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A35837 The faithful testimony of that antient servant of the Lord, and minister of the everlasting Gospel William Dewsbery his books, epistles and writings, collected and printed for future service. Dewsbury, William, 1621-1688. 1689 (1689) Wing D1267; ESTC R2959 250,545 433

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the Hearts of the great and mighty Men of the Earth shall fail and paleness shall gather into their Faces the dread of the holy God will be with you who faithfully give up to be guided by his Counsel in the power of his own Spirit one shall chase a Thousand and five put ten Thousand to flight the Decree is gone forth Christ shall be King in Gods time over all the Nations of the World and all the powers of the World that him withstand he will break them to pieces like a Potters Vessel so shall they become as Dust before his Breath the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it who is giving the Kingdoms of this World to his Son and to you that wait for his appearance the living sound is come that doth witness that not any Weapon formed against him shall prosper in this day of his appearance in the Hearts of his Saints In the presence of the Lord I charge you stand fast in the Counsel of our Lord Jesus Christ the Light in the Conscience and according to the measure you have received be faithful in walking with God in perfect obedience to his Will freely giving up your Bodies to finish your Testimony in Sufferings if the Lord call you for it is not given to believe but to suffer with him and they that suffer with him shall Raign with him and the Son of Man is perfect in sufferings and you that are faithful to the 〈◊〉 he will lay no more upon you then he gives you strength to bear he will guard you with the Angel of his presence and compass you about with Salvation for Walls and Bulwarks and you shall know this is to you the Word of the Lord God the day will declare it All people who dwell upon the Earth fear the living God who hath Created the Heavens and Earth and the Fountains of Waters and all turn to the Light of Christ that witnesses for God in the Conscience against Sin in its appearance in the secret of the Heart and diligently incline your Ear to the Counsel of Christ the Light that he may guide you by his Spirit least through your disobedience you perish before him in this mighty day of the Lords Power in which he is coming with Fire and Sword to plead with all Flesh and not any that transgresseth his Righteous Law in their Consciences shall escape his Righteous Judgments in this his day he is bringing down the loftiness of Man and the haughtiness of Spirit he is laying low and is exalting his Son Christ Jesus to be King and over all to Rule the Heathen he will give him for his Inheritance and the utmost parts of the Earth for his Possession and the Kingdom he will establish to his Son whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and of his Dominion there shall be no end therefore let all the Kings and Princes of this World mind the Light of Christ to guide them to rule for God to break the bonds of Iniquity and let the oppressed go free that in all things they may have an Eye to the glory of God in obeying the Righteous Law of God in your Consciences to do as you would be done unto in taking up the daily Cross to that nature which would hinder for doing Justice and for shewing Mercy and 〈◊〉 humbly with the Lord. Given forth by the movings of the Spirit of God in and through his Servant W. D. DEar Friends Servants and Children of the most high God whom he hath called and chosen out of the World be faithful all of you in his Counsel wait his Power to guide you in all your Thoughts Words and Works in his pure fear in obedience to his Will I charge you in his presence be valiant for your freedom in dwelling in the Power of the living God that he may arm you against the fiery Darts of the Devil him to resist in his appearance in all his Wiles who goes about like a roaring Lyon to draw you every way seeking to get your minds from the pure to draw into the visible things your Affections there to captivate your Wills to satisfie in created and perishing Objects or in the knowledg of the Truth in the fleshly Wisdom to feed with the Swine upon the Huskes the form and image of what you have injoyed or what you see in the vision what you do not injoy in the possession and speak in a Drunken Spirit words without knowledg and with them sits a painted Beast the will at liberty out of the Cross and thou whose condition this is art the foolish Virgin turned from the pure Wisdom of God the Light of Christ that convinced thee of Sin and now appearest in the outward formallity in the sight of Men with a Lamp like the wise Virgins but not dwelling in the Power of God wants the Oyle of joy and gl●dness in the power of his Love which the wise Virgins hath in their Lamps which exerciseth their Conscience and keeps all their affections in order to the Spirit of Truth which bridles their Tongues not to utter words before the Lord but in true silence wait upon him until his Spirit move his mind to declare from the living Power the Soul possesses and enjoys in Christ the Husband of the wise Virgins whom he moves his mind to declare from the living Power the Soul enjoys in true possession in Christ who is the Bride the Lambs Wife who by his Power keeps her Lamp trimed always breathing and thirsting for him to manifest his Power to take away Sin and renew the Image of God and the perfect Man to witness in Christ Jesus the Souls life to raign in her for ever And beloved are you that Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness for you are the Children of the Kingdom of my Father and with you my life is bound up and to you this is the Word of the Lord fear not lift up your heads and wait in the Light with boldness in it look up to Christ your King he will appear as the Lightning from the East to the West and you shall behold him Riding upon the wilde Asses Coalt your wilde nature subjecting it to himself and skiping over all Mountains and leaping over all Hills that hath separated you from the presence of God and will heal your Infirmities and satisfie your thirsty Souls and give you the end of your hope the Salvation of your Souls where you shall sit down with him in the Kingdom of the Father to rejoyce in the Power of eternal love and life which is in his presence for ever and ev●r and this is the Childrens Bread that comes down from Heaven But you foolish Virgins that sits in the outward form and profession of the Truth your Lamps are empty of the Power of God which should cast down your Wills and keep them in the daily Cross so you are possessed with a dull sottish drousie earthly careless spirit which is weary of waiting upon
laid up for me in the Lord Jesus and by the power of the Word of their Testimony there was a secret hope raised up in me to wait for his coming there I waited till the Administration of Iohn and I witness that of all that is born of a Woman there is none greater then Iohn for he is a burning and a shining Light who discovered more of the mystery of iniquity in me in his Administration and the sence of my condition was more manifest and the cry of my condemned Soul was great and could not be satisfied but breathed and thirsted after Christ to saye me freely through his Blood or I perished for ever and in this condemned estate I lay waiting for the coming of Christ Jesus who in the appointed time of the Father appeared to my Soul as the Lightnings from the East to the West and my dead Soul heard his voice and by his voice was made to live who created me to a lively hope and sealed me up in the everlasting Covenant of life with his Blood then I witnessed the wages of Sin and Death and the Gift of God eternal Life through Jesus Christ my Lord and I witnessed according to Testimony of Scripture Death raigns over all from Adam to Moses and Moses untill the Prophets and the Prophets untill Iohn and from this day the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force there is no rest to the Soul till Christ be manifest and this the Scripture witnesseth and I witness these Scriptures fulfilled in me in the year according to the acco●t 1645. The Witnesses that stood before the God of the Earth and had power to plague the Earth having finished their Testimony the Beast ascends out of the bottomless Pit and makes War against them and kills them and their dead Bodies lay in the Streets of the great City spiritual Sodom and Egypt where our Lord was Crucified and this Scripture was fulfilled in me in the year according to account 1648. Then Kindreds Tongues and the Nations of the Earthmade merry over the Witnesses and I see the abomination that maketh desolate which is spoken of by Daniel the Prophet standing in the holy place where it ought not and then was I led by the Spirit into the Wilderness and tempted of the Devil that the Scripture might be fulfiled Luke 4.1 In that day and hour of temptation which was in the time as the lines following giveth Testimony I witnessed these Scriptures fulfilled in me of Pauls condition wherein he complained as I then did who found a Law in my members Warring against the Law of my minde that when I would do good evil was present with me the sence of which caused me to cry Oh wretched man that I am who shall deliver me from the body of this Death And as I was crying to the Lord to free me from the burthen I groaned under the Word of the Lord came unto me saying My Grace is sufficient for thee I will deliver thee and by the power of this Word I was armed with Patience to wait in his Counsel groaning under the body of Sin in the day and hour of temptation until it pleased the Lord to manifest his Power to free me which was in the year according to the account 1651. The Spirit of Life from God entred into the Witnesses and they stood upon their Feet then great fear fell upon all that saw them and the Temple of God was opened in Heaven and I saw in the Temple the Ark of his Testament and there were Lightnings Voyces Thunder Earthquakes and great Hail then mystery Babylon the great the Mother of Harlots and the Abomination of the Earth which made all Nations drunk with the Wine of the Wrath of her Fornication she was discovered in me and God remembred her when the mighty day of the Lords power was manifest upon her Jesus Christ was revealed from Heaven in flaming fire pouring vials of wrath upon her and rendring vengeance upon all in me that knew him not and disobeyed his Gospel and purged away the filthy nature that did me imbondage with the Spirit of judgement and with the Spirit of burning so through the righteous Law of life in Christ Jesus I was made free and am from the body of Sin and Death and through these great tribulations my Garments is washed and made white in the Blood of the Lamb who hath led me through the Gates of the City into the new Ierusalem where there is nothing enters that works abomination or makes a lie but what is written in the Lambs book of Life where my Soul now feeds upon the Tree of Life which I had so long hungred and thirsted after that stands in the Paradise of God where there is no more curse not night but the Lord God and the Lamb is my Light and Life for ever and ever I witness I am regenerated and born again of the immortal Seed and hath partaked on the first Resurrection on whom the second Death hath no power And this I declare to all the Inhabitants in England and all that dwell upon the Earth that God alone is the Teacher of his People and hath given to every one a measure of Grace which is the Light that comes from Christ that checks and reproves for Sin in the secrets of the Heart and Conscience and all that wait in that Light which comes from Christ which is the free Grace of God for the Power of Jesus Christ to destroy Sin and to guide them in obedience to the Light so shall they come to know the only true God and Father of Light in Christ Jesus who is the way to him And this I witness to all the Sons of men that the knowledge of eternal Life I came not to by the Letter of the Scripture nor hearing men speak of the Name of God I came to the true knowledge of the Scripture and the eternal rest they testifie it in Christ by the Inspiration of the Spirit of Jesus Christ the Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah who alone is found worthy to open the Seals of the Book and I witness none else can for he alone opened the Seals of the Book in me and sealed it up to my Soul by the Testimony of his own Spirit according to his own promise I will bind up the Testimony and seal the Law amongst my Disciples and I will write my Law in their Hearts and put my Spirit in their inward parts and they shall not depart from me neither shall they need to teach every man his Neighbour and every man his Brother for all shall know me from the least of them to the greatest for I will be merciful to their Vnrighteousness and their Sins and Iniquities will I remember no more and all my Childern shall be taught of me saith the
Conscience towards God and Men and fear not Man whose breath is in his nostrils who stands up to oppose the Lord in this mighty Day of his Power wherein he is exalting Christ Jesus the Light to be King for ever in his Light be faithful to the Lord and though you be haled before Rulers Governours and Kings for a Testimony against them take no thought what you shall say but keep within staid in the Counsel of God it will be given you in the self-same hour my Heavenly Father will in you speak and his Enemies confound before his mighty Power in you and the Hearts of the great and mighty Men of the Earth shall fail and paleness shall gather into their Faces the dread of the holy God will be with you who faithfully give up to be guided by his Counsel in the Power of his Spirit one shall chase a Thousand and five put ten thousand to Flight the decree is gone forth Christ shall be King over all the Nations of the World and all the Powers of the World that him withstand he will break them with his iron rod and dash them in pieces like a potters Vessel so shall they become as dust before his breath the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it who is giving the Kingdoms of the World to his Son and to you that wait for his apperance the living ●ound is come that doth witness that not any weapon formed against him shall prosper in this day of his appearance in the Hearts of his Saints In the presence of the Lord I you Warn and Charge stand fast in the Counsel of the Lord Jesus Christ the Light in the Conscience and according to the measure you have received be faithful in walking with God in perfect obedience to his Will freely giving up your Bodies to finish your Testimony in sufferings if the Lord call you for it is not given only to believe in him but to suffer with him and they that suffer with him shall Raign with him and the Son of Man is perfect in sufferings and you that are faithful to the Lord he will lay no more upon you then he gives you strength to bear with the Angel of his presence he will you guard and campass you about with Salvation for Walls and Bulwarks and you shall know this is to you the Word of the Lord God The Day will declare it ALL People who dwell upon the Earth from the highest to the lowest fear the most high and living God who hath Created Heaven and Earth and the Fountains of Waters all return to his Counsel the Light of Christ that witnesseth for God in the Conscience against Sin in its appearance in the secret of the Heart and diligently encline your Ear to the Counsel of Christ the Light that he may guide you by his Spirit least through your disobedience you perish before him in this mighty Day of the Lords Power in which he is coming with Fire and Sword to plead with all Flesh and not any that transgresseth his righteous Law in the Conscience shall escape his righteous Judgment in this his Day He is bringing down the loftiness of Man and the haughtiness of his Spirit laying low and exalting his Son Christ Jesus to be King over all to Rule The Heathen he will give him for his Inheritance and the uttermost Parts of the Earth for his Possession and the Kingdom he will establish to his Son whose Kingdom is an everlasting Kingdom and of his Dominion there shall be no end Come down ye Kings Princes and Rulers in the World who in the Throne sit in Pride exalted to rule in your Wills contrary to the pure perfect Law of God the Light of Christ in your Consciences to which you must come and own your Condemnation for your Pride and Disobedience and to his Counsel the Light in your Consciences return in subjection to Christ the Son of God and at his Feet your Crowns lay down and Honours in the Dust before him and wait on him in his Counsel the Light that he may guide you by his Spirit in the fear of God to walk humbly before him in your Places to Rule for God to break the Bonds of iniquity and let the Oppressed go free that the glory of the most high God alone you seek and not great things for your selves as you have done and in this day of darkness while you have lived without the fear of God not regarding to be guided by his pure perfect Law the Light of Christ in the Conscience let the time past be sufficient you have lived to your selves without God in the World and with all diligence obey the Word of the Lord which is to you declared in this day of your Visitation wherein the Lord tenders eternal Salvation to you in Christ the Light in whom the Father is well pleased with all that obey him which if you be obedient to Christ and wait on him to guide you by his Counsel the Light he will you lead in the strait and narrow way of self-denial and daily Cross into the holy City new Ierusalem the Light of which all Nations that are saved walk therein and the Kings of the Earth shall bring their Glory and Honour unto it where your Souls will be refreshed with the living mercies of God in Christ the Light to praise him for ever in the beauty of Holiness but if you his Counsel reject and walk in Pride self-Love delighting your Hearts in the glory of the World and the pleasures therein and so slight this day of your Visitation then the things belonging to your Peace will be hid from your Eyes and sudden Destruction as a Whirlwind shall overtake you for Sions King whom you disobey will break you with his Rod of Iron and dash you to pieces like a Potters Vessel and you shall be cut down and slain with the Sword that proceeds out of the Mouth of him whose Name is called the Word of God. Now while you have time to him submit and kiss the Son in obeying his Counsel the Light in the Conscience least you perish in the way for if his anger be kindled a little Blessed are all they that trust in him Remember you are warned in your Life-time he that hath an Ear to hear let him hear The Kingdoms of this World are become the Kingdoms of our Lord and of his Christ and he shall Raign for ever and ever Rev. 11.15 He that can receive it let him Dear Friends BRethren and Sisters in the Eternal Light of Christ Jesus whom my Heavenly Father hath gathered you to wait upon him that you might be the holy Presthood and Righteousness of God in Christ Jesus every one in particular mind your calling in the Light and watch diligently in the Light the Life to feel a raising you up in the pure being with God in Christ your Souls to delight in the pure Fellowship with the Father in the Lord Jesus and
against them and notwithstanding all thy Wickedness and Rebellious walking before me in love to thy Soul I have preserved thee to this day and still doth wait upon thee to be Gracious and Merciful to thee if thou wilt still return to my Counsel and diligently hearken to it the Light in thy Conscience which witnesseth against the pride of thy Heart and loftiness of thy Spirit and calls of thee to perform thy promises thou madest to me in the day of thy distress in speedily taking away the Unrighteous Laws by which my People are Persecuted that are guided by my Righteous Law in their Conscience that they be no more given up as Sheep to the Slaughter for declaring my Word and Mind to the People as they have been and are in this Nation but that they may have free Liberty and no more be Persecuted by any outward Law for declaring what I make known to them by my Spirit Which if thou dost return to me that I may guide thee by my Power as is declared then will I heal thy Backslidings and deliver thy Soul forth of the Pit of Corruption and bring it into my Banqueting-House where thou shalt drink of the Rivers of pleasure that is in my presence where thy Soul shall be for ever with my dear Children in the purchased Inheritance that shall never fade away and this shall be the Portion of thy Cup. I once more tender to thee if thou wilt speedily return while my Arm is stretched forth in this day of thy Visitation to imbrace thee and if thou wilt not hearken to my Counsel but like proud Pharaoh still hardens thy Heart against it and continue in thy Pride and Obstinacy as thou hast done know this my Spirit shall not always strive with thee but I will hasten the day of my Righteous Judgments upon thee and the Arm of Flesh which thou trusts and leanest upon to uphold thee and protect thee where thou art shall be to thee as the broken Reeds of Egypt that shall break to peices and Torment and Wound thee and I will get my glory upon thee in breaking thee down in my Wrath and fierce Displeasure and none shall deliver thee out of my Hand which will speedily perfect my Pleasure upon thee for the time is not long ere I accomplish what I have spoken except thou Repent and thou shalt know thy Destruction is of thy self and thy Blood shall be upon thy own Head and shall confess my Judgments to be true and righteous to all that hear of it that they may be warned by thee to fear and walk humbly before me in the day that I do this saith the Lord of Hosts The Word of the Lord I was commanded by him to writ to thee and after it was written was taken from me by one Thomas Pentlow called Justice of the Peace at the Town called Willby in Northampton-Shire yet notwithstanding in the love of God to thy Soul I am again ordered by him to make known his Counsel to thee that thou mightst not be Ignorant of his mind towards thee what he hath made known to me who am a lover of thy Soul and known to the World by name William Dewsbery Prisoner in Northampton Goal for the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ. From the Common Goal in Northampton the first day of the Tenth Month 1654. The Mighty Day of the Lord is comming in which Christ knocks at the door of the Heart of Kindreds Tongues People and Nations who desire to know the only true God and Iesus Christ whom he hath sent to be the Light of the World and Salvation to the Ends of the Earth to all that obey him but a stumbling Stone and a Rock of offence to all that resist his Counsel whom he will take in their own Craft and overturn in their own Devices to the shame and confusion of their Faces but they that believe in him shall never be ashamed This was given forth in the common Goal in Northampton the 7th day of the 11th Month 1655. by William Dewsbery there Prisoner for the Word of God and Testimony of Iesus THe mighty day of the Lord is comming to you People whose natural Birth and Generation was in the Northern Islands whom the Lord of Heaven and Earth hath placed where he hath suffered you to be scattered into Barbadoes Virginia New-England and other Islands there away and Countries elsewhere and to every Kindred Tongue and People and Nations in whom there is desires raised to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent to be the Light of the World to guide the Feet of those that sate in Darkness into the Light and Way of Peace To you People the mighty Day of the Lord is coming and in his Power is appearing amongst you in raising desires in some of you towards his Name which desires cannot be satisfied with any outward Observations and Traditions of your Fathers but above them doth your minds rise in true Hunger and Thirst towards the living God for refreshment from his presence prize the Love of God to you in whom he hath raised desires towards him and look not forth at any that teaches to hearken to the Teachings of Men without who draw you to seek Christ and God without and to come to the knowledg of the Kingdom of God in outward Observations with which the knowledge of God comes not the Kingdom of God is within and as the Lightning is from the East to the West so is the coming of the Son of Man in his day whose appearance is within but you People in the day of Darkness and Ignorance that have been over the whole Earth have been deceived in looking forth at teachings of Men without and for the Kingdom of God to come in outward Observations that men have set up in their vain thoughts Wicked and carnal Imaginations of the Saints condition which is Recorded in the Scriptures of Truth but they not regarding the motion of the Spirit of God within which taught and guided the Saints they are Strangers to the Saints Life though they speak great swelling words of the knowledg of God and with them deceive the simple with the inticing words of Mans Wisdom and boasting in other Mens Lines made ready to their Hands but they themselves are natural bruit Beasts living without the fear of God in Pride Covetousness Dissimulation and Hypocrisie full of self-Love making their Bellies their God delighting their Hearts in the Creature enjoyments and visible objects and are Men-Pleasers having their Persons in admiration and them respecting for advantage and these Men who are Ignorant of the only true God you have followed to teach you to come to know God who hath drawn you to Worship an unknown God in the ignorance of your minds so have they destroyed your Souls and the Souls of many and you People perish for want of Knowledg Hosea 4.6 In being caused to err with
the Lord in silence you have no Oyle in your Lamps you are turned from the Light that would lead you to the Power of God which would preserve in the true thirsting to wait for refreshment that is in his presence so you are Imprisoned and Starved for want of Food while you are in a silent Meeting amongst the wise Virgins who feed on the immortal Bread which comes down from Heaven the Flesh and Blood of Jesus Christ which daily strengthens them in the Power of God which gathers all their Hearts together in one where the union is in the invisible being in silence rejoycing together in the Lord to the Consciences of you foolish Virgins I speak you are strangers to the life the wise Virgins enjoyes though amongst them you come your life is in beautifying the outside of the Lamp with words being quickly spoken but the fear of God is not before your Eyes but your Wills are out of the Cross a false joy arises in you speaking what you do not possess priding and glorying in other mens Lines end contending for Truth with that mind that is out of the Truth and so become Trees blosoming with leaves but bears no Fruit and here your folly is made manifest while you speak to others your selves are under Reproof in that you are strangers to the life of God I charge and command you silence Flesh and speak not before the Lord you foolish ones that dare to make mention of his Name while the worker of Iniquity raigns in you whom the Lord will destroy except you repent therefore all Friends who make mention of the Name of the living God examine your Hearts search them and try your ways with the Light that comes from Christ with it read your condition in the Book of Conscience there will you see how you stand in the presence of the living pure holy God whether in the state of the foolish Virgins that is turned from the Light of Christ that did convince them of Sin and so gets into the form of the Truth but an Enemy to the Cross so make Shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience c or whether you be in the state of the wise Virgins that loves the Light and in it to wait to dwell in the Power which chastiseth that nature which would draw from the Light and your Garments defile daily in the Cross and there your Souls is keept pure and chaste to follow the Lamb where ever he goes and enters with him into the rest that is prepared for the People of God where the foolish Virgins shall not come until they from their foolish Wisdom return into true obedience to the Father of Light c. Dear Children of the Lord God be valiant bold and faithful in your measures that in the Light Life and Power of God you may stand in the day of great tryal which the Lord will bring upon all you that make mention of his Name for power will be given to the Beast his Horn to exalt even to the host of Heaven for the clearing of the Sanctuary of the Lord then will all foolish Virgins and painted Beasts that are enemies to the Cross of Christ who hath defiled the Sanctuary of the living God in coming before him amongst his Saints and Children c. from amongst them they shall come trembling before the power of th● Beast when he utters his voice and commands all to Worship his Image but then shall all you Children of the most high God whom he hath called ●o be faithful to him in his eternal Power rejoyce who will you keep in that day in rest and peace in the ancient of days who will sit to judge in Righteousness all that withstands the rising of his Glory and of his Dominion there shall be no end Friends meet together in the true silence of your Spirits to wait in the Light for the unlimited Spirit of the Lord to manifest his Power in you to bruise the Serpents Head in all his appearance in you to put an end to Sin and to bring in everlasting Righteousness that you in him may grow up in the pure nature of the most high God over all blessed fo● ever Amen God almighty keep you all faithful in his eternal Power in himself to bear his Name in Righteousness that his Name may be written in your Fore-heads that all that see you may witness you to be of the Righteous Seed that the Lord hath Blessed his Eternal Power and Presence keep you in the eternal unity of the Spirit and bond of Peace where I am with you in the unchangable Love and Life c. W. D. I desire you to let this be Read in your Meetings with a good understanding in the fear of the Lord for this is the Day I will make separation betwixt the Wise and the Foolish between those that fear the Lord and those that fear him not saith the Lord God almighty ALL Saints and Children of the most high God abide with God in the calling whereunto you are called which call is the measure of Light given unto you which witnesseth against all the deceitful twisting of the Serpent within you and seals up to your Spirits the eternal love of God in the free Covenant of life in Iesus Christ All in your measure as you have received of the Lord walk faithfully with him so will you be preserved pure clean and unblamable before him and will be fortified by the Arm of his eternal Power against all the deceit subtilty windings and twistings of the Serpent within you and without you I charge you all in the presence of the Lord God to abide with God in what he hath communicated to you and run not out from the Witness of the eternal Spirit that hath sealed you up in measure in the Power of his love Thou that doest run out to speak further then thou witnessest art a filthy Drunkard that lavisheth out thy self without the fear of the Lord and so spends and wasts upon thy Lusts and the plagues and vengance of the Lord is thy Portion thou filthy Drunkard for no Drunkard nor Lustful person shall inherit the Kingdom of God. All dear Lambs and Children of the Lord abide in the Witness of the eternal Spirit which will pass Judgment and bruise the Head of the Serpent in you so will you be armed against all the glorious appearances of the Serpent without to keep him out of the Scriptures and the least of you in the Truth of God will overturn all Priests and all the Men of the World that dwell in their Serpentine Wisdom and makes a Trade of the Letter speaking and disputing of the Saints conditions as the Devil did about the Body of Moses but cannot witness the Scriptures sealed up to their Souls by the eternal Spirit now all you that dwell in the Truth in your measure will comprehend them to be Houses built upon the Sand tall Cedars aspiring up into the Air
Ellington whom the World in scorn calls Quakers who have been and is in Bonds for the Truths sake and as near as remembred the substance of what the Judge who made a Goal Delivery of all the Transgressors of the Law did express to the Servants of the Lord that was brought Prisoners before him whom no breach of Law was proved against and also as near as remembred here is declared the substance of what the Servants of the Lord did express so long as they were permitted to declare the Truth which did stop the Mouth of all that did object any thing against it and though the Judge could not gainsay the Truth declared by them nor Read them a Law that they had transgressed yet were they not suffered to have the benefit of the Law that Murtherers and Felons had that their Accusers might appear face to face and they have a Tryal and speak for themselves to clear the Truth from false Accusations cast upon it and them but we are again committed to Prison as the following Lines make manifest With a true Discovery of the Persecution of Iohn Huckin Michael P●tt●s●● and Thomas Goodayre who is Imprisoned in Northampton for the Truth● sake wherein the great enmity that is in Thomas Andrews Priest of W●llin●orrow and Thomas Pentlow of Wilby c alled Justice and also of the Magistrates of Northampton made manifest Also the Word of the Lord to the Rulers and Judges and all that Plot against the righteous Seed the World in scorn calls Q●akers ABout the time of the eleventh hour of the one and twentieth day of the fifth Month the Goaler called William Deusbery Ioseph Storr Henry Williamson Iohn Whitehead Marmaduke Storr Thomas Cocket and Francis Ellington and he set them all together at the Bar before the Court the Judge looked upon them and after a little silence said to the Goaler Are these Prisoners the Goaler answered yea my Lord the Judge said to the Goaler do you use to bring Prisoners before the Court in this manner you deserve to be Fined ten Pound for bringing them before the Court cover'd the Goaler answered if you command me I shall take off their Hats then the Judge gave command and the Goalers Man took them off which being done the Judge having knowledge given which was William Deusbery spoke to him as followeth Judge Atkins said to William Deusbery what art thou here for William Deusbery answered The Mittimus will express what I was committed for but a Copy of it I am denied by the Keeper of the Goal I. A. What is thy name W. D. Unknown to the World. I. A. Let us hear what that name is that the World knows not W. D. It is known in the Light and not any can know it but him that hath it but the name the World knows me by is William Deusbery I. A. What Country-Man art thou W. D. Of the Land of Canaan I. A. That is afar off W. D. Nay it is near for all that dwell in God is in the holy City new Ierusalem which comes down from Heaven where the Souls is in rest and enjoys the love of God in Jesus Christ in whom the union is with the Father of Light. I. A. That is true but are you ashamed of your Countrey is it a disparagement for you to be born in England W. D. Nay for the Truths sake I am free to declare according to the Knowledg of the World my natural Birth was in York-Shire nine Miles from York towards Hull I. A. You pretend to be extraordinary Men and to have an extraordinary Knowledg of God. W. D. We witness the Work of Regeneration to be an extraordinary Work wrought in us by the Spirit of God. I. A. But the Apostles wrought with their Hands in their Callings W. D. They had Callings in the World some were Fishermen Paul a Tent-maker but when they were called to the Ministry of Christ they left their Callings to follow Christ where he led them by his Spirit to Preach the Word and I had a Calling in the World as they had and in it did abide until the Father revealed his Son in me and called me from my Calling I had in the World to Preach the eternal Word he had made known to me in the great Work of Regeneration I. A. Why didst thou not abide in thy own Countrey and Teach People in them Parts W. D. There I did stay until I was called from thence to go where I was led by the Spirit of the Lord and as many as are led by the Spirit of God are the Sons and Daughters of God and they that have not the Spirit of Christ are none of his I. A. You say well for we must in charity conclude that every one in this place hath the Spirit of God in them but how do you know that you are guided by the Spirit of God W. D. They that have the Spirit of God are known by their fruits and he that believeth in Jesus Christ and is guided by his Spirit hath the witness in himself I. A. That is true yet notwithstanding I see by your carriage that what my Brother Hails did at the last Assizes in requiring Bonds for your good behaviour he might justly do it for you are against Magistrates and Ministers W. D. Make that manifest wherein we are against them I. A. Said to Robert Guy Clark of the Peace What have you against these men R. Guy Here is an Information given in upon Oath by Mr Robert Beeton that William Deusbury on the twenty nineth of December 1654. did go into the Church in Wellingborrow and stood with his Hat on in the time of Sermon and Prayer and after the Minister had done he spake these words The Priests preach for hire and the People love to have it so But what will you do in the end thereof with other railing words which made disturbance amongst the people I. A. What have you against Storr and Williamson not any one spoke openly against them I shall take course that those that have disturbed the Ministers before I go forth of the Town that they shall be indicted W. D. It is the Liberty of the Law of this Nation that any which is brought Prisoner before those that sits to judge their Cause may speak for themselves the truth to witness against the false information given in against them and that Liberty I take to manifest the ground and cause of my going into the Steeple-house at Wellingborrow As I was going in the Street Thomas Andrews called Minister of that Town called to me with these words Give over deceiving the People lest the Plagues of God fall on thee I replyed these words Doest thou say I deceive the People make it manifest wherein I deceive them Thomas Andrews said Thou saidst there is not any Original Sin I replied Didst thou hear me say so to which he would not answer but fled away I being falsly accused by Thomas Andrews
Anointed and lay your Plots in the deep and fetch your counsel out of the bottomless Pit that you may ensnare the righteous Seed whom the World in scorn calls Quakers who in love to your Souls do you warn as you will eternally answer before the Lord God of Heaven and Earth to give over Plotting against the Righteous and inventing evil devices against the Innocent for in the eternal Light you are seen and in your secret works of darkness you are discovered and all you that will not take warning now when the Lord calls you to turn to his Light but his Counsel rejects and continue in the evil of your doings To you this is the Word of the Lord All your Plots and Counsels shall not prosper against the Righteous for he that sits in Heaven doth laugh the Lord shall have you in derision for not any Plot shall prevail against Israel nor unrighteous Counsel stand before Zions King who will break you with the rod of Iron and dash you in pieces like a Potters Vessel that plots against him to oppose him in his appearance In the Hearts of his Saints for in what you do to the least of those you do it to me saith Christ and better a Milstone were hanged about your Neck and you cast into the bottom of the Sea than to offend the least of those that believe in my Name From the Spirit of the Lord that will not always strive with Man you are once more warned now while you have time prize it and turn to the Light of Christ in your Consciences which lets you see the secret evil of your Hearts and wait in the Light for the Power of Christ to destroy the plotting wicked inventing minde and to guide you in the strait and narrow way of self-denial and the daily Cross in perfect obedience to the Law of God least you perish in your disobedience for the Lord God of Israel is arising in mighty Power to plead the Cause of his persecuted oppressed People and to scatter all their Enemies that plot against them as Dust before the Wind for they that plot against the People of God and for them digs a Pit shall fall into it themselves for not any Weapon formed against them shall prosper for all shall know the mighty God is with Israel his People and that the King of eternal glory dwells in Mount-Sion who is the strength of his people and of his Dominion there shall be no end and in that day all both high and low rich and poor that slight the comfort of the Lord and continue in enmity against him and his appearance in the Hearts of his Saints then will you know what hath been and is declared to you from the righteous Seed is to you the Word of the Lord God He that hath an Ear to hear let him hear Witnessed by the righteous Seed whom the World in scorn calls Quakers who are in the common Goal in Northampton for the Truths sake REad with understanding in the fear of the Lord this is the Word of the Lord to you Dear Friends Servants and Children of the most high God whom he hath called out of the World be faithful all of you in his Counsel to wait for his Power you to guide in all your thoughts words and works in his pure fear in obedience to his Will I charge you in the presence of God be valiant for your freedom in your dwelling in the Power of God that he may be your Arm against the fiery Darts of the Devil him to resist in his appearance in all his Wiles who goes about like a roaring Lyon to devour you every way seeking to get into you your minds from the pure to draw into the vibsile things your affections there to captivate your wills to satisfie in created and perishing objects as in the knowledge of the Truth in the fleshly wisdom to feed with the Swine upon the Husk the Form and Image of what you have enjoyed or of what you see in the Light and Vision and doth not enjoy it in the Possession but spake in the airy drunken spirit Words without knowledge with them sits decked a painted Beast above the Cross and thou whose condition this is art the foolish Virgin that appears in the ou●ward formality in the sight of Men with a Lamp like the wise Virgin but not dwelling in the Power of God wants the Oyle of joy and gladness in the power of his love which the wise Virgins have in their Lamps that dwell in the pure Light and Power of God which keeps all the affections in order to the Spirit of Truth and bridles the Tongue not to utter words before the Lord but in the silence on him to wait till his Spirit move his mind to declare from the living Power what the Soul possesses and enjoys in Christ the Husband of the wise Virgin who is the Bride the Lambs Wife I charge and command you all in the presence of the living God who make mention of his Name examine your Hearts search them and try your ways with the Light that comes from Christ which will discover all your conditions in the Book of Concience there you will see how you stand in the presence of God wherein the state of the foolish Virgin in the airy Spirit feeding upon words spoken in the Light and Vi●ion there boasting in pride of what thou possessest not and through the subtilty of the Devil is turned from the pure Power to flee the Cross and so make Shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience or whether you be in the state of the wise Virgin that in the pure Light waits and dwells in the Power which chastiseth that which would your Garments defile keep daily in the Cross and then the Soul is kept pure and clean to follow the Lamb with boldness whithersoever he goes and enters with him into the rest prepared for the People of God where thou the foolish Virgin shalt not come until thou from thy folly and fleshly wisdom return to the pure Light with it to judge and in it to wait for his Power Christ Jesus the Fountain of wisdom thee to guide in faithful obedience to the Father of Light. All dear Children of the Lord be valiant bold and faithful that in the pure Light Power and Life of God you may all stand in the day of tryal which the Lord will bring upon you all that make mention of his Name for power shall be given to the Beast his Horn to exalt even to the host of Heaven for the cleansing of the Sanctuary that all painted Beasts that are enemies to the Cross that hath defiled the Sanctuary of the living God in coming before him amongst his Saints and Children for from among them shall they come trembling before the power of the Beast when he utters his voice for all to come to his Image him to worship then shall all you Children of the most high God whom
have been Persecuted and some cast into Prison by their power and this is the Beast that had power to give Life to the Image that the Image of the Beast should both speak and cause that as many as would not Worship the Image of the Beast should be killed and this is fulfilled that when the Beast received his deadly wound with the Sword of the righteous Justice of God then did the other Beast which was the power that Raigned after him give life to the Image of the Beast that the Image of the Beast spoke and this was fulfilled in giving power to the unrighteous Laws where the Priests and unrighteous Lawyers and Judges that Iudge for Rewards that as many as would not worship the Beast in obeying the will of proud flesh must be Killed cast into Prison and there Starve and be broken to pieces and by the power of proud Nebuchadnezar's nature must be cast into places some into close Prison by the wrath of proud flesh and must neither Buy nor Sell to have any benefit of the Law but he that hath the mark of the Beast and the number of his Name Here is the Patience and Faith of the Saints And you Saints of the most high God stand in his Will for these words are sealed up until the time of the end and you shall stand in the Lot at the end of the days Here is Wisdom Let him that hath understanding count the number of the Beast for it is the number of a Man and his number is six Hundred threescore and six Now if you hold up this glorious Image which was set up by Nebuchadnezar's nature proud flesh in human wisdom which that Image spoken of in Daniel was but a tipe and figure of this which now shines gloriously in Forms and Observations and deny the Life and Power of Jesus Christ you will be found to be the strength and glory of this great Image And this I declare unto you from the eternal God of Power You shall be overturned as all that have gone before you which have set up this great Image and caused all both small and great to bow down and worship it The Stone cut out of the Mountain without Hand shall smite this glorious Image and break it to pieces and it shall become like the Chaff of the Summer Threshing-Floor and the Wind shall carry it away and no place shall be found for it and the Stone that smites the Image shall become a great Mountain and shall fill the whole Earth O be valiant for the Truth upon Earth ye Rulers of England and give over building up Sion with Blood and Ierusalem with Iniquity as it hath been in this Nation by all that upheld this Image which the Lord hath overturned and cast out before you and is still held up by you The Heads thereof judge for Reward and the Priests teach for Hire and the Prophets thereof divine for Money yet will they lean upon the Lord and say Is not the Lord amongst us no evil can come upon us O prize your time and stand steadfast in the Counsel of the Lord the Light in your Consciences hearken unto it let it alone guide you in all your Counsel that Christ may be Head in you all then will the glory of God be the end of all your undertakings and you will remove this filthy and abominable thing out of the sight of the Lord the Judges that judge for Rewards and the Lawyers that plead for Money and the Priests that teach for Hire and set over the People to judge their Causes Men fearing God and hateing Covetousness to judge their Causes without Rewards and that the People may be taught freely without Money or Price by the free Spirit of Christ in the Hearts of his Saints who cannot but declare freely as we have freely received Then will the mighty Power of God go along with you in all your ways if you will stand in his Counsel and walk in his fear to depart from all evil which is the beginning of Wisdom and your names will become a sweet savour through the power of the Lord among his Saints as all the names of the Righteous are and you shall partake of the glory of the Lord which he is manifesting to his chosen People in this Nation which he hath chosen to make known his Power in exalting the Kingdom of Jesus Christ and will make it the glory of all the Nations in the World and the mighty God of Power will be unto us Salvation for Walls and Bulwarks and we shall sit under our Vines and Fig-trees and none shall make us afraid And this shall be the Portion of your Cup if you will deny your selves and diligently hearken to the Counsel of the Lord the Light in your Consciences to which I speak which shall eternally witness the Truth declared unto you For the Mouth of the Lord of Hosts hath spoken it who hath raised up his own Seed in his People in this Nation which cannot cleave to this great Image which was set up by those that were in the place where you are which the Lord hath overturned and cast out in his Indignation and is not yet taken away by you and while you uphold it the anger of the Lord is kindled against you There is no peace to the Wicked saith my God. This is the day that the God of Heaven will set up his own Kingdom which shall never be destroyed and the Kingdom shall not be left unto other people but shall stand for ever and ever Here I have cleered my Conscience in declaring unto you what my God hath made known unto me concerning you and the Nation which shall shortly come to pass He that hath an Eye to see let him see and he that hath an Ear to hear let him hear To all you unrighteous Judges that judge for Rewards and Lawyers that plead for Money who devour the Creation and set people at variance destroy many Families and delight in unrighteousness and to all Oppressors high and low who grind the faces of the Poor and causes them to groan under your Cruelty and Oppression hear the Word of the Lord. Thus saith the Lord God Howl and Weep for the misery which is coming upon you for the cry of the Oppressed hath entered into the Ears of the Lord and he is coming to render vengeance upon you and set the Oppressed free For the rust of your Money and Gold shall eat your Flesh as it were Fire for you have heaped up Treasures for the last day and ye shall be cut down ye fruitless Trees that cumber the ground and cast into the Lake for it is the place prepared for you and for all fearful and unbelieving and the Abominable and Murtherers and Whoremongers and Sorcerers Idolaters and all Lyars shall have their part
nor suffer them that are entering in to enter in and here you shut all from the Kingdom of Heaven which is within them in drawing them from the Light in their Consciences which would lead them unto the Word of Faith which is in their Hearts the anointing of the Father wherein they need not to teach one another but as the Anointing teaches which is in Truth and is no Lye which all the Children of the Lord are witnesses of in their measures who walk in the Light and see your deceits how you Murder and Destroy Souls for Money to maintain you in Pride and Pleasure though the Light in your Consciences cry against you for your practices but you hate it and will not obey it but to it I speak which will witness me eternally when the Book of Conscience is opened to your Condemnation who shut all people out of the Kingdom of God which is within them in turning them aside from the Light in their Consciences which the Lord hath given unto every one a measure to guide them into the Kingdom And then you make a prey of them in telling them they must wait for the Kingdom of God in Observations which you call Ordinances which you have set up in your imaginations of the Saints Conditions which is Recorded in the Scripture of Truth Some of you say Lo here is Christ in the Presbiterian practice and saith another Lo he is here in the Independent practice and the Anabaptist saith Lo he is here and others that walk in outward Observations say Lo he is here according as Christ fore-told that such would come that would say Lo here is Christ Lo there is Christ as it is fulfilled in you who draw people to seek the Kingdom of God in outward Obsevations but saith Christ Believe them not for the Kingdom of God comes not with Observations for as the Lightning cometh out of the East and shineth unto the West so shall the coming of the Son of Man be And this I witness but you turn them from the Light in the Conscience which would lead them into the Kingdom to look forth at the glorious Image you have set up in outward Observations and they must pay you so much a Year for it as will maintain you in Pride and Pleasure to be Masters among the Sons of Men and so you Worship the works of your own Hands offering up Sacrifice to an unknown God whom you ignorantly Worship having no Scripture for many things you do There is no Scripture for your Call into the Ministry of the Gospel of Christ by human Wisdom nor for your making Bargains with the People for so much a Year There is no Scripture for your sprinkling Water on the Face of a Child calling it Baptism There is no Scripture for your stealing the Saints Words in taking a part of Scripture and adding to it your wisdom tearing it in sunder in Doctrines Reasons Uses Helps Motives according unto the fancies of your Brains There is no Scripture for your particular Houses that you have to creep into where none must come but your selves and whom you please to declare your Sermon as you call it which is a divination of your own Hearts one day after another one year after another There is no Scripture for your putting Davids words into the Mouths of poor ignorant People to sing praises unto the Lord as O Lord I am not puffed in mind I have no scornful eye I water my Couch with my tears all the night make I my Bed to swim all my Bones do tremble When they cannot witness these Conditions and so cause them to Blaspheme the Name of God and when the Light in their Consciences cries against them for Lying in the presence of God and Blaspheming his great and glorious Name You tell them it is the Light of a natural Conscience and so murders their Souls in shutting them out of the Kingdom of God as the Scribes and Pharisees and all the false Prophets did that denied Christ to be the Light who enlightens every one that comes into the World And here you are found to be among the false Prophets Scribes and Pharisees walking in their ways and every Tree is known by its Fruits which all the Prophets walked in the Light and Christ that was the Light cryed Wo against and you are all turned out of the way in rejecting the corner-Stone Christ which enlightens the Conscience of every one to guide them unto him as the false Builders did and go in the way of Cain to Murther and greedily run after the error of Balaam who loved the Wages of unrighteousness So as a Troop of Robbers wait for a Man so do you company of Priests Murder in the way by consent as the Priests did when the Lord sent Hosea the true Prophet to cry against them for you commit Lewdness in turning every one from the Light in their Consciences which the Lord hath given unto every one a measure according unto their ability to guide them up into the Kingdom of God and you turn them aside to seek the Kingdom in Observations hearkening unto the dark inventions of your Brains in adding your Wisdom unto the Testimony of Christ and this is your Portion the Plagues written in the Book will be added upon you Here I have cleared my Conscience dealing plainly with you declaring unto you where you are as the Lord hath made known unto me that you may be without excuse in the mighty day of the Lord which will speedily come upon you wherein you shall give account for the Blood of Souls that have been shut out of the Kingdom and destroyed by you To the Light in every one of your Consciences I speak which shall eternally witness me when the Book of Conscience is opened Repent Repent and give over deceiving the People and destroying their Souls and haste haste to meet the Lord in returning within to be guided by his Counsel the Light in your Consciences which you have rejected least ye perish in your gain-saying Kiss the Son in obeying his Counsel the Light in your Conscience that lets you see the evil of your doings least you perish in the way for if his anger be kindled a little blessed are all they that trust in him To all you who have set up a finer Image in Gospel Ordinances as you call them under the Forms of Independent and Anabaptist and say you are the Saints whom the Lord hath chosen and have only right to the best of the Creatures to Eat of the Fat and be Clothed with the finest of the Wool and make merry with the Creatures and live in pleasure and when the Light in your Conscience cries against you to Vse your Liberty but not as an occasion to the Flesh to make no provision for the Flesh to satisfie it and
is in them that was in Christ Jesus Phil. 2.5 who is the brightness of the Fathers glory Heb. 1.3 7. The seventh false Accusation thou saist we say that he that trusts in Christ that dyed at Ierusalem for Salvation shall be deceived Reply This Charge is false as the other in the presence of God we witness against thee no other Christ we bear Testimony of to be the Salvation of lost Man and Woman but that Christ according to Scripture Testimony who was born of the Virgin and made a good Confession before Pilate and suffered at Ierusalem and rose again the third day and ascended into Heaven and sitteth at the right Hand of God and this Christ we witness the true Light Who lighteth every one that comes into the World and saith I stand at the Door and knock who opens I will come into him and Sup with him and he with me Rev. 3.20 and we witness him faithful And as many as receives him to them he gives power to become the Sons of God and this is the condemnation of all because they believe not in him Iohn 12. 8. The eight false Accusation thou saist we reproach Christs Institutions and holy Ordinances with the odium of Mens Traditions outward Observations inconsistant with Gods Kingdom and compares them to Nebuchadnezar's great Idol c. Reply Thy Charge is false Christs Institutions and holy Ordinances we own in the Dispensation of time they were to be continued and what is now in this Dispensation of time known in the administration of his Spirit we own but who upholds any Idolatry in observing any thing by Tradition and not guided by the Spirit of Christ and so walk contrary to the perfect Law of God in the Conscience and though their words be never so glorious in outward appearance in crying the Ordinances of Christ while they deny to be guided by Christ they are no Ordinances of Christ but an Image set up in the proud exalted nature which Nebuchadnezar set up his Image in which with the Power of God shall be thrown down and thou with the rest of the Idol Worshippers shall be broken to pieces and Lies shall not save thee for the Lord will exalt his Name and his Children that observe his holy Ordinances shall raign in his spiritual Power that preserves them therein to observe the movings of his Spirit which doth lead to worship the Father in Spirit and Truth according to Scripture Testimony Iohn 4.23 24. And when thou Iohn Timson hast presented thy false Accusations and Lies to the Reader in the Preface of thy Book that they might receive the Falshoods and Lies that are written therein and these Lies and Slanders which are here laid before thee and witnessed against in the answer thereto returned will sufficiently prove to thy face and be manifest to that of God in every ones Conscience that thou hast spoken unadvisedly with thy Lips when thou saist thou Lies not and all these Lies found in thy Mouth given forth publickely for all to read and thou declares to the Reader that the Lord knows what diligence and tenderness of Bowels thou hast had to prepare it for them c. Reply Blush for shame O vain Man to appeal to the Lords knowledge of thy diligence and tenderness of Bowels to prepare so many Lies and Falshoods for People to read thou shalt certainly know that the Lord takes notice of thee and he will lay thee open and make thee manifest and Lies shall not cover thee nor be thy refuge Isa. 28.17 when our God will clear his Truth and thy Tongue and all others that rise up against him shall fall in Judgement the day shall declare it Further thou goes on saying as for those persons that have answered me who have charged me with bringing sorth many Lies and Slanders and have made a noise thereof as if I was some carnal lying wretch that matters not what I write Reply To that of God in every ones Conscience I appeal that Lies proceed from a carnal wretched Heart and the Lord is making thee manifest who would make Lies thy refuge which with the Light thou art seen and thy Lies turned upon thee that in the Light thou mayst be read what thou art and in the Light our Books are known and no such thing is in our Books as thou falsly charges us with and would make People believe is written therein in giving the sence of our words in thy dark mind and for the Simples sake an answer is returned to clear the Truth of God in what he hath given out by his Spirit both in word and writing and whether thou wilt receive it yea or nay thou shalt know and all others that Christ is the Authority of the Scripture and when he spoke them forth he spake as one having Authority and not as a Scribe and who in his Light walk cannot be perswaded to turn from him by any Lies and Reproaches thou canst cast upon them who saist we are wholly turned from the Truth which against thee witness it is not so let God be Judge and in his day make manifest what we are in whose Will we rest as moved of him to witness against the Falshoods thou hast further charged upon us in what followeth Thou hast not done justly nor honestly in that thou hast not Printed the Questions as given forth by thee and Answers as returned by us and in an answer to what is of thee required to prove the Charge thou chargest us withal in thy Reply to the Answer to the first Question and the false Accusations Lies and Slanders is not proved in all thou hast writ The one Baptism we own Eph. 4.5 and the Watch in the Church we own in the Spirit of life which in order doth keep in obedience to the pure God who is the God of order and not of confusion but keeps his Children in himself purely to live according to what is profest Further thou goest on and queries what proof would we have is it not our own prophane Language both in Papers and Conference it is no news to hear most of their Way dispute against water Baptism the Lords Supper a setled fixed Ministry over particular Churches and queries further what Quakers administer water Baptism the Lords Supper and constantly watches over a particular Flock or else for shame thou saist we must own the Charge and confess our Sin in telling the World these are thy lying Slanders Reply Prophane Language we deny and Shadows and Figures we witness done away the Substance being come water Baptism was in its time a Figure of the Substance as Iohn witnesses to whom that Dispensation was committed Mat. 3.11 I indeed Baptize with Water unto Repentance but he that comes after me is mightier then I whose Shooes I am not worthy to bear he shall Baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with Fire And Iohn's Baptism we deny to be in force he did decrease and Christ
another for all my Children shall be taught of me saith the Lord God and the Scripture is but a killing letter but of use in its place a Testimony of Christ but not any knows Christ by it for Christ is known by the Light of his Spirit which gave forth the Scriptures and all that are guided by his Spirit knows the Scripture in the Truth as it is in Jesus Ephes. 4.21 9. Qu. Whether the conversion that was wrought upon the Souls of many under the ordinary outward Ministry of the Word in our publick Assemblies turning Men from Darkness to Light from prophaness to true Godliness be true unto Salvation and whether those t●at have been thus converted were in the state of Salvation before they joyned themselves unto your Society or whether can none be converted and saved that never came under nor gave their assent to the dispensation of your way and how you will justifie yours to be in the true and good old way that all have and shall be s●v●d in you may do well to make it out by some evident dem●nstration Answ. Who can witness a true conversion by the Power of the Spirit of God in turning their minds from Darkness to Light that comes from Christ and in his Light wait to receive the sentence of Death in themselves to destroy all self-confidence in any thing below Christ and in the state of Death to wait till that they hear the voice of the Son of God and by his Power were raised up to a living hope in Christ to walk who throw his Blood do witness their Garment● w●shed and made white to reign Kings and Priests upon the Earth for ever to Worship the Father in Spirit and Truth and who ever can witness this conversion whether it were beg●n when they frequented your Publick Assemblies or absented from them this conversion we own who it can witness and of our way they are and will to us come and all shall know the Truth we witness is the good old way that all Souls that came to God walked in Christ the Way the Truth and the Life the ancient of days which was before time but manifest in time in all the Children of Light who doth them lead in the narrow way of self-denial and the daily Cross with him to enter thorow the strait Gate into the holy City new Ierusalem where the soul hath union with the Father of Light and beholds his Face and his Name is written in their Foreheads and there is no Night there neither need of Candle nor light of the Sun for the Lord God giveth them Light and they shall reign forever and ever Rev. 22.5 10. Qu. Whether any of your Way attain unto Perfection in this Life that they can truly say that they do all that God commands without failing either in matter or manner of obedience no not in thought word and deed and whether the Persons of any stand just before God that are not thus perfect Answ. All that are in the Way we are in which is Christ the Way to the Father in whom all in their measure are pressing on to the fulness of stature in Christ the perfect Man and who in him is grown to the fulness of stature in his Power doth stand which doth them guide that in their Mouths is found no guile for they are without fault before the Throne of God Rev. 14.5 THE MIGHTY DAY OF the LORD is Coming In which Christ is exalting King upon the holy Hill of Sion over all the World to Raign who in this Day of the Lord knocks at the door of the Heart of Jew and Gentile Kindreds Tongues People and Nations who desire to know the only true God and Christ Jesus whom he hath sent to be the Light of the World and Salvation to the ends of the Earth to all that obey him but a Stone of stumbling and a Rock of offence to all that reject his Counsel whom he will take in their own Crafts and overturn in their own Devices to the shame and confusion of their Faces but they that believe in him shall never be ashamed The Word of the Lord to all the faithful scattered in the World that in the Counsel of the Lord stands to strengthen the desires raised towards his Name them to give Victory over the World. A Warning to all that dwell upon the Earth and to the Kings Princes and Rulers in the World to submit to Christ the Light of the World least they perish in the day of his fierce wrath when the Hearts of all that disobey him do fall before him From the common Goal in Northampton the 7th day of the 11th Month 1655. Given forth by him the World knows by name William Deusbery at the writing of this Prisoner for the Word of God and Testimony of Jesus Christ. You People WHose Natural Birth and Generation were in the Northren Islands whom the Lord God of Heaven and Earth hath placed where he hath suffered you to be scattered into Barbadoes Virginia New-England and other Islands there-aways and Countries elsewhere and to every Kindred Tongues People and Nations in whom there is Desires raised to know the only true God and Jesus Christ whom he hath sent to be the Light of the World to guide the Feet of those that have sat in Darkness in the Light and Ways of Righteousness and Peace TO you the mighty Day of the Lord is coming and in his Power is appearing amongst you in raising Desires in some of you towards his Name which Desires cannot be satisfied with any outward Observations and Traditions of your Fathers but above them doth your minds raise in true Hunger and Thirst towards the living God for refreshment from his Presence Prize the Love of God to you in whom he hath raised Desires towards him and look not forth at any that teaches you to hearken to the Teachings of Men without who draws you to seek Christ and God without and to come to the knowledge of the Kingdom of God in outward Observations with which the the Kingdom of God comes not the Kingdom of God is within and as the Lightning is from the East to the West so is the coming of the Son of Man in his Day whose appearance is within But you People in the Day of Darkness and Ignorance that have been over the whole Earth have been deceived in looking forth at Teachings of Men without and for the Kingdom of God to come in outward Observations that Men have set up in their vain Thoughts wicked and carnal Imaginations of the Saints conditions which is Recorded in the Scriptures of Truth but they not regarding the motions of the Spirit of God within which taught and guided the Saints they are Strangers to the Saints Life though they speak great swelling words of the Knowledg of God and with them deceive the Simple with the enticing words of Man's Wisdom and boasting in other Mens Lines made ready to their
therefore all that come to witness the least measure the freedom of the Immortal birth of God in you stand fast in the Liberty you have received in God and be not intangled again with the Spirit of Bondage judge the evil One in the least appearance that he enter not and the Lord God preserve you in his pure Habitation in his Light and Life and in the fear of the Lord God meet diligently when the Lord orders you to appoint your Meetings the time and place it is upon me from the Lord to lay it upon you to cast all excuses aside and to meet as near as may be at the time appointed that you may not be a burthen one to another as some hath been who hath come one a long time after another that when some have come others have been pretty clear before the Lord to depart this hath grieved the Spirit of our God and the Meetings have not been so profitable as would have been because of this carelesness in the behalf of the Lord I warn and charge you all in his presence that not any of you let any thing of the Earth or self enter upon you to hinder your diligent walking and meeting with the Lords People at the time ordered by you in the Light and when you meet let your Hearts in the Light be single unto God wait to receive his gift in the inspiring of his Spirit that there be no Eye one towards another in expectation of any thing from one another as to draw your minds from the Light in your own particulars but all single to God wait to be kept in the Light that he may give you an expected end according to your desires and when the Lord ministers in you any gift watch that the true birth possess it that so the false birth that would pride it self in Gods gift and sacrifice upon the Mountains in the exalted mind may be kept down in every one of you in the Fear of the Lord when thou receivest the gift wait to make thy Peace with thy Brother in feeling the word of reconciliation with God in Christ guiding thee to sacrifice upon the Altar and what gift soever thou receivest of the Lord in the Power of his eternal Word whether Praises Prophesie or Exhortation I am commanded of the God of Heaven to lay it upon you that thou quench not his Spirit but bring thy gift unto Gods Altar and in the strength of his Life in the Light Sacrifice unto him so shall thy Talent be Increased and the Babes shall be refreshed And dear People of God be tender over the least breathings of Gods Spirit in one another and all wait to be clothed with a healing spirit in the Covenant of Light in the Lord Jesus let the strong bear the Burthens of the weak that you may all grow in unity in the spiritual Birth born in the everlasting day of Light that in the day determined of God wherein your Faith must be tryed you may all stand born of the Seed which the Power of Hell and Death cannot touch nor make dismayed that the Lamb of God be over all born in you to reign in dominion you to guide in the Light to bear forth your Testimony in faithfulness to the praise and Glory of the most high God who called for all to prepare in his strength that you might be freely given up in the day he had determined and let not any be discouraged for the day is the Lords be bold be bold you Children of the most high God fear not Man whose Breath is in his Nostrils God will rebuke him in the height of his Pride and will dash and abase him as he did Nebuchadnezar when he boasted himself against the God of Israel so all be bowed in the Light and believe and walk with God from the God of Heaven I declare all the wrath of the powers of the Earth shall not perish one Hair of the Head of all the Saints but which shall be to the Glory of his Name and the Comfort of all his Peop●e all be faithful and none halt before the Lord whatever arise for now is the day of separation between the precious and the Vile the Wise and the Foolish so look not at thy own strength dear Babe for whatever God calls thee to at the present time his mighty Power will arise and will cause thee to rejoyce in finishing thy Testimony to his Glory Blessed Blessed are all you who are called and chosen and faithful unto death you shall receive the Crown of eternal Life to sing Praise and Hallalujah unto the most high God over all blessed forever God Almighty keep you in the Power of the endless Life faithful unto the end Amen Let this be read amongst Friends with understanding in the Fear of God. W. D. Given forth at London the 10 th 11 th Month. 1659. TO ALL NATIONS KINDREDS LANGUAGES TONGUES and PEOPLE WITH YOUR Princes and Rulers And all People from the Highest to the Lowest Thus to you is the Word of the Lord God FEar God and give glory to him for the hour of his Judgments is come and his dreadful terrible Day will come speedily upon all Nations and People therefore Worship him that made Heaven and Earth and the Sea and the Fountains of Water and them upholds by the Word of his Power let his Fear and Dread be upon you all People see what acquaintance and union you have with him he is a God that will not be mocked who is now coming in his pure dreadful Majesty and glorious Almighty Power to break down and dash in pieces like a Potters Vessel all People from the highest to the lowest from the Prince on the Throne to the Beggar on the Dunghil in and amongst all Nations Kindreds Languages Tongues and People who put the Day of the Lord God afar off and live without the knowledge o● the onely true God in this World serving an unknown God in the ignorance of your minds and in Traditions worshipping ●ou know not what and walking every one in your own ways doing your own works which leads to satisfie the flesh in the lusts thereof All which is abomination to the only true and ever living God to whom you must give an account for every idle word and all your deeds done in the Body All people upon the face of the Earth let the time past be sufficient you have lived without the Knowledg of the only true God in this day the living God visits you with a day of Visitation of mercy to declare his Counsel to you that you may corne to the knowledg of him be warned to depart from the evil of your ways and hearken diligently to the only true God who waits upon you to be gracious unto you whose Grace hath appeared unto all men which is the Light Christ Jesus the Son of God hath lighted you with that discovereth unto you the secret evil of your Hearts
and Consciences in the fear of the living God search your Hearts with the Light which is the Counsel of God that convinceth you in your Hearts and Consciences that Lying is a Sin Swearing is a Sin Covetousness a Sin Pride a Sin Drunkenness a Sin and Gluttony a Sin Whoredom and Vncleanness a Sin Cozening Cheating and Dissimulations are Sins Tyranny Cruelty and Oppression and Murther are Sin● 〈◊〉 ●hich fore-mentioned cries to the God of Heaven for Vengeance which if you do not walk in obedience to the Grace of God the Light which discovereth them to guide you out of them As the Lord God destroyed the old World who received not his Counsel so will the Lord God of Heaven and Earth break in upon all you People scattered in all Nations Kindreds Tongues and Languages for his eternal Decree is gone over you all who walk in your wicked wayes he will break you down and dash you in pieces and you shall become an abhorring to all flesh Therefore prize your time while God preserves you for the Day of your Visitation is come wherein the God of Heaven visits you and exhorts you in the power of his Spirit to return to him which if you diligently hearken to his Counsel the Light which sheweth you your evil wayes and convinceth you of your Sins as before written and wait on him in the Light to lead you out of all Idolatry and every sinful and evil way then will the only true God give you power over your sinful and unclean nature and he will teach you his Wayes and lead you in the Paths of Righteousness and save you out of all your Idolatrous wayes you have walked in and will establish you in eternal Rest and Peace with all his Children that walk in obedience to his Counsel the Light which convinceth of Sin in the secrets of your Hearts and Consciences in which Light he is gathering of his People out of all Nations Kindred Languages and Tongues and People into his own Kingdom in the Light with him to walk who is now establishing his Kingdom in the Earth which Kingdom shall break down all other Kingdoms and their Dominion take away and destroy to the end Then shall the everlasting God be known in the Earth to destroy the Image that will not submit to him and to establish all those that walk in the Light in his everlasting Kingdom to dwell and there to praise his Name alone who is worthy over all God blessed for ever Hear and Fear all Nations Kindreds Tongues Languages and People Repent and Turn to the only true God in hearkening diligently to his Counsel the Light that convinceth of Sin in the secrets of your Hearts and Consciences that ye be not cut off in the dreadful and terrible Day of the fierce Wrath of the everliving God wherein he will destroy all Idolatry out of the Earth and perform according to his Word here to you declared and none of you shall escape which disobey his Counsel the Light and you shall certainly know the Mouth of the Lord hath spoken it what he will bring upon all Nations Remember you are warned in your Life-time in this Day of your Visitation if you slight it your destruction is of your selves and your Blood is upon your own Heads From the Righteous Seed of whom it is written It shall be no more said the Lord liveth that brought us forth of the Land of Egypt but the Lord liveth that hath raised up his Seed and brought it forth of the North-Countrey Jer. 23.7 8. Forth of the Northren Countrey called England from the Seed of God there risen that shall spread over all the Nations of the World. W. D. Dear Friends and Brethren CAlled and Chosen of God to wait upon him in his Light every one in particular feel the Power and Life of God exercising you in his Service whatever he calls unto when the Lord fills the Heart of any of you with his Presence and in his Life moves thee quench not the Spirit I am commanded to lay it upon thee whosoever thou art from the least to the highest growth All dear Friends wait to be kept in the Bond of the Spirit obedient to its motions to cease and stay when it moves not as well as to begin any exercise when it moves And dear and tender little Babes as well as strong Men retain the pure in every particular and let not any thing straiten you when God moves And thou faithful Babe though thou stutter and stammer forth a few words in the dread of the Lord they are accepted and all that are strong serve the weak in strengthning them and wait in wisdom to give place to the motion of the Spirit in them that it may have time to bring forth what God hath given And dear Brethren feed the Lambs and loose the Tongue of the Dumb that Praises may arise in and amongst you all to the glory of God that in him you may be a well-spring of Life one to another in the Power of the endless Love of God in which the Lord God keep you all W. D. From York Tower the 10 th day of she 12 th Month 1660 Dear Brethren and Sisters IN the Church of the first born of the royal Seed of the most high God grace mercy and peace be multiplyed in and amongst you to whom God revealed what he determined and is now manifesting that every one in the Light and Life of God might stand single out and over the snares of those whom God lays aside as the broken Reeds of Egypt that his own Name might be trusted in and his mighty Arm alone seen and felt in leading and preserving his People to his glory as witnessed this day blessed be the God of our strength and safety ALL dear and chosen Vessels of God whether in Bonds or out of Bonds This is to you the Word of the everlasting God in the everlasting Light and Life stay your Minds and lift up your Heads and be strong in the Name of the Lord and fear not the Wrath of Man for it is limitted and shall turn to the praise of God forever who is making up his Jewels this day and gathering his Wheat in●o his Garner and the Sheep of his Pasture into the safety of his Power that he may lead them and save them with his out-stretched Arm to the confounding of the Heathen that know not God. DEar Friends gird up the Loins of your minds and in the Faith and Patience in Jesus stand still in the Light and see the Salvation of God this day who hath caused the Mountains and Hills that withstood his glorious arising to melt like Wax and to vanish as the untimely Fruit he hath divided the Waters and turned them on heaps and hath made way through them for the ransomed ones to walk in his service where he hath called he hath made the weak as strong as David before whom the uncircumcised hath fallen
which all things were created and without him was nothing made this Word is Life and the Life is the Light of Men and the Light shines in darkness and the darkness comprehends it not this Light is the word of Faith the Apostle exhorted to take heed unto Say not in thy Heart who shall ascend up to Heaven to fetch Christ down or down into the deep to fetch him up the Word is n●gh thee in thy Heart and in thy Mouth and this is the word of Faith which we Preach the unction of the holy one given of the Father so that we need not to teach one another but as the anointed teacheth us which is truth and no lye which is the sure word of Prophesie whereunto ye do well to take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-Star arise in your Hearts All people return within give up your selves freely to be guided by that Light that discovers to you the evil of your Hearts and none be discouraged because you see an evil Heart but prize the Love of God that discovers it to you and whatever the Light makes manifest to you to be evil Wait on the Lord for power and he will give you power to obey and in being faithful in a little more will be communicated from the Lord so will the righteous Law be set up in your Hearts that will cry through your earthly and carnal Hearts for Righteousness and Judgement and so will bring you to an account for every idle word and all deeds done in the body Look up unto the Lord against whom you have Sinned and he will arm you with power to what he layes upon you with patience to undergo his Will until all the powers of the Earth in you be famished and slain under his righteous Judgments then will Judgment be brought forth unto Victory that you can no longer live without the loving kindness of your Father in Christ Jesus Now is the Parable fulfilled the little grain of Mustard-Seed grown up above all Herbs and the little leaven hath leavened the whole lump and the Prodigal starved forever if his Father receive him not freely into his House Thou that canst witness this condition stand still in the Will of God he will raise up his seed in thee to trust in his Name and to delight in the eternal Covenant of Love and Life he hath made with thy Soul in the Lord Jesus Christ and will guide thee by the Word of his Power in a way thou knowest not forth of Babylon where thou wast an inslaved Captive under the power of the filthy Beast which is thy will and the Whore the Mother of Witchcrafts which is thy wisdom which enthralled thee under the Powers of darkness to satisfie the lusts of thine own Heart which led thee to destruction up to Sion to live by Faith in the Lord Jesus which will purifie thy Heart and set thy Soul free from under the powers of darkness into the Glorious Liberty of the Sons of God where thou shalt sing the Songs of Sion Hallelujahs and Praises forevermore unto the Lord God that sits upon the Throne and to the Lamb for ever and ever W. D. To all inslaved hard-hearted and unbelieving Jews in this Nation and elsewhere who are made drunk with the Wisdom of the Whore and bewitched through the abundance of Sorceries to put the Day of the Lord afar off looking for Christs coming in the Spirit as the hard-hearted unbelieving Iews in the Letter did for his coming in the Flesh according to the promise but they limited the Holy One according to their carnal wisdom expected his coming in great Pomp and Glory and when he came in that poor despised way contrary to their expectations they stumbled at him and would not own him to be their Saviour but rose up against him and put him to Death Matth. 27.1 to vers 50. BEhold you hard-hearted and unbelieving Iews do you not look for Christ coming in the Spirit according to his promise as they did for his coming in the Flesh but you limit the Holy One as they did expecting Christ to come in Power and Glory according to your own fancies and so put the Day of the Lord afar off you in rejecting and despising the Counsel of Jesus Christ the pure Light in your Consciences which lets you see every evil thought word and action and cryes behind you This is the way walk in it but you disobey the Light and hearkens to the counsel of your Hearts as the Iews in the Letter did that put Christ to Death and so you slay the Witnesses in Spiritual Sodom and Egypt in your Hearts where our Lord is Crucified in not regarding the Counsel of Christ which is that Light that shines in your dark Hearts which knocks at the Door according to his Word I stand at the Door and knock if any Man hear my Voice and open the Door I will come into him and will Sup with him and he with me Oh thou enslaved Soul under the power of Babylon in thee come forth mind the Light in thee which is the sure word of Prophesie whereunto you do well to take heed as unto a light shining in a dark place until the day dawn and the day-Star arise in your Hearts stand not out against this secret Counsel of Christ in you lest you perish in your gain-sayings for if his anger be kindled a little blessed are all they that trust in him All give up give up freely to be guided by the Counsel of the Lord the Light in you believing in his Power that is present with the Light he will lead you daily through the Cross in the straight way of his Sufferings and Death where the old Man will be put off with his deeds and so you shall have right to the Tree of Life and shall enter with him through the Gates into the City New Ierusalem where you shall have communion with the Father and the Son and an inheritance with those that are sanctified in Christ Jesus and shall reign as Kings upon Earth to the Praise and Glory of the Riches of the Grace of our Heavenly Father to whom alone be all Power Dominion Honour and Glory for ever and ever W. D. A Word from the Lord to all that are waiting on the Lord in Sion and those that are weeping and are seeking the Lord their God asking the way to Sion with their Faces thitherwards FEar not ye Mourners in Sion the Lord waits on you to be gracious unto you and though he give you the Bread of Adversity now and the Water of Affliction yet shall not your Teacher be removed into Corners any more but your Eyes shall see your Teacher and your Ears shall hear a Voyce behind you saying this is the way walk in it when you turn to the right Hand or to the left therefore every one
own Devices to their everlasting shame and contempt to the Glory of his Name who alone is worthy God over all blessed forever W. D. This is the Word of the Lord to you DEar Friends Servants and Children of the most High God whom he hath called out of the World be faithful all of you in his Counsel to wait his Power to guide in all your thoughts words and works in his pure Fear in Obedience to his will. I you charge in the Presence of God be valiant for your Freedom in your dwelling in the Power of God he you to Arm against the firy darts of the Devil him to resist in his appearance in all his wiles who goes about like a roaring Lyon to devour you every way seeking to get into you your minds from the pure to draw into the visible things your affections there to captivate your wills to satisfie in created and perishing Objects or in the Knowledge of the Truth in the fleshly wisdom to feed with the Swine upon the Husk the Form and Image of what you have enjoyed or of what you see in the Sight and Vision and doth it not injoy in the Possession but speaks in the airy drunken Spirit words without knowledg with which you sit deckt a painted Beast above the Cross and thou whose condition this is art the foolish Virgin that appears in outward formality in the sight of Men with a Lamp like unto the wise Virgin but not dwelling in the pure Power of God wants the Oyl of Joy and Gladness in the Power of his Love which the wise Virgin hath in her Lamp that dwells in the pure Light and Power of God which keeps all the affections in order to the Spirit of Truth and bridles the Tongue not to utter words before the Lord but in true silence on him to wait till his Spirit move his mind to declare from his living Power what the Soul possesseth and enjoys in Christ the Husband of the wise Virgin who is the Bride the Lambs Wife I you all charge and command in the Presence of the living God who make mention of his Name examine your Hearts search them and try your ways with the Light that from Christ comes with it all read your conditions in the Book of Conscience there will you see how you stand in the Presence of God whether in the state of the foolish Virgin that in the airy Spirit feeds on words speaking in the Vision and Sight there boasting in pride of what thou possessest not and through the subtilty of the Devil is turned from the pure Power to fly the Cross so makes shipwrack of Faith and a good Conscience or you be in the state of the wise Virgins that in this pure Light waits dwells in the Power which chastiseth that which would your Garments defile daily in the Cross and there your Souls are kept pure and chaste to follow the Lamb with boldness wheresoever he goes and enter with him into the rest prepared for the people of God where thou the foolish Virgin shall not come until thou from thy foolish wisdom return to the pure Light thy self with it to judge and in it wait for the Power of Christ the Fountain of Wisdom thee to guide in faithful Obedience to the Father of Light. All dear Children of the Lord be Valiant Bold and Faithful that in the pure Light Power and Life of God you may all stand in this day of tryal which the Lord will bring upon you all that make mention of his Name for power shall be given to the Beast his Horn to exalt even to the Host of Heaven for the cleansing of the Sanctuary that all painted Beasts that are Enemies to the Cross that hath defiled the Sanctuary of the Living God in coming before him amongst his Saints and Children they shall come trembling before the power of the Beast when he utters his voice all to command his Image to worship then shall all you Children of the most High God whom he hath called and chosen to be faithful to him in his eternal Power rejoyce who will you all keep in that day in rest and peace in the Ancient of days who shall sit to judge the Beast and the Whore their Kingdom to break down and destroy in his Eternal Judgment for evermore and will rule over them by the Arm of his Power and of his Dominion there shall be no end for to him alone it belongs forever Amen Meet often together in the Fear of the Lord his Power to manifest in you to his Praise who is worthy forever Amen I charge you and command you all in the Presence of God who make mention of his Name that you speak not at any time rashly in your wills one to another or to any without as to exhort them when you are guilty of the self-same thing in the exalted Spirit out of the Cross be silent thou Fool and first judge thy self with the Light and in the Power dwell to cast the moat out of thy own Eye and that thy own House be kept in order then wilt thou see clearly how to take the beam out of thy Brothers Eye and to exhort others how to walk in order to the Spirit of Truth and in the pure single Eye a●l you that Fear the Lord watch over one another in tender love bear one anothers Burdens exhort one another to the building up in the most holy faith God Almighty be with you ●all his faithful Servants and Children and in his eternal Power keep you in himself that in him you may grow up in his pure nature to bear his Name in righteousness that his Image be written in your Foreheads that all that see you may know you to be the righteous Seed the Lord hath blessed and his eternal pure Power preserve and keep you bind you up in the unity of the Spirit and bond of Peace where I am with you in the Eternal Unity in the unchangable Love and Life W. D. Dear Friends ANd Friends of God whose minds are truned to the Light with which Christ Jesus hath inlightned you in his Light all wait and with boldness in him in whom your life is hide look up to him in his Light believing in his Name which is his Power to guide you with boldness in every thought word and work in faithful Obedience to the Light that in it you may shine forth in the brightness of the glory of his Power to be manifest to the Consciences of the Sons and Daughters of men that you are the Children of the Day which are come out of the Night in the Light up to Christ to judge the World in his power guiding you in a pure Life and holy Conversation that men may see your good works and glorifie your heavenly Father who hath raised you up by the Arm of his mighty Power in his Light to be Lights to the Children of the World that sit in darkness to