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A02825 [The image of bothe churches after reulacion of saynt Iohan the euangelyst] Bale, John, 1495-1563. 1545 (1545) STC 1296.5; ESTC S110909 105,128 291

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the defence and shaddowe of the hyghest So longe as the lorde is my gouernour sayth he I can wante nothinge He fedeth me he sustayneth me I doubt no daunger for he ys with me Hys staffe stayeth one hys worde and promes ys my whole confort 8 And there wyl the lorde fede her sayth saynt Iohan for the space of a thousande two hondreth and .lx. dayes Non other are fende with the scripturs promises of God which ys the bread of children not to be geuen to dogges but they which fleeth into thys desert from the Dragon forsakynge both head and tayle both suggestions and lawes both customes and constytucions For all are deuyllyshe Non other escaped the plage of Sodome but they which fledde cleane from thens Lor●es wyse but lokynge backe onlye towardes yt agayne was turned into a salt stone 9 The nombred dayes here are non other but the afore wrytten tyme of the two witnesses the tyme of Helias preachinge the tyme of Iohans preachynge the tyme of Christes preachinge or the tyme of the gospell preachynge from Christes ascencyō to the latter ende of the worlde That ys the verye tyme of the feadynge of hys churche And not open ys thys feadinge here but secrete in the wldernesse amonge a sorte vnknowne to the worlde hauynge the pouerte of sprete without shauynge anoyntinge or Hipocrytes apparell And not onlye hath the lorde thus noryshed hys peple in this spirituall respect but also in bodye Whan they haue bene greuouslye handled spoyled of their goodes impresoned and exyled gracyouslye hath he releued them and prouyded for them both solate and confort a● the hādes of thē whom they neuer sawe afore So that the iust hath not felt hym selfe forsakē nor his childrēseking bread The Text. 1 And there was a great battayle in heauen 2. Michael ād his angels 3. fought with the Dragon ād the dragon fought and his angels 4. and preuayled not 5. neyther was theyr place founde anye more in heauen 6. And the great dragon that olde Serpent called the deuyll and sathanas 7. was caste out 8. which deceyued all the worlde 9. And he was caste in to the earthe and his angels were caste out wyth hym also ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And there happened at that tyme sayth saynt Iohan a great battayle in heauen In the churche is euermore variaūce and stryfe without ceasynge betwixt the sprete and the fleshe the good ād the badde the faithfull and the vnfaithfull Non other is this battayle but a verye contradiccion a dyuersite in faythe stodye opynion wyll ād worke about the lawes or commaundements of God ād also about the lawes and tradycyons of menne Thys battayle is wayghtye in cause multitude ād continuaunce The cause therof is Christ the gospell faythe rightousnesse mannes helthe Gods hygh honour ād soche other lyke on the one partye Vpon the other partye the cause is errour hipocrisie lyes ydolatrie auarice pryde cruelte fylthynesse with all soche other So great is the multitude that non is fownde out of its Non is there but are in this armye Eyther they are good or badde faythfull or vnfaythfull ryghtouse or vnrightouse The rightouse are of the hoste of Michael the vnrightouse are vpon the dragōs syde Continued haue this battayle frō the first beginninge and so shall styll to the latter ende Yea thowgh the dragon be bownde or tyed vp vnder the .vij. seale openynge that he rage not then as he hath done afore Yet shall the sprete of wyckednesse and a mynde to do mischef reygne inwardlye styll in his members for a Sathan can be but a Sathan and a deuyll a deuyll 2 Michael and his angels fought vale auntlye with the dragon Spyrituall are they which hath done on Christ after the mynde of Paule and spirituall is their armour Their gyrdinge is verite their brest plate rightousnesse their shilde a sure faythe their weapon the worde of God their helmet the hope of helthe and for stedefastnesse of their fete their showinge the gospell By interpretacion is Michael to saye who is as God or who is lyke vnto God And he betokeneth the constaunt ministers and syncere teachers of the gospell The angels of Michael are all they that in a sure faythe confesseth the eternall magnificence of God and that non is lyke vnto hym Contrarye wyse the dragons angels are the hipocrites lyēge prophetes and erronyouse teachers 3 These fyght with the dragon and the dragon and hys angels with them For he that ys not with Christ ys agaynst hym With the ryghteouse ys Michael For mynystrynge spretes are the angels ordayned for the confort of them which shall be saued And commanded they are to wayte vpō the faythfull to preserue and defende them The wycked sort haue the deuyll hys chaplaynes to fyght for them the ryghtouse haue Michael and hys angels The wycked fyghteth with errours ād lyes the ryghteouse with the onlye veryte of God 4. As vengeable and as ferce as they are yet preuayle they not neyther ys theyr place fownde anye more in heauen Faythe hath the vyctorye by the promyse of God though the blynde worlde seyth it not Ouercomen are the wycked whā their enterpryses taketh not and cleane ouerthrowne whā their beggerye ys contempned And neuer ys the full vyctorye gottē no more than yt was in Christ tyll the tabernacle of thys bodye be layed a syde At that daye ys the crowne gotten whom the lorde hath layed vp for the ryghtouse And lyke as there ys daylye fyghtynge so ys there in some daylye vyctorye Dayly are the angels of darkenesse ouerthrowne daylye are they cast out of heauē whych ys the true churche Daylye are they cōdēpned by the worde of God iudged for rebels agaynst the holye Ghost whose synne ys neuer forgeuen 5 No place haue they anye more with the chosen no eleccyon nor acceptacyon afore God The more light they haue had the more they haue tasted of the truthe now forsakinge yt rebellyng against yt with the deuill the farder they are frō God the more nygh vnto dāpnacyon Neuer beleued he trulye that so had receyued the worde Lett nō thynke to be saued vnlesse he perseuereth to the ende 6 And the great Dragō or captayne of all the vnfaythfull sort that olde croked Serpēt whych deceyued Adā ys called the deuyll or malycyouse accuser yea also Sathan the most cruell aduersarye with all hys elyentes spirituall adherentes are certayne sure to be cast out 7 With the ryghtouse shall they haue no porcyon for all their gloriouse tytles With the godlye shall not their names be regestred for all their holye vnccyōs But with the prince of this worlde they shall be throwne forth 8 For he by them they by hym hath deceyued all the worlde in lyenge tokēs wōders in the operacyō of errours to the vtter dāpnacyon of all thē that cōsenteth to theyr wyckednesse 9 And he was cast into the earthe his āgels also
were cast out with him which is not els but that they are reserued to eternall dam●nacion For seruynge the creature rather than the lorde that made all God hath forsaken them and geuen thē ouer to their owne shamefull lustes All grace ād goodnesse hath he takē frō them and in all darkenesse hath he lefte them Nothinge is now behynde but helle fyre prepared for the deuyll ād his angels The churche thus first bryngynge forth Christ amonge the Iewes ād so by their cruelte dryūe out into the wyld desert of the Gentyles hath bene there fedde of God in persecucyon euer sens ād shall be styll tyll the terme come out of the aforesayd thowsande two hondreth and thre score dayes whose ende is in the lordes handes The text 1 And I harde a loude voyce which sayd 2. In heauē is now made saluaciō and strength 3. ād the kyngedome become our Gods 4. ● the power his Christes 5. For he is caste downe which accused them before God daye night 6. And they ouer came hym by the bloude of the lambe 7. and by the worde of their testimonye 8. And they loued not theyr lyues vnto the deathe 9. Therfor reioyce ye heauens and ye that dwell in thē 10. No to the inhabyters of the earthe and of the see 11. for the deuyll ys come downe vnto yow 12. whych hath great wrathe 12. bycause he knoweth that he hath but a short tyme. ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And I harde a myghtye great voyce sayth saynt Iohā which is the whole agremēt of all the sacred scripturs And the voyce sayd thus vnto me 2 Now is there in heauē saluacion In the churche is the helthe of sowle now that the Idolatrie with other abhominacions is throwne forth she cleane delyuered frō their beggerie Now apereth the power of the lorde that his gospell is trulye preached 3 Now is it become our Gods kyngedome that their doctrine is not of menne 4 Now hath yt the whole srengthe of hys a noynted All Christes labours merytes and deseruynges hys natyuyte passyon resurreccyon and ascencyō ys now her owne good Christes vyctorye ys theirs hys crowne hys scrpture hys seate kyngedome ys theirs Yea the possessyō of hys fathers ryght hande vs theirs 5 For the enemye of oure bretherne is throwne downe which cruellye accused thē before God daye and nyght The ad̄uersarye Sathā which quareled before the lorde agaynst paciēt Iob and vexed hym sore in hys substaūce and fleshe neuer ceasynge to thys daye to troble the ryghtouse with Antichristes and tyrauntes ys now ouer comen by the vyctorye of faythe and hys power greatlye demynyshed in hys members Now is the kingedome of God increased moche peple beinge vnfaynedlye cōuerted vnto Christ 6 Conquerred hym they haue by no power of their owne neyther merytes nor workes but through the inestimable strēgthe which ys in the bloud of the immaculate lābe Iesus Christ and through the in vyncyble worde of hys veryte which they to the worlde haue testyfyed 7 In the wytnesse therof haue they constauntlye suffred and through faythe in them haue they with hym aptayned vyctorye ouer the worlde synne helle deathe the deuyll Not their owne bodyes haue they spared to wynne this cōquest 8 But moche more haue they loued Christ and hys truthe thā themselues accountynge yt auauntage to geue theyr lyues for hym 9 Therfor reyoyce ye heauens and all yow that in them doth dwell Ye angels a boue ordayned for mannes confort ye sayntes departed from the myst●yes of this worthe ye faythfull beleuers remay●inge in this lyfe and ye feruent fauorers of the lordes veryte be glad that your bretherne hath gote the vyctorye of the deuyll and his angels to the glorye of Christ. 10 But woo vnto the wreched inhabitauntes of the earthe and of the see No small daunger is towardes them that hath harde the voyce of the lorde and styll yet wyll folowe the course of thys wordle No light parel hāgeth ouer thier heades that are inconstaunt fickle and wauerynge geuynge backe with euery blast for the plesure of their fleshe 11 Take hede of yt therfor for vnto yow that are soche the deuyll ys come downe with hys subtle suggestyons ād craftes with hys wylye cauteles and ingyns ●monge yow doth he remayne watchynge to haue his praye as he ded amonge the chyldren of Israel whan they were become vnfaythfull 12 Tares wyll he sowe to destroye the good sede for his wrathe is great to se him self thus deiected ād his hate is excedinge beholdinge his kingedom decayed Amonge yow must he wreake his anger for he cānot harme the faythful Through his enuye same deathe first in to the worlde If ye wyll escape his snares loke ye geue no place vnto hym but in faythe resist him manfullye 13 He wexeth now madde and fretteth with him self He mindeth to make hauock and to do moche myschef because he knoweth that his tyme is shorte No longe season shall he haue from hence forth to deceyue The latter daye he perseyueth not to be farre of wherin great tormentes abydeth both him his And that maketh him so wode That maketh him so insaciablye desyerouse to noye not carynge what spyght he worketh agaynst God And no wycked wyle leaueth he vnsought to perfourme his cruell intent Woo vnto them therfor that in these dayes taketh no hede Woo vnto them that Rombreth in wanton pleasurs whan most daunger is and the deuyll most bysye not attendynge to the call and warnynge of God The Text. 1 And whan the dragō same that he was caste vnto the earth 2. he pursued the womā which brought forth the man chylde 3 And to the womā were geuen two wynges of a great Egle. 4 that she myght flye into the wildernesse 5 into her place where she is noryshed for a tyme tymes and halfe a tyme. 6. from the presence of the Serpent 7. And the Dragō caste out of his mouthe water after the womā as it had bene a ryuer 8. that he myght cause her to be caught of the floode 9. And the earthe holpe the woman 10. and the earthe opened her mouthe 11. and swalowed vp the ryuer whych the Dragon caste out of hys mouthe 12. And the Dragon was wroth with the woman 13. and went and made warre with the remnaunt of her sede 14. which kepe the commaundementes of God 15. and haue the testymonye of Iesus Christ. 16. ād he stode on the s●esande ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And whan the Dragon or most furyouse serpent the deuyll the head master of pryde and father of lyes sawe that he was throwne downe vnto the earthe by the valeaunt ho●te of God Or soche tyme as he perseyueth the Idolatrye superstycyon pompe Hipocresye ād other abhominable fylthynesse destroyed by the worde of God in hys malygnaunt Synagoge of proude paynted prelates 2 Thā persecuteth he the poore woman whych brought forth the manchylde Than vereth he the true congregacyon that teacheh nō other but
water ¶ The Paraphrase 1 An other Angell sawe I sayth Saynt Iohan flye in the myddes of heauen For Chryst was the first Angell or massenger of the euerlastynge couenaunt of the father This Angell here mencyoned is non other than he that had the seale of the lyuynge God in the vii Chapter and he that was clothed wyth a clowde in the tenth chapter And he betokeneth those feruent mynysters wh●m God hach sent in this latter tyme to admonishe his peple to fle from the errours of Antichrist and returne to his heauenlye veritees 2 He flyeth in the myddes of heauen An ernest feruent and faythfull course take they in the middes of Gods congregacion which is his heauenlye kyngedome here to whō this reuelacion is written lyke as ded Paulus Sylas Barnabas Timotheus Titus and Clemēs with other of the Apostles syncerelye to declare his worde Mightye stomaked are they in Gods cause both in their wordes and wrytinges 3 An euerlastinge gospell had this angell to preache vnto them that sytte and dwell vpon the earthe to all nacions kynredes and peple His eternall testament and couenaunt of peace hath the lorde geuen vnto them to preache delyueraunce to the captiue helthe to the wounded lyfe to the dead and remission to the sinnefull Yea to vtter that worde that is stronger than is heauen or earthe and that shall neuer fayle him that trulye beleueth 4 The sounde of this gospell must go the worlde ouer as in the Apostles tyme Euery where must it be spredde to the increase of faythe Amonge all nacions of the earthe amonge all kynredes of the Israelytes amonge all lāguages of the worlde ād amonge all kyndes of peple of what sort so euer they be whether they sytte vpon the earthe or dwell vpon the earthe whether they be hygh or lowe gouernours or subiectes masters or seruauntes owners or fermers So that they sytt not nor dwell not within the earthe or haue their felicyte here For that is holye shuld not be geuen vnto dogges nor yet pearles layed before swyne 5 And he cryed wyth a lowde voyce With a mightye feruent sprete do they beate it into the heades of menne both by wordes writinges and all they can make to haue the feare of God and to geue him his dewe honoure And this is the doctrine they teache and the counsell they geue 6 Feare ye God in all that ye do for the first poynt of godlye wysdome is to dreade least we offende him Be constaunt in the worde ād feare no displeasure of menne For nomore can they do in their anger but slee the bodye and brynge it to the rest of God No power haue they ouer the sowle Feare him onlye therfor that whan he hath destroyed both maye throwe them into helle 7 Geue honour vnto him worship him and serue him alone Prayse him ād glorifye him aboue all But yet after non other sort thā he hath appoynted which is in faythe sprete and veryte and not in outwarde shaddowes with obseruacyon of tymes He trulye honoureth him that trusteth in hym that beleueth hys worde and that in spyght of all Antychristes confesseth it afore all menne After this sort therfor feare him and worshyp him nothynge doubtynge the assaultes of enemyes 8 For the howre of his iudgement ys come At hande is it that all the Antychristes and hipocrites shall by the invincyble worde of God be iudged condempned and destroyed From heauen shall his wrathe be declared vpō all their vngodlynesse With the sprete of his mouthe shall the lorde consume thē and not longe after wyll the great daye of his indignacion towardes them lyght sodenlye vpon them 9 With all faythfull obsequy worship him therfor that create heauē and earth in wonderfull strengthe and bewtye 10 That made the see and the fountaynes of water with all that in them doth moue whose power is eternall knowlege non other God but hym Non other helper redemer nor sauer but his Crist. For all other Chrystes not sent of him are but Antychrystes Onlye bowe your knees vnto him for onlye is hys strength euerlastynge Onlye obeye his lawes for onlye a●e hys lawes cleane The Text. 1 And there folowed an other Angell saynge 2. She is fallen she is fallen euen Babylō that great cyte 3. for she made all nacions drynke of the wyne of her whoredome ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And there folowed an other angell sayth Saynt Iohan which betokeneth an other sort of preachers whose offyce is here appoynted thē of the holye ghost to declare vnto the peple the certente of the fall of the aduowterouse cursed ād malygnaunt churche of hipocrites here fygured by wreched Babilō For though all the true prophetes and preachers haue but one worde of God in their mouthe yet passeth it diuerslye from them Vnto yche of them is geuē a dyuerse vtteraunce of the sprete to edifye One is softe meke and gentyll as was Dauid Iohan ād Peter an other is boystuouse harde ād vehement as was Helias Esaye and Paule And all this worketh the self same one sprete This diuersyte of teachers was neuermore plentuouse in the worlde than now in owr tyme figured here by these two angels Praysed by the lorde therfor 2 And the tenoure or grounde of this latter sort of preachers is this She is fallen she is fallen euen myserable Babylon th●● great cyte of whordome because she made all nacyons to drynke of the wrathefull wyne of her fornycacion So sure is it that the execrable churche of Antichrist shall be ouerthrowne and vtterlye destroyed as it were now perfourmed in dede Nothing shall be vnroted out that the heauenlye father hath not planted Sonner shall heauen earthe peryshe than this promes be vnfulfylled 3 For with the stinkinge whoryshnesse of her supersticiouse worshippynges haue she poysened all nacions peples vnder heauē The great gouernours ād lerned lawers of the worlde hath she made in maner of beastlye dronkerdes wytlesse faythlesse ād gracelesse by their prostibulouse doctrine And this shall be declared more at large in the .xvij. chapter folowynge where as she is more plentuouslye described The Text. 1 And the thirde angell folowed them 2. saynge with a lowde voyce 3. If anye worshypp the beaste and his Image 4. ād receyue his marke in his fore head or on his hande 5. the same shall drynke of the wyue of the wrathe of God 6. which is poured in the cuppe of his wrathe 7. and he shall be punnyshed in fyre and brymstone 8. before the holye angels 9. and before the lambe ¶ The Paraphrase 1 The thyrde Angell also sayth Saynt Iohan folowed them in the thyrde kynde of preachynge of the same self massage that in the mouthe of .ij. or .iij. faythfull wytnesses all veryte myght stande 2 And by this angell are they signifyed that by the worde of God stifflye impugne their wicked lawes and vngodly ordynaunces whose maner of ernest preachinge is this 3 If anye mā worship the Beast
vny●ersall worlde makynge them dronken wyth the cuppe of all abhomynacyons 13 And all this shall they do to gather them togyther by their wycked counsels and to brynge them into one cruell consent of battaylynge agaynst Christ and his members to receyue the penalte therof in the great daye of the lorde almyghtye 14 Most busylye they gather them to battayle whan they moue them to persecute the iust beleuers wyth full vngodlye actes as now most of all in owrage whych God hath promysed in short space to reuenge Of this wyll more be spoken in the .xix. chapter folowynge Least anye manne knowynge the truthe shuld tangle his owne conscyence with their spirituall sorceryes for feare of princes lawes vnder the vayne hope of repentaunce in the ende of theyr lyues yt foloweth in playne sentence 15 Beholde sayth the lorde Iesus Christ or ernestlye take hede vnto it for I come daungerouslye vnloked for as commonlye doth the thefe to thy hyndraunce yf thu watche not in faythe but lyue in superstycyon Though thys not wythout reasonable cause maye be taken in a geueralte for the last iudgemēt daye yet is it here spoken partycularlye of euerye mannes departynge As a premonyshment he geueth this here of loue least anye manne shuld peryshe without warnynge 16 Blessed is he sayth that Lorde which watcheth in the true christen beleue and lyueth not in the vayne but in the sure hope of lyfe sealed with the iust promyses of God For all that he ●oth shall prospere and turne hym to great aduauntage in the conclusyon 17 Happye is he also that holdeth fast vnto him his garmentes or workes of Gods prescripcion whych are the frutes of the sprete or that hath done on the Lorde Iesus Christ gyrdynge him sure vnto him self by faythe 18 Least he be fownde a naked hypocrite without faythe veryte iustyce charyte wyth soche lyke or least the ryghtouse nombre at the latter daye se his filthinesse vncouered and reioyce at his condempnacion 19 He ys blessed whych at that daye shall be couered with the whight garment of the lambe not hauynge his sinnes imputed vnto him 20 To shewe the certente of the aforesayd battayle Saynt Iohan sayth tha● the deuil gathered together those wicked newlers into a serten place called in the Hebr●●●onge Armagedon The vncleane spretes that afore are named thre of ●heir dyuerse workinge in the Dragon Beast false prophe●e are here brought into one as all of one lyenge sprete whō Christ calleth the father deuill This one lyenge sprete which hath bene a murtherer from the begynnynge comprehendynge in him all vncleane spretes lyke as doth the Beast all Antichristes hath cōbyned together into ●n exe●rable zele of fatherlye tradicyons all vayne gloryouse and vngodlye mynded gouernours agaynst God and his Christ. And this hath not bene without the secrete permission of God willynge to proue his electes by stronge sufferynges that they myght receyue at his hande the rewarde of stronge victorye or of his habundaunt ryches 21 This place here called in the Hebrue Armagedon betokeneth in misterye an hyll of dylectable frutes interpreted of some for the hyll of the Gospell and is commonlye taken of the Hebrues for that is swete or of value And this without fayle is the churche which oft tymes in the scripturs ys called the plentuouse hyll of God the hyll of Gods howse the hyll of myrhe the hyll of oly●es the hyll of Syon Carmelus and ●thanus with soche other lyke In thys mounte euermore are they bent to battayle There slee they the innocent lambes of Christ. All their power malyce and tyrannie is there extremelie vttred at the Antichristes laboure and desyre which are excedynglye dronken in the bloud of holye martyrs which hath bene shedde vpon earthe from ryghtouse Abell vnto this daye But whan the almyghtye setteth kynges vpō the earthe it shall be clere euen in the darkenesse that the hyll of Basan is Gods hyll The Text. 1 And the seuenth angell poured out hys vyall 2 into the ayre 3. And there came a great voyce out of heauen from the seate sayenge 4. It is done 5. And there folowed voyces thōderynges and lyghtenynges 6. and there was a great earthquake 7. soche as was not sens men were vpō earthe 8. so mightye an earthquake and so great 9. And the great cytye was deuyded into thre partes 10. And the cytyes of the nacyons fell 11. And great Babylon came in remembraunce before God 12. to geue vnto her the cuppe of wyne of the fearcenesse of his wrathe 13. And euerye Ile fled awaye 14. and the mountaynes were not founde 15. And there fell a great hayle 16. as it had bene talentes 17. out of heauen 18. vpon the men 19. And the mē blasphemed God bycause of the plage of the ●ayle 20. for it was great and the plage therof was sore ¶ The Paraphrase 1 Finallye the seuenth Angell went forth vnder the seuenth seale openynge as God had eternally determined throwynge out the content of hys vyall into the ayre For the seuenth age of the christen churche by the verye set purpose of God are manye conuerted to the truthe and become with Paule the vessels of eleccion that afore were wyth Iudas the vessels of wrathe vnder the great aduersarye of God Neyther is it anye blemishe vnto them to be called here that they were afore vyals of wrathe consyderynge that Simon leprosus beynge ones healed of his leprosye was euer after called a leper In case lyke Paule after his conuersyon was not ashamed to report hym self both a Pharyse and also the sonne of a Pharyse 2 These by the myghtye determynacion of Gods stronge iudgement are sent into the ayre Most effectuallye are they lyghtened wyth the sprete of God and prouoked stiflye to stande vp agaynst the aereall powers regnynge in the fyckle fantasticall Antychrystes and hypocrytes condēpninge by Gods worde their vnyuersall doctrines and deuyllyshnesse These powers are no lesse than deuyls whō Christ calleth fowles of the ayre Peter ā Iohā mannis aduersaryes saynt Paule the gouerners of the es● darkenesses in spyrytuall wyckednesse 3 Whils these thinges are in doynge out of heauen which is the vnyuersall congregacion yea from the verye trone of God which is the electe faythfull nombre for they are onlye the seate of God came a voyce of reioysinge saynge after this sort 4 It is done All thinges are fynyshed Chrystes glorye ones manyfestlye knowne ●ke worlde is at an ende The wycked hath done all their myscheffes and the nombre of owr bretherne is fulfylled Thus shall they preache a full delyueraunce of the captyues and the peceable yeare of the lorde Thys ys the sylence of an halfe howre space mencyoned afore in the .viij. chapter and the returne of this worlde vnto Chryst in the .xij. Chapter Not that there shall in those dayes be no enemies for the remnaunt shall styll remayne but that they shall not then openlye dare rage persecute and kyll the worlde beynge at
ryche glotton shall reioyce ouer them and be gladde 5 They shall clappe their handes whā these godlye wytnesses be brought out of the waye They shall common ryote and bancket hauynge amonge themselues Ioye without measure that the heretykes be gone so hatefull ys the lyght to theyr eyes ād the veryte to theyr wycked hartes 6 And they shall sende gyftes or presentes one to an other for gladnesse as for example My lorde byshoppe hath had a summe of manye of the prestes for doynge hys part so well My lorde abbote ād master doctor haue had phesondes plouers partriches pigges gese capōs for dysparynge theyr matters so va●eauntlye ▪ Master persone hath bene cōmended for scoldynge and ser saunde● smelle smocke our perryshe preste for bearynge false witnesse Master fryre hath had a treu●all and father limit oure a bushell of ma●● or a che●● for playnge the knaues also And hardelye my lorde chefe iustyce hath not bene without his rewarde no● yet master Chaūcelloure neyther master Scrybe What made Thomas More for his tyme with so prodigiouse ●y●an●●e to persecute the truthe ād seus Godfathe of Norwiche whartō of Gongaye 〈◊〉 Baker of k̄te with soche other lyke● but auri sacra fames as 〈◊〉 both call it Thus do they 〈◊〉 triūphe whā they haue wrought my 〈◊〉 and moche it deliteth thē whā they bene 〈◊〉 vngodlye thi●ges 7 For 〈…〉 prophetes sayth the lorde vexed them that dwell on the earthe ▪ A great troble it is to thē to haue their faw●es seane a sore vexacion to haue their craftes knowne and an excedynge displeasure to be put from their plesaunt Euphrates by the preachynge of soche busye heretikes Moche was Herode offended with Iohan the byshoppes with cri●t the prelates religiouse with Paule and a sore grefe it was to their hartes whan they rebuked their vyces The Text. 1. And after thre dayes and an halfe 2 ▪ the sprete of lyfe from God entred in to them 3. And they stode vp vpon theyr fete 4. and great feare came vpon thē which sawe them 5 And they herde a great voyce from heauen saynge vnto them Come vp hyther 6 And they ascended vp into heauen in a cloude 7. and theyr enemyes sawe thē 8. And thesame houre was the●● a great earthquake 9. and the tēth part of the cyte fell 10. And in the earthquake were slayne names of men seuē thousande 11. And the rennaunt were feared 12. and gaue glory to God of heauen 13. The seconde wo is past 14. And beholde the thyrd wo wyll come anone ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And after thre dayes an halfe sayth Saynt Iohan ded the sprete of lyfe by the powre of God entre in to them In the myddes of their Ioye and triumphe whan they thynke them selues well quyeted the heretykes thus taken a waye an other storme falleth vpon thē moche worse than the other Manye more aryseth out of their ashes to their confusion and to the chosens confort And the same wytnesses they are agayne geuynge the same testymonye though they be not the same persones 2 The same lyuynge sprete haue they confessinge the same veryte that had the other No longe tyme can Christes congregacion be without faythfull testes he promysinge to be with them to the ende of the worlde 3 These witnesses stode vp vpon their fete In the tyme full past ys this spoken for the certēte of the thynge though moche of it be to come For so certē is it as it were all fynyshed An ernest stomake shall they haue and with moche boldenesse shall they speake The ryghtouse shall stande vp sayth the boke of wysdome in great feruentnesse of sprete agaynst them that hath extremelye handled them and taken awaye theyr labours persecuted them and blemyshed theyr doctryne 4. And great feare came vpon thē which sawe them Whan the Antichrystes se they can not preuayle moche are they inwardlye anguyshed vexed and tormented Then doubt they their falle thā feare they their vtter destruccion They trymble and quake whā they se their lawes wyll no longar stande nor their insurreccions no longar helpe them lokinge for a terrible daye With horryble feare shall they wonder sayth the aforesayd boke of wisdome ▪ at the comynge of the sodayne helthe gronynge for sorowe and mournynge for verye anguyshe of mynde and saynge within them selues These be they whom we somtyme had in deuysion Vnwisely we thought their lyues to be madnesse their endes to be without honour And now they are rekened amonge the chyldren of God their porcion is amonge the Sayntes Therfor haue we erred frō the waye of truthe the lyght of ryghtousnesse hath not shyned vnto vs. We haue weryed owr selues in the pathes of wickednesse but the waye of the lyuinge lorde haue we not knowne 5 And they harde a great voyce from heauen saynge vnto them Come vp hyther The Antichristes shall heare thys noyse they shal knowe thē to be in the fauer of God greate heuynesse it shall be vnto thē For this voyce is the fre eleccyon of God accordynge vnto grace ād not after manes deseruynge And it conmeth frō heauen as doth all other good gyftes frō the father of lyght It calleth vp them that afore walked sumwhat after the fleshe ād durst not for feare of pōnyshmēt wytnesse the veryte It commādeth them to aryse vnto God to be more perfyght more spyrytuall more godlye and to haue their conuersacion in heauē They attēde vnto the voyce they obeye yt and do after yt For yt foloweth 6 And they ascended vp into heauen in a clowde By the powre of God they are taken vp From worldlye affectes are they changed to the pure loue of God ād from carnall prudence to the wysdome of the sprete In a cloude are they rapte Compassed are they with thys fleshe the yll desyres taken from them Euerye where resemble they Christ and are daylye better and better They cease not of theyr progresse no peyne cā separate thē from the loue of Christ tyl they perfyghtly come to the syght of the God of Goddes in the supercelestiall Syon 7 And their enemies saue them The Antichristes knoweth that they are gods seruauntes the hypocrites perse●ueth they haue heauenlye knowlege Yea manye tymes they so report them both in their wordes and writinges In manye of them Chronycles they ●f●rme t●at Bererga●ius Ioannes scotus the elder Iohan wycleff Iohan husse Hierome of Prage Thomas thedonensis a whyght fryre of Bryttayne burned in Rome Hieronimus sauonarola a blacke fryre burned in florence diuerse other more were menne of most excellēt wyttes of most hygh lernynge of most godlye conuersacyō of a most perfight lyfe feruēt constaūt vnmoueable in in the tyme of their deathes Bylney Baynhā Befeld frithe Tindale Barnes other are yet reported yea of somewhich to this hewe hateth their opiniōs to haue dyed charetably ād godly Yet beleue they neuer the better they come neuer the senner
he gaue them by theyr lyfe tyme as charyte stedefastnesse loue ioye peace mekenesse ryghtousnesse and soche other lyke fell downe flatte vpon their faces 6 Most humblye haue they euer submytted them selues referrynge vnto God the father the benefyght of theyr creacyon and vnto Iesus Chryst hys sonne the fre gyfte of theyr redempcyon Yea specyallye at thys tyme beynge vnder the aulter of God and knowynge by his mere goodnesse the nombre of theyr bretherne shortlye to be fulfylled and them selues wyth them to be at a gloryouse lyberte after their ghostlye sort they lawde hym saynge 7 From the verye depeth of owr spyrytuall hartes we render vnto the most hygh thankes Lorde God almightye eternall father Sonne and holye Ghost which art one essencyall God and werst without begynnynge and shalt be without endynge 8 For thu hast taken vpon the thy grete myght Now hast thu shewed thy wonderfull powre Euer hast thu raygned amonge thy peple but neuer so gracyouslye so plentuouslye and so gloryouslye for owr behoue 9 The heythen euermore were angrye whan thy t●wthe apered Madde were the wycked Antychrystes whan thy glorye shyned and their pryde demynished They fretted for anger they swelled for wodenesse yea they s●ewe thy seruauntes and burned vp thy peple 10 But now is thy wrathe towardes thē Now will thy āger breake out now wyll thy vēgeaūce apere Now shall thy terrible iudgemēt without mercye be declared frō heauē vpō all vngodlinesse of those cruell enemies that with-holde thy truthe in vnryghtousnesse 11 Now shortelye enseweth the tyme of the dead wherin they shall be iudged some to ioye some to heuynesse some to glorye some to peyne 12 Now approcheth the glad season wherin thu hast appoynted to rewarde the true seruauntes the prophetes and the faythfull beleuers made sayntes by the onlye deathe of thy sonne and all them that yet feareth thy name wyth eternall felicyte 13 Non wylt thu seclude from this thy lyberall goodnesse for no weakenesse nor pouerte But so well the small as the great the lowe as the hygh the poore as the ryche the sycke as the whole the vnlerned as lerned shall tast of thy inestimable clerenesse 14 Onlye shalt thu destroye them that destroyed the earthe compellynge both it and all that therin is not to serue the their heauenlye creator but theyr owne stynkynge desyres lustes and corrupt affec●yons thy glorye not ones estemed nor regarded Herin maye we coniecture that the seuenth seale ones opened ād the .vij. trompet blowne the last iudgement daye is not farre of Blessed is he that watcheth for the lordes commynge The Text. 1 And the temple of God was opened in heauen 2. and there was sene in hys temple the Arke of hys Testamente 3. And there folowed lyghtenynges and voyces and thondringes and earthquake 4. and moche hayle ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And the temple of god sayth Saynt Iohan was opened in heauen Euydēt wyll the godlye and spirituall estate of the true Christen churche seme in those dayes the gospell syncerelye preached In faythe shall menne seke their lyuinge father and not in dead Images nor other corruptible thinges In sprete and veryte shall they worshyp hym and not in dumme ceremonyes nor outwarde shaddowes Speared is Gods temple whan hys true worshyppynge is hydde And opened it is agayne whan that is clerelye seane Tyll Chrystes commynge in the fleshe nothynge therof apered With the keye of Dauid opened ke the misteries therof Wherbye throwgh faythe the conuersacyon of manye is now and hath bene euer send in heauen 2 This temple thus open anon the Arke of Gods holye testament was seane therin Christ sheweth hym self in his owne colours whan the gospell is truly receyued which is that Arke wherin all the ryches of Gods couenauntes and the preciouse treasure of his promes is reposed to mannes behoue And speciallye those by whome we are reconcyled and saued By him are we onlye brought to Gods fauer agayne and graciouslye redemed Yea all the sort of vs haue receyued of his habundaunt and ouerflowynge fulnesse The syght of this Arke in the temple is non other than a clere knowlege of hym in hys congregacyon So oft are his mysteries euydent as this temple is opened So manye tymes are they knowne as his worde is truly tawght 3 And no small frute is to be thought to come therof For there folowed lyghteninges voyces thonderinges and earthquakes Dyuerse respectes hath the veryte of God accordynge to dyuerse audyences In maner of lightenynge it moueth some makynge of earthe heauen and of synners godlye people A sownde or a noyse onlye it is to some menne not regardynge the frutes therof To some it is an occasyon of anger spyght and madnesse and to some of open blasphemye agaynst the Holye Ghost For what els doth the clergye malycyouslye withstandynge it but wylfullye worke agaynst knowlege And what doth the vndyscrete ●ayte blynded by them but Bable they woote not what 4 And a great hayle also folowed which betokeneth the vehement and sharpe iudgementes of God● towardes soche enemyes of his veryte The most terryble tempest of his I●e abydeth them The Lorde shall breake into the lande sayth the Prophet● Esaye lyke a sore rempest of hayle that breaketh downe stronge holdes or castell●s And the proude crowne of the dronken Ephraemytes shall be troden vnder fote Not onlye ys the last age appoynted to these thonderynges and earthquakes but they beganne also so sone as Christ apered in the fleshe No sonner was the yonge babe borne but Herode for madnesse sought to slee hym in hys verye infancye The Pharisees ād Scribes the byshoppes prestes and lawers swelled at hys preachynge and neuer left tyll they had slayne hym And this rewle with the prelates and hypocrytes hath contynued euer sens and styl shall do tyll the latter daye Onlye ys there and shall be a moderacyon that somtyme yt ys not so extreme as at some For yf yt were alwayes a lyke there shuld non be left The Text. 1 And there apered a great wōder in heauen 2. A woman clothed with the Sunne 3. ād the Moone vnder her fete 4. and vpon her head a crowne of .xii. Starres 5. And she was with childe 6. and cryed trauelynge in byrthe 7. and payned redye to be delyuered ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And there apered sayth Saynt Iohā a great token in heauen ▪ For no wonder ys thys token here to be taken as in other places of the Scripture but for a type or fygure contayninge vnder mysterye greate thynges 2 A woman was seane clothed with the sonne yea of Iohan ▪ For to Gods onlye electes ys the veryte shewed to auauntage Not Marye Christes mother ys this woman though manye hath so fantasyed in their commentaryes But yt ys the true christen churche of whom Marye ys a most notable member 3 Thys woman the churche as Salomons cantycles specyfyeth ys fayre louelye plesaunt swete wholsome dilectable vndefyled as the Mone excellent in clerenesse as the
sonne and gloryous as an armye of menne with their banners and stremers Thys woman ys bewtyfullye decked with the shynynge sonne of ryghtousnesse Nō ys of her that hath not done on Iesus Christ beynge renewed in their hartes by faythe Her chyldren are not they that persecuteth Gods worde no more than was Annas and Caiphas Ioannes and Alexander Thys women 〈◊〉 to haue the mo●ne vnder her f●te To the churche or congregacion of God are all other creature 〈◊〉 ●ll 〈◊〉 thinges haue the lorde su●dewed vnto her She ys the ryght ●heyre and inheritoure of them through Christ they with her to be delyuered from the bondage of corrupcyon to serue in liberte 4 Vpon her head was also a crowne of twelue starres which betokeneth not onlye the twelue Apostles declarynge the glorye of Christes kyngedome immediatlye after hys deathe but all other godlye mynistres of the worde also which haue done the same euer sens Onlye regneth the true Christen churche by the worde of God by the syncere scrypturs by the doctryne of the Apostles and neyther by superstycyons nor ceremonies neyther by cownsels nor customes by doctors nor fathers by myters nor rochettes by typpettes nor whodes by shauen crownes nor syne gownes by crosses nor copes by belles nor torches by shrynes nor gyl●e Images nor yet by .xii. cupples in a ●yuerye with golden cheanes and garden 〈◊〉 Her bewtye consisteth onlye in faythe and in the obseruacyon of Gods holye commandemētes Her true mynysters or preachers as verye chosen Starres sheweth forth hys glorye to the edyficacyō of other not their owne pompe aod magnificence 5 And she was as ys the woman with chylde She cryed trauelynge in byrthe and was payned as one redye to be delyuered With Christ ys the churche bygge whan her members are in full faythe In the hart ys he euermore conceyued and delyuered forth soche tyme as he ys declared vnto other For thys cause Christ called them hys mother which had faythe and thervpon ded the wyll of hys father Of faythe in the first promes that Christ shuld destroye the Serpent was be first conceyued in Adam and Eua and so grewe forth in ryghtouse Abell in Seth Enos Enoch Noe Sem Thare Melchisedech Abraham and Loth. And as the promyses waxed stronger as in Abraham Moyses Dauid and the Prophetes and the peple of God more in nombre so wexed the woman byggar and byggar tyll the fulnesse of her tyme was come that she shuld be delyuered Which was soche tyme as Christ apered to the worlde taught and was cōuersaūt here amonge mēne And this course haue she kepte euer sēs shall do to the latter daye in thē that beleue Thus haue she had Christ in her wombe sens the beginninge 6 And beynge full of hys heauenlye sprete she hath cryed in the Patriarkes and Prhphetes in the Apostles faythfull mynysters as one trauelynge in byrthe Her crye was the myghtye and stronge declaracyon of Christes doctryne the feruent zele and desyre of the glorye of God and of all-mennes helthe in Christ. She trauayleth euermore a newe lyke as ded Paule tyll Christ be fashioned in her Christen members Wyth all her strengthe she laboureth that the promysed Sede maye increase in the faythe of all menne 7 Fynallye she ys payned with labours dolours blasphemyes trobles and terryble persecucyons and neuer ys delyuered without them Neuer ys Christ ernestlye receyued tyll some of her membres doth suffre The constaunt sprete and inuyncyble standynge by the truthe in them hath conuerted manye And lyke as the payned woman in all her agonyes ys moche conforted by the hope of a chylde so are Gods faythfull wytnesses trustynge that by their pacyent and glad sufferaunce Christ shuld be receyued and ryghtlye fashyoned in manye Yea thys causeth them to reyoce in all aduersite and lyttle to esteme their paynes The Text. 1 And there apered an other wonder in heauen 2. for beholde a great reed Dragon 3. hauynge seuen heades 4. and ten hornes 5. and seuen crownes vpon hys heades 6. and hys tayle drue the thirde parte of the starres 7. and caste them to the earthe ¶ The Paraphrase 1 After thys sayth Saynt Iohan apered in heauen an other token or maruele all dyuerse from the first The true churche which is Gods kingedome was neuer yet without cōtradyccyō nor with out the craftye assaultes of enemyes Adam was not so sone created but he was immedyatlye assaulted of Sathan Christ entered not so sone the worlde but he was bye and bye persecuted The deuyll goeth aboute lyke a roaryngely on sekynge whome he maye deuowre 2 For beholde there was seane a great reed dragon betokenynge the seyd deuyll with his whole retynewe full of deceyt craft malyce poyson pryde and fercenesse to enforce the psore weakelynges to cōsent vnto hys falshede All reed hys b●●ye semed in token that they which are of hym are all full of cruelte spyght and bloud shedynge afflyctynge the constaunt beleuers for withstandinge hys assaultes Seldō ys ke out of the earthe as wytnesseth Iob but commonlye in the companye of menne impugninge the faythfull And no powre ys able to matche hym vnlesse yt commeth from aboue 3 The seyd dragon had seuen heades sygnyfienge all the craftye wyles and subtle suggestyons that he hath practysed and vsed agaynst Christ hys worde vnder all the .vij. seales openynge the vij trompettes blowynge ▪ Verye easye yt is to cōiecture what maner of heades they were markynge other places of the scripture A Serpentes head shuld seme to be the first consyderinge that in the Serpēt he deceyued our first parētes with his benemed craftes This heade so malycyouslye poysened māne that God repēted hym of hys creacyō and destroyed hys whole kynde in the flood .viii. persones onlye reserued After the flood had he the head of a Calfe for the seconde in sygnificacyon of the shamefull Idolatrye and wycked worshyppynge that then begonne in Nemroth and so contyned in the heythen The thirde was the head of a lyon full of pryde and oppression expressed first in the cruell reigne of the Assyryanes and Caldeanes ād after in the proude byshoppes and prestes The forth was a Beares head full of rauyne and cruelnesse betokenynge the f●rce kyngedome of the medes and perseanes Consequentlye hys fift head was lyke a leopardes head of manye colours full of fycklenesse and change ablenesse And that was the vnconstaunt reygne of the Grekes Hys sixt was the head of a Beast farre vnlyke all other beastes which sygnyfyeth the kyngedome of the Romanes with their monstruouse lawes more than nedeth The seuēth ys not vnlyke to a mannes head includynge all carnall wysdome with all deuyllyshe polycyes and craftes and thys ys the verye papacye here in ▪ Europa whych ys the generall Antichrist of all the whole worlde almost whych hath alreadye subdued and destroyed the Empyre of Rome For he ys called the Apostata and manne of synne By thys onlye head ys the Dragon named the
the cytye 11. and bloude came out of the fatte 12. euē vnto the horse brydles 13. by the space of a thousande and sixe hundred fourlonges ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And an other Angell came out from the aulter which had power ouer fyre This ys the lorde Iesus Christ whom Malachias calleth the Angell of the couenaunt that was longed for He ys the aulter of the ryghtouse and by hym are they a swete sacrifice vnto God Els coude they be but verye abhominacyon Tyll the iudgement daye shall he be an aulter of meanes makynge to God the father for vs. But that daye ones come no longer shall he be an aulter or an aduocate but go cleane from yt He shall than become a iudge ouer all the worlde rewardynge euerye one accordynge to their workes Hitherto hath he mekelisytten vppon the cloude and not cutte with his syckle He hath had in hys hande the iudgement and not iudged 2 But now hath he power ouer fyre By fyre which ys vnder hys obedyence as are all other creaturs els shall he at that daye iudge the vnyuersall worlde And more sharpe vehement quycke ferce myghtye and terryble shall hys sētence be to the wycked thā ys any fearefull flaminge or cōsumynge wilde fyre 3 For with a lowde voyce shall he crye vnto him that hath the sharpe syckle An ernest charge and commandement shall he geue at that daye to the ministers of his yre for to cast them into exteryoure darkenesse after thys sort here vttred in mysterye 4 Thrust in thy sharpe syckle ād gather the clusters of the earthlye vyneyarde for the grapes therof are r●pe 5 Execute the vengeaunce committed vnto yow and rote out this ranke ry●●ouse generacyon of the rauenouse Epicures 6 For now are their myscheues at the full Now are they most curyous in their facyons and fedynges most couetouse in their compassynges most vayne in their stodyes and most cruell in their doynges For with them shall yt be sayth Christ as yt was in the dayes of Noe and Loth. They shall buylde and banket ruffle and ryot bye and sell and plante for their pleasurs And sodenlye as a snare shall that terrible daye lyght vpon them vnbewares as ded deathe on the couetouse iourer 7 And the Angell sayth Iohan thrust in hys syckle on the earthe he cutte downe the grapes of the vineyard of the earth and so ded cast them into the greate wyne fatt of the wrathe of God 8 Accordynge to their commission they shall plage the earthlye mynded for here ys the tyme past for the tyme cōmynge vsed for the certente of yt Wyth soden deathe shall they perce thē in this worlde that contempnynge Christes doctryne hath folowed the course therof in all concupiscence 9 And fynallye they shall throwe them into the lake of myserye the pyt wythout water ●nto the stynkynge ●regges of hel●e where as fyre and brymstone shall be rewarded to drynke For the vyneyarde of the earthe ys the carnall Synagoge of Hypocrites ● and the grapes therof are the gloryouse glottons and franke f●dde porkelynges of that gredye gulfe euen the enemyes of Christes crosse whose God ys their bellye whose glorye is their confusion and whose ende ys their dampnacyon for they are earthlye mynded This wyne fatte of the wrathe of God ys non other than hys greate bengeaunce to be poured vpon the vnfaythfull Or els helle prepared for the deuyll and hys angels Greate not onlye for the innumerable multytude that yt hath and shall receyue but also in that yt is insacyable 10 And this wyntfatt was troddē without the cyte Nothynge perteyneth yt to that cyte of whom famouse thynges are spoken which ys the congregacyon of God nor yet to the good creaturs of God No not vnto thys worlde which shall at that daye be tryed and pourged by fyre But vnder the earthe shall yt be and farre without thys worlde secluded from the face of heauen in fylthye and vnspekeable darkenesse 11 For bloud wyll come out of thys fatte euē vnto the horse brydles Wherin is expressed not onlye the terrour of the place but also of the peynes ther in contayned For bloud shedynge and murther are thynges verye horrible fearefull to beholde contayninge in thē depriuacyon of lyfe which ys most terrible of all The habundaunce therof betokeneth the greatnesse of the grefe in the sufferaunce of them The treadinge downe also sygnyfieth that no rayse towardes anye relefe is to be loked for of them that be there Vnto them which at that daye shall be in the cyte wyl he that sytteth in the trone make al thynges newe All dolour affliccyon so rowe peyne penurye wrathe condēpnacyon and deathe shall be past with them Onlye shall they be trodden downe in this wynefatt of Gods wrathe that lyued here lyke beastes without reason and that wandred here lyke horses and mules in their owne filthye lustes 12 All shall be ponnyshed there that was here vnbridled vnordred and vngouerned after the worde pleasure of God And therfor yt ys here sayd vnto the horse brydles Euerye manne shall receyue in bodye accordynge to that he hath done whether yt be Good or euyll They that haue wrought the storke of God in faythe shall reape accordynge vnto yt The brydles also betokeneth the measure of gods iudgemēt not as concernynge the tyme which ●s euerlastynge but concernynge the peyne ryghtlye measured accordynge to the in aquite For the lorde hath sett his iudgementes ouer the wicked in wayght and measure the stripes agreynge in quantyte to the excesse of synne so moche torment to haue as their reioyse hath bene in wyckednesse 13 The space of these terrible tormētes or ponnyshmētes of hell ys a thousande and .vi. hondred furlonges A furlonge of the Grekes ys called the ●onne of hercules and yt ys in lenghte an hondred and .xxv. passes or steppes And commonlye they vsed accordinge to that lenghte to measure their playenge places Of whome Paule maketh mencyon to the Corinthyanes beynge Grekes by them that rōneth in a course and that proueth mastryes In thys thousande and .vi. hōdred furlonges here ys comprehended the whole and vnyuersall course of the wycked for the .iiii. quarters of the worlde The nombre of an hondred ys euermore an whole complete and perfyght nombre And .iiii. hondred .iiii. tymes nōbred ys .xvi. hondred which maketh this nombre of a thousande and .vi. hondred the nombre of .iiii. respectinge alwayes the .iiii. climates of the worlde which are the common habitacions of sinners In them course they in all wanton kyndes of lyuinge In them worke they their mastryes of all vngodlye obseruacyons and false worshyppinges walkinge in the large or open waye which leadeth vnto deathe Accordynge to the nonbre measure of this course hath God here measured the place and ponnyshment Not withstandinge neuer ys he without mercye Maruelouse he ys in hys workes and iudgementes which are vnsercheable Blessed ys he that shal haue his part in the cyte or congregacyon of
hardened Pharao agaynst them which sent his sonne Iesus Christ to saue them and yet suffred the Prestes to murther hym cōsideringe he ys that potter which maketh both the vessels of honoure and dishonoure 13 Breuelye to conclude the whole of this matter sayth the Angell the gorgyouse aparcled womā or glytteringe churche of ātichrist which thu sawest here of late in misterye ys also in resemblaunce the great cyte Babylon the mother of all the spirituall abhominacyons and Idolatryes done vpon the earthe For lyke as from Syon hath the lawe commē forth and the worde of God from Hierusalem so hath yssewed forth from this Babylonyshe Rome soche a false Relygyon into Emprours princes and peples as with fylthyr superstycyons hath poysoned all the worlde 14 For a kyngedom she hath ouer the kynges or noble gouernours of the earthe a false power a vsurped auctoryte and a seate of verye pestylence Alas for pytye that so worthye potentates shuld be in subieccyon to so slynkynge an whore to so vyle an harlott beynge so the seruauntes of synne and captyue slaues to all wyckednesse from the which the lorde ones delyuer them Amen ¶ Thus endeth the seconde parte The Chapters ¶ The contentes of the seconde parte THe .xi. Chaptre begynneth Fo. 4. wherin Iohan measureth the temple the aultre and thē that worshippe therin The .ii. wytnesses do their appoynted offyces the Beast makynge warre agaynst them and sleynge them A greate earthquake foloweth and the seconde wo ys past ¶ The .xii. Chaptre begynneth fo 21. wherin the seuenth Angell bloweth hys trōpet In heauen apereth a woman all clothed with the sunne whom the Dragon diuerselye vereth Michael fighteth with the Dragon and ouercometh hym The woman fleeth into the wyldernesse and there ys preserued ¶ The xiii Chaptre begynneth Fol. 43. wherin a Beast ryseth out of the see with seuen heades and ten hornes receyuinge auctoryte of the Dragon One of hys heades ys wounded and healed agayne Another beast commeth out of the earthe with .ii. hornes which deceyueth the eartlye dwellers and rayseth vp an Image lyke vnto the Beast In the ende ys coūted the nombre of the Beast ¶ The .xiiii. Chaptre begynneth fo 74. wherin the lābe standeth vpon the moūte Syon and the vndefyled congregacyon with him An Angell sheweth the euerlastynge gospell an other declareth the fall of the greate whore An other ys cōmaunded with his syckle to cutte downe the grapes of the vyneyarde ¶ The .xv. Chaptre begynneth Fo. 94. wherin Iohan seeth the seuen Angels hauynge the seuen last plages of the wrathe of God On the glassye see standeth menne hauynge the harpes of God and they synge the songe of Moyses and the songe of the lābe The tabernacle of testymonye is seane in heauen ¶ The .xvi. Chaptre begynneth Fo. 114. wherin the seuē Angels poure out their vyalles of Gods wrathe The first vpon the earthe The seconde vpō the see The thirde vpō the ryuers The fourth on the sunne The fift vpon the seate of the Beast The sixte vpon the greate flood Euphrates And the seuenth into the ayre ¶ The .xvii. Chaptre begynneth fol. iii. wherin an Angell sheweth vnto Iohan the iudgemēt of the great whore which sitteth vpon the Beast He descrybeth both her and the Beast at large Fynally he sheweth the meanynge both of his heades hornes with other greate mysteryes more ¶ Marke in the .xiiii. Chaptre the. 75. ād 88. leafe the .ii. Images sett clerelye out of ordre by the onlye neglygence of the printers ¶ The poore persecuted churche of Christe or immaculate spowse of the lambe Apoca. 12. ¶ The Dragon was wrothe with the woman which fledde into the wyldernesse and went and made warre with the remnaunte of her sede which kepe the commaundemente of God and haue the testymonye of Iesus Christ. ¶ The proude paynted churche of the pope or synnefull Synagoge of Sathan Apoca. 17. ¶ I sawe a woman sytt vpon a rose coloured Beast full of names of blasphemye decked with golde preciouse stone and pearles with whome the Kynges of the earthe committed whoredome and the inha●iters of the earthe are dronken with the wyne of her fornycacyon ☞
to God Their malyce hath so blynded thē and the clowde of ignoraunce so darkened their knowlege that styll they blaspheme and most cruellye persecute 8 And in the same howre sayth saynt Iohan there happened a greate earthquake A terrible cōtradiccion aryseth euer from the carnall Sinagoge frō amonge the earthlye mynded hipocrites whā the verite is ●awght as it was afore tyme in Christ in his Apostles specyallye in Paule and now of late dayes in manye other poore preachers Whā newe witnesses aryse then waxe they more madde fearce and felle then they were afore Then empreson they then ponnyshe they then make they actes and cōmaunde in peyne of deathe nomore to speake in that name Yet do they rather loose than wynne falle than ryse dysprofyght that profyght 9 For the tenth part of theyr cyte felle to the grownde Their buyldinge vpon sande wyll in no case endure That God hath not planted must vp by the rootes Their holye whoryshe churche whych is here called Sodome and Egypte is ruynouslye decayed Their monasteries of monkes their howses of fryres their colleges of Idle prestes with their nonnes chanons and chanteryes in manye places are downe Tythes are not as they haue bene nor trentals nor other deuocions Images are not sought nor pardons in confession The people inclineth to newe lernynge and goeth from their olde beleue of holye churche They that were monkes prestes and fryres are now become gospell teachers Soche as afore were dead standeth vpp now agaynst them boldelye This fallen part is here the tenth for it is the lordes by the lawe It is the same shepe that afore was lost now is brought to Christes folde These were called awaye from thens by the wytnesses the other stande yet styll ād are euery daye worse and worse 10 In the earthquake were slayne names of menne to the nombre of seuen thowsande An innumerable multytude hath bene sent out of the waye by these Antichrystes in theyr furye but yet nothynge haue they slayne but their names Onelye haue they hurte theyr bodyes vpon their sowles haue they had no powre nomore than had Sathā vpon the sowle of Iob. Yet haue not their names peryshed before God for of hym are they wrytten in the boke of lyfe In no case are the wycked of the godlye here putt vnto deathe thowgh some do so vnderstande it but rather of the wycked the godlye For they neuer retayle their wronges but rather praye for their enemyes 11 And the remnaunt or resydewe were feared sayth saynt Iohan and gaue glorye to God of heauen Of soche as were left in their earthquakes or terryble persecucions some remayned in presone Some were beggered some were eryled some fledde some lost their estimacion and fryndes and yet gaue prayse vnto God 12 In all their aduersitees they gloryfyed the name of their heauenlye father and Lorde Thus haue we here what is done alredye and what is yet to come vnder thys sixt trompet blowynge where vnder we are now whych all be longeth to the seconde woo 13 And these thynges ones accomplyshed the seconde woo wyll be past And then loke bye bye for the thirde woo for it wyll folowe anone after without fayle yea so sone as thys seconde woo is done 14. In the latter age of all shall thys thyrde woo reygne soche tyme as Gog and Magog most extremelye shall rage And the vniuersall iudgement shall fynyshe that woo as here after more euydentlye wyll opere But consyder that these woes are to the infydels The faythfull feareth them not but receyuynge the worde in a pure hart they brynge forth frute in pacyent sufferaunce ¶ The .xii. Chapter NOw foloweth in order the vi● trōpet blowing or the pure declaracion of Christes ioyfull tidinges for the last age of the churche vnder the .vij. scale openynge with the wōders maruels that their after enseweth The text 1 And the seuēth angel blewe 2 and there were made great voyces in heauē 3. saynge The kyngedomes of this worlde are our lordes and his Chrystes 4. and he shall raygne for euermore 5. And the .xxiiij. elders whych sate before God on their seates 6. fell vpon their faces and worshypped God saynge 7. We geue the thankes lorde God almyghtye whych art and wast and art to come 8. and For thu hast receyued thy great myght ād hast raygned 9. And the nacyons were angrye 10. and thy wrathe is to come 11. and the tyme of the dead that they shulde be iudged 12. and that thu shuldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruauntes the prophetes and sayntes 13. and to thē that feare thy name small and great 14. and shuldest destroye them whych destroye the earthe ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And the seuenth angell blewe sayth Saynt Iohan The seuenth sort of syncere preachers shall vtter their message accordyng to the wyll of God they shall declare his pleasure as he hath appoynted them For thowgh it be spoken here as past and done for the certente of the thynge yet is it not fulfylled in effect The worde of God was wythout begynnynge and hys promes euerlastynge yet ys yt not all perfourmed in his creaturs but manye thynges are yet to come 2 After this blast of the angell were made greet voyces in heauen Manye the congregacyon or kyngedome of God his Gospell ones purelye publyshed by the preachers shall spea●e godlye thynges to the edyfycacyon of other The symple poore weakelynges idyotes and infantes shall vttre the hydden wysdome of God to the confusion of the great wyse menne and sage senyours of thys worlde Yea the liones in the strete the out castes of the worlde the forsaken people shall wonderfullye prayse the lorde 3 And these shall be their saynges whā they shall se the Antichrystes confused and not able to speake agayne The kyngedomes of this worlde that were ●ou● tyme wycked cruell and vnfaythfull are now become the lordes hys Christes of his onlye grace and goodnesse Now fall they to the worde that afore thought it folyshnesse Now cleaue they to the truthe that sumtyme ded abhorre it Now haue they in hande the gospell that afore ded persecute it as sidiciouse lernynge and heresye 4 And in thys congregacyon shall he reygne euermore Continuallye is he with them that in faythe retayneth his veryte All this shall they vttre wyth no small reioyce For doubtlesse after the seuenth seale openynge and the gospell preachynge than a paceable tyme shall be and fygured it is by the half howre spoken of afore For it shall not continewe to the ende Longe maye not Christes churche be vnpersecuted But yet thys peace for the tyme shall not onlye be an inwarde peace in the conscyence as ys alwayes amonge the faythfull but an outwarde quiet also or a season wythout persecucyon abrode 5 And the .xxiiij. elders sayth saynt Iohan or the greatt nombre of sayntes departed which sitteth before God on their seates or resteth in hys swete peace in soche graces of the sprete as
the beastes wounded head but also in other serten regyons But for so moche as yt ys most lyuelye done there and thys boke written in that language I haue onlye brought forth here examples therof in that purpose The .xiiii. Chapter IN thys present chapter declareth the lorde vnto Iohan and vnto hys faythfull seruauntes by him the degre estate and condycyon of hys true beleuynge churche now after he hath afore lyuelye described the bestyall churche of Antichrist and of hys horned spyritualte by the afore named .ii. mōstruouse Beastes And thys ys that hys louers shuld knowe what they be which are of hys howsholde ād what an helper they haue of hym in the middes of their aduersitees to the confort of their sowles And though they be here a monge those ragynge tyrauntes in terryble agonyes and peynes persecucions and trobles he ys neuer absent from them nor wyll not be tyll he hath rewarded them with vnspekeable Ioyes The Text. 1 And I loked and lo a lambe stode in the mounte Syon 2 ād with him an C. and .xliiij. thousande 3. hauynge his fathers name writtē in their foreheades 4. And I herde a voyce frō heauen 5. as the sounde of manye waters 6. and as the voyce of a great thundre 7. And the voyce that I herde was 8. as the harpers that playe vpon theyr harpers 9. And they sange as it were a newe songe 10. before the seate 11. and before the foure Beastes 12. and the Elders 13. And no mā coulde lerne that songe 14. but the hundreth and xliiij thousande 15. which were redemed frō the earthe 16. These are they which were not defyled with womē 17. for they are virgynes 18. These folowe the lambe whither so euer he goeth 19. These were redemed from menne 20. beynge the first frutes vnto God and to the lambe 21. and in their mouthes was founde no gyle 22. for they are without spotte before the trone of God ¶ The Paraphrase 1 I ●oked saith saynt Iohan on the other syde and in a thought as it were I behelde that a lambe stode vpon mounte Syon Euen the lambe of God Iesus Christ that alone toke awaye the synnes of the worlde Alone doth he gouerne his faythfull churche as the onlye ād immediate head therof hauynge non other to assist him in that office For who is the kynge ouer Syon but he Who shall reduce Israel agayne to his folde but he Onlye is he with his congregacyon to ayde them with his worde to bolden them with his sprete to strēg●then them with his grace 2 And with him were present an hondreth and .xliiij. thousande hauynge his fathers name written in their fore heades So manye as haue in hart receyued his worde and in faythe digested his ve●e are the verye chyldren of Abraham and are marked vpp for the sonnes of God by the seale of the holye Ghost 3 For power haue they geuē thē to be Gods chyldrē that beleue in hys name And thys is yt to haue hys name written in their fore heades For their faythe declareth them Gods sonnes Lete thys set Nombre be non impediment to the reader to be taken here for the vnyuersall multitude of the faythfull as well of the Gentiles as of the Iewes that beleueth though yt otherwyse apereth in the .viii. chapter of thys boke For so well ys the Gentile that hath faythe a perfyght Israelyte as ys the Christen Iewe. Yea moche rather was Zacheus for hys faythe iudged Abrahams chylde than was Symon for fulfyllynge the workes of the lawe For God ys not parcyall What so euer he be that feareth hym and worketh ryghtousnesse ys accepted with hym And so ys yt ment here And therfor ys not the differēce written here as in the other place but all ys Ioyned in one to cōprehēde all vnder one And as touchynge the equall certente in Nombre both here and there Lyke as yt ys ther● certeynlye knowne vnto God euen so ys yt here though yt be vnto vs both innumerable and vncertayne Not as concernynge the Nombre yt self but the common vnderstandinge therof in the scripturs For yf the Nombre of one seuenth be an infinite Nombre there moche more of many seuenthes 4 And I harde a voyce from heauen sayth Saynt Iohan which ys all one with the aforeseyd Syon and ys the vnyuersall congregacyon of Christ all clere from the superstycyons af menne For from Syon cometh the lawe of the lorde after Esaye and the worde of God from Ierusalem 5 Thys worde ys as the noyse of manye waters whan yt ys in the mouthes of manye dyuerse peples of dyuerse natyons and languages one not vnderstandynge an other and yet knowynge yt yche peple amonge themselues 6 Verye lyke ys yt also to a great thōder cracke myghtye feare full and terrible to the fleshe Very harde ys thy worde lorde sayd Christes disciples who is able to abyde yt 7 And the voyce that I harde saith Iohā was moche after the noyse that the harpers make whan they playe vpon their harpes Full of agrement are the holye scripturs yea full of swete hermonye and concorde More precyouse are the verytes of the lorde than ys golde and their melodye more swete than honye 8 With them reioysed Dauid before the arke of the lorde In thē toke Paule a stomake and confounded the Iewes at Damas●us 9 And swetelye they vttred with their voyces a songe that semed all newe before the seate of the lorde before the .iiii. Beastes and before the auncyēt elders This songe is the worde of the lorde all newe both to the good ād to the yll The faythfull it reneweth in the sprete of their myndes prouokynge them to do on a newe māne in Christ. The hartes of the vnfaythfull it so hardeneth that they in disdayne and spyght doth call it newe lernynge as ded the ignoraunt multitude at Capernaum and the worldly wyse menne of Athenes 10 Before the seate of the lorde was this songe vttred which is the godlye disposed multitude For lyke as the harte of an hipocrite is the verye seate of sathan so is the hart of a faythfull manne the seate of God and habitacle of the holye Ghost 11 Before the .iiii. Beastes was it opened also by this nomber of godlye teachers Which Beastes are the pryuate congregacions of the lorde remayninge here yet in the fleshe in the .iiii. quarters of the worlde ●● Finallye before the elders was it songe also For non other doctrine is it nor Gospell of glad tydinges than hath bene sens the begynnynge nor thā hath bene thankefullye receyued of owr olde auncetours the Patriarkes the Prophetes the Apostles and the faythfull fathers 13 And no manne coulde lerne that newe songe but the aforesayd hondred ād xliiii thousande which were redemed from the earthe On mightye wonderfull yea and terrible sentence of the lorde Non that take them selues for the peple of God cā be accepted afore him for the true sede of Abrahā nor for the iust
age be ernestlye spreted and not feare the tormentes of the enemyes in Christes cause 4 For from hence forthe the sprete sayth that they rest from their labours In a wonderfull quyetnesse dwell they by the verye sentence of the holye ghost and shall neuer more fele of anye woo God hath cleane wyped awaye all teares from their eyes all sor●wes ād peynes from their bodyes the first daungers beynge past Happye are they therfor and most godlye fortunate that are slayne for Christ because they wyll not worshyp the Beast and his Image nor corrupt their faythe with their wycked lawes but in a pure Christen beleue departeth from hence to the lorde Theyr porcyon is in the lande of the lyuynge and their lotte amonge the holye ones 5 For certen●ye their workes doth folowe them The promise●●●warde of God for constantlye standynge by the veryte for the frutes of their christen pacience and for other exercyses of theyr faythe is euermore to their glorye present with them Not as deserued of thē but of Christ in whose faythe they wrought here and for the promes sake that they shuld be Gods heyres togyther wyth Chryst. The lyuelye worde also which they ernestlye receyued here and so roted in their faythe wyll neuer suffre them to peryshe nor to be hurt of the ●conde deathe The Text. 1 And I loked and beholde 2. a whyte cloude 3. and vpon the cloude one sittynge lyke vnto the sonne of manne 4. hauynge on hys head a golden crowne 5. and in hys hande a sharpe syckle ¶ The paraphrase 1 I loked yet further sayth Saynt Iohan and euydentlye before me apered a whyght cloude which betokeneth the true mynisters of Gods worde Whom the holye ghost calleth cloudes by Esaye Dauid Peter and Iudas For from thē falleth vpon the peple the swete droppes of hys verytees 2 Whyght they are as mylke for their faythe in the worde And for their Christen conuersacyon not blotted with Hypocresye of mennes corrupted customes 3 Vpon this cloude was one syttynge lyke vnto the sonne of manne which ys verelye Christ in hys gloryfyed manhode For euermore ys he amonge hys trewe preachers geuynge them soche vtteraunce and wisdome as all their enemyes are not able to withstande Alwayes walketh he amonge the .vij. candelstyckes which are hys congregacyons as we had afore 4 He had vpō hys head a goldē crowne in token of hys eternall and vncorrupt kyngedome in hys hande a sharpe syckle which ys the sharpe iudgemēt or ryghtuousnesse of hys worde for ther with shall he reape hys latter harnest Accordynge to hys worde and promes shall he iudge good and euyll 5 Thys syckle receyued he of hys euerlastynge father soche tyme as he gaue ouer vnto hym hys vnyuersall iudgemētes By the order of thys vysyon shuld the preachers seme in the last age of the churche moche to admonyshe the peple of the latter daye with the commynge of Christ agayne to iudge both the quicke the dead as ys in their crede or beleue The Text. 1 And an other Angell came out of the temple 2 cryāge with a lowde voyce to hym that satte on the cloude 3. Thrust in thy sycle reape 4. for the tyme is come to reape 5. For the corne of the earthe is rype 6. And he that satte on the cloude 7. thrust in hys syckle on the earth 8 and the earthe was reaped ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And an other Angell sayth saynt Iohan came out of the temple which ys the congregacyon of faythe consecrated as an holye temple vnto God in the bloude of the vndefyled lambe Iesus This Angell betokeneth those iust mēne that with Symeon and anna the doughter of Phanuell in this latter age are desy●rouse of the glorye of God and of the fynall redempcyon of man from bodelye corrupcyon 2 These shall crye with a loude voyce with a feruent sprete shall they call vnto Christ which sitteth vpon the cloude 3 And this shall be their sainge Thrust in the syckle and reape Sende forth thy 〈◊〉 worde And lyke as yt hath created all thynges so lete yt now trye and iudge all thinges 4 For the tyme ys at hande to reape For we are those vpon whome the endes of the worlde are come 5 And doubtlesse the corne of the earthe y● rype the worlde is at the best that yt will do As it hath bene euer so ys yt styll all togyther sort vpon myscheff Lete thy worde therfor fynyshe all as yt hath beganne all With the breathe of thy mouthe 〈◊〉 the great Antichrist 〈…〉 of synne the sonne of perdycyon and the aduersarye that hath exalted hymself aboue God Poure out thy indygnacion vpon the kyngedomes that will neyther knowe the worshyp the nor alone call vpon thy name Thu hast called thy haruest the ende of the worlde lete it now fynyshe all in dede Diuyde the chaffe from the corne the wicked sort from the ryghtouse Gather the wheate into thy garner and burne the chaffe in vnquencheable fyre 6 And he that satte on the cloude thurst in hys syckle on the earthe and anon the earthe was reaped 7 He hath sent hys myghtye worde so quycke in operacyon as fyre Which shall not onlye consume the wicked generacyon of the Beast but also reserue them to eternall dampnacyon 8 The earthe shall be cleared of thē as of all other fylthye corrupcions and hell replenyshed with them to their perpetuall care The Text. 1 And an other Angell came out of the temple 2. which ys in heauen 3. hauynge also a sharpe syckle ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And an other angell sayth saynt Iohan came out of the temple which ys in heauen or from the great nombre of Angels hauynge also a sharpe syckle in his hande 2 This Angell betokeneth those heauēlye spretes that the lorde shall sēde forth to gather togyther hys chosen from the iiij wyndes whan hys token shall apere in heauē These are the reapers of the lordes haruest These are they that shall go forthe to gather all nacyons and to separate the gottes frō the lābes the yl from the good and shall cast them into a furnace of fyre where as shallbe waylinge and gnashinge of tethe 3 And therfor ys their syckle here named sharpe Non other is their syckle but this appointed office Non other ys their haruest but thys gatherynge togyther But these massengers shall not forthe tyll they haue commandement And therfor sayth Saynt Iohā consequētlye ¶ The Text. 1 And an other Angell came out from the aulter 2. which had power ouer fyre 3. and cryed with a lowde crye vnto hym that had the sharpe syckle and sayde 4. Thrust in thy sharpe syckle 5. and gather the clusters of the earthe 6. for her grapes are rype 7. And the āgell thrust in hys syckle on the earthe 8. ād cutte downe the grapes of the vyneyarde of the earthe 9. and cast them into the great wynefatte of the wrathe of God 10. And the wynefatte was trodē with out
the ryghtouse and that shall se the peace vpon Israell whan the lorde shall leade forth them with the euyll doers that hath yoked themselues with their lawes The lorde graunt vs ones to tast the prosperyte of Hierusalem Amen The .xv. Chapter NOt onlye for the common synnes of the worlde doth the lorde plage but most of all for vnthankefulnesse of all bla●●phemyes the greatest For tha● spurneth agaynst knowlege and dyrectlye worketh agaynst the holye Ghost A double destruccyon or decaye both of sowle and bodye by the ryghtousnesse of God must nedes folowe the wylful contempte of hys veryte manifestlye shewed and openlye taught Yet ys the lorde so mercyfull that he willeth not the dampnacion of a synner Soche compassion hath he ouer oure manyfolde weakenesse that he premonysheth vs of his most terrible plages to call vs backe by feare yf loue will not do yt As here consequentlye in the first vysyon of this present reuelacyon to Iohan which foloweth after this sort in thys xv and .xvi. chapters The Text. 1 And I same another sygne in heauen greate and maruelouse 2. seuen Angels hauynge the seuen last plages 3. for in them ys fulfylled the wrathe of God 4. And I sawe as yt were a glassye see 5. myngled with fyre 6. and them that had gotten victorye of the Beast and of hys Image 7. and of his marke and of the nombre of his name 8. stande on the glassye see 9. hauynge the harpes of God 10. And they sange the songe of Moyses the seruaūt of God 11. and the songe of the lambe saynge 12. Greate and maruelouse ar thy workes lord God almyghtye 13. iuste true are thy wayes thu kynge of sayntes 14. Who shall not feare o lorde glorifye thy name 15. For thu onlye art holye 16. and all Gentyles shall come ād worship before the. 17. for thy iudgementes are made manyfest ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And I sawe sayth saynt Iohan by the secrete goodnesse of my lorde God yet an other token in heauen great and maruelouse straunge and wonderfull For in the churche or congregacyon of God are euermore vttred his wonderfull and depe iudgementes vnto them only whom his grace appoynteth as vnto Iohan. And this is the token in mysterye 2 Seuen angels had in their hādes the seuen last plages Some exposytours haue taken these Angels for the ryght mynisters in the .vij. ages of the christen churche Some haue thought them to be the peruerse preachers and vngodly mynisters of all the sayd ages suffred of God strongelye to delude the vnbeleuers that he which hurteth shuld hurte styll and that he which is in fylthynesse shuld styll be fylthye Vnto euerye age correspondynge an Angell to declare the nature of those deceytfull hyrelynges and lyenge masters And this maketh them so to vnderstande the text They are here expreslye noted to be in heauen Amonge the congregacyons of God are the false prophetes and dissemblynge hypocrites euermore as the chaffe amonge the corne the tares amonge the wheate and the fylthye dregges amonge the pure wyne For that kyngedome is as a nette throwne into the see and gatherynge all maner of fyshes both good and badde In all ages hath the wycked generacyon increased to impugne the truthe and styflye to stande vp agaynst God and his Christ whych is non other after their myndes than to mynistre the .vij. last plages here For no poyson is to the sowle so pestylent nor yet venime so noyfull as is false doctr●ne No plage can be thought more deadlye nor vyrulent than to depryue vs of that faythe of that veryte ād of that lyfe which is in Christ Iesu or to brynge vs out of that waye which he hath appoynted And all this semeth no small lykelyhode of the iust vnderstandynge of the texte here Yet geueth Frances Lan●bert a farre better iudgement callynge them the set sentences or vnvariable decrees of God diffinynge hys iudgementes agaynst the wycked in this latter age of the worlde at their appoynted tymes to be vttered For all these thynges are ioyntlye to be consydered These Angels came not onlye from heauen which is the congregacyon as they haue mencyoned but also out of the celestyall temple of the tabernacle of testimonye which is the omnipotēt God and his Chryst as the .xxi. chapter here of declareth They are also clothed with pure whyght lynnen gyrded with golden gyrdels they haue golden vyals delyuered vnto them by one of the .iiij. Beastes and one of them commonèth with Iohan declarynge vnto him the iudgement ād fall of the great whore Which are no argumentes that they are here to be taken for yll preachers thowgh they here mynistre the last .vij. plages Therfor shall we iudge them here to be Gods appoynted purposes or eternallye decreed pleasurs agaynst the wylfull obstynates and indurate rebellyous to the ende of the worlde These are called the last plages bycause they fall in the last age of the worlde whom Esaye Hieremye Oseas and Mycheas calleth the last dayes Iohan the last howre and Paule the endes of the worlde Seuen are they named here in a vniuersal respect both of the tymes parsones places and peruerse doctrynes of the whole worlde And also because of the .vij. seales and the .vij. trompettes to whose iudgementes they Ioyntlye agre as in the next chapter folowinge wyll apere more largelye 3 For in them sayth the text is fulfylled the wrathe of God The indignacyon of the lorde is in them whollye declared For what hate can he shewe more vnto manne than to withdrawe from him his grace to leaue him to him self to suffre him in his owne blynde iudgementes to geue hym ouer to his owne fylthye lustes and to sende hym the operacyon of erroure to his double dampnacyon A verye fulfyllynge of Gods anger is it also to appoynt vs a false Prophete or deceyuable curate a wanton Prynce or vngodlye gouernoure These therfor with soche lyke are those plages in whom is depelye accomplyshed the dyspleasure of God And they are here named the last plages for after them shall non other be seane the latter daye fynyshynge and clearynge all 4 And I behelde sayth Saynt Iohan in the same sayd vysyon as it were a glassye see or a great flowynge water in symylytude of glasse all myngled wyth fyre Non other is this see but the precyouse veryte of the Lorde so clere as glasse and so pure as christall This see gushed out of the harde rocke stone that was clouen a sonder in the desart Whan he sent forth his sprete these waters flowe● forth in habundaunce 5 Most effectuall and quycke is this see And therfor it is here noted as myngled with fyre whych signifyeth the holye ghost For neuer is the veryte wythout Gods sprete A ferce fyerye streme calleth Danyel this see All fyerye is thy worde lorde sayth Dauid also and therfor thy seruaunt loueth it This is the foūtayne of lyuynge water spryngynge vp into the lyfe euerlastynge Vnto this
water shuld all they resort that are thurstye therof to take refreshynge 6 Vpon this glassye see were they sene of Saynt Iohan that had obtayned victorye of the Beast of hys Image of his marke and of the nombre of his name By whom are ment those constaunt christianes whych hath for all ages firmelye affermed the truthe For non aduersyte declinynge from it Strongelye haue these sens the Apostles tyme resysted the aduersaries of God by his only worde perfystynge therin vnto the deathe as ded Steuen Iames and Antipas with soche other his faythfull witnesses Uictorye haue they gotten by faythe both of the Beast ād his Image both of the great Antychryst and his supporters of the Pope and of Mahomete wyth theyr maynteyners Emprours kynges and magistrates and of all them that vsurpe theyr tytle name seate auctoryte pompe or power 7 They haue blemyshed lykewyse by the sayd worde not onlye the marke of the Beast whych is a corrupted faythe but also the nombre of hys name whych is the denyall of God Them haue they to theyr rebuke vttered and to their confusion declared They haue proued their orders dampnable their doctrine deuyllyshe their religion hypocrisye and their spiritualte playne wyckednesse condempnynge them by the scripturs as vngodlye dyssemblers denyenge the lorde which bought them These are they whom the lorde tenderlye norryshed and gracyouslye brought forth vpon the refreshynge waters conuertynge their sowles to his godlye feare and loue 8 These stande euermore on the glassye see they sett sure fotynge vpon the rocke stone Unmoueablye they perseuer in the truthe neuer denyenge yt afore menne 9 And they haue in their handes the harpes of God whych are deuoure myndes geuen all vnto godlynesse ād reioysynge in spirituall thynges 10 Harmonyouslye they synge the tuneable songe of Moyses the faythfull seruaunt of God and the melodyouse swete songe of the lambe Iesus Christ. 11 Of both testamentes they make vtteraunce declarynge the wonderfull workes and terrible iudgementes out of the olde lawe and out of the gospell of gladnesse the most swete mercye of the lorde Wythout ceasynge open they the scripturs vnto other inwardlye reioysinge in spirituall hymnes and psalmes hauynge this euermore for the standynge tenoure of their songe 12 Inestimablye great is thy goodnesse and wonderfullye maruelouse are thy workes O Lorde God almyghtye 13 Iust are thy promyses and most perfightlye sure thy wayes thu gloriouse kynge of Sayntes and graciouse gyde of the godlye beleuers 14 Who shall not euermore feare the o mightye lorde who shall not alwayes in hart gloryfye thy blessed name 15 Thu alone art holye iust ād perfight for non is there good but thy self onlye Thu art owre onlye maker redemer ād cōfortoure Non other haue we for owre God but the. 16 No doubt of it but the tyme will be that all kyndes of peple both Iewes and Gentyles faythfull and heythen shall seke vnto the and shall faythfullye in veryte and sprete worship before the acknowlegynge the for their onlye lorde God 17 Because thy wonderfull iudgementes that sumtyme were secrete are now to the worlde made openlye knowne ād manifest Though this songe be lyttle and small yet is therin contayned all veryte that both Moyses and Christ confesseth at large Moreouer what so euer the scripturs comprehendeth eyther of the great omnipotēcye of God or of his most wonderfull workes eyther of hys louinge mercye or of his benigne pytie towardes manne of his gloriouse name or myghtye power or that he is to be magnifyed and feared or how that the faythfull perteyneth only to his kingedome or how that all peple shall finallye be conuerted vnto hym All is compendiouslye in this brefe songe here contayned what though it be not so worde by worde expressed And as concernynge that ys here last spoken that his iudgementes are made manyfest it is to be vnderstanded of those faythfull creaturs whom he calleth clereth and iustyfyeth and of non other For vnto them onlye are his heauenlye verit●es knowne to whom he wytsaueth to open them Though the other outwardlye se the iudgements of God yet do they not inwardlye perceyue thē though they boast it neuer so moche For it is not geuen them so to do They must haue eyes and not se eares and not vnderstande The Text. 1 And after that I loked 2. beholde the tēple of the tabernacle of testymonye 3. was open in heauen 4. And the seuen angels 5. came out of the temple 6. which had the seuen plages 7. clothed in pure and bryght lynnen 8 and hauynge theyr brestes gyrded wyth golden gyrdels 9 And one of the foure Beastes gaue vnto the seuē Angels 10. vij goldē vyalles 11. full of the wrathe of God whych lyueth for euermore 12. And the temple was full of smoke 13. for the glorye of God and for his power 14. And no man was able to entre into the temple 15. tyll the seuen plages of the seuen angels were fulfylled ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And a non after that sayth Sayn● Iohan I loked yet more aduysedly And sodenly as it were the euerlastynge tēple of the tabernacle of wytnesse was open in heauen 2 A mysterye this is verye ernestlye to be marked as a thinge of great wayght The lorde almyghtye is this eternall tēple He is the temple not made wyth hādes vncreated gloriouse and full of mageste comprehendynge in him all thinges and he within non agayne comprehended He is the lorde of all He measureth heauen wyth his spanne he ouer reacheth all the worlde with his .iij. fingers In hym we lyue we moue and haue owr beynge The tabernacle of wytnesse is the lambe Iesus Christ. He is that verye tabernacle of God that was here amonge menne bearinge that faythfull wytnesse which geueth wysdome to babes He is the propiciatorye or mercye seate wherin we are harde and forgeuen Neyther was thys tabernacle of thys maner buyldynge but moche more perfyght and greatter This holye tabernacle is within the aforesayd temple for Christ dwelleth in the father and the father in him 3 Open is this temple in heauen and the tabernacle seane whan God is knowen by true preachynge and Chrystes doctrine beleued For he came into the worlde and for that purpose was borne to beare wytnesse vnto the truthe whom the father wylled onlye to be harde concernynge faythe 4 This temple and tabernacle open or God and his worde ones knowne in thys latter age the seuen Angels cometh forth The eternall decrees of Gods secrete iudgementes apereth and are fulfylled in their tymes As Angels or massengers of God they haue in his eternyte their iust plages in their season appoynted to be exhybited 5 And therfor are they seyd to come out from the temple which is God Nothynge hath he purposed to the worlde but he hath decreed yt afore the worldes constitucyon For his purpose mynde and pleasure is as he is euerlastynge And as it falleth to the worlde by his assignement it becometh a massenger
the tempest ys great and the su●●feraunce therof excedynge paynefull As the lorde ys myghtye so are hys iudge●mentes whan they fall Vehemēt ferce and stronge ys the lorde sayth Esaye 〈◊〉 ys the tempest of hayle breakynge ou● 〈◊〉 euerye syde and bearinge downe strōge holdes The .xvij. Chapter OFt hath occasyons be geuē me in this boke to speake of great Babylon and of the exec●able Beast but here is place offred to describe thē more at large The Text. 1 And there came one of the seuen Angels which had the seuē vyalles 2. and talked with me 3. sayenge vnto me 4. Come I will shewe the. the iudgement 5. of the great whore 6. that sytteth vpon manye waters 7. with whom the kynges of the earthe haue commytted whoredome 8. and the inhabyters of the earthe are dronken with the wyne of her fornicacion 9. And he caryed me awaye 10. into the wildernesse in the sprete ¶ The Paraphrase 1 After this came sayth Saynt Iohan one of the .vij. Angels or vnuaryable decrees of the lordes eternall iudgemētes which had the .vij. vyals of his wrathe as afore hath bene declared 2 And this Angell or sett purpose of God as an heauēlye massenger talked with me in mysterye 3 Of fauorable goodnesse in secrete maner he assertayned me therbye of this wōderfull iudgement here folowinge to be fulfilled at the latter ende of the worlde And thus yt sayd vnto me 4. Come hyther frynde Iohan I wyll shewe the in secretenesse the terryble iudgement of the great whore or coūterfett churche of Hipocrites as God hath appoynted yt Nedes must thys whore b● Rome for that which ys here after spoken that she ys the great cyte which re●neth ouer the kynges of the earthe Euident yt is both by the scripturs and cronycles that in Iohans dayes Rome had her domynyon ouer all the whole worlde And beynge infected with the abhominacyons of all landes ryghtlye ys she called Babylon or cyte of confusion not onlye in this reuelacyon but a●so in the first Epistle of Peter And lyke as in the scripturs oft tymes vnder the name of Ierusalem ys ment the whole kingedome of Iuda so vnder the name of Rome here maye be vnderstanded the vniuersall worlde with all their abhominacyons ād deuylyshenesses their Idolatries withchecraftes sectes supe●stycyons papacyes presthodes relygyons shauinges anoyntings blessinges sensings processions and the deuyll and all of soche beggeries For all peples sēs Christes ascencyon hath this Rome infected with her pestylent poysons gathered from all Idolatrouse nacyons soche tyme as she helde ouer thē the monarchyall suppremyte And lyke as Babylon had the Israelytes captyue vnder a bodylye trybute so hath this Rome had the Christianes both in their bodyes ād sowles At the writynge of this Prophe●ye felt Iohan of their cruelte beynge exyled into Pathmos an Ile of Lycya for the faythfull testymonye of Iesu. And so ded I poore creature with my poore wyfe and children at the gatheringe of this present Commentarye fleynge into Germanye for the same 5 No maruele though she be here called a great whore For no where were euer yet seane so manye Idolle wurshyppynges so many vayne obseruacyons so manye superslycyouse sectes so manye errours in Hipocresye so manye false Prophetes and so manye prodygyouse kyndes of fylthynesse no not in Sodome yt self nor yet in miserable Egypt 6 This Babylonyshe whore or disgised Synagoge of shorelynges sitteth vpon manye waters or peples that are fantasticall fyckle or folyshe For nō are in cōscience subiect vnto her that are constātlye grounded in the sure doctryne of faythe Onlye alloweth her tradycyons the wauerynge witted multytude the slypper and vnstedefast nōbre obeynge thē in their hartes of feare and not of loue so throwynge themselues into a most cōfuse Chaos or vawte of doubtfull do●rage 7 With this stynkynge strompett haue the myghtye potentates of the vnyuersall earthe the Emprours Kynges Princes and other notable gouernours commytted most shamefull whoredome in the sprete by manye straūge worship pynges agreynge amonge themselues to her wyckedlye decreed lawes and customes To longe shuld we stande here in this place yf we shuld describe them all seuerallye in their colours at large as they be 8 Through the craftye legardemayne of the Prestes on the one syde and the cruell constytucyōs of Princes on the other syde the dwellers of the earthe or worldlye mynded multytude are dronken with the wyne of her fornycacyon spyrituall or practysed worshypyynges besydes the prescripte rewles of Gods worde Not onlye they which haue bene couetouse carnall lewde and wretched hath folowed their abhomynacyōs but also an innumerable sort of the electe nombre hath beleued their lyes and errours Yea they haue bene so dased with their dottages and so tangled with their customes that as menne losynge their wittes without all godlye remembraunce reason wysdome dyscressyon vnderstandynge iudgement and grace the lawes of God layed a part the cōmaundemēts neglected and the scripturs despised they haue no● onlye kneled crossed kyssed set vp lyg●tes and holden vp their handes before rotten postes but also called them thei● fathers in heauē Yea I axe God mercy● a thousande tymes I haue bene one o● them myself And this ys to thys daye ● principall religyō of that whoryshe chu●●che called deuowte pilgrymage or ho●lye stacyons of prayer manye great pa●●dons graunted and manye false promy●ses made to allure the peple thervnto● 9 But blessed be the lorde whose wo●●de in this age both admonyshed many● as the Angell ded Iohan and brough● them also cleane from her abhominacy●ons into a secrete consideracyon of th● sprete vnknowne to the worlde ther● both to se her pryde and also to vnder●stande her iudgemēt For yt foloweth i● the text that the angell cōuayed Iohan awaye into the wildernesse in the spret●● 10 In mysterye here the holye ghost d●●clared afore what the lorde shuld work● in mēne hauynge hys grace at the latte● dayes of the worlde Into the wylderne●●se flee they with Dauid which leauy●●ge the customed wayes of menne afte● the course of the scripturs seke vp thei● lorde God in faythe worshyppinge hym onlye in sprete and in veryte The Text. And I sawe a woman sitt vpon 2. a rose coloured Beast 3. full of names of blasphemye 4. which had seuen heads and ten hornes 5. And the woman was ●rayed 6. in purple and rose coloure 7. and decked with golde precyouse stone and pearles 8. and had a cuppe of golde in her hande 9. full of abhominacions 10. and fylthynesse of her whoredome 11. And in her fore heade was a name written 12. A mysterye 13. Greate Babylon the mother of whoredome and abhomynacyons of the earthe 14. And I sawe the wyfe dronken with the bloude of Sayntes and with the bloude of the wytnesses of Iesu. 15. And whan I sawe her 16. I wōdred with great maruayle ¶ The Paraphrase 1 And I sawe sayth Saynt Iohan in mysterye a woman for an whore at the first blushe semeth onlye a