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A52314 Evangelium regni = A joyful message of the kingdom : published by the holy Spirit of the love of Jesus Christ, and sent forth unto all nations of people which love the truth in Jesus Christ / set forth by H.N. ... ; translated out of Base-Almayn. Niclaes, Hendrik, 1502?-1580?; Vitell, Christopher, fl. 1555-1579. 1652 (1652) Wing N1124; ESTC R615 115,100 224

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the love unto the righteousness waxen cold with many and they are therethrough become slothfull towards the same but very diligent in their own in●orcements or enterprises 7. In like manner many seeing that they loved not the righteousness with whole heart became altogether vainely minded and like unto the world in her abominations and have even so let pass all fruitfull doctrine 8. FOr that cause O all ye which now in this day love the truth and righteousness have now a good regard hereon and follow not the seducing of the destroyers nor the multitude of the ignorant in their error nor inforce you not to be of one mind with the contentious world nor with the discordable or divided wise and Scripture-learned but apply you unto concord in all love and lock into it with undestandinging what the Scripture saith what it requireth of us and how it becometh fulfilled as also how that we are not called through the Scripture unto strife contention nor to variance or discord but unto peace and to the love 9. For I say unto you verily that there are before this day of love which is the true light of God and the coming of his Christ it self many Scripture-learned that were very richly learned with the speeches of literal Scripture in the subtilty and knowledg but not in the renewing of the Spirit and mind unto the kingdom of God risen up which have not inseen understood nor known the truth of God in the light of the heavenly and spiritual wisdome of Christ much less witnessed or taught the same and yet much less brought in or ministred the upright or true Christian Ceremonies which lead unto the Godliness in Jesus Christ or to his love and Peace 10. For they have not out of their literal knowledge understood the secret mind of God nor the clear ground of the services and Cer●monies of the Christians therefore also they have consulted or held Councels thereof and are even so become disputing and at variance betwixt themselves about the Scripture and about each others opinion and institution of his Ceremonies and Services and have not inherited the true love and peace of Christ. 11. Whereout each one may by himself well perceive and mark that it is meer Lyes or untrue what such Scripture-learned through the knowledge which they get out of the Scripture bring in institute preach and teach 12. THerefore consider now that no man out of his knowledge of the Scripture can rightly erect teach nor set forth the Christian Ceremonies But they shall in their right form and use be set forth administred and taught by them that are chosen or raised up thereunto by God which follow after Christ in his death become renewed with him in a new life and in whom the living God with his Christ hath even so then obtained his dwelling and shape From whose bodies likewise the words of God and Christ do then slow forth as living waters which also concordably agree with the testimonies of the holy Ghost and with our Writings and their requiring as also with the requiring of the Law of the Prophets and of the Apostles of Christ. 13. Behold out of the declaring of these upright followers of Jesu Christ in the requiring of his doctrine till unto his love it shall now all whatsoever concerneth God and his Services be uprightly and according to the truth used and ministred in his right Ordinance according to the Scripture Let every one now therefore have a good regard hereunto and take it effectually to heart 14. WHat we had here more to say of the dissention of the contending about the Ceremonies and of the pernicious Sectaries and Hereticks and who they are is declared in The Glass of righteousness The XXXIIII Chapter BUt the whilst now that the figurative Services and Ceremonies of the Christians yet flourished in vigour and that the discordable mindes out of the knowledge of the Scripture did daily increase to a more intangling with much contending and disputation of Christ and of his Services and Ceremonies and that many good-willing hearts which had great hunger and thirst after the righteousness searched the Scripture for to understand the truth and the will of God and to live therein with great diligence and zeal and sighed and prayed unto God so hath God at the last remembred the desolate heard the ●ighing and prayer of the poor and for his chosens sake to the end that his Truth and what his will is mought before all lovers of the Truth be made manifest or declared and the Scripture fulfilled shortened the days according to his promises and through the hearty mercifulness of his love wrought a great and wonderful work upon earth out of his holy heaven and raised up me HN the least among the holy ones of God which lay altogether dead and without breath and life among the dead from the death and made me alive through Christ as also anointed me with his godly being manned himself with me and godded me with him to a living tabernacle or house for his dwelling and to a seat of his Christ the seed of David to the end that this wonderful works mought now in the last time be known the light of his glory with full clearness and instruction reavealed and the coming of his Kingdome to an Evangely of the same Kingdome and to the blessing of all Generations of the earth published in all the world according to the Scripture 2. Behold and consider my beloved how wonderfully God worketh in his holy ones and how that now in this Day or light of the love the Judgement-seat of Christ is revealed and declared unto us out of Heaven to a righteous Judgement upon Earth from the right hand of God and how that on the same Judgement-seat of Christ that the Scripture mought be fulfilled there sitteth one now in truth in the habitation of David which judgeth uprightly thinketh upon equity and requireth righteousness 3. Through him God will now in this day which he himself hath appointed or ordained thereunto judge the compass of the earth with righteousness 4. In which this same day or last Time namely in the perfection of the works of God and in his righteous Judgement the God of heaven hath now declared himself and his Christ together with all his Saints unto us his elect also made a dwelling with us and brought even so unto us out of his holy being the most holy of his true Tabernacle with the fulness of his garnishing and spiritual heavenly riches to an everlasting fast standing Ierusalem and house for Gods dwelling according to the Scripture The which is the very true undisturbable kingdome full of all godly Power Joy and of all heavenly beautifulness wherein the laud of the Lord with fulness of the eternal life and lovely sweetness is
spake Behold I make it altogether new The XXXVI Chapter WIth this resurrection of the Lords dead God the Father doth now declare how that he hath chosen us to an house for his dwelling and liveth and walketh in us with his holy ones wherein the Scripture becometh fulfilled in this present day namely in all like as there is witnessed and written of the resurrection of the dead and of the restoring of his house or tabernacle Wherewith God sheweth now unto us that in this present day the time of the restoring of his house is fulfilled whereout the salvation of the people is evermore manifested and Gods true light Word Spirit and life published or preached and whereout also the same shall always and for ever be published and declared to the end that t●ey all which have a desire unto the house of the Lord and turne them thereunto mought now according to the word of the Lord be assembled unto the Lords house and walk in his light wherein the Scripture becometh fulfilled in this present day like as there standeth written thereof 2. It shall come to pass in the last time saith the Lord that the hill whereon the house of the Lord is shall be erected and exalted above all hills and all the Gentiles shall run thereunto and much people shall go thither and say Come let us go up to the hill of the Lord to the house of the God of Iacob that he may teach us his ways and that we may walk in his paths 3. BEhold where now the Lords house is there is also the holy City of Ierusalem and the hill of Sion Therefore shall now likewise namely where the house or dwelling of the Lord is the law of the Lord proceed out of Sion and his Word out of Ierusalem like as there is written thereof 4. Further Christ saith also touching the house of the Lord Whoso loveth me he will keep my word and my Father will love him We will come unto him and make a dwelling with him 5. Againe Behold the Tabernacle of God is with men And he will dwel with them and they shall be his People and he God himself with them will be their God And God will wash away all teares from their eyes 6. VE●ily with all these and in all these wonderful works of God in this holy day of love there is revealed unto us according to the Testimony of the Scripture the promised Kingdome of the seed of David and the seat of the true majesty and the same is also established with us for the righteousness cause even for ever and ever To the end that the same Kingdome of the seed of David and the seat of his Majesty mought indure for ever and ever like as the Scripture witnesseth thereof Wherewith the Lord sheweth and maketh known unto us that the time is now fulfilled and the day come wherein he establisheth his promises and accomplisheth it all which he hath assured or promised in times past unto his servant David that is unto his beloved service wherein the Scripture becometh fulfilled in this present day like as there standeth written 7. I will raise up thy seed saith the Lord to his servant David that shall proceed out of thy body after thee I will make his kingdom to prosper He shall build an house for my Name and I will make the seat of his kingdom prosperous for ever I will be his father and he shall be my son saith the Lord. 8. Again I will keep my goodness towards him for ever and my Covenant shall stand firm unto him I will give him seed perpetually and uphold his seat so long as the heaven endureth 9. Again There shall be a seat prepared through grace or benignity that one may sit thereon in truth in the habitation of David 10. FOr that cause the true seed of Christ the seed of David shall now in this day make manifest it self and come forth in righteousness and shall likewise through us out of this our true ministration of the love spread abroad and publish the Lords righteousness wherein the Scripture becometh fulfilled in this present day like as there standeth written thereof 11. A seed shall serve the Lord The Lord shall be published or declared unto childes childe that is from generation to generation for evermore 12. Again Such as are planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God and when also they are old yet shall they blossom and be fresh or in good liking for to declare that the Lord is righteous 13. BEhold ye dearly beloved how that the Scripture becometh now made clear unto us the sealed-to prophecies opened and al●o accomplished in this present day And consider likewise how that the God of heaven hath shewed his great love grace and m●rcy on us little ones and Gods elect brought the Most holy of his true Tabernacle in his perfect building and gorgeous garnishing to us or in us out of his holy heaven and declared the same to an everlasting manifestation of the perfection of all his works through us upon the earth To the end that his gracious Word which he hath spoken in times past and raised up with us according to his promises mought rem●in and stand fast with us from henceforth for evermore and the Scripture and all what it witnesse●h and requireth perfectly accomplished and this day of love and of salvation of the godly and heavenly clearness which is revealed and come unto us little ones with whom the living God of heaven hath begun his work to bring it to perfection published in all the world and that likewise in the passing thorow with his light the true judgement-seat of Christ before the which every one is debtour to humble himself with naked heart mought in the same day be seen among the People and the true most holy of the true Tabernacle ministred ●verlastingly in his true being in the same day And that even so the mercy-seat of the godly glory with his treasures of the spiritual and heavenly goods may bide and raign to an eternal rest and peace of his holy ones everlastingly on earth like as in heaven according to the promises 14. WHat we had here more to say of the wonderful works of God of his love extended out of grace unto us and of the fulfilling of the word of the Lord and of the Scripture is declared in The glass of righteousness and in more other testimonies of our writings The XXXVII Chapter SEeing then that this most holy and perfectest of the true Tabernacle of God is now come unto us from Gods grace upon the earth and that the living God is declared unto us in his glory so shall now also in this day the most holy be ministred in his true being to an everlasting perfection or consummation of all the works of ●od under the obedience of
time be inherited of all and in all them that have minded the peace and the upright amiable life 3 FOr that cause awake now in the spirit yee Lovers of the truth and diligently search or throughly measure this same spirit which to the making alive of all the Dead that are deceased in the Lord is proceeded from God and marvel not at any of this same but search or scanne the Scripture whether that it make not mention of the same 4 But certes this new miraculous work of God whereof we witnes hath God now in this his holy day of love begunne or taken in hand with us his elected ones wherein the Scripture becometh fulfilled in this present day like as there standeth written 5 Behold saith the Lord I will doe a new thing and it shall now appear whereby yee shall well perceive that I make ways in the desert and rivers of water in the wildernesse 6 Again a spirit or wind shall blow forth from my face and I will make wind 7 Presently hath the Lord prepared his way in the desert and caused a living River to run there-thorow that all thirsty may drinke of the living waters 8 FOrasmuch now as that the River giveth forth her water abundantly and that the winde or Spirit of the Almighty bloweth So cannot I refraine nor keep silence but must needs through the powers of the same make manifest even out of burning love the secret mistery of God which is given me to understand out of the heavenly truth in the obedience of the love of Iesus Christ unto the lovers of the truth and unto the diligent searcher● of the Scripture as also expres or declare to them the counsel and will of the most highest with the accomplishing of the service in his Sanctuary like as the Scripture speaketh thereof and witnesse the same before their ears 9 Whosoever now ther●fore seek the Lord with whole heart they shall now easily finde him if so be that they beleeve and obey the holy word of grace administred now in this present time 10 Unto all them that presently knock and would gladly be let in through the right door for to walke in the house of the Lord it shall now be opened and they shall be let in They shall also dwell with the Lord and eat with Christ and his holy ones the bread of life which is come unto us from Heaven in the Kingdom of God the Father the lovely heavenly being 11 THerefore give eare now unto the word of the heavenly verity O yee lovers of the truth and hearken to mee now in this day yee great Lords or mighty of estate and yee rulers of communalties and let this same enter into your ears all yee people For I will make relation of the things that are hidden before the world and declare the same from the beginning till unto this new or last day which is presently appeared and come unto us according to the Scripture The Third Chapter O Sion for thy sake I will not keep silence and for Ierusal●ms sake I will not leave off untill that her righteousnesse rise up as a shining light or clernesse and her salvation burn as a Cresset that the heathen may see thy righteousnesse and all Kings thy glory 2 For this is the day of thy glorifying and of thy joyfulnesse O thou holy hill of Sion and the day wherin Ierusalem becometh seen glistering and where-over the Lord with his light and glory will shine for evermore according to the promises 3 Now shall the Law be taught out of Sion and the word of the Lord witnessed out of Ierusalem 4 For this is the day of promise the day which the Lord maketh Let us now rejoyce and be glad therein 5 This is the day in the which the Lord hath prepared his seat unto judgement that he might judge the earth with justice and governe the people uprightly and accomplish therein all which he hath spoken in times pa●t through the mouth of all his holy Prophets 6 Therefore take now good heed unto this day to your Sanctification and learn therein wisdom and holy understanding and walk even so in the light of the same that yee may be able to endure as children of the light of his cleernes and the light of his lovelines and not stumble in the mid-day 7 In this day saith the Lord I will not keep silence but will cause my word to be heard continually therein that the children of men run not forth any longer with their good-thinking according to the imagination of their knowledge 8 For out of this light of my holy day shall my word saith the Lord continually proceed according to the truth that it may be heard even unto the end of the world And I will let the children of men see how that they all namely they that hear nor beleeve not me and the service of my holy word under the obedience of my love neither yet love my true being nor stand submitted to the same for to become planted thereinto doe erre in their wisdom and Scripture learnednesse and goe about with lies 9 BEhold I saith the Lord will take in hand a wonderfull work like as I have heretofore spoken thereof through my servants the Prophets and promised to perform the same Through which work of mine saith the Lord the man which hungreth and thirsteth after the true Righteousness shall not be able to comfort himself any longer with lies nor to put his trust therein neither yet shall the Scripture learned or such as set forth their own Opinions out of their own Spirit drive or teach the People any longer according to their good thinking but every one shall not chuse but acknowledge that my word is the Truth and the Life 10. For lo I bring forth now my Day so clear as a light of my Glory to the Lighting of the whole World with Righteousness my living Word as a true Bread of Life to the satisfying of all hungry souls my true Being or Perfection as a Kingdom of Heaven full of all lovelyness pure beauty and undisturbable Powers and my Service of Love as a naked or uncovered Truth All which is my Spirit where through the Man is led into all Truth to the end that now in this my holy day my Righteousness might in the obedience of the requiring of my Love break forth and obtain the Victory upon the Earth and that all people may love the upright Righteousness and live peaceably in all Love 11. AWake now therefore ye Lovers of the Truth so shall Christ then illumina●e you Anoint your eys with Ey-salve and ye shall see the pure and glorious cleerness of this last or newest day which God himself hath appointed or ordained for to judge
blessing of all generations of the earth declared known and established and the true Being of the services of the Images and figures in the Spirit and in all truth erected in the obedience of the Belief 2. And this forementioned service of the Images Figures and Shadows wherein the perfection of the true Tabernacle of God with his true services of the spiritual and heavenly goods was well to be perceived had the foregoing in his service and became fruitful with the children of Israel and brought forth a serviceable seed of Righteousness after the manner as is said of Agar the which is the Elders Testament 3. For the Belief whereout the true and free seed of the upright Righteousness to the establishing of the promises of God becometh brought forth was yet closed after the manner as is said of Sara Which Belief is the true Testament that bringeth forth the free children of God according to the Spirit 4. Thus the Lord joyneth him unto the service for that the service might be fruitful to obtain yet at the last the seed of promise out of the Belief and the children of the service multiplyed into many and became a great people Howbeit the Lord's promises were not established nor his covenant erected therewith 5. For the same service was not the very true but it was unto the people which were yet captived with darkness a foregoing light in Images and figures before the face or perfect light of the Lord. 6. Which foregoing service had also cleerness in his service and for that cause it is also a Testament of the holy Fathers added unto the promises to a sustaining of the Lord's people in their youngness or ignorance until that the barren became fruitful and that the fruit could live 7. ACcording to this same manner had this Testament administred by the Elders of the holy Understanding the foregoing and his fruitfulness with the unillumi●ated until that the Belief out of the power of God became with childe through the holy Ghost and bare or brought forth a new man or a new creature according to the bei●g of the h●av●nly G●dhead by the Beleevers and illuminated them even so in their spirit and mind with the upright righteousness and h●liness For this is the right pr●creatio● to the renewing of the spirit a●d mind of the believers and is also the true new Testament which God hath promised to erect with his people 8. Which new Testament is the very true that God himself witnesseth in his people which are obedient unto him out of faith in the service of his word and bringeth even so unto them in the spirit of their mind the true God-service of the spiritual and heavenly goods and writeth according to his god●y and heavenly Truth his law institutions and rites in the being of their inward mind 9. In such sort worketh the Lord the holy one in Israel and bringeth forth even so his children sons and daughters servants and handmaids upon which he in these last days poureth forth his Spirit and remembreth no more th●ir sins For they are a reconciled people u●to him which do in all his Wi●l 10. BEhold and consider such is the new Testament with his children For that same new Testament is in his children the heaven the seat of the most highest also spirit and life And for that cause it is with his childre● heavenly spiritually and livingly minded Which children of the new Testament love not the world nor that which is in the world inasmuch as that the new Testament is wholy and altogether of God also the love the life and the upright being of the holy Ghost it self 11. But the Elders Testament is the serviceable word which is administred out of the spirit and life of God with unspeakable words writings or letters and which also figureth forth and expresseth unto us to wit serviceably in parables and in Images or Figures the new and very true Testament which is heavenly spiritual and living and endureth for ever and bringeth the believers unto the same 12. What we had here more to say of the Old and New Testament and what either others being in it self is and of the bringing in and use of the imagelike and figurative Services is declared in the Glass of Righteousness The XIII Chapter IN all that which the Lord shewed Moses so elected he Aaron which was of the tribe of Levi and his sons to Priests or Elders for to minister the figurative Tabernacle in his service with all that which was figuratively prepared thereunto 2. Which Priesthood with his Service in such wise as Aaron ministred the same pleased God well that it should have the foregoing unto the entrance of the godliness by the unilluminated people which knew nor understood not the verity of the true light and even so alwaies bide stable be ministred among them till unto the new birth in the true light to the end that the Priests or Elders of the holy understanding should daylie set forth in their service or Priests office unto which God had joyned or added his promises the Law of the Lord and the Testament of his covenant before the unilluminated people to a memorial of the promises of God to a sustentation of them whereout one yet hopeth for some better thing until that the true of that which was ministred came unto them in the Belief to the establishing of the promises and that the same should then likewise in true cleerness be seen and heard by them as also out of the power of the supreme Godhead spoken witnessed or confessed of them namely the true light come out of Heaven in blessing and with blessing according to the manner of Melchisedech And this same true light is the anointed with the holy Ghost 3. Which anointed is named in Hebrew Messias and in Greek Christus He was also in times past called of certain Rabbins among the Jews the Lord's Sabbath and they said that the same anointed is the seventh day in the paradise of God wherein God rested from all his works and is the perfection The which is also very true 4. For this same Messias or anointed is the Sabbath day which the Lord hath commanded to be always had in remembrance that we when the same cometh might rest therein and hallow or sanctifie the same wherein the law the service of the preisthood of Aaron out of Levi and the elders testament doth cease hath accomplished his service 5. For the same anointed which cometh at that time out of heaven with his anointing of the holy Ghost in the spirit and is the very like being of the Godhead it self he is a priest of the most highest higher and greater of dignity then Aaron because he bideth everlastingly and is a minister of the spiritual and heavenly goods in the very true being 6. VVHere now
ones shall stand fast everlastingly in his ministration and remaine for ever according to the Scripture 15. HAppy is he which giveth eare unto the same Service of the most holy which is ministred out of the Testimonies of the holy Spirit of love and believeth it as also obeyeth the requiring of those same and waxeth not bitter-hearted either offended thereat neither hardeneth his heart thereagainst but respecteth the same gratious time to the end that he may enter into the rest of the Lord and that the severe Judgement which cometh in this last day upon all ungodly and resisters of the service of love and upon all rich knowledge full wise which have corrupted the way of their understanding in the knowledge fall not upon him to his condemnation 16. Yea happy is he which now respecteth well the true light and assembleth him in this day unto the mercy-seat of the Majesty of God and Christ to his salvation 17. For after this day there shall no day of grace more come upon the earth because all the works of God and his prophecies become fulfilled according to the Scripture in the same and for that the righteous Judgement of God to an everlasting death and damnation of all ungodly and to an eternal life and salvation of all the holy ones and elect of God becometh also executed therein The XXXVIII Chapter COnsider and mark ye dearly beloved in what sort that the foregoing services of God are in many manner of wise how that they all out of one God as linked together do reach unto this day and service of the love of the most holy being of Christ and how that the God of heaven out of his mercifull love hath through the ministers of his gratious word informed trained up and served the generation of mankind that the same mought be set up again in the godly nature and forme wherefrom it is fallen away or estranged and so become saved with the foregoing services till unto this service and day of love of the perfection In which day the God of heaven hath also brought againe and erected with us the right ministration of his foregoing services and will likewise in this day with all that same which he hath spoken and w●ought from the beginning of the world and restored againe with us execute his righteous judgment to death and to life like as there is written thereof 2. Wherefore awake now all lift up your heads hear and see the wonderful acts of God and have regard unto the sound of the last Trumpet and consider 3. The fore-front of the true tabernacle of God wherein the beginning of the true god service and of the upright Christian life becometh erected The holy of the true tabernacle of God wherein the true god-service and his requiring and the obedience of the belief even unto the upright Christian life is accomplished and the veil removed from the most holy The most holy of the true tabernacle of God wherein the perfection of the true Christian life and all that which God hath spoken from the beginning and promised through his prophets is set up The kingdom of the God of heavens full of all pure beauty and heavenly powers wherein all minds of pure hearts do live with Christian triumph free without fear The day of the righteous judgment of God in which the compass of the earth becometh judged with righteousness The judgement-seat of Christ before which all things must needs be manifest The perfect being of God and Christ in his abundant clearness of the godly light The true rest of all the children of God in their perfect loveliness and upright being The mystery of the heavenly truth wherein the right service of love hath his ministration And the declaring of the spiritual Treasures or riches of the heavenly goods which are administred and brought through the service of love to an everlasting perfection unto the upright of heart and wherein al unperfect or childish things images figures and shadows do cease becometh now in this present day O ye lovers of the truth evangelized and declared unto you all and thereto also ye all so well as we were created for to live therein and are called and bidden unto the same out of the grace and mercy of God by me HN in whom God hath sealed the dwelling of his glory and his holy name 4. Not onely they with whom I particularly do speak and write unto but also all those that love the truth in Jesu Christ and to whose hands the godly Testimonies of our writings out of our most holy service of love do come to an assistance and leading into our communiality of love and which read or hear the same This day is the door of the heavenly truth the gate of the kingdom of the God of heavens the entrance into the Paradise of God or pleasant garden of the Lord and the way to the Tree of Life opened and great joy published unto you all and that the God of heaven restoreth againe with us in this day of his love all what he hath spoken from the beginning of the world through the mouth of his holy Prophets 5. WHoso now therefore are the People of the Lord and all such as have a desire to do his will They shall now be well able to understand that this our testimony and doctrine is of God and come with humbled hearts unto the house and work of the Lord submit them before the Lords feet and be assembled with us under the obedience of the love unto the communiality of the holy ones of God and incorporated to all unity of heart of the one man of God into the true body of Jesu Christ. 6. But whosoever appertaineth not to the Lord hath not minded the love truth nor unity of heart nor believed me HN in the service of love but supposeth to be wise out of his own spirit and understanding excuseth or justifieth himself and so hath no desire unto the will of God my Father He shall not desire to come unto us nor to make manifest himself in this day before the judgment-seat of Christ. 7. BUt I say unto you verily Whoso assembleth him not unto us nor manifesteth himself either confesseth not his sins good-willingly out of an inclination unto the love before the Lord and his seat of judgement he shall notwithstanding in this day not chuse but be manifested before the judgement of God and before this seat which God hath prepared to Judgement let him then cover himself so subtilly as he will in his sins and in his perverse and corrupt nature as also in his averted or off-turned meanings from us and from the requiring of the service of the love of Jesu Christ hear the judgement or sentence of his condemnation out of the righteous judgement of God and bear the burden of his damnation
EVANGELIUM REGNI A joyful MESSAGE OF THE KINGDOM Published by the holy Spirit of the love of Jesus Christ and sent forth unto all Nations of people which love the Truth in Jesus Christ. Set forth by H. N. and by him perused anew and more distinctly declared Translated out of Base-Almayn O how lovely are the feet of the Messengers which publish the peace preach good tidings and evangelize the salvation Isa. 52. b. Nah. 2. a. Rom. 10. c. The Evangely of the Kingdom shall be preached unto the world for a witness unto all people and then shall the end come Matth. 24. b. I saw an angel flie thorow the midst of heaven having an everlasting Evangely to publish unto them which sit and dwell upon the earth namely unto all heathen generations languages and people Apoc. 14. a. Imprinted at London 1652. THE PREFACE COnsider on the Time O all yee People which love the truth of Iesus Christ. 2 Presently in this day of the love and of the appearing of the coming of our Lord Iesus Christ in the Resurrection of the dead wherein the Law the Prophets and all that is written of Christ becometh fulfilled is this Ioyfull Message of the Kingdom out of the hearty mercifulness and love of God the Father Evangelized unto us all and sent especialy by the holy spirit of the love of Iesus Christ unto all lovers of the Truth as also published in all the world for a testimony unto all peopl● a●●ording to the scripture To the stirring up of all ●nderstandings unto the true knowledge of the godlines in Iesus Christ and to an everlasting concordable and stedfast peace upon the earth according to the promises 3 Let every one respect well this profered Grace for even now in the last time the Lord sendeth his Angel or Messenger before him for to prepare his way and to publish an everlasting evangelie unto all generations languages and people according to his promises to the intent that they all should now withdraw them from the iniquity turn them to the family of the love of Iesus Christ God his mercy seat and even so to their preservation in the godlines shew fortst upright ●epentance for their sins the end shall come 4 And albeit that we have set forth these present testimonies O yee lovers of the truth of Iesus Christ to an Evangelie of the Kingdome and publish to a joyful message that the God of heaven hat● shewed mercy on all people for that they should repent them and stand go●d-willing unto his requiring declared his great Day-light of the upright righteousnes through us his elected ones in the world out of heav●n from his right-hand and brought it ov●r the whole earth for to judge the ●ame with righteousnes yet are not therefore these present testimonies alone the Evangelie of the Kingdome which was promised to be published in the world and unto all people but also all the Testimonies which the God of heaven hath brought forth through his holy ones and through his elected Minister H. N. 5 For all those same are also evangelical testimonies of the Kingdom of his declaring All which testimonies are also new in the last time held forth to a true ●lass of righteousnes before the children of men to an everlasting peace upon earth unto men which are good of will according to the promises 6 For that cause O ye lovers of the truth if yee now this day hear his voice and that this grace and loue of God the Father Christ become to your preservation in the godlines proffered unto you so hard●n not then your hearts that ye bide not without the rest of the Lord which is prepared from the beginning for the people of God and for all repentant sinners and is appeared now in the last time according to the Scripture Take it to heart A Joyfull Message of the Kingdom of God and CHRIST The First CHAPTER HN Through the Grace and mercy of God and through the holy Spirit of the love of Iesus Christ rais●d up by the highest God from the death according ●o the providence of God and his promises anointed with the Holy Ghost in the old-age of the holy understanding of Iesus Christ God●d with God in the spirit of his love made heire with Christ in the heav●nly goods of the riches of God ● illuminated in the spirit with the heavenly truth the true light of the perfect being ●lected ●o a Minister of the gracious word which is now in the last time rais●d up by God according to his promises in the most holy service of God under the obedience of his love for to publish in the last time out of the same grace and hearty mercifulnes of God and through the same holy Spirit of the love of Iesus Christ good tydings or a joyfull message of the Kingdom of God unto all people which ●it in darknes and have a desire or longing after the true light and to bring unto the beleevers a great light of the true being of Iesus Christ and the glorious day of his godly clee●nes as also to expre●●● that God hath pitied the generations of mankind and that Iesus Christ hath not left us as orphanes but as our faithfull Father for to beget us anew out of the safe-making water or doctrine of his service and out of his holy spirit of love also to judge us with his righteousness and to bring us into his rest is come againe unto us according to his promises to the end th●t they all which love God and his righteousnes and Christ and his upright being might presently enter into the true rest which God hath prepared from the beginning for his elect and inherit the everlasting life 2 For that cause all lovers of the truth and all souls which hunger and thirst after the righteousnes become assembled obediently unto the service of the love of Iesus Christ shal presently according to the word of the Lord eat of the bread of life and drinke out of the fountain of living water and become satisfied 3 Unto the same God which hath prepared all this for us and bringeth it to us out of the bosom of his love be laud honor praise thanks-giving for ever and ever Amen 4. UNto the lovers of the Truth here and there wheresoever or in what quarter of the world they dwell or have their abode of what Nation and Religion soever they be Christians Jews Mahomites or Turks and heathen with all divided people of what condition or dignity soever they be Pastors of the Religious or Fourders of Religion Understanding ones or expert in the godly wisdom well learned exercised eloquent in the holy Scripture High Magistrates and renowned Potentates noble of linage rich or mighty of estate rulers of commonalties together
in the same the compass of the Earth with Righteousness that one Man Iesus Christ in whom he hath decreed it which holds forth the Belief before every one inasmuch as God hath raised him from Death 12. See and consider This is the Day of Renewing the very newest Day to the Honour and Glory of the supreme God and to a great Joy and Gladness for us all which love the Righteousness 13. Clap now your hands together with Joy yea all which love the Righteousness in the Peace of Christ Sing and shout now unto God with a joyful noise 14. For the Lord the most highest is terrible and a great King on all the earth 15. For now in this Day of his Love He hath prepared his Seat unto Judgement that the Earth and the People should be judged uprightly 16. From henceforth shall he whom God hath foreseen and elected thereto sit upon the Lord his seat which shall think upon Equity and require Righteousness 17. Whose Seed the Lord shall make to endure for ever and his Seat shall be like the Days of Heaven 18. Through the same and his service the Righteous shall now in this Day flourish like a Palm tree He shall increase or grow up like a Cedar tree on Libanus 19. And all they that are planted in the House of the Lord shall wax green in the Courts of our God and flourish or blossom in the old age of the holy understanding as those that are fat and lusty or well prepared for to publish that the Lord is just 20. Now shall the Righteous see their Desire and rejoyce them and all Unrighteousness shall be compelled to stop his mouth in this day of the Glory of God 21. For now in this Day the City of the Lord shall be builded in her old place or former estate and the Temple of the Lord or Tabernacle of his Dwelling shall stand like as it ought to stand namely inwardly in us in the Being of the holy Spirit of Iesus Christ. 22. Have now a good regard hereunto ye wise and understanding ones which receive the righteousness into your Hearts ●nd ye all which daily search the Scripture and consider how that all what the Scripture saith shall in such wise become fulfilled or accomplished The IV. Chapter BEhold I declare unto you this day the ground of the scriptures and will in clee●ness reci●e unto you many Acts or things chanced of the secret Mysteries of Go● and partly also of the Dealing of Man beginning from the former Kingdom wherein the Man was set till unto this last Day of the perfect glory of God In the which the former Kingdom becometh declared and brought again in all loveliness of the upright Being unto the Man according to the Promises 2. From this former Kingdom full of all Righteousness Love Peace and Amiableness the man hath from the Beginning turned away his heart and fell away from or was disobedient unto the word of God the upright life of his true light 3. In which falling away of the man and in the turning unto himself and unto his taken on darkness it is become manifest and known that the man which walketh therein and becometh not turned again unto his God nor incorporated into the true Christ of God hath the most crafty and subtilest heart among all that liveth and dwelleth upon the earth 4. The which may now evidently be perceived by divers people which vaunt or give forth themselves for Christians and as i●luminated Men that are Masters of the Scripture namely how crafty subtil and perverse of heart and how darkned in their understanding that they yet are 5. And what a perverse Nature they find oftentimes in them that will I good willingly leave unto themselves to consider of to the end that if the Lord vouchsafed the same they might judge themselves therein and even so understand or well perceive that no man how wise or understanding soever he be in the knowledge of the Scripture can by any meanes comprehend or understand the Wisdom of God nor yet see know find nor receive the Gifts of God nor the powers of the holy Ghost but onely they that stand good willingly and obediently submitted under the Word of life which proceedeth and hath his outflowing from the quarter or place where the Sun the true day light of the most highest shineth 6 For that cause consider now well on the State of men and what a nature love and being there is found by them that being without the Communalty of the love are out of their own knowledge and Scripture learnedness Judges of the Scripture or that have taken the same upon them so shall ye then certainly perceive that all such are yet strangers unto the holy Spirit of the love of Iesus Christ and that they all likewise are mingled with wyliness subtilty and falshood and are without the body of Christ or without the upright Christianity 7. If then these which notwithstanding seem to be wise and understanding and can prate much of spiritual and heavenly things be yet strangers unto the holy spirit and unto the true love and utterly without the body of Christ or the true Christianity and held Captive with a wicked nature so consider then how wide and far estranged that the brutish world and all that are Enemies or Resisters of the Doctrine of love must yet needs be from the same Christian being and with how many manner of falshood and wicked nature they are yet held captive 8. If ye now ponder this same according to the truth and throughly measure it all by the being of upright Christianity so shall ye then verily begin well to perceive that it is now the dangerous and horrible time of desolation whereof the Scripture in many places witnesseth in which also few shall be saved or preserved for that all understanding hath now so utterly corrupted his way in the knowledge and cannot well therefore submit it self single mindedly with humbleness of heart in all obedience of the word and Subjection unto the love with us little ones and God his elect 9. Whilst we now daily perceive this same by the Children of men and that we are in these dangerous times become great with child with the word of life and milch with the brests of the love and of the holy understanding for to give suck therewithal unto the young Children which is born out of the seed of the gracious Word and his doctrine or testimonies and out of the service of the holy Spirit of the love and to nourish them up unto the old age of the holy understanding of Christ so cometh now verily that wo upon us whereof Christ hath heretofore spoken wo unto them that are with child and to them that give suck at that time c. 10. For we are
substance of God his Father nor yet by any manner means of their knowledge comprehend behold nor inherit any beauty of the heavenly goods and how ●hat it all remained covered before them until they had kept the Passover with Christ namely in his death burial and resurrection until that he ascended from them into heaven and that Christ had made manifest himself in glory unto them in a spiritual cleerness out of heaven from the right hand of God his father with the pouring forth of his holy Ghost abundantly The XXIII Chapter BEhold in the same day of the pouring forth of the holy Spirit of Christ which was shed forth into them as a flood of living waters out of the heavenly powers they rightly knew Christ in the Spirit even as he after the Spirit is a true Christ of God and understood his services and ceremonies according to the truth and they had even so through the same Spirit their fellowship with God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ in the heavenly being whereout they brought forth and published the Counsel mind and will of God and the Treasures of the spiritual and heavenly goods to the salvation and joy of all men and to the inheriting of those same unto them which believed in Christ and held the Passover or Supper rightly with him For otherwise it could not come to pass 2. Therefore no man knoweth Christ nor the Father nor yet the upright services or ceremonies of Christ for to minister those same according to the truth but such as are even so renewed or born again through Christ as we have declared in their spirit and mind neither yet doth it become any other to set forth any services or ceremonies of Christ nor to ordain any unto Priests or ministers of the word nor to preach or publish the Evangelie but such or they that are sent of Christ himself for otherwise it is all false 3. Ceremonies signifie unto us Services which have Mysteries or Secrets in them Evangelie signifieth unto us a joyful message which is published through the power of God and operation of the holy Ghost out of the heavenly Truth 4. HEreout have we a great mysterie to consider of and also to note how that many false Christians or such as falsly make their boast of Christ are risen up before this day of Christ or to have set them against the same and how that many through the knowledge which they have taken on unto them out of the letter of the Scripture busie them to set forth the knowledge of Christ and his ceremonies which are not sent of Christ but are yet utterly estranged from him much less then have kept the Pascha or Passover of his Supper like as the Disciples of Christ held the same with Christ. 5. For I say unto you truly whilst that the Disciples of Christ which had their conversation in times past with Christ after the flesh and spake mouth to mouth with him have not in their knowledge understood or inherited the cleerness of Christ although the mysterie of the kingdom of God was brought and given unto them to understand neither yet could understand or inherit the same before that the fiftieth day after the Passover of Christ was fulfilled that the heaven was opened before them and that the holy Ghost was shed forth upon them so shall not likewise presently which thing I testfiie unto you for certain the Scripture learned nor yet any conceited disciples of Christ which have not kept or passed thorow with Christ after the flesh the Passover from death into life and from flesh into spirit nor in the following of Christ attained through the powers of the holy Ghost unto the cleerness of Christ understand the cleerness of the word of Christ out of the knowledge of the letter of the Scripture nor out of the imagination of their knowledge touching the spiritual and heavenly things much less receive or inherit his godly being of love neither yet also set forth teach or minister his ceremonies and services according to the truth nor publish the true Evangelie of Christ out of the light of life 6. FOrasmuch then as that the Scripture-learned and wise of the world which in times past believed not the word of Christ neither yet they all which turned them away from the doctrine of Christ and from his ministers and made up themselves thereagainst have never known the very true of the heavenly Truth of Christ nor attained unto or gotten without the Passover with Christ the cleerness of his holy Spirit so give I you then ye good willing hearts to consider and judge what testimonies of the truth that the Scripture learned and the wise of the world can presently give forth which believe not the love of Christ but resist the same with their disobedient knowledge and what counsel they can hold and decree and after what Righteousness they can go forth which concordably agreeth with the counsel of God with the true righ●eousness and single minded doctrine of Jesu Christ with his true services and ceremonies and with the godly wisdom and the requiring of the love of Jesu Christ seeing that the same is all unpossible for them to do 7. For if they turn them not about to the childish single mindedness nor come even so with humble hearts unto this stool of grace whereof we witness nor to the obedience of the requiring of the same to wit that they be not assembled obediently according to the requiring of the service of love unto the communalty of the love of Jesu Christ but turn them away from the same and harden their hearts thereagainst so shall they not understand the truth of Jesu Christ nor his right service of love nor the counsel or will of God nor yet obtain or inherit neither presently nor for ever the true spiritual and heavenly goods but perish in much contention and in their hardness of heart and unclean consciences be estranged from the face of Christ dy in their sins and be condemned with the ungodly which will not believe nor obey God's truth nor yet the love of Christ in the fire of hell and be constrained to bear the curse of the ungodly also bide separated from the cleerness of the upright and vertuous Being of God and Christ and not behold the amiable face of God in righteousness 8. LEt every one take it effectually to heart For it shall all in his time come to pass and be found even so whether it be now believed or no. 9. For I say unto you verily the sun of this same day shall not go down or leave off to shin before all this come to pass and that the world be judged through the judgment of Christ with righteousness according to the Scripture The XXIIII Chapter NOw when the holy of the true tabernacle with his services according to the true