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A15967 The Psalter of Dauid newely translated into Englysh metre in such sort that it maye the more decently, and wyth more delyte of the mynde, be reade and songe of al men. Wherunto is added a note of four partes, wyth other thynges, as shall appeare in the epistle to the readar.; Bible. O.T. Psalms. English. Crowley. Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. 1549 (1549) STC 2725; ESTC S104580 117,190 355

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power diuine The lyes dregges the rof also he doeth not leaue byhynd But all the wycked of the earth do them in theyr cuppes fynde As for me I wyll preach for aye synge to Iacobes God I wyll breake all the wycked hornes euen wyth an Iron rodde I wyll I saye destroy the power of them that be wycked And suche as delyte in iustice I wyll se exalted The .lxxvj. Psalme IN Iuda God is surely knowē and eke in Israell Hys holy name is had in price and men lyke it full well Hys tabernacle and his tent is in Salem pytched And in Sion his holy seate and dwellynge is builded Ther hath he broken the arrowes that came forth of the bowe The shyld the swerd all the raye he brake also I knowe O Lorde thou art much more noble and more magnificent Then are the robbars of the hylles that to spoylynge are bent The men that were of haute courage are nowe become a praye They are slayne and haue slept theyr slepe so slender was theyr staye All men that were stronge and myghtie able for to fyght Haue not by strenght optayned ought but are turned to flyght When thou rebukest men that fyght on horsse or in charet Then are they caste into slumber and do thē selues forget For thou O Iacobes God I saye arte terrible in dede And who can abyde in thy syght when thy wrath is moued Once thy iuste iudgment was shewed downe from heauen vpon man Then shoke the earth great silēce through out the same began This thynge was done when God arose to minister iudgment And to saue them that on the earth were weake and impotent For when thou doest punish one man and plageste his furie Then doest thou put the rest in feare to deale so cruelly Make and performe vowes to your God all you that nygh him be Loke that ye brynge gyftes vnto him for terrible is he He stoppeth the breath of rulars and causeth them to die And the myghtie kynges of the earth feare him excedyngly The .lxxvij. Psalme WHen I dyd lyfte my voyce to God and dyd vpon him crye Then dyd he geue eare vnto me hearde me wyllyngly In the daye of my trouble I dyd to the Lorde resort ▪ By nyght my power was scatered my soule toke no confort When I called God to my mynde then was my sprite troubled And I mourned excedyngly my courage faynted O God thou dydest knowe certenly the watches of myne eies I was amased and coulde not speake out in any wise Then dyd I call to memorie the tymes that erst haue bene And the years that in the old world our fore fathers haue sene My verses in the nyght dyd I call to my memorie And wyth myne herte I cōmuned and dyd myne owne sprite trie Then sayde I wyll the Lord forsake his poreseruant for aye Wyll he neuer be pleasaūt but thus terrible alwaye Is his loueynge kyndnes quitte lost hath he no more in store Shall the sprite of true prophecie neuer be heard of more Hath God forgotten vtterly howe to be mercifull Wyl he holde in his mercies lyke a man that is irefull Yet at the laste thus dyd I thyncke this is but my weakenes For the right hand of the high God maye chaunge all thynges certes The worckes of the Lorde wyll I call to memorie therfore And wyll not forget the wōders that he dyd heretofore I wyll also O God thyncke on all thy worckes secretly And to speake of thy counselles Lorde I wyll my selfe applye For all thy wayes and thy counselles are holy and vpright No God therfore can be so great as art thou God of myght For thou alone hast brought to passe thynges straynge and wonderfull And emonge the people thou hast made thy power notable For thy people are reuenged by thy great poure full well That is to saye the chyldren of Iosephe and Israell The waters dyd se the O God the waters dyd se the And loste theyr strength and the depe gan amased for to be The darcke cloudes sent downe showeres of rayne in wonderfull plentie And the cloudes sent forth thunder clappes and thy arrowes gan flye The noyse of thy thunder clappes and the flashes of lyghtnynge Appeared round about and the earth fell in a tremblynge Thy wayes are in the sea and thy pathes in waters full stronge And thy fote steppes are not espyed either of olde or yonge Thou dydeste leade thy people lyke a simple flocke of shepe And by the hand of Moses and Aaron thou dydest them kepe The .lxxviij. Psalme ATtend my people to my lawe and to my wordes enclyne My mouthe shall speake strange parables and sentences diuine Which we our selues haue heard seene emonge men that are olde And that for our enstructiō our fathers haue vs told We wyll not therfore hyde these thynges from theyr posteritie But to them that shall come after we wyll tell them playnly We wyll I saye tell the Lordes prayse his strength and hys glorie And eke all hys wonderfull workes to oure posteritie For wyth a certen charge he gaue a lawe in Israell Whiche was that all fathers shoulde these thynges to theyr chyldren tell That theyr posteritie that is theyr sonnes yonge and tender Myght when they come to age knowe them and teache them theyr chylder That they myght haue the better hope in God that is aboue And haue his holy worckes in mynde kepe his lawes for loue And not be lyke theyr fathers that were false and of such sprite That would not frame theyr wycked hertes to credite God a right The sonnes of Ephraim wēt out in armes and thought to spoyle Shothyng theyr dartes yet in the daye of warre they toke the foyle For whye they dyd not kepe wyth God the promise that was made Nor yet would walke or leade theyr lyfe accordynge to his trade But they forgate his worckes eke they smally estemed The wonderfull and noble actes that to thē he shewed Wythin the land of Egypt and in the field of Tanim In the syght of theyr fathers were great wonders wrought by him He dyd diuide and cut the sea and brought them through it drye And bade the waters stand as styll as thynges heaped on hye He led thē secret in a cloude by daye when it was bryght And all the nyght when it was darcke wyth fyer he gaue them lyght He brake the rockes in wyldernes gaue the people dryncke As plentifull as when the welles do flowe vp to the bryncke Out of the rocke of stone he brought fresh water streames at nede And made the waters for to rēne lyke great riuers in dede Yet for all this agaynst the Lord theyr synne dyd styll encrease And styrred him that is most hygh to wrath in wyldernes They tempted God wythin theyr hertes lyke people of mistruste When they cried to haue such meate as serued to theyr luste Then sayde they thus agaynst the Lorde in theyr vnfaythfullnes How
smoke and my bones brent lyke fyre Myne herte is wythered lyke heye to eate I ne desyre My bones and fleshe cleane togither through sorowe of myne herte I am made lyke the pellicane and howlet of desert I haue watched and am become lyke a sparowe alone Syttyng on the rydge of the house in whom confort is none I was dayly reuiled of such as myne enmies were And they reioyced ouer me and gan by me to swere I dyd eate asshes lyke as breade blende teares in my cup For thy greate wrath because to plage me thou dydst lyfte me vp My dayes are gone lyke a shadowe and I am dryed lyke haye But thou Lord shalt continew styll and be in mynde for aye Ryse vp O Lorde take mercie pitie on Sion Because the tyme poynted therto doeth nowe drawe fast vpon For thy seruantes beare fauour to the stones of that citie And to caste out the duste therof they do desyer greatly And let the heathen feare the name of the Lord in lyke case And all the kynges of the earth the maiestie of his face For the Lord built Sion and was sene in his maiestie And regardyng the pores requeste he dyd it not denie This thynge shall be lefte in wryttynge to our posteritie And people that shall then be borne shall prayse God certenly For the Lord loketh from aboue from his sanctuarie And he shall loke vpon the earth out of the heauen hye That he maye heare the waylynge of men in captiuitie And deliuer them out of bondes that are iudged to die That men maye celebrate and prayse the Lordes name in Sion And hys prayse in Ierusalem hys habitacion When the peoples and kyngdomes all shall be brought into one To honoure and worshyp the Lorde the Lord I saye alone But he hath afflicted and broke my strenght vpon the waye And hath cut of and shortened my tyme and fatalle daye I wyll therfore saye O my God take me not at myd age For thyne yers continue for aye and shall neuer aswage For thou dydst fyrste laye the grownde worcke of the earth that is rownde And the worckes of thyne handes also the hygh heauens are founde Which all shall perishe but thou shalt remayne styll vnmoued ▪ All thynges shal war olde lyke a cote and be by the chaynged But thou bydest the same for aye thyne yeres shall haue none ende Let the sonnes of thy seruantes byde and do theyr sede defend The .ciij. Psalme MY soule preach declare the Lord preach and spreade out his fame And eke my bowelles euerye one preach ye hys holy name Preach and declare the Lorde I saye my soule and kepe in mynde The benifites great goodnes that in him thou dydst fynde He forgeueth the all thy fautes and thyne iniquities And healeth all thy syknesses and thyne infirmities From the powre of the destroyer he setteth thy lyfe free His benifites mercies all he heapeth vpon the. With thynges that are dulcet and swete he doeth aye fyll thy mouth That lyke as doeth the egle thou mayest recouer thyne youth The Lorde wyth iustice doeth reuenge all such as are oppreste And to deliuer innocentes he is redie and preste His lawes and his commaundementes to Moses dyd he tell So dyd he to Iacobs chyldren hys studies counsell The Lorde is kynd and mercifull when synnars do hym greue Longe sufferynge wyth patience and redie to forgeue He vseth not to chyde braule wyth worddes continually Neither to be styll myndfull of a wrōge or iniurie He doeth not vse to handle vs accordynge to our synne Ne rewardeth the wickednes that we haue lyued in For as the space is wondrouse great twyxt earth and heauen aboue So is hys goodnes muche more large to thē that do hym loue He doeth remoue our synnes from vs and our offences all As far as is the sunne risynge full distant from his fall And loke what pitie parentes deare vnto theyr chyldren beare Lyke pitie doeth the Lorde beare to all such as do hym feare For our state and condicion he knoweth certenly And that we be nought else but duste he hath in memorie He knoweth also that mans tyme is lyke to the wydderynge haye Or lyke the fayre floure of the field that fadeth sone awaye Whose fayre beautie the stormie wyndes do vtterly disgrace And brynge him out of knowledge wyth men that dwell in that place But yet the goodnes of the Lorde towardes them that do him feare Shall dure for aye and his iustice towardes theyr nephewes so deare Towarde such I saye as kepe his hestes and beare in memorie His lawes and institutions to do them perfectly The Lorde hath prepared set his throne in heauen so hye And hys kyngdome ruleth all thynges that are vnder the skye Ye angelles of the Lorde preach hym ye myghtie men I saye Put the Lordes busines in vre and to hys worde obey Preach the Lord O hys armies all preach and set hym forth styll For whylse ye be hys mynisters ye do performe his wyll O ye worckes of the Lorde preach hym throughout his imperie Preach him my soule cease not my soule to preach the Lorde boldly The .ciiij. Psalme MY soule preach set forth the Lord O my Lord God saye I Thou arte myghtie in noble actes clad with bryght glorye For my God is clothed wyth lyght euē as wyth a garmēt And hath spredde forth the heauens as the curten of a tent He hath builded his parlars in the waters vp on hye And hath made the cloudes hys charet and doeth wyth the wynde flye All such he hath made spirites as do on his message go So hath he made his ministers hotte flameynge fyre also The earth also he hath buylded vpon grownd worcke so sure That for the perfect worcke therof it myght euer endure In lyke maner he hath hyd the depe as wyth a garment To make the waters stand aboue the hylles was his intent But they flye and dare not abyde when thou byddest them staye And at the sowne of thy thunder they renne hastly awaye They renne I saye ouer the hylles and eke the valeys wyde Vntyl they come vnto the place where thou wylt they shall byde A marcke thou hast set ouer whych they may not passe certayne Leste they should ouer flowe the earth and couer it agayne Then sendest thou forth springynge welles whose stremes do rore crie That they may renne betwene the hylles that on ech syde are hye That all the wylde beastes of the field myght dryncke therof plentie And that the wylde asses also myght drynck when they be drye And that the foules of the ayer that on the trees do synge Myght lyue nygh them haueynge fast by theyr abode and dwellynge Out of the cloudes his dwellynge place he geueth the hylles rayne Wyth the fruite of hys worckes he doeth fyll the earthfull certayne He bryngeth forth haye for catell grasse for mans tyllage That bread myght sprynge out of the
wandred in desert through wayes in wyldernes ▪ Wherin they founde no dwellynge place in theyr nede and destres And when through great honger and thurste they faynted in theyr mynde They cried to hym in theyr dayngers dyd hym redie fynd He dyd deliuer them I saye and led them the ryght waye To a towne of inhabitaunce and gaue it thē for aye Let them confesse then and ascrybe to the Lorde his mercies And eke the miracles that he hath done before mens eies For he glutteh the hungry soule fylleth wyth good thynges The soule that is lyke to perishe for lacke of norishynges Such as sate in vtter darckenes and extreme miserie Because they dyd wythstand goddes worde and set nothynge therby The same he made ryght pensyfe and eke of mynde desperate That they myght falle and no man shoulde helpe them in that estate Yet when they cried in theyr dayngers he pulde them out of payne He ledde them out of thycke darckenes and set them fre agayne Let them confesse them and ascribe to the Lorde hys mercies And eke the miracles that he hath done before mens eies For he brake downe the brasen gates and caste them wydde open And the greate barres of Iron he hath in sunder broken The foles that by theyr wycked lyfe haue gote sycknes plentie So that theyr soule abhorred meate they were lyke to die Yet when they cryed in theyr dayngers he pulde them out of payne And his word sent he healed them and made them cleane agayne Let them confesse them and ascribe to the Lorde his mercies And eke the miracles that he hath wrought before mens eies And let them offer sacrifice of hertie confessynge And let them tell forth all hys dedes wyth most ioyfull syngynge Such as in shyppes go to the sea and do theyr busynes there Haue sene goddes worckes and hys wonders that in the depthe appeare Fo●●● his word the stormie wyndes lyfte vp the waues on hye Nowe vp to heauen then they falle downe to hell by and by In these troubles theyr hertes do faile they are turned rounde And wander lyke men that are drōcke theyr wyttes are nothynge sownde These also cried in theyr dayngers and he brought them from payne He layd the storme and eke the waues and made all caulme agayne Then they reioyce because God hath brought them to quiete reste And set thē in such an hauen as lyketh theyr herte beste Let them confesse then and ascribe to the Lorde hys mercies And eke the miracles that he hath wrought before mens eies And let them extolle him in the companye of people And prayse hym emonge the elders when they do assemble For he turneth the rennynge streames into a deserte grounde And dryeth vp the water sprynges where muche water was founde So doeth he turne che fruitfull grownde into barante and drye Because they that do dwell theron do lyue so vitiousely And full of water he causeth the wyldernes to stande And eke great plentie of welsprynges where erste was most drye lande And there he placeth the hongry and such as lacked foode To build a noble citie there and a dwellyng ryght good And that they myght ther tyll corne fieldes and eke great vinyardes plant That myght beare fruite in such plentie that there should be no want Further he doeth them prospere so that they encrease greatly And theyr cattell he saueth so that none of them do dye Yet are they minished also and do somethynge decaye Sore vexed and oppressed of theyr owne rulars I saye For God despyseth the rulars sometyme and that greatly Makynge them wander in desert through whych no waye doeth lye But the pore he preserueth aye out of all miserie And theyr housholdes he handleth as they were shepe truly Which thynges when the good sorte dose they reioyce and be fayne And the wycked haue nought to blame or wherof to complayne Who so therfore is wise let him kepe these thynges in his mynde And consyder what benifites he doeth in the Lorde fynde The .cviij. Psalme MYne herte is made redie to synge O God and eke to playe On instrumentes melodiouse O my glorie I saye My lute and eke myne harppe arise for I wyll wake erlye In the mornynge wyth the daye sprynge my Lorde to magnifie And vnto the wyll I confesse throughout all regions And wyll synge and set forth thy name emonge all nations For thy mercie Lord is so greate that the heauens it doeth passe And thy trueth reacheth to the skye that doeth the earth compasse Be thou more high then heauen O God and let thy maiestie Be hygher then the earth that is vnder thyne imperie And that thyne elect and chosen maye be deliuered By thyne owne powre saue vs and let our request be graunted Because God hath spoken the worde wythin his holy place I wyll wyth ioye diuide Sichem Sucoths vale by passe Gibead and eke Manesses are myne but Ephraim Is the key of my kyngdome and Iuda my lawes doeth deme As for Moab is my washe pan on Edom wyll I walke And ouer Palestine wyll I synge and pleasantly talke Who shall leade me into stronge holdes into townes of defence Who shall leade me into Idume full of magnificence Shalt not thou do it O my God whoe dyddest vs forsake And wouldest not walke wyth our men whē we dyd the warres take O God helpe thou in all distres for mans helpe is but vayne But we shall fyght stoutly through God by whom our foes are slayne The .cix. Psalme O God whom only I do prayse whose name I magnifie Holde the not styll but speake O Lorde and shewe thy selfe therby For the mouth of thy wycked man and the mouth disceythfull Are open agaynste me and talke wyth a tongue right gylefull And wordes that do sprynge of hatered haue compassed me rownde And wythout cause they assault me beate me to the grounde For the loue that I beare to them they are myne enimies And yet do I praye for them all in my moste hertie wyse And for the good I do to thē they render euell to me So do they hatered for my loue my greate charitie Agaynst suche one O Lorde styr vp the wycked of the lande And let his aduersarie stande styflye at hys ryght hand When he shal be brought to iudgment let hym be founde wicked ▪ And when he prayeth let hym then wyth synne be infected Make hys lyfe dayes fewe and geue hys office to an other Make his children fatherlesse an wydowe theyr mother Let his chyldren wander and begge and seke foed ouer all When they come out of theyr houses that are lykely to fall Let the vsurar bygyle hym of all he doeth possesse And the enmie take all that doeth by hys labour encrease Let ther none chaunce to hym that would take vpon him pitie Ne that woulde worcke a benifite to hys posteritie Let his ofsprynge be in daynger of the destruction And his name haue an ende
he nought So is he benigne and gentle in all that he hath wrought The Lord is preste and styll at hande with all that on hym crye To all I saye that call on hym wyth herte vnfaynedly And to all such as do hym feare he doeth all that they wyll He doeth heare theyr clamour and crye and eke kepe them from ille The Lorde kepeth all that loue hym none ille shall come them nye ▪ But he destroyeth all that be wycked and vngodly My mouth shall speake the Lordes praises and all flesh shall declare ▪ Hys holy name from tyme to tyme tyll no tyme be to spare The .cxlvj. Psalme MY soule prayse thou the Lord for I wyll prayse him my lyfe longe And whylse I lyue vnto my God I wyll aye make my songe Put not your truste or confidence in princes or in man That hath no maner powre to saue though he do what he can Whose bodie when the breath is gone shal turne to earth agayne And then shall all hys thoughtes decaye as moste foleyshe and vayne The man is bleste that hath the God of Iacobbe for hys ayde And whose hope and only truste is vpon hys Lorde God stayed For he made boeth heauen and earth and all thynges in the same And hath kept hys true couenant for euer wythout blame So doeth he reuenge the oppreste and nourishe the hungrye And the Lord lowseth the captyue that lyue in miserie The Lorde doeth open the blyndes eies lyfte vp such as falle And the iust that walke in hys wayes he loueth aboue all He kepeth strayngers maketh Orphantes and wydowes hye But he depraueth men that are wycked and vngodly The Lorde thy God I saye Sion shall reigne for euer more Through all ages and tymes I saye prayse ye the Lorde therfore The .cxlvij. Psalme PRayse God for it is verie good and pleasaunt for to synge To our God and to geue hym prayse is also besemeynge For the citie Ierusalem the Lorde doeth buylde certayne And wyll gather suche as are fledde and brynge them home agayne He healeth the broken herted eke theyr sorowes all He hath the number of the starres doeth them by name calle Our Lord is greate and eke of powre excedynge greate in dede Whose wisedome and intellygence can not be numbered For he doeth brynge vp to honour mē that are oppressed And to the grounde he doeth caste downe such men as are wycked Synge to the Lorde wyth verse for verse and thanckes geueynge also And synge to our God wyth the harppe that so swetly doeth go For he doeth hyde the skye wyth clowdes and make rayne for the grounde And causeth great plentie of grasse on hygh hylles to be founde He geueth pasture and fedynge vnto the beastes all And to the rauens yonge chyckenes that do vpon hym call That he delyteth in is not the force of horses stronge Nor yet the legges of myghtie men be they neuer so longe And in such men as do feare are hym the Lord hath his delyte And in such as do tarie for hys mercie daye nyght O thou citie Ierusalem prayse the Lorde wythout staye ▪ And thou Sion prayse thou thy God and walke forth in hys waye For he doeth fortifie thy gates and make thy dore barres stronge So doeth he geue felicitie vnto thy chyldrē yonge And he hath ordeyned that peace should in all thy coastes be And wyth the fatnes of the wheate he hath satisfied the. He sendeth downe hys holye worde vnto the earth so lowe That it myght renne forth spedilye and that men myght hym knowe He geueth snowe as whyte as woule such is hys powre and myght And lyke asshes he sprinckeleth the hore froste in the nyght He casteth out his Isse lyke plates who can his colde sustayne And sendynge downe his holy worde he melteth them agayne He melteth them agayne I saye and maketh the wynde blowe Vpon them that the waters myght take theyr ryght course and flowe But vnto Iacob he geueth his worde and his precept And to Israell his decres and iudgmentes to be kept He hath not dealed on this sorte wyth any nation Nor shewed hys iudgmentes vnto them prayse the Lorde O Son The .cxlviij. Psalme OH you heauenly citisens prayse ye the Lorde on hye Prayse him in the hygh places and do hys name magnifie Prayse ye him Oh his angelles all that are his messengers Prayse hym also all ye that be hys heauenly souldiers Oh sunne and mone prayse ye the Lorde and all ye starres so cleare ▪ prayse ye the Lord Oh ye heauens that most hygh do appeare Ye hygh heauens I saye prayse hym and ye waters that be Heaped togither in the cloudes the Lorde your God prayse ye Let these thynges prayse the Lorde I saye and eke his holy name For at hys only worde he hath create made the same And them he hath established for euer to abyde And appoynted them an order from whiche they can not slyde Prayse ye the Lorde ye lyueynge thynges that on the earth do go Ye dragons and ye deapnesses prayse ye the Lorde also The fyre the hayle the snowe and myste and eke the wynde stormie That foloweth the Lordes precept let it prayse hym on hye The mountaynes and al little hylles the tree that fruitfull is And all the Ceders of the wodde prayse ye the kynge of blysse Let all bruite beastes and crepeynge thynges and all the byrdes that flye Let the kynges of the earth their peoples prayse hym truly Let the princes and all iudges that rule the earth by myght All yonge men and eke all virgynes prayse hym boeth daye and nyght Let all men that are of yeres olde and of tyme auncient And also men of growynge age to the lordes prayse be bent Let these I saye prayse the Lordes name for it only is hye And doeth excede the earth and eke the heauen in glorie And he hath made his people stronge and hys frendes prayse worthy The sonnes of Iacob a people that he setteth store by The .cxlix. Psalme SYnge a newe songe vnto the Lorde reioyce in hym alone And synge hys prayse in hys deare church and congregation Let Israell reioyse in hym that made him of nothynge And let the chyldrē of Sion reioyce in theyr owne kynge Let them prayse his name wyth the pype and eke wyth the tymbrelle And synge to hym vpon the harppe that sowneth swete and well For the Lorde doeth fauour his flocke and eke hys people all ▪ And doeth sett forth all such wyth health as are captyue and thralle Let them that be gentle and good reioyce wyth great honour And in theyr beddes let them reioyce and synge wyth great pleasure Let goddes prayse be styll in theyr throte let them speake no vayne worde And let goddes worde be in theyr hande as a two edged sword That on the Heathen they maye be reuenged of theyr wronge And right so correct the peoples that they shall dwell emonge
stake theyr nettes to the grownde Myne enmye is as the lyō that rampeth for hys praye And as the lyons whelpe that doeth lurcke in his den I saye Arise O Lord preuent thou hym cast him downe by thy myght Set my soule free from the wycked that is thy swerde to fyght Set me free from these mortall men that are thy powre and hand Lord set me free from them whose mynde to worldly thynges doeth stande Set me free from them that do seke theyr portion in this lyfe Out of thy storehouse fyll theyr mawse therby to ende theyr stryfe That theyr chyldrē maye haue wherwith them selues to satisfie And that there maye be some what lefte to theyr posteritie But I wyll loke vpon thy face in ryghtuousnes in dede And when I shall ryse lyke to the I shall be satisfied The .xviij. Psalme OVt of myne in moste bowelles Lord and from my verie herte I wyl loue the for my whole powre and only strength thou art The Lorde is my castell of stone and eke my fyghtynge toure My rescuar and eke my God and my rocke of succour To hym I wyll cleaue and styke faste he is my shylde in dede And also the horue of my health sure castel at nede The Lorde that is worthy of prayse I wyl aye calle vpon And I shall be preserued from myne enimies ech one The bandes great sorowes of death had compaste me about And the swifte streames of wycked men had fearde me wyth theyr route The cordes and sorowes of the deade had gyrded me certen So had the snares of death it selfe me sone ouertaken Whylse I therfore stode this in doubt and knewe no remedye Wyth herte I dyd call on the Lorde and to God dyd I crye And out of his holy temple he hearde my voyce streyght waye Euen as sone as my crye was entred his eares I saye He was moued and then the earth dyd shake excedyngly The bottomes of hylles were shaken because he was angry At hys nosthyrles there yshued smoke and at hys mouth fyre hotte In such maner that at the same coles were kenled I wotte He bowed the heauens and so came downe by hys wonderfull myght And vnder hys feete was dearcknes the daseynge of syght On Cherub he was caried flewe forth as I fynde Beynge borne vp and sustayned by the wynges of the wynde Lyke a tent for hys closet he set dearcknes on eche syde Nygh vnto hym and blacke waters wyth cloudes boeth thycke and wyde Through the excedyng greate bryghtnes that in hys presence was ▪ Great hayle and burnynge coles also dyd thorowe hys clowdes passe The Lorde dyd thunder from heauē and the moste hygh dyd speake Great hayle and also burnynge coles out of hys cloudes dyd breake He shot forth shaftes scattered hys foes and dyd them wounde And moch lyghtnynge wherwith he dyd cast them flatte to the grounde Then were the moste depe places of the seas made ryght open The wonderfull depe seas I saye whither the waters renne And at the checke thou gauest them Lord when thou waste angred The bases and grownd worckes of the earth were vncouered But from heauē the Lorde sent downe his hande and set me free And out of most myghtie waters by force he dyd drawe me He set me free from deadly foes that were myghtye and stronge And from my spytfull enimies that were my maysters longe These dyd preuent me in the tyme of my calamitie But the Lorde was my leaneynge staffe and sure poste to stand by He brought me forth into a place wyde full of pleasure And set me free because he dyd beare to me greate fauour The Lord requited me my mede after my ryghtuousenes And gaue to me rewarde after myne hādes vngyltines For the ways of the Lorde I dyd alwayes kepe and obserue And frō my God I dyd neuer declyne a syde nor swarue For in my sygth all his decrees and lawes I do holde faste And the maners that he doeth teach from me I do not caste Before hym do I leade my lyfe pure and vndefiled And so I kepe myself that I do nought that is wycked The Lorde therfore requiteth me as my lyfe is vpryght And as myne handes are innocent and gylt lesse in his syght Thou wylt shewe mercie vnto hym that doeth studie mercie And wylt be faythfull to suche as do in dede faythfully To the curteise thou art gentyll but vnto the frowarde That walke crokedly thou also geuest alyke rewarde For people that be afflicted thou doest preserue and kepe And eies that are loftie thou doest pul downe and cause to wepe And thou O Lord arte he that doest geue my candle hir lyght And my Lord God is he that doeth make all my dearcknes bryght For in the do I breake thorowe the armed armayes all And in my God I say I do leape quite ouer the walle The waye of God is wythout spot and the Lordes worde is pure And to all them that trust in hym it is a targate sure For whoe is it bysydes the Lorde that is a God of myght Or who is it bysydes our God that is a rocke sure pyght The same is God that teacheth me to be myghtie in wars And maketh my waye expedite in martiall affares He maketh my fete lyke the fete of the hyndes that are swyfte And he it is that placeth me on hygh in my stepe clyfte He doeth enstructe myne handes to warre and teacheth me that skyll He geueth me strenght in myne armes to breake a bowe of stele Thou hydst me wyth thy shylde of health thy powre doeth me sustayne And of thy goodnes causest me ouer many to reygne My steppes and my path vnder me thou haste made large and wyde Leste my ioynctes should stacker and then it myght chaunce me to slyde I persecuted myne enemyes and dyd thē apprehende And dyd neuer returne tyll I had brought them to theyr ende I wounde them in such sort that they can neuer ryse agayne And vnder my fete they do fall as men that are quyte slayne Thou doest enstruct me vnto warre wyth the powre martiall And when any ryse agaynst me thou castest them downe all Thou causest that my deadly foes do turne theyr backe to me And that I maye destroy al them that myne enimyes be They cald and cryed but ther was none that would them kepe or saue Vnto the Lord they cryed I saye and he no answere gaue I pounde them lyke vnto the duste that wyth the wynde doeth flye So do I breake them lyke the dyrt that in the streate doeth lye From the peoples contentions Lord thou doest set me free Thou makest me heade of nations strange people do serue me So sone as they heard wyth theyr eares they dyd to me apply Strayngars sonnes submitted them selfe vnto me faynedly The strayngars wythered awaye theyr freshe courage dyd fall And in theyr secrete closettes they were sore amased all Let the Lorde lyue and let hym be praysed
blowynge of trumpet For the worde of the Lorde is ryght and all hys worckes sure set He loueth iustice iudgment these thynges please hym greatly And the earth is replenished and full of hys mercie At his worde were the heauens made by hys wonderfull myght And at the breathynge of hys mouth all theyr armies so bryght The waters of the sea he doeth congregate as an heape Right so in moste secrete closettes he doeth laye vp the deape Let all the earth and all that dwell in the worlde prayse the Lorde Because all that he sayeth is done all is made at hys worde He disapoynteth the counselles of the Heathen ech one And doeth differ the subtyle thoughtes of ech greate nation But the Lordes counsell standeth styll the thoughtes of hys herte Do not decay but are fully fulfylled in eche parte The people that hath the Lorde for theyr God hath ryght good chaunce So hath the flocke that he hath chose for his enheritaunce The Lorde loketh downe from heauen doeth all men behold He loketh downe from his dwellynge boeth vpon yonge and olde He hath made the hertes of all men togyther in hys powre And vnderstandeth all theyr worckes euerie daye and houre The kynge is not kept in saulftie thorowe hys greate armye Nor the strong man doeth scape daynger because he is myghtye The horse is a disceytfull thynge to be preserued by Though he be stronge for he shall not deliuer certaynely Beholde the Lordes eye loketh on such mē as do him feare So doeth it on suche as trust on hys mercye so tender That he might delyuer their soules out of the handes of death And nouryshe them at suche time as honger them oppresseth Let oure soules therfore loke for him with all obedience For he is oure helpe and also the shylde of our defence For in him shall our herte reioyce because we do cleaue faste Vnto hys holy name whiche is our comforte and repaste Lorde let thy mercyful goodnes vpon thy seruauntes be Euen as by truste and confydence we do depende of the. The .xxxiiij. Psalme AT all tymes and ceasons I wyll prayse the Lorde God certayne For in my mouthe hys holy prayse doeth euer more remayne My soule shal glorye in the Lorde and in none other thynge Whych when the afflicted shall heare they shall make reioyceynge Se that wyth me you magnifie the Lord that is aboue Let vs prayse hys name togither as reasone doeth vs moue I sought the Lorde diligently he heard my requeste And from al feare that I was in he hath set me at reste Men shall loke backe to hym shall renne to hys companie Theyr faces shal not blushe for he wyll none of them denie The Lord hearde this afflicted man when he dyd on him crye And then he dyd preserue and kepe hym frō hys miserye The angell of the Lorde doeth pytch hys tentes about them all That ieare the Lorde and doeth set cleare such men as erste were thrall Taste and see that the Lorde is good and full of all mercie The man is blessed that doeth truste in hym vnfaynedly O ye saynctes of the Lorde feare him and do hym reuerence For to such as feare hym ther is no nede nor indigence The yonge lions and fierse tyrannes suffer honger and nede But such as seke the Lorde shall haue good thynges plentie in dede Drawe nere my sonnes drawe nere I saye and geue to me good eare Come vnto me I saye for I wyll teach you the Lordes feare Whoe so thou be that doeste desyre to lyue and good dayes see Loke that in thy tonge and thy lyppes none ylle or disceyte be Flee from yll and do that good is whereof commeth no blame Seke thou for peace diligently then ensue the same Vpon the iuste man the lordes eies are ful fyred and bent And hys eares to the prayars of such as be innocent But his sterne lokes are bent on thē that do worcke wyckedly That out of the arth he maye cutte theyr fame and memorie The iuste men crye and the Lorde doeth heare and graunt theyr prayer And out of all theyr myseries he doeth them deliuer The Lord is styll redie at hande with them that do repent And kepeth them whose spirite is to repentaunce styll bent Many yuelles misfortunes do the ryghteouse man befall But the Lorde doeth delyuer him and ryd hym of them all And all the bones of his bodye the Lord kepeth certayne So that not one emonge them al can be broken in twayne But yll chaunce and mysfortune shall destroye the vngodly And suche as hate the iuste shal be destroyed vtterly And the Lorde shall redeme the lyfe of hys true seruauntes all And of them that do trust in hym none shall peryshe or fall The .xxxv. Psalme TAke thou my stryfe in hande O Lorde assaute them that saute me Take the to shylde and speare and ryse myne helper for to be Pull out thy speare come out to mete my persecutours fel Saye to my soule I am thyne health thy matters shall go well Let thē that seke my lyfe take shame and eke ignominie Let them be dryuen backe wyth shame that thyncke euyll vnto me Let them be made lyke to the dust that with the winde doeth flye And let the aungell of the Lorde dryue them vyolently Let their waye be darcke and slyprye that they may slyde and fall And let the aungell of the Lorde persequute them wyth all For wythoute cause the pytte of their net haue they for me hyd Ryght so a great trenghe for my soule causeles they haue digged Let the mysery that they did not fore se on them fall And let the net they hyd take them and let them be made thraule But my soule shall greatly reioyce in the Lorde God for aye She shall reioyce in hys salfegarde and all my bones shall saye O Lorde who is lyke the that doest rescue the conquyred And take the poore and nedye from him that hath hym forced There dyd aryse fierse wytnesses men violent in dede And asked me of thynges that I neuer Imagyned They requited me euel for good such was theyr cruell wyll And for the helpe they had of me they sought me for to kyll But when I hearde that they were sycke and wyth disease greued I ware sacke cloth and wyth fastynge my soule I afflicted The prayer that I made for them when they were in distresse I woulde should lyght vpon my selfe in tyme of heauines I went as though my faythfull frende or brother had dyed As one that mourneth hys mother in blacke I was clothed But in the tyme of myne haltynge when I was weakened They dyd reioyce excedyngly and were congregated The lame flocked agaynste me when I dyd thyncke nothynge lesse And frō theyr bytter raylynge wordes they dyd then neuer cease And the dissemblynge hypocrites that do serue theyr bealy Dyd grenne and gnaske theyr teeth at me as men full of enuie O Lorde howe longe
wylt thou beholde thys and fuffer them styll Rydde me from theyr oppression and from theyr cruell wyll Then wyl I celebrate thy name in a grat companie And will prayse the in a people that is strong and myghtie Let them not reioyce ouer me that causelesse my foes be Neyther let them wyncke wyles wyth me that wythout cause hate me They speake no worde that shoulde brede peace peace is not theyr intent But agaynste the quiete they do disceytefull wordes inuent They thruste out the mouth agaynste me and stornefully they saye Haha haha our eie hath sene this mans vtter decaye And thou O Lorde haste sene this thyng do thou not dissemble Neyther be thou far of from me when they do assemble Aryse awake that thou mayste iudge my cause as ryght doeth stande My God Lorde arise that thou maiste take my cause in hande O Lorde my God for thy iustice do thou geue me my right And suffer them not to reioyce ouer me in thy syght Let them not saye thus in their hert haha we haue our mynde Let them not saye we haue eate hym let thē no suche cause fynde Let them all take shame and rebuke that of myne ylle reioyce Cloth them wyth shame that speake againste me with a braggynge voyce Let suche as woulde I had my ryght reioyce greatly and saye The Lorde that woulde hys seruaūtes peace be magnifyed alwaye And on my tong Lord thy iustyce shal sowne dylygently And vpon thy most worthy prayse my tonge shal runne dayly The .xxxvi. Psalme THe vngodlye mans wyckednesse testyfyeth in myne herte That of the feare of God there is in him no maner parte For in hys owne conceyte he doeth stande wonderfully well Tyll suche tyme as hys wyckednes doeth all hatered excel Vniuste and disceytfull are the wordes of hys mouth eche one And of the doctryne that doeth teache to do good he wyl none In hys bed he inuenteth synne and doeth himselfe addresse To walke forth in a wycked waye he doeth no vice represse O Lorde thy mercie is aboue in the heauens so hye And aboue all the elementes thy trueth and veritie Thy iustice is lyke great mountaynes thy iudgmentes ryght depe Boeth man and beaste thou wylt O Lorde alwaye preserue and kepe Thy mercifull goodnes O God is ryght famouse in dede And to thy charge the sonnes of men haue them selfe committed Through the greate plētie of thyne house they shall be druncke I thyncke Of the streame of thy delicates thou wylt geue them to dryncke For the vene or fountayne of lyfe is in thyn hande or myght And in thy bryghtnes thy seruauntes shall alwaye perceyue lyght Spreade out thy mercie ouer them that do acknowledge the And eke thy ryghtuousenes on them that of vpright herte be Let no fote of pryde come to me make proude men from me flye Let me not be moued by the powre of the vngodly For emōg them such men as haue wrought wyckednes dyd fall They were driuen magrea theyr heade they had no staye at all The .xxxvij. Psalme THough thou se many wycked men be not therfore angry Neither do thou enuie them that do worcke iniquitie For as the heye they are cut downe full sodenly in dede And as the florishyng grene grasse they shal be sone dryed Put thou thy truste in the Lorde and do the thynge that good is Dwell in the lande and nourishe fayth doynge no thynge amysse And se thou do delyght thy selfe in the Lord God alone And then shall he geue vnto the thyne hertes petition Caste thou thy waye vpon the Lorde lett him gouerne it styll Leane vpon him that he may do by the after hys wyll Then shall he brynge thy ryghtuousenes abroade lyke a cleare lyght And thy iudgementes and perfect lyfe lyke as the myddaye bryght Kepe thy thought secrete to the Lord and wayte vpon hys wyll Do not stomake the good successe of the man that doeth ylle Remitte anger wythout delaye and let thy furie passe Let not thyne anger be so greate that thou committe trespas For such as do euell shall perishe be cut out doubtlesse But they that wayte on the Lordes wyl shal the earthe aye possesse Yet a litle whyle and then the wycked shal be nowhere And when thou lokeste toward hys place ther shall no man appeare In the meane tyme the afflycted shall all the earth possesse And shal be throughly delited wyth prosperouse successe Agaynste the iuste and godlye man the wycked doeth inuent And gnasheth at hym wyth hys teeth hys wrath is so feruent But the Lord laugheth hym to scorne because he doeth forese Hys laste daye destruction nygh at hande for to be The wycked do drawe out theyr swerde and bende theyr bowe wyth myght To cast downe the pore nedie slocke and kyll them that go ryght But theyr owne sworde shall pearse theyr herte and stryke it thorowe quite And all theyr bowes shal be broken they shal do vs no spyte The lytle that the iuste man hath is much better doubtlesse Then the great richesse that the noble wycked men possesse For the armes of the vngodly shal be brokē in twayne But the iuste men the Lorde hym selfe wyll vnderset certayne The tyme also of innocentes the Lorde knoweth right sure And the enheritaunce of thē shall euermore endure In the tyme of aduersitie they shall suffer none ylle And when the honger is moste greate they shall aye haue theyr fyll For the vngodly shall perishe the Lordes enimies shall Be wasted lyke preciouse lambes smoke shall consume them all The vngodlye renneth in det doeth not paye agayne But the iuste man is liberall and geueth muche certayne For hys blessed chyldren shall haue the earth by heritage And hys curssed sorte shal be cut out ere they come to age The Lord ruleth a mans fotesteppes and lyketh well hys waye When he slydeth he falleth not for the Lord doeth hym staye I haue bene yonge and am nowe olde yet the eies in myne heade Dyd neuerse the iuste deserte nor hys seede begge theyr breade For he is dayly lyberall doeth lend with good wyll And his seede and posteritie haue of al thynges theyr fyll Flye thou from yll and do the thynge that is good and godly And then thou maiste be sure thou shalt euer dwell pleasantly For the Lorde loueth iuste iudgment he doeth therin delyght The wayes of them that do iustly are pleasante in hys syght Hys saynctes he doeth neuer forsake but kepeth them for aye But the seede of the vngodly he routeth out I saye The iuste men shall possesse the earth by ryght of heritage And shall inhabyte vpon it to the ende of all age The iuste mans mouth doeth commune of wysedome and sapience So doeth his tonge speake iuste iudgment wyth carefull diligence In his hert the lawe of his God is grounded and faste pyght His fote steppes shall not bende nor bowe his lyfe shal be vpright The vngodly man layeth wayte
is God to such as be of hert perfect and pure Yet were my fete lyke for to slyp my steppes were nothyng sure And why Because I fondly fall in enuie and disdayne To se that foles and wicked men haue peace and byde no payne They are in no daynger of deathe nor lykely for to dye But do remayne excedyng strong and excedynge myghtie They are free frō aduersitie when other men be shent And wyth the reste they take no parte of plage or punishment Wherby they be full gloriously in pride so high extold And are in wronge and violence wrapped so many fold Theyr eies are solne for verie fat they are so fallen awaye The vayne thoughtes of theyr wycked hert they practise night and daye By theyr wycked exemple are other men corrupted And the most myghti and high God by them is blasphemed For they stretch out theyr mouth to heauē and do agaynst it crie But on the earth theyr wycked tonge walketh most pleasantly The flocke therfore of flaterars do furnish vp theyr trayne For there they be full sure to sucke some profite and some gayne Tush tush say they vnto them selues is ther a God aboue That doth knowe and suffer this yll wyll vs not reproue Looe ye maye se howe wycked men in richesse styll encrease Rewarded well wyth worldly goode lyue in rest and peace Than whye do I from wyckednes my fantasie refrayne And wash myne handes wyth innocentes clense myne hert in vayne And whye am I scourged ech daye as subiect to all blame Or why should I euerie morne sustayne rebuke and shame Than had I almost sayed as they mislykyng myne estate But that I should thy chyldren iudge as folke infortunate I me bethought therfore howe I myght thys thynge vnderstand But yet the laboure was to great for me to take in hand Vntyll the tyme I went into thyne holye place and then I vnderstode right perfectly the ende of all these men And namely howe thou settest them vpon a slyppry place And at thy pleasure and thy wyll thou doest them all deface Than Lorde howe sone do they consume and fearfully decaye Euen as a dreame when one waketh their Image goeth awaye Thus greued was myne hert full sore my mynde was much appreste So fonde was I and ignorant and in thy syght a beaste Yet am I styll by the and thou holdeste my right hand faste And wyth thy counsell doest guid me to glorie at the laste Bysyde thy selfe what thynge haue I in all the heauens aboue To delyte in syth in the earth I do the only loue My flesh and eke myne herte fayle me so doeth my God neuer For of myne hert God is the strength and my parte for euer And loe all such as the forsake shal perishe euerichone And they that trust in any thynge saueynge in the alone But it is good for me O God to holde me faste by the And to put my full trust in the and tell what thy worckes be The .lxxiiij. Psalme O God why art thou styl absente from vs what displeasure Hath made thy wrath so hotte against the shep of thy pasture Oh thyncke vpō the church that hath of aunciēt bene thyne And that thou hast redemed Lorde euen before our eine Thyncke on the kynred that is thyne by right succession And on the place where thou hast dwelt the holy mount Sion Lyfte vp thy fote and destroye all the enimies for aye That haue wrought wyckednes wyth in thyne holy place thys daye Thyne enimies haue roared in thy cōgregations And haue erected theyr owne sygnes to be sygnes and tokens Theyr axes are sene glytter as when men hewe wodde on hylles The selynge of the holye place they breake downe wyth theyr bylles They haue broken thyne holy thynges set fyre on the same They haue broke downe and poluted the dwellyng of thy name Thus sayd they in theyr herte let vs all vex them in one bande So brent they all goddes synagoges that were found in the land Our sygnes and tokens we se not no Prophete doeth remayne Ther is none emonge vs that can tell vs ought for certayne O God howe longe shall thyne enmy do the dispyte and shame Wylt thou suffer him euer to blaspheme thyne holy name Lord whye wythdrawest thou thy powre Why doeth thy right hand byd Styll in thy bosome pulle it out and let thy foes destryed O God thou arte my kynge for aye haste bene euer more Ther is none health in all the earth that is not of thy store In thy great power thou dydest diuide the seas and brakest the head Of Pharoo that great dragon who of that wounde is dead The heades Lord of the whale that was of excedyng greatnes Thou hast broken and made hym meate to men of wyldernes A welsprynge and a rennynge streame thou haste made in drye land And haste made the great riuers drye by the power of thyne hand The day eke the nyght are thyne thou haste them in thy power Thou hast prepared lyght sunne to serue vs at theyr houre Thou hast set appoynted al the limettes of the lande The sommer wynter also are the worcke of thyne hand Remēber this O Lorde because thy foes do the reuile And the braynsicke and folyshe folke thyne holy name defyle Geue not the lyfe of thy turtle into thyne enmies hand Neyther forget thy churche for aye that of the pore doeth stande Be myndfull of thy couenaunt for all the earth is hyd Wyth the dwellynges of men that are most cruell and wycked O suffer not the simple to returne agayne wyth shame For the pore and the indigent are they that prayse thy name Aryse O God and iudge thy cause let thy seruauntes see That thou art myndfull of the checkes that foles vse to geue the. Do not forget the wordes of them that wythstand the so sore for theyr pride and presumption encreaseth more and more The .lxxv. Psalme WE do acknowledge the O God we do acknowledge the And syth thy name is not far of thy worckes declare wyll we When I shall call a counsell for to iudge thynges in thy syght Then shall I geue true sentence and iudge all matters aright As for the earth is lyke to falle and al that therin dwell But I haue vnderset hir postes that she may stand right well Thus sayd I to the folysh men se that ye be not madde And to the wicked be not proude of ought that maye be had Do not I saye you folysh men lyfte vp your hornes on hye Neither do you in coūtenaunce declare your greate folye For high degre cometh to man neither frō easte nor weste Nor yet out of the wyldernes from any cruell beaste For herin God alone is iudge to sette vp whom he luste He lyfteth vp one and casteth an other in the duste For in his hand he hath a cuppe of stronge and myghtie wyne Wherof he filleth to all mē such is his
Yet my mercie and greate goodnes wyll I not take from hym Ne breake my couenaunt wyth hym for my trueth I esteme I wyll not breake my couenaunt neither my wordes denie I wyll not chaunge but be the same neuer contrarie I sware once by myne holinesse therto wyll I cleaue ▪ I wyll képe promise wyth Dauid I wyl hym not deceyue His sede shall be perpetuall it shall neuer decaye His royall seate shall continue as longe as nyght and daye It shall be as fyrme and as sure as the mone in the skye Which is a most certen wytnes in the heauē so hye But thou haste forsaken Dauid and arte turned awaye Thou burnest wyth anger agaynste thy Christe and kynge I saye The promisse that thou madeste wyth thy seruante thou haste broke And hast caste his crowne to the grownde by the force of thy stroke All his hedges thou haste pulde vp lefte him wyde open His fences and his suer moundes thou hast torne and broken Eche man that passeth by the way taketh at him a snatch His neighbours do laugh him to scorne and vse him lyke a patche Thou haste set vp the powre of them that do him sore infeste And haste made them that be his foes to reioyce and to ieste Yea the edge of his swerde thou hast made so dull as a barre Thou haste not geuen him uictorie ne thupper hand in warre Thou haste caused his dignitie to cease not be founde His royall throne and princely seate thou haste caste to the grownde His yonge lustre dayes thou haste cutte of and shortened Myth shame reprofe and dishonour thou haste him couered Howe longe wylt thou be hyd O Lorde wylt thou be hyd for aye Shal thyne hote indignatiō burne lyke fyre wythout staye Remembre howe smal tyme I haue lyued and saye certayne Whether thou haste created and made all mankynd in vayne For what man is he that lyueth and that none ende shall haue And that is able to preserue his lyfe out of the graue O Lorde where be thyne olde mercies and auncient goodnes ▪ Which thou swarest vnto Dauid euen of thy faithfulnes Be myndfull Lorde of the rebuke that thy seruantes sustayne All the rebukes of muche people in my bosome remayne They are thyne enimies O Lorde that haue vs reuiled ▪ And haue checked the tariaunce of Christe thyne annoynted For euer ought the Lorde to be praysed emonge all men Praysed be he therfore I saye for aye Amen Amen The .xc. Psalme O Lorde thou haste bene oure refuge and place wherin to dwell In all the tyme that erste hath bene so longe as tonge can tell Before the mountaynes were vp spronge and the rownde earth formed From all ages that euer were thou haste bene God in dede Thou leadest man backe tyll he be well most grownde in sunder And then thou sayest O mortall men retourne agayne hither For in thy syght a thousand yere are as the daye laste paste And as the quarters of the nyght that passe awaye in haste Thou makest them to passe awaye hastly as doeth a sure They are lyke dreames and as the grasse they do not longe endure As in the morne the grasse is grene and gathereth him myght So doeth it drye is cut downe agayne ere it be nyght For thyne anger maketh vs faynte and as weake as a strawe And when thy wrath is kendeled then dowe stande in awe Thou haste set oure iniquities playnly before thy syght And all our secrete synnes thou haste made open in the lyght When thou art wrath then all our dayes do passe and slyde awaye We ende our yeres in shortter space thē any man can saye The yeres that we vse to lyue here are but three score and ten And if any lyue to foure score they are verie olde men Nowe the verie beste of this tyme is but labour and payne And yet it passeth sone awaye and wee are gone agayne Who knoweth the force of thy wrathe and of thy displeasure For on him that feareth the moste thy wrath lyghteth most sure Tell vs playnly therfore that we maye knowe the certen summe Of our lyfe dayes then apply our myndes to get wisedome Returne O Lorde howe far I saye shall thy furie extend Be pleased with thy pore seruantes let them not the offende Satisfie vs wyth thy mercie erly before the prime Then shall we reioyce and be glad all the dayes of our tyme For the dayes in the which we dyd thy punishment sustayne And for the yeres of miserie make vs reioyce agayne Let thy worcke shyne in thy seruantes let them be knowne for thyne And in the chyldren of them all Lord let thy glorie shyne Thy decor and thy comlynes Lord God be in vs aye Confirme thou the worckes of oure handes confirme thou them I saye The .xcj. Psalme WHoso resteth in the secrete counsel of the most hye The same abydeth in the shadowe of the most myghtie Vnto the Lorde thus wyll I saye Thou arte my sanctuarie Thou arte my castell of defence to my God cleaue wyll I. For he wyl kepe his seruant from the snare of the hunttar And from the deadly plage that is the commune distroyar With his wynges wyl he couer the ryght false shalt thou be there Thou shalt be hyd vnder hys trueth as vnder shylde and spere Thou shalt not nede to stande in feare of soden feares by nyght Neither of the sharp arrowe that doeth flye by the day lyght Thou shalt not nede to feare the plage that woundeth in the darcke Nor that destroyeth when the sunne passeth by the none marcke For though one thousand fall by the and ten at thy right hand Yet shall there no hurte come at the thou shalt in saftie stande Thou shalt see lyke for lyke geuen only to the wycked And wyth thyne owne eies shalt thou see these thynges executed For thou O Lord arte my refuge wherin my trust doeth lye Thy dwellynge place thou hast pytched in a place verie hye No maneryll shall come at the thou shalt be in saftie Neither shal anye plage approch or to thyne house drawe nye For he shall geue commaundement to his angelles for thy sake That they shall kepe the in thy wayes and the charge of the take In theyr handes shall they carie the and safly the conueis That thou ne dashe thy foete agaynste any stone in the waye Thou shalt tread on the Leopard and eke the adder fell So shalt thou spurne the Lions whelpe the dragon cruell Because he hath embraced me he shall not suffer shame I wyll geue him the vpper hand for he cōfest my name He shall call on me and I wyll heare and succour his nede I wyll deliuer him and make him gloriouse in dede His lyfe shall be so longe that he shall wysh to lyue no more Myne health and my saluation I wyll geue him in store The .xcij. Psalme NOwe is it mete O thou most high osynge vnto thy
loded wyth syluer and wyth golde And in theyr kynreddes none was weake were he neuer soolde And all Egypt reioyced much when they gan to departe For the feare of the Lordes people had stryke them to the herte He spred abroade a cloude in steade of a veyle them to hyde Ryght so dyd he a flameynge fyre to shyne in the nyght tyde And when the people cried to him he gaue them quayles plentie And with breade that fell from heauē he dyd them satisfie And laste of al the greate rocke brake and waters gan flowe out Through places that were passynge drye lyke a riuerfull stoute For he retayned styll in myde hys promise moste holy Made to his seruaunt Abraham whoe worshipt-him trulye And he led forth his owne people with ioye and reioyceynge So dyd he his beloued men with most ioyful syngynge And to them he gaue the contreis of men that were Heathen That they myght possesse thynges that were by theyr laboure gotten To the ende that they myght obserue hys lawes and holde hys laye Wherfore I saye prayse ye the Lorde prayse ye the Lorde I saye The .cvi. Psalme COnfesse confesse vnto the Lorde for he is good I saye Confesse to hym for hys mercie continueth for aye Who can be able to declare the stronge worckes of the Lorde Or to speake of all hys prayses and the same to recorde Oh happie are they that do kepe iudgmēt and therin staye Right so are they happie that do worcke rightuousnes alwaye Lord for the loue thou bearest to thy flocke remembre me And visite me Lorde for the health that remayneth in the. That I may se thy chosen sorte lyue in felicitie And maye reioyce wyth thy people and with thy stocke glorie We haue synned as greatly as euer our fathers dyd We haue done vniustly and haue wrought thynges that are wycked Thy wonders in Egypt they dyd not weygh and scanne wysly Ne kept thy greateste benifites in perfect memorie And when they came vnto the sea there were they vnruly At the red sea I saye they were rebelles stoute and sturdie Yet dyd the Lorde preserue them all for his names sake only That hys strength and hys myghtie powre myght be more knowne therby And he rebuked the red sea and forthwyth it was drye And then he led them through the depe as through desert saflye And he saued them pullynge them out of theyr enmyes powre And eke from theyr enimies handes he dyd them deliuer But the waters ouerwhelmed theyr enmies in such sorte That none of them was lefte on lyue to make therof report Then gaue they credite to his wordes gan his prayse to synge But streyght waye they forgate his worckes myndynge his lawes nothynge They burned wyth concupiscence in the desert doubtlesse So they tempted and proued God in the rude wyldernes And he gaue the thynge that they dyd so ernestly desyre But wythall he gaue them a plage for theyr rewarde and hyre More ouer in theyr tentes they dyd Moses enuie and hate And so dyd they Aaron that was to the Lord consecrate Wherfore the earth dyd open hir dyd Dathan swalowe And all Abirase companye it dyd ouerwallowe The fyre also burned full hotte in these mens companie The flameynge fyre that burned vp men that were vngodly More ouer they made them a calfe at Oreb that montayne And gaue honour to an Image that fyre had molt certayne So chaunged they the maiestie of theyr God most myghtie For an Image of oxe or cowe that eateth grasse dayly And they forgate God vtterly that had them salfly kept And that had wrought so noble thynges in the land of Egypt They forgate him I saye that had at C ham greate wonders wrought And fearefull thynges at the red sea through which he had them brought He had decreed to destroye them tyll Moses his chosen Had made request in theyr behalfe and his anger broken They dyd also forsake the land that they had desyred Geueyng no credite to the worde of him that promised And in theyr tentes they murmured and dyd in herte repyne Neither were they obedient vnto goddes worde diuine Then sware he to them that he would destroye them in deserte And theyr seede emonge the heathen and scatter them aparte Then dyd they ioyne them selues vnto Ball Peor as theyr heade And then they eate of thynges offred vnto goddes that were deade And by theyr owne studies and wayes they dyd kendle Goddes Ire That most cruel destruction myght be theyr worthy hyre As when good Phine has stode vp and thought good to destroye The shamlesse worckar of his wil that plage myght cease therby Which thynge was imputed to him for iustice right and true And in lyke maner shall it be whylse tyme shall continue At the water of stryfe also theyr Lorde they prouoked And for theyr sakes good Moses was at Goddes hande punished For they had so vexed his mynde and eke his pacience That he spake some thynge wyth his mouth that lacked reuerence More ouer they spared such men as the Lorde bade them stroye They occupied wyth the Heathen and learned theyr worckes therby So that they worshypt theyr Idoles which were to them a snare For to deuelles they kylled theyr sonnes and daugthers wythout care The gyltlesse bloude of theyr childrē they shed in sacrifice To the Chananites Images in most vngodly wise And in theyr dedes they were vncleane wycked was theyr waye And in theyr owne inuentions they wandered astraye And the Lorde was excedynge wrath wyth his people therfore And hated his enheritaunce that had synned so sore In so much that he gaue them vp into the heathens handes And would theyr enimies shoulde rule boeth them and eke theyr landes Yea theyr enimies vexed them and dyd them sore agreue And caused them magre theyr heade vnder theyr powre to lyue Sometyme he set them free but they by theyr wayes that were vayne Prouoked him and theyr mysse lyfe made them styll pore agayne Yet when he sawe theyr miseries and hearde theyr dolefull crye Myndfull of his promes to them he shewed his greate mercie He pitied them I saye after his plentie of mercies And made them fynde fauour in the syght of theyr enimies Kepe vs O Lord that arte our God and gather thyne elect From emonge the heathen that do not loue the nor thy secte Kepe vs I saye that we maye styll thyne holy name confesse And celebrate the wyth prayses after thy worthines The Lord God of Israel is to be praysed foraye Let all the people saye Amen prayse ye the Lord I saye The .cvij. Psalme COnfesse cōfesse vnto the Lord for he is good I saye Confesse to him for his mercie continueth for aye Let such as the lord hath made fre saye nowe vnfaynedly That he hath set them fre from the powre of the enimie And that he hath gathered them out of all regions From east from west from the north and the south nations And whē they
or do once nodde Tyll I fynde a place for the Lorde and house for Iacobs God Him haue we hearde in Ephrata there haue we heard his sounde And in the fieldes of wyldernes present we haue him founde Go we therfor to his dwellynges throne where he doeth sitte And let vs fall downe and worshyp the stole vnder his fete Arise O Lorde thou that shalt come into thy quiete reste Arise thou I saye and let the arcke of thy powre be preste Let thy priestes put on rightuousenes let thy good men synge And for thy seruant Dauids sake saye not naye to thy kynge The Lorde sware trueth vnto Dauid and wyll it not denie That he would set vpon his throne some fruite of his bealy If thy sonnes shal kepe my comnaunt and lawes that I shall teache Theyr sonnes also shall weare the crowne so longe as tyme doeth reache For the Lorde hath chosen Sion to be his seate sayeinge This is myne euerlastynge rest here shall be my dwellynge For I haue chosen hir and wyll geue hir vitailes plentie And wyth breade wyll I fede hir pore and them all satisfie Hir priestes I wyll indue wyth health they shall be in salftie And the good mē that dwel in hir shal synge reioyceyngly In hir wyll I make Dauids horne his power for to springe And in hir I haue prepared a candle for my kynge Whose enimies I wil endue wyth rebuke and wyth shame But vpon him shall aye florish his crowne diadeame The .cxxxiij. Psalme BEhold howe good a thynge it is howe pleasaunt to see If brothers can dwell togither in all pointes agree It is lyke as if good oyntmēt that smelleth moste swetely Beynge shed on the heade should drope on the bearde by and by The beard I saye of the hygh priest that was named Aharon And should drope on the cape of the garmentes that he had on Lyke the dewe of mounte Hermon that on Sions hille doeth falle Where the Lorde bade blessynge should be and lyfe sempiternall The .cxxxiiij. Psalme BEholde ye seruantes of the Lorde preach ye the Lorde of myght All ye I saye that stande present in the Lordes house by nyght Lyfte vp your handes wyth holines towarde his sanctuarie And preach the Lord shewe forth hys prayse and eke hys greate mercie The Lorde geue the out of Sion welth felicitie The Lorde I saye that made the earth and eke the heauen hye The .cxxxv. Psalme OH ye that be the Lordes seruātes prayse his name without staye Al ye that stāde in the Lordes house our goddes courtes I saye Prayse God for whye the Lord is good syng vnto his name For it is full pleasaunt and good wherfore prayse ye the same For God hath chosen vnto hym Iacob Israell To be hys people and hys flocke thys do I knowe right well For I knowe that the lorde is greate and doeth all goddes excell And doeth all thynges at hys pleasure in heauen earth and in hell Frō al the borders of the earth he draweth vp clowdes I knowe He turneth lyghtnynges into rayne and maketh the wyndes blowe He strake and slewe all the fyrste borne aswell of man as beaste That were of the frye of Egypt where his flocke was oppreste He sent forth signes and eke wōders amyd Thegyptians lande So dyd he to kynge Pharao wyth all his garde or band Manye and sundrye nations he dyd also destroye So dyd he kyll right many kynges moste puisaunt and myghtie He destroyed Sichon himselfe the kynge of Amorrites And Og kynge of Basan wyth all kyngdomes of Chananites And he gaue theyr enheritaunce theyr byrthright I saye To his people that it myght be theyr heritage for aye O Lorde thy name is eternall so is thy memorie Thou shalt neuer be forgotten thy name shall neuer die For the Lorde shall iudge his people he shall reuenge theyr wronge And from his flocke he shall returne wyth a reioyceynge songe The Images of the heathen are of gould and syluer The worcke that mans hand hath brought forth and molten togither For they haue mouthes and do not speake and eies and do not see So haue they eares and do not heare suche worthy thynges they be They haue a nose yet in theyr mouth ther is no breath at all They haue no breath to speake to such as do vpon them call Lyke whom all such men shall be made as do make them certayne And so shall they that put theyr trust in thynges that are so vayne Ye house of Israell I saye preach ye the Lorde therfore And ye house and stocke of Aharon preache the Lorde euer more Ye house and kynred of Leuie ye priestlye nation Preache ye the Lorde O ye that feare the Lorde preach hym eche one The Lorde that hath hys dwellynge in Ierusalem for aye Must haue his prayse out of Sion prayse ye the Lorde I saye The .cxxxvj. Psalme COnfesse confesse vnto the Lorde for he is good I saye Confesse to him for hys goodnes continueth for aye Confesse vnto the God of goddes whose goodnes doeth styll laste Confesse vnto the Lord of lordes whose mercie is not paste Because hys goodnes hath no ende he doeth wonders alone· And by hys wisedome he hath made the heauens euerychone Because his mercie is endlesse he hath lyfted vp grownde Aboue the waters hath made two lyghtes boeth greate and rownde Because hys goodnes hath no ende he made the sunne so bryght To rule the daye eke the mone starres to rule the nyght Because his mercie is endlesse he slewe the fyrste borne all Of the Egyptians and brought Israell out of thralle Because his goodnes hath none ende he dyd this wyth greate myght And wyth an arme that was styfly stretched out in theyr syght Because hys mercie is endlesse he dyd the red sea slyt In sunder and brought Israell salfe and sounde thorowe it Because hys goodnes hath none ende he drowned Pharao ▪ Subuertynge hym in the red sea and hys armie also Because hys mercie is endlesse he led through desert lande His owne people and slewe greate kynges that dyd hys flocke wythstande Because his goodnes hath none ende he slewe kynges moste myghtie Sichon hym selfe that was the kynge of Thamorrites Citie Because hys mercie is endlesse he slewe Og Basans kynge And gaue theyr lande heritage from them and theyr of sprynge Because hys goodnes hath none ende he gaue Ogges lande I saye Vnto hys seruaunt Israell for euer and for aye Because hys mercies endlesse he had vs remembred At such tyme as we were but vyle and were sore oppressed Because hys goodnes hath none ende he hath set vs all cleare From them that were oure enimies as well far of as nere Because hys mercie is endelesse he doeth all beastes feede And geueth to eche lyueynge thynge suche fode as it doeth nede Confesse confesse I saye vnto the God celestiall Whose bountifull goodnes shall laste and be sempiternall The
of Apostles do praise the So do the number of prophetes that so prayse worthy be The noble armie of martyrs prayse the wyth theyr wytnes And the holy church through the worlde doeth the alwaye confesse They do confesse the father of infinite maiestie Wyth thyne honourable and true sonne whome thou haste onlye The holye goste the confortoure they do also confesse And thou O Christe arte the kyng of glorie that is endlesse Thou arte the euerlastynge sonne of the father certayne Who to deliuer man dydste not the virgynes wombe disdayne When thou hadste ouercome the stynge of death thou dydste open Vnto all faythfull beleuers the kyngdome of heauen Thou sytest at the ryght hande of God in thy fathers glorie And to come thense to iudge thou arte loked for certenly To helpe thy pore seruantes therfore we humbly besech the Whom wyth thy preciouse bloude thou haste redemed and made free Cause thou them to be numbered and had in memorie Wyth thy chosen and holy saynctes in eternall glorie Lorde make thou thyne owne people salfe blesse thyne enheritaunce Gouerne them and set them on hye do them euer aduaunce We do dayly blesse prayse the we prayse thy name I saye From tyme to tyme for euermore from age to age for aye Vouchesafe O Lorde this daye to kepe thy seruantes from all synne To take mercie on vs O Lorde to take mercie begyne Shewe thy mercie on vs O Lorde let it vpon vs be As we haue put our cōfidēce only trust in y● I haue trusted in the O Lord in the haue I trusted Graunt therfore Lorde that thy seruaūt be neuer confounded Quicumque vult c. Athanatius WHo so wylbe saued muste kepe before all other thynge The Catholycke cōmune fayth that of the trueth doeth sprynge Which fayth vnlesse a man do kepe whole and vndefiled No doubt he shall for euer more perishe and be dampned And the fayth catholycke is this that we worshippe truly One God in three persons the same three in vnitie And that neither confoundynge the persons makynge them one Nor yet diuidyng the substaunce that is but one alone For the father and sonne are two distynct persons in dede And frō thē boeth the holy goste is also diuided Yet of these three persons ther is but one diuinitie Equale glorie in lyke sorte eternal maiestie For loke what one the father is the sonne is of that sorte And right so is the holy goste the authour of conforte The father is in create was neuer made certayne No more was sonne nor holy goste that togither do reygne The father is immense and can neuer be measured So are the sonne holy goste immense not conteyned The father is eternall and had neuer begynynge So are the sonne and holye goste and shall haue no endynge Yet are there not three eternall wyth outen begynnynge But only one eternall God that shall haue no endynge Euen as there be not three vnmade nor three vnmeasured But one God that was neuer made and one vnconteyned In lyke maner the father is euermore almightie So are the sonne and holye goste in theyr diuinitie Yet are ther not three in substaunce that be omnipotent But one only almyghtie God that hath the regiment The father is God and so is his only sōne also Wyth the holy goste yet not three but one God and no moe So is euerie one of them Lorde by hym selfe alone Yet are they not three Lordes I saye they are all three but one For as trueth causeth vs to calle eche persone God and Lorde So to calle thē three goddes or lordes doeth not ther wyth accorde The father hath not bene made nor created of any Neyther be gotte at any tyme the trueth to testifie The only sonne of the father commeth frō hym only Not made neither created but begote eternally And from the father and the sonne the holy goste doeth springe ▪ Not made create neither begote but only procedynge One father and not three therfore we acknowledge to be One sonne and eke one holy goste we cōfesse and not three And in this holy trinitie ther is no thynge in dede That in tyme is more auncient or else that doeth succede There is nothynge greater or lesse but the three persons all Are of lyke tyme and are also emonge them selues equale So that in all poyntes as is sayde boeth one in trinitie And also three muste be worshypt in one sole vnitie Whoso euer therfore wyll be saued eternally ▪ Let not the same fayle for to thyncke thus of the trinitie It is also necessarie vnto saluation That he beleue most stedfastly Christes incarnation The vpright fayth therfore is to beleue and to confesse That our Lorde Iesu Christe goddes sonne is God and man doubtlesse God of hys fathers substaunce and gote ere the worlde began And borne in the worlde he is of his mothers substaūce man He is perfect God in substaunce so is he perfect man Consistynge of a reasonable soule and of flesh humane He is equale wyth hys father touchynge diuinitie ▪ But hys fathers inferiour in hys humanitie Who though he be boeth God and man yet is he neuer twayne But one only Lorde Iesus Christ boeth God and man certayne One not by turnynge the godheade into mans vile nature But by takeynge humanitie vnto the godheade pure In conclusion he is one not by confution Of the substaunce but by the vnitie of the persone For as the reasonable soule and flesh are one man only So is God man but one Christ the trueth to testifie Who suffryng for our health went downe to the sprites infernall And the thyrde daye he rose agayne from emonge dead men all He went vp to heauens and sytteth at his fathers ryght hande Whense he shall come to iudge boeth quicke and deade by sea and lande At whose comeynge all men muste rise agayne in theyr bodies And geue a compt of theyr owne dedes and that in moste strayte wyse And suche as haue done well shall go into lyfe eternall But the euell doars shall into eternall fyer fall This is the commune fayth which muste be firmely beleued Of all suche men as certenly do truste to be saued Glorie be to God the father the sonne and holy goste As hath bene is and eke shal be tyll mynde of tyme be loste FINIS