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A34877 A supplement to Knowledge and practice wherein the main things necessary to be known and believed in order to salvation are more fully explained, and several new directions given for the promoting of real holiness both of heart and life : to which is added a serious disswasive from some of the reigning and customary sins of the times, viz. swearing, lying, pride, gluttony, drunkenness, uncleanness, discontent, covetousness and earthly-mindedness, anger and malice, idleness / by Samuel Cradock ... useful for the instruction of private families. Cradock, Samuel, 1621?-1706. 1679 (1679) Wing C6756; ESTC R15332 329,893 408

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To look into the de●th of so great a Mysterie and cannot bu● cry out 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Apostle did in another case O the unsearchableness O the depth of this Heavenly Oeconomy in matters of so high a Nature I believe more then I am able to understand the gift of Faith supplying the defects of my understanding as considered in this or that man which are not all absolutely against it We grant that nothing contrary to the reason of things must be admitted But reason as it is in this or that man may be very weak and imperfect and very short of a ju●t and a full comprehension of the whole reason of things Therefore that is no fit measure to try this Divine Doctrine by Certainly it is the highest reason that in things of p●rely Divine Revelation we should captivate our understandings to the Authority of the Revelator Let us therefore earnestly pray unto God that it may be given unto us to know the Mysteries of his Kingdom The Apostle Peter knew Christ to be the Eternal Son of God which is a part of this Mystery of the Trinity and our Saviour tells him Matth. 16.16 17. That Flesh and Blood had not revealed it unto him but his Father A man ought not presently to desert his perswasion grounded upon Scripture because he cannot answer every Objection that the subtil Wit of man can make against it For though this or that private Person may not be able to Answer such Objections yet others more learned and knowing may easily do it and to them he ought to betake himself for satisfaction Thus I have shewed what is the Original Declaration or Revelation of this Doctrine of the Holy Trinity contained in the Scripture and how the same is explained by Pious and Learned men very sutably to that Revelation And it will not be amiss to give my Reader these two further directions First If at any he be attaqued by any adversary of this Divine doctrin I advise him in the first place to hold him strictly and peremtorily to the Original revelation and to put him to disprove if he can that God is one that the Father is God the Son God the Holy Gh●st God understanding by God the most High God Soveraign of all the World If he cannot do this as you may see by the Testimonies forecited he cannot with any shew of reason do then suffer him not to quarrel at the explanation and fall foully as their manner is upon the terms Trinity and Personality and such like expressions which though they be not literally a●d syllabically found in the Scriptures yet are agreeable to the Original Revelation of this Doctrine therein contained and fairly Expolitory thereof And having given this hint or admonition which I think very needfull at this time let me in the closing up of this Discourse advise all those that have any true desire to walk in the narrow path of Truth and Holiness which leads to everlasting bliss to labour in the first place judiciously to understand this Sacred Doctrine according to the Original Revelation thereof made in the Scriptures When this is done the explanation thereof as we have here delivered it will not seem harsh to them nor to contain any thing unsuitable to that Revelation And let me add this one word more that I fear the failing of so many mens profession as we have seen of late years has begun with their relinquishing this Foundation This has been the fatal miscarriage of those poor deluded Souls called Quakers and I am afraid of some others more learned than they If they could be brought to a right understanding of this Doctrine of the blessed Trinity as 't is in the Scripture revealed I suppose their other fond imaginations would quickly vanish and come to nothing SECT III. Of the Works of God I Have spoken of the Nature of God Maker of Heaven and Earth and his glorious Attributes and of the Trinity of Persons in the Vnity of the Divine Nature I come now to speak of his works Viz. Creation Providence And First of Creation The Apostle Heb. 11.3 Of Creation tells us that by Faith we understand that the Worlds namely the inferior middle and superior as the Jews were wont to distinguish them and all the Creatures in them were made and framed by the Word of God And certainly this goodly Fabrick of Heaven and Earth was not from Eternity as Aristotle that great Philosopher destitute of scripture-Scripture-light was inclin'd to believe but was created and made at that time when it seemed best to the infinite Wisdom of God And the special Motives as we may humbly conceive which inclined him to make it were a desire and purpose to express his infinite Power to declare his transcendent Wisdom and Goodness and to exercise his all-wise Providence all conducing to the manifestation of his own glory and praise Some Creatures he made immediately out of nothing as the terminus a quo by a proper Creation giving them a reall being which before they had not Other things he made out of some prae-existent matter which matter he had before made out of nothing by a mediate and improper kind of Creation As he made Adams body out of the dust of the earth * The remembrance of this should be an Antidote against Pride in all his Posterity Abraham Gen. 18.27 acknowledges himself but dust and ashes cum sis humillimus cur non es humillimus says Bernard and Eves of Adams Ribb When Solomon was to build a Magnificent Temple for God he needed many Materials * Ex nihilo nihil fit id est Physice a Creaturis Sod non va●●t regula si intelligatur i● Deo and many Workmen and they many Tools But God did not so He made all without any Coadjutor or any Instrument by the sole word of his command And when he looked upon every thing he had made behold all was very good Neh. 9.6 Thou even thou art Lord alone thou hast made Heaven the Heaven of Heavens with all their Host the Earth and all things that are therein the Sea and all that is therein and thou preserved them all and the Host of Heaven worshippeth thee Colos 1.16 For by him were all things created that are in Heaven and that are in Earth visible and invisible whether they be Thrones or Dominions or Principalities or Powers All things were created by him and for him Rev. 4.11 Thou art worthy O Lord to receive glory and honour and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure they are and were created The chief of the Creatures God created were Angels and Men. All the Angels were at first made holy and happy Spirits Some of them continued in their obedience to God and are still Angels of light others of them fell from God by pride and disobedience and are become Devils of darkness First I shall speak of the good Angels
unto Holiness 2 Tim. 2.19 Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity The end of Christs gathering them out of the World to be his people is that they may be holy and a peculiar people to himself zealous of good works Thus Moses speaking of the Congregation of Israel Deut. 7.6 Thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God That is they were so by destination and engagement though many of them were not really so● 2. The Church may be called holy because it trains up people in the wayes of holiness and godliness 3. It may be called holy in respect though not of the greater yet of the better part of it whom God hath sanctified by the graces of his holy Spirit The other Attribute of the Church is Catholick Catholick as it is not in the Scriptures so was it not anciently in the Creed but inserted by the Fathers of the Constantinopolitan Council It signifies General or Vniversal Now the Church is called Catholick 1. In respect of place It being not now shut up in the narrow bounds of Judea but diffused through the World 2. In respect of persons All sorts of persons being promiscuously called to Faith in Christ Neither Jew nor Gentile neither bond nor free being excluded Gal. 3.28 3. In respect of times It comprehending all the Faithful that have been in all times and ages ever since the giving of the first promise that the seed of the woman should bruise the Serpents head And to our Saviours dayes and since then to the age in which we live and is to contitinue from hence by a continual accession to the end of the world Nay it doth not only include that part of the Church is now militant on earth but that also which is triumphant in Heaven Both they with us and we with them make one body mystical whereof Christ is the Head And all together together with the antient Patriarches and other holy men of God which lived under the Law do make up that one glorious Church which is called in the Scriptures the general Assembly the Church of the first born whose names are written in the Heavens Heb. 12.23 Catholick then the Church may be called in regard of extent whether we consider time place or persons 4. In respect of Doctrine because it maintains the Catholick Doctrine quae semper quae ubique quae abomnibus credita est Adversus Haereses c. 3 as Lirinensis d sayes which hath allwayes and in all places by all sorts of real Christians been received as Orthodox Catholick in this sence is the same with Orthodox and a Catholick Christian the same with a true professor A private Christian may be called Catholick in this sense And thus the Fathers of the purest times made use of this word Catholick to distinguish themselves from Hereticks according to that famous saying of Pacianus Christianus mihi nomen est Catholicus cognomen Christian saith he is my name and Catholick my sir-name By the one I am known from Infidels by the other from Hereticks And so long as the main body of Christians retained the form of wholsom words and kept the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace it served fitly for a distinctive mark to know an Orthodox Professor from an Heretical But when the main body of the Church was once torn in pieces and every leading faction would be thought the true Church of Christ they took to themselves the name of Catholicks also And thus our great Masters in the Church of Rome have appropriated to themselves the name of catholicks accounting all men Hereticks that differ from them and do not hold communion with them in their errors And then they defend themselves by the name of Catholicks from having dealt unjustly with their fellow Christians men every way more Orthodox than themselves But let them talk what they will the Church which is truly Catholick containeth within it all those Congregations which are truly the Churches of Christ And all persons whatsoever who are true Christians belong to it So that whosoever is not of the Catholick Church cannot be of the true Church out of which ordinarily there is no Salvation 3. I come now to the distinctions of the Church 1. The Church of Christ may be considered either as Militant or Triumphant The Church Militant is that company of Christians here on earth who are in warfare warring against Satan the World and the Flesh 2. The Church Triumphant are those Saints who having vanquished and overcome those adversaries do now reign and triumph in Heaven This distinction is founded upon Ephes 3.14 15. Where the Apostle sayes I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ of whom the whole Family in heaven and earth is named The Family in Heaven is the Church Triumphant The Family on Earth the Church Militant of which the Apostle himself was one when he said 2 Tim. 4.7 I have fought a good fight I have finished my course I have kept the Faith The Triumphant we may read of Rev. 7.9 After this I beheld and lo a great multitude which no man could number of all Nations and Kindreds and People and Tongues stood before the Throne and before the Lamb cloathed with white Robes and Palms in their hands Having thus premised this distinction of the Church Militant and Triumphant I come now to speak particularly of the Church Militant 1. Then we must know that the Churcrh Militant here on earth consists partly of such as are truly of it partly of such as only in respect of their outward profession belong to it As the Holy Ghost speaks Rev. 2.9 of some who professed themselves Jews I know the Blasphemy of them that say they are Jews and are not but are the Synagogue of Satan so we may say of some who profess themselves Christians that they are very far from being such in truth and reality For prophane persons and hypocrites are rather in the Church than of it The Militant Church is either visible or invisible The visible Church is a visible company of people professing the Gospel whether they do it in truth and sincerity or no. It doth consist of good and bad It is compared to a net cast into the Sea which gathered of every kind c. Matth. 13.47 And to a field wherein were both wheat and tares Matth. 13.24 And to a great house wherein are vessels of several sorts some to honour some to dishonour 2 Tim. 2.20 The invisible Church consists of such as truly are what they profess themselves to be It is called invisible because it is not visible to the eyes of men They can see the profession but whether it proceed from the heart or no they cannot see The Invisible Church therefore is hid in the visible and there is no more difference between them than between the whole and a part 3. The Church Militant is distinguished into Particular and Vniversal A particular
7. What is required of them who may expect this great priviledge 1. We shall consider what Sin is and what is the foul nature of it that so we may the better estimate the great goodness of God in pardoning of it The Apostle shews us 1 John 3.4 that Sin is the transgression of the Law The Law of God is the rule of the actions of man and any deviation from that rule is a Sin and brings us under guilt 2. Let us consider what are the kinds of Sin Sin is either original or actual 1. Original Sin is by the Church of England in her Articles described to be a fault and corruption of the nature of every man that naturally is engendred of the off-spring of Adam whereby man is very far gone from original Righteousness and inclined unto evil In which description three things may be observed 1. Original sin is the corruption of the nature of every man descended from the loins of Adam 2. It is a departure from that original Righteousness wherewith the Lord enriched Adam and our selves in him 3. 'T is an inclination to evil So that the whole race and off-sping of Adam who were then radically seminally and potentially in his loins were infected with this contagion As the Scripture sayes of Levi that he paid tythes in Abraham to Melchisedec Heb. 7.9 10. For he was then in the loyns of his Father Abraham when Melchisedec met him So all we and the whole race of Mankind were in Adam when he lost himself And that we are all from the womb tainted with this original corruption * Unum illud peccatum fons est aliorum Becan and depravation of nature is plain and manifest from these Scriptures Psal 51.5 Behold I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me Ephes 2.3 And were by nature the children of wrath even as others And that even Infants themselves are tainted with this original corruption may appear from this that they are liable to death Now Death is a wages no way due to Infants for actual sins for actually as yet they have not offended therefore there must need be in them some original guilt some birth-sin which makes them liable to death 2. Actual sin which is the fruit of original is any action or commission or any omission repugnant unto the Law of God 3. Let us consider the wages of sin The Apostle tells us Rom. 6. last The wages of sin is death The wages due reward and fruit of sin is death But life eternal is the fruit of righteousness not as its wages but as a gift freely given by God upon the account of the merit and intercession of Jesus Christ Every sin therefore being a deviation from the Law of God brings us under guilt and guilt makes us liable to suffer the punishment which is due to our sins and proportional to our offences And our offences are augmented by the consideration of the dignity of the person against whom they are committed And being committed against God must therefore needs be very heinous and bind us over to suffer eternal punishment except we obtain a pardon and our sins be remitted 4. Let us consider by whom sins are remitted 1. Men may forgive offences committed against them so far forth as they concern them Luke 17.3 4. If thy brother trespass against thee rebuke him and if he repent forgive him and if he trespass against thee seven times in a day and seven times in a day turn again to thee saying I repent thou shalt forgive him But as Sin is a transgression of Gods Law so God only can forgive it 2. 'T is God the Fathers Prerogative to forgive Sins Isaiah 43.25 I even I am he that blotteth out thy transgression for mine own sake and will not remember thy sins 3. God communicated this power to his Son while he was here on the earth who had power of forgiving sins as part of that power that was given him both in Heaven and Earth Mark 2.5 and 7. When Jesus saw their Faith he said unto the sick of the Palsie Son thy sins be forgiven thee The Scribes ask who can forgive sins but God only Their position was good that God only can forgive sins but their supposition false that Christ was a meer man and not God as well as Man 4. Ministers may forgive sins not authoritatively but Ministerially and declaratively They preach remission in Christs name declare what persons they must be and what they must do who shall obtain it 5. Let us consider upon what account and for whose sake sins are forgiven The external impulsive cause inclining God to pardon us our sins and trespasses is the respect he hath to the obedience and sufferings of our Saviour Jesus Christ The Apostle tells us Rom. 3.24 that we are justified freely by the grace of God as by the internal impulsive cause of our justification by which he was first moved to forgive us our sins and then through the redemption wrought by Jesus Christ as the external moving or impulsive cause of so great a mercy The death of Christ is the meritorious cause of our forgiveness Mat. 26.28 For this is my blood of the New Testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins Ephes 1.7 In whom we have redemption through his blood the forgiveness of sins according to the riches of his grace Acts 13.38 39. Be it known unto you therefore men and brethren that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins And by him all that believe are justified from all things from which they could not be justified by the Law of Moses 1 John 1.7 And the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin Rev. 1.5 Vnto him that loved us and washed us from our sins in his own blood God is indeed said to remit our sins but never to remit the price without which we had never been redeemed The Law promised life but upon perfect absolute uninterrupted obedience and the voice thereof was Do this and live But this we failed in we need therefore the interposition of the Sacrifice of Christ for us The atonement made by the Sacrifices under the Law clearly had relation to the death of the Messias and whatsoever vertue was in them did operate through his death alone As he was a Lamb slain from the foundation of the world in Gods decree so all atonements which were ever made were only effectual through his blood So that no sin was ever forgiven but by vertue of that satisfaction and God was never reconciled to any sinner but by intuition of that propitiation Yet the general doctrine of remission of sins was never clearly revealed and publickly preached to all Nations till the coming of our Saviour in the flesh 6. Let us consider what forgiveness of sins doth import and contain in it Forgiveness of Sins doth comprehend in it reconciliation of an offended God and a
said unto them fear not for behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all People For unto you is born this day in the City of David a Saviour which is Christ the Lord. 3. They prevent danger to him from Herod Matth. 2.13 14. And the Angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream saying arise and take the young Child and his Mother and flee into Egypt and be thou there untill I bring thee word For Herod will seek the young Child to destroy him And he arose and took the young Child and his Mother by Night and departed into Egypt 4. They minister to him in his temptations Mark 1.13 And he was there in the Wilderness Forty days tempted of Satan and was with the wild Beasts and the Angels ministred unto him 5. They comfort him in his agony Luke 22.43 And there appeared an Angel from Heaven strengthening him 6. They open his Grave at his Resurrection Matth. 28.2 And behold there was a great Earth-quake for the Angel of the Lord descended from Heaven and came and rolled back the stone from the door and sate upon it 7. They witness his Resurrection to them that looked for him Luke 24.5 6. And as they were afraid and bowed down their face to the Earth two men in shining Garments said unto them why seek ye the living among the dead He is not here but is risen remember how he spake unto you when he was yet in Galilee Vers 23. And when the Women found not his body they came saying that they also had seen a Vision of Angels which said that he was alive 8. They attend and attest his Ascension Acts. 1.10 11. And while they looked stedfastly towards Heaven as he went up behold Two men stood by them in white apparel which also said Ye men of Galilee why stand ye gazing up into Heaven this same Jesus which is taken up from you into Heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into Heaven 9. They attend and magnifie him in Heaven Rev. 5.11 12. And I beheld and heard the voice of many Angels round about the Throne and the Beasts and the Elders and the number of them was Ten Thousand times Ten Thousand and Thousands of Thousands saiyng with a loud voice worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive Power and Riches and Wisdom and Strength and Honour and Glory and Blessing 1 Pet. 3.22 Who is gone into Heaven and is on the right hand of God Angels and Authorities and Powers being made subject unto him 10. They reveal what he will have done on Earth Rev. 1.1 The Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to shew unto his Servants things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his Angels unto his servant John Rev. 22.16 I Jesus have sent mine Angel to testifie unto you these things in the Churches 11. They will attend him at the last judgment Mark 8 38. Whosoever therefore shall be ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinfull Generation of him shall the Son of man be ashamed when he cometh in the glory of his Father with the holy Angels Matth. 25.31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory and all the holy Angels with him then shall he sit upon the Throne of his glory 12. They will sever the wicked from among the just and execute Christ's righteous sentence on the ungodly Matth. 13.49.50 So shall it be at the end of the World The Angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from the just and shall cast them into the Furnace of fire there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth Thus much of their Ministery in reference to Christ Next follows III. Their Ministry in relation to the Saints and People of God Heb. 1.14 Are they not all Ministring Spirits sent forth to Minister for them who shall be Heirs of Salvation Matth. 18.10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones for I say unto you that in Heaven their Angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in Heaven They are not only ministring Spirits but their Ministry extends to such things as are most needfull and usefull for the Saints 1. They are appointed Guardians and Protectors of the People of God The protection of holy ●ngels is invisible yet true and real Psal 34.7 The Angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him and delivereth them Gen. 32.1.2 when Jacob journeyed 't is said the Angels of God met him An Army of Angels was his Convoy and therefore he called the place Mahanaim that is Two Hosts or Armies they appearing on either hand of him or before and behind him to secure and defend him The holy Angels do the People of God many more good Offices then they are aware of They help us against our Spiritual enemies as the Apostle tells us Eph. 6.12 For we wrestle not only against Flesh and Blood but against Principalities and P●wers against the Rulers of the darkness of this World against Spiritual wickedness in high places Good Angels as 't is probable are more in number as well as stronger in power than the wicked and defend the People of God against many evils and direct them in difficult cases what to do Dan. 6.22 My God saith Daniel hath sent his Angel and hath shut the Lyons mouths that they have not hurt me ●en 24.7 The Lord God of Heaven who took me from my Fathers H●use and from the Land ●f my Kindred and which spake ●nto me saying unto thy seed will I give this Land he shall send his Angel before thee and thou shalt take a Wife unto my Son from thence saith Abraham unto his servant Acts 16.9 A Vision appeared to Paul in the Right There stood a man of Macedonia and prayed him saying Come over into Macedonia and help us Matth. 1.20 But while he thought on these things behold the Angel of the Lord appeared unto him in a dream saying Joseph thou Son of David fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Ghost 2. 'T is probable they suggest Holy thoughts to us If the Devil can suggest filthy sinfull thoughts and incite the heart to wickedness surely good Angels can sugg●st good thoughts and incite the heart to holiness Christ spake of Judas that Satan had put it into his heart to betray him John 13. And Peter said to Ananias Why hath Satan filled thy heart 〈◊〉 lye to the Holy Ghost The Nature of good Angels is as fit to deal with our Spirits as the Nature of evil Angels can be That of the Apostle se●ms to hint if not to prove this 2 Cor. 11.14 Where he tells the Cor●●thians that deceitful work●rs transform themselves into the Apostles of Christ and no marve● for Satan himself is transformed into an A●gel of light namely when he
not their first Station they sinned against God and by sin fell from their happiness 3. Let us inquire how they came to sin Being created pure they had no lust within to incline them to it and being in Heaven they had no Object without to draw or allure them to it neither had they any ●emp●●r before one or more of their own number fell to intice them to it Some late Divines conceive that the great Angel ●ow called Belzebub first fell and then drew others by his t●mpta●ion and seducement into the same rebellion and disobedience with himself For Matth. 25.44 we read of the Devil and his Angels and Matth. 12.24 of Belzebub the Prince of Devils From whence we may probably conjecture there was some Prince or Chief of the Apostate Angels who was the Ring-leader in this faction and rebellion against God And if any shall further inquire how sin came into the Angels at first all that we can say is this They were created good yet mutable and they voluntarily chose not to abide in their first estate 'T is Gods Prerogative only to be immutable All Creatures though never so pure if not assi●ted by grace are mutable and may sin Job 4.18 Behold he put no trust in his Servants and his Angels he charged with folly The Angels being mutable Creatures might fall from their righteousness if left to themselves and some of them did fall and God charged them judicially with folly for it They were created in a blessed state and from that they might and some of them did fall But however it was we may assure our selves God was not the cause of their fall by infusing any evil into them Neither is he to be looked upon as consenting to their sin in that he did not hinder them from it or in that he did not support them by his Grace For he oweth his Grace to none and giveth it when and to whom he pleaseth And in the Angelical Nature as well as the humane he would discover his Justice and his Mercy and the freed●m of his dispensations 4. Let us consider the time when they fell How soon they fell we cannot certainly determine 'T is probable they fell very soon For Joh. 8.44 Satan is called a Murderer from the beginning and 1 Joh. 3.9 'T is said the Devil sinneth from the beginning that is soon after the Creation That these Angels were created plainly appears from Col. 1.16 And probably they were created on the second day when the Heavens the proper place of their residence were created 'T is certain they sinned before Man fell For the Devil in and by the Serpent seduced Eve Gen. 3.1.2 Cor. 11.3 5. Let us consider their number 'T is certain that the number of these Apostate Angels is very great and that there are very many of them going up and down in the World as may appear by this that an whole Legion of them was in one man Luke 8.30 * Legio apud Romanos continebat 12500 mi●ites num●rus certus pro incerto ut ipse Daemon explicat But how great their number is cannot by us be certainly determined 6. Let us consider their Nature Properties and Employment 1. They are Spirits of great knowledge cunning and subtilty They are subtil by Nature and by long experience in tempting since the beginning of the World their subtilty is much increased They can transform themselves into Angels of light 2 Cor. 11.14 But this is observable they never move to good as 't is good but as it may have some evil consequent upon it And further they know how to suit their temptations to the several tempers of men They have much Natural and Experimental knowledge so as they can discern hidden causes and virtues which mans reason cannot reach unto They know how to apply actives to passives they can guess notably at future events but as for a certain knowledge of them unless of such things as depend upon necessary causes or have been some way or other made known unto them by God that they have not That knowledge is proper to God and accordingly he challengeth it unto himself Isai 41.23 Shew things that are to come hereafter that we may know ye are gods says he of the vanities and Idols of the Heathen They are of wonderful sagacity to judge of mens hearts by their outward gestures and carriage In a word they are wise enough to do evil but to do good they have no knowledge 2. Their malice is very great This is set forth to the life 1 Pet. 5.8 Be sober be vigilant because your adversary the Devil like a roaring Lyon goes about seeking whom he may devour whom resist stedfast in the Faith His malice is so great that he goes about doing mischief though he knowes that he gets no good by it nay though his punishment will be so much the greater for the mischief he does His malice is great against all mankind but principally against the Saints and Servants of God First Because they bear the Image of God Secondly Because they through grace resist his temptations here and shall as approvers of Christs righteous sentence judge him hereafter 1 Cor. 6.3 3. They are Spirits of great Power though it be limited by God so that it cannot be exercised but when and where and how it pleaseth him The Devil doth exercise his power as far as he is able to the hurt of the Children of men but especially to the hurt of the Saints obstinately endeavouring to hinder them from enjoying that happiness which he lost 4. They are Spirits of great industry to do mischief as we may see Job 1.6.7 The Devil not only does all the outward mischief he can but he tempts also by inward suggestions For being a Spirit he hath communion with our Souls and Spirits and can dart evil thoughts into us thus he filled the heart of Judas to betray his Lord and Master Thus he provoked David to number the People 1 Chron. 21.1 His temptatio●s are many times suddain impetuous importunate And his suggestions may oftentimes be known from those that arise from our own corrupt hearts by the suddenness violence and unnaturalness of them Those that arise from our own corrupt Natures are usually pleasing unto us But if the te●ptation be against the light of Nature as for one to kill a friend whom he dearly loves and do fill the Soul with horror as blasphemous thoughts do those may be reckoned as Satans fiery Darts For they torment the mind as poisoned Arrows do the body And by an humble recourse to Christ for help we should labour to quench these fiery Darts Our Saviour himself was tempted by the Devil to most hideous things Matth. 4. And having been tempted himself he knows how to succour those that are tempted Heb. 2.18 The Saints of God therefore should encourage themselves from these considerations 1. A restraint is put on Satan in all his temptations 1 Cor. 10.13 He
to 24. Luke 9. from 43 to 46. 14. He pays the half shekel for himself and Peter miraculously fetching it out of the Fishes mouth Mat. 17. from 24. to 28. 15. He teacheth by the example of a little Child who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven and among his Disciples He forbiddeth to hinder such as cast out Devils in his name He promiseth a reward to any that do the least good office to any that are his He sheweth what punishment they are worthy of that give offence and how narrowly men must beware they give not scandal to little ones whom the Holy Angels do take care of and whom he is come to save as he declares by the similitude of a lost Sheep He shews what mischiefs are like to come to the World by reason of the offences and scandals That we must refrain from whatsoever is an occassion of sin or an hindrance to Salvation though as dear to us as our right eye right hand or foot rather than go to Hell where the worm dieth not and where the fire is not quenched That the hearts of Christians must be seasoned with the Salt of Grace and Holiness That they his Apostles are the Salt of the Earth and must be of savoury Spirits themselves and by the Savouriness of their Doctrine and Conversation must season others and maintain concord and union among themselves He gives rules about dealing with a trespassing and offending Brother and shews what the office and power of the Church is in such a case when the first and second admonition doth not prevail to reform him He promises his gracious presence with his Church be the number great or small when they joyn together in Prayer or Church-censures He shews how we must be ready always to forgive which is declared by the Parable of a King forgiving one of his servants ten thousand Talents who would not forgive a fellow servant of his one hundred pence Mark 9. from 33. to the end Mat. 18. from 1. to the end Luke 9. from 46. to 51. 16 His Kinsmen now perswade him to go up with them to Jerusalem to the Feast of Tabernacles which he refuseth for the present to do John 7. from 1. to 10. 17. But after some days he setteth forth privately with his own Disciples for Jerusalem journeying thitherward through Samaria the Samaritans refuse him lodging James and John desire they may call for fire from Heaven upon them but are rebuked by him for it John 7.10 Luke 9. from 51. to 57. 18. He declares his poverty to a Scribe that had a mind to follow him he commands another to follow him without delay and not go home to bury his Father To another that would have gone home to take leave of his friends he declares that as he that starteth from the Plough is not fit for the Field no more is he that shifteth from his Calling fit for his service Luke 9. from 57. to the end Mat. 8. from 19. to 23. 19. He now sendeth out his Diciples to preach the Gospel and work Miracles He instructs them how they should fit themselves for their journey and how they should carry themselves towards their hearers He threatens Corazin Bethsaida and Capernaum for their great impenitency and contempt of the Gospel Luke 10. from 1. to 17. 20. Being now come to Jerusalem at the Feast of Tabernacles he teacheth in the Temple vindicates his Doctrine and shews them how they may try Doctrines and Teachers Then he vindicates his practice in healing the impotent man on the Sabbath day divers opinions of the people concerning him He proceeds on in teaching which so inraged some of the Jews that they sought to take him but for the present they could not The Pharisees and chief Priests send their officers to apprehend him He threatens the unbelieving Jews that hereafter they shall seek him and shall not find him On the last day of the Feast he invites unto him all that are spiritually athirst and promiseth the Holy Ghost to those that believe in him upon this a division ariseth among the people The Officers that were sent to apprehend him return without bringing him Prisoner and extol his Doctrine The Pharisees are enraged at this and speak reproachfully of him and of the people who were so taken with him Nicodemus gainsayeth their proceeding pleading he was not to be condemned before he was heard Hereupon not agreeing among themselves they part and go their several ways John 7. from 11. to the end 21. Early in the morning he teacheth in the Temple whither they bring to him a woman taken in Adultery he frustrates their intention against him and dismisses the woman with a serious admonition He teacheth that himself is the light of the World He defends himself against the Pharisees by his own and his Fathers testimony He tells the Jews they shall hereafter seek him in vain and shall die in their sins if they believe not in him He declareth who he is and by whom he is sent He promiseth those that believe in him knowledge of the truth and freedom from the Servitude and Slavery of sin He proveth that the unbelieving Jews wrongfully boasted that they were Abraham's and Gods Children they being Children of the Devil because they fulfilled his lusts He reproves their unbelief for which they slander him as a Samaritan who hath a Devil This calumny he confuteth and testifieth that Abraham saw his day and that he was before Abraham at this they would have stoned him but he secretly conveyed himself from their fury John 8. whole Chapter 22. He anoints the eyes of a man that was born blind with clay and that on the Sabbath day and commanding him to wash in the waters of Siloam restores him to his sight The man being brought to the Pharisees relates the same They reproach Christ as a breaker of the Sabbath and seem to doubt whether this man had ever been blind They send for his Parents who refer them to their Son whom they call and examine again He answereth them and from this Miracle argueth that Christ is no Sinner but a person extraordinary and sent from God for which Testimony he is reproachfully cast out by them and excommunicated He is further instructed by Christ believeth in him and worshipeth him Christ telleth the Pharisees that they are Spiritually blind and therefore they remain in sin because they are not sensible of their blindness John 9. whole Chapter 23. Upon this occasion he propounds the Parable of the Faithful and true Shepherd and of the false and unfaithful describing them by their contrary marks and properties and points out himself as the true Shepherd of his Sheep as also the true door of the Sheep-fold That he is no hireling seeing that he willingly lays down his life for his Sheep His hearers are divided in their opinions concerning him John 10. from 1. to 22. 24. The Seventy Disciples return and joyfully relate what
Angels with him 3. A Throne will be set a Tribunal a seat of Judgment erected Mat. 19.28 The Son of man shall sit in the Throne of his glory c. Rom. 14.10 For we shall all stand before the Judgment Seat of Christ 4. There will be a personal apearance of all men before this Tribunal He shall judge both the quick that is those found alive at his coming upon whom a change different from death shall pass and the dead viz. that died before * It was a singular extraordinary priviledge v●uchsafed to Enoch and Elias that they should not di● But according to Gods ordinary and usual dispensation It is appointed to all men once to die Heb. 9.27 Acts 10.42 5. The Actions and Works of those that shall be judged shall then be manifested 1 Cor. 4.5 He will bring to light the hidden things of darkness and will make manifest the counsells of the heart Eccles 12.24 God will bring every work into Judgment with every secret thing whether it be good or whether it be evil The Books will then be opened viz. 1. The Book of Gods Omniscience and Remembrance Mal. 3.16 and the book of Conscience Jer. 17.1 6. The Statutes shall be produced upon which they shall be tryed and found guilty or not-guilty And they are two 1. The Law of Nature written on Mans heart at his creation which requires perfect obedience and which God gave man power at first to perform 2. The Law or Covenant of Grace Now we shall all be found guilty upon the first Statute Woe to us if we be cast by the second also To prevent this let us set our selves seriously to repent of all our sins and by a lively faith lay hold on Christ and take him for our Lord and Saviour and faithfully endeavour to conform our selves unto his precepts 7. The evidence or witnesses that will be ready to prove the indictment against all impenitent sinners especially such as lived under the Gospel are 1. God the Father whose mercy was by them so wretchedly slighted 2. God the Son whose blood they trampled under their feet 3. God the Holy Ghost whose blessed motions they so often resisted 4. All faithful Ministers who strove with all affectionateness to draw them to Christ 5. All good Parents Governors Masters or faithful Christia● friends among whom they lived who gave them faithful counsel for the welfare of their Souls and a good example 6. All their sinful companions who were partakers with them in their sins 7. Their own Consciences which are a thousand witnesses 8. The Judge will pronounce sentence upon every one according to his works And this will be twofold 1. Of Absolution 2 Of Condemnation 1. Of Absolution to the Righteous in these words come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you Matth. 25.34 The Saints of God shall first be acquitted before the wicked be condemned that they may afterwards joyn with Christ in Judging the World 1 Cor. 6.2 There the Apostle tells us that the Saints shall Judge the World that is not Authoritatively but by way of Approbation approving and magnifying Christs Righteous Sentence on Devils and wicked men and giving some such approbation probably as that of the Angel Rev. 16.5 Thou art Righteous O Lord which art and wast and shalt be because thou hast thus Judged Thus all the Saints shall be Judges but some of them more eminently as Assessors with Christ as is intimated concerning the Apostles Matth. 19.28 ye shall sit upon twelve Thrones Judging the twelve Tribes of Israel 2. Of Condemnation upon the wicked Matth. 25.41 Then shall he say to them on his left hand depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels 9. The execution of the Sentence and disposing of the persons Judged to their everlasting state according to that sentence Matth. 25.46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternal The sentence is irrevocable no reprieve to be expected Then there will be an everlasting separation between the Righteous and the Wicked 4. What will be the consequents of this Judgment 1. Christs resigning up his Kingdom not his essential Kingdom but that which he administred as mediator to the Father 1 Cor. 15.24 2. The burning of the World of which we read 2 Pet. 3.12 By which fire some think the World shall not be utterly consumed but renewed clarified and refined I come now to the Application which I shall reduce to three heads This Doctrine of the day of Judgment may be useful 1. By way of exhortation to all 2. By way of consolation to the Righteous 3. By way of terror to the Wicked 1. By way of exhortation to all 1. Let us all labour to strengthen and confirm in our selves a belief of this great Article There is no Doctrine more certain in the word of God nor more clear and fundamental than this of the day of Judgment Heb. 6.2 2. Let us frequently meditate on it let us often think on those awakening places 2 Thes 1.7.8 The Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angels in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power 1 Thes 4.16 The Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the Arch-Angel with the trump of God and the dead in Christ shall rise first Jude verse 14.15 And Enoch also the seventh from Adam prophesied of these saying behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his Saints to execute Judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly among them of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodly committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him To think often of this great day may prevent many a sin Psal 58.11 Verily there is a reward for the Righteous and doubtless there is a God that Judgeth the earth 3. Let us all solemnly prepare our selves for this great tryal by setting up a Judgment Seat in our own Souls before-hand 1. Let us seriously examine our state towards God Every one is either a Child of Wrath and Perdition or a Child of God and an heir of Heaven Let us examine whether we are the one or the other We keep a great stir about Sects but the truth is there are but two great Sects or Parties in the World And those are either such as are for the present in the state of Nature or such as are in the state of Grace Let us therefore seriously consider to which of these two we do belong Let us consider what our present state is Have we the marks of a converted person upon us or no Has the work of sound conversion ever passed upon us or no Let us remember
of thy Father the God of Abraham the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob. Now Christ told the Sadducees that God is not the God of the dead but of the living Matth. 22.32 God so stiling himself their God sheweth that their souls did still live though separated from their bodies and also that their bodies should be raised again and both souls and bodies being re-united should live for ever * Deus est Deus Abrahae s●il totius God is the God of the whole man and not a part only And thus much for the proof of this Article out of the old Testament But the new Testament doth more clearly assert this Doctrine life and immortality being in a more evident manner brought to light by the Gospel as the Apostle tells us 2 Tim. 1.10 To give some few places of many that might be brought for the proof hereof Matth. 25.46 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the Righteous into life eternal John 3.16 36. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life Mark 10.30 But he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time and in the world to come eternal life John 12.25 He that loveth his life shall lose it and he that hateth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal 1 Thes 4.17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the Clouds to meet the Lord in the Air and so shall we ever be with the Lord 2 Cor. 5.1 For we know that if our earthly house of this Tabernacle were dissolved we have a building of God an house not made with hands eternal in the heavens John 17.27 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glory which thou hast given me Having thus shewed that everlasting life is plainly asserted both in the old and new Testament I come now to shew that there are three degrees of this everlasting life held forth to us in the Scriptures 1. There is a life eternal Initial which is the life of grace John 3.36 He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life that is hath it begun in him hath the earnest of it in his Soul 2. There is a Partial life eternal which is the life which belongeth to the Soul when it is separated from the body 'T is the happiness which the souls of the Righteous enjoy between the time of death and the day of Judgment The Scripture is abundant in asserting this kind of life eternal which the separated soul injoys in the other world Eccles 12.7 Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was and the Spirit shall return unto God who gave it Matth 10.28 Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the Soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in Hell Luke 12.4 Be not afraid of them that kill the body and after that have no more that they can do But I will forewarn you whom you shall fear Fear him who after he hath killed hath power to cast into Hell yea I say fear him Heb. 12.23 To the general assembly and Church of the first-born which are written in Heaven and to God the Judge of all and to the Spirits of just men made perfect Luke 23.43 Our Saviour said to the penitent Thief To day thou shalt be with me in Paradise Luke 23.46 And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice he said Father into thy hands I commit my Spirit and having said thus he gave up the Ghost Acts 7.59 And they stoned Stephen calling upon God and saying Lord Jesus receive my Spirit Phil. 1.23 For I am in a strait betwixt two having a desire to depart and to he with Christ which is far better 1 Pet. 3.19 By which also he went and preached to the Spirits now in Prison Rev. 6.9 10. And when he had opened the fifth Seal I saw under the Altar the Souls of them that were slain for the word of God and for the Testimony which they held And they cried with a loud voice saying How long O Lord holy and true dost thou not judge and revenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth 3. There is a life eternal Perfectional which shall be conferred on the Saints after the re-union of their Souls and Bodies Matth. 25.34 46. Then shall the King say unto them on his right hand come ye blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the World Then shall the Righteous go into life eternal Now this perfectional life everlasting which will be the portion of the Saints at the last day is such a life as shall be free from all evil and full of all good 1. Free from the evil of sin The Souls of the Just shall then be made perfect 2. The evil of temptation There was a Tempter in Paradise there will be none in Heaven 3. The evil of affliction All tears shall be wiped from your eyes Rev. 7.17 2. This life shall be full of all good 1. Their Vnderstandings shall have a clear knowledge sight and vision of God 2. Their Wills shall be perfected and adorned with an absolute and indefective holiness 3. Their Affections shall be set right with an unalterable regularity 4. They shall injoy an uninterrupted communion with God 5. They shall be blessed in their company 6. And lastly They shall have this blessedness secured to them without fear of ever losing it or being deprived of it But though the Saints shall enjoy such an eternal life in bliss as we have before described yet it shall not be so with the wicked Eternal life in misery will be their portion They shall be tormented 1. With the pain of loss 2. With the pain of sense 3. With the worm of Conscience a tormenting reflection on their former folly 4. With despair of ever coming out of that woful misery which is the very Hell of Hell But of these things I have spoken more largely in the former Treatise pag. 130. It remaines therefore now that I shew what improvement we are to make of this Article and then I shall shut up this discourse 1. We may from hence learn how inexcusable they are who hazard and expose their souls and bodies to eternal torments for a short satisfaction of their bruitish lusts 2. We should consider that there is no concern we have in the World that should lie so near our hearts as the making our peace with God upon sure and safe grounds 3. From hence we may learn how highly we ought to prize the blood of Christ and his undertaking by which alone we can escape the wrath that is to come 4. It may shew us how we ought to pity those who are running on in a full carreer