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A96978 Testimony for the son of man and against the son of perdition wherein is set forth the faith and obedience of Gods elect, testified by the mouth of the Lord, angels & men. With a true discovery of a bundle of equivocations, confusions, and hyprocisies, in those who call themselves preachers of, and to the light within all men; who yet are so far in darkness themselves, that they acknowledge not the scriptures and ordinances of Jesus Christ, so as to be directed by the one, to the obedience of the other. By Joseph Wright, a servant of Jesus Christ. Wright, Joseph, 1623-1703. 1661 (1661) Wing W3706; ESTC R229892 108,801 255

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his Disobedience against God and his Holy will revealed in his Testament the Scriptures of Truth suggesting unto the Workers of Wickedness That after Death they shall be hid in the Grave from coming forth from thence to judgment Therefore the Doctors of Antichrist do deny Jesus Christ which dyed at Jerusalem they deny both the Father and the Son they deny the Resurrection of Christ they hate and despise his Ordinances oppose and revile his People they sin and transgress without stay until they dye in Unbelief thinking that there shall be no Resurrection of their Bodies out of the Earth but that the Grave shall be a hiding-place to shelter them from the Judgment of the Great Day But thus saith the Truth There is no Darkness nor Shadow of Death where the workers of Iniquity may hide themselves Job 34. 22. Sect. 16 But Sathan that he might perswade his Servants to go on securely in their Disobedience against God and to yield up themselves wholly to the Counsel of the Prince of Darkness to strengthen them hereunto doth suggest unto them that there is no such things to be expected as those which the Faithfull in all Ages have looked for viz. The coming of Christ to judgment and the end of the World Yet lest a positive denyal of these Glorious Truths should discover from what Spirit that Denial doth proceed he hath taught his Ministers to hide their Designe and to make as if they opposed not the things themselves but only some such manner of accomplishment of them as is not promised They call all such carnal as look and wait for the coming of Christ from Heaven out of them they pronounce Woes upon such as say That Christ is not yet come to judgment and that the World is not yet ended But why is it but because they look for no such thing nor have they assurance of Peace in that day They boast that Christ is come to them neither look they for any other coming That the World is ended with them neither look they for any other end That the Judgment is past with them neither look they for any other Judgment But why is all this but because they do deny that which is indeed the coming of Christ in glory the everlasting inheritance of the Saints the judgment of Christ upon his Enemies and the end of the World when the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the Works that are therein shall be burnt up For as testifieth the Apostle The Heavens and the Earth which are now by the same Word of God are kept in store reserved unto fire against the Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly See 1 Thess 1. 6 7 8 9 10. men 2 Pet. 3. 7 10. Who seeth not except those whose eyes the God of this World hath blinded that they that now call themselves Preachers of and to the Light within all men are the Scoffers that the Apostle Peter said should come in the last times walking after their own Lusts and saying Where is the Promise of his coming 2 Pet. 3. 3 4. yea the great Prophet the Lord Jesus Christ hath foretold of these Seducers and Deceivers as other the Lords Prophets also have done saying There shall arise False Christs and False Prophets which shall shew great signes and wonders to deceive if it be possible the very Elect But that the Chosen of God may be preserved from the Deceits of this great Antichrist Christ hath foretold with what Lyes the Truth of his coming should by Satan and his Instruments be opposed and hath also so described the manner of his coming that all that believe on his Name may know assuredly as the True Christ from the False so his true coming from a pretended coming which the False Christs and False Prophets shall avouch for the True Christ and his True coming with these words Behold he is in the Desart behold he is in the secret Chamber see here see there Matth. 24. 23 24 25 26. all which the Lord warns his Disciples neither to go after follow or believe and withal gives such a Description of the manner of his coming as is altogether inconsistent with the false Christs and false Prophets Description which intimates That Christs coming which his Saints know shall be glorious and therefore publick shall be and is so private weak and dishonourable that some shall not know that he is come till they shew where he is with their Behold he is in the Desart behold he is in the Secret Chamber see here or see there for saith Christ As the Lightening that lighteneth out of the one part under Heaven shineth to the other part under Heaven so also shall the Son of man be in his day Luke 17. 23. or according to Matthew as the lightening cometh out of the East and shineth even unto the West so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be Matt. 24. 26 27. In which words four things are laied down to vindicate the great and glorious coming of Christ 1. That he will absolutely come as doth the Lightening Who can deny the coming of the Lightening It is as absolute and certain that Christ will come though some do both deny and oppose it but Christ will come certainly and absolutely as is testified by Christ himself and his Apostles in the Scriptures Immediately saith he after the Tribulation of those dayes shall the Sun be darkened and the Moon shall not give her Light and the Starrs shall fall from Heaven and the Powers of the Heaven shall be shaken and then shall appear the signe of the Son of man in Heaven and then shall all the Tribes of the Earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of Heaven with Power and great glory Mat. 24. 29 30. For the Lord himself saith Paul shall descend from Heaven with ashout with the voice of the Arch Angel and with the Trump of God c. 1 Thes 4. 15 16. For yet a little while and he that shall come will come and will not tarry Heb. 10. 37. He saith John that testifieth these things saith Surely I come quickly Amen even so come Lord Jesus Revel 22. 20. Thus it is evident that Christ will certainly come But 2. He will come suddainly as the Lightening cometh as the Lightening cometh suddainly and unexpectedly so also will Christ especially to those that oppose and deny his coming as the Scripture witnesseth But of that Day and Hour saith Christ knoweth no man no not the Angels of Heaven but my Father only but as the dayes of Noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be For in the dayes that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage until the day that Noah entred into the Ark and knew not untill the Floud came and took them all away so shall also
the coming of the Son of Man be Mat. 24. 36 37 38 39. Likewise also as it was in the Dayes of Lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they builded but the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from Heaven and destroyed them all even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed Luke 17. 28 29 30. For the Day of the Lord saith Paul so cometh as a Thief in the night for when they shall say Peace and safety then suddain Destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a Woman with child and they shall not escape 1 Thess 5. 2 3. Behold saith Christ I come as a Thief Blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his Garments lest he walk naked and they see his shame Rev. 16. 15. Thus will the coming of Christ be suddain even to them that wait for his coming but unto the Wicked his coming will be unexpected Yet 3dly He will come visibly as the Lightening which lighteneth out of the one part under Heaven and shineth unto the other part under Heaven c. For as the Lightening is seen with the bodily eyes so shall Jesus Christ be seen in the Day of his coming Then saith Christ shall they see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds with great power and glory Mark 13. 26. And they shall look upon him whom they have pierced and shall mourn for him as one mourneth for his only Son c. Zech. 12. 10. Behold saith John he cometh with clouds and every eye shall see him and they also which pierced him and all the kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him even so Amen But unto them saith the Apostle that look for him shall he appear the second Rev. 17. time without sin unto Salvation Heb. 9. 28. Thus will the coming of Christ be visible But 4. At the time of his coming he will shew himself to all generally and universally as the Lightening doth the Lightening sheweth not it self first unto one and then unto another but at one and the same time it so cometh that it may be seen of all from one part under Heaven even unto the other So at the coming of Christ he will shew himself to all generally and universally men shall not need to say Lo here lo there for Christ shall be seen of all together as is testified in the Scriptures of Truth Then saith Christ shall appear the sign of the Son of Man in Heaven and then shall all the Tribes of the earth mourn and they shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of Heaven with power and great glory Matth. 24. 30. Behold saith Enoch the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his Saints to execute Judgment upon all and to convince all that are ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have ungodlily committed and of all their hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against him Jude 14. 15. It is saith Paul a righteous thing with God to recompence tribulation to them that trouble you and to you who are troubled rest with us when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from Heaven with his mighty Angells in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting Destruction from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and to be admired in all them that believe c. 2 Thes 1. 6 7 8 9 10. So in the Epistle to the Hebrews speaking of those that in time past obtained a good report through Faith the Apostle saith They received not the Promise God having provided some better thing for us that they without us should not be made perfect Hebr. 11. 39 40. And thus is the Coming of Christ vindicated Sect. 17 But these that will not that Christ should raign over them though they perish for their disobedience yet will they persist in it adding unto their sin of denying the coming of Christ to judgment the denial of the end of the World Whereby it doth appear that their conversation is not in Heaven but on the earth they look not at the things that are eternal but at those that are temporal contrary to the practice of the Faithfull in Christ Jesus 2 Cor. 4. 18. yea so fully are their minds bent unto the present things and so absolutely do they fulfil what Peter did foretel that to justifie their Conceit That all things do and shall continue as they were from the beginning of the Creation even as Satan brought Scripture thereby to carry on his temptation against Christ so these his Servants do alledge that Scripture Eccl. 1. 4. One Generation passeth away and another cometh but the Earth abideth for ever to justifie that which was never the intent of it viz. That the Earth shall never be dissolved and so furious are they that when they have been interrupted in their Discourse by a Servant of the Lord they have pronounced Woes upon him as one that puts the Day of the Lord farr from him when it is apparent that it is themselves that put the day of the Lord wherein the Heavens the Earth and the Works that are therein shall be dissolved 2 Pet. 3. 10 11. far from them For it hath been said by one of them That that might never be and this was not spoken in a Corner but in a great Meeting of those which call themselves Preachers up of the Light within c. but alas what reason have they to interpret that Scripture Eccles 1. 4. The Earth abideth for ever so as to infer from it that the Earth shall not be dissolved seeing the terms ever and everlasting have their period sometimes in the Scripture the Levitical Priesthood is called an everlasting Priest-hood yet who sees not that it is long since ended the Covenant of Circumcision in the flesh Gen. 17. 13. was an everlasting Covenant yet to engage Believers See Gal. 3 4 5. Gal. 6. 21 13. Gal. 5. 1 2 3. Col. 2. 10 11. now to the observation thereof is not according to the Gospel freedome but the Legal servitude from which every True Believer is set free by Christ. So although it be said The Earth abideth for ever yet it is not to be understood that it shall never be dissolved seeing the Lord hath said Heb. 12. 26 27. Yet once more I shake not the Earth only but also Heaven and this word Yet once more signifieth the removing of those things that are shaken as of things that are made that those things which cannot be shaken may remain So also Heb. 1. 10 11 12. And thou Lord in the beginning hast laid the foundation of the earth and the Heavens are the works of thy hands They shall perish but thou remainest and they all shall wax old as
because Christ hath walked therein to make it ●o he was Baptised that knew no sin that the Repenting Sinner might be baptized in his Name for the Remission of Sin and as the Sinner draws nigh to God by Repentance Faith and Baptism so Christ draws nigh to the Sinner by his Grace for as the Sinner comes to be washed in his body with pur● water so he comes to be sprinkled in hi● heart or spirit with the blood of Christ fro● an evil Conscience Heb. 10. 22. For Chris● came saith John by water and blood no● by water only but by water and blood an● it is the Spirit that beareth witness becaus● the Spirit is truth For there are three tha● bear Record in Heaven the Father th● Word and the holy Spirit and these thre● are one And there are three that bea● Record in Earth the Spirit the Water and the Blood und these three agree in one I● we receive the witness of men the witness of God is greater for this is the witness of God which he hath testified of his Son 1 John 5. 6 7 8. And as the Grace of God is exceeding great in giving to every true Believer assurance of acceptance with him by the witness of his own Spirit Rom. 8. 16. through the precious blood of Christ 1 Pet. 1. 18. signified in Baptism so it must needs be great Impiety in any man to gain-say that holy Commandment which he hath appointed as a means whereby repenting Believers do draw nigh unto him Heb. 10. 22. and as an evidence of his accepting them for his Children Gal. 3. 26 27. the which further to assure to them that ask him Luke 11. 13. he giveth the Spirit of Adoption whereby they are inabled to cry Abba Father Rom. 8. 15. Gal. 4. 6. Sect. 6 But as the Adversaries of Jesus Christ and of his holy Ordinances deal by one so they do also by other of his Commandments which to manifest their dislike and contempt of Christ that gave them forth they contemn and resist like their Predecessors in evil the Jews Acts 7. 51 52 53. who though they received the Law by the disposition of Angels kept it not and though the Gospel be the Power of God unto Salvation unto every one that believeth being that wherein the Righteousness of God is revealed from Faith to Faith Rom. 1. 16 17. yet did they not obey it Rom. 10. 17. Even so these their Followers finding the work of the Law written in their hearts Rom. 2. 15. this they extol and admire but never did any of them walk according to it for as saith the Apostle Rom. 3. 23. All have sinned and come short of the glory of God and although there be no way to take away their sins but that new and living way of the Gospel of Jesus Christ which he hath consecrated for that purpose by which he not only promiseth Peace and Salvation Everlasting but giveth also the earnest and assurance thereof unto them that seek it in the way that he hath appointed in the word of the Gospel yet will not these stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears obey the Gospel but do alwayes resist the holy Spirit like their Fathers for that they may show their utter enmity and contempt of the Gospel and of the precious Promises of Grace declared therein that they may deter Believers from seeking the gift of God the holy Spirit that they may hinder it as much as in them lies not only the Evidence that every Believer may have of his Adoption or Son-ship but also that assistance of the Spirit of God whereby he may be inabled to war a good warfare yea that they may take men off from seeking Righteousness by the Gospel and set up the Law for Justification as if their own strength and the Light within all men were sufficient to render the Power of God whereby Believers are kept through faith unto Salvation of no effect that Principle of the Doctrine of Christ viz. Prayer and Laying of Hands on Baptized Believers for the obtaining the gift of the holy Spirit is by the Preachers up of the Light within c. as other Ordinances of the New Testament reproached and despised but Oh how fierce is their anger how cruel is their wrath against the People of God that contemn and vilifie the practice of that duty of Prayer and laying on of hands which is performed for so holy and spiritual an end as the obtaining the gift of the holy Spirit promised of God to those that repent and are baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ for remission of sins Acts 2. 38. Gal. 3. 14. Luke 11. 13. given of God to those that did obey him Act. 5. 31 32. to witness unto them the forgiveness of their sins to be the earnest of their Inheritance the seal of Salvation until the Redemption of the purchased Possession Ephes 1. 13 14. to be such an assistant unto Believers which they cannot obtain by the works of the Law but by the hearing of Faith Gal. 3. 2. and whereby they may be enabled so to walk that they shall not fulfill the lusts of the flesh Gal. 5. 16. Yea so exceeding great and precious is the Promise and so powerful is the assistance of the Spirit promised that thereby Believers may be made partakers of the Divine Nature 2 Pet. 1. 4. their infirmities may be helped in Prayer Rom. 8. 26. they may have all things brought to their remembrance be led into all Truth and shewed the things that are to come Joh. 16. 13. Joh. 14. 26. which Promise of the Spirit was obtained by Prayer and Laying on of hands by the Apostles in behalf of the Samaritans Act. 8. 15 16 17. by a certain Disciple in behalf of Saul Act. 9. 10 17. by Paul in behalf of the Ephesians Acts 19. 6. by certain Prophets and Teachers in the Church at Antioch in behalf of Barnabas and Saul to assist them in the work of their Ministry Acts 13. 1 2 3. by the Apostles in behalf of the seven Deacons to fit them for their service Acts 6. 5 6. by the Presbytery or company of Elders in behalf of Timothy 1 Tim. 4. 14. and also by Paul himself 2 Tim. 1. 6. in order to his obtaining the gift of the holy Spirit to assist him both as a Disciple and Minister of Jesus Christ So that all that believe in Jesus Christ may safely conclude that Prayer and laying on of hands is a Principle of his Doctrine which he himself was not far from the practice of upon those he sent out to Preach among all Nations Repentance and Remission of sins when having first said unto them Behold I send the Promise of my Father upon you and having led them out as far as Bethany in order to his parting from them and ascending up into Heaven He lift up his hands and blessed them Luk. 24. 49 50. Yea so ancient and authentick is the practice of
Horns do hate the Whore make her desolate and naked eat her flesh and burn her with fire yet do they agree and give their Kingdom unto the Beast until the words of God shall be fulfilled Rev. 17. 16 17. Thou therefore that wouldest have the name of destroying the Whore art so far from obeying the Truth that thou hast the nature of the Beast the great Antichrist whose followers and admirers are the world whose worship is not performed to the living God that made the Heavens and the Earth but to the Dragon from whom the said Beast hath his Power his Seat and his great Anthority thy blasphemies are great already thou beginnest to have a stout Look thy followers do admire thee saying in effect Who is able to make War with thee thou blasphemest against God his Name his Tabernacle and them that dwell in Heaven Revel 13. 6. A God above and a God out of thee thou sayest is Carnal his Name by which his People through Faith therein have Salvation is blasphemed in thy denying the appointments of Christ in the New Testament those Worshippers of God who worship the Father in Spirit and in Truth are by thee despised and contemned the followers of Jesus Christ that love him though now they see him not and believing in him do rejoyce with joy unspeakable and full of glory 1 Pet. 1. 7 8. yet are they the object of thy scorn and derision Thy pretended opposition therefore to the Whore will not prove thee other than a Limb at least of that Beast which the World in worshipping doth worship Devils and Idols of Gold and Silver and Brass and Stone and Wood which neither can see nor hear nor walk See Revel 13. 4 12. Revel 9. 20. Thus this proof also is made void and of no effect Sect. 9 But fourthly Suppose that thou didst discern all secrets and didst see into all A Concession and Answer to the fourth proof and through all men as thou sayest yet art thou not therefore in the Truth for those that have the use of Divinations that have the familiarity of evil spirits do sometimes discover very secret and hidden things yet the Devil is the father of such Revelations And art thou therefore Justified because thou sometimes doest very strange things and revealest very great secrets No not all except the power by which thou doest them were the Power of God and not of Satan and except the end for which thou doest them were the Glory of God and not of Satan It is not therefore thy going into a house the doors being shut and out again none knowing how as one of the Preachers up of thee so called Light within hath done nor thy appearing in the field to one walking alone and then vanishing away again that will justifie thee to be in the Truth except this were done by the Power and for the Glory of God neither is it the declaring to a man all that he had done that day before he came into thy company and much of that he had done at other times also as one of the Preachers up of thee so called Light within did to one that came to visit him in prison that can prove this Deceiver to be a servant of the Lord for the servants of the Lord are not alwayes to be found by such tokens for it is written of one that had the knowledge of all secrets who yet was so far from being a servant of the Lord that he was appointed for destruction at that very time when he had so great knowledge of whom it is said Be hold thou art wiser then Daniel there is no secret that they can hide from thee and yet because his heart was lifted up by reason of his wisdom and riches therefore the Lord pronounceth destruction upon him and though he said I sit in the Seat of God yet God said Thou art a man and not God though thou set thy heart as the heart of God And wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee I am God but thou shalt be a man and no God in the hand of him that slayeth thee See Ezek. 28. 2. 9. How far short the Preachers up of the so called Light within come of this pride of heart let their sayings witness for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh Mat. 12. 34. For they say they must judge all men they see into and through all men they have the Godhead in them even as Christ hath and the like But though thou set thy heart as the heart of God yet will he destroy thee and bring thee down to the Pit And wilt thou yet say before him that slayeth thee I am God but thou shalt be a man and no God in the hand of him that slayeth thee Thus it is apparent that they which suppose they know all secrets and because of their wisedom do lift up their hearts in pride contemning God and his Truth will at last be so far infatuated that they shall not know how to save themselves from destruction and perpetual wo and misery Therefore it is a very false conclusion to conclude that because thou knowest others secrets therefore thy way is the way of Truth for it is evident that the discerning of secrets is so far from being a proof that the discerners thereof are servants of God and obeyers of his Truth that there by they are sometimes proved to be slaves of Satan and followers of his delusions But Sect. 10 Fifthly Suppose that thou art in Sufferings more then any other yet notwithstanding thou art not therefore in the Truth A Concession and Answer to the fifth Proof For as hath been said it is not the Sufferings but the Cause that makes a Martyr What if a man do give his body to be burned it profiteth nothing except it be done with charity 1 Cor. 13. 3. But when in love to God and to his Truth a man suffereth for the Truth this is available but this is not thy case Let none of you saith the Apostle suffer as a Murtherer or as a Thief or as an evil-doer or as a busie body in other mens matters yet if any man suffer as a Christian let him not be ashamed but let him glorifie God on this behalf 1 Pet. 4. 15 16. But never did any of the Preachers up of the so called Light within suffer as a Christian never did they suffer for Christ whose Person and Doctrine they deny And were it so that Sufferings did alwayes demonstrate the Sufferer to be in the Truth it would not onely justifie evil doers but also Truth it self which is alwayes one and the same would thereby become mutable and variable But what need I spend time to confute so vain a Notion as this for in very deed they that do suffer but a reproachful word for the Truths sake that Suffering is more acceptable with God than the suffering of death for errour therefore to conclude
that they had both touched and felt him and yet found no vertue come out of him No marvel therefore that the Scriptures seems to be lifeless and a dead Letter to such whose Faith is dead to them it is no wonder that the Scriptures do not enlighen them that go about to destroy them or in Christ himself while they were kiling him they found little excellency And why were some refreshed even by the touching of Christs Garment and others that ●ouched his Body felt no benefit Was it not because the one came to him with a Hand of Faith and Love owning him ●o be the Son of God and the other came with wicked hands to crucifie and slay him because they denyed him to be the Christ And wherefore is it that some find wonderful comfort in the Scriptures and are thereby made wise unto Salvation Is it not because they come with humble and believing Hearts to them But they must needs be a dead Letter to such whose Faith and Affections is quite dead to them Sect. 5 But to make a further manifestation of the Divine Authoriiy of the Scriptures I will lay down these following Considerations to prove the Scriptures to be an infallible Teacher of the Doctrine of Salvation First Because there is no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man in this world ●hat can name a Work of Righteousnesse which as an Act Deed or Duty of Righ●eousnesse ought to be observed by the Sons of men which the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament do not make mention of fairly discover and fully comprehend Therefore the Scripture is an Infallible Teacher of the Doctrine of Salvation 2. Because there is no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man in this world that can name a work of wickednesse which as an Act or Deed of wickednesse ought not to be done by any of the Sons of men which the Scriptures do not most severely forbid upon pain of the greatest Punishments to be inflicted on them that persist therein Therefore the Scripture is an infallible Teacher c. 3. Because there is no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man in this World that can declare any Promise either of Peace or Happinesse which as a Promise from the True God ought to be embraced by the Son● of men which the Scriptures of the Old and new Testament do not make mention of and very fairly and fully declare Therefore the Scriptures are an infallible Teacher c. 4. Because there is no man nor Spirit or Light within any Man in this world that can declare any Punishment which God wil inflict upon sinners for their disobedience which the Scripture speaketh not of and very fully declares Therefore the Scriptures are an infallible Teacher c. 5. Because no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man c. can prove any act or deed which the Scripture calls an act of Righteousness to be an act or deed of Wickedness Therefore the Scripture is an infallible Teacher c. 6. Because no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man can prove any act or deed which the Scriptures call an act of Wickedness to be an act or deed of Righteousness Therefore the Scripture is an infallible Teacher c. 7. Because no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man c. can prove any Promise which is made in Scripture to be false or that it shall not be made good according to the condition thereof to those to whom it is made Therefore the Scripture is an infallible Teacher c. 8. Because no Man nor Spirit or Light within any man c. can prove that any of the Threatnings expressed in the Scriptures against the workers of iniquity are either unreasonable or false or that they are not according to the minde of God or shall not come to pass Therefore the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament are an infallible Teacher c. The Word of God therefore expressed in the Scriptures of Truth concerning his Commandments his Promises his threatings is very far in Authority and clearness beyond any Spirit or Light in any mortal man in the world therefore I conclude they are above all mens books words or Doctrine an infallible Teacher such as are able to make wise unto Salvation through faith in Christ Jesus being given by inspiration of God and are profitable for Doctrine for Reproof for Correction for Instruction in Righteousness that the Man of God may be perfect throughly furnished unto all good works 2 Tim. 3. 15 16 17. Search the Scriptures therefore saith the Lord Jesus Christ for they are they which testifie of me Joh. 5. 39. To the Law and to the Testimony saith the Prophet if they speak not according to this Word it is because there is no Light in them Isai 10. 20. Sect. 6 To the foregoing grounds I will add two other whereby the Light and power of the Doctrine of the Scriptures is further manifested and so conclude The first of which is taken from Ephes 5 13. Whatsoever saith the Apostle doth make manifest is Light now the Scriptures doth make manifest the mystery which was kept secret since the world began which according to the Commandment of the everlasting God is by the Doctrine of the Apostles made known to all Nations for the obedience of faith therefore according to Pauls Doctrine the Scripture is Light for by it is the way of Salvation manifest See Rom. 16. 25 26. Rom 15 4 2 Pet. 3. 1 2. The Apostle Peter also teacheth the same Doctrine for after he had declared what they which were with Christ in the Mount had seen and heard he tells us that we have a more sure word of prophesie or of the Prophets whereunto ye do well saith he that ye take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place until the day dawn and the day star arise in our hearts that is as hath been already shewed until the Resurrection of the dead and coming of Christ from heaven with his mighty Angels c. Now we know that a shining Light in a dark place is of great use of such concernment is the Doctrine of the Scriptures as the Prophet Teacheth The Commandment of the Lord is pure saith the Prophet Enlightening the eyes Psal 19. 8 9. Thy word is a Lamp unto my feet saith he and a light unto my paths Oh! of what blessed concernment are the Scriptures of Truth to direct in the way of the Lord unto which sure word of Prophecie or of the Prophets and Apostles of Jesus Christ we shall do well if we take heed as unto a Light that shineth in a dark place remembring this first that no Prophesie of the Scripture is of any private interpretation for the Prophesie came not in old time by the will of man but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the holy Spirit They are not therefore of private or particular interpretation as though
doth a garment and as a vesture shalt thou fold them up and they shall be changed but thou art the same and thy years shall not fail So also Isaiah the Prophet testifieth saying And all the Host of Heaven shall be dissolved and the Heavens shall be rolled together as a scrole and all their Host shall fall down as the leaf falleth from the vine and as a falling fig from the fig-tree Isa 34. 4. And as concerning See Rev. 6. 13 14. Propagation men and women shall cease from begetting and bringing forth children for so saith Christ Jesus our Lord Luke 20. 34. the Children of this world saith he marry and are given in marriage but they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that World and the Resurrection from the dead neither marry nor are given in marriage neither can they die any more for they are equal to the Angel and are the children of God being the children of the Resurrection Luke 20. 36. Therefore they grosly mis-interpret that Scripture Eccles 1. 4. that interpret it so as to infer from it that the earth shall not be dissolved and that there shall alwayes be even to eternity a begetting and bringing forth of Children and continuance of the Earth and the things that are therein for this is not the meaning of it neither is there any Scripture of Truth that teacheth any such thing But that which is the intent and meaning of this Scripture is this taking it with the two former Verses viz. Vanity of vanity saith the Preacher all is vanity What profit hath a man of all his labour which he taketh under the Sun c. Now if it be demanded How doth it appear that all is vanity it is answered in this 4th Verse One Generation passeth away and another Generation cometh but the Earth abideth for ever That is to say Mans life is brittle and fading he hath here no continual abode nor long continuance but as is declared Job 14. 1 2. Man that is born of a woman is of few dayes and full of trouble He cometh forth like a flower and is cut down he fleeth also as a shadow and continueth not But it is not so with the earth for the Earth abideth for ever that is so long as all Generations shall come and go it removeth not as man doth but abideth all the time of one Generations passing away and another Generations coming So that that which is here meant by this Terme ever is a long time or such a time as God hath appointed unto all the Generations of men And as by the Terms Ever and Everlasting concerning Circumcision and the Levitical Priesthood is meant A long time the time of many Generations or such a time as God hath hidden from men according to the signification of the Hebrew root so also it ought to be understood here for God hath revealed to us in his Word of what continuance man as he is a mortal creature is of his time it is not much above threescore or fourscore years but the Earth abideth for time hidden from us for a long time for many Generations We know how long it shall be within a little time ere one Generation passeth away and another cometh But how long it shall be ere the Heavens and Earth shall pass away though we know that they shall pass away yet the time when they shall pass away is hidden from us and the Father hath put this in his own power it is not for us to know these times and seasons Acts 1. 7. So that Man having a very little time and short continuance and the Earth a long time a time not known to us therefore saith the Preacher What profit hath a man of all his Labours which he taketh under the Sun one Generation passeth away they leave that which they have wrought by their sore labour behinde them another Generation cometh and takes possession of that which the former gathered together so that all is vanity and Mans temporal enjoyments more subject to change than the Earth which abideth a long time a time hidden from us the time of many Generations It is not with Man as it is with the earth for the earth holds its own it yet keepeth its being if we take from it it will have it again as the Wise Man teacheth All the Rivers saith he run into the Sea yet the Sea is not full into the Place from whence the Rivers come thither they return again But it is not so with man who lyeth down and riseth not till the Heavens be no more they shall not awake nor be raised out of their sleep Job 14. 12. Sect. 18 But although it be so that the continuance of the Heavens and the Earrh is long and mans continuance in this mortal state is short yet the day of the Lord will come wherein the Heavens being on fire shall be dissolved the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the works that are therein shall be burnt up and although the Adversaries of Christ are as willingly ignorant of the Worlds Creation and preservation as of its dissolution though they do as little remember the Judgment of God upon the old world as they fear his Judgment upon the World that now is Yet as by the Word of God the Heavens were of old so by the same Word are they reserved unto Fire as by the Word of God the Earth had its Creation so by its word shall it have its dissolution as by the Word of God the Flood was brought upon the World of impenitent Sinners that know not God nor obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ be cast into everlasting Fire prepared for the Devil and his Angels For all Nations shall appear before See 2 Pe. 3. 5 6 7. 2 Thes 1. 7 8 9. Mat. 25. 41. the Judgment Seat of Christ that every one may receive the things done in his body according to what he hath done whether it be good or bad 2 Cor. 5. 10. The Righteous then shall receive Rest the wicked Tribulation and Anguish indignation and Wrath shall be upon every soul of man that doth evil of the Jew first and also of the Gentile 2 Thes 1. 7. Rom. 2. 7 8 9. and in that day those that now contemn Christ his Truth and the Prosessors thereof that live and dye in unbelief though they are great and mighty in the World now yet then shall they call to the Mountains and Rocks saying Fall on us and hide us from the face of him that sitteth on the Throne and from the wrath of the Lamb for the great Day of his wrath is come and who shall be able to stand Rev. 6. 16 17. Be wise now therefore O ye Kings as saith the Prophet be instructed ye Judges of the Earth serve the Lord with fear and rejoyce with trembling Kiss the Son least he be angry and ye perish from the way when his wrath is kindled but a
Glory everlasting Acts 17. 31. The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is that sure sign of the Prophet Jonah for the Substance of Adam being raised from the dead in the Person of Christ it gives assurance of a resurrection to the same Substance in the Persons of others and seeing Jesus Christ doth promise to them that believe the Gospel not onely the Resurrection from the Grave but also eternal Life the Creature man hath good assurance of enjoying happinesse by following his Counsel because the created Substance in Christs Person hath taken possession thereof for as the Apostle teacheth Rom. 11. 16 17. The Branches must necessarily be Holy where the Root is Holy and the Lump where the first fruit So that if men and women will be content to break off their sins by repentance that by Faith through grace they may be grafted into Christ they may be well assured to partake of the Root and Fatnesse of him their Olive Tree that is to say enjoy a likeness of Life and Immortality with the Humane nature of Christ which will be communicated to them from the Divine Nature of Christ by or through his Humane Nature as he himself hath promised Rev. 3. 21. saying To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my Throne even as I also overcame and am set down with my Father in his Throne This is the comfort of Believers in all their Tribulations for the Name of Christ and for the testimony whereof the blessed Marryt Saint Stephen dyed who beholding in Heaven the Glory of God and Jesus standing on the right hand of God was so filled with consolation and assurance that he said to them which did so fiercely persecute him Behold I see the Heaven opened and the Son of Man standing on the right hand of God and in this confidence he called upon God saying Lord Iesus receive my Spirit and Lord lay not this sin to their charge Acts 7. 55 56. The Glorification of the Created Substance in the Person of Christ was that which comforted Stephen when his enemies cryed out stopped their ears ran upon him with one accord cast him out of the City and stoned him to death as a Blasphemer for he saw the assurance of his own glorification in seeing the Son of Man in Glory though Satan was pleading by his instruments against him on earth yet while Jesus Christ in the Created and no● Glorified Substance was pleading for him in Heaven he was not discouraged at death it self but was so well assured of his own happinesse and so well instructed in Christian exercise that calling upon the Lord Jesus to receive his own Spirit he prayed unto him also to forgive the sins of those that murdered him Oh how great is the consolation of the Faithful in Christ Jesus upon the account of the Glory to which the Humane Nature in his Person is now advanced full well may they withstand all the Powers of darkness and say with the Apostle Rom. 8. 34. Who is he that condemneth it is Christ that dyed ye rather that is risen again who is even at the Right Hand of God who also maketh intercession for us See 1 Pet. 3. 21 22. Heb. 1. 3. Heb. 12. 2. Believers having such an Advocate and High Priest of their Profession who is first made like unto his Brethren touched with all their infirmities sin onely excepted and now also made higher than the Heavens that Humane Nature by Personal conjunction with the Divine Nature and by what it hath received from it being become so Spiritual that it may be truly said the las● Adam That is the Created Substance in Christs Person is now made into a quickening Spirit so that it may well be concluded that as the Father raiseth up the dead and quickeneth them even so the Son quickeneth whom he will for as the Father hath Life in Himself so hath he given to the Son to have Life in himself and hath given him Authority to execute Judgement also because he is the Son of Man John 5. 21 26 27. And he having suffered by being Tempted and Crucified and being now also made perfect that is to say having broke the Head of the Serpent overcome all his enemies and being in the Humane Nature of his own Person exalted above them he is able to relieve all his Disciples in all their temptations yea to save them to the uttermost that come to God by him seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them And so they that See Heb. 2. 14 15 17 18. Heb. 7. 25 now suffer with Christ shall in due time partake of his Divine Nature that they shall be in like estate and condition with his now Glorified Humane Nature and reign with him in Glory Everlasting 2 Tim. 2. 11 12. Thus it is evident that as the Created Substance in Christs Person is now invested with Glory so the same Substance in those that believe in him shall in due time be advanced to it as those that believe not in him shall be kept far from it Sect. 11 But now if we consider those severe threatnings which by those that call themselves Preachers of and to the Light within c. sometimes are denounced as they say against sin and withal do remember what it is that is the Subject of their blessing viz. not the Creature Man but a supposed Seed or uncreated Substance in man then is it not easie to conclude also what is the subject of their curse viz. not the Creature Man consisting of Spirit Soul and Body but some other thing a contrary Seed and it s likely they will say it is the Devil but let them call it what they will this is evident that it tends much to the imboldening man to God on in his Sin and Rebellion against God and the Gospel of his Grace to suggest unto him that the Devil onely is the Subject of the Wrath of God There cannot be a Doctrine more advantagious to Satan and to the advancement of his Kingdom then such a Doctrine which perswadeth that the Devil onely shall bear the blame and suffer the punishment for all the sins that man doth commit Oh how gredidily will a man that is so perswaded commit all manner of wickednesse but it is not good for any man to trust to the lies of the old Serpent nor to the falshood of any of his instruments for the Word of Christ is directly contrary to the word of Antichrist for the Scriptures of Truth do declare that the Creature Man which obeyeth not the Gospel but liveth and dieth in unbelief shall as being a cursed seed be cast into utter darkness where shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Mat. 8. 12. Those eyes that have been the windows of vain desire and have not looked up to Heaven to behold the work of God that so they might consider the operation of his hands Psal 28. 5. and turn and repent and believe the Gospel shall