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A48358 Holy characters containing a miscelany of theolocicall [sic] discovrses that is theology, positiue, scholasticall, polemicall, and morall built upon the foundation of scriptures, traditions, councils, fathers, divided into two books / written by George Leybvrn ... Leyburn, George, 1593-1677. 1662 (1662) Wing L1938; ESTC R18553 388,184 688

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for a sinfull Brother and truly this kinde of forgiuing and loosing is common alike to all such as deuoutly and charitably recite that petition of our Lord's prayer Forgiue us our trespasses as we forgiue the trespasses against vs as witnesseth S. Augus trac 58. vpon S. Iohn and doubtless by the mentioned word 's of the Apostle viꝪt videlicet Ye ought rather to forgiue and comfort him and whome yee forgiue any thing c. is meant of this generall manner of forgiuing and loosing which is common alike to all the faithfull of the Church but to demonstrate that he himself laid claime to a higher and better kinde of forgiuing and loosing he professeth that he exercised his forgiueness and power of loosing in the person or room of Christ Wherby again appear's that the Apostle did not forgiue this adulterer the rest of the paine enioyned him in order to the rigour of Church-discipline only that is to the intent only that it should aduantage him in the ecclesiasticall Court but also in order to the diuine Court of Iustice that it might benefit him before God and this is so manifest a truth that no sectary can say the contrary without contradicting the Apostles own words viꝪt videlicet I forgaue it in the person of Christ that is in the room of Christ and as his Minister to whom Christ had committed his power of loosing and binding vpon earth and indeed S. Paul should haue extreamly preiudiced the said miserable adulterer which were great impiety to think if his forgiuenesse should haue had no weight * S. Cypria Epis 14. agens de relaxatione poenarum impositarum peccatoribus ait illam fieri per intercessionem martyrum vel aliorum fidelium quorum satisfactionibus suffragijs adiuuantur in delictis apud Dominum id est in foro Dei with the diuine Court and been of no value before God for according to that supposall he should haue pardoned a pain of this life in respect wherof the adulterer should haue suffered a far greater in the next because the punishment a man endureth vpon earth is a thousand times lesser then the torment 's of Purgatory and therby S. Paul would haue brought his penitent Corinthian out of the frying pan into the fyer That is out of the prison of the ecclesiasticall Court into the prison of the diuine Court Conformably vnto this catholick doctrine Bishops in the primitiue Church enjoyned sinners penances to satisfye God and to compence the iniury done to him through their sin 's (k) According to Tertullian l. ad martyres and S. Cyprian Epis sundry Christians that through frailty fell from the Church in tyme of grieuous persecution were wont to recur vnto the Martyrs and Confessours that their penances might be remitted vnto them and these ancient Fathers did not mean penances or pains enioynd and due only in the Churches Court but due also in the Court of God wherfore S. Cyprian Epis 14. faith expresly that they receiued help and deliuerance from their pains apud Dominum that is in the diuine Court in consequence whereof Indulgences remit penances or pains at the Tribunall of God as due there and not as due onely in order to the Churches Canons as wanton schollars of these dayes vnaduisedly teach for otherwise according to S. Thomas q. 25. a. 1. Indulgences would be more vnprofitable then profitable reseruing the penitent to more grieuous pains in Purgatory Besides according to the holy scriptures whatsoeuer priest 's shall binde on earth shall be bound in Heauen and whatsoeuer they shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heauen in consequence of which God has a Court in Heauen that remits the guilt and paine of sinne accordingly as they be remitted in the Churches Court and indeed if there were no remitting of pains in the Court of Heauen there would be no need at all of the Churches spirituall Treasure consisting of the aboundant satisfactions of Christ and the blessed Saincts and yet that there is this spirituall Treasure is an article of Christian faith for as such a Treasure could not be necessary vnto remission of pains in a ciuil Court so it could not be necessary vnto remission in an ecclesiasticall Court The ground on which the Digbean diuines build their opinion is a damned heresy namely that God does not forgiue us our sinnes as to the guilt thereof except her pardon the pain also as is plainely clear according to the definition of the Council of Trent sess 6. can 30. and this practice was both in order to such as had publickly sinned in reference to which canonicall pain 's were instituted only as also in order to such as had sinned in secret as doe demonstrate Burchard in the 13th book of decretalls and sundry others which haue made a full collection of the canonicall pains Furthermore no man can say without running into manifest errour that the Apostles forgiuenesse or indulgence in order to the penitent Corinthian was but an absolution of excommunication or of his sinne giuen in the Sacrament of penance for first a deliuerance from an ecclesiasticall censure of excommunication is neuer named by scriptures or Fathers a condonation forgiueness or indulgence Again by the Apostles words appeareth that he forgaue part only of the punishment enioyned which cannot be meant of an absolution either from excommunication or sin 's in the Sacrament of penance where there is no sharing out by partes Yet notwithstanding all this the vsage of indulgences was not neer so frequent in the primitiue times as in the subsequent ages because primary Christians carrying the fresh memory of their crucifyed Redeemer and thereby much enflamed with loue towards his sufferings allwayes bore about his dying mortification that his life also might be made manifest in their mortall flesh 2. Cor. 4. so that then there was strict discipline and great penances enioyned sinners For example rigorous fasting much praying and other painfull afflictions * In 1. Concil Nicae cui intersuerunt 318. Patres indicitur poena vndecim annorum Item in Concil Ancyrano iniungitur poena septenij ijs qui bis vel ter Idolis sacrificauerant Porro vulgatum est vnicuique peccato mort ali poenitentiam septem annorum iniungendam esse iuxta Canones pro quo tam en nullus Textus reperiri potest Et contrarium tenet S. Tho. in 4. l. sent dis 20. sanè Gratianus qui allegatur pro contraria sententia non dicit Ecclesiam septemnem poenitentiam in singula peccata statuisse sed tantum pro grauissimis iniungi solitam fuisse deinde dicit illam poenit entiam non taxatam fuisse pro foro interiori sed exteriori constat illos Canones ad forum exteriùs pertinere as by the ancientest Councils appeareth Neuerthelesse such was their feruour of spirit and extream zeale in complyance to Christ's sufferings that they fullfilled them willingly and chearfully few sought after pardons vnto
faith The Apostle that if our earthly house of this habitation be destroyed vve haue a building giuen of God ... eternall in heauen From this sacred Text S. Anselme infers that good souls as soon as they are deuested of their bodyes haue full enjoyment of heauenly blessednes and according to Saint Austin l. 2. de ciuit cap. 15. martyrs as soon as they be deliuered from their earthly tabernacles reigne in Heauen with Christ And Christ himselfe according to the Apostle Ephes 4. led captiuity captiue in the day of his glorious ascention that is then the iust souls that were detained as captiues in the lower parts of the earth namely lymbus called Abrahams bosom were translated into Heauen And S. Hierom Epis de obitu letae Novv she for a smal labour hath the enioyment of eternall blessedness as the earthly house of their habitation is destroyed are translated into an other building giuen of God their Creator that is an house not made with hands but eternall in Heauen and as now euery creature is a dark glass whereby God is seen in part so in the next life * Verbum diuinum propter repraesentandi perfectionē vocatur speculum fine macula God himselfe is a clear glass wherin creatures see him fully as he is that is perfectly if nothing of sin interuene to obstruct their passage to Heauen Now saith the Apostle * 2. Cor. 5. mūc videmus per speculum in anigmate sed tūc videbimus facie ad faciem Aug. in illud Aposto Philip. 1. sic scribit inde incipit requies quae non interrumpitur resurrectione sed clarificatur quae nunt fide retinetur wee see through a glass darkely but then shall wee see face to face (b) 2. Cor. 5. the Apostle teacheth that while we are in the body we are absent from our lord for we walk by faith and not by sight Wherefore he coueteth to remoue out of the body and dwell with Christ in consequence of which good souls enioy the clear vision of God before the generall resurrection for otherwise the Apostles earnest desire to remoue out of his body and dwell with Christ had been vain and impertinent since he might not enioy thereby blessednes which consists in the clear vision of God before the generall resurrection besids according to S. Aus l. 14. de Trinit cap. 2. to be present and dwell with Christ includs sight and excludes faith 2. Cor. 5. which words plainly shew that then * begineth the eternall when the transitory life endeth in consequence of which pure souls without offence after they be deliuered from their earthly tabernacles do not expect the generall resurrection to put them in possession of the clear vision of God and truly the desire of S. Paul expressed Philip. 1. and Ephes 5. to be remoued out of the body and to be present with Christ had been very vnprofitable and impertinent if the clear sight of God wherein consisteth the souls blessedness were to be differred for soe long a series of yeares and it matters not that to be present with Christ doth not include of necessity a clear sight of his diuinity for it appeareth by the words of the Text that the Apostle desired a full clear sight of Christ vnto blessedness in regard he speaketh of that presence with him which excludeth faith saying We know while wee are at home in the body that we are absent from Christ for we walke by faith and not by sight signifying thereby that when we are remoued out of the body we walke by sight and not by faith but it is the clear sight of God that abolisheth faith according to the doctrine of all ancient Fathers besids 't is in reason conuincing that Christ hath not appointed prisons to keepe the Saints of the new Testament out of Heauen hauing in his ascention trāslated thither the Saints of the old Testament which were detained afore as prisoners in the lowest parts of the earth Again God is far more inclined to reward the iust then to punish the wicked for his mercyes * Psal 144. miserationes eius super omnia opera eius exceed all his other works but his diuine Iustice (c) According to the Councill of Florence God punisheth wicked souls with eternall sensible paines as soon as they remoue out of their bodys inflicteth eternall sensible paine vpon wicked men sudainly after their remouall out of their bodyes wherefore doubtless iust men doe quickly after their death receiue their blessed rewards nothing of offence interuening to obstruct their passage to Heauen moreouer God is more iust in giuing labourers their hire then any man whosoeuer but a iust man doth not suffer the workemans hire to abide with him till morning Leuit. 19. Wherefore Since eternall blessedness that consisteth in the clear vision of God is the hire of good labourers in the diuine vineyard (d) According to the Councill of Florence in the decree of Eugenius and of Treat sess 25. in decret de inuocatione sanct the souls of the faithfull that remoue out of their bodyes cleansed from all sin and vncleanes see immediately the essence of God And S. Gregorie Nyss ora funebri in pulcheriam writeth thus The plant pulcheria is pluckt from vs but transplanted in paradice she is translated out of one kingdom into an other She hath put of her purple robe and put on the clothing of Heauens kingdom And all the ancient Fathers assert this Catholick truth namly S. Austin trac 128. in Ioan. S. Cyp. li. de exhort ad martyres cap. vltimo payment of it is made quickly after the finishing of their worke that is suddenly after their death wherewith endeth all meritorious working but there be two kinds of blessedness the one complete and full in order to both body and soul the other which is the principall and essentiall blessedness is not perfect as to the whole man but in respect of the soul only Now when the holy scriptures declare that blessedness or reward for good works is to be giuen after the generall resurrection they mean only of the consummation thereof which is full blessedness named the double stole of felicity in order to both body and soul and indeed Christ in the generall iudgment as appeareth by the 25. Chapter of S. Mathew will say after the same manner to the blessed Come ye blessed of my Father take the inheritance of the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world as he will say to the damned depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the deuill and his Angels but Christ by this latter saying meaneth that after sentence of vniuersall iudgment is pronounced the damned whose souls were punished afore shall suffer euerlasting torments of fire in order both to the body and soul for the cōsummating of their misery wherefore by the other saying addressed to the blessed is meant that in the generall resurrection those
priuant quod non credunt Euangelio experturi scilicet in supplicijs eius potestatem cuius misericordiam in donis cōtempserunt they depriue themselues of a great good or benefit and shall sind in punishments the power of him whose mercy in gifts they haue contemned Ill runners of the second Class are wicked Christians who willfully deuesting themselues of sanctifying grace receiued in or after baptism become seruants to sin which doth so * Psal 37. sicut onus graue grauatae sunt super me scilicet iniquitates meae Prouerb 5. iniquitates suae capiunt impiū funibus peccatorum cōstringitur ouerburden and with cords bind them that as Asses ouerloaden they cannot goe or fleas tyed in chaines they cannot leap so they cannot run * Haebr 12. Adulteri fornicatores c. nō possidebunt regnum Dei such are voluptuous luxurious wanton drunken and all vnjust Christians who will neuer obtaine the inheritance of Heauen not because they cannot (g) Oecumenius in cap. 2 1. ad Timoth. saith that-seeing it is the will of God to bring all men to the knowledge of his trueth why is not his will done he answereth that therefore it is not done because all men will not doe his will and God forceth or necessitateth no man to doe his will but because they will not take of their loads and deliuer themselues out of their cords (h) The Apostle Rom. 2. saith Dost not knovv O sinner that the bountifullnes of God leadeth thee to repentance but thou after thine hard and impenitent heart heapest vp as a treasure vnta thy selfe vvrath against the day of vvrath and of the reuelation of the just judgment of God where by the diuine bountifullnes is meant diuine grace which the sinfull Iews through their hardnes of heart resisted which is in their power to do through teares of true repentance whereto the diuine bountifullnes leadeth euery sinner By help of teares occasioned through diuine grace holy Dauid S. Peter and S. Paul and S. Mary Magdelen cast of the heauy loades and troublesom fetters which sin had caused and thereby restored to their liberty run happily vnto obtaining the prize which is eternall glory In the great day (i) According to the holy Euangelist S. Mathew cap. 25. Christ shall say in the day of generall Judgment Come yee blessed of my Father possess the inheritance of the kingdom prepared for you from the fundation of the vvorld c. from this sacred text euidently appeares that the kingdom of Heauen is ordain'd for such as shall do good works of mercy namely giuing meat to the hungred drink to the thirsted cloathing to the naked c. in consequence of which God electeth those to glory whose good works he had foreseen of generall accounts when the great king of Heauen and earth shall distribute rewards * Mat. 16. tunc reddet vnicuique secundum opera eius according to the works of each one the good runners will be put on his right hand and among the sheep intituled the blessed of his Father for hauing giuen meat to the hungry drink to the thirsty clothes to the naked assistance to the sick and almes to the imprisoned which are the works of mercy contrary wise the ill runners wanting such merits and that through their own fault will be put on the left hand of the king among the goates and condemned to the euerlasting fire of hell and * Aug. non est indignū Deo dicere ijs ite in ignem eternū qui misericordiam eius contempserunt it is not an action vnworthy a king infinitly iust to say to such as haue contemned his mercy Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire which is prepared for the deuill and his Angells CHAR. XXJ. OF REPROBATION THE CONTENTS There is no positiue Act in the diuine will to reprobate that is to exclude any one from the kingdom of Heauen and to adjudge to euerlasting pains of hell without a foreknowledge of euil works God deserteth noe man before himselfe be deserted nor does he refuse to giue euen his plenteous grace that leadeth effectually vnto iustification of life if his call thereto be not rejected REprobation is a definitiue or absolute sentence of Gods iustice vnto excluding from his glory and punishing with euerlasting fire such as shall depart out of this life in mortall sin committed * Definita est reprobatio in ordine ad adultos by an act of their own will This double paine one of separation from God called Poena damni the other of sensible torment named Poena sensus is expressed in the sentence it selfe Depart from me ye cursed into euerlasting fire prepared for the deuill and his Angells Matt. 25. Where departure doth import separation from God and euerlasting fire sensible punishment but Gods knowledg of himselfe as iust reuenger doth not precede his foreknowledg of man as vniust offender for though God can deliuer without merits Gratis whom soeuer he pleaseth out of the lump of perdition that is out of originall and actuall sinns because he is infinitly good yet he doth not condemne any vnto euerlasting pains for noe fault because he is infinitly iust whereby is plainly euident that there (a) According to the Euaugelist S. Matthew c. 23. God on his part would Gather his children together as the henne gathereth her chickins vnder her vvings and they vvill not that is God on his part is vnvvilling to depart from them though on their parts they vvill depart from him Isai 54. is noe positiue act in his diuine will to exclude from Heauen and adiudg to Hell without preuision of ill works proceeding from human free will besides it would contradict Gods generall condition will so often inculcated in holy scripture to saue all reasonable creatures which obserue his lawes and ordinances if he had an absolute priuate will to damne some without respect to transgression of the same lawes and ordinances again that proceeding might argue in God either forgetfullnes of his generall will or mutability in changing or illusion in inculcating it which to conceiue of God were both blasphemy and sacraledg for thereby he would be deuested of his goodnes and be also beleiued to necessitate man to ill leauing him without free will or to work as birds build their nests in the summer by naturall instinct and consequently to extinguish in him his own image and likenes Liberum arbitrium free will being an essentiall part thereof Neither can God be said according to truth and equity to harden any man whom pertiacy and obstinacy through perseuerance in wickedness hath not hardened before that is (b) According to S. Austin l. de nat gra c. 26. God neuer deserts any man that desertes not him first To desert or forsake God is to resist and cast away the inward helps of his mercy namely holy illuminations and inspirations which lead to iustification of life God doth
wherby he is armed against his own lusts and wanton desires (b) Seneca compareth a wise man vnto the strongest army because a wise man indeed stands firm against pouerty slanders reproches ignominies and all manner of tribulations and made vndantedly valiant in all encounters with aduersity wherfore wisdome is an infinit treasure vnto such as lay hold on her for her counsell preserueth and her vnderstanding keepeth them as a pillar of a cloud led the Israëlits in their way by day and the pillar of fire gaue them light by night that they might goe both by day and night Exodus 13. soe wisdome is a guid vnto men which walk in prosperity as by day and a light vnto men that walke in aduersity as by night Wisdome is the schoolmistris of the knowledge of God the chooser out of his works the teacher of sobernes the giuer of holines and the doer of all things most profitable and acceptable in the sight of Heauen * Jacob 30. Sapientia desursum est whence she is descended Wherby is plainly evident that wisdome is not the same thing with science which taken precisely hath no bounds being common a like to each human knowledge besides many times * 1. Cor. 8. Scientia inflat science puffeth vp him that findeth it and deceiueth his judgment rendering him curious in superfluous things (c) Those which know profitable and not such as know many things are wise men indeed which haue nothing of profit Of this curiosity in order to science the Athenians were guilty who saith S. Luke Act. 17. gaue themselues to nothing else but to speak or to heare something of nouelty which is the mother of schism and heresy but in all times some wanton wits haue either begot or reuiued dangerous vnauthorised doctrins blown vp with their own science to the end they might be counted learned aboue the ordinary ranck of knowing men so that it is no strang thing that the present age should bring forth new Teachers and new hearers of prophane nouelties in consequence of the premisses noe man how knowing soeuer he seems is truly wise when (d) S. Austin in an Epistle to Dioscorus condemnes those schollars which rejoyce in knowing of Anoxagoras Anoxemenes Pithagoras Demosthenes to the end they may seem learned because there is nothing of solide doctrine and true erudition in them he seeketh out curiously things that haue nothing of profit or searcheth into hidden misteries which exceed his capacity for a wise man indeed thinketh with reuerence vppon what God hath commanded Eccles 32. in superfluous things search not and be not curious in many of his works for many things are shewed vnto thee aboue the capacity of men Furthermore true wisdom which is from aboue is pure Iacob 30. That is without vncleanes A wise man indeed (e) Ecclesiasticus cap. 3. saith that an heart which is wise and vnderstanding will abstaine from sin and shall prosper in the works of Iustice wherfore S. Bernard teacheth that those sind wisdome which are sorry for their sins purgeth out of his heart the leuen of sin casteth a way wickednes presseth down the lustes of curiosity of ambition of vain glory committeth not fornication with schism and heresy despiseth wordly pleasures (f) According to S. Austin l. de ciuit the intent and aime of true wisdome is to be where God is all in all things with an assured eternity and perfect peace and setteth his affection on things that are aboue and not on things which are on the earth true wisdome is peaceable Iacob 30. A wise man indeed hath nothing of strise in his heart is a louer of vnion established in the vnity of Christian schooles is gentle humble modest without leuity pride wantounes is full of obedience to the Churches lawes and ordinances and full of mercy and good fruits without hypocrisy Again a wise man indeed is wise in order to himselfe Prouerbs 90. if thou be wise thou shalt be wise for thy selfe The primitiue Christians were wise indeed to themselues which euery where bore in their bodies the mortifications of Christ IESUS for they suffered with great patience all manner of tribulations together with the spoiling of their goods for his sake that they might be glorified with him counting that the afflictions of this present time were not worthy of the glory to come through his merits and truly what shall it prosit a man though he did win the whole world and lose his own soul or What exchange shall a man giue for his soul Mat. 8. Wherfore such Christians as desert the Catholick Church to get worldly honours to heap vp earthly treasures preferring the world to the faith of Christ earth to Heauen flesh to the soul transitory pleasures to eternall blessednes * S. Bernard de consideratione Sic alloquitur Eugenium Papam quid prodest si vniuersum mundum lucreris te vnum perdens etsi sapiens alijs sis deest tibi sapientia si tibi non fueri● how wise soeuer they be to others are not wise to themselues for the wisdome of such men doth not descend from aboue but is earthly sensuall and deuilish Iacob 30. CHAR. XXV OF IVSTICE THE CONTENTS The things that are made equall are said to be adjusted from whence Iustice deriues its name the property of Justice is to render to euery one what is euery on 's own Iustice requireth of euery man worship and obediencein order to God exacteth loue kindnes respect honour and duty in order to man man in Iustice is bound to doe to his neighbour what he would his neighbour should doe vnto him Iustice exhorteth the faithfull aliue to shew pity vnto the faithfull departed apparitions of souls after their remouall out of their bodies asserted IVstice is a * Iustitia definitur virtus reddens vnicuique quod su●● est Seu constās perpetua voluntas in s suum vnicuique tri● buens constant perpetuall inclination of the will to render vnto euery one what is euery on 's own That is to giue vnto God the things that are Gods and to giue vnto man the things which are mans as the immobility (a) According to Aristotle l. 2. de coelo the earth is equally poisd in the mids of the world in consequence whereof t is immoueable and indeed according to the holy Scripture terra in aeternum stat Eccles 1. that is the earth for euer stands firme without mouing at all of the earth is perceiued through an equall weighing of its parts in the center of the world so the firmnes and constancy of Iustice is establisht and perpetuated by an equall adjusting of debts vnto God and man which is the center thereof (b) Iustice is a morall vertue so named because of necessity it requires equallity and things are said to be adjusted which are of equall parts wherefore the great lawer Constantine defines us to be ars boni aqui and
will free himselfe of his bondage at his pleasure As a ship that hath lost her helme cannot sail whether and as her self would but is caryed whether and as the wind will euen so a sinner that is depriued of the helme of grace cannot doe the good things which he should but the euill which he should not and as ship of it self can descend but not ascend so a man by the power of his own free will can fali into But cannot rise from sin The works of nature (c) God said by the mouth of his Prophet Ose cap. 13. Perdition is thine O Israel onely in me is thine help whereby is clearly euidenced that the euils which happen come of our own procurement in regard of the sinnes we commit which do not proceed from God who cannot be the author of euil as it is an euil worke though according to the Prophet Amos cap. 3. he is cause of punishment due to sin which is called malum poena But God punisheth in order to amendement in this life and Iustice after death so that those which amend their life need not feare the diuine iustice after death can cast him down but the works of grace only can raise him vp again that he is a seruant of sin and freed of iustice is his own free act but that he is freed of sin and a seruant vnto iustice is the work of grace through IESUS-CHRIST and indeed if the works of nature were sufficient enough to raise vp a sinner vnto iustification of life Christ had dyed * Ga. 2. so per legem iustitia ergo Christus gratis mortuus vnde Aug. infert contra Pelagi Si per naturā tustitia ergo Christus graits moriuus ergo scandalum crucis euacuatum est without cause Furthermore besides this bondage there be sundry other euil things which the deuil hath made of sin for he that sinneth speakes * Jsa 5. va vobis qui dicitis malū bonum bonum malum ponentes tenebras lumē lumen tenebras ponētes amarum in dulce dulce in amarū good of euill and euil of good puts darknes for light and light for darknes puts bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter goes far from the springs of liue waters and dyes in the waters of vnclean delights that is to say a sinner preferreth wickednes to godlines ignorance to knowledg vice to vertue and death to life for as much as he forsaketh God his creator without whom nothing can be lightened sweetened sanctified quickened know therefore says the holy Prophet Ieremy cap. 2. and Behold ô sinner that it is an euil thing and bitter that thou hast for saken God thy lord which is an infinit treasure of good things The deuil makes a couenant with euery man that sinneth which is like the league * 1. Reg. 11 Naas interpretatur serpens significat diabolum of Naas the Amonite 1. Reg. 11. on condition that he may thrust out his right eye that is his obedience to God and his loue to spirituall things which is a very ill agreement in regard it spoileth him of knowledg grace and glory a chess player by one negligent remouall or touch of his men a miss often times loseth the whole game and the whol gaine too euen so one sin destroyeth much good Eccles 9. for euen When a iust man turneth away from his iustice and committeth iniquity all his iustice that be bath done shall not be remembered but in his transgression that he hath committed and in his sin that be bath sinned in them shall be dye Ezech. 8. That is when a sinner does not cast away from him his wickednes wherby he hath taken the couenant of the deuil and turne to God with a new heart and a new spirit but die in the bitternes of his soul he shall lose all the fruit of his good works together with the glory of Heauen Neither are these all the euill things that the deuill hath made of sin for the burdens which he layes on the shoulders of him that sinneth mortally are most beauy and grieuous and albeit that for the present they seem sweet and light yet afterwards they press him down as he that in water drawes a log of wood feels not the full waight therof till he come to land so the burden of a sinner is not felt in the waters of fleshly delights and the pleasures of this life but when he shall goe out of them that is when he shall depart out of the world he will find the (d) S Iohn Apoca. 8. faith that the waters destroy many that is worldly delights which after death are made bitter water in which he delighted as bitter as wormwood and the load that sin laid on his neck so heauy that it will suppress him suddenly for as lightening descends from Heauen in the turne of an eye so a sinner will fall down into hell in * Job 21. in puncto descendune ad inferos Ex Luc. 10. videbam Satanam sicut fulgur de calo cadentem a trice which is the place of diuine execution in punishment of transgressions As earthly kings haue faire lodgings for the entertaining of the good people and dark prisons for the punishing of malefactours so the king of glory that is exalted aboue all Princes of the earth hath goodly pallaces for delighting such as do well which is Heauen and dungeons of vtter darknes for tormenting of those that doe euill which is hell where the wicked experience in bitter suffering the power of him whose mercy in bountifull gifts they haue despiced as he that walketh in iustice and shutteth his eyes from seeing euill shall dwell on high with God in full enjoyment of all good things so he that deuiateth from the waies of godlines and delighteth in the pathe of iniquity when the number of his life is cut of (e) The Prophet Isaias cap. 33. expressing the punishments which the wicked endure after their death speaketh to sinners thus Who among yee can endure to dvvell vvith the deuouring fire vvho among yee vvith euerlasting burnings Wherfore S. Gregory saith that the death of the wicked is an euerlasting death shall dwell below with the deuil in deuouring fire and euerlasting burnings which is a death without dying and sorrow without ending for death there is alwayes * S. Gregor●●it miseris ●●ors sine ●●●rte begining and sorrow neuer ending in reguard the deuouring fire is for euer burning and no deliuerance from hell which is a laborynth in the mids of the earth though easely entred into yet affordes no guid or thread to direct out againe and the windings and turnings therof minister nothing of pleasure for brimstone is scattered in euery walke * Job 14. vndique terrebunt eum formidines and trouble anguish feares together with dispaire and horrible confusion be on euery side hope of blessednes being rooted out of this dwelling yet
though there is no regress out of this labyrinth full of all miseries howeuer not euen the wickedest man is necessitated to enter into it for God desireth not the death of the wicked but that the wicked turne from his way and liue Ezech. 33. and when the wicked casteth from him all his transgressions that he hath committed he shall furely liue and shall not dye Ezech. 18. (f) According to S. Prosper 1. sent ex S. Aug. there is no diuine vengeance if human vengeance goe afore that is God will not aueng himselfe of us if we will do vengeance on our seluē● by fasting praying c. God ceaseth from his iust vengeance when man turneth to humble repentance if we would judge our selues we should not be judged Cor. 11. that is we should not be tormented in hell if on earth we would examine our selues acknowledg to God our infirmities punish our transgressions in the Sacrament of Pennance master fleshly lusts and abstain from the pleasures of this life vnto the exercise wherof conduceth much an often reflexion on the greiuous torments and euerlasting afflictions which the damned endure a serious thought of hell encourageth vs to fight valiantly against the deu●l considering that if we be ouercome of him he will lead vs captiue thither and no ransom shall be accepted for our deliuerance out of his tyranny Often serious thougts of hell unable vs to subdue the Iusts of the flesh and despise the pleasures of this world seeing that if these raign and bear rule we must of necessity giue our members as weapons of iniquity vnto sin that brings death for they be the deuils in truments whereby wickednes is committed vnto the killing of our souls in consequence of which it is manifest madnes to take a sword and fall vpon it as Saul and his armour-bearer did that is to run wilfully after vn clean delights which are the deuils swords that destroy as many souls as fall vpon them if a child of one year will refraine from the milke which it delighteth in when at weaning time vnsauoured bitternes is applied to the breasts of the nurce much rather a man come to the age of discretion ought to abstaine from wanton pleasures considering they shall make him dye in the bitternes of his soul vnto euerlasting damnation And who in reason can tast a thing * 6 Nūquid potest aliquis gustare quod gustatum affert mortem which tasted bringes eternall death Moreouer often serious thoughts of Heauen strenghen vs mainly against sin for as much as nothing of vncleanes be it coueted in the heart vttered with the mouth or exercised by outward works can haue admittance there But as sin is the deuils sword that sendes souls into hell so is it Gods sword that gards the way to the tree of life Gen. 30. And suffers no sinner to enter into Heauen Wherfore if the wickedest man that breatheth vpon the earth will take Heauen into his serious consideration he must of necessity abhorre and cast away his wickednes which obstructs the passage thither that is depriues him of the Summum bonum * Aug. quid per multa vagaris ô homuncis quaerend● anima tuae corpori hic ama summū bonum which is the fountain of all good things for Heauen is a glorious Citty a secure dwelling and a country that * Iudic. 18. tradit nobis locum coelā in quo nullius rei est penuria aboundeth in all delights in Heauen the iust shall be deliuered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the son of God Rom. 8. in Heauen the iust shall shine as the sun Mat. 13 in Heauen the iust shall be in the hand of God and no torment shall touch them Sap. 3. in Heauen the iust shall haue fullnes of joy Psal 16. and lack nothing they shall be cloathed with robes of immortallity they shall hunger no more Liue bread that descended from Heauen shall be their meat neither shall they thirst any more the water that springeth vp vnto life euerlasting shall be their drinke they shall endure no tormenting heates the wings of the almighty shall couer them They shall suffer no cold the sun of iustice shall warme them they shall desire no sleepe the bright rayes of the diuine majesty shall expell darknes from their rest the things which eye hath not seen neither eare heard neither come into mans heart God hath prepared for them that loue him 1. Cor. 20. The sins which driue away thoughts of Heauen are seauen especially named capitall vices in regard they be the heads of all others for example Pride Auarice Luxury Enuy Gluttony Anger slothfullnes or wearines in the exercise of good works CHAR. XXIX OF PRIDE THE CONTENTS Pride the first sin that came into the world Lucifer and the confederat Angels pust vp with the brightnes and excellency of their own nature became proud whereby they fell from sanctifying grace which they had receiu'd in their creation the Angelicall pride was an inordinate desire of dominion ouer all other creatures and of independence in gouernement euen of their Creator God resisteth the proud and exalteth the humble PRide is an inordinat loue * Definitur superbia inordinatus amor propriae excellentiae of selfe excellency which is the * Eccles 10. dnitium omnis pecence est superbiae vnde Chrysost tolle inquit hoc vitium vt nom velint homines hominibus praestare sine labore catera vitia resecantur Origen of all euill affections For the proud man turneth his heart from God and disdaineth to be * Luc. 18. dixit superbus Pharisaeus nō sum sicut cateri homines ergo inquit S. Bernardus sicut cateri damones counted as other men wherefore he is indeed as other Angells which puft vp with pride because of their eminency and inordinately carryed away with the greatnes * Ezech. 28. eleuatum est cortuum in decore tuo of their brightnes coueted equallity with their maker as to similitude (a) S. Cyprian 1. de ieiunio tenta Christi Ascribes the cause of the deuils ruine vnto an ambitious desire of dominion and S. Austin l. 14. de ciuit c. 11. speaketh thus in order to the faln Angels That proud Angel and therefore enuious for enuy is not properly the cause of pride but pride is the cause of enuy by the same pride turning from God to himselfe and ambitiously seeking rather to haue subjects then to be subject fell dovvn from Heauen he inordinatly coueted rule ouer all other creatures and doubtles the Angels that sell neuer went about to equall God as to diuine perfection knowing by the light of nature the impossibility of such an enterprize in order to dominion affecting as it were with tyrannicall arrogancy rule and authority ouer all things created by him and independence in gouernment euen of him their lord and therefore God gaue them vp
he carryed himselfe in his own hands while giuing his body he said This is my body But truly he had not done what no other could doe if he had carried in his hands a meer figure or sign of his body onely Again S. Cyril Hieros Catech. mysti affirmes that the wine is as truly chang'd into the blood of Christ as water was conuerted into wine in Cana-Galilaea Moreouer S. Cyprian ser de Domi. coena asserts that the bread Christ gaue vnto his Disciples is chang'd saith he not as to the form or figure that is as to the accidents thereof but as to the nature that is as to substance through the Omnipotent power of the worde that was made flesh plainly and euidently otherwise the mystery established vnto saluation might leade into errour and damnation since a thing deliuered in Tropes and figures is subiect vnto vncertainty and intricacies Again the words afore mentioned set down by three Euangelists and one Apostle importe the new Testament made by Christ himselfe the night before his passion and it is vncredible that a Testatour expecting death suddenly should say in express tearmes what he meaned not In regard whereof the ancient Fathers doe vnanimously declare that the cited words of institution vꝪt videlicet This is my body This is the blood of the new Testament ought to be taken in their proper sense that no man according to reason might doubt of the ●●all and substantiall presence of Christs reall and substantiall body and blood in the Sacrament of the Eucharist Christ the diuine Testatour expressing himselfe therein plainly and clearly Wherfore it is an infallible Article of christian faith that vnder the elements of bread and wine is contained Christs true reall and substantiall body and blood through a maruelous transubstantiation that is to say substantiall (h) Transsubstantiation signifies conuersion of one substance into an other conuersion of the bread into his body and the wine into his blood in vertue of the word that was made flesh which the word made that made all thinges of nothing Gen. 1. In vertue of the word that changed Lots wife into a piller of salt Gen. 19. that turned Moyses rod into a serpent Exod. 4. that conuerted the riuers and fountaines of Egypt into blood Exod. 7. that made wine of water Io. 2. that created man of the dust of the ground and breathed in his face breath of life Gen. 1. In vertue of the word that was God Io. 10. Wherfore since the omnipotency of the word can work such marueilous effects it is euidently plain that Christ who is this omnipotent word to wit the son of God can conuert bread into his flesh and wine into his blood and the diuine omnipotency as to transmutation of one created substance into an other in like manner created the Deuil did acknowledg when he said vnto Christ If thou be the son of God command that these stones may be made bread Mat. 4. Wherfore such as deny transubstantiation in the Sacrament of Christs body and blood as an action impossible are worse then Deuills and doe not consider the infinite power of God according to the innate vertue therof Besides if the nutritiue faculty of nature can turne bread into the substance of him that eateth it and change wine into the blood of him that drinketh it if art can make Iron of earth and glass of ashes why cannot God that is aboue nature and art conuert bread into Christs body and wine into his blood Christs body and blood being created substances Furthermore it is extream weakness in a Christian that ought in the mysteries of christian doctrine to be ruled by faith which is a conuiction of thinges not seen to think that he cannot receiue in the Sacrament with his corporall mouth the true reall and substantiall body and blood of Christ because he doth not see them for indeed he might as to reason think as well that there are not three persons in God and one substance two natures in Christ and one person or that there was neuer such a man as Salomon or any such as are called his great Grand-Fathers and Grand-mothers because he hath not seen them or to thinke he is not endued with an immortall soul which quickneth each part of his body because he cannot see it and t' is as great weakness to think that if all the belieuers had eaten of Christs reall body from the first age for 1662. it would haue been wasted and spent long agoe though it had been as big as a great mountaine for Christ's (i) T is no strange thing for the substance of Christs body to exist after an indiuisibie manner since according to true Philosophy the substance or essence of euery real thing hath an indiuisible existency body by diuine dispēsation is spiritually cloathed in the Sacrament being inuisible indiuisible and incorruptible and consequently deuested of outward extension in order to place and therfore not subiect to naturall alterations which doe accompany common bodies As Heate brightness of fire sweet odour of a rose doe not suffer prejudice for as much as they be communicated to many and as the pot of meale and vessel of oile did not faile or diminish though the widow of Sareptha and her family did eat thereof continually while the Heauens were shut frō rayning through the prayers of Elias 30. Regum so the body of Christ in the Sacrament is not wasted spent or prejudiced albeit that the whole Church doth dayly feed thereof Likewise t is extream weaknesse to think that Christ cannot be in * Chrys l. de Sacerd. ait qui Christus cum patro sursum sedet in illo ipso temporis momēto omnium manibus pertractatur Heauen and in the Sacrament at once in as much as one body is not capable according to Philosophy to possess two places together for God is not confined to Aristotles principles The diuine omnipotency transcend's Philosophy her Rules and all the works of nature God made all thinges of nothing contrarie to the maxime of Aristotle Nothing is made of nothing Furthermore in Christ are two natures and one sole person Christ was conceiued of the Virgin Mary without prejudice to her virginity and in the day of his Ascension penetrated the Heauens which are solid bodies without boring into them and other effects which vnto Philosophy are impossible to God are possible Howeuer one body and many places are not inconsistent together as to naturall Philosophy especially when a body is in many places after the manner of a spirituall substance deuested of outward extension in order to the places that containe it and so Christs body is in many consecrated Hosts at once or when one body is in one place with it's quantity extended outwardly thereunto and in another depriued therof at the same time and so Christs body is in Heauen and in the Sacrament together all which according to naturall Philosophy ought not to seem thinges
whose souls likwise must be allowed to haue essētiall blessednes afore shall receiue full blessedness that is shall be inuested with a double stole of glory whereof one regardeth the body and the other the soul Of this consummate and perfect felicity speaketh S. Mat. cap. 20. and the Apostle 2. ad Tit. 4. whereby the hire or reward there mentioned is signified full blessedness giuen to all the good labourers together when the euening was come that is to say to all the Saints at the day of the generall resurrection for though all of them were approued by the testimony of faith and translated into the kingdome of Heauen as to their souls neuertheless as the same Apostle teacheth Heb. 11. they receiued not the promiss God prouiding that they without vs shall not be consummate that is (e) S. Aug. ser 4. de festo Innocent nameth the full reward of the blessed which imports the glorification of soul and body the felicity of the generall resurrection And Epis 66. he calleth it the whole mans compleat immortality and Epis 99. he expounds the sacred Text Heb 11. of consummate blessedness and the particles When euening vvas come Mat. 20. of the generall iudgment shall not haue the enioyment of full and perfect felicity till the generall resurrection and indeed S. Paul doth not say that they should not be crowned without vs but that they should not be consummate without vs that is should not receiue the whole promised reward consisting in the blessedness of the soul togeather with the glory of the body which is S. Chris obseruation expressed in his 28. hom vpon the Epistle to the Hebrews and noe man can say that there the Apostle meaneth by promise blessedness as to the soul only without hauing him contradict himselfe for he says in the same Chapter that Dauid Samuel and the other Prophets had obtained promises or promised blessedness without vs which is meant of the souls blessedness obtained at Christs Ascention into Heauen and truly seeing that a pure soul remoued out of the body is capable of beatificall vision as the reward of its merits in reason it is fitting that it should be beatified before the resurrection of the body whereof Christ is our example whose soule was blessed before his resurrection and it matters not that S. Iohn saith Apoc. 6. that he saw the souls of martyrs vnder the Altar for by the word Altar he cannot meane an * Lutherus in gen ex Staphilo 2. p. de tripartita eius Theologia Et Cal. li. 3. Insti cap. 25. docent sanctos homines tātum esse in Atrio paradisi ibique exspectare diem vniuersalis iudicij outward Court or porch of Heauen where some sectaries will needs haue all the Saints to abide without knowing god vnto blessedness till the generall resurrection because the Apostle saith immediatly after in the same Chapter that white stoles were giuen to euery one which signifies the clear vision of God Besids in the following Chapter he expresly affirmeth that they were in the presence of the throne of God and serued him day and night in consequence of which it is plain that souls are not banished Heauen and depriued of the crowne of iustice which is the clear sight of God till the day of generall resurrection Wherefore of necessity the Apostle S. Iohn meant by the word Altar so ne secret intellectuall room vnknown to vs and in the house of God are many lodgings Io. 14. where those blessed souls offer continually sweet in cense of prayses to their Creatour notwithstanding all this the holy Church had not declar'd this catholick doctrine as an express article of faith before the time of Pope Bennet the twelth who was the first that defined it which is noe strang thing for though the present Church laies no claime to new reuelations neuertheless all reuealed doctrines were not at once propounded if the Church had defined the validity of baptism administrated by Hereticks before or in that age S. Cyprian liued he would neuer haue asserted an opinion contrary there to as witnesseth S. Aus who often excuseth him in regard that controuersie arose before the definition of a generall Council and the same may be said of sundry other controuersies pertaining to faith or generall manners which the authority of the Church guided by the holy Ghost hath determined according to the occurring exigence thereof in all times respectiuely in consequence of the premises such ancient Fathers if any such were as denyed the enioyment of the clear sight of God before the generall resurrection in any age preceding the definition of the Catholick Church in reference thervnto are excusable yet it is certaine that euen all Fathers generally doe declare in their writings the doctrine which the Church now propoundeth in her definitions in order to the said controuersy as doe plainly proue Coxius Egid. Bellar. c. and the common vnanimous consent of Fathers ought to be preferred before the priuate opinion of a few only howeuer truly no man can say that euen S. Irenaeus and S. Bernard which seem to speake darkly and as it were doubtfully in relation to the said catholick assertion S. Irenaeus li. 5. aduersus haereses cap. 31. S. Bern. ser 4. de omnibus sanctis did exclude Saints from the clear sight of God or did confine them to an outward Court or porch of Heauen till the generall resurrection without haueing them (f) Albeit S. Irenaeus in some parte of his writings may seem to exclud from heauenly blessedness good souls till the day of generall resurrection neuertheless l. 1. con Haer. cap. 29. l. 2. cap. 63. and in sundry other places he asserts the enioyment of beatificall vision in order to iust souls clensed from all vncleanes before the reassumption of their bodyes the same teacheth S. Bernard Epis ad Fratres de Hyber ser de obitu Humberti Monachi Epis 229. notwithstanding that in some places of his writings he may seem to incline to the contrary opinion Wherefore Sixtus Senensis l. 6. Biblio sanct annota 348. piously aduiseth euery man to expound the sayings of these Fathers in order to the fulnes of glory that blessed souls receiue in the generall resurrection when their resumed bodyes are glorified contradict themselues in other places of their writings and as to Pope Iohn 22. if it was his priuate opinion that the Saints doe not see God face to face till the generall resurrection yet he proceeded not to a definition in reference thereto * Benedictus 12. in extra quae incipit benedictus Deus ait Ioannem 22. morte praeuentum nil potuisse definire circa illam difficultatem as witnesseth Pope Bennet 12. his successour in the Pope dome Besides * Ocamus 2. par sui dialogi cap. 8. Ocham that was a profess'd enemy of Iohn 22. writeth that in a consistory of Cardinalls this Pope declared that as to that matter of controuersy
no definition was past and that vpon notice of any he should be most ready to embrace the sense and defend the sentence of the Church which testimony giueth euidence enough to belieue that Pope Iohn neuer defined the said controuersy As the Catholick Church guided by the holy Ghost asserteth the Saints reigning with Christ to haue actuall enioyment of blessedness so likwise declareth them to be our Aduocats mediatours and intercessours in the sight of God Although the office of aduocation mediation and intercession (g) Although Rom. S. Christ is said to make intercession for vs neuertheless the Churches custom is not to say Christ pray for vs but Christ haue mercy of vs. Thereby preferring his diuine before his human nature that is we pray vnto him as God and not as man and this Church practice taketh away the occasion of erring with the Arians which denyed the diuinity of our Sauiour Christ is proper to Christ alone as to the most excellent manner thereof for as much as he only without the helpe of man or of any Angel through the proper merits of his own passion and death on the crosle payed the full ransom or price of all sins whereby he reconciled vs to God in respect of which the Apostle calleth him the * Est vnicus mediator Christus ratione scilicet ac medio redemptionis qui proprio sanguine in cruce effuso nos ab inferno à diabolo ira Dei Patris redemit eidem nos reconciliauit●●● est aut● 〈◊〉 solus mediator ratioue medio intercessionis precum onely mediatour between God and man 1. Cor. 2. that is the sole singular mediatour taken in the singular sence of redemption after which sort also he is our sole Aduocate and Patron that by himselfe alone procured for vs mercy in the sight of his diuine Father and truly noe Christian asketh or obtaineth grace in this life or glory in the next but in vertue of his merits neuertheless the Apostles and Saints in Heauen and the faithfull on earth that deale with God by intercession and mediate with Christ by prayer also vnto procuring for vs saluation lay clame rightly to the office of an Aduocate and mediatour taken in a more large sense according to the common vsage of speech and the scriptures euidence as much which attribute the name of mediatour to Moyses Ieremy the Apostles and others as clearly proueth S. Cytill l. 12. Thom. cap. 10. also they giue the name of Sauiour and redemer to meer creatures Iud. 3.92 (h) S. Bernard ser that begins Signum magnum apparuit Teacheth that there is need of a mediatour to the mediatour Christ neither is there any better or more profitable then the Virgin Mary The obedient Virgin Mary saith he is made the aduocate of the inobedient Virgin Eue wherefore the holy Church calleth the Virgin Mary our Aduocate besids S. Greg. Nazian ora ad Grego Nysse asserts that Martyrs are mediatours between vs and God and so teacheth also S. Chrysostome in psal 50. and S. Hierom Epis ad Vigilant cap. 3. if the Apostles saith this great Doctour of the Church and Martyrs inuested with their bodyes did pray for others when they ought to haue been solicitous for themselues they pray rather for vs now being deliuered from their bodyes after their victories crownes and triumphs Again S. Austin Epis ad Paulinum calleth Bishops the peoples Aduocates in as much as they giue them their benediction Esdras 9.27 Act. 7.35 Wherefore Christ is our Aduocate after a far nobler manner then the Saints are Christ maketh intercession for vs in as much as he representeth to his diuine Father his own merits in our fauour The Saints in as much as they offer for vs their prayers through the merits of Christ Christ exhibiteth for vs what is his own Saints offer for vs what is Christs and therfore are but inferiour and secundary intercessours which neuer ask or obtaine any grace for vs but through Christ our lord which is the close of all Church prayers addressed to the blessed Saints in consequence of which the greatness of Christs glory suffereth nothing of preiudice but rather is illustrated thereby since through the immensity of his merits he did not procure only that his own prayers should be graciously heard and accepted in the sight of his diuine Father but likwise the prayers of euery one offered in his name aright in regard wherof the Apostles Martyrs and other Saints that reigne in Heauen hauing here on earth * S. Cypria magnus charorū numerus nos in coelo exspectant .... de sua salute securi pro nostra soliciti espoused the generall interests of their neighbours and after the imitation of Christ their head promote by intercession the spirituall aduantages of all notwithstanding that their own concernments might haue exacted of them their whole employment in the behalfe of themselues being not then certain of heauenly blessedness doubtles whereas now they enioy a full assurance of the crownes of iustice which their victories haue merited their desires to aduance the spirituall interests of their friends on earth abound more and their charity soliciteth more for our admittance into Heauen to be partakers of their inheritance in the light of glory Coloss 1. * Tom. 1. Conciliorum Epis 1. S. Clemens in initio S. Clement in his Epistle to S. Iames called the brother of our lord auerreth that S. Peter encouraging him to accept after his death the gouerment of the Church promised that after his departure he would not cease to make intercession for him and his flock therby to ease him of his pastorall charge Likwise * Ser. 3. in anniuersario die assumptionis S. Leo the great that succeeded in the Church-gouerment ascribeth the good administration therof to the prayers of S. Peter to whom Christ said before his passion and thou being conuerted confirme thy brethren and after his resurrection feed my sheepe my lambs And indeed S. Peter himselfe saith in the first Chap. of his second Epistle that he would endeauour after his decease that the Christians of those dayes might haue frequent remembrance of the things which he had taught them wherby it is euident enough that the Saints departed haue * S. Grego l. 4. dial ca. 33. quid est quod ibi nesciunt vbi scientem omnia sciunt Loquitur de sanctis in caelo Deum clarè intuentibus vnderstanding and memory and in earnest otherwise the comparison Christ made Math. 22. to wit the Saints are as the angels in Heauen had been very impertinent for * Euseb l. 6. cap. 4. refert Potamiena cum iret ad maatyrium promisisse se post mortem suam impetraturam à Deo misericordiam pro Basilide qui fuit vnus ex militibus qui ducebant illā ad locū supplicij the heauenly Angels (i) It appears euidently by Christs owne words Luc. 15. how
5. asserteth touching children that die immediatly after baptism notwithstanding they will receiue aduantages in order to their bodies in the day of generall resurrection But as to Onesiphorus Mr. White perhaps will answer that the Apostle supposeth him dead because in the same Chapter t is said Our lord giue mercy to the house of Onesiphorus Yet that form of speech doth not make him dead for the Apostle sayeth Rom. 10. salute them which are of Aristobulus his house and Mr. White cannot make it appeare by any orthodox writer that then Aristobulus was dead again the same Apostle 1. Cor. 10. writeth thus now brethren I beseech you ye know the house of Stephanus and Fortunatus be you obedient vnto such and yet it is certaine that Stephanus and Fortunatus were liuing at that time for the Apostle saith in the same Chapter I am glad of the coming or presence of Stephanus and Fortunatus Howeuer the Latine and Greek Martyrologes ought to carrie more weight with wise and iudicious men then Mr. Whites meer asserting the contrary But let his supposall be admitted gratis what doth he infer thence Mary that the soul of Onesiphorus bath not already found that mercy the Apōstle prayed our lord might grant vnto him because the Apostle praid that Onesiphorus might find it in illo die in that day In earnest a manifest weake inference in regard it relies on a false supposall as the former did viz. that of necessity by illo die thay day is meant the day of generall iudgment neither doth Mr. White produce any proofe besids his own bare assertion to shew that to be the Apostles meaning nor indeed can he produce any for both the words that day as likwise euen the words the day of our lord doe commonly signifie in scripture and namly 1. Cor. 5. 2. Cor. 1. Philip. 1. 1. Thes 2. as doe * Doctores Rhemenses in Annot a. super cap. 3. Epis 1. ad Cor. obserue Catholicke writers either the particular or generall iudgment And doubtless the mentioned Text of the Apostle is truly very fied in respect of particular judgment where vnto euery man is liable immediatly after his death because euery one shall be iudged in the generall iudgment according to the account he giues after his death at the particular tribunall of diuine Iustice and not only the fauour that a soul findeth in the generall iudgment but also the fauour that it finds at the particular iudgment is called in the scripture mercy both the one and the other being shown vpon the score of good works which proceed from the mercyfull grace of God through the merits of our lord Iesus-Christ Hereby plainly appeareth the vnquietness of Mr. Whits hawty spirite for as much as through a sacrilegious ambition he endeauours to wrest the Apostles words to ouerthrow the common practice of the whole Church of God Moreouer in persuance of his vnquiet ambition he passeth from this scripture-text vnto Church Lyturgies bearing himselfe confident to euidence thereby that the vnanimous consent of antiquitie witnes plainly on his side Let S. Iames be our first witness saith he in his lyturgy of the Hierosolymitan Church be mindfull lord God of the spirits and their bodyes whom we haue commemorated or not commemorated who were orthodox from the iust Abell to this present day Thou grant them there to rest in the region of the liuing in thy kingdom in the delights of paradise And to assure the reader that the Hierosolymitan Church which by origine is the Cheif in as much as she begun from the iust Abell could not exclude any he produceth S. Cyrills testimony for which he citeth his first catechesis next faith S. Cyril for the holy Fathers and Bishops departed and of all vniuersally who are dead from amongst vs. The second witness S. Basils Mass or lyturgy Bee mindfull also of all who haue slept in hope of resurrection vnto life euerlasting The third witnes S. Chrys Mass or lyturgy For the memory and remission of their sins who were the founders of this habitation worthy of eternall memory and all who haue slept in thy communion in the hope of resurrection and life eternall our orthodox Fathers and brethren The fourth witness S. Marks Mass or lyturgy Giue rest our lord our God to the souls of our Fathers and brethren who haue slept in the faith of Christ mindfull of our Ancestours from the begining of the world Fathers Patriarks Prophets Apostles Martyrs Confessors Bishops Saints and iust men all the souls of Those who departed in the faith of Christ and moreouer of those whose memory this day we celebrate and our holy Father Marke the Euangelist to the souls of all these giue rest our supream lord and God in thy holy Tabernacle c. and he concludes saith Mr. White to their souls grant rest and admit them to the kingdom of Heauen The fift witnes S. Greg. the great his lyturgy Remember also o lord thy seruants who haue gone before vs with the sign of faith and now rest in the sleep of peace To them our lord and all that rest in Christ wee beseech the grant a place of ease and light and peace From the witnesses set down Mr. White argueth thus So many Patriarchall Churches continually in their publick lyturgyes beseech God in generall tearmes to giue saluation to all the faithfull departed assigning them a place of ease light and peace and where none is excepted all are included and in our case eminent Saints particularly named we cannot therefore doubt but that prayer was anciently offered for the blessed that is to say we cannot doubt but that the ancient Churches offered prayers for such as departed in the faith of Christ that they might find mercy saluation place of ease light and peace euen after their souls were beatified these aduantages according to Mr. White being the motiues on which ancient Churches grounded their prayers suffrages and sacrifices which they offered for such as were already blessed that they might find mercy place of ease light and peace which implies manifest weakness for he contradicts himselfe since blessedness is a clear sight of God importing of necessity saluation mercy place of ease light and peace Wherfore it seems a strang thing that vpon such premises he should conclude with soe much confidence as if the point were euidently clear that the anciēt lyturgyes acknowleged prayers for the blessed as to procuring them mercy saluation place of ease light and peace besides it s not as to reason consonant that the said lyturgyes should require the prayers and sacrifices of the faithfull on earth for the aduantages of the blessed in Heauen since these (m) As to the Churches lyturgyes it is obseruable 1. That in Saint Iames lyturgy these words are set down Let vs celebrate the memory of the most holy immaculate most glorious Mother of God and euer Virgin Mary and of all the Saints that through their prayers vve may obtaine