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A19465 Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfortable letters of such true saintes and holy martyrs of God, as in the late bloodye persecution here within this realme, gaue their lyues for the defence of Christes holy gospel written in the tyme of their affliction and cruell imprysonment. Coverdale, Miles, 1488-1568.; Bradford, John, 1510?-1555, Exhortacion to the carienge of Chrystes crosse. Selections.; Cranmer, Thomas, 1489-1556. Copy of certain lettres sent to the Quene, and also to doctour Martin and doctour Storye. Selections.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Soveraigne cordial for a Christian conscience.; Hooper, John, d. 1555. Whether Christian faith maye be kepte secret in the heart, without confession therof openly to the worlde as occasion shal serve.; Ridley, Nicholas, 1500?-1555. Frendly farewel. 1564 (1564) STC 5886; ESTC S108888 571,783 726

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like to be no lesse thā your lyfe for I beleue as Paul sayth that god hath appoynted vs in these latter daies lyke shepe to the slaughter Rom. 8 Antichrist is come agayne and he must make a feast to Beelzebub his father of many Christiā bodyes for the restoring againe of his kingdome let vs watche and pray that the same daye maye not fynde vs vnredy The peace of god be with you and remaine with you for euer Your louing brother in Christ in spirit your familier frende captiue in the Kynges Benche Iohn Philpot. To my dearely beloued Sister in the Lord Maistres Heath THe lyght of the Gospel of Christ which hath illigthned you with the true vnderstanding of fayth be dayly encreased in you my dearly beloued sister vnto the perfyte day of the Lord through the mighty operation of hys spirite Amen Where as you haue required of me a token at your departyng that myghte be a remembraunce with you of my brotherly loue toward you I mused of diuerse things what I might cōmend vnto you best among al other I found none so certayne a token either of the loue of God toward vs or els of the loue of vs one to an other as to beare the crosse together with Christ To beare the crosse is to be partaker of the afflictions of Christ which now he suffreth in his members for the accomplishmente of his body the church which are we that beleue in him sincerely which is the surest token of Gods loue towards vs that we can haue in thys world for whom god loueth he chasteneth and as it is written Heb. 12 he chasteneth euery sonne whō he receaueth Wherfore aboue all things loue the crosse of Christ vnder the which al the church of Christ in England nowe is be content to haue your fayth tried euery daye by some crosse or other as it pleaseth God to put on you and if God putteth no greuous crosse vppon you let your brethrens crosse be your crosse whiche is a certayn token of true brotherly loue If the church in England had learned with the Gospel to haue borne the crosse of Christ as all that be professours of the Gospel be called thereunto they woulde not so lightly at the commaundement of man haue turned from the wayes of saluation to their old vomite againe contrary to their conscience and al to auoide the crosse the mercifull signe of Gods loue towards vs. If the crosse were not the faythfull could not be knowen If the crosse were not God should not so manifestly appeare to be our deliuerer and cōforter as he doth shewe himselfe in the middest therof vnto al thē that put their trust in him Therfore beleue them verely to be in most happie estate that be vnder the crosse such as doe vtterly abhorre the same are cowards not fytte souldiers for the lord We haue al receaued the credit of faith from god in Christ that we should beautifie the same or rather god in the same 1. Cor. 4. We haue this treasure in brittel vessels let vs take hede that the britelnes of the vessels shee de not out our precious treasure on the earth as it is lamentable to see at this day many haue most vnfaythfully done Are they worthy of the heauenly kingdome which here esteeme more earth then heauen O palpable infidelity Wil not god require the credit of fayth which he hath committed vnto vs Yea verely Is thys the vsury of fayth to loue the world more then the Gospel and to feare mā more then god If men which coūt themselues stronger worthyer vessels haue thus vnfaythfully dealt in the thinges of god let the weakenes of womē be more fyrme in their fayth to the glory of God whose might appeareth in weakenes There is no exceptiō of person before god both man and woman be on in god and that persō in al sortes of people is acceptable to him that striueth to do hys will Wherfore contend in these crosse dayes whiche be the loue dayes of god towardes vs to shew your self faythful to him that calleth you and to be redy to do his will according to true knowledge and that vnder the crosse God hath geuen you a faythful guide whom see you loue with al humilitie pacience and obedience as it becommeth a holy woman to be subiect to her faythful head in the Lord comfort him in our common crosse and bid him cherefully take vp the one end and you will beare the other a double string knit together As you in your godly matrimonye do represent the mysterye of Christ and his churche so continue you liuely members of fayth in the same and learne daily more and more to beare the crosse of Christ that other seing your strength may be comforted and be ashamed of their weakenes in their maisters cause The faythful seruaunt the Lord loueth which bringeth his talent to his table with encrease Now is the time to encrease to the lord and not to decrease to multiply our fayth vnder the crosse not to diminysh it Ose 6 Gene. 9. The waies of the iust do encrease as the dauning of the day Embrace therfore the crosse as the raynebow of gods merciful couenaunt pray that we may together end our course therin with ioy Take my token in good worth vntil we be made partakers of the glory of the crosse Out of my Lorde of Londons Colehouse The .xi. of Nouember Yours Iohn Philpot. To my brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the Kinges Benche THe grace of God the father through his deare sonne Christ our Sauiour with perseuerance in all godly verity be with thee my deare brother Careles and with al my prison fellowes Amen Ah my own loue in Christ These were certeyne free-wil mē arrogant frowerd and vnquiet spirites I am sory to heare of thy great trouble which these shismatiks do daily put thee to I wold I were with thee in part to releue thy greefe but since that it hath pleased God otherwise take my aduice in thys your conflict be pacient what soeuer your aduersaryes can saye or do against you Know that you are appoynted for the defence of the gospel for the which you god be praysed do suffer yet you must vnderstand that you are but a voyce in the wildernes a planter that it is god which must geue the encease And therefore if there come not suche fruite of your good labours as you would wyshe be content know that a stony groūd can not fructifye yet shal not god forget your labour but you shal reape as plētiously in the day of reward as though it had encreased after your expectatiō Haue patience therfore in your labour and let not care eate out your hart Committe the successe to God and cease not with charitye to be earnest in the defence of the truth agaynste these arrogant and self will blynded scatterers These sectes are necessary for the
people they do communicate the same both to heauen and earth to euery thing elles As for example when the Prophets do foreshowe the ouerthrowes of realmes peoples how do they say that the whole shape of the worlde shal be moued therat Loke vpō Esay how he whē he prophecieth the fall of Babilon doth say that the starres shall not shyne from heauen the sunne shal be darkened in his rising the mone shall not geue her light And afterwards he saith I wil shake the heauens the earth shall be moued out of his place Esay 13. But the historyes do witnesse that there are wonderful chaunges of al creatures both heauenly earthly in the ouerthrowes and destructions of realmes people Agayne when Esay doth Prophecye of the kingdome of Christ he doth promyse new heauens new earth and that so excellent and new that he sheweth the former heauens earth to be vtterly forgotten Esay 63. Wherto the Apostle agreeth making Christ the repairer of al things in heauen in earth Ephesi 1. Col. 1. Howe dyd both heauen and earth geue their seruice to the Israelites cōming forth of Egipte aswel in preseruing them as in destroying their enemyes How did the sunne shyne longer thē it was wont to do for Iosue to ouercome hys enemies How did euē the very Angels fyght for Ezechias against the Assirians Read the .30 chap. of Esay And behold the history of Christ cōsider how the Angels reioyced how the starre brought the wise men to Christe howe the Aungells were ministers vnto him in the wildernesse howe the deuilles confessed hym In his death how dyd all the whole world shew compassion The sunne was darkened the earth dyd quake the rockes claue a sunder the vaile of the temple rent a sunder When he arose both heauē for the Angels with great heauēly brightnesse appeared and earth which was moued dyd reioyce the Angels were preachers of it In hys ascension also dyd not a bryghte cloude receaue him and take hym vp Dyd not the Angels testifye of hys returne When he sent the holy ghoste and made his new couenaunte of grace dyd not all the whole worlde serue thereto by thunder smoke fyer earthquake Now how wonderfully they will do their seruice to Christ comming to iudgement it is more plaine then I nede to rehearse And in asmuch as we are the members of Christe he being our head we may sone see how that all thyngs haue a certayne compassion with man do after their kinde as the Apostle writeth loke for a deliuerance from vanitye which they shal obteyne in their restauration I therfore tolde you how that I do take the Apostle to meane by euery creature simply euē al the whole shape creatures in the world He doth attribute vnto them how that they looke for the perfection of our saluatiō how that they are subiecte to vanitie howe that they are subiecte in hope how that they grone and trauel attributing these things vnto the senseles creature by trāslation from man to signifye the societie cognation and cōsent which all euery creature hath with man that as euery all thinges were made for man so by the man Christ al and euery thing both earthly and heauenly shal be restored These thinges you know in effecte I spake vnto you to stirre vp both my self and you to a deper consideratiō of our blessed state which now we enioy in hope which wil neuer deceaue vs the more to occasion vs to desire the ful fruition of the same But I do remēber that you were something troubled with some doutfulnes hereabout Therfore I purpose now to write of thys matter more at large therby to occasion vs both to see better through the helpe of gods spirit that which we desire I pray God graunt vnto vs both for his mercies sake I meane the felicitie of his childrē and the happie state which one day in very deede my dere hart we shal fully possesse and both together prayse the Lord with al hys Saintes world without end Amen Amen Thys was your doubt If so be that S. Paul dyd meane by all creatures simply as I haue spoken that they shal be deliuered from corruption into suche a state as shall adorne the fredome of Gods children whether that plantes beasts and other thinges hauing life shal bee restored If yea then you would know whether al thinges that haue bene shal be restored also And after thys you wil perchaunce aske in what place they shall be what they shall do and so forth As I thinke vpon this matter and as I am accustomed to answere such questiōs cōming to me I wil here write for an answere vnto you also not douting but that therwith you wil be satisfyed because I know your hart is satisfyed with godlye sufficient answeres Thus I thinke All euery creature groneth traueleth as yet hoping loking for my restauration for they be subiect to corruption for my synnes sake but they al shal be deliuered by my Christ frō the bondage of corruptiō thē whē he shal restore vs his mēbers Thys wil I muse on way with my self that I may dulye knowe both in me and in al other things the atrocitie and bitternesse of synne whieh dwelleth in me so may the more hartely geue ouer my self wholy to the lord Christ my Sauiour that he may with what crosse soeuer shal please him sley synne in me and bring me after his own wil way to newnesse of life Wherunto that I for my part may faythfully withal my whole hart do my diligence in mortifying the desires of my flesh in labouring to obey the desires of the spirite to liue a life acceptable to him I besech him of his grace And that I maye do this cherefully cōtinue in thys purpose diligence I wil fasten my minde as much as the Lord shal enable me to cōsider this my so great happinesse wherunto I shal be restored in the resurrection the which resurrection doutles shall be adourned by the whole shape of the world deliuered frō corruptiō These thinges wil I thinke on these things wil I pause on herein wil I as it were drowne my self being careles of thys I meane what partes of the world the Lorde Christ wil restore with me or how he wil do it or what state or condition he wil geue it It is enough enough for me that I and all the whole world with me shal be much more happie thē now I can by any meanes conceaue By reasō hereof I will prayse and glorifye my Lorde and by hys grace I wil study to please hym with al my hart with all my soule with all my strengthe singing vnto him that he both doth wel and hath done and made al thinges wel to hym be eternal glory for euer This is my cogitation in thys matter and not mine only He meaneth that most godly and learned father M.
in the lyke cause as s Iames sayth Take my brethren sayth he the Prophets for an ensāple of suffering aduersitie and of long pacience which spake vnto you in the name of the Lord behold we count thē happy which endure Y e haue heard of the paciēce of Iob haue knowen what end the lord made with hym for the lord is very pitiful merciful Also the lord trieth vs to let vs see our own harts thoughts that no hypocrisy nor ambitiō deceaue vs that the stronge in Christ may pray that he fal not but endure to the end that those that fal through fearful infirmitie might spedely repent ryse agayn wyth Peter also that the weake ones myght bewayle theyr weakenes cry with Dauid haue mercy vpō me O lord Psalme 6. for I am weake O lorde heale me for all my bones are vexed Of thys opening of the hart by persecutiō spake holy Simeō to Marye Christes Mother when he sayde Luke 2. the sworde that is the crosse of persecution shall pearse thy soule that the thoughtes of manye hartes maye be opened For like as a King that shoulde goe to battell is compelled to looke in hys cofers what treasure he hath and also what number and puisaunce of men and weapons so that if he see hymselfe vnreadye and vnarmed to bycker wyth hys ennemye he surceaseth and taketh truce for a tyme euen so we by persecutions haue oure hartes opened that we maye looke therein to see what faythe in Christe we haue and what strengthe to wythstande the enemyes and to beare the crosse that if we bee ryche in these treasures we myghte reioyce and valiauntlye goe to battell or if we wante these thinges with all speede to call and crye vppon him whiche geueth all good giftes to those that aske them Item the crosse trieth the good people from the badde the faithfull frō the worldlings hypocrites also clēseth scoureth the faythful hartes from al corruption filthynesse both of the flesh the spirit And euē as an yron except it be oftē scoured wil sone waxe rustye so except our sinfull hartes flesh be often scoured with the whetstone of the crosse they wil sone corrupt ouergrow with the rust of al filthynesse and sinne And therfore it is mete good for vs as the wismā sayth that as gold siluer are tryed in the fyre Sirach 2. so shoulde the hartes of acceptable men be tryed in the fornace of aduersitie Abide the tryal dere frends that ye may obtayne the crowne of life Fyght manfully in thys the Lords cause that ye may obteyne a gloryous victory here and receaue a great reward in heauen hereafter As ye are called Christians and would be angrye to be called Iewes or Turkes so declare your christianitye by followyng the steppes of Christe whose name ye beare suffer with hym and for hys Gospelles sake rather then to denye hym or to defyle youre fayth and conscience wyth false worshippyng or Romyshe religion Take vppe your crosse my deare hartes nowe when it is offered you and goe vppe wyth Christe to Ierusalem amongest the Byshoppes Priestes and rulers yf GOD call you thereto and they wyl anone send you to Caluarye from whence dying in the cause of the Gospell wherin oure good preachers and brethren haue geuen their lyues your soules I warrant you through Christe Iesu Eccle. 12. shall ascende to GOD that gaue them and the bodye shall come after at the laste daye and so shall ye dwell wyth the Lorde for euer in vnspeakeable ioye and blysse O blessed are they that suffer persecution for ryghteousnesse sake as Christes people in thys Iewyshe Englande now doth for theirs is the kyngdome of heauen O my beloued sette your myndes on this kyngdome where Christe our heade and Kyng is consideryng that as the brute beaste looketh downewardes wyth the face towardes the earth so is man made contrarye wise wyth hys face looking vpwardes towardes the heauens because hys conuersation shoulde be in heauen and heauenly thyngs and not vppon the earth and earthlye chynges Col. 3 as Sainct Paule sayth set your myndes on thynges which are are aboue where Christe is And agayne he sayeth phil 3. our conuersation is in heauen from whence we looke for oure Sauiour who wyll chaunge oure vyle bodyes and make them like to his glorious body Oh the glorious estate that we bee called vnto the Lorde preserue vs blamelesse to hys eternall kyngdome throughe Christe Iesus oure Lorde Amen The seconde thyng that I note in the foresayde wordes of Peter is that he calleth persecution no straunge thynge And truth it is for whiche of the Prophettes were not persecuted wyth Christe and hys Apostles and some of them in the ende cruellye kylled for the truthes sake Caine kylled Abell Isaac was persecuted of Ismaell 3. Regum 4. Regum Iacob was hated of Esau Iosephe was prysoned and sette in the stockes The Prophette Esaye was cutte in two wyth a sawe Ieremye was stoned Micheas was buffeted and fedde wyth breade and water Helias was sore persecuted Eleazer and the woman with her seuen sonnes were cruellye kylled 2. mac 6.7 What Christe and the Apostles suffered it is well knowen so that by manye tribulations as Paule sayeth we muste enter into the kyngdome of heauen Act. 14 All the holy Prophettes Christe and hys Apostles suffered suche afflictions not for euel doing but for preachinge Gods woord for rebukyng the worlde of synne and for their fayth in Iesus Christe Thys is the ordinaunce of GOD my frends this is the hygh way to heauen by corporal death to eternal lyfe Iohn 5. as Christ sayth he that heareth my words beleueth in hym that sent me hath eternal life shal not come into iudgemēt but is escaped from death to lyfe Let vs neuer feare death which is kylled by christ but beleue in him liue for euer Roman 8. as Paul sayth there is no damnation to them that are in christ Iesu which walke not after the fleshe but after the spirit 1. Corin. 15. And agayne Paule sayth Death where is thy sting Hel where is thy victory Thankes be to god whiche hath geuen vs victory through Iesu Christ Besides this ye haue sene dayly do see the blood of your good preachers brethren which hath bene shed in the gospels cause in thys sinful Sodome thys bloody Ierusalē this vnhappie citie of Londō Let not their blood be forgottē nor the blood of your good byshop Ridley who like a good shepeherd to your cōfort exāple hath geuē hys lyfe for his shepe S. Paul saith remember them that haue spokē to you the word of god Iohn 10. Heb. 13 loke vpon the end of their conuersation and folow their faith The deuil euer stirreth vp false teachers as he hath done now ouer al England 2. peter 2. 1. Timot 4. 2. Timo. 3.
learned and wyse It is better to make answer before the pompe and pryde of wycked men then to stande naked in the syght of all heauen and earth before the iuste God at the latter daye I shal dye then by the handes of the cruell man he is blessed that looseth this life full of mortall miseries and fyndeth the lyfe full of eternal ioyes It is a griefe to depart from goods and frendes but yet not so much as to depart from grace and heauen it self Wherefore there is neither felicitye nor aduersitie of this world that can appeare to be greate if it be wayed with the ioyes or paynes in the worlde to come I can doe no more but praye for you doe the same for me for Gods sake For my parte I thanke the heauenly father I haue made myne accoūptes appointed my selfe vnto the wil of the heauenly father as he will so I will by his grace For gods sake as soone as ye can sende my poore wyfe and chyldren some letter from you and my letter also whiche I sente of late to Downton As it is tolde me she had neuer letter from me sith the comming of master S vnto her the more to blame the messengers for I haue written diuers times The lord comfort them and prouyde for them for I am able to do no thyng in worldly thinges She is a godly and wise womā if my meanynges had bene accomplished she should haue had necessary thinges but that I meant god can performe to whome I commend both her and you all I am a precious iewell now and deintely kepte neuer so deintely for neither mine own mā nor any of the seruaunts of the house may come at me but my keper alone a simple rude mā god knoweth But I am nothing careful thereof 21. Ianu. 1554. Yours bounden Iohn Hooper An other letter to certaine godly parsons wrytten to the same effecte THe grace of god be with you Amen I doe geue our heauenly father thankes that moueth you to remēber your afflicted brethern and I do as I am bound pray for you that wyth your remembraunce of me ye prouide helpe succour me with such goods as god doth endue you withall Doubtlesse yf euer wretch vyle synner was bounde vnto God I am most specially bound for these tenne monethes almost euer synce my imprisonmente I haue had no lyuyng nor goods to sustayne my self wythall yet such hath bene the fauoure of our heauenly father that I haue had sufficient to eate and drynke and the same payed for Seyng he is so mercifull and carefull for my synful body I doubt not but he hath more care of my wretched soule so that in bothe I may serue his maiesty and be a liuely and profitalbe mēber of hys poore afflicted church I do not care what extremity this world shal worke or deuise praying you in the bowels of hym that shedde his precious bloode for you to remember and folow the knowlege ye haue learned of his truthe Be not ashamed nor afrayde to follow hym beware of this sentence that it take no place in you Luke 9 no man sayeth Christ that putteth hys hand to the ploughe and looketh backewarde is meete for the kyngdome of God Remember that Chryste wylled hym that would builde a Tower to sytte downe fyrst and loke whether he were able to performe it leaste he should begin and leaue of in the myddest and so be mocked of hys neyghbors and lose therwythall asmuche as he bestowed Luke 14 Christe tolde suche as woulde builde in hym eternall lyfe what the price thereof was euen at the begynnyng of hys doctryne and sayde they shoulde be persecuted Math. 10. Also they shoulde sometyme paye and bestowe both goodes and landes before the Tower of saluation woulde be builded Seyng the pryce of truthe in religion hathe bene alwayes the displeasure and persecution of the worlde let vs beare it and Christ wil recompence the charges aboundantly Yt is no losse to lacke the loue of the worlde and to fynde the loue of God nor no harme to suffer the losse of worldly thinges and fynde eternall lyfe Yf man hate and god loue man kyll the body and god bryng both body and soule to eternall lyfe the exchange is good and profitable For the loue of God vse synglenes towardes hym beware of this folyshe and disceytfull collusion to thynke a man may serue god in spirite secretly to his conscience althoughe outwardly with his bodye and bodelye presence he cleaue for ciuyl order to such rytes and ceremonies as nowe be vsed contrarye to god and hys worde Be assured that whatsoeuer he be that geueth thys counsayle shal be before God hable to doe you no more profytte then the fygge leaues dyd vnto Adam 1. Cor. 6. Glorifye GOD bothe in your bodyes and in your spirites which are gods Take heede of that commaundement no man is able to dispense wyth it Such as be yet cleare and haue not bene presente at the wicked masse and idolatrous seruice let thē pray to god to stande fast such as for weakenes and feare haue bene at it repente and desyre god of forgeuenes and doubtles he wyll haue mercy vppon you It is a feareful thynge that many doe not a lonelye thus dissemble wyth God but also excuse and defende the dissimulation beware of that dere brethern for it is a sore matter to delite in euil things Prouer. 2 Let vs acknowledge and bewayle oure euyl then god shal sende grace to amend vs and strength better to beare his crosse I doubt not but ye wyll iudge of my wrytyng as I meane towardes you in my hearte which is doubtles your eternall saluation in Christe Iesus to whome I hartelye commende you 14. Iune 1554. To a merchaunte of London by whose meanes he had receyued much comfort in his greate necessity in the Fleete where how cruelly he was handled you shall see in the letter nexte followyng THe grace of god be with you Amen I thanke god and you for the great helpe and consolation I haue receiued in that tyme of aduersity by your charitable meanes but most reioice that you be not altered from truth although falshod truelly seketh to distayne her Iudge not my brother truth by outward appearance for truthe now worse appeareth more vily is reiected thē falshod Leaue the outward shew see by the word of god what truth is accept truth dislike her not though man call her falshode As it is now so hath it ben heretofore the truth reiected falshod receiued Suche as haue professed truthe for truthe haue smarted and the frendes of falsehode laughed them to scorne The tryall of both hath ben by contrary successe the one hauyng the cōmendation of truth by mā but the cōdemnatiō of falshode by god florishing for a time with endles destruction the other afflicted a litle season with immortal ioyes Wherfore dere brother aske demaūd of your
boke the testamēt of Iesus Christ in these woful wretched dais what you shold thinke and what you should stay vpon for a certayne truth and whatsoeuer you heare taught trie it by your boke whether it be true or false The dayes be daungerous and ful of perill not only for the world and worldly thinges but for heauen and heauenly thinges It is a trouble to loose the treasures of this life but yet a verye paine if they be kepte with the offence of god Cry call praye and in Christ daily requyre helpe succour mercy wisdome grace and defence that the wickednes of this world preuaile not againste vs. We began well god preserue vs vntill the ende I woulde wryte more often vnto you but I do perceyue you be at so much charges with me that I feare you would thinke whē I write I craue Send me nothyng tyll I send to you for it and so tell the good men your partners and whē I nede I will be bold of you .3 Decem. 1554. Yours with my prayer I. Hoper A report of hys miserable imprisonment and most cruell handlyng by Babington that enemye of god and of hys truthe then Warden of the Fleete THe fyrst of Semptember 1553. I was committed vnto the Flete from Richmont to haue the liberty of the prison and within vi dais after I payed for my liberty fyue poundes sterling to the Warden for fees who immediatly vpon the paymente therof complained vnto Steven Gardiner bishop of Winchester and so was I committed to close pryson one quarter of a yeare in the Tower chāber of the Fleete vsed very extremely Then by the meanes of a good gentlewoman I had libertye to come downe to dinner and supper and not to speake wyth any of my frendes but as soone as dinner and supper was done to repayre to my chamber againe Notwithstanding whiles I came downe thus to dinner and supper the Warden and hys wyfe pyked quarels with me and complained vntruly of me to their great frend the bishop of winchester After one quarter of a yeare and somewhat more the Warden and hys wyfe fell out with me for the wicked masse and thereupon the warden resorted to the byshop of Winchester obteined to put me into the wardes where I haue continued a long time hauing nothing appoynted to me for my bedde but a little pad of straw a rotten couerynge with a tike and a few fethers therin the chamber beyng vile and stynckynge vntill by Gods meanes good people sente me bedding to lye in of the one side of which prison is the synke filth of all the house on the other syde the towne ditch so that the stinche of the house hath infected me wythe sundrye diseases During which tyme I haue bene sicke the dores barres haspes and chaynes beinge all closed and made faste vpon me I haue mourned called and cryed for helpe But the warden when he hath knowen me many tymes redy to dye and when the poore men of the wardes haue called to helpe me hath commaunded the doores to be kepte fast and charged that none of hys men should come at me sayenge lette hym alone it were a good riddaunce of hym And amonge manye other tymes he did thus the 18. of October 1553. as many can witnes I payd alwayes like a Baron to the sayd warden aswell in fees as for my boord whych was xx shyllinges a weke besides my mans table vntil I was wrongfullye depriued of my bishoprycke And sithens that time I haue payde hym as the beste gentleman doth in hys house yet hath he vsed me worse and more vylye then the veriest slaue that euer came to the hall commons The sayde warden hath also emprisoned my man Wylliam Downton and strypped him out of his clothes to search for letters and could finde none but onelye a little remembraunce of good people names that gaue me theyr almes to relieue me in prisonne And to vndoe them also the Warden deliuered the same bill vnto the sayd Steuen Gardiner Gods enemy and myne I haue suffred emprisonmente almost eighten monethes my goods lyuyng frendes and comfort taken from me the Quene owyng me by iuste accompte foure score poundes or more She hath putte me in pryson and geueth nothynge to fynde me neyther is there suffred any to come at me wherby I myght haue relief I am with a wicked man and woman so that I see no remedy sauyng Gods help but I shal be cast away in prison before I can come to iudgement But I commit my iuste cause to God whose will be doone whether it be by life or death Iohn Hoper ¶ A letter concerning the vayne and false reportes whiche were spreade abrode of him that he had recanted and abiured that doctrine whiche he before had preached THe grace and peace of God be wyth al them that vnfeinedly loke for the coming of our sauiour Christ Amē Deare brethren and sisters in our lord and my fellow prisoners for the cause of Gods gospell I do reioyce and geue thankes vnto God for your constancy and perseuerance in affliction wyshing and praying vnto him for your continuance therin to the end And as I do reioyce in your faythfull and constant affliction that be in prisō euen so do I mourne and lament to heare of our deare brethren abroade that yet haue not suffred nor felt such daūgers for Gods truth as we haue and do fele are like dayly to suffer more yea the very extreme death of the fier Yet suche is the reporte abroade as I am crediblye informed that I Iohn Hoper a condemned man for the cause of Christ now after sentence of death being in Newgate prisonner lokinge daylye for execution shoulde recante and abiure that heretofore I haue preached And thys talke riseth of this that the byshoppe of London and his chapleines resort vnto me Doubtles if our brethren were as godly as I could wish them to be thei would think that in case I did refuse to talke wyth them they might haue iust occasiō to say that I were vnlerned disdained to speak with them Therfore to auoyd iust suspition of both I haue and doe daylye speake wythe them when they come not doubtinge but they will reporte that I am neyther proude nor vnlearned And I would wysh all men to do as I doe in thys poynte for I feare not theyr argumentes neyther is death terrible vnto me wherfore I pray you to make true export of the same as occasiō shal serue also that I am more confyrmed in the truthe that heretofore I haue preached by theyr cōmunication and ye that may send to the weake bretherne abroad prayinge thē that they trouble me not with such reports of recātation as they do For I haue hetherto left all thinges of this world suffred great paynes long imprisonment I thanke God I am ready euen as gladly to suffer deathe for the truthe I haue preached as a
mortall man may be Oh Lord how slipper the loue of man yea man him self is It were better for them to pray for vs rather then to credite or reise rumours that bee vntrue vnlesse they were more certaine thereof then euer they shall be able to proue we haue enemies enough of such as knowe not God Truly this report of weake brethern is a double trouble and a triple crosse I do wyshe you eternall saluation in Chryste Iesu and also require your continuall prayer that he whyche hath begonne in vs may saue vs to the ende I haue taught this truth wyth my tounge and penne heretofore and hereafter shortly will confyrme by Gods grace the same wyth my bloode Pray for me gentle brethern haue no mistrust From New gate 2. February Your brother Iohn Hoper To maistres Wilkinson a woman harty in gods cause comfortable to his aflicted members THe grace of God and the comfort of hys holy spiryte be with you Amen I am very glad to heare of your health doe thank you for your louing tokēs But I am a great deale more glad to heare how christianly you auoyd idolatry prepare your selfe to suffer the extremity of the world rather thē to endaunger your selfe to God You do as you ought to do in this behalfe and in suffrynge of transitory paynes you shall auoyde permanent torments in the world to come Vse your life and keepe it with as much quietnes as you canne so that you offēd not God The ease that cōmeth with hys displeasure turneth at length to vnspeakable paynes the gaines of the world with the losse of his fauour is beggary wretchednes Reason is to be amēded in this cause of religiō for it wil choose follow an errour with the multitude if it may be allowed rather then turne to fayth and follow the truth wyth the people of God Moses found the same fault in himselfe did amend it choosyng rather to be afflicted with the people of God Heb. 11. then to vse the libertye of the kynges daughter that accounted hym as her sonne Praye for contentation and peace of the spryte and reioyce in such troubles as shall happē vnto you for the truthes sake for in that part Christ saith you be happy Math. 5. Pray also for me I pray you that I may do in al things the wil of our heauenly father to whose tuition and defence I commend you To my dearely beloued Syster in the Lord maistres A. W. THe grace of god be with you Amē I thank you for your louing token I pray you burden not your self to much it were mete for me rather to beare a payn then to be a hinderance to many I did reioice at the cōming of this bearer to vnderstād of your constācy how that you be fully resolued by gods grace rather to suffer extremity thē to go frō that truth in God whych you haue professed He that gaue you grace to begyn in so infallible a truth wil followe you in the same vnto the end But my louing Sister as you be traueling this perillous iourney take this lessō with you practised by wyse men whereof ye may reade in the seconde of Sayncte Mathewes gospel Such as traueled to fynde Chryst followed onely the starre and as long as they sawe it they were assured they were in the right way and had greate mirth in thery iourney But when they entred into Ierusalem wher as the starre led them not thether but vnto Bethelem and there asked the citizens the thinge that the starre shewed before as long as they taried in Hierusalem and would be instructed where Christ was borne they were not only ignoraunt of Bethelem but also lost the syghte of the starre that ledde them before Whereof we learne in any case whiles we be going in this life to seeke Christ that is aboue to beware we lose not the starre of Gods word that only is the marke that sheweth vs where Christe is and which waye we maye come vnto hym But as Ierusalem stode in the way was an impedimentte to these wise menne so doth the sinagoge of Antichryste that beareth the name of Ierusalem whiche by interpretacion is called the vision of peace and amonges the people now is called the catholike church standeth in the way that pilgrymes must go by through thys world to Bethelem the house of saturity and plentifulnes and is an impediment to al Christian trauellers yea and except the more grace of God be will kepe the pilgrimes stil in her that they shall not come wher Christ is at al. And to stay them in dede they take away the starre of light which is Gods word that it can not be sene as as ye maye see howe the celestiall starre was hyd frō the wyse men whē they asked of the Phareseis at Hierusalē wher Christ was borne Ye may see what great daungers happened vnto these wise men whyles they were a learning of liers where Christ was Fyrst they were oute of theyr way and next they lost their guide and conductour the heauenly starre Christ is mounted from vs into heauen and there we seke hym as we say let vs therfore go the the●ward by the starre of hys worde and beware we happen not to come into Hierusalem the church of men aske for him If we do we go out of the way lose also our conductor guide that only leadeth vs strayght thether The Poetes write in fables that Iason whē he fought with the dragō in the I le of Colchis was preserued by the medicines of Medea and so wan the golden fleese And they write also that Titan whom they fayne to be sonne and heyre of the highe God Iubiter woulde neades vpon a day haue the conducting of the Sun round about the world but as they fayne he missed of the accustomed course wherupon when he went to hygh he burned heauen whē he went to low he burned the earth the water These prophane histories do shame vs that he christiā men Iason agaynst the poison of the dragon vsed onlye the medicine of Medea What a shame is it for a Christian man agaynste the poyson of the deuyl heresye and synne to vse any other remedye then Christ and hys woorde Titan for lacke of knowledge was afearde of euerye signe of the Zodiake that the sonne passeth by wherfore he now went to low and now to high and at length fell down and drowned him selfe in the sea Christian men for lacke of knowlege and for feare of such daungers as Christiā men must nedes passe by goe cleane out of order at length fall into the pitte of hel Sister take heede you shall in your iourney towardes heauen mete with manye a mōstrous beast haue salue of gods word therfore ready Ye shall mete husband children louers frendes that shal if god be not with them as god be praysed he is I would it were with al other
remember the counsell of S. Paule 1. Cor. 7. where he speaketh to suche as be coupled in matrimoy and be of two sundry and diuers religions If the vnbeleuinge man will dwell with the faythfull woman the wife cannot forsake him Or in case the vnbeleuing woman wil dwell with her beleuing husband the husband cannot forsake her But if the vnbeleuing party whether it be husband or wife will departe the beleuing partye is at libertye Now in this time to beleue that the priest can make God or to beleue that which was not God yesterday can be both God and man to daye so to honor that which was but very bread yesterdaye for the true God that made both heauen and earth and al that be in them and for the body and soule of Christe that suffred for oure redemption and toke from vs our sinnes vpon the crosse is very idolatry to be committed of no christian man for the payne of it with out repentance is euerlasting dampnation In matrimonie it is mete therefore that which partye so euer be perswaded knoweth the truth be it the husband or the wife the truth be spoken taught and opend vnto the party that is not perswaded For as Saint Paule sayeth howe knowest thou O man whether thou shalt saue thy wife or how knowest thou O woman whether thou shalt saue thy husband Therefore let the best and more godly partye be diligent in sauinge by his or her laboures the party that is not instructed nor perswaded in the truth If it preuayle then is the worse part amended and the best part hath done his or her duty and office as it is commaunded Ephesi 4. Colloss 3. 1. Pet. 3. In case the worse part will not be amended but tary still in errour and so offend the almighty God the author of mariage let the beste parte that is perswaded and knoweth the truth as in this case the woman labour with her cōpaniō to be free and at liberty and not to be compelled to honour any false God or to serue God otherwise then shee knoweth she maye do with a good conscience as she is taughte by the word of God And if she may thus obteyne to be at libertye and be not compelled to do thinges agaynst her conscience she may not in any wyse depart from him that she is maried vnto If this woman cannot wyn her husband to the truth nor obtayne to liue freelye and at libertye in the faythe of Christe her selfe lette her cause some godlye and graue men or women to perswade with her husbande as well for hys owne better knowledge as for the freedome and libertye of her selfe and let her and whosoeuer entreateth of the mater vse modesty sobernes and charitye and pray vnto God that their doinges maye take vertuous and godlye successe In case which God forbidde the husband will not reforme himself of his error nor suffer his wife to refrain the company and fellowship of such as be present at the masse whereas an idoll is honored for God this wyfe muste make aunswere soberly and christianly that she is forbidden by gods lawes to cōmit Idolatrye Actes 5. Exod. 20. and that gods is more to be obeyed then man and so in any case beware she offēd not against the firste commaundemente whiche is thou shalte haue no other Gods but me It maye come to passe that when the husbande shall perceaue the wifes loue and reuerence towardes him and also her constancye and strengthe in the truthe and true religion of GOD althoughe he be not conuerted vnto the truthe by her yet he will be contented to suffer her to vse the libertye of her conscience without compulsion to any religion that she doth by Gods worde detest and abhorre But if there bee no remedye but either the wife muste followe in idolatry her husbandes commaundement or elles suffer the extremitye of the law here must the wife remember and learne whether there bee anye lawe or not that can compell her ordinarilye to come to the masse whereas idolatrye is committed If there be no lawe or other meanes to compel her then her husbands foule words which be nothing els but threatninges to put her in feare she muste if she can wyth wisedome and womanhode amende the same if she cannot then must she christianly and pacientlye beare them as a woman of God that for his sake muste suffer as muche as hys pleasure is to lay vpon her In case there be a lawe to compel her and al other if otherwyse she will not obey to come to the masse firste she muste wisely and discretly way her husbandes nature whether he is wont to be in deede workes and offers cruell as he is in wordes If she can fynd that his nature is as the most part of mens be more churlish cruel in words then in workes then howsoeuer he threatneth by daungerous woordes he will not accuse his wife to harme her but rather excuse her In case eyther for lacke of loue or for feare of losing of hys goodes she perceaue verely that he mindeth to bring her in daunger by a law then must she pray to God and vse one of these two extreme remedies First if she finde by prayer her selfe strong to abyde the extremity of the lawe yea though she should dye let her in no case depart frō her husband In case she find her self to weake to suffer suche extremitye then rather then to breake company and mariage betwene God and her conioyned by the precious blood of Christ she must conuey her self into some such place as idolatry may be auoided For if the husbād loue the wife or the wife the husband more thā Christ he nor she be not mete for christ Math. 10.16 Luke 14.9 Yea if a man loue his owne life more then Christ he is not mete for Christ And what doth it auaile a mā to win all the world to lose his soule But here the womā must take heede that incase for the keping of the mariage betwene god and her she depart from her husband that she be alwayes in honest vertuous godly company that she may at al times haue record for her godly behauiour if any thinge shoulde be layde to her charge and let her liue a sole sober and modest life with prayer and sobernes to god that it may please him to banishe suche wicked lawes and wicked religion as make debate betwene God and man husbande and wife then God shall from tyme to tyme geue counsell to euery good man woman what is best to be done in such pitifull cases to his honoure to the saluation of our wofull troubled cōsciences Out of the Flete by the prisoner of the lord Iohn Hoper To my beloued in the Lord. W. P. THe grace of God be with you I haue sent you letters for my wife who is at Franckford in high Almayne I pray you conuey them trustely and spedelye and seale
louyng and gentle Maister repente thee Peter and no doubte thou shalt fynde mercye To fall is a thing annexed to the corrupte nature of man but to lye still in the filthye puddle of perdition is to despise God the authour and fyrst maker of nature To fall into the darkenes of errour is a poynte of mans ignoraunce but to walke on stil in darkenes is to loue darkenes more then lyghte To wyncke at the bryghtnesse of the Sunne is a weakenes of the eyes but to flye the light is to be of the nyght To leaue the rough way that leadeth vnto lyfe and walke in the pleasaunt waye that leadeth vnto perdition is to loue thys lyfe but not to leaue the waye when we are warned is to despise the lyfe to come Breefely to leaue the good thyngs vndone that god commaūdeth and to doe that euell whiche he forbyddeth is to deserue euerlastyng damnation at hys hande that rewardeth euerye man according to hys workes but not to repente of that euell when God calleth by hys meanes is to kindle the wrath of God against the impenitent and obstinate sinner Leaste you therfore shoulde be found a despiser of God the author of nature a louer of darkenes more then lighte not of the daye but altogether of the night a louer of this life and an hater of the life to come finally such a one as would kindle the wrath of God againste you repent and come agayne to Christ Remember what ioye there is in heauen among the Angels at the conuersion of a sinner Forget not thy mercifull spouse which would not caste of the adulterous Israel when she had committed whoredome with stockes stones notwithstanding that he had purged her frō her filth maried her to him self Be mindfull of that louing Lord which hath sayd I wil not the death of a sinner but rather that he conuert and liue Ezechi 18. and in what day so euer the sinner doth repent hym of his sinne from the bottome of his hart I will remember his iniquitie no more No werynesse should dyscourage vs to beare the Lords armour or to fight vnder hys banner nor lacke cause vs to shrinke from hym What shoulde seperate vs from the loue of this Lord What should make vs to flye frō this our captaine Should the werynesse of an arme should the lacke of such things as the phantasie would haue Better it were for vs to enter into life with werye armes and thynne chekes then with louely countenaunces and lustye limmes to be cast into hell fyre Make not prouision for the flesh with the losse of your soule Beleue him that hath promised all thinges necessary to them that seke the kingdome of God and the righteousnes thereof He hath not at any time deceaued you why then shoulde you seke such shamefull shiftes to make prouision for the fleshe Haue not you your selfe had experience of the care that he taketh for them that put theyr truste in hym And nowe whye are you fallen from hym for the bellyes sake Thys haue I written to call you backe agayne if you bee not cleane gone oute of the waye but and if you bee so geuen ouer to errour that you thynke lyghte to be darkenes and darkenes to bee lyghte good to bee euill and euill to bee good Christ to be Beliall and Beliall to bee Christ the temple of God to be the Sinagoge of Sathan and the Sinagoge of Sathā to be the temple of God then haue I nothing to saye vnto you but the Lorde confounde both you and all suche But with Gods grace we truste to heare better of you The .20 of Septemb. 1555. A letter sente to Maister Farrer B. of S. Dauids Doctor Taylour M. Bradford and. M. Philpot which albeit it was written before his condemnation we thought good here to place as it came vnto our handes GRace mercye and peace in Iesus Christ oure Lorde c. Good Fathers deare brethren be thankefull vnto our most gracious God which hath preserued vs and shal I doubt not frō blasphemyng his blessed name yea not only that but also ex ore infantium lactentium perficiet laudem c. They offer vs on Gods name our libertye and pardon so that we will ryse with them vnto that fayth whiche we with them were fallen from Yea or no muste be aunswered in haste They will not admitte any nedefull circumstances but al as heretofore most detestable and abhominable Rise with them we muste vnto the vnitye A pardon say I of me must not be so dearely purchased A pardon I desyre for to liue with an vnclogged conscience The Donatistes saye they sought for such singularitie but they were not mete to liue in a common wealth no more be you as you shal shortly vnderstand Wherfore away with him yea the time was named with in this seuen night There be .12 howers in the day Iohn 1● Death shal be welcome say I as being loked for long since and yet do iustice ye were best for Abels blood cryed you wote what The spirite of God be vpon you and God saue your honours Thus departed I frō them Pray pray Ah Ah Puer sum nescio loqui My brother P. shal shew you more herein By hym send me woord what you haue done Fare ye well and praye pray I woulde gladlye mete with my good brother Bradford on the backe side aboute a .xi. of the clocke Before that time I can not start out we haue such out walkers but then wil they be at dynner Yours as you know Laurence Saunders An other letter written also before hys condemnation to Maistres Harrington whiche as it is here last in order comming last vnto our hands so it semeth to be the fyrst he wrote vnto her GRace mercy and peace in Iesu Christ Amen Such is the knot wherwith true Christiās are compacte and ioyned together as members in the mysticall bodye of Christ that no man can expresse the commodityes so well as they whiche thereof haue experience and yet neyther can they by words be able to vtter that which therin the conscience conceaueth passing in deede al vnderstāding And hereof cā I vnworthy wretch somewhat speake of experience for that by exercyse of the inwarde man and practise of conscience I haue some acquaintaunce with my good God and hys swete Christ and namely nowe in thys my present estate it pleaseth that mercifull Lord to geue me some taste of hys mercyes by the assuraunce and the sealing vp of hys gracious promyses in my conscience by hys holye spirite whereby I doe feele the incomparable benefite of his heauenly blessing powred vpon vs his chosen congregatiō 2. Timot. 1. Iohn 15 We be called in Christ with an holy vocation we be graffed in hym as braunches in that so heauenlye a vyne we be knit vnto him as the sundrye members of that body wherof he onely is the head in whom all the bodye is coupled together
god planteth I see the battel betwixt you him but the victory is yours yea that daily For you haue layd hold vpō the anker of saluaciō which is hope in Christ the which will not suffer you to be made ashamed Be not discōforted that you haue this cōflict but be glad that god hath geuē you the same to try your faith that you might appeare daily worthy of the kingdome of God for the which you striue God beholdeth your striuing fayth agaynst Sathan is pleased with your mightye resistaunce The spirite which is in you is myghtyer thē al the aduersaries power Tempt he may lying awayte at your heeles geue you a fal vnwares but ouercome he shall not yea he can not for you are sealed vp alreadye with a liuely fayth to be the child of God for euer and whom God hath once sealed for his own him he neuer vtterly forsaketh The iust falleth seuē times but he riseth agayn It is mans frailtie to fal but it is the propertie of the deuils childe to lie stil This strife against sinne is a sufficiēt testimony that you are the childe of god for if you were not you should fele no such malice as he now troubleth you withal Luke 11 When thys strong Goliah hath the hold al things be in peace which he posseseth and bicause he hath you not he wil not suffer you vnassaulted But stand fast and hold out the buckler of faith and with the sweard of gods promises smite him on the scalpe that he may receaue a deadly woūd neuer be able to stand against you any more Iames. 4. S. Iames telleth you that he is but a coward saying resist the deuil and he wil flye away It is the wil of god that he should thus long tempt you and not go away as yet or els he had done with you long ere this He knoweth alreadye that he shall receaue the foyle at your hands and encrease the crowne of your glory for he that ouercōmeth shall be trowned Therfore glory in your temptations since they shal turne to your felicitie Be not afrayd of your continual assaultes Ezechi 33. which be occasions of your daily victory The word of god abideth for euer in what houre soeuer a sinner repenteth him of his sinnes they be forgeuē Who cā lay anything to the charge of gods elect Do you not perceaue the manifest tokens of your electiō First your vocation to the gospel after your vocation the manifest giftes of the spirit of god geuē vnto you aboue many other of your condition with godlines which beleueth and yeldeth to the authority of the scriptures is zelous for the same Seing you are gods own dearling who can hurt you Be not of a deiect mind for these temptations neyther make your vnfayned frendes to be more sorrowful for you then nede doth require Since God hath willed you at your Baptisme in Christ to be Carles why doe you make your selfe carefull Caste all your care on him set the Lord before your eyes alwayes for he is on your right side that you shal not be moued Behold the goodnes of god toward me I am careles being fast closed in a paire of stockes which pinch me for very straitnes wil you be careful I wil not haue the vnsemely addition to your name Be as your name pretendeth for doubtles you haue none other cause but so to be Pray I besech you that I may be stil careles in my carefull estate as you haue cause to be careles in your easier cōditiō Be thankful put away al care thē I shal be ioyful in my strayt presēt care Cōmend me to al our brethrē desire them to pray for me that I may ouercome my temptations for the deuil rageth against me I am put in the stockes in a place alone bicause I would not answere to such articles as they woulde charge me with al in a corner at the bishops appoyntment bycause I did not come to masse when the bishop sent for me I wil lie al the dayes of my lyfe in the stockes by gods grace rather then I wil consent to the wicked generation Pray●e god be ioyful that it hath pleased him to make vs worthy to suffer somewhat for his names sake The deuill must rage for .x. dayes Comēd me to maister Fokes thank hym for his law bokes but law neither equity wil take any place among these bloud thirsty I would for your sake their vniust dealing were noted vnto the Parliamente house if it myght auaile God shorten these euil dayes I haue answered the bishop metely playne alredy I sayd to him if he wil cal me in open iudgement I will answer hym as playnlye as he wil require otherwise I haue refused bicause I feare they wil condemne me in hugger mugger The peace of god be with you my deare brother I cā write no more for lacke of lyght that I haue written I can not read my self god knoweth it is written farre vneasely I pray god you maye pytke out some vnderstanding of my minde towards you Written in a Colehouse of darkenes out of a paire of paynful stockes by thine owne in Christ Iohn Philpot. A letter of Iohn Careles writen to Maister Philpot which we thought best here to place a part from hys other letters hereafter followyng bicause it is an answere to the former letter A faythfull frende is a strong defence who so findeth suche a one findeth a treasure A faythfull frend hath no peere the weight of golde and siluer is not to be compared to the goodnes of hys fayth A faythfull frend is a medicine of lyfe and they that feare the Lorde shall finde him Ecclesiast 6. THe Father of mercye and God of all consolation comforte you with hys eternall spirite my moste deare and faythfull louyng frend good Maister Philpot as you haue comforted me by the mighty operatiō of the same the euerlasting God be praysed therefore for euer Amen Ah my deare hart and most louing brother if I shoulde do nothyng elles day and nyght so long as the daies of heauen doe endure but knele on my knees and reade psalmes I can neuer be able to render vnto God condigne thankes for hys great mercye fatherly kindnes most louing compassion extended vnto me moste vile sinnefull wicked and vnworthy wretch Oh that the lord would open my mouth and geue me a thankefull hart that from the bottome of the same might flowe his continual prayse Oh that my sinneful flesh which is the cause of my sorow were cleane separated from me that I might sing psalmes of thankesgeuing vnto the Lords name for euer that with good Samuells mother I might continually record thys noble verse following the which by good experience I haue found moste true praysed be my good god therfore 1 Reg 2 The Lord sayth the good womā killeth and maketh aliue he bringeth
remembraunce of me not sixe dais ago saying that I am more worthy to be burnt then any that was burned yet Gods blessyng on their hartes for their good reporte GOD make me worthye of that dignitie and hasten the tyme that I might set forthe hys glorye Praye for me deare harte I bese●h you and will all your company to doe the same and I wil pray GOD for you all so longe as I liue And now farewell in Christe thou blessed of gods owne mouthe I wil for a time take my leaue but not my last farewell Blessed be the tyme that euer I came into the kynges Benche to bee ioined in loue and fellowship with such deare childrē of the lord My good brother Bradford shal not be deade whyles you be alyue for verelye the spirite of hym dothe teste on you in most ample wyse Your letters of comforte vnto me in eche poynt do agree as though the one were a copy of the other He hath planted in me and you doe water the Lorde geue good increase My deare brethrē and fellow prisoners here haue them humbly and hartely commended vnto you and your company mournyng for your miserye but yet reioysing for your plenteous consolation and comfort in Christ We are all cherefull and mery vnder our crosse and do lack no necessaries praised be god for his prouidence and great mercyes towardes vs for euermore Amen Iohn Careles ¶ To certayne godly women forsakyng theyr owne countrey and goyng beyond the seas in the tyme of persecution for the testimony of the Gospell THe spirite of truth reueled vnto you my derely beloued by the gospell of our sauiour Iesus Christ be continually abidyng with you and augmented into a perfecte buildynge of you into the lyuely temple of God throughe the mighty operation of his power Amen I read in the Euangelists of certain godly women that ministred vnto Christ followyng hym in the dayes of his passion and neuer forsooke hym but beyng dead in hys graue brought oyle to annoynt him vntil that he had shewed himself vnto them after hys resurrection and hydden them shewe vnto hys disciples which at his passion were dispersed and tell them that he was rysen and that they should see him in Galile To whom I may iustly compare you my louing systers in Christ who of late haue sene hym suffer in hys members and haue ministred to their necessity annointing them with the comfortable oyle of your charitable assistance euen to the death and now since ye haue sene Christ to liue in the ashes of them whom the tyrannes haue slayne he wylleth you to go away vpon iust occasion offered you to declare to our dispersed brethren and systers that he is risen and liueth in hys elect members in England and by deathe doth ouercome infidelitye and that they shall see hym in Galile which is by forsakyng this world and by a faythfull desyre to passe out of this world by those wayes which he with his holy martyrs hath gone on before God therfore entier systers direct your way as he dyd Abraham and Tobias vnto a straūge land God geue you helth both of body soule that ye may go from vertue to vertue grow frō strēgth to strength vntyl ye may see face to face the god of Sion in his holy hyl with the innumerable cōpany of hys blessed Martyrs and Sainctes Let there be continuall ascensions vnto heauē in your hartes Let there be no decrease of any vetue which is already planted in you Be as the light of the iust such as Salomon sayth increaseth to the perfect day of the Lorde Let the strength of god be cōmended in your weake vessels as it is Be examples of faythe and sobrietie to all that ye shall come in company withall Let your godly conuersation speake where your tonge may not in the congregation Be swift to heare and slow to speake after the counsell of S. Iames. Be not curious about other mens doings but be occupied in prayer and continuall meditation wyth reuerent talkyng of the worde of God without contention amongest the sainctes Let your faythe shine in a straunge countrey as it hathe done in your owne that your father which is in heauen may be glorified by you to the end This farewell I send you not as a thyng nedefull which know alredy what your duety is and be desirous to performe the same but as one that woulde haue you vnderstand that he is myndefull of your godly conuersation whereof he hathe had good experience and therefore wryteth this to bee as a perpetuall memoriall betwixt you and hym vntyll our metyng together before god where we shall ioy that we haue here louyngly put one another in memory of our duetye to performe it Farewell agayne myne owne bowels in christ and take me with you wheresoeuer you goe and leaue your selues with me that in spirite we may be present one wyth another Commend me to the whole congregation of christ wyllyng them not to leaue their countrey without witnes of the Gospell after that we all be slayne which already be stauled vp and appoynted to the slaughter and in the mean season to pray earnestly for our constancy that Christe may be glorified in vs and in them both by lyfe and death Farewell in the Lorde Yours for euer Iohn Philpot. ¶ An exhortation to a Syster of hys constantlye and cherefully to stick to the truth and to abide the triall of that doctrine which she had fruitefullye professed GOd the eternall father who hath iustifyed you by the bloode of hys sonne Iesus Christe and calleth you to hallowe hys name thoroughe a good conuersation and profession of lyfe he sanctifye you with daily encrease of vertue and fayth by his holy spirite that you may appeare a vessell of sanctification in the myddest of thys wycked and peruerse generation to the lande and prayse of the Gospell Amen I haue occasion myne own deare syster to prayse God in you for two causes the one that to your habilitie you are readye to shewe your selfe a naturall louyng syster vnto me your poore afflicted brother as by your gentle tokens you haue eftsones testified beyng absent as also presently visityng me which well declareth that you be a verye naturall syster in dede and to be praysed in this behalfe But in the other that you be also a syster to me in faythe after Christes gospell I am occasioned to thanke god so muche the more how much the one excelleth the other and the spiritual consāguinity is more perdurable then that which is of flesh and bloode and is a worker of that whyche is by nature for cōmonly such as be vngodly be vnnaturall and onely louers of themselues as daily experience teacheth us The lyuyng lord which throughe the incorruptible seed of hys worde hath begotten you to be my liege syster geue you grace so to grow in that generation that you may encrease to a perperfecte age in the lord to be
before you though it be to come as euen now present lyke as you do and wyl your patientes to doe in purgations and other your ministrations to consyder the effecte that wil ensue where through the bitternes and lothesomnes of the purgatiō is so ouercome and the painfulnes in abydyng the workyng of that is mynistred is so eased that it maketh the patient willyngly ioyfully to receiue that is to be receiued although it be neuer so vnpleasaūt so I say set before you the ende of this straite way and thē doutles as Paule saith aeternū pōdus gloriae pariet whiles you loke not on the thyng sene for that is temporal but on the thing which is not sene which is eternall So dothe the husbandman in plowing and tilling set before him the haruest time so doth the fisher consider the draught of his nette rather thē the casting in so doth the merchaunt the returne of his merchaūdise and so shoulde we in these stormy daies set before vs not the losse of our goods liberty very lyfe but the reaping time the comming of our sauiour Christ to iudgement the fire that shall burne the wicked disobediēt to gods gospel the blast of the Trumpe the exceding glory prepared for vs in heauen eternally suche as the eie hathe not sene the eare hath not heard nor the harte of man can conceyue The more we lose here the greater ioye shall wee haue there The more we suffer the greater tryumphe For corruptible drosse we shall fynde incorruptible treasures for golde glorye for syluer solace without ende for ryches robes royall for earthely houses eternall Palaces myrthe wythout measure pleasure wythout payne felicitye endeles Summa we shall haue God the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste Oh happye place oh that thys daye woulde come Then shal the ende of the wicked be lamentable then shall they receiue the iust rewarde of thy vengeaunce then shall they crye woe woe that euer they dyd as they haue done Reade Sapien Reade Mathew 25. Reade 1. Corrinthians 15. 2. Corrinthians 5. and by fayth whiche GOD encrease in vs consyder the thinges there set forth And for your comforte reade Hebrewes 11. to see what faythe hath done alwayes consyderyng the way to heauen to be by many tribulations that all they which wyll lyue godlye in Christe Iesu must suffer persecution You know thys is oure Alphabet he that wyll bee my Disciple sayeth Christ must denye hymselfe and take vppe his crosse and followe me not thys Bishoppe nor that Doctour not thys Emperour nor that Kynge but me sayeth Christe for he that loueth father mother wyfe chyldren or verye lyfe better then me is not worthye of me Remember that the same Lorde sayeth Math. 8. he that wyll saue hys lyfe shall loose it Comforte your selfe wyth thys that as the Deuyls had no power ouer the Porkettes or ouer Iobes goodes wythout Gods leaue so shall they haue none ouer you Remember also that all the heares of your head are numbred wyth GOD. The Deuyll maye make one beeleue he wyll drowne hym as the Sea in hys surges threateneth to the lande but as the Lorde hathe appoynted boundes for the one ouer the whyche he cannot passe so hathe he done for the other On god therfore cast your care loue him serue him after hys worde feare him trust in him hope at his hande for all helpe and alwayes praye lookyng for the crosse and when soeuer it commeth bee assured the Lorde as he is faythfull so he will neuer tempte you further then he will make you able to beare but in the myddest of the tēptation wil make such an euasion as shal be most to his glorye and your eternall comfort God for his mercy in Christe with his holye spirite endue you comforte you vnder the winges of hys mercy shadow you and as his deare childe guide you for euermore To whose merciful tuition as I doe wyth my hartye prayer committe you so I doubte not but you praye for me also and so I beseche you to do stil My brother P. telleth me you would haue the last part of sainct Hieromes workes to haue the vse thereof for a fortenighte I cannot for these .iij. dais wel forbeare it but yet on thursday next I wil send it you if god let me not vse me that I haue as your owne The lorde for his mercy in Christe directe oure wayes to his glory Amen Out of pryson by yours to commaunde Iohn Bradford To Maystres M. H. a godly gentlewoman comfortyng her in that common heauines and godly sorrow which the feeling and sense of sinne worketh in gods children I Humblye and hartelye praye the euerlyuyng good god and father of mercye to blesse and kepe your harte and mynd in the knowledge and loue of his truth of his Christ through the inspiration and workyng of the holy spyryte Amen Although I haue no doubte but that you prosper and go forwardes daily in the way of godlines more and more drawyng towardes perfection and haue no neede of anyethyng that I can wryte yet because my desyre is that you myghte be more feruent and perseuer to the ende I coulde not but wryte somethyng vnto you besechyng you bothe often and diligently to call vnto your mynd as a meane to styrre you hereunto yea as a thyng which god most straitly requireth you to beleue that you are beloued of god that he is your dere father in through and for Christ and his deathes sake This loue tender kyndnes of god towards vs in Christ is aboundātly herein declared in that he hath to the godly worst of creation of this worlde made vs after his image redemed vs beyng lost called vs into his church sealed vs with his marke and signe manuel of Baptisme kept and conserued vs all the dais of our lyfe fed nourished defended and moste fatherlye chastised vs and nowe hath kindled in our hartes the sparcles of hys feare faith loue and knowlege of hys Christ and truth and therfore we lament because we lament no more our vnthankfulnes our frailenes our diffidence and waueryng in things wherin we should be moste certain Al these thyngs we shuld vse as meanes to cōfyrme our faith of this that god is our god and father and to assure vs that he loueth vs as our father in Christ to this end I say we should vse the thynges before touched especially in that of all thinges god requyreth this faith and persuasion of hys fatherly goodnes as hys chiefest seruyce For before he aske any thyng of vs he saieth I am the Lord thy god geuyng hymselfe and then all he hath to vs to be our own And this he doth in respect of hymself of hys owne mercye and truth and not in respect of vs for then were grace no grace In consideration wherof when he saieth Thou shalte haue none other gods but me thou shalt loue me with all thy hart
me Oh that GOD woulde hartelye touche youre husbandes harte so that he woulde gette hym beyonde the Seas althoughe by that meanes I shoulde neuer more corporallye see you as in deede I feare it I feare it but Gods good will bee done I haue wrytten to hym God for hys mercyes sake tourne it to youre and hys good Amen But to come agayne to that from whence I am digressed whereunto you occasion me also by youre letters complayning to me of the blyndnesse of youre mynde and of the trouble you feele throughe talke with some my dearlye beloued GOD make you thankefull for that whiche he hath geuen vnto you he open youre eyes to see what and howe greate benefytes you haue receaued that you maye be lesse couetous or rather impaciente for so I feare me it should bee called and more thankefull Haue not you receaued at his handes syghte to see youre blyndnesse and thereto a desirous and seekyng harte to see where he lyeth in the mydde day as hys deare spouse speaketh of her selfe in the Canticles Oh Ioyce my good Ioyce what a gifte is thys Manye haue some syghte but none thys sobbing and sighinge none thys seekynge whiche you haue I knowe but suche as he hath marryed vnto hym in hys mercyes You are not contente to kysse hys feete with the Magdalen but you woulde bee kissed euen with the kysse of hys mouth Canti 1. You woulde see hys face wyth Moses forgettyng howe he biddeth vs seeke hys face Psalme 27. yea and that for euer Psalme 105. Whiche sygnifyeth no suche syghte as you desire to bee in thys presente life whiche woulde see GOD nowe face to face where as he can not bee seene but couered vnder somethynge yea some tyme in that whiche is as you woulde saye cleane contrarye to God as to see hys mercye in hys anger in bringyng vs to hell fayth seeth hym bring vs to heauen in darkenesse it beholdeth bryghtnes in hydyng hys face from vs it beholdeth hys merye countenaunce Howe dyd Iob see God but as you woulde saye vnder Sathans cloke For who caste the fyre from heauen vppon hys goodes Who ouerthrewe hys house and styrred vppe men to take awaye hys cattell but Sathan And yet Iob pearced throughe all these and sawe Gods worke saying the Lorde hath geuen the Lorde hath taken awaye c. In reading of the psalmes howe often doe you see that Dauid in the shadowe of death sawe Gods sweete loue And so my dearelye beloued I see that you in your darkenesse and dymnesse by fayth doe see claritie and bryghtnesse by fayth I saye because fayth is of thynges absente of thynges hoped for of thynges whiche I appeale to your conscience whether you desire not And can you desire anye thyng whiche you knowe not And is there of heauenlye things any other true knowlegde then by fayth Therefore my deare harte be thankefull for before God I write it you haue greate cause Ah my Ioyce howe happye is the state wherein you are Verelye you are euen in the blessed state of Gods children for they mourne and do not you so and that not for worldly weale but for spiritual riches faythe hope charitie c. Math. 5 Do you not hunger and thirste for righteousnesse And I praye you saieth not Christ whoe can not lie that happye are such How shoulde GOD wipe awaye the teares from youre eyes in heauen if now on earth you shed no teares How could heauen be a place of reste if on earth you dyd finde it Howe coulde you desire to bee at home if in youre iourneye you founde no greffe Howe could you so often cal vpō god and talke with him as I knowe you doe if your enemye should sleepe all daye longe Howe shoulde you elswhere be made lyke vnto Christe I meane in ioye if in sorrowe you sobbed not with hym If you wil haue ioye and felicitie you muste firste needes feele sorrowe and miserye If you will goe to heauen you must sayle by hell If you will embrace Christe in hys robes you muste not thynke scorne of hym in hys ragges If you will sitte at Christes table in hys kingdome you muste fyrste abide with hym in hys temptations If you will drinke of hys cuppe of glorye forsake not hys cuppe of ignominye Can the head corner stone bee reiected and the other more base stones in Gods buildyng be in thys worlde set by You are one of hys liuely stones be contente therefore to be hewen and snagged at that you myghte be made the more meete to bee ioyned to youre fellowes which suffer with you Sathans snatches the worlds woundes contempte of conscience and frettes of the fleshe where throughe they are enforced to crye Oh wretches that we are Rom. 6 who shall deliuer vs You are of Gods corne feare not therfore the flayle the fanne mylstone nor ouen You are one of Christes Lambes looke therefore to bee fleeced hayled at and euen flayne If you were a market shepe you shoulde goe in more fatte and grasye pasture If you were for the Faire you shoulde bee staulfed and wante no weale but because you are for Gods owne occupying therefore you must pasture on the bare common abyding the stormes and tempestes that will fall Happye and twyse happye are you my deare syster that GOD nowe haileth you whether you woulde not Iohn 21. that you myghte come whether you woulde Suffer a little and bee still Let Sathan rage agaynste you let the worlde crye oute let youre conscience accuse you let the lawe loade you and presse you downe yet shall they not preuaile for Christe is Emanuell that is god with vs. If God be with vs who can be agaynst vs The Lord is with you your father cā not forget you your spouse loueth you Math. 8 If the waues and surges arise crye with Peter Lord I perishe and he wil put out his hand and helpe you Cast out your anker of hope and it wyll not cease for all the stormy surges till it take holde on the rocke of gods truthe and mercy Thinke not that he whiche hathe geuen you so many thynges corporallye as inductions of spirituall and heauenlye mercies and that wythout your desertes or desyre can deny you any spiritual comfort desiring it phi 2. For yf he geue to desire he will geue you to haue and enioye the thyng desired The desyre to haue and the goyng aboute to aske ought to certifye your conscience that they be his earnest of the thyng whiche you askyng he will geue you yea before you aske and whilest you are aboute to aske he wyll graunt the same as Esay sayth to his glory and your eternal consolation He that spared not his owne sonne for you Rom. 8 wyll not nor cannot thynke anye thynge to good for you my hartely beloued If he had not chosen you as most certainlye he hathe he would not haue so called you he would neuer haue iustified you he
the hart of any creature can conceaue to your eternall ioye Amē Amen Amē The good spirite of god alwayes kepe vs as hys deare children he comfort you as I desyre to be comforted my derely beloued for euermore Amen I breake vp thus abruptly because our common prayer tyme calleth me The peace of Christe dwell in both our hartes for euer Amen ❧ As for the report of W. P. if it be as you heare you must prepare to beare it It is written on heauens dore do wel and heare euill Be content therfore to heare whatsoeuer the ennemye shall imagine to blotte you withal Gods holye spirite alwayes comfort and kepe you Amen Amen This 8. of August by hym that in the Lorde desireth to you as well and as much felicity as to his owne harte Iohn Bradford ¶ To my louyng brethren B. and C. wyth their wyues and whole families I Besech the euerliuing god to geue to you al my good bretherne and systers the comfort of his holy spirite and the continuall feelyng of his mercye in Christe oure Lord nowe and for euer Amen The world my brethern at this presente seemeth to haue the vpperhande iniquity ouerfloweth the truth and veritie seemeth to be suppressed and they whiche take part therwith are vniustly entreated The cause of all this is gods anger and mercy his anger because we haue greuously sinned against him his mercy because he here punisheth vs as a father nurtereth vs. We haue ben vnthākful for his word we haue contemned his kindnes we haue ben negligent in praier we haue ben to carnal couetous licētious c. we haue not hastened to heauēward but rather to helward we were fallen almost into an open cōtempt of god and all his good ordinaunces so that of hys iustice he could not long forbeare but make vs to feele hys anger as now he hath done in taking his word and true seruice from vs and permittyng Sathan to serue vs with Antichristian religion and that in such sorte that if we wil not yelde to it and seme to allow it in dede and outwarde fact our bodies are like to be laide in prison and our goodes geuen we cannot tell to whome This should we looke vppon as a sygne of gods anger procured by our synnes which my good brethern euery one of vs should now cal to our memories often tymes so perticulerly as we can that we might hartely lament them repent them hare them aske earnestly mercye for them and submitte our selues to beare in this lyfe anye kind of punishment which god wil lay vppon vs for them Thus should we do in consideration of gods anger in thys time Now his mercy in this time of wrath is sene should be sene of vs my derely beloued in this the god doth vouchsafe to punish vs in this present life If he should not haue punished vs do not ye thinke that we would haue continuin the euils we were in Yea verely we would haue ben worse and haue gone forwards in hardning our harts by impenitency negligence towardes God true godlines then yf death had come should not we haue perished bothe soule and bodye into eternall fyre and perdition Alas what misery should we haue fallen into if god shoulde haue suffered vs to haue gone forward in our euils No greater a signe of damnation there is then to lye in euill synne vnpunished of god as nowe the papists my derely beloued are cast into Iezabels bed of security Apoc. 3 Hebr. 12 which of all plagues is the most greuous plague that can be They are bastardes and not sonnes for they are not vnder Gods rodde of correction A great mercy it is therfore that god dothe punishe vs for yf he loued vs not he wuld not punish vs. Now doth he chastice vs that we shuld not be damned with the world 1. Cor. 2 Now doth he nurture vs because he fauoureth vs. Now may we thynke our selues to be Gods householde and children 1. pet 4 because he beginneth his chastising at vs. Nowe calleth he vs to remēber our synnes past Wherfore That we myght repent and and aske mercy And why That he might forgeue vs pardon vs iustify vs and make vs his chyldren and so begin to make vs here lyke vnto Christ Rom. 8 that we myght bee like vnto hym elsewhere euen in heauen where already we are set by faith with Christe and at hys commyng in verye dede shall enioye his presence when our synfull and vile bodies shal be made lyke to christes glorious body phil 3. accordyng to the power whereby he is able to make al thynges subiect to hymselfe Therfore my brethren let vs in respect hereof not lament but laude god not be sory but be mercy not wepe but reioyce and be glad that god doth vouchsafe to offer vs hys crosse Rom. 8 2. Timo. 3. Math. 10. therby to come to him to endles ioyes and comforts For if we suffer we shall raigne If we confesse hym before men he wil confesse vs before hys father in heauen If we be not ashamed of his Gospell nowe he wyll not bee ashamed of vs in the last day Math. 5. 1. pet 4 1. pet 5 but wyl be glorifyed in vs crownyng vs with crownes of glory and endeles felicity For blessed are they that suffer persecutiō for rightuousnes sake for their is the kingdom of heauē Be glad sayth Peter for the spirit of God resteth vpō you After that ye are a litle while afflicted god will comfort strengthen confyrme you And therfore my good bretherne be not discouraged for crosse for prison or losse of goodes for the confession of Christes gospell and truth whiche ye haue beleued and lyuely was taught emongs you in the days of our late good most holy prince Kyng Edwarde This is most certayne if ye lose any thyng for Christes sake Math. 19 and for contemnyng the Antichristian seruice set vp agayne amonge vs as ye for youre partes euen in prison shall find gods greate and riche mercies farre passing all worldly wealth so shall your wyues children in thys present lyfe fynd and feele gods prouidēce more plentifully then tounge can tell for he wyl shew merciful kindnes on thousāds of them that loue him The good mans sede shal not go a begging his bread Ye are good mē so many as suffer for christes sake Psalm 27 I trust ye all my dearely beloued wil cōsider this geare with your selues and in the crosse see gods mercy which is more swete and more to bee set by then life it self much more thē then any mucke or pelfe of thys world Rom. 8. This mercy of god should make you merye and chearefull for the afflictions of this lyfe are not to bee cōpared to the ioyes of the lyfe prepared for you Ye know the way to heauen is not the wyde way of the world which wyndeth to the deuil but it is a strayt
of christ In this life your childrē shal finde gods plentiful blessyng vpon thē whē you are gone and all your goods taken away God is so good that he helpeth the young Rauens before they can flye and feedeth them when their dammes haue moste vnkindly lefte them and trowe ye that God which is the God of the wydowes and fatherlesse children Psa 68 2. Cor. 4. Iohn 21. 1. Pet. 5. Psa 55. math 6. Luke 12. will not speciallye haue a care for the babes of hys deare Sainctes whiche dye or lose any thyng for conscience to hym Oh my dearely beloued therfore looke vp with the eyes of fayth Consider not things presente but rather things to come Be cōtent nowe to goe whether God shal girde lead vs. Let vs now cast our selues wholy into his hands with our wiues children al that euer we haue Let vs be sure the heares of our heade are nūbred so that one heare shall not peryshe without the good will of our dere father Math. 10 Psal 91. who hath commaūded his Angels to pitche their tentes about vs in their hāds to take hold vs vp that we shal not hurt as much as our foote against a stone Let vs vse earnest prayer Ephesi 6. Luke 13. Deut. 6. 3. Cor. 7. 1. Thess 5. Math. 25. 1. Timo. 5. Rom. 12 Rom. 16. let vs hartely repent let vs harken diligently to gods word let vs kepe our selues pure frō all vncleanesse both of spirite and body let vs flee from al euil and al appearance of euill let vs be diligent in our vocation and in doing good to al men especially to them that be of the housholde of fayth let vs liue in peace with al men as muche as is in vs. And the Lorde of peace geue vs hys peace and that for euer more Amen I praye you remember me youre poore afflicted brother in your hartye prayers to god This .2 of September Iohn Brdford An other letter to Maister Richarde Hopkins then Shriefe of Couentrye and prysoner in the Fleete for the faythfull and constant confessing of gods holy Gospell DEarelye beloued in the Lorde I wyshe vnto you as vnto myne owne brother yea as to myne owne harte roote Gods mercye and the feeling of the same plentifullye in Christe our sweete Sauioure who gaue hym selfe a raunsome for oure synnes and price for oure redēption praysed therefore be hys holy name for euer and euer Amen I will not goe aboute to excuse my selfe for not sending vnto you hetherto sufferynge for the Lordes sake as you doe to the comforte of me and of all that loue you in the truth but rather accuse my selfe both before GOD and you desirynge you of forgeuenesse and with me to praye to GOD for pardon of thys my vnkynde forgettinge you and all other my synnes whiche I beseche the Lorde in his mercye to doe awaye for hys Christes sake Amen Nowe to make amends to your ward I would be glad if I could but bycause I cannot I shall hartely desire you to accepte the will and thys whiche I shall nowe wryte vnto you thereafter I meane after my will and not after the dede to accept and take it At this present my deare hart in the lord you are in a blessed state although it seme otherwise to you or rather vnto your olde Adam the which I dare now bee so bolde as to discerne frō you because you would haue him not only discerned but also vtterly destroyed For if god be true then is his word true Now his word pronounceth of your state that it is happie therfore it must nedes be so To proue this I thinke it nede not for you know that the holy ghost sayth that they are happie which suffer for righteousnesse sake that Gods glorye and spirite resteth on them which suffer for conscience to God Now this you can not but know that this your suffering is for righteousnes sake and for conscience to god wards for els you might be out of trouble euē out of hand I know in very dede that you haue and feele your vnthankefulnes to god and other sinnes to witnes to you that you haue deserued this prisonment and lacke of libertie betwixt god your self and I would you so would confesse vnto god in your prayers with peticion for pardon thankesgeuing for his correcting you here But you know that the Magistrates do not persecute in you youre sinnes your vnthankefulnes c. but they persecute in you Christ himselfe his righteousnes his veritie and therefore happie be you that haue founde such fauour with God your father as to accompt you worthy to suffer for his sake in the sight of man surely you shal reioyce therfore one daye with a ioy vnspeakeable in the sight of man also You may thinke your self borne in a blessed time that haue found this grace with God to be a vessel of honour to suffer with his Saints yea with his sonne My beloued god hath not done so with many The Apostle saith not many noble 1. Cor. 8 not many riche not many wise in the world hath the Lord god chosen Oh then what cause haue you to reioyce that amongest the not many he hath chosen you to be one For thys cause hath God placed you in your office that therefore you might the more see his special dignation loue towards you It had not been so greate a thing for Maister Hopkins to haue suffred as Maister Hopkins as it is for M. Hopkins also to suffer as Maister Shrefe Oh happie day that you were made Shrefe by the whiche as God in this worlde woulde promote you to a more honourable degree so by suffering in this roume he hath exalted you in heauen in the sighte of his church children to a much more excellent glory When was it redde that a Shrefe of a citie hath suffred for the Lords sake Where reade we of any shrefe that hath bene cast in prison for conscience to godwardes How could god haue delt more louingly with you then herein he hath done To the end of the world it shall be written for a memoriall to youre prayse that Richard Hopkins Shrefe of Couentry for conscience to do his office before god was cast in the Flete there kept prisoner a long time Happie twyse happy are you if herefore you may geue your life Neuer could you haue attayned to this promotiō on this sort out of that office How do you preach nowe not onely to all men but speciallye to Magestrates in this realme Who would euer haue thought that you should haue bene the first Magestrate that so Christes sake should haue lost any thing As I sayd before therefore I saye agayne that your state is happie Good brother before god I write the truth vnto you may conscience hearing me witnes that you are in a most happy state with the lord and before hys sight Be thankefull therfore reioyce
word for mine hypocrisie in professing preaching hearing speaking of gods word for my not praying to God for the continuance of it for my not liuing of it throughly as it requireth c. I wil speake nothing of my manyfeste euils for they are knowē to you wel enough Deare brother sister with me say ye the like for your owne parts with me ioyne your hartes let vs goe to our heauenly father for his Christes sake besech him to be mercifull vnto vs and to pardō vs Oh good father it is we that haue deserued the taking away of thy worde it is we that haue deserued these thy iust plagues fallen vppon vs we haue done a mysse we haue dealt vniustly with thy Gospel we haue procured thy wrath therfore iust art thou in punishing vs iust art thou in plaging vs for we are very miserable But good Lorde and deare father of mercy whose iustice is such that thou wilte not punish the poore soules of thys realme which yet haue not thus sinned against thee as we haue done for many yet neuer heard thy word for our trespasses whose mercye is so great that thou wilt put our iniquities out of thy remembraunce for thy Christes sake if we repent beleue graunt vs we besech thee true repētaunce and fayth that we hauing obtayned pardon for our sinnes may through thy Christ get deliueraunce frō the tyrannye of Antichrist now oppressing vs. Oh good father which haste sayd that the Scepter of the wicked should not long lie vpon and ouer the iuste lest they put forth their hands to iniquitie also make vs iust we pray thee in Christes name cut a sunder the cordes of thē that hate Sion let not the wicked people saye where is their god Thou our god art in heauen doest what soeuer it pleaseth thee vpō earth Oh that thou wouldest in the meane whiles before thou do deliuer vs that I say thou wouldest open oure eyes to see al these plagues to come frō thee al other that shal come whatsoeuer they be publike or priuate that they come not by chaunce nor by fortune but that they come euē frō thy hand and that iustly mercifully iustlye because we haue do deserue them not only by our birthpoyson stil sticking working in vs but also by our former euil life past which by this punishment al other punishments that wouldest haue vs to cal to our remēbrance to set before vs that the mightest put thē frō before thee where as they stād so long as they are not in our remēbrance to put thē away by repentance Mercifully oh lord god doest thou punish in that thou doest not correct to kil but to amend that we might repent our sinnes aske mercy obteine it freely in Christ and to beginne to suffer for righteousnes sake to be part of thy house wherat thy iudgement beginneth to be pertakers of the afflictions of thy church and thy Christ that we myght be pertakers of the glory of the same to weepe here that we might reioice elswhere to be iudged in this world that we might with thy Saints iudge hereafter the world to suffer with Christ that we might reigne with him to be like to Christ in shame that we might be like to him in glory to receaue our euelles here that we might with poore Lazarus finde rest elswhere rest I say such a rest as the eye hath not sene the eare hath not heard nor the hart of man is able to cōceaue Oh that our eyes were open to see this that the crosse cōmeth frō thee to declare thy iustice thy mercy and hereto that we might see how short a time the time of suffring is how long a time the time of reioysing is to thē that suffer here but to thē that wil not how long and miserable a time is appointed and prepared a time without tyme in eternal woe and perditiō too horrible to be thought vpon Frō the which kepe vs deare father geue more sight in soule to see this geare and how that al thy dearest childrē haue caried the crosse of greuous affliction in thys lyfe in whose cōpany do thou place vs and such a crosse lay vpō vs as thou wilt make vs able to beare to thy glory and our saluation in Christ for whose sake we pray thee to shorten the dayes of thys our great misery fallen vpon vs most iustlye and in the meane season geue vs pacience repētaunce faith and thy eternal consolation Amen Amen Amen And thus deare hartes I haue talked me thinkes a litle while with you or rather we haue all talked with god Oh that god would geue vs his spirite of grace and prayer My dearly beloued pray for it as for your selues so for me and that god would vouchsafe to make me worthy to suffer with a good conscience for his names sake Pray for me I shal do the like for you This .20 of December by him whom by this bringer ye shal learne I pray you geue my commendations to all that loue me in the Lord. Be mery in Christ for one day in heauen we shall mete and reioyce together for euer more Amen Iohn Bradford To my good brother Iohn Careles prysoner in the King Bench. THe father of mercy god of all cōfort viset vs with his eternal consolatiō according to his great mercies in Iesus Christ our Sauiour Amen My very deare brother if I shall report the truth vnto you I can not but signify that sithē I came into prisō I neuer receaued so much consolation as I did by your last letter the name of god be most hartely praysed therfore But if I shal report the truth vnto you and as I haue begonne speake stil the verity I must confesse that for mine vnthankfulnes to you wardes to god especially I haue more nede of gods merciful tydings thē I had euer heretofore Ah that Sathā enuieth vs so greatly Ah that our Lord would tread hys head vnder our feete shortly Ah that I myght for euer both my self beware be a godly example to you others to beware of vnthankefulnes Good brother Careles we had more nede to take hede after a lightning of a foile thē before God therfore is to be praysed euen whē he hideth that of long a chearful countenaunce from vs lest we being not expert how to vse it as we should do do hurt more our selues thereby so great is our ignorance and corruptiō Thys my good brother ryghte deare to my very hart I write vnto you as to one whō in the Lorde I embrace and I thanke god that you do me in like maner God our father more more geue vs both his good spirite that as by fayth we may fele our selues vnited vnto him in Christ so by loue we may fele oure selues linked in the same Christe one to an other I to you and you to me
Iude. 1. as Peter Paul Iude prophecyed it shold be to poison kil our soules wyth false doctrine And where he fayleth hys purpose that way then moueth he hys members to persecute the sely carcases of the Saints because they wyl not denye nor dissemble theyr pure fayth in our liuyng Christ confesse a dead bready christ and honour the same as Christ god man Exod 20. 1. Iohn 5. 2. Corin. 10 contrary to gods cōmaundements Thys is the working of Sathā who knowing hys own iust dāpnation would al mankynd to be pertakers wyth him of the same such a mortal hatred beareth he agaynst god his people Matth. 4. And therfore when thys wicked tempter could not kyll Christ with suttel temtation to fal down worship him thē he stirred vp hys seruantes the byshops Pharisees to kil hys body wherby notwithstanding the deuyl lost hys title enterest which he had to mans soule and mā by his precious passion and death was raunsomed frō the deuil death hel to immortalitie lyfe euerlasting and so when Sathan thought to haue wonne all in kylling of Christ he lost all and so shall he do in vs if we abyde constant and strong in the fayth of our lord and Sauiour Iesu Christ vnto the end God graunt it for his mercyes sake in Christ blessed are al they that put their trust in hym Amen Wherfore my hartely beloued brethrē sisters be of good cōfort through Iesus Christ for he that is in vs is strōger thē he that is in the world Therfore draw ye nere to god Iames. 2 he wil draw nere to you Resist the deuil he wil as Iames saith flee frō you Beware of the leuē of the Pharisees Math. 16. Touch not pitche least ye be defiled therewith Eate no swynes fleshe for it is against the lawe I meane defyle not your selues neither inwardly nor outwardly with thys false wicked religion of Antichrist for it is nothing els but pitch Apo. 13.14 Apo. 18 2. Cor. 6. swynes flesh Beware of the beastes marke lest ye drinke of the cup of gods wrath If god haue geuē you knowlege fayth dissēble not therwith Deny not the knowen verity before men lest Christ denie you before hys father Come away frō Babilon as Iohn biddeth you touch no vncleane thing but seperate your selues from the companye of the vngodly as Paul commaundeth you What soeuer ye haue done amysse heretofore now repent and amend psal 129. for with the lord there is mercye and plenteous redemption The third thing note which I gather out of the foresayd words of Peter is this that he sayth reioyce because ye are pertakers of Christs passiōs Our sufferings my welbeloued are christs sufferings and that iniury that is done to vs for his sake he rekoneth it to be done to himself as he said to Paul Act. 9. Saule Saule why persecutest thou me Col. 1. Therfore we ought to reioyce in our sufferings as Paul writeth which we suffer with Christ one with an other as Peter sayth so to fulfyll that which is behinde of the passions of Christ in our flesh which Christ hath by hys passion fully redemed saued vs in hys own person howbeit hys elect must suffer with him for him vnto the worldes end Mat. 5. that he may be glorifyed in thē and they therby corrected clensed frō sinne in thys world be made more mete temples for the holy ghost and also obtain a great reward in heauē for their suffering for righteousnes sake according to his promise And therfore I say my brethrē reioyce in the lord alwayes agayne I say reioice Let vs reioyce in the crosse of our lord Iesus Christ Phil 3. Galat. 6. wherby the word is crucifyed to vs we to it And why shoulde we so greatly reioyce in the crosse of Christ which we now suffer Because saith Peter when his glory appeareth we may be mery glad And this is the fourth note that I gather out of his words aboue writē Wherin is set out the reward of suffering not to be had in this world but at his coming to iudgement when we shal be raysed agayn and then shall they that haue sowen in teares reape in ioy as christ sayth blessed are they that wepe here for they shal laughe Blessed are ye when mē hate you thrust you out of their company rayling on you abhorring your name as an euel thīge for the sonne of mās sake Luke 6 reioyce ye in that day and be glad for your rewarde is great in heauen Wherfore my dearly beloued through hope of thys heauenly ioye reward 1. Cor. 2. Heb. 12 which he that cā not lie hath promised which ioy is so great that no eare hath heard no eie hath sene nor the hart cā thinke where we shal dwel for euer in the heauenly citie the celestiall Ierusalē in the presence of God the father Iesus Christ our mediatour as Paul sayeth and in the cōpany of innumerable Angels and with the spirits soules of al faythful iust men reioyce be glad seīg ye be called to so great glory 2 pet i. see that ye make your election vocation sure by good workes specially by suffering aduersitie for the Gospels sake Phil. 1. for it is geuen vs of god saith Paul not only to beleue in Christ but also to suffer for his sake Continue in prayer pray for me that I may end my course with ioye Haue brotherly loue amongest your selues Iohn 14 which is a tokē that ye be Christs distiples Edifie cōfort one an other in the word of the lord the god of peace loue be with you alwaies Amē For your liberalitie kindnesse shewed vpō the prisoners afflicted people of god in this time of persecutiō the lord wil reward you whē he cometh to reward euery mā according to their dedes and wil not leaue a cup of cold water bestowed vpon his faythfull people vnrewarded God make you rich in al grace Matth. 10. 2. Cor. 8. that ye alwayes hauing sufficient may be ryche vnto al manner of good workes The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ the loue of god and the felowship of the holy ghost be with you alwayes Amen Your brother nowe in bondes for the gospell Thomas Whittell To my louyng and faythfull brother Iohn Careles prisoner in the Kynges Benche THe same faith for the which Abrahā was accompted iuste and Mary blessed wherby also al iust men liue the lorde god our louing father encrease and stablyshe in you and me to the obteining of eternal life in our alone and swete Sauiour Iesus Christ Amen I cā not worthely sufficiently prayse god my hartely be loued brother for the consolation ioye that I receaued by reasō of your louing letters repēting me much that
I being so long so nere you did not enterpryse to stirre vp familiaritie comunicatiō betwene vs by writing to our mutual cōsolation in Christe For what is there vpon earth wherin to reioyce where al things are transitory vaine yea mā him self respecting this life but as Dauid saith Psal 16 the Saints that dwel vpon the earth such as excel in vertue But here now I consider that if the felowship loue ioy of faythful men and children of god being as we now be in double bondage the body within clay walles the soule wtin these frayle earthly bodies be so great and comfortable howe vnspeakeable wil those ioyes be when we shal be deliuered frō al corruption into the glorious libertie of the sonnes of god Where we shal be present together continually in our glorified bodies beholding the face of our father presently whō now we see but in the glasse of fayth with his dere sonne christ our redemer brother and the blessed companye of Angels al faithful saued soules Oh the incomparable good things and heauenly treasures layd vp for vs in heauen by christ Iesu For the obteyning wherof we ought to set light by al tēporal grefes and transitory afflictions so much the more in that our good God is faythful wil not suffer vs to be tēpted aboue oure strength that namely in the end of our life Eccle. 11. whē the tree where it falleth lieth stil as the preacher sayeth when euerye one causa sua dormit causa sua resurget for els before the end he suffereth hys somtime to fal but not finally to perysh as Peter sincked vpon the sea but yet was not drowned and synned greuously vpon the lande throughe infirmitie denying his Maister but yet found mercye for the ryghteous falleth oftentymes And Christs holy Apostles are taught to say remitte nobis debita nostra Yea thoughe the righteous fall saieth Dauid he shal not be cast away for the Lord vpholdeth hym wyth hys hande Oh the bottomlesse mercy of God toward vs miserable sinners He vouchsafe to plante in my harte true repentance and fayth to the obteyning of remission of al my synnes in the mercyes of God and merites of Christe hys sonne and therto I pray you say Amen Oh my hartely beloued it greueth me to see the spoyle hauocke the Saule maketh with the congregation of Christe but what remedye This is gods wil ordinance that his people shal here both be punished in the flesh tried in their fayth as it is writtē many are the troubles of the righteous but the lord deliuereth thē out of al for by a strait path narowe dore must we enter Whether Into the ioyful kingdome of heauē Therfore blessed are you other that suffer persecutiō for christs sake for the possessing of the same Pray for me my felowes good brother that we may fyght a good fyght that we may kepe the fayth and end our course with ioyful gladnes for now the tyme of our deliuerāce is at hand The lord guide defēd and kepe vs you al his people in our iourney that we may safely through a short death passe to that long lasting life Farewel my dere and louing brother fellow souldiour in Christ farewel I say in him who receaue our soules in peace when they shal depart frō these tabernacles and he graunt vs a ioyfull resurrection and a mery metyng at the last day and continuall dwelling together in hys eternall and heauenly kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Yours with my poore prayer other pleasure can I do you none Thomas Whittell minister To my deare brethren M. Filles and Cutbert MY dere and welbeloued brethren in Christ M. Filles and Cutbert I wish you al welfare of soule body Welfare to the soule is repentance of synne faythful affiance in christ Iesus a godly life Welfare to the body is the health of the same with al necessary things for this bodely life The soule of mā is immortal therfore ought to be wel kept lest immortalitie to ioy should turne to immortalitie of sorow As for the body be it neuer so wel kept much made of yet shortly by nature wil it perysh decay But those that are engraffed and incorporated into Christ by true fayth feeling the motion of Gods holy spirite as a pledge of their electition and enheritaunce excityng and stirring them not onelye to seke heauenly thyngs but also to hate vyce embrace vertue wyll not onely do those things but also if neede requyre wyll gladlye take vppe theyr crosse and followe theyr Captayne Mat. 26. Mar. 14 theyr Kynge and theyr Sauioure Iesus Christe as hys poore afflicted Churche of Englande nowe doth agaynste that false and Antichristian doctrine religiō nowe vsed and specially that blasphemous masse wherein christes supper and holy ordinaūce is altogether peruerted and abused contrary to his institution Luke 22. 2. Cor. 1● and to Paules procedinges so that that whiche they haue in their Masse is neyther sacramēt of christ nor yet sacrifice for sinne as the priestes falsely pretende It is a sacrament that is as S. Augustine saith a visible signe of inuisible grace when it is ministred to the communicantes accordyng to christes example and as it was of late yeares in thys realme And as for sacrifice there is none to be made now for sinne Heb. 9.10 for Chryste with one sacrifice hath perfited for euer those that are sāctified Beware of false religion and mens vaine traditiōs and serue god wyth reuerence and godly feare accordyng to the doctryne of hys Gospel Luke i1 whereto cleane ye that ye maye be blessed though of wycked men ye be hated accursed Rather drinke of the cup of Christ wyth his church Apo. 18. then of the cup of that rose coloured whore of Babylon which is ful of abhominatiōs Rather striue ye to go to heauē by that path which is strayte to fleshe and bloud wyth the little flocke then to go the wyde way followyng the enticements of the worlde and the flesh which leadeth to damnation Lyke as Christ suffered in the flesh saith S. Peter pet 4.3 so arme ye yourselues with the same minde for Christe suffered for vs leauyng vs example to follow hys footesteppes Blessed are they that suffer for hys sake great is their reward in heauē He that ouercommeth saith S. Iohn shal eate of the tree of lyfe he shal haue a crowne of life Apoca. 2.3 and not be hurt of the second death he shall be clothed with white aray not be put out of the booke of life yea I wil confesse hys name sayth Christ before my father and before hys aungels he shal be a piller in the house of God and sit with me on my seate And thus I bydde you farewel mine owne bretherne and deare fellowes in Christ whose grace and peace be alwaye
sufferyng hys passion crucyfyed dead and buryed to the entent to bring vs again into fauour with god the father almighty to be a sacrifice host oblation Esa 48.43 Gen. 1.22 Esay 53. Act. 10. Math. 8. not only for original sinne but also for al actuall sinnes of the whole generatiō of mankind For al the works merites deseruings doings obediēce of mā towards god although they be done by the spirit of god in the grace of god yet being thus done be of no validitye worthynes nor merite before god except god for his mercy grace accompt thē worthy for the worthines merites of Christe Iesus The same Christe went downe to the hels and trulye rose agayn the thyrd day and ascended into the heauens that he mighte there stil reigne haue dominiō ouer al creatures frō thēce shall come c. I beleue in the holy ghost coequal with god the father the sōne proceding frō thē both by whose vertue strēgth operation the true catholike church which is the comuniō societie of Saints is guyded in al truth veritie kept frō al errours false doctrine the deuil all power of sinne Which church is sanctifyed hallowed with the precious blood spirite of our Lord Iesus Christ Iohn 10.8 Galat. 1. 1. Timo. 3. which hath also her signe and marke that she heareth foloweth the voyce of her only true pastour christ no straungers Thys church also is the house of god the cōgregatiō of the liuing god the pyller of truth the liuely body of Christ a church both in name in dede I beleue the remission of synnes by the only meanes merites of christs death passiō who was made vnto vs of god that only sacrifice oblation offered once for al for euer for al thē that be sanctifyed I beleue the resurrectiō of the body wherby in the last day al mē shal ryse again frō death the soules ioyned againe to the bodyes the good to euerlastinge lyfe the wycked to euerlastyng payne punyshment And nothyng may more certaynly stablysh confyrme our fayth that we shal ryse agayn immortal both in body soule thē the resurrectiō of Christ our Sauiour fyrst fruites of the dead Now that Christ our head is rysen we being his body mēbers must folow our head Death hell and synne can not sunder nor plucke vs from him For as the sonne can not be deuyded nor sundred frō the father nor the holy ghost from them both no more may we being the faythful mēbers of Christ be seperated frō christ And for a confyrmatiō of our resurrection christ wold be sene after his resurrectiō in his most gloryous bodye hys woūdes being handled felt speaking teaching eating drinking c. We looke sayth S. Paule Iohn 10 Iohn 1. Phil. 3. for Iesus Christ our Sauiour which shall transfygure our vile bodies conforme thē to his glorious body by the same power vertue wherwith he is able to subdue all things euen like as the grayn of wheate sowē in the groūd Iohn 12. is fyrst putrifyed brought as into a thīg of nought yet after that it sprīgeth vp freshly with a goodlyer colour forme beautye then it had before The bodye is sowen in corruption and ryseth in incorruptiō 1. Cor. 15 it is so●en in dishonour riseth in honour Thus I verely knowe and assuredly beleue the resurrection of our bodyes to haue lyfe eternal by Christ for Christes sake Verely verely I say vnto you sayeth Christe he that heareth my woorde and beleueth on hym that sent me Iohn 5. hath euerlasting lyfe and shall not come into dampnation but is escaped from death to lyfe It is Christ that died once for our sinnes Roma 10 Ose 13. and is rysen agayne neuer more to dye it is he that swallowed vppe death and hath caste it vnder hys fete for euer What nowe can death doe vnto vs Verely nothyng ells but for a little tyme seperate our precious soules from oure wretched bodyes that diuyne substance from a Masse of synne that eternall lyfe from a bodye of death and so send our soules out of this miserable wretched sorrowfull lyfe cumbred wyth all calamities vnto that most blessed felicitie and ioyes eternall As concerning the holye and reuerente sacramentes of Christes Church whiche be in number .ii. the Sacramente of baptiseme and the Supper of the Lord I beleue them to be as Saint Paule calleth them confyrmations or seales of Gods promises whiche haue added to them a promyse of grace and therefore they are called inuisible signes of inuisible grace The Sacramente of baptisme is a marke of Christes Churche a seale and confirmation of oure acceptation into the grace and fauour of God for Christes sake For hys innocencye hys ryghteousnesse hys holynesse hys iustyce is ours geuen vs of God and our synnes and vnryghteousnesse by hys obedience and abasing of hymselfe to the death of the crosse are hys whereof baptisme is the signe seale and confirmation Baptisme is also a signe of repentaunce to testifye that we be borne to the waues of perilles and chaunges of lyfe to the entent that we shoulde dye continuallye as longe as we liue from sinne and ryse agayne like new men vnto ryghteousnesse Rom. 6. The other sacrament which is the Supper holy maundy of our Sauiour Christ wherby the church of Christ is knowen I beleue it is a remembraunce of Christes death passion a seale confirmation of his most precious body geuē vnto death euē to the vile death of the crosse wherwith we are redemed deliuered from synne death hel damnation It is a visible word because it worketh the same thing in the eyes which the word worketh in the eares For like as the woorde is a meane to the eares wherby the holy ghost moueth the hart to beleue Ro. 10 so thys Sacramente is a meane to the eyes whereby the holy ghoste moueth the harte to beleue it preacheth peace betwene God and man it exhorteth to mutuall loue and all godly life and teacheth to contemne the world for the lyfe to come when as Christe shal appeare which now is in heauē no where els as concernyng thys humaine body Act. 1.3 ▪ Yet doe I beleue assuredly that hys very body is present in his most holy supper at the contemplatiō of our spirituall eyes so verely eaten with the mouth of our fayth For as sone as I heare these most comfortable heauenly words spoken and pronounced by the mouth of the minister thys is my bodye which is geuen for you when I heare I say thys heauenly harmonye of gods vnfallible promises truth I loke not vpō neyther do I behold bread wyne for I take beleue the words simply and plainly euen as Christ spake them For hearing these words my senses be rapte vtterly
their rable fall and the builders them selues shall then be scatred vppon the face of the earth as accursed of God The iuste shall see thys and be gladde psalme 33. and prayse the name of the Lord that so meruelouslye hath delte with hys seruauntes as to bryng theyr enemyes vnder their feete Then shall the fearefull sede of Caine tremble and quake Gene. 4. Gene. 21. Gen. 11. phil 3 psalme 2. 1. Corin. 3. psalm 74. Iob. 5. Apoc. 12. Then shall the mockynge Ismalites be caste oute of the doore Then shal the proude Nembrothe see hys laboure loste Thou shall the beaste of Babilon bee troden vnder foote Then shall the Scribes and Pharisees for madnes fret and rage Then shal their paynted wysedome be knowen for extreme folly Then shall the bloody Dragone be voyde of hys praye Then shal the whore of Babilō receaue double vengeance Then shall they scratch their crownes for the fall of theyr Maistres harlotte whom they nowe serue for filthye lucre when no man wyll bye theyr wares anye more then shall the popyshe priesthode crye weale a waye with care euen when the Lord shall helpe hys seruauntes Apo. 18 Psal 145. which daye is not farre of the day wherin the kyngdome of Antichrist shall haue an ende and neuer aryse anye more In the meane tyme abide in certayne and sure hope 1. Corin. 6. 1. Cor. 8. Heb. 9. cleanyng-vnto the promyses of God whiche in their owne tyme shall bee fulfylled Acquite your selues lyke men agaynste the enemies of God in all humblenesse of minde stronge in spirite to acknowledge one God one holye Sauiour Iesus Christ one onely euerlasting and sufficiente sacrifice for the remission of sinnes euen the precious bodye of the Lorde Iesus once offered for all and for euer Whiche nowe sitteth on the righte hande of God Act. 3. and from thence shall he come to iudge both the quicke and the dead at the laste day and vntill that tyme Heb. i. i pet 3. Ephesi 1. occupyeth that blessed bodye none other place to dwell in to be kepte in to be closed in but onelye in the heauens euen in the glorious maiestye of GOD personallye abyding there in the fleshe not commynge downe from thence tyll the laste houre Ephess 2. And as he neuer ceaseth to bee man so doth he neuer lose the similitude of man hys body there hath hys liniamentes he leaueth them not so hath that bodye there hys highnesse and shrinketh not and hys manlye shape he altereth not at any tyme. He is in that he tooke of the virgine Marye a naturall man in all conditions excepte sinne Rom. 1. And what he tooke of hys blessed Mother by the woorking of the holy ghoste he toke it for euer and will not exchaunge the same for anye other He tooke the shape of a man with the substance of hys manhoode in one sacred wombe There were they coupled together by the holy ghoste neuer to be deuided a sunder Ephe. 2. He retayneth the one with the other inseperablye As he wyll not alter the substance of hys fleshe into the substance of breade no more wyll he alter the shape of hys bodye into the forme of breade There can not bee a greater absurditie agaynste the truth then to thynke that he woulde leaue the shape that he tooke in the virgins wombe being an accident vnto hys manhode and ioyne vnto the same a wafer take baken in an ouen or betwene a payre of yrons ● Iohn 1 As he is in heauen very man one onely mediatour betwene God and man euen the man Christe Iesus he it is that is the propitiation for oure sinnes Be bolde therfore to confesse thys moste pure and Apostolicall doctrine Col. i. and also that all fauoure mercye and forgeuenesse commeth onely by hym He only of God the father was made for vs al wysedome ryghteousnesse 1. Cor. i. Eph. 2. sanctification and redemption All these are the giftes of God the father frely geuen vnto vs by Christe Iesus God and man through fayth in hys bloode and not by the merites of men Abacu 2. Gala. 3. Act. 10. Giftes they are I saye frelye geuen vnto vs of fauour withoute our deserte by beleuyng and not by deseruing To thys do the lawe and the Prophettes beare witnesse Thys doctrine haue all the blessed Martyrs of Christes Churche witnessed wyth their bloode to be true To thys truth haue al the consciences of al true beleuers subscribed euer synce the Ascension of Christ Thys witnesse is not of man but of God What better quarrel can ye th●n haue to geue your liues for Luk. 9. then the truth it selfe That man that geueth hys life for the truth taketh the redyest waye to lyfe He that hath the Popes curse for the truth is sure of Christes blessing Well then my brethren what shall nowe lette but that ye goe forwarde as ye haue begonne Naye rather runne wyth the runners that ye maye obtayne the appoynted glorye Iohn 14 Psal 15. Eph. 4. Col. 5. Math. 10 Marke 8. Holde on the ryghte waye looke not backe haue the eye of youre harte fyxed vpon god and so runne that ye may get hold of it Cast away al your worldly pelfe and worldly respectes as the fauour of frends the feare of men sensuall affection respecte of persons honoure prayse shame rebuke wealthe pouertye ryches landes possessions carnall fathers and mothers wyfe and chyldren wyth the loue of youre owne selues and in respecte of that heauenlye treasure ye looke for lette all these bee denyed and vtterlye refused of you so that in no condition they doe abate your zeale or quenche youre loue towardes GOD. In thys case make no accompte of them but rather repute them as vyle in comparison of euerlastynge lyfe Phil. 3. A waye wyth them as thornes that choke the heauenlye seede of the Gospell where they bee suffred to growe Luke 8.14 They are burdens of the fleshe whiche incomber the soule Roman 7. exchaunge them therefore for aduauntage Doth not he gayne that fyndeth heauenlye and immortall treasure for earthlye and corruptible ryches Loseth that man anye thynge whiche of hys carnall father and mother is forsaken Ephe. i. Gala 4. Phi. 3. when therefore he is receaued of God the father to bee hys childe and heyre in Christe Heauenlye for earthlye for mortall immortall for transitorye thynges permanente is great gaynes to a Christian conscience Therefore as I beganne I exhorte you in the Lorde not to be afrayde Shrynke not my brethren mistrust not God Heb. 6. 1. Cor. 2. be of good comforte reioyce in the Lorde holde faste youre fayth and continewe to the ende Denye the worlde and take vppe your crosse and followe hym whiche is youre loadesman and is gone before If you suffer wyth him you shall reigne with hym What waye can you glorifye the name of your heauenlye father better then by sufferinge
all thinges whiche the Lord hath spoken to thee shall be fulfilled So I saye to you my deare hartes in the Lorde happye are ye all yea twyse happye shall ye bee for euermore because ye haue stedfastlye beleued the moste swete promises which god the father hath made vnto you with his own mouth in that he hath promised you which are the faythful seede of the beleuing Abraham that ye shal be blessed euer world wtout end The promises of God your sweete father as ye do beleue so do ye beare record the god is true The testimony wherof ye haue full worthely borne to the world and shortly will full surely seale the same with your blood yea euen to morow I do vnderstand Oh constant Christians oh valiaunt souldiers of the high Captaine Iesus Christ who for your sake hath conquered the deuill death sinne hell and hath geuen you full victory ouer thē for euer more Oh worthy witnesses most glorious Martyrs whose inuincible fayth hath ouercome that proud sturdie bragging prince of the world and al his wicked army ouer whō ye shall shortly triumphe for euermore Ah my swete hartes the euerlasting treasures are full surely layd vp for you in heauē The immercessible and most glorious crowne of victory is already made and prepared for you to be shortly clapt vpon al your happy heads The holy Aungels of your heauenly father are already appointed to conduct your sweete soules into Abrahams bosome All the heauenly host reioyceth alreadye for that they shall shortlye receaue you with ioye and felicitye into their blessed fellowship Selach Reioyce with double ioy be glad my deare brethren for doubtles ye haue more cause then cā be expressed But alas I that for my sinnes am left behinde maye lie and lamente with the holye Prophet saying psalm 119. woe is me that the daies of my ioyfull rest are prolonged Ah cursed Sathan which hath caused me so sore to offende my moste deare louing father wherby my exile and banishment is so much prolonged Oh Christ my aduocate pacifie thy fathers wrath which I haue iustelye deserued that he maye take me home to him in his sweete mercy Oh that I might nowe come home vnto thee with my blessed brethren Wel thy wil Oh Lord be effectuouslye fulfilled for it is onely good turneth al things to the best for such as thou in thy mercyes haste chosen And now farewell my deare hartes moste happye in the Lord. I trust in my good God yet shortlye to see you in the celestiall Citye wherof vndoubtedly the Lord hath already made you free Citizens Though ye be yet with vs for a litle time your very home is in heauen where your treasure doth remaine with your swete lord redemer Iesus christ whose calling you haue heard with the eares of your harts therfore ye shall neuer come into iudgement but passe from death to life Your sinnes shal neuer be remēbred be they neuer so many so greuous or so great for your Sauiour hath cast thē all into the bottome of the sea he hath remoued them frō you as farre as the east is frō the west psalm 103. his mercy hath much more preuailed ouer you then is distance betwene heauen and earth and he hath geuen you for an euerlasting possession of the same al his holines righteousnes iustification yea and the holy ghost into your hartes wherwith ye are surely sealed vnto the day of redemption to certifie you of your eternal electiō and the ye are his true adopted sōnes wherby ye may boldely crie vnto god Abba deare father for euer more so that nowe no creature in heauē earth nor hel shall be able to accuse you before the throne of the heauenly King Gen 3. Sathā is now cast out from you he him self is iudged hath no part in you He wil once more bite you by the heele and then he hath done for at the time you shal squise his head through your own good Christ so haue finall victorie for euer more In ioyfull triumph wherof ye shall swetely ascende into the place of eternal rest whether your eldest brother Christ is gone before you to take possession for you and to prepare your place vnder the holy Alter with Cranmer Latymer Ridley Rogers Hoper Saunders Farrer Tailour Bradford Philpot with many other who will be full glad of your cōming to see vi moe of their appointed number that their blood may so much the soner be reuenged vpon them that dwel on the earth Thus I make an end committing you al to gods moste merciful defence whose quarrell ye haue defended whose cause ye haue promoted whose glory ye haue set forth and whose name ye haue constantlye confessed Farewell for a while my dere hartes in the Lord I wil make as much hast after you as I may Al our deare brethren salute you They praie for you and praise god for you continually Blessed be the dead that die in the Lord for they rest frō their labours saith the holy ghost Apo. ●1 and their workes followe them Your owne Iohn Careles a most vnprofitable seruaunt of the Lord yet of hys great mercy prysoner for his sake abiding his further good pleasure Pray praye praye To M. Greene M. VVhittell and certaine other prysoners in Newgate condemned and ready to be burnt for the testimony of the Lord Iesus THe euerlasting peace in Iesus Christ the continuall comfort of his most pure holy spirite be with you my most deare and faithful brethren and sisters of Newgate the Lordes appoynted shepe vnto the slaughter to the good performance of the great and notable worke of the lord which he hath so graciously begōne in you all that the same may redownd to the setting forth of his glory and to the commoditie of his churche and to your owne euerlasting comfort in him So be it Ah my dere harts most faithful brethrē sisters in the lord what high laudes praise yea what humble and continuall thankes am I boūd to geue to god oure father for you on your moste happie behalfe who so mightely hath magnified himself in you thus farforth in geuīg you his holy mighty spirit to the constant confessing of christes veritye euen to the cruel condēpnation I dout not but he wil do the same to the death Oh happie blessed are you the euer you were borne that the lord wil vouch you worthie of this great dignitie to die for his sake Doubtles it is the greatest honour the god can geue you in this life Yea if they be so blessed of god that die in the Lord as the holy ghost saith they be how much more blessed happie then are you that die not only in the lord Apo. 11. but also for the lord Oh that it were the good will of god that the good houre were now come that I might go with you Ah that my sinnes made
Lordes cause VVilliam Coker A letter of Nicholas Shetterden a faith full Martyr of Iesus Christ written to hys Mother a little before hys death O My good Mother whō I loue with reuerence in the Lorde according to my dutye I desire your fauourable blessing and forgeuenesse of all my misdedes towards you Oh my deare Mother in fewe wordes I wyshe you the same saluation whiche I hope my selfe to feele and partly taste of before thys come to you to read and in the resurrection I verely beleue to haue it more perfectlye in bodye and soule ioyned together for euer and in that daye GOD graunte you to see my face with ioye but deare Mother then beware of that greate Idolatrye and blasphemous Masse O let not that be your GOD whiche Mice and wormes can deuoure beholde I call heauen and earth to recorde that it is no GOD yea the fyre that consumeth it and the moystnes that causeth it to moulde And I take Christs Testament to wytnesse that it is none of his ordinaunces but a mere inuention of men and a snare to catche innocentes bloode and nowe that GOD hath shewed it vnto you be warned in tyme. O geue ouer old customes and become new in the truth What state soeuer your fathers be in leaue that to God let vs followe the counsel of his word deare Mother embrace it with hartye affection reade it with obedience let it be your pastime and cast of all carnall affections and loue of worldly thinges so shall we meete in ioye at the last day or els I bid you farewell for euermore Oh farewell my frendes and louers all God graunt me to see your faces in ioye Amen From Westgate the .11 of Iuly .555 Nicholas Shetterden appoynted to be slayne for Christes cause and the mayntenaunce of hys most sounde and true religion A letter wrytttn by the Ladye Iane Gray to her Syster the Lady Katheryne immediatly before she suffered I Haue here sent you good Syster Katherin a booke which although it be not outwardly trymmed with gold This booke was a newe Testament in Greke in the end whereof she had written this letter yet inwardly it is more worth then precious stones It is the booke deare Syster of the law of the Lorde it is his testament and last wyll which he bequethed vnto vs wretches whiche shall lead you to the path of eternall ioy and if you with a good mynd do read it with an earnest purpose follow it it shall bring you to an immortal euerlasting life It wil teach you to liue learne you to die It shal winne you more thē you shold haue gayned by the possessiō of your woful fathers lands For as if god had prospered him you should haue in herited his lands so if you apply diligently this boke seking to directe your life after it you shal bee an inheritour of suche riches as neither the couetous shal withdraw from you neither the these shal steale neither yet the mothes corrupte Desire with Dauid good Sister to vnderstand the law of the Lord your god Liue stil to die that you by death may purchase eternal life And trust not that the tendernes of your age shal lengthē your life for as sone if God cal goeth the young as the old And labour alwayes to learne to die Defye the world denye the deuil despise the flesh delight your self only in the Lord. Be penitent for your sinnes yet despayre not be strong in faith yet presume not desire with S. Paule to be dissolued to be with christ with whō euē in death there is lyfe Be lyke the good seruaunt euen at midnight be wakyng lest whē death cōmeth and stealeth vpon you lyke a thefe in the night you be with the euil seruaunt found slepyng and least for lacke of oyle you be found lyke the fyue folyshe women like hym that had not on the weddynge garmente and so be caste out from the mariage Reioyce in Christ as I prayse God I do Folow the steppes of your maister christ take vp your crosse lay your sinnes on his backe alwais embrace him And as touchyng my deathe reioyce as I do good Sister that I shal be deliuered frō this corruptiō and put on incorruption for I am assured that I shal for loosing of a mortal lyfe winne an immortal life The which I pray god graunt you send you of hys grace to lyue in hys feare and to dye in the true christian faith from the which in gods name I exhort you that you neuer swarne neither for hope of life nor for feare of death For if you wil deny his truthe to lengthen your life God wil deny you and yet shortē your daies And if you wil cleaue vnto him he wil prolong your dais to your comfort his glorye to the which glory god bring me now and you herafter whē it pleaseth him to cal you Fare you wel good Sister and put your only trust in god who only must helpe you Letters of M. George Marshe a godly faythfull and learned pastour in Christes churche put to deathe at VVestchester wyth moste cruell kyndes of tormentes as you may see in the booke of Martyrs fol. 1122 for the constant and faythfull confession of Christes Gospell To the professours of gods worde and true religion in the towne of Langhton GRace be wyth you and peace be multiplied in the knowledge of Iesus Christ our Lord Amen I thought it my duty to wryte vnto you my beloued in the lord at Langhton to stirre vp your harts to cal to your remēbrance the words which haue ben told you before and to exhort you as that good man and full of the holy ghost Barnabas dyd the Antiochiās that with purpose of hart ye continually cleaue vnto the lord Actes ●● and that ye stand fast be not moued away from the hope of the gospel wherof God be thanked ye haue had plenteous preaching vnto you by your late pastour M. Saunders other faythful ministers of Iesus Christ Luke 8. Rom. 1 which now when persecution aryseth because of the word do not fall away like shrinking children and forsake the truth being ashamed of the gospell wherof they haue bene preachers but are willing and redy for your sakes which are Christes mistical body to forsake not onely the chiefe principal delites of this lyfe I meane their natiue countreyes frendes liuings c but also to fulfill their ministery vnto the vttermost that is to wyt with theyr paynful imprisonments bloodshedings if nede shal require to confirme and seale christes gospel whereof they haue bene ministers and as S. Paule saith they are ready not onely to be cast into prison Acts. 12 but also to be kylled for the name of the lord Iesu Whether these beyng that good salte of the earth Matth. 5. that is true ministers of gods worde by whose doctrine being