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A43153 The English rogue continued in the life of Meriton Latroon, and other extravangants comprehending the most eminent cheats of most trades professions. The second part. Licensed Feb. 22. 1669; English rogue. Part 2. Head, Richard, 1637?-1686? 1680 (1680) Wing H1249AA; ESTC R216596 218,882 355

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lived piously but his successors did not so but committed so much wickedness that God again destroyed the world ●y the opening of the earth which swallowed up all mankind ●ut a few of the four Tribes who were left to new people the world again and this was the conclusion of the third Age. At the beginning of t●e fourth Age there was one Kistney a famous Ruler and pious King who wonder●ully promoted Religion Vistney was now taken ●p into Heaven there being no further need of his preservation ●or when this Age is concluded there shall be a full end of all things The Brammanes suppose this Age shall be longer then any of the rest in the end whereof Ruddery shall be taken ●p into Heaven these four ages they call by these four names Curtain Duauper Tetrajoo and Ko●ee they hold the manner of these last judgements shall be by fire when all shall be destroyed and so the four Ages of the world shall be destroyed by the four Elements And then shall Ruddery carry up the souls of all people to Heaven with him to rest in Gods bosom but the bodyes shall all perish so that they believe not the resurrection for they say Heaven being a place that is pure they hold it cannot be Capable of such gross substances This is the sum of the Banians Religion wherein you find much of fancy and conceit as to make it be so Antient and the number four to be used so often as you have heard the meaning of the three Creatures I suppose alludes to the Trinity but instead of a confirmation and proof of a Trinity they would make a Quaternity thereof In the name I suppose they as well as other Nations who differ from us in Religion had read over our Bible and supposing that but fictions were resolved to make a Law of their own to be somewhat like that of ours which how they have done you have already heard I shall now likewise give you a brief account of the Religion used by the Persees and so put an end to this Chapter These Persees are a People discended from the antient Persians who lived in much splendor but wars coming among them they were dissipated and the Mah●m●tans who invaded them compelled several to leave their antient Religion for that of the Mahometan which they refusing exposed themselves to a voluntary banishment and therefore carried what of their substanee they could with them they sought for a new pla●e of habitation and at length found it in this Country where they now inhabit being admitted ●o use their own Religion but yielding themselves in subjection to the government of the Nation and paying homage and t●ibute their Religion being different from the rest of the Inhabitants I shall thus describe to you Th●● affirm that before any thing was there was a God who made the Heavens and the Earth and all things therein conteined at six times or labours and between each labour ●e rested five dayes first He made the Heavens with their Orbs adorned with great lights and lesser as the Sun Moon and Stars also the Angels whom he placed in their several orders according to their dignities which place he ordained to be for the habitations of such as should live holy in this life this being done he rested five days Then he made Hell in the lower parts of the world from which he banished all light and comfort wherein were several Mansions that exce●ded each other in dolour propo●tioned for the degrees of Offenders about which time Lucifer the chief of Angels with other of his Order conspiring against God to agin the Sover●ignty and command over all God threw him first from the Orb of his happine●s together with his confederates and complices damned him to Hell the ●lace that was made for Offenders and turn'd them from their glorious shapes into shapes black ugly and deformed till the end of the world when all o●fenders shall receive punishment this was the second labour After this God created the earth and waters making this world like a ball in that admirable manner that now it is this was the third labour The fourth was to make the Trees and Herbs the fifth was to make Beasts Fowles and Fishes and the sixth and last Man and Woman whose names were Adamah and Evah and by these the world was propagated in this manner God as they affirm did cause Evah to bring forth two twins every day for a thousand years together and none dyed Lucifer being malicious and endeavouring to do mischief God set certain Supervisors over his creatures Hamull had charge of the Heavens Acob of the Angels Foder of the Sun Moon and Stars Soreb of the Earth Josah of the Waters Sumbolah of the Bea●●s of the Field Daloo of the Fish of the Sea Rocan of the Tree Cooz of Man and Woman and Settan and Asud were Guardians of Lucifer and other evil spirits who for all that did some mischief the ●ins of men occasioned the destruction of the world by a flood which spared only a few to people the Earth which was done accordingly and this is their opinion o● the Creation a●d first Age. As to their Religion it was given them by a Law-giver whose name was Zerto●st whose birth was strange and breeding and visions miraculous the names of his Father and Mother were Espintaman and Do●oo he was born in China and great fame going of him when young the King of that Country endeavoured his destruction but could not bring it to pas● for those who were sent to destroy him had their sinews shrunk he being twelve or thirteen years of age was taken with a great sickness the King hearing the●eof sent Physitians to destroy him but Zertoost sensible of their practice re●u●e● their Physick and fled with his Father and Mother into Persia in his way meeting with Rivers he congeal'd them to ice and so went over he arrived at Persia in the time of the Reign of K. Gustasph it was in that Country that at his request to God he being purified was carried up into Heaven where he heard the Almighty speaking as in flames of fire who revealed to him the works of the Creation and what was to come and gave him Laws for the better government and e●tablishment of Religion Zertoost desired to live always that he might instruct the wo●ld in Religion but God answered That if he should live never so long yet Lucifer would do more ●a●m then he should do good but if he desired to live long as the World endured he might God also presented to Zertoo●● the seven ages o● times of the Persian Monarchy the first was the Golden age the d●ys of Guiomaras second the Silver the days of Fraydhun third the Brazen the days of Kaykobod the fourth the Tin the days of Lorasph fifth Leaden the days of Bahaman sixth the Steel the days of Darah Segner the seventh the Iron Age in the Reign of Yesdegerd He finding by this
must never eat and drink excessively 9. That he fear no body but God and sin and not fear what Lucifer can do to him 10. That God having given him power in matters of the soul therefore when any Man sins he may tell him of it be he never so great and every man is to obey him as one that speaketh not his own cause but Gods 11. That he be able to discern in what manner God comes to reveal himself in what manner Lucifer 12. That he reveal not what God madifesteth to him by Visions 13. That he keep an ever-living fire that never may ●o out which being kindled by that fire that Zertoost brought from Heaven may endure for all ages till fire shall come to destroy all the world and that he say his prayers over it This is a Summary of those precepts contained in the book of their Law that Zertoost is by them affirmed to bring from heaven and that Religion which Guslasph with his followers embraced perswaded by the afore-mentioned miracles wrought by Zertoost amongst them The 3 d. particular in this Tract is the rights and ceremonies observed by this Sect differencing them from others First Though their Law allows them great libe●ty inmeats and drinks yet because they will not displease the Banians and Moors they abstain from Kine and Hogs-flesh they eat alone and drink in several Cups 2. They observe 6 Feasts in the year according to the 6 works of the Creation 3. As for their Fasts after every one of the●● Feasts they eat but one Meal a day for 5 days tog●ther and when they eat Flesh they carry part of ●t to the Temple as an offering Their worship of Fire is taken from Z●rt●●●ts bringing it from Heaven and it being enjoyned them for the nature of it that which he brought c●●ld not be extinguished whether that be prefer●ed is unknown but upon effect thereof they are licensed to compose a fire of several mixtures which is o● e●en sorts when they meet about that ceremony bestowed on this Fire the Defloore or Herbood together with the Assembly encompass it about and ●●andi●g about 11 or 12 foot distance the De●loore or H●●●ood uttereth this speech That forasmuch as 〈◊〉 was ●●l●vered to Zertoost their Law-giver from God ●lmigh●y who pronounced it to be his vertue and excel●●nce that therefore they should reverence it and not abuse 〈◊〉 the ordinary use thereof as to put water in it or spit in it c. At the birth of a child the Dacoo or Churchman is sent for who calculates the Nativity of the Child and the Mother names it without ●ny ceremony ●f●●r this it is carried to the Church and water is p●●r●d thereon and prayer used That God would cleanse it from the uncleanness of the Father and menstruous pollutionis of the Mother At 7 years of age he is led by the Parents into the Church to have Confirmation where he is taught Prayers and instructed in Religion and being washed he is cloathed in a Linnen Cassock and other habits which he ordinarily wears and so is admi●ted into their Sect. They have a five-fold kind of marriage for which they have several terms the most singular is that of hiring a mans Son or Daughter to be matched to their dead Daughter or Son with whom they are contracted The ceremony observed in their Marriages is performed at Midnight not in the Church but upon a bed by two Church-men one in behalf of the man the other in behalf of the Woman who ask if they are willing to be married and they joyn hands the man promising to provide for the Woman and give her some Gold to bind her to him and the woman promiseth all she hath is his then the Churchmen scattering rice prays that they may be fruitful and so they conclude celebrating the marriage feast for 8 days together As for burial they have two places or Tombs built of a round form a pretty height from the ground within they are paved with stone in a shelving manner in the midst a hollow pit to receive the consum'd bones about the walls are the shrowded sheeted carkasses laid both of men and women exposed to the open Air. These 2 Tombs are distant from one another the one is for good livers the other for the wicked When any are sick unto death the Herbood is sent for who prays in the eares of the sick man when he is dead he is carried on anIron biere all who accompany them are interdicted all speech only the Churchman when the dody is laid in the burial place saith thus Thi● our Brother whilst he lived consisted of the 4 Elements now he is dead let each take his own Earth to Earth Air to Air Water to Water and Fire to Fire This done they pray to Sertun and Asud that they would keep the Devils from their deceased Brother when he repairs to their holy fire to purge himself for they suppose the Soul wandreth three days on the earth in which time Luoifer molesteth it for security from which molestation it flyes to their ●ire seeking preservation here which time concluded it receiveth justice or reward Hell or Heaven and therefore they for those three days offer up Prayers Morning Noon and Night that God would be merciful to the Soul departed and forgive his sins After three days are expired they make a Festival and conclude their mourning CHAP. III. The Arrival of the English Fleet his entertaining of six Engl●sh-men an account of whose Adventures is promised him by one of the Company The Travell●r describeth the place of his birth and Parents the death of his elder Brother and how through the perswasions of his Father he resolved to follow thieving I Had now spent several Months in my Voyage by Sea perambulations by Land and observations of the Country in general and this more particular discovery of the Laws and manner both of Civil and Eccle●iastical of the Inhabitants a just account whereof I have given you in the foregoing Chapters And now we daily expected the return of Ships from England and therefore every one provided to be ●urnished with all things necessary against their arrival The Merchants who were re●ident on shore had every day several sorts of commodities brought out of the Country in Waggons drawn by Oxen so that their Store-houses were filled and I for my part prov●ded my self with all sorts of Liquor and Victuals that the Country afforded All the time usual the Fleet arrived which cnosisted of 4 ●hips whereof 3 was on the account of the Company and the 4th by their permission came a● an Interloper those that came on the account of the company were provided with all things necessary by the order of the Consul or President and the other Ships company being left to shift for themselves took up my house for their quarters The chief of the company that lodged with me consisted of 6 persons two whereof seemed to be very