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A36537 The Christians defense against the fears of death with seasonable directions how to prepare our selves to dye well / written originally in French by Char. Drelincourt ; and translated into English by M. D'Assigny. Drelincourt, Charles, 1595-1669.; D'Assigny, Marius, 1643-1717. 1675 (1675) Wing D2160; ESTC R227723 400,653 577

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like to vanity his days are as a shadow that passeth away Psal 144. and say as David I am gone as the shadow when it declineth Psal 109. If thou hearest the roaring of the Winds that God taketh out of his Storehouses Lift up thy Soul unto God thy Creator and say with Job Job 7. Remember that my life is but a wind mine eye shall no more see good Job 30. that is the imaginary Good of this miserable World And elsewhere Thou liftest me up to the wind thou causest me to ride upon it and dissolvest my substance If thou takest any delight in the sight of Birds that fly in the Air Let this excellent thought enter into thy mind My days are passed away as the Eagle that hasteth to the prey Job 9. If thou lookest up to the Glory and Beauty of the Heavens and seest the ravishing light of the Stars consider that thy God who hath form'd thee after his Image is so good and noble that he will not suffer thee to dwell for ever or perish amongst this slimy and miserable Earth but to dwell with him for ever in the Heavens and that at the end of thy Race he will raise and carry thee into the Palace of his Glory where thou shalt shine as the Sun in its greatest splendor If thou dost meditate upon the changeableness of the seasons remember that the spring of thy infancy the hot Summer of thy Youth the Autumn of thy Maturity and the sad countenanc'd Winter of thy cold and decrepid age shall succeed one another in the same order Let him who travels by Land think upon Job's complaint My days have been swifter than a Post they flee away they see no good Job 9. Let him call to mind the Apostles excellent saying This one thing I do forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forth unto those things which are before I press forwards towards the mark for the prize of the high Calling of God in Christ Jesus Phil. Let him who sails upon the Sea fancy the whole World as a great Sea tost up and down with several furious Waves our Life as a dangerous Voyage and our Days as Ships that pass away in a moment and let him consider that the last breath of Death will drive us into the Haven of Eternal Felicity to the enjoyment of immortal Glory Job 9. Doth God bless us with Children let us understand that we are minded by them of our Mortality for they come to take our room and to succeed to our Estate Doth God take them away to his Rest and those of whom we are most fond Let this advertise us That God intends thereby to cut off all the lower Roots that tye us to this Earth to unloose our hearts and affections that we may offer them up to him alone Instead of spending our selves in Tears and indulging our foolish humour in needless displeasures Let us comfort our selves with this consideration That by this means a part of our selves is enter'd into Heaven and that tother part will follow apace Let us say with David We shall go to them but they shall not return to us 2 Sam. 11. Let the Rich Man when he reckons his Money remember that God hath reckon'd and appointed his days and let this Order sound continually in his Ear Give an account of thy Stewardship Luke 16. Let the Magistrate when ever he delivers his Vote or pronouce a Sentence be arm'd with this consideration That he who sits in the Judgement Seat here below shall stand at the Bar and be judged himself above That one day he shall appear as a poor prisoner at the Tribunal of his great God That the Books will be open'd and that the universal Judge of the World will peruse every particular of his accusation That he must tender an account not only of his words and actions but also of his most secret thoughts and that without any examination at the Rack God will discover the very bottom of his heart Let the Gentleman whenever he receives his Rents and his Revenues call to mind the Tribute that he must needs pay to death Let the Prince and the Lord when he handles his Royal Parents and his antient Charters or when he examines the Homage and Duties to be paid to his House and Family take notice that he must go in person to Heaven Gates and pay his Homage to the Divinity Let the King who sits in his Seat of Justice or Chair of State think upon the Throne of the King of Kings before which he must appear as well as the most wretched Caitiff and the meanest of his subjects and that he must give account before a just God who is no respecter of Persons Let the Minister be never employed about the Duties of his Function but let him Long and wish for that happy day in the which the Lamb shall instruct and feed him in person and lead him to the Fountains of living water Let the Christian Soldier engrave upon his Sword this Sentence of Job Is there not as it were a warfare appointed to all Mortals on Earth Job 7. And instead of thirsting after humane blood let him prepare to encounter with Deathit self Let the Husbandman when ever he sows his Seed or when he reaps the Corn of his Fields be mindful of the season that comes on apace in which his Body must ●ot in the Earth that it might grow up to Eternity Let him think upon what St. Paul saith O fool that which thou sowest is not quickened except it dye 1 Cor. 15. and let him meditate upon Davids comfortable perswasions They who sow in Tears shall reap with Songs of Triumph Psal 126. Let an Handy craftsman that works in his shop imprint in his mind this excellent Sentence Our days are like the days of an hireling and when he hath ended his Task and that he is departing to his Rest let him comfort himself with this assurance That assoon as he shall have ended that work that God hath given him to do he shall rest from all his labors Job 7. When ever the Physitian visits his Patient or when the Chyrurgeon tends upon his wounded Bodies let them consider that they have no Secret nor Art able to protect them from Death or to cure the wounds that it strikes in our corruptible Nature Let the most cunning Lawyers the most advised Counsellors and the most eloquent Orators remember that all their Rhetorick and subtilty will never obtain for them their Suit against Death nor procure a moment of respite and delays And let the most Learned Philosophers learn That the soundest Philosophy is the meditation of Death In short What ever be our Imployment Condition or Age let us lift up our minds and hands unto God to speak to him in the Language of the Prophet David Lord let me know my end and the number of my days that I may know how long I am to live Or of Moses So teach
at break of day when the Sun riseth upon our heads but rather looseth all obscurity and darkness which the presence of the Sun drives away untill it be perfectly enlightened Likewise our understanding shall loose nothing of that light and perfection which it receives now from the breaking of the day of Gods Grace but as the Son of Righteousness riseth upon i● more and more in joy and Salvation it shall perfectly loose all Darkness and Ignorance by degrees until it be fully enlightned From hence it seems we may conclude that we shall know all the persons in Heaven whom we have known here below on Earth for if the glorified shall remember the wicked who have Tormented them they must needs remember also Believers who have bestowed upon them their Alms and done them good If it were otherwise the Apostle St. Paul would not tell the Corinthians We are your glory as also you are ours at the day of the Lord Jesus And he would not write thus to the Thessalo What is our hope our joy and our Crown of Glory Is it not you before the Lord Jesus Christ at his coming verily you are our glory and our joy Now if in the estate of Glory St. Paul should not know the Corinthians and Thessalo unto whom he had Preached the Gospel how shall they be his Joy his Glory and his Crown at the coming of the Lord Jesus This reason seems to me as clear as the Sun Nevertheless I cannot affirm that in Heaven we shall know again them whom we have known upon Earth by the features of their countenance for there shall be a wonderful alteration The faces of all the Saints shall be so beautiful so perfect and so full of light and glory that the most knowing shall not be able to judge them to be the same whom we have seen upon Earth Some therefore fancy that we shall know one another by the assistance of the discourse but our voice shall then be changed as well as our countenance and it is doubtful whether we shall discourse of the former things happened on Earth for our chief employment shall be to behold Gods face and to sing forth his praises I had rather therefore affirm that we shall know one another by an infused knowledge by which we shall know all things which are possibly to be known and by the light of that glory with which God shall fill our Souls In short this knowledge shall proceed from no other principle then that of all the knowledges which we shall have in that State of Glory and Perfection I am therefore more than fully perswaded that we shall know in Heaven our Parents and our Friends and generally all the persons whom we have known here below but we shall also perfectly know them whom we never knew in the World and never saw with he eyes of the flesh We shall know the holy and Blessed Virgin Mary the Patriarks the Prophets the Apostles the Evangelists the Confessors the Martyrs and generally without exception all the Saints who shall be Crowned with Glory and joy in Heaven There is no body can question but that in the Celestial Paradice we shall have more knowledge and understanding then ever Adam had in the earthly Now when God caused a deep sleep to fall upon him when he took one of his Ribs and formed therewith a Woman he had seen none of this done nevertheless when his eyes were open he knew her therefore he declared his judgement in this manner This is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh And shall not we when God shall rouse us up from the deep sleep of Death with the sound of the last Trumpet know the Spouse of the Son of God which he hath drawn out of his side and fashioned with his own precious Blood St. Peter when he was enlightned by a beam of our Saviours Glory in his transfiguration knew Moses and Elias whom he had never seen before And shall not we know all the Children of God upon Mount Sion when we shall be transfigured our selves and that we shall shine all as the heavenly light whereof that of Mount Tabor was but an imperfect shadow and representation But although we shall know in Heaven all the persons whom we have known on Earth we shall look upon them in another manner and love them with another affection for all that we have of the animal and earthly life shall be totally abolished and as our knowledge shall be clear and certain our love shall be pure and heavenly I am not able to express this better than St. Paul doth in these words Although I have known Christ according to the flesh nevertheless I know him no more according to the flesh Christians consider well these expressions they will be able to remove all difficulty and doubts out of your minds We are all fully perswaded that all the Inhabitants of Heaven shall know very well our Lord Jesus Christ for how can it be otherwise but that we must know this glorious Monarch of Men and of Angels whose sacred countenance shall shine as the Sun and who shall sit upon his Magnificent Throne about which Legions of Seraphims flie and who shall be there adored for ever by all the Church glorified Nevertheless St. Paul saith That although he hath known Jesus Christ according to the flesh That is to say according to the manner of this low and earthly life when he lived here on Earth at present he did not know him in the same manner he did not consider him otherwise but as he is at present invested with an unspeakable Glory and splendor In the same manner although we shall know all them whom we have known on Earth we shall no more know them according to the flesh that is to say according to this animal and sensual life our love shall have nothing of earthly or carnal but it shall be altogether Spiritual and Heavenly I beseech you Christians consider well what St. Math. tells us in 22. Chap. The Saduces who say that there is no Resurrection came to Christ to intangle him with this difficult question Master Moses said if a Man Die having no Children his Brother shall Marry his Wife and raise up seed unto his Brother Now there were with us seven Brethren and the first when he had Married a Wise Deceased and having no Issue left his Wife unto his Brother likewise the second also and the third unto the seventh and last of all the Woman Died also therefore in the Resurrection whose Wife shall she be of the seven for they all had her Our Saviour answers not that this Woman shall belong to none of those Husbands because they shall not know her nor distinguish her from other Women but he replyes to them you err not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God for in the Resurrection they neither Marry nor are given in Marriage but are as the Angels of God in Heaven From hence
by the Root then are hewen down of old and overgrown Trees O that I might have always in my mind this consideration That a greater number of Babes and Children are buried than of old Men and that the first person who was dead and buried in the Earthly Paradise was but a young Man in the flower of his Age. Great God of the Spirits of all flesh wean my Heart and Affections from the World from all deceitful Pleasures and from these inferior Vanities that I may find in thee all my Joy and my most ravishing Delights Let me not feed my fancy with the vain hopes of having yet many years to spend in ease and in the pleasure of this life but let me remember that there is no part of it free from evils from crosses cares and displeasures That the greenest Fruit hath many times a secret Worm that devours it as well as the rip●st and that the freshest blossom hath prickles as well as the most flourishing or decaying Roses The more I shall live in this miserable and corrupted Age the more evil I shall suffer and the more bitterness I shall drink and the more I shall spot my Soul and offend my God I shall have liv'd sufficiently if I have learnt to live well and to prepare to dye well I shall do both if thine Holy Word become my guide and if thine Holy Spirit Sanctify me and Direct me in thy Will which is Good Holy Pleasant and Perfect Assist and strengthen me O Lord that I may find thy Yoke easy and thy burden light O good God if thou prolongest my days increase in me the Riches of thy Grace and enflame my Soul with thy Love but if thou dost cut me off betimes let me not be so great an Enemy to my self as to be sorry because thou wilt so soon transport me into an happy and immortal Estate because thou art pleas'd to abridge my Labors to put a period to the cruel War against my filthy Lusts and to bestow upon me the Crown in the middle of my Race I shall obtain sufficient Glory and Comfort if thou dost grant me strength enough to overcome the Devil vanquish Death and triumph over the Enemies of my Salvation O let me not be so mad and foolish to lament for the loss of a moment that flies away apace Seeing thou dost promise to introduce me into an Eternity where there is no alteration nor shadow of change and where thou shalt bless me with an eternal flourishing and happy Youth O my good God I am ready to Glorify thee either in Death or in Life seeing that thy Son Jesus Christ is to me gain whether I live or whether I dye Amen A Prayer and Meditation for Old Age. O God the Antient of days and Father of Eternity it is thy pleasure that in every Season and Age thy Children be prepared for Death I have therefore good cause O Lord to prepare and dispose my self for that last hour I who have already a foot in the Grave Grant I beseech thee that the more this outward Man decays the more the inward man may be renewed day by day That this weak and infirm Body that stoops towards the Earth teach me to lift up my Mind and thoughts towards Heaven Grant that old Age that hath furrowed my Face and wrinkled my Skin may also wipe off all the spots of my Soul and drive from my Heart all displeasure and grief That Age that causes my Knees to quiver and whitens my Skin may strengthen my Faith and refresh my Hope and Assurance upon thee and that Death that pursues me close at the heels may cause me to seek a shelter under the protection of the Prince of Life O Soveraign Lord of Heaven and Earth thou seest the pitiful condition unto which I am reduc'd I am become a trouble to my self and useless in the world my Soul is weary of its abode by reason of the griefs that it endures for I do but lead a dying Life or rather a living Death My Good God and Creator I have been under thy protection before I was born from the Womb of my Mother thou hast bin my God and assured Refuge Thou O Gracious Lord hast bless'd my Infancy and Youth and crown'd all my years with thy Fatherly Grace and loaden me with thy Blessings Leave me not I pray thee in my white and decrepid old Age and now that my strength faileth be thou the Rock of my Soul and the strength of my Life My years are pass'd as a Torrent of Waters at present I am nothing but the shadow of a shadow that ceaseth to be but thou art always the same and thy years shall never fail As thou hast no beginning thou shalt never have an end Renew my days as the Eagles Animate I beseech thee and quicken this Death these Ashes that I carry but rather reach to me thy hand and take me out of this Dwelling of Clay that rots and decays with age into thine Heavenly Jerusalem I have lost all tast of earthly Meats and Drink It is now high time that thou shouldest satiate me with the Dainties of thy Holy Table and give me to drink of the Wine of thy Kingdom I am already as out of the World my life holds but by a weak string O Gracious Lord now let thy Servant depart in Peace according to thy word for mine Eyes have seen thy Salvation Amen CHAP. 9. The Third Remedy against the fears of Death is to consider that God hath appointed the time and the manner of our Death EIther we are Hypocrites who draw near unto God with our Lips and honor him with our Tongues whilst our Heart is far from him Matth. 14. as we must desire the accomplishment of the Will of God and resigne our selves wholly to it for every day we say to him in our Prayers Thy will be done in Earth as it is in Heaven Therefore we cannot abhor nor fly from Death so cowardly if we be rightly perswaded as we ought That God hath limited the Time and appointed the manner of our Death That which moves us for the most part to complain of this last Enemy is a continual eye that we have sixed upon the Flesh and its Power and a too great confidence upon second causes We are like the dog that bites at the stone that strikes him for we commonly curse the means that God employs to call and withdraw us out of the World It will easily appear that God hath numbred our days and that by his wonderful and eternal Wisdom he hath decreed the hour and moment of every mans death for besides what our Saviour Christ saith in general That God hath reserv'd the Times and the Seasons in his own power Acts 1. Job tels us expresly The days of Man are determined the number of his months are with thee thou hast appointed his bounds that he cannot pass Job 14. The Royal Prophet speaks to the same purpose
and consider what thou art I am astonished and the sight of thy Divine Majesty frights me for I am but Dust and Ashes and my Being is less than nothing but thou art infinite in thy Being and Glory the Heaven is thy Throne and the Earth is thy Footstool I am cloathed with darkness but thou dwellest in a light that no man can approach unto How dare I that am all covered with sin draw near unto thee who art the Holy of Holies and Holiness it self How can I that am but dry Straw and Stubble stand before an everlasting burning O God of Gods if I did see thee sitting upon the Throne of thy Glory as Judge of thousand thousands of immortal Spirits wait upon thee and ten thousand Millions worship thee if I did see thee armed with Thunderbolts encompassed with Flames of Fire like to those of Mount Sinai I should not be only afraid but I should fall into despair Instead of drawing near to thee I should fly from thee as Adam and endeavour to hide my self from thine Eyes that cannot suffer the sight of evil I should cry out as Moses I am afraid and I tremble all over Or as the Prophet Isaiah Woe is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean Lips and I dwell in the midst of a People of unclean Lips Isai 6. Or it may be I may say with the Holy Apostle Depart from me for I am a sinful Creature But good God I see that thy Throne so full of Glory is encompassed about with a Rainbow of an immortal and a refreshing Colour I see in it the undoubted assurances of my Peace and Eternal Reconciliation with thee therefore I dare go to it with confidence as to the Throne of Grace to obtain Mercy and find Grace to be helped in time of need Although thou art Clothed with Majesty and Crowned with Glory thou dost stretch out unto me the Golden Scepter of thine infinite Mercies I see that thou hast put off the Arms of thy Justice and Vengeance to put on the Bowels of Love and Compassion I hear no more over my Head the dreadful Thunder of thy Curses but I hear the still voice of thy Mercy that comforts my trembling Soul that raiseth up my drooping Spirit and that causeth me to conceive the assured hopes of Happiness and Glory in thine Heavenly Paradise I see no more about thee the grievous flames and burnings to devour sinful Men but I perceive the pleasant and refreshing flames of thy Love that rejoyce and comfort me and that do not destroy me as they did the two Captains and Soldiers of Ahaziah but they carry me up to Heaven as the Prophet Elijah was The spirit which thou hast given me is not the Spirit of Bondage to encline me to fear but the spirit of Adoption whereby I cry Abba Father It is this spirit that witnesseth with my spirit that I am thy Child thy Heir and Co-heir with thy Holy Son Jesus Seeing thou hast reconciled me to thy self by the Bloud of thy Beloved Son when I was a Slave of Satan and thy sworn Enemy now that I am so nearly related to thee wouldest thou refuse me mine Inheritance O my God my Heavenly Father I know that I have grievously offended thee and that if thou didst treat me exactly according to thy Justice of a thousand Articles I could not answer one therefore I should have cause to expect to be cast into the Eternal Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels but Lord thou dost not desire the death of a sinner but rather that he should turn to thee and live Moreover thou hast confirmed this with an oath and thou wilt never break it I confess that my sins are many and that their hainousness appears unto me day and night but Lord where sin abounds thy Grace or thy Mercy superabounds and when mine iniquities should be as red as Vermilion thou hast promised to render them as white as Snow Thou shalt be moved for me with the same compassion as a Father is moved for his Child and thou wilt put away from thee all mine offences as far as the East is from the West O my Soul why art thou afflicted why dost thou fret within me return to thy Rest my Soul for the Lord hath done thee good he prepares for thee an Eternal Felicity It is not Death's voice that I hear but the Call of mine Heavenly Father who invites and commands me to come away to him Therefore though I am a most miserable sinner I am going to cast my self at thy feet and to say to thee as the prodigal Child Father I have sinned against Heaven and against thee and am no more worthy to be called thy Son O my God and Father thou hast bestowed upon me thy most Divine Favours thy greatest Riches and Blessings nevertheless I have been estranged from thee and have unhappily abused all thy Mercies I have too much given my self over to the debaucheries of the Flesh and of the World evil company hath corrupted my behaviour so that from the sole of the Foot to the crown of the Head there is nothing whole in me In this miserable Estate I fly to thee my Judge for Mercy or rather I implore and intreat with all my Heart thy Fatherly Love to have compassion of me O Divine Flames O Abysse of Charity O God whose tenderness for me is far greater than that of the best Fathers and of the most tender hearted Mothers for their Babes I see thy Bowels move for me thy compassions kindle and thy Arms wide open to receive me thou art not only ready to embrace me but thou meetest me in the way not only as the Father of the prodigal Son thou dost not only receive me but thou hast sought me out in my former abode of corruption and drawn me out of those depths of Misery O unparalell'd Love what may not I expect from thy Fatherly kindness thou shalt embrace me with the Arms of thy Mercy and kiss me with the kisses of thy Love thou shalt confirm my assurance of being admitted into the liberty of thy Children and give unto me a white Stone where thou shalt write the new Name of Elect or Believer that none knows but him that hath it Thou wilt shooe my Feet with the preparation of the Gospel of Peace or rather thou shalt give unto my Soul that peace of God that passeth all understanding Thou shalt put upon me the Robes of fine and white Linnen which are the Righteousness of the Saints and thou shalt cloath me with the Rayes of the Sun of Justice Thou shalt lead me into thy Dwelling I mean thy Glorious Palace where instead of killing the fatted Calfe we shall solemnize the Nuptials of the Lamb offered from the foundation of the World there we shall meet with the Angels the immortal Spirits and all the First-born whose names are written in Heaven who shall not murmure nor
as it is Recorded of St. Stephen that when he had commended his Soul into the hands of the Lord Jesus that he fell asleep Acts 7. Therefore when St. Paul reproves the Cori●thians and acquaints them that God had punished them with divers Diseases and Death because they had profaned the Lords Supper he tells them For this cause many are feeble and sick amongst you and many sleep And when he speaks of all those that were dead in the profession of Christs Religion he saith they sleep in Jesus and he names them they that sleep Now we are not better and nobler then the Saints of Paradise to expect that our Bodies should receive a better and more favourable entertainment then they In short there is nothing more able to remove from our fancy that horror of our Graves then the consideration of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ who is entred into the Earth as well as other Men and hath laid himself down there He hath Sanctified and perfumed that place with his Divine Presence he hath made it the object of our desires and the cause of our glory for there is no Subject but judgeth it an honour to lodge in his Princes Chamber and to lay down and sleep upon the Bed where he hath taken his rest although he hath remained there but a moment or an hour O glorious Tomb where Death and Life Disgrace and Glory are lodged together and where the Prince of Life the Author of all Honor and Happiness did rest himself Christians who desire to banish from your Souls all fears of Death and apprehensions of your Graves look upon your Sepulchres in the same manner as if you should see there Jesus Christ the King of Glory the Prince of your Salvation yet remaining asleep When old Jacob heard the mistaken news of the Death of his Son Joseph he was overcome with a violent grief so that he cryed out I shall go down with Sorrow to my Son into the Grave But the certain news of the Death and Burial of our true Joseph will fill us full of unspeakable comforts and will cause us to speak in another manner I shall go down to my Father into the Sepulcher with Joy The Prophet Elias raised to Life a Child which laid in his Chamber upon his Bed when he stretched himself upon it the Soul that was departed came again And Elisha raised another in the same manner by applying his Mouth to the Childs his Hands and Eyes to the little Infants But believing Soul God works for thee in this occasion a far more wonderful Miracle for our Resurrection and Life proceed from the Death and Burial of our great Prophet If we go into this holy Tomb if we lay our selves down upon this precious Body if we embrace it with a true and living Faith and a serious Repentance he will quicken us again and cause us to become Immortal for he hath been pleased to enter into the estate of the dead with an intent to procure unto us a blessed and a glorious Immortality A Prayer and Meditation for a Christian who strengthens himself against the horrible aspect of the Grave by looking upon our Lord Jesus Christ stretched out in his Tomb. O Wonderful Mediator between God and Man Thou art God Immortal and yet hast vouchsafed to take upon thee our Mortal Nature and to Dye for me miserable Sinner and to remain for a time in the estate of the Dead that thou mightest procure unto me a blessed Immortality Give me Grace to Meditate as I ought upon thy Sacred Body wrapped up in a winding sheet and laid in the Earth for by this means O sweet Jesus I shall be brought not to abhor the Grave I shall look with a stedfast and setled countenance on the Grave digging into which I must enter when thou shalt appoint it for the Servant is not greater then his Master It belongs not to the Creature to lift it self up above the Creator seeing that I expect to share in thy Glory and Exaltation it is but just and reasonable that I take some part in thy Disgraces and Abasement My reason assisted by thine holy Spirit teacheth me that I must be content to be wrapped up in thy Darkness and remain with thee in the valey of the Shadow of Death seeing that I hope to be cloathed one day with Light and Crowned with an eternal Life I must not only look upon the Grave without Fear but I shall consider it with Joy seeing that thou hast honoured it with thine holy presence and perfumed it with thy Divine and celestial perfumes I shall behold it in the same manner as if thou didst yet lye down in it as if I were to keep thee company there my Lord and my God A dead returned to Life again when he did but touch the Bones of thy Prophet but I do not only touch the Prince of Prophets but embrase thee with Faith as thou art dead for my Sins and as resting in thy Grave for my Salvation Thou shalt therefore make me sensible of thy Divine Vertue put in me the Seeds of Immortality and raise my hopes up to Heaven Already my Soul hath a share in the first Resurrection and one day this crazy Body shall return to newness of life If my Resurrection be not so quick and speedy as that of the Dead raised to Life by the Prophet It shall be far more glorious and lasting that I may bless thee with all thy Saints and praise thee for ever with thine Inheritance in Heaven Amen CHAP. 17. The Fifth Consolation against the Fears of Death is to Meditate upon the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ AS there is nothing more grieveous and unsufferable than to behold a proud and insulting Enemy who is alwayes victorious and whom none can overcome in his insolent and braving humor likewise there is nothing more pleasant and comfortable then to see such a pride cast down and to overcome such an Enemy Therefore the Children of Israel who had long groaned under the cruel tyranny of Pharaoh sung with Joy a Song of Triumph and Thanksgiving when God destroyed that wretched Tyrant and Buried him and his Army in the waves of the Red Sea For this cause when the Red Dragon the ancient Serpent called the Devil and Satan Exod. 15. who seduceth whole Nations was overcome and cast down from Heaven to the Earth There were Songs of Joy and Gladness heard in Heaven Revel 12. Now is come Salvation and Strength and the Kingdom of our God and the Power of his Christ for the Accuser of our Brethren is cast down which accused them before our God day and night therefore rejoyce ye Heavens and ye that dwell in them From hence let us conclude Christian Souls as it was a grievous Affliction and a sensible Grief to behold Death tyrannising over all the World and shutting up in its Dungeons Kings and Monarchs Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Martyrs and generally all the
Children of Adam of what condition or degree soever likewise it is a great comfort and unspeakable joy to us to behold this cruel and proud Enemy brought down overcome and disarmed to see our Lord Jesus Christ marching out of Deaths fortifications loaden with its Spoiles rejoyce therefore ye Heavens and ye that dwell in them for the Murderer of our Brethren is swallowed up into Victory We who are the Members of this great Conqueror have a share in his Honour and Glory in his Person we are Conquerors of Death so that we may say with the Apostle That God hath quickened us together and raised us up with him This Prince of Life hath not only loosened all the bands of Death and broken to pieces all its chains but he hath led away Death in Triumph and made it subject to his Celestial Empire He hath an absolute power over Death as he himself declares in these words I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Amen and have the Keys of Hell and of Death For it stands with reason that if this invincible Lord when he was in the Prison of Death commanded over Death itself if he broke in pieces its Iron bars and its Brasen gates if he caused the Dead to go out and led them into the Holy City now that he is out of the Grave a victorious Conqueror he must needs command with an uncontrolable power this dreadful Enemy which he hath already overcome and brought under by his Almighty Hand O Death fret and fume out thy rage and fury I see that thou art tied as a Prisoner to the Triumphing Charriot of Jesus Christ my Saviour and I am certain that thou canst do nothing without leave and that thou canst not go a step unless he lengthens thy Chain As Joshua when he had overcome the Kings of Canaan called for his Captains and spoke to them in this manner Come near and put your feet upon the necks of these Kings fear not nor be dismayed be strong and of good courage Likewise we may imagine believing Souls that our Divine Joshua now that he hath conquered Death calls to us from Heaven tread upon this wretched Death with boldness fear not nor be dismayed The Children of Israel that trembled at the threatnings of Goliah were freed from all apprehensions when they saw him fall with a Stone from Davids sling so that the most timerous could have freely put their feet upon his Neck And shall not you Christians banish from your Hearts all fears and dread of Death now that you see that it is cast down at the feet of our true David the great Shepherd and Bishop of our Souls for although it opens its Jaws and that it fomes out flames of Fire it hath nevertheless received the Stroke of Death and is ready to give up the last gaspe And as the servant of Jonathan the Son of Saul dispatched and killed those whom his Master had cast down Thus we need but pursue the glorious Victories of the Son of the King of Kings or rather we need but gather up the pleasant Fruits of his Conquests for this Prince of Life that hath overcome Death for us offers to overcome it also in us with the Weapons with which he arms us In short to speak properly there can be no Death for such as are Incorporated in Jesus Christ by a true and lively Faith for he that lives and believeth in him shall never Dye and he that believeth in him though he were dead yet shall he live Joh. 11. A Prayer and Meditation for the believing Soul that strengthens it self against the Fears of Death by a Meditation upon the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ LOrd Jesus who hast been fully declared to be the Son of God with power by thy Resurrection from the Dead and who livest for ever and ever strengthen me in my weakness comfort me in my Sorrows and drive from my Soul all Fears and apprehensions of Death O wonderful Saviour I need no longer fear this cruel and proud enemy for thou hast broken all its fetters and chains and hast overcome Death and the Grave O glorious and triumphing Monarch what cause have I to dread a discomfited and disarmed Enemy whom I see lying under thy feet and chained to thy Triumphing Charriot I need but follow the sacred Footsteps of thy Victories and gather its excellent Fruits If thou hast been able to deal with Death when thou wast shut up in a Dungeon if thou didst then bring down its pride and carry away its prisoners what may not I expect from thy Victorious and Almighty Arm now that thou hast in hand the Keys of Hell and of Death O most mighty and merciful Lord Thou hast not only overcome Death for me but thou wilt also overcome it by me who am thy Child and the Sheep of thy pasture whereof thou hast paid the Ransome Thou art not only raised from the Dead but thou art also the Resurrection and the Life Thou the Prince of Life and the Lord of Glory and Immortality so that he that lives and believeth in thee shall never Dye and whosoever believeth in thee though he were Dead yet shall he live Sampson was worthily admired when he slept until midnight rose up and carried away the Gates of Gaza upon his Shoulders up to an high Mountain but who would not admire thee O invincible Nazarite who having slept until the third day in the bowels of the Earth didst rise again by thy Divine Vertue carry away the Gates of Hell and made them to become the Gates of Heaven and the entrance into thy celestial Paradice Let me Dye seeing that my Redeemer liveth and seeing that he intends to introduce me into an happy Life purchased for me with his most precious Blood and secured unto me by his glorious resurrection Amen CHAP. 18. The Sixth Consolation against the Fears of Death is the Ascention of Jesus Christ into Heaven and his sitting at the Right Hand of God IT is a great joy and comfort indeed to behold a cruel and a proud Enemy overcome and disarmed and our selves freed by that means from the heavy yoke of his unsufferable Tyranny but our joy would be turned into grief and our comfort into sadness if we did but perceive at the same time the Author of our Freedome choked with his own Blood and breathing out the last gasp at the moment of his Victory that our Sanctification might be entire and our joy perfect such a Friend to our welfare should continue afterwards alive and receive the Honors and Rewards due to him for such an expression of his Valor and Kindness to us There is no Enemy more cruel and more terrible then Death we have beheld it disarmed upon the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and perfectly vanquished and subdued by his glorious Resurrection But if with the eye of our Faith we look a little higher to behold the glorious
and like unto them that the Children of Israel did eat in the Promised Land In like manner the Fruits that we relish in the Wilderness of this World are Fruits of the Tree of Life with which we shall be fully satisfied in Heaven for the Grace that God bestows upon us here below by his Divine Spirit is the beginning of the Glory with which he shall Crown us above The same Light that shines upon our Souls on Earth shall shine much more for ever in Heaven But whereas we look upon it at present as it were through a black mist with much imperfection then we shall see it clearly without Vail or Darkness The same Holiness that adorns at present our Souls shall be their Ornament and Glory then it shall appear without spot or blemish That same peace of Conscience that preserves our Hearts and Sences shall Crown us above it shall be without the least disturbance In short the same Jesus that is conceived in our Hearts and that is formed and grows in us by degrees shall then appear in a perfect Stature that shall want no more increase As it is with the Sea it enters into the Rivers before the Rivers can run to the Sea in like manner God comes to us before we go to him and Heaven enters into our Souls before we can enter into Heaven Aged Sim●on waited patiently for Death but assoon as he had seen the Saviour of the World and embraced him he ran to meet Death he thought upon nothing but his latter end therefore he prayed most earnestly to receive him into his Glorious Rest O Christian Soul how shouldest thou dispose and prepare thy self to dy seeing thou beholdest with the Eyes of Faith this Blessed Redeemer not wrapped up in Swathling Cloaths but Crowned with an infinite Glory and Light He is not in thine Arms but he lodges in thine Heart thou hast not received him to return or part with him again but to be united unto him for ever and to be incorporated into his mystical Body Seeing therefore that Death brings thee nearer to thy Redeemer perfects this Blessed Union and casts thee into the very Fountain of Life instead of being frighted at her and grieved when it comes to thee thou shouldest then rejoyce and be transported above measure with gladness we should meet this Death with a cheerful countenance I mean that we should meet the Lord Jesus this merciful Prince of Life who having vouchsafed unto thee the sight of his Salvation intends to receive thee into his Rest and Eternal and Glorious Peace that Reigns above in Heaven A Prayer and Meditation of a Christian Soul that strengthens it self against the fears of Death by considering our strict and unseparable Union with Jesus Christ by his Holy Spirit and the First-Fruits in us of our Blessed Immortality O Mighty and Merciful Lord who art the Son of Righteousness and the Fountain of Living Water drive away from me the dark shadows of death and quench all the Fires that it kindles in my Soul thou art not only dead for me but thou art pleased to live in me that I might one day live for ever with thee Thou hast of thy pure Mercy chosen me for thy Child and hast made me a Member of thy Mystical Body Flesh of thy Flesh Bone of thy Bone and caused me to be partaker of thine Holy Spirit God hath not given thee the Spirit by measure that out of thy fulness we might receive Grace for Grace By the means of this Blessed and Infinite Spirit that rests in my Soul I am united unto thee in a more perfect manner than the Tree is to the root that bears it or the Child to its Mother that nourisheth it in her Womb or the Members of the Humane Body to the Head that gives them Life The Ties that unite me unto thee O Glorious Saviour are more unchangeable than the Heavens and the Earth As nothing can pluck me out of thine Hands there is nothing can separate me from thine Heart Whether I live or dye I am thine my Lord and my God and nothing can alter thine affection for me Death can take me out of the World and carry me out of the embraces of my dearest friends but it can never separate me from thine Holy Spirit the Soul of my Soul and the Light of my Life which cannot be put out by all the envious Blasts and Storms of the Prince of Darkness this Holy Spirit will bring me to behold thy Face to rest in thy bosom and unite me unto thee for ever To whom Lord shall I go thou hast the words of Eternal life and thou art the inexhausible Fountain Thou art my Hope and my Treasure my Glory and mine only Happiness O faithful and unquestionable Witness I should be worse than an Infidel if I did call in question my future Salvation and Glory seeing the Father hath not spared thee for me although thou art his only and beloved Son the brightness of his Glory and the express Image of his Person Seeing that thou O merciful Lord hast willingly suffered the most shameful death of the Cross and spilt thy precious Bloud to wash away all my sins and satisfy for my crimes and seeing that thine Holy Spirit is come into my Heart to make me a partaker of that precious Bloud and Seal me for the day of Redemption O Glorious Spirit of my Saviour that rests upon me when I should be able to speak the Language of Angels I could not sufficiently express the wonderful operations that thou dost produce in my Soul thou kindlest in me such Heavenly Flames as never go out but are always alive as the fire of thine Altar Thou formest in me a white Stone where a new Name is written which no man knows but he that receives it Thou givest me to eat of that hidden Manna of that food of Angels that the World knoweth not Thou witnessest with my Spirit that I am a Child of God an Heir of God and a Joynt Heir with Jesus Christ the King of Kings Thou dost not only Seal unto me the pardon of all my Sins but thou dost also purify my Conscience from all dead Works to serve the living God Thou causest me to cry out Abba Father and imprintest in my Heart the Glorious Image of my Heavenly Father Thou art the Seal of my Adoption the earnest of mine uncorruptible Inheritance prepared for me in Heaven Thou hast given me the infallible assurances of a Glorious and Eternal Life and begun it already in my Soul granting to me its First-Fruits Thou causest me to behold the Sun-shine of thy Grace and makest it to give Light in mine Vnderstanding Thou dost not only vouchsafe unto me the favour of beholding from this Valley of Tears thine Heavenly Canaan but thou causest me to tast of its Fruits I am not yet come to the Fountain of Waters that spring forth to Eternal Life but I feel the Streams and the
between Heaven and Earth between Light and Darkness for it is true that the death of Beasts delivers them from the sense of all evils but it doth not introduce them into any real happiness when it puts an end to their Misery it puts a period to their Being and to all that pleasure and content which they formerly enjoyed for their Souls and Bodies die together without any hopes of living again If we look to the wicked and unbelievers we shall find that death deprives them not only of their Honors Riches and of all their Pleasures and carnal Enjoyments but it puts out their Taper in their blackest Darkness and all their greatest Delights are lost in a vast Sea of bitterness If Death looseth them from that Chain of Misery from which all the Children of Adam are unseparable if it frees then Bodies from the pain of any temporal evils it casts their Souls into Eternal Torments but for the vertuous and believing Christians if Death is so great a friend to them because it delivers them from many Evils and Miseries it is a greater friend because it opens to them the Gate that leads to an endless Glory and Happiness The Son of God had a desire to perswade us this Truth in that remarkable Parable of the 16 of St. Lukes Gospel for at one hand he shews a rich Miser cloathed in Purple and fine Linnen feeding upon Dainties and living in much Splendor and Magnificence and at the other hand he discovers to us a poor Wretch named Lazarus all covered with Soars lying at this rich mans Gate intreating that he might share with the Dogs in the Crums that fell from the rich Man's Table the Dogs had compassion upon him and lick'd his Sores at last the poor Man dyed and was carried by the Angels into Abraham's bosom O wonderful change He that was lately a companion scarce good enough for Dogs now solaces himself in the Angel's Embraces He that was lying at the Gate of a proud and unmerciful Wretch is admitted into the Glorious Palace of Immortality and reposes himself in the bosom of a charitable and rich Abraham where he is sanctified with the Bread of the living God and drinks of the Rivers of his Pleasures The rich Man dyed also but it happened that while his Body was laid in the Earth with State and Honor the Devils dragg'd his Soul into Hell and cast it into a Fire that burns continually and that nothing is able to extinguish Therefore our Saviour represents this damned Soul crying out of Hell fire Father Abraham have pity upon me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my Tongue for I am tormented in these Flames In the next Verses our Saviour shews how all the complaints of the damned are fruitless and their tortures remediless he makes Abraham return an answer to this wretched Son My Son remember that thou in thy life time receivedst thy good things and likewise Lazarus evil things but now he is comforted and thou art tormented The Heathens have look'd upon Death as the end of all their Afflictions and Sufferings but they have never tasted of the Powers of the life to come they have never had any assurance of future Glory and Happiness The Spiritual Joys and Celestial Comforts God keeps for them that fear him and worship him in Spirit and in Truth These precious Riches and Divine Excellencies are only discoverable to the faithful especially since the time in which Christ our Saviour hath put Life and Immortality to light through the Gospel Hitherto I have given you a short survey of the calamities that attend upon us in this mortal life I have essayed to present unto you all the Comforts that we may gather from thence to strengthen a believing Soul and enable it to withstand and endure all the encounters with which it is assaulted in this Valley of Tears At present I intend to describe its future Happiness when it is separated from the Body and introduc'd into Heaven I shall as far as I am able discover unto you that Glory and Bliss which our Souls enjoy in expectation of the great Morn of the Resurrection You must not think to see here any perfect Image of our Celestial Paradise or any magnificent draught of the advantages reserved for us there it would be as difficult a taske as to paint the Sun in its splendor or to measure the Waters of the Sea I cannot find words to express my thoughts all my conceptions are far below that perfect Happiness and highest Glory I shall think that I have done enough if I can but represent unto you some few beams of so great a Light If I can but shew some drops of that Ocean of Heavenly pleasures in which we shall swim for all Eternity I shall not deliver any thing from my own fancy nor offer to speak of that which I have never learned from the great Doctor of our Souls I shall not engage my self in vain speculations more fit to please and puff up the curious Wits then to comfort and rejoyce the devout Souls and satisfy such as hunger and thirst after Righteousness one word from the mouth of the Lord is better and far more worth than all the reasonings of Humane Wisdom than all the subtilties of Philosophy than all the arguings and conclusions of the most refined and eloquent Ages In this description I shall not seek mine own Glory nor the applauses of the World but the Glory of my God and the instruction of the Souls which he hath purchased with his Bloud I desire to be understood of the weakest capacities as well as of the strongest I hope that such as know the language of Canaan such as have tasted of the good word of God and of the powers of the Life to come will not mistake me for such as have not been accustomed in the discernment of spiritual things unto whom the language of God's Holy Spirit is insipid and unsufferable if they are not moved nor benefited by this Treatise I dare say 't is none of my fault but theirs Therefore as the wise Men when they travell'd to Bethlem where Jesus Christ was lying in a Manger took the Star of the East for their guide Likewise we that be marching to our true Bethlem where our great God and Saviour is sitting upon the Throne of his Glory we will follow no other guidance but that Divine Light which comes down from Heaven And as it is impossible to number all the Stars that shine in the Heavens therefore we are wont to reduce them to certain Figures and Constellations Thus we will not undertake to shew you every particular of our private Meditations upon this Rich and Divine Subject but we will discourse unto you of the chief Heads leaving the rest to your pious Thoughts and the information of God's Holy Spirit Whosoever thou art that hast embraced Christ dead and crucified by Faith
my Sins and all my Sufferings and Grief I shall enter into a new Glory into the ever blessed company of Saints and Angels If your love be sincere and real prefer my Felicity and Rest to the small satisfaction that you find in my company here below Consider that in the House of my God and in the vision of his Glorious Face I shall find every moment more Joy and Pleasure than I should have met with upon Earth in thousands of Ages All the Pomp and Splendor of the World all the Glory and State its Riches and Treasures its Pleasures and Delights are as unconsiderable to those that I am going to enjoy in Heaven as a few drops of Water to a boundless Sea or as a flash of Lightening to the Noon-Sun Must the blind Passion which you have for to see me continue with you hinder me from seeing the face of my God and Heavenly Father Suppose I were now shut up with you in some dark Dungeon and bound with the same Chain would you rather see me your companion to continue in your misery and sufferings than to behold me at a distance at liberty in the fruition of a perfect satisfaction Tell me not that we shall never see one another any more for can you be so great an Unbeliever to doubt of God's Mercy that intends to bring us together again in Heaven Death separates us for a moment but the Prince of Life will unite us together for ever in his Fathers House whither he is gone to prepare a place for us O Devout and Religious Soul by such Language as this thou shalt be able to mollify the hardest Hearts and prepare them to behold thy Translation into Heaven as Elisha was when he saw his Masters Rapture If they feel any displeasure and grief for thy separation from them they will have more joy and comfort to consider with the Eyes of Faith that extraordinary Glory and Happiness into which God intends to receive thee of his infinite Goodness and Mercy If it happens otherwise and that thou art to deal with weak minds whose Love is blind and whose Passions are so unreasonable as to resist God's appointment and to hinder thy promotion to Happiness thou must overcome by the strength of God's Grace and the assistance of his Holy Spirit all the furious reluctances of Nature Thou must imitate St. Peter when he saw our Saviour Christ in his transfiguration upon Mount Tabor he forgot his Family and all his dearest Enjoyments in the World therefore in that excess of joy he cried out Lord it is good for us to be here In the same Language must you speak Christian Souls I dare be bold to affirm if your mind is raised up by Faith into Heaven to behold Jesus Christ shining in Light and Glory and surrounded by all the Holy Angels and Immortal Spirits Assoon as you shall have but the least relish of Paradise you will be so ravish'd with that extraordinary Happiness that you will easily forget the most lovely Enjoyments of the Earth unto which you had devoted your affections so that in that transport of Joy you will be ready to burst out in this Language My Lord and my God I am sick with Love for thee I wish for nothing but for thy glorious Presence My chief Happiness is to be with thee and to behold thy face where I see already so much Light and Love I confess we shall not say as St. Peter Let us build Tabernacles For we shall never be concerned as Soldiers and Travellers in Fights and Journeys We shall not say let us build an House that we may dwell with thee and thy blessed company for I see O God with the eye of Faith the Palace which thou hast built from the foundation of the World where thou hast prepared a place for me Lord open to me the Gates of this Glorious Palace that I may enter in and sing forth thy Divine Praises My dear Friend shall the miserable Pagans who never tasted of the Heavenly Gift who were never made partakers of the Spirit of Grace nor of the powers of the Life to come the Heathens who were without Hope and without God in the World shall they march courageously to meet Death and wilt thou that hast had some foretasts of the happiness of Heaven that hast seen some beams of its Glory canst not thou resolve to depart out of the World Shall a Seneca who had no other means to strengthen himself but the perswasions of his vain Philosophy who had no expectation of advantages of the life to come shall such an one look with a stedfast countenance upon his Blood and Life gushing apace out of his veins and thou my Brother hast thou been brought up under the tuition of an Eternal Wisdom Dost thou embrace by Faith the Glory and Felicities prepared for thee by God and art not able to look upon Death with resolution and courage and canst not leave the World with expressions of Joy Shall Socrates whose crazy Body was animated by a sinful Soul and who had no manner of Antidotes against Death drink up that poison that was mixed for him as a pleasant cup of Drink And thou Christian that art animated by the Spirit of the living God that seals to thee his great and most precious promises Thou Christian that enjoyest the earnest of that Inheritance prepared for thee in Heaven shalt not thou be able to swallow down with content the cup that death holds out to thee Thou hast a powerful and an infallible Antidote against this poison for after this bitter Cup thou art going where thou shalt drink at leasure out of the Rivers of Eternal Pleasures Shall it be said that in the Jews Houses at the time of death the sound of Instruments of Musick was heard together with Crying and Lamentations and at thy Dwelling who hast an interest in Christ crucified and seest him Reigning and Triumphing in Heaven there shall be nothing heard but weeping and sighing that praising God and giving of Thanks shall not be seen at such a time Finally seeing so many persons of all Ages Sexes and Conditions have desired Death to be freed from all Earthly Evils and Calamities hast not thou good cause to wish for it heartily when it shall please God that thou mayest enter in the fruition of the advantages and happiness of the Heavenly Life How excellent is thy loving kindness O God therefore the Children of Men or rather thy Children the Brothers and Sisters of Jesus Christ thy Well-beloved Son put their trust under the shadow of thy wings They shall be fully satisfied with the fatness of thy House and thou shalt cause them to drink out of the Rivers of thy Pleasures If you be passionately desirous to taste of the Angelical delights and relish the Divine pleasures that flow from the Throne of God and of the Lamb if you be really athirst for God will not you speak in Davids Language Psal
my Soul is athirst for God my flesh and mine heart leap for joy for the strong and living God O Lord when shall I go up to the Heavenly Jerusalem when shalt thou open for me the Gutes of righteousness When shall I go into the holy Sanctuary When shall I be in the blessed company of the glorified Saints who have Palmes in their hands Crowns upon their heads and Praises in their mouths When shall I be with the thousands of Angels that are cloathed with light and glory and with burning Seraphims that surround thy Heavenly Throne O my God and Father When wilt thou remove and take away this covering from mine eyes that I may behold thy beautiful and glorious Face When shall I see my self transformed into thy Divine Image and sanctified with thy likeness O Lord thy grace hath brought me to a most happy estate Who could express the joy and satisfaction of my heart with the eyes of faith I see the Angels descending from Heaven to encompass me about I see them ready to take me into their armes and to transport me into thy glorious Rest O my God! I have nothing to stop me in this World I shut mine eyes to all things under the Sun all my thoughts are employed about the glory of Heaven and the pleasures of Paradice Merciful Father glorify thy Child that thy Child may glorify thee let me enter into the magnificent Palace of immortality let me see my God face to face let me embrace my Saviour and onely Redeemer let me receive from his hand the incorruptible Crown let me drink out of the Rivers of of his pleasures and let me swim in the Sea of his Heavenly delights O God whose goodness is unspeakable speak to me in a Language suitable to those heavenly desires which thou hast kindled in my Soul O that I may soon hear these sweet expressions Verily I say unto thee this day thou shalt be with me in Paradise come believing Soul enter into the Joy of thy Lord And before that I shall go into thy Heavenly joy cause this joy to come into my Soul before thou receivest me into Paradise cause a Paradise to be in me O my God I feel an unspeakable and surprising gladness in me I enjoy a peace which passeth all understanding I see my self already surrounded with light and Glory If therefore my expectation be so happy and pleasant what shall be the fruition If the first-fruits are so ravishing what shall we say of the harvest I see the Heavens open and Jesus Christ stretching out his armes unto me and opening his bosome to receive me my Lord and my God my Saviour and my All I commend my Spirit into thy hands for thou hast Redeemed it thou who art the Almighty and true God Lord Jesus receive my Spirit Amen CHAP. 23. The eleventh Consolation The glorious Resurrection of our bodies WHen God Created Angels he gave them a Spiritual nature that had little or no relation with the Elements I confess that some of these Heavenly Spirits have often appeared in humane bodies to the ancient Patriarchs but those bodies were extraordinary and subitaneous formed by Almighty Gods Power for such occasions besides those holy Spirits were not in those bodies as the Soul is in ours quickning and animating them in the same manner but onely as the Pilot is in the Ship that he governs therefore as soon as they had fulfilled the work about which they were employed by God they left those bodies without prejudice to their beings as the Pilot leaves and goes out of the Ship when he hath brought it to the desired Haven All the happiness of these glorified Spirits consists in this that God hath confirmed them in his grace and love and admitted them for ever to a continual contemplation of his glorious face It is not so with our Souls for although they be also spiritual and of an Heavenly substance God hath not created them to be alone and to subsist at a distance from all matter but to live in the pleasant company of those Element●l bocies which he hath fashioned in a most Artifi●ial manner When he creates an humane Soul and pours it into an organized body it is not that it should be there as water in a Vessel or as a King in his Palace it lives not thereas an assisting form or as an outward cause of the Bodies operations but it is united to it by a very strict union and serves as an essential form It is the Principle of our life the internal cause of motion of Sense and of understanding So that if we will speak properly Man cannot be said to be altogether of a Spiritual nature as the holy Angels nor a single body as the Sun and the Stars but he is made up of both Therefore if our Souls wish to depart out of this Earthly Tabernacle it is not out of any displeasure against it as it is in it self for none did ever hate his own body every one seeks to nourish and cherish it But by accident because of the vanity and corruption unto which sin hath enthralled it we desire earnestly to depart out of it to a place where righteousness and true holiness raign that we might be with the Lord Jesus to behold him nearer It is therefore an undoubted truth That unless the body partakes of the same happiness and glory of the Soul Man cannot be said to be perfectly and entirely happy I confess it is no light occasion of joy to us to know that when our Soul casts off this earthly body it enters into the eternal Dwellings of Heaven whether it goes to behold the face of the Father of lights But this holy Joy is disturbed with sad reflections and this Heavenly sweetness is strangely altered with the bitter considerations of this poor body cast into the earth and left to the mercy of the crawling Worms for it is a most hatefull thing to behold our body rotting and turning to ashes that body that was our pavillion our Palace nay more then so that was a half part of our selves Therefore if we will render our Joy accomplished and apply an effectual comfort to our Souls we must nourish and entertain this pleasant assurance That the ruine of our bodies which causeth us to lament so much shall not be eternal but as our bodies fall down by Death they shall rise again one day at the general Resurrection This is one of the noblest and most excellent Mysteries of our Christian Religion and one of its most glorious advantages The Wisdom of the World with all its reasonings and the heathenish Philosophy with its rarest subtleties could never attain to this wholesome and comfortable Doctrine Therefore when St. Paul Preached to the Council of Athens he was heard with admiration until he had spoken to them of the Resurrection as soon as he began to mention that they laughed at him Therefore while Humane Reason remains in its darkness and
greatest dainties Some answer to this That such kind of inhumanities are not ordinary and that such wretched Indians never practice such hainous things but in urgent necessity or when they purpose to revenge themselves upon their Enemies But such as have given an account of the New found America relate That in some Provinces there have been such cruel and inhumane Savages as not only to devour the flesh of their Enemies whom they sacrificed to their Idols but also of their dearest Friends whom they do cut in pieces in their Shambles These same Historians tell us That some of the barbarous people are so impiously mistaken as to reckon it an act of piety and duty to their Parents and Friends to give them a Sepulchre in their own stomachs Moreover they say That yet there are some who like so many mad Dogs feed upon Infants and hunt after Men as we do after wild Beasts of the Field In case all these relations should be true I must desire my Reader to take notice that are two kinds of parts that compose the humane body the one solid as the Bones and Nerves and so essential to it that without them it would cease from being any longer an humane body the other parts are adventitious accidental and changeable they serve to maintain it almost as the food and nourishment Now this I affirm as an undoubted Truth that when it happens that Men feed upon their own Kind God takes care by his wonderful Providence that the essential and solid parts of the Man devoured never enter into the substance or composition or the solid parts of the devourer At the great day of the Resurrection the bodies will reassume all their essential and solid parts without which they cannot be true bodies but they shall not need the accidental and fluid parts as are the humors and the Blood for then they shall have no more inward heat to consume them no more hunger and thirst Therefore they shall never have any need of meat or of drink or of any other thing whatsoever to serve them instead of Nourishment Let the mettals be never so much mingled the Goldsmith separates them with ease Thus let our humane Bodies be never so much altered and mingled God will be able enough to separate and distinguish them from one another Shen the Goldsmith will separate the mettals he casts them into the melting-pot and causeth them to pass through the Fire but God who can do all things without means hath no need of the Fire or of the melting-pot for by his word at the twingling of an eye he can cause this separation to be made and render unto every Body that which necessarily belongs to its composition In a word when the difficulty should be far greater than it is and when the resolution of this objection were not so easie to be made as it is it should not weaken our Faith or cause us to doubt of the Resurrection of our Bodies When it concerns things that the holy Scripture doth not expresly declare and decide or that cannot be drawn from it by a necessary consequence it is lawful to dispute either for or against such things but if it concerns such as this sacred Writ inspired of God plainly sets forth our Faith must learn her Duty to submit to Almighty God and believe that there is nothing impossible with him Now this Doctrine of the Resurrection of the dead is so expressy and plainly found in this Holy Scripture that it seems as visible as the beams of the Noon-Sun Many questions are made upon this subject some are of that importance that a reply will give most satisfaction upon this excellent subject first they inquire by whom and by whose Power shall the Resurrection be effected The Scripture gives an occasion to make this inquiry for it ascribes it sometimes to the Father as in the 5 of St. John The Father raises the dead and quickens them sometimes to the Son as in the 3 of the Phil. Jesus Christ shall change our vile Bodies according to his mighty working whereby he is able to subdue all things unto himself And sometimes to the Holy Ghost as in 8 Rom. If the Spirit of him who hath raised Jesus from the dead dwelleth in you he that hath raised up Jesus from the dead shall quicken your mortal Bodies by his Holy Spirit that dwelleth in you This difficulty may thus be resolved All the outward works of God that concern the Creatures are common to the three Persons of the most Holy most Glorious and most Wonderful Trinity So that we shall rise again by the the infinite Power of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Ghost Nevertheless the Resurrection is especialy ascribed to the Son as he is Judge of the quick and of the dead In order to the discharge of that glorious employment all Power hath been committed to him in Heaven and in Earth and in the Seas 2. Some inquire further When shall this Resurrection be I answer that it shall be in the day which God hath appointed to Judge all the World by the Man whom he hath ordained Acts 17. You are not to expect from me Christians that I should point out unto you precisely the day when this shall come to pass for it belongs not to us to know the times and the Seasons which God hath reserved to himself It is true we may see that most part of the Prophecies are already fulfilled so that we may say in general terms The Lord is at hand and our Salvation is nearer to us then when we began to believe Phil. 4 Rom. 13. Nevertheless I cannot undertake to make out unto you this Glorious Day nor to tell you the year nor age when this shall be There is no Man upon Earth nor Angel in Heaven that is able to speak of it with certainty therefore Jesus Christ himself informs us But of that Day and Hour knoweth no Man no not the Angels of Heaven but my Father onely Mat. 24. If our Saviour saith more that the Son himself knoweth not the Day Mark 13. We must understand this as he is a Man and during his abode in the World for as he is God he knoweth all things from all Eternity and now that he is glorified as he is Man he understands all things But he hath hid from Men the time of his coming that we might expect him at every moment as he tells the Holy Apostles Watch therefore for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come but know this that if the good man of the House had known in what Watch the thief would come he would have watched and would not have suffered his House to be broken up Mat. 24. He writes in the same Language to the Angel of the Church of Sardis Remember how thou hast received and heard and hold fast and repent if therefore thou shalt not watch I will come on thee as the thief and thou shalt
voice the praises of Almighty God in the glorious company of the Church triumphant with these unsteddy hands that can scarce hold any thing thou shalt one day receive Immortal Palmes and Golden Viols which thou shalt never quit with these feet that are dying and that can scarce hold thee up thou shalt follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth and thou shalt walk about the Streets of the heavenly Jerusalem and this same body that is going to rot and to be turned to dust shall one day shine as the Firmament and as the Sun in its greatest splendor What desirest thou more Christian Soul for thy comfort what addition can there be made to thine happiness for thou art going to the fruition of eternal Joyes and of endless pleasures in Heaven In the mean while thy Body shall endure no pain nor grief and God will shortly raise it up again from this deep sleep that begins to dull thy senses and close thine eye lids Shortly God will publish the year of the great Jubile all the Prisons of Death shall be then opened and the Prisoners shall be set at liberty Thou shalt shortly hear the found of the last Trump that shall rouse thee out of the dust and cause thee to appear in the presence of thy great Redeemer Thou leavest a wretched Body full of darkness and corruption assaulted by Death on all sides but it shall shortly be made uncorruptible immortal and adorned with Light and Glory Let therefore thy Heart rejoyce thy Tongue be glad and thy flesh rest in hope for the Lord will not leave thee always in the Grave he will not suffer thee to continue for ever in dust and corruption he will not only discover to thee the ways of life but he will shortly come down himself from Heaven for to lead thee thither When Death should be already upon thy lips when she should be ready to lay thee in thy Grave let not this disturb the quiet of thy Soul nor the peace of thy Conscience let it not shake thy precious Faith that keeps thee up nor drive thee from the Author of thy Blessed hope fixed in Heaven where Jesus Christ is entered as thy forerunner in short when thy Body should be all covered with sores and boiles as that of Job Job 19 when it should all fall to pieces before thine eyes let nothing hinder thee from crying out with this patient Man I know that my redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the Earth and though after my skin worms destroy this Body yet in my flesh shall I see God whom I shall see for my se f and mine Eyes shall behold and not another And with St. Paul Phil. 3. We look from Heaven for the Saviour the Lord Jesus Christ who shall change our vile body that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious Body according to the mighty working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself A Prayer and Meditation of a Christian who being ready to depart out of the World comforts himself with an assurance and expectation of the glorious Resurrection of his Body from the Dust O Eternal and Divine Word by whom all things were Created and without whom was not any thing made that was made Thou hast not only created our Souls and fashioned our Bodies with thy skilful hands but when they were miserably lost and corrupted with Sin thou hast been pleased to redeem both our Souls and Bodies with thy most precious Blood and to restore thy glorious Image in us This wretched Body is but an Earthen Vessel yet thou hast inclosed in it the richest Treasuries of Life and Light Thou hast appointed it to be the Temple of the Holy Ghost and a noble Pavillion of the Godhead to participate with the Soul in the eternal happiness of thy Kingdom I feel my strength failing me and this Earthly Tabernacle decaying every day and every hour so that I am certain that it shall shortly fall to dust But Lord I am sufficiently comforted with the knowledge that if the outward Man decays the inward is renewed day by day If this wretched Body falls down by Death thou shalt raise it up again at the general Resurrection My Lord and my God thou art sufficiently able for all power is given to thee in Heaven and in Earth and in the depths of the Sea As the Father raiseth and quickneth the Dead thou dost also quicken them whom thou hast chosen Thou hast fashioned my Body of Dust and created this Dust of nothing and shalt not thou be able of the same dust into which this my Body shall be turned by Death to make and fashion it again Thou hast by thine Almighty power created my Soul and infused it into this Body and canst thou not return it again when it shall please thee to live for ever in a more blessed society than ever it hath been before O Prince of Life Death hath sufficiently felt thy great and overflowing power It intended to swallow thee up but thou hast swallowed it up in a glorious manner into Victory Thou hast been dead but thou art returned to life and thou livest for ever and ever And now thou holdest in thy hands the Keys of Death Thou openest and shutest up thy black Dungeon at thy pleasure Thou killest and makest alive thou castest into the Grave and fetchest up again Lord Jesus who art the Resurrection and the Life as thou hast an ability to cause my Body to come out of the Dust thou art willing and resolved to take it out again for thou hast promised to awake with the sound of the Archangels Trump and to lead away with thee all them that sleep in thee and repose themselves upon thee when thou shalt come from Heaven with thy powerful Angels at the great day of thy Triumph and at the Crowning of thy Spouse all the Prisons of Death shall be opened and the prisoners set at liberty It shall not be long O Lord before thou wilt cause the last Trumpet to sound to publish and proclaime the great Day of Rest and Joy Thou shalt then put us in possession of all the advantages which we have lost Thou shalt command the Sea the Earth and the Grave to restore all the Bodies which they have swallowed up and they shall readily obey thee Thy mighty word that Created the World and sustains it shall be heard in our very Graves and at that instant we shall go out to appear before thy dreadful Tribunal We shall not go out in the same manner as Lazarus with our winding sheets about us we shall leave in the Grave all tokens of our former infirmities Thou shalt not only draw our Bodies out of their Tombs but thou shalt make them more beautiful more perfect and glorious than ever they were before so that we are able to say for a truth I hat the glory of this second House shall be greater than the glory
appointed unto me Luk 22. In another place he speaks to all his Church in general Fear not little flock for it is your Fathers pleasure to give you the Kingdom Luk 20. And at the last day he will say Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World Matth. 25. And to the Angel of his Church in Smyrns and to all faithful Souls this Divine Saviour makes this promise Be thou faithful unto death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Revel 2. And to the Angel of the Church of Laodicea To him that over cometh will I grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne Revel 3. And St. Paul tels us That we run to obtain an uncorruptible Crown 1 Cor. 6. And when he saw himself at the end of his Race he cries out I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give me at that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love his appearing 2 Tim. 4. And St. James speaks in the same Language Blessed is the man that endureth temptation for when he is tried he shall receive the Crown of Life which the Lord hath promised to them that love him Jam. 1. Finally we read that the glorified Saints have Palms in their Hands and Crowns of Gold upon their Heads and in their Songs of Praise they speak thus to our Saviour Thou hast redeemed us to God by thy bloud out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation and hast made us to our God Kings and Priests and we shall reign on the Earth Revel 4.4 The great Men of the World delight in gorgeous Apparel some in perfum'd Garments therefore the Holy Ghost condescends to this weakness of Man and promiseth in Heaven Robes more flagrant than the perfumes of Arabia he promiseth a Garment whiter than Snow and brighter than the Light it self And Solomon when he considers his Spouse as the Type of the Church he saith The Kings daughter is full of glory within her clothing is of wrought Gold she shall be brought unto the King in raiment of needle work And when God himself speaks of the glory of his Church which he begins now and will consummate hereafter he saith that he adorned her with Gold Silver and precious Stones that he hath clothed her with fine Linnen with Silk and Needle-work therefore the Church speaks in this manner I will greatly rejoyce in the Lord my Soul shall be joyful in my God for he hath clothed me with the Garments of Salvation he hath covered me with the Robes of Righteousness as a Bridegroom decketh himself with Ornaments and as a Bride adorneth her self with her Jewels And if you take notice of such as stand before the Throne of God and in the presence of the Lamb that worship him day and night in his Temple you shall find them clothed with long Robes whitened in the Bloud of the Lamb. Look also upon that Glorious Woman of the Revelations the true Type and representation of the Church and you shall see her clothed with the Sun and a Crown of twelve Stars upon her Head In a word hearken to the Song of the glorified Saints and you shall hear them speaking to one another Let us be glad and rejoyce and give honor to God for the Marriage of the Lamb is come and his Wife hath made her self ready and to her was granted that she should be arayed in fine Linnen clean and white for the fine Linnen is the righteousness of Saints Men commonly love good cheer to partake of sumptuous Feasts therefore the Heavenly Delights are represented to us under the notion of rare Meats and exquisite Drinks of Noble Feasts and Magnificent Banquets In this manner the Royal Prophet speaks of them in the 36 Psalm How excellent is thy loving kindness O God! therefore the children of men put their trust under the shadow of thy wings they shall be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of thy House and thou shalt make them drink of the River of thy pleasures And in the 65 Psalm Blessed is the man whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee that he may dwell in thy Courts he shall be satisffed with the goodness of thy house even of thy holy Temple And the Prophet Isaiah speaks in the same language In this Mountain shall the Lord of Hosts make unto all people a Feast of fat things a Feast of Wine on the Lees of fat things full of Marrow of Wines on the Lees well refined This consideration causeth a Doctor in the Gospel to say Blessed is he that shall eat Bread in the Kingdom of Heaven And our Saviour himself saith that many shall come from the East and from the West and shall sit at Table in the Kingdom of Heaven with Abraham Isaac and Jacob. Ahasuerus's Feast continued 180 days but the Feast of which we shall be partakers in Heaven and which hath been preparing from the foundation of the World shall continue for all Eternity Of all Feasts such as are prepared for Nuptial Solemnities are most esteem'd when they are for Kings and Princes of the Earth for in such occasions there are the greatest and the most extraordinary rejoycings therefore the happiness of Heaven is expressed by a Marriage our Saviour himself makes use of this comparison in the 22 Chapter of St. Matthew The Kingdom of God saith he is like unto a King which made a Marriage for his Son This caused the glorified Church to speak in this manner Let us rejoyce and be glad and give glory to the Lord our God for the Marriage of the Lamb is come Finally The Holy Ghost hath Commanded to Write and Record these words for ever Blessed are those that are called to the Marriage-Feast of the Lamb. Some persons are very much delighted with the sweet and pleasant Consorts of Musick Therefore the Holy Ghost to signify unto us That in Heaven there shall be all manner of pleasures and nothing wanting tells us that about God's Throne millions of Angels and glorified Saints shall sing forth the Divine Praise Besides it acquaints us with the substance of their Heavenly Songs when Isaiah mentions these wonderful Seraphims that fly round about God's Glorious Throne he saith That they cry one to another Holy Holy Holy Lord God of Hosts the whole Earth is full of thy glory And when St. John speaks of those glorified Saints he saith that they stand before this magnificent Throne playing with their Harps and singing a new Song that is to say a most rare and excellent Song and that they have always in their mouths the song of Moses and of the Lamb and that Heaven it self resounds with their Sacred Halelujah's which signifies Praise
say as we shall never be inclinable to eat or drink the most burning heat and the most furious Flames shall have no power to hurt our Bodies when they shall have cast off all sensual and earthly qualities and instead of them it shall be clothed with Light and Glory therefore at that time there shall be no need of propogating the Species or of multiplying the Persons by Marriage for we shall not be then subject to earthly Passions and the number of the Elect shall be compleat the Congregation of Saints shall be full and the building of the Church shall be perfectly made up therefore our Saviour Jesus Christ assures us That in the Kingdom of Heaven they shall neither take nor give in Marriage but that we shall be like the Angels of God we shall enjoy the light of their understanding the Holiness of their Wills and the Purity of their affections When the Queen of Sheba saw the Glory and State of King Solomon and heard all his excellent Discourses she was extraordinarily surprized and wondred therefore she told this great Prince It was a true report that I heard in mine own Land of thy Acts and of thy Wisdom howbeit I believed not the words until I came and mine eyes had seen it and behold the halfe was not told me thy Wisdom and prosperity exceedeth the same which I heard happy are thy Men happy are these thy servants which stand continually before thee and that hear thy Wisdom I am perswaded Believing Souls that something like to this shall happen to us when we shall be come to the Heavenly Jerusalem to behold our Lord Jesus Christ himself of whom Solomon was but a Type and a Figure for he had but a spark of his Glory and but a beam of his Wisdom when we shall see this peaceable King Crowned with an Heavenly Rainbow we shall be ravish'd into admiration and as it were transported out of our selves then we shall speak in this manner to his Divine Majesty O Glorious Monarch all that I have ever heard or imagined of thy Wisdom of thy Glory Riches Beauty and extraordinary Pleasure of thy Paradise is more than true but it is not the thousand part of that which I see this day O blessed are they that dwell in thy House and that praise thee without ceasing happy are they that behold thy Glorious Face and hear thy Divine Wisdom After that the Queen of Sheba had been some time in the Court of King Solomon she returned back to her own home but when we shall be once entred into the Glory and Happiness of Paradise we shall never depart out again we shall behold continually this Glorious King of Kings and we shall hear with Divine transports of Joy the wonderful expressions of his Wisdom we shall not only be with him for ever and ever but we shall always be in him and he in us To take off your mind from all carnal and worldly Thoughts the Glory and Happiness of Paradise is represented unto us by the Light as in the 12 Chapter of the Revelations of the Prophet Daniel They that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the Firmament and they that turn many to Righteousness as the Stars for ever and ever And in the 13 of St. Matth. our Saviour saith expresly That the Righteous shall shine as the Sun in the Kingdom of his Father Finally it is promised as the highest Glory and Happiness that we shall stand before the Throne of God that we shall sit with Jesus Christ upon his Throne and that we shall see his Face St. John in the 22 of the Revel speaks in this manner in the description of the Heavenly Jerusalem he saith that the Throne of God and of the Lamb are in it that his servants shall serve him and see his Face and that his Name shall be upon their Forehead When we look to behold the Sun our Faces become not more radiant nor Glorious nay many times our Eyes thereby dazle and our Skin becomes blacker and more swarthy but when we shall look upon God in his Love and Glory we shall be perfectly enlightened and become brighter and more shining This appears by Moses's person when he came down from the Holy Mountain his Face was full of Beams of Light so that the Children of Israel could not endure to look stedfast upon him If therefore this faithful Servant of God had such a bright countenance by his continuance with God upon an Earthly Mountain during the space of forty days and forty nights and by a sight of some light expressions of his Glory what will be think ye your Light and the brightness of your Countenance when you shall be raised above the Heavens to continue with God and to behold his Face thousands and thousands of Ages and at the end of all that time it shall be but the beginning of that most blessed contemplation which shall never end When we cast our Eyes upon a beautiful Person we become neither more beautiful nor happier nothing but an unprofitable Idea remains in our fancy and many times that also quickly vanisheth away but when we shall look upon God we shall become like him and in this likeness we shall find fullness of Joy of Happiness and Glory This is promised to us by the Royal Prophet in the 16 Psalm In thy Presence O God! is fulness of joy and at thy right Hand there are Pleasures for evermore And in the 17 Psalm As for me I will behold thy face in Righteousness I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness And the beloved Disciple of the beloved of the Father whose Writings are full of love confirms this Truth Beloved saith he Now we are the Sons of God and it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is You see therefore Christians unto what extraordinary Glory and Happiness you have right to pretend for in Heaven God shall not only make us shine as the Sun and the Stars he shall not only cloath us with the brightness of the glorified Saints and Angels but he promiseth a great deal more to make us like unto himself He shall not only satisfy us with the fatness of his House and cause us to drink of the Rivers of his Pleasures he shall not only fill us with his Treasures enlighten us with his brightness cloath us with his Honors and crown us with his Glory but he himself will become our Meat and our Drink our Treasure our Sun and Glory and if I may so say to satisfy us and accomplish our Happiness God shall as it were dissolve himself into Rivers and Seas of Divine and unspeakable Pleasures but that I may not be misunderstood in such bold and figurative Language it shall suffice me to say with St. Paul That God will be in us all in all that is to say that he
this there be any other Sphere whereof the motion is so furious and swift as to carry with it the inferior Globes and to cause them to roul round in the space of four and twenty hours Of this Heaven David speaks in the 19 Psalm The Heavens declare the Glory of God and the Firmament sheweth his handy-work be hath put in them a Tabernacle for the Sun Now above all these Heavenly Spheres mentioned by the Astrologers some reckon up nine or ten and others more There is yet a third Heaven spoken of by St. Paul 2 Cor. 12. I know saith he a man in Christ which was taken up into the third Heaven I know that he was taken up into Paradise and heard words which cannot be spoken which are not possible for Man to utter The Holy Apostle removes in these words all doubts concerning the place intended by this Third Heaven for he calleth it Paradise where he heard unspeakable words which are not possible to be uttered The Celestial Globes rowl about continually but this Third Heaven which for its excellency is stiled Heaven is fixed and without motion in Eternal Rest And as much as these beautiful Orbs have a greater Light and Glory than the Air and the inferior Bodies so much the more doth this Third Heaven excel them It is my judgement that Solomon means this Third Heaven scituate above all the rest which exceeds them so much in Beauty and Glory when he speaks to God of the Heavens and of the Heaven of Heavens 1 Kings 8. That is to say the most Excellent the highest and the most Glorious of all the Heavens are not able to contain thee and God himself saith by his Holy Prophet The Heavens are my Throne and the Earth is my Footstool Isai 66. for in this high Heaven God hath placed his Throne where he discovers his Glory and the brightness of his surprizing Countenance there the Seraphims fly and thousand thousands worship him and ten thousand Millions stand continually before him Isai 6. Dan. 7. Here it was that the Blessed Soul of our Saviour Christ was admitted assoon as it had left the Body according to what he promised to the crucified Thief Verily I say unto thee this day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Luk 23. Hither this Glorious Saviour is ascended both in Soul and Body after his Resurrection and here it was that St. Stephen saw him when he cryed out I see the Heavens open and Jesus Christ fitting at the right hand of God Acts 7. And hither it is that the Souls of all such as dye in his favour are carried up Therefore St. Paul to the Hebrews mentions immediately after the thousands of Angels The Spirits of just Men made perfect and the Church and Congregation of the first-born whose names are written in Heaven In short it is the Glorious Seat where we hope that God will receive us both in Soul and Body at that day when we shall be taken up into the Air above the Clouds of Heaven to be for ever with the Lord Jesus Some inquire then what shall become of this Elemental World whether this Heaven that appears to our Eyes and this Earth which sustains us shall perish or whether they shall remain yet after the great day of Doom Certain prophane Atheists are perswaded that the World shall remain for ever as it doth at present and that there shall be no manner of alteration The Apostle St. Peter hath Prophesied of these Persons and described them in their own Colours There shall come at the last day mockers walking after their own Lusts saying where is the promise of his coming for since the Fathers are asleep all things continue in the same manner since the beginning of the World I need not trouble my self in a refutation of such impieties I speak to none but to the devout Souls which reverence the Divinity of the Holy Scriptures and are fully perswaded of the Truth of all the Articles of our Creed It oft-times happens when Men oppose a false Doctrine and an erroneous opinion they run from one extremity to another therefore some imagine that the World shall totally perish and that as God hath called the Heavens and Earth and the rest of the Elements out of nothing he will reduce them all again into the same Nothing and that he intends to create others more beautiful more Holy and far more Glorious There are two kinds of expressions that seem to favor this opinion The first which speaks of the Heavens and of the Earth as of perishing and decaying Creatures In this manner David discourseth of them in 102 Psalm and after him the Apostle to the Hebrews Thou Lord hast established the Earth and the Heavens are the Works of thy hands they shall perish but thou shalt endure they shall wax old as doth a Garment and as a Vesture shalt thou fold them up and theyshall be changed And our Saviour tells us in the 24 of St. Matt. The Heavens and the Earth shall pass away but my Words shall not pass away Especially the words of St. Peter in the 2 Epistle and the 3 Chapter are remarkable The Heavens shall pass away with a noise and the Elements shall melt with heat and the Earth with the works that are therein shall be burnt up The other passages mention new Heavens and a new Earth as in the 65 of Isaiah Behold I create new Heavens and a new Earth and the former things shall be remembred no more Likewise in the fore-mentioned Chapter the 3 of the 2 Epistle of St. Peter We look for new Heavens and a new Earth according to his promise wherein dwelleth Righteousness And in the 21 Revel I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away and there was no more Sea Moreover St. Paul to the Hebrews speaks of the World to come from hence some conclude that the old World ought to be abolished and that God shall create a new World There is no man that is a Christian can doubt of that wonderful change which shall happen to the world at the last day if he considers the fore-mentioned passage of Holy Scripture especially that of St. Peter The Heavens shall pass away with a noise and the Elements shall melt with heat and the Earth with the Works that are therein So that as the Walls of Jerico fell at the sound of the Priests Trumpets Likewise this great world shall be turned upside down at the blowing of the Arch-Angels Trumpet Our Reason alone being enlightened by Divine Revelation seems to confirm this Truth for seeing that the House infected with a spreading Leprosy was to be demolished how much the rather should the world be destroyed because in it is to be seen apparently the spots and blemishes of sin the Spiritual Leprosy But although this great Fabrick of the World ought to be ruined and turned upside down we do not believe that it shall
the glorious liberty of the Children of God And in the 3. Chap. to the Colos he saith you are Dead and your Life is hid with Christ in God when Christ who is your Life shall appear you shall appear also with him in Glory Therefore this glorious appearing is stiled a blessed Hope that is to say the fulfilling and accomplishment of all that we expect or hope for as in the 2 Chap. to Titus St. Paul saith We expect the Blessed Hope the appearing of the Glory of our great God who is the Saviour Jesus Christ Then shall be the consummation of the Glory and of the head and of the Members for then the Son of God shall cause the Damned to feel that Power which he possesseth in Heaven and in Earth and in the Depths he shall discover himself to the faithful in his greatest Glory and most Divine Splendor Therefore this glorious Day of his descent from Heaven with the Angels of his power is mentioned as the first day of his manifestation of his appearing and of his Kingdom for this cause when the Holy Ghost speaks of this day it stiles it The day of the Lord Jesus Christ or the day of the Lord Jesus as also the Day of the Lord and the day of God As it shall be the Day of the Lord Jesus it shall also be our Day therefore St. Paul calls it The day of our Redemption because that in this day our Lord shall redeem our Bodies out of their Graves and shall bestow upon both our Souls and Bodies Eph. 4. all the Fruits of that Redemption which he hath purchased for us with his Blood Rom. 8. and shall raise us up to the highest Glory and most perfect happiness Heb. 9 It is the happy Day of the Consummation of our Marriage with this Divine Lamb. It is the day of our Joy and Triumph with the glorified Men and Angels It is the day of our Coronation and of our entrance into our Kingdom when the King of Kings the Lord of Lords shall Crown us with his own hand and put us in possession of an Empire prepared for us from the beginning of the World In a word it is the day when we shall come to the Lord Jesus and be with him as he is with the Father that we may be all in one Because of the glorious and wonderful things which shall come to pass on this day it is named The great Day St. Jude calls it thus when he speaks of the Revolted Angels he saith That God hath reserved them in everlasting Chains under darkness unto the Judgment of the Great Day In this manner many understand the words of St. John when he describes the Foul Spirits and likens them to Frogs which he saw coming out of the Dragons Mouth and of the Beast and out of the Mouth of the False Prophet and saith They are the Spirits of Devils working Miracles which God sent forth unto the Kings of the Earth and of the whole World to gather them to the Battle of that great Day of God Almighty Revel 16. Lastly this glorious Day is not only called The day of Judgement the Day of the Lord the Day of our Redemption and the Great day but oftimes without any addition it is stiled the Day and that Day as in the 10. Chap. to the Hebrews Let us consider one another to provoke unto Love and good Works not forsaking the assembling our selves together as the manner of some is but exhorting one another and so much the more as ye see the day approaching In the first Epist to the Thessal You are not in Darkness that that Day should surprise you Thus in 2 Epist to Timothy and first Chap. St. Paul saith I know whom I have believed and I am perswaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that Day And when he remembers the good and charitable Deeds of Mesiphorus he prays for him in this manner The Lord grant unto him that he may find Mercy of the Lord in that day And in the 4 Chap. speaking of himself he saith I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the Faith henceforth there is laid up for me a Crown of Righteousness which the Lord the righteous Judge shall give at that Day It is so stiled because of its excellency it is the Day of Dayes the end of all the Seasons the Consummation of all Ages and Times after this there shall be no more alteration of Days Months and Years Therefore an Angel is represented in the Revel lifting up his hand to Heaven swearing by the living God who hath Created Heaven and all things therein the Earth and all things in it and the Sea and the things that are there That there shall be no more Time for instead of this unconstant time which flies away without leaving any sign of its being an everlasting Eternity shall succeed an Eternity always the same always Blessed with Happiness alwayes glorious and joyful This Divine and Magnificent Day shall begin at the end of all other Days but shall never draw to an end Therefore St. Peter in these words calls it an Eternal day or Eternity 2 Pet. 3. Glory be to the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ both now and for ever Amen And in expectation of this Day of Days all Creatures are groaning and travailling in pain until now but especially Believers who have the First Fruits of the Spirit groan in themselves desiring with an earnest and holy desire to see the breaking of this great and glorious Day It is the end of all the Prophecies and the accomplishment of all Gods gracious promises to his People in all the Ages of the World It is the end and price of our Spiritual Calling the fulfilling of all our desires and expectations the Crowning of all our Labors and the highest step of that glory and happiness unto which we pretend You Devout Souls that delight in the contemplation of Celestial things I pray consider with me the accomplishment and the perfection of three kinds of works which have been succeeded by their several Rests The first was that of the Creation of the World for in six days God Created the Heaven and the Earth and all things in them and when he had finished his Works and found that they were good and perfect he rested the seventh day Gen. 1. 2. Therefore he Blessed and Sanctified it The second great work was that of Redemption for when our Saviour had fulfilled all the Prophesies which me●tioned him when he had caused the meaning of all the ancient Types and Figures to appear in his person and in his sufferings when he had fully satisfied the justice of God and purchased for us with his Blood an Eternal Redemption he cried out all is finished John 19. and he bowed his Head and gave up the Ghost After this Christ had nothing more to do nor to suffer but he
of the Soul from the Body seeing that Death which shall separate you from your selves is not able to separate you from the Spirit of the Lord Jesus The Soul of our Souls the Seal of the promises of God and the earnest of our future Inheritance Instead of looking backwards and longing for these perishing advantages and for Honors that can only dazle the eye consider that Death shall wipe away all Tears remove all your grief and raise you above all the storms of the World above all the miseries and troubles that cover the face of the Earth That you may be able to follow this Death more chearfully Remember that it draws you out of a place all polluted with Sin and infected with Impiety to transport you into a new Heaven adorned with Righteousness and Holiness and perfumed with the Prayers Praises and Thanksgivings of the Glorified Saints remember that it frees you from all remains of corruption and gives Deaths wound to all your Lusts Mind not so much the false appearance of Death for to the wicked it is as it were the Subburbs of Hell the jaws of the bottomless pit and the beginning of their endless Torments but to you Believers it is the Gate of Heaven an entrance into Paradice and a passage to a most happy Life Learn to relish now the Joys wherewith your Souls shall be for ever satisfied when God shall Crown you with his Glory and make you Drink of the Rivers of his Pleasure Seeing that your Soul is going to put on a Garment of an Immortal colour and to dwell for ever in the Palace which God hath built with his Almighty hand Cast off willingly this wretched crasie and corruptible Body depart willingly out of this Earthly Tabernacle which turns of it self into Dust Consider well that if it falls by Death it shall rise again at the Resurrection and that when it shall have been the Dwelling and the Food of Worms it shall at last become the Temple of God and the Tabernacle of his Glory Finally O Religious Souls shut your eyes to the World and to all the vanities in it which the World adores and aspire to the real advantages which God hath prepared for you before the Creation of the World and which you shall injoy when the World shall be no more Let your precious Faith and your blessed hope enter into Eternity it self to behold that extraordinary happiness and glory which God shall accomplish when he shall bring us both in Soul and Body into his Celestial Paradice to see his face in which is fulness of Joy Seeing that this perfect happiness and infinite Glory which never entered into the Heart and thoughts of Man shall never be perfectly accomplished but at that Day when Jesus Christ shall appear from Heaven to be glorified in his Saints and to become wonderful in all Believers Think alwayes upon this Glorious Day the end of all our wishes the fulfilling of all your hopes and the perfection of all the designes which God hath conceived in himself from all Eternity You Devout Souls that are grieved to see the World prosper and Satans Empire flourish to see Gods Children subject to all the Darts of Death take good courage and rejoyce with an holy Joy for shortly all the Enemies of God and of your Salvation shall be punished with an everlasting punishment as from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power Shortly the Devil his Angels his Agents and Slaves shall be bound up in Chains of Darkness and cast into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone and shut up in the bottomless pit Shortly Death shall be no more and this Church of Jesus Christ ' whose Miseries and Afflictions cause you to weep shall be shortly cloathed with unspeakable light and glory It shall enter with Joy and Triumph into the Heavenly Jerusalem and you your selves shall sing with all the glorified Armies of Heaven Seeing that Christ shall come as a Thief in the Night and shall surprise all the Children of the World unawares prepare your Souls Believers with the love of God and an expectation of your Merciful Lord behave your selves in the same manner as you would do if you were now at the Eye of this great Festival as if you did spie already the breaking of this most happy day Entertain now the same affections and joy as if you did hear the voice of God and the Trumpet of the Archangel as if the Earth were already in a flame and as if Jesus Christ himself were coming in the Clouds of Heaven And seeing that no impure thing shall enter into the Heavenly and Holy Jerusalem and that without Holiness no Man shall see the face of God cleanse your selves Christians from all filthiness of the flesh and of the spirit perfecting Holiness in the fear of the Lord forsake all manner of Vice give your selves over to Vertue and to the practice of good Works imitate the diligence of the Faithful Servant that you may not be ashamed at the coming of your Great Master Take heed that you be not like the Wise Virgins that slept as well as the foolish but watch and pray that you may not enter into Temptation for the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak Redeem the time for the dayes are evil and make haste to put on the Garments of Righteousness and innocency fill your Hearts with the Holy Oyl of Faith of Hope and Charity Take your Lamps in your hands and let your Souls shine with a Divine Light In this blessed disposition let us go and meet our Heavenly Bridegroom and hasten his coming by our Prayers and Groans Let our Souls be full of Love let them sigh for our Divine Jesus and being moved with the same affection as St. John let us say to him with an earnest desire Come Lord Jesus and if he answers for certain I come quickly Let the Longing of our Souls increase more and more that we may be able to Pray more fervently and to cry out from the bottom of our Souls unto Heaven Come Lord Jesus even come Lord come quickly Amen A Prayer and a Meditation for a Believing Soul that rejoyceth and comforts it self in looking upon Deaths Destruction and the everlasting and Blessed Life which we hope to injoy both in Soul and Body after the Resurrection O Great Judge of the World bottomless Fountain of Life and happiness thy Gracious hand hath put into mine Heart the seeds of Immortality the first-fruits of Heavens Glory and the foretasts of everlasting Delights Thou hast made me to behold by Faith the joys and happiness of Paradice where thou shalt receive my Soul when it shall depart out of this wretched World and to Meditate upon the Glory which thou preparest for my Body when thou shalt take it to thy self to make it like to thy Glorious Body Now raise my thoughts and my hopes to this highest glory and happiness which thou hast promised to our
seek amongst the rarest and most precious Treasuries of Wit and Learning belonging to the Heathen Antiquity turn over the Writings of the most Eloquent Orators of the Subtlest Philosophers of the most famous Poets examine the Secrets of the most expert and experienced Physitians consider their Practice and all the Remedies that they prescribe to the Soul and you shall find them too unskilful to perform the least Cure They do but charm and divert the Disease hardens us against the evil they furnish us with a good exterior and teach us to bear a good Meen but they have no real Antidote against the Venome that kills the Principle of Life nor Remedy that reaches to the Heart And as the Torrents that dry up in the hottest seasons such Consolations that flow not from the Fountain of Life vanish away without effect and dry up to nothing when a deep sorrow fear and affliction seize upon a sinful Soul It seems the contrivers of the Heathens Religion were sensible of this Truth for they have dedicated Temples and erected Altars to all manner of gods and goddesses not only to Vertues and Health but also to Vices and Diseases to Fear Cowardise Anger the Feavor the Pestilence and an infinite more but they left Death out of their Devotions This is an open Declaration that they knew not how to strike acquaintance with Death and win its esteem and favor They had no Sacrifices nor Incense that could allay its fury they lookt upon it as their most inhumane and unreconcileable Enemy The very name of Death did terrify them therefore it was one of their most unfortunate Omens Adrian the Emperor is a witness of what I say he was one of the greatest Princes in former Ages he had made most part of the habitable World tremble under his Scepter and put to death an infinite number of Men but at last he trembled and was astonished himself at the approaches of Death he had overcome the most barbarous Nations and tam'd the most savage Beasts but when he came to this last Enemy he had no weapons fit for the Encounter therefore in this occasion he discovers the weakness and unconstancy of his Mind far more disturb'd than his Body was with the Disease Sometimes he did employ the Magick Art to retard Death sometimes he did make use of his Sword and Poison to hasten it at last he kill'd himself by an abstinence from Food necessary to entertain his life He had conquer'd all the World and given Peace and Happiness to his Empire but he could not overcome himself or appease the troubles of his Conscience he was so far from satisfying the troublesome thoughts of his Soul that he suffers himself to be overwhelmed with despair he flatters his Soul in hastening its ruine for when his Disease did suffer him to breath he talkt unto it in this manner My little Soul my dearest Companion Thou art now going to wander in obscure Cold and strange places Thou shalt never jest again according to the wonted custom thou shalt never give me any sport or pleasure any more But some may say that Adrian was a powerful Monarch but no great Philosopher that he knew how to Govern and was well acquainted with the Politicks but that he was ignorant of the Morals and had no skill to dye well To answer this Objection let us give an example of one without exception who will satisfy all Opponents Aristotle is generally esteem'd to have been the Subtlest and the most Learned of the Heathen Antiquity he was the Prince of all the Philosophers the Glory of his Age and the Founder of his Sect when his excellent Soul had viewed all things examined the Heavens searcht among the excellencies of the Earth pryed into all the Wonders of the World and found out the rarest Secrets of Nature He could never find any solid Comforts against the apprehensions of Death Notwithstanding all his admirable Subtleties and his profound Learning the fears of this cruel Death terrifies his Conscience in such a manner that he confessed That of all terrible things Death was the most dreadful CHAP. 3. Of divers sorts of Death with which we must encounter WHen David had a design to fight with Goliah he could not make use of the Armor of King Saul therefore he took a smooth stone out of his Bag cast it with his Sling struck the Philistine in the Forehead and brought down this proud Giant who had defied the Armies of Israel We have already examined and tried all the Armor of humane Wisdom and Learning laid up in the Storehouses of the greatest wits of former Ages and we have found that they are not able to yield us any benefit when we shall encounter with Death Let us therefore now see whither we may overcome this Proud Enemy with the Sling of our mystical David with the weapons of our Divine Shepheard but before we begin the Encounter let us look and behold it in the face The enemy that I intend that you should overcome is a Monster with three Heads for there are three sorts of death the Corporal the Spiritual and the Eternal The Corporal Death is a separation of the Soul from the Body although our Body hath been fashioned with the Finger of God it is but a weak and frail Vessel made with the slime of the Earth but our Soul is of an Heavenly Spiritual and Immortal Substance it is a Sparkle and a Raie of the Godhead and the lively Image of our great Creator for when God had made our first Parent He breathed into his Nostrils the breath of Life Gen. 2.7 that we might thereby understand that our Souls do proceed from his immediate hand therefore he is named the Father of spirits Heb. 12. and The faithful Creator of Souls 1 Pet. 4. This Soul doth raise us a degree above all the Animals and above the Celestial Bodies and renders us like to the Angels of Heaven It is the Light that enlightens us the Salt that preserves us from Corruption In one word by this Soul we live enjoy our Sences move and understand as soon as this Angelical Guest leaves its Lodging and Earthly abode it looseth all Beauty and falls of it self into an inevitable ruine For this Flesh that we entertain with care and pamper with all manner of Dainties doth then corrupt and rot after that it hath been stretcht awhile upon Beds of Gold and richly attired in Purple and Scarlet it is cast upon a Bed of Worms and covered with the vilest insects of the Earth notwithstanding all its former perfumes it yields then a most horrid stink before it did ravish the eyes of the Beholders with its admirable Beauty but now it becomes so odious and horrible that the living care not to see it at last it is reduc'd to ashes according to the Sentence that was pronounc'd in the Earthly Paradise Dust thou art and to Dust thou shalt return The Spiritual Death is the separation
death of other men but hath not the deadly and pernicious consequences for it is not only a sign and a testimony of Gods Grace and Favour but the beginning of our deliverance and the cure of all our Diseases As Moses when he had cast wood into the waters of Marah they had the same colour but not the same bitterness and unpleasant taste Thus the death of Gods dearest Children hath the same tincture and appearance as before but Christs Cross hath taken away the danger the trouble and extracted out of it its unsufferable bitterness and changed it into unspeakable sweetness As Pharaoh was drowned with all his Army in the waters of the Red Sea but the Children of Israel found a secure and a pleasant passage into the promised Land When they were arrived upon the other shoar of that dreadful Sea they sung unto God Songs of Triumph and Thanksgiving Thus Death opens its Throat to devour the Reprobates It is an Abysse where they can find no bottom but unto the Children of God it is a favourable passage into an eternal Bliss assoon as they are gone through they are arrived to a place of Assurance Joy and Rest where God furnisheth them with Songs of Triumph and Thansgiving to the Lamb 1 Rev. 15. Moses's Rod was turned into a Serpent but Aaron's being laid up in the Tabernacle began to flourish and bear Almonds Exod. 4. and 7. Thus while we are in the hands of the Law Death is dreadful and terrible but when we draw near to Christ the true Ark of the Covenant it blossoms and brings Fruits forth of Joy and Eternal Comfort Balaam the Prophet was called to curse the People of God but he blessed it contrary to the vain expectation of Balak King of Moab Thus Death hath been brought into the world by the Devil to destroy and utterly abolish the Holy Seed but God by his infinite Goodness and Wisdom hath changed it into Salvation and Blessing Let us not therefore be any longer puzled to find out the meaning of Sampsons Riddle Out of the eater came forth Meat and out of the strong came forth sweetness Judg. 14. For the Church of God unto whom Christ hath discover'd the most excellent Secrets of his Kingdom teacheth us to seek the Hony the sweetest comforts out of the Belly of this old Lion It is not possible to Judge of Musick by a Tone or of an Oration by a Period nor of a Comedy by a Scene So we must not judge of a Battel by the first Assault nor of a wrestling by the first embraces and effects of the wrestlers for some in the beginning of the Battel turn their backs who nevertheless at the last doe sometimes win the day and the victory and some in wrestling are foiled at the beginning who nevertheless at last supplant their Enemy and cast him upon the back Therefore that we may better understand the great and notable advantages that we have over death we must examine it all along until the end of the encounter we must take notice of every Assault that we do give unto this unreconcileable Enemy Assoon as the Taper of our Life begins to burn Satan sends forth his blasts to extinguish it Death labours to undermine ' this poor Dwelling from the first moment that it was built it besieges it on all sides it makes its approaches in time it saps the foundation it batters us with several diseases and unexpected accidents every day it opens a breach and pulls out of this building some stones But if Death labours to demolish on her part we on ours labour to repair And as those who built the Walls of Jerusalem held with one hand the Trowel and with the other a Sword to sight so we defend our selves as well as we are able against the assaults of Death Therefore we do not only endeavour to preserve this earthly Lodge that God hath Lett and Sett to us for a term and to mend up the continual Dilapidations that happen in it but at the very sight of death when it gives us the Assault we do then also advance our Spiritual building and labour to bring it to perfection so that we may say as the Apostle St. Paul If our outward man decays the inward man is renewed day by day 2 Cor. 4. To speak true Death meddles with nothing but with the exterior part of Man for our principal Fort and chief Bulwark doth neither fear to be undermined nor sapt nor to be won by Assault for it is rais'd above the Heavens and built upon the Rock of Eternity it cannot be batter'd for as the Thunderbolts the storms of Hail and ill weather cannot prejudice the Sunbeams because they are of a Spiritual nature so all the Fury of the World all the Powers of Hell and the Rage of Death can never wrong the Soul that is of a Spiritual and Immortal Nature This Castle can never be famished for God furnisheth it with Manna from Heaven and from the Rock upon which it is built there runs a source of living waters that riseth to everlasting life In one word as the Serpents do crawl only upon the Dust Death hath no power but upon the earthly part of Man therefore our Lord Jesus Christ adviseth his Apostles To not fear them that kill the Body but cannot kill the Soul At the very instant of our Souls separation from the Body Death see●s to have a great advantage upon us but when I consider all I find that it hath no cause to glory and that it is without reason that it chalenges the victory When a valiant Captain marches out of a Town almost destroyed to another more secure and better fortified with his weapons in his hand we say that he hath quitted his station and not that he is overcome Thus when this wretched Body decays and that our Souls depart well armed with Faith and Hope to lodge in a more secure place in the highest Heavens no body can say to speak properly that we have been overcome And as it happens with such as sail on the wide Sea when a violent storm threatens them with Shipwrack they think themselves very happy if they can quit then Vessel leave it to the mercy of the Winds and Waves and escape to Land with their Riches and Lives safe Thus it is with us who sail upon this tempestuous Sea of the world for when Death raiseth its most cruel storms we think our selves happy if we can leave this miscrable Body which seems as a ship to our Souls and if we can secure our Spiritual Life and our Heavenly Riches Therefore we may justly say to the faithful Souls that are frighted when they see Death threatening to drown them in its depths as St. Paul to his Ship-company who did tremble for fear at the sight of a roaring and furious Sea Take good courage my brethren for I do assure you in the name of the living God that your lives are
secure and that you shall loose nothing but this Ship Acts 27. We may yet furnish them with stronger comforts for these good Mariners lost their Ship without any hopes of recovering it again but we are assured that God will one day gather up every piece of these broken Vessels of our Bodies and will joyn them together in a more perfect estate Therefore Death doth not carry away our bodies by violence but we leave them willingly we do not stay for its summons but we do prevent Death and give it a Licence when we have packt up our Bag and Baggage we are ready to depart out of this wretched abode where we endure all manner of calamities for in this house defluxions do rain down If Vapors do arise the Pillars and Foundation does tremble the Joynts do open the Windows are darkened and the burning Feavers like violent fires consume it I must not forget that the faithful do name their death not only a removal of their Lodging but a removal from a Tabernacle this teacheth us that we must depart from hence with as much joy and readiness as a Soldier doth out of his Tabernacle at the end of a laborious and bloudy warfare and with as much pleasure as the Children of Israel did out of their Tents under which they had remained in the Desart to enter into the sweet and comfortable dwellings of the Land of Canaan Not only this Body is like to an hired House or to a Tabernacle transported up and down but it is by Sin become to our Soul a woful prison Therefore Death may be compared to the Messengers sent by King Pharaoh on purpose to take Joseph out of his Dungeon and bring him to his Palace The Body that was created to be a noble Pavillion of Joy and Honor is become to our Soul a wretched and incommodious Prison Death is like to the Furnace of Babylon that burned and consumed the Bonds of the three Children without prejudicing their Persons or Attire Dan. 3. for it consumes those sad Bonds that detain our Soul en●laved to the Earth but it doth not meddle with the O●naments of our Justice and Sanctification it is like the Skin that encloseth the Child in his Mothers Womb or like the Shell where the Chicken is formed for of necessity it must be broken before we can enter into immortal Life In short we may say That the Body which was given to the Soul to be its Palace is become by Sin its Grave and loathsome Sepulchre far more noisome than that of Lazarus and that Death is like the voice that calls upon us Lazarus come out Faithful Souls you see then that as Sampson carried away the Gates of the City of Gaza and transported them to the top of the Hill so hath Jesus Christ our true Sampson transported and carried the Gates of death to the highest pitch of Glory Therefore whereas before we did look upon it with horror as the very entrance of Hell now we may behold it with Confidence and Joy saying as Jacob did of Bethel This is the Gate of Heaven Seeing therefore that this is the nature and condition of Death I find that Men do give it too much advantage for we should not offer to say that such are dead whom God hath admitted into Eternal life because the qualification should be derived from the chief and noblest part as it is in nature there is no generation without corruption and we commonly say that it is a Generation when the thing engendred is more excellent than the thing corrupted as we say that it is a corruption when the thing corrupted excels the thing that is engendred Therefore our change and removal out of this world should be rather stiled a Life than a Death for if our Body Dies and Rots in the Earth our Soul revives and mounts up to Heaven and this mortal life that we leave in leaving the Earth is nothing in comparison of that life that we shall enjoy with Christ and his Holy Angels God is named the God of Abraham of Isaac and of Jacoh Now he is not the God of the Dead but of the Living Exod. 4. Matt. 22. I may also without any Figure say That Death in respect of the Body is no real Death but a kind of sleep as it is said in the Prophet Daniel Many do sleep in the dust of the Earth chap. 12. and in Isaiah that the Just sleep in their beds Therefore our Saviour speaking of Jairus's Daughter declared The Child is not dead but sleepeth Mat. 9. and of Lazarus his friend Lazarus our friend sleepeth but I go to awake him Beloved if thou art of the number of such as Christ loveth thy Death will be but a kind of sleep of a short continuance and a few days The Lord will raise thee up again For the hour cometh and is already That the Dead shall hear the voice of the Son of God and they that shall hear shall revive John 5. During this Life the assaults of Death are no better than light skirmishes the most sensible and most dangerous blow that it strikes in appearance is when Death separates the Soul from the Body but the last and most signal encounter which will put an end to all disputes will happen at the day of Judgement Jesus Christ will then appear from Heaven in the company of all his immortal Angels and Saints to encourage us to the encounter He will come with a terrible voice of an Archangel and the last Trumpet shall sound then Death will endeavor to keep us still in its black prison and our Bones will be found without life or motion but the Spirit of God shall breathe upon these dry Bones and will cause them to revive As the Prophet Jonas was three days and three nights in the belly of the Whale God Commanded the Fish to vomit him up again upon the ground Thus when we shall have made so long our abode in our Graves as God hath appointed in his wisdom Death shall be constrained to restore all that it hath swallowed and as Daniel came out of the Lions Den by break of day these savage Beasts having done him no harm Thus at the break of the last day at the Rising of the Sun of Righteousness we shall all go out of Deaths deep Den and as if God had sent his Angel on purpose to shut the mouth of this old Lion we shall then find that he shall have done us no harm instead of devouring of us he will prove a faithful keeper of our bones therefore the faithful may speak unto Death in the language of the Prophet Micah Rejoyce not against me O mine Enemy when I shall fall I shall rise when I sit in darkness the Lord shall be a light unto me Mic. 7.8 As Moses said to Pharaoh we will go into the Wilderness to sacrifice unto God we will go out of thine Egypt with our young and with our old with our Sons
the wise man It is better to go to the house of Mourning than to that of Feasting Eccles 7. for that is the end of all Men and the living will lay it to his heart never look upon a diseased Body stretch'd upon a Bed nor upon a dead Corps in a Coffin but remember that this is an universal Law unto which all Mankind must pay obedience and that it is the broad Road of all the Earth and that there thou mayest behold the lively image of thy future Estate I conceive that this may be a good expedient and very successful to entertain in our minds the continual thoughts of Death to make our last Will betimes and frequently to peruse it for as it happens when we meditate upon a farewel that we are to take of our friends we feel in our souls the same affections and motions as are in us at the moment of our separation Thus will it be with us when we seriously meditate upon the last farewel that we are to bid to the World Death appears to us upon our Lips or rather we fancy our selves at that instant already in the sweet embraces of our Divine Jesus our Glorious Redeemer Besides those things that are unusual and extraordinary I find nothing in nor out of us nothing that we feel taste or relish in short nothing that passeth either in our private or publick conversation but is able to renew in our minds the serious consideration of Death The Flesh that thou dost eat the Wooll that cloaths thy nakedness the Silk that adorns thy Body in general all thy Garments and Ornaments are but the sparkles of the Dead Creatures the sight therefore of all these things must call to thy remembrance thy frail and mortal Estate and cause thee to meditate upon the Preachers saying The same accident that happens to the Beast the same happens to Mankind as is the death of the one so is the death of the other They have all the same Breath and Man hath no advantage above a Beast for all is vanity all goes to the same place all proceeds from the Dust and shall return to the Dust again Never pull off thy Cloaths but remember that thou must shortly quit this miserable Body and lay it down in the Grave When thou art entring into thy Bed think upon thy Sepulchre where thou must one day be stretch'd If thou dost awake in the night consider that Death will shortly come and put out the Taper of thy Life let thy Sleep be an image of thy Death and let it call to thy mind how thou must within a few days sleep in a bed of Dust when thou awakest think upon the delightful sound of the Arch-Angel's Trumpet that shall rowse thee out of Deaths long sleep say within thy self when thou arisest It may be that I shall never rise again till the Son of God shall come from Heaven to lift me up out of the Grave with his Almighty hand when we cast our Eyes upon the rising Sun Let us say within our selves it may be I shall never behold any other Sun rise again but the Son of Righteousness that carries healing under his wings Consider when thou dost put on thy Garments that the time is coming when thou must be cloathed with a more Magnificent and Glorious Robe a Robe of Light and Immortality when thou dost sit down to eat think upon the hour that is drawing near in which death will feed upon thy Carkass imagine that it may be that this is the last time that thou shall sit at the Table that next thou mayst sit with Abraham Isaac and Jacob with all the blessed Martyrs who have wash'd and whiten'd their Robes in the Blood of the Lamb and that it may be that thou shalt never taste any more but of the food of Angels and of the fruit of the Tree of Life and that thou shalt never drink but of the new Wine in the Kingdom of Heaven and of the Rivers of Eternal pleasures that run from the Throne of God Every time that thou goest out of thy dwelling or changest thy abode fancy to thy self that in a short time thou must depart out of this Mortal Tabernacle Art thou alone and separated from humane Society remember that within a few days Death will separate and divide thee art thou going to any meeting or entring into any company or marching to the Holy Assemblies discourse with thy self in this manner It may be that I shall never go to any other company until I come to the Church and Congregation of the First-born whose names are written in Heaven Art thou invited to the marriage of a friend Say unto thy Soul It may be I shall never go to any other Feast but to the marriage of the Lamb offered from the foundation of the World Dost thou see a rich and glorious Palace or a pleasant Garden say to thy self It may be I shall never see any other Palace but that where the living God doth dwell and it may be I shall never behold any other place of pleasure but the Celestial Paradise If thou dost cast down thy eyes to look upon the Earth upon which thou dost tread Consider at the same time that this Earth or some like to it shall afford thee a Grave and that thou shalt sleep there the sleep of death Remember what God told Adam Dust thou art and to dust thou shalt return Gen. 3. or say with the Holy man Job Remember I pray thee that thou hast formed me of Clay and that thou shalt reduce me to dust I shall sleep in the dust and if thou seekest for me in the morning I shall be no more Job 20. Job 7. If thou takest a view of the Plants of the Herbs and Flowers don 't forget what the word of God speaks concerning our Life in the 90 Psalm That Man is like the Grass which groweth up in the morning it flourisheth and is green in the evening it is cut down and withereth And in the 103 Psalm As for man his days are as Grass as a Flower of the field so he flourisheth for the wind passeth over it and it is gone and the place thereof shall know it no more And elsewhere All flesh is like Grass and the Glory of Man like the Flower of the field Is 40. 1 Pet. 1. If thou dost behold the Currants of Water the Rivers and the Torrents remember at that time what is said in the 14 Chapter of the second Book of Samuel for we must needs dy and are as water spilt on the ground And in the 90 Psalm Thou carriest them away as with a floud If thou tak'st notice of the shadow of the Needle in a Dyal that follows the swift motion of the Sun or to the shadows which solid bodies cast upon the Earth In the evening they stretch a great way and a little after vanish consider seriously and engrave in thy mind this excellent Sentence Man is
in the 31 Psalm I trusted in thee O Lord I said Thou art my God my times are in thy hand He is of the same judgement in the 39 Psalm Behold thou hast assured me my days as an band breadth and in the 68 Psalm Vnto God the Lord belong the issues of Death Moses teacheth us the same Lesson in his Divine Hymn Psal 90. for when he hath represented how that it is God who reduceth Man to Ashes and maketh him return to his first substance he tels us speaking unto God Thou turnest man to destruction and sayst return ye Children of Men. King Hezekiah's comparison is very notable he compares the Life of Man to a Thread that God hath twisted and that he cuts off at his pleasure Isai 38. Mine Age is departed and removed from me as a Shepherds Tent I have cut off like a Weaver my life he will cut me off with pining Sickness from day even to night wilt thou make an end of me Hannah Samuels Mother removes all difficulty and confirms this Truth sufficiently 2 Sam. 2. It is God saith she who killeth and maketh alive he bringeth down to the Grave and bringeth up There is nothing more significant to the same purpose than our Lord and Saviours words I am he that liveth and was dead and behold I am alive for evermore Amen and have the Keys of Hell and of Death Apoc. This great God and Saviour closeth the Gates of the Grave when he pleaseth and 't is not possible to open them against his will In short Whether we live we live to the Lord whether we die we die to the Lord whether therefore we live or die we are the Lords Rom. 14. And our Reason being enlightned with a Divine Revelation teacheth us this good and profitable Lesson for if God hath a hand in our Conception and Birth and if he appoints the time of our entrance into the world wherefore should not he also have an hand in our Death mark out the time of our last departure David speaks thus to God in the 139 Psalm My substance was not bid from thee when I was made in secret and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the Earth Thine eyes did see my substance yet being imperfect and in thy Book all my Members were written which in continuance were fashioned when as yet there is none of them we may therefore for the same reason say to God My substance will not be hid from thee when this miserable Body shall fall to pieces as rotten Wood and as a Moth-eaten Garment thine Eyes shall see me when Death shall cut off the Thred of my Life and separate what thou hast joyned together so wonderfully thy Power and Wisdom shall have an hand in my last hours and nothing shall happen to me but that which thou hast afore ordained in thine unsearchable Decrees If God appoints the time of our Resurrection and if it be certain that without his express Commission the Holy Spirit will not breathe upon our dead bones to cause them to revive is it probable that the breath should depart out of our Nostrils and our Bodies should fall into the Bed of corruption without the Orders of this great and living God Ezek. 37. He hath appointed to the Sun its course and to the Stars that shine in the Heavens their several motions and stations Isai 40 and should not he also appoint to his Children their motions seeing that they are to shine for ever in the Heaven of Heavens where justice dwels as so many immortal Stars He hath measured the Waters in his hand he hath compassed the Heavens with his Span he hath weighed the Mountains in Scales and the Hills with a Ballance he hath fashioned the Earth with a Hive and given bounds to the roaring Sea and is it possible that he hath not not measured the time of our Life and that he hath marked out with his finger the last moment He who hath numbred the Kingdoms of Heathen Princes hath he not also numbred the days in the which he intends to reign in our hearts by his Holy Spirit hath he not appointed the time for us to ascend up into the highest Heavens where we are to reign with him in the Kingdom of his Glory If it be certain that God hath unmbred the Hairs of our Head Matth. 10. it is not to be doubted but that he hath also numbred the days of our Life And if a Sparrow doth not fall to the ground without his order how can it be that a Soul should take its flight up to Heaven without his express Commission He bottles up our Tears he keeps a Record of all our afflictions and takes an account of our Sorrows Psal 50. and can we imagine that he doth not keep an account of the life and death of Men and that he minds not the time that we are to spend in this vally of Tears He takes notice of our uprising and of our down-sitting he compasseth thee round about whither thou dost stop or go Psal 59. and can it be conceiv'd but that he observes thy rising at thy birth the several passages of thy Life and thy going down at thy Death In short if God hath appointed in his eternal Council the continuance of the great World he hath also without doubt limited the Life of Man the little World and the Image and Compendium of the Great As our Lord and Saviour teacheth us Man is not able by his solicitous care to add one Cubit to his stature and our experience sufficiently demonstrates that we cannot add a year a day nor a moment by all our labor and industry to the continuance of our Life If Life and Death were not in Gods hand there would be nothing setled nor constant neither in the Kingdoms of the World nor in the Church of Christ The Prophets would be often found in grievous errors and the eternal Election would be totally abolish'd for the most weighty affairs of a Commonwealth depend upon the Life of Princes The death of one Man is able to turn an Empire upside down and to change the state of a Kingdom If Alexander the Great had been stifled in his Cradle what would become of the Prophesie of Pani● who declares the glorious victories that this Prince should obtain against King Darius the Persian Monarch under the Embleme of an H●-Goat that should run at a Ram with all his might that should break his two horns and trample him under his feet And if King Cyrus had died before the obtaining of the Kingdom of 〈◊〉 how should Isaiah's Prophesie be accomplish'd for he paints out this young Conqueror in his most lively Colours and calls him by his name in this expression I have said of Cyrus He is my Sh●pheard and shall perform all my pleasure even saying to Jerusalem Thou shalt be built and to the Temple Thy Temple shall be laid Isai 44. If the Devil could have taken away St. Pauls Life
is by the vertue of Gods Divine Spirit which he hath bin graciously pleased to grant unto us and if the persons that we love and cherish as tenderly as your souls or those whom we are to reverence and honor labor to stir up the bowels of our compassion and to impede us in our Holy resolutions by base and earthly considerations let us tell them as our Saviour did to Mary Magdalene Le me alone for I am going to my Father John 20. Stop not my course for I hold already the prize and the promised Crown In short as Abraham let the Ram loose whereof the Horns were taken in a Thicket and offer'd it up in Sacrifice to God Gen. 21. Likewise let us free our minds from all worldly cares and carnal affections Let us offer them up all to God as a sweet smelling Sacrifice let us present them as a Burnt-offering consume them in the Flames of an Holy Zeal and love of his Divine Majesty When the Christian shall be thus prepar'd he shall never stand in fear of Death he will say to it with an assured countenance Come when thou wilt O Death I desire no reprieve for along while ago I have setled my affairs and wait for thee with patience the chief part of my self is not here below my Heart is already ravish'd into Heaven where God expects me with Arms wide open Therefore notwithstanding thy fearful darkness and the designe that thou hast to destroy me I will follow thee as couragiously and as joyfully as St. Peter did the Angel of Light that open'd to him the Gates of his Prison and freed him from his Chains Acts 12. A Prayer and Meditation for such as prepare for Death by a renunciation of the World O Infinite Lord of Heaven and Earth who dispossest of good and evil by thy Divine Providence and admirable Wisdom thou hast not suffer'd us to have here a lasting City that we might seek for that which is to come Thou dost discover before our eyes the vanity and unconstancy of all things under the Sun that we might labor to attain to solid and everlasting advantages Thou hast placed and reserved in Heaven an inexhaustible Treasure of Riches uncorruptible Crowns of Glory and Eternal Triumphs that thither we might transport our Heart and affections The source of Heavenly pleasures is with thee that we might always be athirst for the strong and living God and that we might desire with an Holy earnestness to look upon thy beautiful and glorious Face Most Glorious Creator seeing thou hast bestowed upon me an ●mmortal Soul suffer me not to be so wretched as to content my self with these mortal vanities and seeing thou hast made it of a Spiritual and Heavenly nature suffer me not to be so unhappy as to wallow in this miserable dust of the Earth or to cast my self into the puddle and dirt of carnal Lusts Give me Grace to renounce the World and all the Vanities that the World adores Give me Grace to possess all these decaying and perishing things as not possessing them that I may tramble upon all the pomp and glory of the Age that I may consider that the Gold the Silver the precious Jewels whereof the apparent beauty deceives the carnal eyes of Men is nothing else but hardened Earth that will crumble away and dissolve into Dust that I may remember that after my decease all these things will profit me no more than that vile Earth and the Stones that shall cover my dead Corps or the Wood or Lead which shall be given to it for a Coffin Give me grace to despise all the Honors and Dignities after which the Men of the World run so impatiently for they are but like a shadow that passeth away and like the smoak that ascendeth up put of our reach Pluck out of my heart the cares of this life and all solicitousness for the Earth that Death may never surprize me unawares and that there may be nothing to stop or hinder from going to thee when thou shalt be pleased to call me that my soul being totally disengag'd and freed from all these Bryars and Thorns I may be always ready at every moment to be offered unto thee as a living and a burnt Sacrifice The Children of Israel did fix and raise their Camp at thy Command Give me also Grace to be as ready prepar'd to live and dye to remain in this Tabernacle and to depart out of it when thou shalt send thine Orders and as this people did pass over the River Jordan with a wonderful joy to take possession of the promised Land O that I might also leave this miserable Wilderness with transports of joy to enter into the Celestial Canaan where the Milk and Hony of Divine Pleasures and of Eternal Comforts flow as in their natural Channel O God who art my portion and mine inheritance cast me not away with the men of the World whose portion is in this life Thou dost fill their paunch with thy good things they are full and leave sufficient for their Babes but for me all my comfort is that I shall behold thy face in Righteousness and shall be sanctified when I awake with thy likeness Amen CHAP. 11. The Fifth Remedy against the fears of Death is to renounce Vice and to apply our selves to the practice of Piety and Sanctification GOd is so wonderful in all his Works and he governs all his Creatures in such a manner that his very Enemies are constrain'd to acknowledge this Truth You have an excellent example in Balaam who beholding the Tents of the Children of Israel breaks out into this passionate wish Let me dye the death of the Righteous and let my last end be like his Numb 25. He was a wicked Varlot that loved the wages of iniquity nevertheless he perceived by that Prophetical Light with which his Soul was enlightened how sweet and comfortable Death was to such as addict themselves in this life to the service and fear of Almighty God and how different it is from the death of the profane Worldlings who give themselves over to their Lusts and Delight in the unlawful pleasures of the Flesh for as the Drunkards sleep with a disturb'd and unquiet fancy likewise such as are drunken and full with the base and rotten pleasures of this life if they be not hardened by Atheisme do commonly depart out of the World with strange frights and horrid gripings of Conscience that cannot be express'd It is otherwise with a good Christian for as the Handicrafts man who hath work'd all the day in his Shop and the Husbandman who hath wearied himself in following his Plow lays himself down at night in peace so it is with a good Christian who hath carefully attended the works of Piety and Mercy in this life he sleeps his last sleep with a great quiet of mind and satisfaction of soul as righteous Jacob when he travelled a journey to his Mothers friends with his Fathers
command was not frighted to behold the Sun go down although he was in the midst of an open field Gen. 28. but he laid himself down in peace and slept sweetly having no other Bed but the Earth no other Pillow but a Stone no other covering than the Heavens nor other Curtains than the dark shadows of the night Likewise a Soul sanctified by the Spirit of God that walks in all the Commands of his Heavenly Father shall never be astonished for wheresoever his Sun goes down wheresoever Death Arrests him he will look upon himself as in another Bethel he will sleep quietly in the Lord Jesus in the most cruel death he will feel unspeakable and glorious joys and a Peace of God which passeth all understanding Acts 23. We may take notice of this blessed disposition in the Apostle St. Paul who had behaved himself with a good conscience towards God and towards Man 1 Cor. 15. He had labor'd more in his Ministry than all the other Apostles therefore he stands in no fear of deaths approaches but rather we may see him full of expectation and desires to pass through Death into Glory and Eternal Felicity This disposition is no less remarkble in Stephen the first Martyr of Christ Acts 6. in the midst of his most grievous torments he had a countenance shining as that of an Angel which was a certain testimony of his inward peace of Conscience and of the extraordinary joy of his Soul for as the Wise man informs us A merry Heart maketh a chearful Countenance Prov. 15. From the same wisdom proceeds this other Oracle that foretels unto every one what shall happen unto him The wicked is driven away in his wickedness but the righteous hath hope in his death Prov. 14. Eccl. 1. Unto this is agreeable the excellent saying of Jesus the Son of Syrach It shall be well at the last with him who fears God he shall sind favor at the day of his death This life is but a moment that flies away apace and yet it determines our Eternal Estate it raiseth us to the highest Glory of Heaven or else it casts us headlong into the deepest Abysse of Eternal Misery for what Man soweth that shall he reap he that soweth in the flesh shall reap of the flesh corruption but he that soweth in the Spirit shall reap of the Spirit Eternal Life If you are afraid of a cruel and unhappy death keep your selves from an evil and a prophane life for commonly as Man's life is so is his death The most part of those who live in foul Lusts and Prophaness dye in hardness of heart or in grievous despair God's patience wearied out changes it self into a just resentment and fury Commonly God leaves at the hour of death such as have left him in the course of their lives he is inexorable to the cryes and sighs of such as have shut their Ears and Hearts to his Holy Word and his Fatherly Instructions he laughs at the horrid fears and most sensible torments of those that trample upon his sacred Commands according to his own words Because I have called and ye refused I have stretched out my hand and no man regarded but ye have set at naught all my counsel and would none of my reproof I also will laugh at your calamity I will mock when your fear cometh King Ahab was desirous to hear a pleasing Prophecy of happy things of the victory over the Syrian Army nevertheless he did continue in his Impieties and Tyranny therefore the Prophet Micah was not afraid of his displeasure but tells him boldly of the approaching Judgments of God which did hang over his guilty Head likewise some sinners desire to be flatter'd and soothed up in their extravagancies they expect notwithstanding their crimes declarations of Joy and Prosperity but we should be false Prophets possessed with a lying Spirit if we did not foretel to such people that a most lamentable and miserable death hastens apace upon them we should have a cruel charity for them if we did not labor to save them by fear as out of a fire if we did not shew them Hell with its jaws open ready to swallow them up and the Eternal Torments wherewith God will punish all impenitent and hardened sinners Knowing what God's vengeance is we must perswade Men to embrace Faith and Righteousness and if we did fail in this our duty their Blood should be required at our hands To what purpose have the Heathen Philosophers discoursed so Learnedly of the shortness of our life To what purpose have many of their Princes entertain'd things on purpose to mind them of their mortal condition Such kind of thoughts did fly in their fancy but they reapt but little benefit from them because they did not oblige them to an Holy and Reformed Life and by consequence they did not prepare them to a blessed Death It was also to no purpose that Balaam desired so passionately to dye the death of the Righteous and that his last end might be like a just man's Numb 23. for because he lived the life of a sinner and continued in his Abominations and Idolatry Numb 31. therefore he died as they and was comprehended in their punishment as he was a partner in their crimes it was but just and reasonable that he should share in their calamities and be a partaker of their torments To abandon Vice and Sin is to take from Death its Venom and all its fiery Darts It is to pluck from this furious Beast its Teeth and Claws it is to break the Cords and Chains by which the Devil drags us into Eternal damnation It is to destroy the Monsters that fright us and stifle the Furies that pursue us In short it tends to change Hell and its grievous Torments into an Heaven and its Glory There was never yet any person that lived an Holy and Religious Life but he died happily in the favour of his God Now that the Lord knocks open unto him the door of your hearts and at the hour of Death he will open unto you the Gates of Heaven present and give unto him whiles you are alive your Bodies and Souls and doubtless he will accept them and confirm the Gift with his own Seal here below he will enrich you with his Graces and crown you at last with his Glory Blessed are they that dye in the Lord but to dye in the Lord we must live to the Lord that we may be able to say with St. Paul Whether we live we live to the Lord whether we dye we dye to the Lord whether we live or dye we are the Lords To perswade us to this Religious Duty we must consider in the first place the Command that he gives us of loving him fearing him of repenting of our sins and of walking in his Holy ways unto this he exhorts us in the Holy Writings of the Old Testament as in the 6 of Deuteronomy Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
clean and pure that they cannot suffer the sight of iniquity and sin it is that which doth most afflict and grieve him Therefore when St. Paul had advis'd the Ephesians That no corrupt Communication should proceed out of their mouth but that which is good to the use of edifying that it may minister Grace unto the hearers he adds immediately after Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption And if there be any that are not moved with the presence of such a Glorious Person let him tremble at this fearful threatening If any destroy the Temple of God God will destroy him 1 Cor. 3. 12. There was two Tables of Stone in the Ark of God's Covenant where God himself had written his Law which he gave to his People by the Ministry of Moses 1 Kings 6. Seeing that the God of all mercy hath chosen thy Soul to be his Sanctuary and the pavillion of his Glory his Sacred Commandments must be there engraven upon the Table of thy Heart thou must be moved with an earnest desire for the service of God and for an exact conformity to his Holy Will that we may be able to say to you what St. Paul said to the Christians of his days Ye are manifestly declared to be the Epistle of Christ written not with Ink but with the Spirit of the living God not in Tables of Stone but in fleshly Tables of the Heart And that you may say with the Royal Prophet My God my Delight hath been to do thy Will thy Law is within me 2 Cor. 3. 13. Let us represent to our selves continually the great and many Obligations that we have to fear God to love him and to serve him he is the most perfect of all Beings he is perfection it self infinitely lovely so that if there were neither Hell to punish us nor Heaven to reward us he ought to be served and reverenc'd because of Himself and of his Divine Perfections This consideration causeth Jeremiah to break forth into these lofty expressions Who would not fear thee O King of Nations for to thee doth it appertain forasmuch as among all the Wise Men of the Nations and in all their Kingdoms there is none like unto thee Jer. 10. 14. Whilst we are travelling here below we are not capable of such an high and Celestial Meditation it belongs only to the Angels whom God hath invested with Light and Glory and to the Heavenly Spirits whom he hath admitted to the contemplation of his Face Let us therefore seriously consider the Blessings and Favors which we have received from this great God who hath created us in his own Image and who hath made us to be the Master-pieces of all his inferior Wonders He hath placed in us a breviation of all the Beauties and Perfections of the World he hath given us a Being as to the Sun Moon and Stars A Life like the Plants Sence as to the Animals Understanding as to the Angels In short he hath infused into this Body fashioned with his own fingers an immortal Soul of an Heavenly Substance a beam of his Glory and a living Image of his Godhead My Soul therefore bless the Lord and all that is within me bless his Holy name my Soul bless the Lord and forget not all his benefits Psal 103. 15. It is for mans sake that God hath stretched out the Heavens established the Earth poured out the waters and prescribed Limits to the roaring Sea It is for Man's sake that this Gracious Creator hath adorned the Heavens with such a number of Beautiful Stars that he hath given to the Moon its unconstant Motions with its wonderful influences that he hath setled in the Sun such a bountiful source of Light and that he hath appointed the unvariable succession of the seasons of the Days Months and Years It is for Man's advantage and lawful recreation that so many Birds sing and fly in the open Air that such prodigious numbers of Fishes swim in the Seas and Rivers that the Earth is beautified with so many delicate Flowers that it brings forth so many wholsome Herbs and pleasant Fruits that it nourisheth so many kinds of Animals and engenders in its Bowels Gold Silver and precious Stones In a word it is for Man's sake that God hath created the World and hath filled it full of so many Riches and beautified it with so many excellent Perfections Therefore it is no wonder if the Royal Prophet is ravished into an Holy Admiration and bursts forth into these expressions O God what is mortal Man that thou art mindful of him or the Son of Man that thou dost regard him Thou hast made him a little lesser than the Angels thou hast Crowned him with Glory and Honor Thou hast establish'd him Governor over the Works of thine Hands Thou hast put all things under his Feet the Sheep and the Oxen the Beasts of the Fields the Birds of the Heavens and the Fishes of the Sea If the example of this great Prophet hath not power sufficient to stir you up and perswade you to the fear and worship of God by the consideration of the wonderful Works of the Creation Hear what the Angel declares who took his slight through the middle of the Heavens having the Eternal Gospel in his hand Fear God and give him Glory worship him that liveth for ever and ever for he hath made the Heaven and the Earth the Sea and the Fountains of Waters 16. We have not only in God our Life Motion and Being but he hath not left himself without witness in doing good and sending Rains from Heaven fruitful seasons filling our hearts with Food and Joy He doth nourish us with his Manna and gives us to drink of his abundance he overshadows us with his Protection and enlightens us with his Heavenly Fires He hath always his Eyes open to our Miseries and his Ears to our Sighs and Groans He is always near them that call upon him yea them that call upon him faithfully Let us therefore say as David I love the Lord because he hath heard the voice of my Supplication for he hath enclined his Ear unto me therefore will I call upon him all the days of my life Psal 14. Psal 116. 17. Meditate often upon the advantages that are common to thee with the rest of Christians and upon the Blessings and Favours which God hath vouchsafed to thy Person in particular Remember how many times he hath sent his assistance from above how he hath wrought Miracles to deliver thee from the Evils that did threaten thee Consider how liberal he hath been to thee in the whole course of thy life what admirable and noble means he hath employed to crown thee with his most precious Favors then thou wilt say with Jacob O God I am not worthy of the least of all the Mercies and of all the Truth which thou hast shewed unto thy servant Gen. 32. And with David Many
Image and grievous remorses of Conscience will appear In the day of this glorious coming the Heavens shall melt the Elements will be dissolved the Earth and all its works shall be burn'd with fire and every man shall give an account of every idle word how much more of every wicked action and prophane discourse Matt. 5.12 56. That we may not be confounded nor ashamed in this fearful day in which God will judge the world by the man whom he hath ordained Let us be inwardly perswaded that it is not sufficient to abstain from outward sins but we must also hate and inwardly abhor them Acts 17. For as the Leopard in Chains leaves not his Skin nor his Spots and changes not for all his restraint his rapacious and cruel nature for it continues nevertheless to be a Leopard and as a Thief in Fetters shut up in a Dungeon remains a Thief in his heart and disposition likewise such as abstain from exterior sins for fear of Man and the severity of the Laws are nevertheless esteem'd to be vicious and abominable in the sight of God and of his Holy Angels if every time that he thinks upon his crimes he is not moved with a true contrition and an inward abhorrency of his soul to abominate them The best means to render our Conscience whole is to tear it in pieces with the sorrows of repentance 57. It is not sufficient to abstain from the thoughts words and actions that God prohibits but we must also apply our selves to the study of true Piety of Vertue and generally of all the good Works that God requires for as the Praise and Honor of a good Bow-man is never bestowed upon one who hath only the skill of not breaking his Bow his Arrows or his Quiver but to him who strikes the mark and aims well and he is not to be reckoned a good Artist who works not ill because he doth nothing at all but he who works well and shews excellent pieces of worknanship likewise he is not to pass for a good and Religious Christi-who only abstains from evil and commits no outward sins but he who doth good and applies himself to Vertue Every Tree that bringeth not forth good Fruit although it bears no evil Fruit is hewen down and cast in the fire Matt. 2. our Saviour curs'd the Fig-tree not because that it brought forth evil Fruits but because it brought forth no good Fruit but was altogether barren The wicked servant was cast out into utter darkness where there is weeping and gnashing of teeth not because he had lost or mispent his Talent but because he had not employed it well and turned it to his Lords advantage Matt. 25. Not only such shall be condemned to the Flames prepared for the Devil and his Angels who afflict God's Children on Earth and spill the bloud of his servants but such as have not cloathed his Members visited and comforted them nor given them to eat and drink In short if you enquire from the rich Miser how he comes to be condemned to Hell tortured in the Flames he will not tell you it was because he took what was not his own or because he committed no Murders Violences and other horrid Deeds but because he lived without Charity and had no pity of the poor 58. And because God requires that we should proceed daily forward until we become to the measure of the perfect stature in our Lord Jesus Christ we must very frequently take a view of our former life and feel the pulse of our Lusts to see whether they be not more fervent and violent than before whether the old Man continues to decline and how much we have gain'd upon our wicked affections and reformed our corrupt disposition for as those who swim against the stream if they slack but a little are carried downwards by the violence of the Current Likewise if we employ not all our strength to swim up to our Heavenly Source Integrity and Perfection the torrent of our Lusts and of evil Customs will hurry us down into the deep Abysse of Death and Eternal Destruction we must therefore often examine every day what progress we have made in Piety and Holiness and whether since so many years that God speaks to us and instructs us to discover to us what is pleasing to hime if we have more Piety Zeal and Charity and mors Holiness than before we must imitate the solicitou care of such as have transplanted some rare plant of the East in this Northern climate they have always the eye upon it to take notice of every thing that happens to it We must propose for our example a Steward who hath a great account to make up he looks often upon his Memorials and his Registers An Heathen Philosopher was highly prais'd because he did never lay himself down to sleep until he had well examin'd what progress he had made in Philosophy and Moral Vertue Likewise a good Christian should never cast himself upon his Bed to sleep at night until he hath seriously considered how he hath proceeded forward in Piety and the love of God In a word a true Christian by this means shall never be less alone than when he is alone for thon he shall entertain himself with his God and shall discover unto him his Heart and his most secret thoughts then he shall speak seriously unto his Soul and shall examine exactly his Conscience then he will look to his wicked deeds to weep and lament for them with Tears of a sincere repentance then he will cast himself upon the infinite Mercy and Goodness of his God to embrace it with a lively Faith and assurance then he will make a reflexion upon God's Commands to walk in them with an Holy Zeal and Earnestness all the days of his life 59. Amongst these directions that I intend to give to him that desires to apply himself to the practice of Piety and to abandon Vice I must not forget this advice that he must never satisfy his carnal Lusts and Pleasures but he should rather check and bridle them for when we grant them what they desire we are so far from extinguishing the feavorish Flames and satisfying these hellish longings that we do but increase and encourage them the more as he that loves Money is not satisfied with Money and as the ambitious is never exalted high enough in Honor Thus the lustful Worldling is never contented with the fullest enjoyment of the carnal pleasures It is a Fire that kindles another and a Flame that never saith It is enough These filthy Lusts are like the Serpent that stings the bosom of the person that warms it in his Breast or as the Furnace of Babylon that burnt up those who had first lighted it for such as entertain the Flames of their fleshly Lusts they keep in their bosoms a Fire that will at last burn and totally consume them 60. We must resist the first motions of the Flesh and with
vain that they did beat at the gate with a Lord Lord open unto us Matt. 25. The door could not be open'd to them but it was answered from within Verily I say unto you I know you not I know that the chief and principal purpose of this and other Parables is to teach us how we should be prepar'd to expect the Glorious coming of our Lord Jesus Christ but they may very well be applied unto Death for it hath pleased God to keep secret and hidden the day in the which he will call us to himself and that of our Saviours coming to judgment that we may be equally prepar'd and dispos'd for the one as well as for the other As we shall be found at the time of our death so shall we be judged at the great day when Christ shall come down from Heaven with the Angels of his Power and from that judgement there shall be no Appeal Let us therefore put off the Sin that doth so easily beset us and break all the Chains of our filthy Lusts Let us disarm death and take from it its venemous Darts and its piercing stings Let us pluck off the Claws and the Teeth of this furious Beast and extinguish all its fires and it shall never be able to terrify us Let us live the life of Saints and God will give us grace to dye the death of the Righteous and to end like unto them Let us live as we would that we had lived at that instant when Death is upon our Lips Let us live as if at every moment we were to dy and at every hour God did call unto us from his Heaven Come and appear to Judgement And when Satan the World and our own Flesh solicite and draw us to evil let us say within our selves Is it thus that thou wilt reward the Lord thy God and acknowledge all the Blessings and Favors that thou hast received from his bountiful hand O Fool dost thou conceive that thou canst go to Heaven by marching in the Read to Hell If thou dost wilfully cast thy self away into the depths of sin what assur●n●●●ast thou of rising again by Repentance If 〈◊〉 ●orsakest God art not thou afraid God will forsake thee Is it thus that thou preparest thy self to dye Are these Lusts the Arms with which thou must encounter Death Art thou ready to draw near to the Sacred Majesty of thy God and to appear before his great Tribunal The night is far spent the day is at hand Let us therefore cast off the works of darkness and let us put on the Armor of Light Rom. 16. Let us live as Children of God and Heirs of his Kingdom Phil. 3. Let us be blameless and shine as Lights in the World Let our conversation be as Citizens of Heaven from whence we expect the Lord Jesus Eph. 2. Let us go to the Holy and Heavenly Jerusalem by the way of good Works which God hath prepared that we might walk in them Zach. 13. In all our Actions Words and Thoughts let there be engraven Holiness to the Lord. Let us declare by our Deeds that we really believe without doubting whatsoever the Holy Scripture declares of the Eternal pains of Hell and of the unspeakable joys of Heaven Gal. 6. Whilst we have time let us do good to all but chiefly to the Houshold of Faith Eph. 5. Let us redeem the time for the days are evil Doe not as Adam did who to eat of the forbidden Fruit so pleasing to his taste lost the Paradise which God had given him Let us not loose the Eternal Delights that God hath prepared for us from the beginning of the World for a moment of carnal pleasure Let us imitate the Holy and Wise Virgins put Oil in our Lamps betimes let us fill up our Hearts with Faith Hope and Charity and put on the Robes of Righteousness and Holiness As God's faithful Servants Let us labor to accomplish our Taske Let us be stedfast unmoveable always abounding in the work of the Lord that when Death shall appear or rather when the Prince of Life shall call us to himself we may be ready to give him an exact account of our Talents with which he hath intrusted us and that we may say unto him in sincerity and truth I have done the work that thou hast given me I have fought the good fight I have finished my course I have kept the faith O most excellent Lord I have nothing else to do but to receive from thy hand the Crown of Righteousness which thou hast promised to all that love thine appearance I have nothing else to do but to enter into thy Glorious Rest where thou dost embrace in thine infinite Mercies all such as have overcome Sin and Death and kept thy Works unto the end A Prayer and Meditation for him that prepares for Death by Repentance and an Holy Life O God the Holy of Holies who art Holiness it self Sin hath introduc'd Death into the World and rendred this our Enemy so terrible Strengthen me with thy Divine Vertue that I may be able to take from it betimes its mortal Weapons and its fiery Darts and that strength and poison which is so natural to it Seeing that since the Creation of the World thou hast prepared thine Heavenly Kingdom for me give me Grace to employ the remainder of my life to purge my Conscience from dead Works and to sanctify my Body and Soul that I may be in an Estate convenient for such an Holy Abode into which no impure nor defiled thing shall enter that I may be in a disposition fit to behold thy Glorious Face that cannot be seen without Holiness O Heavenly Father enlighten mine understanding with the light of thine Holy Spirit that proceeds from thee that I may discover the ugliness of sin and its dangerous consequences that I may abhor and abominate it with all mine heart that I may look upon it as an infernal Monster and as Satans Image as a grievous filth which hath disfigured the Master-piece of thine hands and blotted out of our Souls the chief features of thy Divine Image Give me grace to esteem it as that cursed Fire that hath kindled thy wrath set the whole world in a flame as that unfufferable burden under which Nature it self sighs and groans and under which Heaven it self complains as the murderer of our first Parents and of all Mankind in general as the Executioner that crucified the Lord of Glory and spilt his precious Bloud In short give me grace to treat it as our most unreconcileable enemy that provoketh thy vengeance and that labors to cast us headlong into the Abysse of Eternal Torments O Father of Mercies give me grace to perceive all the Beauties of Holiness and the Glory that shall reward it that I may be enflamed with its love and embrace it with all the affections of my Soul that I may look upon it as the the off-spring of Heaven as an image of
up to the Throne of his Glory but according to his promise he hath not left us destitute but hath sent us the Comsorter to dwell with us for ever namely the Spirit of Truth whom the world seeth not nor cannot know John 14. Christs Corporal presence was enjoyed but by a small number of People but this Divine Spirit is like a large River that swells and runs over every where John 7. This Holy Spirit is not only with us but also within us He is poured out into our Hearts He Seals us for the day of Redemption He is the earnest of our Inheritance until the full consummation of the Glory reserved for us in Heaven Therefore when this merciful Saviour saw his Apostles afflicted in an extraordinary manner for his Leaving of the World he speaks to them in this Language Because I have said these things unto you Sorrow hath filled your Hearts Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away for if I go not away the Comforter will not come unto you But if I depart I will send him unto you John 16. When St. Paul took his last farewel of the Elders and People of the Church of Ephesus they wept bitterly being grieved to the Heart because he had said That none of them should see his face any more But to comfort them he assures them that in Heaven they had a Father and a Protector and such a Shepherd as would never forsake them I commend you said he To God and to the word of his Grace which is able to build you up and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified Act. 20. Remember therefore O Man of God seriously to consider all these things If the Lord who hath called thee to the Sacred Function of the Ministry continues thee in the world labor with courage and diligence in thine Holy employment Be not tired in the service of this good Master and merciful Saviour fight the good fight of the Faith endure patiently all manner of Labors as a good Soldier of Jesus Christ be as earnest and as careful for the Lord's Sheep as Jacob was for those of Laban Here what he professed of himself In the day the drought consumed me and the frost by night and my sleep departed from mine eyes Gen. 20. Jacob endured patiently these grievous pains and labor and the time of his service seem'd to him to be but of a few days because of the love that he did bear unto Rachel Likewise thou wilt joyfully endure the troubles of thine Office digest with patience all the inconveniencies if thou dost sincerely love the Lord Jesus and his Heavenly Spouse If thou dost esteem the salvation of Souls for whom Jesus Christ hath suffered death if thou hast well understood the Excellency of thine Heavenly Reward and the Glory prepared for thee when thou shalt have finished the time of thy painful and difficult service and of thy mortal Race for they who bring many to Righteousness shall shine as the Stars for ever and ever Dan. 12. Jacob had to do with a deceitful and unfaithful man But God is not as Man that he should Lye or as the Son of Man that he should Repent Gen. 23. Be thou faithful until Death and he will give thee the Crown of Life Revel 2. If it is the Lord's pleasure to lessen thy task so that instead of employing thee in his Vineyard he intends to take thee up into his Kingdom to drink there of his new Wine if at the time that thou thinkest of sowing with Tears thou art transported to the place where thou mayest reap with Songs of Triumph If in lieu of the opposition which thou must suffer from sinners God will grant to thee his Eternal Consolations and receive thee into the harmonious Societies of the Church Triumphant adore his Goodness and his infinite Mercy cast thy self into his hands and resolve chearfully to will what is pleasing to him if during thine abode in this Valley of Tears God hath given thee a livelyhood and if thou hast found in him thy joy thy satisfaction and thy greatest comfort Death will be thy greatest advantage thou shalt find in thy Saviour thy Rest thy Glory and Eternal Delights Phil. 1. Meditate often upon the words of the Holy Apostle St. Peter The Elders which are among you I exhort who am also an Elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the Glory that shall be revealed feed the Flock of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy Lucre but of a ready mind neither as being Lords over God's Heritage but being ensamples to the Flock and when the chief Shepheard shall appear ye shall receive a Crown of Glory that fadeth not away 1 Pet. 5. You also who are afraid to leave behind you a desolate afflicted and comfortless Widow Come and learn this Lesson to relye upon the goodness and tender compassions of the Father of Mercies who never fails to comfort the forlorne in all their afflictions and who is always near to them that call upon him in their distresses 2 Cor. 1. Psal 145. He bears so much favor to the Widows that he calls himself The Judge of the Widows Psal 68. that is the Protector of their integrity and right and severe revenger of the wrongs that they suffer Therefore God tells us in express words That he maintains the Widow and establisheth her Borders Prov. 15. Seeing Job was so merciful as to cause the Widows Heart to sing Job 28. How much more may we expect from God's goodness he will doubtless fill her with his Heavenly joys and the ravishing comforts of his Holy Spirit I mean not the foolish Widows that seek for nothing but pleasure worldly diversion and carnal pastimes who live in the delights of the Age and who are dead whilst they live But I mean the wise Widows who being left alone by their Husbands death have their confidence and trust in God continuing in Prayer day and night Our great God and merciful Lord hath not only said in general that he is the Judge the Protector and Comforter of the Widow But he hath vouchsafed unto some his most signal Favors and extraordinary Blessings In the Reign of Abab while a cruel Famine overspread the Land God sent the Prophet Elijah to a poor Widow of Sarephtah who was preparing her self and her Son to dye as soon as they had eaten a little remnant of Meal and Oil that was left but the Holy Prophet comforted her in this manner Thus saith the Lord the God of Israel the barrel of Meal shall not waste neither shall the cruse of Oil fail until the day that the Lord sendeth Rain upon the Earth 1 King 5. Many Widows have been comforted in such a miraculous manner for God hath so ordered it that their provisions have not failed although it may
painful Fetters Rejoyce O my Soul look up to that Rest that God prepares for thee above The blessed time is come that I shall no longer endure the heat of the day and the watchings of the Night but I shall rest eternally under the shadowes of the Tree of Life and there satisfy my self with its delicious Fruits I shall no longer withstand the contradiction of Sinners nor hear the mocks of the sensual and factious minds I shall no longer encounter with the enemies of thy Sacred Truth nor endure the stings of my Lusts but I shall live for ever in the blessed company of the Holy Angels and rejoyce with the Glorified Saints I shall preach no more against the obstinacy of Men. nor weep for the sins that disgrace thy Church and Profession nor complain of the injustice and affronts done to my Person nor grieve for my own imperfections but I shall sing for ever thy Divine Praises with the Seraphins and the Congregation of the first-born whose Names are recorded in Heaven O Lord who hast an infinite Power in thy Hands and bottomless Treasuries of Mercy be pleased to drive away from thy Flock all ravenous Wolves and mercenary Souls and raise up to this thy Church ☞ a Faithful Sober Wise and a Learned Clergy bring in our dissenting Brethren reconcile the differences that are amongst us and give to us all a friendly compliance that we may no longer be a hissing and a by-word to our Enemies Thou art able yet to clap an effeciual Plaister to our bleeding wound and to cure the distempered minds Be pleased therefore O great Physitian of both Soul and Body mercifully to look down from Heaven upon these Nations Check that bold spirit of division that causeth so much disorder amongst us and make us all sensible of our chief interests which consists in a Blessed Vnion Pour upon our Clergy abundance of thy Grace and give an happy success to their painful Ministry but now I am going to serve thee above in Heaven in a more glorious and excellent Ministry where I shall meet with no trouble nor resistance no weariness grief pain sorrow nor displeasure I shall enter into the joy of my Lord and receive from his merciful Hand the uncorruptible Crown of Immortality and Glory I shall follow the Lamb whithersoever he goes and he shall be my Shepherd for ever he will lead me to the Fountains of living water and wipe away all Tears from mine Eyes Amen A Prayer and Meditation for a Father of a Family FAther of Eternity I yield unto thee my unfeigned thanks because thou hast made me an happy instrument to put into the World Children out of whose mouths thou mayest accomplish thine own praise and who may serve thee here below and worship thee for ever in Heaven amongst the thousands of Angels Whilst I have been in the World I have brought them up in thy Love and Fear I have caused them to suck from the Breast the Milk of Piety and when they were come to an age of understanding I have taught them to walk in thine holy Fear and obey thy Commandements I have laboured to shew them a good example and to guide them in thy Truth And now that I am ready to return unto thee who art the Author of my life and being the only source of my Happiness I leave them in thy merciful hands beseeching thee to look down upon them with the eyes of thy compassion they are thine Lord acknowledge thine own Image and Handywork Thy Finger hath fashioned these Bodies where so many wonders are to be seen And these souls that animate and move them are the breath and beams of thy Divinity Thou hast engaged to be our God and the God of our Posterity after us Thy great and precious promises have been made to us and to our Children O Heavenly Father I desire not that thou shouldest take them out of the World but that thou shouldest keep them from evil Cover them under the shadow of thy wings and preserve them from those Miseries and Calamities which thou hast threatened to send upon the Inbabitants of the Earth for their sins If thou dost chastise them let it be with the Rod of Men and with the scourges of the Sons of Men but withdraw not from them thy Grace and thy fatherly compassions Let the flames of affliction render their Faith more Pure their Lives more Holy and their Zeal more Sincere and Earnest and let it prepare them for thee and thine Eternal Bliss O Holy Father thou seest that the age in which we live is wonderfully corrupt that the Earth is inclined to Vice and that Sin raigns every where Thou knowest also how weak the Nature of Children is and how inclinable to evil therefore strengthen them I beseech thee with such Antidotes as may preserve them from the infection of the times Suffer not the wickedness of the World to win upon their affections nor Satan to prevail upon them by his suggestions nor evil company to spoil their pious Education Give them an understanding to know thee an Heart to love thee and Affections to embrace thee and thy Glory Let thy Holy Angels guard them by night and by day Let thy Providence defend them thy Word instruct them thy Promises comfort them and thy Holy Spirit Regenerate them and imprint in their Souls thy blessed Image Give them neither Poverty nor Riches but nourish them with Food convenient but especially give them that Bread which is come down from Heaven which hath brought Life into the World make them to raste of the Heavenly Gift and of the Powers of the World to come inflame them with thy Love and Charity and adorn them with all Christian Vertues but chiefly Sanctify them with thy Holy Spirit and make them to become new Creatures seeing that without Sanctification none shall see thy Face in Glory Confirm them for ever in thy Holy Covenant and give them grace to transmit it to their posterity after them as a blessed Inheritance that thou mayest be Glorified by them from Generation to Generation to all Eternity Suffer not the World nor Hell to pluck them out of thine Hand that nothing may separate them from the love which thou hast shewed to them in Jesus Christ thine only Son Let not Death terrify them but let it rather rejoyce and comfort them because that it is the entrance that leads to the Glorious Dwelling of their Heavenly Father and to the Celestial Paradise whatsoever change or alteration shall happen here below let them always lift up their Eyes to thee who art the same yesterday and to day and shalt be the same for ever Let them never forget their Duty to thee from whom they have received their Being and Life that they may prefer the Glory of thy Great Name the Purity of thy Worship and the hopes of thy Heavenly Kingdom to all worldly Glory Magnificence Riches advantages and Pleasures of the Flesh
O God who art the Creator and Father of their Spirits cause them to endure a thousand Deaths and reduce them to nothing from whence thou hast fetched them rather than to suffer them to be enslaved to Vice Error or to Superstition that robs thee O Great God of thine Honor to ascribe it to the Creature Merciful and Almighty Lord I shall not say to thee as Esau did to Isaac when he had blessed Jacob My Father hast thou but one Blessing for I am certain that thou hast an infinite number and many inexhausible Fountains of all manner of Blessings but I beseech thee with all the Zeal and Earnestness that I can to Bless my dear Children with thy Heavenly and especial Favors take them into thy protection bear them in thy Hands embrace them with thy tender compassion and let them be as dear to thee as the Apple of thine Eyes Let thy fear be always before them Let them love thee with all their Heart and serve thee with all their Powers that they may Glorify thee in prosperity and adversity in Life and Death that Christ may be their gain whether they live or whether they dye but I am now leaving the World and my Children without Grief or mistrusting thy care of them I am ascending with joy up to thee who art my God my Father and their Father and I trust in thy great and Eternal Mercies that one day we shall see one another in thine Heavenly Kingdom when we shall be admitted to behold thy Face which shall fill us with unspeakable Gladness and Pleasure Amen CHAP. 13. The First Consolation against the fears of Death God will not forsake us in our most grievous pangs MAn is naturally afraid of pain and abhors all sufferings and grief now the most of us are perswaded that it is impossible to dye without enduring great pains therefore they abhor Death not so much for its own sake as for the evils that it causeth to suffer That we may be able to drive away this ill-grounded Fear and strengthen our minds against all apprehensions we must first consider that death is not so dreadful and painful as commonly imagined the Holy Ghost calls it a Sleep and the Heathens themselves have said that Sleep is Death's Cousen-german and the Image of frozen Death Now Sleep creeps upon us insensibly it charms our Sences softly and with invisible Fetters it ties and stops all our most active faculties although we sleep every night we are not able to discover how this happens to us It is said of Socrates one of the most famous Men of the first Ages when he had in obedience to the Decree of the Judges of Athens drunk poison when he felt the venom benumming his Sences and Death creeping into his Veins he declared with a pleasant countenance That he had never swallowed anything more sweet and comfortable Nothing can be imagin'd more pleasant than the death of the old Patriarchs The Holy Scripture tells us That when Jacob had made an end of commanding his Sons he gathered up his Feet into the Bed and yielded up the Ghost Gen. 49. The same is related of King David That when he had perswaded Solomon to fear God and to do justice he slept with his Fathers 1 King 1. God is as merciful to many in these latter days to cause them to dye in speaking and calling upon his Holy name their Souls are not pluckt from them by violence but of their own accord they separate from the Body and fly into Heaven with an Holy chearfulness The separation of such Souls from the Body happens without pain grief or suffering Such are like to a Taper that extinguisheth without any blast of Wind of its own accord when the Wax that kept it alive and nourisheth its flame is totally spent If you perceive some tost and tortured with grievous pangs in their death-bed they are not properly the pangs of death but the last struglings and motions of life for I cannot imagine that at the moment of the separation of our Souls from our Bodies we suffer any pain because at that instant all the Senses are then lulled asleep and our Bodies have no more strength nor life to hinder the Souls departing Death is so far from being so dreadful and painful as we commonly imagine that on the contrary it is that very thing that puts an end to all our pains and miseries And I am perswaded that the diseases that bring us to our graves are not so grievous as the other distempers that we endure whilst we live here on Earth such as are a cruel Gout a Stone in the Kidneys or a Canker in the Breast for they are tortures that rack us continually and a Fire that consumes us without ceasing But when our pains should be far more sensible and that we should have reason to impute them to death we have no reason therefore to fly from it or to abhor its approaches for otherwise we have as good cause to curse the hour of our Birth and weep for our Victories for there is no Birth without pain nor Victory without strugling the most Glorious and flourishing Laurels are watered with Bloud and Sweat The most excellent things are the most painful and to speak according to the common saying that One nail drives another so one evil is a Remedy to many other evils we commonly seek with an earnest longing as a good thing that evil that frees us from the violent pains that we can scarce endure To be healed o●● our distempers we swallow most bitter Pills and Potions that gripe and torment our Bowels To be freed from the Stone we suffer a most painful cutting And that the Gangreen that hath seized upon one of our Members might not get to our Heart we endure it with patience to be cut off whether it be Arm or Leg therefore when Death should be much more grievous bitter and more cruel than it is commonly represented yet we ought to embrace it willingly because that it delivers us not only from some disease or some particular pain but generally from all pains aches and distempers The Physick works not always out the humour that disquiets us When we have drawn out a Stone from the Bladder many times others grow in the place that are worse The Surgeons hand let it be never so perfect answers not always his Patients expectation instead of removing his pain it increaseth it But the working and cure of Death is always certain and never fails the success is always happy to a Christian Soul That I may supply thee with some comfort in the midst of thy great pains and sufferings My Brother or My Sister remember that these things happen not to thee by chance but it is God who sends them to thee according to the decree of his Wisdom Ascribe not thy Disease to the influences of the Stars to blind Fortune but lift up thine Eyes to his appointment who hath stretched
out the Heavens and Commanded the succession of the Seasons and who is the Author and Lord of thy Life We need not tempt God as the Philistins did of old and require from him a miracle to know if it be his hand for God assures us that he himself inflicts the Wound and binds it up that his hand strikes and heals again 1 Sam. 5. Affliction cometh not forth of the Dust neither doth trouble spring out of the ground Job 5. Who is able to say that these things are come to pass and the Lord hath not commanded them doth not evil and good proceed from the appointment of the most High There is no evil in the City but God hath done it that is to say that there is no distemper nor affliction but he over-rules and governs it by his wonderful Providence This perswasion will stop our murmuring in the midst of our greatest troubles and violent paines it will cause us to say with David I have held my peace Lord and have not open'd my Lips because it was thy doing Or if we offer to speak it shall be in the language of a blessed Servant of God Lord thou troublest me but it is sufficient for me to know that it is thy hand Job 2. As if he should have said this Physick is very bitter O great Physitian of my Soul and Body but I will freely drink it up because thou hast prescribed it It is not just to receive good at the hand of God and refuse evil to complain of a disease that he hath sent us for a few days instead of blessing him for the health which he hath continued unto us many years In short when our Souls should be troubled with the anguish of death when drops of bloud should come out of our veins we must in such a case lift up our Eyes to Heaven and say with our Lord and Saviour Father if it please thee that this Cup should not pass away from me except I drink it Nevertheless O Father not my Will but thy Will be done Luk 21. This same consideration will keep us from falling into despair and from fancying that the evils will swallow us up For seeing God sends both evil and good and that he is faithful and just that he is true and merciful he will not suffer us to be tempted that is that we should be afflicted above that we are able but with the temptation he will make away to escape that we may be able to bear it 1 Cor. 10. He kindles not all his wrath at once and employs not all his fury he discovers not all the strength of his Arm Psal 78. but when his anger is hottest he remembers to have pity and compassion on the afflicted for he knows of what we are made that we are but Dust and Ashes Hab. 3. He remembers that we are but Flesh that is to say weakness it self a wind that passeth away and returneth not again Psal 103. He regulates his chastisements not according to the horridness of our sins but according to our great weaknesses Gen. 18. Psal 78. Therefore when God speaks of David's Son the true and lively Image of the Holy Seed with which he hath concluded an Eternal Covenant he speaks in this manner If he commits sin I will chastise him with the Rod of Men and with the stripes of the Children of men but my mercy shall not depart away from him 2 Sam. 7. And St. Paul speaking in general of the afflictions with which God visits his Children 1 Cor. 10. he stiles them Humane temptations to assure us that they shall never exceed the strength and power of our weak Nature The wise and experienced Physitian appoints neither Physick nor Bleeding to the Patient until he hath well examined his Pulse and understood thereby the disposition of his Body and shall not God's Eternal Wisdom that never acts without good reason and that perfectly knows the Pulse and Temper of our Souls that searcheth our Reins and that sees our very Heart proportion his Physick and Remedies to our weaknesses for his design is to heal and not to destroy us He once inflicted punishments upon Babylon by measure and numbred the Viols of his Wrath which he poured upon the seat of the Beast and shall not this good God measure the Rods and weigh the Afflictions with which he reproves his Children shall not he number their Sighs and Tears This consideration comforts King David Thou saith he O God tellest my wandrings put thou my tears into thy bottle are they not in thy Book Ps 56. Although Flesh and Bloud may think otherwise I am perswaded that Diseases may be looked upon as the sweetest and most favourable afflictions It was David's perswasion for when he was to chuse one of these three Plagues either War Famine or Plague which is the most grievous most hated and dreadful of all distempers he chose the Plague We should never forget the reason of his choise Let us fall now said he to the Prophet Gad into the hands of the Lord for his Mercies are great and let me not fall into the hand of Man The evils which God sends to us are expressions of his Love and of his Fatherly Care of us for God begins his Judgements that is his Chastisements at his own House and shews most severity to the Servants whom he loves best 1 Pet. 4. Therefore he tells the Angel of the Church of Laodicea As many as I love I rebuke and chasten Revel 3. The greatest affliction that can happen to us in the World is never to be afflicted and the most grievous temptation is never to be tempted St Paul to the Hebrews speaks most excellently upon this subject Forget not saith he the exhortation which speaketh unto you as unto Children my Son despise not thou the chastening of the Lord nor faint when thou art rebuked of him for whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth and scourgeth every Son whom he receiveth If ye endure chastening God dealeth with you as with Sons for what Son is he whom the Father chasteneth not but if ye be without chastisement whereof all are partakers then are ye Bastards and not Sons Heb. 12. All things work together for good to them that love God Rom. 8. The Diseases of the Body are the Physick of the Soul The Aches which thou seelest in thy Body are Instructions of thy Mind God intends to make thee sigh for thy sins water thy Couch with thy Tears and abhor the remembrance of thy former miscarriages Psal 6. The causes of thy present pain and grief He intends to make thee partaker of his Holiness Heb. 12. If it please God to sanctify his afflictions to thee thou wilt be able to say with David It was good for me that I was afflicted that I might learn thy Commandments Before that I was afflicted I went astray but now I keep thy Word Psal 119. Although our Lord and Saviour was the only Son and
you may then conclude that such an one is strengthened by God's Divine Spirit who upholds him and accomplisheth his Heavenly Vertue in his Servants infirmity This is the most wonderful and excellent of all Deliverances I confess some approve this discourse very well and admit these Consolations in their ordinary diseases but assoon as any extraordinary and violent griefs seize upon them they are apt to murmure against God and to complain that their punishment is too grievous Some proceed further to curse as Job the day of their birth and being hurried into despair are ready to cry out with Cain My punishment is greater than I am able to bear Unhappy Man Wilt thou imitate the barbarous Heathens who curse the Sun when it burns them and let fly their Arrows against Heaven when it Thunders wretched Man What will it avail thee to affront thy Creator what advantage wilt thou reap from the Blasphemies which thou dost belch forth against the Son of Righteousness miserable Worm of the Earth less than Dust and nothing wilt thou undertake to contend against God to pluck him from his Throne and to break the invincible Arm of his strength Dost thou imagine to stop the hand of his Vengeance by offending and sinning against him Wilt thou quench the fury of his wrath by spitting in his Face Believest thou that he will stretch forth his hand to deliver thee and to increase thy Blessings whilst thy mouth is open to blaspheme him who is thy Soveraign Lord. Listen well I beseech thee friend to my advice and I will draw thee out of the Abysse where thou art unhappily fallen and with God's help I will cause thee to understand that thou complainest wrongfully against him who doth all things advisedly and with Justice and Reason First run over the whole course of thy life and consider how many wicked deeds thou hast committed some by indiscretion others wilfully how many words have gone out of thy mouth how many thoughts have been entertained in thy mind against the Commands of Almighty God Consider seriously the number and grievousness of thy sins and miscarriages and thou shalt find that God's punishments are far less than thy deservings and that for one sensible word and bitter pain that thou feelest thou hast deserved many thousands so that thou shalt have cause to confess with the Prophet Daniel O Lord Righteousness belongeth unto thee but unto us confusion of Faces Dan. 9. And thou wilt say with David Innumerable evils have compassed me about mine iniquities have taken hold upon me so that I am not able to look up they are more than the hairs of my Head therefore my heart faileth me there is no whole part in my Flesh because of thine indignation nor rest in my bones because of my sin Ps 40. 2. Consider how many there are in the world more righteous than thou who suffer more grievous and longer evils than thou hast hitherto endured and yet have not had so much comfort and assistance If thou comparest thy condition with theirs thou shalt find that God spares and favors thee very much 3. Cast thine Eyes upon the death and passion of our Lord and Saviour who being righteous and innocent hath suffered for us wicked and abominable sinners Thine affliction is painful I confess but that which this merciful Redeemer hath suffered for thee was far more unsufferable Let his Exclamations his Tears and drops of Bloud which came out of his veins be witnesses and that earnest Prayer which he repeated three times upon his bended knees Father if it be possible let this cup pass from me that I may not drink it Let that doleful voice upon the Cross be also witness My God my God why hast thou sorsaken me 4. Weigh in just and equal Scales of the Sanctuary all the sufferings of this life with the torments of Hell which thou hast justly deserved and compare them together thou wilt quickly conclude that all thy pains are nothing if compared with the grievous tortures of that lake of Fire and Brimstone where there are weeping and gnashing of Teeth If thou art so sensible of these vanishing pains consider well how much thou art obliged to the goodness of God who hath freely pardoned all thine offences and redeemed thee from that eternal and unspeakable Misery of the t'other life 5. Thou must imitate those men who having their Sight dimmed with the extraordinary splendor of bright Colours or of a Body of Light turn off their Eies to look upon less offensive objects instead of handling always thy Wounds and Sores instead of thinking of the afflictions that lye heavy upon thee meditate upon the goodness and favors of God vouchsafed to thee since thy Conception until now I give thee leave to put in one side of the Scales all thy crosses losses diseases pains and grief upon condition that in the t'other Balance thou wilt put all the Mercies Favors Blessings and Deliverances which thou hast received from God's liberal Hand It is true thou groanest under thy Misery and complainest of thy condition thou verily believest that there is none so miserable as thou art so that willingly thou wouldest say with the Prophet Jeremiah Doth not this move ye O ye that pass by behold and see if there be any sorrow like unto my sorrow which is done unto me wherewith the Lord hath afflicted me in the day of his fierce anger But when there should be nothing else but this alone that God hath called thee to the knowledge of his Holy Will enriched thee with the Graces of his Divine Spirit and sown in thy Heart the seeds of Eternal Life and the blessed hopes of seeing his Face in Glory thou oughtest to look upon thy self as one of the happiest Creatures under Heaven 6. Finally thou must meditate with a Religious attention upon the joys of Heaven and the Eternal Blessedness of Paradise for I reckon with the Apostle that the sufferings of this present life art not worthy to be eompared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us Lam. 1. When we cast our Eyes upon the Earth alone we judge it to be very spacious and large our sight is lost in the contemplation of so many Provinces Cities and Kingdoms but when we compare it with Heaven we find it to be but a point Likewise when we look upon and reckon up the hours days weeks months and years of our sufferings the time appears very tedious and long but when we compare all these parcels of time with Eternity they seem to us but a moment when we should have been overwhelmed with evils and miseries from the first instant of our entrance into the World until the last of our going out Yet we have reason enough to say with St. Paul Our light affliction which is but for a moment worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of Glory while we look not at the things which are seen but at the things
Now although we be the Children of God and the supposed Heirs of his Crown our Glory and Dignity is not to be discerned during the years of our Earthly Pilgrimage Our Heavenly Father suffers us here in an Estate contemptible in the eye of the World that we might learn Humility and desire more earnestly his celestial Inheritance As it happens in a dark and obscure midnight Men tread under feet the Pearls the Diamonds the Scepters and the Crowns Thus it is now that a gross ignorance hath overspread and covers the face of the World the Children of God who are the most precious Jewels of his Crown are esteem'd no better than the scum or the filth of thē Earth This consideration causeth St. John to tell us Beloved we are now Children of God it doth not yet appear what we shall be but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him for we shall see him as he is 1 Joh. 3. As David sent for Absalom out of the Philistins Countrey and gave him leave to dwell in the City of Jerusalem but for the space of two years he would not suffer him to enter his Royal Palace or see his Face Likewise God hath freed us from the Devils Tyranny and Hells Power he hath admitted us into his Holy Church which is as his Jerusalem where he gives a fore-tast of our Heavenly Peace and Reconciliation but he delays for a time our reception into the magnificent Palace of his Glory and to the enjoyment of his Divine Presence the highest satisfaction and the greatest happiness While we remain in the Body we are estranged from God so that we are saved but by Hope 2 Cor. 5. But when we shall depart out of this Body we shall be with the Lord and shall enter into a real fruition of his Celestial Inheritance Rom. 8. Finally while we dwell here below we may see the Image of our Heavenly Father and behold his Face as in a Glass but when he shall have caused us to draw near his Throne we shall see him face to face we shall be transformed into his likeness and be fully satisfied with his resemblance Rom. 1. 1 Cor. 3. 1 Cor. 13. Psal 17. Let Death be never so hideous and ugly it is the Messenger of our Heavenly Father and if we can have but the confidence to open its iron hands and look into them we shall find Gracious Letters full of Love by which this Father of Mercy calls us to the full enjoyment of our Eternal Happiness Death doth not only invite us to go to God but it serves as a Vessel to convey us through this tempestuous Sea of the World to go to our good God who expects our coming at the Haven of everlasting Rest it is like to Eliah's Chariot of Fire that carried him up to Heaven 2 King 2. If Death covers our eyes with one hand and deprives us of the Light of the Sun with the other it rents in pieces that Vail which hinders us from the sight of the varieties of God's immortal Sanctuary and discovers to us the Glorious Face of the Father of Lights with the one it digs for our Bodies a Grave to cast them in but with the other hand it flings open for our Souls the Gates of the Heavenly Jerusalem to usher them into the Banqueting-Hall Therefore Death should be so far from frighting us that its arrival should rather comfort us and cause us to resolve to follow it with an Holy chearfulness for we should not only be willing to go to God with transports of joy when he is pleased to call us to himself to behold his Face and to eat of the Bread of Eternal life in his Heavenly Kingdom but of our own accord we should be impatient to enjoy his Glorious Presence and in a continual longing to see that happy day that shall bring us into him and satisfy us with his unspeakable Delights A true Christian should be moved in this occasion with David's Spirit As the Hart panteth after the Water-Brooks so panteth my Soul after thee O God My Soul thirsteth for God for the living God when shall I come and appear before God I confess that this Great God before whom we are to appear is cloathed with Glory and Majesty and dwels in the Light which no man can approach unto 1 Tim. 6. I know that he sits upon a dreadful Throne of Fire whereof the Wheels are like a burning Flame Dan. 7. that a thousand thousand wait upon him and ten thousand Millions stand before him Isai 6. I am not ignorant that at his Presence the Earth is moved the Sea and the Rivers dry up the Mountains tremble and the little Hills shake the Rocks decay the Pillars of Heaven fail and the Seraphims cover themselves with their wings Revel 4. But let not this dreadful Majesty and Heavenly Pomp terrify thee O believing Soul for this Great God is full of a Fatherly affection for thee Round about this Throne of God there is a beautiful Rainbow of a Green colour like unto an Emerald to signify unto us that God is reconciled and that the Covenant of our Peace is to continue for ever As out of this magnificent Throne proceed the Thunders and Thunderbolts that fright the Worldlings and cast the proud Souls down to the ground so from thence proceed also Lightnings and such refreshing Flames as are able to comfort the Believer and to guide him to his Celestial Inheritance We are related to God more than the Angels and Seraphims for we are not only his Creatures and Servants but also his Children and the Members of his Son nay we are but one with him Joh. 17. Let us therefore return our hearty thanks to our Heavenly Father which hath made us mete to be partakers of the Inheritance of the Saints in Light Colos 1. Let us go up with confidence to Mount Sion for there are no signes of God's wrath to be seen nor of his just vengeance we shall find no bounds to separate us from God's Gracious Presence but we shall find Cords of Love to draw us and unite us unto him we shall see no fire to devour and scare us but we shall perceive the comfortable Flames which burn without consuming and which bring Comfort rather than Fear we shall not meet there a terrible Law-giver to derive us from him to scare us with his Thunderbolts but we shall meet a loving Father to embrace us and open to us the bosom of his tender compassions In short we shall not hear there the terrible sound of the Trumpet that causeth the Rocks to split asunder that casts to the ground the proud Cedars and that makes the Deer cast their young but we shall hear the sweet and melodious voice that will settle our trembling Souls refresh our languishing Hopes and fill us with Peace and Eternal Comfort Heb. 12. I acknowledge that God is just but he is also merciful and his
forgiveness with thee that thou mayest be feared Psal 130. He that hides his transgressions shall not prosper but he that confesseth and forsaketh them shall obtain Mercy Prov. 1.8 It is certain that there is no sinner never so guilty that shall seek unto God's Mercy by a true Repentance but shall obtain his Request Psal 113. David had defiled himself with an horrible Adultery and imbrued his Hands in the Bloud of one of his most faithful Servants but assoon as he made his Suit unto God with a broken Heart and a contrite Spirit this good and merciful Creator cleansed this foul Sinner from all his guilt at the fountain of his infinite Mercy he made him whiter than Snow and comforted his bruised Bones This consideration caused him to cry out I said I will confess unto God my transgressions and thou O God hast taken away the punishment of my sin Ps 52 King Manasseh had been addicted to devilish Arts and to the most abominablee and grievous Idolatries 2 Chron. 33. Nevertheless as soon as he sighs in his Chains his Prayers and his Groans found a Gracious reception at the Throne of Grace The poor Publican in the Gospel being ashamed to lift up his Eyes to Heaven struck upon his Breast with this expression of his penitent Soul O God be merciful to me a sinner Luk 18. And God look'd upon him with an Eye of Mercy and stretched out unto him his Gracious Hand so that h● departed to his home justified The penitent Magdalen was inwardly grieved at her former filthy and debauched behaviour so that she came and cast her self at our Saviours Feet watering them with her Tears and wiping them with the Hair of her Head Luk 9. but Christ soon lifted her up with these comfortable words Thy sins are pardoned thy faith hath saved thee go in peace St. Peter by an unconstancy that should cause the best Christians to tremble for fear of falling into the same Apostacy denied his Lord and Master three times with cursing and swearing Matth. 26. but this merciful God looked upon him with an eye of compassion and gave him grace to repent most bitterly of such a foul crime I doubt not but at the same time that this wretched sinner poured forth his Tears in God's presence doubtless he poured into his Heart the Oyl of Joy and Gladness and comforted him most effectually by his Divine Spirit Likewise although your sins be grievous and abominable if your Souls be struck with grief and displeasure if your Hearts be truly penitent so that you shed sincere Tears of Repentance and in case you are heartily sorry for the want of a sufficient displeasure for your sins in case you prostrate your self before your Heavenly Father he will raise you up again by his infinite Goodness he will cast all your sins and transgressions behind him he will cry unto you in your Hearts by the voice of his Holy Spirit My Son or My Daughter thy sins are forgiven thee John 5. He will fill your Souls with an unspeakable Joy Luk 9. and will cause you to sing with the Psalmist Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven whose sin is covered Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile Psal 32. Finally think not that it is ever too late to repent and that when Death is upon your Lips it is no time to seek to the Mercy of God As the business of Repentance cannot be too soon because we know not when God will call us to himself It is most certain that it can never be too late for at what time or season soever the poor sinner melts into Tears of Repentance in case his Repentance be real and his Tears proceed from a penitent heart God will always have the Arms of his Mercy wide open to receive him The Thief crucified at our Saviours side was at the last gasp when he was converted and when he uttered this excellent expression Remember me Lord when thou comest into thy Kingdom Luk 23. Our good and merciful Saviour granted his Request and encouraged him with the most excellent and comfortable promise that we can imagine Verily I say unto thee To day shalt thou be with me in Paradise In like manner when thou art at the point of death if God speaks unto thee and awakens thy Conscience it is an infallible signe that he hath compassion upon thee and that he will not destroy thee It is a signe that he opens for thee his Heaven full of Light and Glory and offers unto thee his Paradice with all its Divine Excellencies Doubt not penitent sinner that this is the acceptable day the day of Salvation and the time of Gods good pleasure seeing that this good God draws so near thee thou mayest with freedom draw near him And seeing that he beats and knocks at the door of thine Heart it is an infallible token that thou mayest also beat at the door of his Eternal Mercies and that he intends to open to satisfy thee In short at what hour soever we go unto God and appear before his Throne he stretcheth out unto us the Golden Scepter of his Goodness that we should obtain Mercy and find Grace to be helped in time of need It is not needful that we should prepare long and elaborated Speeches or Prayers to perswade God to vouchsafe his Grace and needful help in such an urgent necessity It is not necessary that we should compose them with the Art and Industry of humane Wisdom We need but pray unto God as unto our Father and weep in his bosom we need but open unto him our Hearts and call our selves his Children that alone is sufficient to move him to compassion and to stir up his Fatherly affections to appease his anger and to draw upon us his most excellent Blessings The Prophet Isaiah the most Eloquent of the Men of his time seeks no other argument to perswade God to have Mercy and compassion but this Look down from Heaven and behold from the Habitation of thy Holiness and of thy Glory where is thy Zeal and thy Strength the sounding of thy Bowels and of thy Mercies towards me are they restrained doubtless thou art our Father though Abraham be ignorant of us and Israel acknowledgeth us not Thou O Lord art our Father our Redeemer thy Name is from everlasting Isai 63. Likewise after that he had made this confession We are all as an unclean thing and all our righteousnesses are as filthy Rags and we all doe fade as a leaf and our iniquities like the wind have taken us away and there is none that calleth upon thy name that stirreth up himself to take hold of thee for thou hast hid thy face from us and hast consumed us because of our iniquities Chap. 64. He adds But now O Lord thou art our Father we are thy Clay and thou art our Potter and we all are the work of thine Hand Be
and ready with its jaws open to devour me But Lord I come to cast my self before thy Blessed Cross I take hold of the Horns of this Altar I dip my self in thy Bloud I put on the Robes of thy Righteousness and wrap my self up in thy Death O Holy Redeemer I know that thou hast been distressed and grievously perplexed at the approaches of Death and that thine Agony hath been so bitter that thou hast sweated drops of Bloud and the Holy Angels have come down to comfort thee whereas thy Servants the Martyrs have gone to death and their sufferings with expressions of Joy as to a most splendid Banquet or to a Triumph Thou hast prayed with strong Crying and Tears to be delivered from death and that this Cup might pass away so that thou mightest never tast of its bitterness But Lord thy death was not as mine and as that of thy blessed Martyrs Thy death was an atonement for the sins of the whole World whereas our death is not intended as a satisfaction to God's justice but rather to render us capable of receiving the blessed Fruits of his Eternal Compassions Thou didst bear the strokes of God's Justice and endure the fierceness of his wrath enflamed against the sins which thou hast loaded on thy self But we instead of this consuming Fire which thou hast quenched with thy precious Bloud we perceive the flames of Love instead of the Hand of thy justice we see thy Arms wide open to receive us into Eternal Happiness Death good Lord was armed with our sins and iniquities and with all that is dreadful in Hell but I see that all the Armor of Death are hung upon thy Cross they are the Trophies and everlasting marks of thy Glorious Victory Thou hast felt not only the most sensible Darts of Death but also the most terrible Thunderbolts and fearful Curses of the Law Thou hast secured us from all that violence thou hast redeemed us from the dreadful Curses When thou wast made a Curse for us thou hadst not only to encounter with death but also to destroy him who had the Empire of Death and to break in pieces the Gates of Hell Thou didst spoil Principalities and Powers shewing them openly and triumphing of them in thy Cross O wonderful Saviour How marvellous are thy Works and worthy of the continual admiration of Men and Angels Thou hast drunk up the very dregs of the Cup of God's fury that we might never taste of it and thou hast taken upon thee all the punishment that our sins and offences had deserved that we might never feel them Thy grievous pangs alleviate my torments thy bruises and wounds are my health and cure thy fears do comfort and settle my mind and thy distressed Soul doth fill mine full of joy and comfort thy crying doth appease the troubles of my Conscience and thy drops of Bloud do wash down my Tears thine affliction comforts me thy sorrow is my joy and thy bitterness is my sweetness thy death is my victory and thy Cross is my Triumph I shall no longer apprehend to dye seeing thou didst procure unto me Life and Immortality O Glorious and Merciful Lord the Kingdom of Heaven belongs unto thee by a twofold Right it belongs to thee because thou art the only Son of God and the Heir of all things it belongs to thee also because thou hast purchased it with the infinite Merits of thy Sufferings the first is sufficient for thee the second thou hast resigned unto me that I might one day enjoy this Heavenly Kingdom as the fruits of thy Death and the price of thy Bloud I have hoped in thee Lord I shall never be confounded I know that nothing impure or defiled shall enter into thine Holy Jerusalem but thy Bloud shall wash me from all my sins and make me as white as Snow O Glorious Lord O thou that art wonderful how precious is thy death unto me It is the payment of all my debts the atonement of all my crimes and the ransom of the whole World It is our peace with God our re-union with Heaven and our reconciliation with the Blessed Angels of Light It is the death of Death it self and the ruine of Hell In short it hath not only drawn me out of an Abysse of Misery freed me from Eternal Damnation and the infinite torments of the bottomless Pit but it hath purchased for me Heaven with all its Glory and Paradise with its unspeakable Delights David was much admired for making use of Goliah 's Sword to cut off his Head but who will admire and wonder at thee O victorious Son of David seeing thou hast swallowed up Death into Victory by thine own death Sampson was wondered at because he killed a few Enemies by his death but who will not wonder at thee O Son of Righteousness who by thy death hast destroyed all the enemies of our Salvation and given to death itself its death's wound Jacob slept peaceably at the bottom of the mysterious Ladder which reacht from the Earth up to Heaven But O my Lord God I shall lay my self down and find more peace and quiet at the bottom of thy blessed Cross seeing that by its means I have access to the Father unto whom thou hast reconciled me seeing that I may with boldness go to the Throne of Grace to obtain Mercy and Help in time of need Lord Jesus I discover in thy Cross not only the source of my sweetest Comforts of my greatest Joys and of my noblest expectations but I learn also there how to dye well and I perceive all the Vertues in their greatest perfection that should accompany my Soul at its Egress out of this Body O Lord Who art Perfection it self and who hast left me such a notable Example that I might imitate it give me Grace to express to all my Relations that cordial and holy affection and that tenderness which I see in thee give me Grace to forgive with all mine Heart mine Enemies that I may pray God for them who have persecuted me with fury Give me Grace in my greatest pains to follow the example of thy sweet Nature of thy Goodness of thy Patience and noble Resolution Inflame my Soul with an earnest Zeal for thy Glory and with such a love as caused thee to offer thy self up in Sacrifice to God Here I am O God ready to perform thy Will my Soul is none of mine but thine who art its faithful Creator and its merciful Saviour Seeing that thou hast paid its Ransom that thou hast washed and cleansed it in thy Blood cloathed it with thy Righteousness and put it in a capacity of entring into thine Heavenly Sanctuary and of appearing before the Father of Lights do with it as it shall seem good unto thee O sweet Jesus who hast been pleased to Dye and be Crucified for me wretched Sinner give me that Grace that I may for ever live and raign with thee and that I may at every
Ascension of our Divine Saviour we shall see this same Death bound to his Triumphing Charriot and we shall see this glorious Redeemer exalted above the highest Heavens and sitting gloriously at the Right hand of God we shall see him invested in an almighty Power worshipped by all the Creatures we shall see him commanding not only the Angels of Light and the celestial Spirits that are about his Magnificent Throne but commanding also over this World over Death the Devils and Hell Because he hath been obedient unto Death yea to the ignominious Death of the Cross God hath highly exalted him and given him a Name which is above every Name that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow of things in Heaven in Earth and under the Earth Phil. 4. and that every Tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is the Lord to the glory of God the Father Every Souldier doth not always bear a part in the Triumph of their General and all the Subjects do not tast of their Princes happiness but as we are the Brethren of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Members of his Mistical Body we have a share in his Triumph and in the glory of his Empire therefore the Apostle St. Paul informs us that our Life that is to say our glory and eternal Felicity is hid with Christ in God in another place he tells us in express words That God who is rich in Mercy hath made us sit in Heavenly places with Jesus Christ This glorious Saviour is gone to take possession of the Kingdom of Heaven not only for himself but also in our names and for us therefore he informs the Holy Apostles and all true believers That in his Fathers House there are many Mansions I am going to prepare a place there for you In the same manner he speaks in that admirable Prayer in the which he consecrates himself to God for the great Work of our Redemption Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me For the same reason St. Paul tells us in his Epistle to the Hebrews for our comfort Heb. 6. that Christ is gone into Heaven as our forerunner The High Priest of the Jews did enter into the earthly Sanctuary to present himself before God for the people Heb. 9. Thus our Lord Jesus Christ is gone into the Heavenly Sanctuary to appear for us in the presence of God The High Priest of the Jews did bear upon his Breast and Shoulders the Names of the 12 Tribes of Israel but Jesus Christ hath graven us upon his Heart according to the Prayer of the Spouse in the Canticles Can. 8. Set me as a Seal upon thine Heart as a Seal upon thine Arm for Love is strong as Death The High Priest of the Jews did cast off the Names of the Twelve Tribes with his Robes But neither Death nor Life nor things present nor things to come shall ever separate us from the love of God in Jesus Christ Rom. 8. The Roy●● Diademe that was put upon Esthers Head never c●●sed her to forget her People and Parentage she was m●g●●●ly grieved for her Hamans Conspiray and the Decree which he had caused King Ahasuerus to Sign and 〈◊〉 with his Signet I may likewise say that the Glory unto which our Lord Jesus Christ is now raised can never make him forget the People that he hath redeemed with his Blood He is not unmindful of Satans plots nor of the Sentence of Doom pronounced against us by the great Monarch of the World and confirmed with his great Seal His glorious Head may be Crowned with the R●inbow but his merciful Heart is inflamed with Love for us He thinks it no disgrace to acknowledge us for his Brethren and to pray God for us upon his glorious Throne where thousand millions wait upon him and ten thousand thousands Worship him He is able to Save to the full all such as draw near to God through him for he lives always to intercede for us If the Father hath always granted him his Request when he was in his greatest abasement can we imagine that his Intercession will be fruitless now that he is ascended up to the highest Glory From the Chariot of his Triumph he beholds all our Encounters and our struglings with Death he sees all the Enemies that Assault us and all the Dangers unto which we are exposed He is acquainted with the deep Malice and the crafty Designs of the Enemies of our Salvation He perceives all the Darts that they let flie against us therefore he covers us with his Shield and will not suffer us to yield to Temptation He fulfills his Vertue in our Infirmities and makes us more then Conquerors he hath an eye alwayes upon his Flock he holds his Sheep all in his hand and none is able to pluck them from thence When he was upon Earth in his Agony at this word that dropt out of his Mouth I am he John 10. his Enemie● fell backward and when he was in Deaths Prison he constrained it to obey him and shall he not now that he is exalted up to the highest Heavens in the glory of his Triumph have the same power and command over Death the World and Hell When he walked upon the Waters he cried to his Apostles It is I be not affraid John 6. how much rather may he speak unto us in this manner now that he sits upon the Throne that can never be moved Christian Soul who trembles at the approaches of Death imagine that the Lord Jesus Crowned with Glory calls to thee from Heaven fear not for I call thee and hold out unto thee my Arms I that am thy Saviour and Redeemer who have satisfied for all thy sins with my Blood and who have redeemed thee from the Curse of the Law and eternal Damnation I have disarmed Gods Justice vanquished Hell broken the Serpents Head and swallowed up Death into Victory I have purchased for thee the Glories of Heaven and the Delights of Paradice I have trampled upon the World and all its powers I am Worshipped by all the Church triumphing in Heaven and by Legions of holy Angels that fly about my Throne I will therefore send some of them to guard thee and when thou shalt leave the Body where thou livest as a Sttranger they shall bring up thy Soul into this glorious abode of Immortality whether I am come to prepare a place for thee Without doubt if the Author of our hope is fixed in the vaile that is in Heaven where Jesus Christ is gone in as our forerunner we shall not apprehend the most contrary and boisterous storms raised against us by the Prince of the powers of the Aire who works with efficacy in the Children of Rebellion we shall tred under foot all the billows of this troublesome Sea and through these swelling waves we shall march safe to our Divine Jesus If at
any time we begin to sink and that our Soul is frighted this almighty Lord who hath not only delivered himself but is the Saviour and Deliverer of his Church will speak unto us as to his Apostle O Man of little Faith why didst thou doubt knowest thou not that I command the Winds that I can still the Waves and drive from thee the Tempest knowst thou not that I have in my hands the Keys of Hell and of Death When a person is to go to a place of rest and happiness and that he cannot pass to it but through a painful and thorny passage he marcheth with resolution and courage when a friend of his is gone before and stretcheth out unto him his hand to help him Now it is not possible to attain to the glories of Heaven and the joys of Paradise but through the passage of Death a passage very uneasie and grievous to our present seeming But Jesus Christ who loves us with an eternal Love hath gone through this passage before us he is past from this World to the Father he is gone to his God and to our God And that we might go to him he hath sent the Light of his holy Word to direct us John 2. he vouchsafes unto us his Staff and his Rod to comfort us Ps 23. and stretcheth out the right hand of his Almighty power to cause us to pass from Death to Life where I am saith he there shall also my Servant be Joh. 12. When the Apostles went up to Jerusalem and Jesus went before them Mark 9. they were terrified and frighted but we that go up to the Heavenly Jerusalem and tred upon the footsteps of this mighty Saviour ought to be full of boldness and Christian confidence This great God and Saviour Reigns in Heaven he Commands in the Earth the Sea and the Deep therefore we may Dye without Fear and with an holy Joy For who would not rejoyce to enter into the Glorious Palace of Immortality where we should see not only the Patriarchs Prophets Apostles Martyrs the holy and blessed Virgin with all the Saints of Paradice but we shall see face to face our great God and Saviour Jesus Christ whom so many Kings and Prophets have desired to see and hear While we remain in these Bodies we are absent from the Lord therefore we rather desire to be absent from the Body and to be with Christ this Consideration causeth the holy Apostle to confess That his desire was to depart and to be with Christ which was far better for him Phil. 11. The Queen of Sheba left her Kingdom and came from a corner of the Earth to see King Solomon who was but a Type of Christ and who had but a little of his wisdom and glory and is there any Treasure on Earth any Honour in this Age or pleasure in this Life that might hinder us from going to see our Saviour Jesus Christ When he was in his Infancy the Shepherds left their Flocks and made hast towards Bethlehem to look upon him the wise Men came from the East to adore him and if he were yet on Earth we should undertake a tedious Pilgrimage to the ends of the World and part with our dearest enjoyments to see him But the little Village of Bethlehem is nothing in comparison of the celestial Jerusalem and what is the sight of the Lord Jesus in swadling Cloathes lying in a Manger and in the Arms of his Blessed Mother in comparison of the sight of a Christ cloathed with Light Crowned with Glory and sitting at the right hand of God the Father upon a Magnificent Throne Worshiped by all the Angels and the glorified Spirits The Father of the Faithful was transported with Joy when he saw in Spirit the day of the Lord and the Spouse in the Canticles was exceeding glad when she heard him knocking at her door and old Simon was ravished above measure when he held Christ in his Arms how much more shall we be transported and ravished into admiration and Joy when we shall look upon him as he is now in the highest Glory and raised to the most magificent Estate when we shall enjoy him never to leave him again When St. Stephen beheld the Heavens open and Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of God the Father his face became radiant as that of an Angel Therefore how luminous and shining shall our Countenances be when we shall be entered into these places of Light and when we shall behold with open face this ●iessed Redeemer for ever When old Jacob heard that Joseph was alive and Reigning 〈◊〉 Egypt whom he had so tenderly loved and for whom he had shed so many tears he was most passionately ●esirous to see again this dear Son and to behold his glor● It is enough saith he Joseph is yet alive I will go and see him before I dye Gen. 45. And what think you believing Souls when you understand that your true Jos●ph whom you heartily love Lives and Raigns above in ●●e●ven and that he is there Worshipped by all the glorified Spirits do not you earnestly desire to see his Face and ●o behold his Divin Glory and Happiness This old Father was weak and feeble through Age and oppressed with Grief but his Spirit did revive when he saw the Wagons that Joseph h●d sent to fetch him and you my Christian Brethren when old Age and Sickness have weakened your bodies and grief and displeasure have undermined your Hearts do not you feel your selves revive when Death draws near and you perceive with the eye of Faith the Horses and Charriots which Christ hath sent ot carry you away to the Paradice of his Glory Seeing that Joseph received his Father and Brethren with Tears of Joy and all the House of Pharoah rung with outward expressions of gladness with what Joy with what kindness and love will Christ embrace us and what Joy will there be in Heaven at our arrival it is not to be expressed but with the Tongues of Angels Joseph fed his Father and his Brethren but he never yielded up unto them any part of his Glory Whereas our Lord Jesus Christ who excells Joseph as much in Power and Glory as in Love and Mercy shall not only feed us with the Bread of his Kingdome and give us to Drink of the Rivers of his Pleasures but he will also impart unto us some of his Glory and Magnificence as he promised to his Apostles I appoint unto you a Kingdom as my Father hath appointed unto me Luke 22. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne be thou faithfull untill Death and I will give thee a Crown of Life Rev. 3. Josephs Brethren notwithstanding his Glory and Power became afterward Slaves but Jesus Christ will place upon our Head a Crown of pure Gold Joseph could never defend his Brethren from Death they all Died
is not given us for a time but to dwell in us for ever As that Flesh which our Lord took from us was never cast off nor never shall Thus the Spirit which he given us shall never be taken from us The flesh which our Saviour united in the same person with the Divine word hath been glorified by this eternal Union but the Spirit which he hath united to our Spirits by this gracious Union is the foundation of Glory and of our eternal happiness This Spirit of Life is not only the Seal of the promises of God but also the earnest of our uncorruptible inheritance reserved for us in Heaven This is St. Pauls Doctrine Ephes 1. for when he had said you have been Sealed by the holy Spirit of promise he adds which is the earnest of our inheritance untill the Redemption of the purchased possession unto the praise of his ●glory Because this Divine Spirit is the Seal of the living God he is the earnest of his Inheritance for this heavenly Image that it imprints in our Souls shall be part of that glory with which he will Crown us in his holy Paradice Therefore the Wisdom that is various in every manner doth not call this Spirit a Gage but an earnest for although both be given as a confirmation of promises and an assurance of their accomplishment there is this difference that Men commonly take back again the thing engaged when that which is promised is done but the earnest remains always and is part of the summe to be paid As therefore the earnest which is given is never taken away but Men commonly add to it the remaining summe promised likewise our Saviour never takes away from his Elect the Spirit of Adoption which hath been once bestowed upon them but he increaseth its Graces and Advantages until he hath raised them to the highest glory and most Divine happiness which he hath promised It is in this occasion as with the Sun which as soon as it appears upon our Horizon increaseth the Light more and more untill he is mounted up to our Meridian or as the Rivolets and Rivers which the farther they run the more they increase untill they discharge into the Sea Therefore when our Lord and Saviour speaks of this Spirit of Grace which such as believe in him receive he tells the Jews John 8. He that believeth in me Rivers of living Water shall flow from his Belly John 4. and to the Samaritan Woman he speak in this Language He that shall Drink of the Water that I shall give him shall never thirst but the Water that I shall give him shall become in him a fountain of water springing to eternal life This was sometimes shewn in a Vision to the Prophet Ezekiel Ezek. 47. by the waters that ran down from the Sanctuary for at the first they did reach no higher then the Prophets Ankle bone afterwards they rise up to his knee and then to his middle at last they increased in such a manner that they became a great Torrent and a deep River which was not to be forded over and which discharged it self into the Sea As David in the beginning of his Raign commanded but one Tribe but afterwards he enlarged the limits of his Kingdom over all the Tribes of Israel that small portion of the Kingdom was not then taken from him but only increased and became greater thus it is with us during this Life we have small part of the Kingdom of Heaven intrusted in our hands or if I may so say we have now some Jewels of the uncorruptible Crown which is promised hereafter This part shall not be taken from us this bright beam of our future glory shall never be put out but in the Life to come we shall possess as much of this Kingdom as we are able and shall be cloathed with all that light and splendor of the Heavenly Glory But as there is no comparison never so just but is faulty in some respects there is no small difference in this for the Tribe of Juda was the noblest and the richest part of the Kingdom of Israel but that part which our Souls enjoy at present of the happiness and glory of the Kingdom of Heaven is but as a drop of Water in comparison of the Ocean or as a weak raye of light in comparison of the Sun 2 Cor. 12. Therefore the Apostle St. Paul who had been ravished into the Third Heaven and who knew better than any Man in the World what were the Joys and glories of Heaven when he mentions this Spirit of Adoption that God sends into our hearts he calls it Rom. 8. The First Fruits of the Spirit To teach us that there is as vast a difference between the measure of the gifts and graces which we receive here below and the overflowing abundance which we shall enjoy in Heaven as between some few ears of Corn and the whole Harvest of a Field It is like the small quantity of Fruits which were brough● to the Children of Israel in the Wilderness compared to the great abundance of all the Land of Canaan It is like some small crums of the Heavenly Bread of which we shall have our fill in the Kingdom of God as some small drops of that New Wine which we shall drink for ever in the heavenly Jerusalem Therefore believing Souls you may from hence conclude that the approaches of Death ought not to scare or fright you because that you have within you the principles of a life everlasting and the seeds of a glorious Immortality which cannot be taken from you Jesus Christ doth not only wait for you and stretch out unto you his Arms to receive you into his Rest but he himself is also with you and will render the passage easie and pleasant to this new World where Justice and Righteousness dwell Iohn 11. He will make Miracles for your sake and if you believe you shall see the glory of God Ioshua 3. We do not only follow the footsteps of this Divine and real Ioshua but we pass with him and he passeth with us Exod. 19. We are not like the Children of Israel that went through the River of Iordan whilst the Priests held the Ark in the middle of the River but we may be compared to the Priests themselves 1 Pet. 2. that did bear the Ark of the Covenant and caused the Waters to return up to their Fountain again for we are a Generation of Priests and we bear in our Souls the Lord Jesus in whom the fulness of the Godhead dwells bodily and in whom are hid all the Treasures of Wisdom and Knowledge In short our Souls return to God the Fountain from whence they came Let therefore that heavenly voice which was heard in the holy Land sound in our ears Is 43. Fear not for I have redeemed thee I have called thee by thy Name thou art mine when thou passest through the Waters I will be with thee and through the Rivers
end is destruction whose God is their belly and whose glory is in their shame who mind earthly things Phil. 3. If we should seek in these days for the Christian Vertues where shall we find Faith Hope and Charity where shall we meet with Righteousness Fidelity Holiness Innocence Goodness Meekness Humility Patience Piety and Devotion You Daughters of Heaven what is become of you we cannot see any more your Angelical countenance we are so far from beholding the delightful Beams of your Divine Presence that we cannot spy out any of your Footsteps upon Earth You may therefore understand Christians thereby that the Son of God is at hand for iniquity abounds Charity grows cold and there is no more faith upon Earth In the midst of such a woful Corruption who of us doth afflict his Soul as Righteous Lot who weeps day and night as David a Man after God's own Heart where can we spy out the Fountains of Tears of the Prophet Jeremiah Or the confusion of Face of Daniel Or the Zeal of Moses of Phineas and of St. Paul If the Angel of God that went through the midst of Jerusalem did review in our days the Inhabitants of this Land I am afraid that he would not find many marked with the Letter Thau not many weeping and sighing for the abominations that are amongst us for evil and wickedness are become familiar to us by the means of our too usual inspection our continual conversation with the vicious accustomes us to the grievousness of their crimes and to the impiety of their discourses as we are accustomed by degrees to breathe in an unwholsom Air without aversion and to hear the fearful downfall of the Cartaracts of the River Nilus without repugnancy But we are so far from grieving at the universal inundation of Vice in the World that we our selves are carried away with the impetuous torrent of corruption Sin gets upon us insensibly and overcomes us so that the World is not unlike to the House mentioned by God himself in the 14 of Leviticus for it is not only infected with an incommodious Leprosy but it infects all such as dwell therein The Men of the World have an easier taske to teach us their Vices than we have to teach and perswade them to Vertue As a pestiferous Body may spread the infection and give it to a thousand such as are whole whereas a thousand in perfect health cannot heal one infected with the Plague So that what happened under the Ceremonial Law happens now unto us the clean Vessel did not sanctify the defiled but the defiled did corrupt by its approaches such as were clean Evil companies corrupt good manners and the flames of the most burning Zeal are extinguish'd by the coldness of the Age. As Lambs cannot feed amongst Bryars and Thorns without leaving behind them some of their Wooll Likewise the harmless and meek Souls cannot live amongst so much cousenage and malice without loosing something of their Innocency and Christian Simplicity Who is it amongst us that can say with a safe Conscience that the World is crucrified to him and that he is crucified to the World Gal. 6. Or who is it that lives in the World without being guilty of its sins as the Fish drinks of the Sea water and receives nothing of its bitterness Psal 26. Who can converse in the Courts of Princes as Joseph in Aegypt as Daniel in Babylon or as Queen Esther in the Court of Ahasuerus Is there any that can justly say that he hath washed his Hands in Innocency and purified his Conscience from all dead Works to serve the living God Heb. 9. Who can speak in this manner I have purified my Heart I am clean from my sin Prov. 20. In truth if we say that we have no sin we deceive our selves and the Truth is not in us 1 Joh. 1. We have good reason to break out into the Prophet Isaiah's exclamation when he saw God sitting upon his Throne Wo is me for I am undone because I am a man of unclean Lips and I dwell in the midst of a People of unclean Lips Isai 6. Or we may say with the same Prophet From the sole of the foot unto the crown of the head there is no whole part Not only the Souls that are fixed to the Earth but also such as mount up to Heaven by fervent Prayers and devout Meditations have good cause to acknowledge their imperfections and to ask forgiveness If any fancies himself to be perfectly whole and free from all infection let him enter into his Soul and seriously examine his own Conscience and the same thing will happen to him as to Moses when he put his hand into his bosom he drawed it out again as white as Snow all covered with Leprosie Exod. 4. Where is there a Christian that feels no Law commanding in his Members and strugling against the Law of his Understanding Who is it that finds not by experience the truth of St. Paul's saying The flesh lusteth against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary the one to the other so that ye cannot do the things that ye would Rom. 7. Gal. 5. Without doubt such as know not nor never have felt the bitter and vehement struglings of their carnal Lusts that War against the Soul 2 Pet. 1. cannot conceive what it is to deny themselves to put off the old man with his Deeds to crucify the Flesh with its Affections and filthy Lusts Eph. 4. such know not what it is to mortify our Members to cut off our right Feet and right Hands and to pluck out our right Eyes Matth. 10. that is to say to destroy and by an Holy violence to give a deadly wound to all our brutish Passions and vicious Affections when they should seem to us as dear and useful as our Hands Feet and as tender as our right Eyes Coloss 3. Matth. 5. If these cursed affections could but declare their names they would say as the evil Spirits of the Gospel Our name is Legion for we are many As that Devil that possessed the Lunatick mentioned by St. Mathew he cast him sometimes into the Fire at other times into the Water Likewise these carnal Lusts labour to cast us sometimes into the Flames of Ambition or into the burning heat of Covetousness or to hurry us headlong into the gulf of unlawful Delights or into the mud of filthy and carnal Pleasures Furthermore they break the Chains and Ties with which we imagine to stop their fury they war and fight against us by day and by night and at every moment they return to charge us home and renew the combate Every where they assault us and have no more regard for Temples and Houses of Prayer than for common and publick places As Satan had once the boldness to encounter with Jehosoua the High-Priest before the Angel of God Likewise these cursed Lusts are so impudent to tempt us in the most Religious
and Repentance and knowest thy self united to him and incorporated into his mystical Body remember to praise this Merciful Lord and rejoyce in his Salvation Learn to admire the superexcellent Riches of the Treasuries of his Grace and seriously consider how magnificent and liberal he is to thee for he intends not only to deliver thee from all the sufferings and calamities that afflict thee but he will also raise thee up to the highest and most transcendent Felicity He will not only draw thee out of the deep Abysse of Death and eternal Damnation but he will take thee up to the Enjoyment of the most blessed Life and an immortal Glory He will not only remove thee from this wretched Wilderness where thou art tormented with Hunger and Thirst and expos'd to the scorching heat of a burning Sun to poisonous bitings of the fiery Serpents but he will introduce thee into his Celestial Canaan where the Milk and Honey of the purest Joys and most solid Comforts flow in abundance and where thou shalt for ever repose thy self under the refreshing Shadows of the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God He will not only deliver thee from the captivity of this miserable World which is a true Babylon full of all manner of abominations but he will lead thee in to his Holy Jerusalem and carry thee thither upon his Arms not with an intent that thou shouldest build and repair it with cost and labor but that thou shouldest behold the Glorious and Magnificent Structures reared up by himself alone from the creation of the World and that thou mayest be Eternally satisfied with his overflowing Plenty He will not only pluck off from thee the filthy rags of Sin and Corruption but he will cloath thee with a Garment of Light of perfect Righteousness and Holiness He will not only wipe away all Tears from thine Eyes but he will put into thy Mouth Songs of Praise and Thanksgiving He will not only break the Fetters from thy Feet but he will place upon thy Head a Crown of pure Gold He will not only draw thee out of a black and noisom Dungeon but he will place thee upon a Throne of Glory and Magnificence He will not only extinguish all the carnal Lusts that War against thee and put an end to all thy troublesome disputes but he calls thee to the fruition of an Eternal Peace and Celestial Triumphs In short God will not only separate thee from the acquaintance of sinful and debauch'd Men but he will cause thee to enter in amongst the thousands of Angels and admit thee to the vision of his Glorious Face When a compounded thing comes to be dissolved every part returns to its first Principle Likewise when Man dies his Body returns to Dust from whence it is taken and the Soul returns to God that gave it As the Bird when its Cage is broken flies away into the Air to seek lits Liberty and Pleasure Thus when this Body is broken to pieces by Death the Soul flies above the Heavens where it meets with Rest and Happiness or as it is when the Net is torn the Fish falls into the Water where it lives and enjoys all its Delights Thus when Death comes to break the strings of this wretched Body the Soul enters into the River of Living Water and into an Ocean of Heavenly Delights Finally as the death of our Saviour Christ rent in pieces the Vail of the Earthly Sanctuary and discover'd all its wonderful Mysteries Thus the death of a Believer rents the Vail of this crazy and sinful Flesh and gives us a sight of the rich Treasuries and magnificent Excellencies of the Heavenly Sanctuary You Christians whom God calls to his Glorious Rest who may express the greatness of your future happiness It is not possible to imagine it as it is When your whole Lives should have been nothing else but a continuation of Misery and a Chain of Calamities you have now just cause to comfort your selves and rejoyce in God with an unspeakable joy for when all things are reckon'd up the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the Glory which shall be revealed in us You can loose nothing in this life but God will restore to you an hundred times more in his Kingdom besides there is no comparison between the advantages of the life to come and of this mortal Estate and Being Grieve not Believing S●uls to forsake an Earth overspread with darkness full of Misery and all infected with Sin seeing that thy God purposes to receive thee into new Heavens all enlightened with a Divine Light and enriched with endless Felicities where Righteousness and Holiness sit upon the Throne Grieve not for the loss of the most Pious and Regenerated Societies Seeing that thou art to be admitted into the Companies of the Glorified Saints and Blessed Martyrs who have washed and whitened their Garments in the Sacred Bloud of the Lamb Seeing that thou art from henceforth to be reckoned in the number and of the society of the Angels of Light and of the glorious Cherubims Fret not to leave behind thee the Holy Congregations of the Militant Church for thou art going apace to the Glorious Congregation of the Church triumphing and in a few moments thou shalt find thy self amongst the thousands of Angels and Saints that worship God day and night and adore him who lives for ever and ever If God hath bestowed upon thee worldly Riches leave them without Regret or displeasure for thou art going to possess inestimable Treasures which shall never be taken from thee If thou art advanced to great Employments and Honors cast off thy Purple and Scarlet willingly and of thine own accord for God will shortly cloath thee with an infinite Glory that shall never change When thou shouldest be raised up to the highest and most splendid Dignities when thou shouldest enjoy a great and flourishing Kingdom come down from thy Throne with joy and let fall thy Scepter and thy Crown for God calls thee to sit upon a Throne that can never be shaken to an incorruptible Crown and to endless Joys Can there be any Town so Rich so Great and Noble a Seat that thou mayest justly grieve to forsake it at that time when God intends to make thee a Citizen with the Glorified Saints of the Jerusalem from above where neither Crying nor Labor neither Fear nor Grief neither Poverty nor Want shall ever come near thee where all the Inhabitants are Kings and possess Riches without value Is there any Dwelling so Beautiful and Magnificent that should cause thee to depart out of it with sorrow for God will lead thee into his own Palace all built with fine Gold and precious Stones where God himself is the Light and the Lamb is the Sun Art thou delighted in the enjoyment of some pleasant Inheritance here on Earth Then consider that all the Inheritances of the Earth are nothing in comparison
pleasures for evermore Christian if thou hadst but as much Faith and assurance as there is Glory and happiness in Heaven with what excess of Joy shalt thou leave the World and all its vanities to ascend up to that magnificent Palace purchased for thee with the precious Blood of thy Redeemer Jonathans eyes were once enlightned when he tasted some Hony with the end of his Rod which he had found in a Rock And thou believer if thou hast by Faith tasted the Divine sweetness that proceeds from Christ the Rock of Eternity thine understanding will be all enlightned Thou shalt need no other Consolation against Death for Death it self shall fill thee full of Consolation and real Joy So that thou shalt have cause to speak not onely as Jacob O God I expect thy Salvation Gen. 49. but as King David I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the House of the Lord our feet shall stand within thy Gates O Jerusalem Psal 122. By this means thou shalt not onely expect with patience and embrace with Joy the blessed news of this Glorious Salvation but thou shalt endeavor to hasten its coming by thy continual and repeated Sighs O my God When wilt thou stretch out unto me from above thy Gracious Armes When shall I go into thy Celestial Sanctuary When shall I see plainly thy Divine and Glorious Face When wilt thou cause me to drink out of the Rivers of thy Pleasures How blessed is the man whom thou hast chosen and taken to thy self to dwell for ever in thy Holy Courts such shall be satisfied with the good things of thy House and of thy Glorious Palace Joseph m●rched out of his Prison in haste to go to the Palace of the Kings of Egypt and haste not thou as much reason to make as much hast out of the Prison of this wretched Body O believing Soul that thou mayest go up to the Palace of the King of Kings who inten●s to install thee into such a Glorious estate in comparison of which all the pomp of Pharaoh and of all the Kings and Princes of the Earth is nothing but as the hore-frost of the night Bartimeus forsakes willingly his Mantle to creep to the Lord Iesus when he called him and thou Christian Soul wilt not thou leave this body which is as a troublesome garment to thee to ascend up to this Divine Saviour who intends to cure thee of all thy distempers and Diseases and who purposes to load thee with his blessings and unspeak●ble favors He will not onely bring thee to behold the refreshing light of Heaven but he will also cause thee to shine as the Sun for ever and ever Religious Soul cast off this spotted garment of the flesh and so much the more chearfully because God holds out in his Hand a Garment of Light and Glory which he will bestow upon thee for it shall happen to thee as to the Prophet Elias who having let fall his Mantle he found himself all encompassed about with Flames of fire and an extraordinary light for assoon as thou shalt put off this miserable body thou shalt be surrounded with Celestial flames in which thou shalt mount up to Heaven into the dwelling of immortality where thou shalt be like God who cloaths himself with light as with a Garment To this purpose the words of the Prophet Zachariah concerning the High-Priest Iehoschuah are very proper he was arayed with filthy Garments but an Angel from Heaven calls to them that waited before him Take away the filthy Garments from him and cloath him with change of raiment let them set a fair Mitre upon his head This O Christian Soul is the true Image of thy condition at thy departure and the lively portraiture of thy future happiness At present thou art cloathed with a body undermined by sickness and labor thou bearest about thee the relicks of the old man but behold God calls to thee from his Holy Sanctuary Take away from him this old garment pluck off all remains of this old cloathing bespotted with sin where the Devils Image is yet to be seen and give him the Sacred ornaments of a Royal Priesthood cloath this Soul with a long garment whitned in the Blood of the Lamb gird it about with the Ephod of righteousness put upon its head an uncorruptible Crown and in its hand a Golden Viol that it may for ever offer up the Heavenly perfumes in the company of all the glorified Saints If after all this O Christian thou doubtest of the felicity and glory of such as die in the Lord Iesus hear what an Apostle saith who was himself ravished up into the third Heaven where he beheld in this Glorious Palace unspeakable things We know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God a house not made with hands eternal in the Heavens for in this we groan earnestly desiring to be cloathed upon with our house which is from Heaven If so be that being cloathed we shall not ●e found naked for we that are in this Tabernacle do 〈…〉 burdned not for that we would be uncloathed but cloathed upon that mortality might be swallowed up of Life And listen to what the Holy-Ghost saith Blessed are the Dead that die in the Lord for so saith the Spirit for they rest from their labors and their works do follow them Would to God that we had some other Word besides that of Death to express the wonderful and happy change that we make when we go out of this miserable World for to speak properly we cannot be said to die when we leave a place full of misery to enter into another blessed with an endless felicity when we exchange a laborious estate for a peaceable and an happy rest when we come off from a cruel War to enjoy the pleasures of everlasting Joy when we pass through Death to an endless life and forsake a Tomb to mount up on a Throne Christian Soul remember thy beginning and thine end consider what thou art from whence thou proceedest and whither thou goest Thou art a living Image of thy Creator and a beam of glory thou art of a celestial and immortal nature God hath washed and cleansed thee in the Blood of his Lamb without spot and blemish and sanctified thee by his holy Spirit he hath brought thee to an estate convenient to enter into his holy City and he is ready to admit thee to take the fruition of his glory Thou hast fought the good fight finished thy course and kept the faith it is therefore high time that thou shouldest receive the Crown of life Thou hast this precious Crown already in thine hands Thou art at the Gates of Heaven and at the entrance of Paradise Go therefore O believing Soul go with Joy and gladness to this great God that calls thee to this mercifull Saviour that stretcheth forth his hands unto thee and opens his bosome to receive thee go into the
glorious company of Angels and blessed Spirits take upon thee these beautiful Robes of light with which thine Heavenly Father will cloath thy nakedness and accept this immortal Crown that he offers to thee go and satisfie thy self with the Bread of the Kingdome of Heaven and remove thy thirst with the Christial Waters of that River of pleasure which proceeds from the Throne of God and of the Lamb Go and behold the face of the Father of lights go and be happy with his Divine resemblance and be transformed into his glorious Image O blessed Soul Seest thou not already the Heavens open and Iesus Christ at the right hand of God the Father holding out his hand unto thee offering to receive thee into his glorious rest Seest thou not the Angels of Heaven cloathed in white raiment coming to transport thee out of this miserable estate Seest thou not how thou art already encompassed about with light and Celestial Flames Dost thou not relish the sweetness of Paradise Is not there a Heaven already in thine heart Dost thou not hear the Hymns of the glorified Spirits Hath not the Lord caused thee to hear that sweet and comfortable voice sound in thine ear Verily I say unto thee thou shall be this day with me in Paradise Come good and faithfull Servant enter into the Ioy of thy Lord seeiest thou not thy self lifted up above all earthly and perishing things Dost thou not fly upon the wings of faith and repentance to the Throne of Gods glory Dost thou not cast thy self into Paradise into the Arms of Almighty God into the bosome of the Lord Iesus to rest there for ever and to be Satisfied with the good things which eye hath not seen ear hath not heard and which are not entered into the heart of Man but which God hath prepared for them that love him A Prayer and Meditation of a Christian Soul that prepares to go out of its Body and comforts its self in the Contemplation of the glory and happiness of Paradice O God! the Author of my being and the Soveraign Lord of my life thou seest all the motions and dispositions of my Soul thou knowest that I have wholly resigned my self into thy hands and desire nothing else but to depend upon thy good pleasure speak Lord for thy Servant heareth here I am to do thy Will O God Thy People Israel removed their Camp at thy Command in the same manner I am ready to remove out of this Earthly Tabernacle at the first motion of thy Will The Golden Cherubims were alwayes upon their feet with their wings stretched out and their faces towards the Mercy Seat O that I likewise might look up to him who hath purchased for me the eternal Mercies of God him who is the Propitiation for my Sins that I may be always ready to fly up to him Lord Jesus seeing thou callest me to thy self stretch out thy hand unto me from above and draw me out of this tempestuous Sea When a poor blind man understood that thou calledst him to restore his sight he left his Garment for haste and ran to thee with joy and shall not I quit this wretched body to go to thee my Lord and my God seeing thou callest me out of the mid-night of this World to thy marvelous and glorious light seeing that thou hast a design not onely to discover to me this surprising and refreshing light that shines in Heaven but thou wilt cause me to shine in thy Kingdom as the Stars and as the Sun When the Prophet Elias let fall his Mantle he was immediately received into a Chariot of Fire and carried up into Heaven also I hope in thy tender love and favor that as soon as my Soul shall forsake this wretched Body it shall be likewise received into a Celestial Charriot of Fire that will carry it up to Heaven thou wilt deal as gratiously with my Soul as with thine High-Priest Joshua thou wilt take away its Garments shattered and broken by sickness and distempers bespotted and bedaubed with sin to adorn it with Robes of fine and bright linnen and Crown it with glory Therefore I am so far from being afflicted to see the earthly house of this Tabernacle demolished that I rejoyce in a certain assurance that I shall be admitted to my eternal Tabernacle of Heaven O good God! thou seest upon me a contemptible body of dust that desires nothing more then to return to dust again but this Heavenly and immortal Soul of mine that is come from above that is thy breath and a beam of thy glory this Soul I say will return up to its source and origin It sighs for thee O God! and desires nothing but eternal happiness Is it possible that I can be happy too soon and too speedily admitted to the Contemplation of thy glorious face Lord I should be worse then an Infidel if I did doubt of my Salvation if I were not assured to partake of thy glory for thou hast promised to save all such as persevere to the end and to give the Crown of life to all those that are faithfull unto Death Seeing therefore that by the assistance of thine holy Spirit thou hast enabled me to continue in thine holy and Divine Covenant to fight the good fight to finish my course and to keep the faith thou wilt not refuse me this great Salvation this precious Crown O merciful and bountiful Lord thou hast promised all such as overcome to cause them to sit upon thy Throne now by thy special grace and wonderfull power that appears and is fulfilled in mine infirmities I have overcome the World sin the Devil and Hell at present I beseech thee give me a new supply of strength to overcome Death also that I may have no more Enemies to counter with but that I may mount upon the magnificent Throne designed for me let this Death be a passage that may bring me to life immortality eternal glory and to the happiness of thy Kingdom Thou art my God and Father that lovest me with an unchangeable affection reach thy hand to me thy childe for I long for thee and open for me the bowels of thy most wonderfull mercies O good Lord receive me into thy bosome and satisfie me with the most effectual Consolations of thy goodness thou art my Spiritual Bridegroom draw me and I shall run or rather I shall fly after thee to magnify thy tender compassions and to be filled with thine heavenly delights Thou art the chief Shepheard of my Soul help me therefore in this vale of the shadow of Death let thy Staff and thy Rod assist and comfort me send me thy light and thy truth that they may lead and conduct me up to thy holy Mountain and to thine eternal dwelling Send thy good Angels that they may carry me up upon their Wings I expect O Lord thy Salvation I do not onely expect and hope for it but I desire and wish for it with all mine heart
not know what hour I will come upon thee The first Christians were very well acquainted with this wholesome Doctrine as we may judge by this passage of St. Paul to the Thessalonians But of the times and of the Seasons Brethren ye have no need that I write unto you for your selves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night for when they shall say Peace and Safety then sudden Destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a Woman with Child and they shall not escape 1 Thess 5. As the dayes of Noah were so shall be the coming of the Son of Man for as they were before the deluge Eating and Drinking Marrying and and giving in Marriage and were not sensible of the danger until it was come and carried them all away so shall it be at the coming of the Son of Man Mat. 24. The Wiseman tells us that hope delayed causeth the heart to languish Prov. 3. But we must except the hope and expectation of the Resurrection for when this blessed Resurrection should not come to pass yet many thousand Ages it should not cause such as dy in the Lord to languish for whiles their Bodies are in their Graves they suffer nothing and as they are there without feeling cannot be impatient no more then a Man that is in a deep sleep for the Soul it enjoyes in the contemplation of Gods Face such unspeakable satisfactions that it is not capable of grief sorrow displeasure or the least disturbance St. Peter tells us that a thousand years with God are but as a day 2 Pet. 3. We may say the same of those who are admitted to Gods glorious presence to behold his Face for a thousand years in such an happy Estate appear less then one day in this miserable condition The hundreds and thousands of years pass away far quicker to the blessed Inhabitants of Heaven then the moments do to such as live in troubles upon Earth 3. Others desire to know where this Resurrection shall happen The Jewish whimseys and extravagancies have given occasion to this question for they think that the dead shall rise in no other place but in the Holy-Land and therefore they have made another childish Fable that the Bodies of all their Nation that die in several parts of the World shall go through earthly vaults and roule through the secret conveyances of this Globe until they come to the Land of Canaan where they are to arise from the dead and as one error occasions another they say further That they shall feel more or less pain in their passage according to their goodness or sins of their lives I need not spend any time in the refutation of this foolish and impertinent opinion but it may justly cause us to acknowledge the just Judgment of God upon this unhappy people who have refused with a divellish obstinacy the great Saviour of the World for because they have not received the love of the truth that they might be saved God hath sent them strong delusions that they might believe a lie and hath given them over to a reprobate sence 2 Thess 2. For us Christians we say that without so much ado where the body is at the last day there it shall rise from its Grave 4. The next question is What shall rise from the dead I answer that the same body which falls by Death shall rise again at the General Resurrection if God did make a new Body to joyn it to our Souls it would be no more a Resurrection but rather a new Creation neither shall we onely take such a Body as our own for things that are only like are not the same let them be never so much a like but we shall take again the same Body which our Soul doth animate during its abode here below and if I may employ the expressions and terms of Divines it shall not only be the same Body but also the same Individual as in the first Resurrection God creates not a new Soul but he regenerates and sanctifies that which was dead in its trespasses and sins thus in the second Resurrectioin God makes not another Body but he onely bestows another life upon that which was lying in corruption and amongst the dead As when our Saviour rose from the dead he made not for himself a new Body but he took again that same which had been formed in the Womb of the blessed Virgin Likewise in the General Resurrection he will not create for us a new Body but he will render unto us that same which we had from our Mothers Womb this argument is not to be answered for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ is not onely the efficient or merritorious cause of ours but also the patern and model or as the School-men tell us it is the exemplary cause of our future Resurrection but there is no need of arguments when the Word of God is so clear and express on this subject St. Paul informs us That the Lord shall change our vile Body that this corruptible must put on incorruption this mortal must put on immortality Phil. 3 And that the life of Jesus shall be made manifest in our mortal flesh 2 Cor. 4. And the only Job saith Job 19. not only that he shall see God but that he shall see God in his flesh and that he shall see him with his Eyes For the same reason in some ancient Copies of our Apostles Creed as in the Creed of Aquilia I find not only I believe the Resurrection of the flesh but I be ieve the Resurrection of this flesh 5. Some aske whether the Bodies of the wicked shall rise from the dead as well as the Bodies of the righteous the Jews that delight in whimsycal inventions fancy a Resurrection only for the Just in which unbelievers and reprobates have no share To strengthen this dream they abuse the words of the first Psalm The wicked shall not stand in judgment nor sinners in the Congregation of he righteous Finally They are so much besotted with an high conceit of themselves that none are righteous but of their own Nation That none are pleasing to God or that ought to rise again from the dead but the Israelites but we Christians are brought up and instructed in better Doctrine we believe without difficulty that all Men that are dead since the beginning of the World of every People and Nation under Heaven shall rise again at the day of Judgment for St. Paul assures us That there shall be a Resurection of the Just and of the Vnjust David in the first Psalm speaks nothing against this truth which is clear as the Sun and as well grounded as the Heavens and the Earth for he saith not that the wicked shall not rise again but only that he shall not stand before God in judgment that is to say that he shall not subsist before the Tribunal of Gods Justice nor be able to abide the fiery presence
of God angry and displeased for their impieties But this we may observe that although God will raise up all the Men of the World without exception from their Graves there shall be a notable difference between them for he will raise the wicked up and draw them out of their Graves as a Judge drags an Offender out of his Dungeon to sentence him to Death but he will raise again believers as their Redeemer that their Bodies as well as their Souls might enjoy the blessed fruits of their Redemption purchased for us therefore this Divine Saviour stiles them Children of the Resurrection for none but they shall inherit his blessings and partake of his Eternal Glory 6. Some inquire further in what manner shall this Resurrection be I answer That our Lord and Saviour shall come down from Heaven cloathed with light and glory and attended upon by the Angels of his Power and millions of his Saints He shall be preceded by the cry of an Arch-Angel and the Trumpet of God for the Trumpet shall sound and as at the sounding of the Silver Trumpet that did Proclaim the Jews Jubile all the Prisons were opened and the Prisoners set at liberty in the same manner at the sound of the last Trumpet all the Prisons of Death shall be broke open and the Bodies that were imprisoned shall go out to speak in the Language of the Holy Ghost The Sea shall give up the dead and Death and Hell shall restore the dead that are in them And as Lazarus rose up as soon as Jesus Christ had called to him in his Tomb Lazarus come out likewise when the Voice of this great God and Saviour shall sound in our Tombs at that moment we shall rise again and appear before him for the hour cometh that such as are in the Graves shall hear the Voice of the Son of God and they that shall hear shall live 7. The next question is in what stature of Body shall we rise some are perswaded that we shall rise in the same stature that we dy this they gather from St. Iohn's description of the last Judgment I saw the living and the dead the great and small standing before God Others think that all the elect shall rise again in perfect stature and shall be all like to our Saviour Christ which they endeavor to prove by St. Paul's words We shall meet in a perfect Man to the measure of the perfect stature of Christ When it concerns things that relate to our Salvation it is respective ignorance to refuse to pry into those things which God hath concealed or not thought fitting to reveal therefore as the holy Writ is silent concerning this we cannot speak of it with too much sobriety I dare not affirm that we shall all rise again in the same stature I confess that this opinion That all the Saints shall have a stature like to our Saviour Christ and that they shall bear his Image and likeness in that respect in their Bodies contains nothing contrary to piety but I dare say that this cannot be proved by the words of St. Paul for the sequel of his discourse shews most evidently that he intends not the stature of the Body but that of the Soul which consists in knowledge and holiness That opinion which appears to be most likely and most conformable to the Analogy of Faith is that the Elect shall all rise again in a perfect stature for the beauty and perfection of the stature contributes much to the Glory and Majesty of the Body without which man cannot be said to be most perfectly happy besides this perfection is answerable to that Command and Dominion which God shall give to the Saints over the Creatures after the Resurrection if those that die in their childhood did rise again in the same stature if those that depart in their old and decrepid Age did come out of their Graves with their feeble and crasie Bodies How could either of them be fit for that Glory and Perfection where nothing shall be amiss or wanting As the promised Land was the Type of the Celestial Canaan it is not without good cause that the Scripture takes notice that there was no Body of those that went over Jordain into the Holy Land that was old and decrepid unless it were Joshua and Caleb none of the rest was threescore years old I may also apply to the Jerusalem above that which the Prophet saith of the Jerusalem here below the Type and Figure of the Celestial From thenceforth there shall not be any Child of a few days old nor no ancient person who fulfilleth not his dayes Finally As God created Adam and Eve in a perfect stature to settle them in the Terrestial Paradise it is my opinion that he will also raise up all the faithful in a perfect stature to introduce them into the Celestial Paradise In this life the Body of a Child is many years before it can to attain to the stature of a perfect man but at the great day of the Resurrection God will grant it to him in a moment That which is spoken of in the 20 of the Revelations doth in no wise oppose this Doctrine for when the holy Ghost saith that the dead small and great shall stand before God That relates not to the stature or bigness of Body but to the state and condition of the persons that is to say the Kings and Princes shall appear to Judgment as well as the vilest and most contemptible Subjects and the most wretched slaves therefore these former words are designed to express nothing more than what St. Paul saith That we must all appear before the Judgement Seat of Chirst that we might receive in our Bodies according as we have done whether it be good or evil 8. Some are ready to ask what manner of Bodies shall the Reprobates have after the Resurrection I have no mind to speak any thing of my self otherwise I should answer That in consideration of the fury of Hell Fire the smoak of the bottomless pit and the violence of the excessive Torments which they shall suffer they shall appear most deformed ugly il-favoured and dreadful to look upon I should say that there shall appear in their guilty looks and frighted countenances the Devils Image and that of the Hellish Furies but it will be sufficient to reply That the Bodies of the wicked shall be Immortal and that their Immortality shall be most miserable that it had been far better for them to have never been or to have been as the Beasts that Die without any hopes of living again for they shall Live to Die eternally and they shall Die but never consume away It shall not be possible to add any thing to their most violent Tortures for they shall be infinite nor to the continuance of their sufferings for they shall be eternal Therefore as we have already taken notice they shall seek Death that is they shall desire to be reduced to nothing
Temple and its wonderful glory wept aloud so that their weeping interrupted the others expressions of joy and gladness At the Restauration of the Temple of our Bodies nothing shall be heard but Songs of Triumph and Jubile Such as have seen with the eyes of Faith Mans Body as it was in the estate of its integrity in the earthly Paradise shall not be then sorry that it hath been defaced by Sin and destroyed by Death they shall not be sorry for any thing that is passed they shall not be able to wish for any increase of happiness and glory for the future for at the very instant of its rising from the Grave it shall be raised to its highest Splendor Happiness and Magnificence so that it shall be truly said That the glory of this Second House shall be greater than that of the First Hag. 2. Now that we have treated sufficiently of such as shall rise from their Graves it remains that we take a view of them whose Bodies shall never be laid in the Dust and who shall be alive at Christs coming down from Heaven for that purpose St. Paul informs us 1 Cor. 15. Behold I shew you a Mystery we shall not all sleep but we shall be all changed in a moment at the twinckling of an eye at the sound of the last trumpet and he speaks in this manner to the Thessalonians 1 Thes 4. For this we say unto you by the word of the Lord that we which are alive and remain unto the coming of the Lord shall not prevent them which are asleep for the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the Trump of God and the Dead in Christ shall rise first then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air and we shall ever be with the Lord wherefore comfort one another with these words I know very well that St. Paul tells the Hebrews that it is appointed unto all Men once to Die Therefore I conceive that this great change that shall be made in the Bodies of them that shall be then alive shall be a kind of Death for Christ will destroy and abolish altogether in them all corruption and inclination to Mortality And when he shall change the Bodies of the Reprobates he will make them like to the other Reprobates whom he shall fetch out of their Graves he will make them Immortal that they may be eternally tormented in Hell But he will cause the Bodies of Believers then alive to be like the other Believers that they may all partake and enjoy the same glory and eternal Bliss Christians in what condition soever you be in seriously apply to your selves these Divine Consolations you that are grieved to see your Bodies maimed and deprived of one of your Members of your Eyes Hearing or of some other of your senses whether you be so born or whether such a privation hath happened unto you by a Disease by a Mischance or by any other Means rejoyce and comfort your selves with this assurance that you shall see one day this wretched Body restored to a perfect estate to a perfection that shall never be lost you that fret and vex your selves to behold now old Age and Sickness have disfigured your Bodies what breaches and ruines they have caused in you Comfort your selves in expectation of this glorious Resurrection which shall supply this decayed and languishing Body with new strength and vigor and adorn it with a perfect beauty and an eternal glory And you whom Death undermines and intends shortly to lay in the Dust grieve not at it for you shall loose nothing at present but you shall find it again at the great day of the Resurrection When Joseph died he commanded his Brethren concerning his Bones that they should carry them out of Egypt into the Land of Canaan Now our Bones are the Bones of Jesus Christ our true Joseph Therefore he will command his Angels to gather them up safe he himself will have a care to preserve them at the great Morne of the Resurrection he shall fetch them out of their Graves as out of an Egypt out of an House of Bondage and will carry them to his Celestial Canaan When the Tabernacle was taken in pieces the High-Priest did deliver every piece in charge to the Levites so that when they were to set it up again there was nothing wanting Likewise our Saviour hath given in charge and delivered by retail every Member and part of our Bodies these Tabernacles which he hath Consecrated for himself to our Graves therefore they shall all be found again at the Resurrection without the least imperfection These Tabernacles shall not only be found entire but they shall be beautified with a far greater Glory and Splend or than before There is none but would be glad to lay himself down to sleep in his Bed and pull off his garments willingly if he were certain to be more healthy and to find his garments fresher and more beautiful in the Morning if he were perswaded that instead of old rags he were to cloath and put on a royal attire and most m●gnificent garments Who would not willingly go out of a pittiful Cabin and forfake a miserable lodge which shall be one day changed into a Golden Palace adorned with precious Stones Comfort thy self believing Soul and rejoyce in God thy Redeemer cast off willingly this Garment that is so incommodious and troublesome to thee forsake this wretched Body undermined by sickness and diseases and consumed by time Sleep quietly in the Lord Jesus and repose thy self in his Bosome for when thou shalt wake again at the sound of the Archangels Trumpet thou shalt find this garment whither then Snow and as bright as the Light grieve not to see this crasy dwelling fall to pieces and rot for God shall build it up again with his own hands and convert it into his Temple and a pavillion of his glory Thou mayst be certain shortly to return again and to find this woful lodge of Earth become an heavenly Palace purer than fine Gold and brighter than the Diamonds the Rubies and all the precious Stones Weep not for thy beautiful eyes that are shut nor for the rest of thy Senses that are lost nor for the Members of thy Body that consume away one after another for with these same eyes that have lost or shall shortly loose the sight of the day light thou shalt behold a Divine Light that shall shine eternally in Heaven thou shalt behold the face of the King of Kings and all the Glory and Magnificence of his Kingdom with these ears that are deaf and that shall shortly be stopped thou shalt hear with transports of Joy the ravishing harmonies of the Saints and the Songs of the Blessed Angels with this stammering Tongue which is to loose the faculty of Speech thou shalt sing with a loud
extinguishing the remains of their natural light and in smothering the good and rational dictates of their Consciences They shall be condemned because they have abused Heavens favors and filled themselves with Gods good Creatures without returning to him due thanks and because they have not meditated as they ought upon so many stately and noble works of nature nor learned by that means to know God who hath left in these works so many impresses of his eternal Power and Godhead and because that knowing God they have not glorified him as God this St. Paul teacheth in these words As many as have sinned without Law shall also perish without Law and as many as have sinned in the Law shall be judged by the Law for when the Gentiles which have not the Law do by nature the things contained in the Law these having not the Law are a Law unto themselves which shew the work of the Law written in their Hearts their Conscience also bearing Witness and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another in the day when God shall judge the secrets of Men by Jesus Christ according to the Gospel Rom. 2. They that profess to know the Law shall be judged by the Law such as have already heard the Thunders of Mount Sinai they shall one day feel the Thunderbolts They shall understand by experience what it is to rebel against God and to draw upon themselves and their guilty heads the dreadful curses of Gods Law Deut. 17. Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the Book of the Law to do them Gal. 3. There is no doubt but that the Jews upon whom Moses and the Prophets have spent so many fruitless exhortations to live well shall be punished with more grievous Torments than the poor Savages unto whom God never sent any Messuage who never had any acquaintance with the Commonwealth of Israel being strangers from the Covenant having no hope and being without God in the World Eph. 2. For that servant who knoweth his Masters will and doth it not shall be beaten with more stripes then him who knoweth it not Luke 12. But no people upon Earth have cause to expect and dread a more severe Sentence then the wicked Christians that make profession of knowing God and believing in Jesus Christ who nevertheless deny him by their Works and trample under feet the riches of his Grace how can it otherwise be for such as have heard the Gospel Preached who have seen Jesus Christ as it were Crucified before their eyes and yet have made no advantage of all this they ought to be punished in another manner than the bare Auditors of Moses that never saw the Messias but afar off and in the shadows of the Ceremonial Law Take notice of these Divine ex pressions of St. Paul to the Hebrews He that despised Moses Law died without Mercy under two or three witnesses of how much sorer punishment suppose ye shall he be thought worthy who hath trodden under foot the Son of God and hath counted the Blood of the Covenant wherewith he was Sanctified an unholy thing and hath done despite unto the Spirit of Grace For we know him that hath said Vengeance belongeth unto me I will recompence saith the Lord and again the Lord shall judge his people It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God Therefore when St. Paul speaks of such as obey not the Gospel he saith That they shall be punished with eternal Punishments from the presence of God and from the glory of his power And our Saviour teacheth us that such as reject so great Salvation shall be punished more grievously than the most abominable Sinners unto whom it was never declared Therefore when he sends forth his Apostles to Preach he tells them whosoever shall not receive you and hear your words when ye depart out of that House or City shake off the dust of your feet verily I say unto you it shall be more tollerable for the Land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of Judgement than for that City Likewise when he upbraids the Cities which had not believed in him for their unbelief and impenitency because they were not converted at the Preaching of his Gospel and at the sight of his glorious Miracles Math. 11. he tells them Wo unto thee Chorazin wo unto thee Bethsaida for if the mighty works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes But I say unto you it shall be more tollerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of Judgement then for you And thou Capernaum which art exalted unto Heaven shalt be brought down to Hell for if the mighty works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom it would have remained unto this day but I say unto you that it shall be more tollerable for the Land of Sodom in the day of Judgement then for thee The great Judge of the World shall place at his left hand all wicked Souls which have lived without any fear of God and without expressing Charity to the Members of his Mystical Body and shall pronounce to them this dreadful Sentence Depart from me ye Cursed to Eternal Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels for I was an hungrey and ye gave me no Meat I was thirsty and ye gave me no Drink I was a stranger and ye took me not in Naked and ye cloathed me not sick and in Prison and ye visited me not verily I say unto you in as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these ye did it not to me But the faithful who have declared their Faith by a good and holy Life and by works of Charity and Mercy he will place at his right hand and in the Presence of God and all his holy Angels he shall say unto them Come ye Blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the beginning of the World for I was an hungrey and ye gave me Meat I was thirsty and ye gave me Drink I was a Stranger and ye took me in Naked and ye cloathed me I was sick and ye visited me I was in Prison and ye came unto me verily I say unto you in as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my Brethren ye have done it unto me There be some that make this question what sign shall precede immediately before or accompany the coming of Christ in the World Our Saviour hath given occasion to this demand for when he speaks of the things that are to happen about the time of his glorious Coming he saith That the Sun shall be darkened that the Moon shall not give light that the Stars shall fall from Heaven and that the powers of the Heavens shall be shaken and that then shall appear in Heaven the Sign of the Son of Man Some
we should dread its approaches but then it shall not have the least power it shall be totally abolished All the living shall become immortal And although God will not destroy the Being nor take away the malice of the Devil yet to us he shall be as if he were not for he shall never be able to break his Chains nor to escape out of his Prison and between him and us there shall be depths that can never be filled So that as Moses when he cast his Eyes upon Pharaoh and the Egyptians who pursued the frighted Israelites he told them Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord which he will shew to you to day for the Egyptians whom ye have seen to day ye shall see them again no more for ever Likewise when we think upon Satan and all his infernal Armies that pursue you We may say with confidence Settle your minds Christian Souls and with the Eye of Faith behold the Salvation of the Lord for these hellish furies that have persecuted us so long shall be reduced to that estate that they shall not be able to do you the least displeasure or to give you any apprehension God is going to drown them in the Red Sea of his wrath and to shut them up for ever in the bottomless pit of his just revenge So that as in the Heavenly Paradise there shall be neither pain nor sorrow nor grief nor crying nor sighs heard Likewise there shall never be any fear nor fright nor the least alarm but we shall live there in a setled Peace and quiet for ever It is reported of the Macedonians that they wept for joy when they beheld their King Alexander the Great seated in the Throne of Darius and trampling under feet the Pride and Empire of Persia But how exceeding great shall our joy be when we shall behold Jesus Christ our great Monarch sitting upon the Throne of God and trampling under feet the pomp of the World crushing the Red Dragon and all the tyrannical powers of Hell The Glory of Alexander vanished away with his breath Death destroyed all his Trophies but our Lord shall triumph over death it self It shall be the last act of his Eternal Justice to destroy the destroyer and murderer from the beginning At that time there shall be no more enemies to encounter with no evils to be feared neither shall there be any Advantages to be desired nor Honors to be expected for God will cast us into the bottomless Ocean of the most Divine Pleasures and shall raise us up to the highest Glory that our Nature shall be capable of This Happiness and this Glory shall be infinite in regard of its durance It shall not be like to the Pomp and Magnificence of the Kings and Princes of the World which vanisheth away in an instant nor like to the brightness of Moses Face which departed with his life nor like the transfiguration of Christ upon mount Tabor which soon disappeared for when it shall have continued as many hundred ages as there are Stars in the Firmament it shall then but begin and appear in its rising so that there we may have just cause and more reason than St. Peter to say Lord it is good for us to be here There is no place in the world so pleasant and delightful but at last one shall be weary to continue in it nor company so amiable and sweet but becomes tedious in time nor pleasure so ravishing but grows into distast The greatest persons on earth sigh under the burden of their greatness the brightness of their Glory dazles them When nothing troubles them they are troubled of their own accord and the most magnificent Triumphs disturb and weary them Oft-times their Heart groans in the midst of the greatest rejoycings and of the publick applauses they think themselves more unhappy than those who envy their apparent happiness for all that shines is not Gold the most beautiful Roses are not without their prickles and many times they hide dangerous Serpents As the Glory and Happiness of Paradise is insinite in regard of its Durance so in respect of its Dignity and Excellency for God will not only satisfy all our desires and answer all our expectations but he will also give unto us above all that we can ask or think Shall I undertake to paint out unto you this Glory and perfect Happiness When St. Paul speaks of these Evangelical Mysteries he assures us that they are things that the Eye of Man hath never seen that his Ear hath never heard and that never enter'd into his Heart 1 Cor. 2. If this is true of the Doctrine which declares this Glory and Eternal Happiness how are we able to comprehend that Glory and Happiness it self therefore the same Apostle tells us in another place That God worketh in us abundantly above that we are able to ask or think Eph. 3. I cannot boast of having spoken with God face to face as Moses Numb 11. of having been ravished as St. Paul into the third Heaven 1 Cor. 12. God hath not transported me up as St. John into the Celestial Jerusalem neither hath he delivered to me as to his Holy Angels a Reed to measure the holy City But when I should have enjoyed these Glorious priviledges this Divine Entertainment these supernatural Elevations when I should have walked about and taken a full view of the Celestial Jerusalem when I should have been in the company of the Seraphims that fly about God's Throne when I should have beheld God face to face although I were the most eloquent of all Men and did speak with the tongues of Angels and had in my hand the Pencil of an Arch-Angel I should not dare to undertake to represent this exceeding great Glory nor to paint out unto you the brightness of that Heavenly Light wherof the least beam is able to dazle me St. Paul had been near the body of this great Light he had beheld the Riches and Glory of Paradise yet he confesseth that they be things unutterable not to be expressed by any tongue But as those who cannot cast their eyes directly to look upon the Sun because that it dazles them with its exceeding great Light behold its Body with more ease and leasure in the Water or in a Looking-Glass Thus shall we consider and look upon the Images which God himself hath expressed for us in his Holy Word of this Divine brightness of Heaven which we are not able otherwise to comprehend for God hath dealt with us as a Father doth with his young Babes who babbles with them and represents to them the light of the un with a black Coal Or as the Astrologers who represent the Heavenly Constellations by the Figures of Birds of four-footed Beasts and of creeping things For nothing can enter into our understanding but by the door of our Sences therefore Spiritual and Celestial things are represented under the Notions of Corporal and Earthly Enjoyments which we
passionately love and because there is not one thing here below that can express unto us the Glory and Happiness of Paradise so many perfections are not to be found in one only thing Therefore the Holy Ghost gathers together all the Excellencies Riches and Beauty scattered about in the inferior Creatures and borrows the Ideas and Notions of those things that are rarest and most glorious and that give us the greatest pleasure and satisfaction to represent unto us Heaven's Glory To begin in the first place with the word Paradise it signifies a delightful and a pleasant Garden it is often made use of to express to us the Joys and Happiness of the life to come and to make us sensible that what we have lost by Adam is restored to us by Jesus Christ Our Lord and Saviour who is goodness it self shall bestow upon us another Eden another Garden of pleasure watered with living water in the midst of it is the Tree of Life that brings forth its Fruits every moneth instead of an earthly Paradise subject to change we shall find an Heavenly and an Unchangeable Paradise The earthly Paradise is no more to be seen it is thought that it was swallowed up and destroyed by the Waters and Deluge but the Heavenly Paradise can never be destroyed by the most furious Fire nor by the most swelling Waves It is above all the Winds and Storms and Tempests therefore St. Peter assures us That it is an incorruptible inheritance that fadeth not away It hath no need of an elemental Water for it is watered every where with the River of living Water that proceeds from the Throne of God and the Lamb. And whereas Cherubims armed with a flaming Sword stood at the entrance of the Earthly Paradise to hinder Adam from approaching near to the Tree of Life and from gathering of its Fruits Now whole Legions of Cherubims are to carry us up upon their wings to the true Tree of Life which stands in the midst of the Heavenly Paradise and Jesus Christ himself the Prince of all the Angels of all the Cherubims and Seraphims promiseth to admit us to partake of its delicious Fruits by these blessed words To him that shall overcome I will give him to eat of the Tree of Life which is in the midst of the Paradise of God It is the common custom of Men to have an high esteem of beautiful and great Cities whereof the buildings are stately and the Inhabitants many Therefore the Jews were wont to boast of Jerusalem and to call it The City perfect in Beauty the joy of the whole Earth Therefore the Holy Ghost represents unto us the Glory and Happiness of Heaven by a City which he names Jerusalem And St. Paul in his Epistle to the Hebrews mentions the same comparison for when he had said That Abraham by faith sojourned in the Land of Promise as in a strange Countrey dwelling in Tabernacles with Isaack and Jacob the Heirs with him of the same promise he adds immediately after For he looked for a City which hath foundations whose builder and Maker is God and a little after God is not ashamed to be called their God for he hath prepared for them a City Heb. 11. And in the 12 Chapter of the same Epistle he speaks to Believers in this manner Ye are come to mount Sion and unto the City of the living God the Heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels And elsewhere We have no continuing City here below but we seek one to come Heb. 13.14 God is pleased not only to describe unto us our future Paradise under the general notion of a City and of Jerusalem but he declares unto us its Heavenly Beauty its Glory and Magnificence you cannot find a richer and a more excellent Image than that of St. John who himself had been a spectator of the new Jerusalem and had beheld all its rarities and wonders for when the Angel who had in his hand a Golden Reed to measure this Glorious City had said unto him Come I will shew thee the Spouse the wife of the Lamb. He carried him in the Spirit to an high Mountain from whence he had a prospect of that great and Holy City Jerusalem which came down from Heaven from God decked as a Spouse prepared for her Husband having the Glory of God and his Light This faithful witness assures us that its Buildings and the Streets of this blessed City were all of fine Gold as bright as Chrystal its Foundations were of precious Stone it s twelve Gates were twelve Pearls at each of them stood an Angel of God This Holy City hath no need of the light of the Sun or of the light of the Moon for the Light of God enlightens it and the Lamb is the Light thereof there is no Temple therein for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the Temple of it It is our delight to abide in stately and magnificent Houses and in rich and glorious Palaces Therefore Paradise is expressed unto us by a Dwelling and by a Palace which God himself hath built with his own Hands This is the Picture that the Royal Prophet represents unto us in the 65 Psal when he speaks of God's House and of the Holy place of his Palace And St. Paul doth the like in the 1 Cor. 5 Chap. when he saith We know that if our earthly House of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God an House not made with hands eternal in the Heavens And our Saviour when he was ready to leave the World he comforts his Apostles in this manner In my Fathers House there are many Mansions I go to prepare a place for you And St. John heard a mighty voice from Heaven saying Behold the Tabernacle of God with Men he shall dwell with them and they shall be his people and God himself shall he their God with them Every one desires to be rich there be some that esteem it their chief Happiness therefore the Holy Ghost represents the Happiness of Heaven under the notion of Riches and Treasures our Saviour himself speaks of it in this manner in the 6 of St. Matthew Lay not up for your selves Treasures upon Earth where Moth and Rust doth corrupt and where thieves break through and steal but lay up for your selves Treasures in Heaven where neither Moth nor Rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through nor steal Therefore when the Holy Ghost describes Heavens Glory and mentions Gold Pearls and precious stones it hath a regard to this consideration And because Men are for the most part desirous of Honors Greatness and Dignities and that there is nothing in the world more esteem'd than Scepters Crowns therefore the Glory of Heaven is express'd by a Kingdom by Thrones Crowns and Triumphs Our Saviour speaks in this language to his Apostles To you all who have continued with me in my afflictions I appoint a Kingdom as my Father hath
will dwell and make his abode in us in respect of his Being and that he will cause us to feel in us his Glorious presence as much as a finite and limited Nature as ours is capable of What the Jews have invented of the Manna which their Fathers did feed upon in the Wilderness may justly be appropriated to Almighty God as he intends to reveal himself unto us in Heaven for there is no taste but shall be satisfied no desire but shall be filled Moreover God shall be our Meat and our Drink our Light also our Cloathing and all that we can imagine in him and his Divine Enjoyment we shall find beyond all that we can think or desire The knowledge of Spiritual and Celestial things which we attain to here below is like the breaking of the day and that we shall enjoy hereafter shall be like that of the Sun when it shines in our Meridian But to speak in the Apostles Language Now we know in part and we prophecy in part but when that which is perfect shall come then that which is in part shall be done away for now we see through a Glass darkly but then we shall see him face to face whilst we continue in this life God discovers to us only the borders of his Wisdom we cannot understand much of it but in the life to come he shall reveal to us the depths of his Glorious Mysteries into which the Angels themselves desire to pry In our understanstings God shall be as a Sun to enlighten them for ever and ever and scatter away all Mists of Errors and Mistakes At present our Will hath its imperfections and oft-times it rebels against God but then it shall be perfectly sanctified and reformed according to the Image of God It shall burn with an Holy Zeal and with a Love for him It shall desire nothing but his Glory and a conformity to his Holy Will It shall not only obey God without resistance but it shall fly with an Holy earnestness and speed to the performance of his Sacred Commands Whilst we remain in the Fetters of this crazy and sinful flesh there is always some filth and disorder in our affections but when we shall come to this Estate of Glory God will sanctify them in such a manner by his Presence that they shall be purer and cleaner than the Stars or the Sun-beams they shall become Celestial Fires and Divine Flames proceeding from God's love to us In a word that Being of Beings who is Perfection it self that Author and Origin of all Beauty that Object so exceeding Glorious and Lovely shall ravish us in such a manner that our understandings shall be continually employed in beholding him our Wills and Affections in loving and embracing him and all the faculties of our Souls shall labour to be united to him and to be like him It shall be in this manner that we shall be made partakers of the Divine Nature for we must not fancy that we shall be made partakers of God's infinite Being for this Divine Essence is indivisible and uncommunicable to the Creatures so that none but God can enjoy it but God's Holiness shall imprint in our Souls its Blessed and Glorious Image and that of all his wonderful Vertues when God shall shew himself to us as he is he will cause us to become like him by producing in us an impression of his Divine countenance It may be you will inquire of me whether we shall see God and how we shall behold him This question is too considerable to be passed over lightly I am perswaded Christians that you will not be displeased not only to hear my judgement but that of the Holy Scriptures from whence we draw all our instructions as out of a Fountain Some imagine that God cannot be seen neither in this life nor in the life to come Their reasons are very strong and weighty for first God is of an invisible Nature This Quality is ascribed to him by the Sacred writers as in the 11 of the Heb. The Apostle saith that Moses by Faith saw him who is invisible and in the 1 Epistle to Timothy in the 1 Chapter he saith To the King Eternal Immortal Invisible the only wise God be Honor and Glory for ever and ever Amen Secondly we read in the 33 of Exod. when Moses said to God I pray thee let me see thy Glory God answered him thou canst not see my Face for no man shall ever see my Face and live Thirdly St. John in the 1 Chapter of his Gospel speaketh thus No Man hath seen God at any time the only begotten Son which is in the bosom of the Father he hath declared him Lastly St. Paul seems to remove all doubt for he saith not only that God alone hath immortality that he dwells in a Light unto which no man can approach and that no man hath ever seen him but he saith more that no man can see him 1 Tim. 6. Others are of a contrary opinion That God may be seen in this life but that in the life to come he shall be seen more perfectly that which encourageth this opinion is that God hath put into the Hearts of all his Children an earnest desire of seeing his Face and that in this contemplation they place their greatest Happiness and Glory This was David's desire A man after God's own heart in the fourth Psalm There be many that say who will shew us any good Lord lift thou up the light of thy countenance upon us And in the 42 Psalm My Soul thirsteth for God for the living God when shall I come and appear before God This is the desire also of the Prophet Asaph in the 80 Psalm O God of Hosts cause thy Face to shine and we shall be saved Secondly we have heard David say I shall see thy face in Righteousness I shall be satisfied when I awake with thy likeness Psal 17. And St. Paul promiseth that we shall see God face to face And St. John assures us That we shall see God as he is Thirdly in the 3 Chapter of Numbers God speaks in this manner to Aaron and Miriam who had murmured against their Brother Moses If there be a Prophet among you I the Lord will make my self known unto him in a vision and will speak unto him in a dream my servant Moses is not so who is faithful in all mine House with him will I speak mouth to mouth even apparently and not in dark speeches and the similitude of the Lord shall he behold Lastly we have heard the voice from Heaven that represents to me the blessed Estate of the Glorified saying That they shall see the face of God If it be lawful for me to ingage my self in such an high Meditation which is above the capacity of Men and Angels I should declare to you in few words how it may be said that we shall see God and in what manner it is impossible to behold him But first we
his Prophets and revealed himself unto him in a more familiar manner than to any other living Man Because of these glorious and extraordinary appearances of God's presence and of the brightness of his Light which shined so clear in the Soul of Moses because of that Holy familiarity which he had with God that he speaks of it in such a manner in the 12 Chapter of the Book of Numbers for we cannot understand that place in a litteral sence That Moses did really see God himself and that with the Eyes of the Body he beheld his Being which is altogether invisible But we must understand it in this manner that never any man beheld such glorious expressions of the Godhead with the Eyes of the Body That never any Man discoursed so familiarly with God as Moses never any man● hath ever had so clear and plain a knowledge of his great Glory and Divine Majesty Seventhly God hath often appeared unto Men in Humane shapes and hath given them such visible expressions of his Holy Presence that such as have seen those Images tell us that they have seen God It is in this manner that Jacob speaks when he had wrestled with God in his Body when he was moved not only by an assisting Angel but also by God himself who discovers there his Divine Vertue I have seen saith he God face to face and my soul hath been saved Gen. 32. Manoah the Father of Sampson tells asmuch when he had seen the Humane shape in which God was pleased to appear when he ascended up into Heaven in the flame of his sacrifice For certain we shall dye for we have seen God Judg. 13. In like manner when God appeared to Abraham in the shape of a man this man is called the Lord and Abraham bowed himself before him and worshiped and at one time this Holy Patriarch saw no less than three Humane shapes which appeared to him at once Some think that God appeared but in one of these shapes and that the two others were Angels That which confirms this opinion is that of these three persons there is but one that speaks as God and receives Abraham's Adoration And when he appears no more the two others are stiled Angels in the beginning of the 19 Chapter But others believe with some antient Doctors of the Church that these three Humane shapes were a true Image and living Representation of the most Holy most Glorious and most Wonderful Trinity In this opinion there is nothing contrary to the Analogy of Faith Finally God hath discovered himself by his Son in a particular manner he is named therefore The Image of God the Image of the invisible God and God manifested in flesh God hath not only imprinted in him some tokens of his Godhead and Marks of his Divine Power he caused him not to walk and move as the borrowed Bodies of the old Testament He hath not only ingraven in him the perfect Image of all 〈◊〉 Divine Vertues God is not in him in a shadow or Figure as he was in the Ark and in Solomons Temple but he hath dwelt in him bodily and by his Eternal Godhead as St. Paul informs us That in him dwelleth Bodily that is to say Really and Essentially all the fulness of the Godhead therefore our Saviour tells St. Philip That he that hath seen him hath seen the Father John 14. This being thus let us now consider how we see God now here below and how we shall see him hereafter in Heaven At present we see him with the eyes of the Body in his visible Works And we see his Being also with the Eye of our Understanding but in a weak and a languishing manner we know him with a very obscure and imperfect Knowledge for this cause St. Paul saith very well and truly That we know in part and we prophecy in part We see God also with the Eye of Faith it is with this Eye that we see him as Moses did who is invisible and that we behold our Lord Jesus Christ sitting at the right hand of God the Father above all Principalities and Powers worshiped and adored by all the glorified Church in Heaven In Paradise we hope to see with the Eyes of our glorified Body the Images and Marks of the Divinity so Glorious and Magnificent so Beautiful and full of Majesty that in comparison of that whatsoever appeared to the Prophets and Patriarchs in their illustrious Visions was nothing but obscurity and darkness And with the same Eyes of the Body we shall see God in the Person of our glorified Saviour who is the brightness of his Glory and the express Image of his Person so that we may well say with Job in a full assurance of Faith I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and though after my Skin Worms destroy this Body I shall see God in my Flesh whom I shall see for my self and my Eyes shall be hold and not another Job 19. But for the Essence and Being of God and for the Eternal Godhead we shall not nor cannot see it with the Eyes of the Body Let them become never so Glorious Incorruptible and Immortal We shall neither see it with the eye of Faith for then Faith shall be totally abolished and we shall not walk any more by Faith but by sight but we shall see God with the Eye of the Understanding enlightened with a Divine Glory Now as we have taken notice there are two sorts of Contemplations and Knowledges the one perfect proportioned to the object which we behold and look upon the other imperfect suitable to the being beholding and to the abilities of the understanding Our future knowledge of God shall not be of the first but of the latter sort that is to say That we shall never see into the bottom of the Mysteries of God's Divine Majesty and of his Glory We shall never know perfectly this highest Perfection this infinite Being this Incomprehensible and Glorious Godhead for things are in their Actions as they are in their Beings and Abilities Now in the most glorious State of Heaven our Beings and Abilities shall be limited and circumscribed therefore it shall be absolutely impossible for us to comprehend perfectly the Being of God who is infinite in it self and in all its wonderful perfections The Holy Angels themselves the Cherubims and Seraphims these Beings of Light and Glory are not able to pry into these bottomless depths they are not able to approach this infinite Light In a word it is necessary to be God himself to comprehend and understand perfectly the infinite Glory and the highest perfections of the Godhead Although our sight shall not be able to search into the bottom of these depths of the Divinity although we shall never be able to comprehend perfectly the infinite Being of God nevertheless we hope to behold openly this wonderful object and to obtain as much knowledge of it as shall
Man Lastly That after the Resurrection God shall be in us all in all which expression declares the highest and most compleat Happiness and Glory Others think the contrary that in Heaven there shall be an inequality of Glory and several degrees of Happiness This their opinion they strengthen chiefly with two passages of Holy Scripture the one is in the 14 of St. John where Christ saith to his Apostles In my Fathers house there are many Mansions The other is in the 1 Cor. 15. where St. Paul discoursing at large of the happiness of the Saints after the Resurrection saith There is one Glory of the Sun another Glory of the Moon and another Glory of the Stars for one Star differeth from another in Glory so is the resurrection of the dead There are some that are not content to believe an inequality of Glory and Happiness but they undertake further to discourse of this matter with as much boldness as if God had admitted them to the knowledge of his Eternal Secrets as if he had discovered to them all the wonders of the Heavenly Jerusalem more plainly than to his beloved disciple Such tell us not only that there shall be divers degrees of Glory and Happiness but they inform who they are that shall obtain such and such Degrees they prescribe in a Dogmatical and Magisterial manner which shall be the Glory of Virgins which shall belong to Confessors which shall be that of Martys In a word some are so much puffed up with an high conceit of themselves and of their own deservings that they make an open profession of being of the number of such as shall obtain the highest degrees of Glory and Happiness But my opinion is that the Truth is to be found between these two extreams I shall not impose any Law upon the Consciences of any Man in this particular whereof the decision is not absolutely necessary to Salvation yet we may say that in Heaven there shall be divers degrees of Glory and Happiness but we dare not describe them nor venture to apply them to any persons or to tell who of us shall possess such and such degrees This were a bold attempt upon Heaven and a taking of the forbidden Fruit by such an impudency we should loose our selves instead of saving others for such as are so audacious as to search into the Divine Majesty shall be swallowed up by his Glory Prov. 25. And although we verily believe degrees of Glory yet we may say without offence to any person that this belief is not to be established upon the fore-mentioned passages from whence we cannot gather any such conclusion for in the 14 of St. John our Saviour saith not that there are divers Degrees or divers Mansions whereof some are Richer and more Glorious than others but only that in his Fathers House there are many Mansions The meaning of this Divine Saviour is as clear as the day he had an intent to raise up the drooping courage of his Holy Apostles and to comfort them in his absence for that purpose he assures them that he is going to lodge in an House where there is not only room for himself but also for them and for all that shall believe in him by their Teaching He expounds his words plainly in the 17 Chapter of the same Gospel where he speaks to God in this manner Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my Glory which thou hast given me For the other passage of the 1 of the Corinth I beseech you devout Souls read over the Apostles words and consider with a Religious observation what goeth before and what follows after you shall find that the Apostle intends not to compare the Saints the one with the other but only to discover the difference which is between our Bodies as they are in this corruptible and mortal life and as they shall be when they shall have put on incorruption and immortality Therefore when he had said One is the Glory of the Sun another is the Glory of the Moon another the Glory of the Stars for one Star differeth from another Star in Glory He doth not add likewise so shall be the Glory of one blessed Person differing from another but he saith So shall be the resurrection from the dead The Body is sown in corruption it shall be raised in incorruption it is sown in dishonour it it raised in glory it is sown in weakness it is raised in power it is sown a natural body it is raised a spiritual body From whence is it therefore that we gather these divers degrees of Glory and Happiness I answer First from the divers and different pains and punishments of the damned For as in Hell there shall be several degrees of Torments Likewise it is very probable that in Heaven there shall be divers degrees of Happiness and several degrees of Glory Secondly God to declare his Divine Wisdom which is various in all things bestows at present all his Blessings and Riches with a wonderful variety and with an admirable order Thus you may see in nature that God hath scattered up and down the World divers gifts and excellencies for example the smell and beauty of Roses is different from that of the Lillies the brightness of the Diamonds is not like that of Rubies the light of the Sun differs from that of the Moon and Stars Likewise it is very probable that above all the Heavens there shall be divers degrees of Light and Glory Amongst the Holy Angels there are Titles of Honor and several Dignities therefore they are named Archangels Thrones Dominions Principalities and Powers As therefore amongst the Angels there are divers degrees of Glory it is also likely that the same order shall be observed amongst the Glorified in Heaven Besides as in the Church militant the Graces of God differ very much The Souls of the Faithful are not the same in all respects they have differing qualities and excellencies there are in them divers degrees of Light of Knowledge of Faith of Hope of Charity and Holiness Likewise according to the Analogy of Faith there should be also in the Church glorified divers degrees of Glory and Happiness and the rather because Glory is nothing else but the compleating and perfection of Grace This reason is so much the stronger because in the parable of the Talents Jesus Christ gives to his servants a Glory proportionable to the former Riches of his Grace None can conceive that the words relate to God's Favors bestowed upon his Children on Earth for our Lord speaks of that which he intends to do to them when he shall come down from Heaven to judge the World The words relate to the time when he shall say to such as have well employed the Talents of his Mercy Well done good and faithful servant enter into the joy of the Lord They relate also to the time when he shall cause the
unprofitable servant to be cast into utter darkness where there shall be weeping and gnashing of Teeth It may also be worthy of our observation that the felicities of Heaven are represented to us by a Feast where all partake of the same Meats but some are seated in a more Honourable Room than others This as I conceive may be gathered from our Saviours words Many shall come from the East and from the West and shall sit at Table in the Kingdom of Heaven with Abraham Isaac and Jacob. It may also be gathered from that other passage where Lazarus is carried by the Holy Angels into Abraham's bosom Lastly I ground my opinion upon the 12 Chapter of Daniel where this blessed Prophet when he had spoken in general terms of the future Happiness of the faithful who shall rise to Eternal life he comes down to particularize some unto whom God hath bestowed more light upon Earth and whose Ministry he hath made use of to bring many Souls to Salvation amongst these he seems to put many degrees of Glory They that are wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that bring many to righteousness as the Stars from ever and ever From this passage one may apparently conclude that as the light of the Firmament differs much from that of tha bright Stars and as amongst the Stars there is a diversity and variety of Light in the same manner there shall be divers and differing degrees of Glory amongst the glorified in Heaven Now in answer to that reason that Jesus Christ hath purchased for us the Glory and Happiness of Heaven and that therefore this Glory and Happiness should be equal I confess this reason is weighty I intend not to refute it altogether but I shall propose several things to the consideration of the Pious and Devout Souls that shall peruse this Treatise First that although the bloud of Jesus Christ hath purchased for us Heaven and that we are not able to deserve it by our most regenerate Actions nor by our most grievous sufferings and Martyrdom because that when we have performed all that is Commanded our Saviour requires us to say We be unprofitable servants because we have done but what we were bound to do Luk 17. And because his Holy Apostle assures us that When all things are reckon'd up the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us Rom. 8. Nevertheless God is so Good Merciful and Bountiful that he bears with our imperfections that he rewards as a Father with a free Reward all the good Works of his fervants especially the works of Charity Therefore Jesus Christ tells his Apostles and generally all the faithful Whosoever shall give unto you to drink a cup of water because you are Christs verily I say unto you he shall not loose his reward And because 't is the custome of the Eastern People to warm their drink therefore to give a cup of cold water may be reckoned the smallest assistance Our Saviour saith Whosoever shall give unto one of these little ones to drink a cup of ●old water only in the name of a Disciple verily I say unto you he shall not loose his reward Matth. 10. If such as bestow a cup of cold water for God's sake are rewarded in Heaven what may not those bountiful Souls expect there who now spend their Estates in charitable Deeds He that soweth sparingly shall reap sparingly he that soweth bountifully shall reap bountifully 1 Cor. 9. These be the words of St. Paul which in my judgement declare plainly an inequality amongst the Glories and Happinesses which we are to reap in Heaven Besides we have heard a Prophet tell us that all such as by the light of their Doctrines and the Holiness of their Lives lead many Souls to their Salvation shall shine for ever in Heaven as so many bright Stars It stands with reason that if our Saviour will in his infinite Mercy reward such a small kindness as the gift of a draught of Water to one of his Children they shall excell in Glory who pour forth for his sake in his quarrel every drop of their Bloud and by their deaths confirm his Holy Gospel This is a faithful saying If we dye with Jesus Christ we shall also live with him if we suffer with him we shall also reign with him But that which seems to me yet stronger which makes for this purpose is That all the spiritual Graces which are bestowed upon us in this life proceed from the Holy Ghost purchased for us by the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and by his precious Bloud Now these Graces are differing and various if therefore there are divers degrees in Grace why should not there be also divers degrees in Glory seeing that both have been purchased for us with the same price by the death and passion of our Lord Jesus Christ The other Argument drawn from the happiness and perfection of the Glorified is rational but not invincible for several Diamonds may be perfect in their kind so that the clearest Eye cannot take notice of any imperfection nevertheless they may differ in weight and price All the Stars have their perfection and light Nevertheless one Star differs from another Star in Glory All the Angels of Heaven are perfectly Happy and Holy and yet there is a great inequality amongst them in Glory and Dignity Likewise although all the Blessed shall attain to a perfect Holiness in my judgement that cannot hinder the diversity of degrees of Glory and Happiness I acknowledge also that the other objection drawn out of these words The Just shall shine as the Sun in the kingdom of their Father is not to be despised but it concludes nothing to the purpose for if you should cut out excellently well some Orbs of Chrystal of differing sizes some greater some less and should put them all in the Sun they would be all full of Light in every part every one of them would represent the beautiful Image of that Sun that looks upon them so that it may very well be said of all of them that they shine as the Sun Nevertheless according to their bigness and size they receive more Light and the Sun seems greater in the one than in the other To the other objection that all the Glorified in Heaven are named Kings I answer That this is not to be understood in a litteral Sence no more then when it is said that they had on their Heads Crowns of Gold That I may continue in the same comparison I may say that as all Kings have a Soveraign Majesty which acknowledges none above it but God from whom it proceeds Nevertheless some have a greater Power and Riches than others Likewise all the glorified Saints shall enjoy a Soveraign and perfect Happiness and receive it immediately from God This cannot hinder them from differing from one another in Glory I answer next to the other
Argument taken out of the Parable of the Father of the Family who at the evening of the day rewarded equally all his Laborers that had been employed in his Vineyard giving to every one of them a penny that Parables are as Pictures in which besides the thing intended to be drawn there are many particulars which serve but as flourishes to adorn the piece If we should consider every passage of this Parable we might gather from hence that amongst such as shall be saved there shall be there some murmuring against God who shall envy their companions which is a gross absurdity to conceive the designe of our Saviour is not to speak of the equality of the glorified Saints but his intent is to shew that those whom God calls first should not despise the others because God who doth with his own what he pleaseth is able to make them equal and to bestow upon them the same advantages Lastly as every one whom the good man of the House sent into his Vineyard at several times of the day received for their Salary a penny in the same manner whomsoever God calls into his Church effectually at any time nay at the hour of death they shall receive from his infinite Bounty eternal Life but from hence we cannot conclude any thing contrary to this Truth that in Heaven there shall be divers degrees of Glory The greatest difficulty in my judgement is in this Allegation That we shall see God face to face and that he will be all in all 1 Cor. 13. 1 Cor. 15. Nevertheless we may say that as all the damned in Hell shall loose all sight of God yet that cannot hinder the divers degrees of Pain and Torment Likewise all the glorified in Heaven shall see God but this sight which all shall enjoy cannot remove the inequality of their Glory and Happiness As when all men look upon the same Sun but several receive the benefit of its beams in a differing manner thus we shall all behold the same God but the Gracious Aspect of his Countenance shall be cast upon us variously and produce in us divers and various effects We may also make use of another comparison As when we cast many empty Vessels into the same Sea they are all filled up so that it may be said of them that the Sea is in them all some nevertheless may be more capacious and receive more Water than others Likewise all the Saints shall enter into the same wonderful Ocean of the Godhead they shall be all filled up to the brim with his Glorious presence so that God shall be all in all Nevertheless they shall receive differing measures of these Waters issuing forth to Eternal life In a word as God shall cast headlong all the Reprobates into the same Lake of Fire and Brimstone and yet there shall be divers degrees amongst them of punishments so God shall cause all the Elect to drink out of the same River of Pleasure but there shall be a difference amongst their degrees of Glory Moreover this passage may be thus understood God shall be all in all that is to say he shall be to us all Riches Glory Light Meat Drink Pleasures c. In my judgement we cannot conclude from hence that he is to make all equal If any have other thoughts or is of another judgement I shall not offer to condemn him nor to undertake to refute him for I conceive that seeing Almighty God hath hid the Glories and Happiness of Heaven and covered them over with a thick Cloud on purpose to limit our too curious inquiry we cannot mention them with too much modesty and respect only I must take notice of something more for the comfort of the good and devout Souls whose thoughts and mind are in Heaven That when we affirm that there shall be differing degrees of Glory in Paradise we must not conceive that this shall bring any diminution to the perfect Happiness of the Glorified for if I may once again make use of the comparison of the Sun-beams and of the Waters of the Sea I cannot find any more proper for this purpose As all Eyes that look upon the clear Sun without Cloud or Mist receive its Rayes in a differing manner yet they have all enough to see to guide themselves and to rejoyce in this beautiful Light that enlightens them if some receive a greater measure of that Light this hinders not the rest from enjoying also a sufficiency so shall it be with all the glorified Souls when they shall behold God the Father of Lights the true Sun that shall shine for ever and ever If any of them shall have more or less of his Light that shall in no wise impede the perfection of anothers Happiness for every one of them shall enjoy as much as they shall be able to receive or shall be necessary to compleat their Joy and perfect their Happiness And as when we cast into the Sea many empty Vessels some greater some less the greater contains more Water and the lesser not so much yet they do all receive enough to be filled up to the brim if the least of these Vessels had the knowledge to speak they would not complain of the greater for containing more then they because they have all as much as they can either desire or expect Likewise when the Saints shall be cast into that bottomless Sea of Glory and Happiness they shall be filled all up to the brim so that they shall not be able to desire any more they shall be all according to their differing capacities perfectly and entirely happy Consider therefore Christian Soul that if thou enjoyest so much satisfaction and delight as thou art capable of although others may have something more thou art no less happy for their overplus there is none but God alone that according to the infiniteness of his Being possesseth an unmeasurable and infinite Glory and Happiness This bottomless source of Glory and Bliss shall for ever and ever run over all the glorified in Heaven and satisfy their Souls with unspeakable Delights You may ask Christians in what part of the great World shall God cause us to enjoy so many rare pleasures and Heavenly contentments Where shall he produce so many Treasures and Riches Where will he discover so much Glory and Splendor In what part doth he intend to shew so many Divine marks of his Gracious Presence I answer that this place is above the Elemental World above all the Heavens that appear before our Eyes and that roul about us If we will understand this we must remember that the Holy Scripture makes mention of three Heavens The first is the large extent of the Air distinguished by the Learned into three Regions In this sence it is to be taken when it speaks of the Birds of the Air. The second Heaven comprehends the Heavenly Spheres the Globes that are between the Moon and the Firmament where are all the fixed Stars and if beyond
end Therefore the World shall for ever and ever bear the signs of it The Ornaments which it shall receive in this joyful day shall never be taken away and the Celestial fires of gladness shall never go out Although it is my opinion that the World shall never be totally Destroyed but that it shall become more beautiful and glorious than before I shall not undertake to give you a description of its several parts nor to tell you how it shall be employed for example I shall not determine whether we are to understand our Saviours words in the Gospel literally That the Sun shall become Dark that the Moon shall not give its Light and that the Stars shall fall from Heaven or whether these Heavenly Bodies shall still continue whether they shall be decked with a new Light and Glory and to what purpose they shall serve for then we shall be enlightned with a greater Light then that of all the Heavenly Bodies I shall only propose two Things First That as in the humane Body there are some Members which at present are useful but then they shall only be for Ornament and Beauty Likewise in the great World there are many needful things which shall then be of no use nevertheless they shall be preserved for the Beauty and Perfection of the World Secondly That as Man the little World shall then be more Beautiful and Perfect then when God first Created him likewise this great World shall receive more Beauty more Ornaments and Perfection then when God drew it out of its first Chaos As much difference as there is between the second Adam and the first between the Heavenly Paradice and the Earthly so much there shall be between the first and second World So that we shall have good cause to say of this great Palace which is to be destroyed and reared up again by the Almighty hand of God as the Holy Prophets said of Solomons Temple which we have already applied to our glorified Bodies The glory of this second House shall be greater than the glory of the first Some inquire whether we shall know one another in this State of Eternal Glory and happiness I mean whether the Subject shall know his Prince and King whether the Sheep shall know their Shepheard and the Shepheard his Sheep whether the Father shall know his Son the Son the Father the Husband his Wife and the Wife her Husband and so forth Although this question is of the number of such as are more curious then needful to be known nevertheless a reply seems to bring with it some kind of comfort and satisfaction I should judge that this Treatise should not be perfect if I did not say something to this matter but what I shall say shall be with the same moderation and reservedness as I have expressed in answering to the former questions for although what I shall speak seems to me very plain and without any difficulty others may have different thoughts without any prejudice to their Salvation However I may establish for an infallible Truth That the Glory of Heaven as well as Grace shall bring Nature to perfection but shall not destroy it it shall add to it other excellencies but shall not take away those that it hath already It shall not abolish any of the Faculties but it shall beautifie and enrich them with new Ornaments Therefore by consequence it shall not take away our Memory which is one of the rarest gifts and abilities of the reasonable Soul I confess that it is said That the former things shall be remembred no more and that they shall come no more into our mind But this is to be understood of the evils and calamities of this present life And we are not to understand the words so that to speak plainly we shall totally forget all the former evils and miseries and that we shall not remember to have undergone them St. John saith the contrary when he represents the Angel opening the fifth Seal that he saw under the Golden Altar which was before the Throne of God the Souls of them who had been Martyred for the Word of God and for the Testimony of the Truth crying out with a loud voice How long O Lord Holy and True dost thou not judge and revenge our Blood upon the Inhabitants of the Earth It is true these words may be understood in a figurative sense as when God said unto Cain The voice of thy Brothers Bloodcries from the Earth unto me and as St. Paul saith That the Blood of Jesus Christ speaks better things than the Blood of Abel However from hence we may conclude that the remembrance of all the Miseries and Evils which we have endured in this Life is not repugnant to our future estate of glory This remembrance is so far from prejudicing our felicity that on the contrary it shall increase and inlarge it so that it shall cause it to appear sweeter and more pleasant When the Prophet saith That the former things shall be remembered no more that they shall never come to mind he understands that the former evils shall never be felt and that we shall be for ever sheltered from all Misery and Misfortunes I cannot express this by a nobler and more proper example then that of Joseph when he went out of Prison to take into his hands the Government of Egypt and that he had strengthened himself by a rich Alliance in Marriage he named his eldest Son Manasseth which signifies forgetfulness or forgetful for he said God hath made me forget all my labor and my Fathers House Although this holy Manhd not forgotten altogether all those things for he knew afterwards his Brethren and told them of the mischief which they had intended against him and which God had turned to good But he spoke in this manner because God had changed his Misery and imprisonment into glory and honour In this sense we are to understand these words The former things shall be remembred no more because instead of the Evils and Miseries which we endure here below we shall enter into an Eternal Glory and Happiness The Prophet expounds himself sufficiently in the next words for when he had said The former things shall not be remembred nor come into mind he adds immediately after be you glad and rejoyce in that which I Create The Holy Ghost confirms us in this interpretation in another place by these words All Tears shall be wiped off from our eyes there shall be no more sorrow nor crying nor pain but eternal Joy and Gladness shall be upon our heads Seeing God intends not to destroy those gifts and abilities which he hath bestowed upon us in this Life much less shall he abolish our knowledge which is one of the brightest Beams of his Glory This knowledge shall be so far from diminishing or decaying that it shall then increase more and more until it comes to the highest perfection and glory As the Air looseth nothing of its twilight
we may conclude that although in Heaven we shall know one another we shall have nothing of that carnal love which we have at present and which causeth us to put so much difference between one person and another A father may know his Children but his love shall not be grounded upon considerations of flesh and blood he shall love them only because they are amongst the Children of God and the Heirs of his Kingdom and because he shall see them appear in the Image of the Heavenly Father cloathed with his Light and Crowned with his Immortal Glory Finally we shall love no body but in God and for his sake as they shall be in God and God in them In this manner it shall not be possible to love them more or less Charity or Love the Queen of Vertues shall then sit upon its Throne and attain to its highest degree and perfection If you think seriously upon this Christians you shall easily find arguments to answer the vain objections of such as say that if we come to the knowledge of one another in Heaven that shall be able to disturb our satisfaction and rest for as it will be a comfort and joy to meet there with our Parents and Friends in like manner it will be a trouble and dissatisfaction not to find there all such whom we have formerly loved We may retort the same objection in a stronger manner against those that believe that we shall not know one another in Heaven for we may say also that if we know not the persons we shall not know whether our Parents or our Friends are there and that this is as likely to disturbe and trouble the quiet and satisfaction of our minds But to argue in this gross manner is to confound Heaven with the Earth Grief and displeasure can never be admitted in a Paradice of joy and perfect happiness In this glorious condition our knowledge shall be so clear our Charity so pure our Love for God so servent that as we shall love all things which God shall love and where his Image shall appear so it shall not be possible for us to love them whom God shall hate them who shall bear the marks and similitudes of the Devil When David was yet here on Earth he said unto God Lord shall not I hate them that hate thee I hate them with a perfect hatred they have been to me as mine Enemies Ps 39. In the same manner we shall rather speak in Heaven in the estate of perfection when God shall be in us all in all and we shall be all in God Some there are that inquire what kind of language we shall speak in Heaven some reply that we shall speak the Language of Angels grounding their opinion upon what St. Paul speaks to the Corinthians When I should speak with the Tongues of Men and Angels If I have not charity I am become as sounding Brass and a tinkling Simbal But this is a Chimerian opinion for as the Angels are pure Spirits by consequence they can have no Tongue nor proper language I confess in some holy Apparitions Angels have spoken to Men but it was by moving the Tongues of their borrowed Bodies or by employing some other corporal Organ then they did speak in the Language of those unto whom they were sent they had no particular or proper Dialect But if Angels did speak their Language would excell as much that of Men as the Angelical Nature excells the Humane by the Tongues of Angels therefore our Apostle understands an excellent Tongue better then that of Men. Others fancy that in Heaven we shall speak no other Language but the Hebrew because say they that it is the Tongue which God hath Sanctified from the beginning of the World in which he spoke to the Patriarcks and Holy Prophets in which he proclaimed his Law upon Mount Sina in the audience of all the People of Israel and in which he hath Recorded his Sacred Law with his own Finger They say that it is the Language which Adam did speak in the Earthly Paradice in the state of innocency and which all the Inhabitants of the World did speak before God sent amongst them a Division of Tongues Others are yet of opinion that as then we shall attain to all Knowledge and Sciences we shall not be ignorant of all kind of Languages but that we shall speak them all in a most perfect manner and that with them we shall declare the wonderful Works of God as the Apostles did at the day of Pentecost As the holy Scripture is silent upon this matter I shall affirm nothing But in general terms I may say that as God caused a division of Tongues to punish Mans insolency and pride and that as the differing Languages of People is an effect of their Sin it is most certain that this confusion and difference shall be altogether taken away and that nothing shall be said in Heaven but shall be very well understood by all the glorified Saints I may add moreover that in case we should speak so well all manner of Languages which have been in the World it is nevertheless very likely that we shall all speak but one Language that we may all praise God with the same voice but whether this shall be the Holy Language or another more perfect and majestick which God shall sanctifie for this purpose we cannot know until God of his infinite Mercy shall have raised us to this estate of Glory and perfect Happiness From what we have already said Christians you may easily understand that our happiness hath three steps or degrees the first is attainable in this Life the second at the Egress of the Soul out of the Body the third at the great day of our glorious Resurrection for already in this Life God bestows upon us the First-Fruits of his Glory and the fore-tasts of Heaven The Spirit of God and of his Glory rests at present upon us which fills us full of an unspeakable glorious joy and with the peace of God which surpasseth all understanding When our Souls depart out of this wretched and crasie Body God gathers them up into the bundle of Life he introduceth them into the blessed company of the Angels and Glorified Spirits and admits them to the Contemplation of his Face which is fulness of Joy But in this joyful day when Christ shall come down from Heaven to judge the quick and the dead he will carry us both in Soul and Body to the highest Glory and Happiness whereof we are capable for this reason the Name of Glory is ascribed to this high degree of happiness which is promised to us at the blessed appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ as in the 8 Chap. to the Romans where the Apostle saith That the Creature was made subject to vanity not willingly but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope because the Creature it self shall be delivered from the Bondage of Corruption into
is gone into Heaven to Rest from all his Works Revel 5. and to take possession of all power riches wisdom strength honor glory and praise The third Work is that of our Glorification when we shall see new Heavens appear and a new Earth when our Bodies shall be cloathed with Incorruption and Immortality and united again to our Souls and when in both Soul and Body we shall attain to the highest glory and most perfect happiness Then he that sits upon the Throne of Eternity shall say with a loud voice Revel 21. All is finished Afterwards the Sabbath of Sabbaths shall succeed that Eternal rest and that peace which shall never be interrupted by any unhappiness We may say that the first rest is that of God the Father the second belongs to the Son the third is the rest of the Holy Ghost that shall have then gathered all the Saints together reared up the House of God to the roof and perfectly enlightened and sanctified the Catholick Church from whence shall proceed its Eternal Glory and Happiness or rather we may say that this last rest is the rest of all the Three Persons of the most holy and most glorious Trinity for then they shall rest from all manner of Works for ever and ever and we in the bosome of their Glory we shall also enjoy an everlasting test When the Works of Creation were finished the Works of Redemption were next expected and after the Works of Redemption we hope for the Works of our final glorification But when God shall have brought us all into his Glorious Rest and that he shall have declared for the third time from Heaven All is finished We shall then expect nothing neither from Gods justice nor from his mercy for all Gods Enemies shall be then destroyed and it shall not be possible to add any thing to the grievousness of their punishments nor to the violence of their torments There shall be no more Tears to be wiped no more evils to be feared nor advantages to be expected not Crowns to receive for then all the Children of God shall be perfectly glorified They shall injoy God himself who shall he their inheritance for ever and the bottomless fountain of all their Delights so that it shall not be possible to add any thing to their infinite Glory nor to their Eternal happiness God shall then as it were take away all means of expressing any greater liberality and bounty Abraham leaped for joy when he saw the Birth day and humiliation of the Son of God how should we rejoyce and be transported out of our selves when we think upon this glorious Day of the appearing of our Great God and Saviour when with the eye of Faith we behold him sitting upon the Clouds of Heaven coming to put a period to Sin and Death to shut up the Devil and his Angels in the bottomless pit of Hell to deliver his Church from all Evils Enemies and Dangers and to promote it to the highest felicity and to an everlasting glory After this Believing Souls I must draw the curtain and suffer my pen to fall from my hand for mine eyes dazle at the sight of so much light and my Soul is surpriprised at the consideration of so much glory and so perfect an happiness Although I have continued in this Treatise longer then I first proposed to my self I must needs confess that whatsoever I have said upon so rich and glorious a subject falls far short of the Truth But I am perswaded that there shall be here enough for pious and devout Souls that seek not for the ornaments of Language nor for the flourishes of Rhetorick but seek for the true and solid comforts of Gods holy Word You Christian and Believing Souls for whose sakes I have undertaken this Work I intreat you by the Glory of God and by your own Salvation to preserve in your minds the Ideas of these things that I have now spoken of Imprint them in your Memories grave them upon your Hearts with the point of a Diamond and especially take delight in following my direction and you shall assuredly find both joy and comfort Think often upon Death let it be the most familiar and most pleasant subject of your Discourse expect it at every Moment and lead such a Life as if Death were already upon your Lips Fear not the many troubles of this humane Life doubt not but that God hath determined the time and manner of your going out of the World and that every kind of Death of the Children of God is precious in his sight Seeing that you are to live yet but a moment here upon Earth settle not here your Hearts but injoy your Riches and advantages as not enjoying them remembring that the fashion of this World passeth away seeing that it is Sin alone that makes Death appear so terrible to us hate all manner of Vice and study the practice of Piety And seeing that there is no body at the hour of Death but wisheth that he had lived well think upon your latter end and you shall never be able to Sin If your mind is disturbed with the consideration of those things which shall happen after our Decease learn to rest upon the wise Providence of God that sees into the depths of Eternity that provides for all things and that draws Light out of the greatest Darkness Are you cast upon a Bed of Sickness and Disease open the eye of Faith and you shall see your selves encompassed about with holy Angels and in the Arms of God himself dread not the violence of pain for God shall never forsake you in your grief he shall never suffer you to be afflicted above what you are able to indure fancy him not as a dreadful and a merciless Judge but look upon him as a gracious and a loving Father who desires not the Death of a Sinner but rather that he should repent and live If Death appears to you with a frightful Countenance if it fills you full of Terror cast your eyes by Faith upon the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ and you shall see there all the Weapons and Armour of this Death broken in pieces You shall see there a Divine and precious Blood running down which hath satisfied for all your Sins and marked unto you the way to Gods Eternal Sanctuary Let not the Grave that is digging for you terrify you seeing that the King of Kings hath been laid there before you and filled it with his most Divine Perfumes Let Death seem to you never so Dreadful remember that our Saviour hath overcome it by his Resurrection fear not therefore to incounter it seeing that our Great God and Saviour shall make you partaker of his Victory And that you might beget in your Souls an earnest longing to go to Heaven Look upon Jesus Christ there who prepares a place for you and desires that you should be eternally with him to behold his Joy and Glory Fear not the separation
Souls and Bodies when thou shalt come down from Heaven with Flames of Fire to revenge thy self of such as know thee not and will not obey thy Holy Gospel and to be glorified in thy Saints and become wonderful in all Believers Let me sometime consider that glorious Throne where thou shalt sit to judge the quick and the dead before which the greatest Princes Kings and Monarchs as well as the vilest Servants Subjects and Slaves and generally all the Men of the World shall appear to receive in their Bodies according as they have done whether it be good or evil O that I might rejoyce in an expectation of seeing the total and intire destruction of all the Enemies of thy Glory and of our Salvation That I might look upon Satan his wicked Angels his Agents and the instruments of his Kingdome at if they were already bound up in everlasting Chains cast into the Lake of fire and brimstone and shut up in that bottomless pit from whence they shall never be released That I might think upon that Blessed time when Death shall be no more when all the living shall be Immortal but chiefly give me Grace to behold with the eye of that precious Faith which thou hast formed in my Soul the joy and Coronation of thy Church to consider that Divine dwelling where the stately and most magnificent City is built with pure Gold Pearles and Precious Stones where thou thy self art the Light and the Sun where the uncorruptible inheritance is which cannot be defiled and cannot fade away where the River of living water runs which is as bright as Chrystal where the Tree of Life is which yields fruit every Month of the year whereof the Leaves are for healing of the Gentiles Give me Grace to comfort my self in the expectation of that blessed estate where we shall neither hunger nor thirst where there shall be neither giving nor taking in Marriage but where we shall be as the Angels of God where thou shalt cloath us with Light and incompass us about with the beams of thy Glory where thou shalt put into our hands Palmes of Victory Crowns upon our Heads and in our mouths the Songs of the blessed and of all the Holy Angels where we shall sit with the Patriarcks Prophets Apostles Confessors and Martyrs and with all the Princes Kings and Monarchs that have lived in thy fear and that are dead in thy favor Where we shall for ever solemnise the Divine Nuptials of the Lamb and shall be inflamed with his love where we shall behold God face to face and shall be changed into his glorious Image and satisfied with his Divine likeness O Lord give us Grace to think continually upon his glorious and joyful day which shall put a period to the current of time which is the accomplishment of all the Prophecies and Promises the body and reallity of all types and figures the Crowning of all our Works the fulfilling of all our desires the highest of all our hopes and the perfection of all the designs intended by God the Father from all Eternity And seeing that we know not when this beautiful day shall break forth which shall never end give us Grace to expect it at every moment and behave our selves in such a manner as if we were already at the Eve of this everlasting Sabbath and of this glorious Rest That we may provide holy oyl in our Lamps faith hope and charity in our hearts that these Lamps may be ready and always burning that our Souls may be cloathed with the Wedding Garment with Righteousness and innocency that we may not stumber in the vain Delights of the World in the pleasures of the flesh but that we may spend the days and the nights in watching and Prayers Give us Grace to lift up our heads looking for our Redemption as if we did already bear the sound of the last Trumpet as if we did see already the Lord Jesus coming in the Clouds of Heaven O that we might not only expect him but go to meet him and hasten his coming by our continual Prayers and earnest desires O most powerful and merciful Lord forgive our impatient wishes and hasten that day for the elects sake Lord Jesus come with the Angels of thy power and the thousands of Saints and cause thy glory to appear and thine eternal Happiness Come with the Weapons of thy just resentment to require Justice and to destroy all the ungodly for there is no Faith amongst Men nor charity All flesh is become corrupt Come and destroy this World which is as an House infected with a spreading Leprosie but rather come to free it from corruption and vanity unto which our Sins have made it subject Come and purifie with an universal fire this wretched Earth which was cursed for our Crimes Come Almighty Lord come and trample upon the pride of the World and of all the Enemies of thy Sacred Truth Come and execute judgement upon her that is drunk with the Blood of thy holy Martyrs Come and bind the roaring Lyon in Chains and shut him for ever in the bottomless pit Come and put to Death the Murderer of thy Brethren and Members and totally abolish it Lord Jesus hearken to the crying of thy people and to the groans of thine inheritance Come and take thy Church out of this cruel Egypt where our Sins have inthralled it deliver it out of this Babylon where it hath been kept so long in Bondage O merciful Lord it is high time that thou shouldst introduce it into thy Celestial Canaan where the Milk and Hony of the most refined joyes and divine comforts flow continually That thou shouldst bring it into the holy Jerusalem the City of Peace and of everlasting Rest Come therefore to wipe away the Tears and stop the crying of thy afflicted Children Come and take them out of this cruel and infamous Prison open to them the Gates of thy glorious Palace Come and cloath them with thy Light cause them to drink of the Rivers of thy pleasures and Crown them with thine Immortal Glory Lord Jesus hasten this day of this Divine Coronation and magnificent Rejoycing We have been fighting and travelling upon this Earth long enough separated from thee our Souls long for thee they can no longer live without thee O wonderful Lord whose Works are so great that they are past finding out and whose Wonders are so many that they are not to be numbred thou hast with the Father perfected the Creation of the World thou hast performed all the Works of our Blessed Redemption perfect also the Works of the future Glorification of thy Church Take us up to that highest Glory and Happiness which hath beex prepared for us from the beginning of the World and which is the price of thy Blood and the fruits of thy Death O bountiful and glorious Lord put us in a condition that we may have nothing to dread nor nothing to desire nor nothing to pray or