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A11010 Lectures vpon the first and second Epistles of Paul to the Thessalonians: preached by that faithfull seruant of God M. Robert Rollock, some-tyme minister of the Euangell of Iesus Christ, and rector of the Colledge in Edinburgh Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599.; Charteris, Henry, 1565-1628.; Arthur, William, fl. 1606-1619.; Rollock, Robert, 1555?-1599. In Epistolam Pauli Apostoli ad Thessalonicenses priorem commentarius. aut 1606 (1606) STC 21281; ESTC S116171 462,033 538

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changed and get the next sight This before ye heard taught to you Now in the text we haue red the Apostle takes occasion of that which he spoke of immediatly before concerning the ranking and order of those that shall bee found dead on that great day To enter in this matter more deeplie and to fall out in a description of the Lords comming in that latter day He pointes out the manner of it and that glorie that shall appeare Thereafter he commes to that effect that shall follovv there-vpon The first effect shall be the resurrection of the dead ere euer they vvho are alyue be changed vvhich shall be in a moment the dead rysing first shall be rest vp to the cloudes and then they vvho shall be changed shall be rest vp after them The estate of both is they shall meete the Lord and bee vvith him for euer Then in the last verse he desyres the Thessalonians vvith such speaches as these euerie one to comfort another vvhether he sorrovv for his owne or for anothers death and to speake one to another of the resurrection and of the glorie that shall followe on it Now this text standes in a narratiue of the forme of Christes comming vvhereof I vvill speake no farther nor I can gather thereof out of the Scripture and with as great shortnesse as I may For it is follie to speake any thing heerein vvhich is not reuealed and spoken of in the Scriptures Now Brethren I shall speake first according to the Scriptures of God of the signes and tokens that shall appeare in the world before Christes comming For ere he be seene they who shall be found aliue at that great day shall see signes and tokens of his comming Next I shall speake of his comming and of the manner of it And in the third rovvme I shall speake of the effectes that shall followe in the vvorlde immediatlie on his comming As for the signes that shall be seene ere he be seene There are some of them that shall goe before his comming immediatlie before he ryse out of his Throne vvhere he sittes at the right hand of his Father euen immediatlie before his rysing there shall some signes be shovven to vvarne the vvorlde that the King of Glorie is comming Then there shall be some other signes that shall be adjoyned vvith his comming as hee commes through the Heauens and aire to judge the world So the signes are of tvvo sortes some signes before his comming immediatlie Signes immediatly preceding Chr●stes comming some joyned with his comming The signes immediatlie preceeding the Lords rysing out of his Throne to judge the vvorld are The vvhole vvorlde shall shake Heauen and earth shall trimble they who shall be liuing at that day shall see it The vvhole povvers of the Heauen shall be shaken The Sunne the Moone shall be darkned all shall be obscured the Sunne shall haue no light the starres shall fall downe or at the least shall appeare so because they shall giue no light and light shall be away nothing in the face of the earth but darknesse nothing in Heauen but darknesse Ye may read this Matt. chap. 24. verse 29. Luke chap. 21. verse 25. Christ giues these same signes himselfe that shall be immediatlie before his comming What shall be the estat in the mean-time of those who are liuing when these signes shall appear Al consciences shall be wakned all shall get vp there shall be no sleeping The murtherer vvho hes his conscience sleeping now shall be wakned then the harlots conscience shall waken There shall be two sorte of folke found liuing then some reprobate some elect the world is neuer vvithout these tvvo As for the reprobate vvhen they shall looke vp and see such a wonderfull alteration the shaking of the Heauens the darkning of the Sunne and Moon then they shall beginne to shudder and to be striken with such a terrible fear that they shal be as they wer dead and for fear of that judgment that is to follow they shall run and seeke holes and secret places to hide them from the face of the Lord and cry Hilles fall dovvn on vs Mountains couer vs Yea euen ere they see the Lord before his comming down Read of this in Luke 21. 27. Reuelat. chap. 6. verse 16. c. Now as to the elect that shall be found aliue at that tyme they shall conceiue at the sight of these first signes an vnspeakable joye and shall not be afraide but shall avvaite for that Redemption which they shall see to be at hand that full Redemption in the Redeemer the Lord Iesus And therefore they shall not runne away and seeke holes to hyde them in but they shall stand vp and lift vp their heades and faces to the Heauens and shall looke greedilie for the comming of the Lord Iesus Christ indeede it is true they shall conceiue a sorrowe and shall be touched vvith a remorse and shall vveepe bitterlie but a sweete weeping they shall weepe that euer their sinnes procured the death of the Lord Iesus Christ that Lord of glorie Therefore they shall be both joyfull and sorrowfull joyfull because the Redeemer is at hand sorrowfull for their sinnes that Christ should haue died for them that they should haue peirced him through with them Reade of this at length Luke chap. 21. verse 28. Zachary chap. 13. verse 11. Reuel chap. 1. verse 7. yea they who peirced him through with their sinnes shall bewaile him All the godlie Kinges of the earth shall bewaile him all the elect shall sorrow that their sinnes should haue procured the death of this sweete and glorious Lord. This for the signes immediatly going before his comming Vnderstand brethren that there shall be a processe of tyme in the day of judgement so that one thing shall by a certaine space goe before another It shall be sodaine but not so sodaine but they who are aliue shall see one thing done by a space of time before another it shall be so sensible that euerie one that is liuing at that day shall see euery thing done sensible Now to come to the signes joined with his comming At his down comming Signes ioyned vvith the comming of Christ when the Lord rises out of his Throne before he be seene the whole world that shooke before he rose shal be set on fyre and there shall be a terrible dissolution All thinges shall be dissolued and so shaken lowse that the world shall not appeare vnto the tyme it bee made a nevv Worlde a nevv Heauen a new Earth as Peter speakes Come to the particulares As to the Heauens they shall bee burnt vp and being burnt vp they shall passe away with a sound and noyse saies Peter as the sounding of Chariot-wheeles The elements the aire the water all shall be consumed with fire and be burnt vp and euanish The earth and all the workes on the earth planting building all shall be burnt vp with fire nothing shall be spared
trueth It is not thy eare in hearing of the word nor thy mouth in speaking well of it that will make thee a good receiuer of the trueth but it is the hart Looke there be an vnfained loue to the trueth in it and then hold vp thy eare and it will sinke in so sweetly in thy soule that thou shalt feede on it so joyfully as no tongue neither of man nor Angell can tell It is not the outward profession nor the outward receiuing if thou should sit a thousand yeeres hearing that will bring thee to life First thou must haue hart and soule disposed inwardly with an vnfained loue to God to Iesus Christ and his Gospell and then Heauen and earth shall got together ere thou perish An hart that loues Christ and this light shall neuer perish on the other part al the outward forme of doing the protestation subscription and the rest of these outward things shal not saue thee in the day of the Lord if there be not a peece of this loue in thy hart And so I end with this word 〈…〉 accursed be he that loues not Iesus Christ and his trueth And by the contrare blessed are they that loues Iesus Christ and his truth euen this word preached by this ba●e ministrie and blessed shall they beforeuer To this Christ with the Father and the holy Spirit be all praise for euer AMEN THE EIGHT LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 11. 12. 13. 14. 11 And therefore God shall send them strong delusion that they should beleeue lyes 12 That all they might bed●mned vvhich beleeued not the trueth 〈◊〉 had pleusure in vnrighteousnesse 13 But vve ought to giue thanks alvvay to God for you brethren beloued of the Lord because that God hath from the beginning chosen you to saluation through sanctification of the Spirit and the faith of trueth 14 Where-vnto he called you by our Gospell to obtaine the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ. THE dayes bygone beloued brethren in the Lord Iesus we haue heard a Prophecy of that uniuersall Apostasie that was to come and of the reueiling of the Antichrist who should be the head and ring-leader of this vniuersall Apostasie We heard of the Antichrist to be reueiled he is painted out and deferyued in his owne collours before he was reueiled euen as we see him this day For Paul could not haue set him out more viuely in his nature properties and actions if he had seene him nor he hes done in this Prophecie for he descryuos him euen as if he had seene him with his eyes He hes descryued him from his nature He shall be a man sayes he not a single man simplie but he meanes by this word one man a succession of men in one kingdome As for his properties he sayes he shall be a man of sinne and addicted slaue to sinne Next he shall be the sonne of perdition destinate to destruction and euerlasting perdition from al eternity As for his actions first in malice of his hart he shal oppone himselfe against all thing that is called God and is worshipped either in Heauen or in earth He shall oppone himselfe both against the Majestie of God in Heauen and against the majesties of Kings and Princes on earth Againe in pryde of his hart he shall lift himselfe aboue euery thing called God More in the pryde of hart he shall sit in the Temple of God as God in Gods seate vpon the consciences of men to control them which thing properly pertaines to God No creature hes power ouer the consciences of men it is proper to God onely More he shall showe himselfe in all his styles dignities and names as God He shall reaue these from God and shall cloath himselfe with them Last he is descryued from that effectualnesse and powerfull working which he shall receiue of Satan and which at his comming he shall haue in the harts of men partly by working wonders partly by false and fraudulent doctrine But in whom He sayes in them that perishes that is in them that are ordeined to destruction before the foundation of the world was laid in these he shall be powerfull they shall beleeue him in all that he does and sayes Then he sets down one cause of the perdition of these men in whom the Antichrist is and shall be effectuall To witte their owne merite and desert they will not receiue the loue of the trueth they contemne the light of the Gospell and therefore perish shall they God indeed hes decreed from all eternitie that they shall perish but before the decreete be put in execution their merite shall interuene and in tyme they shall contemne the trueth of God which shall procure that damnation to the which from all eternity they were predestinate In the first verse we read the Apostle showes by what order damnation and perdition shall follow vpon the contempt of the light of God in Iesus Christ Marke this Damnation shall not follow vpon the contempt of the trueth immediatly but something shal interueene first there shall follow one plague of God for he shall send vpon these men strange illusions that is he shall hound out the Antichrist with his effectualnesse and he comming with the effectualnesse of Satan shall deceiue them he shall blinde them as it were and put out their eyes What shall followe on that Being blinded they shall goe forwarde in their sinne and so goe downe toward Hell as it were by another steppe And as they contemned the light before so now being deceiued they shall embrace greedilie lies And what shall followe vpon this Embraceing lyes and vanities damnation shall ensue This is the meaning of this verse Then ye see a man is not shot in Hell at the first No when a man hes committed one sinne God will not put him in Hell at that same instant but he shall make him goe to Hell by degrees from steppe to steppe and from sinne to sinne in his just judgement he shall make him stop from a smaller sinne to a greater sinne and this he will doe by plaguing of him and inflicting on him either spiritual or temporall judgements and being beatten he will not amend No mark this A reprobate will neuer mend all the temporall judgements in the world will not better him but he will be ay worse and worse so that if he sinned before now being plagued he shal go to a greater sin and shal not make an end of sinning till he end in judgement Marke another thing here Ye see what the Antichrist is with all his force and effectualnesse his wonders and his doctrine whereby he is effectuall in them that perishes Is he without God trow ye No he is no other thing but a burrio sent from the Tribunal of God to plague the ingrate world as the king would send an hangman to hang a thiefe or murtherer God in his just judgement sends him to
discharge of a King in keeping the people in good order and peace will be the meane of thy crowning in heauen Art thou a pastor intending to win manie soules to the kingdome of heauen it shall be a meane of thy crowning in that great day When a crowne shall be set on a kings head or a pastors head it shal not be his calling that shal be the cause of his crowning he was an Emperor therefore he must haue a crovvne in heauen it vvill not follow if there be no more He vvas a pastor therfore he must haue a crovvne in heauen no it shall be that blessing and frute that God gaue thee in the faithfull discharge in thy calling heere that shall be the meane of thy crowning And therefore let neuer fleshe glorie in any calling if there be no more if the blessing of the Lord be not with thy calling thou hast cause of mourning and thou shalt say in that day woe to me that euer I was a King an Emperour a Pastor if there be not a faithfull discharge of thy calling the greater damnation falles vnto thee the greater thy calling be Now to end he is speaking of this rewarde that he was to receiue at Christs comming and he speakes not of these earthlie stipends how beit their be much adoe and stryfe for them in the land if they wer neuer so selie he speakes not of these goods or anie thing that pertained to them but the reward of his Apostleship he speaks of is that he claimes themselues ye are my hope sayes he ye are my ioy euen ye your selues So in one worde the rewarde of a faithfull Apostle shall not be the 〈◊〉 of this earth for as niggard as men are of it no it shall not be his man●e his 〈◊〉 two or three ●halders of ●●●uall or an hndreth marke rest all not be this but it shall be the soules of all them hee did vvinne heere on earth and the Lord shall say to him take them and let them be a matter of joy of glorie and honour for euer to thee Well he will not wishe ought of the durt of the earth but their owne selues whom he will professe as the rewarde of his faithfull calling to his euerlasting joy I goe forward before whom and in whose presence shall this joy and crowne of glorying be He sayes before the Lord Iesus Christ it must be done in his sight hee must be before hee must be the doer of all it must be he that shall take thee by the hand and giue thee to the Apostle and pastor and saye Take man there is the matter of thy glorie and crowne make it a matter to thee of thy joy for euer Brethren there is no joy but in the face and presence of Iesus there is no light but that that comes from his face and countenance It is true the pastor ministers light but if in the meane time the light of Iesus shine not in thy heart all is but vaine and lost labour And therefore Paul 2. Cor. 4. 6. sayes all this light must come from Iesus Christ and thou must holde vp that heart of thine that the light of Iesus may shine in it And he sayes also as soone as the heart is turned the va●le is remoued 2. Cor. 3. 16. and the face of the Lord illuminates thee For what trow you the light be the joy be the glorie be that we shall receiue in one word vvhat trow you heauen be Al the light in heauen is nothing but as a reflexe of that light that is in Iesus Christ al the light and glory of heauen is 〈◊〉 like sparkles scattred from him for all glorie is in him And therefore if ever thou looke for joy and glorie addresse thy selfe for Ieses Christ and as thou wouldst liue either here or hence 〈◊〉 to his presence and thinke neuer thou art well vntill you get 〈…〉 that presence Let nothing so bewitch thee 〈…〉 of heart vntill thou getst some light of Iesus Christ 〈…〉 is no life nor joye within him I aske thy conscience Didst thou euer feele that solide joy and life but when thy heart was set on that countenance of Iesus Foole thou mayst rejoice like a dog or beast with a sensuall pleasure but woe to thy joye and peace there is no peace to the vvicked for when thou art so passing thy time out of Iesus the judgement shall sodainelie ouertake thee for there is no saluation out of Iesus When shal this be At this comming It is true we vvalke heere in his presence and that joye that comes downe from Heauen it comes through that glorious bodie wherewith he is cled but the sacietie of all shall not be vntill the eye see it thy glorie shall not be perfited while then I tell you all the light we haue now the Apostle calles it the light of the Euangell of the glorie of God it is his face that shines in a mirror thou seest him no otherwise but then this mirror shall be taine avvay and the face of Iesus shall be holden vp in your sight Brethren while we are here the light cōmes from heauen and ouer shadowes and transformes the soule onlie and that not fullie but in a part but when he shall come he shall transforme not the soule onelie but these vilde bodies and make them conforme to his glorious bodie Phil. 3. 21. And so there must be a greater force in his owne presence nor is in the mirror of the Gospell And thou that takest a pleasure to see Iesus in the mirror of the Gospell and to be ouershadowed with the light of the Gospell the face of Iesus shall shine on thee and by the contrair thou that takest no pleasure in the mirror of the Gospell thou shalt neuer attaine to the sight of Iesus Wilt thou continue in hatred of the ministrie of Iesus Christ thou shalt neuer see the glorious countenance of Iesus In the end of this chapter not being content to tell this once he sayes it againe yes ye are my ioy This doubling proceedes of a persuasion that he had of that glorie in a word let a Minister be faithfull to winne many soules to pleasure God and Iesus Christ who will recompence him so aboundantlie The glorie is sure the joy is sure and if he finde faithfulnesse and a blessing in his calling in this lyfe as the joye and glorie is certaine so when he is going out of this lyfe he may be sure and may say with confidence I shall enter in my joy and my soule and bodie shall be crowned with his crowne of joy and glorie and all in the presence of the Lord Iesus To whom with the Father the holie Spirite be all praise AMEN THE TENTH LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 3. vers 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 Wherefore since vve could no longer forbeare vve though it good to remaine at Athens alone 2 And haue
speaking of that day of judgement 2. Cor. 5. 11. he vtters the feare he had of it himselfe Knovving saies he the terrors of the Lord vve bring men to the Lord that when he shall come in that terrible judgment we may finde mercy Be not sensles at the threatning of God If men had not bene seusles at the judgemēts of God by famine these yeers bygone this Pest had not comde if theribe not yet a greater fear of God he shal strik on with his judgmēts Next I mark of this place Who is it that is comforted against Gods judgementes Consolations belong only to the godlie To whom belongs consolations promises and speaches of comfort in the Scriptures Speakes the Apostle to the Heathen that ly in ignorance and not conuerted to the faith of Christ They feared not where there is no feare nor down casting it is foolishnesse to comfort Whereto shold I comfort them who are lifted vp in pride wherto shold I prease to lift vp him who is ouer high and conceatie alreadie So consolation raising vp of the heart promises of God that serues to consolation pertaines nothing to the wicked that hes no sense of miserie and lyes in ignorance of God nothing pertaines to them but threatning vpon threatning judgement vpon judgement And when they say Peace and all things sure I may say a sudden destruction shall ouertake them And to the men in this land lying in a dead sleepe of this fleshly securitie and crying Peace when they are in the midst of harlotrie of murther c. I say a sudden destruction and vengence shall fall on them This shall euer be my cry vntill they feare and trimble and haue a sense of their miserie neuer another word to them but judgement out of my mouth Should I say to a man lying in darknesse brother ye are in the light judgement shall not come on you No no But I will say the Lord shall come suddenly on thee with judgement to destroy thee So consolation pertaines to the godly onely and who euer ye be that feares not Gods judgements I bidde you in Gods name take no promise of comfort to you no consolation vntill ye be touched with a sense of miserie and feele your sins Then to whom pertaines all the promises of consolation in the word of God To the godly onely who hes their eyes opened to see God in the face of Christ hes their heart opened to feele the grace of God through Christ to them they appertaine And therefore ye shall finde in all the Prophetes when a judgement is threatned immediately after the threatning they subjoine a sweet consolation to the godly least they should think the judgment to pertaine to them The third thing I note Marke the cause heere wherefore the Thessalonians shall escape that sudden destruction Because ye are not in darknesse Knovveledge of God in Christ the cause of escaping iudgement sayes he therefore that sudden destruction shall not ouertake you Marke this cause The ground of escaping this judgement is to be fred of darknesse to be fred of this grosse ignorance wherein we are inuolued by nature and to be translated to the light of God vvherein we may see the face of Christ and Heauen and the glorie thereof There is the ground Whosoeuer shall be found lying in darknesse at Christes comming albeit they be found lying waking and looking vp with bodilie eyes 〈…〉 yet if they be in blindnesse in the soule so that they can see nothing in Heauen God nor Christ judgement and destruction suddenlie shall ouertake them and all their braines shall be beaten out ere they get leasure to cry God mercie But againe who euer they be that at Christes comming shall be found in the light with the knowledge of God and Iesus Christ with some sight of Heauen they shall escape and shall liue eternally When the thiefe breakes in in an house whom is it that he suddenly oppresses Whom but these whom he findes sleeping with their eyes closed he will cut their throats ere they be wakned But when he breaks in on an house and they who are in the house be waking on their guard and ready for the danger then the thief shal not preuaile They will eschew the danger so shal it be at Christs comming if he find thee sleeping sudden destruction shall ouertake thee if he finde thee waking ready for the danger thou shalt escape and liue So ye see how needfull a thing it is to haue knowledge and light that euery man may be saued O what it is to knovve God to knowe Christ to get a ●ight of Heauen and of the lyfe to come Thy safetie consistes in it Then againe see how dangerous a thing is ignorance and specially the ignorance of God to put off the day and the night in ignorance of God Giue thee goode cheare rest play honour in the world thou wilt put off one day two daies three daies thou wilt say what care I more but woe to thee when Christ commes thou will be sleeping in ●inne sudden destruction shall ouertake thee all this tendes to this end ly not in drunkennesse get knovveldge out of the vvorde knovve God in tyme knovve him in mercie If thou knowe him not in mercy in this lyfe thou shalt feele him in judgement at that great day of Iudgement The Lord giue euerie one of vs grace to know him that hauing the right knowledge of him which leads to saluation we may at his comming be elected of him to raign in his euerlasting glory in the Heauens Novv that vvhich he had said before of darknesse in the next verse he makes it more plaine and sayes for ye are the children of light and of the day That is to say the fairest light that can be possible For vvhat in this vvorlde is fairer nor the light of the Sunne and day light As he vvoulde say ye are not in the common light but in the light of the Sunne that shynes most cleare ye are not children of the night but of the day These tvvo vvill neuer stande together to be the chylde of the night and of darknesse and to be the chylde of the light and of the day If thou be the chylde of light and day it is impossible to thee for to be the chylde of the night and darkenesse And if thou be the chylde of the night and darknesse it is impossible thou can bee the chylde of the day and light These tvvo can neuer agree both together Tvvo Kingdomes cannot stand in thee If God raigne not in thee the Deuill must raigne in thee and if God raigne in thee the Deuill cannot raigne in thee Indeed so long as vve are heere light and darknesse may be both in vs for vvee are neuer free of this darkenesse neyther is this light of God persite in vs but both cannot raigne together in vs but hovvbeit darknesse be in thee yet it hes no dominion ouer thee
he sayes not Onesiphorus deserues well at Gods hand and I pray that the Lord would rewarde him according to his demerites No but he sayes The Lord shovv mercy on Onesiphorus And he doubles it ouer againe and he saies God grant as I haue found mercy at Onesiphorus so he may finde mercy at the Lords hands in that day He sayes mercie not reward but free mercie and so I end Nothing but mercy and free grace when we haue done all we can nothing but mercy mercy in earth mercy in heauen On paine of lyfe when thou hast done all the good thou may doe beware thou think of any deseruing at the hands of God But cast thy selfe on thy knees and hold vp thy hands and cry for fre mercy and pardon of thy sinnes and say away with all my workes they are but dung and filth I craue pardon for my sinnes of thy free mercy in that bloude of Iesus Christ Except thou craue this thou shalt neuer haue solide joy in thy hart And shall I say that one of these false quenchers of the Spirit felt euer this sweetnes in Christ which onely ryses of the assurance of the free mercy of God Therefore let our onely reposing be vpon this free fauour in Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be all praise for euer AMEN FINIS LECTVRES VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF THE APOSTLE PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS PREACHED BY THAT FAITHFVLL seruant of God Maister ROBERT ROLLOK some-tyme Minister of Gods vvord and Rector of the Vniuersitie of EDINVRGH EDINBVRGH PRINTED BY ROBERT CHARTERIS Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie Anno Dom. M. D. CVI. Cum Priuilegio Regiae Majestatis THE ARGVMENT OF THE SECOND EPISTLE TO THE THESSALONIANS THIS second Epistle to the Thessalonians seemes to haue beene written soone after the first The occasion of the wryting thereof may be gathered of the Epistle it selfe The Thessalonians were at that tyme persecuted and heauily troubled for the faith of Christ and lykewise there entered in amongst them false teachers and deceiuers who went about to perswade them that the comming of Christ was instantly at hand taking occasion as it appeares by the Thessalonians mistaking of certaine speeches vttered by the Apostle in the first Epistle especially these wordes in the fourth chapter We vvhich liue and are remaining in the comming of the Lord shall be caught vp in the cloudes vvith them that are dead in Christ after their resurrection to meete the Lord in the aire and so shall vve euer be vvith the Lord. Where-vpon the Thessalonians concluded that Christ should come before they died and they should be on lyfe at his comming The deuill to confirme them in this errour raises vp these deceiuers who went about to perswade them of it as though it had beene true that they should haue beene liuing at the comming of the Lord alledging that they had it both by the re●elation of the Spirit of God and also by the tradition of PAVL The Apostle therefore thought it needfull to 〈◊〉 this second Epistle to the Thessalonians partly to comfort them against the persecutions of their enemies partly to admonish them that they giue not eare to these false deceiuers assuring them that before Christ come the Antichrist should come and there should be an vniuersall defection from the trueth The Epistle may fitlie be diuyded in six parts The first part is the salutation in the two first verses in the first chapter The second is the Preface wherein he rejoyceth for their perseuerance and increase of Faith of Loue and Patience in all their persecutions and tribulations from the third verse to the fift In the third part he comfortes them against the troubles and persecutions that they sustained for the faith of Christ from the fift verse to the end of the first chapter In the fourth part he admonishes them that they giue not eare to these false teachers that said Christs comming was at hand showing them that before the second comming of Christ the Antichrist should be reueiled and there should be an vniuersall defection from the faith of Christ Yet he comfortes them against the feare of defection and exhortes them to abyde constant in the doctrine they had receiued from him crauing 〈◊〉 comfort and constancie to them at Gods hands This par●e is conteinde in the whole second chapter The fifth part containeth exhortations to good maners and Christian dueties from the beginning of the third chapter to the sixteenth verse In the last part he concludeth the Epistle with prayer and salutation from the sixteenth verse to the end THE FIRST LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 1 vers 1. 2. 3 4. 5. 1. PAVL and Siluanus and Timotheus vnto the Church of the Thessalonians which is in God our Father and in the Lord Iesus Christ. 2 Grace be vvith you and peace from God our Father and from the Lord Iesus Christ 3 We ought to thanke God alvvaies for you brethren as it is meete because that your faith grovveth exceedingly and the loue of euery one of you tovvard another aboundeth 4 So that vve our selues reioyce of you in the Churches of God because of your patience and faith in all your persecutions and tribulations that ye suffer 5 Which is a token of the righteous iudgement of God that ye may be counted vvorthie of the kingdome of God for the vvhich ye also suffer HAVING ended Brethren as God gaue the grace the first Epistle of Paul to the Thessalonians I thought it meetest to goe forward in the second Epistle for otherwayes the worke would seeme not to be perfyted and the matter conteined in the second Epistle is very worthie to be insisted vpon And it appeares very well among all the Epistles that Paul vvrote that these two directed to the Thessalonians were the first This second Epistle which we presently haue in hand appearantly hes beene written soone after the first The occasion of the wryting of it appeares well of the purpose and argument it selfe The Apostle in this Epistle comfortes the Church of the Thessalonians vvhich vvas persecuted and heauily troubled for the faith of Christ Another occasion we take vp in the second chapter There entered in this Church for the deuill can neuer be idle false teachers and deceiuers who went about to perswade the Thessalonians that the comming of Christ was instantlie at hand The Apostle therefore taking occasion hereof admonishes them not to giue eare to these men and he telles them that before Christ come the Antichrist should come and that there should be an vniuersall defection in the world I take these to be the two occasions of his wryting There are three chapters of this Epistle In the first after he hes saluated them and giuen thanks to God for them he enters in to comfort them against all the troubles they were in for the present In the second chapter he admonishes them not to
other according to the just nature of God Now in the end he addes to this word vvith vs. He shall render relaxation to you and to me also I am troubled as you are And therefore I hope for the same deliuerance and relaxation that I promise to you Promise nothing to the people but the thing thou thinkest to get a parte of thy selfe Promise no resurrection except thou thinkest to get a parte thereof But the thing I marke is this I see all grace and glorie is in a societie vvith the Saintes resurrection lyfe euerlasting is vvith the godlie For as there is a communion vvith the Saintes in afflictiones 1. Peter chap. 5. verse 9. so there is a communion with the Saintes in rest in grace and glorie Ephes chap. 3. verse 14. 1. Thessa chap. 3. verse 13. And this thing we may take vp euer in this Apostle he speakes of no grace but euer together vvith the Saintes all is in one conjunction Let none therefore prease to come to Heauen but in this conjunction Thou wilt leape from the Church but I assure thee leape as thou wilt and think to come to Heauen without that societie thou shalt neuer come to Heauen thou shalt neuer get relaxation but in this society Thinke it no small matter to be of the number of the godly thou shalt neuer be glorified in that latter day if thou be not one of that nomber Then marke another thing He sayes they shall get relaxation with him Then it followes that he was afflicted with them Who gettes rest but they who are troubled Who will come to Heauen None but they who for Christs sake on the earth hes suffered some affliction either within or without No look not that a man will come sleeping to Heauen Heauen is a relaxation out of bondes who can be lowsed but they who haue ●ene bound This may learne vs to take in patience to be bound to be euill spoken of and to suffer either one thing or other for the hope of that lyfe euerlasting Novv to goe forvvarde in the text follovving ye haue a short but a pithie description of the Lord Iesus comming to judgement to render and repay When shall this rendring be When shall affliction be rendered to the afflicters and relaxation to the bound and troubled When our Lord Iesus Christ shall come to iudge the vvorld Not till then There is the dyet nothing but patience vntill then Thou art ouer sudden Thou would haue the Lord rendering to thee rest and to thy enemie trouble at the first moment Thou would haue him to put thee in Heauen at the first hand and thy enemies in Hell at an instant No byde till the tyme of the manifestation come Tyme of rendring Then the tyme of rendering is the tyme of manifestation of light it is the day of light of such a light as was neuer in the world for while Christ come all is hid Heauen is hid Hell is hid Right is hid wrong is hid damnation is hid saluation is hid lyfe hid death hid godlie men is hid reprobate men hid all hid till Christ come to judgment 1. Iohn chap 3. verse 2. When Christ shall come he shall be first reuealed from Heauen an infinite light shall come from Heauen accompanying that glorious Majestie Then Hell shall be seene Heauen shall be seene faire and broad lyfe shall be seene death shall be seene all shall appeare then as they are So byde still a whyle and byde in patience thou who would haue relaxation and thy bondes shall be loused in patience byde till that tyme. Thou that would see afflicters afflicted●ly still in patience for in that moment when thou shal see the Lord comming from Heauen thou shalt see an end of all these thinges such rendring as euer thou would haue desyred So nothing but patience Now marke the style the Lord gettes in this reuelation and comming He is called The Lord A style of glorie a name of power So the Lord in his comming and manifestation shall be manifested lyke a Lord and in a surpassing power ouer quick and dead Rom. chap. 14. verse 9. He died and rose againe that he might be Lord both of the quick and the dead Then againe he is called Iesus that is a Sauiour as he shall be manifested at that day as a Lord so shall he be manifested as a sweete Sauior Iesus to the just and godly of this world So then his appearance shall be as a Lord and Sauior to the comfort of his elect and as a Lord in power to the destruction of the wicked Now to goe forward I shall not be ●ur●ous but shall open onely the wordes The Lords comming and reuealing himselfe as Lord and as Iesus the Sauior is descriued and set out in an high glorie Christ shal come frō heauen His reuelation shall first be from the Heauen That word Heauen is not put in lightly He is reuealled not from the earth or from any low part No Monarchs that euer reuealled themselues in the world came downe yet from Heauen The Lords reuelation when he shall show himselfe to the world shal be from the Heauen The Heauen now is a vaile casten in betweene our eyes and the Lord. So that we cannot see him but at that day the Lord of glorie shall break downe thro●gh the vaile and come down to the aire to be seene by vs. Now if ye wil aske what an Heauen this is Paul 4. chap. to the Ephes vers 9. 10. saies he was caried to an heauen aboue a● the●e heauens which we see And therefore these Heauens from the which the Lord shal appeare is a place aboue He shall break throgh all these Heauens while he offer himself to be seene in the clouds Then this comming from Heauen lets vs see he shall come to his in glory The greater glorie the greater comfort to vs the greater discomfort to the wicked the greater feare and trembling to the reprobate Take heed to this ye who takes pleasure in sin what feare and terror shall ouertake you in that day So this is the first part Now in the next wordes he is des●ryued from his companie that shall conuoy him Angelles shal accōpany Iesus in his cōming The Lord in his second comming he shal not come his alone in the first comming he came in the world basely like a poore man accompanied with no glorious traine The Lord was made poore that thou should be made rich the Lord took vpon him ig●●miny that thou shold get glory Now in the second comming he shall be gloriously a●companied No neuer Monarch was so accompanied when they came to their kingdom as the Lord Iesus shal They shal wōder that he going in his first comming in the world so poorely should haue such glory The first company he shal come with shall be Angels the gloriousest creatures that euer was not one or two but millions of Angels principalities and powers Iude
neuer come to grace and saluation except thou humble thy selfe vnder this preaching which thou by nature and in thy judgement thinkes foolishe If thou beleue not in this take thee this doome neuer shalt thou be justified in that great day Now to come to the last words in the verse In that day There is an Emphasis in this word that day the Lord shall be glorified in the godly in the glory of his owne in that day It is true brethren at this time in this same moment the Lord Iesus is glorified and the Saints and faithful hes their own glory But the glory of Iesus and his Saintes is not in that fulnesse which shall be at that day Thou seest him now as it were in a mirrour darklie he is comming behind thee and thou art looking in a glas but at that day thou shalt see him face to face with these bodily eyes thou seest him now in glorie but in that day thou shalt see him in a surpassing and exceeding great glorie It is euen so with the Saints We are the Sonnes of God now we are glorious now but in that day we shall haue another kinde of glorie The Apostle Iohn 1. Epistle 13 chap. 2. verse sayes Dearly beloued vve are the Sonnes of God novv but it appeares not vvhat vve shall be The very sight of him shall transforme vs. So that day in the 2. chap. to the Rom. 1. verse is called the day of manifestation all things shall be manifested Glorie righteousnes Heauen Hel and all hid now But in that day all shall be brought forth to that light and be manifested The Heauen shall be opened to see that glorie in it the Hell to see that darknesse and shame in it The Sun shall shine then most clearly right shall then appeare right in the own garment of righteousnesse wrong shall be seene to be wrong sinne shall appeare in the own cullour euerie one shall see it perfitely all things shall be maid manifest Now in the next verse to the end of the chapter the Apostle to conquise to himselfe the beneuolence and good lyking of the Thessalonians why should not the teacher haue the good wil of his people whom he teaches lets them see all that he does is for their cause Wherefore sayes he vve also pray alvvaies for you that our God may make you vvorthy of this calling c. Well this sets out this part of the Minister as he teaches life to the people So let his prayer be euer to God to helpe them forward to that lyfe and glorie he speakes of This for his part Then ye see againe Prayer a meane to lyfe among all the meanes of bringing men to lyfe Prayer is one Thy ovvne prayer the prayer of the Pastour for thee I call it the meane not the cause for thy ovvne prayer vvill neuer merite Heauen albeit thou pray continuallie and be of that opinion that thy prayer vvill merite Heauen vaine art thou thou shalt neuer get it Yet the Lord hes appointed prayer as a meane to further men and wemen to Heauen If thou neglect thy duetie thou shalt neuer come to Heauen The Lord raise vs out of this beastlines and senslesnes that makes vs so vnwilling to pray Men will rise in the morning and go to bed at night without one motion of praier but if thou continue so thou shalt neuer come to Heauen for mark the Lords doing As the Lord hes ordained thee for life so he hes ordained thee a mid-way wherby he bids thee go forward to li●e If thou take not the straight way the Lord hes giuen thee but tak●● by rode of thy own thou shalt neuer come to Heauen What should keep Christ with vs but only this praier what should sanctifie al the speaches of our mouth actions of our hands but this continuall praying The remembring of this life should stir vs vp to prayer for it is and shall be found the way to that life But to come to the matter of his praier He saies for this cause we pray for you That God vvould make you vvorthy of his calling By this calling he meanes life euerlasting by the meane he vnderstandes the end for he takes not the word calling properly but he takes it for the end of our calling which is life euerlasting Then ye see he craues this life and glory at the handes of God Then Life euerlasting the gift of God learn This life euerlasting is the onely gift of God thou hast it not by nature in thy owne selfe it must be giuen thee as a free gift of God or thou shalt neuer get it Further I see one or two meanes whereby we must come to this life set down heere Before thou come to that lyfe thou must haue a calling to it albeit thou would reaue a kingdome here by tirannie yet thou shalt not come to this kingdome except thou haue a former calling to it And when hast thou this calling When this same word of the Gospell soundes in thy eare 〈…〉 and thou beleuest in it If thou lay not to thy eare here thou shalt neuer be called and lackest thou that calling by the word thou shalt neuer get life euerlasting Then the other thing I see here that goes before life and glorie is a vvorthinesse a dignitie ere thou enter in that kingdome thou must haue a worthinesse Who will choose a man to an earthly kingdome without dignitie and worthines Therefore he sayes that he vvould make you vvorthie O but vnderstand it is not my worthinesse nor thy worthinesse inherent in me or thee No it is that worthinesse of Christ Iesus that must be imputed to vs. Christs worthinesse must be imputed to vs and we clad with it When ye heare this word worthines in the Scripture take it neuer to be an inherent worthinesse in thee or in me but the worthinesse of that onely worthie one Christ the Lord made ours by faith Then to the words following He pointes out more clearelie this lyfe euerlasting and sayes That he vvould fulfill all his good pleasure Which good pleasure Which commes of his gentlenes and goodnesse Then he addes And that he would fulfill What a vvorke Whereof of faith After what maner vvith povver and might Then there must be a power or else faith will not be fulfilled Now to returne to euery word That he vvould fulfill Marke then Lyfe euerlasting glorie euerlasting is the accomplishment of a thing begun of the decree going before of lyfe euerlasting First there must be an entrie to it there must be a be●ginning going before and then life euerlasting commes on as fulfilling of the thing going before What is the thing that goes before It is his good pleasure By his good pleasure is vnderstood the decree of lyfe that was giuen out from all eternitie concerning his owne So lyfe euerlasting is but the accomplishment of a decree that was made in that glorious kingdome of Heauen before
vp their hand the fathers slay the Prophets the children slay the Lord then the Apostles Ere I goe forvvard marke this iniquitie in●●ietie vngodlines when once it enters in anie familie or clan in any race of men in the vvorld howe hard a thing it is to get it out againe Oft times when the fathers begin with it it followes on so vpon the whole race of them that it makes an end of them and their race both Beginnest thou that art a father thy sonne and thy vvhole posteritie vvill follow while in end the judgement of God light and destroy all together Is the father a murtherer and slew he one the sonne will double it and so forth of other vices and then the Lord throwes dovvne the house and cuttes off all the generation And the Lord did so vvith these Ievves It is said in the second command that the Lord visites the th●●d fourth generation of them that hate him What is the gro●nde of this because the iniquitie of the fathers is driuen to the children to the thrid and fourth generation Therefore the vengeance of God lights on all Ye fathers therefore take head to your selues and purge you frō iniquitie for if ye be carelesse of your selues the vengeance of God shall be on you and your children both The example of the Iewes might be a spectacle to al the world the verie iniquitie proceeding from the fathers to the sonnes till all were cutted off might nowe suffice to exhort all fathers to leaue sinne as they woulde not be destroyed and their vvhole race after them Marke an other thing heere There is nothing that can not content this people there is no kinde of message that can please them First the Lord sends Prophets to them then he s●ids his Sonne as it is said in the parable that they might reuerence him Matt. 21. 37. Last he sends the Apostles his seruants and they are as rigorous against them as they could so no sort of message could content them 〈◊〉 Act. 7. 51. layes downe the ground of this Persecuters malice euer against the light of the spirite 〈…〉 So there is the ground because all come with the light of the holie Spirite therefore they persecuted all The malice of a persecuter is euer against the light of the Spirite of God So let euerie man be sure so long as the Spirite of light is there must euer be persecution Had I an other man will the prophaine man say I would heare him No if thou hast this hatred of the light of the spirite in thy heart if Paul should come and preach thou vvouldst persecute him yea if Christ him selfe should come in proper person thou wouldst persecute him take therefore head not so much to the preacher as to thine owne heart if thou hast the loue of the light the preacher can not be disliked by thee and by the contrair if thou hast not the loue of the light thou wilt persecute all that come to thee This for the thrid point of their dittay Now comes on the fourth part of their dittay God ●hey please 〈◊〉 This followes the other three The slaying of the Lord the slaying of his Prophets and the persecuting of his Apostles They that slew the Lord and his Prophetes and persecuted the Apostles How could they please God that was the sender of them And so in these wordes he takes off the couer of their faces For these malicious Iewes when they were doing all this euill they boasted of themselues they pleased God they wer his people saying We are the Church and all these are enemies to God Paul pulles off this couer and he showes that they in doing of this were nothing but enemies to God Ye knowe in these dayes men will come in and say It is we that are the true Church it is we who are seruing God aright and in the meane tyme they will be persecuting burning ●ormenting the children of God But what are they will ye haue them deciphered they are enemies to God the Pope is the Antichrist and this shall be ratified in that great day But to let them alone there are many amongst our selues who will ay be doing euill and are enemies to God for thou that art an enemie to his seruants thou pleases not God for heere is a ground There is no glorifying of the Lord but in his ministrie Contemne thou this ministrie by little and little in end thou shalt be an enemie to God if thou hadst sworne the contrair If thou seuere the glorie of God and this ministrie and be a contemner of it thou shalt neuer be glorified of God Ye haue heard foure pointes of their dittay Now to come to the fift They are contrai● to all men Iew and Gentile This is a consequent of the first three slayers of the Lord and of his Prophets persecuters of the Apostles pastors they are enemies to the saluation of all mankinde 〈◊〉 what they wil enemies to the seruants of God to the ministrie 〈…〉 which saluation is wrought and without it thou shalt neuer obtaine saluation nor see the face of God they are enemies to all mankindes saluation Come to the last point of their dittay They forbid vs to speak to the Gentiles they are enemies to the saluation of the Gentiles that by our ministrie shoulde be wonne to God and to his Church the porple-wall is broken down that did hold out the Gentiles before yet they wil hold thē out of the fold There are sundrie sortes of Iewes that hindered the saluation of men there is one sort of them that vvould not suffer Christ to be preached to the Gentiles at all but euer raised vp sedition to impead that vvorke Of these ye may read in the 13. of the Acts. There was another sort of the Iewes that suffered the Gospel to be preached to the Gentiles but added to it circumcision and the law of Moses of whom read Act. 15. The first sort is worst Now the Apostle heere meanes chieflie of this first sort who as the Lord himselfe sayes vvould neither enter them selues into the kingdome of heauē nor suffer others to enter For this is a sure thing euen as a man that hes gotten his own heart enlightned by the loue of the trueth would haue that light to be imparted to all the world and wishes from his heart that all were partakers of it as Paul wished to Agrippa and the rest that heard him that they were lyke vnto him sauing his bondes Acts 26. 29. Well had they bene thogh they had bene chainde to haue had the light of Iesus yet he puts to these wordes for reuerence cause sauing these bandes Euen so a man who hes the hatred of the trueth and light he would haue all the world blinded as he is he woulde haue all mouthes closed as his mouth is closed that neuer man should name Christ to the world He would haue all eyes put out that neuer
of this countrie They thinke it eneugh here if they put in any man to be a show in their offices ô if thou knew what count thou must giue to the Lord for thy doing thou wouldest doe the worke of the Lord more carefullie Yet to insist on this commendation of Timothie It is an high commendation and all tends to this that he shoulde be well accepted of the Thessalonians to whom he was directed that so he might doe them the more good Therefore the Apostle sent him adorned with this faire testimone Good mē deserue good commendatiō Brethren When we see good men in Church or common-weal we should giue them their own commendation why should not the Prince haue his ovvne commendation in sight of the people vvithout flattrie why should not the Pastor haue his honour but to this end Paul looked to that they might be well accepted among the people the next end that being honoured among them they may get obedience So euerie good man should haue his owne authoritie among the people to doe his goode turnes The Lord grant that euerie man who hes office may haue matter of recommendation within himselfe that when he is praised he be not flattered The Lord grant that the Prince may haue matter of his commendation and the Pastor matter of his commendation to this end that their labours be not in vaine Now to go forward with the words Wherefore is this good man Timothie sent to the Thessalonians not to play him not to looke about him but to confirme the Thessalonians in that faith in the which they were grounded by the Apostle The office of the Euangelist vvas to confirme men in that faith which was had down by the Apostles to watter that which the Apostles had planted Paul planted Apollo vvattred 1. Cor. 3. 6. So Timothie was sent to do his ovvne office his owne office was to confirme them vvho were grounded Brethren ye haue heard heere before a great deale spoken of that singulare faith which the Thessalonians had and read in the whole Epistles of Paul ye shall not finde such a commendation giuen to anie Church as to these Thessalonians they were examples to the whole Churches about them as to Macedonia Achaia c. the word of them went abroad to all people and yet Timothie must be sent to them to establishe them Marke it There is none in this life so vvell grounded on the faith of Iesus Confirmatiō of faith necessarie to all men on this life but night and day they haue neede of confirmation yea euen at the last breathe when thou art going out of this world thou must craue a confirmation for there is no perfection in this lyfe nothing in this lyfe but beginning of grace Let none thinke he standes if he thinks so he deceyues himselfe and the man who thinkes he stands he is readiest to fall There is nothing heere but either to grow or decay no standing So we haue neede continuallie of a confirmation faith in Christ is set downe to vs as a ground wherevpon we are established Continuallie euerie houre and moment we craue a setling on that ground for why the sea of the ovvne nature is not so subject to commotion and slovving as the heart of a man When it is set dovvne once in that faith vvhich is the foundation leaue it there it shall returne to the ovvn nature againe Then ye see the sea vvhen it flowes on a rock immediatlie the jaw returnes backe againe in the sea So our heart set on Christ except by grace it be daylie hourlie momentlie setled it vvill returne backe againe to the ovvne nature of it There vvas neuer moe vvindes nor stormes on the sea to cause it rage nor is daylie and hourelie brangling our faith if it were possible to beate thy faith off the groūd-stone Thou neuer seest thing with thy eye but it is a blast of wind to beat thee off thy ground thou neuer hearst thing but it is a blast to beate thee off thy ground Prosperitie a blast of wind to thee aduersitie a blast off winde to beate thee off thy rocke Christ Iesus the scorning vvorld is a winde to beate thee from Christ all ●●n●ations are as manie windes to tosse thee heere and there that thou settle not Looke then if we haue neede to be confirmed more and more in the faith of Christ The next words telles the maner of the establishing of our faith And to comfort The first word was borrowed the next vvorde makes it plaine The maner is seeing the heart of man is ay fleeting Therefore we haue sent to comfort you touching your faith The verie same ministrie which Paul had for the tyme Timothie for his tyme the Pastors and Doctors hes this day That same ministrie which consistes in instructing exhorting comforting admonishing and rebuking them for their misdeedes for all are included within this word exhorting and all these serues to confirme men in the faith of Christ Paul to the Ephesians 4. 11. sayes When the Lord Iesus ascended to heauen after that glorious resurrection leauing this earth he left behinde him some to be Apostles some Euangelists some Pastours and Doctours to the end vve should not be ay children fleeting flovving and caried avvay vvith euerie light vvinde of doctrine What meanes all this That the vse of the ministrie is to establishe the heart of man to holde the heart that the winde of affliction and tentation blovve it not avvay and to settle it on Christ vvho is the ground-stone Then turne it ouer take avvay the ministrie that men vvoulde haue so faine avvay giue men their teyndes they vvould be content neuer to heare a Minister no stablitie shall be in the heartes of the people thy heart shall be blovvne avvay from Christ and thou shalt perishe Alas vve haue ouer great experience of this and especiallie in this Cittie of Edinburgh the Lord amende it Count all thinges vanitie but to be established in Christ Alas that vvee are so senslesse of this A vaine heart vvaites not vvhat this word meanes but a solide heart mournes for the vvant of the meanes of the vvorde Now to come to the next verse The end of this establishing confirming and exhorting of these people by the ministrie of Timothie is this that none of them should be commoued for the affliction vvherevvith they vvere exercised for the present For the Thessalonians at that tyme were afflicted by the Iewes enemies to God and man Then the end is that they should not be commoued with the afflictions that laye on them It is easie to a man to stand in a calme but when winde blowes it is hard to stand sure It is easie to professe Christ in calmnesse but when the blast of tentation strikes on thee then it is much to stand and hold Christ In tentations vve must stād on Christ by faith We are not yet wel acquainted with this So all tends to this Albeit
see him why should not our desire be to see him wherefore should all this feare be of this latter day seeing thou wilt neuer be established in heart nor get thy full glorie vntil his comming at that day thy blessednesse shall be perfite there I finde in the Scripture the perfection of all graces differred vntill that time Ye shall finde no grace Perfectiō of al graces differred til the ●utter day but the perfection thereof is remitted vntill that day Paul in the same Epistle 2. chap. 19. vers My joy is in the sight of God and of Iesus Christ at his comming He gets not perfection of joy vntill he come And therefore he will not promise to the Thessalonians their joy vntill that day no perfection of grace mercie and peace vntill God put an end to sinne to death and wickednesse Looke then if we should long for that latter day we looke heere and there for this thing and that thing but who lookes for that comming of the Lord Alas if we knevv vvhat grace and joy Christs comming brought to vs vve vvould looke for nothing so much as for his comming We are earthlie and therefore all our lookes are for earthlie thinges we are not spirituall and so we cannot looke for that spirituall grace The Lord prepare vs to looke for and desire that glorious comming All these earthlie thinges goes away Heauen onelie abydes What foolishnesse is this seeing we are subject to mortality that we should set our hearts on this world our dwelling must not be here but in Heauen in endliesse joy Seeke it earnestly therefore Novv in the end of this verse he telles vs in vvhat company and with whom we shal be established in holinesse before God thou shalt not be holy thy selfe alone thou shalt not be an a per se in holinesse doe as thou wilt either shalt thou be in a societie in a companie vvith many more nor thou All graces in the societie of the sants or else thou shalt neuer be holie nor see the face of God This is plaine Either thou shalt be in the Church which is the communion of the Saintes of God or else thou shalt neuer see Gods presence He will leape out of it at this side and he at that side but if thou come not in again in that same societie yea and to the number of this church and of the Saintes that professes Christ this day in Scotland thou shalt neuer see Gods face All blessinges grace mercie and peace euerlasting before God is in the companie of the Church that professe the truth and puritie of the Gospell of Christ not in the company of them who will take the name of a Church or that false Church the Romane Church So let him vvho vvill stand vvith holinesse in the number of the Saintes seuere from Babylon or else he shall be partaker of the judgement So brethren to come againe ye shall not read in the Scripture of any grace giuen to any man but ye shall finde that it is giuen to him as a member of that bodie as one of the Saintes in the societie of the Saintes In the first to the Ephesians verse 18. speaking of the riches of the glorie of the inheritance of Heauen he sayes thou shalt neuer get it but among the Saintes Then againe he sayes chap. 3. vers 18. Who shall vnderstand the loue and charitie of God None but they that are in the societie of the Saintes No light mercie nor knowledge of God but to them that stands knit vp as members in the bodye of Christ ye see cut off a member of the body and cast it away no sap can follow from the body to it So if thou be cut off from the number of the Saintes vvho are the Church of God thou shalt neuer get any grace of Christ Now to the next chapter In the fourth and fift chapters followes the last part of this Epistle containing the doctrine of maners exhorting to holinesse of lyfe and godlinesse But to the wordes He sayes And furthermore As he would say all is not tolde I will tell that which rests which is the doctrine of maners precepts of godlie lyfe and conuersation When we haue teached all the yeere ouer when we haue tolde you the doctrine of justification sanctification c. so long as there is no speaking of a godly lyfe and conuersation and so long as we haue not tolde you how ye should lead your lyfe there is euer something behinde vnspoken of Neuer a full and perfite preaching wher there is nothing spoken of a good or of an euill lyfe and conuersation For there is such a necessitie laid on men and wemen in this world that all serues for nothing except they liue a good holy life Thy profession of loue righteousnesse mercie all the rest is but vanitie and winde if thy conuersation toward thy neighbour be not aunswerable to thy profession it is a shame to thee to speake of Christ of holinesse of righteousnesse of life euerlasting except thou liue conforme thereto And therefore ye shall neuer read any Epistle of Paul but euer vvhen he hes spoken of faith justification c. then in the end he subjoynes precepts charging vs to liue a godlie lyfe And more then this Trow ye in the end at Christs comming to judgement that the pretence of faith or righteousnes will be sufficient to thy eternal saluation No but we must liue holie for al the blessinges of God in Christ tends to this end that we may liue holie yea this is the end of election it selfe Ephes 1. 4. Paul sayes We are chosen from all eternitie that we should be holie Then we should liue soberlie and justlie with our neighbour Tit. 2. 12. And therefore either cast avvay profession of Christianitie and heare neuer a word of faith righteousnesse c. or else striue to liue conforme thereto This in generall Now to the wordes I beseech and exhort you and that in the Lord Iesus Christ What exhorts he that they increase more and more in godlie lyfe and conuersation As for the forme of your going forward I haue tolde you the forme hovv ye should vvalke in this world walke conformable thereto The words would be well marked I beseech and exhort you sayes he in the Lord Iesus He might haue well said I command you as wrytting to Philemon vers 8. 9. he sayes When I might command thee in the name of Iesus yet rather for loues sake I pray thee Loue turnes the command in a prayer All doctrin that comes from any person must come of loue or else it is deare of the hearing Now he showes his loue in speaking for the wordes comes from the heart and so among al the rest of the wayes whereby he vtters the loue he had in his heart this is one when precept and commaund is turned ouer to requeesting When he may commaund he will not but he turnes it ouer and
exhortes Ye may marke this verie oft in the Epistles of Paul Now the wordes are dowbled He is not content to say I beseech you but he sayes also I exhort you There is no vvord lost heere This doubling of the vvordes testifies of the earnestnesse that vvas in his heart to haue this people going forvvard in this godlie life and consequentlie of the necessitie that lyes on euerie one of vs to liue holie in this life For vvhere there is no necessitie why should a man be earnest but seeing there is a necessitie lying on all people that either they must liue a godlie life in this worlde or else be damned woe to that Pastor that is no busie to stirre vp the people to liue godlie and holilie As there is a necessitie in them to liue holie so there is a necessitie in him to charge them to liue holie And therefore blame not the Pastor to be busie eyther to pray admonishe or othervvayes to correct and to reproue sinne For he hes a necessitie laid on him vnder the paine of damnation to pushe you forvvard to Heauen For the Lord Iesus sake that is as euer they vvoulde looke for mercie and grace at Iesus hand as he would say if ye liue wel ye shall finde him to be a merciful God otherwaies if ye liue euill to be a terrible judge to you This is some seueritie against them Sweetnesse and sharpnesse must be joined together thou must be moued to thy duetie partlie by sweetnesse partly by sharpnesse therfore with his request he joines this so weghty an obtestation this is a common custome to this Apostle 2. Cor. 10. 1. More this telles that howbeit a man vse prayer and faire wordes where he might command yet we should not abuse his lenitie and patience for if thou meete lenitie and patience with disobedience it shall bring on a greater judgement nor if he had vsed threatning and seueritie The greater lenitie that a man vses to thee to winne thee if thou wilt not be winne the greater shall be thy condemnation and thou heapst on coales on thy owne head Now what is this he exhorts them to That they euer ease more and more That they goe forward still on with instantnesse vntill they come to the mark for this course of holinesse hes a faire end Brethren there is no standing for vs in this course of Christianitie and holinesse of life When thou enterst once in the way stand not there A man will begin and runne on till euening and then set down his staff and rest him but we must ay runne sleeping waking eating drinking c. ay forward there is not an halfe houre granted thee no not so much tyme as to looke ouer thy shoulder to rest thee but ay thou ought to haue thy eie on the marke And when thou runnest striue not onely to ouerrunne them that runnes with thee but more the words meanes that thou shouldst ouerrunne thy owne selfe if thou runnest fast this day runne faster to morrow and ay prease to run forward and when thou art lying on dead-bed runne fastest then and so shalt thou finde exceeding great comfort in thy running The Lord hes bidden thee run and cryes out of Heauen Run as thou wouldst saue thy selfe What is the Pastors office Paul when the Thessalonians are running out before him he cryes Runne ye are in the rinke runne forward excell your selfe runne out before your selfe vntill ye come to the end of the rinke This is the office of the Pastor to cry behinde you when ye are running and this shout of the Pastor behinde the people when they are in the rinke is so needfull that except he cry continuallie Run out and excell they shall linger and ly down That all the world may see the great necessitie we haue to haue this ministrie continuallie crying in our ●are runne runne Would to God we could let the necessitie of this cry to runne to sinke in our harts that we might obey it If ye would be safe haue pleasure in this cry and runne on identlie vntill ye come to the high prease of our calling Now followes the forme and manner of this running forward vntill they come to the end of their rinke No other forme but the forme set downe before ye haue receiued of vs hovv ye ought to vvalke and please your God Brethren as there is a running and an instant course craued of vs so we must run not in euerie sort nor after euerie manner but we must runne with an ordor There are rules prescryued to vs how we should runne Order in running The Apostle 1. Cor. chap. 9. verse 24. sayes Runne so that thou mayest get a grip of the crovvne To Timothie he saies ye who striues and wrastles and runnes if ye striue not lavvfullie according to a good ordor ye shall not winne 2 Tim. 2. 5. So when we runne we must runne according to good ordor not rashlie according to our owne fantasie but according to the good lawes of God There is no well ruled life on earth but that life that is ruled by the rule of God So we all running in this rinke must be ruled by good lawes As Paul besoght them to runne and cries grow more and more euen so he giues them the Lawes to runne by So as the Minister is bound to cry to men to runne so the word of God is giuen to him to tell thee thou shouldest runne by this rule or that rule the King by his rules the counseller in his own calling by his rules what man that euer he be except he run in his owne calling according to his rules he shall neuer attaine to the marke And if the Lord take away this word that telles vs the rule whereby we should runne miserable shall we be This is plaine Take this word out of the land all shall runne wrong Yet there is one word heere to be marked He calles their going forward walking Borrowing the language from a man who is going a iourney Ye will see in the worde many lawes many commands many admonitions to put men forward in the way to go and run but ye heere no precept in the Scripture to sit still eat drink and take thy pleasure seeing thy life is short So we learne the Lord bids vs walke The Lord hes not ordained vs to rest heere Whatsoeuer calling he hes giuen thee he hes giuen thee a continuall walking and trauelling therein vntill thou come to the end of thy journey and then thou shalt rest he is a foolishe bodie who will promise to himselfe rest heere if thou rest before thy journey be complete it shall be to thy vtter destruction And therefore doe as he hes bidden thee albeit it be painefull heere yet in the end thou shalt find rest Now in the next words he defines this vvalking and calles it to please God It is a paine to a man to walke all day from morning to euening and
then to finde no rest nor fruite of his labor at night but I say to thee if thy walking be not to please God thou shalt neuer get any frute of thy walking if thy walking be not euer to please thy God thou shalt neuer get the right way thou shalt goe like a doting bodie and be the farther from that glorious butt and in the end thou shalt effectuat nothing but in that great day thou shalt curse all thy labors and exercises and thou shalt say Alas my labours are all lost I haue wearied my selfe and now I am no better But if thy walking be to please God thou shalt finde a sweetnesse in thy labor and joy in the end thereof And when that blessed day of resurrection shall come thou shalt say Blessed am I in my labours that I wrought to please my God for now I haue gotten the butt I finde the frute of my laboures Paul sayes 1. Cor. 9. 26. I runne but not to an vncertaintie Learne neuer to runne to an vncertaintie but euer runne to a butt effectuat something by your doing The onely way to make you runne well is to please God A Minister or any other in the world who woulde runne right must run to pleasure their God and then they shall finde sweetnesse in their running Now well is the soule that can endeuore the selfe to pleasure God for ther is no joy in the creature but when it is set to glorify God night and day in this world for to this end are we set in the world 1. Cor. 10. 31. and if we doe this he shal set vs in the heauens to glorifie him Now in the next verse he takes themselues to be witnesses that he had set before them the preceptes and lawes whereby they should walke in the journey Ye knovve vvhat commandement vve gaue you by the Lord Iesus It is an happie thing to a Minister in his calling when with a good conscience he appeals the consciences of the people that he cried to them and saide ô people I bade you goe I prescriued you rules to goe into your blood be on your owne head I haue discharged a faithfull duetie to you Brethren what auailes it vs if we should euer preache the Gospell if we be not saued thereby And when we teache you the Gospell we also stir our selues forward to come to that butt Christ our owne teaching is the meane whereby we are saued as it is the meane whereby ye are saued Therefore let all goe forward together in the rinke Now in the verse following he beginnes to set down to them the rules of walking and going forward That which he had spoken by tongue being at Thessalonica the same thing he puts in writ by his pen. It is a foolish thing to a man to say The Apostle spoke one thing and wrote another No brethren Paul neuer spake one sentence to confirme any people but it is registrate to vs. It is blasphemie to thinke that Paul and Peter c. wrote not that which they spoke it is follie for there was no sentence they spoke pertaining to our saluation but it is written Then the rule is The vvill of God vvhich is your sanctification That is that ye be holie in your soules and the whole affections thereof in your bodie and all the members of your bodie and all the actions of your members So he drawes the whole rules which are to be obserued in this course and rinke we haue to Heauen and life euerlasting to holinesse and sanctification Then in one word there is the manner how thou shalt goe forward to this butt Be holie be holie thou must be holie holie in heart hand mouth foot in all the members of thy body separate thee from the worlde which is full of sinne full of foull affections displeasing the eye of thy God and put on holinesse Who euer they be that goe forward in holinesse assuredlie they shall come to the marke Liue thou an holie life what vocation that euer it be in assure thee thou shalt come to the prise of the high calling of God in Christ Iesus Philipp 3. 14. To turne it ouer againe Busie thy self as thou wilt if that thy businesse be not in holinesse thou art foolishe the faster thou runnest thou art the farther behinde Alas how many are there who busies them selues in wickednesse and the more they wearie themselues the farther are they from Heauen Blessed are they who can goe forward to Heauen Stryue to holinesse and say Lord I am on my journey I cannot goe forward except I finde an holie heart to thinke an holie mouth to speake an holy hand to touch Lord sanctifie them that I runne not in vaine The way to runne holilie is to keepe euer before thy eies God that holie one in the face of Iesus and to cry O Lord guide me in holinesse And I assure thee if thou wilt striue to liue holilie and cry to God to guide thee in holinesse thou shalt come to that endlesse joy But if thou let God out of thy eye thou shalt perishe Brethren this life will away and therefore set your harts to run to that euerlasting life Nowe hauing set downe the generall he deduces it in parts and the first part he takes vp is cleannesse of the bodie as he would say fyle not the bodie with fornication fyle thou thy bodie with fornication thou shalt not thinke a cleane thought speake a cleane word or doe any cleane deed Surelie all sinnes pollutes and fyles The sinne that comes from the heart if it were but an euill motion it goes back againe and leaues a foull blot behinde it a rotten deed leaues a blot behinde it a foull worde in the mouth goes back and leaues a foull blot in the hart when thou hast spoken a word thou art not quite thereof but it comes back againe and fyles the soule It goes not from thee so lightlie as thou trowest no it leaues ay a foull blot behinde it So this corruption growes daily Brethren I tell you all sinnes fylles the bodie yet of all sinnes harlotrie especiallie fyles the bodie Looke the comparison the Apostle vses 1. Cor. 6. 18. The bodie of an harlote of all bodies is the foullest Alas such a fyling of the bodie and soule followes vpon adulterie that it is wonderfull to tell Seeing therefore speciall pollution of the bodie followes on fornication I beseech you as ye would present your selfe before God in cleannesse abstaine from harlotrie An harlot will trauell long ere he come to heauen thy heart and bodie must be sanctified before thou come to Heauen And so as thou would come forward to Heauen stryue to keepe a cleane bodie and soule to God and speciallie abstaine from this vyce of fornication Lord keepe vs from it vntill we come to the end of our journey that we may be presented clean before christ To whom with the Father and holie Spirit be honour and praise for
euer AMEN THE XIIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 3. 4. 5. 6. 3 For this is the vvill of God euen your sanctification and that ye should absteine from fornication 4 That euerie one of you should knovve hovv to possesse his vessell in holinesse and honour 5 And not in the lust of concupiscence euen as the Gentiles vvhich knovve not God 6 That no man oppresse o● defraude his brother in any matter for the Lord is auenger of all such thinges as vve also haue tolde you before time and testified WE haue in hand Brethren the third parte of this Epistle written by Paul to the Thessalonians In this part ye haue heard the Apostle exhortes them to a godlie life and conuersation This kynde of doctrine he vses verie oft in the rest of his Epistles The exhortation ye heard that was in the beginning of this chapter vvas not onelie to liue vvell to vvalke in holinesse but also it vvas to excell more and more to stryue in that course of holinesse euen to striue to ouercome not onelie others that ranne vvith them in the rinke but also to ouercome themselues if they ranne fast this day that they should run faster to morrow and so each day to increase and grow It is not eneugh to run not eu●ugh to striue but we must runne and striue lawfullie as he speakes to Timothie 2. Timoth. 2. 5. There are certaine rules and lawes according to the which we must runne in this present course As touching these rules according to the which we must runne the Apostle showes to the Thessalonians he hes prescryued them to them alreadie vvhen he vvas among them Novve in the text vve haue presentlie red hee beginnes to call the lawes to remembrance againe and to repeate them to to them For vvhat euer thing he spoke by worde being present that same thing in effect he hes left behinde him registrate in vvritte and this day by Gods grace it is come in our hands He dravves the vvhole rules and lavves to be keeped in this course wherin we runne to this butt of saluation and to Heauen to be partakers of that glorie First to a generall law which is the law of sanctification and holinesse For this is the vvill of God sayes he euen your sanctification Thereafter he commes to the speciall poyntes of sanctification The first is the abstaining from fornication The next in the wordes red is abstaining from doing wrong to ourneighbour either by violence craft or deceite Now to speake of the first as God shall giue vs grace and to take vp euerie word This is the vvill of God sayes he euen your sanctification Learne then first The vvhole lavves and rules according to the vvhich vve shoulde vvalke and runne in this rinke vvherein the Lord hes placed vs in this lyfe are resolued in a generall called the Law of holinesse The law of a sanctified lyfe He or she that in this course or in this rinke will prease to be holie in all the pointes of their lyfe shall run and striue to speak vvith the Apostle lawfullie and running and striuing lawfullie in the end they shal be crowned But they who in running towardes the marke stryues not to an holinesse of lyfe they runne not lawfullie they keepe no rule in their running They runne and waits not how they are miserable in their running And as they runne vnlawfullie so they shall neuer be crowned with glory they shall runne long ere they come to the marke and prise of that high calling to be with God Then in the course of this life in this rinke which the Lord hes placed vnto runne in vntill we come to the marke of that glorious resurrection we must runne holilie keep in holie heart an holie hand keepe holie senses keepe an holie foot in running in a worde we must be holie in the whole powers of the soule be holie in the whole members of the bodie seuer all from the pollution of this world dedicate all to God and so ye shall come to the end of the rinke Now to goe forward in the text To moue them to this sanctification and to embrace this rule of running forward to the marke Gods vvil a sufficiēt reason of our actions He sayes For this is the vvill of God He giues no other reason but this It is the will of God to be so Howbeit we heare no word of any other reason but this it is the will of God to doe this worke or that worke it should suffice vs we are so oblist to that Lord and so bound to his obedience that if we know of no other reason wherefore we should doe any thing but onelie that it is his will we should obey it And the man who vnderstandes it is the will of God when he is doing any thing and wilclose his eies lead captiue his own reason subject his will to the will of his God and goe and follow on him if it were through Hell if he bid thee goe throgh Hell go throgh it close thy eyes follow on howbeit thouknowest no out-sight surely that man shall get a blessed ishue he shall get a crowne neuer soule vvas disapointed that set themselues to follow God Who euer settes themselues against their affections to serue God they come at last to Heauen By the contrary when a man thinks himselfe ouer wise and will not followe on Gods will except he see a faire out-sight and get great reasons wherefore he should doe this or that and thinkes it not eneugh to say it is Gods will but will say wherefore is it Gods will The Lord will let him followe his owne will and his will and reason will lead him to destruction There was neuer man whom the Lord gaue ouer to his owne will but he ran to his owne destruction Now to go forward He comes next to the speciall pointes of this sanctification There are sundrie sorts of holinesse therefore he will lay it down in parts euerie part thereof in the owne order And the first part of sanctification and holinesse of lyfe First part of sanctificatiō absteening from for●ication he makes it to be absteening from fornication absteening from harlotrie It stands in keeping of an holie and cleane bodie In running on this course in the rinke that conuoyes to the last butt and life euerlasting thou must keepe an holie person But to marke the wordes more natrovvlie First he recommendes abstinence He vvho runnes in a rinke and striues sayes the Apostle 1. Corinth chap. 9. verse 25. that man he is continent in all thinges he keepes a goode dyet ere he enter in the rinke he vvill dyet himselfe and abstaine from many thinges vvhich othervvayes he vvould vse So we vvho runnes in this rinke of Christianitie to be partakers of that Crowne vve must abstaine vve must not follow our appetites vve must not put our hand to euerie thing our appetite
the graue As to the bodies of the wicked woe to them if they ly down with sadnesse and wearinesse their rising shall be with farre greater sadnesse and wearinesse No they shall think it shold be well with them if the Lord wold let the body ay ly still there It is a black wakning If they ly downe with ignominy they shall rise with greater ignominie So to speake it properly the body of the reprobate is not said to sleep as it is to ly dead for the rising of it is but to death death in the graue rising to death and ay deing and neuer making an end of death Now this for the vnderstanding of this word sleeping Then I note shortlie of this first head that Paul instructs them in concerning the soules departed That the bodie that lyes in the graue Sleeping of 〈◊〉 bodie vvith out paine comfortable It lyes without the sense of torment or paine if it were not more but to knowe that farre of it this knowledge ministers comfort both in our owne death and in the death of our friendes Indeed if we saw our friendes bodie cast into the graue and knew that there were torment and paine there no question it would bring great heauinesse and we would remember on our owne paine in the hour of our death and it would bring sorrow to vs. So it is a benefite of God that the body lyes in the graue without paine And this is the thing the Apostle will haue them to know Now to come to the wordes of the next verse For if saies he vve belieue that Iesus is dead and is risen againe euen so them vvho sleepe in Iesus God vvill bring vvith him There are the wordes In one vvorde then The second thing vvhereof he vvill not haue them ignorant is the estate of them vvho are departed After then lying in the graue they shall ryse the bodie that lyes in the graue shall ryse and wake againe Knovveledge of the resurrection of the bodie more cōfortable It is confortable to knowe that the bodie lyes without sense of paine in the graue but it is more comfortable to knowe that the bodie shall ryse againe and not onely want the sense of paine but shall haue comfort in Christ in that glorious resurrection The bodies of the godly shal not onely want the sense of paine but shal haue all pleasure and joy that the heart would with all their senses shall be filled with joy the eie the eare all shall be filled with God in who●e presence is onely joy Now the thing that fils the sense with any joy in this earth are only creatures The thing that makes the 〈◊〉 rejoice is but the creatures that are object to it The thing that mak● the eare to rejoice is but the sound and voices of the creatures But in the resurrection when God shall be al 〈…〉 these senses of our shal be filled with God the great Creator of al. He shall be as it wer the object to the eie to the ear to the teaching to speak it so for your vnderstanding all our senses shal be exercised with him And as there is greater matter of joy in the Creator nor in the creatures so much more joy shall these senses of ours the eie the eare the tasting c. haue of God the Creator of all So far as God passes the creatures so far shall that heauenlie joy passe the earthly joy So this we should know that the dead in Christ shall haue full pleasure and perfite joy But yet ere we leaue the words He grounds this resurrection of our bodies on two grounds 2. grunds of the assurance of our resurrection The first it faith in Christ if saies he vve beleeue that Christ died and raise again But faith in Christ first crucified and dead It auailes not to beleeue in Christ if thou beleue not in him as he is crucified dead and this not eneugh to beleue that he is crucified and dead except thou with a steadfast faith beleeue that he is crucified and dead for thy sins The Deuill knovves he vvas crucified he savv him crucified and no doubt he was present at the crucifying of him for he vvas the burrior of God to him at his crucifying yet the knovvledge of Christ crucified does him no good but euill because he beleeues not that Christ died for his sins and he cannot beleue because he hes no faith So the first ground is faith in Christ crucified and that he died for thee Yet beleue more He saies and rose againe Thou must beleue as euer thou wouldst rise in the last day that Christ was raised out of the graue to the Heauens And it is not eneugh to beleeue that he rose the Deuill beleeues that he rose againe but beleeue he rose for thee for thy justification for thy saluation as Paul affirmes Rom. 4. 25 Then this is our faith in Christ where-vpon our resurrection is grounded Faith that he died for me Faith that he rose againe for my saluation Then to the next ground They sayes he vvho hes sleeped in Iesus The second grounde is nothing but perseuerance in this Faith in Christ euen to the last gasp and breath So that in death and in the pointe of death thy soule take holde on Christ crucified and risen and sticke by him in the dissolution of the soule from the bodie It is requisite that in all our lyfe-tyme and in euerie moment of our lyfe-tyme vve should haue a grippe of Christ apprehend him take holde of him and rest on him for I assure you they vvho vvill not grip him are in a stagring estate but speciallie in the houre of death vvhen the greatest tentation is and the Deuill is busiest to deceyue you it is most requisite that the soule haue a grip of Christ grip to his Croce grip to his glorious Resurrection for there is no standing but by the apprehension of Christ and if thy grippe goe and his grippe goe off thee in that same moment thou art in Hell for no lyfe to anie but to them vvho are in Christ as members of his bodie to them vvho hes an apprehension of him and of vvhom he hes a grippe Therefore seeing the tyme of our departure is verie vncertaine vvho knovves vvhen it vvill please the Lord to call on him euerie one of vs night and day tyme and tyde should see vvhether we be in Christ or not whether we haue an holde of him or not In the morning when thou rysest the first thing thou shouldst thinke of is Am I in Christ haue 〈◊〉 a grippe of him or hes he a grippe of me or not A knaue will ryse and grippe to his staffe or sword but he hes no minde of a grip of Christ Alas vvhen Christ grippes thee not the Deuill caries thee al that day bodie and soule to wickednesse Say therfore Lord holde a grippe of me for I am as a chylde Neuer a childe was
to God If thy conjunction be not with Iesus in this lyfe the power of God in the latter day shall not raise thee to joyne thee to God Take this first cause away the second shall not follow Then againe if the hand of God at the day of the resurrection should not be put as it were out of Heauen to take vp thy bodie thou wouldst ly still Therfore joyne these two First the conjunction with Christ that is by Faith then joyne with Faith the power and vertue of God and so ryse shalt thou and be joyned with God in glorie Now as to the power of God to raise vs it is not extended to vs heere but we shall see it in that great day but the thing vve haue to care for is to looke that we haue saith and of necessitie the second must follow Hast thou faith and art thou joyned with Christ by Faith of necessitie the power of God must reache to thee to raise thee out of the graue Thou needest not to feare if thou be found in Christ All mercie power and glorie is in him if thou be out with Christ no glorie nor mercie but damnation for thee for the power of God shall be extended to thy destruction Now to the next verse Yet he goes forward and teaches them that not onely they shall rise and be broght to God and be joyned with him But he sayes This say vve vnto you by the vvord of God that vve vvho liue and are remaning at the comming of the Lord shall not preueene them vvho sleep He speakes heere of himselfe as thogh he should haue bene liuing at the day of judgement and yet he died more nor a thousand yeere since To teach vs euer to be in readinesse no houre nor moment should be but we should look for the cōming of Christ and think we shall be liuing whē he commes This is our vain thoght we think we shal die before the day of judgment No Paul spok not so we should not speak so but be ay ready to meet the Lord at his glorious appearance Now the third head wherein he instructed them is the order and ranke of men that shall meete the Lord in the cloudes All that judgement shall passe by order The God of order shall be judge Order in meeting the Lord after resurrectiō and all shall be in order and men shall be in ranke they who shall be raised vp from this earth to meete the Lord shall haue their own place and ranke Now the Apostle would teach them that they shal haue this order They who hes departed first this lyfe shall not be preuented they vvho shall be aliue shall not be put in the ranke before them but they who are dead shall be in the first ranke and order and ere euer that sodain change be made of them vvho shall be found alyue changing them from mortalitie to immortalitie vvhich change shall be in the twinckling of an eye the dead in the graue shall be raised vp first by the power of God their bodies shal be first glorified and then shall come on that sodain change of them who shall be aliue then all shal be rest vp to the clouds first they that were dead next they that were changed and so we shall come all to meete our head Christ This is the order Now to be short This same verie speaking of the Apostle and his instructing of them in this preferment teaches vs that there should be in vs such a desire to meete with Christ that we should striue who shal meet with him first striue to be first and not to be last cast vs to haue a parte of this preferment and considering this preferment is promised to them vvho dies first it should make vs joyfull to die first and to say to them vvho are standing about vs vvhen vve are on death-bed I vvill get a preferment I am called to death first before you I shall be preferred to you in meetting vvith my Lord in Heauen Ye shall liue after me but I shall meete first vvith my Lord. O vvhat it is to get preferment in heauenlie glorie Ye vvill count of preferment vvith Kinges of this earth and men vvill striue vvho shall first meete vvith the King O then should vve not striue to meete vvith the King of Kings in Heauen The Lord grant vs faith that we may be joined with Christ in this bodie that at that last day soule and bodie may be glorified in Heauen vvith Christ our Head To vvhom with the Father and the holy Spirite be all glory and praise for euer AMEN THE XVIII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 4. vers 16. 17. 18. 16 For the Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen vvith a shout and vvith the voyce of the Archangell and vvith the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ shall rise againe Then shall vve vvhich liue and remaine be caught vp vvith them also in the cloudes to meete the Lord in the aire and so shall vve euer be vvith the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort your selues one another vvith these vvords THE Apostle brethren in this present text by the way as it were instructs the Thessalonians in that head of doctrine that concernes those who are departed this lyfe Of the which either they were ignorant or thought not of it as they should haue done And therefore in the death and departure of their kins-folke and friendes whom they loued well they mourned excessiuely as though there estate had beene miserable as though after this world there should haue been no more of them but they should perish like beasts And therfore the Apostle to the end that for death they shold not mourne so desperatlie he instructs them in certaine heades of doctrine concerning the departed The first was that they that died died not so much as sleeped this death is not so much to be called a death as a sleepe for there shall be a waking againe as a man lying down to sleepe shall awake againe The second point Their resurrection shall be glorious Being laid down in the graue they shall not ly for euer but shall be gloriouslie raised againe for heere he speakes of the resurrection of the elect and chosen Now the third thing he instructs them in is an peece of honour they shall haue in their resurrection They that are dead first shall see the Lord before them that shall be found aliue for the dead shall ryse first and then the change shall be made of them who are then liuing And as the dead shall rise first so they shall be first in ranke among them who shall goe to meete the Lord in the aire first the dead after their resurrection shall be rest vp to the cloudes then they who shall be liuing shall be rest vp after them So the dead shall get the first sight of Christ then they who shall be found alyue shall be
day be not in vaine wordes Heauen and lyfe euerlasting is not in wordes but looke that it be fectfull in the heart and that of the aboundance of the heart the mouth speake Before thou speake feele it in thy heart and then speake So sayes Paul 2. Cor. chap. 4. verse 13. I beleeue I shall ryse and therefore I speake to you And Dauid sayes I beleeue and therefore I spake Psal 116. 10. And say I pray God that I beleeue all these thinges that I speake to you The Lord giue euerie one of vs grace that we may beleeue all these thinges of Christes comming and of the glorious resurrection For vvithout Faith and Hope of these thinges no comfort no lyfe The Lord giue vs Faith and Hope vntill he bring vs to the full sight and fruition of these thinges throgh Christ To whom with the Father and the holie Spirite be all honour and praise for euer and euer AMEN THE XIX LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 1. 2. 3. 1 But of the tymes and seasons brethren ye haue no neede that I vvrite vnto you 2 For ye your selues knovve perfectly that the day of the Lord shall come euen as a thiefe in the night 3 For vvhen they shall say Peace and safetie then shall come vpon them sudden destruction as the trauaile vpon a vvoman vvith childe and they shall not escape IN the text immediatlie going before ye haue heard brethren of the comming of the Lord Iesus the Iudge of the world in that day appointed to judge the quicke and the dead Of the resurrection of the dead especially of the chosen that shal be dead before that day of the changing of them that shall be found liuing that day by vertue of the resurrection of Christ and of the lyfe glorie and joy that they shall enjoy after they are rest vp in the clouds They shall be with him for euer Now to come to this text we haue in hand The Thessalonians hearing and vnderstanding that the Lord will come from heauen Iesus will come and judge the world might haue moued the question to the Apostle about the tyme of his comming when he will come what yeer what day what houre what time generally shall we looke for him The Apostle meetes this and answers It is not needfull brethrer that I vvrit vnto you of the times and seasons for ye yourselues knovv perfectly that the comming of the Lord shall be as a th●efe in the night And therefore why should I goe calculat dayes and yeeres to you seeing that the Lord shall come at vnwares and on a suddainty the world shal not wit vntil he come And he proues this in the next verse from the effect of his comming They who shall be found in a deadlie securitie sleeping they shall be striken sodainly For vvhen they shall say Peace and safetie then shall come vpon them sodaine destruction as the trauaile vpon a vvoman vvith chylde and they shall not escape And vpon that followes an exhortation to vigilance Now to come to the words of the text I need not vvrit to you saies the Apostle concerning times and seasons It is not needfull would he say it is not expedient it is not profitable to you yea more it pertaines not to you to know it As the Lord saies Act. 1. 7. when the Disciples a litle before his ascension was curious to know the times he saies It is not expedient to you to knovv the tymes and the seasons the Lord hes in his 〈◊〉 By times is meant all times lesse or more whether it be the time of an houre a day a weeke yeere or any greater tyme. It pertaines not to you to knowe anie tyme of Christes comming yea to knowe in what age of the worlde let be the moneth weeke yeere or day it shall be It pertaines not to you to knowe any definite or certaine tyme. The next word is 〈…〉 It meanes a more strait and particular tyme when things commes to passe according to the Lords preseryued tyme in his counsell the artickle of tyme God hes appointed to it There is nothing the Lord hes appointed but it shall f●ll out in that same moment and artickle of tyme. Now would ye know what meanes these seasons I vnderstand by them the morning noon-tide euening In the 1. chap. Act. It is not for you saies Christ to knovv tymes and seasons vvhich the Lord ●es put in his ovvn povvers Ye should not know the time of his comming whether he come in the morning euen tyde midnight or cock-●●●w So the answere the Apostle makes is ye should not be curious about the time of Christs comming asking for daies weeks months yeers it is not for you to know this Now to marke something for I vvill not goe deeplie in this matter We learne of the text immediatly going before There is nothing vnder the Sunne more sure not this that Christ vvill come Certainty of Christs comming This is a thing that euerie one of vs is bound to knowe that Christ will come and sit in judgement and put an end to all thinges in this worlde And this is an artickle of our Creed From thence he vvill come to iudge the quick and the dead If thou beleeue not that Artickle howbeit thou beleeue all the rest of the Artickles thy faith is nothing Then the second thing I marke of this is the curiositie of the Thessalonians This curiositie hes beene in all ages that when any man heard tell that the Lord Iesus is to come againe and to judge the world and to put an end to all thinges in all ages there hes risen vp men curious to vnderstand the tyme and to searche when he shall come The Apostles begouth this Curiositie in searching the tyme of Christes comming repressed for immediatlie before the ascension of our Lord they vttered this curiositie asking the tymes and seasons of his comming againe But incontinent their curiositie is snibbed and repressed by the Lord Act. 1. 7. From that tyme men hes neuer left off to be curious of these tymes and seasons Men hes beene curious to lay an account if Christes comming shall be in this yeere in this age yea men in our age hes done this but all is vanitie Now thirdly I note on Pauls part and his answere to them Men should not search in curiouslie anent the tyme of Christes comming Men should not seeke the moneth day yeere nor age that perteines not to them There is great difference betweene the first comming of Christ and his second comming As to the first comming it was the will of the Lord that the tyme of his comming should be knowne to the world And therefore he reuealed the yeere of his comming to the olde Prophetes As ye may see 9 Daniell And as Peter telles 1. Epist chap. 1. verse 10. They searched in to the very tyme of this comming and they did nothing
in sinne the shall the Lord come and strike him with a sodaine stroke and light on his head with an heauy bloody yron rod when thou art in the midst of thy sinne in drinking in murther then shall this ●odde light on thy head to destroy thee Now this word 〈◊〉 or speaking which the Apostle vses ●●ere would be marked there are sundrie kindes of speakinges There is a speaking in the mouth there is a speaking in the hart there is a speaking also in deeds and actions The Psalmist sayes Psal 14. 1. The foolish man hes said in his heart there is not a God They confesse him in mouth but in heart they deny him Paul speakes of some wicked men who professes they knovv God but in vvordes they deny hi● 〈…〉 Tit. 1. 16. Now the wordes of the Apostle are not to be taken so strait of them that spoke with the mouth only but of those also that speakes the fairest with their mouth but with a false heart and a wicked deed in the hand If thou be found speaking peace and all sure whether it be in mouth hart or hand this sodaintie in vengence shall ouertak thee Among al the tokens of a judgement comming securitie is one of the chief Woulde ye knowe if a judgement be comming on a creature I will tell you If I finde the 〈◊〉 sleeping and s●o●ting in murther 〈◊〉 and wickednesse I will say Thou art able to get a black wakning And therefore among other 〈◊〉 that shall goe before the latter day a dead 〈◊〉 shall be one For when they are sleeping in their high sleepe the● 〈◊〉 the Iudge come 〈…〉 When was it that the destruction lighted on the first world when they were sleeping eating and drinking without thought of Heauen or Hell When was Sodome destroyed when all the inhabitants thereof wer eating and drinking then fire and brimstone came downe from Heauen and destroyed them Againe in your owne memories what euer judgement lighted on any Cittie or person in Scotland but ye might see a sensible and dead securitie on them It is most sure Ye shall see the experience of it in a childe broght to the s●affold among other lamentations of his miserie he will say alas I was sleeping in sinne vntill now I was sleeping in securitie I was playing the harlote I was murthering c. the verie month of him will tell his securitie These plagues of Pest and 〈◊〉 began among these borderers what was their exercise sleeping in sin reauing from others So most justly the plague hes seased on them Trow ye to be free of it No truely the Pest had neuer so soone come on Edinburgh except ye had beene sleeping And I pronunce in Gods name if there be not a wakning in tyme and arysing vp out of this senslesse securitie there shall be another kynde of death Now brethren Then comparison would be marked whereby he settes out the sodaine judgement Euen as a dolour takes a vvoman vvith chylde So shall that paine ouertake them The dolour of a woman trauelling and the dolour in Hell is lyke other in sundrie points And therefore the Scripture takes oft the exemple of it to descryue the paine of Hell as in this part Ye see the woman beares the matter of her paine in her owne bosome the childe and where shall be the matter of pains of Hell which is sinne but in the catiues owne bosome lykewise as a woman with childe will be full of childe So the heart of a knaue will be filled with wickednesse and be heauie albeit he leape and skip on the earth They are lyke in sodaintie For as the sicknesse commes on the woman sodainlie So the strok of hel shall be sodaine and striken sodainlie Compair these two paines in sharpnesse As the woman hes a sharp dolour which if it lasted were vntolerable if the Lord gaue not leysure to draw their breath betweene showre and showre as they call it it were vntolerable So the paines of Hell are exceeding sharp and vntolerable But heere they differ The womans paine is but for a tyme but the paine of Hell indures for euer Againe when the paine will come on a woman she may be at the table eating or drinking or she may be sleeping and it will sodainelie take her So the paine of Hell will come sodainly when the wicked are eating and drinking and making merie But alas when the Apostle hes compared it to the paine of a woman trauailing with chylde he hes not ●aulde all no not the thousand part of that paine The paine of Hell passes all measure The Scripture for our capacitie settes downe a comprehensible paine to signifie an incomprehensible paine O the incomprehensible paine of Hell Alwayes when thou seest a paine intolerable thinke on Hell And say O Lord this paine on me albeit it be in the fleshe it is exceeding sore therfore Lord saue me from that exceeding paine in Hell Now when he hes spoken of the tyme and paine of it He sayes they shall not escape Some will say May not men and wemen flee He therefore seales and stampes the worde vvhich none can open Thou shalt not escape Art thou one who hes bene playing and liuing in dead securitie thou shalt not escape The bullet came neuer so sodainlie out of the gun as the judgement shall come on the knaue and murtherer Men will flee these earthlie judgements when the sword commes a knaue wil flee from it When the Pest commes it may be that a knaue will escape better nor one that is worthie twentie of him O the patience of God! Knowe ye what God will be doing in the mean-tyme It may be he is reseruing the knaue and oppressour to a sorer judgement nor the Pest he may be keeping him to the day of Judgement when hee shall be striken with the sodaine paine of Hell And this is true The longer he is reserued and repentes not the heauier shall the judgement be when it lightes For the keeping of him is an occasion to heape sinne on him Keepe a murtherer who hes slaine one to day if he repent not he shall slay another to morrow and ay increase in sinne One sinne is the punishment of another and a wicked man will run from one sinne to another vntill he come to the head of the ladder and haue filled the cuppe full and holde it vp in his hand saying It is full What is the Lord doing Hes he done one sin The Lord heapes vp an heape of wraith for him Hes he committed another sinne He addes to another heape of wraith and so vntill the cuppe be full the wraith of God is daily augmented vntill it be powred out on his head Alas will not the visible experience of Gods judgementes moue vs But how euer it be that men escape now vntill Christ shall come to the judgement yet there shall be no escaping at that later day O the hand of the Lord will ouer-spanne
For vvhere any sparke of the light of God is the light raignes and God raignes in thee albeit thou haue great darknesse in thee For vvhereuer God is in any measure he euer raignes He sayes Ye are all the children of the light and the children of the day Marke the vvordes For they import a pithie meaning They meane that not onely they are in a light but that in substance in a maner they are light As I am light and thou art light if thou be the chylde of light in substance thou art light euen so as in substance thou art a bodie in substance likevvise a soule So in a maner in substance thou art light For ye must vnderstand this the chylde is euer by nature of the substance of the Father and Mother Then if ye be the children of light of necessitie ye must be in some maner of the substance of light Paul Ephes chap. 5. verse 8. sayes to the Ephesians that some tymeye vvere Gentiles sometyme ye vvere darknesse but novv ye are light in the Lord vvalke as children of light He sayes not ye vvere in darknesse but he sayes in verie deed ye vvere in a maner a verie lumpe of darknesse Then againe he sayes not ye are in the light but ye are light your substance and nature is changed in the con●rarie vvhere ye vvere in substance darknesse novv ye are in substance light turned from the substance of daknesse to the substance of light Now the words this way exponed take vp an higher ground and of the escaping of judgement at the comming of Christ It is not enough to be found in the light onely but thou must be found to be light it selfe and the child of light I shall make this plaine There are two sorts of thinges and bodies in this world that hes light There are some bodies that in themselues hes no light in the worlde they are darke in themselues yet they will be in the light As for example Ye see the black floore ye sit on it hes no light of it selfe it is black but when the Sun shynes on it it hes light and shynes There are other bodies that are not onely in the light but in the owne nature are light as the Sun it is not onely in the light but it is light the selfe and there is no other light to giue it light except the selfe Now to apply this There are two sortes of men and wemen in the Church of God I leaue Pagans Turkes and Iewes and I speak of these who are in the Church and professes themselues to be Christians There are some of them in the light in the midst of the Saintes of God and professing the worde as the Saintes does that hes no light of themselues the light they haue is the light of others as for themselues they are but black bodies and black soules Hypocrites that hes nothing in themselues but blacknesse an hypocrite hes nothing but blacknesse and yet he will be in the Church and as farre in as any man but shynes in the light of the word and of the Saintes of God Againe there are some who are not onely in the light shynes not onely in the light of others but in themselues are light and shynes in their own light and there are beames that commes from them and lightens both themselues and others that sittes with them as the Sun both shynes the selfe and makes other inferiour creatures to shyne Of the which sort were the Philippians Paul writes to them Philip 2. 15. and sayes Ye are compast with Pagans and Heathen and ye shyne in the midst of them So who euer gets this grace to haue this light and to carie it out to the world they are the children of light Now in the day of judgement it will not be enough to be in the Church to be among the faithfull and renewed creatures and among them who are light to be at preaching of the word except thou be light of thy selfe what care I if the light wherein I shyne be not my owne but the light that shynes from another If thou haue no more thou shalt be suddenlie destroyed Therefore if thou wouldest be fred from this sudden destruction seeke light regeneration illumination and neuer rest nor be glad vntill thou find in some measure the regeneration of thy nature and thy selfe to be light in Christ Againe marke heere the vniuersall partickle ye all He sayes not some but he cals all the Thessalonians the children of light and of the day he maks no exception he is not so precise as men are now This learnes vs both Pastor and people a good lesson to be obserued to thinke and to judge the best of euerie man and woman that hes once receiued the seale of Baptisme and hes giuen their names in baptisme to Christ and professes christ outwardlie For albeit many of them will be hypocrites yet it is our part after the exemple of Paul to call them the children of light Thou art ouer seueare a censurer to call them who hes taine the name of Christ vpon them the children of darknesse Seuere not thou the popple from the wheet the caffe from the corne the goates from the sheepe vntill the Lord come and he shall seuere them Put not men in Heauen vvhen thou vvilt and men in Hell vvhen thou vvilt but be ware vvith this rashe judgement Now to come to the next verse Vpon the groundes he hes laid that all are in light and not in darknesse and that which is more that they are the children of light and not of darknesse he gathers his exhortation Then sayes he if it be so that we are the children of light let vs not sleepe but let vs vvatch and be sober This is the effect of the wordes There are two thinges that heere are forbidden and two things that are commaunded The two things that are forbidden are sleeping and drunkennesse for vnder sleeping as the text that followes makes plaine is comprehended drunkennesse These two thinges goe commonlie together a drunken bodie is ay doting and sleeping for the senses of him are so burdened with surfet he can doe nothing but ly downe and sleepe Now there are two thinges recommended watching and sobernesse these two agree also together for a temperate man who hes moderation in drinking that man is able to watch when others sleepe and to do a good turne in the night But to goe through euerie one of them and to begin at sleeping for he beginnes at it heere There are two sortes thereof First a bodilie sleeping vvhen the senses of this bodie are chosed Sleeping the eyes closed the eare closed and all the senses closed so that they leaue their function that is called a bodilie sleepe There is another called a spirituall sleepe and it is the sleeping of the soule and spirite vvhen the eye of the soule is bound vp so that it hes no sight of God the eare of
be sounde sleeping When the murtherer is busiest at his murther albeit he be ryding and running the quickell man in bodie that euer was the soule in the meane-tyme is lying in a deadlie sleepe So I doubt not but if the Lord Iesus would come in this houre alas the vengence that would ouertake many of them So they who are in harlotrie and their senses exercised most in harlotrie then they are most sleeping in soule Trow ye if the eye of the soule saw God that for all the world they would be exercised in such a filthie exercise So he meanes chieflie of the watching of the soule Indeede it is true as I haue said before it is good to be walkrife in bodie for if thou be sanctified thy bodie waking shall be exercised in some good exercise And therefore Christ in the garden immediatlie before his passion Matthevv chap. 26. verse 4. woulde haue his Apostles waking in bodie aswell as in soule least they should enter into tentation for they sleeped vntill his enemies came Sobrietie and so for feare they left him Then the second thing commaunded is sobernesse There are two sortes of it The one of the body the other of the soule The bodie when it is not surfetted with any excesse The soule when it is not drunken with the world and pleasurs therof is sober for as the bodie hes her sobrietie so the soule hes the owne sobrietie and heere I specially vnderstand the sobriety of the soule but indeed the sobriety of the body is to be joined to it For the sobriety of the body helps much to the sobriety of the soule As I said before when the body passes measure in drunkennes the soule is commonly drunken to so when the body is in sobriety the soule is in sobriety and applied to godlinesse So both the drunkennes of soule and body is forbidden In the 21. of Luke 34. He saies Be vvare least your harts be prest dovvn vvith surfetting and drunkennesse that is of the body and vvith the carefulnes of the vvorld that is of the soule Therfore keep sobriety in body and soule Then brethren there are two thinges forbidden and two thinges commaunded viz. sleeping excessiue and drunkennesse in soule and body forbidden watching and sobrietie in soule and bodie commanded Now in the next wordes he giues the reason wherefore they should not sleepe and be drunken but watch and be sober They that sleepe sleepe in the night and they vvho are drunken are drunken in the night Now he would subsume ye are not of the night therefore be ye not drunken but be sober So this argument is taine from the inconnenientnesse of the tyme it is no tyme to you to be drunken now ye are not in the night Men vses to sleepe and be drunken in the night men who does euill seekes darknesse Ye are not in the night but ye are the children of the day Therefore it settes not you to be sleeping or drunken but ye should watch and be sober I take vp the lesson shortly In all our actions and doings we should haue a speciall respect to the tyme for there is great moment and weight in the tyme when we should doe this thing or that thing and speciallie in the two tymes the day and the night All actions must be done in these two tymes The day hes the actions of the day The night hes the actions of the night The actions of the day shold not be done in the night The actions of the night should not be done in the day This should be commonly keeped albeit necessitie sometyme compels otherwaies There are some actions that are seemelie to be done in the day that is not seemelie to be done in the night As for exemple It settes a man to be wakng in the day it is not seemely to wake in the night except necessitie compell Againe there are some actions that are setting to be done in the night and not in the day as to sleep in the night and it settes a man better to drunken in the night if he would be drunken nor in the day It is a shame to be drunken before the Sun and day light Paul in the Rom. chap. 12. verse 11. 12. 13. sayes Men and wemen should vvalke in comelinesse all maner of way So soone as thou goest out to the sight of the Sun albeit none saw thee but the Sun it becomes thee to be comely So thou who would be drunken drinke in the night Fy o●●t that a drunken bodie should come to the Sun if there were no more but the light of the Sun it cryes to God for vengence on drunkennesse albeit no man saw it Now brethren there are some vnnaturall men and wemen who will turne the action of the day to the night and the night to the day Fy on thee that preuents nature When this faire Sunne ryses in the morning to comfort them to let them see the face of it and to doe their duetie in that function the Lord hes called them to What will they then doe off their cloathes and goe to their beddes Nothing the most part of the day tyme but dead sleeping except they be constraint otherwaies Then when the Sun goes down they are glad and ryses to their villany And so they testifie that they detest the glorious light of the Sun which should rejoyse vs. Alwaies when others goe to their beds then they begin to rise to eat and drinke c. and to take their pleasure this is not comely and I tell thee the vengence of God will light on thee if it were onely for the preuenting of the order of nature Let the day be day and the night be night No question this peruerting of nature procures the heauy vengence of God to fall on them and their houses Trow ye that God of Heauen who ordained nature can suffer nature to be so abused without auengement No I dare say thou that doest slaye before the Sunne the Sun shall beare witnesse against thee and say Lord this villan so abhominably committed murther in my eye thou sette me in the Heauen that none should worke villany in my eye but he set me to litle auaile The Sun no doubt is wearied and groanes to see the wickednesse of men and wemen and the creatures groanes to see their vyle sins and faine would be releued thereof This earth they goe on groanes vnder the burdene and would as faine be releued of them as a woman with childe would be releued of her birth Well then if the Lord will reuenge so a sinne that is done before the light of this Sun that shynes and if the light of this same verie Sunne aggreadges their sinne before the Lord and maks their judgement the greater O what greatnesse must be in sin and how fearefull must the judgement be when sin is committed with an vplifted hand in the face of Christ that Sun of righteousnesse shyning to vs in his
let vs comforte our selues vvith thinking on the joy that we shall haue when we shall be in the Heauens with our Lord and Sauiour Now to marke the words He saies that vve should liue vvith him Looke the nature of the life that we get in the death of Iesus It is a life that we liue with Christ not a lyfe that we liue from him there cannot be a spirituall lyfe from him Death will not serue to lyfe if thou be from him but thou must be with him Thou must not onely liue with him as a man will liue with an house and family but thou must liue in him As by comparison the arme liues with the head so thou must liue with Christ Ye see the conjunction naturall that is between the head and the members that same conjunction must be betweene thee and the Lord Iesus If thou liue with him thou must liue as a member he must be thy head and thou must be a leg an arme or some part of the bodie Well is that soule that is any parte of the bodie of Christ Therefore draw euer nearer and nearer vnto him vntill thou be fully conjoyned with him we haue no lyfe except we be ingraft in him as the imp is ingraft in the tree and so prease euer to grow in that conjunction Look how thou was joined in him yesterday say Lord make a nearer conjunction this day and to morrowe say worke yet a nearer conjunction that I may draw nearer my head But brethren this full conjunction cannot be vntill we see him face to face we are far of now but we shall be with him we are from him now for a lytle space but then we shall be with him for euer and then in that great day thy blessednesse both in bodie and soule shall be perfited we shall be with him and stand for euer in that full conjunction with out head Christ in whom is all blessednesse To whom with the Father and the holie Spirite be all honour and praise for now and euer AMEN THE XXII LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 11. 12. 13. 11 Wherefore exhort one another and edifie one another euen as ye doe 12 Novv vve beseech you brethren that ye knovve them vvhich labour among you and are ouer you in the Lord and admonish you 13 That ye haue them in singular loue for their vvorks sake Be at peace among your selues IN the last exhortatation brethren the Apostle stirred vp the Thessalonians to be good souldiours and warriours vnder the banner of the Lord Iesus Christ In a warriour we shew you there are three things specially requyred First vigilance and wakrifnesse Secondlie sobriety and temperance And last of all that he be in his armour with his Helmet on his head and his brestplate on his brest and all the rest of his armour on For albeit he be waking and sober yet if he be naked the enemie will ouercome him So it is in the Christian warriour the same three thinges after a maner are requisite First he must be wakrife in soule Secondly temperate in soule hauing a soule not drunken with these earthlie thinges which drawes our whole heart and faculties away from God So that they who are full thereof are laid vp as it wer in a dead sleepe And last it is requisite that he be clad with his armour his owne Helmet which is Hope his owne brest-plate which is faith and loue take away hope faith and loue he is but a naked man in the world and shall soone be destroied if he be not clad with faith and loue in his brest and with hope in his head he will not be able to gainstand Followes now in the text ye haue heard another exhortation and it is to vse these meanes whereby we may continue in wakrifnesse in continuall sobriety and spirituall armour enarmed against the enemy There are the wordes of the exhortation Wherefore As he would say Seeing we must be wakrife sober and enarmed in the Christian warfare therefore I exhort you to get the meanes whereby these thinges are keeped The means are Exhort one another euen as ye doe alreadie So my exhortation is that ye continue to the end It is not eneugh to begin except ye continue to the end Now there are the meanes Then brethren this lesson offers the selfe to vs The meanes not to sleepe in the soule but to be wakrife not to be drunken but to be temperate not to be naked but to be clad with spirituall armour is instant exhortation Stir vp men and wemen by exhorting in edifying in an instant building vp and confirming them in the doctrine and knowledge that they haue once receiued This worke of building will not be done in one day or two dayes or twentie dayes but this building of the soule of men and wemen building them vp in that spirituall building must be raised vp higher nor euer Babell was yea it must rise to the Heauen of Heauens and to the head Iesus who sittes aboue all Heauens This building must be instant In one word The means to hold men waking and sober and temperate in the spirituall warfare and to holde this armour on them is instant exhortation Take me away the voice of exhortation take away building in the doctrine ye haue receiued and edifying therein in stead of wakrifenesse there shall come on you a dead slumber in stead of sobriety and spirituall temperance thou shalt be drunken in stead of armour nothing but nakednesse and ye shall be a pray to the Deuill this world and your owne cankerd nature assay it when ye will So then brethren in one word See the necessitie men hes of instant exhorting and edifying not for one day or two yea if thou shouldst liue Methusalems dayes the voice of exhortation should neuer goe out of thy eare For there are a thousand thinges to draw vs downe to cause vs sleepe vntill we die in sleeping many thinges to make thee drunken to ly dovvne lyke a drunken bodie vvithout sense of the lyfe to come Many thinges to denude thee of armour to set thee vp naked to the eneme Would to God this world wold consider the necessity of instant and continuall exhortation to moue them forwarde in the course of godlinesse Marke next Who is this that should exhort Who is this that should edifie who should hold men waking in Spirit hold them in sobriety and hold on their armour by exhortation and edifying who should doe it He sayes not the Pastor ye haue Ministers let them doe it it is their office It is true indeed they haue a speciall calling for that effect and are placed in the Church to hold you wakrife to cry in your eare vntill ye waken againe to exhort and edify continually to build vp that spiritual building and to build men and wemen vp as liuely stones in that spiritual building Therefore in the first Epistle to
is a labourer but a honourable labourer Euen so euerie one that labours and hes offices in the Church are laborers but yet they are honorable laborers So the Ministers are laborers but honorable laborers for he is ouer thee and is thy superior And he hes a burdeene but a honorable burdeene and at the appearance of Iesus Christ in spyte of thee that contemnes him thou shalt see his honor and glory and thou shalt wonder at that day that euer he shold be promoued to that honor for he shall shine in the Heauen as a star this shall stand in despyte of the world Well come on now to the duetie of the people to their Pastor A Kings Master-houshold will be accounted of the Master-housholde of Christes Church what maner of honour shold ye haue him in Dueties of the people to the Pastor The first words that expresses the duety of the flock are knovve them misknowe them not The people would misknow them very faine yet what knowing is this It is the knowledge of the mind when in mind we take vp know that calling of the Ministry to be the Pastor by Iesus Christ the great Pastor to the Church to be a dispenser of the misteries of God and the in searchable riches of Christ such a dispenser as neuer was in the world not of bread and drinke as these world lie stewards No but of the insearchable riches of Christ and that to saluation and feeding of the soule to that life euerlasting wherin soule and body shal liue for euer This is the knowing be speaks of heere What more It is not a simple knowledge to know that he is a Minister but with knowing to joine reuerence giue him his own honor Paul 1. Cor. 4. 1. saies Let a man count of him not as thou cou●●s of Christ but count of him as a Minister and dispenser of the misteries of Christ giue him no more and cursed be that beast of Rome that wold take the place and honor of Christ on him Now this part of duety of the flock in reuerencing of the Pastor is answerable to that part of the calling of the Pastor he is a superior a superiority craues reuerence who euer he be that is a superior whether in families citties or common-wels or in Church if he be set ouer you honor him this is the ordinance of the Lord if the Lord haue set him ouer you honor him look not to the man but to the Lords ordinance And this I continuallie persaue there is a naturall hatred and contempt in the hearts of the people euer toward any superior whether in Church or Policy a naturall io●y we are bred with it and we entertaine it and incresse it Thou hast a naturall hatred against thy superiour if thou wert neuer so good if thou wouldst faine haue him away if thou wouldst cast of all yock but this is a thing the Lord is offended with For I affirme this all superiour powers that are set ouer vs whether in Church or Policie reuerence and honor is craued to them God ordaines it and God will auenge the contempt thereof Now to speake generallie There are tvvo sortes of superiours One in the Policie ouer the bodies of men in the world another superiour in the Church of God which is nothing else but a stewartrie Now say I reuerence should be euer giuen to both reuerence the Magistrat whisper not against him but reuerence him if it be possible holde out euill thoughts out of thy heart let be euill wordes in thy mouth honour all beginne at the King and come to the lowest honour euery one in their owne ranke Againe in the Church honour the Ministrie as stewartes in a great familie the familie of the Lord of Lordes honour him as a faithfull stewart in the house of the Lord. If yee compare these two together euery one of them are bound to reuerence other the Politick Magistrate to reuerence the superiours in the Church Againe the superiours in the Church to reuerence the ciuile Magistrate I tell you my minde mutuallie they are superiours to others The Church man is inferiour to the Magistrate in things ciuile and therefore as a common man is bound to reuerence him and should teach all reuerence to them in that estate And by the contrare the Magistrate if it were the King shoulde be ruled by the Minister in thinges spirituall and he who is a stewart in the Church of God the King is bound to take out of his hand the thing wherevpon his soule feedes and so he and all other Magistrates are bound to reuerence him as Gods stewart If this mutuall reuerence were keeped well were it to Church and Commonwel but where it is not keeped no well in Church nor Policie and I shall craue euer to get this mutuall reuerence keeped and my trauell and exercise hes been this yeere bygone to get it keeped God is my witnesse Now this is for the first part of the duetie of the people The second thing he sayes haue them in singulare loue for their vvorker sake Not in a common loue but in a singulare loue it includes all the whole affectiones of the heart and yet there is more to be vnderstood heere the consequentes of this loue and the effects that followe therevpon If loue be in the heart it will break out in the hand So there are two thinges heere The one the singular loue in the heart the other the outward good deed in the hand If the Ministers giue to you thinges spirituall to enterteine the heauenly lyfe is it a great matter to you to giue them thinges temporall thinges to enterteine this fraile lyfe Now brethren this point of the duetie of the people answeres to that parte of the duetie of the Pastour which standes in labour A labourer would haue loue of them he labours for if it were but the seruant that labours in your kitching ye ought to loue him loue them who loues you Now he who labours not in a vyle office but in an honourable labour to your saluation how much more should ye esteeme of him honourablie and reuerence him An honourable labour woulde be honourablie handled Ye see the meeting that the Apostle craues The Pastour lyes vnder a burdeene and an honourable burdeene On the peoples parte he craues a meeting because the burdeene is honourable and the Pastour should haue preferment therefore he craues reuerence And because the Pastour labours therefore he cranes loue and entertaining of the people It is a common saying Friendship wil not stand long on the one side If this meeting be not of the people to the Pastor the Ministry cannot stād and the men cannot be able to beare the burdeene Brethren what shal I say alas experience telles vs for fault of this meeting on the part of the people and specially of these in Policie to whom this matter appertaines this Ministry is not like for to stand And I
praise for euer AMEN THE XXVI LECTVRE VPON THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 1. THESSA CHAP. 5. vers 20. 21. 22. 23. 20 Despise not prophecying 21 Try all things and keepe that vvhich is good 22 Abstaine from all appearance of euill 23 Novv the very God of peace sanctifie you throughout and I pray God that your vvhole spirit and soule and body may be keept blamelesse vnto the comming of our Lord Iesus Christ. IN this parte of this Epistle brethren there are certaine exhortations and precepts so linked together that the next is ay the cause and meane of the former He beganne at Patience in suffering and not randering euill for euill but recompencing good for euill Then he came to joy Rejoyce euermore Ioy is the meane and cause of Patience from joy he came to Prayer in asking that which we neede at the hands of God and in thanking him for the grace and benefite receyned Prayer is the meane that interteines joy in the hart from Prayer he came to the Spirit the holy Spirit of God who is the worker of all these graces in our hart The Spirit workes Patience the Spirit it workes Ioy the same Spirit 〈◊〉 vp the hart to Prayer and to thankfulnesse This Spirite the worker of all grace in the hart should not be quenched by leauing off of well doing or by doing euill for both these two quenches the Spirit Now ●hortly to come to ou● purpose In the first verse vve we haue read presentlie He commes to the meane whereby the Spirit of Christ the worker of all graces with vs especiallie is inter●ind in the soule and hart of a man and woman And he saies Despise not Prophecying The thing he recommends is Prophecying To make the words plaine to you By Prophecying here I vnderstand not the foretelling of things to come as there was raised vp from tyme to tyme Prophetes in the Church of God that fortold either wel or w● that was to fal on the church in the own time this prophecying was not such foretelling of things to come it is no other thing in this place but the opening vp of the Scripture and so this word Prophecying is taine in the 1. Cor. 14. chap. throghout all that chap. But he that Prophecyes sayes he he speakes to men to edifing to exhortation and consolation That is he applyes the word of God to the present vse for the tyme So that if a man needes to be edified he edifies to be comforted he comfortes to be exhorted the exhortes So then to make the words plaine ` Despise not Prophecying It is asmuch as he would say despise not the preaching of the word despise not this ministrie whose calling is to preach this word Now brethren ye see heere among all the meanes whereby the Spirit of Christ is enterteinde in the hart of a man the Apostle makes a choise in this place of preaching hearing the word of God set downe in the Scripture opened vp and applyed to the right vse Certainelie this is to the great commendation of this same visible ministrie and of this teaching of the word in the presence of the congregation and people of God Shall I tell you There is such a necessity of the preaching of this word for as base as it semes to men that if it be not holden vp farewell the Spirit of Iesus Christ If it be not there shall not be in the earth a visible Church for the word preached is the slandart that is holden vp on high to the world that men and women that would be safe may goe in vnder it and make vp a Church Take me away this slandart where shall men goe to who shall knowe the Church So take me away this outward preaching of the word vnto the which men should resort to seeke saluation no Church Will men goe to experience I shall but touch it there is but ouer great experience of this in this Countrey this day Abstaine 〈◊〉 hearing of the word let it be of negligence or of malice yet thou shalt in proces of time feele thy hart voyde of all sense and feeling of God thou shalt lose thy eyes thy light and sight of God thou shalt lose the sight of lyfe and Heauen if that thou doe it in contempt and malice thou shalt grow as prophane as a prophaine dog and wallow in all kinde of wickednesse and euill deed after euill deed shall fal out in thy hand Looke to the great men of this land What is the cause he is such a murtherer Onely the contempt of this word preached What is the cause he is such an adulterer only the contempt of the word I cannot tell if there be any great mens houses at least there is verie few but thou may see the contempt of this word hes heaped judgement on judgement on them Ye who wold read of Prophecying which is the opening vp of the word in the face of the Church of God and who would read of the powerfull working of it in the hart of men read 1. Cor. chap. 14. verse 1. Seeke after spirituall things but specially after Prophecying And in that same chapter 24. verse by supposition he lets vs see by comparison betweene Prophecying and strange language what prophecying works When a man is teaching the word then commes in at the doore an infidle that hes no vnderstanding he layes to his eare and heares and he hears himself rebuked incontinent his conscience wakens and lets him see the filth that is within him So the poore man hauing his conscience wakned he falles down on his face and seeks mercy and then he will be mooued to make a confession and say It cannot be but this man hes the Spirit of God that maks my sin so manifest to me it cannot be the spirit of man but it must be the power of God whereby he speakes I will not insist Brethren I shall summe vp to you in few words the diuersitie of the disposition of men cōcerning this word of God Al is not alike disposed Diuersity of mens disposition concerning the vvord toward the Spirit and the word which two things onely saues men There are some that cares neyther for the Spirit nor the word such 〈…〉 dogges atheists men liuing without God in the world speake of a Spirit to them they will scorne it a prophane bodie that hes not the Spirit the name of a spirit is but a scorne vnto him tell him of spirituall lyfe he will laugh an heedfull laughter Lykevvise speake to him of the vvord and tell that saluation must be by the word the prophaine dog vvill laugh and scorne at it These are the vvorst men in the world There is another sort that clames to a Spirit They will acknovvledge the Spirite of God but vvhen it commes to the vvord of God they vvil feuere so the vvord from the Spirit as though the vvord had nothing adoe vvith the Spirit nor the Spirit vvith the
euening nor midday c. thou shalt neuer get grace looke neuer for this perfection Thou cannot go forward in the rinke without prayer and so thou shalt neuer come to the butt And as ye see heere it is not onely man 's owne prayer that is requisit to bring them to the rinks end but it must be mutuall prayer I must pray for thee to helpe thee forward thou must pray for me to help me forward So prayer must be mutuall and as it were euery one must be taking others by the hand and lifting them vp from the filth of the earth to heavenly things So he that will contemne mutuall prayer and say I will pray for my selfe I am familiar with God I haue a b●●ad back to beare all their curlings if they were neuer so many Alas the curslinges will thrust him downe to Hell and his prayer shall not auaile And thou who contemnest the pray or of the silliest bodie in the Church for thee if thou shouldst 〈◊〉 all day on thy knee thou shalt get small ●●therance The prayer of the Church is a nece●●ar meane to bring thee to Heauen For as he appoynted thee to Heauen so he● no appoynted prayer of the Church to bring thee to it Now he commes to the 〈…〉 sayes he one another vvith an holy kisse As he would say I cannot be present with them I cannot speake to them face to face but 〈◊〉 you to whom I direct this Epistle con●oy my salutation to them and in my name salute them as it were with my mouth Brethren what is a salutation A testification of our loue that we beare so them we salute Now there are sundrie fortes of salutations a man will salute one with his owne mouth then when he cannot get him saluted with his owne mouth he will send his commendations with another man There are two fortes I will testifie my good will by my owne mouth in his presence and againe I will testifie it by another and will send my 〈◊〉 good will by his hand And truely looke how sure euer thing in this earth was caryed by a mediat person as sure this loue will be caryed by one to another he will take my loue on his back and cary it to another and as sure as any gift is presented to any person as sure will my loue be presented to 〈…〉 I send it And what good will it doe The chiefe thing we ●aue is the conjunction of the members one with another Now the band that conjoynes the members is loue and ● may send this same band by an other He may tak my band that commes from my hart and eary to any man Then the band that commes to him it kindles vp his hart and he loues me againe and so his hart is giuen to me againe So seeing this happinesse in this lyfe standes in this conjunction euery thing should be vsed that may enterteine this conjunction if it were but a good morrow or a good night euery thing holds this conjunction together vntill we be fully joyned to Christ in the which conjunction standes our ful happinesse Yet to insist This salutation is to all the brethren none excepted To speake it in one word Such familiar salutations as these salute them with a kisse and an holy kisse they are not competent betweene all sorts of men I perceyue not that the Apostle salutes this way any of the Gentiles and Heathen it is true we are bound to wish well to all to the prophainest in the world yea to the enemies of Christ and I will say the Lord turne euery enemy of Christ to him but certainely when it commes to such salutations as these that Paul vses as to say salute with an holy kisse they are proper onely to the domesticks of faith and therefore he sayes salute all the brethren not all that ye meete with but all the brethren Loue pertaines to all but there as a speciall loue that pertaines to the members of the bodie as to brethren and sisters there are special salutations that specially pertaines to the members in the bodie and therefore discretion must be had all salutations must not be had to al alike we should haue a regarde of the condition of the person whom we salute There may be a fault aswell in this vndiscreete doing as when we leaue it vndone giue euery one their owne duety Thou art addebted to a brother in a speciall kindnesse and salutation and is not addebted so to a Turke and to one that is not in Christ In the end held esires that they salute all the brethren vvith an holy kisse We know it was a fashion of olde ere Christ came thē Iewes at meeting they wold kisse other euen men wold kisse men the same fashion continued in Christes dayes and after Christ it was l●fed also as 〈◊〉 may see in the Epist●● of Paul and in the primitiue● Church at their meeting together at the Supper of the Lord they would kisse in token of their vnitie Now this holy kisse is called by Peter the kisse of charme 1. Epistle 5. chapter 14. verse Ioyne 〈…〉 an holie kisse is nothing but a 〈◊〉 that ●yfes of an 〈◊〉 loue● when loue is in the 〈◊〉 it is sinceere without by 〈◊〉 other ●ife it is not sinceere ●ad is kisse was not holy because loue was not in his hart vvhen he kissed his Master Sinceritie to be vsed in salutation so this kisse vvas in hypocrisie So in our fashion that is novv vsed albeit vve kisse not one another vvhen vve ●id good-marrow or good-night vve make 〈◊〉 outvvard testification of the loue of the hate invvardly if there be not loue in the hart all is but hypocrisie And except helsing ryse of loue in the hart it were better to thee to hold thy tongue thou art but an hypocrite when thou salutest vvith thy mouth if thy hart would eate him vp thou wilt appeare to haue hony in thy mouth and the gall of bitternesse is in thy hart Alas many Iudasses now Sweete sleeked lippes false malitious inuyfull harts Alwayes the lesson is in all these outward testifications of loue looke euer that there be 〈◊〉 loue in the hart that the testification may be sinceere and thou may get good of them For I assure thee this loue to thy neighbor does good to thee ô Lord if sincerity be not good in the members of Christ Alas this decreeped age is turned to a plane hypocrisie and al are but words of office thy vylde salutation returnes to thy owne hurt As it does him no good nor euil whom thou salutest so it does thee euill and returnes to thy own hurt Hypocrisy euer hurts the hart it came from Now to the next words I charge you in the Lord that this Epistle be read to all the brethren the Saints This is another purpose For in the end as I tolde you there is varietie of things casten together Appearandly by the wordes it would seeme
judges is oft-tymes so blinded that he sees not the thing that is just for he will take vp the thing that is vnjust to be just and the thing that is just to be vnjust Then againe supponing by the light of the minde he see the thing that is just yet there is such a peruersnesse in his will and affection that in spyte of the light of the mynde he will peruert justice that thing he knowes to be just he will call it vnjust And the thing he knowes to be vnjust he will call it just But it is not so with God for first he by that infinite judgement in him sees that thing that is just to be just nothing can begyle him at the verie first looke he vvill knovve that vvhich is just And then againe vvhen he sees it to be just there is such an vprightnesse in him that he vvill decerne it to be just Then brethren it is vvell vvith vs that our lyfe and death dependes not on men vpon their judgement their speaking it is vvell vvith vs that our saluation and condemnation depends not on their blind and corrupt affection but on him that sees euery thing as it is and judges justlie There is the ground of our saluation Novv to goe forvvarde The effect of his justice vvhat is it The just Iudge sitting in his judgement seate he renders to euerie man their ovvne his justice standes in distribution He renders to the troublers by the saw called Lex talionis euen such thing as they did to wit trouble But to the godly he giues rest joy and comfort for euer What should he render to the afflicters but affliction To the troublers but tribulation againe So what euer man does he gettes the lyke repayed to him againe in his hand God readers infinite trouble to the afflicters of the godlie afflictes he he shall be afflicted trouble he he shall be troubled if all the world had said the contrare Indeed it is true brethren the affliction that he receiues albeit it be alyke in qualitie for affliction is euer like affliction yet looke to the quantitie of that trouble the troublers shall receyue It is incomparable in quantitie for in quantitie it shall be infinite All that which they may do to the godly is but finit and hes and end But that affliction where-with they shall be repayed home againe is infinite And therefore read the Rom. chap. 2. vers 8. 9. where Paul telles of that rendring alike at that great day he cannot get words sufficiently to expresse their affliction They shall get indignation then wraith they shall be opprest with tribulation anguish and shall be casten in the presse of affliction Whereto should we speake of this Can any words expresse it No all the words of the Angels of Heauen and men in the earth cannot expresse the affliction they shall be afflicted with in that day Indeed the afflictions the godly sustaines here may be suffered but the affliction the wicked shall suffer at that day shal be intolerable Now ye may say how can this stand with Gods justice to repay a thing infinite for a finite thing to render infinite affliction for finite affliction to render the paines of Hell for a short temporall paine I answer God in repaying wrong to them that hes done wrong lookes not so much to the wrong that one man does to another as to the wrong done to his owne Majesty that is infinite Thou oppressest thy neighbour thou troublest a brother The Lord when he commes to judge he looks not so much to the wrong thou hast done to thy neighbour or to thy brother as to the wrong done to himselfe He respects the wrong done to him who is infinite and therefore thou shalt be repayed with an infinite paine This is Gods justice Then againe Neuer a man that did wrong and that hes tane pleasure to do wrong did euer the wrong nor was able to doe so great wrong as he would haue done if he had gotten his will fulfilled in doing wrong there would neuer be an end of his wrong If the trouber had his vvill in troubling no end of his trouble If the murtherer had his vvill in murthering his bloodie svvord vvould neuer be put vp but he vvould euer be murthering he vvould be euer oppressing And therefore God in his judgment lookes not so much to the thing thou doest to the stroke of thy hand to the word of thy mouth as he looks to the thoght and will of thy mynde It hes no end of euill The Lord for thy endlesse euill vvill in hart vvill render thee an endlesse paine This much for the first rendering The second rendring is the rendring to the godly according to Gods justice What renders God to the godly Not as he did to the wicked affliction for affliction trouble for trouble but by the contrare vvhere they vvere afflicted lying tread dovvne in the presse of affliction then the Lord shall louse their bondes and take the oppressours and vvrap them in the same bondes and tread them vnder his feete So the second sort of rendering God renders infinite glory to the godly afflicted is rendering not alyke to alyke but a thing that is vnlyke rendering to the afflicted relaxation for euer Brethren there is no comparison betvveene the afflictions of the godlie and that vvhich the Lord shall render to them for their affliction That vvhich the godlie suffers is but a meane and small thing It is not vvorthie to be spoken of to be rent on the Raoks to be burnt quick for the name of Iesus is not vvorthie to be spoken of in respect of that wonderfull glorie we shall possesse The Apostle in that second chap. to the Romans 10. verse cannot get words to expresse their glory which they shall enjoy at that latter day Honour and glory that passes all the ignominie that can be in the world a thousand stages immortalitie thou shalt neuer die againe lyfe and lyfe that is without end peace and joy euerlasting There is no comparison In the 2. Corinth chap. 4. verse 17. Paul calles the afflictions of the godlie the momentaneall lightnesse of affliction they are first light then their afflictions lastes but for a moment Yet sayes he they shall vvorke to you an euerlasting vveight of glorie and glorie that is excellentlie excellent he cannot get vvordes to expresse it The glorie is in quantitie a vveight in tyme it is euerlasting in dignitie it is excellentlie excellent Whereto shall I speake it All the tongues that is in Heauen and earth is not able to expresse that glorie as it is vvorthie to be spoken of For in the 1. Epist to the Corinth chap. 2. verse 7. it is said These thinges hes not entered in the hart of man that the Lord hes prepared for them that loue him And who are they if not they who suffers for him This much for the rendring both to the one and the
This is in effect that same which he spok of before euen the glorifying of God for it is one thing the Lord to be glorified and to wonder at him The meaning is shortly When he shall come First he shal make the faithful wonderful in the sight of the world and then in their wonderfulnes all the world shall wonder at him who hes made them wonderfull Now marke The Lord Iesus in Esay 9. chap. 6. vers among all the names he gets there he is called the vvonderfull and the maruellous one Now this name in effect shal show the selfcheefly in that day of judgement for cheefly in that day Christ shall be wonderful and all the world shall wonder at him It is but a litle wondring we haue here Christ at his comming vvōderfull Ye know wondring presuppones nouelties things of exceeding great importance Then it must followe that the Lord Iesus at that day shall be reueiled to the world in such a wonderful glory at neuer man nor Angel saw yet● it shal be such a glory as neuer eye saw ear heard or once entered into the hart of man as the Apostle ●aies 1. Cor. 2. chap. 9. vers They who saw him ●●ani●ed in a vyle habite judged condemned scourged and crucified vnder Pontius Pilat they shall wonder when they shall see that Lord whom they thoght once so vile raised vp and exalted to such a sublimity and hight of glory Pilat then shal wonder the Priests shall wonder they that with their wicked hand● crucified him shall wonder at that day And in one word there shall be nothing in that day in Heauen and earth but a wondering at the Lord Iesus Christ and his Saintes glorified Ye see here next the cheefe mean that shall make the Lord wonderful to be the wonderfulnesse of the glorie of his Saintes and elect whom in that day he shall make wonderfull The world shall looke in and wonder at them and then they shall looke to the Iudge and wonder at him Then in that day they who hes beleued in Iesus in this life looke what faith brings with it shall be blessed and made glorious For first these faithfull shall be made so maruelous in glory that they shall astonish the whole world I tell thee more when thou shalt be so translated when thy vyle bodie shall be so changed thou shalt wonder at thy selfe for the eare hath not heard the eye hath not seene c. that wonderfull glorie which then thou shalt enjoy As for the wicked of the world the troublers and afflicters of the godly when they shall looke to any one of the glorious elect they shall weepe and wonder This is set downe in the 5. chapter of the booke of wisdome albeit Apocrypha First they shall mourne and weepe when they shall see the glorie of the godly and say O we fooles and sensles bodies esteemed we not the life of these godly in the world a miserable lyfe Then they shall come on with wondering How is this that this vyle bodie so shynes and that he is so exalted So they shall both mourne at this sight and wonder and vveeping and vvondering they shall count themselues to haue bene fooles and sensles bodies The Lord giue vs grace to seeke that true wisdome in tyme. For certainly that true wisdome is esteemed foolishnesse in this world and he that would be wise let him be a foole first he shall neuer be counted wise that day except he haue bene a foole first and humbled vnder this foolish preaching of the Gospell It is true the condemnation of the reprobate shall be a meane to make the world wonder and to make the Iudge wonderfull O the paines that shall be inflicted on the reprobate shall be wonderfull and they shall be set vp as spectacles of shame at that day and the godly shall wonder at their shame and confusion O wonderfull shall that weightinesse of judgement be they shall wonder that euer there should be such a wraith in God they shall wonder that euer the arme of God should be so heauy vpon them O Hell is lighted now will they say the wraith of God is lighted now O what a masse and weight of wraith is this that we see now Men will now leape here and there and make litle count of the weightinesse of the Lords hand and securely contemne threatnings and judgement but in that day to their euerlasting woe they shall finde it the heauiest thing that euer was for by the weight of it they shall be so pressed downe that they shall neuer be able to prease vp againe Alas what a dead senslesnesse is this of men in this world that they regarde neither Heauen no● Hell liuing like beastes and not as men Lord waken vs in tyme to acknowledge these thinges Now to goe forward Who are these that shall be made wonderfull that in them the Lord Iesus may be made wonderfull In one word He calles them beleeuers a base and simple style among vs. He called them before Saintes holy ones and now he commes to the ground of their holinesse and calles it faith It will not be a faire honest ciuile dealing with our neighbour that will doe the turne albeit many men thinks so No but faith in Christ must be the ground any man that in any measure hes had a sense and feeling of that lyfe he will finde in his experience he can not haue hope or assurance of lyfe in the fairest outwarde dealing that euer men did except he finde his hart setled on God and his anchor casten on Christ This is the onely cause of thy saluation faith in Christ As for all thy good workes they are onely effects and tokens that thou hast that faith in Christ which will doe the turne and is the onely cause of thy saluation O blessed for euer is that hart that hes faith keeped let neuer thy remembrance be off it What euer thou thinke or speake keepe it hast thou it be assured of thy saluation lackest thou it doe all thou can thou shalt die Seeke euer to haue Christ in thy hart And seeing we who are now liuing may die in one moment Lord if we should not seeke earnestly to haue Christ dwelling in our harts It is onely his merites that saues vs. In the next wordes he defines them that he calles beleeuers and pointing them out he sayes not they that beleeues in Iesus Christ but they vvho in this lyfe hes beleeued my testimony the Gospell teached by me by my fellow●seruants by the rest of the Apostles and Pastors So take vp the nature of this faith and be not ●egyled with it It is not faith in Christ barely but faith in Christ preached By whom by a selie bodie What was Paul a selie bodie So looke neuer for lyfe nor saluation in that great day except thou humble thy selfe vnder the foolishe preaching as men thinkes it and beleeue the foolishe teaching of the Gospell Thou shalt
that will vpset it The lose thou getst by deceite will neuer be vpset all the kings and doctors vnder Heauen will neuer set vp thy lose thou getst by defection Alas what hes that 〈◊〉 win when he hes win all the world and lost his soule by falling away from the trueth Now the Lord let euery man see that there is nothing comparable to this hurt of deceiuing What pleasure can thou haue of all the kingdomes of the world when thou hast a troubled hart and conscience when thou hast an vnquyet soule within thee Therfore as we say It is good to sleepe in a sound skinne Change not a setled minde and pacified hart with all the world and preferre a sound minde inlightned with the knowledge of Christ to all the honours and dignity in the world And because we are so vnstable mynded and so ready to alter that except we be surely anchored on Christ we shall be euer beatten away with euery light wind of false doctrine Therefore we haue to pray that our soules may be anchored by a sure faith on Christ The Lord therefore by his grace anchor our soules on Christ To whom with the Father and the holy Spirit be all honour and praise for euer AMEN THE FIFTH LEC TVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 34. for that day shal not come except there come a departing first and that that man of sinne be disclosed euen the sonne of perdition 4 Which is an aduersary and exalteth himselfe against all that is called God or that is vvorshipped so that he doth sit as God in the Temple of God shovving himselfe that he is God WELBELOVED brethren ye haue heard the request the Apostle makes in the beginning of this second chapter to the Thessalonians He requests and adjures them by the comming of the Lord Iesus and by our assembling vnto him at his comming that they suffer not themselues to bee deceyued or put by their mindes troubled in hart and affection especially in this head of doctrine that concernes the comming of the Lord in the latter day and that they should not be deceiued by false teachers who wēt about to deceiue them in this point teaching that the day of the Lord is at hand he shall come incontinent ye shall be found aliue when he shall come This age and generation shall not be past when he shall come This pointe of false doctrine that these false teachers went about to perswade the Thessalonians and so to vnqiuet them held them ay in vexation of sprit and minde looking ay for Christs comming assuring them that he should come ere that presentage should end Now in this text the Apostle enters to a refutation of that false doctrine and he proues that the day of the Lord was not instant that the day of the Lord would not beat such a tyme that it should not fall out in that present age Now marke his reasons If the day of the Lord were instant then there should not bee an vniuersall Apostasie and defection from the faith of the Lord Iesus Christ before the day and comming of the Lord Vniuersal defection must goe before the Lords cōming For vvhy This Apostasie must craue a large space of tyme. Then he subjoines but so it is before that day shall come there shall be an vniuersall Apostasie and defection from the faith and trueth of Christ Iesus And so hee concludes Therefore it is not so as they say The day of the Lord is not instant and is not so neere hand as they goe about to perswade you Marke his reason The proposition and first part of the argument is not expressed in the text The next parte the assumption is sette dovvne in the text to witte The day of the Lord shall not bee before that an vniuersall defection be first Now before I come to the wordes take vp shortlie this one thing The Thessalonians to whom he wrytes being deceiued thought that incontinent Christ should come and that they should be rest to the Heauen with him and glorified from hand The Apostle to put them out of this consaite tels them ere they and the Church be rest vp to Heauen and glorified there that they shall suffer yet on the earth some trouble there shall be yet a great alteration and vexation in the Church of God Brethren mark it The battell must goe before the victory let none looke for the victory before he fight thou wilt not come sleeping to Heauen Thou must fight on earth ere thou come to glorie and ere thou triumph in Heauen thou must be victorious on earth throgh many tribulations we must enter in the kingdom of heauen This is that which the Apostle teaches the Thessalonians Novv to come to the vvordes of the text and to make this matter plaine we shall insist particularlie on euery word taking vp the meaning of Gods Spirite heere And first ●here occurres this vvord Apostasie which must be before the day of the Lordes comming This Apostasie is nothing but a falling avvay a flyding aback This Apostasie is not a particulare Apostasie or defection of this man or that man onely of any one person or any two or three persons onely But it is an vniuersal defection of multitudes of men and wemen in this world For the word ye see is generallie set downe in the text to be a departure without any restriction It is not said a departing of this man or that man but generallie a departing Therefore the Apostle must meane of a departing and falling away of multitudes and great multitudes Now all the question is what Apostasie meanes the Apostle of I am not ignorant how a great number of the olde Latine fathers in the Church vnderstandes this Apostasie to be meant of the defection of many Nations from the Empyre of Rome It is true indeede the Nations of the world fell away from the Romane Empyre But how well and rightly they vnderstood this Apostasie of that falling away from the Romane Empyre God knowes And it is a wonder that so many learned and quick spirited men should haue erred together in this pointe so long Indeede it is likly that when one of them fel in this error all the rest followed on in troupes without further discretion or judgement But I leaue them What Apostasie is this then that the Apostle meanes of heere I shall tell you It is an vniuersall defection not from an Emperour or earthly King but from the King of Heauen Iesus Christ and from his faith This agrees with the course of this text and with that which followes immediatly of the Antichrist the head of this Apostasie This agrees with the speaking of this same Apostle in sundry other places In the 1. Tim. chap. 4. verse 1. he foretels of this vniuersall defection from the faith The wordes are The spirit speakes euidently that in the latter dayes some shall depart from the faith and
swordes Heard you euer of a Pope Benifacius the ●ight● of whom it is said He entered in lyke a Tod raigne like a Lyon and died like a dog In the tyme of his jubile in the first day thereof he commes out in the Popes weed and as he goes he blesses the people In the next day he commes out in Cesars warlike clock and a naked sword horne before him and sitting downe he cryes out Behold two swordes heere I am the head of the Church I am the Pope and Cesar I haue the Empyre in Heauen and earth Who calles himselfe the head of the Church A style onely proper to Christ Who calles himselfe the Vicar of Christ The brydgrome of the bryde the Church Who calles himselfe the high Priest Styles onely proper to Christ Is it not this beast of Rome Whereto should I insist It is wonder that the earth can beare such a proud filthie villaine It is a wonder that the Heauen can couer him but we must reuerence the long suffering patience of the Lord. And seeing the Scripture hes pointed him out so euidently it is a wonder that men should be so blinde that they should so reuerence him when he rages this waye in sinne and that they will call him the successour of Peter and the head of the Church What shall I say all reading and hearing will not inlighten the mynde and perswade men except the Spirit of God be present to open the hart Therefore leauing this beast I pray God to send his Spirit to let men see that they may abhorre such an enemy to God and Christ and that they may imbrace the light of Iesus and that he would keepe vs that we be not deceyued by these vanities To this God euen the Father Sonne and holie Spirit be all praise for euer AMEN THE SIXT LECTVRE VPON THE SECOND EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE THESSALONIANS 2. THESSA CHAP. 2. vers 5. 6. 7. 8. 5 Remember ye not that vvhen I vvas as yet vvith you I told you these things 6 And novv ye knovv vvhat vvithholdeth that he might be reueiled in his tyme. 7 For the mysterie of iniquitie doth already vvorke onely he vvhich novv vvithholdeth shall let till he be taken out of the vvay 8 And then shall the vvicked man be reueiled vvhom the Lord shall consume vvith the spirit of his mouth and shall abolish vvith the brightnesse of his comming THE Apostle Brethren ye heard proues against the false teachers that the comming of the Lord was not so neere hand as they thought and as they teached He takes his argument from one thing that was to fal out in the world before Christs latter comming Ere euer become sayes the Apostle there shall be an vniuersall defection from that faith of Iesus Christ This matter will conteine a long processe of tyme and therefore would the Apostle conclude Christs comming is not so neere hand as they make the people beleeue He expresses not the name of the Antichrist but for the name he hes a long description and painting out of him This description we entered in the last day and he lets them see when he shall be when he shall come He pointes him out in his nature First in his very essence he shall be a man of nature lyke other men Then he commes to his properties What shall they be First a man of sinne a wicked man as euer was or shall be in the world The next propertie He shall be the son of perdition a man long agoe ordeined to destruction Then he commes to his actions when he shall come and reueile him in the world he shall oppone himselfe against euery thing that shall be called God or shall be worshipped That is against euery superiour power and Majestie whether earthly or Heauenly against God himselfe and his Sonne Iesus Christ Another action He shall not be content onely to oppone himselfe in malice but in pryde he shall exalt himselfe aboue all thinges that shall be called God and worshipped either in earth or in Heauen Then he commes to two speciall actions of his pryde first exalting himselfe aboue God he shall sit in the Temple of God in the Church of God For so the Antichristian Church is termed because shee keepes some ensenzies of the Church of God the Word and Sacraments He shall sit there as God on the consciences of men and wemen to thrall and controle them at his pleasure The other particulare action of his pryde he shall showe himselfe as God in the properties perteining to God he shall take them all on him This far we proceeded the last day in the description of the Antichrist whom the Apostle prophecyes will come in the world ere Christ come againe onely this I aduertise you as I did before Take not this man whom ye call the Antichrist to be a single man one person take him to be a succession of men euery one following another in one kingdome and tyranny The kingdome of Antichrist all is termed vnder the name of a man They are but one kingdome of all one purpose of all to exercise tyrannie on the Church of God heere on this earth Now brethren to the text He leaues off this description for a tyme vntill he come to the ninth verse following and there he returnes againe Now in the meane-tyme he falles out in some speaches and admonitions to them concerning the Antichrist and in the first verse we haue red he confirmes the thing he hes spoken of the Antichrist from the speaches he had with them when he abode among them in Thessalonica Concerning the Antichrist I wryte would he say no other thing to you now nor that which I told you when I was with you That which I then spoke that same thing now I wryte vnto you Then in the next verse he showes to them that the Antichrist and Antichristanisme is come and begun already in the world albeit his reueiling and his comming to his pryde is not yet yet the Antichrist is come Antichristanisme and fals religion is begun Then againe he telle what withholdes him that he is not reueiled so soone and hastily There is an impediment casten in which I told to you when I was with you He insistes on this impediment and telles when this impediment shall be tame out of the way then this wicked man of sinne shall be reueiled And last as he hes tolde of his comming out and growing to an height in his pryde so he propecyes of his decay and his destruction Now to returne to the wordes Remember ye not sayes he vvhen I vvas vvith you I told you these thinges To assure them the more of the trueth of these thinges that he wrytes to them concerning the Antichrist hee calles them to remembrance of that which he spoke to them face to face concerning this same purpose and in doing this the vtters some peece of anger Remember ye not He vses some sharpnesse in wordes because
to wit their eternal election to saluation their sanctification their faith in the trueth of Iesus their effectuall calling to lyfe euer lasting and the glorie of Christ vpon these grounds he inferres this I herefore brethren stand fast as if he did say seeing ye are so sure grounded therefore stand fast on your ground Then thelesson is when a man findes in his owne hart that God hes chosen him to saluation from all eternitie when he findes he hes faith and the Spirite of sanctification and finds the Lord from Heauen to call on him and to put out his hand as it were and to take him by the hand againe and to leade him forwarde to that saluation to the which he hes appoynted him from all eternitie Then though Heauen should fall and all the world goe to ruine though thousands of men should fall away from the trueth at this tyme yet it becommes him not once to shudder or to suffer himselfe once to be shaken in the middes of all confusion and that not throgh any confidence or strength in himselfe for then he will be beguilde but onely through the power of the grace of his God which he hes found in experiēce ground himself on that ground which we haue Rom. 11. 29. The gifts and calling of God is vvithout repentance if once the Lord begin to bestow these spirituall blessings and to call a person to the glory of Christ effectually Heauen and earth shall goe together ere that person perish Now ere I goe further to the words I would solue a question that may fal out here Hes not the Apostle euen now before certified these Thessalonians of their election from al eternitie out of the which it followes necessarly that they are placed out of al danger of finall defection for it is impossible that they that are elected from all eternity can fall away finallie and perish how is it then that he exhortes them to stand considering this their sure election is vnchangeable I answere shortly It is true the chosen of God are placed outwith all danger of this defection vnto the which the reprobate is subject and it is impossible that they can fall away finallie indeed they may haue their owne stumblinges and stoppings but as concerning their finall defection it is a thing vnpossible that they can be subject to it by vertue of their election for brethren so many as are ordeined to life of necessity they are ordeined to finall perseuerance if thou be ordeined to life of necessitie thou must stand fast to the end in some measure but it is as true on the other part that they that are ordeined to perseuerance they are ordeined to stand by such and such meanes and of these meanes this is one exhortation another is admonition another is teaching another rebuking for if need be we should rebuke euen the chosen of God and threatten them yea the prayers also of the Saints and Pastors are meanes to make the chosen to stand fast And failing these meanes by the which the Lord hes ordeined that they shall perseuere and especiallie if thou contemne these meanes exhortation admonition rebukes doctrine and prayers of the faithfull thou shalt faile of perseuerance and failing of perseuerance thou shalt fall finally away And if thou fall finallie away thou shalt finde that thou wert neuer one of these that were chosen to life euerlasting And therefore brethren seeing these are the means of God to hold thee vp to the end till he glorifie thee thou should be glad when thou art admonished exhorted and taught for they are the tokens to thee of thy election if thou take them in a good part Beware then that ye contemne not any of these meanes Now to goe forward When he hes exhorted them to stand fast then immediatly he subjoines as it were the definition of this standing what it is Standfast sayes he What is that Hold a fast and a sure grip Whereof of the doctrine I haue taught you either by vvord or vvrit stand fast by it Marke then Ye see the perseuerance he craues is the perseuerance in the faith and in the ●ight of the word the doctrine of Iesus Christ is the light of the world and perseuerance in knowledge of this word is to hold it fast To make this plaine There are two sorts of perseuerance One is the perseuerance in the trueth in the Gospell in the faith of Iesus and in the light tvvo sorts of perseuerance and all these are one There is another perseuerance and that is an holy life well doing and in a godly conuersation Marke them both if ye will compare them together the first which is perseuerance in faith or in trueth must be the cause of the other and the other is the necessar effect of it where perseuerance is in the light of necessitie there is a perseuerance in godlinesse for a man that perseueres in the light of necessity that man walketh in the hie way to Heauen in his action and maner of liuing and must goe the direct way to saluation but once take away the light and let him reject and contemne the light and veritie of Christs Gospell he shall not goe one stop rightlie but he shall decline from the hie way Take the Gospell and the light of Christ out of his eyes and hart he shall neuer do one right action he may seeme to be good and haue a faire outward showe and his words may seeme glistring so that he shall not seeme to be a murtherer a theefe or an harlot but if the Gospel be out of his hart all is but hypocrisie and there is nothing in his hand that pleases God all is abomination and his rewarde for all his faire doing shall be with the hypocrites in Hell So let not man pleasure himselfe in his doing if his eye be not set on Iesus Christ shining in the Gospel If he walke not in the light of Iesus Christ he is in the wrong way when he thinkes he is in the rightest way Lord giue men this grace that when they think they stand they may grip to this light of te Gospell Yet to marke more narrowly these wordes Keepe sayes he hold a grip and stand fast How shall I stand By keeping of a grip no standing for man but by a gripping if thou let thy grip go fall shalt thou Now what shall they grip Doctrine keepe light the best thing in the world is to keepe knowledge There is no standing for men except by keeping light and knowledge Yet what doctrine is this he willes them to keepe He sayes vvhich I haue deliuered and teached you There is no standing but by gripping of doctrine And what a doctrine Euen the doctrin of the Apostles grip to it onely For grip as fast as thou wilt to the traditions and vanities of men they will not all make thee stand for there is no standing but by gripping of the doctrine of the Apostles Paul
and speaking of it There is another sort when it runnes through the harts of men that is when in her course she is powerfull in the harts to worke a true faith in them working sanctification an altering and changing of the soule and reforming the harts of men and conforming them to the Image of God As concerning the first she gets no glorie nor honor but she is rather stayned by it As to the other she runnes with glory and majestie and she is caried throgh the world like a glorious Queene and is magnified by men and Angels Now among whom is she glorified and among whom is she defamed When she is powerfull in men to sanctification there she is glorified who euer liues holily glorifies the Gospel and when men hes nothing but a bare word of it and liues licentiously and wickedly then the Gospell is defamed and shamed by these men as the Apostle witnesses Rom. 2. 24. out of the 52. of Esay For your sakes sayes he my name is blasphemed among the nations all the day long Then they who liues a life contrare to the Gospell of Iesus they shame the Gospell and therefore in the world to come they shall receiue shame for shaming of the Gospell In the end of the verse he sayes as it is vvith you To moue them to this purpose to pray for him or rather for the Gospell he brings in their own example and experience Thessalonians I wish you not to pray for another thing but that ye haue experimented your selues see whether or not the Gospell be glorified among you yea it is glorified Ye are not bare professors of it then are ye not bound to pray the Lord to communicate to other that grace that is bestowed on you So they who findes the Gospell glorified in themselues and findes her powerfull in their harts to a sanctified lyfe are bound to wish and craue this blessing to euery soule if it were possible Wherefore shall I haue a grace if I pray not to God to communicate that grace to another Wherefore should I enter in Heauen and not put out my hand to helpe others to that kingdome if it be possible Wherefore should I not pray thy kingdome come which is nothing in effect but Lord open Heauen to thy people and let many enter in that thou may be glorified And it is most certaine that col if a man haue entered himselfe in Heauen he will not inuy to haue others with him but he will stryue to make rowme if it were to all the world that they may enter in He will not be like the Pharisies that will not enter in Heauen themselues neither yet will let others enter in it A man that is once in the light he would haue all in the light As a man that is in darknesse would haue all in darknesse with him Now in the next verse he desires them to pray for his owne person and for the rest of his fellow-laborers that they may be deliuered from vnreasonable and euill men Marke something before we enter in the words Ye see the next care is of himselfe that he may be fred from his enemies The thing that man shold care for next after the Gospell that worthy thing should be the person of the men that caries this Gospell before the world for when she runnes she is borne vp in the harts and mouthes of men so next her selfe there should be a special care had of them that beares that glorious Queene that they that sees her may be safe Next that Heauenly treasure the Gospell that is the vnsearchable riches of Iesus Christ care I say should be had of the laime vessell wherein it is contained 2. Cor. 4. 7. A man is but a laime vessell wherein the Lord puts so rich a treasure But wherefore should there be a care of him Euen for the treasures sake for that pretious things sake The person himselfe or the Minister is bound to care for his owne person in respect of the treasure And the people to whom he distributes so pretious a treasure is bound as euer any man was bound to any thing to haue a speciall care of the person of the Pastor for the treasures sake for if he haue this treasure they will get more good of him nor he will get by any benefite in this world that they can bestow on him God himselfe for his treasures sake ere he suffer the vessell to be broken Mark the great care God hes of his pastors he will mingle Heauen and earth together and stupifie the world with wonders and by wonders he will worke the deliuery of the man in whom he hes put his treasure so long as he hes adoe with him for the dispersing and distributing of his treasure for the saluation of men Heauen and earth shall goe together ere that man perish Was not Peter casten in a strate prison were there not watches within and watches without was not the doore locked was he not in irons Act. 12. and yet in the night an Angell is sent from Heauen and he commes in the house with an exceeding light and calles vpon Peter and bids him rise he shakes off his fetters the doores are made open and all without doing of any man the watches perceiues not Peter escapes Wherefore does he this Peter vvas a vessell in the which the Lord had his treasure This vessell was not yet emptied of the treasure The Lords worke was yet in Peters hand but as soone as Peter had finished his worke he suffered him to die without much adoe so did he with Paul for albeit oft-tymes before wonderfully he deliuered him yet when he hes done his worke with him the Lord let him goe his way and suffer without any miracle So long as the Lord hes ought adoe with any man all the world shall not be able to to beat him off his seete he hes such a care of him Now to end this I dare say and affirme they that hes no care of the persons of men whom the Lord vses to be his mouth to preach this his Gospell that they had neuer care of the Gospell it selfe If thou hast no care of the preacher praise the Gospell as thou wilt thou art an enemy to the Gospell He that would breake the vessell he would scatter all the riches of Iesus Christ that is in that vessell that is he would make a lose of the glorious riches of the Gospell Therefore vvhen ye haue adoe vvith this base ministrie it is not vvith men that ye haue to doe but vvith the treasures of Heauen and vnsearchable riches of God Lord if men novv vvould once consider this Now to the words Pray for me sayes he and my fellow-laborers And wherefore that we may be deliuered in our owne person was he in any danger at this tyme wherefore he craues their prayer Appearandly he was in his journey towards Ierusalem and so he was to go among as