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A13844 The book of prayses, called the Psalmes, the keyes and holly things of Dauid translated out of the Hebrevv, according to the letter, and the mystery of them, and according to the rule and methode of the compile-er, opened in proper arguments vpon every psalme, following the same, by Alexander Top Esquier. Top, Alexander. 1629 (1629) STC 2415.2; ESTC S4135 410,327 284

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of Great and mervilouse things for his Everlasting Kindenes That by his VNDERSTANDING made the Heavens for his Everlasting Kindenes That streched out the Earth vpon the waters for his Everlasting Kindenes That made the great LIGHTES for his Everlasting Kindenes The Sunn to rule the day for his Everlasting Kindenes The Moon and the Stars to rule in the Night for his Everlasting Kindenes Him that smote Egypt in their first-born for his Everlasting Kindenes And brought Israel out of the mids of them for his Everlasting Kindenes With a stout hand and a streched out arme for his Everlasting Kindenes Him that cutteth the Suph-Sea in partes for his Everlasting Kindenes And brought Israel over in the mids therof for his Everlasting Kindenes And overwhelmed Pharoh and his host in the Suph-Sea for his Everlasting Kindenes Him that led his People in the Wildernes for his Everlasting Kindenes Him that smote great KINGS for his Everlasting Kindenes And slew famous KINGS for his Everlasting Kindenes Sihon King of the Aemorites for his Everlasting Kindenes And Og King of Bashan for his Everlasting Kindenes And gave their Land an INHERITANCE for his Everlasting Kindenes An Inheritance to Israel his Servant for his Everlasting Kndenes Which in our Low estate remembred vs for his Everlasting Kindenes And free-ed vs from our Tormentours for his Everlasting Kindenes Him that giveth bread to all flesh for his Everlasting Kindenes Worship the MIGHTY GOD of Heaven for his Everlasting Kindenes CXXXVII BY the Rivers side of Babel wher wee sate and wept when wee remembred Zion and vpon the Willowes in the middes of it wee had hanged vp our Harpes when as ther our Captivers and Inthrallers Asked vs som mery Songes Sing vs som songes of Zion Hovv shall vvee sing a SONG of the ETER vpon a forain soile If J forget thee Ierusalem let my Right hand forget and my Tong cleeue to the roof of my mouth If J remember thee not and aduaunce not Ierusalem Aboue my cheeffest mirth Remember ô ETERN the children of Edom in the day of Ierusalem vvhich SAYD Downe with it downe with it to the ground with it ô Babel tovvne of destruction happy is hee that repayeth thee fully as thou hast dealt vvith vs. Happy is hee that taketh thy babes and dasheth them against the stones CXXXVIII Of DAVID I Will worship thee with all my hart and set thee out with Psalmes before the GODES I will bow downe at thy Holly Temple and worship thy NAME for thy LOVEING KINDENES and thy TRVTH Because thou hast made thy SAYING great aboue all thy NAME Because thou hardest mee in the day I called and inlargedst mee vvith Strength in my Minde Let all the Kings of the Earth worship thee O ETERNALL when they heare the Sayings of thy mouth and sing of the VVayes of the ETERN for the Glory of the ETERNALL is great Because the ETERN is highe beholdeth the Lovvly and being lofty kenneth a farr If J vvalk in the hart of Distresse that thou revivest mee and settest thy hand vpon the face of mine Enimyes vvith thy Right hand savest mee The ETERNALL that did all for mee ô ETERNALL that thy KINDENES is for ever forsake not thou the Workes of thy handes CXXXIX For the Cheeff of David A Psalme O ETERNALL thou serchest mee and knowest Thou knowest my sitting downe and my riseing vp and vnderstandest my meaning a farr Thou goest round about my pathes and my couching and art vsed to all my wayes for behold ther is not a word in my tong but thou ô ETERN knowest it all thou besiegest mee behinde and before and layest thy hand vpon mee To wonderfull is the knowledge for mee and so highe that I comprehend it not Whether shall J goe from thy Spirit and whether shall J fly from thy Presence If J goe vp to Heaven thou art there if J goe down to Hell behold thou art there If I take the winges of the morning dwell beyond the Sea also thither shall thy hand lead mee and thy right hand seize vpon mee And if J SAY but Darknes shall comprehend mee the Night shall bee Light about mee yea the Darknes shall not darken from thee the Night shall giue light like the day as well the Darknes as the Light Thou obteinedst my Reynes coveredst mee in the belly of my mother I thank thee for because J am fearfully overheeled and wonderfull are thy WORKES which my Soul knoweth right well My FASTNING is not hid from thee which am wrought in Secret and stiched vnder the earth Thine Eyes see my WINDEING vp and they wear written vpon thy book the dayes they wear formed when ther was not one among them And to mee hovv deer are thy thoughtes ô ALMIGHTY hovv mighty are the Summes of them If J tell them they are more then the sand of the Sea All while I am awake I am with thee VVilt thou kill the VVicked that is idlely caried avvay thy Enimyes that stirr and vex thee vvith vvicked Imaginatiōs Yea yee bloody men depart yee from mee Doe not J hate thos that hate thee ô ETERNALL and vex my self vvith those that raise themselues vp against thee I hate them vvith perfect hatred and they are to mee for Enimyes Serch mee ô ALMIGHTY and try mee know the Thoughtes of my Hart and see if ther be any way of Impiety in mee lead mee the way of Eternity CXL By the Cheeff A Psalme of DAVID RELEASE mee ô ETERN and preserve mee frō all Malicious iniurious men which devise Mischeeff in their hart meditate warrs continually Whose tonges are as sharp as a S●rpents with the poison of an Asp within his lippes O ETERN keep mee from the handes of the Wicked man and preserve mee from all Iniurious ones VVhich devise to destroy my steps surely The Haughty ones hide a trap snares for mee they spred a net by the vvay and set Toyles for mee surely I SAY to the ETER ô my ALLMIGTY GOD O ETER heare the voice of my Supplications O LORD the Strenghth of my Salvation that coverest my head in the day of Battail Graunt not the DESIRES of the Wicked and content not his minde that they be exalted surely O thou my Helmet let the PAYNS of their ovvn lipps ouerheel them let it cast them in the fire
vpholder of all that are falling a setter vpright of all that are declineing The eyes of all vvaite vpon thee and thou givest them their meat in his Season opening thy hand and satisfying every Living Creature freely The ETERNALL is Iust in all his Wayes and Kinde in all his Workes The ETERNALL is Neer to them that call on him to all that call vpon him Faythfully Hee vvill doe the Will of them that feare him and hear their Shouting and save them The ETERN that keepeth all that love him and destroyeth all the wicked let my mouth speak the PRAISE of the ETERNALL and all flesh blesse his holly NAME forevermore CXLVI PRAISE yee the ETERNALL my SOVL praise thou the ETERN I will praise the ETERN and sing Psalmes to my GOD as long as J live Trust yee not in Prince-es nor in any childe of man in whom ther is noe Salvation whose breth goeth out and hee returnes to his owne earth in that day his thoughtes perish Happy is hee whose Help is the GOD of Iacob and his Hope is vpon the ETERN his GOD the make-er of Heaven and Earth and the Sea all that is in them And that keepeth Faythfullnes for ever That doth right the oppressed and give bread to the Hungry The ETERN that looseth them that are bound The ETERNALL that openeth the eyes of the blinde and setteth vpright them that are bowed down the ETERNALL that loveth the Just. The ETERNALL that keepeth the Strangers and mainteineth the Fatherles and the Widow and over●hroweth the way of the Wicked The ETERNALL thy GOD ô Zion raigne for ever for all Generations The ETERNALL bee praised CXLVII PRAISE yee the ETERNALL and chaunt thou out our GOD because hee is good pleasant and his PRAISE is comely The ETERNALL that built Jerusalem and gathered together the Scatered of Jsrael that healeth the broken harted and bindeth vp their sores that Telleth the Number of the Starrs and calleth the Names to them all Great is our LORD and of great Power and of his Vnderstanding ther is noe declareing The ETERNALL that advaunceth the Lowly and humbleth the Wicked to the ground Sing yee Psalmes of Thanks Offering to the ETERNALL our GOD vpon the Harp Which Covereth the Heavens with cloudes and prepare-eth rain for the Earth That make-eth the Hilles to Spirt out grasse giveth the bease their food and the young Ravens which call Hee hath not delight in the Valiantnes of a Horse nor hath liking in the Legs of a man The ETERNALL like-eth them that fear him and Waite for his Kindenes ô Ierusalem commend the ETERN and praise thou thy GOD ô Zion Because hee strengtheneth the bars of thy Gates and blesseth thy children vvithin thee and setteth Peace in thy borders satisfyeth thee vvith vvheaten flovver that sendeth his Saying to the Earth and his Word runneth moste speedily That giveth Snovv like vvhite vvool and scatereth hore-frost like Ashes That casteth out his hard Ice like morsells and vvho can abide for the cold thereof hee sendeth out his Word and Thavveth them hee maketh his vvinde to turne and they drop vvater That telleth his Word to Jacob his Prescripts and Iudgements to Israel He hath not done so to any Nation that they should not know his Iudgements The ETERN bee praised CXLVIII PRAISE the ETERNALL praise the ETERNALL out of the Heavens Praise him in the Highthes Praise him all his Angels Praise him all his Hostes. Praise him Sunn Moon praise him all Starrs of Light Praise him yee Heavens of Heavens and yee Waters which are above the Heavens Let them praise the NAME of the ETERN for hee commanded and they wer created And hee made them stand for an everlasting Statute hee gave a Prescript which should not passe Praise the ETERN Things of the EARTH Yee great VVhales and all Deepthes Fire and Haile Snovv Vapours vvhirlvvinde that doth his Commande The Mountaines and all Hilles Fruit-trees and all Ceders Cattell and all Bease Creeping things and fethered fovvle Kinges of the Earth and all Nations Prince-es and all Iudge-es of the Earth Yong-men and Maydes Oldmen and Children Let them praise the Name of the ETERN because his Name onely is to be exalted and his Worship both by the Earth the Heavens Which holdeth vp the Horne of his People the Prayse of his Gratious Ones of the Children of Israel his Proper People The ETERNALL be praised CXLIX PRAISE the ETERNALL sing yee a NEW SONG to the ETERN of his PRAYSE in the Congregation of his GRATIOVS-ONES Let Israel rejoyce in his MAKE-ER the Children of Zion triumph in their KING Let them praise his NAME vvith Pipes and sing Psalmes to him vvith Tabret and Harp Because the ETERNALL hath alikeing to his People and glorifyeth the lowly with SALVATION Let the Gratious Ones triumph Gloriously and Sing aloud vpon their beds vvith Exaltationes of the ALL MIGHTY in their Throates and a tvvo edged svvord in their handes For working Revenge among the Heathen Chastisment among the Nations for bindeing their Kinges in Manicles and their Noble-men in Iron-Chaines for fullfilling among them the SENTENCE that is written Hee is an ornament to all his Saintes The ETERNALL be praised CL PRAISE the ETERNALL praise the ALLMIGHTY in his Sanctuary Praise him in the Firmament of his Strength Praise him for his Valiant Actes praise him according to his Mighty Greatnes Praise him with the sound of the Trumpet Praise him with the Viol and Harp Praise him with Taber and Pipe praise him with Timbrels and Fife Praise him with Loude Bells praise him with loud-sounding Cymballs Let every breath praise the ETERNALL The ETERNALL be praised ARGVMENTS VPON THE PSALMS PSALM I. AS the Law is the touch-stone of the lives of men so this work of Psalmes is to bring them to it Psal. 26 and this Psalme the formost to shew the way Heer the judgement and justice therof is layed to the rule and weighed And seeing all that men would haue is but happines of their liues and Eternity hee sheweth by a short description the way to it To avoyde the Enimyes and all impediments therof the wicked counsell of transgressers to leaue the known way of Sinn Psa. 36 and not to skorn instruction And this person hee
that hee should be rewarded according to his righteousnes and his innocency before him dealing still frowardly with his enimyes but kindely with his servant by giveing grace and salvation to the humble and bringing down the proud looks Now becaus ther is no way of salvation but Gods and hee lightens his candle of understanding and makes his darknes to shine through which his way is perfect for any breach or assalt for relyeing on him that ther is none but God that saveth him by strength in his loynes perfection of his way surenes of footing advantage of the ground cunning of his hādes and strength of his arme that sheilds him and saves him and that the lowlynes of God and his Ministry advanced him and thus did hee beat down his enimyes and hee was delivered and they called in vain for ther was none to save them for they set light by his law Psal. 137.50 and God had hid his favours from them and favoured thē not according to his request Ps. 17. and brought them low in subjectiō and consumed them Ps. 55.59 and made him a famous conqueror without strife And for this hee blesseth the God of his salvation for all for his revenge for his commāde for his escape for his advancement among the Hethen and deliverance from that cruell one Saul that was kinde to cruell Amalek Therfor hee will thank the Name of the everlasting among the heathen for so great kindenes and salvation to him and his seed for everlasting generations Ps. 17. Construction Heer ther are many handes and that of divers sortes the hand of God the hand of the enemye and the hand of David himself and the hand of God hath the way of salvation and a way of punishment Hee saveth by light sure footing broad feet and sharp like deer becaus David is pure handed Hee punisheth with an angry hand inevitable stormes of hail and fire thunder and lightning to shew subjection and Dominion deliverances and condemnation becaus the enimyes hand is snares and affliction and invasion He giveth David all virtue and skill to uphold him and also force to prostrate his foes and destroy them according to the letter heth and also hee useeth Iadah for thanking that hee is never out of som signification of som kinde of hand or other Genesis Gods name Iehovah is a rock and everlasting and his way perfect and David sticketh close to it for his sole relye and quiescencey and is rewarded His enimyes are the sonnes of Belial ful of defect and therfor are revenged The deficients may appeer when they are made as small as dust in the winde and as inestimable as dust or dirt and when they trust not to their handes but shrink from their holdes so the reward of the one is the defeat of the other PSALM XIX WHen they professed themselves to be wise they became fooles Men thought to describe the mysticall image and glory of God by rotten creatures of the earth when his eternall power and godhead is considered in his method and way of creation and redemption Which becaus it is a way so wonderfull and so miraculous and his salvation so great so remarkable and notable and admirable in the eyes of men Ps. 118. for the infinit constancey of his word and everlasting love and righteousnes of the Law that it seemeth to shine beyond all thinges in the world It is called the glory of God and that great Ps. 138. and hee the king of glory Ps. 24. For his blessing and beames of righteousnes upon the church And this is the reformation and the new creation that the heavens and firmament shew every day in the week by renewing of knowledge over all the world 1. The Law of God is perfect becaus it hath power of conversion by shineing of the light therof round about us 2. It is so credible a testimony and so faythfull as the heavens themselves that the simple can beleeve it and be instructed 3. The provisos and statutes therof are very upright and plain and delightfull for eminencey 4. The commandement is as pure as the Sunn to make a man circumspect and addeth light to the sight and is good for the eyes 5. The Fear and honour of God is a clean cariage of a man by an undefiled religion that remaineth for ever 6. And all his work is don by true and right-judgement that makes his sentencees most sweet and delightfull to a reformed creature and to haue domination and approbation over all Thus by imprinting the manifest justice of the Law called the glory of God in the certainty of the heavens and their courses to all countryes intelligible Ps. 119. is And compareing the Law and the visitation therof to the Sunn in all propertyes for his locks of heavenly knowledge with a high estimation therof for shewing him his way Ps. 119. h 149. and the knowledge of infinit transgressions David prayeth for forgiuenes of all sortes of them that in word and thought hee may bee uprighte with the eternall and walk with God and keep an intire rest in true holynes before him and pleas him From the creation Gen. 1. And thus in six dayes God hath made heaven and earth c. by illumination and confirmation of men in the true knowledge of him by his word and bringing them to beleeve And heerby hee becommeth their father their life and creator their saviour and redeemer that they may both know him and also the way to him even Iesus Christ the true and liveing way even the very way of life Ps. 16. Every day is a degree of knowledge till wee com to a perfection and rest in the light and judgement of the Law the true light and perfection the Sabbath when sinn reigneth not over us but our Conscience is cleer and our words and thoughts pleas God Construction The letters make Iet of Natah to spred Ps. 104. and to decline and incline and a place of lyeing down a chamber c. and it hath the spreading of the heavens for his handy work Ps. 104. For the Name of God heer beeing might importeth hand The heavens are full of variation and yeld continuall knowledge all the world over wher the Sunn hath his chamber Solisque cubilia Gades c. his riseing and inclineing and declination and operation so hee declineth the Law and defineth the same and his owne errors are for declinations Genesis In the Definition is all quiescencey great riches great sweetnes great reward great wisdom great joy great knowledge and great purity great warning from which considering his declineings and divers defects Hee would be purged of all that hee might rest in the favour of God his rock and stay redemption sole quiescency and rely Ps. 18. and that the quiescence is in this word Mark that Iehova is seven times repeated to stay you therupon and upon the law as the defection is in the declineing from it and this is for a begining also PSALME XX.
are euen consumed and driuen out by oppression and I CALL on thee dayly ô ETERNALL and spread my palmes vnto thee Wilt thou doe a wonder vpon the Dead shall the deceased rise againe and confesse thee surely Shall thy LOV KINDENES bee told in the grave thy FAYTHFVLLNES in the place of destruction shall thy Miracles be manifested in the dark and thy wonderfull IVSTICE in the land of forgetfullnes that I when I shoute vnto thee my PRAYER come early before thee why doest thou reject mee and hide thy face from mee J beeing afflicted and yeelding vp the Ghost vvith trouble vvith bearing thy Terrors am amaseed thy sore Kindlings are vpon mee thy terrible Passions press mee They compasse about mee dayly like vvater and goe all-about ouer mee together Thou estrangest my Loueing freends from mee my familiar Acquaintance vvith obscurity LXXXIX A Mascil of Ethan the Ezrachite I Will euer SING the KINDENESSES of the ETERNALL to all Generatiōs make known thy FAITHFVLLNES with my mouth To wit The Kindenes that the world was built by and thy Faythfullnes which thou hast CONFIRMED in the Heavens I have made a Covenant sworne to my servant David I will establish thy seed for euer and build vp thy throne for all generatiōs surely And let the Heaven confesse thy wonderfullnes O ETERNALL yea thy FAYTHFVLLNES in the Congregation of the Holly ones For who among the children of the GODES in the cloudy skyes equalleth or may compare with the ETERNALL a terrible GOD in the counsell of the Holly ones and dreadfull over all that be about him O ETERNALL GOD of Warr who is so mighty a GOD as thou art and thy FAYTHFVLLNES about thee Thou rullest over the pride of the Sea and allayest the waves thereof when they rise the maine Ocean thou beatest down like a slain man with thy strong Arme scatterest thine Enimyes the Heavens are thine yea the Earth is thine the whole world and all the Implements therof for thou foundedst them the North and the South thou hast created them Tabor and Hermon to resound out thy Name Thou hast a conquering Arme and thy Right hand doth highly prevaile the firm Base of thy Throne is Iustice and Iudgement and Kindenes and Faythfullnes stand before thy face Happy are the People that know Triumphing and walk ô ETER in the Light of thy Countenaunce are dayly meery with thy NAME and Exalted with thy IVSTICE Because thou art the Ornament of their Strength and by thy good will is our Horne Exalted For our DEFENDOVR is the ETERNALLS our KING the Holly ones of Israel whē as thou spakest in a VISION to thy GRATIOVS ONE and SAYEDST J haue leuyed raysed and Ayde a Chose-en one out of the People aboue a VVORTHY J haue found my Seruant Dauid and Anoynted him vvith my holly oyle vvith vvhom my hand shall firmly bee mine ARME shall strengthen him No Enimye or Iniurious childe shall intercept him or oppresse him J vvill beat dovvn his foes them that hate him flat before him my FAYTHFVLLNES LOV KINDENES shall bee vvith him and in my NAME shall his Horne bee exalted vpon the Sea vpon the Riuers vvill J make his Right hand to bee Hee shall CALL mee O my Father my GOD Rock of my SALVATION I vvill make him my ELDEST-SONNE the SOVERAIGNE of all the Kinges of the Earth J vvill make his seed his Throne to bee for Euerlasting like the dayes of heauen if his children forsake my Law vvalk not in my JVDGEMENTS if they violate my PRESCRIPTIONS keep not my Commandements I vvill visit their Transgressions vvith Rods their Jniquity vvith Scourges but my Lov Kindenes vvill I not break off from him neither deal falsly in my Faythfullnes J vvill not violate my Covenant nor change the thing that is gon out of my Lipps I haue once SVVORNE in my HOLLYNES and shall J lye vnto David His Seed shall bee for euer his Throne as the Sunne before mee hee shall be established as firme as the Moone a faythfull witnes in the SKYE for euer surely And thou lothe-est and drawest back and art angry with thine ANOINTED Thou avoydest the COVENANT of thy Servant and defile-est his Garland one the ground thou hast broke-en down all his walles and made a ruine of all his Fortifications all Travailers by the way trample on him hee is a Reproche vnto his Neighbours Thou holdest vp the Right hand of his Foes make-est all his Enimyes glad yea thou turnest the edge of his sword and make-est it not to stand in the Battail thou make-est it rest from his brightnes and hast pulled down his Throne to the Ground Thou hast shortened the dayes of his youth and covered him over with Bashfullnes surely How long wilt thou continue hid and shall thy hot Anger burn like fire ô Remember thou of what continuance I am wherfor in vain hast thou create-ed all Human men what strong man is ther that shall not see death or his life shall escape from the hand of hell surely Wher are thy first KINDENESSES ô Lord which thou SWAREST to David in thy FAYTHFVLLNES Remember O LORD the Reproche of thy Seruāts which I put vp in my bosom of all the great ones of the Nations wher with thine Enimyes have reproched ô ETERNALL wher with thine Enimyes haue reproched the Steps of thine Anoynted Blessed bee the ETERNALL for ever Again and Again THE FOWRTH BOOK XC A Prayer of Moses the Man of GOD. O LORD thou hast been an Habitation for vs in all ages before the Hilles wear brought foorth and the Earth and whole Confusion had travailed in paine of birth and from one generation to another thou hast been our GOD. Thou bringest miserable man to a fragment and SAYEST Com againe yee Children of men For a thousand yeers in thy sighte is as yeesterday that is past and as a watch in the night Thou rainest them down and they are like a sleep in the morning hee is fresh like grasse that in the morning florisheth fresh and at evening is cut down and withered for in thine Anger and thy Heat wee are terribly consume-ed Thou settest our iniquityes before thee and our youthfullnes in the lighte of thy presence for all our DAYES glaunce by in thy wrath wee spend our yeers
speaketh falshoods shall not bee established in my sight I will soon dissolve all WICKED ones of the earth whē I shall cut off from the Citty of the ETERNALL all Workers of Greeff CII A Prayer of the Poore when hee fainted powered out his Complaint before the ETERNALL O ETERNALL hear my PRAYER and let my SHOVTING come vnto thee Hide not thy FACE from mee when I am in Distresse turne thine eare vnto mee and heare mee quickly when I CALL Because my dayes are consumed in smoke and my bones on fire like a brand my hart is strooken and withered like an Herb that I forget the eating of my meat By my loud sighing my bones ste●k vnto my skinn I am like an OWLE of the Wildernes and a skrich OWLE of Waste place-es I am like a folitary bird watching vpon the House top All the day doe mine ENIMYES revile mee and my DEFAMERS coniure against mee That I eat Ashes like bread and mingle my drinke with Teares because of thy fomeing Indignaton for thou hast cast mee away My dayes are like a declineing shadow and I am withered like an herb and thou ô ETERNALL remainest for ever and thy REMEMBRANCE for all Generations ô vp and haue MERCY vpon Sion for the SETTIME is come to haue COMPASSION on it because thy Servantes like the stones thereof and hold the dust thereof gratious That the Heathen all Kingdomes of the earth may fear thy GLORYOVS NAME ô ETERN ô let the ETER that hath built Sion appeere in his GLORY regard the PRAYER of the SHAKEEN not despise their Prayer That this may be written for an other generation and that the People to be borne hearafter may prayse the ETERN O let the ETERNALL look out of Heauen his holly HIGHTH and look down vpon the Earth To hear the Prisoners groneing and to let a brode the CONDEMNED to tell out the NAME of the ETERN in SION and thy PRAYSE in JERVSALEM vvhen the Nations and Kingdomes are gathered together to Serue the ETER Hee that beat dovvn my Strength in the vvay and shortned my dayes J SAY O my ALLMIGHTY GOD take mee not avvaye in the midst of my dayes and thy yeers dureing all Generations O thou that vvast before the Earth vvas founded and the Heauens the vvork of thy Handes vvhich shall perish and thou shallt remaine and they all shall goe old like a Garment and thou shallt shift them and they shall be put off like clothes and thy yeers are neuer consumeed let the Children of thy Seruantes abide still before thee their Seed bee established in thy PRESENCE CIII Of DAVID BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVL all my FORCES blesse his holly NAME ô BLESSE the ETERN ô my SOVLE and forget not his GOOD DEEDS That Pardoneth and healeth all thy greevous Iniquity that Redeemeth thy life from the Pit Gardeth thee with KINDENES and MERCY that Supplyeth thy youth with the Goodnes of thine ORNAMENTS as an Egle reneweth her self The ETERNALL that doth Just IVDGEMENT to all the oppressed and maketh his Wayes knowen to Moses and his Excellent WORKES to the Children of Israel The ETERNALL is mercifull gratious and patient and of great KINDENES hee vvill not striue perpetually nor keep contention for euer hee hath not don vnto vs according to our sinnes nor bestovved vpon vs according to our Jniquityes but as the Heauens are highe aboue the Earth so excelleth his KINDENES ouer them that fear him As farr as the East is from the VVest so farr hath hee put avvay our Transgression from him As a Father hath Mercy vpon his Children so hath the ETERNALL mercy vpon them that fear him Because hee Knovveth our CREATION and is mindefull that vvee are but Dust. A Sorrovvfull Mans dayes are like grass as a flovver of the Feeld so hee florisheth but the VVinde passeth ouer it and neither hee nor his Place is any more to bee discerned But the LOVING KINDENES of the ETERNALL is from age to age vpon them that fear him and his RIGHTEOVSNES to their childrens children to them that keep his COVENANT remember to doe his VISITATIONS The ETERNALL that hath confirmed his THRONE in Heauen and his KINGDOME in all Domination Blesse the ETERNALL yee his ANGELS that haue mightey Power to doe his COMMANDEMENTS and to hearken vpon the VOYCE of his WORD Blesse the ETERNALL all his EXCERCISE-ERS and MINISTERS that doe his will Blesse the ETERNALL all his WORKES in all places of his Dominion BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVLE CIV BLESSE the ETERNALL ô my SOVL ô ETERN my GOD thou art exceeding great and CLOTHED with REVEREND MAIESTY Putting on the LIGHTE as a Garment and spreading the HEAVENS as a Couertain That maketh his CHAMBER FLOORES vpon the vvaters and his RIDEING vpon the Cloudes and goeth vpon the VVINGES of the vvinde making the VVINDES his MESSENGERS and Flameing fire his MJNISTERS That founded the Earth vpon her stayes that it can not be mooued vvorld vvithout end VVHOM the Deep couereth like a Garment and the VVaters that did stand aboue the Hilles but at the chideing VOJCE of thy THVNDER they make haste to flye the Hilles ascending and the Beaches descending to the Place vvhich thou hast founded for them and hast set a bound that they shall not passe nor return again to couer the Earth That sendeth the Springs into the Brookes running betvveen the Hilles that vvater all the beasts of the feeld the vvilde beasts breake their thirst by vvhich the birdes of Heauen haue their dvvelling and charm out of the thick boughes That from his CHAMBER FLOORES vvatereth the Hilles that vvith the fruit of thy VVORKES the Earth may be satisfied That make-eth grasse to spring for bease and herbes for the seruice of Men that hee may bring foorth bread out of the Earth vvine to cheer a Sorrovvfull-mans hart to make a gladsom Countenance vvith oyle and bread to sustein a sorrovvfull-mans hart that they may bee satisfied vvith the Ceders of Libanon the Trees of the ETERNALL vvhich hee hath planted VVher the birdes doe make their nestes and the Firr Trees are the House of the Stork the highe Hilles are for the Roe-deer and Rockes a succour for the Cunnys Hee made the Moon for Seasons the Sunn to knovv his going dovvn thou puttest foorth Darknes and it is Night VVherin
Gutturalls perish haue their reward and by the power of the Eternall the Quiescents are preserved Peace and silence c. note the quiescents PSALM XXIX THe word of God is mighty in operation it divideth between the marrow and the bone Out of the light of salvation Ps. 27. and knowledge in the Law of God riseth admirable glory and mighty confidence for edification and sustenance in the spirit as Ps. 28. That the glory and power therof may be moste famous as Ps. 76. wher the very sound therof breaketh the weapons and maketh an end of the warr by the chideing of the moste high in his dwelling place and sanctuary Salem Zion For exceeding lustre and strength heerof it is called a Kingdom as Ps. 143.144.145 and heer therfore the effect therof is called a King and God of glory to raigne for ever as Ps. 24.19 And this is for the voice and spirit of the word it self and possession of the Scriptures called the waters and the great waters and the flood which hee occupyeth with such majesty and such commande with such aflonishment of Doctrine such terror to the Princes and tossing of the mountaines the Cedars and Lebanon and all the lofty ones setting their hartes and all the woodes on fire as in Cadesh and to tremble with great greeft makeing all things naked and revealing of all secrets discovering of al hartes and greeving the great deer of the forrest for want of cover And becaus hee so shineth in his temple and so disquieteth his Enimyes and giveth his people such blessing of strength peace beyond the power of all Gods that hee willeth all Gods and princes and mighty and godly men the children of the Gods and Ministers to ascribe all power and glory to him for ever the glory of his name with all humility in his decent sanctuary So for the might and majesty of Gods word in the Scriptures called the waters Ps. 68.150 and his thundring out of his miraculous Acts therin that plague the great kings in the wildernes of Zin in Cadesh 38. yeers by the firey flames of the Law and becaus all that hee speaketh in his temple is glory and becaus the Eternalls throne is upon the flood therof wher hee sitteth ever king and giveth strength end peace to his people as Psal. 93.147 hee wisheth all glory and strength to be as●cribed to the Eternall and his name as Ps. 96. and great worship in his sanctuary Construction Caph a hand yeeld or give ascribe or offer Caph to bow bend or worship for adoration and oblation of the Priests and Ministers Caphah a branch when the trees be all shivered and the woods made all bare of boughes Iob. 15. Exod. 9. Tet of Tete to sweep away all Isai. 14. and this by the moste terrible Meteors to shew the force and fiercenes of the word of God Therfor that they should yeeld him the glory of calling upon him with all glory Genesis The quiescency is in Iehova that mastereth the wat●rs as Noah in the Ark. The double doctrine of Dagesh in begad cepheth to be woren in the Ephod one kinde of Dagesh on the one shoulder and the other on the other by thes wordes yeeld c. glory and strength Dagesh tiphereth and dagesh chazak they must adore with decency The voice c. is with might and with majesty The glorious giving of the Law in mount Sina called the waters Exod. 19. Deut. 5. the strength and quiescency of his church to make his name and the calling upon him moste glorious Iehova or Hovah Isai. 47. by calamities and comfort Hee tells Iehevah 18 times over and El twise to shew the weight and glory of his name Jah which make 20. Mark the repetition PSALM XXX HEE that ascended is hee that descended first into the lower parts of the earth In the eighteenth Psalme David was baptised in trouble and in the nineteenth born by the word and made the childe of God by reformation and from thence strengthened and confirmed by his Name for which hee giveth all glory to God And in this Psalme hee is received to glory the greatest glory of God beeing his resurrection Before the loss of the Ark David was but over shooes and wetshod in affliction yet hee made his recovery great and his deliverance miraculous but now hee is up to the neeck yea over head and eares in hevynes when hee hath lost his charge his strength and ornament and salvation So that hee meaneth heer an infinit magnifying of God for his resurrection out of such a sorrow beeing as a poor ship wract man of all his confidence For ther is no descent so low as into a mans enimyes hands and no captivity so miserable or any misery so greevous as the whole Churches to a Defendour as is seen by Moses And haveing lost a sure estate and feeling the horror of Gods wrath and destruction and fallen in this terrible pit of distresses and affliction as seeing no way but death before him and considering well that there would com no profit by the death of a poor and wreched sinner but rather by his conversion and considering that God is not for ever angry as Ps. 77. and that there is Ioy and life to bee in Gods favour and likeing Ps. 34. hee turneth wholely to God for help and cryeth out of this great deep for redemption and forgivenes as Ps. 130. and obteineth to bee remitted and salved raised again and quickned that hee may sing and dance for joy and that his own Glory may for ever prais him for this shifting of him out of such miserable and sinfull corruption into such a glorious liberty again That hee ought for ever to worship him and Say Death wher is thy sting and hell wher is thy victory And for this hee so mightily extolleth God And as all the starrs in heaven differ in glory so the greatest glory in mans profession and protestation of religion is his resurrection from base corruption And therfor that ther is no way in heaven or earth to extoll it or thank him worthyly And this much for his dedication 2. Sam. 5.6 Construction Lamed for lerning or truth he maketh the light and life of the world Io. 1. hee dealing by the contrary as by the termes of darknes of adversity the pit horror Anger terror night mentioning heerby the lamentable and unprofitable state of darknes or ignorance that is intended From whence S. Mathew hath the children of the Kingdom which should be the children of light shall becom utterly ignorant by term utter Darknes and sorrow Which is nothing but the state of Ignorance Math 8. When God hideth his face and his glory shineth not and the Scriptures are not cleer For this hee prayeth for illumination and his glory to worship a right which is the brightnes of lerning to declare the truth His heavynes and his reviveing is from his God eternall Iehovah his virtuous remedy of Compassion marck the office
dead in sorrowfull lives buryed deeply in distresses and covered with wrongfull oppression shutt up from their freindes and acquaintance by remotenes and terriblely amaseed by affliction and Gods angry terror upon them Now how can they confess him aright as Psalm 86.137 and shew his kindenes and faithfullnes among the Destroyers and make his Miracles plain among them that understand nothing or manifest his Iustice wher it shall not bee remembred For this hee prayeth aloud in the night as Psalm 134. And holdeth up his handes and calleth dayly for salvation and redemption with early shouting and praier for the same to wit their return to Ierusalem to prais him counting all placees els in the world but an absolute state of death whersoever they were captiveed Construction Pe a mouth mouth to mouth or face to face for manifest as by prayer and Oration to God Affliction is the contrary for obscureity signified by the whole nature of the grave and dead men What theyr estate is mark his presence in these words before thee praying shouting and cryeing and calling confess told manifested Gods wrath remember And a miserable estate is compareed to a grave for all propertyes So his life is full of all evills none evill escapes him Hee is at the mouth of the pitt expireth Hee is dead slain weak out of minde cutt off in the deep in the dark in place of destruction land of forgetfullnes out of his acquaintance in abhomination shut up for ever In wrath hee rejects and hides his face Hee doth no wonderfull and secret thing his mercey is not revealed Cheth fear prostration and breaches amaseed terrors terrible passions oppression c. Bothe the letters spelt make Pach a Governour Duke or Prince Neh. 5. according to Ie. 48. also a snare which for his adversity hee maketh death and the grave as Ps. 18. Leviticus Nehemiah chap. 5. sheweth by useing the like wordes of this Psalme that hee is the Cryer and Governour and cheeff Prelate heer meant haveing the like occasion in the behalf of the church PSALM LXXXIX THe faithfullnes and kindenes and justice and judgement of the Everlasting by which the heaven and earth and all thrones are built and preserved must bee for ever sung And happy are the people that can delight and bee merry in the presence and light of the Everlasting beeing exalted by him Wher hee hath ordeined the sounding out of his Name And that ther is none to bee compar●ed either in heaven or earth to the Eternall for his warlikenes for might or counsell or terror for beating down the proud Nations and scattering of his Enimyes Now haveing exalted David and covenanted with him and sworn that his Throne shal be for ever and his seed after him and that hee would so strengthen him that no enimyes should hurt or oppress him and that hee would make him as deer as his Eldest sonn and give him a supremacey above all the kinges of the Earth and that hee would never take his kindenes from him onely correct him with ●odds for transgression of his Law Now hee noteeth that the Enimye hath the advantage and rejoyce God is angry and breaks his covenant Ierusalem is takeen and layd desolate the crown of his Anointed is cast on the ground the church is in captivity even in their prime their swordes nor their hartes have any edges to battell and his Throne is overturned and hee is abashed and is a reproche to his neighbours and praye●h that hee would no longer now hide his face in his ang●y dealing thus against them but remember what stripes they bee able to carry and not to make an end of them in his wrath but let them see his salvation in time and redeem them and to think of what continuance they are seeing oppression makes an end of the strongest and what was their Creation worth w●thout Redemption and think upon his kindenesses again and faithfull covenant to David and consider all his wayes after this correction and the Reproche that the church putteth up at the handes of thes great Nations their Enimyes that cannot abide his steps Construction Pe a mouth for all kindes of speech covenant swear confess triumph sing be mery with exalt speaking saying falsifying of promiss violating of covenant breaking his word changeing the thing that is gon out of his lipps lying reprocheing c. covenant law Iudgements prescriptions commandements his word or mouth Kindes of mouthes the edge of the sword the hand of hell or mouth Ps. 141. gaps in hedges and breaches in walls thou hast broken down all his walls c. Tet dirt or clay as beating for dust his throne is down and his garland and crown and all his exalting defiled in the ground and abaseed and all Kingdom and honour in the dust and shame and reproche to cover it His song is the Mercey●s and miraculous dealing of God and his truthe in promiss which is all his way Ps. 25. his mighty way of salvation rule and assistance See the repetition of kindenes and faythfullnes and wonders for kindenes and walk of divers writeing to bee noteed Mark the eternity and throne of God wher hee sitteth in his word which is his mouth for ever world without end for the wisdom and uprightnes therof Iudgement and Iustice. Leviticus The Seed of the woman shall crush the serpents head Ge. 3. Michael the Archangel of the covenant is cheeff prince and prelate heer Da. 7.10.12 Zac. 3. Ap. 12. Iude. Like Immanuel Is. 7.8 Nu. 13. as by Gods Name of might and strength to help and rule and commande El and Chasin Iah c. Mark the admiration who among the children of the Gods c. who is so mighty a God c. So Mi Ca El signifyeth who is like God Deut 33. cheeff in the congregation and counsell of the holy ones Hee beateth down the grown seas and lofty billows and heads of the Enimyes By his ministry called his Arm and right hand and strength therof which is called his help For this help hee peeked David out of the people to conquer the Enimyes one that no Serpent could prevent Ge. 3. The seed of his doctrine shall bee for ever Mark for the creation of the church the woman out of the Mans side from ●ll the wordes repeated build help before or for finde Enimy for serpent c. beguile c. onely the serpent shall reproche his steps and blaspheme or hurt his heeles Mark still the rep●tition THE FOVVERTH BOOK PSALM XC COmpareing the age of man with the age of the Church they finde the ods to bee infinite not a wakeing in the night to a thousand yeers which they call but a shower of a sleep that they were in God before the creation and hath lasted ever since without extinguishment His servants bee brought to a few and pounded to dust but hee reviveeth them with sonns and daughters and when they flowerish moste their youthfullnes in iniquity angreth God
Iudgement and wholely just and lighteneth all by his Law and must needs require attendance of brutish and heathenish men To turn him from the way of destruction to the way of salvation from the bad way to the good way from the way of death to the way of life by the Scriptures and confirm him And this likewise is a wonderfull benefit of the Sabbath Now in the greatest distress that can com by the Molesters of the church that might even break a mans hart to think on Ps. 115. when they see their feet are gone from under them and they are about to despaire of life and safety then the repetitions of Gods great workes and kindenesses doe releeve them and set them up again with this comfort within them that no corrupt estate or government can indure or reigne check by jowl with him or any Corregnum of such as plot and decree Mischeeff against the just and harmless Therfor now the church prayeth for a cleer revenge a due retribution and a treble reward upon their oppressours and that their God the Eternall their trust and relye would unweave their mischeeff and unplot their devisees and render their own sorrow upon them and destroy them Construction Tsade Food which is the light and understanding of the word the first of all creatures Gen. 1. Io. 1. and it yeeldeth all contentment and satiety help and succour Heer in this peece the brute and foolish are opposed to the lerned and the vexers wicked and ungodly to the Godly and just and quiet ones answerable to the 92. as it were the same and the greevers ther are Iudged heer A great dore is opened c. Daleth an entrance or dore for instruction Mark the repetition destroy c. workers of Greeff c. brute and foolish c. correction teaching omnipotencey of the Eternall in knowledge and power to revenge by paying every one according to their works as Iudges of the earth Ps. 62. That the unquiet and disquieters may have no quiet rest nor Sabbath at all but end with greeff and mischeeff of their own And this according to the letter Ghimel in the last peece for reward or right or judgement or revenge as yf it were still the same psalme observing the A B C for verses with one over to shew Ghimel in the second vers Numbers The wildernes heer is the proud the wicked the disquieters the bruteish the foolish insulters the vaunters the arrogant oppressors sleyers murtherers naughty and mischeevous ones ill Rulers that hunt for the life of the just and condemners of innocents c. The word giveth rest from such and safety and defens but to such is no peace rest nor Sabbath at all Is. 54.48 Iude c. PSALM XCV THer is no peace to the wicked so ther is no rest but to them of understanding and how great a benefit is it then to be brought unto it In this psalme it is by way of their behaviour in the church and Sabbath service They must beginn with triumph to the Everlasting their righteousnes and accord to the rock of their salvation the Scriptures from whence they were digged and formed with psalmes of thanks offering for deliverance for the greatnes of God and his kingdom who hath in his handes all unaccessible places by power of creation putting off the shoos of fowl wayes and unclean lives for the holynes of the place by the feet of the saintes They must doo all manner of reverence to their makeer their God for their induement of Grace and Manners for their Education and fostering them with his own hand by his Law and not with hard and stony hartes full of strife and infidelity and devilish temptation to hear his word but without any wrath or murmuring as Ps. 4. with all contentment to hearken to him and consider his work That they bee not wicked and greeve God and err still in their harts ignorant of his wayes notwithstanding their instructions and bee depriveed of their rest Ps. 81. Consider the great work of the third day Gen. 1. Com. 4. wher it is to bee noteed that the weightynes of the work is still to bee admireed for the necessity of rest and for greater sanctification and blessing of the Sabbath ever som part of the creation is recorded and the Great Creator to be magnifyed extolled and worshiped Construction Tsade for meat or food and that is the makeing and creating of us by the word by the comming together of the words made and formed and feeding and handes c. And hee biddeth prepare gentle and soft harts for instruction at the time of hearing the word that the meat may doo them good that they may beleeve and relent and repent at the comming of the Kingdom When they see the word to raigne and rule see their harts are mislead and hardned and cannot repent nor receive the food at Meribah and Massah Exod. 16. He behold for the greatnes of the Creator they must present themselves in songes gratefullnes in prayers of humblenes with all reverence for the deep serchings out of sight and the steep hills in sight by the abounding and defect of He in divers words and rareity of construction It is also apparent by Hem the demonstrative they comming twise together Numbers Ther is nothing but the word and the wildernes Government and no Government docible and tractable and quiet people and hard harted and disquiet and molesters tempters and provokers Which have no benefit of the word and cannot obtein the rest of the Kingdom but to the troublesom is tribulation and anguish PSALM XCVI THe Everlasting the God of righteousnes is greater and more commendable and far more reverend then all the Gods of the Heathen for makeing and confirming the heavens of his sanctuary wherall worship Majesty strength and decencey is taught before him out of his word wher hee raigneth and setleth all the world as Ps. 29. so sure by his doctrine that it can never bee mooved or carryed away again by any winde And this is likewise to bee reckoned a great benefit of the Sabbath service to all nations and thought worthy of a new song of triumph to his Name and the glory therof His kingdom of righteousnes as Ps. 4. and his miraculous salvation heerby to bee preached and told every day among the Heathen That all Nations famylyes of all the earth may ascribe all glory and strength to his Name and offer and bow unto him with holy fear and trembling before him That th● Heavens and the earth the sea and all that is in it may thunder out joy and gladnes all plants feeld-herbs and trees of the wood leap and triumph and keep Sabbath for the Iustice constancey and faythfullnes of their king at his comming to judgement now by his word and secureity of their kingdom for evermore Consider the second dayes work Gen. 1. with the Commandement Construction Tsade for meat or food this is joy in
mighty hand and long reaching arm all the wonderfull works in the world of his goodnes and his mercey Psal. 23. and his everlasting Kingdom of kindenes and compassion in cutting off the ungodly and saveing of the Church in thinking upon them in their low estate and setling them in their enimyes land and provideing food for all flesh the unperishing food of his word the searching wherof is the bread of eternall life and an everlasting nuriture So the wicked are visited justly for ignorant worship and workmanship to the sowerth degree of the ungodly and disobedient but his mercy is to last for thousands even for ever to the Godly and obedient rebellion against the word beeing a sinn of witche craft and transgression moste wicked idolatry Ther was no imagination presented or propounded with it but that all tricks formes and fansyes of man wear vain and hatefull and abominable Psal. 119. S. For this Godhead of understanding beeing the God of all possiblity and to whom nothing is impossible or hard but all his wayes are secrets and miraculous in the eyes of man wherby all was made and facioned and revealed preserved and maintened and by perpetuall judgement defended and saveed how absurd then is the imploreing of sensless aide against all rule of creation and against the Kingdom of grace prayed for Yf hee doth the things which no man els doth why beleeve they him not yf not for his own sake yet for his works hee ought to bee beleeved in and trusted unto Therfor that they worship that wonderfull Creator defender and preserver the God of heaven that made the heaven and the earth the sea and all fountains for his infinite works of mercey grace and compassion in his Kingdom by his heavenly light of wisdom reason and knowledge invented disscerned and brought in frame and not so placable Gods of their own makeing wherin against all reason and understanding the Creature is set in place of the Creator and a man worshipeth what hee will and contenteth himself as hee will which is moste monstrous For this invention yeeldeth no correction nor am●ndment and is no part of the Kingdom prayed for seeing no obedience is due to the work of a mans own hands no more then the father should obey the childe or child●en lay up and provide for their parents Therfor who so ever receiveth not the Kingdom of God as a litle childe for correction and obedience hee shall not enter therinto Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to compass by kindenes ps 32. worship and adoreing of the ministers tormentors the contrary Lamed for lerning the word of creation and preservation The Eternall his existens is of so great extent and power and wisdom by his ministry that it maisters all the gods and kings and lords of the world Deut. 10. Ex. 34. The divers vowelling of Iehovah used but once all the psalme intendeth but rule and might and mercie ps 102. repeated according to the letters Iehovah twenty six times Vav a hook or crook hee brought them out c. hee freed them from c. Lord and worship agree Ier. 22. Ps. 8. Mark the repetition The three letters make quolo his voice or word as Ps. 29. Deuteronomy the Ministers are set to prais and bless and worship 1 Cro. 16. so in the last psalme and this the Eternall is the mighty Actor of salvation by his grace Mark the first and last words and the continuall burden of the song for a rehearsall Gods kindenes twenty six times repeated according to the number of 26 made up just by the letters of Jehovah PSALM CXXXVII IN this psalme the Iewes shew care in pleasing God rather than man their Creator Redeemer and Inductor rather than their captiveer and suspender for either they will not sing at all and hang up their harps or if they will have them to sing it shall be that which they have little pleasure to hear for fear of takeing Gods name in vain and transgressing his will in vain rejoyceing in their heavy season against their harts or makeing their enimies mery with their sacred and good things which God would not allow of So that after they have made it a hard thing to sing for people in their case and harder to rejoyce with holy songs of Sion and that they did not think it meet to sing thes holy things among such houndes in a strange and an enimies land yet that the name of Sion and fame of Ierusalem may not be forgotten by them they take down their harps and apply their fingers and looss their tongs from the rooffs of their mouthes to shew that all their joy and delight was in Ierusalem and not with them all their song is nothing but a bitter prayer to God for a terrible revenge and payment upon them That as the Edomites incouraged to destroy Ierusalem to the ground to the utter ruine and desolation of it and no less could content them and the destroying citty Babel performd as much that now God would remember all their dealing and make them happy that should require them treble ps 94. with a merciless revenge and destruction uppon them that ther may be no mercy to the merciless or their children but that it may pleas God to dash them all in peeces against the stones with an utter confusion and destruction of them And this lest they should transgress the third commandment and displeas their God at their enemies request to use his name unprofitabely and deserv new punishment and disobey his known will and be worse beaten than before after their return home And becaus all pleasure is a kinde of idolatry but the true and only worship of God they will not pleas themselves nor their enemies with one word of their lips ps 16. nor shed one drop of prais or sacrifice any commendation to them at all Construction Quoph to compass Captiveers Inthraulers hanging takeing Lamed lerning his tong and hand shall be disused and all cunning forgotten Babel is repeated for a town of confusion and destruction of learning Gen. 11. Ierusalē for perfection alludeing to both mount Sion opposed to the rivers also So weeping and mirth remembring c. by Zain to hear by singing Song the sens rule of relation as the eares are the daughters of songs Eccl. 12. they shall be happy that pay thē with cōfusion that seek it Obadiah mark the repetitiō you shall see the A. B. C. confoūded also by words of purpos under words of song which is also vers he conceals a return or torment Deuteronomy Singing is heer the act of repeating for a memoriall It shall be life eternall to punish persecutors So he hath still minde of his wonderfull way of salvation mark the repeating of these words happy repay dealt down with it c. PSALM CXXXVIII HEaring is the way to Christ and Moses and the Prophets are the Doctors to draw men unto him for they shall be all taught of God
THE BOOK OF PRAYSES CALLED THE PSALMES The KEYES and Holly Things of DAVID Translated out of the Hebrevv According to the Letter and the Mystery of them AND According to the rule and Methode of the Compile-er Opened in Proper Arguments vpon every PSALME following the same BY ALEXANDER TOP ESQVIER AMSTELREDAM Printed by Ian Fredericksz Stam. M. DC XXIX To the Highe and mighty Prince CHARLES By the grace of God KING of England Scotland France and Irland Defendour of the faith c. All Grace peace and felicity Everlasting MOSTE GRATIOVS SOVERAIGNE Becaus the children of God bee peaceable and the Kingdom of heaven belongeth to the poore in spirit and contention is a hinderance of understanding and Skorners are farr from it becaus wisdom is the true happines and stops the mouth of iniquity becaus the lion and the serpent is vanquished and Iustice raigneth and the Turtle dove is com and heard in our land becaus the glory of the law the strength therof shineth in your Majesties hart by cleernes of judgement golden verity becaus your Majesty is the Prince of peace an endles gouvernment is layd upon you and none els is fitt to sit upon the Throne of David I humbly present unto your Majestyes handes this Scepter of the Psalmes of David his service my paines to your Majestyes service as fear to whom fear and honour to whom honour Scepters to whom Scepters belong beeing an instrument full of eyes sharp provident fitt for gouvernment made of Moses and the Prophets hath Christ and his Apostles looking on it That your Majesty may never bee weary of beholding it when your Majesty shall perceive how potentiall it is made for the Church by sweet invitation of skorners by revelation to the Ignorant and resolution to the straitened How therby the wisdom of the Ministry of that great congregation and Allowance of the Temple of Ierusalem and their blessing of the poore with instruction crowning of them that keep the law reprobation of the contentious to answer all reprochers the most heavenly perfection of the church that beareth all peace and beatitude is brought to light By dividing the waters of the Scriptures and making a cleer passage through the depth therof The rod of government that ceaseth all contention in them and melteth the hard rocks bringeth liquor of life out of the same Considering the heighth of the stile and depth of the invention the reach of the work and largenes of Matter becaus the world I suppose have no more such piles I make your Majesty the Pillar and stay of all And as the deliverance is upon the knees of your Majestyes Dominion that your Majesty may live in them and they bee susteined by your Majesty that your Majesty my live eternally with them and they with your Majesty that your Majesty bee ever blessed by them they by your Majesty that your Majesty may sanctify them they may sanctify your Majesty That your Majestyes name may bee their sanctuary they the Ministers to extoll the same as long as the sunn and moon lasteth That by the light in the night of them the clowdynes in the day time they may the Church may all the Godly may walk safe untouched of the Enimy and live and Conquer for ever Seeing all kinde of rule and art government regularity is conteined in them that nothing is wanting That your Majesty like David may lead yours with a skillfull hand feed them hartily And thus have your Majesty a most glorious entrance into the strong and invincible citty of David the fort of Sion Where all the blinde and lame are smitten and a most heavenly pile of cleernes and uprightnes and Kingdom of knowledge is erected By Principles in the tongue and in religion and in divinity by letter and figure till it come to a perfection of strength glory for the defendour such was the occasion of this work The work is so well knitt together from Psalme to Psalme one matter to another and one thing with another that they are not to bee sundred for the strength therof And that your Majesty may say the same and perceive how the stile is lifted from the ground how the heavenly understandíng is overcovered with cloudes I here present a revelation therof by naturall Arguments rising from them for your Majesty to lean on while your Majesty ministreth just judgement giveth the strength of the Law to your people to feed on And that your Majestyes endes may bee ever blessed that the wicked bee Cutt off and the just may ever possess the land peace enough to delight them And now the vail of all is drawen the light is manifest I moste humblely submit all to your Majesty the Shield of Truthe and end with Iob. No man can bee silent for want of knowledge I therfor repent and give over pray your Majestyes pardon conclude with prayer for your Majestyes dayes and raigne as the dayes of heaven with all happynes Your Majestyes moste humble subject ALEXANDER TOP To the Reader COnsider Gentle Reader that all Knowledge and Learning is descended f●om rudenes and inclines to return unto it With much pain it was brought forth so with might and main it must bee held up lest all runn into confusion again And this is the work of the Prophet All piles incline to confusion the●for hee seeketh to save the Law Because in language ther bee many kindes weigh his rule hee writeeth upon the five books five books under the five beginnings out of the five books to wit the first wordes of every book That he so purposed the ends and the beginnings do throughly prove They make every one a perfect conclusion and beginn directly upon the first wordes of the same book in the Law Though the books bee precisely five yet the number of the psalm continueth through all which cannot but intend mystery This way is not strange to Poets to descant upon words by allegoricall discours by this hee travaileth onely upon the mysteryes and doubtfullnes of the Law or the termes of it in the propheticall or heavenly stile takeing his frame from the Prophets And this shall suffice to make the psalmes to argue the Law Every glory hath his covering Is. 4. so the psalms are a brief copy of the Law They treat of the Law and of the King as every Law must have a King as it is a kingdom The Law is made out of the vertues and the psalms ext●ll it much out of the names of God The psalms do carry a fair outward stile but their treasure is within them and that is their holines They are indeed the revelation of the Law and the Prophets His way is all upon A. B. C. defect abounding or disordered becaus the Letters bee so significant This is no strange lerning for most of the other books of ●he bible play the
and let coles be throvven vpon them in hot coles that they never rise againe That noe foul tonged man be established in the earth and that the Malice of the Iniurious man hunt him to Destruction I know the ETERN will doe the right Sentence of the Afflicted and needy seeing Iust and vpright men shall sit and celebrate thy NAME and remaine before thee CXLI A Psalm of DAVID O ETERNALL I CALL on thee ô hasten to mee ô hear my Voice when J call vnto thee Let my PRAYER be made burnt JNCENSE before thee and the lifting vp of my handes an Evening Offring Set ô ETERNALL a wach to my mouth to ward at the Dore of my Lippes Incline not my minde to any bad matter to enterprize enterprizes wickedly with Molesters let not mee eat of their deinty meates let the Iust man beat mee in Kindenes and reproove mee and let not my head refuse pretious oyle because while they are in their Miseryes also my PRAYER shall bee That their condemners be smitten by the Rock that they hear my Sayings beeing sweet As of a hevver or cleever on the earth our bones are scatered at the pits mouth But tovvard thee ô ETERN ô LORD are mine eyes and in thee doe I relye ô shake not off my life keep mee from the traps they tile for mee and the snares of Molesting men Let the VVicked fall into the Meashes therof vvhile I escape at once CXLII A Maskil of DAVID A Prayer vvhen hee vvas in the Cave WITH my Voice J cry vnto the ETERN with my Voice I make REQVEST to the ETERN I power out my Complaint before him and tell my Distresse before him When my spirit fainteth on mee and they hide snares in the way that I goe and thou knowest my Pathes Look vpon my right hand and see and J have noe acquaintance all Refuge is perished from mee and ther is none that careth for my life I CRY vnto thee ô ETERN and Say O thou my RELY and PORTION in the living world hearken to my Loud PRAYER because J am exceedingly spent O deliver mee from my Pursuers for they are to strong for mee ô bring my Life out of Hold to vvorship thy NAME vvith the Just ones about mee for thy Boūtifullnes vpon mee CXLIII A Psalm of DAVID O ETERNALL heare my Prayer and hearkē to my Supplications And in thine owne TRVTH and Righteousnes consider mee And enter not into Iudgement With thy Servant for noe living creature is Iust before thee Because the Enimy pursueth my Soul and beates down my life to the ground and make-eth mee dwell in obscurity like them that are dead for ever And my spirit fainteth on mee and my hart is wasted within mee I remember the dayes of old and Meditate of all thy Work I talk of the Doing of thy handes J spread my handes vnto thee open my minde like a thirsty land vnto thee surely Make hast and consider mee O ETERNALL and hide not thy Face from mee for my Spirit is spent I am to be compared with them that are going to the Pitt Betimes let mee hear thy LOVEING KINDENES because I trust in thee and let mee know the WAY that I should goe because I open my minde vnto thee Deliver mee from mine Enimyes ô ETERNALL my concealing is vvith thee Teach mee to doe thy vvill ô thou my GOD by thy good Spirit lead mee in plain Ground For thy NAMES sake ô ETERNALL revive mee by thy Righteousnes bring my Soul out of Distresse and in thy LOVING KINDENES dissolve thou mine Enimyes and destroy all them that torment my Life for I am thy Servant CXLIV Of DAVID BLESSED be the ETERNALL my Rock that maketh my handes cunning for warr and my fingers for the Battail my KINDENES FORTRESSE RELEEFF and RESCVER my DEFENSE that J relye on that bringeth in commande my People vnder mee ô ETERNALL what is wreched man that thou take-est Notice of him make-est reckning of him man that is like vnto Vanity and his dayes like a shadow that passeth by O ETERNALL bow the Heavens com down touch the Mountaines that they smoke Lighten with thy Lightning and scater them send out thine Arrowes and disturb them Send thy handes from an highe rid mee and deliver mee from great WATERS from the handes of Alians Whose mouth speaketh falshood and whose right hand is a right hand of wrong ô GOD that I may sing a NEW SONG vnto thee and a PSALM vpon the ten-stringed Viol. Which giveth SALVATION to Kinges and rids his Servant David from the hurtfull sword ô rid mee and deliver mee from the handes of Alians whose mouth speaketh falshood whose right hand is a right hand of wrong That our Sonnes may bee like Plantes well grown in their youth and our Daughters like Buttresses well carved of the building of the Temple That our Buttryes be full conteining from Meale to Meale That our Sheep may be come many Thousandes in our streetes That our cattell may be well lode-en that ther bee noe Robery nor runing out nor Out-cry in our open streets Happy is the people that it is so with and happy is the people whose GOD is the ETERNALL CXLV A Praise of DAVID I Will extoll bless thy NAME ô my GOD ô KING for evermore I will dayly blesse Praise thy NAME for evermore Great is the ETERNALL and exceedingly to be praise-ed and of his Greatnes ther is noe serching Let one Generation commend thy Workes to another and declare thy Excellent Acts. The Maiesty of the Glory of thy Worship and thy Wonderfull Acts I will talk of Let them tell thy Terrible Mighte and I will reckon vp thy Greatnes Let them buble out the Remembrance of thy great GOODNES and sound out thy JVSTICE The ETERN is Gratious and Mercyfull and Patient and of Great Kindenes the ETERN that is Good to all and hath Mercy vpon all his Workes let all thy Workes set thee out ô ETERN and thy Gratious Ones blesse thee let them tell out the Glory of thy KINGDOM speak of thine Excellency To make his Excellent Acts knovvn to the Sonnes of Adam and the seemly Glory of his KINGDOM Thy KINGDOM is a KINGDOM of all Age-es and thine EMPIRE is in every Generation The ETERN is an
earth the people of God now prayeth that hee will shew som end of this desolation as Ps. 14.53 and limit their unsp●akable misery and distress and strech out his hand and save them And that hee would not give away his Church wholely and the soules of his innocent dooves to the beastly kingdoms of the heathen and never more to think upon it but that hee would look to his covenant and pluck their feet out of the snare and defend them from the injury of the darknes of the heathen and maintein his own quarell that the Enimy that revile him grow not too proud and the poor praisers of his name goe away with reproche for ever Construction Gnaín an eye or to ey or look directly upon To remember is a kinde of looking upon And it commeth oft so look or behold c. The contrary is to turn away angry and forget and regard not all doubled words Daleth the day light and the Sunn for the meanes of sight and pleasure of the eye Gnen for aspect and for fountaines and rivers Daleth a door for the doores and light of heaven or the opening of the understanding Mat. 3. If. 11. both the letters spell Gnad untill or unto for the Termini or reaching from one thing to another a quo ad quem c. And of this sort is day and night sommer and winter c. for seasons or signes which shall never ceas Gen. 1.9 The limitation is by 400 in the words Ribhah Ribheka as Ps. 43.119 R. or 34.25 by the doubling of the word Tsorareka thy besiegers for 490 c. Mark Chajath in a contrary sens and the wordes remember and forget and signes c. repeated How long c. Gned eternity by the oft repeating of Netsach the continuation till when c. Gnadhab to indue for assembly by all kindes and termes of the Church Sheep of thy pasture shaft or tribe or rod of inheritance the hill of Sion holynes Synagogue Sanctuary Tabernacle congregation c. The indument and habit of the Church is the praysing of the name of God and the roring and blasphemy of the Enimy the contrary For privation which is the summ And again Gnad for spoil for the doubling of the outrage of the Enimy in their ransacking of it Salvation were the walles and the gates are prais now turned all to havok and reproche Leviticus Ther is a new Citty or a new civility which is the word of God whose walles are salvation and her Gates are prais Heerby God hath shewed himself a saveing King in the midst of all the world by dividing it by his Ministry which is his strength and passing through as through a sea Exod. 14. Ezech. 47. And makeing it as cleer as glass Apoc. 4. wher the heades of the Arc-enimyes are broken in peeces and the great devouring fishes of the Sea brought to land and devoured Preachers break up the fountaines of the word that rivers of doctrine flow they discover the depth shew the bottom of mighty rivers Mark the iteration of the words the affectation and prosecution of them and you shall plainly see the intendement The Synagogue and place of exercise preaching and invocation destroyed PSALM LXXV FOr the revelation of the mystryes of godlynes and propinquitye of Gods word called his Name which is the inward and harty understanding therof in person of the church And becaus hee hath had time to attein to a perfit judgement therin and to discern what mould every man is made of and the frailty therof and is cunning in his workes and wayes and all his ends and that all the people in the world bee but melting pillars of earth and vainglorious and wicked men that aim at highe preferment hee assureeth them that stand they never so stiff and look they never so high one way or another or farr off they add nothing to their stature Ps. 83. but that it is God that knoweth their size that advanceeth or abaseeth all men according to their understanding And becaus in the hand of the Eternall are the Scriptures called a vessel full of sparkling and seething wine with the spirit therof which hee draweth out and propoundeth and that the wicked drinck but the litterall dregs therof as Ps. 11. and are of a muddy understanding hee sheweth that hee will tell and sing the same in psalmes perpetually to the God of Iacob That hee may by this doctrine cutt off the loftynes and vain glory of the wicked called his hornes the image and power of oppression Dan. 2.8 That the Iust may the better shine and bee highly glorifyed Construction Gnajín an eye from Gnaian to set eyes or affections on for high looks and strange projects for preferment and glory for seeking it east and west and all the wilde world over He the second letter to behold Lo heer or ther to thank or confess thy name is nigh they declare thy miracles c. I will tell to the God of Iacob c. to draw out and wring out c. which is to bring hid things to light or in presence or to shew or vaunt or to sweep them away as by the two letters from Jagnah to sweep Is. 28. for the contrary And this kinde of sweeping is the cutting off of the hornes and glory of the wicked c. hee exalteth c. the doubling of Hee is a pointing c. Leviticus The sermon is that God and his word doth all and that is ever present and neer that hee doth measure us and weigh us and condemn us putteth down and setteth up Da. 2. from Is. 28. Wher Iudgement is layed to the rule and righteousnes to the balance c. By these wordes I measure c. God is hee that ●udgeeth c. by resembling of the scales and balances high and low c. Besides hee hath his cup of condemnation to sweep away the wicked by preaching it unto them The effect of all is discretion and demonstration That a true light of all and not a vain or proud conceit promoteeth PSALM LXXVI GOD is moste famous in Iudah and Israel and especially-ly in Zion and Ierusalem wher hee dwelleth for discomfiting the Kings of Canaan called the devouring hills utterly destroying them in his anger for their Malice to the Church and the Promiss as Ps. 2. rebukeing them and their forcees with an eternall sleep astonishment and stupidity with his angry presence and his Iudgement proclaimed out of the Scriptures called the heavens when hee riseeth to save his poor people the church and to set them in quiet Now seeing Gods anger and malice so kindled in them doth make him so famous by so horrible destruction hee prayeth to indue them with the rest of his choler to make an end of his Enimyes And willeth his church to pay their vowes to their God and to keep promiss and covenant with him and that they doo gratifye the Eternall for his terror that so faythfull-ly
the kingdom of heaven for the righteousnes and peace and salvation therof For this hee sheweth all kinde of of rejoycieing approoving therof amendment of life and a welcom singing leaping daunceing vaunting of all creatures and boasting and publishing therof which is the meat offering in his courtes at Ierusalem the joy of all the earth for the raigning of righteousnes and of the word And so commeth the kingdom of heaven to bee meat and drink by joy in the holy ghost and a heavenly delight in the power and glory therof the prevailing of the word in man and the lustre of a godlye life Mark the wordes and the insisting theron For Vav a crook or to take hold hee dealeth by the contrary to give and offer and bow unto and doo reverence and worship and tremble by the word yeeld c. Take up presents c. Mark the iteration Tsav of Tsivvah both the letters signify commend commaund or bequeath or send to the same purpose for the comming of the kingdom for which wee pray Math. 6. As all kingdom is with power and strength and commande Ps. 68. Numbers The wildernes heer is the wilde nations and marches of the Heathen wher the word of God and this Kingdom of a godly man is to bee preached and published all abroad to setle them in a sound doctrine that they may never bee moved more What a delight they have to entertain it what a rejoyceing and a welcom is at the comming of righteousnes Is. 52. when the nations bee conquered by it and the church increased mark the doubling of the word Hethen Nations familyes people c. what a God hee is in respect of their Idoles that is so to bee commended mark the charge bless him preach him tell out his glory c. And this for true and righte Iudgement the stay of the whole world Mark the doubling again PSALM XCVII THe kingdom of heaven of righteousnes and of God is not with outward observation but hee reigneth in darknes with a cloud about him in a dark and obscure stile of speaking that his Enimyes may not perceive him For right judgement and understanding of the minde is his Throne and the fire of the Law hee sets before him that burns round about his foes The flashes of his lightnings make all the earth afrayed and the hartes of great kingdomes the Mountains of the world to melt as wax at his presence and to becom soft and yeeld unto him And his Glory beeing like the heavens putteth down all idolatry and bragging worship and saveth his gratious ones from the wicked and to preserve their lives by forsakeing of ill by that subintellectuall light which is preached unto them And for these benefits may the Ilandes rejoyce and triumph keep holy Sabbath for the peace that preserveth their trade Mount Sion and Iudah for his Iudgements and advauncement of their God aboue all the Godly for their preservation and the just for light and understanding Construction Tsade for meat or food which is the delight which they have in the Kingdom of God and raigning of righteousnes by preaching and instruction of the Sabbath that all the earth may bee glad of And also for Gods excellent Iudgements of Zion Ps. 19. to rejoyce in Another part of the kingdom of God is his judgement and punishment sevenfold upon his foes when hee teacheth the Godly and his deer ones how to save their lives and this by fire work of his wrath out of the Law before him according to the letter Zain for sevenfold Mark the doubling of both partes of the throne the one part is of justice and of light and the other of darknes and of firey judgement The buissines of rejoyceing is all over light to the righteous and judgement upon the wicked that the earth tremble at Mark all the repetitions and relative speeches for that Numbers The wildernes heer is Gods Enimyes opposed to his beloved and deer ones and the Idolaters of the Nations and Image-makeers they are the cheeff that bee daunted and abashed at his Glory inviteed to his worship for his excelling of all Gods for judgements beeing Lord of all the earth Mark the relation and repetition between light and darknes God and Idoles rejoyceing c. And this for the glory of the kingdom PSALM XCVIII WOnderfull strange workes of salvation hath the Everlasting wrought by the Dexterity of his holy ministry and his righteousnes in the Law called his right hand and holy Arm even in the sight of the heathen which hee fullfilled in carrying them through the sea and drawing them out of mighty waters as Ps. 18. beeing kinde and faithfull to Israel that all the world have taken notice of the salvation of their God Therfor now they are to sing a new song unto him And that with all solemnity and greatest triumph that can bee before their king with Iubeling and chaunting psalmes and sonets with hart and musicall voice with shrill soundes of trumpets that the sea and all that is in it the world and all the dwellers in it rivers and hills and all creatures wher ever men goe may thunder and sound out Echoes of Ioy and gladnes and rejoyce and keep holy day before him hee commeth to judge the earth that judgeth all justly divideing the word Construction Tsade for meat or food They are fed with the great joy of his salvation by revelations and cleer interpretations of his mysteryes and hid things of the word Act. 14. Ier. 15. At his comming and raigning with righteousnes Eph. 3. and a cleer judgement within them Wherto all the world ought to bee obedient they are made wise unto salvation and to judge right with in them selves His food of mercy and truth they live by Mark the repetition salvation wonderfull work and reveled made known remembred and see relatives Mark the doubling of all the words reacting his prais joy The two letters Tsach cleer or to cleer Is. 66. by loudnes shrillnes plainnes c. the letter Cheth for fear is spareed becaus of the insisting upon rejoyceing the contrary Numbers The wildernes is implyed by the Heathen the endes of the earth and the confuseed world and her inhabitants that before the comming of the word unto them were without God in the world or any true judgement unto salvation to delight in Mark the repetition word judge justly c. They must needs therfor greatly rejoyce at the comming therof PSALM XCIX HOw bewtifull are the feet of him that preacheth good tideings and bringeth news of peace and salvation in his lips Now Righteousnes raigneth in the Ministers the Angels and Cheru●s woe bee to the Gentiles and nations of the Heathen And while God is so great in Zion and so farr exalted above them they were best to incline to his Kingdom and worship his Name that is so great so reverend and so holy For all the strength of a Kingdom is the lov●ing of Iudgement and prepareing
bee saveed but by faith and faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God Heerby they discern whether they bee of God or no and what way they goe or ought to walk Construction Quoph of jaquaph to compass or inviron heer hee intimates the kindenes grace and favour of God called his hous and citty that entertaines none but the faithfull and them that walke uprightly before him Mark the words within my hous in my sight mine eyes are upon dwell tary c. doubled Also the word citty equall to it According to the instruction of the word intimated likewise by the letter Aleph to instruct as by the doubling of thes words perfect way instruct c. Both the letters make Qua vomit or to vomit or purge to which hee frameeth the reprobate and the contrary church and synagogue of Satan Apo. 2.3 the hurtfull children or belial that are every way in their harts farr from God and his way and his word and therfor are not to dwell with him Math. 7. Is. 29. Ier. 12. but to be cut off and to bee spewed out and not brooked Ap. 3. Mark the doubling of put away c. and dissolve c. and abide c. Numbers The wildernes heer is the devillishnes of mankinde for which hee is accursed and cast out forsaken and left desolate turners from instruction froward harts secret accuseers proud dissemblers deceivers and lyers and workers of greeff Which beeing banished the Church and hevenly citty of God ther will remain nothing but salvation strength and power and the Kingdom of God therin Ap. 12.21.22 For the manifold judgement of a wicked hart that is allwayes compassing of ill wayes 2. Cor. 5.6 Pro. 11.19 Na. 1.2 PSALM CII IErusalem long waiting for the expiration of their captivity and return from Babel beeing promissed to them by the Prophet to bee within seventy yeers now when the time approcheed they beginn deeply to consider their misery with a harty sadnes like David Ps. 31. and upon many considerations to pray that God will not fail at the set time to deliver them and have compassion on it for his own glory becaus hee built it and hath his name called upon in it and for his servants glory in the service of him and their love to the place and for the glory of the place it self beeing the joy of all the earth and for their great paines of dureance and an intolerable feeling that they have of their calamity growing old and withering therin They pray and shout hard unto God to bee heard quickly becaus their age is almoste evapoured away and their lives expir●ed their bones burning and their harts withering in their bellyes for sorrow they cannot eate their meat and they sigh till all their f●esh bee gon and skinn and bone com together They are wondred at like owles in the day and like som lone or strange bird upon the hous to all the rest railed and charmed at by their Enimyes that bread and ashes in all one to them for meat and they have store of teares to their drink for the terrible wrath which they feel in them that hee hath cast them off Now for that their dayes goe downward and their lives decline like an afternoon God and his remembrance remaineth still before and after heaven and earth that hee hath made with handes they pray that hee will have pitty upon Zion and for his own prais in future generations hear the Prayer of his people that is overthrowen without disdeigne and loos them home again to prais him in Zion Ps. 133. and serve him with other nations in Ierusalem and that hee that beat down their strength when they wear in the midle of their cours haveing injoyed their Glory but a while and hath such plenty of yeers and generations left that hee would spare them som yeeres of their lives to return with joy and delight in them that they and their children may abide still before him and never be stirred again Construction Quoph to compass to bes●●ch for mercey and kindenes and favour and grace and compass in misery when the dayes be com about Iob. 1. Mark the words hear and attend time and set time dayes yeers c. Mercy compassion regard despise c. And the end is inlargement the grace is upon Zion for the special glory of it that is for the church and hous of God in so great account in the world according to Beth the second letter for a hous and now so waste The prayer is for the eternall memory of it intended from Quabhabh to curs in the Petaroth Balak Num. 22.23.24 Vseing the contrary sens as praying in steed of Cu●sing and for grace in steed of vengeance Mark the repetitions prayer and the manner remain generations servant seed Zion abide or dwell glory c. Numbers The wildernes The church Ier. 12. Shee is all solitary and strange shee is waste cast out and ruined her Enimyes have vowed her destruction shee is in a consumption with greeff and becom a very Anatomy in her destress Mark the repetition her dayes consume c. her dayes decline c. shee is withered like an herb c. wildernes an owl among the nations c so their state is the wildernes Ier. 12. They can not finde wher they are they are so distracted with distress And all for lack of Zion and the word of God that they pine away for PSALM CIII THese two Psalmes shew the judgement and kindenes of Psalme 101. How for their wickednes and hollownes men are brought in distress and banished from God and for their humility and integrity pittyed and reecived again this beeing the graunt of the request in the former wherby the blessing of the Name of God Ps. 100. for benefits and kindenes is still continued Thus comming by paires as Ps. Request and reward Prayer and Prais misery and joy together Now all correction is greevous for the time though it bee profitable and necessary for salvation at last becaus the mighty gracees and favours of God by it are brought and they must bee layed once at Gods feet and trodden to dust and pounded to powder before rhey will bee reformed of their haughtynes hollownes and stubbornnes that hee ●indeeth in them which now beeing considered hee admireeth much the kingdom of Gods patience and the dureablenes of his mercyes toward his childeren how hee healeth their greeff and pardoneth their iniquityes awaiting their conversion humility repentance and amendment of them and recovereth them again out of the pit to grace them with all good ornaments haveing once stript them of all attireing them anew with all good gifts of the spirit which may bee profitable to life Now becaus all Gods correction hath been with favour and compassion beeing willing to bee reconcileed unto them spareing their faults and throwing their trespasses away in his heauenly kingdom hee willeth his soul that loveeth him and all the
invadeers Like the frozen and setled ones Zeph. 1. The despisers and deriders Iob. 12. Ne. 4. Mat. 6. Luc. 16. Pro. 30. Caph of Caphaph the second letter to bow oppressed made to stoop bowed Ghimel the third letter reward the giveing of grace and countinance for their waiting as fit gifts for children And this as it is the work of the eye Prov. 30. So hee that dwelleth in the heavens the great regarder and great derideer is prayed unto Psal. 2. Ma●k the repetition through out agreeing Deuteronomy Hee that prayeth unto God doth glorifye God Psal. 50. hee that commeth unto God confesseth that God is his praying for countenance is as much as confessing and publishing of his grace and repeating of his eternall life and everlasting way and wonderfull work of salvation Thes 15 Psalmes have a figurative excellence in them Is. 38. returning and reciteing and climeing higher and higher to heaven and understanding by words PSALM CXXIV MOnt Sion was the glory of Ierusalem and the Musitians the glory of Sion as Psal. 87. and thes Psalmes the glory of the Musitians The mery songs of Sion which they so much longed to hear and inquireed for in Babilon Ps. 137 by which men are sung alive again from death every Psalme beeing a step from misery and a step to honour and that of the Kingdom of heaven from the greatest ignorance and darknes to the greatest knowledge and light Heerby the Apostles sing open the prison doores and sing off the bandes of their feet for the word of God is not bound Psal. 68. Act. 16. 2. Tim. 2. and take the keeper prisoner For heer is a new earth a new citty and a new Sion and a new tabernacle of God with men and a new and a heavenly knowledge in man a new man which captiveeth all power and can not bee captiveed The fruit of the spirit beeing in all goodnes righteousnes and truthe sendeth out such hymnes and Psalmes and spirituall songes of thanks of melody in their hartes for salvation that maketh all manner of subjection captivity and bonds and imprisonment tolerable God is ever good unto his people and ever neer his elect as Ps. 73 to glorify his chosen as Psal. 84.86 when all the troubles and malice and anger in the world aros and kindled against them And hee cracketh all the building and plots of the Enimye by his goodnes kindenes when hee is called upon as Ps. 118. After long waiting as Ps. 40. and great affliction as Ps. 90.109 when the people of God bee even eaten up alive with reproche and scornful biteing and defamation at the handes of the proud at last God useeth to bee good and gratious and mercyfull and comfortable unto them by takeing thē out of thos lions jawes which in long gapeing get the cramp and neuer close again And though a world of nations like stoods of Enimyes set upon them yet ther is that dullnes in their understanding and sottery in proceeding dissention and division and imperfection in the manifacture of their cordes which they lay that they are soon brokeen for the devill beeing author of confusion of discord they no better agree one with another then they agree with the Church and their work is soon destroyed For the works of discord are not st●ong nor durable And thus oftē times by the muteny of the Enimye the Church is safe as in Aegypt Assur Babilon c. Absolom c. wher the salvation of the Godly is out of the sight of the wicked and they have a miraculous deliverance and all by their invocation and calling upon the Name of God and serving of their Creator as 92. which in due time heareth yf they faint not And this is the Experience and hope which they have by patience wherby this Psalme suiteth with the former Construction Quoph of Jaquaph to invi●on is of the compassing of the E●imy by the abundance and inundation of them compared to the swelling of Iordan and the proud warrs of the men of Adam their invasion Ios. 3. of the Church Iob 22. Ps. 42.116 Ier. 12. Ion. 1. The opposition is Gods present assistance and standing to them and with them by his existens and name Iehovah And about them in helping Rom. 8. Consider the first and last wordes doubled Caph for bowing down and pressing of the Enimye in captivity by snares and waters to wit the 70 of Babel See the affecting of Iod with Zain in Azza and in Zedonim to be multiplyed for 70. as Zain Gnain Ps. 25.34 Daleth a door is Gods discipline and remedy as the Medes and Persians to dissolve the captivity of the Babylonians Mark the repetition to all Deuteronomy Thes songes of return bee sufficient conf●ssion of Gods mercyfull and miraculous deliverance which hee would have the Church still in minde of and to use them for repetitions as beeing so much bound for their salvation to him PSALM CXXV THey that beleeve not shall not bee established Righteousnes and God and the Kingdom of God is the same thing for other gifts of government are conteined in it Ther is no stedfastnes but in justice nor any trust or beleeff or assurance but in the everlastingnes therof becaus for this are Gods people immutable and immovable haveing the light of the Law and the glory therof shineing about them to guard them for ever That ther shall no wicked dominion Lordship or punishment rest wher the righteous dwell becaus they doo not wrong as Psal. 15. and that the wicked doo overgripe themselves that medle with them and are forceed to loos their hold and releas their captivityes Therfor hee that seeketh righteousnes seeketh all and hee that seeketh it findeeth all It is found in the Law called the face of God as Psal. 24. that pure Israel only seeketh and is blessed therwith The Church now prayeth for judgement favour to the upright strait and plain mindeed men and condemnation to the variable and crooked and declineers in hell with the mischevous and evill dooers as Ps. 5. That Israel may once have peace and the Ark have rest and the Church never faile Mat. 16. Construction Quoph the compassing heer is in the term about as the hills and the eternall Existence God doth guard his people by his providence the wicked shall not rest among them for fear of corrupting them the confident and faithfull shall not miscarry no more then hills or rockes Mat. 16. and this is the Eternall presence of God the faithfull according to the third letter He behold and the absence of the wicked that must not com nighe the Righteous The faithfull are define●d good and upright strait and direct in their harts against declineers and benders and wrong and crooked wayes and this for Caph to bend or crook also So the cherishing of the good and the banishing of molesters is the way of peace Caph a hand or a shaft or rod as of the wicked Mark the
anointing and doctrine 1. Io. 2. Ghimel the reward and blessing of life as Ps. 3. proper to the congregation and the people of the house of God as showers to Sion or anointing to the Priests an everlasting spring and all the good that can descend Wher two or three are gathered together c. Mat. 18. Mark the repetition all things resembling unity and propri●ty pleasant pretious beard runn down c. Deuteronomy The confession heer is the life of the word the blessing of it to them that concurr in observing is as the congregation the wonderfull refreshing they have by that ordinance and favour of God by destilling of doctrine upon the assembly as ointment on the beard c. PSALM CXXXIV AT the end of every work the Creator is to bee blessed and the Creation sanctifyed so now to end thes 15. Songs of return or asscension the last two beeing of the Ministry and holy service of God and of the fraternity and holy assembly in spirituall houses of holynes to wit of the Church and congregation Psal. 92.90 of the place and frequentation the high place and degree of Godlynes and the comunion and unanimity of the Saintes and wheras hee hath figureed the place to bee Sion and the company Israel to whom all the service appertained and what Godlynes ther is in them Now for higheth of sanctification that the Temple of God may bee throughly cleane and that they may grow up to a full holynes hee maketh the time the Sabbath hous-hold exercise The whole law of God is a tree of abstinence as taste not touch not doo not handle not to bridle the will that bee it a thing that makes never so faire a shew for any kinde of respect it must bee refreined and a●oyded and so work by the Ministry and a perpetuall thanks giveing by the Min●sters never ceasing Sabbath day to be useed so that the refreining from pleasure and coveteousnes fullfilleth all Psal. 119. H for hee that liveth in pleasure is sayd to bee dead while hee liveth and to bee a sleep in it and drunk therwith and apt to all temptation Except God bee in a man the body is dead the greatest holynes in the world is to retire one self and walk with God to forbear and the grea●est government in a man is to bridle himself And therfor hee willeth the servants of God that keep holy and rest that keep hous with him and dwell in the Lords hous by night and abstein from labour and fowling their handes upon any work to lift up their hands of so high holynes and sanctification and bless this everlasting righteousnes of God For bestowing the same blessing upon them even everlasting life And that as God in six dayes made heaven and earth c. rested the seventh and blessed sanctifyed it so for keeping the same they may receive from him likewise the blessing of sanctification throughout Construction Quoph to compass about his servants that lodge in hous with him and remain allwayes about him Ps. 76. his moste worthy Ministers to doo their function of thanks perpetuall for Gods blessing from Sion his mighty reformation by Lamed lerning and Daleth a door for the opening of the word by doctrine Mark the wordes bless and Eternall servant stand c. how oft the one implyeth the other Hee workes upon the double sens of Berek to bless to which heer is prayed a blessing and also to give it See the only doubling of that termn the Eternall And this is for a dore as knocking and opening c. Deuteronomy This blessing intendeth confession of the goodnes and grace of God and comfort which they receive from the place which God hath chosen Deut. 12. from Sion the blessed word of creation out of rudenes Wherin is life c. Ioh. 1. PSALM CXXXV WHat was hard to suffer is now sweet to remember Great is his goodnes that bringeth peace and redemption and sweet and pleasant is his name that hath made chois of the Church and hath pleasure in them and giveth them their inheritance and defendeth and comforteth them and a good and sweet hearing it is that hee hath brought them out of slave●y into the Elysian feeld●s of salvation and saveed them this by a transscendent power meteoricall and miraculous by an invisible safety setting his hand upon their Enimyes face as Psal. 138. beclouding the Scriptures with an earthly sense and makeing from thence lightning of Sermons for rain of doctrine from one end of the world to the other as was the glittering of that comming of the sonn of Man in power and great glory and to bring out the deep hid sens out of his treasure to smite all the Kinges of the earth and astonish them that ther is no such God among the heathen of all their pretious Idoles which they follow as Ps. 16. and that hee knoweth and confesseth that hee which they serv is the greatest above Gods and Kings and Lords Ps. 95. and to bee preferred only and meet to bee chosen before all other gods Therfor because his doctrine is the tillage and manureance of all the earth wee must sue unto the Word the creator of our understanding which seeth in secret and bringeth foorth an op●n reward no man knowing the father but the sonn and hee to whom the sonn wil reveale him And therfor hee wisheth that all men would prais his name especially his hous hold servantes remaining in his courts for his goodnes and chaunt out for the pleasantnes of his name as Ps. 92. and that Israel the Church and Ministry and all the Professors of of Godlynes and all Ierusalem may thank him therfor from Sion Constructium Quoph to compass for the servants of God that are allwayes about him dwelling in his hous 38000. 1. Cron. 23. Lamed lerned or doctrine this is the name of God Iah or Iehovah the Eternall as one is for the other in hallelujah And according to the letters of the one the other is repeated just fifteen times for Iah the terme Iehovah fifteen And after the fifteen Psalmes of degrees Hezek-jah shall see Jah Iah in the land of the living that is fifteen yeers alive Is. 38. The letter He behold that is the presence of God the cloudes and lightnings and windes present him his strokes upon his Enimyes his signes and deliverance all markable Qualah which conteine all the letters is to be light and vile in repute by which hee magnifyeth the power of God and vilifyeth the idoles that have no aspiration or sound in their throat like Iah Psal. 149. nor smiteing like Iod a hand Mark the repetition Deuteronomy The confession is continuall praising and blessing of God and his name by the Ministry and whole Church of God So sweet and pleasant for the benefit PSALM CXXXVI HEe sheweth that all was don in the Creation by intellectuall power and that that highe Godhead and soveraigne Lordship only did with his