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A17717 Sermons of M. Iohn Caluine, vpon the.X.Commandementes of the Lawe, geuen of God by Moses, otherwise called the Decalogue. Gathered word for word, presently at his sermons, when he preached on Deuteronomie, without adding vnto, or diminishing from them any thing afterward. Translated out of Frenche into English, by I.H.; Sermons sur les Dix commandemens. English Calvin, Jean, 1509-1564.; Harmar, John, 1555?-1613. 1579 (1579) STC 4452; ESTC S118603 228,662 264

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S. Paule handling the same matter of wicked speaches which defile and infect vs with euill vices Now that of other is the worst when men speake of God in mockerie when one will scorne sloute him when one maketh a iest of him not only after a fashion fond and vaine but villainous and execrable Is not this euen of purpose and wilfull malice to violate the maiestie of God And yet notwithstanding this is done and commonlie vsed so that there shall scarse bee any long discourse made or great matter mainteined which hath not I knowe not what intermingled whereby God shal be contemned set at naught Shew we not then hereby that we neuer knew aright what it is to worshippe him Well wee shall say euerie day Thy name be hallowed but we doe all the contrarie Shall there then any other sentence of condemnation light on our heades than that When wee come to the Church wee will confesse with our mouthes that wee desire that the name of GOD bee mainteined in his due honour wee will say as much at the table and euerie one when hee riseth and laieth him downe to sleepe I speake of them which are not altogether brutishe for there are some whiche knowe not what it meaneth to make prayer vnto GOD But they whiche shall haue so much honestie as to pray vnto God they shall well say with the mouth Thy name be sanctified but this is scarse gone from the tip of their tongue and beholde a false othe in their mouth and they will tosse the name of GOD hither and thither And whither tendeth his wickednesse but to the violating of the maiestie of GOD and to the despiting of him as if we would giue him a blowe with a dagger or spit in his face And as I haue said there needeth no other Iudge to condemne vs in our false othes than this protestation whiche wee make when wee desire of GOD that he will mainteine the holinesse of his name And yet in the meane time wee seeke to deface it as much as lieth in vs Nowe it resteth that wee must speake of the maiestie of GOD in all reuerence especiallie when wee talke of his woorkes As howe When wee speake of the time whether he sendeth faire weather or raine ●oe these are markes of the maiestie of god If he sende vs contrarie seasons bee sheweth him selfe as a Iudge to the ende to make vs feele his wrath and indignation that wee might enter into the examination of our sinnes to bewaile them and to bee led to repentaunce Now if in steade of humbling our selues before God and hauing a displeasure with our selues for our offences wee are wayward and ouerthwart as we see that some men are woont despitefully to say And must this season continue in this sorte and thus long and haue not recourse to our God beseeching him to pardon our faultes this shall be to take the name of God in vaine As much is to be said of all the rest I bring this example onely to shew that when we are to speake of the workes of God it behooueth that either we perceiue him to be a Father in his goodnes or feele him to be a Iudge in his rigour and seueritie Therfore when God shall doe thinges which shall not fall out to our mind and which shall be contrarie to our wishes and desires let vs know that he grieueth and chastiseth vs to the ende we should enter into the acknowledging of our sinnes to condemne them and to be displeased with them If then we glorifie not God in this thing we vnhallow his holy name And againe when God on the contrarie side draweth vs to himselfe in all gentlenes as a louing and pitifull father this is to the ende we be led vnto him and that we honour him so much the more And if our vnthankefulnes is to be condemned for not honouring him in the first worde which he shall haue spoken what shall be said when we shall be vpbraided of all these thinges that by all the wayes GOD shall haue sought to drawe and allure vs he might winne vs to himselfe by none But contrariwise we shall haue shewed our selues contemners of his maiestie and shall haue troden his workes vnder our feete or shall haue cast downe the groine as hogges and repine against him I pray you shall not this be an horrible condemnation if we be condemned hereof Now although God hath imprinted some marke of his maiestie in all his workes and that he ought to be knowen of vs in raine in faire weather in heate in colde briefly in all the order of nature yet hath he especially imprinted his marke in his worde True it is that this is an intollerable and inexcusable vice when we reknowledge not God in the benefites which he hath bestowed on vs We hold our life of him that is in him we liue as S. Paule speaketh so that if we haue not a remembraunce of God in all his benefites this is already a wonderfull vnthankefulnes But as I haue aboue said God aboue all would imprint his marke in his word Let vs behold the heauen and the earth and we shall see God declared fully in them For what is this worlde but a liuely image as S. Paule speaketh in the which God sheweth and declareth himselfe For albeit he be inuisible in his essence yet sheweth he himselfe by his workes to the end we should worship him But when we come to the holy scripture in it shall we see an image wherin God openeth and declareth himselfe much more plainly in more familiar wise vnto vs than he doth either in the heauen or in the earth in such sort that neither Sunne nor Moone although they geue light vnto the world do so set forth the maiestie of God as do the Law the Prophets the Gospell Now for all this how speake men of the scriptures With what wicked boldnes and presumption Do not men I pray you at this day geue themselues to lawlesse libertie to speake of the word of God according to their owne fantasies And when men enter into a dispute of the holy scriptures ouer the pot in tauernes and alehouses is there any question of humbling our selues vnder it and that all knowing their owne rudenes and infirmitie desire of God his holy spirit to the end his secrets and mysteries be handled of vs as it behoueth No but these disputes are as in way of mockerie to sport our selues And by this a man may see more than were to be wished how few there be truly religious godly in the world We see some make themselues game with the scripture drawing it into Prouerbiall sentences to moue laughter that they make no other account than to iest and play with it as if it were but a nose of waxe which one may fashion as he listeth and turne any way it should seeme good vnto him Others are in their wandring and flitting
the worde of god Therfore when the God of Israel is called One God it is as much as if Moses did make comparison betweene the God which published his lawe as before he was manifested vnto his seruant Abraham and to the other Patriarchs would oppose him against all the gods which the world imagined As God in all times hath bene called vpon this name hath bene common among the Painims But what The Painims haue so wandered that albeit euery one hath saide I adore and worship God yet what was this but their owne dreames and fantasies For when men take vpon them to worshippe God when they haue no knowledge of him there is no doubt but they worshippe idols The Turkes at this day will say that they worship God Creator of the heauens and of the earth but this is but an idol which they worshippe And how so They name him Creator of the heauens and of the earth they haue no images It is true But yet haue they but an idol in stead of God because they will not receiue our Lorde Iesus Christ who is the liuelie image of God his Father And we knowe what Saint Iohn saieth that he which denieth the Sonne he denieth the Father Therefore they haue not God but an idol As much is to be saide of the Iewes The Iewes will brag much that they haue the law and that they worship the God of Abraham of Isaac and of Iacob but what They are Apostataes they haue renounced the lawe of God when they haue reiceted and refused Iesus Christ who is the soule of the lawe It is he by whom God the father will manifest and open himselfe vnto vs it is he in whom hee will be worshipped And againe he saieth Risse the Sonne whom I haue sent you And againe Who so honoureth not the Sonne the same honoureth not the Father which hath sent him Let vs therefore diligently note that Moses would in this place make comparison betweene the GOD which hath declared himselfe in his worde and all the gods which are renowned throughout the whole worlde shewing that all that is beside him is nothing but apishnesse and meere vanitie and lying And why For we cannot worship God aright except we haue first knowne him And wee must alwayes to this purpose remember that which Iesus Christ said vnto the woman of Samaria ye knowe not what ye worship When Iesus Christ vseth this word he doth as it were spit at all those seruices and worshippings which were then established There was no nation which vaunted not of seruing God and Iesus Christ reiecteth all that which men thought to be good and holie Ye knowe not saith he what ye worship Hee sheweth hereby that it is req●isite and needefull there be made some manifest declaration of God we must not walke here at all aduentures but we must be assured what the God is whom wee serue and worship Now seeing God must be knowne of vs to be rightly serued and worshipped let vs consider whence this knowledge shall come and arise Shall it grow in our owne garden as we say Shall we obteine it by our owne labour and industrie Shall it bee lawfull for euerie one to thinke what shall seeme good vnto him to say I haue knowne God No no but GOD must declare and shew himselfe hee must approche and come neere vnto vs And so the onely meane to knowe GOD aright is this that wee bee taught and instructed in his woorde And loe why he saith The Lord thy god For this people had receiued the lawe and againe the couenaunt had bene made with their fathers GOD had separated this flocke from the rest of the whole worlde It is not then without cause that Moses here leadeth the people to the knowledge of God to the end they estraunge and keepe themselues from all the superstitions of the Painims that they haue nothing common with the vnfaithfull ones but that they know that wheras God hath manifested himselfe so familiarly vnto them they haue a most certeine and infallible truth Now if this hath bene saide of the time of the lawe it agreeth much better vnto vs For albeit God hath giuen a sufficient admonition vnto the Iewes that they bee not mingled among the pollusions of the Painims in their idolatries yet haue wee at this day a much more brighter clearenesse since the appearing of our Lorde Iesus Christ who is the liuelie image of GOD his Father as wee haue saide And wee may well agree vnto that which is written in the first of Saint Iohn None hath seene GOD at anie time but the Sonne which hath alwayes bene in the bosome of the Father hath reuealed him vnto vs The auncient Fathers haue had a knowledge as we haue said but this knowledge is accounted as none in respect of that which we haue at this day by the Gospel Since the Sunne of righteousnes shineth on vs behold God sheweth him selfe most familiar vnto vs And loe why the Prophet Esaie when he entreateth of the redemption which was to be made in the person of the sonne of God Behold him beholde him this is our GOD this is our Lord saieth he The Prophete crieth out This is this is our god He is not contented to say in one worde Beholde our GOD but hee speaketh as if the thing had bene present and that GOD should then appeare And howe is this said Was not God in the middest of his people For hee saide I will dwell in the middest of you And againe Beholde my rest Sion is the place of my habitation And againe he protesteth that hee will neuer depart thence that the people is his temple that they are his royall priesthoode Why then is it that the Prophet Esaie saieth Behold him behold him saith our God This is he this is he when our Lorde Iesus should come into the world This is because God reuealeth him selfe vnto vs in greater perfection There remaineth therefore lesse excuse for vs if wee at this day wander and holde not our selues to the pure trueth but that enerie one turne after his dreames to say It seemeth me so beholde what I finde to bee good Knowe we that all this is nothing that wee must returne to that certeintie of trueth which hath bene brought vnto vs by our Lorde Iesus Christ But the worlde is so farre from knowing of this that it seemeth all haue desired to despite and anger GOD that they haue deuised howe to turne their backe vnto him that they haue laboured to reiect and lay aside all subiection that they might haue leaue to remaine in their enormities and vurulie demeanours and that their wickednesse in the meane time might not bee perceiued The Iewes are vnexcusable as wee see howe the Prophetes reproche them that they haue wittinglie abandoned and put away GOD and that they can not excuse them selues as the wretched Painims saying That they haue heard nothing
to declare himselfe our father and sauiour for our Lorde Iesus Christes sake that he will not onely graunt this grace to vs but to all people and nations of the earth c. Deut. Chap. 5 ▪ 1 Then Moses called all Israel and said vnto them Heare O Israel the ordinaunces and the lawes whiche I set before you this day that ye may learne them and take heede to obserue them 2 The Lord our God made a couenaunt with vs in Horeb. 3 The Lorde made not this couenaunt with our fathers but with vs which are all aliue at this day 4 The Lorde talked with you face to face on the mount out of the middest of the fire WE haue seene heretofore howe greatly Moses hath laboured to make the people perceiue the Maiestie which is in the worde of God to the end they should receiue it with all reuerence and feare For although men protest that they will obey God for so nature constraineth them yet can they not order them selues and their doinges according to his word and that is the verie true touchstone to knowe whether wee bee obedient to God or no. But herein is the rebellion of the worlde seene that although all will confesse that the worde of God is to bee receiued without any gainsaying yet shall one finde scarse one among an hundred which willingly humbleth him selfe to yeald vnto it that authoritie it deserueth And why is this Surely because we consider not of the Maiestie of God which declareth it selfe therein See then howe Moses not without cause so often heretofore hath wained the people that the worde of God shoulde be of such Maiestie towardes vs that all creatures shoulde tremble at it And nowe againe he addeth a confirmatiō of the same matter when he saith That the Lord talke● face to face on the mount out of the middest of the fire as if bee shoulde saie You haue no cause now to doubt whether the doctrine which I propose vnto you be of God or of men for it is sufficiently proued God hath declared himselfe vnto you by plaine and visible signes in such sorte that you may well perceiue it is he which speaketh Nowe then wee see the intent and meaning of Moses But before wee passe any further one may here make a question How it is said that God spake face to face seeing that men cannot comprehend his infinite glorie For with what eye can wee contemplate his substance being We are so fraile weak that if God should but shew one beame of his brightnesse behold we should be all dazeled confounded therewith On the other side we know how it is said That we cannot se God face to face vntill we be renewed which shall not bee vntill the latter day For now saith S. Paule We see as in a glasse in part euen obscurely vnperfectly Which more is he saith in an other place That the Gospell at this day doth present vnto vs the Maiestie of God in such sort that wee may see it but the lawe was darke and obscure and had availe which hindered our fathers to knowe God in so plaine and familiar a manner as wee doe at this day But all this agreeth verie well For when wee make a comparison of the lawe with the Gospell it is certeine wee shall finde this which Saint Paule speaketh to be most true For then God declared not himselfe in so familiar a fashion as he doth vnto vs by the meanes of our Lorde Iesus Christ who is the liuelie image of him Nowe a dayes therefore there are laide open vnto vs the great treasures of wisdome in that God calleth vs to the kingdome of heauen sheweth that he holdeth vs for his children heirs Now this was not in the time of the lawe And yet although at this day we haue such a knowledge and so plaine manifest yet remaineth that alwayes true which we haue alledged that wee see but in part And why For we are not yet partakers of the glorie of God neither can we come neere it but it behoueth that he shew it according to our rudenesse and infirmitie Yet notwithstanding from the beginning of the world God hath appeared vnto mortall men Howbeit this was not to shewe him selfe as he is but as the weaknesse and infirmitie of men might beare it We must then note that God was not knowen to the fathers neither appeareth at this day in his owne beeing but he applieth him selfe to vs in asmuch as he sheweth him selfe for our measure and abilitie to make vs perceiue that he is present And yet for all that it is not without cause that Moses saith here that God spake face to face for he vnderstādeth hereby that the people had not some coniecturall signe that they might dout of him or conceiue onely some small opinion of God but that they had a certeine and infallible warrant whereby they might in this sort conclude Behold God hath so shewed himselfe to vs that our faith need not wauer and be doubtfull and the doctrine which is proposed vnto vs in his name ought no longer to be disputed of whether it be to be receiued or refused And why For God hath deliuered vnto vs a sure and certeine marke which can not beguile nor leaue vs in doubt but that this doctrine proceedeth from him Now we vnderstand the mening of Moses from whence we haue to gather a good lesson that is that if God declare not himselfe vnto vs after so high glorious a manner as our lust desireth let vs know that he doeth it for our profite and saluation For let vs haue an eye to our infirmitie and it will be sufficient to abate that ouer boldnesse to the which our nature alwayes stirreth vs For we would inquire and seeke after the secrets of God without end or measure And why is that Verely because we consider not our owne power and abilitie Wherefore let vs praise the great goodnes of our God for that he in fauour so considereth of vs regardeth our weaknesse that he is content to hide his glorie ▪ least we should be swallowed vp thereof For as I haue alreadie said we can not beare it being so fraile weake as we are And here withall let vs knowe that when God geueth vs some euident signe and token of his presence there resteth then no excuse if we yeald not to him the honour and doe him the homage he is worthie of Let vs not then desire that God come in his inestimable glorie that the heauens cleaue in sunder that all the Angels of heauen appeare but when the Lorde any way declareth that it is he which speaketh let it suffice vs and let vs humble our selues incontinently For if then we will foreslowe to yeld him our dutie we shal be sharply reproued for turning our backe to him when he sheweth his face to vs It is true that it is said in an other place That
sollemnized their vowes they are dedicated to god Againe they will say We are of his Clergie we are as the floure of his Church wee must be separated from the common filthes and pollutions of the world So then among the Papistes one shal be thought to come neere the state of the Angels in heauen when he is not married Nowe in the meane time we see how God is mocked with so wicked and diuelish a presumption for consider wee what beastlie abhominations haue followed of this that marriage hath bene so contemned and despised See these Priestes these Monkes these Nonnes which despitefullie reiecte this benefit which God presenteth vnto them namelie that if there be anie infirmitie in them they may matrie but they despise and disdaine it as a thing filthie defiled And this is euen to warre against nature And therefore was it not necessarie that God should reuenge him selfe of so presumptuous a pride when men so despitefully trample vnder foote a remedie which he giueth them Shall we not think that diseased person out of his wittes which in stead of receiuing the potion which is giuen him for his helth tumbleth it to the ground in despite of his Physician so enraged are al these angels of hell of the Papasie all this pestilent vermine of Priestes of Monkes and of Nonnes which haue reiected holie marriage in which deede of theirs they bidde battell openlie to god And not contenting them selues with this they ouerflowe their bankes in such sorte that they dare vtter with full mouth those blasphemies which ought to make the haires of all men which heare them to stande on ende Were there no more but this yet hereby might we see that the diuell hath gotten there all the rule into his hand and that this is the vse of Antichrist and of this Apostolical seate of Rome to spue out such blasphemies as when it hath bene there pronounced That they which are in the flesh can not please God that we must be separated from all vncleannesse and therefore that Priests must be forbidden to marie Loe the verie words of a Pope which notwithstanding haue bin registred to posteritie as if it had bene an oracle comming from heauen Nowe if the diuell should haue all the swinge hee might wish yea should be vnchained and let loose in the world could hee speake after a more detestable maner to despite God for instituting of marriage than to say That they which are in the fleshe can not please God This is as if he did condemne all mankinde for in this hee condemneth not onelie them which liue at this day but all the holie fathers which haue liued vnder the lawe all the holie Patriarches all the Apostles and the holie Martyrs so behold a diuell of Rome which will banish out of the kingdome of heauen both the Apostles the Martyrs all the holie Fathers Thus he which wil be in the Paradise of the Pope must be a companion of the diuell of hell for albeit this be an enormous and outragious thing that this miscreant Syrice hath pronounced such a blasphemie as therby to exclude the greter part of the holiest personages which euer haue liued from the kingdome of heauen yet would GOD neuer haue suffered that such an horrible blasphemie should haue bene pronounced but that thereby he would make manifest this abhominable seate of Rome when he would permit these diuels so farre as vnder a colour of holinesse to reiect marriage and suffer them for a iust vengeance to loose the bridle to all wicked and infectious lustes and to insect the world with their detestable Sodomitries in so much that they exceede in that wickednesse which the Painims men without God haue had in horrour and execration Now by this we are warned as I haue alreadie said not to set light by the giftes and benefites of God but to vse them with al sobrietie so that they which cannot conteine them selues bend their neckes and receiue with all gentlenesse the yoke of marriage subiecting them selues therevnto knowing that when the husbandes shall beare with the wiues and the wiues shall seeke to liue in peace and good quietnesse with their husbands this shal be a sacrifice acceptable vnto god If they haue a great charge of children let them take heede to nourish and bring them vp be they poore or rich knowing that God accepteth receiueth in good part this seruice Let women also when they shall haue much trouble griefe in caring for their houshold knowe that these are so manie sacrifices acceptable vnto god And albeit marriage be contemned by these diuels which for to despite God imagine it an Angelicall perfection to absteine from it let them notwithstanding which are in this holie estate knowe that God accepteth of them that hee receiueth them that hee gardeth and protecteth their house and familie For seeing he saith That he is the authour of marriage he will blesse it when we shall proceede therein according to his will and pleasure Let them which are not married take diligent heede notwithstanding to walke in the feare of God and to esteeme and honour marriage as it behoueth Let both the one and the other endeuour to keepe them selues in all puritie both of bodie and of minde as S. Paule hereof speaketh in the seuenth of the first to the Corinthians where he condemneth not the widowes and the rest which absteine from marriage but hee exhorteth them to doe their dueties For the virgins and widowes and such as are not married ought so much the more to cleaue vnto God and to walke in his feare as being lesse hindered to dedicate them selues wholie vnto him And why For they are not distracted with so many cares of the worlde They which are married haue more incomberances howbeit they must also take heede that they permit not themselues to much libertie but that they walke in feare and in all carefulnesse of their duetie Loe then howe in all estates we must haue sobrietie and honestie in our persons in such sort that we may present offer vp as liuelie sacrifices vnto God both our bodies and our soules seeing hee hath redeemed them so dearelie with the bloud of our Lord Iesus Christ and that he would haue them dedicated vnto him selfe to dwell in them as in his temples Nowe let vs cast our selues downe before the face of our good God with acknowledging of our faultes praying him that he will make vs feele them better than we haue done yea in such sorte that vnfeignedlie displeasing our selnes in them wee learne to haue recourse vnto him acknowledging the faultes and offences whereof we are culpable that we desire nothing else but to giue our selues ouer vnto his seruice and to please him in all and through all vntill we haue accomplished this course of ours ended this earthlie pilgrimage to come to that saluation which he hath prepared for vs and reserueth vnto vs in the kingdome