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A23675 Several discourses ... being some remains of William Allein ... / carefully copy'd from his own notes and publish'd at the request of his hearers. Alleine, William, 1614-1677. 1697 (1697) Wing A1074; ESTC R17275 203,641 416

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made him the King of Glory 't is one thing to have the Glory of a King another to be the King of Glory that is a King made up all of Glory for they did some things which were their Shame and not their Glory These were but as the Moon which rules the Night having their Spots but Christ is the King of Glory made up all of Glory like the Sun that rules the Day Particularly 1. Christ hath the glory of being Universal King Antichrist mainly strives for it This is Christs peculiar Glory all things in Heaven and Earth and under the Earth are subject to him he is in Heaven at the right hand of the Majesty on High his Eyes run to and fro on the Earth beholding the Evil and the Good his left hand is under the Head of the Saints and his right hand doth imbrace them be they never so much under yet beneath them are everlasting Arms to uphold them and be their Enemies never so high yet the everlasting Arms are above them and his Hand shall be in the Neck of his Enemies Gen. 49.8 2. A Triumphant King all his Enemies must be made his Footstool and he must see his desire and designs upon them he shall bind Satan and the Hands and Hearts of wicked Men that they shall not hurt nor destroy in all his Holy Mountain 3. A King Reigning in Righteousness Righteousne●s is the best Glory of Kings the King of Kings shall be most Glorious in his Righteousness as he is a Priest after the Order of Melchisedec so a Prince also after his order being the King of Righteousness he shall not Judge after the sight of the Eyes but Righteous Judgment Isa 11.3 4. as David was a King the goodness of whose Government did extend to the Saints being a King for them and not against them Psa 16.3 So is Christ much more he is a King to relieve the Oppressed and hearing also the cry of Oppression so as that he shall break Oppressors in pieces but shall save the Poor and Needy and such as have no H●lper in his days the Righteous shall flourish and abundance of Peace so long as the Moon endureth He shall be a King not like Saul who was for having good things extended to him from the Israelites He shall take off your Olive yards c. but like David who was for the extending of his Goodness c. 4. Christ is a King having an Incorruptible Crown Earthly Kings must dye and their Kingdoms must at last come to an end but Christs Kingdom shall never have an end Earthly Kings after they have lived a while in Glory lye in glory Isa 14.18 that is in some stately Monument but Christ shall always live and never lye in Glory much less then shall he lye down in shame this is the meaning of the Rainbow about his Throne like an Emerald Rev. 4.3 Anti-christ's Throne that Throne of Iniquity which establisheth Mischief by a Law hath not a Rainbow about it but a hand-writing against it the Bow in the Cloud secures the Earth from being overwhelmed again by a Flood so the Rainbow about Christ's Throne notes its security from Destruction it shall destroy but never be destroyed it shall breake in pieces but never be broken 3. There is the Glory which Christ shall have from Creatures 1. From the Holy Angels they are his Servants ascending and descending upon the Son of Man Joh. 1.51 they have their standing in and their stability by Christ and they do not stand idle in Christ but ascend and descend that is they 're running and going at Christ's Command and are always imployed in the business of the Son of Man being his Ministers by whom he doth his work in the World they ascend to know and descend to do they ascend to receive Command and descend to Execute them they descend about their work but ascend in their end doing all to the Glory of God and when Christ shall come these shall be his Attendants and be round about his Throne Dan. 7.10 Thousands thousands ministred unto him and ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him 2. From the new created World Christ will not come into this old corrupt prophane World which is like a moth eaten Garment the Heavens do contain him till the times of Restitution of all things Acts 3.21 such a restitution there must be that there may be a better World to receive Christ and be in subjection to Christ the Heavens must be dissolved and the Elements melt with fervent heat to purge away their Dross and that all may run into a more pure and glorious Form f●● this fire shall be as in some respects a consu●ing fire so also a R●●●●r's fire Men do much by fire for refining 〈◊〉 ●●d calling them into what form they p●●●s● and also f●r Extracting Spirits great Transmutations of things are made by fire what great things will the Lord do by this fire at the last the new Heavens and the new Earth shall come forth of th●s fire for the Earth and the works therein shall be burnt up nevertheless we according to his promises look for new Heavens and a new Earth wherein Righte●usness dwelleth 2 Pet. 3.10 13. and the Lord promises Isa 60.17 for Brass I will bring Gold for Iron Silver c. which shall have an accomplishment several ways as if we consider the new world in general it shall be in comparison with the old as if Gold were brought out of Brass Silver out of Iron Iron out of Stones 1. And if in particular we consider men first as Men in the Constitution of their Bodies in a natural and moral Capacity in respect of Wisdom Understanding and Knowledge of Natural things and in their behaviour so shall there be such difference from what Men are now as if Gold were brought out of Brass and Silver out of Iron 2. In a politick Capacity so there will be the like difference which seems to be expresly hinted in that Promise seeing it immediately follows I will make thine Officers Peace and thine Exactors Righteousness in which respect there will be for Brass Gold for Iron Silver In the times of Degeneration as we may observe in that Image Nabuchadnezzar saw Gold degenerates into Silver Silver into Brass Brass into Iron but in the time of Regeneration Math. 19.28 it will be contrary then the Iron and the Brass and the Silver will regenerate into Gold and better Gold than the Head of that Image In that the Lord Promises I will restore Judges as at the first and Counsellors as at the beginning Isa 1.26 3. In a Spiritual capacity as Saints and in respect of Church-State so for Brass will the Lord bring Gold for common Stones there shall be precious Stones I will make the Windows of Agates and the Gates of Carbuncles and all the Borders of pleasant Stones Isa 54.12 Then shall be that Church into which nothing shall enter which worketh abomination
says a sinner must dye but what saith Paul He loved me and give himself for me out of love he made his Soul an offering for sin and now who shall condemn by which it appears that the power of his love to work out Salvation is beyond the power of sin to Destroy 2. The love of Christ towards the vessels of Mercy did abound beyond self-love The Law is to love our Neighbour as our selves Christ did more When Peter said Master pity thy self he was so great an offence to him that he calls him Satan He pitied Souls to be saved more than his Body and loved their lives even to his own Death And if the Jews had ground to say when he wept over Lazarus behold how he loved him much greater cause is there to say when Christ dyed for sinners behold how he loved them If the sheding of tears was so great a demonstration of his love what was this that he yielded his Blood should be shed 3. It abounds beyond all the wants and weaknesses of Saints It is not exhausted by what he hath done for them or bestowed on them as he hath the Residue of the Spirit so the Residue of Love and Grace even the fullness of it so as he accounted no suffering too great to undergo for them so no good thing too great to give them Heaven a Kingdom the fullness of Joy Holyness Light and Grace is not too much for his love to bestow we cannot have less to make us happy and 't is not more then his love can make us partakers of 2. The love of Christ is an abiding love he loves with an everlasting love here 's a love not to be quench'd with many waters which no floods of either Human or Diabolical or Divine wrath could Drown Having loved his own he loved them to the end John 13.1 that is the finishing of that work he had to do for them in the World and will to the end of his Mediatory work till he hath brought up all the Saints to the measure of the stature of his own fullness and when his love shall have brought him to this glorious end of his work in perfecting all the Saints and presenting them to the Father who shall be all in all and he shall have thus loved them to the end then he shall love them without end The Saints have then ground to comfort themselves with the abiding love of Christ If the World pass away if Riches come to nought c. yet the love of Christ doth not pass away and when there is so constant a hatred from the World and such abiding malice against the followers of Christ in evil men and evil Angels there is an abiding love of Christ to comfort them 3. The love of Christ was once a love fulfilling the Law and now is a love fufilling the Gospel it was once a love fulfilling Precepts and now is a love fulfilling Promises Rom. 13.10 Love is the fulfilling of the Law such was the love of Christ love brought him that was Lord of the Law under the Law and carried him through it even to perfect obedience ●is love made him say it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness and by this there is Reconciliation and Peace with God and as it was once the fulfilling of the Law so now of the Gospel All the Promises are yea and Amen in Christ's love When Saints are unworthy of the good of the Promises the love of Christ will bestow it on them There are Promises of not remembring sin of giving Grace and Glory and every good thing of putting the Law in the mind of turning all to good of saving out of all troubles and love will fullfil them all the Gospel is the Testament and Will of Christ and there must be the Death of the Testator that the Will may be of force Now here we may take notice of this truth Christ dyed that his will may be of force and lives again to the Executor of his own will and his love is the fulfilling of it hence Christ promiseth to his Disciples I will not leave you Orphans I will come to you John 14.18 Christ being dead they were Orphans c. but happy were it for many poor Orphans if their Fathe●s could come again and set all things right and see that every Child should have his portion now although this cannot be yet it was so with Christ He arose from Death and will be the Executor of his own Will and hence he is called the everlasting Father having a Fatherly love and regard to all the Saints which is everlasting and which will perfect that which concerns them Saints are the travel of Christ's Soul and he must see the travel of his Soul Isa 53.11 Rachel said give me Children or else I dye Christ said let me dye that so I may have Children Rachel dyed in travel and did not live to see of her travel Christ dyed in his travel with the vessels of Mercy and lives again to see of the travel of his Soul Every Saint at first was a Benoni a Son of Christ's sorrow in that he dyed in bringing them forth but afterwards a Benjamin a Son of his right hand he being alive for ever more and is ever seeing them to his satisfaction and they shall see him for ever to their satisfaction and living again he will see that they be partakers of that Grace and Glory that he bequeathed to them 4. The Love of Christ is such that when it finds not its Object lovely it can and doth make it lovely Christ found Mary Magdalen a sinful Woman and so not lovely but made her lovely in converting her Paul was an Enemy to Christ but he converted him his love made him lovely it made him a Believer a Saint a faithful Servant unto him This is set forth in Ezek. 16. Thou wast polluted in thy Blood I passed by thee and thy time was the time of love and love made them lovely I spread my skirts over thee I washed and clothed thee and decked thee with ornaments and thy beauty and renown was perfect through my comeliness put upon thee If we have cause to say as Isaiah wo is me a man of unclean lips If we abhor our selves and repent we may take comfort in this Christ doth not abhor but his love doth make us lovely 5. The love of Christ turns all evil things to good life death things present things to come all are yours the love of Christ makes them so and gives an advantagious and profitable propriety in them and makes even Reproaches for Christ's sake Riches and better then the Treasures of Egypt Heb. 11.26 Riches are things of worth so are Reproaches for Christ The Apostles rejoyced that they were accounted worthy to suffer shame for the name of Christ And better then Riches 1. In that God doth not esteem any man's wealth nor him for his wealth's sake will he esteem thy wealth Job 36.19
the Sea and run to the Sea all flows from the Grace of God and should be to his Glory and thus if Glory be our end in doing all the sight of his Glory shall be our Reward 5. C●nsiderations of Christ's Riches of Glory should take off the Heart from all worldly Glory Gal. 6.14 Paul was Crucified to the World by the Cross of Christ and the World to him the World was a dead thing to him and he was dead to it the World did not care for him neither he for the World the World did disesteem him because of his confidence in Christ Crucified and he did disesteem the World knowing that Christ was infinitely better now if the Cross of Christ crucified him to the World much more may the Crown of Christ raise above the World Joh. 12.32 If I be lifted up I will draw all men unto me this he spake signifying what Death he should dye as the brazen Serpent lifted up did draw the Eyes of those that were stung with the fiery Serpents So Christ Crucified will draw the Hearts of such as are stung with the terrors of the Law and so the Glory of Christ lifted up far above all Heavens should draw our hearts unto him CHAP. VIII A General Application of the Whole 1. WE may learn hence what reason we have to prize Christ above and prefer him before all other things and to be of the same mind as Paul who counted all things but Dung that he might win Christ Phil. 3.8 there is little reason for setting our hearts on Earthly Riches but greatest reason to set them on the Unsearchable Riches of Christ here 's the Treasure and where the Treasure is there the Heart should be This is the better part which if we choose shall never be taken from us he that covets and prizes them above all may have them without price The Poor have the Gospel of these Unsearchable Riches Preached unto them Men travel far and take great Pains and can be content to endure much the cold of the Night and heat of the Day as Jacob did in the pursuit of Earthly Riches how much more should we to get Heavenly Riches Take Christ as S●viour and Lord as Righteousness and ●ife then the Riches of Grace and Glory even the Riches of Heaven and Christ's Kingdom shall be yours Those that are young are content to engage themselves in Masters that they may learn a Trade to get Wr●●th of what greater concernment is it to t●ke Christ for our Master the like to him is n●● to be found on Earth Masters here seek gain by th●●r Servants and aims to be enriched by them but Christ is such a Master that aims at his Servants gain and is for the enriching them where I am there shall my Servant be and what I have shall be my Servant's Well done thou good and faithful Servant enter into the Joy of thy Lord now Joy by believing enters into them and they shall at last enter into Joy and shall not be called Magor Missabib i. e. fear round about but Joy round about 2 Cor. 8.9 Ye know the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ when he was Rich he became Poor that ye through his Poverty might be made Rich and if his Poverty tend to our Enriching how much more his Plenty If his Emptiness how much more his Fulness Here consider I. What is forbidden as evil in Relation to Earthly Riches is commanded in Relation to the Riches of Christ As 1. 'T is forbidden to covet Earthly Riches this is an evil covetousness Shouldest thou seek great things for thy Self Seek them not Jer. 45.5 Give me ●either Poverty nor Riches but Food convenient Prov. 10.8 but 't is a duty to covet Christ's Riches Covet earnestly the best things 1 Cor. 12.31 buy of me Gold that thou mayest be rich a little Knowledge and a little Grace should not satisfie Here we should love abundance and seek great things for our Selves to be filled with all the fulness of God Eph. 3.19 2. 'T is forbidden to Trust in uncertain Riches this is a cursed confidence lo this is the man that trusted in the abundance of his wealth Ps 52.7 But 't is our duty to Trust in Christ's Riches though worldly wealth is not yet these shall be to the Saints their strong City Prov. 18.10 11. Isa 26.1 4. 3. 'T is forbidden to Glory in the Riches of the World Jer. 9.23 Let not the Rich man glory in his Riches Hose 12.8 Ephraim loved to oppress and boasted that there by he became Rich. Zach. 11.5 They that sell them say blessed be the Lord I am Rich this is a glorying that is not good but having Christ ye may well glory in his Riches Let him that glorieth glory in me c. Jer. 9.24 1 Cor. 1.31 Having found Christ you have found you out substance Prov. 8.21 II. What is wanting in Earthly Riches is abundantly made up in Christ as Paul says what the Law could not do being weak through the Flesh God sent his Son and he did it so what Earthly Riches cannot the Riches of Christ will do for us 1. Earthly Riches will not profit in the day of wrath many will be the worse but none the better for them then The Rich are honoured esteemed their favour is sought and they are feared in the World but will not be so in the last day the Rich Transgressor m●st look to suffer as well as the mean but the Riches of Christ will profit in that day Phil. 3.9 2 Thess 1.10 2. Men carry not their worldly Riches with them when they dye they descend not after them Ps 49.17 but the Saints shall carry Christ's Riches with them yea gain the fullness of them by death whence to dye is gain Phil. 1.21 to dye is great loss to carnal men loss of the World loss of the Soul but when a Godly man dyes there 's gain he knows as he is known 1 Cor. 13.12 he apprehends that for which he is apprehended of Christ Phil. 3.12 he sees what he did believe enjoys what he hoped for and hath all the desire of his heart given him 3. Earthly Riches do not satisfy He that loveth abundance shall not be satisfied with increase Eccl. 5.10 but the Riches of Christ will satisfy the Soul as with Marrow and Fatness a Man's Life doth not consist in worldly Riches but it doth in Christ Worldly Men are Fools in saying Soul take thine ease thou hast much Goods c. but Saints are wise when they say Soul take thine ease thou hast all good laid up in Christ not for many years but for Eternity III. There are great mischeifs ordinarily attending Earthly Riches which Christ 's is no way subject too 1. They may flee away and as the Raven from the Ark never return any more a man heaps up Riches sometimes and begets a Son and nothing is left in his hand but Christ's Riches never flee a way they are
Sin and taken great pleasure in it and when they hear what the word says that such must be damned banish'd from the presence of God and be everlastingly tormented with Devils and that this that the word speaks should strike such unspeakable terror to the Heart of Man what doth this argue but that the word is powerful Joh 18.6 as Christ spake but a word and his Enemies that came to take him fell back so that Mens proud and stubborn hearts should fall down before the word and are made to say as the Devils why art thou come to torment us this shews that there is an Almighty God speaking in the word and this f●●ther That some Men yet in a natural condition who love Sin as their own Souls should not dare to commit some Sins because the word pronounceth Judgment and that Men that hate holiness as 't is evident that many do yet out of fear of Judgments denounced in the word should be brought to make some Profession of Holiness that as the unclean Spirit fell down and confessed Christ to be the Son of God so Men of unclean Hearts not renewed are forced to confess the word is of God 2. In the Conversion of Sinners I may say concerning the Word as Christ in his Message to John The Dead are raised the Deaf hear the Dumb speak and t● the Poor the G●spel is Preached that a word preached should do this shews it to be the word of God so Men that are dead in Trespasses and Sins are raised by it the word doth bore some Mens Ears and make them hearken and obey it Consider that Men that take such great delight in Sin as we all do by Nature working uncleaness with greediness going to it as an hungry Man to his Meals ready to pine away for the pleasures of Sin and be discontent when we cannot satisfy our Lusts as it was with Ammnon Now that any of us because the word says cease to do Evil Sin no more should loath what we so dearly loved and that our hatred of Sin should be greater than our love was to it and it may be some can tell the time and remember the word that wrought such a mighty change what is to be concluded hence but that this is none other but the word of God Again we know how we love our selves by nature even so as that self-love is the supreme Law with corrupt Nature now that such an one should because the word says if any Man will be my Disciple let him deny himself cast off self-love and self-respects and sacrifice or give himself up to Christ and be his only and prize the Glory of God more than his own good yea choose to undergo the greatest Evils rather than dishonour God this shews the invincible power of the word Again if you have any knowledge of your selves you know what bitter enmity there is in our natures against holiness now that because the word commends holiness any of us should come to delight in it this likewise adds a Seal for the confirmation of this Truth that the word is in truth Gods word Again you know how we naturally love the World even so much that some can even in these plundering times think it better to loose our Lives than our Goods now that any should despise the world for Christ's sake and esteem his Reproaches better Riches only because the word doth commend Christ above the World and propose him as the best Good What doth this argue but a divine efficacy of the word and the power of a God making use of his word as an instrument of his own to bring to pass such mighty works 3. In confounding Christ 's Enemies Psa 8.2 Out of the mouths of Babes hast thou ordained strength to st●ll the Enemy this strength of mouth ● Prayer which is grounded on the word and preaching when men come with revengeful Spirits and think to swallow up the People of God the word shall stop and still them the word doth gather Men together and stir them up to fight against Anti-christ Rev. 16 16. and Rev. 17.16 The ten hornes shall hate the Whore c. why the word shall discover her and hence 't is said 2 Thess 2.8 That Man of Sin shall be revealed c. he shall destroy him with the Sword of his M●uth and brightness of his coming Dan. 2.34 A stone cut out of the Mountain without Hands breaks the Feet of the Image and that shall overcome the great Roman Monarchy What is this stone c. a poor weak dispised People of God called by the word believing the same and walking by it these shall overcome all Antichristian powers and as the worm Jacob thresh the Mountains Use To make some application of this by the way Is there such a power in the word and may that be truly said of the word which is falsly of Simon Magus it is the great Power of God 1. Then take heed of despising it Heb. 12.25 see that ye dispise not look well to it if you despise the word you dispise the Power and Authority of God which is in it and which shall be manifested by it either in Conversion or Confusion either in unspeakable Terror or Consolation either it shall be the power of God to save you and then you must believe it and receive it with all readiness or to condemn you if you despise it if it do not now work effectually in you to turn you from Sin into the obedience thereof then it shall Judge you in the last day now you may hear it speaking comfortably to you bringing the glad Tydings to your Souls of good things of a Saviour that is offered to you a Pardon proclaimed Heaven opened to Men that are shut up under Sin and Wrath that is if you will now suffer your Consciences to be awakned to see what condition you are in but if it be not hearkned to it shall speak terribly to you and then you shall not sleep when 't is spoken you shall not sit carelesly under it as you do now but then you shall know the Terrors of the Lord you shall know the power of Divine Wrath to prevent which you should desire to feel the exceeding greatness of his Power in creating Faith in you and the length and breadth of his Love which is revealed therein so when the word is spoken to you let me exhort you as the Prophet Jer. 13.15 Learn be not proud the Lord hath spoken Act. 13.41 Behold ye Despisers and wonder I 'll work that you will not believe If you will not believe what I have said in the Word Precepts and Promises such Judgments shall be brought on you which you would not before believe 2. Believe the Word rest on it be strong in Faith your Faith shall not be in vain you rest not then on a broken reed but on the word of the great God on the great Power of that God The Power of God
some this is our Manna Bread f●om Heaven to sustain us whilst we inhabit the Wilderness Truth 3. To make all these Arguments demonstrative and convincing is required an inward work of the Spirit upon the Heart to this external light of Arguments must be added the internal light of the Spirit For the things of God knoweth no Man but the Spirit of God 1 Cor. 2.11 so says Christ to Laodicea that she might see I counsel thee to buy of me Eye-salve that is beg of me my Spirit The Spirit inwardly inlight●ing the Heart is the Eye-salve Rev 3.18 1 Joh. 2.27 the anointing which you have received of him abideth in you and teacheth you all things and is Truth The anointing that is the Spirit wherewith you are anointed He is Truth so as that he cannot lye and he must give Testimony to the Truth in our Hearts else we shall not believe it by a divine Faith and he is Truth so as that 't is an Office he hath undertaken in the New Covenant to lead into all Truth as he was promised by Christ Joh. 16.13 The Spirit of Truth will guide you into all Truth Joh. 15.26 The Spirit of Truth shall testify of me and so of the Scripture he shall say to the Soul that Christ who is spoken of in the Gospel is the Son of God that the Scripture is the word of God he shall ascertain the Heart of this and this two ways 1. By a moral work as the opening and expounding the word in the Ministry of it by exhortations perswasions Therein Truth is held forth and propounded to be embraced and believed as the word of God and this work of God may be resisted as the Jews did resist the Holy Ghost Act. 7.51 2. By a Physical work upon the heart working a change in the Faculty renewing us in the Spirit of our Minds bringing in a spiritual light into the Soul to enable it to discern the things of God when this is done then we shall know the word of God with as great yea greater certainty than that the Sun shines when we see it for certainty of Faith is greater than certainty of Sense Then we shall see the Authority of God in his word when thus we have the Spirit of Truth then shall we receive the word as it is in Truth the word of God so that we may attain the full assurance of Faith in this particular we must wait for the promise of the Holy Ghost as Act. 1.4 14. we cannot believe the word as it is outwardly propounded to us unless it be inwardly revealed to our Hearts now the Spirit of Truth who of necessity must be received by us before we can believe is the Spirit of Promise Eph. 1.13 that is a Spirit promised ask him so and he shall be given to us 2. The knowledge of the Scripture to be the word of God containing the Mysteries of Salvation is necessary to Salvation Joh. 17.3 This is Life Eternal to know God and Christ the distinct knowledge of God as Creator as Omnipotent most holy is necessary and as most good and that Man's happiness consists in the enjoyment of God and that Man is fallen from God and hath lost his Image in Holiness and his presence which is Life this is evident that we in our natural condition are alienated from the life of God and are ignorant of him Eph. 4.18 now the Scripture makes God known and shews how we fell from G●d and the principal scope of it is to d●scover Christ to the World as a Saviour and Mediator by whom Sinners are reconciled to God and restored to Communion with him now then that we may be saved its necessary that we search the Scriptures for these only are able to make us wi●e to Salvation so we shall know God our Selves and a Saviour 2 Tim. 3.16 there is knowledge of God by his Creatures 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 are known by the things that are made Rom. 1 2● and there is Scripture-knowledge of God there God is known in his Son the fulness of the Godhead is in him he is the express Image of the Father 3. The knowledge of what the Scripture reveals is sufficient to Salvation this is enough to make the Man of God perfect there is no need of Mens additions there 's nothing more that 's needful to be done this furnishes to all good works nothing more to be believed Joh. 20.31 Many more Signs Jesus did but these are written that ye might believe what the Scripture reveals is Gold and Silver fit to help towards raising up a spirit●al building what is added by Men is Wood Hay and Stubble 1 Cor. 3.12 we say in matters that appertain to the worship of God and our Salvation as our Saviour of Communication Math. 5.37 let your Communication be yea yea nay nay for whatever is more than these cometh of Evil so whatever more than the word is urged or practised in matters of Religion cometh of Evil i. e. from the Devil principally and from our own corrupt and proud hearts immediately as if they were wiser than God and could teach him how he may be served and we saved God hath sealed up his word in such a manner as that no addition may be made to it See the Law Deut. 4.2 Ye shall not add to the word which I command nor dimin●sh from it by that the Jewish Talmud is excluded and for Prophets we may observe that the Gospel is begun with what the Prophets are concluded as Malachy the last Prophet concludes Mal. 4.5 with this Behold I will send you Elija the Prophet and Mark begins with this Chap. 1.1 2. The beginning of the Gospel as it is written in the Prophets behold I send my M ssenger By this those Books justly called Apocrypha are excluded and the last book of the New Testament Rev. 22.18 is concluded thus Whoever shall add unto these things God shall add unto him the Plagues that are written therein Consider two things first that there must be no detracting and secondly no adding c. 4. The Scripture is clear in those things which are absolutely necessary to Salvation it shews plainly what is to be believed Three Persons One God what is to be done the word is nigh in thy mouth and in thy heart if thou shalt believe in thine heart and confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus thou shalt be saved that word doth most plainly deliver things necessary to Salvation true indeed some things are hard to be understood 2 Pet. 3.16 yet enough to Salvation is plainly discovered so that if any do perish through Ignorance their Ignorance shall not excuse them the Scripture is clear in this that we are lost and undone Creatures by nature that all we like Sheep have gone astray and that Christ Jesus came into the World to save Sinners and that only such as believe in him renouncing their own Righteousness or abilities to do any thing in
your hearts c. the refusing to hearken will harden your hearts against Christ there is no other name given whereby you may be saved neither is there Salvation in any other Act. 4.12 look whether you will there is no Salvation you may look to the World you may look to your Riches Lands c. but there 's no Salvation in them so then say to your selves that its vain for me to say to my Soul sit down here in Christ alone is Salvation to be had then look to him say that it 's good to be here here I will dwell this shall be my rest for ever I 'll commit my Soul to him who is able to keep what I shall commit to him against that day Christ in you the hope of Glory Christ formed in you Christ revealed to you Christ appearing with his Blood in the heart as well as in Heaven Christ sheding abroad his Love Christ believed on Christ judged worthy of Glory c. most worthy of Love and Obedience Christ esteemed as the chiefest of Ten Thousands as altogether lovely Christ being thus in the Heart is the hope of Glory in that Heart and assurance of Salvation in that Heart when the Sun of Righteousness thus shines into your Hearts then you shall see Salvation sure 'T is not the performance of Duties praying with fervency hearing with delight and abstaining from this or that Sin that is a sure ground of assurance of Salvation any Duty and Grace if there be a beam of Christ that you see derived from Christ the Sun of Righteousness coming from him and tending to him may afford some light towards assurance but then is full assurance when Christ the Sun of Righteousness shines in the Soul God shines in the Face of Christ and sheds abroad his Love in the Heart by Jesus Christ 2. Consider the properties of true assurance of Salvation and the concomitants c. 1. The more assurance of Salvation there is the more Purity true assurance is purifying The more you dwell in the love of God the more will you labour to be like unto God and the more will you abhor impurity and the more will you follow after holiness Assurance will not make licentious dwelling in love and walking in your Lusts hopes of Glory and conforming to the courses of the World a looking for new Heavens and a new Earth wherein Righteousness dwells and not a putting off the old Conversation these will not consist together He that hath this Hope purifies himself even as he is pure 1 Joh. 3.3 Seeing we look for such things be diligent that we may be found of him in peace without spot and blameless 2. It makes fruitful in good works the abounding of the Love of God in the heart will cause an abounding in the work of the Lord it will constrain you to serve the Lord and to live to him 3. The more Assurance the more heavenly mindedness our conversation is in Heaven whence we look for a Saviour when Heaven is sure the mind will be most in Heaven If there is your hope there will be your hearts This will make you willing to leave all these things here below this will make you sojourners here in the World By Faith Ab●aham sojourned ●n the Land of Promise as in a strange Land If you look for a City that hath Foundations then will you be strangers and Pilgrims on the Earth 4. An earnest desire of Christ's appearing Where there is true Assurance a Man shall say to be with Christ is much better Let my beloved be like a Roe on the Mountains of Spices let him make haste to come let him come quickly When there 's a taste of the Love of God the Soul would have it fully When God shines into the hearts in some beams of his Glory the heart would know him perfectly and enjoy him fully That heart that enjoys Assurance of everlasting Love would have an everlasting and uninterrupted sense of that Love That Soul that sees its self above danger of wrath and loss of Love would be above danger of the with-drawings of Love That Soul that is Assured of Eternity of Love would be in such a condition as not to be subject to any moments displeasure in regard of the hidings of God's face 3. Take heed you give not the Right Hand of fellowship to the Enemies of Assurance As 1. Do not love darkness and hate light there 's no greater Enemy to the Assurance of your Salvation then this This is th● most direct way you can take to make your reprobation your damnation sure This is the condemnation this makes condemnation sure that light is come into the World and men love darkness rather than light John 2.19 Do not shut your Eyes from beholding the things of your Pe●ce How should you be assured of your Salvation if you now shut your eyes from Salvation that is spoken to you c. or if you refuse him in whom Salvation is to be found and no other Rom. 1.28 Because they liked not to retain God in their Knowledge God gave them up to a reprobate mind c. 2. Be not enslaved to the World to the Riches and to the Pleasures of it this will hinder you from desiring or seeking Salvation to be made sure The Love of Money is the Root of all Evil which while some have coveted after have erred concerning the Faith to deny the Faith to keep Riche● this is a great cause of Mens erring so dangerously concerning their Souls that they do not provide better for them that they study not the good of them because their Hearts are so much glued to the World 3. Let not Sin reign in your Mortal Bodies that you should obey it in the Lusts thereof so long as Sin ●●igns you are in danger of Death for Sin reigned unto Death and you cannot say you are under Grace for that Spirit that speaks peace to a Sinner proclaims war against his Sin that Spirit that sheds abroad the love of God in the Heart will lust against the Flesh that Spirit that brings Chyist into the Heart as the hope of Glory will write the Law of Christ in the heart and cause a walking in newness of Life 4. Take heed of grieving and quenching the Spirit the Spirit strives in the preaching of the Gospel as with the men of the Old World Noah was a Preacher of the Righteousness of Faith Assurance is a Grace of the Spirit a Gift of the Spirit and if you resist the Spirit the Spirit will not witness with you that you are the Children of God but against you that you are Enemies to God 2. Be not Enemies to the dominion of the Lord Jesus Christ's Kingdom of Light Assurance is a Priviledge of his Kingdom and of those that belong to it When you can see your selves translated out of the Kingdom of darkness into the Kingdom of Christ then happy are you then you are past all danger of
Glory As the Son of God hath the Divine Nature so they are Sons of God and partakers of the Divine Nature As Christ is at the right hand of God so they sit with him Christ is King they Kings c. There 's no Glory that Christ hath but they that are Saints shall partake in see Eph. 4.12 13. He gave Apostles for the perfecting of the Saints till we all come to the unity of Faith and Knowledge of the Son of God to a perfect Man to the Stature of the fulness of Christ Christ had a two-fold State first of Humiliation subject to Infirmit●s inward as Hung●ings Weariness Grief c. and outward as the Reproaches of Men Contrad●ction of Sinners c. But in this State he was the Son of God though he did not outwardly appear in the Glory of the Son of God and he did the will and work of him that sent him he went about his Father's business and he had the Father with him because he did always those things that pleased him this was Christ's Stature that he did grow to on Earth Now Believers in this World grow to this measure of the Stature of Christ or this age of his whilst he was in the World Secondly His Glorious State of Exaltation This is a state of fulness Christ being advanced to fulness of Glory In his first estate he had the fulness of the Godhead bodily In this latter the fulness of the Godhead clearly manifested forth in him And he had as much Glory in his humane Nature as the fulness of the Godhead in him can bring into him this is Christ's measure and portion of Glory Now the Saints shall come to the measure of the statute or age o● Christ's fulness that is which Christ hath as Man be like to Christ in state of Knowledge and of Glory as in his growing estate so in his perfect estate Christ had as much Glory as he is capable of from the fulness of the Godhead in him So they shall have as much Glory as they are capable of from Christ dwelling in them as the Father in Christ as 't is John 17.23 I in them thou in me that they might be made perfect in one This is the Saints measure 2. There are several degrees by which the Salvation of Believers is carried on to perfection 'T is much disputed amongst some whether there are degrees of Glory in Heaven whether one Saint differ from another in Glory but this is besides the business I have in hand nor need it to be spoken unto Somewhat may be gathered against that Opinion of different degrees of Glory from the place last cited till all come to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ All shall have such a measure as they are capable of from Christ. But this is evident that it is by several steps and degrees that Saints attain to that measure of Glory As 't is said of those that did come from the remote parts of Judea to worship at Jerusalem Ps 84.7 They go from strength to strength to appear in Sion They encrease in strength and courage till they they come to Sion So Believers encrease in strength in Faith Love Knowledge Holiness till they come to Heaven Believers go from strength to strength The Righteousness of God is revealed from Faith to Faith Rom. 1.17 that is there are degrees of Revelation We are changed from Glory to Glory The Glory of Saints is pe●fected by degrees 2 Cor. 3.18 The Saint● are first Bab●s then Men in understanding they know first in part after as they are known first darkly as through a Glass and then Face to Face Now is our Salvation nearer c. Rom. 13.11 Saints at their first conversion are further off from Salvation then they come nearer and nearer to it daily Christ reveals himself gradually as Cant. 2.8 Christ coming towards the Spouse did reveal himself gradually She first hears his Voice The Voice of my Beloved and then hath some sight of him Behold he cometh leaping on the Mountains and skipping upon the Hills overcoming difficulties leaping over all so as that nothing hinders access And he cometh swiftly verse 9. Behold he standeth behind our Wall and looketh forth or in at the Window yet without doors not so near as he will be yet nearer now then he was before The Spouse first hears his Voice and then sees him coming and then at last enjoys his presence I have many things to say but ye cannot bear them now John 16.12 In that condition they were not capable of bearing more In this mortal estate Believers can●ot bear all that they shall hear o● Christ they must dye and this mortal must put on immortality and so shall they see and enjoy Christ perfectly And as Christ reveals himself so the Spirit is poured out gradually perfecting knowledge perfecting holiness by degrees As the ways of God manifesting himself to the World have been by degrees proceeding from less perfect to a more perfect way of manifesting himself as first in Creatures made then in Christ and in Christ first set forth by carnal things Types and Shadows representing him then through Christ coming in the Flesh raised up to Glory and ruling the World by him till all his Enemies are subdued and the Elect perfected then the Son shall be subject that God may be All in All Then the Godhead shall most gloriously appear So it is by degrees that God manifests himself in the hearts of the Elect and by degrees that they are brought nearer and nearer to him Here they enjoy him by Faith in Heaven by Vision here by Fellowship with the Spirit having the Spirit bringing in Light Grace and Comforts into the Soul in Heaven they shall see God to be All in All and be in his presence 3. The great Desire of Believers and Endeavour ought to be that their Salvation may be perfected When God hath begun to save them they should desire to be saved to the utmost As God did require of the Jews three times a year every Male to appear at the place which God did set apart for worship and leave their Wives and Estates to the Protection of God who promised that the Enemy should not so much as desire their Land at that time This is to shew that Believers ought above all to desire to appear before God and to be in his presence and should be content to leave all worldly enjoyments There 's nothing to be so much desir'd so much priz'd as to be with Christ This you may see both in Precepts and Examples Heb. 12.1 Let us run with patience the Race that is set before us The business of a Christian should be to run towards Heaven As the Jews going out of Egypt their business was to go to Canaan so the great business of a Christian is to travel towards Heaven and this should be their great desire As those that run in a Race strive to be at
his Spirit in the Heart he is the Well of Water that is springing up to everlasting Life For Explication of this point before I come to the proof I shall distinguish first of Good which is two fold 1. Carnal Outward Worldly good good that pertains to the Body and outward Man As the enjoyment of the things of the World in a sufficiency for Food and Raiment to preserve the Natural Life This good Men can embrace and they can be diligent in their several Callings to get this Worlds good 2. There 's a spiritual good that appertains to the Soul which is the life perfection and peace of the Soul Eternal Everlasting good Meat that endures to everlasting life That is an All-sufficient God There 's none good but one that is God a God reconciled believed and enjoyed in Christ This good a natural Man cannot will or desire because 't is not possible for him to apprehend it There 's no suitableness in Man for it 2. I shall distinguish of God's working which is two fold I In the old Creation So 1. God gives to Creatures a being some of one kind and some of another kind and puts several faculties and dispositions into them to work in several ways and to bring forth Fruits of several kinds He Created the Sun and filled it with Light and put into it a faculty and disposition to run a race in the Heavens and to be the Light of the whole World He Created the living Creatures and gave them a power to propagate after their kind 2. God doth by the same power by which he created preserve and continue them in their beings So 't is said they are created by God That is confirmed Rev. 4.10 Conservation being a continued Creation 3. God doth stir up the ●aculties and Powers put into several Creatures determining to several operations This or that every Creature shall do God concurring with them in their operations so they all act and move by the power of God in them So it 's said In 〈◊〉 we live move and have our being Acts 17.25.28 The Spirit of God moved upon the face of the Waters Gen. 1.2 Which imports the effectual quickning power of the Holy Ghost which upholds and sustains and gives vertue to all Creatures whereby they live move and have their beings So that of all Creatures this is true whatsoever they do 't is God works them to do What a Rational Creature wills God works it to will i● a way suitable to the faculty of Rational Creatures that is in presenting of objects to the understanding thereby moving and inclining the wi l. Now in this old Creation there 's no willing or d●ing that which is good wi●hout special grace There s no disposition or faculty towards it there 's no willing of God to take him as the Supreme Good and the will of God as the Supreme Rule the glory of God as the Supreme End There 's no Piety no Holiness left in the Old Creation Men are Corrupt the Creature is subject to Vanity and in Bondage to Corruption II. Th●re is God's working in the new Creation this begins in the Souls of Men c. Herein God works i. e. of Carnal makes Spiritual from Spiritual Death raises to a Spiritual Life and stirs up to Spiritual Operations and brings into Holy ways Now as in the Old Creation it 's said all live move and have their being so in this New Creation all live move and have their being in God God makes New and places Holy dispositions and God preserves and upholds them once made God determines and stirs up by an actual influence of his Spirit So God works to will and do of his good pleasure For the proof of this Three things are to be clear'd 1. Consider In the Natural man there 's no free will to Spiritual good no embracing or doing of it There is free will to Sin in the Men of the Old Creation Free will to natural actions in as much as herein they act by Knowledge and Election chusing to do this and not that There 's no free will to Spiritual good 1. Because they are under such darkness that covers it that they can't know and apprehend Spiritual objects Spiritual things can't be apprehended but by a Spiritual Eye Now the Soul of every Man is Carnal 't is imprison'd in Flesh it dwels in thick darkness As God is said to dwell in thick darkness because his glory is vailed and hid 1 Kings 8.12 He is hid by the thick covering of Carnal things that he doth not shine forth in Spiritual glory in the World so the Soul of man dwells in thick darkness God is above it and full of Glory Splendor and Majesty in himself Men are under it they are darkness so that they cannot look beyond things Carnal they see no good but in things Carnal The Carnal Man perceives not the things of the Spirit of God neither can he know 1 Cor. 2.14 So can't chuse and embrace them What the mind can't know as good the will can't embrace as good Now this mind cannot judge and apprehend God in Christ to be the chief good When Peter confessed Christ who he was he replies Flesh and Blood hath not revealed this to thee but my Father which is Heaven Math. 16.17 There 's no more of saving Spiritual Light in the Carnal Man before the New Creation then there was of Natural Light before the Old Creation The Men of the Old Creation have Light whereby they know the Creatures and have Souls terminated in them but not Light whereby they know God Whence the Apostle sais Ye were darkness Eph. 5.8 Men naturally dwell in the darkness and not in the Light of the Lord. They walk in the darkness of Creature-comforts and not in the Light of Divine glory And that which strenghtens this argument is that Men love darkness that covers them They had rather dwell in darkness than in the Knowledge of the glory of God Men do turn from Light and would turn the Light from them A Man hath free will towards darkness that he chuses but not free will towards Light that he refuses Light is come into the World into the Old Creation but Men as Men in a nat●ral temper as sinners do evermo●e lo●e darkness There must be a New C●ea●ion before Light will be received with Joy 2. They are under a state of deadness to all Spiritual good there 's no free will in a Dead Man to Spiritual Actions and there is no m●r●●n a Natural Man to Spiritual Actions Ye are Dead in Trespasses and Sins As Dead to Spiritual Life as the Bodies that lye in the grave to Natural Life As dead to a Life of God as Dead Bodies are to a Life of Man God lives in himself he lives to his own glory to this whatever he doth tends A Natural Man is alienated from this Life of God 3 Under a state of ●nmity against Spiritual good The Carnal
forc'd from his Heritage and not fed with it and 2 When there was a Famine in the Land of Canaan then his Heritage failed him and he went down into Egypt to be fed there But there shall be a time when the true Israel of God shall not only have but be fed with their Heritage their Heritage shall not fail them There is no Famine of Bread in the true Canaan Bread shall be given them and their Waters sure There shall be no prophane persecuting Person as Esau to make them fly from it 6. A Sabbath rightly kept is as the Gates of Heaven as Jacob said of Bethel this is the Gates of Heaven The Rest of the Sabbath is a figure of the Rest of Heaven and of Christ's Kingdom The work of the Sabbath is a figure of the work of Heaven the Joy in communion with God tasting in his Ordinances that the Lord is gracious is the first Fruits of the Joys of Heaven Heb. 4.4 5. He speaks of the Seventh day God did rest then from all his works and in this place if they shall enter into my rest Observe Those that keep a Sabbath aright to the Lord do enter into the rest of the Lord they rest from their own work and refresh themselves in the Lord. v. 9. There remaineth a rest or Sabbatism to the People of God that is a day to rest in and rejoyce in the Lord and honour him and this is the figure of the Eternal rest the Saints have in Heaven Directions for a Gospel keeping of a Sabbath To what was spoken before from the Text let the 92 Psalm be added where we have a pattern and directory for it The Title of it being A Psalm for the Sabbath-day 1. God is to be praised for making us glad through his work v. 4. It 's a good thing to give thanks c. to shew forth his loving kindness and faithfulness his loving kindness in giving Christ to be made Flesh and Sin a Curse c. Thou Lord hast made me glad through thy works through the work of Redemption Justification Sanctification Our own works make us sad when we think of them 't is with grief and Godly sorrow but thy works c. The works of the Redeemer fulfilling Righteousness making his Soul an offering for Sin and making Intercession changing me into thine Image these make me glad I will triumph in thy works I am ashamed of mine own works but I will glory in thine I am ashamed of mine own Righteousness which is as filthy Rags but I will triumph in Christ's which is most perfect and glorious I trust not to my own works but I trust in thine and not only trust but triumph in them over Sin Satan Death and Hell How great are thy works and thy thoughts are very deep We should not only take a sl●ght view but have very serious thoughts of them and be much in meditating on them As the Angels desire to look into them and with a holy admiration of them Such Knowledge is too wonderful for me c. When Christ took not on him the Nature of Angels but the Seed of Abraham and took Sin upon him and so loved us as to give himself to suffer Death and passing by many so loved me as to give his Spirit to quicken me when I was dead in Sins and to prepare me unto Glory what a great work is this Now it is proper for the Sabbath to cease from our own works which weary us c. To contemplate on and make our selves glad with the work of the Redeemer There are also the works of his gracious Providence in which God gives great experience of his Love Mercy c. to his People Object When we consider how much the Saints are afflicted in the World the are chastened every morning and in the mean time the Wicked spring as the Grass and the workers of Iniquity do flourish How can we be glad thro' God's works of Providence Answ Here God's thoughts lye deep but enter into the Sanctuary of God draw nigh and search into them and so you shall understand that which shall make you glad As for the wicked they spring as the Grass but 't is that they may be destroyed the wicked in their Prosperity are but as Grass and the best of them but as Grass on the House-top Grass soon withers and that on the House-top the soonest of all Thou Lord art most high if they be more high in Worldly Prosperity c. As for the Godly if they now suffer and are afflicted in their outward Man in worldly things 't is that they may be saved for ever The Wicked now prosper that they may perish for ever This he further sets forth Lo thine Enemies shall perish my Horn shalt thou exalt c. The World being high in worldly Prosperity are in the way to be thrown down Saints being low are in the way to be exalted the wicked exalting themselves glorying in their wickedness in their worldly enjoyments having exalted thoughts of themselves shall be abased but the Godly humbling themselves under the mighty Hand of God shall be exalted 2. On this day a Spirit of Prophesy should be exercised as to praise God for and make our selves glad in the works that are done so by the Spirit of Prophecy to consider from the word what God will do and make our selves glad in the works that are to be done ver 10. I shall be anointed with fresh Oyl I have some Light I shall have more somewhat I know of the Mystery of Godliness and I shall know more Some Grace I have received I shall have more I have a little strength I shall have more the little Faith and Love I have shall be increased thou wert a a Spring to me heretofore I had Grace in Conversion and all my fresh Springs are in thee and thence I shall have fresh Oyl 'T is good to exercise a Spirit of Prophecy it will make us glad amidst all our weaknesses and wants c. ver 11. Mine Eyes shall see and mine Ears shall hear my desire of the Wicked the Church's Eyes shall see her desire on Anti-christ the Man of Sin on Babylon the great ver 12.13 The Righteous shall flourish as the Palm trees the Righteous are oppressed but they shall flourish in and under their oppressions and shall grow under their burdens and take root downward and bear fruit upwards so doth the Palm-tree bear more fruit when 't is burthened He shall grow like the Cedar in Lebanon the wicked grow but as the Grass the Saints grow like the Cedar That is lasting and a Tree that continues long and the wood is very durable and lasting Those that be planted in the House of God shall flourish even when old And then are most green and flourishing in Grace When the outward Man perisheth the inner Man is renewed Lastly All this must be that God may shew himself upright he will put a