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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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Lord was bidden too dinner by a certein Pharisie vppon the Sabboth day and that a certeine man diseased of the Dropsie was brought before him he demaunded of those that séemed too themselues too bée wyser than other men whither it were lawfull too heale vppon the Sabboth day And the cause why he put foorth this question was for that as the Pharisies had with their gloses corrupted the other scriptures So also had they defaced the kéeping of the Sabboth Howbéeit forasmuche as the question is concerning the Saboth wée wil set foorth the whole doctrine cōcerning the Saboth and speake of foure things in order First wherfore God ordeined the Sabboth day Secondly what is the right vse of the Iewes Sabboth Thirdly what maner of holy dayes ours ought too bée And fourthly of the true Ceremonies of the Church and of the ends of them Why then did God ordeine the Sabboth day There bée rek●ened chéefly fiue causes Of which the first is that it should bée a perpetuall Sacrament or remembraunce of Gods rest after the creation of the world which he made in sixe dayes with all the furniture and contentes therof This cause is alledged in the seconde of Genesis where Moyses sayth that the Lord cōmaunded the Saboth day too bée kept holy bicause he rested that day frō creation The same thing also is declared in the .xx. of Exodus in these woords The seuenth day is the Sabboth of the Lord. For in sixe dayes the Lord God made heauen and earth The second cause of the ordeyning of the Sabboth is that it should bée a type and counterfigure of Chrystes Sabboth kéeping For it represented the Sabboth whiche Chryst the true Passeouer and creator of the new Heauen new earth should rest in his graue vpon the Sabboth day and kéep the very Sabboth arighte And therefore hée commaundes the Iewes streightly too kéepe the Sabboth day And by the vnserchable deuise of his wisdome hée ordeyned that Chryste the true Paschall Lamb should bée slaine and put too deathe vppon the very day of the Passeouer and that hée rested the Saboth day folowing in his graue The third cause also why the Saboth was ordeyned was that it should be a pledge of the promisse For God promised his people a Saboth that is too say a rest Esay ▪ the .xiiij. And in that daye when GOD shall giue thée reste from thy laboure and from thy confusion and from thy harde bondage wherein thou didst serue c. The people of GOD looke for thrée kindes of rest The first is from the laboure of the presente troubles in this life The second is from the temptations wherewith oure owne Conscience and the Deuill assaulteth vs. The thirde is from the thraldome of the Deuil so as hée may neuer more bring vs vnder his bondage and hard yoke The fourth cause of the institution of the Sabboth is too the intente there shoulde bée a time certeine for teaching and hearing the woord of GOD or that there shoulde bée a time wherein there might bée an open and common professing of the religion in which the godly might take comfort the ignoraunt bée instructed in godlinesse Esay 58. If thou call a delicate Saboth Then shalt thou delight in the Lord Iob. 22. Then shalt thou delight in the almightie and lift vp thy face vntoo GOD. For the Saboth was not ordeyned too play and drinke in but too pray and praise God in Wherevppon Austin sayeth it is lesse euill too go too plough than too play vpon one of those dayes The fifth cause is for ciuil policie which is commended too Gods people Deut. 5. in these woords Kéep the Saboth day that thy man seruant thy mayd seruant and thy selfe maye rest And afterwarde Thou shalt doo no manner of woorke therein thou and thy sonne and thy daughter thy man seruant and thy mayde seruant thine Oxe and thine Asse and the Straunger that is within thy gate And thus haue wée the true causes and the right vse of the Iewishe Sabboth Now although the Iewish Saboth toogither with other ceremonies of Moyses bée abolished and disanulled so farre foorth as perteyneth too the kéeping of the seuenth day of the wéeke Yet notwithstanding as touching the vse of it it is continuall as a thing ratifyed by the lawe of God and nature For like as God wil be serued and that his woord shal bée preached So nature telleth vs it is vtterlye necessary that there should bée some certeine time appoynted for holy matters Therfore there must néedes bée certaine dayes appoynted for folke too assemble and méet in openly at certein houres that the woord of God may bée taught and learned too the intente all things may bée doone orderlye and after a comely fashion in the Churche according as Paule teacheth the Corinthians Moreouer in oure holydayes twoo things are too bée obserued One is what is to be eschued Another is what is to bée doone Thrée things are too bée eschued The firste is outward labour And that too the intent the minde maye wholly intend too Gods seruice that is too say that it may wholly intend too heare Gods woord too learne it and too consider vppon it And therefore it is the Magistrates duetie too prouide that the seruice of God be not hindered at such times by bodily laboures Howbeit héere it is too bée knowne that there bée foure exceptions which excuse those that laboure at suche a time The first is necessarie For our Lord himselfe excuseth his Disciples for plucking the eares of corne vppon the seuenth day as sayth Mathew in the twelfth Chapter The seconde is the profite of the Church like as the préests did all things vpon the Saboth day which séemed néedfull in the Churche without trouble of conscience for the Saboth The third is the profit and sauegard of our neighbor wherfore our Lord also healed the man that had the dropsie vpon the Saboth day The fourth is the aucthoritie of the superiors too whom wée must bée obedient But let the superiors take héede that they offend not him which is their superior while they hold their inferiors too streight The second thing that is too bée eschued is voluptuous lyfe toogither with all the woorkes of darknesse which fight full ageinst kéeping holy the Saboth day Thirdly thou must eschue the contempt of godly ceremonies soothly least eyther by absenting thy selfe or by despising the holy Ceremonies thou giue others example too become woorse Thus haue we what things are too bée eschued in our holydayes Now let vs sée what is too bée doone in them First therefore in as much as the Iewes were occupied in killing sacrifices and in offering Let vs also slea the sacrifices of our owne bodies and offer the Calues of our lippes Let vs earnestly repent let vs glorifie God with hart mouth confession and behauiour let vs offer the incence of our hart that is too wit faith and hope let vs offer the sacrifice of well doing
land of Ievvry art not the least among the Princes of Iuda for out of thee shall come too mee the Captaine that shall gouerne my people Israel Then Herod vvhen he had priuily called the vvise men enquired of them diligently vvhat time the Starre appeered he bad them go to Bethleem and sayd Go your vvay thither search diligently for the child And vvhen yee haue found him bring me vvoord ageyn that I may come vvorship him also VVhē they had heard the King they departed and loe the Starre vvhiche they savv in the East vvent before them til it came and stoode ouer the place vvherein the Childe vvas VVhen they savv the Starre they vvere exceeding glad and vvent intoo the house found the Childe vvith Mary his moother and fel dovvne flat and vvoorshipped him and opened their treasures and offered vntoo him giftes Golde Frankincense and Mirre And after they vvere vvarned of God in sleep that they should not go ageyn too Herode they returned intoo their ovvne countrie another vvay The exposition of the text THis feast is called in the Churche the Epiphanie of the Lorde that is too saye the appéering of the Lorde For after that the feastes of the comming and birth of the Lorde were celebrated by the Churche it séemed good vntoo the holy Fathers too put too this feast also that they might instruct the Churche of the sundry sortes of the Lords appéering in the fleshe And they alledge foure reasons why they call this feast Epiphanie Whereof the first is that as this day Christ appéered too the wise men that sought him by the leading of a Starre The seconde is for that as vppon this day nine and twentie yéeres after his birth his glorie appéered in Baptisme by the witnesse of the father speaking frō heauen in this wise This is my beloued sonne and by the visible appéering of the holy Ghoste vpon him The thirde is for that the same day twelue moneth after his baptisme his glorie appéered at the mariage by turning water intoo wine The fourth is for that in the .xxxj. yéere of his age his glorie appéered ageyne in féeding fiue thousande men with seuen loues of bread All these appéerings make too this end both too prooue Christ too be the true Messias and sauior of them that beléeue in him too stablish assured faith in vs that wée should certainly assure oure selues too obtaine saluation through him And thus muche concerning the cause of the feast Now let vs go in hande with the Gospel it selfe whiche conteyneth the storie of the firste kinde of Christes appéerings namely howe hée appeered too the wise men that is too say too the Heathen too the intente we may know that Christe with his benefits belongeth also too the Heathen The summe of the exposition of this Gospell is that the wise men came too Hierusalem too séeke the new borne King and that when they found him not there they kept on their way folowing the guidance of the Starre which went before them til they came in Bethleem where they finding the Childe honored him and offered him gifts After the dooing whereof at the warning of God they returned intoo their cuntrie by another way In this Gospell wée wil intreat of two places whiche are 1 The storie with his circumstances and lessons whiche are many 2 The vse of the storie and the spirituall signification of the wise mens offerings ¶ Of the first MAny are the circumstances of this presēt story of which euery one conteyneth peculiar doctrines and instructions When Christe was borne in Bethleem in the time of Herode the wise men came from the Easte too woorship the new borne king Héer come thrée things too bée weyed The time the state of the wise men and the ende for whiche they came The time is expressed when it is sayde in the time of Herode For the Scepter had ceased from Iud● and accordyng too the Prophesies Chryste was too bée borne Thys conferring of the prophesies concernyng the birth of Chryst and the tyme wherein hée was borne as it confuteth the Iewes which looke for him still too come so it confirmeth the Faythe of the godly that they may assure them selues that this same whome the wise men séeke is the verie Messias The second is the state of the wise men that they were not of the Iewes but of the Gentiles Wherby wée learne that this new king borne in Bethleem perteineth also too the Gentiles who by the example of the wise men are admonished too séeke and too woorship Chryst. Moreouer these wise men were called Magi by which terme is signified the excellencie of their dignitie and office For Magus is an Hebrue woord and taketh his name of considering and teaching Which twoo things perteined chéefly too Kings and Préestes whereupon the Persians called their Kyngs and Préestes Magi. What are wée taught héereby Chryst lyeth in the maunger despised of his owne people and the Magies béeing Heathen men borne come too worship him Whereby is signified that although Chrystes kingdome bée not of the world yet is it a mightie and glorious kingdome or rather a heauenly kingdome which many shall acknowledge and not bée offended at the base countenance thereof too the outward shew in the world The second circumstaunce is that the wyse men come too Hierusalem and there séeke for Chryst that was newly borne The Iewes which had the bookes of the Prophets in their handes and vntoo whome the woorde of God was committed stoode still carelesse and neuer sought for Chryst. And in y e mean while ▪ those sought him who by their iudgement perteined not too the Church But where sought they him In the princely citie Hierusalem Whither when they came heard nothing of this king their faith was not a litle shaken but yet neuerthelesse they raysed vp them selues by the signe For they sayd Wée haue séene hys starre Doutlesse they had learned out of the Relickes of Daniels schoole that when Chryst should bée borne then should such a starre shew the time that hée was borne The thirde circumstance is too bée considered with héede for it sheweth what maner a Kyng Christe is For as the maunger in which he lay argueth that his kingdome is not of this world so the starre appearyng from heauen declareth him too bée a heauenly King And like as the Maunger sheweth him too bée base in the sight of the worlde euen so the Starre setteth out the maiestie of his kyngdome for vs too beholde to the furtherance of our faith least he should become despisable vnto vs through the leud and malicious disdaine of his owne countrey folke which continuing still in their ignorance doo persecute Chryst vntoo this day Some men demaunde héere what maner a Starre that was And diuers men déeme diuersly But thys is manyfest that it differeth in thrée propreties from other continuing starres that is to say in place in mouyng in brightnesse In place
and woonderment too them that beheld it The places that wée will entreat of are these thrée 1 The varietie of the temptations of the godly in this world 2 The exposition of the present storie with the circumstances therof 3 A moste goodly Image of Chrystes Church in this world ¶ Of the first BIcause this Gospel maketh mention of the temptation in the shyp I will bréefly set forth the kindes of temptations wherwith men are troubled and that to the intent that knowing the daungers which inuiron vs round about wée may become the more watchefull least béeing vanquished with temptations wée abandon our confession and fal from grace For lyke as Chrystes disciples were tempted among the waues of the sea with losse of their life so all christians ought almost euery houre too bée afrayde of the shipwrecke of their fayth Of temptations there bée many kindes For either God is the author of the temptation in which respecte it is proprely a triall or proofe and not a temptation or else it procéedeth from the deuil or else it cōmeth of men or else the cause of it is in the partie himselfe that is tempted or else they bée things circumstant that trouble him God proueth vs to the intēt we may bée made more tried too our selues For hée trieth not too the intent too know for nothing is hidden from him but to make vs knowe howe much wée haue profited in Godlynesse And God trieth men in their manners in doctrine and in the signes of his wrath In manners he tried Abraham when he commaunded hym too sley his only begotten sonne Isaac and too offer hym vp too him for a sacrifice And Abraham by obeying God in so hard and difficult a thyng became more tried too him selfewarde and sawe the true frute of his owne fayth whyche is too preferre obedience towards God before all things in the worlde So at this daye the godly are tried by GOD when by settyng béefore theyr eyes the commaundements of God whiche are the moste certeine rules of all vertue and good manners they are made more tried too them selues through willing obedience But on the contrary part those that wyttingly and wyllyngly runne headlong intoo sinne and yéelde vntoo temptation become giltie of Gods wrath vntill they repent and amende Besides this God trieth vs in doctrine when hée suffreth false Prophets too come and too teach diuers erronious opinions Of which kinde of triall Moises speaketh in the .xiij. of Deuteron If there rise vp among you a Prophet or one that sayth hée hath séene a dreame and telleth you a signe or woonder béeforehande and the thing that hée hathe spoken commeth too passe and hée say vnto thée Let vs go and followe strange Gods and let vs serue them that is too say if hée set vp a new maner of woorshipping God thou shalt not herken too the woordes of that Prophet and dreamer bicause the Lord your GOD trieth you and that it may bée openly knowne whither you loue him with all your heart and al your soule or ●o This temptation is ascribed vntoo God in consideration that it is a triall and not a seducing After the same maner hée giueth vs his woorde at this day but hée permitteth many heresies 〈◊〉 spring vppe to the intent hée may by that 〈…〉 whither wée loue him in déede by true and sincere faith Sometime the Lord trieth vs in signes when his setteth foorth the dreadfull tokens of his wrath in heauen in earth and in the sea which signes doo woonderfully shake the minds of the godly Of this kinde of triall speaketh Moises Exod. xx Bée not afrayde for the Lord is come too trie you and that the feare of him might bée in you that yée might not sinne The Deuil tempteth by falling from the doctrine by presumption in office by Idolatrous woorshippings many otherwayes of which I must speake the● Sunday in Lent Men as well our enimies as fréends doo tempt vs diuers ways as by doctrine hypocrisie example counsel promis and threatning Also man ●●ndeth in himselfe whereby too bée tempted as originall sinne and secondly many affections springing out of the same which egge vnto attempt somwhat ageinst god Sometime a man is tempted of the giftes of the minde or of the bodie suche as beautie strength witte woorkmanship and suche other like are Hée that wil not be ouercome by this kind of temptation let him think that all things are bestowed vpon him frō heauen for the aduauncement of Gods glorie and the commoditie of other men Things circumstant doo also oftentimes tempt and trouble the mindes of the godly of which some things are before vs as the things that hang ouer vs some are after or behind as the things that are past some are at our right handes as the things that are plesant and some at our left handes as the things that are sorowful Before vs death threatneth the dreadful iudgement of God vexeth and hel gapeth with opē mouth vpon vs. After vs or behinde vs at our backs are our sinnes past whiche disquiet the conscience of man At our right hands are riches honor and power which things haue throwne many men headlong intoo endlesse destruction At our left hands are pouertie reproche contempt slaunder perils on sea on land at home and abroade These kindes of temptations are moste gréeuous whiche are ouercome by faith inuocation often lifting vp of the heart vntoo God for helpe giltlesnesse of maners and too bée bréefe by continual and earnest repentance Thus much I thought good too speak of temptation in this place that wée might bée stirred vp too watchfulnesse and praying lest wée enter intoo temptation ¶ Of the second IN the storie of this miracle these circumstances folowing are too bée considered 1 The trial of faith The disciples haue y e Lord with them in the ship by reason therof they saile with the more carelessenesse How bee it this carelessenesse was not of very long continuaunce For by meanes of a storme that arose the ship was ouerwhelmed with waues Whereby it came too passe that they which a little béefore were too carelesse are now abandoned too the waues of the sea in a maner redie too despair Wherfore let no man trust too much too prosperitie but in prosperitie let him bée afrayde 2 In this moste gréeuous peril Christe slept partly with stéep too recreate and refreshe his powers that were weried with labours and partly to trie his Disciples faith not bicause that he béeing the searcher of heartes was ignorant of any thing but too the intent the Disciples might bée better knowen too them selues Moreouer it is too bée beléeued that the Lorde sléeped for this purpose also that greater Fayth might bée stirred vp in his Disciples and that his Disciples béeing striken with the greater feare shoulde call vpon him the more earnestly and set the more by his present ayde in the extremity of peril For if Christ had bin
who haste promised repentaunce and forgiuenesse of sinnes too them that haue sinned against thée Fifthly foloweth entreatance of forgiuenesse Wherefore I pray and beséeche thée forgiue mée Lorde forgiue mée and destroye mée not toogither with my sinnes neyther bée thou angry with mée for euer for my euil dooings For thou arte GOD I say the God of the repentant shewe all thy goodnesse vpon mée Sixthly hauing prayed in this wise he firmely beléeueth him selfe too bée heard and iustified Wherefore hée addeth For thou shalt saue mée vnworthy person according too thy great mercy Héere Manasses béeing iustified by fayth becōmeth a new creature Seuenthly after this frée iustification ensueth amendmēt in his whole life Whervpon it foloweth in his prayer And I will euermore praise thée all the dayes of my life bicause all the powers of heauen praise thée and vntoo thée bée glory for euer and euer Amen This maner of repenting haue al the saints euer folowed ▪ Dauid acknowledgeth God he acknowledgeth gods iudgement he acknowledgeth his mercy he examineth his owne dooing he is afrayd for sinne he lifteth vp him selfe with confidence of mercie he prayeth forgiuenesse he is iustified by faith and béeing iustified he prayseth God These things are too be séene in the .51 Psalme We haue herd what repentance is how it is doon Now is too be lerned which are the chéef parts of it They are coūted thrée which are sorinesse faith and newnesse of life Untoo sorinesse are required the first thrée things whiche are the knowledging of God the examining of the déede and the terrour of conscience for sinne Untoo faith are required the thrée nexte that is thinking vpon mercy desiring of forgiuenesse and iustification Untoo newnesse of life is required the last thing whiche consisteth in framing the hart the tung and the life according too the law of God ¶ Of the second IT is written in this gospel that Christ put back this woman Why did he so Why sayde hée that hée was not sent but too the lost shéep of the house of Israel Is not he the same Lord that saith Come vnto me all yée that labour are heauy loden c. I answer The Lord did not this without great causes First hée did it that the womans faith might by this delay bée exercised and increased Secondly that shée mighte bée an example of godlinesse againste the stiffnecked Iewes which despised Christe Thirdly that the Lord might shewe how hée would bée ouercome of vs by the importunatenesse of our prayers Fourthly that by this example hée might teach the present beholders a true experiment of godlinesse But the Lord assigneth an other cause why he put back this woman For he sayth I am not sent but too the lost sheepe of the house of Israel I aunswere Chryst sayth not this as though he denyed the Gentiles accesse vntoo his grace For that same woman was an Ethnicke But there are other causes First hée méeneth héere too note the obstinate malice and vnthankfulnesse of the Iewes who acknowledged not Chryst that was sent peculiarly too them The seconde is for that the selfe same Chryst should preache Gods woord to the Iewes before his death who after his death should giue commaundement to preach it too the Gentils For the Lorde had forbidden his Gospell too bée preached too the Gentils before his death But afterward when he was risen from death hée gaue this commaundement too the apostles Go yée intoo the whole world and preache the gospell to all creatures This commaundement dooth manifestlye declare that Chrysts benefites béelong both to the Iewes and Gentiles ▪ that is too say that all as well of the Iewes as of the Gentiles that receyue Chryst and truly repent are partakers of Chrysts benefites so that by his blood all their sinnes are washed away and finally at the last day all shal rise ageine too blissed immortalitie and euerlasting life But they that refuse too receiue christ liuing without repentance they without mercie shall bée punished in euerlasting paines with the diuell For as the Lord hath bin is and wil bée mercifull too al that repent without any respect of persons So hath he bin is and will bée an vntreatable iudge too them that repent not not passing whither wée bée Kings noble men Citizens or countrey folke ¶ Of the thirde A Moste goodly image of Chrysts Churche and of euery member of the same is described in this woman of Cananie For first as this woman of Cananie is ouerwhelmed with misery so also is the Churche and euery member therof Héerevpon Paule sayeth All that will liue godlyly in Chryst must suffer this persecution This doothe Chryste teache when he biddeth vs take his yoke vpon vs. For God will haue vs nowe become lyke vntoo his sonne in afflictions and miseries as well as we shall become like vnto him in time to come in glorie Rom. 8. Secondly the churche in these calamities prayeth for helpe For the church hath none other refuge than prayer vntoo God wherby helpe is obteined Thirdly chryst séemeth too turne away his eare when we doo not out of hand obteine that we would haue Fourthly the church after the example of this woman ceasseth not too pray but continueth in prayer vntil it haue obteined that which it desireth Moreouer euery seuerall member of the churche hath héere too learne by First let euery one of vs acknowledge himselfe too bée a Cananite that is to say vngodly and vnwoorthy of Gods grace Secondly let him crie out with this woman Haue mercy vppon mée haue mercie vppon mée Thirdly if thou bée tried yet continue thou after the example of this woman If he héere thée not to day or to morow yet shall not thy prayers be in vayne but they shall bée herd in déede for chrysts sake if thou pray with fayth as this woman did Fourthly acknowledge thy selfe with this woman too bée a Dog but yet such a dog as is fed with the crummes that fall from his maisters table and therefore continue in prayer Fifthly it will befall too thée as it did too this woman whiche erewhile was called Dog and anone was acknowledged for a daughter So great is the mercie of God to whom bée honour and glory world without ende Amen The thirde Sunday in Lent ¶ The Gospell Luke xj ANd he vvas casting out a diuil and the same vvas dūme And vvhen he had cast out the diuil the dumme spake and the people vvondered But some of them sayd he casteth out diuels through Beelzebub the cheefe of the diuels And other tempted him and required of him a signe from heauen But he knovving their thoughtes sayde vnto them Euery kingdome diuided against it selfe is desolate and one house doth fall vpon another If Sathan also bee diuided against him selfe hovve shall his kingdome endure Because yee say I cast out diuels through Beelzebub If I by the helpe of Beelzebub cast out diuels by vvhose helpe doo your children cast them
was paste Mary Maudelin and the other Mary whiche is called Iacobie and Salome and Ioanne and the other women that were with them whiche came with Iesus out of Galilee broughte and made readye sweete odours that they mighte come and anoynt Iesus For they had rested the Sabboth daye according too the commaundement At euentide of the Saboth whiche dawneth toward one of the Sabbothes that is too say very early in the morning before the breake of the day while it was yet darke the firste daye of the weeke they wente foorth and came too the Tumbe by the Sunne rising bringing with them the odours whiche they had prepared And beholde there was a greate earthquake For an Angell of the Lorde came downe from Heauen and comming too the Tumbe rolled the stone from the mouth of it and satte downe vppon it And his countenaunce was lyke lyghtening and his raymente as white as Snowe And the watchemen for feare of him were astonnied and became as deade men And the women sayde among them selues VVho shall rolle vs the stone from the mouth of the graue For it was an exceeding greate one And when they had looked backe they sawe the stone was rolled from the graue And entring intoo the graue they founde not the bodye of the Lorde Iesus Mary Magdalene therfore ran too cary tidyngs of these things And it came too passe that while the women were amazed in their minde at the matter bycause they hadde not founde the body of Iesus Beholde two men stood by them in bright rayment and when the women were afrayde and cast down their countenaunce too the ground they sayde vntoo them VVhy seek yee the lyuing among the deade Hee is not heere but is rysen Remember what he tolde you while he was yet in Galilee saying That it behoued the Sonne of man too bee betrayed intoo the handes of sinners and too bee crucifyed and too rise ageyne the thirde day And they remembred his woordes and departing backe from the Tumbe they afterwarde reported all these things too the eleuen and too all the reste And when they tolde these things too the Apostles their woords seemed too them too bee doting fooles and they beleeued them not VVhen Mary Magdalen ran away as it is sayde shee came too Simon Peter and too that other Disciple whom Iesus loued and sayde vntoo them They haue taken away our Lord out of his graue and wee knowe not where they haue bestowed him Peter therefore rose vp and that other Disciple and went too the graue And they ran bothe toogither and that other Disciple outran Peter and came firste too the graue and when hee had bowed him selfe downe hee saw the linnen clothes lapped vp yet wente hee not in Then came Simon Peter following him and entred intoo the graue and sawe the lynnen clothes lie and the napkin that was aboute his heade not lying with the lynnen clothes but wrapped toogither in a place by it selfe Then wente in also that other Disciple whiche came firste too the Sepulchre and hee sawe and beleeued For as yet they knewe not the Scripture that hee shoulde ryse ageyne from the deade The Disciples therefore went ageyne too their owne home And Peter maruayled at that which had happened Mary stoode without the Sepulchre weeping And as shee wept shee bowed hir selfe intoo the Sepulchre and sawe twoo Angelles in white sitting the one at the heade and the other at the feete where they had layde the body of Iesus And they sayde vntoo hir woman why weepest thou Shee sayde vntoo them For they haue taken awaye my Lorde and I wotte not where they haue layde him VVhen shee had thus sayde shee turned hir selfe backe and sawe Iesus standing and knew not that it was Iesus Iesus sayde vntoo hir VVoman why weepest thou whom seekest thou She supposing he had bin the Gardener sayde vntoo him Sir if thou haue borne him hence tel mee where thou hast layed him that I may fet him Iesus sayde vntoo hir Mary Shee turned hir selfe and sayde vntoo him Rabboni which is too say maister Iesus sayd vntoo hir touch mee not for I am not yet ascended too my Father But go too my brethren and say vnto them I ascend too my Father and your Father too my GOD and your God This is that Mary Magdalene out of whom Iesus had cast seauen Deuils to whō when hee was rysen hee shewed him selfe first in the morning the first day of the weeke Shee going hir way tolde the Disciples that had bin with him mourning and weeping that shee had seene the Lorde and that he had spoken suche things vntoo hir And when they heard that he was aliue was seen of hir they beleeued it not And the women entring into the Sepulcre sawe a yong man at their right hande clothed in a long white garment and they were afrayde For it was an Angel of the Lorde And hee sayde vntoo them Bee not afrayed for I knowe that yee seeke Iesus that was crucified hee is not here hee is risen as hee said come and see the place where the Lord was put and go quickely and tell his Disciples that hee is risen from death And beholde hee wil go before you intoo Galilee there yee shall see him Loe I haue tolde you And they departing quicklye from the Tumbe wente their wayes with feare and great ioy and ran to bring his Disciples woord And they trembled and were amazed and tolde no body anye whit of it for they were afrayed And as they wente too beare woorde of it too his Disciples beholde Iesus met them saying All haile And they came and hilde him by the feete and woorshipped him Then sayde Iesus vntoo them bee not afrayde Go and tell my brethren that they go intoo Galilee and ther they shall see mee VVhen they were gone beholde some of the keepers came intoo the Citie and shewed vntoo the highe Preestes all the things that were happened And they gathered them toogither with the Elders and tooke counsel and gaue large money too the Souldyours saying say yee that his Disciples came by night and stole him away while yee slept And if this come vntoo the Presidents eares wee will appease him and saue you harmelesse And they tooke the money and didde as they were taughte And this saying is noysed among the Iewes vntoo this day The exposition of the text THis feast is the highest of al feasts wherin is set foorth vntoo vs the Article of our Lords resurrection from the dead that the third day according too the Scriptures whoo by his glorious resurrection as hée was conquerour of death sinne and the Deuil so became hée the redéemer of al them that shall not refuse too beléeue in him It is a custome in this feast too entreat out of the storie of the resurrection concerning the benefit or frute of the same of the vse therof all whiche things this present Gospell conteyneth It is tolde by the
Angel that Chryste is risen This is the summe of the storie The women are willed not too bée afrayd This is the frute of this benefite and the women séek Chryst raysed from death By the example of whom is commended vntoo vs the helthful vse of our Lords resurrection Wherefore not without cause Paule wryting too Timothie sayth Remember that Iesus Chryste is risen from death For as the same Apostle saith in the .10 too the Romains If thou beléeue in thy harte that God hath raysed him from death thou shalt bée saued How bée it too the intent this Article of oure fayth may be the better confirmed vntoo vs I wil handle thrée places in this sermon whiche are 1 How many wayes there are too proue the Lorde resurrection 2 Why hée arose the third day 3 What is the frute of Chrystes resurrection ¶ Of the firste BY thrée kindes of Testimonies is the Lordes Resurrection confirmed For there are Testimonies that go before and that go with it and that come after it Of which I will speake in order Christ admonisheth vs in the .xxiiij. of Luke that we should aduisedly wey the testimonies that went before the Lordes Resurrection where he sayth So is it written and so ought Christ too haue suffered and risen agein the third day and repentance and remission of sinnes to be preached in his name vntoo all nations But where is this written He himself answereth and saith In Moises and the prophets the Psalmes it is written of mée Therfore in Moyses in the Prophets and in the Psalmes must wée séeke for the Testimonies that go before our Lords resurrection In Moyses there is a double kinde of Testimonie concerning the Lords Resurrection For it is both foretolde in expresse woords shadowed with many figures The expresse woordes are these The womans séede shall breake the Serpents head that is too say Chryst shall ouercome the Deuil which thing could not bée doone but by Chrysts rising ageyn from death ▪ For if Chryst had taried stil in his graue the deuil had had the vpper hand of Chryst. For as long as Chryst lay in his graue Christ had no victorie that is he had no triumph But assoone as our Lorde opened his graue and came out of it aliue he shewed him selfe conqueror and triumpher ouer Sathan Héerevnto also perteyneth this saying In thy séede shall all the nations of the earth bée blissed Now as in death is the curse so is blissing too bée séen in y e life of Christ. Also it is shadowed with figures in Moses Adam dying and afterward being raysed ageyne was a figure of Chryste dying and rysing ageine For thus sayth Augustine Chrystes resurrection was prefigurate in our first father Adam because like as Adam rising after sléepe knew Eue shaped out of his séede So Christ rising agein from the dead builded the church out of the wound of his syde Isaac also being laid vpon the altar too bée sacrificed and yet beyng deliuered by the Angell was a figure of Chryste offered vp vpon the Crosse and afterward raysed from death by the power of God Ioseph being cast into prison afterward brought foorth vntoo high honor did betoken the death resurrection of the Lord. In the Prophets also are both sayings and figures of this Resurrection Esai 53. chapter If he giue his soule for sinne he shall sée long lasting seede and the will of the Lord shall prosper in his hand Daniell telleth openly that Chryst shall bée put too death and that he shall reigne for euer Oseas also sayth the thirde day he shall quicken vs. Among many other figures are these Sampson is shut within the Citie and the gates fast locked And our Lord is closed in the graue fast sealed Sampson breaking the lockes and bearing away the gates escapeth without harme And Chryste breaking the powers of hell goeth out frée Like as the shippe should haue perished if Ionas had not bin cast out so should the woorld perish if Chryst had not suffered And like as Ionas was in the belly of the Fishe thrée dayes and afterwarde was cast out on lande So Chryste was thrée dayes in the earth and afterward came foorth aliue out of his graue In the Psalmes also are Testimonies and Figures of Chrystes resurrection The second Psalme entreateth altoogither of the kingdome and préesthood of Chryst. The fiftene Psalme Thou shalt not suffer thy holy one too sée corruption The .xxij. Psalme preacheth the Lordes Passion and resurrection The Cx. Psalme He shall drinke of the brooke by the wayes side therfore shal he lift vp his head The same Dauid doth shadow the death resurrection of the Lord. Dauid fléeing so oftentimes at length being aduaunced too the kingdom was a figure of Chrysts abacemēt by death of his glorificatiō by rising agein Such maner of proofes of y e lords death resurrection there are many in Moises in the Prophets and in the Psalmes but I haue recited but fewe for shortnesse of time To the furtherance héerof cōmeth it also y e Chryste oftentimes forewarned his Disciples of his deathe and resurrection Of testimonies that go with it there be twoo sorts namely expresse woords signes In this Gospel the Angel sayth He is risen he is not heer The signe was séen the graue was emptie there was an Earthquake the Lorde shewed him selfe first too Mary Magdalene afterward too the more part of the Apostles and then too fiue hundred bréethren hée is conuersant with his Disciples fortie dayes and at the ende in the sight of a great number he ascēded visibly intoo heauen from whence the .x. day after his ascencion hée sendeth the holy Ghost according too his promise whiche holy Ghost conuinceth Chryst too haue ascended intoo heauen in déed as triumpher ouer death and hel The testimonies that folowe are of twoo sortes also The preaching of the Apostles whiche is confirmed wyth sundry miracles afterward the recorde of the whole Churche confessing Chryst their Lord and mediator ▪ Besides these there bée other signes also The inward signe is Chrysts spirit in the harte of the beléeuers whiche testifieth vntoo them that Chryste liueth The outwarde signes are Baptime and the Lords supper For by Baptim is figured Chrysts death buriall and resurrection as Paule teacheth the .vij. too the Romaines The Lordes Supper dooth also represente vntoo vs Chrystes resurrection Hee that beléeueth not these testimonies going before it with it and comming after it shall one day sée him comming in the Clouds too be his iudge whome hée acknowledged not too be his Sauiour héer on earth ¶ Of the second WHy arose he ageine the third day Why did he not put it of till the last day that wée mighte haue risen toogyther with him He rose ageine the third day first too fulfil the Prophecies For it was tolde before by the Prophet Oseas and prefigured in Ionas that he should rise ageine the third day Secondly too make
good his owne promises For he promised his Disciples that after hée had bin deliuered too the Gentiles and mocked of them he should be put too death and rise ageine the third day And he preuented not the third day bicause all men might certeinly know that hée was dead in déed Therfore by lying fortie houres in his graue he shewed himselfe too haue bin dead in very déede And why he delayed not his resurrection til the last day there are right weightie causes ready too be shewed The first is bicause it was written Thou shalt not suffer thy holy one too sée corruption For Chrystes body might not rot in the graue First for that it was made of the bloud of the moste chaste virgin by the woorking of the holy ghost Secondly for that as long as hée liued in this world he kept it pure and vndefiled Therfore had it bin vnméet that suche a body should haue become woormes meat The seconde cause why hée delayed not his resurrection is our hope For thus sayeth Peter Blissed bée God the Father of our Lorde Iesus Chryste for begetting vs ageine too a liuely hope throughe the resurrection of Chryste from the dead The third cause is that hée should be the first of them that rise ageine For like as Adam was the firste that appéered in mortall body by reason of sinne so ought Chryste too bée the first that should appéer in immortall body iustifying vs and healing our bodies from eternall death And although wée shal all rise ageine and that others besides Chryst haue risen ageine Yet is there excéeding great difference betwéene the resurrection of Chryste and of other men For first Chryst rose ageine by his owne power whiche thing no man coulde euer doo saue onely hée Secondly the other that were raysed as the widowes sonne the ruler of the Sinagogs daughter and Lazarus and others rose too die ageine But Chryste rose too liue for euermore Besides this Chrysts Resurrection differeth from the Resurrection of other men in frute and efficacie For Chryste by his owne power rayseth vp others which thing was shewed in the Garden where he was buried and rose ageine at the rising of the Sunne Lastly Chrysts rising ageine differeth from oures in time also For as it is already shewed and as we knowledge in our Créede Chryst rose ageyne the third day but our Resurrection shall bée delayed till the last day For then shall appéere the euerlasting life and endlesse righteousnesse which he shall giue too all his that is too say too all them that beléeue in him Thus much concerning the second place why Christ rose ageine the third day and how his resurrection differeth from oures that by the Resurrection of Chryst wée may conceiue liuely hope of the euerlasting and incorruptible heritage in heauen ¶ Of the thirde NOw remayneth the thirde place concerning the frute of Chrysts Resurrection which is more plentifull and abundaunt than that it may bée expressed by mannes tung Paule saythe that by Chryste all things are restored in heauen and in earth For first Chryste by comming out of his graue sheweth himselfe conquerour and triumpher ouer Death Hell and Sathan and so maketh good the promisse vttered concerning him in times past The séede of the woman shall treade downe the Serpents head whiche Prophecie Iohn expounding sayth Chryst appéered too destroy the woorkes of the Deuill How bée it as too vs warde that are men for whose saluation he came downe from heauen was made manne dyed and rose ageyne there are foure sundrye kindes of frutes of Chrystes Resurrection too bée considered For Chrysts Resurrection is first our Iustification Secondly the power whereby sinne is subdued in vs thirdly an example of newnesse of lyfe the cause therof and fourthly the cause of our resurrection and a most assured warrant of the same Of these foure maner of frutes I will speake in order Therfore the first frute of our Lordes resurrection is the iustification of vs of which frute Paule speaketh in y e fourth too the Romanes Hée died for our sinnes and rose ageine for our iustification And Daniell in his .ix. Chapter Iniquitie shal bée taken away and euerlasting righteousnesse shal bée brought in To the intent this frute may bée the swéeter wée must consider of how great value it is Wée are borne in sin and subiect too Gods wrath Ephes. 1. Wée are all by nature the children of wrath The reward of sinne is death Ro. 6. frō this death are wée deliuered by the resurrection of Christ. For by Christ wée are quit from the gilt of sinne and so consequently from eternall death Héervpon commeth that saying in the Apocalips Blissed and holy is he that hath his part in the first resurrection for vpon them hath the second death no power but they shal bée préests of God of Chryst and they shall reigne with him For as the first death is by Adam so the first Resurrection is by Chryst. Héervntoo also perteineth this saying Blissed are they that wash their garmentes in the Lambes blud that they may haue power in the trée of life and may enter in at the gates of the Citie The second frute of our Lords Resurrection is that it is the power whiche is shed intoo the beléeuers which maketh them able too ryse from vices vntoo vertue This power is bestowed vppon vs in Baptim and confirmed in the Lordes Supper so that wée bée not behinde hande with our partes And yet this power is felt in those only that are borne agein of immortall séede 1. Peter 1. The thirde frute is the example For as Paule sayeth Chryste rose ageine too the intent wée might walke in newnesse of lyfe Those therefore that folowe their owne vices liuing wickedly vnclenly doo testifie by their own doing y t they despise Chryste whose Resurrection is set before vs as a glasse to sée how we ought too leade our life For they think that Chryst was scourged crowned with thornes and shed his blud vppon the altar of the crosse too the intent that they may giue ouer themselues too all outragiousnesse tyranny pryde and lusts and after this maner as much as in them lieth they crucifie the sonne God of new agein We therfore who couet not only to be called but also to be the same that we are called that is to say Christians must think vppon the mater as it is in déede namely that Chryst dyed for the clensing of suche mennes sinnes as receiue Faith with him and liue in true repentance by mortifying the old man and quickening the new man There bée foure euils wherewith men are burthened ignorance giltinesse of sinne vices and feare of endlesse damnation Ageinst ignorance Chryste is vntoo vs wisdome whyle he by his Gospel instructeth vs of his will towards vs. For if we were not instructed concerning his will by the woord of god our mind should be wrapped in continual darknesse which darknesse is put away by the
séen Chryst the author of this peace sayd Now let thy seruant depart in peace for mine eyes haue séene thy saluation The frute of this peace after the Resurrection shall bée euerlasting ioyfulnesse euerlasting gladnesse and euerlasting fruition of the sighte of GOD and of all the Sainctes that haue liued from the beginning of the worlde too that day This frute is no man able too conceiue sufficientely in this life Now that I haue somwhat largely spoken of those things that méete toogither in this peace I will drawe intoo a bréefe summe or description what this peace is The peace béetwéene GOD and man therefore is a mutuall agréemente of GOD and man Of GOD accepting man intoo fauoure for Chrystes sake and of manne receyuing by fayth the grace that is offered him and promising earnestly his obedience vntoo GOD. Let this suffize concerning the peace which Chryst offreth héer not onely too the eleuen disciples whiche were then present but also vntoo vs and too all that will receiue this peace when it is offered them by the preaching of the gospel ▪ After this peaceable gréeting it foloweth in the text by what means Chryst proued him self too be risē agein frō death in déed And hée sheweth that the same thing was so foretold in Moyses in the prophets in the Psalms But for as much as you haue herd of these things vpon Easter day and yesterday I wil speak onely of the necessitie vse of Chrystes death and resurrection ¶ Of the second SO is it vvritten and so ought Chryst too suffer and rise agein from death the third day and repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes too bee preached in his name too all nations beginning at Hierusalem First therfore when hée saith so is it written His wil is that not reason but Scripture should wey with vs as often as the kingdome of God cometh in question Where this is written hée addeth saying It must néedes bée y t all things bée fulfilled in the law of Moyses in the Prophets and in y e Psalmes Therfore when any question is put foorth concerning saluation Moyses must bée called too counsell the Prophets must bée read and the Psalmes must bée perused and consequently the wrytings of the Euangelists and Apostles Whatsoeuer is repugnant too these wrytings muste bée reiected as procéeding from Sathan What is written that Chryst ought so too suffer and rise from death the third day When hée saith So ought it importeth a necessitie of Chrystes death and resurrection Why then ought hée First that the scriptures whiche can not lie might bée fulfilled For like as GOD endureth for euer so his woord endureth for euer And Chryste sayeth Heauen and Earthe shall passe but my woordes shall not passe Secondely this thing muste néedes bée doone bicause God hath so determined For it cā by no meanes be auoyded but that that thing whiche God hath certeinly determined muste néedes take effecte Thirdly it was of necessitie that Chryst must suffer for the redemption of man from endlesse punishementes whiche they hadde deserued by their sinnes For had not Chryste suffered wée had abidden in our sinnes vnder the wrath of GOD. Fourthly it was of necessitie that Chryst should suffer for the glorie wherewith hée was too bée crowned afterwarde Fifthly it behooued Chryste too suffer for our instruction comfort Forasmuch as he is our head it behooued him to leade vs the way as well in persecution as in glory Sixtly it behooued Christ to suffer too the intent y e truth might answere the figures For many figures of the old Testament did represent Chrysts death and Resurrection of which is spoken vpon Easter day Bréefly too conclude in one woord Chryst suffered dyed and rose ageyn that Gods displeasure might bée pacified mankinde saued and the diuels kingdome destroyed Thus haue wée of howe great necessitie it was that Chryst should dye and rise agein Nowe let vs héere what is the frute and vse of this wonderfull woorke ▪ Whiche thing the Lorde declareth in these woords And repentance and forgiuenesse of sins too bee preached too all nations in his name By these woords is gathered first what the Gospell is and what is the effect of it The Gospell is a preaching of repentance and forgiuenesse of sinnes for Chrysts sake The effect of the Gospell is that deliueraunce from sinne and saluation happen through Iesus Chryst only Howebeit too the intent it may appéere the more playnly vntoo vs how great benefites are offered vs by the Gospell all which lye hidde vnder these woords of Chryst I wil bring a somwhat more large description out of the Scriptures The Gospell is a generall preaching wherein is vttered the deliueraunce from the cursse of the lawe and Gods wrath and wherein forgiuenesse of sinnes Saluation and Eternall lyfe is proclaymed too them that beléeue in the Sonne of GOD for the Sacrifice of him according too the promyses made in olde tyme too the Fathers that the glorie of Gods goodnesse might continually bée published and that moreouer men béeing delyuered by Chryst might bring foorth frutes méete for the Gospell and at length enioy euerlasting life In this description is fyrst set foorth from what euils wée bée set frée by meanes of the Gospell that is too wit from the curse of the lawe according too that sentence Galath 3. Chryst became accursed for vs that is too say he tooke vppon him the cursse that wée deserued for our sinnes too the intent wée might become heyres of righteousnesse and blissyng This thing also auoucheth Paule 2. Cor. 5. where he sayth thus Him that knewe no sinne he made sinne that wée might bée made the righteousnesse of GOD in him This is as much too say as Chryst whiche was frée from all sinne became giltie for vs. Therefore is it well sayde that deliueraunce from the cursse of the lawe is preached vntoo vs by the Gospell Moreouer bicause Gods wrath was ioyned with the curse of the lawe wée are also delyuered from Gods wrath when wée beléeue the Gospell He that beléeueth not sayeth the trueth the wrath of God abydeth vppon him Therefore he that beléeueth is no longer vnder wrath but vnder grace Nowe where as grace reigneth there the diuels tyrannie hath no power there is no sting of euerlasting death there is no feare of hel from these euils therfore dooth the Gospell preache deliueraunce But what are the good things that it bringeth woord of It bringeth tidings of forgiuenesse of sinnes of saluation and of eternall lyfe Wée béeing giltie of sinne are by nature cursed and damned to euerlasting death But nowe dooth Chryste in his Gospell offer vs Forgyuenesse of sinnes Saluation and euerlasting lyfe Whiche good things hée hath purchased for vs by his death and glorious Resurrection Wée haue heard by what euils wée are set frée by meanes of the Gospell and what good things are offered vs by the same Nowe followeth too whom these good things happen namely too
his shéepe home that is to say intoo their own countrey where the Godly shall enioy continuall peace and quietnesse with Chryst. I haue spoken of Chryst the shepherd of his towardnesse care benefits towards his shéepe that is to wit all that beléeue in him Nowe will I adde 〈◊〉 at concerning the shepherds that are ordeined vnder him too haue the charge of the Lordes flocke And it were too bée wished that all hadde lyke Doctrine conuersation and regarde towarde theyr shéepe as had that true shepherd But bicause that is not so there are foure differences kinds of shepherds to be noted One kind is of them that teach wel and liue wel folowing the example of the chéef shepherd Suche were Esay Ieremie Ezechiel and the other Prophets Suche were Paule and Peter Such at this day are all godly parish préests and Bishops which shine before others in doctrine conuersation and profession These are by Dauid and Daniel compared to starres shining in heauen where they be lightened with the euerlasting brightnesse of Chryst. These as Paule sayth are worthy of double honor These build the Citie of God with both their handes The second sort is of them that teach euil and liue euill These are the worst for they pull downe the temple of God with both handes Of which sorte Peter and Iude the Apostles haue told vs that there should bée many in these latter times The third kind is of them that teach well but liue euill Looke what these men build in the churche with their right hand they pul it down againe with their left and they are altoogither like the shipwrights that builded the Arke of Noe for they preparing the Arke for others too saue them frō the flud perished themselues in the middes of the waues Suche one was Iudas in times past many such are found at this day They say doo as we teach but folow not our works Of these spake Chryst saying when the Scribes and Pharisées sit in Moyses Chaire doo as they bidde but not as they doo The damnation of these men is iust For they know teach the things that are to be done and yet they do them not thēselues wheras it is a shame for the teacher to be takē tardie with the fault that he rebuketh in others Therfore sayeth Barnard well Shepherds must fatte their shéepe with their owne exāples rather than with the examples of other men The fourth kind is of them that teach euil but liue well so as they be not subiect too open crimes These bée hipocrits doo most harme of al. For wheras men gaze at the outward appéerāce of conuersation they are easly drawn too embrace their doctrine also Like as many of you in the papacie haue séene Monkes that not only haue séemed holy to themselues but also haue sold their good works vntoo others so lie they in wait both for the soules of men and for their goods Thus I haue spoken concerning the foure kinds of shepherds or teachers in the church of whom the first only is praise woorthy and buildeth Chrystes church too the soul health of many and that according to the doctrine and commaundement of our chéef shepherd Iesus Christ. ¶ Of the second NOw foloweth the second place cōcerning the wolf the hireling Of which y e wolf teareth destroyeth Christes shéep and the other leaueth the shéep in dāger giueth them ouer into the woolues mouth For thus saith the text But the hireling and he that is not the shepherd vvhoo is not ovvner of the sheepe seeth the vvolf comming and forsaketh the sheepe rūneth his vvay the vvoolf catcheth the sheep and scattereth them Héere it behooueth vs to know whoo is that woolf of whom the Lord speaketh after what maner he entereth vpon the shéepe when the hireling is to bée thought to flée Who is then this woolf that the Lord speaketh of héer It is the diuel For assoone as man was created he set vpon him by and by assailed him and threw him too the groūd So goeth he about hungry at this day séeking whō he may deuour neither wil he cease as long as this world standeth By what meanes I pray you setteth hée vppon Chrysts shéepe He setteth not vpon them one way but he hath foure wayes too set vpon them For he is woont to rush in among Chrystes shéepe either by sophistrie or Tirannie or wickednesse or Hipocrisie He setteth vpon them with Sophistrie either whē he disguiseth vices with the titles of vertues or when in stead of Gods truth he foysteth in errors to the intēt he may destroy Chrystes séely shéepe Too call vpon Saincts to erne euerlasting life by our woorks are most greuous sinnes and yet he defēdeth them as good déeds and so of many other things He inuadeth Christes shéepe by Tirannie when he bringeth too passe that they bée destitute of food and other helps of this present lyfe or else when he assaulteth them with open warre too the intent he may either trouble the purenesse of the Gospell or else quite abolish it He inuadeth Christs flocke w t wickednesse stumbling-blockes when he draweth many vntoo naughtinesse where through the holy ghost is shakē of mē agein brought in bōdage vnto sathā How many in these dayes are by this policy ouerthrown ther is no mā y t séeth not In what village reignes not enuie backbiting bibbing whoorhunting such othe horrible wickednesses In as much as we sée these thīgs we haue an assured proof y t sathā inuadeth christes shéepfold Also he inuadeth Chrystes shéepfold by hipocrisie as oftē as he couereth most heinous offences with his outward pretence of holynesse like as was wōt too bée in old time among the Moonks is yet still at this day among them that haue not yet laid away their Pharisaicall fashions Wée haue already by what ways the woolfe whiche is the Deuil inuadeth Christes shéepfold Now wil we speak of the fléeing of the hireling For the hireling is he that is no owner of the shéepe and therfore he runneth away when he séeth the woolf make toward them But did not Chryst now then flée Did he not cōmand his disciples that when they wer persecuted in one city they shuld flée into another Did not Paul himself flée whē he was let down from the wal in a basket Now in as much as it is certein y t neither Christ was a woolf nor the rest of y e Apostles it must néedes folow y t this fléeing wherof y e Lord speaketh héer is not to be vnderstood of euery kind of fléeing But it is to be known y t there is a fléeing of the body a fléeing of the minde The fléeing of the body is sometimes lawfull but the other is not But what is the fléeing of the minde It is when one fléeth from doing his duetie And this fléeing is of foure sortes according to the woolues foure maners of inuading
this present life shall in the end enioy ful glory with Christ so shée continue stedfast in his faith vntoo the end The places are thrée 1 Chrysts forewarning concerning his owne death and Resurrection 2 The weaknesse of the apostles and so consequently of all mortall men 3 The Crosse of the Church in this world and the glorious and ioyfull deliuerance of the same ¶ Of the firste COncerning the death and resurrection of Chryst I will speake somwhat bréefly bicause wée haue herd all thinges alate more plenteously After a vvhyle yee shall not see mee and ageine after a vvhile yee shall see mee for I goe too the father Héere doth Chryst somwhat darkly foreshew them his death and resurrection But his méening is this After a vvhile sayth he yee shall not see mee that is too say I shall lye dead a thrée days in my graue so that you shall not sée mée And againe after a vvhile yee shall see mee that is too say I shall be raised ageine from death and you shall sée mée fortie days before I ascende visibly into heauen and be taken away out of your sight by a cloude And this is it that he sayeth bicause I go to the Father that is too say after my death I shall passe from persecution to the glorie of heauen What is he not present with his churche after his ascension Yes he is present according too his promise euen vntoo the end of the worlde Howbéeit not after a bodyly maner but after a diuine and spiritual maner For Gods woord and the holy Ghost are the glasse ▪ wherin Chryst will be holden and this beholding is sufficient wherwith wée must be contented vntill he himselfe come to iudgement for afterward wée shall enioy the sight of him for euermore But why did hée put his Disciples in minde of his death and resurrection Surely there be many causes of which the chéefe is this which he alleageth in these woords I haue told you of these things before hand that vvhen they bee come to passe you may beleeue For mens minds are gretly strengthned when they sée things fall out ▪ according too that whiche was tolde them before Neither dyd any thing more raise the Apostles than that they saw all things aunswerable too Chrystes foresayings wherby they might bothe vnderstand his Godhead and throughly perceiue his office Moreouer the Lordes will was by the often forewarnings too prouide for the infirmitie of his disciples For this is the poynt of a faythfull maister to haue a consideration of their capacitie whome he taketh vppon him to teache and too remedie theyr rawnesse by often beating the selfe same things intoo their heads Besides this also he therfore foretold his death and resurrection too the intent his disciples shoulde knowe that he knew before of his owne death and resurrection and that he willingly obeyed the father euen vntoo death too the intent he might deliuer vs frō death This sermon of Chrystes is too bée applyed vnto vs also for not muche vnlike happeneth vntoo vs. Hée sêemeth too bée a whyle from vs when he leaueth vs comfortlesse wrestling vnder the crosse And afterwarde ageyne hée is séene of vs when hée comforteth vs by the Gospell and manifesteth the presence of his spirite in our prayers ¶ Of the second THe rawnesse of Christes disciples in matters of saluation is described in these woords VVhat is it say they that he sayth After a vvhile yee shall not see mee and ageyne after a vvhile yee shall see mee and that I go to the father vve knovv not vvhat he speaketh It is a greater wonder that they being so often warned of the Lordes death and Resurrection not only by types figures and riddles but also by expresse woordes coulde neuer the more vnderstande him What is the cause héerof Surely there are twoo causes One is for that an opinion once conceiued in the mynde is not easly pulled out specially if it haue taken déepe roote The Iewes yea and the Lords Disciples themselues dreamed that Chrysts gouernement should haue bin ciuill so as Chryste himselfe béeing made chéefe Emperor should subdue the whole world and reign ouer it and that his disciples should haue bin next about him whiche thing the moother of Zebedies children declared sufficiently when she made request that the one of hir sonnes might sit at Chrystes right hande and the other at his left An other cause is the dimnesse that is in all mankynd wherby it commeth to passe that no man is able too perceiue the things that pertein too God vnlesse he haue the holy Ghost too bée his teacher Héerby we may leene first too bewaile this our blindnesse Secondly too héere Gods woord more often wherby we may bée deliuered f●rom this dimnesse of ignorance and thirdly to craue of God that he him selfe will teache vs according too that place of the .xxv. Psalme Leade me foorth in thy truth and teach mée bycause thou art the God of my saluation Good and rightfull is the Lord therfore shall he teach sinners in the way But wée must take héede that when the Lorde teacheth we shut not the eares of our hert against his voyce lyke as all they doo that héere Gods woorde without frute As for those that so stop their eares against Gods voyce they may at length deserue too be left vp in their blindnesse and ignoraunce for euer God preserue vs that we incurre not this penaltie of vnthankefulnesse wherewith wée sée many to be horribly punished For there are many too bée found that if a man aske them after the héering of a Sermon what they haue brought away haue not a woord to aunswer But if yée question with them of talke had at a feast or in game they can reherse you euery thing so as they will not misse ye a woord What is the reason In some folke the cause of it is mannes naturall dulnesse in matters of Saluation In other some the cause of it is the punishment of sinne also that héering they héere not and vnderstanding they vnderstande not Wherfore right déere beloued let vs fall too amendement of lyfe let vs call vpon God for help and when wée féele in our selues a wéerinesse of héering and learning the woord of God Let vs by and by think that the diuel layeth a snare for vs and let vs forthwith flée vntoo Praier beséeching GOD that he will both teach vs and also by his spirit make roome for his woord in vs. ¶ Of the third VErely verely I say vntoo you that you shall moorne and vveepe but the vvorld shall reioyce And you shall be sadde but your sadnesse shall bee turned intoo ioy He repeteth the same thing that he had spoken a litle before concerning his death and Resurrection For by thrée signes which were set foorth he gaue an inklyng what should come after although somwhat darkly By the moorning of his Disciples is signified the death and buriall of Chryste By the gladnesse of
Dauid the periurie of Peter the harde yoke that Ioseph layde vpon the Egiptians and the gréedie gathering of Zachey too the intent they may sel themselues too al naughtinesse Yea rather they séek by mennes vices how they may hardē them selues too the contempt of God Wherefore not without cause this kinde of stumbling is called deuilish as the whiche is shored vp with slaunders too the contempt of God ¶ Of the third THe third place is of the persecutiō or crosse of the churche for whiche place looke before in the thirde Sunday after Easter ¶ Vpon the feast of Pentecost which we call Whitsonday ¶ The Gospel Iohn xiiij IF yee loue mee keepe my commaundementes and I vvil pray the Father and hee shall giue you another com●orter that hee may abide vvith you for euer euen the spirite of truth vvhom the vvorld cannot receyue bycause the vvorld seeth him not neyther knovveth him But yee knovve him for he dvvelleth vvith you and shal bee in you I vvill not leaue you comfortlesse but vvill come too you Yet a little vvhile and the vvorld seeth mee no more but yee see mee For I liue and yee shall liue That day shall yee knovve that I am in my Father and you in mee and I in you Flee that hathe my commaundementes and keepeth them the same is hee that loueth mee And hee that loueth mee shall bee loued of my Father and I vvill loue him and vvill shevve my ovvne selfe vntoo him Iudas sayth vntoo him not Iudas Iscarioth ▪ Lord vvhat is doone that thou vvilte shevve thy selfe vntoo vs and not vntoo the vvorld Iesus ansvvered and sayd vntoo them ▪ if a man loue mee hee vvill keepe my sayings and my Father vvill loue him and vve vvil come vntoo him and dvvell vvith him Hee that Ioueth mee not keepeth not my sayings And the vvoord vvhiche yee heere is not mine but the Fathers vvhiche sent mee These things haue I spoken vntoo you beeyng yet present vvith you But the comforter vvhich is the holy Ghost vvhome my Father vvil sende in my name hee shall teache you all things and bring all things too your remembraunce vvhat so euer I haue sayd vntoo you Peace I leaue vvith you my peace I gyue vntoo you Not as the vvorld giueth giue I vntoo you Let not your hartes bee greeued neyther fear Yee haue herd hovv I sayd vntoo you I go and come ageine vntoo you If yee loued mee yee vvoulde verely reioyce bycause I sayd I go vntoo the Father For the Father is greater than I. And novv haue I shevved before it come that vvhen it is come too passe yee might beleeue Heereafter vvil I not talke many vvoords vntoo you For the Prince of this vvorld commeth and hathe naught in mee But that the vvorlde may knovve that I loue the Father And as the Father gaue mee commaundement euen so doo I. The exposition of the text THis feast which wée call Pentecost that is the fiftith daye was ordeyned in remembraunce of the confirmation of the Gospell the fiftith daye after Chrystes resurrection For that day our Lord sent the holy Ghost from heauen who sate vppon the Apostles visibly in likenesse of flambes of fire and hée according too Chrystes promisse not onely leadeth the Apostles intoo all truthe but also certifieth the whole world that Iesus Chryst is in heauen who from thence confirmeth his doctrine by this woonderfull déede For like as the fiftith day after the Iewish passeouer which they ate first in Egipt the law was giuen and the doctrine thereof confirmed with great miracles according as it is written Exod. 19. Euen so after the true Passeouer that is too wit after the killing of the Lamb of GOD which is Chryst Gods wil was too confirme the Gospel of his Sonne with this woonderful déede that is by the visible giuing of the holy Ghoste according as wée shall héere more largely in the lesson at Euensong Now let vs enter vppon the most swéete Gospell which also is a péece of that long Sermon that the Lord made to his Disciples the day before he suffered The summe of the text that you haue herd is that Chryste giueth a true marke of faith and loue of God and of the frute of the same fayth and loue namely that the disciples should haue quiet consciences through the holy ghost whom he promiseth that the father shall send in his name Also Christ giueth them to vnderstād of his victorie ageinst Sathan that euen by this victorie the world may know how well the father loueth it And al these things tend too y e strengthening of his disciples least through offence of the crosse they might go backe from their profession The places are foure 1 The true marke of fayth and of the loue of God 2 The frute and vse of kéeping the woord of God 3 Chrysts promising the holy ghost the comforter 4 Of the peace that Christ promiseth too those that bée his ¶ Of the firste IF a man loue mee he vvill keepe my sayings Let vs marke these woords aduisedly For they shew a true mark of faith of the loue of God He that loueth Christ héereth him willingly He willingly kéepeth that which he héereth And he willingly dooth that which he kéepeth For these things are by nature ioyned togither Wée sée it is a custome among men that they doo not without wéerinesse héer those persons towardes whom they are not very well minded And that contrarywise they couet nothing more than with all attentiuenesse of mind to héer those whom they loue entirely specially when they know they speake many things sagely and wisely too their welfare and profit But what is the saying of Chryst First too repent For so did his messenger Iohn Baptist and he himself also begin his preaching Héerby is vttered his affection towardes vs For without repentaunce it is vnpossible too bée saued Wherevpon he sayth except yée repent yée shall all perishe Secondly too beléeue the Gospel that is too beléeue assuredly that Chryst is suche a one towards him as he is declared too vs in his Gospell too bée that is too wit a Sauiour a Iustifier and a Redéemer The end of this faith is the health of our soules 1. Peter 1. and in Iohn Hée that beléeueth in the sonne hath euerlasting life Thirdly too bring foorth frute by this faith First deuotion too godward or seruice of God ▪ Secondly in●●cencie of life and kéeping holy both of minde and body Thirdly loue of our neighbor flowing out of a true faith a pure hart a good conscience And fourthly too doo the woork of our vocation in feare too the glory of God and profit of our neighbour All these vertues ar beutified with true patience which is a certeyn obedience towards God vnder the crosse He that wil bée my Disciple sayth the Lord let him take vp his crosse and folow mée What Wherfore requirest thou so many things Are we not iustified saued by
miserie shuld be rewarded with euerlasting lyfe which is called héer the great supper and in Mathew the mariage of the kyng vntoo whiche great Supper men are called of Gods méere mercie too the intent they may bée filled at it with spiritual daynties euerlastingly Howbéeit too the intent the delicates of this Supper may bée the plesanter vntoo vs I will set out seuerally one by one the circumstaunces that are noted in the text and shew what instruction and admonishment is too bée learned by eche of them The first circumstance therfore too bée considered in this supper is concerning him that biddeth vs vntoo it For thervpon hangeth the estimation of it Who is it then that prepareth this Supper Is it some worldly kyng No. Yet wer that King woorthy too bée muche made of for his liberalitie too bée praysed for his mercie that would prepare a princely feast royally furnished for miserable and poore soules Who is it then It is God our heauenly father the Lord of Lords and king of kings who only is riche and well stored with delicates This circumstaunce is a most euident testimonie of Gods goodnesse and mercy The second circumstance is that God héere the master of the house biddeth guestes too Supper c And what is ment by the name of supper The very Gospel and all those things that are ioyned with the Gospell as is saluation and eternall lyfe Sée how great mercy shyneth foorth héere What is the reason of the terming of it so Why are these so great good thinges called a supper Surely it is not doone without great causes of which number there bée thrée chéef The first is bycause the Gospell promiseth euerlasting ioye and endlesse good things For as the Supper is set before men in the latter end of the day so the good things which the Gospell offereth shall of the méere mercy of God bée giuen in rewarde too the beléeuers after that they in dystresse haue outworne the manyfolde labours of this lyfe The second cause is for that lyke as the euening whiche is the tyme that men are woonte too prepare for supper is the ende of the daye so the age in which all men by the ministerie of preaching are bidden too repaste of the heauenly Supper is of the laste age The third cause is for that the Gospell is the last voyce of GOD in the worlde after whiche there is none other too bée looked for in lykewyse as the Supper is the last meate that is set béefore men in the day For ther shall neuer sound any other voyce of God from heauen but thys selfe same voyce of the Gospell shall sounde vntoo the laste daye of iudgement The third circūstance is in this woord Great by whiche is commended vntoo vs the richnesse of Gods mercy For God biddeth not a kyng or twoo or a wiseman or twoo vntoo this supper but he biddeth the whole world He ouerskippeth not the poore he neglecteth not the riche men he shutteth not out the gentlemen he kéepeth not the country folke nor the townesmen from his feast he holdeth no skorne of the little ones disdeyneth not y e great ones al men without exception that are dispersed through the whole worlde biddeth he too that great supper For the text witnesseth both that it is a greate supper and that many are bidden The fourth circumstance is of the manner of his bidding The manner is expressed in these wordes And he sente his seruaunt at the houre of Supper too saye too them that vvere bidden Héer by the name of seruant is ment the Prophetes Apostles and all godly teachers whom God hath sent from the beginning of the worlde too bid guestes too the Supper Too this supper dyd God himselfe bidde the patriarke Noe. He being bidden bad the rest of the world in Gods sted Afterward when the world throughe it owne vnthankfulnesse was perished in the flud Abrahā was by Gods owne mouth bidden too this supper After which time when the malice of the world was encreased vpon the earth God chose one peculiar people among whome he often times raysed vp Prophets that bad guests too this supper And the master of the house continued in so dooing vntill he sent his owne Sonne our Lord Iesus Chryst whome those that were bidden hanged vpon the Crosse. And he being raised ageyn from death sent out his Apostels intoo the whole world too byd all nations too this most delicate supper The fifth circumstance is of the hour of the supper What is this houre It is the time of grace and the time of glory The time of grace is the time wherin is preached vnto men the liberality mercyfulnesse of y e master of the house which tyme is deuided intoo thrée parts Intoo promise performāce and the tyme that hath folowed the performance The time of promis was from Adam vntoo the birth of Chryst almost foure thousand yéere Then was the tyme of performance during all the while that Chryst was conuersant héere vpon earth in the flesh and preached and offered himselfe the price of redemption for them that wer bidden too this supper The tyme that followed the performance is thencefoorth from the sending of the Apostles intoo the whole worlde vntill the daye of Iudgement in whiche tyme wée also bée and are bidden too this Supper by the voyce of the Ministers of Gods woorde The tyme of glory in eternitie When wée shall sit downe in the heauenly glorie not onely wyth Abraham and Isaac but also with God the Father God the Sonne and God the holy ghoste and shal enioy euerlasting mirth and gladnesse in Chryst Iesu our Lord. The sixth circumstance is the manner of the biddyng Come sayth he for all things are ready That is too saye as wée sée in the bidding of Iohn Baptist and Chryst Repent and beléeue the Gospell for the kyngdome of heauen is at hand This bidding requireth repentance that is too wit an alteration of the former life that wée shuld depart from euil and doo good and it requireth fayth that is too wit that wée should beléeue that this Supper is set on the Table for vs not in respect of our deseruyng but of méere mercy for the Sons sake whom God hath giuen vntoo vs too bée our wysedome ryghtuousnesse sanctification and redemption For with these gyftes and as it were garments of the Sonne of God muste wée enter intoo the Supper of euerlasting lyfe For Chryst by his wysedome reformeth our myndes wyth his ryghtuousnesse he decketh vs when wée beléeue on him with his sanctification or halowyng hée clenseth vs and at length he receyueth vs intoo his parlor where shall bée perpetuall redemption glorie and happinesse And thus muche concerning the firste place wherin is set oute vnto vs the mercyfulnesse of GOD which is from generation too generation vppon all that feare hym as the virgin our Lordes moother singeth ¶ Of the second BVt all began vvith one consent to excuse them selues
For they refused too come too this Heauenly Supper For as the swyne makes more account of the myre wherein he berayeth himselfe than of golde and precious stones euen so men that are weltered in theyr owne filthynesse shunne the goodlynesse of so great a supper In which thing thrée euylls are too bée lamented the myserie of mankynde their excéeding great vnthankfulnesse and their corrupte iudgement The miserie is that men being ouer pressed with sinfulnesse and curse do not only not goo about to wind thēselues out of so great mischéeues but also are euen delighted with the filthynesse So farre are they from séeking redresse And this is that Chryste speaketh of No man commeth too mée saue he whom my father draweth The vnthankfulnesse is that men being bidden too a frée supper that is too wit too frée deliuerance from sinne from Gods wrath from the curse of the law from hell and from the diuell too forgiuenesse of sinnes too Gods fauour too rightuousnesse too heauen too God hymselfe too liue blessedly with him for euermore doo notwithstanding refuse too come Who is able too bewaile this vnthankfulnesse sufficiently The corrupte iudgement is that men set more by transitorie goodes than by euerlasting goods by a few than by many by brittle than by durable by earthly than by heauenly by things that maynteyne this life for a small time than by things that maynteyne both soule and body in euerlasting life Is he not coūted foolish that preferreth clay before golde Yes surely most foolishe as one that can iudge nothing aright Muche more foolishe is he yea farre out of measure most foole of all that preferreth death before life sinne before rightuousnesse hell before heauen the diuell before GOD and to be bréefe innumerable euils before innumerable good things Let vs acknowledge this oure moste corrupt iudgement and let vs pray to haue our mindes reformed with newe lighte that wée may rightly vnderstand what things are good in déede and orderly desire the thyngs that wée iudge aryght of and perseuer to the ende in seekyng those things whiche wée orderly desire Now that we haue spoken thus much in general concernyng the great miserie of mankynd the excéeding vnthankfulnesse and most corrupt iudgement of men Let vs looke vppon the text which continueth the sundry maners of their excuses First it sayth And all began vvith one consent too excuse them selues That is to say the greatest parte of the world being thanklesse hild skorne of the benefite that was offered fréely The first therefore sayde I haue bought a farme and I must needes go see it I pray thee haue me excused Héer is described the first kind of men that excuse thēselues Under which kynd are all they conteyned which trusting too theyr owne power refuse too come to this royall supper Yet is not power the efficient cause of this excuse but onely an occasion in those which acknowledge not theyr power too come of God but leane vntoo theyr owne puissance that is too wit too a staffe of réede For when sinne death hell and the diuell assault mans power auayleth not for in this case the power of God only auayleth namely Chrystes Gospell which Paule defineth too bée the power of God too the saluation of euery one that beléeueth And that power and possession of landes is not the efficient cause of refusing too come too this deyntie Supper examples shew Dauid was of power and had greate lands Nero also was of power and had lands Of which twoo the first béeing bidden too the mariage came the other refused Why so bicause the one vsed his power too the glory of God the other abused it too his owne destruction For being deceiued by it he refused too come too this supper Héer therfore wée are admonished too vse our landes well that they bée not a hinderance vntoo vs for cōming too the heauenly Supper I omit examples And an other sayd I haue bought fiue yoke of Oxen and I go too trie them I pray thee haue me excused Héere is described a seconde kynde of men that excuse them selues that they cannot come too this supper Under this kynde are conteyned the riche men of this worlde Why Are riches the efficient cause of this refusal No surely Abraham was rich and the glutton of whome wée herde of late was riche but Abraham was not letted by his riches For hée made more account of this Supper than of his earthly riches Contrarywyse the glutton was droonken and sotted in his riches and therfore refused too come For when riches are in euill mennes hands they are as a bayte wherby they being enticed are caught and killed Therfore Chryst sayeth they bée thornes hée auoucheth it too bée a hard matter for a rich man too bée able too enter intoo the kingdome of heauen The Philosopher Plato sayd right that riches were blind wythoute wisedome and that they are sharpe sighted when they folowe wisedome So may wée also say that riches are thornes without godlynesse and that they are roses when they folow godlynesse For the godly with their riches as it were with certaine Roses do beautifie the ministerie the cōmon weale and their owne houses Whosoeuer then hathe the riches of this worlde lette him endeuer that godlynesse and charitie maye bée the gouerners of them as wée sée it was in the holy Patriarkes and Kyngs and many other godly and holy men And the thirde sayde I haue maried a vvyfe and therefore I cannot come Héere is discribed the thirde kynde of men that refuse too come too this Supper Under which kynde are conteyned all those which béeing giuen too the pleasures of thys worlde passe not for the Gospell of Chryst. The marying of a wyfe is not of it selfe eyther euill or the cause of refusall but onely an occasion vntoo some men that mysvse the gyft of God Abraham had a wyfe and so had many godly men who notwithstandyng dyd not therfore refuse too obey the Gospell Wherfore let maried couples endeuer too haue Chryst with them and let them beware that they take not occasion of euill at that whiche is good Hythertoo wée haue herd of thrée kynds of men that excuse them selues for comming at thys Supper when they are bidden And by these wée maye vnderstande all thyngs that hynder men from harkenyng to the Gospell ¶ Of the third THe seruant returning home brought the master of the house woorde what answere they made and béeing sent foorth ageyn when he had gathered toogither a greate number of poore folke and cripples he is commaunded too compell men too come in that the house of his feast may bée filled In this compulsion is set forth vntoo vs a singular comfort For GOD not only promiseth not onely biddeth not onely commaundeth but hée also enforceth and compelleth folke to come in too his Supper But howe compelleth hée Surely many wayes Parents and housholders shall compell their houshold and by familiar nurture and awe accustome
his posteritie from GOD by the space of nyne hundred yeres Howe great was the gréefe of Dauids mynde when he sawe the rauishmente of his daughters and the slaughter of his sonnes What should I speake of a few All men féele the byting of the Serpent which byting serueth too none other purpose than that wée should thereby acknowledge Gods moste iust iudgement and flée vntoo him for pardone by true repentance Manasses like a mad man rose vp ageinst the Churche of GOD by the space of .xxv. yéeres toogither and defiled himselfe in horrible wyse neyther hadde it come intoo his thought too repent him if hée had not bin led awaye prisoner intoo Babilon where the streightnesse of imprisonmēt gaue him vnderstanding For béeing nurtured there in the schoolehouse of miserie he bowed the knées of his hart and in humble wise desired pardon of his sinnes whiche thing hée also obteyned The thirde God setteth before vs the examples of other men tragicall factes and horrible punishementes of others that taking warning by them wée may fall too amendment For all the falles of men that are set out in stories eyther of the Scripture or of worldly wryters tende too this ende too make vs héedefull Caine by falling intoo sinne was ouerwhelmed with euerlasting paines Saule fel from God and returned not by repentaunce but was ouerwhelmed with Gods wrath Many in these dayes falling from the Gospell light intoo the Deuilles snares out of whiche they are neuer able too wynde themselues ageine Wherefore taking warning at these mens horrible falles and most dreadful punishment let vs fall too amendment betimes least God cast vs of in his anger and then wée too late remember the saying of the Poet For happy folke we may them take whō others harmes the warer make The fourth Somtime God preacheth by tempests earthquakes and dreadfull sights in Heauen suche as were séene before the destruction of Ierusalem as blasing starres in the likenesse of swoords of which sorte our age hath séene many wherat if wée take not warning too repent and amende wée shall fall intoo moste sore punishmentes The yéere .1561 since Chrysts birth there was séene in the Skie a man nayled vpon a Crosse hauing a Crowne of Thorne vpon his head Of this sight I haue many witnesses whereof diuers are noble men and godly persons right woorthye of credite The same day it rayned bloud and many other things are séene dayly As often then as suche maner of sightes are shewed vs from Heauen let vs knowe that God allureth vs too repentaunce by these tokens of his wrath And wheras the Lorde sayeth Bée not afrayd of the signes of Heauen hée meaneth that we should fall too repentaunce least the euilles which the signe● threaten should light vppon vs. For all things woorke toogither too the welfare of them that repent The fifth The death of the Sonne of God is set foorth too vs wherin God sheweth that hée is excéeding sore displeased with sin and therwithal prouoketh vs too repētance For hée vpon the crosse stretcheth out his armes bathed in his owne blud and allureth all the whole worlde too repentance and offreth grace too all that repent Therfore whosoeuer maketh delayes too repent hée despiseth Gods sonne and shall suffer dreadful punishement when his time commeth The sixth The end of this life is vncerteine For our life is like a bubble or a floure in the field whiche flourisheth too day and too morow is cast intoo the fire Saint Iames also openeth vntoo vs the frayltie of this life Wée haue séene many that liued without repentance taken away with sodeine death so as they coulde haue no leasure too repente The Axe sayth Iohn is set too the root of the trée And Salomon saith Whither the trée fall too the South or too the North looke in what place the trée falleth there shall it lie That is too saye looke in what case the rightuous Iudge shall finde thée at the houre of thy death suche shalt thou bée iudged too bée Sée howe many wayes the Lorde prouoketh vs too repentance Himself sayth I wil not the death of a sinner but that hée should turne and liue This good-will of his hée declareth vntoo vs in y t he prouoketh vs so fatherly by so many means too repentance which prouocation too repentance doubtlesse perteyneth too all men But Paule sayeth that God hath not chosen many wise men after the flesh nor many mē of power nor many noble men borne and yet the same man sayth God will haue all men saued How then dooth he not choose God is sayde not too haue chosen them not bycause he would not haue them saued but for the sequele of it That is too say bicaus● the wisdome of this world and power and nobilitie of birth doo like baytes entice and withdrawe many from obedience of the Gospell Dauid was rich and puisant and Nero also was rich and puissant Of which two the first was not enticed by his riches and power too fall from the Gospell but the other by making more account of his present prosperitie than of the glorie of the lyfe too come made his riches an occasion of his owne damnation Isaac was borne of a noble stocke and Ismaell was a noble man borne too But yet both of them were not of like inclination For Ismaell holding himselfe content with the noblenesse of his birth despised the promises wheras contrarywise Isaac by beléeuing the promise was iustified saued By these examples it appéereth euidently that the Lord reiecteth no mā for the gifts that himself hath heaped vpō thē For power riches noble birth are Gods good gifts And happy is he y t vseth them wel But he y t vseth them amisse he by his owne default turneth Gods gifts into instruments of his owne damnation Let vs therfore imbrace Paules counsel if we haue any care of our saluation For thus saith he 1. Cor. 7. Let thē y t vse this world bée as though they vsed it not He would not haue a christen mans mind abused about erthly things so as they shold lead vs away frō the right way of this life He will haue vs so to liue as if we should passe out of this life at euery minute of an hour Therfore in al y e affaires of this present lyfe let vs haue our hartes lifted vp too the consideration and mynding of the heauenly lyfe Héerevnto perteyneth this saying of Paule Séeke the things that are aboue where Chryste sitteth at the right hand of the father ¶ Of the second IEsus sayd vntoo him Vnlesse yee see signes and vvonders yee vvill not beleue Héer Christ findeth fault with the courtier who was in great fauour and one of the chéef about Herod which thing Chryst seldome didde specially for as muche as men came too him in heauinesse too séeke his help Héerby wée must lerne not too bée clawbacks of the Court too speake things that may please but too
afterward whither he would haue bin circumcised and suffred death or no. But he y t was frée becam the seruāt of al to the intent he might make al free or as Austin sayth God became man to y e intent to make men gods Paule saith he was bound vnder the law too the intent he might redéeme those that were vnder the lawe And therefore he béeing the first borne would also bée offered vp in the Temple But how was he the first borne There was neuer any such borne First he was first borne in his Godhead for he was the eternall Sonne of God This day sayth he haue I begotten thée Secondly he was the first born son of Mary in his manhood For she neuer bare any before him nor yet after him Thirdly he was first borne in grace For he was the first man that euer was borne which being offered vp vntoo God was accepted of himselfe Fourthly in power For he was the firste borne of the deade And fifthly that wée might bée borne new men through him Furthermore it is too bée marked that mary offred a paire of yong pigeons wherby is shewed that she was poore For the richer sort did offer a Lamb. Héereby wée may lerne not too bée abashed of our pouertie It was Chrysts will too bée borne poore that he might make vs riche so that wée wyll accept his riches with a thankfull minde ¶ Of the second AND beholde there vvas a man in Hierusalem vvhose name vvas Simeon Héere we haue first a description of Simeon and afterward his blissing First he is commended for his rightuousnesse For he liued so among his people that he was counted of all men for a good and iust man The Euangelist méeneth not by this that he was so rightuous that he had no néede of any other rightuousnesse for in his owne song he confesseth Christ too bée his sauior but that he liued vnblamable among men and honestly so as he did no man harme but good too all men according too his power Suche a one is called of Cicero or rather of al men a iust or rightuous man Secondly he is commended for his godlinesse For he feared God Under the name of fear is comprehended the whole seruice of God For he that feareth God as he eschueth al things wherewith he knowes he shall offend him so also dooth he whatsoeuer he perceiueth too bée acceptable too him This feare hath his beginning of faith There is an other feare of God without faith which is no seruice of God and such a one there is in all the vngodly For they alwayes dread Gods iudgement agaynst them and wold rather that there were no God than too bée punished for their wickednesse The feare that is commended in Symeon was none such For it foloweth that he wayted for the comforte of Israel By which saying is shewed that he longed very ernestly for the comming of Chryst. For he knew that the prophesies of Iacob and Daniel pointed too this time of his Wherfore hée longed for it the more earnestly and wished that his life might bée prolonged vntil hée might sée Chryste present And it is no maruaile that hée wayted so earnestly for Chrystes comming For hée was sayth the Euangelist ful of the holy Ghost Suche was this holy man But what was the reward of this godlinesse Hée receyueth an answer of the holy ghost that he should not sée death before hée had séene the Lordes Chryst and by the motion of the same holy Ghoste hée came intoo the Temple And what did hée there When the Parentes Ioseph and Mary hadde brought in the Childe hée took him intoo his armes and praysed God Nowe hath this holy olde man that whiche hée desired so earnestlye and hée giueth witnesse too Chryste openly protesting this childe too bée the same anoynted Sauiour that was promised too the fathers Wée haue the godlinesse of Simeon what it was now let vs set him before vs. Let old men first and afterward al men learne of him too feare God Let them learne too liue holilye and vprightly among men Let them learne too take Chryste intoo their armes that is too say intoo their hartes Let them set him out praise him and professe him Which thing if thei doo they shall one day with Simeon receiue a plentuous reward in Heauen ¶ Of the third NOw foloweth Simeons song Lord novv lettest thou thy seruant depart in peace according to thy vvord This song hath customably bin soong in the church many hūdred yéeres wée are wont to sing the same when corpses are layde intoo their graues For it cōteyneth a doctrine concerning Chryste it techeth frō whence chéefe cōfort is too bée sought specially at what time we must depart out of this life Now too the intēt we may vnderstād this song the better I will deuide it intoo two parts In y e first wherof the old man Simeon reioyceth in his own behalf and in the latter part comprehendeth very bréefly the benefits of Chryst towards y e whole world The first part is Lorde novv lettest thou thy seruaunt departe in peace according too thy vvoorde For myne eyes haue seene thy saluation Héere the olde man Simeon reioyseth in his owne behalfe that hée had séene Chryste with his bodily eyes according too the answere that hée had receyued of the holy Ghost For albéeit hée had séene him before with the eye of his faith like as our Lorde saith of Abrahā Abraham saw my day was glad yet notwithstāding bicause he had receiued a promise of y e holy ghost y t hée should sée Chryst present w t his bodily eyes before he dyed he was gretly delited with his sight with great strength of faith desired streight too be deliuered frō his body y t he might be gathered to his fathers in peace But sée he receiued a promise that he should sée the Lords anoynted Héer is brought him a poore babe there appéereth héere none other outwarde countenance than of contempte Is hée offended at this outwarde countenaunce No. Whom hée saw too bée lea●● with his bodily eyes him sawe hée too bée greatest with the sight of his faith Whom hée behild base in the shape of a seruant with his bodily eyes him knew he too be King of Kings Lord of Lords And he was not ignoraunt what Zacharie had prophesied of him who sayth Behold thy King cometh poore He knew he came not too take intoo his hād the kingdoms of the world but too giue the kingdom of God too beléeuers Héerby also wée may lern too beléeue the scriptures and too looke vpon Chryste and his church not only with our bodily eyes but much rather with the eyes of oure fayth And séeing hée desireth too bée let go by and by and to change this miserable life for death hée declareth sufficiently that Chrysts kingdom is not of this world but an euerlasting kingdome whiche consisteth in peace of conscience As if he should
lost shéepe How largely extendeth this mercy of God The virgin aunswereth from one generation too an other that is too say too all ages and too all nations according too this saying The earth is ful of Gods mercy Héertoo perteyneth this place of y e psalm Gods mercy endureth for euer and euer By Gods Iustice Adam and all his posteritie was made subiect too wretchednesse And by Gods mercy Adam and his ofspring was made partaker of grace so they purchase not damnation too themselues by theyr owne default Héervntoo perteineth that saying of Esay I haue giuen thée too bée a light too the Gentyles that thou mayest bée my Saluation too the vttermoste parts of the earth And Simeon sayth A lyght which thou hast prepared too all people Too whom befalleth this mercy Mary aunswereth Too those that feare him This selfe thing dooth Dauid witnesse in these woords The mercy of the Lord is from generation too generation vpon them that feare him And agein his saluation is néere them that feare him Therfore where as is the true feare of God there also Gods mercy taketh place But what is this fear of God It is true godlynesse and religion wherewith they are endued that leane vntoo Chryst by stedfast faith But héere must discretion bée had betwéene the cause of mercy and the qualitie of them too whom it befalleth Ther is none other cause than Gods fatherly good wil well liking in his déere beloued son according as he him selfe sayth This is my beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased The qualitie of them too whom mercy befalleth is not merite or desert but a marke of Gods children whiche are made his children by faith according too this he haue power too as many as beleeue in his name too become the sonnes of God By fayth only are wée borne the sonnes of God but when wée are become the sons of God wée must as it becommeth Gods children liue in al godlynesse innocencie other vertues the which the blissed virgin cōprehendeth héer vnder y e name of the feare of God 6 He hath shevved strength vvith his arme he hath scattered the proude in the imagination of their ovvne harts 7 He hath put dovvne the mighty from their seate and hath exalted the humble and meeke 8 He hath filled the hungry vvith good things and the rich he hath sent empty avvay Shée setteth out Gods iudgement ageinst the proude and his mercy towards the lowly Héereof are shewed examples without nūber both by y e holy histories by daily experiēce 9 He remēbring his mercy hath holpen his seruant Israel 10 As he promised too our forefathers Abraham and his seede for euer This is too say God hath accōplished his promise of mercy by sending his son Therfore he is sothfast to be praised for his sothfastnesse Too whō bée prayse confession and glory of mercy power rightuousnesse truth for euer euer Amen Vpon the feast day of S. Michael the Archangell ¶ The Gospell Math. viij AT the same time came the disciples vntoo Iesus saying VVho is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen Iesus called a chylde vntoo him and set him in the middest of them and sayd Veryly I say vntoo you except yee turne and become as children ye shal not enter intoo the kingdome of heauen VVhosoeuer therfore humbleth himself as this child that same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen And vvhosoeuer receyueth such a child in my name receyueth me But vvhoso doth offend one of these litle ones vvhich beleue in me it vvere better for him that a milstone vvere hanged about his necke and that he vvere drovvned in the depth of the sea VVoe vntoo the vvorlde bicause of offences necessarie it is that offences come But vvoe vntoo the man by vvhom the offence commeth VVherfore if thy hand or thy foote hinder thee cut him of and cast it from thee It is better for thee too enter intoo lyfe halt or maymed rather than thou shouldest hauing tvvo handes or tvvo feete bee cast intoo euerlasting fyre And if thine eye offend thee plucke it out and cast it from thee It is better for thee too enter intoo life vvith one eye rather than hauing tvvo eyes too bee cast into hell fyre Take heede that yee despise not one of these little ones For I say vntoo you that in heauen their Angels do alvvayes behold the face of my Father vvhich is in heauen The exposition of the Text. THis feast was appoynted and receyued in the Church too the intent wée might learne Gods benefites towards vs who hath giuen vs his Angels too bée our kéepers Wherefore the congregation is too bée taught this day concerning Angels chéefly Howbéeit forasmuche as the Gospell that is woont too bée red this day conteineth singuler lessons I will first open the Texte of the Gospell and afterwarde speake somewhat concerning Angels The occasion of this Euangelical lesson was the statelynesse of Chrysts disciples who after they had herd Chryst make mention of his departure fell at strife for the soueraintie whom Chryst calleth back from their error sets a child in the middes of them saying Except ye be as children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heauen Besides this hée dissuadeth them frō ministring occasion of offence cōmendeth children vnto vs that wée should receiue them intoo the churche knowing that of suche is the kingdome of Heauen The places are foure 1 The reasoning of the Apostles about the soueraintie and the reproofe of them 2 The warning too auoyd offence 3 Chrystes commaundement of receyuing Children 4 The nature and office of Angels ¶ Of the first THe Disciples came vnto Iesus saying vvho is greatest in the kingdome of Heauen Héer cometh first too bée marked the blindnesse of Chrysts Disciples vnderstanding not yet what maner a one Chrystes kingdome is They dreamed it should bée a ciuil gouernment wherin Chryst should reign as chéefe souereigne his Disciples as Dukes should rule the whole world vnder him And therfore they demaund which of them should bée chéefe and next vntoo Chryst. So wonderful blindnesse had bewitched their mindes Agein wée may sée héere the Deuils venim which wrought euen in those instrumentes of God namely Chrystes Disciples who were ordeyned too bée Apostles and ambassadours of Chryst our king in his spiritual kingdom What dooth the Deuill hée stayneth them with the moste vgly vice of pride in so much as they fell already too reasoning for the soueraintie that is too say which of them should be Lord ouer the rest What dooth Chryst vntoo this foolishe pride of his Disciples Surely he might iustly haue cast them of as proud vtterly vnméet too bear any sway in the gouernment of his spirituall kingdom yet doth hée not so but admonisheth them fatherly And as he correcteth their error so hée sharply reproueth the vice of pride For thus saith he Iesus called a Child vnto him set him in
of GOD. Blissed are they vvhyche suffer persecution for ryghtuousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of Heauen Blissed are ye vvhen men reuile you and persecute you and shall falsly say all maner of euyll sayings ageynst you for my sake reioyce bee glad for great is your revvard in Heauen For so persecuted they the Prophets vvhiche vvere before you The exposition of the Text. FEastes of Sainctes were appoynted in the Churche not without right weighty causes which I wil reherse in order that we may vse the feastes of Sainctes too our owne behoofe The first cause is that the Storie of the Church may bée knowen for that is excéeding profitable For thereby wée vnderstand both the state of the Church and also what defenders what enimies the church hath had The second is that Gods benefits towards the membres of his Church may bée thought vppon Paule of a persecuter became an Apostle Peter for all that he had denied his master was receyued intoo fauor ageyne Mary Magdalen the sinner was accepted for a daughter whyle she stayed vppon Chryst by fayth At the very poynt of death Chryst offered himself too be séene of Steuen And so in euery of the Saincts are seuerall benefits of God to bée séene The third is that hauing considered these benefits of God towards the Saincts wée should giue God thanks for that he was so merciful to wretched sinners turning themselues too the Lord by true repentance as to receiue them intoo fauor and too garnish them with so many benefits and to hold them vp with his spirit in this wildernesse The fourth is that the sundry casualties of the Sainctes should be weyed and compared with the perils of our times As the godly were oppressed by the vngodly in old time So are they at this day In times past the Sainctes reioyced vnder godly gouernours and now and then ageine were faine too féele the hard yoke of Tyrantes and so doo they in these dayes also In these variable chaunces wée must harten our selues with the examples of the Sainctes The fifth is that wée should folowe the Sainctes in pacience in lyfe in seruing God in profession in stedfastnesse and in other vertues The Sainctes therefore must bée as it were examples and rules too lead our life by Gods woord requireth repentance woorshipping of God confession and pacience And the Sainctes minister vntoo vs examples of the same The sixth is that wée with godly gronings should desire too come too the company of the Sainctes too the intent that being at length deliuered from these distresses wée may liue blissedly for euermore with Chryst. In consideration wherof Chryst auoucheth his disciples to be blissed although they bée afflicted with sundry miseryes in this lyfe And to this purpose perteyneth this dayes Gospell concerning sundry blissednesses according as wée shal héere anon Therfore let vs declare euery blissednesse seuerally by it selfe There is but one poynt ¶ Of the blissednesse of Christs Disciples BLissed are the poore in spirite for theirs is the kingdome of heauen 〈…〉 of this place is that there is no cause why they should thinke them selues vnhappie that from the bottome of their harte féel themselues in very déed too be voyd of all rightuousnesse sith this selfe same féeling of a mannes own poorenesse is the first step wherby hée mounteth vp too the chéef riches that is too saye too the kingdome of Heauen not by it selfe and of it owne nature but bicause it compelleth vs too séeke him who is the onely way intoo Heauen What manner a thing spirituall or ghostly pouertie is it may bée the easlier vnderstood by a comparison For like as the poorenesse of beggerie is not onely extréeme néedinesse but also the open profession of the same so the poorenesse of spirite is not onely the vttermoste want of heauenly riches that is too wit of rightuousnesse holinesse and innocencie but also the profession of the same want before God of whō wée desire reléefe of oure néedinesse for Chrystes sake This poorenesse then consisteth in true repentance and in crauing the riches of Heauen The Moonkes abused this place For out of it they taught that by pouertie that is too say by beggerie men merited the kingdome of heauen whereas Paule in the sixth too the Romaines sayeth plainely Eternall life is Gods gift through Iesus Chryste our Lorde If it bée a frée gifte surely it is not purchased with pouertie whiche doutlesse deserueth nothing of it owne nature but is a punishement the cause whereof is partly wastefulnesse partly slouth partly the penaltie of some sinne and partly tryalles sake as was the beggerie of Lazarus Blissed are those that mourne for they shall receyue comfort This is a woonderful Sermon He auoucheth the mourners too bée blissed whereas nothing is more ageinst blissednesse than mourning But Chrystes saying is too bée vnderstoode of the successe of the mourning and not of the time of mourning For thus sayth he bicause they shall receiue comforte that is when their mourning is at ende in this world This mourning procéedeth partly of the poornesse of spirit partly of the miseries of this present life which doo as it wer with a certeine fire boile vs trie vs as it were w t spurres quicken vs vp too craue the endlesse ioy whiche shall wipe away all teares Then is not mourning of it selfe the cause of blisfulnesse but bicause it driueth vs vnto Christ who is the author of all comfort Héervntoo therfore maketh that saying of Paule wée reioyce in tribulations bicause they woork pacience pacience trial trial hope and hope is not confounded bicause god loueth vs. Héerby it may bée easly perceiued that Chryste speaketh not of euery kinde of mourning but of the mourning y t is according to God not according to y e world Blissed are the meke for they shall receyue the inheritance of the earth The méeke are peaceable milde gentle curteous such as bridle their affections such as are easie too be entreated to forgiue wrong when they are misused and such as had leuer lose a thing than to stand in contention for it This vertue of méeknesse springeth of the true feare of God of true lowlinesse the which Chryst commendeth to those y t are his saying lerne of mée bicause I am méeke lowly of hart It is a rule y t Chrysts Disciples must be méeke The exāple of the rule is Chryst. For hée wil that we looke vpon him when we mind this vertue The Lord sayth not lerne of mée too rayse the dead to chase away diuels to walk drishod vpon the sea to fast .xl. dayes .xl. nights without sustenance but he sayth lerne of mée for I am méeke and lowly of hart This lowlynesse hathe with it brotherly louingnesse whereof the Lorde sayth By this shall all men knowe yée too be my Disciples if yée loue one another But what is promised too the méeke Blissednesse and that is for the