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A06660 A brief and compendiouse table, in a maner of a concordaunce openyng the waye to the principall histories of the whole Bible, and the moste co[m]mon articles grounded and comprehended in the newe Testament and olde, in maner as amply as doeth the great concordau[n]ce of the Bible. Gathered and set furth by Henry Bollynger, Leo Iude, Conrade Pellicane, and by the other ministers of the church of Tygurie. And nowe first imprinted in Englyshe. D.M.L. [sic] The third boke of the Machabees a booke of the Bible also prynted vnto this boke which was neuer before translated or prynted in any Englyshe Bible. The contents of this booke are conteyned in the next leafe. Bullinger, Heinrich, 1504-1575.; Juda, Leo, 1482-1542. aut; Pellicanus, Konrad, 1478-1556. aut; Lynne, Walter. 1550 (1550) STC 17117; ESTC S102763 104,729 292

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name of the Lorde shal be safe Rom. x.c. Amos. v.g. Gaue to me sacrifices and meate offerynges by the space of .xl. yeares in the wildernesse Act. vij.e. vi a Wo be to you that are ryche Luk vi d ix c After this wil I retourne and will buylde agayne the tabernacle of Dauid Act. xv.c. Ionas ij a As Ionas was thre dayes and thre nyghtes in the wales belly Math. xij c. Luk. xi d iij. b They amended at the preachinge of Ionas Mat. xij d Luk. xi.e. Micheas v.a. And thou Bethleem in the lande of Iury arte not the least concernynge the princes of Iuda Math. ij a vij b I am come to set a mā at variaūce agaynste his father and the daughter agaynste her mother Math. x.d. Luk xij g Aggeus ij b Yet ones more wyl I shake not the earth onely but also heauē Hebr. xij g Habacuck i.b. Beholde ye despysers and wonder peryshe ye for I do a worke in your dayes whyche ye shall not beleue yf a man would declare it you Act. xiij f ij a The iuste shall lyue by fayth Rom i. c Galat iij. b Nahum i.d. Howe beautiful are the fete of them whiche bringe glad tidinges of peace Rom. x.c. Zacharias viij c Euery mā speake trueth vnto his neighbour Ephe. iiij d ix b Beholde thy kinge cōmeth Math xxi a Iohn xij b xi c And they toke xxx syluer plates Mat. xxvii a xij c They shal loke on hym whome they pearsed Iohn xix g xiij c I wyl smyte the shepe herde Mat xxvi c Mark xiiij b Malachias i.a. Iacob I loued but Esau I hated Rom. ix c iij. a Beholde I sende mine Angel Mat xi b Mark i.a. Luke vij d Iohn i.c. iij. b Thys is Helias whiche shoulde come Math. xi b iij. b Why saye the scribes that Helias must first come Mat xvij b Mar ixb iij. b To tourne the hartes of the fathers to the children Luk. i.b. The ende of the first Table ¶ These testimonyes followynge of the newe Testament do not iustly agree in words but in the sence meaning of the olde Testament Genesis i.a. THoroughe fayth we vnderstand that the worlde was ordeined by the word of God Hebr. xi a i.a. The heauens were a great whyle a go and the earth that was in the water appeared vp oute of the water by the word of God ij Pet. iij. b i.d. He hath done al thinges well Mark vij d i. d Adam was fyrst formed then Eua i. Timo. ij c ij d The man is not of the woman but the woman of the man i. Corinth xi a iij. a The serpent begyled Eue thoroughe hys sutteltie ij Corinth xi a iij. b Adam was not deceaued but the woman was deceaued i. Timoth. ij d iiij a By fayth Abell offered vnto God a more plenteous sacrifice then Cayn Heb. xi a iiij b Frō the bloude of the ryghteous Abel Math. xxiij e iiij b Not as Cayn whyche was of the wycked i. Iohn iij. b liij b Wo be vnto them for they haue folowed the waye of Cayn Iude. d. v.c. By faith was Enoch translated that he should not see death Heb. xi b vi c When the longe sufferyng of God abode exceding paciently in the daies of Noe whyle the Arke was a preparinge i. Pet. iij. d vi c By faith Noe honored God after that he was warned of thinges that were not sene Heb. xi b vij a Saued Noe the eyghte preacher of ryghteousnes ij Petr. ij b vij b For as in the dayes before the floude they dyd eate and drynke mary and were maried euen vnto the day that Noe entred into the shyppe c. Math. xxiiij d ix a All that laye hande on the sworde shall peryshe with the swearde Mat. xxvi.e. Apoc. xiij c xij a By fayth Abraham when he was called obeyed to go oute Hebreos xi b xiiij d Thys Melchisedech kynge of Salem whyche beynge prieste of the moost hye God Hebre. vij a xvi d Abraham had a sonne by a bonde mayde Gala. iiij c xvij b He receyued the signe of circumcision as a seale of the ryghteousnes whyche is by fayth Romo iiij b Act vij a xviij a Thorough faith Sara receyued strenght to be with chylde Hebr. xi c xviij b Euen as Sara obeied Abraham and called him Lord. i. Petri. iij. a xix b He tourned the cities of Sodome and Gomorre in to ashes ij Petr. ij b xix.e. Euen as Sodome and Gomorre and the cities aboute them Iude. c xix.e. Remēbre Lottes wife Luk. xvij g xix.e. As it chaūsed in the daies of Lot They ate they dranke c. And euen the same day that Lot went out of Zodome it raygned fyre brimstone frō heauen Luk. xvij f xxi a Abraham had a sonne by the free woman Galat. iiij c xxij a In faith Abrahā offered vp Isaac when he was tempted Hebre. xi d xxij c Euen as he promysed to oure fathers Abraham and to his seede foreuer Luk. i.c. xxv c Rebecca was wyth chylde by one I meane by our father Isaac Rom ix b xxv d Noman be vncleane as Esau which for one breakefast c. Heb. xij d xxvij d In fayth Isaac blessed Iacob Esau Hebre. xi d xlviij c By fayth Iacob whan he was a dienge blessed bothe the sonnes of Ioseph Hebr. xi d xlix b Of whome moyses in the Lawe did writte Iohn i.g. l.d. By fayth Ioseph whan he dyed remembred the departynge of the chyldren of Israel and gaue commaundement of hys bones Heb. xi.e. Exodus ij a By fayth Moyses when he was borne was hyd thre Monethes of his father and mother Heb. xi.e. ij b By fayth Moises whan he was great refused to be called the sonne of Pharaos doughter Heb. xi.e. ij b And whan he sawe one of them suffre wornge he defended him Actuū vij c iij. a And whan fourty yeares were expired there appeared to him in the wildernes of mounte Syna an Angell of the Lorde Act. vij d xij d Thoroughe fayth he ordeined the easter lambe and the effusion of bloude Heb. xi.e. xiiij e They were all baptysed vnder Moyses in the cloude i. Cor. x. a xiiij e By fayth they passed thoroughe the read see Heb. xi.e. xvi c Your fathers did eate Manna in the wildernes Iohn vi.e. xvi d He gaue them breade from heauen to eate Iohn vi d xvi d They did all eate of one spiritual meate i. Cor. x.a. xvij b They dranke of that spyrytuall rocke that folowed them i. Cor. x.a. xix b If a beaste had touched the moūtayne it must haue ben stoned Hebre. xxij.e. xix c An holy nacyon and a peculiar people i. Pet. ij b xx b Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vayn Mat. v.c. xx c Thou shalt not kil Math. xix c xx e For ye are not come vnto the moūte that can be touched Heb. xij e xxiiij c When all the commaundementes were redde of Moises vnto al the people
hath geuen me Heb. ij d ix a The lande of Sabulon and Neptalim sawe a great light Mat. iiij c x.c. Though the children of Israel be as the sande of the sea Rom. ix.f. xi a. That wicked shal be vttered whome the Lord shal cousume by the spyrite of his mouth ij Thess ij c xi c There shal be the roote of Iesse Rom. xv.c. Act. xiij d xxi c Babilon is fallen that great citye Apoc. xiiij b xxij d Let vs eate and drinke for to morowe we shal dye i. Cor. xv.e. xxij f This saith he that is holy true whyche hath the keye of Dauid Apo iij. b xxv c And God shal wipe awaie al teares from theyr eyes Apoc. vij d xxi b xxviij c With other tonges wyth other lyppes wyll I speake vnto thys people i. Cor. xiiij d xxviij b Behold I put in Syon an heade corner stone Rom. ix.g. i. Petr. ij b Act. iiij b xxix d This peole honoureth me with their lippes Matt. xv a Mark vij b xxix e I wil destroie the wisedome of the wise and will cast awaye the vnderstandinge of the prudente i. Corynth i. c xxxiij c Where is ths wyse Where is the scrybe where is the sercher of this worlde i. Cor. i.c. xl.a. The voyce of a cryer in wyldernes prepare the Lordes waye Math iij. a Marke i.a. Luke iij. a Ioannes i.c. xl b All fleshe is as grasse i. Petr. i.d. Iaco. i.d. xl.d. Who knoweth the mynde of the Lorde or who shall informe hym i. Cor. ij d xl.d. Who hath knowen the mynde of the Lord or who was his conseillour Rom. xi d xli b xliiij a I am the first and the last Apo. i.d. xxij c xlij.a. Beholde my chylde whome I haue chosen Mat. xij b xliij c Beholde I make all thinges newe Apoc. xxi b ij Cor. v.d. xlv d As truely as I lyue sayth the Lord all knees shal bowe to me Romano xiiij b xlv b Shall the worke saye to the worke man why hast thou made me on this fashion Rom. ix d xlix b I haue made the a light to the gētiles Act xiij g xlix c I haue hearde the in a tyme accepted and in the daye of saluacion haue I succoured the. ij Cor. vi a xlix.e. They shall honger no more neyther thyrst Apoc. vij d l.c. Then spat they in hys face Mathe xxvi g lij.b. Howe beautyfull are the fete of them that brynge glad tydynges of peace Rom. x.e. lij.d. Come oute from amonge them and separate your selues ij Corynth vi d lij a The name of God is euyll spoken of amonge the Gentyles thoroughe you Rom. ij c Ezeche xxxvi d lij c. Th whome he was not spoken of they shall see him Rom. xv.c. liij a Lorde who shall beleue oure sayenges Rom. x.c. Iohn xij.f. liij b He toke vpō him oure infirmities Math. viij b liij c He was led like a shepe to be slain Act. viij.f. liij d He was counted amonge the wycked Mark. xv.c. Luk. xxij d liij e Which did no synne neyther was there guyle founde in hys mouth i. Petr. ij d i. Iohn iij. a liij e Whyche hys owne selfe bare our synnes in hys body i. Petr ij d liiij b Reioyce thou baren that bearest no children Gala. iiij d liiij c And they shal al be taught of god Iohn vi.e. lv.a. And let him that is a thyrste come and let who soeuer wil take of the water of lyfe frely Apoc. xxij d lv.b. The holy promyses made to Dauid I wyll geue them faithfully vnto you Actuū xiij e vi b My house shal be called the house of praier Mat. xxi b Mark xi c Luk xix g lvi.b. Destruction and wretchednes are theyr wayes Rom. iij. c lix c Take to you the shelde of fayth Ephes vi c i. Thess v.b. lix.d. There shall come oute of Sion he that doth delyuer and shall tourne awaye the vngodlynes of Iacob Rom xi d lx.c. And the gates of it shal not be shut by daye Apoc. xxi.g. lxi a The spirite of the Lorde is vpon me Luk. iiij e lxij d Tell ye the doughter of Sion beholde thy kynge cōmeth Math. xxi a lxiiij b The eye hath not sene and the eare hath not hearde i. Cor. ij b lxv.a. I am founde of them that fought me not Rom. x.d. lxv.a. All daye longe haue I stretched forth my hādes vnto a people that beleneth not Rom. x.d. lxv.a. I sawe a newe heauen and newe earth ij Pet. iij c. Apac. xxi a lxvi a Heauen is my seate and earth is my fotestole Act. vij f lxvi Where theyr worme dyeth not the fyre neuer goeth oute Mark ix.g. lx.d. And the cytye hath no nede of the sonne neither of the moone Apoc. xxi d ●… d And there shal be no nyghte there Apoc. xxij a Ieremias vij b But ye haue made it a denne of theues Mathe. xxi b Marke xi c Luk xix g ix.g. He that reioyceth let hym reioyce in the Lorde i. Cor. i.d. ij Cor. x.d. x.a. Who shall not feare the o Lorde Apoc. xv b xvij.d. I am he whiche serchet the reynes and hertes Apo. ij f xxxi d In rama was a voyce hearde Mathe. ii.d. xxxi a I will be a father vnto you ye shal be vnto me sonnes ij Cor. vi d xxxi e Beholde the dayes wyll come sayth the Lorde and I wyll fynyshe vpon the house of Israel and vpon the house of Iuda a newe Testamente Hebr. viij c xxxi f Thys is the Testamente that I wil make vnto them after those daies saith the Lorde I will put my lawes in their hartes Heb. x.c. li.a. Graet Babilon is fallē Apo xviij a Ezechiel iij. a Take the boke eate it vp Apo. x. d xx b The man whyche doth the thynges of the lawe shal lyue therin Rom x.b. xxxij b The sonne shal be darkened and the moone shall not geue her lyghte Math. xxiiij c xxxvi e The name of God is euyl spoken of amonge the Gentyles through you Rom. ij c Daniell ix.g. When ye shall se the Abhomynacyon that betokeneth desolacyon spokē of by Daniell the prophete standing in the holy place Math. xxiiij b Mark xiij b Luk. xxi d Ozeas i.d. And it shal come to passe in the place where it was saide vnto thē ye are not my people that there shall be called the chylderen of the lyuynge God Rom. ix e ij d. I wyll call them my people which were not my people Roman ix c i. Petr. ij b vi c I haue pleasure in mercy and not in offering Math. ix b xij a x.b. Then shall they begynne to saye to the mountaynes fal on vs and to the hilles couer vs. Luk. xxiij d xi a Oute of Egypte haue I called my sonne Mat. ij c xiij d Death is consumed into vyctory i. Cor. xv.g. Ioell ij.g. It shall be in the laste dayes sayth God of my sprete I wyll powre oute vpon all fleshe Act. ij c ij.g. Who soeuer shall call on the
Heb. ix e xxvi a xxxvi a There was a fore tabernacle made Hebr. ix a xxxij b Be not worshippers of Images i. Cor. x.b. Leuiticus xij a On the Saboth daye ye circumcise a man Iohn vij c xij a Whan the eighte daye was come Luk. ij d xij a Whan the tyme of theyr purificacyon after the lawe of Moyses was come Luk. ij d xij c To offer as it is sayd in the lawe of the Lorde Luk. ij d xiiij a Offer the gyfte that Moises commaunded in wytnes to thē Mat viij a viij a Mark i.d. Luk. v.c. xvi d The whole multitude of the people were wythonte in prayer Luke i.a. xvi e Yf the bloud of oxen and of Goates Hebr. ix d xix c Be not accepters of personnes Iacob ij e xix d Yf thy brother trespace agaynste the forgeue hym Mathe. xviij b Luk xvij a xx a Moyses in the Lawe commaunded vs that suche shoulde be stoued Iohn viij a Numerus viij c Euery man that fyrste openeth the Matryx shal be called holy to the Lord Luk. ij d ix d Oure fathers were all vnder a cloude i. Corin. x a. xi b He gaue them breade from heauen to eate Iohn vi d xij●b Euen as was Moyses in all hys house Heb. iij. a xiiij f The carcases of the chyldren of Israell were ouerthrowen in the deserte Hebre. iij. d xiiij f Murmure not as some of them ▪ did i. Corint x.b. xvi a They peryshe in the treason of Core Iude. d. xix a The bodyes of those beastes whose bloude is brought into the holy place by the hye prye●te to pourge synne Hebre. xiij b xx b They dranke of the spyrytuall rocke whyche followed them i. Corin x. a xxi b Let vs not tempte Christ as some i. Corinth x.b. xxi.e. As Moyses lyfte vp the serpente in the wildernes Iohn iij. b xxij d The tame and domine beast speakinge with mannes voice forbade the foolyshenes of Balam ij Petr. ij c xxij d Geuen to the erroure of Balam for lukers sake Iude. d. ij Petr. ij c xxiiij c Balam taught in balake to put oceasion of synne before the children of Israel Apoc. ij d xxv b Neyther let vs committe fornication as some of them cōmitted fornicacion i. Corint x.b. xxvi g For they shal be ouer throwen in the wildernes i. Corynth x. a xviij a The priestes in the temple breake the Saboth daye Mat. xij a Deuteronomium i.e. xvi d Yf ye regarde one person more then another ye committe synne Iaco. ij.a.b. v.b. Thou shalt not sweare Matt. v.c. x.d. There is no parcialite with God Rom. ij b Act. x.e. Collos iij. c Ephess vi b i. Pet. i.c. xvij b He that despiseth Moises Lawe dyeth without mercy Heb. x.e. xviij a Do ye not vnderstand that they whyche wayte at the aulter are partakers wyth the aulter i. Corinthe ix b xxiiij.a. Whosoeuer putteth a waye his wyfe let him geue her a testimonyall also of the deuorcement Mathe. v.c. xix a Marke x.a. Iosue ij a Lyke wyse also was Rahab Iacob ij d vi d By fayth the walles of Ierico fell downe Heb. xi.f. vi d By fayth the harlot Raab peryshed not wyth the vnbeleuers Hebre. xi.f. The first boke of the kynges xxi b Haue ye not redde what Dauyd dyd whan he was an hongered Matt xij a Mark ij d Luk. vi a The thyrde boke of the kynges ij b Let me frely speake vnto you of the Patriarke Dauid for he is both dead and buried Act. ij e xiij e x.a. The quene of the south came from the vttermost parties of the worlde to heare the wisedome of Salomon Mat xij d Luk. xi d xvij a In the dayes of Helyas heuen was shut Luk. iiij d xvij a Helyas was a man mortal euen as we are Iacob v.d. The fourth boke of the kynges iiij d Salute noman by the waye Luke x.a. v.d. Many lepers were in Israel in the tyme of Heliseus the Prophete Luke iiij e The first boke of the Cronycles xxiij b No man taketh honour vnto him selfe but he that is called of God as was Aaron Hebre. v.b. Iob. i.d. We broughte nothinge into the worlde i. Timot. vi b v.c. Happie is the man that endureth in temptacion Iacob i.b. xxxiiij b God is not parciall Act. x.e. Psalter xl.c. The sonne of man goeth as it is wrytten of hym Math. xxvi b Mark xiiij b Luk xxij b Cxxxi Dauid desyred that he myghte fynde a tabernacle for the God of Iacob Actu vij f Prouerbes xi d The righteous shall scacely be saued i. Pet. iiij d xvij.d. Let euery man be swyfte to hear and slowe to speake Iacob i.c. xx b. Yf we saye that we haue no synne c. i. Iohn i.c. xxiiij c Be not parcial Iacob i.c. xxv a When thou arte bidden go and sitte in the lowest rowme Luk. xiiij c Esaye viij c Beholde thys shal be the fall and resurrectiō of many in Israel Luk. ij e xiij b In those dayes after the tribulacion shall the sunne be darkened Mat xxiiij c Mark xiii c Luk. xxi.e. xli b He helped Israell his seruaunte Luk. i.e. liiij a Happy are the baren and the wombes that neuer bare Luk. xxiij d lviij b I was an hongred and ye gaue me no meate Math. xxv c lxiij a And he was clothed with a vesture dipt in bloude Apoca. xix b Ieremie ij d There was a certayne housholder which planted a vyneyarde Mat. xxid Mark xij a Luk. xx b xviij a Shal the worke saie to the work man Rom. ix d Ezechiell iij. e And when the thousand yeares are expired Apoc. xx c xij.f. Where is the promise of his commynge ij Pet. iij. b xviij b I was an hongered and ye gaue me meate Mat. xxv c Daniell vi c The nombre was thousande thousandes Apoc. v.d. xij c The Angell whych I sawe stande Apoc. x.b. Ioell iij. c The sonne shal be darkened and the moone shall not geue her lyght Matt xxiiij c Mark xiij c Luk. xxi.e. Micheas ij c Here haue we no continuynge citye Heb. xiij c iiij c He shal raygne ouer the house of Iacob for euer Luk. i.c. Ende The thyrde boke of the Machabees not founde in the Hebrew canons but translated out of the Greke in to Latyn and taken in the steede of one of the bookes of holy Scripture worthy to be reade of all godly men neuer before this set forth in the Engleshe tounge The content of this boke HEre in is declared the fearfull punyshemente of the Blasphemous tyranny of Ptolomeus Item what myschefe he dyd afterwardes enterpryse againste the Iewes whiche God neuertheles dyd gracyously wythstand and brought it to a good ende therby sygnyfyeng vnto vs that the hartes of Kinges and Princes and of all men are in hys hande Prouerb xxi a iiij Regum i.c.d. ij Hester vi b And that noman shall be confounded that putteth hys thrust and confidence in hym Esaye xlix.e. xxviij c lvii b Psal
Iewe shal be found to be receyued let it be roasted with fier and for euer be made vnmete for eny man to dwell in and thys was the copye of hys epystell chapter 4 part A AND wheter so euer thys proclamacion was brought the people made common feastes wyth great ioy and gladnes the old maleyce that was hardened in there myndes now when they hadde lycense shewing it selfe forth But the Iewes were in great mournyng and lamentably cōplained gronynge in ther hartes and bewaylynge that sentence of death was thys sodenly gyuen agaynste thē what offyce or citie or what place inhabited what hye wayes was not full of ther waylynge and mournyng for they wer sent awaye by so bitter and cruell a sētence of the cheyfe offycers in the citye that for the straunge kynde of punyshmentes sōme of there enemyes settinge before ther eyes the myseryes that may happen to all men and remembryng in theyr mynde the incertayne chaunge of thys lyffe they dyd bewayle theyr pytyfull sendynge awaye Zurich part K For there were led a great sort of olde men with graye heddes and there legges croked for age whyche were threatened and rebuked made go fast whether they would or no. part B And the maydens that were lately maryed in steade of pleasure hadde mournynge and there heare that was embawmed was now all dostyed and the sang mournyng songes in steade of Ioyfull ballades and all to vexed with straunge women they were bound and pocked to gether euen tyll the came to shyppynge There husbandes also hauynge halters about there neckes in steade of garlantes being in there yong and floryshynge yeares in the stede of myrth and quyetnes pasted the reste of there maryage dayes in mornyng and sawe death before there feete And they were caryed awaye lyke wylde beastes and drawen wyth chaynes some were bounde to toppes of shippes by the neck and other were fetered so that they coulde not be vndone and tables set ouer there heddes by cause they shoulde not see all the whyle the sayled part C When they hadde thus ledde them to shyppe whē the iorney was done as the kinge commaunded he hadde he shoulde be set in the tentes in the great roume wher horses that is before the cytye do runne for an example of punyshemente to all men that came in to the cytye and that go out in to the countrye nether wyllynge them to be among the men in hys armye nor yet with in the compasse of hys walles Zurich part L When this was done and that he heard saye that certeyne of ther nacyon was gone pryuelye out of the cytye and dyd often bewayle thys shamfull mysery of there bretheren beynge angrye he commaunded them also to be handled after the same maner that the other were there punyshement nothynge to be diminyshed and that al there kyndred by name shoulde be attaynted For he sayde that he woulde not take any of them in to paynful seruyce but that in one day he would slay them al with such punyshment as hath not bene dyuysed So they were proclamid traytours most bytterlye and the sessyons was kept continewally from the rysynge of the sonne to the goinge downe and yet was it not xl daies part D * iij. Macha v. In the meane tyme the kyng full of greate and continewal ioy kept feastes before all the Images hys mynde farre from the trouth and wyth a wycked mouth praysyng dōme thynges whych coulde nether speake nor helpe and agaynst al reason blaspheming the God of night and after that when the scrybes hadde shewed the kinge that they were able to punyshe the Iewes no lengar for the great multytude of them for many of them was scatered abrode in the contrey some yet at whome and some in other places so that it was a thynge impossyble to do for all the offycers in Egypte the kynge threatened them sore as though they had binne hyred to help them for gyftes Yet so it fortuned that they persuaded hym shewyng euydently that they lacked both paper and pennes to serue thē And thys was the plaine worcke of hys prouydence whych did sende helpe to the Iewes from heauen chapter 5 part A Zurich part M THen after he had sent for Hermon master of hys Elephantes beyng full of great and vnpleasable anger * i. Mach vi d Iosephus againste Appyon in hys secoūd boke so commaunded that the next daye there shoulde be gyuen to hys elephantes great quantytye of fragrant scence with much wine to drinck that when the hadde myghtely drounken they myghte be broughte in starcke madde to kyll the Iewes And when he had commaunded thees thynges callynge together hys frends and the cheife of hys armye which were cruelly minded agaynste the Iewes he gat hym to hys feast But Hermā the master of his elephantes did his commaundementes handsomly and his seruauntes came about euenyng and bounde the sely soules handes and dyd all thynges that was to be done amongest them thynckynge aboute twilyghte to kyll all the whole nacyon Nowe the Iewes semed to the Gentiles to be destytude of souccoure bycause they were so hard bound wyth banndes but all they wyth one voyce wyth teares called vpon the omnipotent Lord and there mercifull God and father which was aboue al powre Desyryng hym to tourne awaye thys wycked deuyse taken against them and that by hys royall commyng he would take there fete out of thys desteuye part B And thus they prayed toward heauen continewallye But Hermon whyche hadde filled thoos cruel elephātes with drincke ynough frankenscense came early in the mornynge to the court to tell the king of it Zurich part N But that goodly worckmanshyp of day and nyght made from the begynyng of the worlde and whych is sent of him that gyueth lardgly vnto al that he wyll was partly sent vnto the kyng for * i. Regū xxvi b he was fast in slepe was much deceaued of hys cruell purpose frustrat of his angry iudgment So the Iewes when they had passed the tyme that was appoynted they praysed there holy God and prayed vnto him agayn that he woulde shewe vnto the prowde Gentyles the strengt of hys myghtye hand Now whē it was halfe an howre almost past tenne of the clocke hys seruaunt seing that many ware come that he had sent for he came and waked the kynge and thold hym the slepe yet scāt out of hys eyes that dynner tyme passed awaye and thold hym of the men that were cōme And the kyng remembring he went where they were and commaūded thē that were come to dynner to sytt ryght agaynst him and so doing he exhorted them to eate and to make mery al the diner while And as they fell in long talkynge the kynge sent for Hermon and axed shortly why the Iewes wer suffered a lyue that day And when he had shewed that he had done hys cōmaundement that night and his frendes had borne wytnes to the same more cruell then Phalaris
well quoth he let them thynck that I slepe so longe to daye but thow wythout tarieng prepare men the elephantes agaynste to morowe euen after the same facyon to kyll thees Iewes cruelly When all they that were there were glad had praised thys commaundemente of the kynges euerye man wente whome to hys owne house where they bestowed the night not so much in slepe but to deuise as it was thought al maner of meanes howe to mock thees selye soules Zurich part O So as soune as the cock cruw erly in the morning Hermō begā to dryue thees armed beastes in a great walking place al the people thorow out of the city came to see this pitifull sight loking euer when it should be daye But the Iewes all that whyle almost deade wyth weapinge prayers and wofull sounges holding vp there handes to heauen prayed allmyghtye God that he would helpe them shortly agayne And or euer it was daye when the kynge receyued hys frendes Hermon stode and called them out and declared vnto them that it was the kynges minde which thing when the kyng heard marueling at this cruel sight as a man that hadde forget all axed what was the cause why he did such thinges so dylygently part D But thys was the mighty worcke of God that ruleth all * Deute ●xviij c Iob xij c Mic iij b Rom. i c whyche made hym forget all thynges thought vpon before And when Hermon sayde Bothe all thy frendes beastes and men of armys O kyng are redye after thy pleasure the king was for thees sayenges very sore angrye that he hadde loste the remembraunce of all thees thynges * Iob. v. b thorough the prouydence of God loking shortly and with great threateninges saide As many as be here that hath chyldren or that bee borne of free parentes that haue giuen vnto this cruel beastes this much meat let them be serued as the innocente Iewes should haue byne whiche haue excellently declared theyr sure perfecte faythfullnes both to me and myne auncytours all though noman for fauor that they haue byne broughte vp wyth vs and done seruyce was euer depcyued of hys lyffe for them Zurich part P Thus Hermon had sore checkes vnloked for and was maruelously abbashed and affraied and euery one of hys frendes went there waye wyth heauy cheire and sent away thoos that were cōme euery man to do hys owne busynes And when the Iewes knewe what the king had sayd the praysed the myghtye Lorde * Dan. xij a. king of kynges of whome they hadde gott thys healpe i. Timot vi c Apo. xvij c. xix c And when the kinge after his old coustome had prepared a feaste and exhorted them to be mery callyng Hermon vnto hym wyth greate threates he sayde Thou wretche how ofte shall I commande the to do any thyng Let me se yf now at the last thou canste prepare the elephantes to kyll the Iewes Then his kynsfolkes that sat with hym meruelyng at the inconstantnes of his mynde sayd thees wordes O king how long wylt thou tēpt vs as though we were mad whyche now commaundest them to be slayne the thyrde tyme and chaunged again in doing the thing breakest that the thou hast apponted Verely the cytye for thys cause is in a greate romublyng and many come to gether threatenynge that they wyll go awaye Wherfor the king full of madnes euen in all poyntes lycke an other Phalaris not regardinge the chaungynge of his minde toward the sauing of the Iewis sware styfly that he woulde kyll them with out deleye and that they shoulde be all to troden with the fete and knees of the beastes And that after he would go in to Iewry and there wyth swerde and fyre wast it all and the holy place also of the Iewys * iij. Mac a. that he might not come into and burne al them that there dyd offer sacrifice Then hys frendes and kinsfolke when they were gone appoynted for the armye the most conueniēt places of the citie to be surely kept Zurich part Q And the master of the elephauntes had broughte hys beastes euen almoste to madnes wyth swete drynckes tempered wyth franckensence and decked fearefully to loke to And now aboute the mornynge the cytye beynge replenished with innumerable people about the place where horses be coursed one went vnto the kinge mouynge hym to come to thys syght Then he wyth an angry and cruell minde came out with al his mighty elephantes with a fearce mynd desyrynge to see the lamentable destruction of the aforsayd selie soules And when the Iewes sawe aboute the gate the dust that the elephantes made in there commynge oute and the hooste that folowed in harnes and of the dust of the peoples fete and heard the horrible noyse thynckynge it to be the laste moment of there lyffe and the ende of ☞ there mysery that they loked for tourning them selues to mournynge eche embraced ayssed an other and toke there kynsfolke about there neckes the father the sonnes and the mothers the daughters and some put the infantes to there brestes to suck there last And remembrynge of the help that they had before from heauen wyth one consent they fell flatt to the grounde takynge there children from there pappies And wythe one voyce cryed alowde making there prayers to almyghtye God that he woulde come and helpe them that were nowe comme to deathes doore chapter 6 part A ☞ ANd one Eleazarus a noble man one of the Priestes of that countrey a very aged man vertuous all his lyfe with other sadde men about hym callynge vpon the holy God prayed thus O myghtie kyng and most hyest almyghtye God which mercyfully gouernest all thynges that thou hast made locke vpon the seade of Abraham and the chyldren of thy holy Iacob The chosen people consecrated vnto the beyng straungers in an other lande and that shall be slayne vniustely * Exo. xiiij f. Psalm lxxxiij Cv. Cvi Esa xi c. Sap. x. d O father Thou destroyest Pharao hauing many chariottes sometyme the kyng of the Egiptians puffed vp with cruell stubbernes bostinges of tongue thou drownest hym his proude hooste in the sea and with thy lyght of mercy dydest shyne vpō the Israellites Zurich part R * Esaye xxxvij f iiii Reg. xix g Tob. i. d ii Mach xv d Thou O Lord ouer truwest Senacherib kinge of the Assirians being proude for his innumerable sorte of men whiche had subdewed vnto his powere all the whole lande and was lift vp against the holy citie speakyng cruell and proude wordes shewyng openly vnto the gentiles the power part B * Dan. iij d Thou sauest those thy trie frendes in Babylon whiche with good there gaue there liues to the fyre because they woulde not worship vayne thinges and didest cast downe vnto the burning forne is sauest them vnhurt euen the very heares of their heddes turning the flāme vpō all their enemies * Dani. vi