 1.6 Let us then joyn Hearts and Hands together and go and do likewise First let us walke in the Commandments of the Lord Quid enim est Lex Dei nisi Lux Diei Ps 104.23 doing the work of the Lord in this Day of the Lord. The Day we know is ordained for man to work in Man saith the Psalmist goeth forth unto his work and to his Labour untill the Evening Psal 104. So also is this Day set apart and appointed by God for his people to walk in that is to worke for so is a holy walking before God interpreted in Scripture e. g. I must saith Christ Walke to day and to morrow and the day following Luk. 13.33 Eph. 2.10 speaking of his workes which he wrought at that time And good workes saith the Apostle Eph. 2.10 God hath ordained that we should walke in them This Light therefore must not be consumed in vain not whelm'd under the Bushel of filthy lucre nor hid under the Bed of slothfull Negligence but we must make use of it to shew us our way and to guide us in our worke Let us then arise and walke up and be doing not spend the day in hearing and talking onely as the manner of some is For as the light of the Sun is no help to the Eares and Tongues of men but to their hands and feet to walke
darkness are set about the Pavilion of God Ps 18.11 he therefore that presseth to it will lose himself for ever We read indeed of his out-goings that have been from everlasting that is as is conceived his eternal Generation Mich. 5.2 together with his Purposes and Decrees which should in time be accomplished but for his in-goings with the Father and the Holy Ghost they are laid up with God 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 in the Revestries of Eternity the knowledge whereof is infinitely beyond the reach of any Creature It is fit for us to be contented with what Christ himself hath been pleased to declare concerning this secret As that he was his Fathers delight Diè Diè in all those daies of Eternity rejoycing alwaies before him Pro. 8.30 31. John 17.5 in that excellent Glory which he saith He had with him before the world began But if vain man who is born like a wild Asses colt will be wise above what is written enquiring what Christ did yesterday before the Creation he must be answered with that saying of old He prepared Hell for such bold Intruders who will so audaciously busie themselves in searching into the secret and eternal Counsels of the most High Yet notwithstanding albeit in this sense we are not of Yesterday and therefore neither can nor ought to know any thing this Doctrine may instruct us concerning Jesus Christ that though he took upon him our Nature yet he continued still to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the same what he was from Eternity Quod erat permansit quod non erat assumpsit 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He ceased not to be what he was and what he was not he assumed Thou art the same saith David speaking of Christ Ps 102.27 as appears Heb. 1.12 and thy years viz. of thy Wisdom thy Power and other thy glorious Attributes as well as of thy life have no end but indure throughout all Generations Though the Heavens shall be changed and wax old like a Garment and the faithful Witness that is therein shall witness to all that all things in this world are unfaithful yea though Christ himself who in the fulness of Eternity dwelt in that Light that is inaccessible was in the fulness of time made flesh and dwelt among us yet he was still 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the same God manifested in the flesh but continuing notwithstanding to be God still This was the Weapon wherewith the Orthodox of old did strike through the loins of the Arians Verbum caro factum est sed non mutatum The Son of God was made flesh but not changed into it and they gave it an edge from this very Text which we are now upon Cent. 4. cap. 5. Jesus Christ the same yesterday to day and for ever True it is Phil. 2.7 he emptied himself as the Apostle speaks Phil. 2.7 for so the word there s●gnifies and that secundum Deitatem too in respect of his Godhead But what emptying was this Not a total devesting himself of his Eternal Power and Godhead for then he had not been 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the same but the meaning is as the word is well rendred in our Bibles He made himself of no reputation That is as it follows He took upon him the form of a servant which form of a Servant could not surely obliterate the form of God Non depositâ sed sepositâ Majestate as one saith well not by cancelling or laying away but as it were by concealing or laying aside for a time the most glorious appearance of his Divine Majesty In a word the Godhead in Christ was not laid aside at his Incarnation considered as it is in it self common to the three Persons Father Son and Holy Ghost but only 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 an approved distinction among the Learned by a gratious dispensation in that he was pleased to condescend so low as to assume our Nature and to joyn it unto his yet not confounding the properties of either and therefore he still abideth immutably the same even as a Prince when he marrieth a poor Beggar may in a sense be said to make himself of no reputation and to have no regard to his great Dignity though nevertheless he continue still in the same state wherein he was before Athanasius gives the reason very clearly Corpus non vim habuit absolvendae Divinae Hypostas●os The body which was ordained for Christ was not able to dissolve his Divine Subsistence Now therefore because he made himself of no reputation should we make light account of him God forbid when we consider his Birth here in this world how poor and homely let us withal remember his Eternal Generation how Glorious and Divine When we look upon his poor Mother a despised Woman though indeed the glory and flower of her Sex let us then also think upon his Eternal Father the God of Glory when we see him rejected by men in a worse condition for house-room in the world then the Foxes of the earth and the Fowls of the air let not our Lord thereupon be despised in our eyes but call to mind how he inhabiteth Eternity is in the bosom of the Father upholding all things by the word of his Power and all the Angels of God worshipping him And thus are we faln upon the second Result that ariseth out of this everlasting Truth considering it with a reference unto the people of God Whose duty it is upon the account of Christs Eternity and Immutability to give unto him the glory due unto his Name And how can we indeed do otherwise John 1.14 When we see his Glory as the Glory of the only begotten Son of God When we find by comfortable experience upon our Souls the blessed effects of his eternal and immutable Wisdom Power Goodness how can we choose but say Lo this is our God we have waited for him and he will save us this is the Lord Es 25.9 we have waited for him we will be glad and rejoyce in his salvation Yea this is our faith and confidence and hope and triumph here alone we will fix and here alone we desire to be found to be found in Life to be found in Death and to be found after Death For whither else should we go With him are the Words and with him are the Works of eternal life Such a Saviour it behoved us to have and such a Saviour he hath approved himself to be who did not only begin but throughly accomplish our Deliverance The pleasure desire and purpose of the Lord hath prospered in his hand Es 53.10 And the salvation of his people hath been a salvation to the uttermost So that we may say with Moses He is the Rock and his work is perfect Deut. 32.4 Give unto him then the Glory due unto his Name And if it be demanded how it should be done as it is fit indeed we should be still inquisitive after it
finite Righteousness of his be efficacious towards others if he had not been God as well as Man It was his Godhead that did put an infinite worth upon all that he did and upon all that he suffered and made his Righteousness to be of so diffusive a nature that it was enough to justifie all the World for the obedience of God to the rule of the Law and the blood of God given up to the sentence of the Law are infinitely comprehensive far beyond what either men or Angels are able to conceive Had it not been for this might not Divine Justice have justly rejected him as an Offender yea as the greatest of all other For his undertaking to justifie others would have been the greatest sin that ever was committed in the World as being the absurdest mockery and most insolent affront that ever was offered to the grand Majesty of God And would not Death and Hell likewise have still kept them in their clutches with triumphant Insultations trampling upon him making him to know that his Arm was too weak to subdue their Kingdom and that it would cost more to redeem those Souls they gaped for then such a poor man as he was ever able to compass But blessed for ever and ever be his Name as he happily began this noble Enterprize for his poor people so to his eternal honour and their everlasting salvation he did victoriously as became the Almighty God prevail therein Now therefore away with that cursed Anthropolatry of Socinians let it for ever be trodden under foot as unsavoury Salt having no relish in it acceptable either to God or man And let the consideration of what hath been here said provoke all that bear a sincere affection to the Lord Jesus to cry out and say It is time for the Lord to arise for they have made void thy Glory thy Crown and Dignity is despised thine Honour is laid in the dust and what can thy Servants do Awake awake therefore put on strength O Arm of the Lord awake as in the ancient daies in the Generations of old smite all thine Enemies in the hinder parts and put them to a perpetual shame make them to know themselves to be but men But make them also to know that thou art the Eternal and the immutable God yesterday to day and the same for ever Thus much for the second Branch of this Result of the Doctrine of Christs eternal Generation Thirdly Let all the people of God give unto Christ that honour which is meet by a ready hearkning to the Voice of his Word submitting cheerfully to his commands silencing all corrupt Reasonings that are apt to exalt themselves in the heart against the knowledge of his Will and captivating every thought to the obedience of his Gospel A service this is which is due unto him because even because he is the eternal begotten Son of God And this way of glorifying Christ must be joyn'd to the former otherwise in vain will it be to spend our zeal in vindicating the Name of the Lord Jesus against his Enemies if in the mean time we should dishonour him by our disobedience unto him and resuse to give him the hearing An honour which we find sometimes given unto men Vnto me saith Job Men gave car and waited and kept silence at my counsel Job 29.21 22. after my words they spake not again and my speech dropped upon them Now what alas are the words of poor Job put Noah and Daniel Moses and Samuel together with him but saltless and absurd words of folly and vanity unless they receive and Acumen and savour from Jesus Christ Eccles 12.10 to make them Verba desiderii acceptable words words according to his own form sound and wholesom For he saith Solomon giveth wisdom P●o. 2.6 and out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding He is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the ancient standing and everlasting Oracle of Heaven who alone is to be consulted upon all occasions and whosoever speaks not according to his word it is because there is no light in them Es 8.20 his life alone being the light of men John 1.4 He John 1.4 as hath been said is that Ratio Primogenita the first begotten Reason from whence springeth all the Reason in the world of what nature soever it be whether in things Spiritual or in things temporal and therefore even in Reason there should be a cheerful Acquiessency in him as in our Center without any the least Contradiction Tergiversation or Deviation whatsoever Shortly then seeing it is he that giveth such a Mouth and Wisdom unto some of his peculiar Servants that the Wisdom and Spirit by which they speak is become irresistible Mat. 13.19 shall not his own Word which is the Word of the Kingdom not a forreign Exotick word as the words of men are but the pure proper native genuine Language of Heaven be worthy of all acceptation and of all veneration too since by the confession of his Enemies even when he was upon Earth cloathed with skin and flesh John 7.46 he spake as never man spake and by the testimony of the people that heard him when he taught them it was with authority But of this more may be said hereafter when we come to the third Interpretation of the Text considering the Lord Jesus in his relation to his Church to which this Subject will be also very suitable For the present let this word of Exhortation be received upon the account of Christ Eternity as he hath relation to the Father for in that respect he is as hath been made to appear the same yesterday to day and for ever Hearken therefore to his word because he is eternal And here give me leave to strengthen this Argument with some few Corroboratives that it may effectually bring the consciences of men under the power thereof First then let it be remembred the Father will have him to be thus honoured even upon this consideration of his eternal Relation unto himself as appears by that Voice which came from the excellent Glory saying This is my beloved Son Mat. 17.5 hear him Secondly Christ himself upon the same terms expects of us the same Service for when he had Pro. 8. declared his co-eternity with the Father what is the inference that he makes thereupon but this V. 32 33 34. Now therefore hearken unto me O ye children of men hear instruction and be wise and refuse it not Blessed is the man that heareth me watching daily at my Gates waiting at the posts of my door for who so findeth me findeth life c. 3. Add hereunto this Eternity of Christ is a clear evidence of his wisdom and gravity for if it be true which Job saith With the Ancient is wisdom and in length of daies understanding Job 12.12 It must be also most true that with him whose years have been before all Generations is surpassing wisdom and of his understanding
hath of late been sufficiently cleared by others Mr. Prinn c. Is not the Lord Jesus Christ called the Prince of the Kings of the Earth as being his honour to have those that are of the highest estimation to be Subjects unto him Which being so it should be the desire and ambition of all the people in the world to be ruled by those persons who are entituled to this subjective Regality And when Divine Providence shall with a strong hand and a stretched-out Arm lead them unto it as it hath done us here in this Kingdom and the Nations of our Vicinity for many Generations it will certainly be their sin if they should not submit cheerfully unto it as it was the sin of the people of Israel when they out of a diffidence of Gods care and protection of them and out of an Apish imitation of other Nations would in an unseasonable preposterous and tumultuous manner be catching at it And now all this considered how can a people with any serenity of Conscience profess Godliness and yet speak reproachfully of the Kingly Office yea account it Antichristian as some have done proclaiming open Hostility against it Were it indeed Heterogeneous to the Divine Ordinance of Civil Government or incongruous to the times of the Gospel or prejudicial to the interest of the Saints as it is said to be or an impeachment in the least degree to the Dignity and Prerogative Royal of the Lord Jesus Christ himself either in respect of his Natural or of his Donative Kingdom such persons might proceed upon warrantable grounds to proclaim their dislike in that kind But it may now appear to all the World that the clamour which is raised against Regal Power upon any of these before-named accounts is altogether causeless and of no moment It will not be expedient here to examine them severally for in so doing we should make too large a digression haply we shall meet with them obiter in our way wherein the inadvertency or to say truly the Seditious frowardness rather then the godly zeal of the Authors and Abettors of these Complaints will be made manifest unto all men In the mean time I cannot but protest against that pernicious Paradox which hath been vented by a leading Divine as he was accounted in these late times of Errour and Rebellion amongst us J. O. who in a Sermon preached at S. Margarets Westminster and afterwards Printed saith thus The Lord had of old erected a Kingly Government in the House of David not for any eminency in the Government it self or for the Civil Advantage of that people but that it might be a Type of the Spiritual Dominion of the Messiah and so was a part of their Paedagogy and Bondage as was the residue of their Types every one of them and consequently this form of Government not to be of any use in the time of the Gospel Were this true we then who are now of the Church of God as that people were before us acknowledging this Messiah to be come according to the Promise may indeed have just cause to say of that kind of Government as the Apostle doth of Circumcision If we should allow of it Christ shall profit us nothing the substance being come what should the shadow of a King do unto us But I hope that those who have through the subtlety of Satan been misled into this Opinion will hereafter find cause to retract it when they shall remember that the rule of the Gospel to which they pretend an exact Conformity requires them to pray and to give thanks for Kings which as the Apostle saith is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour 1 Tim. 2.1 2 3. 1 Tim 2.1 2 3. However seeing that Wisdom puts forth her Voice crying at the Gates at the entry of the City at the coming in at the Doors saying By me Kings Reign and Princes decree Justice by me Princes rule and Nobles even all the Judges of the e●rth Seeing I say this sound is heard from Heaven every day in the Consciences of men Wisdom will herein be justified of all her children And let this serve to terminate the first part of my Proposition viz. Government is an Ordinance of Divine Authorization Secondly It is ordained to be subservient unto Christ in the dispensation of his power and providence towards the preservation of Mankind 2. Branch For though Christ be All in all Col. 3.11 as the Apostle speaks Col. 3. yet to shew himself to be the Lord of all he hath ordained means to be subservient unto him in all the works of his Providence and hath accordingly made use of them To this purpose saith the Son of Sirach very pertinently Ec. 38.2 3 4 5. Of the most High cometh healing yet the Physician must be honoured with that honour that belongeth unto him The Lord also hath created Medicines out of the Earth and he that is wise will not abhor them He hath given skill unto men that he might be honoured in his marvellous works with such doth he heal men and taketh away their pains of such doth the Apothecary make a Confection c. Hence it is as the Prophet Jeremy speaketh Jer. 23.25 That his Covenant with Day and Night and the Ordinances of Heaven and Earth concerning their disposition motion order influences virtues and operations are inviolable They continue this day saith the Psalmist according to thine ordinance Ps 119.91 for all are thy servants not as if his Paramount Authority and power were thereby any whit diminished rather it is advanced nor as if he were necessitated thereunto for want of power in himself for we may see the course of Heaven c. hath sometimes been inverted by him Indulgentiae est non indigentiae non efficaciam quaerit sed congruentiam Ex. 14.16 John 3.16 2 Reg. 10.1 Dan. 3.25 But of his own free will in the abundance of his goodness it is that he governeth and preserveth Creatures by Creatures using the ministery of second Causes for in their present poor estate wherein they are in this world his own immediate hand and power would soon prove intolerable unto them Who alas among us here can dwell with devouring fire Who among us can dwell with everlasting burnings Goodness then and mercy it is that is the ground of this Dispensation from Heaven towards poor creatures of all sorts but there is no creature under the Sun unto whom the Lord hath so much respect as he hath to Mankind all other indeed have their being and their well-being whatsoever it is from him as hath been said before But Man is his Favourite the Masterpiece of his wisdom power and goodness the work of his Faciamus not barely of his Fiat as other Creatures were in him he challengeth a special propriety accounting him his own in a peculiar manner for in that sense I conceive that place of the Evangelist John 1.11 He
45. I form the Light and create Darkness I make Peace and creat Evill I the Lord do all these things And in the 54 of the same Prophecy Behold I have created the Smith that bloweth the Coals in the fire Es 54 17. and him that bringeth forth an Instrument for his work and I have created the Destroyer to destroy Destruction cometh from the Instrument the Instrument from the Smith the Smith and all from this great Wise and Almighty Governour of Heaven and Earth who rideth upon the Heavens as upon a Horse and by his power ruleth the raging of the Seas the noise of his Waves and the madness of the people Away therefore with these Abominations let them not be once named amongst us as becometh Saints That they should indeed be found among the Heathen it is no marvel But alas alas that such as make their boast of Jesus Christ and are ready alwaies by a verbal profession to ascribe unto him the Governance of the World should be thus besotted so impiously by their practice to derogate from him and that under so clear and glorious a Light as now shineth What Tongue or Pen can express it without a bitter Lamentation Again are not the great Repinings and Murmurings which are to this very day found amongst factious Separatists against the most remarkable and reiterated Dispensations of Heaven in the Restauration of our Civil Government according to the ancient Constitution of this Realm a great dishonour unto Jesus Christ As if he were to be directed by such poor Worms how to sway his Scepter and to manage his Power It was an Atheistical word of that wretched Alphonsus King of Spain who said That if he had stood by Christ when he created the World he would have shewed him how to order it better then now it is And is it not now I beseech you a sin of a high nature by continued grudgings at these Revolutions that have come upon us in effect to spurn at Divine Providence and to quarrel the Government of Christ because it is not according to some mens humours and expectations Princes of the earth we know do usually love to maintain their unlimitedness and Prerogative which is due unto them and do not like it that any should make a Scrutiny into the secret of their Sovereignty How much more should poor dust and ashes beware of prying into or descanting upon the Prerogative of Heaven The Lord Jesus Christ will certainly notwithstanding all the unkinde Recalcitrations of sinful men continue still to be the same in guiding and governing and preserving the World according to that wise and holy Decree which hath been enacted from all Eternity he will shake and over-turn root up and pull down and build and plant again as seemeth good unto him and that by such waies and means and instruments which though they may seem strange and harsh unto flesh and blood shall serve in the end to make the Beauty of his Providence the more glorious Here therefore give me leave a little to treat with these discontented people Do ye well to be angry And will you be angry still Will you draw out your anger to all Generations Surely it will be folly and shame unto you for Anger resteth in the bosom of fools Ec. 7.9 saith Solomon And what alas are you angry for Is it as it is to be seared it is because you are crost in the promoting of such a temporal Interest which you had contrived which yet according to your own principles is not of an absolute concernment to the Kingdom of God Or whom are you angry with Is it the persons of men that have been instrumental in bringing to pass this great Alteration that is come upon us A small matter it seems will make you angry and as vain and fruitless will the success of your anger be unto you There was as it hath been observed a certain people in Affrick who being troubled with the North-wind driving heaps of Sand upon their fields and dwelling places they gathered an Army of men to fight against it but with so ill success that themselves were also buried under Hills of sands Xerxes the Persian Monarch having received a loss by the rage of Hellespontus himself more mad then the Sea caused Fetters and Manicles to be cast into the waters thereof as if he would make it his prisoner and binde it with links of Iron at his pleasure Darius did the like upon the River Gynde when it had drowned him a white Horse he threatned the River to divide it into so many streams and so to weaken the strength of it that a woman great with child should go over it dry-shod It is not unlike as the said Authour makes the Comparison to the folly of our daies some people must not be cross'd but will fall to murmuring and repining But as God asketh Sennacherib Whom hast thou railed upon or whom hast thou blasphemed So may these be asked Whom are ye angry with who hath displeased you Are you angry with the Saw or with him that lifteth it What is Aaron that you murmure at him And for a conclusion hereof consider well that place of the Prophet Es 40.22 c Es 40.22 23. It is he for in the sequel you shall find that your anger reacheth at him that sitteth upon the Circle of the earth and the Inhabitants thereof are as Grashoppers That stretched out the Heavens as a Curtain and spreadeth them out as a Tent to dwell in That bringeth the Princes to nothing much more Usurpers he maketh the Judges of the earth as vanity who saith and who shall contradict him Yea they shall not be planted yea they shall not be sowen yea their stock shall not take root in the earth he shall also blow upon them and they shall wither away and the whirlwind shall take them away as stubble Let therefore the advice of the Prophet prevail with you who saith Ps 75.5.6 7. Lift not up your horn on high speak not with a stiff neck for promotion cometh neither from the East nor from the West nor from the Desart but God is the Judge he putteth down and setteth up another And say not any more how comes it to pass that God hath brought this turn upon us that our Mountain which was made so strong and from which we thought never to be removed is now utterly overthrown that destruction cometh upon destruction Where is that Providence that ruleth all things For you do not enquire wisely concerning these matters Stand still rather and see the Salvation of God Surely Destructions are come to a perpetual end their memorial shall be perished with them For why Jesus Christ is the same still in guiding governing and preserving the whole Creation and will so continue unto the end Besides these before-mentioned there are sundry others also who disclaim Christ's Sovereignty over them Such are the Covetous the Ambitious the Proud the Worldly
the same way if ever she will be Glorified with him Shee shall indeed drink of the same cup with him and be baptised with the baptism that he is baptised with but to sit together with him in his Throne of Triumph this undoubtedly shall not be till all the enemies of them both shall be subdued nor till his Testimony be given of her constancy and fidelity to him before his Father and before his Angels nor till the final sentence be pronounced which shall be her solemn admission and instalment into her Triumphant Glory And this Order must and shall be held and continued whatsoever vain Persons do deeme or dream of a preposterous inverting of it which inconstancy though it be common amongst Men Rev. 19 9. Ludolphus yet would be very uncomely for the God of order The Marriage feast that is to be kept betwixt Christ and his Spouse is by the Spirit of God sweetly called a Supper And why Eo quod est ultima refectio saith one because it is the last refreshing wherein all labour and travel being ended and care laid aside the Church shall enjoy everlasting quietness But when is it that the people of God shall rest from their labours Surely not till such time as they die in the Lord Rev. 14.13 And then when all the Guests are meet together the Lamb and his Bride taking their fills of love each with other then and not before is every evil removed all tears wiped away the righteous Souls of the Elect shall be no more vexed with the wickedness of impure Sodomites then shall they complain no more of the thorn in the flesh nor the body of death nor sing any more that jarring and lugubrious Song Why art thou cast down O my Soul and why art thou disquieted within mee For their Souls at his Supper are satisfied as with marrow and fatness then shall there be no more wily Serpent to beguile them no wrastling with temptations no strugling with flesh and bloud the onely exercise then will be to rejoyce to triumph to sing Hallelujah's to the Lamb who hath invited and brought them to this Supper which shall be a continual Feast unto them to all Eternity Let then Pift Monarchy Men and Millenaries go and learn better to construe the meaning of the Spirit of God in those scriptures wherein they have hitherto been grossely mistaken as in that concerning the Stone cut out without hands in the Prophecy of Daniel and that concerning the Thousand years in the Prophecy of the Evangelist Dan. 2.34 Rev. 20.4.6 for that Stone is already become not onely the Head of the Corner but a great Mountain also and hath filled the whole Earth and the thousand years if not already Expired and Superannuated yet of too narrow Limits to be a Boundary for that Kingdom which shall stand for ever and the restauration of all things which is to come is not within the compass of their Reckoning but shall certainly be when time shall be deplumed of all his feathers of years and moneths c. and return again into the Womb of Eternity The Second Resultancy holds out a Mirroir wherein we may see the Excellency of our Creation Though we be now brought very Low being in respect of our frailty like unto the Beasts that Perish yet fuimus Troes we had a Glorious Dominion given us of God over the works of his Hands as they were in their purest Being when none of the Works of the Divel were Mingled with them and as they shall bee again when they have passed through the Fire cleansed from all the Dross which now Hangs upon them A Dominion to which the Creature was willingly Subject which was their Glory and as it will be also hereafter when it shall delivered from the Bondage of Corruption A Glory in some respect like unto that which the Saints whom the King of Heaven delighteth to honour shall enjoy after the general Judgment unto all Eternity for so much doth that Restitution which the Apostle mentions imply A Life not much Inferiour to the Angels wherein there was a Familiar Converse with God himself the Light of God's Countenance shining clearly without the least Eclipse upon Man and Man beholding not as in a Glass but with open Face the Glory of God was not changed but stood firm in the Image of God with Joy unspeakable and full of Glory Excellent indeed was the Estate and admirable was that Honour in which our first Parents stood for a time I will not nor cannot say how long but probable it is that it was longer then it is commonly conceived to be For besides that the sixth Day is concluded by Moses with these words And God beheld all that he had made Gen. 1.31 and loe it was exceeding good so the Evening and the Morning was the sixth Day And besides the variety of things done after their Creation which required some Tract of time for their performance Besides these Considerations I say which are not to be sleighted that liberty which God gave unto Adam grounded upon a Command freely to eat of every Tree in the Garden excepting only one was made use of by him Gen. 2.16 17. as the words of Eve to the Serpent do import before their tampering about the forbidden Fruit We may saith she or we do eat as it is commonly read Vescimur of the Fruit of the Trees of the Garden but of the Fruit of the Tree which is in the midst of the Garden we eat not And what is the meaning of We eat but this we are wont to eat or we have according to God's Command and his gracious Indulgence and permission tasted of every Fruit of the Garden besides this Which being so I demand how this could be done in that short time of the latter part of that day wherein they were Created Surely the tasting of all so soon could hardly be justified from Luxury and waste of which they were not guilty in that their innocent and sinless estate and it seems to be very unlikely that they would offer to taste of the Fruit so bidden until they had tasted of the rest Then also it might be supposed they were well prepared for Satan's temptation for then and not till then the commendation of the forbidden Fruit as of a more excellent kinde then any of the rest of which they had formerly eaten might the better allure them both to touch and taste The consideration whereof may be a ground for this Conjecture wherein I have the Concurrency of a late learned Divine viz. Dr. Twiss That they continued some while after the day of their Creation in that excellent Glory Which I note the rather because God's goodness to his Creatures which he had so beautified with his own Image should have as large an extent as possibly can be upon good terms imagined by us And why we should limit it to a shorter time then is revealed I see not
is the place of the Angels that sinned and which kept not their Principality Jud. v. 6. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 Pet. 2.4 but left their own habitation as the Apostle S. Jude speaketh whom God threw down into Hell delivering them into Chains of darkness to be reserved unto Judgment I do not nor dare not say as some that one ground of God's election of men unto life was to fill up that place in his Presence which was made void by casting out the reprobate Angels and that such a number of elect Saints shall come in their stead and no more These are but the froathy Conceits of men of corrupt mindes who will be wiser then Daniel Ezek. 28.3 and no secret must be hidden from them But this I say that in this particular also as well as in the former the Parallel holds between the Land of Canaan and the Celestial Inheritance for as God did plant his own chosen people in that good Land Deut 7.1 from whence he drove out the Heathen that were the Inhabitants thereof Nations greater and mightier then they So will he surely bring his Saints into that heavenly Country which he hath promised to give unto them from whence those Angels whose height was like the height of the Cedars in comparison of such a poor shrub as man is were for their Rebellion driven into perpetual banishment Amos 2.9 Moreover as Heaven which God will give unto his people at the last day being purchased and prepared for them by Jesus Christ may in some respect be likened unto Canaan such as hath been mentioned so that new Earth which is also to come may in like manner be resembled unto it It is not safe to speak of what we have not seen nor to make other discoveries concerning this matter then such as the Holy Ghost hath already made This we may say seeing there shall be a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness we may affirm it shall undoubtedly be a good Land Abounding I say not again with Milk and Honey but with such store of Delights as are proper for Glorified Saints who shall stand in no need of any bodily sustenance from the Creature as they do here in this life And what a good Land will this be when there shall be nothing in it that doth offend all the Carkasses of the Reprobate purged out of it and that Curse which God laid upon it at the beginning quite taken away It shall also be a large Land even the whole compass of the Earth shall at that day to the uttermost parts of it be the Saints Inheritance that promise being then perfectly fulfilled Ps 37.11 Mat. 5.5 viz. That the meck shall inherit the earth That which is now the place of the Canaanites and of the Hittites and of the Amorites c. That is to say of all the Wicked and Unbelievers in the World shall be unto the Godly for an everlasting Possession and that in a more noble and more excellent way then it is now unto any whom for the present Mammon dandles upon his knee as his most beloved Darlings Nay further when there shall be no more Sea as it is said Rev. 21.1 which place according to the concurrent judgment of sundry Divines is to be understood literally as well as figuratively That fire whatsoever it may be at the Worlds end possibly drying it quite up this earthly Inheritance will certainly be then much more enlarged far beyond the narrow extent of what hath been before possessed by the Sons of men Behold then O ye Children of men what a Glory is prepared for you by Jesus Christ at that great Day of Restauration Glory in Heaven and Glory in Earth Glory for your Souls and Glory for your Bodies wherein you will have the advantage of the glorious Angels in a special resemblance of Jesus Christ whereof they are not capable Phil. 3.21 for your Bodies though they be vile for the present in regard of their Original shall then be made like unto Christ's glorious Body and your Bodies and his also being Originally taken out of the earth the earth also shall be given you as a measure of Glory above that of the Angels for your Inheritance Go up now to Pisgah and in a Spiritual Rapture take a view of your Inheritance before you enter into it An Inheritance glorious and honourable wherein you shall be Co-heirs with the Lord of Glory an Inheritance safe and sure free from all Intrusions and Encroachments of the World the Works of the Devil being all destroyed 1 John 3.8 2 Pet. 3.10 and the Works of the Earth utterly burnt up that is all the Oppressions Pollutions Snares Insinuations Persecutions of wicked men and Devils which formerly troubled you come to a perpetual end an Inheritance Durante vitâ to hold so long as Eternity it self lasteth where there are many Mansions common to all those that are accounted worthy to obtain that World for Meum Tuum these terms Mine and Thine which make such a strife in this World shall not then be once named amongst them as a Language out of use and improper for that Country which is a place of Glory What shall be mine shall be then Yours that now read what is here written and what shall be yours though you be now Princes of the Earth shall then also be mine though I be now of a lower degree for we shall be all of a Society in this Inheritance Fellow-heirs and Fellow-citizens together and of the Houshold of God united according to a most perfect Pattern by an indissoluble Bond even as the Father is in the Son and the Son in the Father John 17.21 yea more united together in them as our Center wherein all the Lines of our Union and Fellowship do meet for so much doth the same Text witness unto us What shall we then say to these things If Heaven and Earth with all that is therein desirable will satisfie us we shall be fully and perfectly happy And now let us admire and adore the Lord for this his constant and unchangeable Goodness and for his wonderful Works which he hath done from the Beginning and will also do to the Worlds end even unto all Eternity for the Children of men Certainly who so is wise amongst us will observe these things and ponder this Superlative exceeding weight of Glory that is prepared for them which whosoever doth with a quiet and holy dependance upon God for it they shall understand more of the loving kindnesses of the Lord far surpassing that which is here but poorly and with a narrow and straitned Spirit revealed unto them But as for the Tools of the Earth that will not leave their folly but most unthankfully like the people of old who despised that good and pleasant Land Ps 106 24 that Land of Desires Psal 106.24 will suffer themselves to be bewitched with this present evil World and putting away from
them their own Mercies choose Death rather then Life they shall most assuredly reap the fruit of their own Option in the latter end unless they will learn betimes to be wiser and make a better choice For what else can be expected when Christ hath prepared so Glorious an Inheritance for men in whom he professeth to have a peculiar Interest John 1.11 Mat. 25.41 and they shall lightly regard it And when there is a fire an everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels whom his Soul abhorreth and men shall wilfully plunge themselves into it O foolish people and unwise who hath deluded you A wretched Covetousness you will undoubtedly finde it to be in the end to be intruders upon the Devil a wosul ambition to be Usurpers upon Damnation and a folly not to be parallel'd unless it be by the reprobate Angels to leave your own Habitation so Gloriously repaired for you by Jesus Christ who not only Created you but Bought you at a dear Rate everlastingly to dwell in Surely it were much better for you to stand your ground and to preserve your Interest with all your strength preparing your selves against the time when an entrance shall be ministred unto you abundantly into that everlasting Kingdom Rom. 8.23 waiting for the Adoption a Glory above the Creatures expectation viz. The redemption of our body when Body and Soul shall be reunited again and all things shall be ours in their perfectest Beauty purged throughly from that dross and corruption which now sticks upon them This I say should be our chiefest Ambition next unto God's Glory and if we were wise would be our utmost endeavour for then shall we be with Christ which is best of all then shall we experimentally finde the blessed effects of his immutable love towards us unto all eternity then shall the Creature yield unto us not a groaning Subjection but a willing and a cheerful Subjection rejoycing that it hath somewhat in it that shall conduce to the advancement of our Glory O let the consideration hereof work in us a holy Indifferency towards the things of this present life What though some be poor and of low account in the eyes of the world yet let not the hearts of such be troubled at it for our Lord when he comes if he finde them doing his will will make them as well as others who abound in wealth Rulers over all that he hath If Riches encrease Ps 62.10 Pro. 23.5 let us not set our hearts upon them Or if they decrease and take to themselves wings and flie away let us not be guilty of such folly as to let our hearts flie after them Bishop King upon Jonas but as Fabritius the Roman a late learned and laborious Bishop made the Comparison told King Pyrrhus who one day tempted him with Gold and another day terrified him with an Elephant which he had never seen before Plutarchus in vita Pyrrhi Vtimur mundo fruimur Deo Aug. Yesterday I was not moved with thy Money nor to day with thy Beast So whether we be tempted with gain or terrified with the loss of these worldly Commodities we do not trouble our selves either way Knowing that we have in Heaven a more enduring substance Heb. 10.34 And thus have we done with the second Interpretation of our Text viz. That Jesus Christ is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the same in reference to the whole Creation The Third Interpretation of the TEXT is this Jesus Christ is the same yesterday to day and for ever With a more especial Respect unto his Peculiar People Adsis O JESV JEsus Christ is the same unto his Church from first to last that is from the first man that was created to the last that shall be born in this World or from the first Evangelical Promise given in Paradise viz The Seed of the Woman shall break the Serpents head unto the last Sentence that shall be pronounced at the great Day Gen. 3.15 viz. Come ye Blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world Mat. 25.34 The same King and the same Priest and the same Prophet of his Church throughout all Ages the same in his Power over them the same in his Satisfaction and Intercession for them the same in his Doctrine unto them Semper idem alwaies the same And now that we may understand more fully the Sense of the Holy Ghost in this excellent Scripture according to this Third Interpretation of it let us confider distinctly the several Courses or Periods of Time here specified viz. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Yesterday to Day and for ever And in them all observe the Immutability of the Lord Jesus Christ towards his Church from Generation to Generation By 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Yesterday must according to this sense be meant all the time of the Old Testament By 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is To day is understood the time of the New Testament By 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for ever the continuance of that time unto the end and that Eternity in order to the fruit and benefit of Christ's Immutability towards his Church when Time shall be no more CHAP I. Of Yesterday and the Benefit that the Church enjoyed by Christ's Oeconomy therein TO begin then with Yesterday which as it is said must in this sense which we are now upon be taken for all he time of the Old Testament that is from the Minority of the Church in her first springing unto her maturity in that fulness of Time when Christ came into the World In which long Tract of time notwithstanding he was the same in the Exercise of his Mediatory Office towards his selected People which he is to Day in the time of the Gospel when he was made Flesh and visibly appeared among us Two things are here to be considered by us 1. The Denomination of the Time 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Yesterday 2. What is predicated of that time viz. Christ 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The only He or the same Yesterday Both which will afford unto us their several Instructions From the first we may learn that which will be of some use for us to know and that is this The Time of the Old Testament with the Legal Ordinances attending upon it is a Day that is set and expired being Yesterday and therefore not to be brought into our account neither are we to walk in the light of it I say not that the Old Testament it self Quoad scripturam vel spiritualem veritatem as it is a part of God's Revealed Will unto his Church is now at this time quite out of date for even Jesus Christ who is the Sun that shineth gloriously in this our Day was the Doctrine of the Prophets as well as of the Apostles and he commandeth us in the New Testament to enquire of him in the Old Search the Scriptures John 5.39 Luke 16.29 that
concerning this matter The affront that is hereby put upon the Lord Jesus Christ is so notorious that it is discernable by all that are not given up to strong Delusions To conclude therefore it is very well noted by one who hath a long time been a laborious Workman in the Lord's Vine-yard that the Lord by Burying the dead Body of Moses in an unknown place did in a kinde signify that he hath so abolished the Legal Ordinances that they must be buried in eternal Oblivion and never to be looked after nor minded any more Whosoever therefore shall now go about to revive any of those Ce●emonies of the Law as the Papists do their Work is no other in God's eyes then the raking up of Moses's Dead Body which the Lord hath concealed Such a Censure likewise giveth Saint Augustine when he had spoken of the Jewish Ceremonies that they were to have a Solemn Funeral which would require some time upon which account were the Apostles excusable for their temporary connivence at them He addeth Quisquis nunc c. Whosoever shall now use them as it were raking them up out of their Dust he shall not be pius deductor corporis sed impius violator sepalturae A pious Helper in the Burial but an impious and sacrilegious Wretch that ransakes the quiet Tombs of the Dead In the last place such who now-a-dayes Pretend to Oracles that is Visions and Revelations and wait for Miracles may by this Doctrine be convinced of a woful Delusion wherewith they are Haunted for it will appear that even these also were the Light of Yesterday Indeed when God was letting forth Light by little and little now a part of his Word and then a part of his word he did at that time as hath been said before reveal his Minde sundry ways but now when the Day is not onely Dawned but the Sun of Righteousness is come forth out of his Chamber appearing like a strong man in his Race God doth not use to interpose Heterogeneous Flashes of Light differing from that which he hath in his Wisdom and Goodness set forth to be the Fountain of Light to all the World The Firmament of Heaven cannot endure two Suns yea horrid Confusion would seaze upon the Face of Nature if such a thing were even the Parelii that is Resemblances of the Sun in the Aire usually called Mock Suns are Praemonitours of fearful Prodigies like to ensue and these new Lights differing from the ordinary Light of our Day have not onely Portended but brought on Dismal and Lamentable Disasters upon the poor Church of God Visions and Revelations were the Light of Yesterday and though there were some such Manifestations of it now and then Ps 89.19 when it was in Occasu in the instant of Setting in the Primitive Times as there were Prophecies and Jewish Ceremonies of which we finde some though very rarely were taken up and made use of for after a Shower will come some Drops yet to expect them now or to pretend any need of them at this time when with open Face we do behold the Glory of the Lord and this Glory of the Lord likewise shines clearly unto us in the Face of Jesus Christ what were this but shameful ingratitude It is as if a man should exclaim against the Light of the Sun and call for a Candle to be set up at High-noon Day Objection It may perhaps be Objected if such Revelations were so frequent under the Old Testament and not to be expected now then was the State of the Church better at that time then it is now under the Gospel Solution But this I affirm to be no good Consequence for first we are recompensed by having the Scriptures Perfect and Compleat which they of the O●d had not Secondly they indeed had more ordinary Revelations of matters Personal and Private but of such things as do necessarily concern Salvation we in the time of the New Testament have more evident Demonstration and more full Revelation according to the Prophecy that went before of us Jer. 31.34 Jer 31.34 For Example particular mercies to some of God's special Servants or particular Judgments on his Enemies whether particular Men or whole Kingdoms were often revealed to Godly Men in those Days but Salvation by the Messiah And the manner how the Messiah should save his Church is more fully and † plainly plentifully revealed now then it was in those Days Besides we have the Substance of their shadows and the performance of their Promises In which respects it must be acknowledged our State is far more excellent then theirs From whence we may Collect with a late Writer Mr. Perkins who in his Generation laboured much in the Lord That Revelations of God's Will to be expected now under the Gospel are ordinarily nothing els but these viz. The true Sense and Meaning of Holy Scripture and a discerning of True Scripture from Forged of True Sacraments from Supposed of True Doctrines from False of True Pastours from False Prophers these and such like as far forth as they are necessary to Salvation all true and faithful Believers which out of an humbled Heart do seek it by devout Prayer at God's hand are sure to have revealed unto them from God Ps 25.14 Ps 25.14 But as for other Purposes of God viz. of Personal and particular matters or what shall be his blessings or what his Judgments to these and these Men Families Cities or Kingdoms or when or how he will change States or translate Kingdoms or by what extraordinary means he will have his Gospel propagated or a declining Church or State upholden these we are not now to expect nor easily to believe any that shall say such things are revealed unto them And yet as the said Authour saith well we do not hereby limit the Almighty or tie the Lord in such strait Bonds but he may sometimes extraordinarily reveal his Purpose in some such Cases to some of his selected Servants provided that that Revelation be examined and allowed of by the Church Thus he And the truth is it is but necessary that such restrictions should be in this Case which undoubtedly God doth allow of it being a most certain rule Deus non deficit in necessariis God is not wanting in things necessary Now surely this is needful For though the Holy Scriptures are not to wait upon the allowance of the Church rather let the Church stand or fall to the infallible Judicature of the Scriptures yet this Power hath the Church given unto her of God to judg of extraordinary Revelations whether they be of God or no neither are they to be of any account with the people of God till they have passed the Scrutiny and Censure of the Church otherwise what dangerous Consequences would follow hereupon it is not any hard matter to foresee Here we shall have one cry out 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 I have Dreamed I have Dreamed as those Impostours
did Jer. 23.25 Jer 23.25 And his Dream must pass for Currant without a Scripture-interpretation though notwithstanding it may proceed from a filthy Dreamer There another will come and pretend Impulses of Spirit as some of late have impudently done in this Nation for the justifying of his coursel though the unwarrantableness of it be made so plain to his Face that it is past all Gainsaying Yea seeing that Satan transforms himself into an Angel of Light what meanes shall we have to distinguish between Diabolical Delusions and the Infusions of the Spirit of God if every man may obtrude upon us what he pleaseth for a Divine Revelation But we have a more sure word of Prophecy as the Apostle writeth 2 Pet. 1.19 my meaning is we have the Holy Scripture 2 Pet. 1.19 whereunto we should do well to take heed and to have a standing Word to be a constant Light unto us which is the Light of this our Day is far better then to have the several glimmerings of Revelations which were the Light of Yesterday and if we will not believe Moses and the Prophets Christ and his Apostles our Faith will be little furthered by Visions and Revelations Say not therefore who shall ascend into Heaven that is to bring Christ down from above even to pull the Sun of Righteousness out of his Orb or who shall descend into the Deep that is to bring up Christ again from the Dead this were to overturn the Series of thy Salvation the Word is nigh thee and therefore content thy self with it and seek not to call back Yesterday which doth not belong unto thee This Scripture viz. Rom. 10.6 7 8. Rom. 10.6 7 8. I onely in this place make use of by way of allusion and no otherwise O but may some say if there were Miracles wrought now amongst us as there were formerly would not this conduce much to our Confirmation in the Faith I Answer this also was Yesterday's Light therefore of no use unto us and though it did continue also a while at the Dawning of our Day yet it served onely for the manifesting of Christ unto the World and the Propagating of the Gospel in those Primitive Times To this purpose saith Peter Martyr fuerant miracula ut buccinae praecones quibus Evangelium commendabatur Miracles were as Trumpets and Harbingers whereby the Gospel at its first appearance was proclaimed and made glorious which being done the Trumpets became useless Non nunc ut olim sunt necessaria miracula Priusquam crederit mundus necessaria fuere ad haec ut mundus crederet St. Aug. and therefore fit to be laid aside As the Law of Moses obtained Authority among the people by the Miracles done upon Mount Sinai and in the Desart which afterwards ceased upon the entrance of the Israelites into the Land of Promise so likewise Miracles being ordained to be subservient to the Gospel for the same End are now also to cease when the Gospel hath spread far and wide about the World in so much that we may well say if any man who lives under the Light that now shineth should waite to be converted by a Miracle it would bee a Miracle indeed if he were converted Nevertheless to satisfy such amongst us who are too like unto those of whom our Saviour speakes in the Gospel except yee see signes and Wonders Joh. 4.48 yee will not believe Be it known unto you that the Heavenly Oracles by which we are guided in this our Day are accompanied with continued and standing Miracles though Miracles of a more spiritual nature what is the demolishing of the Fortifications of Flesh and bloud and casting down of strong Holds mortifying the Old Man which is our corrupt Nature and ejecting the strong Man which is the Devil out of the Hearts of Sinners whereby the Arm of Lord is made Bare and the Spirit of Christ in the Gospel exerciseth its Virtue and Vigour more abundantly then ever it being as the Psalmist speaketh the day of the Lord's Power More Divels being Cast out since Christ's Ascension then were before what I say are these but Miracles The Miracles which the Lord wrought when he was upon Earth were indeed the Product of an Almighty Power yet he himself tells his Apostles that they and not onely they but others that should be employed in the same Ministery after them Joh. 12.14 should do greater things then those whereby he seemeth to mean the Conversion of Men to the Faith by the Preaching of the Gospel to this purpose saith Saint Austin who himself was a Miracle both in his Conversion and Conversation Mundi ad Christum conversio per Apostolos alios facta omnium miraculorum maximum est miraculum the Conversion of the World unto Christ is of all Miracles the greatest Neither is this an Hyperbole considering as it hath been observed that by so inconsiderable so despicable meanes against so implacable so powerful enemies Truth should triumph and so mightily prevail as that the Conquered should command subdue and at length give Laws to the Conquerours till almost the whole World became her Convert Reason cannot conclude less then non hac sinc Numine this must needs be the Lord 's doing A Miracle well worthy of Admiration that by the Foolishness of Preaching so many Millions have been Converted and made Wise unto Salvation To open the Eyes of the Minde is without all question more then to give bodily sight to make the Deaf to hear and the Dumb to speak were indeed great things But to pronounce Ephatha to the Heart and Mouth of a Wretch desperately set against Christ and his Gospel and he thereupon Immediately to rise up and give Glory to God what can it argue but a marvellous Work and a Wonder It was a Wonder heretofore to hear of Saul amongst the Prophets insomuch that it grew to a Proverb 1 Sam. 10 12 Is Saul also among the Prophets and is it not as great a Wonder to hear of Saul among the Apostles That he who persecuted the Saints in time past should after preach the Faith which he once Destroyed Gal. 1.23 Now if such Changes and Conversions were in other material or sensible things as from Water to Wine from Iron to Gold or a Transition from one Species to another what astonishment would arise thereupon whereas in Spirituals this Changing is more Wonderful though less discernable So then Miracles there are also in these times sufficient to evidence the Truth and Power of the Gospel and to confirm the Faith of those that do believe though not such as were of Yesterday which is past with all the Appurtenances of it and must not be recalled as hath been said and therefore Men had best beware how they quarrel at the present Dispensations of Grace by a pretended Zeal after the Light of Yesterday least that of our Saviour be in the end Charg'd upon them viz. That Light
God and are troubled for his Anger we see is enkindled it smoketh against the sheep of his Pasture By terrible things in Righteousness doth God answer his People now in this day when they call upon him chiding and chastning them very sore should we then make mirth I Answer far be it from us when the Lord God of Hostes calls to Weeping and Mourning c. that we should be of that cross grain'd disposition as to thwart the sad Dispensations of his Providence by giving up our selves to any vain and carnall Delights and when his hand is lifted up to correct and punish that then we should wilfully shut our eyes refusing to see that I say be far from us But I beseech you though this be a day of rebuke Is it not a time also of Love Nay when with rebukes the Lord doth correct his people is there not both love and faithfulness to be found in the bottom of those rebukes which makes them very sweet unto the soul of a Believer Besides can we not distinguish between the sorrowful dispensations of Providence whensoever they come upon us and the glorious dispensations of grace If the former be matter of sorrow the latter are of joy Rejoyce therefore in the Lord alwayes and again I say rejoyce Oh but it is a day of blasphemy And who that hath a tender regard to God's glory and the Churches Welfare can chuse but sigh and mourn to see and hear the Abominations that are so frequent this day How alas doth errour and heresie justle with divine truth Yea trample it under their feet And that which encreaseth the sorrow people that profess godliness love to have it so Some make a mock at Sin That which should be the terrour and amazement of the soul as being most of all contrary to God and a worse enemie to the whole creation then all the devils in Hell Fooles at this day do play and dally with it Others make a mock at Holiness Pro. 14.9 either by a profane Diabolical derision of it or els by a false Pharisaical Profession of it thereby to palliate their abominable wickedness Here are some jesting pleasantly with their Maker as he did who would needs drink a Health to his Patron blasphemously calling him his Maker There others sporting themselves with the Holy Scriptures exercising their scurrilous Wits upon those sacred Oracles whereat they should rather tremble and which the glorious Angels do stoope down to adore Alas alas is not the Air polluted with most execrable Hell-invented oaths and that Vnmanly vice of Drunkenness as our late King of never-dying Memory according to the excellent Wisdom given unto him in a Speech of his at Oxford most properly termed it grown Impudent notwithstanding all the good laws in force against it And such Brothelry commonly belched out by a Brutish Generation who yet live under the light of this day that the very Heathens would abhor it And is this a time then thinke you to Rejoyce I Answer For these things indeed let us be humbled and walk mournfully before the Lord let horrour feise upon us as it was with the Holy Prophet Ps 119.53 Ps 119.136 because of the wicked that forsake the law of the Lord Yea let us as he did for these things even swim in tears Ps 119 136. But we must know that this kinde of sorrow and humiliation is to be manifested in denying our selves that natural and lawful joy and liberty we may take sometimes in the free use of the Creatures not at all in quenching our spiritual joy We rejoyce not in iniquity but we rejoyce in the truth this joy no man nor no Devil should take from us because God hath called us to it and calleth upon us for it All this therefore hindereth not but that we may and ought to rejoyce in the Light of this day though there be much affliction upon the Church rebuke from God iniquity and blasphemy among men to be seen in it Secondly 2 Duty suffer the Light of this day to shine in upon your soules that the beams thereof may have their free and clear penetration into every corner of your inner man If ye be Children of light and Children of the day sprung from the womb of the morning you will be still craving after light ambitious of a Conformity to the nobleness of your extraction yea light is your proper element and the more you are swallowed up in it the more comfortable shall your life be unto you Mis-mean me not I exhort you not now to stand gazing after a Light that is too high for your reach or to break through God's pavilion to that light that is inaccessible There is a knowledge too wonderful for poor man which while he is cloathed with mortality yea and in some respect when his mortality hath put on immortality He shall never be able to attain unto Neither do I call upon you to look after those new lights which the varity and darkness of these times do so much cry up and extol for sure I am that which is new in point of Salvation cannot be true A position though much disliked by some giddy heads may well be maintained against Men and Angels Yea whatsoever may be obtruded upon you as a fundamental Light that shall appear in this Noontide of the Gospel to be of so narrow an extent that it hath not or cannot overspread the whole Hemisphere of the Church is most certainly counterfeit a prodigious comet portending some strong delusions rather then a true fixed light derived from the fountain of light For saith Christ himself Luk. 17.24 As the lightning that lightneth from one part under Heaven shineth to the other part under heaven so also is the Son of man in his day Not onely in the great day of his glorious appearance but even in this his day He is not concluded within the narrow confines of Africa as the Donatists of old would have him Nor in the conclave at Rome as the Papists at this day foolishly imagine Nor in the Desart that is in the separation amongst those that now-a-days forsake the Assemblies Nor in their secret Chambers that is in the Conventicles of Schismaticks But his going forth is from the end of Heaven and his circuit unto the ends of it his Church hath infallibly universally been inlightned by him with that knowledge that is necessary to Salvation unto which whosoever shall add is a Deceiver and to be anathematized by all the Churches of Christ Putting away therefore these vanities Let your soules give entertainment to that Light which this Day presenteth unto you And so much the rather because the Prince of darkness hath raised up many foggie noisome palpable mists to obscure this light with which mists the eyes of a multitude of people pretending to Holiness are miserably blinded And now if it be demanded what this light is I Answer First It is the light of Life not a
and worke in so is the Light of this Day set up for other ends and purposes then for people to sit and chat by pardon the Word for such in truth is all the Twanging of Religion upon the Tongues end so much affected in these dayes without doing It is the working Believer that is the onely Believer and whosoever shall say the contrary he is a Deceiver saith St. John For he that doth Righteousness is Righteous 1 Joh. 3.7 Let no man therefore make a flourish of his Faith though he could remove Mountains therewith Unless he walke in Love nor say he is a Professour unless he be also a Practitioner of Piety A vain thing it is for a man to boast how far he will walke to heare a Sermon unless he will shew out of a good Conversation how far he will walke to do a Sermon Oh it is doing it is doing that is the Ornament of Religion the Crown of a Christian Profession It is the end and sum of all as we may learn from a good Arithmetician when he had cast up all his Accounts Let us heare saith he Ec. 12 13. The conclusion of the whole matter fear God and keep his Commandments for this is the whole Duty of man upon which a Reverend Divine of our times glosseth in this manner it is as if he had said I will in two words give you an Abridgement of all that can be spoken A tedious thing it is to write many Books and as tedious to read them but if a man should write a hundred nay read over a thousand This is the upshot and end of all viz. To fear God for his inward Worship and to keep his Commandments for his outward Service Loe this is the end of man the perfection of the creature all that is written tends to this all that 's commanded all that 's promised all that 's threatned all that 's done for or against man in Scripture may be resolv'd into this to stir us up to a holy and upright walking with God and to a working out our own Salvation according to that Light which this Day bringeth unto us And now the better to quicken us hereunto let us take these Perswasions along with us Consider it is the designe First Motive the great designe of the God of Heaven which he hath undertaken this Day against all the Machinations of Hell to save his people from their sins and to rescue them from the common Destruction which the old Serpent called the Devil and Satanas had with deep Subtlety and in the blackest and darkest Caverne of his inveterate malice contrived against the whole race of mankind To bring which glorious design to pass was the Light of this Day with infinite Wisdome formed And being so formed God saw that it was very good good to discover the Counter-workings of the Adversary and Good to guide his people in all their wayes till they have quite escaped the danger and entred into his rest with joy Moreover as he hath begun his design so his desire is very earnest that it might go on and prosper without any let or hinderance from those for whose sakes he undertook it therefore do we finde him very frequently in Scripture calling to this purpose Ps 81.13 Deut 5.29 Luk. 19.42 Oh that my people had hearkned unto me and that Israel had walked in my wayes Oh that there were such a heart in them that they would fear me and keep my Commandements alwayes Oh that thou heast known even thou at least in this thy day the things that belong unto thy peace c. Thus all the day long he reacheth out his hand and stretcheth out his voice unto us least by our back-slidings and treacherous tampering with temptations in our way we give advantage to the Enemy to interrupt the Lord in this day of his power in the perfecting his work his great work And now I beseech you brethren If the Lord hath of his abundant mercy been careful with all this care for a Company of poor Creatures that were ready to perish setting up such a light so exceedingly helpful unto them in their way as that without it they could never be able to keep themselves upright but must undoubtedly stumble and fall into utter ruine should they not do well then to take heed unto it that they walk in it And should they not do very ill to turn their Backs upon it thereby so much as in them lieth to frustrate the design of the Almighty for their good Consider shall the Lord the great and glorious God declare the vehement desires of his Soul unto us and shall not we regard them That be far from us For us It is but ask and have with God He bids us open our mouth wide and promiseth that he will fill it When he shall therefore wish and desire a thing of us it is but reason that we should readily grant it The wishes and desires of Kings work mightily upon loving and loyal Subjects No difficulty shall hinder the fulfilling of them as when David did but signifie a desire to drink of the water of Bethleem meaning onely if he could have had it with a wish not requiring or so much as intending that any should fetch it with the hazard of their lives yet immediately three of his mighty men brake through the Hoste of the Philistims and drew of the water and brought it unto him Scipio Africanus being in Sicile preparing for his expedition into Africk when one asked him what made him so confident being a young man to equipp a Navy for the invasion of so great a Countrey he presently shewed 300 of his Souldiers that were before him and pointed likewise to a high Tower whose top was prominent over the Sea saying unto him There is not one of these Couragious and stout fellows that you see but without delay would get up to the top of this Turret and throw himself head-long into the Sea if I commanded him And shall mortal man prevaile more to have his desires fulfilled then the Almighty God who ruleth and governeth all things can have with those people that profess subjection unto him Especially when his desire is towards them for their own good Surely if there were that loyalty in our hearts towards God as there ought to be we could not but give our consent unto whatsoever he shall desire Job 22.3 It was well argued by Eliphaz Job 22.3 Is it any pleasure to the Almighty that thou art Righteous or is it gain to him that thou makest thy wayes perfect What is there can be added to infinite perfection Rather Pro. 9.12 Phil. 2.12 if a man be wise he is wise for himself And it is our own Salvation that we are called upon to work out so that a threefold Cord is here twisted together to draw us to a diligent walking in the light of this day according to God's Commands viz God's design
of our Salvation which we should not frustrate his desire which we should satisfie and our own interest and benefit which we should be so wise as to promote to the uttermost of our power therefore arise and walk up and be doing Secondly 2 Motive As we must walk worthy of God who hath called us to his Kingdom and glory so should we walk worthy of our calling wherewith we are called 1 Thess 2.12 Eph. 4.1 1 Thess 5.5 and what are we called Wee are the Children of the Light and the Children of the Day we are not of the Night nor of Darkness whereupon the Apostle inferreth Let us not sleepe as do others but let us watch and be sober Brethren let me freely speake to you we vaunt our selves very frequently that live under a glorious light and whatsoever others have been before us we regard it not Wee are the Men Our lot is fallen unto us in this time to know more of the Mysteries of Heaven then hath been known in former Ages Well be it so but then our service must be answerable Rom. 12.1 it ought to be as the Apostle calls it 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Reasonable service not reasonable as most of us make it confining it within those narrow and easy boundaries which our false deceitful hearts have devised but reasonable it must be viz. Such as is rather sutable to men grown up in a Gospel-stature then that which is fit to be done by those who were but the Children of Yesterday under the Paedagogy of the Law We are the Lords dayes-men he hath singled us out for special service his eye is continually upon us and we have much work to do it behoves us therefore to look about us for we shall be inexcusable if we be found negligent in the day of the Lord. 3 Motive Thirdly therefore consider the length of your way that you have to walk and the multitude of businesses that you have to do and then see whether you have not need to use well the Light of this day without which you can never be able to finish your course with joy You have I say a great journey to go viz. through all the wayes of God's Commandments before you can get to Heaven Ps 119.96 And these Commandments are exceeding broad yet must you traverse them in their whole breadth having respect unto every particular circumstance so far as you are concerned therein In this journey there must be no picking and chusing of our way according to our own fancies nor turning aside from any one Commandment for he that turneth away from the holy Commandment 2 Pet. 2.21 it had been better for him that he had never known nor entred into the way of Righteousness at all And now alas how is it possible for a poor weak Creature blinde and lame such are we all the best of us all of our selves to walk steddily in this way and to continue in it to the end unless he hath the light of this day to go before him which alone is ordained of God to be a conduct therein especially considering withall the variety and multitude of businesses that are to be done in the way Bishop Reinolds Let us take notice of them as they are prepared to our hands by a skilful Workman one of a thousand Christ saith he hath service much more then enough to take up all the Might strength studies abilities times callings of all his servants businesses towards God and himself worship fear Communion Love Prayer Obedience Service Subjection Businesses towards and for our selves watchfulness repentance Faith Sincerity Sobriety Growth in grace Businesses towards other men as instruments and fellow-members exhortation reproof direction instruction mourning rejoycing restoring relieving helping praying serving in all wayes of love so much evil to be avoided so many slips and errours to be lamented so many earthly members to be crucified so much knowledge and mysteries to be learned so many vain principles to be unlearned so much good to be done to my self so much service to be done to my brother so much glory to be brought to my master every Christian hath his hands full of work and can all this be done without light Or will you stand all the day idle as if you had not been hired at all into the Lord's Vine-yard but still continue in the market-place of the World amongst those that are without But be it known unto you you have been hired and the penny of eternal life hath been offered unto you again and again therefore woe unto you if you stand out any longer As yet there is day light for you to come in but you know not how soon it will expire Which indeed ought also to be thought upon by us as another special Consideration to quicken us in our way 4 Motive This day I say will have an end and we know not how soon the mystery of God will be finished and the Oath fulfilled that time shall be no more This nevertheless we know that there is an appointed time to man upon earth and that his dayes are as the dayes of an hireling Job 7.1 that is very short and uncertain so that how short this day of the Gospel may be to us we cannot tell and many times it is made shorter then the dayes of our lives being through God's just indignation taken from us leaving us in the darkness of our own foolish hearts and under the power of the Prince of darkness because we chuse darkness rather then light Very needful then it is to hearken to the advice which the Lord giveth Joh. 12.35 Walk saith he in the light while you have the light least darkness come upon you And also to follow his example I must saith he work the work of him that sent me Joh. 9.4 Ps 19.5 while it is day the night cometh wherein no man can work We see daily that the Sun in the firmament hath his rising and setting he cometh forth of his Chamber in the morning like a Bridegroom and retires again at even Thus in like manner is it with the light of this day it came forth De umbraculo suo out of its place where it lay shadowed before in the Tabernacle of Moses or if you will De thalamo for the word will bear both out of the Presence-Chamber of the God of Heaven where it was trimmed after the form of a Bridegroom in a more gorgeous manner then formerly it had been and being come forth hitherto like a strong man he hath run his race bearing down all opposition driving before it the darkness of Judaisme Hellenisme Paganisme Papisme and Atheisme and what ever it be that is contrary to sound doctrine But being in a race it will have an end and we may probably conjecture that it is well neere finished For as the coole of the day doth foretell the approaching of the night so that coldness
hurteth not the scabberd so is the wrath of God never more incensed then when he punisheth the soul and spares the body Look then into thy soul O poor Sinner and see what this day doth there bring forth either an obduration upon thy heart or an inflammation upon thy Conscience O how is the heart sometimes hardened in sin Made more and more obstinate and perverse against the Lord Yea and that which aggravates the misery it is by that very means whereby the Saints are renewed and made happy in their Conformity to God in righteousness and true holiness for as the heat of the Sun softeneth wax and hardeneth clay both at the same time so hath the light of this day its several operations upon the Godly and Ungodly according to their several Capacities and dispositions The one it brings into an humble frame fit for such impressions as the spirit of God will fix upon them The other are thereby made more and more refractory and inflexible in their sin till they be ripe for destruction And is not this a great terrour unto men that that which might have been for their wealth to enrich them with grace and glory should become unto them an occasion of falling into extream miserie Sometimes again the Conscience of an impenitent sinner is set all on fire by the light of this day and put into such a flame that nothing can quench it yea the more illuminations it hath of the glimpses of that glorious grace which is now revealed the more violent flashes of God's glittering sword do withall break in upon it to the amazing of the soul with terrours that are inextricable and unexpressible A black cloud of Witnesses might be produced that have found this true by too lamentable experience Not as if this light did naturally bring forth such sad effects but wheresoever it shineth being mighty to prevail if it be resisted wo unto them that make the opposition it comes I say like Lightning with greater Violence and where it meets with such combustible stuff as a reprobate Spirit it proves through the just judgement of God a devouring fire True it is that even the most holy and faithful servants of God may sometimes for want of a due observation of this day have terrible apprehensions of it The light of it may seem to go altogether retrograde unto them and the illuminations thereof may also turn into dreadful inflammation upon their Consciences But yet because they are the Children of the Day The healing which is under the wings of that Sun that giveth light unto it shall surely have a comfortable influence upon them And the anointing which they have from the Holy one shall be as an eye-salve whereby they may see the light more clearly and a preservative likewise so to keep them as that the promise shall in this sense be made good unto them Though they walk through the fire they shall not be burnt neither shall the flame kindle upon them Es 43.2 Es 43.2 Impii autem non sic non sic said the Psalmist in a certain place As for the Ungodly Ps 1.4 it is not nor never shall be so with them For the Prophet as I told you before puts the difference even there where he speakes of that healing that shall come upon those that fear the Lord The day saith he cometh that shall burn as an Oven Mal. 4. ● and all the proud yea and all that do wickedly shall be as stubble c. In an Oven or furnace there is no Healing nor escaping but burning and consuming of all that is within the compass of it especially if it be dry stubble so is this day to all Ungodly persons a Magormissabib a terrour round about And to apply the Words of the Prophet Amos to our present purpose for they have a measure that will reach unto it Amos 5.18 The day of the Lord is darkness and not light as much as to say You are much mistaken if such as you think to meet with any light of consolation in this day so long as you continue in your rebellion against the Lord rather you will finde it tobe with you as if a man did flee from a Lion and a Bear met him or went into the House and lean'd his hand on the Wall and a Serpent bit him Amos 5.19 If you have escaped from a Lion the Lion of the Gospel because possibly he is of so noble a nature that he hath not pursued his prey This day will send out a Bear even the terrour of the Law to meet you that shall rend and tear without mercy But if neither of these can overtake you when you enter into the Grave and think to be at rest a Serpent an immortal Worme shall bite and sting you without any remedy Where are now all your glorious boastings of this day of the Lord As that your Lot is fallen unto you in such a pleasant time wherein you need not doubt you say of Gods mercy but hope to be saved as you often swear it too and come to heaven at last as soon as others For why you know this day salvation is come into the World Jesus Christ died for sinners and such you know your selves to be Let Preachers therefore say what they will we fear nothing say you though we do perhaps live in sin as who is there that liveth and sinneth not Yet we will hope howsoever that all shall be well in the end Alas Alas miserable people your expectation will be frustrated and all your hopes vanish away like the spiders Web. Do you not see what a dreadful day is come upon you You look for peace saith the Prophet but behold trouble and for a time of healing but no good comes Even the very Ordinances of this day Jer. 4.19 which are sweeter then Honey to those that live in Gods fear are unto you so long as you abide in your profaness no better then poison You have been baptised with water whereby you are distinguished from those that are without God in the World But if your Souls lie still wallowing in the pollutions of sin it shall be more tolerable for Infidels and Pagans at the day of judgement then for you When you come to the Lord's Table to which you may pretend a right because you outwardly profess the faith of Christ Crucified neither are you to be repelled from it untill you be juridically cast out But when you come O what a woful hazard do you run I need not tell it you in any other words then those the Apostle useth You eate and drink your own Damnation The Word also when you hear it proves not onely a dead but a deadly Letter sent unto you from Heaven to pronounce your Condemnation yea all the Exhortations Admonitions Convictions Reprehensions that you meet with from Ministers from friends from enemies from your own Consciences bring forth no better fruit then to sink
which is Christ Jesus And other salvation can no man expect then that which hath been from the beginning there being no other name given under Heaven nor in Heaven neither whereby believers may ever get to Heaven Via seculi Via Antiqua Ps 139. ult It is the decree of Heaven not to be disanulled till time be no more It is the way everlasting wherein the Wisdome and Power of the Almighty shall be gloriously manifested to the eternal confusion of that grand apostate the Devil and all his Angels whose inveterate malice hath from the beginning been principally bent against Jesus Christ In the handling of this Subject our business should be to consider Jesus Christ in the execution of his Mediatorial Office For that indeed hath been the work of this day And which hath made this day more glorious then yesterday Yesterday 't is true he was as it is said before the onely Mediatour between God and man being ordained of the Father to that high honour but it was by virtue of that which he hath to day actually accomplished both in his life and in his death Whatsoever therefore hath been spoken concerning him must be understood with a reference unto the work of this day whereby all the former mediation in the High Court of Heaven for the Fathers of old is made good and effectual in the Law of God and ratified for eternity And this speaks him still to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the same or the onely he who was willing in this day of his power to perfect for ever them that in all the Ages of the Church have been are or shall be sanctified that is consecrated and separated out of the world and dedicated to be vessels of honour unto God We shall not enter into a large survey of that which Christ hath done and suffered nor make any strict search into his office whereby it may in all points be made manifest that he hath now in this time of the Gospel fully perfected the work of redemption and so proved himself to be the same to day which he was yesterday We have spoken somewhat of these things before and therefore shall for bear to speak much of them now and there have been Writers of late who have magnified the Office of Christs Mediatourship therein doing eminent service both unto him and his Church Yet it is but meet that we should for our methods sake take this sweet subject also along with us though it be folded up but in some general termes which being opened particularly would enlarge our discourse too much wherein already I may be judged by some to have gone beyond my bounds In the first of the Revelation we read how the Lord Jesus Christ appears unto his beloved Disciple St. John clothed in his regal and pontifical attire Rev. 1.13 intimating that he is now ready fitted for that whole Oeconomy to which he was designed from the beginning and implying that he is now solemnly inaugurated into and possessed with that honour which did alwayes belong unto his Office Never did he in all his apparitions of old shew himself in such a manner as now he doth This garment was then laid up as I may say in the Cabinet of Gods Purpose and Decree wherein the smell of it was very acceptable to the Father inclining him to give out his blessing to his children who did then by faith according to their capacity lay hold upon it But now since that this our great Lord Advocate and Mediatour the first begotten among many brethren hath been actually called of God unto his office and assumed the right of his Primogeniture he appears vested with it exercising his authority fulfilling the will of his Father and confirming all that he hath done in the preservation of his people and their reception to himself since the World began With which confirmation Divine Justice rests her self fully satisfied and the Pleas of the Law and the clamours of Satan are all husht and silenced Having then thus put on this garment for the execution of his office what doth it argue but that he is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the same which he was from the beginning A Prophet to day as he was yesterday teaching his people the way of God truly and fore-telling them what shall happen to them in the way A Priest to day as he was yesterday wherein he hath offered up a sacrifice for sin and maketh intercession for us A King to day as he was yesterday protecting preserving and providing for his Church ruling in the midst of his people ruling also in the midst of his enemies Precisely and punctually the same as yesterday without any variableness or shadow of turning Yea so far is he now from being defective in any thing that concerns his office that he rather is the same to day in a more transcendent manner then he was yesterday Heb. 6.20 For observe it he is said Heb. 6.20 to be made an High Priest after his entry into Heaven not that he had not been a Priest before for his Church but because it was never so clearly manifested in former times as it was after his ascension when he shed abroad his Grace and powred down his Spirit abundantly upon his Church We shall not multiply Proofes for this out of Scripture some mention having been hereof before Take onely one instance viz. Rev. 1.8 Rev. 1.8 Where the Lord saith I am Alpha and Omega the Beginning and the Ending which is and which was and which is to come In which last words the order that he useth in the description of himself as Mediatour is to our purpose very observable For mark first he saith I am which is and then followeth which was c. Whereas according to the course and method of time that which was should have had the precedence But here we see It is by Christ speaking of himself with a respect unto his Mediatourship as appears by the 11.13 and 18. verses following he doth put in the second place to note unto us that his present estate in his office is to be preferred before that which was and gives a Being unto it Objection But it may possibly be objected How can this be that Jesus Christ is the Same to day as yesterday when we see a revocation of Divine Ordinances that were of old instituted for the Publick Worship of God and the benefit of his People and others now appointed in their stead Was not the seventh day in the week commanded to be kept Holy to the Lord and is it not now changed to the first Did not God give unto Abraham the Covenant of Circumcision for an everlasting Covenant to him and to his seed adding also a terrible penalty upon the least failing thereof in these words Gen. 17.14 The Vncircumcised Man-child whose flesh of his foreskin is not Circumcised that Soul shall be cut off from his people he hath broken my Covenant Yet now
earth and Glory should dwell in our Land Unto this plausible sound did multitudes of well-meaning people in the simplicity of their hearts give an attentive Ear and were allured to contribute their assistance to the carrying on of so good a work But if this were the Cause that was so much cryed up and extolled for which the Land was filled with violence from one end to the other How came it to pass that it fell so foulely as it did Who was it that hindered the progress of it Was it not they that absurdly pretend stil an adherency unto it when a sword by their means hath passed through the Soul of it Is not their Hypocrisie Double dealing Self-seeking Treachery in the whole managery of this business discovered plainly in the face of all Mankinde Certainly should all Histories be searched there could not be found a more palpable Cheat put upon a Nation since the beginning of the World The publick faith of the Kingdom to assure the Reallity of these pretenses was through the prevalency of a sort of Traitours to God their King and their Countrey frequently turned into publick fraud Yea the faith of the Gospel was made a Cloak to cover the corrupt projects of self-ended Men. Nothing done of all that was promised but rather very much clean contrary Confusion and Disorder brake in upon us like a Deluge and there was no visible remedy in the apprehension of all Unbiassed men but a swift and overspreading desolation must needs have fallen upon the whole Land All which considered To make boast still of a Cause wherewith they dealt so perfidiously and of which God in his just indignation for the Corruptions both in the birth and growth of it hath said it shall not stand making it a Nehushtan doth it not argue a fighting against God and a design to be still the Same rather in a treachery which all the Christian world cryeth shame upon then in any thing wherein the glory of God or the safety of their Countrey might be concern'd As for the League and Covenant called in scorn the Legal Covenant even by those who do now plead it it was indeed brought on to add a seeming strength to the said Cause and the better to draw inconsiderate people to joyn in the pursuance of it But there are many unanswerable reasons to be heeded that do clearly shew the nullity thereof which being exactly related by others we shall not need to insist upon them here Somewhat notwithstanding shall be here added to give satisfaction in this particular It is well known that to incline people to the taking of the Covenant that is to take the Whip with six cords as the six Articles in K. Henry the eights time was called to scourge and torment their Consciences with some use was made of that Restriction in the first Article of it viz. According to the Word of God being interpreted by the politick Conciliatours of those dayes as a Proviso whereby an Out-let was set for any to recede from the Observation of it if afterwards upon better consideration they found it to be otherwise then it was represented unto them But what vile Hypocrisie was this to lead poor people into a snare by such tricks of Legerdemain Nay is it not an impious Mockery of the Holy Ghost thus to make the Word which is the Oracle of the most High God a stale to the politick Interests of wretched men For as it is well observed upon the same account we may subscribe to the Council of Trent yea to the Turkish Alcoran swearing to maintain and defend either of them viz. so far as they are agreeable to the Word of God But much better surely may we now make the said Restriction our Warrant totally to cancel that Covenant by a godly sorrow and serious lamentation for it finding it in sundry respects different from that Righteous Rule according to which all our Actions are to be squared For in such cases that golden Axiom must be our Guide viz. Poenitenda Promissio non perficienda Praesumptio The Covenant must be retracted by Repentance not the Presumption heightened by Continuance As for the Illegality of it throughout from first to last our Famous and Renowned University of Oxford hath with a general Consent in a full Convocation very plainly and faithfully discovered it to the silencing of all Gain-sayers June 1. 1647. and to their everlasting Honour before God and Man Unto whose cleer Argutations I remit all men that are in a capacity to receive satisfaction in this point and to be convinced with Reason Concluding with the Casuist Ne sit Sacramentum pietatis impedimentum pietatis nec vinculum iniquitatis Let not a pious Obligation be a bar to piety nor a bond of iniquity Whereas it is said next that by Deserting the Cause we shall return again to Profaness and Superstition I answer God forbid Rather it is to be hoped that an unanimous Agreement in rooting up the said pretended Cause would be the ready way to remove that Profaness and Superstition which have provoked Gods displeasure against us But let it be considered What returning to profaness can there be now more then the Land was polluted with in the time of the late Schisme when the Name of God was dishonoured by Swearing and Forswearing The Ordinances of Jesus Christ neglected yea despised Gods faithful Ministers cruelly mocked and derided In a word When iniquity did so much abound though it must be confessed it aboundeth still too much amongst us even in these dayes of our Deliverance that scarce any posterity shall be able to add thereunto And as for Superstition which the Holy Scripture calls 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is Fear of false Daemons rather then of the true God What can be greater then that which hath been already set up and spread about the Nation by our Sectarian Seminaries Independents Anabaptists Antinomians Seekers Quakers and the rest of that Rabble who have notwithstanding the struglings of God and Man upon their Consciences been like a company of Superstitious Dotards so mad upon their Idols I mean their Squint eyed Wry-necked Double-tongued Snivelling Daemons of Horrid and Monstrous Opinions and wherein they continue to this very day that it is a manifest token as one said not amiss They are errour-blasted both from Heaven and Hell Nay more Was there ever such a close and cunning Connivence afforded since the Reformation began in this Nation to Romish Superstitions then was under the Regency of the said Cause The great Projectour or at least Protractour thereof himself who made England to sin observing in one of his Proclamations though nevertheless it was after that also Tolerated that Multitudes of Jesuits and Popish Priests did resort unto and remain within this Common-wealth and the Dominions thereunto belonging Apr. 26. 1655. who with great Audacity did exercise all offices of their Profession both saying Masses and seducing the people to the
God Num. 16.10 shall suddenly bring certain ruine upon them as the like sin did on Korah and his Complices therefore Away with it Lastly Away with that evil spirit of Rebellion against Regal Authority which eminently possessed that decemvirate of Traitours who have been justly executed for their Treason A Spirit that appeared like an Angel of Light but proved as black and ugly as any that came out of the bottomless pit A Spirit that hath brought such a stench and smoke with it that the Sun and the Aire of the Gospel is even darkned thereby Yea let all Ages be examined there shall never be found in any Nation such a black vaile drawn over the face of true Religion since it was established in the World as hath been by the treachery of those Persons that were fascinated with this Spirit When a Christian Prince as well deserving of the Church as ever any that sat upon a throne the most able Protectour of the Protestant Profession hath under a pretence of Religion been barbarously murdered by them and made a prey to their ambitious lusts and impious designes Yet these are the men whose example our objectours propose as a pattern of courage and constancy for their imitation If indeed to encourage themselves in an evil matter so as not to be terrified in the prosecution of it by the approaches of death and their appearance before the great God hath made them fit to be exemplary to those that undertake to be their Advocates let them be canonized for Saints whom the World not onely Christian but Heathen hath hitherto abhorred as bloud-thirsty and deceitful men But so long as the Word and Statute law of the most high God is in force and remains unretracted it is not their constancy in their treason to the death nor their smooth language how spiritual soever it seemed to be wherewith they left the World that shall come up in remembrance before God at the last day to their comfort if they died in the justification of that guilt for which they were condemned No unclean thing saith the Holy Ghost must enter into Heaven And amongst all pollutions that of bloud upon the conscience is in the sight of God most filthy True it is they neglected the body to use the Apostles word but what advantage will that be to them if they likewise neglected the soul History will tell us it is no newes to hear of a resolved obstination and obsirmation of mind in the suffering of death There was Attilius Regulus and Cato Vticensis and Anaxarchus and many more who for their Countreys sake or some such worldly respect Tunde tunde Anaxarchi fellem non enim tundis Anaxarchum have been very prodigal of their lives Some of them with admirable patience contented to endure most exquisite torments Of them we may say in the words of our Saviour they had their reward Their highest aime was to be reckoned good Patriots or men of valour and accordingly hath same fixt upon them a marke of renown to this very day But what reward shall be given unto these who cannot be reputed by any that are rational fit to triumph in their death upon any honest account in the least degree What I say shall be done unto such false tongues and false hearts and hands full of bloud We must leave the determination thereof to the righteous judge who will render to every man according to his doings We should not I confess have thus stept aside to make this rehearsal of the flagitious wickedness of such unworthy persons whose memory will be odious to all Generations had it not been necessary to undeceive others who are prone to applaud and justifie them because of their seeming fortitude at the time of their death In which regard neither will it be amiss to minister a little eye-salve to such poor deluded people that their eyes may be opened to see their folly and to convince them by some clear demonstrations of the falsehood of those men whom they so highly magnifie I called it a Seeming Fortitude which these Traitors shewed at their death and well I might For notwithstanding all the vainglorious flourishes of holiness and constant perseverance in their Cause reall it could not be Besides the failing of virtue in it which is essential to all true Fortitude and which the very Heathen have judged to be inseparable from it Plutarchus in vita Coriolani insomuch that they conceived there could be no Virtue without Fortitude nor no Fortitude without Virtue What constancy or Christian fortitude could be in them when after they perceived that the Law did take hold upon them to bring them to their condign punishment they would then all on a sudden pretend to an undantedness of spirit in their justification whereas some few dayes before while they were upon their Trial the greatest number of them did sue for mercy pretending a claim to his Majesties pardon which must needs carry with it an Implicite acknowledgment of guilt With what face could Axtell at his death make his boast of the Cause professing that if he had a thousand lives he could lay them all down for it when at his tryal as he said he had endeavoured to obtain the mercy and favour of his Majesty And that when some witnessed against him that he did beat the souldiers because they did not at his bidding cry out against the King for justice and execution he shifted it off thus saying That it was more probable because they did cry out for justice and execution he did therefore strike them using these words I 'll Justice you I 'll Execution ye And what constancy did appear in Cook the most zealous of them all when the words he uttered at his death contradicted his pleadings at his tryal for his life as the book set forth with too partial a respect unto him doth relate At his death he exprest himself in this manner I am satisfied that the Cause that is that which was maintained against the King is the most noble and glorious Cause that hath been agitated for God and Christ since the Apostolical times Such a Cause that the Martyrs would gladly come again to suffer for if they might And though too many object against me that of the Apostle 1 Pet. 4 15. Let none of you suffer as a murtherer yet I look upon it as a most noble and high act of Justice that our Story can parallel And so far as I had a hand in it never any one action in all my life comes to my minde with less regret or trouble of conscience then that doth Now compare this with what was sworn against him at his tryal and those excuses and evasions he then used to shift off his Charge One of the witnesses that appeared having been of his intimate acquaintance affirmed upon oath Mr. Natley That when he understood that the said Cock was employed as a Solicitour against the King he desired
and he made it his business to preach the Gospel not where Christ was named Rom. 15.20 24. lest he should build upon another mans foundation So that if one of these Itinerants could run over so great a part of the world we may well suppose that the other twelve might with ease divide the rest of the world among them And now what alas were we mad and desperate Idolaters that God should bring us hitherto That the Lord should say to us who were not his people You are my people and that we should say O Lord thou art our God O what a mercy is it that we the poor and the maimed and the halt and the blinde Mat. 22.9 Luk. 14.21 23. who abode in the streets and lanes of the City yea that we who wandred about in the high-wayes and amongst the hedges should be called to the Wedding-Feast of the King of heaven That unto us who sate in darkness and dwelt in the region and shadow of death Light should spring up Let therefore the name of the Lord be magnified by us poor sinners the Gentiles as the Prophet soretold it should from the rising of the Sun Mal. 1.11 unto the going down of the same And since we are through grace become children of Sion let us take the liberty here to sing one of the Songs of Sion so far as we may be concern'd therein O give Thanks unto the Lord for he is Good For his mercy endureth for ever O give Thanks unto the God of gods For his mercy endureth for ever O give Thanks unto the Lord of lords For his mercy endureth for ever To Him who alone doth great wonders For his mercy endureth for ever Who remembred us in our low estate For his mercy endureth for ever O give Thanks unto the God of heaven For his mercy endureth for ever Let the Redeemed of the Lord among the Gentiles say so whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy and gathered them out of all lands from the East and from the West from the North and from the South not onely to dwell in the house of the Lord here and to see his goodness in the land of the Living but to sit down with Abraham Isaac and Jacob in the kingdome of God to all Eternity And let us of this Nation among the rest and above the rest as it is our duty give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name acknowledging his great mercy in that his unchangeable love hath had an extraordinary measure reaching even first unto us Oh how hath the Lord been pleased to send his Gospel upon the wing unto this Nation So wonderfully here prevailing that England hath had this honour in an eminent manner to be the first-born of grace among the Nations Here reigned the first Christian King that ever was in the world King Lucius who submitted to the Law of Christ confirming it by a civil sanction From hence went the first Christian Emperour that put an end to the bloudy persecutions of the primitive Christians Constantine yea and after the general defection from the purity of the faith made by the Romish Church which like the tail of the Dragon threw down to the earth a great part of the Stars of Heaven Here the Reformation of the Christian Religion began first to be established by a Law by the first King that ever cast off the yoke of that Anti-Christian Usurper King Henry the 8. Wherein whether his design was to promote any sinister interest of his own as some imagine or to advance the Kingdom of Christ is not much material for us to know The arme of the Almighty hath hitherto been stretched out for the preservation thereof counter-working all the Machinations of Hell which have been and still are upon the Devil's forge against it Rejoyce therefore in the Lord O England and again I say rejoyce But as it is our bounden duty to ascribe unto the Lord the glory of this mercy and to rejoyce that we are no more strangers and forreiners as the Apostle tells the Ephesians but fellow-citizens with the Saints Eph. 2.19 that is the Jews and of the house-hold of God So we cannot but abhor the treachery of those false brethren among us called Anabaptists who like a brood of Vipers would if it lay in their power but that Gods mercy towards us triumphs over their falsehood disfranchise us of our liberties in the house of our God and rob us of those priviledges wherein the Lord Jesus Christ hath made us free giving us therein equal right with his Israel that was before us because he is still the Same I might instance in sundry of their Anti-Christian tenents tending hereunto But for brevities sake will make mention onely of one that is their Antipaedobaptisme not allowing the Infants of Believers to be admitted into the house-hold of faith by the Sacrament of Baptisme It is not my purpose here to dispute this point at large being out of my way enough hath been written of it already And it hath been found by experience to be a toylsome task to run the wilde-goose chase as a learned divine now with God once phrased it after a well breathed Opinionist they delight in Vitilitigation Mr. Nath. Ward It is an itch as he said that loves a life to be scrubb'd they desire not satisfaction but satisdiction whereof themselves must be judges I shall not therefore say much to this quarelsome people Let them consider how they will answer the Apostle here who avoucheth Jesus Christ to be thee Same to day which he was yesterday Certainly if the infants of the Jews were by virtue of Christs mediatory office to be received into the bosome of the Church and distinguished from those that were without by a Solemn Sacrament of initiation but the infants of Christian parents to whom belongeth the Kingdom of God as as well as to the Jews before must not be allowed to partake of a like priviledge but be reckoned still as dogs as the Scripture calls all that are without Jesus Christ is not the Same according to the Apostles word Neither is his office now of so much use unto his Church as it hath been formerly Of such blasphemy as this not to be mentioned without horrour must this cursed errour be the foundation But let me ask of these deceivers How came it to pass that Christ hath not obtained this priviledge for our Infants as well as he did for the Jews seeing God is not now the God of the Jews onely but of the Gentiles also Surely it must be either because he would not or because he could not To say he would not doth plainly demonstrate his love of us to be less then it was of the Jews which agreeth not with that abundant grace that hath been now revealed in the time of the Gospel To say he could not contradicteth that universal power which the father had given
Being literally signifies an Age which English word is observed to have some affinity with that Greek termination and an Age of what extent soever it be hath an uninterrupted being Now this word being here put in the plural number may probably intend the several ages of both worlds First of this present world together with the sundry revolutions that are in it one generation passing another succeeding And secondly of the world to come This sense I conceive with submission may be allowed for where the word is put in the singular number there is often intended the one world or the other Sometimes it is put for this world as Luke 20.34 Matth. 28.20 Sometimes again it is written for the world to come as Joh. 6.51.58 But being here rendred in the plural number 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 it may well be said to comprehend the several ages of both worlds Joh. 6.51.58 I confess the world to come is often in Scripture per se rendred in the plural number 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and with an amplification too in sundry places of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 but where the sense will bear a further latitude as it doth here too narrow a confinement is not to be set unto it v. g. Consider we the place of the Apostle 1 Tim. 1.17 1 Tim. 1.17 the Lord is there called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The King of Ages or Worlds that is of all Ages in this world and of that everlasting Age in the world to come because indeed as the Psalmist speaketh His Dominion endureth throughout all Ages both here and hereafter So in the Doxologie affixed to the Lords Prayer as Dr. Hammond observeth The same words 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 must intend both Ages or Worlds the present and the future For the Kingdome the Power and the Glory is the Lords not onely in this world but in the world that is to come And therefore we do well in that to ingeminate the words in our English Translation proverbially For ever and ever that is for this world which is one for ever and for the next which is another for ever The same sense and meaning very probably do the words of our Text likewise carry for the Mediatorship of the Lord Jesus Christ to which they do referre hath and shall have its virtual operation between God and his Saints for ever in this world and as we shall presently shew for ever in the world that is to come Let the words then have their utmost extent and full latitude comprehending both worlds viz. This world till time hath spun out it self to the very last m●nute And that which follows with all those years of Eternity that shall never cease The second thing to be considered is How Jesus Christ will be the Same to his Church for ever in the world to come For seeing as the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 15.24.28 He must reign till all enemies are put under his feet and That when all things are subdued unto him he shall deliver up the kingdome to God even the Father that so God may be all in all we may inferre that there shall be a change in him and conclude that therefore he cannot be the Same But let us not be too forward to conclude before we have understood the premises aright as we ought to do First therefore to allude unto what I said before As Jesus Christ is the Same to day under the Gospel which he was yesterday under the Law but in a different way of the dispensation of the mysterie of Godliness so he will be the Same to his Church for ever in heaven but not after the same manner As Moses delivered up his dispensation unto Christ when the mystery of God was translated from the shadow to the Substance from the letter to the Spirit so will Christ deliver up the kingdome to the Father when by his Spirit he hath done all that the Father appointed him to do Yet as he was under Moses the Same in effect to his Church which he is now so will he be under the Father Not indeed so darkly with such glimpses of his appearance and secret illapses of his Light and Love into the hearts of his people as now but with a more free and full manifestation of his own and his Fathers glory without the least interposition of any let or hinderance whatsoever For now saith the Apostle we see through a glass darkly but then face to face c. Which Beatifical Vision as Christ hath here obtained for us by his Merit so will he for ever hereafter be the efficient cause of the uninterruptible continuance thereof unto us by his being in us But that I may not seem to deliver any thing in so important a matter without my warrant let us search the Scriptures and see what Testimony they give of Jesus herein It is not expedient to enquire after or to speak of those things which we have not seen It doth not yet appear saith the Evangelist what we shall be much less can we be able fully to discern what the Lord Jesus Christ shall be either in his Subjection to his Father or in his Relation to us when God shall be all in all Good therefore is it for us to be wise unto sobriety and to content our selves with what is revealed First then this we may assert for a most infallible truth that Jesus Christ will for ever be the Same in the Hypostatical union of his Humane nature with the Divine even then when he hath delivered up the kingdome to God even the Father And in this respect shall he then be subject to God For otherwise 1 Cor. 15.28 according to the word of the Apostle seeing he subsisteth ever in the real essential Form of God so the word 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Phil. 2.6 is to be understood as it is taken in the same place Phil. 2 6. where the Apostle speaks of the Form of a servant he shall as he hath ever been according to his proper right without any injurious encroachment upon the Father be equal with him Though I confess his subjection to the Father is not limited to this sense as we shall see hereafter From which Hypostatical Union of his two Natures so inseparably to be continued unto all Eternity Joy unspeakable and full of Glory will undoubtedly arise to all those who are of the same Humane nature with him that shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world O what a happiness will it be to behold this our Lord and Redeeming Kinsman sitting at the right hand of the Throne of God exalted sarre above all Principalities and Power and Might and Dominion and every Name that is named Yea and from hence it will come to pass that the Divine nature whereof by Christ we have been made partakers in the state of Regeneration shall never cease to have a being in us but shall be perfected rather by his Presence
and our Vision of him For when we shall see him as he is we shall be like him to the full extent of our susceptibility of his Likeness and the immediate irradiation of his Light and Power shall overshadow us and transform us into the same Image both in soul and body This this I say is the complement of our future happiness the perfection of our eternal glory And this the Apostle clearly testifies concerning our vile bodies that even they shall be made like unto his glorious body Phil. 3 21. Phil. 3.21 From whence we may safely collect that as the Image of Christs body shall possess our bodies so shall the Image of his soul possess our souls and the Image of his spirit our spirits Whereupon it will follow we shall be wholly possessed with his Glory when we shall see him as he is in the Glory of the Father He shall then be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Same in himself respecting his Existence which as I have said will infinitely tend to the advancement of the Saints happiness and then also the Same to his Church respecting his Power though in the exercise and administration of it he be not the Same His Power I say both over us and in us Over us he is now as our Head to guide and govern us so he will be then for his Headship over his Church as his preheminence over the creatures he will not relinquish neither will the Father deprive him of it even when God shall be all in all And this I conceive to be undeniable though it may sound strangely unto some for the Humane nature of Christ being eternally united to the Divine it is not to be imagined that as Man he should be in an equality with the Saints but have a superiority over them and to be the Head of that Triumphant Church unto all Eternity without doing any office that belongs unto that Honour is inconsistent with the dignity and wisdome of the Sonne of God If any should now require an account of the particulars wherein Christ will hereafter do the office and exercise the authority of a head over the Church Triumphant in Heaven I must tell them They are to stay for an answer to their too curious question till in Heaven we come to see him as he is for then and not before shall we know even as we are known 1 Cor. 13.12 1 Cor. 13.12 Nevertheless in the generall this we know for the present Jesus Christ shall then be the head of his Church alone without any Power subordinate unto him as now For saith the Apostle All Rule and all Authority and Power both Celestial and Terrestrial shall then be taken away 1 Cor. 15.24 No humane Ordinance or Government of whatsoever Creation it be shall there be of any use no nor the Angels 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 though now as some conceive they have divers offices assign'd unto them according to the diversity of their names and titles for the discharge of their Ministery to which they are appointed of God 1 Pet 2.13 for those who shall be heirs of Salvation Hebr. 1.14 yet when all the heirs are settled in their Inheritance they shall then be devested of all their Rule Authority and Power Bruno their very Titles of distinction utterly cancelled and disannulled for to the Angels shall not be put in subjection the world to come and the Lord alone shall be exalted in that day Furthermore As a Head he will preserve and uphold all the members of his mysticall Body in their glorious Being for as all things visible and invisible both in Heaven and in Earth were made by him and for him so by him must they consist Col. 1.16.17 Col. 1.16.17 Again As a Head he will keep them in a perfect unity together that they may be one according to the Divine Patterne before them As the Father is in him and he in the Father Joh. 17.21 Joh. 17.21 Lastly As a Head he will shew unto them those glorious Mysteries which for the present are beyond their reach and capacity so as they shall be plain and obvious unto them To which particular Saint Augustine whose judgment in the Interpretation of holy Scripture is worthy of all acceptation beareth his witness whom I find giving the sense of our Saviours words in his Prayer to his Father Joh. 17.26 in this manner Clarificavi illis nomen tuum c. I have Declared unto them thy name that is saith he In this World so far as they are able to receive it And I will Declare it that is saith he In the world to come more perfectly Yea give me leave to add one Meditation more touching this weighty matter which I confess I received long since from a Divine of eminent Note in his writing unto me In Glory saith he The Relation of Head and members between Christ and us shall not cease but shall be rather perfected by the enjoyment of that for which God did appoint it which is the shedding abroad of his love upon those that are made conformable to the Image of his Son Rom. 8.29 For the end and aime which God hath in the decree of Election is to make those whom he did fore-know and predestinate to be conformable to the Image of his Son that he might be the first-born among many Brethren Now when God shall have accomplished this aime and we shall be fully conformable to the Image of his Son then shall we be susceptible of the Love wherewith he loveth his Son as he is Man for the love wherewith he loveth him as God none can partake of but he alone and when by this conformity to his Image we shall be susceptible of this Love then the brother-hood between Christ and us shall not cease or be made void nor shall then his Prerogative of being the first-born among many Brethren be taken from him but it shall rather be most gloriously compleated when not onely the Fathers Love wherewith he loveth the first-born shall be extended to all those that are fully conformable unto his Image but also the Love of the first-born himself shall have its full and glorious Influence upon his younger Brethren By all which it is clear Jesus Christ will be over his Church Triumphant in Heaven as he is now over his Church Militant here on Earth Again As he will be then over us so likewise he will be in us In us he is now by Faith but Faith which gives him entertainment in our hearts and Hope which attends upon him there shall vanish with this Life and expire in their Service as being of no use in Heaven for Faith is of things not seen and therefore ceaseth when vision cometh Hope also if it be seen is not Hope onely Love remaineth to be the constant Bond of an eternal Union betwixt Christ and us and by love it is that he will take Possession of our hearts
in Heaven as he doth by faith here upon Earth 1 Cor. 13.8 Love saith the Apostle never faileth Not the Love of Christ to his Church nor the Churches Love unto Christ even in respect of their relation to each other begun here in this life shal ever suffer the least diminution First I say the love of Christ to his Church as it is his mystical Body shall never be out-dated For amongst us saith the Prophet Malachy Mal. 2.16 He hateth putting away therefore much less will he himself give his Church in Heaven when he hath presented it a glorious Church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing c. a Bill of Divorce but will ever own her and delight in her as his beloved Spouse having loved her he loveth her unto the end yea and beyond the end to all Eternity And for the Churches love unto Christ in Heaven How can it chose but be more enlarged Partly because she will ever look upon Christ as one that had been when time was her faithful Mediator and with eternal acclamations will applaud him as her Saviour who hath brought her to life and immortality when she was near unto death and everlasting ruine But chiefly because the love of the Father wherewith he loved Christ shall Job 17.26 according to Christs own prayer be in her that is take full possession of her and consequently as it is added in the same place will Christ himself be in us likewise as the blessed result of that infinite love of the Father towards his Elect people For a further opening of this extraordinary point and because it hath not had that regard given unto it as it deserveth it being seldom thought upon I shall here crave leave to write the more freely of it And first let me once more insert the judgement of the aforesaid Divine in his writing unto me concerning this matter whose words I do offer to the consideration of the wise and godly The Saints saith he speaking of their estate in Glory after the resurrection are sealed up to God by his name formerly written in their forehead as it is Rev. 14.1 Rev. 14.1 Nor is the name of the Father onely said to be written upon them but the new name of Christ is also written upon them and the name of the new Jerusalem which cometh down from Heaven as it is Rev. 3.12 And their names once written upon them shall never be blotted out again therefore Christ shall be for ever in them by his name written upon them Rev. 3.12 For by the impression of their names upon them they are fitted to receive eternally the influence of the Fathers and the Sons love And I conceive that when the work of Christs Mediation shall be at an end and that Christ shall give up all those whom he hath brought to glory unto the Father that the Father may be all in all in them That then Christ also as to them shall receive a new name by which he shall be in and over them for ever For Christ as he is the head of the new creature to purchase life eternal to all that are to be brought unto the Father so now since he hath purchased that life he hath gotten a name above every name And when he shall have brought all the redeemed unto the possession of the life prepared for them then shall they become his fulness and by their conjunction to him he shall have a new state of glory as the fruit and effect of his Mediatorial administration shining upon him which I take to be his new name which then also shall be written upon his redeemed for ever And they shall be exalted to sit with him in his Throne as he was exalted and sat with his Father upon his Throne Rev. 3.21 Rev. 3.21 By all which saith the said writer I conceive it is evident that in the state of eternal glory Christ shall be in us as the fountain and head-spring of life eternal unto all mankinde over whom by and in the Fathers love and name which he hath declared unto them and put upon them to remain for ever and to be all in all with them He shall shine in his own everlasting love and new name Thus he Whether or no according to truth judge ye I might in the pursuance of this subject alledge sundry other places of Scriptures that have a tendency hereunto Luk. 1.33 viz. that of Luk. 1.33 Where the Angel Gabriel tells the blessed Virgin that that holy thing that should be born of her should reign over the house of Jacob for ever and of his Kingdome there should be no end Which was also foretold by Daniel the Prophet Dan. 7.14 Where speaking of the Messiah Dan. 7.14 he saith his Dominion is an everlasting Dominion which shall not pass away and his Kingdome that which shall not be destroyed Both which places St. Austin with much vehemency referreth to Christs Kingdome over his Saints in Heaven In securda parte quaestionum ex Nov. Test Tom. 4 Rom. 8.17 Et qui horum testimonium retractandum putat saith he perfidiâ plenus est that is whosoever he be that shall judge their witness viz. of the Angel and Prophet to be of no force is himself full of falshood I might also add what the Apostle saith Rom. 8.17 That the Saints shall be heirs of God and joynt heirs with Christ which clearly implieth that his relation to his Church as the first-born among many brethren and chief heir shall continue for ever And that of Eph. 5.26.27 Where it is said that Jesus Christ gave himself for his Church Eph 5.26.27 c. That he might present it to himself a glorious Church c. Yea and that also of Rev. 19.9 might very well be insisted upon to this purpose where mention is made of the Marriage Supper of the Lamb Rev. 19.9 Coe●a eo quod est ultima refectio Rev. 21.23 which signifieth that ultimate rejoycing which the Church shall have with her Lord and Husband in Heaven where the light not onely of God but also of the Lamb shall shine and gloriously encompass about the Bride the Lambs Wise which is the new Jerusalem that is the Church Triumphant for ever But I forbear to prosecute this Point any further let us now summe up the Premises together and when we have answered an Objection that is considerable we shall put a period to this whole matter I say therefore if the Personal Union of both Natures Divine and Humane in Jesus Christ shall never be dissolved which will heighten marvellously the Glory of the Saints in Heaven And the Mystical Union between Christ and his Church shall also uncessantly continue in Heaven to all eternity who is there that is not destitute even of the light of Reason but will infer that Jesus Christ will be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Same to his Church for ever in Glory which
that That day should not come before such and such things which he there mentions were first come to pass He feared not it seems lest he should give occasion of a carnal security to presumptuous sinners as it is here objected to us by his writing of the protraction of the great day but leaves that to their peril who will pervert his words and turn them to such a sinister sense declaring the minde of God clearly without casting such scruples as these Objectors have causlesly devised to stop the current of this Doctrine And this may be a sufficient warrant unto us to speak freely of that which the Scripture holds out unto us in this particular not regarding what wicked persons deluded by the devil may suggest unto themselves thereby And yet as Calvin well observeth upon the place Neither doth this word of the Apostle about the deferring of the great day contradict other Scriptures which speak of it as being at hand Instat enim saith he Dei respectu apud quem mille anni sunt tanquam dies unus It is at hand in Gods account with whom a thousand years are but as one day though to us it may seem long being lengthened out for many generations unto the time appointed of the Father that so the great work of God in this world decreed from Eternity might be fully finished In fine Whatsoever is or can be objected against this doctrine we may safely conclude it to be of no force But for it self it shall stand and prove infallibly a victorious truth in the Church because Jesus Christ is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Same yesterday to day and for ever Let all therefore that wish well unto Sion lay it close to their hearts that they may now more then ever seeing the time approacheth lay out their utmost strength and zeal in the promoting thereof praying earnestly constantly unto God that this ancient beloved people may once again finde grace in his sight casting away those sins which may probably be a hinderance to the bringing on of this glorious work And amongst them all let us abandon the Idolatries and Superstitions of the Romish Synagogue which will certainly be a very great obstacle to the Jews conversion though God will also in his own time make this great mountain of opposition to become a plain Thus I say should this doctrine be promoted by us and whatsoever else Divine Providence may put into our hands to do in order to such an excellent end O let us do it with all our might It is doubtless a most Catholike doctrine as tending to an universal Union under Christ our Head it is the most noble and Divine doctrine next unto that of the great work of eternal Salvation wrought by Christ that is revealed unto us in the Gospel and it is most advantageous to us Gentiles of all other Doctrines therefore we should promote it It is that which openeth to the Church the bottomless and inexhaustible treasures of the Wisdome and Knowledge of God to look with admiration as the Apostle did into the depth thereof And though neither men nor Angels can be able of themselves in this or any else of the Arcana Coeli the counsels of the most High to know the minde of God yet since as the Apostle saith 1 Cor. 2.16 We have the minde of Christ 1 Cor. 2.16 who is in the bosome of the Father and hath declared him unto us we may with confidence make our boast and speak of that which he hath revealed And because God hath an absolute Sovereignty over all his creatures not bound unto them with any Popish or Pelagian thongs of Necessity Congruity or Condignity but is free to do what he please by the liberty of his own will to cast off the Jews and receive the Gentiles in their stead and restore the Jews again to his grace and favour that both Jews and Gentiles may together rejoyce in his Salvation For of him and through him and to him are all things Let us therefore with the Apostle applaud and magnifie him saying To him be glory for ever Amen FINIS An ALPHABETICAL TABLE A. ADam's standing in the state of Innocency was longer then it is commonly conceived to be Page 105 Adeption or progressive agitation of the Creatures not the original or primary efficient cause of their continuance p 53 Abuses of the late Times detected p 223 Afflictions are ordained and ordered by God p 80 Ages before us not to be despised p. 166 Ambitious persons enemies to Christ's Sovereignty p. 76 A Story of Amphilochius p. 22 Of Alphonsus the Atheistical King of Spain p. 74 Anabaptists great enemies to the Church p. 270 How and wherein the Angels shall be employed in the great day p. 90 What Antiquity in print of Religion is to be regarded p. 169 Arianism an abominable Heresie p. 12 Arius his death by the just hand of God p. 35 Consulting with Astrolegers about future events unlawful p. 72 A notable saying of Augustus Caesar p. 81 B. Of the nature of Bees in having a Government p 58 The Believers Ro●k p. 81 Blaspemy of Socinus p. 26 Blaspemy of Paul Beast p. 38 Blaspheming Hereticks must not go unpunished ibid. Of bowing at the Name of Jesus See the word Jesus Of bowing at the entrance into and departure from the Congregation p. 235 C. How Cain was cast out of the Church p. 147 Of Ceremonies p. 234 Cerinthus an enemy to Jesus Christ p. 34 Though Christ be the first begotten of every Creature it followeth not that he is therefore a Creature p. 16 Christ hath raised up our nature to the highest elevation p. 32 Jesus Christ is the first begotten intellect in reference to the Angelical Nature p. 17 Jesus Christ is the first-begotten reason in order to the rational ibid Christ is to be honoured in the hearing of his Word p. 28 Christ is the bringer forth of every Creature p. 18 Christ giveth the earth to whom soever he will p. 50 In what sense Jesus Christ is Creatour p. 42 Christ is the Preserver of all p. 52 Christ will restore all things p. 82 The form of a servant in Christ did not obliterate the form of God p. 20 Christ is to be worshipped with divine adoration p. 21 Christ a Prophet from the beginning p. 136 Christ a King from the beginning p. 138 Christ a Priest from the beginning p. 149 Christ the Same to his Church in this day of the Gospel which he was yesterday to the Fathers of old p. 212 Christ will be the Same to his Church for ever p. 273 What manner of change there shall be of the Heavens c. at the last day p. 98 The Church shall be continued to the end of the World p. 275 The folly of ignorant people in imputing all extraordinary tempests to conjuring p. 73 Contemplation of God through the Creatures p. 48 Covetous persons enemies to Jesus Christ p. 76 Of the late
Schismatical Covenant p. 229 The Creation the Worke of Christ p 42 The Creatures willing subjection unto Christ p. 53 Of the observation of Christmas p. 198 The Creatures misery under Man p. 65 The excellency of our Creation p. 105 None but the New Creature shall be the Inhabitant of the New Creation p. 107 Against curiosity in searching into those things of God that are beyond our reach p. 19 D. Daniel's seventy weekes interpreted p. 305 The day of the Gospel is a terrible day to all impenitent sinners p. 203 A description of Christs encountring with death p. 78 The Divine Service of the Church of England free from Superstition p. 234 E. The consideration of the Earth may lead us to an admiration of the Glory of God p 49 The great Engagement that lieth upon England above other Churches of the Gentiles to give praise unto God p. 270 Episcopacy proved to be of Divine Right p. 248 Eternity expressed by termes appropriated unto Time p. 6 The force of Example is great to induce likeness of manners p. 2 Examples of Gods Judgements which have fallen upon the enemies of the eternal Deity of Christ p 34 F. Fanatick people make themselves equal with Jesus Christ p. 24 A conviction of those that hold that the object of the faith of the Fathers of old was not Jesus Christ p. 175 To hold that not the object but the act of faith justifieth is a gross errour p. 176 Faith of believers how fixed before the comming of Ch●ist p. 156 A faithful saying uttered in a Sermon at his Majesties Coronation p. 256 How the Father is said to work by the Son p. 43 Of that fire which the Scripture speakes of whereby the Earth shall be burnt up at the last p. 96 To ascribe unto fortune good or ill success is a great sin p. 71 G. The divine generation of the Son of God is a permanent and everlasting generation p. 10 Gentiles instructed p. 268 Gentiles obliged to give praise unto God p. 269 Of the fulness of the Gentiles p. 338 The glory of the life to come described p. 107 How God ruled over man before the floud p. 64 Civil Government is no encroachment upon Christs natural or donative power p 55 Authoritative power or government over men shall be continued to the end of the World p. 66 Government is an ordinance of divine appointment proved both by the written and unwritten Word of God that is by Scripture and nature p 57 The good that ariseth by Government unto mankinde p. 65 H. The several forms of the Heathens enquiring after future events p. 72 That the Heathen did without Christ by the light of nature attain to such a knowledge of God as was enough for their everlasting salvation is a great errour p. 175 The impudent connivence that was given to Hereticks in the time of the late Schism p 37 To consider the Heavens a mean● to work in the hearts of men an awful reverence towards the Lord Jesus Christ p 48 The Hypostatical Vnion of two Natures in Christ Divine and humane shall never be dissolved nor the Mystical Vnion between Christ and his Church p. 285 I. Look unto Jesus from the beginning to the end p. 295 Of bowing at the name of Jesus p. 235 The errour of the Jews in following the light of yesterday p. 121 An exhortation to the Jews p. 164 Another exhortation to the Jews p. 262 The calling of the Jews proved p. 299 Of the Jews insurrection under Aelius Adrianus p. 321 The Jews w●ful blindness and hardness of heart described p. 335 The Jews continuan●e in the World when other great and mighty Nations are utterly extinct p. Ignorance in this day-light of the G●spel condemned p. 202 Of the joy that Christians ought to take in their enjoyment of the G●spel p 184 Julian the Apostate his blasphemy and death p. 34 No justification by the workes of the Law p. 126 K. Government by Kings proved to be the best Government p. 60 King Charles the First commended by those that were his Adversaries p. 248 A saying of his against drunkenness in a Speech at Oxford p. 187 King Charles the Second his zealous forwardness in establishing Religion p. 231 L. The woful effects of pretended liberty of conscience p. 38 New lights not to be regarded p. 188 Of the invincible nature of light p. 182 Of Limbus Patrum p. 170 The Liturgy of the Church of England not taken out of the Romish Missal p 242 The agreement of our Liturgy with the Forms of Primitive Devotion clearly demonstrated p. 244 M. Millenaries and Fift Monarchists refuted p. 103. Miracles not to be expected under the Gospel p. 132 Fift Monarchists may see their errour p. 70 No murmuring ought to be at Divine Providence in disposing the Earth and all that is therein p. 50 Murmurers reproved p. 74 How mutable the children of men are in their workes p. 45 The Mystical Vnion between Christ and his Church shall never cease p. 286 N. The humane nature exalted above the nature of Angels p 32 Gods remarkable judgment on Nestorius p 35 O. The Oracles of the Heathen ceased at the birth of our Saviour p. 266 Oracles from Heaven not to be now under the Gospel p. 129 Order among the Creatures p. 58 P. The errour of the Papists in following the light of yesterday p. 128 The vanity of the Papists in looking unto Jesus in a Picture p. 296 Christian Parents comforted concerning their Posterity p. 281 Prophane Politicians enemies to Christs Sovereignty p. 77 The prophane alarum'd p. 203 Proud persons enemies to Christs Sovereignty p. 77 Poland polluted with Socinianism p. 39 Q. Quakers enemies to Jesus Christ p. 39 Quarrelling against the restoring of lawful Government in this Nation condemned p. 74 R. Our Religion maintained to be the onely true Religion p. 169 An approved remedy to heal the woful distempers and divisions of this Church and Kingdome p. 276 The Creatures future restauration p. 93 Christs Righteousness imputed to us for Justification p. 177 Of the first Resurrection p. 106 The Romish Church guilty of Novelty p. 217 S. Samosatenian Hereticks confuted p. 12 Satan hath no power in the Aire but by permission p. 73 Sectarists justly charged with Superstition p. 231 Consider the wonders of God in the Sea p. 49 Sin of the ungodly is found out by the light of this day p. 207 Sin by the light of this day findeth out the sinner p. 208 Smectymnuus detected p. 253 The cursed blaspemy of Socinians abhorred p. 26 That the Souls of the Patriarchs did not before Christs Ascension ascend into that place of bliss whither the souls of the Saints now ascend is proved an errour p. 174 Of the Suns Eclipse at our Saviours Death p. 266 Of Superstition p. 233 T. The time of the Gospel is a time of light p. 180 A Story of Theodosius p. 30 The godly preserved in the time of trouble p. 80 Of
the Same Yesterday to Day and for ever Fourthly We may upon the Consideration of this Doctrine see how absurd and foolish that Dream is of a certain Vbi a Place of confinement for the Souls of the Faithful who lived and died Yesterday in that long tract of time under the Law and before it which place is by the Papists called Limbus Patrum for in regard the work of Redemption was not fully accomplished by Jesus Christ till he had suffered Death upon the Cross therefore say they all those Patriarchs and Prophets and Holy men of old from the beginning of the World unto that time could not enter into Heaven but were shut up in some lower parts of the Earth bordering upon Purgatory which say they is next door to Hell For saith Bishop Mountague as if some of their Masters had been soon sent thither to take a survey thereof they do quarter out that infernal Clime into four Regions And this place amongst the rest which they have assigned unto the Fathers they determine to be the uppermost Fringe as the Word Limbus signifies or the verge of Hell It is not my purpose to descend so low as to examine the particulars of this their Subterraneous Chorography I believe the Vanity thereof is Visible enough to all that have not their Eyes put out with the smoke of Purgatory Rather let the strength of our present Doctrine be set in opposition to this fond dream of that false and Apostatical Church of Rome which hath obtruded many such like idle Fopperies upon those poor people that are bewitched with her Sorceries and then let all mankinde judge which is the Truth True it is Bishop Mountague of Nor. they make much boast of Antiquity in the upholding of this their fabulous Limbo though as learned an Antiquary as any possiby that ever was in their Conclave affirmeth that Antiquity will not own it Nevertheless if it should it shall be of no Value with us if it clash with the Divine Oracles of the Holy Scriptures They tell us that the Souls of the godly are in the bundle of Life with the Lord their God 1 Sam. 25.29 1 Sam. 25.29 Ec. 12.7 And that the spirit returns unto God that gave it Ec. 12.7 That the Soul of Lazarus was carried by the Angels who always behold the face of God in Heaven Mat. 18.11 into Abrahams Bosome Luk. 16. Luk. 16.22 And therefore it is well observed against the Rhemists upon that place that Limbo being supposed to be under the Earth and Lazarus's Soul from Earth was carried upwards If he went to Limbo the Angels were not well acquainted with the Way in that they carry him above the Earth when they ought to have carried him to a place underneath the Earth Add hereunto what a world of Absurd ities would follow if this Pepish devise should pass for currant Act. 15.11 How could Saint Peter say Act. 15. We believe that through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ we shall be saved even as they Luk. 20.38 How could the Patriarchs be said to live with God if they were banished out of his Sight Luk. 20. And if this Limbo be the Brim or Hem of the damned places how is it said that the Glutton in Hell saw Abraham afar off with Lazarus in his Bosome and that there was a great Gulfe and Distance between the Damned's place and that wherein Lazarus abode As for Abraham it may be collected clearly from Heb. 11.9.10 that he immediately after Death was received up into Heaven Heb. 11 9.10 according to his expectation Contented he was with his flitting Tabernacles while he continued as a Sojourner here in this Life because there was a City to come after this Life that would be firm and steddy wherein he looked to be admitted and which should make full amends for all his wearisome Peregrinations Where we may see that that City having Foundations which the Holy Patriarch by Faith expected is by an Antithesis set ad oppositum to those Tabernacles which he formerly lived in with Isaac and Jacob whereby is intimated that he was not received into any other building after his death then that which is permanent Into which City he being received it must necessarily follow that all the faithful people of God who were transported by Angels into his Bosome as Lazarus was were there received and entertained likewise Moreover because this Parable is much perverted by the Papists to their sinister sense when Abraham opposeth Lazarus's Comfort to the Glutton's Torment it is evident that he being in infinite Torment the other was in infinite Joy which because it cannot be but in Heaven A term appropriated by the Holy Ghost to the Ages of the Church before Christ But not fit to be used now in the time of the Gospel Gerard. Rom. 5.15 as in the Lord's Presence-Chamber it followeth that the † Bosome of Abraham is the Rest that his faithful and right begotten Children have in Heaven In fine That which chiefly I have to say against this absurd errour is this viz. That it derogateth from the Merits of Jesus Christ making him not to be of yesterday and his death to be effectual onely à parte post to those that come after him An Opinion therefore to be Anathematized by all the Churches of the Saint yea further the Sin of Adam is by this means contrary to the Doctrine of the Apostle Rom. 5.15 made more powerful to Condemnation then Christ's Righteousness can be unto Salvation for the Sin of Adam casteth his Wicked and Unbelieving Posterity into Hell immediately after Death whereas by their Doctrine the Communication of Christ's Righteousness with them that believed in him could not immediately after Death lift them up into the Kingdom of Heaven How this can stand with Christ's honour or how it agreeth with the aforesaid Scripture let the Jesuites themselves tell us if they can Objection Well but yet the Scripture notwithstanding they affirm will bear them out in this their opinion for saith the Apostle Heb. 9.8 The way into the Holiest of all was not made manifest while as the first Tabernacle was yet standing Heb. 9.8 Upon which place these Limbonians do much harpe for the maintenance of their foolish errour collecting as they think very strenuously that the way to Heaven was not open before Christ's Passion and therefore the Patriarchs and good men of old must needs have some other place of rest assigned unto them for their abode until that time Solution A short Answer to a vain Cavil may suffice briefly then let it be observed The Apostle saith not the way to Heaven was shut up while the first Tabernacle was standing but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 was not yet clearly manifested Whereby he gives us to understand that the people of God under the Old Testament knew the way to Heaven but darkly viz. through the vail of Types But withall that they knew there was