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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A52022 The lives of the prophets, patriarchs, apostles, &c. With the interpretation of their names: collected into an alphabetical order, for the benefit of the reader. R. M. 1695 (1695) Wing M72B; ESTC R217713 239,005 339

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that thou art Christ the Son of God which should come into the World After this when Jesus came to the place where Lazarus was buried and had commanded the stone of his Grave to be taken away Martha said Lord by this time he stinketh for he hath been dead four days Said not I unto thee quoth Jesus that if thou didst believe thou shouldst see the glory of God And so she saw her Brother Lazarus restored from death to life to the glory of God and her great comfort Martha Bitter or Provoking Mattathias the Son of Simeon the Priest 1 Mac. 2. which was of the stock and kinred of Joaris had five valiant Men to his Sons and dwelt in Modin remaining stedfast in the Laws of God notwithstanding the great calamities that were come upon the People of Juda and Jerusalem for the which Mattathias made piteous lamentation crying upon God to strengthen him and his Sons against the Heathen that had so wasted the People and defiled his Sanctuary And while he and his Sons were thus mourning in Sackcloth for the destruction of the holy City Antiochus the King sent certain Commissioners to the City of Modin to compel such Jews as were fled thither to forsake their own Laws and to serve the Idols of the Heathen Who after they had turned the heart of many spake to Mattathias on this wise Thou art said they a Noble man of high reputation and great in this City and hast many Children and Brethren Come thou first of all and fulfil the King's commandment like as the Heathen have done and the Men of Juda with such as remain at Jerusalem and so shalt thou and thy Sons be in favour with the King and greatly enriched Nay said Mattathias Though all Nations under the King's Dominion fall away every Man from the Law of their Fathers yet will I my Sons and my Brethren walk in the Laws of our Fathers God forbid we should forsake the Laws and Ordinances of God we will not for no Man's pleasure transgress our Religion or break the Statutes of our Law And as he had spoken these words a certain Jew came forth and openly in the sight of all Men did sacrifice unto the Idols upon the Altar in the City of Modin according to the King's commandment which thing so grieved Mattathias that for very Zeal he had to the Laws of God he started him up and ran upon the Jew and killed both him the Commissioner that compelled him so to do and ran his way crying thorow the City and saying to the People whosoever is fervent in the Law and will keep and stand by the Covenant let him follow me So he and his Sons fled into the Mountains and many other godly Men with their Wives and Children and all that they had got them into the Wilderness And being there the Heathen went against them on the Sabbath day and slew Man Woman and Child for on that day the Jews would make no resistance but would dye in their innocency Then Mattathias hearing of this was very sorry and counselling with his friends said If we do as our Brethren have done and do not fight for our Lives and our Laws the Heathen will soon root us all out of the Earth whereupon they concluded that whosoever did bid them battel on the Sabbath day that they would rather manfully fight for their Laws than dye as their Brethren had done before Upon the which conclusion came the whole Synagogue of the Jews with all such as were fled for Persecution to Mattathias And being gathered together they were so great an Host that they feared not their enemies but fell upon them and slew a great number And by their force and strength they went about the Coasts of Israel and destroyed the Altars and circumcised their Children and kept their Laws in spight of them all Finally when the time of his death drew nigh he called all his Sons before him exhorting them to prefer the Laws and wealth of their Countrey before their own Lives and ordained Simon his eldest Son to be as it were their Father and Judas Machabeus to be their Captain and so giving them his blessing he dyed and was buried in his Fathers Sepulchre in the City of Modin Mattathias the gift of the Lord. Mattathias the Son of Simon 1 Mac. 16. was killed with his Father at a Banquet which Ptolomy his Brother-in-law had prepared for them in a Castle of his called Doche. Mathattias the Son of Absalemus stuck by Jonathas 1 Mac. 11. when all his Men forsook him and fled the Field save Judas the Son of Galphi Matthew the Evangelist Read the Story of Levi. Matthew Given Matthias Act. 1.23 was a faithful Disciple of Christ and one that had his conversation always among the Apostles even from the beginning of Christ's preaching to the last end And now for as much as Judas the Traytor was fallen from Christ he with another godly Man called Joseph or Barsabas was appointed to stand in election which of them two should succeed in the place of Judas And when the Apostles had made their prayers to God Lots and given forth their lots the lot fell on Matthias and so he was counted with the eleven Apostles Matthias the Lords Gift Methuselah Gen. 5.21 c. was the Son of Henoch and lived an hundred eighty and seven years and begot Lamech And after that he lived seven hundred and eighty two years and begot Sons and Daughters and when he had lived in all nine hundred three-score and nine years he died Methuselah be sent his death or the weapons of his death Melchisedek Gen. 14.18 Heb. 7.1 is called King of Salem and the High Priest of the most High God When Abraham had rescued Lot his Nephew out of the hands of the Assyrians and was returned from the slaughter of the Kings Melchisedek met him with Bread and Wine to refresh Abraham and his Souldiers and blessed him saying Blessed be Abraham of the most High God possessor of heaven and earth and blessed be the most High God which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand And Abraham gave him tythes of all things The Scripture reporteth Melchisedek to be without Father without Mother without Kin and hath neither beginning of his days neither yet end of his life but is likened unto the Son of God and continueth a Priest for ever Melchisedek King of Righteousness Menelaus 2 Mac. 4. was Brother to Simon and Lysimachus two as ungracious as himself This ambitious Man by deceit got the High-Priest's Office from Jason on this wise When that good and godly Man Onias had the superiority Jason his Brother found the means to corrupt Antiochus the King with Money and so got the Office out of his Brother's hands And when the time came that Jason should pay the Money to Antiochus he sent it by the hand of Menelaus in whom he had great confidence But when
thine own Person For so shall we come upon him in one place or other where we shall find him and fall upon him as thick as the dew falleth upon the ground and of all the Men that are with him we shall not leave him one Moreover if he be gotten into a Town then shall all the Men of Israel bring Ropes to that Town or City and we will draw it into the River until there be not one stone sound there This Counsel of Hushai pleased Absalom and the People better than Achitophel's which was even the Lord's determination to destroy the good counsel of Achitophel that the Lord might bring evil upon Absalom And so when Hushai had done according to David's request he caused Sadoc and Abiathar the Priests to send David word of all that was done whereby he escaped Hushai Sense or making hast or holding his peace I. JABES 1 Chron 4.9 was so named * This was Othonicl Caleb's Brother as Lyra reporteth of his Mother because she bare him in sorrow He being more honorable than the rest of his Brethren made a conditional Vow unto God saying ‖ Jacob made the like vow Read his story If thou wilt bless me indeed and inlarge my Coasts and if thine hand be with me and thou wilt cause me to be delivered from evil that I be not hurt Thus far goeth his request which was granted Jabes Sorrow Iabyn was the King of Canaan Judg. 4.2 whose Captain of War was Sisera Twenty Years he troubled Israel very sore But at the last he was overcome of the Israelites and brought to nought There was another King called Jabyn also whom Joshua slew and destroyed his City called * Which City being burnt of Joshua was afterward built again of the Canaanites Hazor as ye shall read in Joshua Chap. 11. Jabyn Understanding Iacob was the youngest Son of Isaac Gen. 25.26.27 cap. and Brother to Esau whose Birth right he bought for a Mess of Pottage and afterward by the counsel of Rebekah his Mother got away his blessing And then to avoid his Brothers displeasure Gen. 28. cap. he was sent into Mesopotamia to Laban his Mother Brother to get him a Wife And chancing to come to a place where he was benighted he took a stone and laid it under his Head and fell asleep And in his Dream he saw a * Christ is the Ladder whereby God and man are joyned together and by whom the Angels minister unto us all graces by him are given unto us and we by him ascend into Heaven Ladder stand upon the Earth reaching up to Heaven and the Angels of God ascending and descending upon it and God himself standing upon the Ladder said I am the Lord God of Abraham thy Father and the God of Isaac the Land which thou sleepest upon will I give to thee and thy seed and thy seed shall be as the dust of the earth thou shalt spread abroad to the West to the East to the North and to the South And thorow thee and in thy seed shall all the Kinreds of the earth be blessed Behold I am with thee and will be thy keeper in all places where thou goest and will bring thee again into this Land neither will I leave thee until I have made good all that I have promised Then Jacob awaking out of sleep said Surely the Lord is in this place and I was not aware Oh how fearful is this place it is none other but the house of God and the gate of heaven Then Jacob gat him up early in the Morning and took the stone which he slept upon and set it up as a Pillar to be a remembrance of that Vision and poured oyl upon it and called the place Bethel which before was called Luz And before his departing he vowed saying If God will be with me and keep me in this Journey which I go and will give me Bread to eat and Cloaths to cover me so that I come again to my Fathers house in safety then shall the Lord be my God and this stone which I have set up for a Pillar shall be God's house and of all that thou givest me 29. cap. will I give the tenth unto thee And so Jacob going on his Journey came into the East Countrey where in beholding the Land he saw certain Herdmen lying with their Flocks of Sheep beside a Well at the which they commonly used to water their Sheep to whom he went demanded whence they were They said of Haran Do ye not know quoth he one Laban the Son of Nahor Yea said they we know him well He is in health And behold yonder cometh his Daughter Rachel to water her Father's sheep who was no sooner come but Jacob went to the Well and rolled away the stone from the Wells mouth and watered all her sheep Which done he kissed the Damosel and wept for joy And when the Maid had knowledge what he was she ran to her Father and told him who being joyful thereof went to the Man and brought him into his house Now when Jacob had opened the cause of his coming to Laban it was agreed that Jacob should serve Laban seven years for Rachel his Daughter But when the day of Marriage came Leah the elder was * The cause why Jacob was deceived was that in old time the Wife was covered with a Vail when she was brought to her Husband in sign of chastity and shamefastness Gen. 30 25 c. put in her stead for so much as it was not the custome that the younger should be first married as Laban alledged Then Jacob tarried seven days and took Rachel upon condition that he would serve other seven years for her which being fulfilled he desired Laban that he might depart with his Wives and Children into his own Country again Nay tarry said Laban for I perceive that the Lord hath blessed me for thy sake appoint thy wages and I will give it thee Thou knowest quoth Jacob what service I have done thee and in what taking thy Cattel hath been under me for the little that thou hadst before my coming is now increased to a Multitude But when shall I make provision for mine own House also Well what shall I give thee said Laban Then Jacob having knowledge aforehand by the Angel of the Lord what his wages should be said Thou shalt give me nothing at all if thou wilt do this thing for me I will go again and feed thy sheep and keep them and will separate all the sheep of thy Flock one from another and so many as be black speckled or of party colour let that be my wages and whatsoever I take of the rest unspotted let that be counted theft with me Content quoth Laban Then went Jacob and took out all the Males and Females of the Sheep and Goats that were black spotted or of party colour and put them in the keeping of his Sons which lay
hearts turn to Rehoboam and seek to kill me Wherefore he by the advice of his Counsel made two golden Calves and set the one up at Dan and the other at Bethel perswading the People that they were the Gods which brought them out of Egypt and therefore they should not need any more to go up to Jerusalem and worship so far off but should do it nearer hand and with less travail and pain And when he perceived the People to incline to his purpose he made a Temple to build Hill Altars therein for Idolatry and placed a sort of ignorant Ministers which were not of the Sons of Levy in Dan and Bethel to train up the People in worshipping of these Calves And the more to stir up the Peoples devotion he commanded a solemn offering to be made in the honor of these Calves the xv day of the eighth Moneth and the same yearly to be observed in remembrance of this new kind of Idolatry which in continuance was so rooted in Israel that it could never be clean extinguished till it had brought all Israel to utter destruction 13. cap. Now as the King was standing beside the Altar at Bethel doing of sacrifice there came a Man of God which cryed out against the Altar saying O Altar Altar Thus saith the Lord behold a Child shall be born unto the house of David Josiah by name and upon thee shall he offer the Priests of the Hill-Altars that burn Incense upon thee and they shall burn Mens bones upon thee And this is the token that the Lord hath spoken it Behold the Altar shall rent and the ashes that are upon it shall fall out The King was so angry with this that he stretched out his hand against the Prophet commanding to lay hands on him and by and by the Kings hand was dried up so that he could not pull it to him again the Altar clave asunder and the ashes fell out as the Man of God had spoken The King seeing now God's judgment fallen upon him humbled himself to the Prophet by whose intercession to God his hand was restored again 2 Chron. 13. Great and continual War was between this King and Rehoboam King of Juda but this ever prevailed till Abijah the Son of Rehoboam reigned and then he lost as much honour and more than he wan before He reigned two and twenty years and dyed leaving Nadab his Son to succeed him Read more of this King in the story of Abijah King of Juda and in the story of Ahijah the Prophet and of Baasha King of Israel Ieroboam the Son of Joash King of Israel 2 King 14.23 began his Raign in the xv year of Amaziah King of Juda and worshipped the Golden Calves which Jeroboam the Son of Nebat had set up as others did before him He was a great Warrier and victorious He restored the Coasts of Israel from the entring of Hemath unto the Sea of the Wilderness according to Jonas Prophecie And was stirred up of the Lord to help Israel being exceedingly afflicted out of all their trouble He reigned xli years and dyed leaving Zacharias his Son to succeed him Jeroboam Increasing the People Iesebel the Daughter of Ethbaal King of the Sidonians 1 King was a wicked Woman She enticed and pricked forward Ahab her Husband to all kind of Idolatry she slew the Prophets of the Lord and persecuted Elijah 21. cap. She caused Naboth to be stoned to death that her Husband might enjoy his Vineyard Finally as she lay at Jesreel and hearing of Jehu his coming 2 King 9.30 she trimmed her self in gorgeous attire and lay looking out at a Window and as he came in at the Gate she said unto him Had Zimri peace which slew his Master As who should say Can a Traytor or any that riseth against his Superiour have good success But forasmuch as this was even God's determination that she should be destroyed she was cast out at the Window with such violence that she was dashed all to pieces and so betrampled and trodden with the feet of Horses that when they came to take her up to be buried they found no more of her save the Scull the Feet and the Palms of her Hands And then was the Prophecie of Elijah fulfilled which said In the Field of Jesreel shall Dogs eat the flesh of Jezebel and the Carkass of Jezebel shall lye as dung upon the Earth so that none shall say this is Jezebel Jezebel an Island or an habitation Iesus Luk. 2. cap. the Son of God was born of the Virgin Marry in Bethlehem a City of Juda in the year after the Creation of the World 3962. Lanquet whose birth immediately was honored by the glorification of Angels the agnition of Shepheards the veneration of the wisemen and the Prophecies of holy Symeon and Anna. And at the age of xii years was had in admiration among the Doctors in the Temple at Jerusalem where his Parents found him and brought him to Nazareth but what he did from that time forth till he came to the age of thirty years the Evangelists make no mention He was then Baptised of John in Jordan And to witness that he was the very Messias sent of God 5. cap. the Holy Ghost descended down from Heaven in the likeness of a Dove and lighted upon him and also the voice of the Father was heard from Heaven saying This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased hear Him And after he had finished the Legacy of his Father and opened the Doctrine of eternal lise to the People and confirmed the same with Miracles he was at the age of xxxiii years or thereabout betrayed of his own Disciple Judas and by the Jews his own peculiar People Matth. 26.14 most cruelly put to death at what time of his Passion was a great Earthquake and at six a Clock of the Day such a terrible Eclipse of the Sun that for Darkness it seemed to be very Night Matth. 28.6 The third day he arose again from Death to Life In token he conquered Sin Death and Satan Act. 1.9 And on the sortieth day to declare himself to be a mighty and a puissant Conqueror he ascended into Heaven where he sitteth at the right hand of the Father And the fiftieth day according to his promise he sent down the true Comforter the Holy Ghost which should lead the Apostles into all truth At the end and last day of the World he shall come again with glory to judge the quick and the dead He suffered his Passion in the year after the Creation of the World 3994. or thereabout Jesus a Saviour Iesus the Son of Sirach Ecclus 1. cap. being among the Captives in Egypt in the time of King Ptolomy Euergetes got liberty to read and write many good things which Jesus his Grandfather had gathered and left them with Sirach his Son which things this Jesus took and put in order