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A26711 Heaven opened, or, A brief and plain discovery of the riches of Gods covenant of grace by R.A. R. A. (Richard Alleine), 1611-1681. 1665 (1665) Wing A990; ESTC R8316 222,212 398

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I know thou hast prescribed for the Death and utter Destruction of all my Corruptions And whereas I have formerly inordinately and idolatrously let out my affections upon the World I do here resign my Heart to thee that madest it humbly protesting before thy Glorious Majesty that it is the firm resolution of my heart and that I do unfeignedly desire Grace from thee that when thou shalt call me hereunto I may practice this my resolution through thy Assistance to forsake all that is dear unto me in this World rather then to turn from thee to the wayes of sin and that I will watch against all its Temptations whether of Prosperity or Adversity least they should withdraw my Heart from thee beseeching thee also to help me against the Temptations of Satan to whose wicked Suggestions I resolve by thy Grace never to yield my self a Servant And because my own righteousness is but menstruous Rags I renounce all confidence therein and acknowledge that I am of my self a hopeless helpless undone creature without righteousness or strength The Terms to which we must turn are either ultimate or mediate And forasmuch as thou hast of thy bottomless Mercy offered most Graciously to me wretched sinner to be again my God through Christ if I would accept of thee I call Heaven and Earth to record this day that The ultimate is God the Father Son and Holy Ghost who must be thus accepted I do here solemnly avouch thee for the Lord my God and with all possible veneration bowing the neck or my Soul under the feet of thy most sacred Majesty I do here take thee the Lord Jehovah Father Son and Holy Ghost for my portion and chief good and do give up my self body and soul for thy servant promising and vowing to serve thee in holiness and righteousness all the dayes of my life The mediate terms are either principal or less principal The Principal is Christ the Mediator who must thus be embraced And since thou hast appointed the Lord Jesus Christ the onely means of coming unto thee I do here upon the bended knees of my Soul accept of him as the onely New and Living Way by which Sinners may have access to thee and do here solemnly joyn my self in a marriage covenant to him O blessed Jesus I come to thee hungry and hardly bestead poor and wretched and miserable and blinde and naked a most loathsome polluted wretch a guilty condemned Malefactor unworthy for ever to wash the feet of the servants of my Lord much more to be solemnly married to the King of Glory But sith such is thine unparallel'd love I do here with all my power accept thee and do take thee for my Head and Husband for better for worse for richer for poorer for all times and conditions to love honour and obey thee before all others and this to the death I embrace thee in all thine Offices I renounce mine own unworthiness and do here avow thee to be the Lord my Righteousness I renounce mine own wisdome and do here take thee for mine onely Guide I renounce mine own will and take thy Will for my Law And since thou hast told me that I must suffer if I will reign I do here covenant with thee to take my lot as it falls with thee and by thy grace assisting to run all hazards with thee verily supposing that neither life nor death shall part between thee and me The less Principles are the Laws of Christ which must be thus accepted And because thou hast been pleased to give me thy holy Laws as the Rule of my life and the way in which I should walk to thy Kingdome I do here willingly put my Neck under thy Yoke and set my Shoulder to thy Burden and subscribing to all thy Laws as holy just and good I solemnly take them as the rule of my words thoughts and actions promising that though my flesh contradict and rebel yet I will endeavour to order and govern my whole life according to thy direction and will not allow my self in the neglect of any thing that I know to be my duty Onely because through the frailty of my flesh I am subject to many failings I am bold humbly to protest That unallowed miscarriages contrary to the setled bent and resolution of my heart shall not make void this Covenant for so thou hast said Now Almighty God searcher of hearts thou knowest that I make this Covenant with thee this day without any known guile or reservation bebeseeching thee that if thou espiest any flaw or falshood therein thou wouldest discover it to me and help me to do it aright And now glory be to thee O God the Father whom I shall be bold from this day forward to look upon as my God and Father That ever thou shouldest find out such a way for the recovery of undone sinners Glory be to thee O God the Son who hast loved me and washed me from my sins in thine own blood and art now become my Saviour and Redeemer Glory be to thee O God the holy Ghost who by the finger of thine Almighty Power hast turned about my heart from sin to God O dreadful Jehovah the Lord God Omnipotent Father Son and Holy Ghost thou art now become my Covenant-friend and I through thine infinite Grace am become thy Covenant-servant Amen So be it And the Covenant which I have made on earth let it be ratified in Heaven CHAP. XX and Last An exhortation to the Saints COme ye People beloved you that are highly favoured The Lord is with you Blessed are you amongst men and women The Likes are fallen to you in a pleasant place yea you have a goodly heritage Come and enter upon your Lot let your hearts be glad let your glory rejoyce but that your joy may be full hearken to these following counsels Make sure your interest in the Covenant Rejoyce not in that that 's none of thine Make sure all lies upon this Your life all the comforts and concernments of it both your eternal safety hereafter and your success in all the parts of your Christian course here depend on your interest in the Covenant VVhat have you if Christ be not yours and what have you in Christ if you be not in Covenant whence are your hopes either of mercy at last or of prospering in any thing at present but from the Covenant of Promise And what have you thence if your name be not in it Oh give not rest to your selves till this be put out of doubt what ever duties you perform what ever ease or hope you finde hereupon what ever transportation of affection you feel in your hearts in the midst of all enquiry But am I in Covenant How shall I know that you 'll say why make a strict and narrow enquiry whether those special graces already mentioned be wrought upon you Common mercies though even these be Covenant mercies to the Saints yet
thee to bee with thy Father in the bosome of thy bridegroom the presence chamber of thy Lord and Love would it bee a mercy to thee to weep no more fear no more suffer no more bee tempted no more sin no more to bee uncloathed of corruption and be cloathed upon with immortality and incorruption then bid death welcome Blessed souls when you come a shoare and see the light the love the joy the rest the glory that is on the other side you will then more fully understand what this meaneth Death is yours Hee knew something who said I cannot tell you what sweet pain and delightsome torments are in Christs love I often challenge time that holdeth us asunder I have for the present a sick life much pain and much love-sickness for Christ O what would I give to have a bed made to my wearied soul in his bosome O when shall wee meet O how long is it to the dawning of the marriage-Marriage-day O sweet Lord Jesus take wide steps Come over the Mountains at one stride O my Beloved flee as a Roe or a young Hart upon the Mountains of separation O if hee would fold the Heavens together like an old Cloak and shovel time and daies out of the way and come away CHAP. VIII The Kingdome in the Covenant 8. GOd hath put the Kingdome into this Covenant Matth. 5.3 Theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven Luke 12.32 It is your Fathers pleasure to give you the Kingdome Glorious things are spoken of thee O thou City of God I might here enlarge in describing the glory of this Kingdome but when I had said all I must at last leave it within the Vail and therefore shall only tell you from the Apostle 1 Cor. 2.9 Eye hath not seen nor ear heard neither have entred into the heart of man the things which God hath prepared for them that love him c. Ephes 1.18 When by the Spirit of Wisdome and Revelation the eyes of your understandings are opened yee shall know what is the hope of his calling and what is the riches of the glory of his Inheritance in the Saints CHAP. IX All the means of salvation in the Covenant both outward and inward in special the blessing of a new heart LAstly God hath put into the Covenant all the means of salvation And all things on their parts necessary to the obtaining the everlasting kingdome 1. All the outward means of salvation Ordinances Word Sacraments and Prayer Officers Prophets Apostles Evangelists Pastours and Teachers Ephes 4.11,12 1 Cor. 3.22 2. All the inward means of salvation Every grace every duty their obtaining the one and performing the other and perseverance in both These are all comprehended in the second part of that great promise They shall be my people Which though it be properly the matter of their own stipulation yet for this also the Lord himself undertakes You shall be my people Two things are hereby signified 1. I will account you and reckon you for mine You shall have the priviledge and the blessing of my people I will set you apart and separate you to my self out of all the tribes and kindreds of the earth and will avouch you for my portion and peculiar possession I will set you as the apple of mine eye as a seal upon mine heart and upon mine arm I will mark you out for the people of my love of you will I take care for you will I provide with you are my delights over you will I rejoyce with you will I dwell and you shall dwell with me for ever 2. I will not only reckon you for my people but I will undertake for you that you shall consent to me accept of me own me follow me and cleave to me as my people I will not only separate you to my self but I will fashion you for my self I will sanctifie you and guide you and teach you and help you I will fulfill in you all the good pleasure of my will I will work all your works in you I will avouch you for my people and you shall avouch me for your God You shall love me fear me obey me I will keep you from falling and preserve you to my heavenly kingdome Particularly the Lord hath promised to give them 1. A new heart 2. An heart to know the Lord. 3. One heart 4. An heart of flesh 5. An heart to love the Lord. 6. An heart to fear the Lord. 7. An heart to obey the Lord. 8. An heart to persevere to the end 1. A new heart Ezek. 36.26 A new heart will I give you and a new spirit will I put within you This new heart I take it is the genus of all the following graces and therefore the less shall suffice to be spoken of it here A new heart that is not physically new in regard of substance but morally onely in regard of qualities This new heart signifies both another heart and a more excellent heart 'T is said of Caleb Numb 14.24 that he had another heart And this other heart is declared to be a more excellent heart than was in the rest of the people Whilest they either followed not the Lord or but haltingly hee followed the Lord fully Prov. 17.27 A man of understanding is of an excellent spirit There is another heart that is not a new heart Nebuchadnezzer had another but no new heart the heart of a beast for the heart of a man an evil heart grown worse is not a new heart but the old heart grown older We read 1 Sam. 10.9 that when Saul was anointed King God gave him another heart this was a more excellent heart than he had before and yet not the heart here promised He gave to him another heart that is the spirit of government the heart of a King for the heart of a private person a more publick raised heroick heart the heart of a King fitted to the station and office of a King The excellencies of this new heart are not natural but spiritual excellencies as will appear more in the handling of the particular graces promised and are such as fit them for their new state work reward 1. For their new state Christians are made the children of God vessels of honour a royal Priesthood an holy Nation a peculiar people and God gives them an heart answering the dignity of their high calling 2. For their new Work a Christian hath other work to do than other men whilest their business lies all here below in this earth in their fields and vineyards c. Christians work lies above with their God and their Jesus and within about their nobler and immortal part their work is spiritual and such is the heart that 's given to them 3. For their new reward God intends better things to them a better portion a better hope better comforts joyes delights here and a better inheritance hereafter and he prepares them better hearts to receive these better things he will not put his new
heart 2. The power of the end the end hath a four-fold power it draws directs governs rewards 1. It draws the heart to it God who is a Christians end is also his beginning Our first step heaven-ward wee owe to the influence of heaven upon us Draw mee wee will run after thee Cant. 1. No man can come unto mee unless the Father which hath sent mee draw him Nothing but God will do it as nothing will draw the soul another way the pleasures of sin the wages of unrighteousness are poor and low baits to entice a soul away from God that is so far as 't is renewed so 't is nothing but God that draws the soul on its way and he will do it God draws the soul not by an act of power onely but by moral swasion that 's the proper casuality of the end Not by efficiency onely but by sympathy as by the water the thirsty soul is drawn to the water-brooks It is God that draws hearts after him there are instruments as his Word and Ministers and and there are arguments by which God draws but whatever the instruments or arguments are 't is God that does it What is the work of either Word or Ministers but to set God before them and this draws Instruments can do nothing unless God bee the Preacher by them arguments can do nothing unless hee bee the medium of them as 't was said concerning the peoples following Saul so much more concerning those that follow the Lord. Those onely follow him whose hearts God hath touched 'T is not mans teaching but Gods touching the heart that draws it heaven-ward The tongue of man may touch the ear 't is God onely that touches the heart And when he touches then the heart will follow As you know the needle when it s touched with a Loadstone then it turns after it The Loadstone is not more naturall attractive of the needle than God is of that heart which he hath touched Cant. 5.4 My beloved put in his hand by the hole of the door and my bowels were moved in mee He did but touch the door and her heart felt him and moved tovvards him O Christians when you have been waiting upon God in prayer hearing or any other spiritual duty or ordinance consider hath mine heart been touched this day my tongue hath been touched mine ear hath been touched mine heart hath been treated with but hath the Lord touched it hath there vertue come forth from him which hath enticed and drawn my soul after him Sometimes by a message or visit from heaven the Lord hath drawn a good word from the lip a tear from the eye but O for touches upon souls for turning of bowels for the flowings out of hearts after the Lord Hee is the only load-stone that prevails on gracious souls Others that have many hearts have many attractives every heart hath its peculiar god twenty gods it may be in one man because so many hearts Their pleasures are their Gods their profits their gods their belly their god their wives or their children their gods and so many gods so many ends And every end is a loadstone to draw them after them Every heart will after its God A Christian that hath but one heart hath but one God and this is he that draws it on its way Thou sayest the Lord is thy God thou acknowledgest thou ownest thou hast chosen him for thine but what doth thy God whom thou hast chosen do upon thine heart what will the sight of God or thy love to God or thy hope in God do upon thee how far will it carry thee which way runs thy heart which way dost bend thy course dost feel thy God drawing thee and is thy heart running after him running notes motion and a swift or violent motion I shall lay before you these six or seven expressions the Scripture uses to note the running of those hearts after God whom he hath drawn 1. The desiring of the soul after God Isa 26.8.9 The desire of our soul is to thy name with my soul have I desired thee in the night yea with my spirit within me will I seek theee early Desire is the soul in motion God-wards Towards him are their desires and they come deep ab intimis ab imo pectore from their inwards from the bottom of the heart With my soul have I desired thee with my spirit within mee will I seek thee Psal 38.9 Lord all my desire is before thee 't is not all my desires but my desire thou seest all and 't is all but one desire Hee desires pardon hee desires peace hee desires help and the heealing of his wounds but all this is but one desire God is all One thing have I desired Psal 27.4 2. The thirsting of the sout Psal 42.2 My soul thirsteth for God for the living God Thirsting is the extremity of desire hunger and thirst are the appetite or desire heightened violent and painful appetites my soul thirsteth and is in pain till it be satisfied 3. The longing of the soul Psal 63.1 O God thou art my God early will I seek thee my soul thirsteth for thee my flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land where no water is Longing causeth languishing and abortions if it be not satisfied Psal 119.20 My soul breaketh for the longing desire it hath to thy judgments My heart panteth my flesh faileth the light of mine eyes is gone from me Psal 38.10 4. Calling after God Psal 4.1 Hear mee when I call O God of my righteousness Calling upon God is the voice of desires The desiring soul will not keep silence the tongue the eye the ears the hands the knees must all be oratours when the flame is once kindled within 5 Crying after the Lord. This is an expression answering the thirsting of the soul Crying is a passionate and importunate praying I cryed unto the Lord with my whole heart Psal 119.145 6. Crying out after God This is the manner of the longing soul Crying out notes more than bare crying loud cryes strong cryes forced out by a paroxisme of love or an agony the soul is in Psal 84.2 My soul longeth yea even fainteth for the courts of the Lord my heart and my flesh cryeth out for the living Lord. 7. Following hard after the Lord Psal 63.8 My soul followeth hard after thee This expression is more comprehensive it notes both all the workings and breakings and breathings of the soul within and its diligent pursuing in the use of all outward means and pressing on after the Lord. All those labourings and watchings and runnings all that holy violence wherewith a Saint presses into the Kingdome of God Put all this together and you will see the power and influence the Lord hath on holy Souls to the drawing of them after him they are in motion Heaven-vvard desiring thirsting longing calling crying crying out follovving hard after him What aileth these souls vvhat 's the matter vvith them
t t Ioh. 1.16 2 Pet. 1.4 I am the God of hope u u Rom. 15.13 the God of love w w 2 Cor. 13.11 the God of patience x x Ro. 15.5 the Author and finisher of faith y y Heb. 12.2 the God of all grace z z 1 Pet. 5.10 and I will give grace to you a a Psal 84 11. My design is to make you partakers of my Holiness b b Heb. 12.10 I will be a constant spring of spiritual life to you c c Gal. 2.20 Ioh. 14. and 8.12 and 10.10 and 14.6 The water that I shal give you shal be in you as a Well of water springing up into everlasting life The seed of life that I shal put into you shal be so f●d and cherished and maintained by my power d d Ioh. 4.14 that it shal be immortal e e 1 Ioh. 3.9 1 Pet 1.23 Col. 2.19 The Unction that you shal receive from the holy One shal abide in you teach you all things necessary for you and as it hath taught you you shal abide in him f f Ioh. 14.16,17 and 1 Ioh. 2.20,27 Keep but the Pipes open and ply the means which I have prescribed and you shal flourish in the Courts of your God g g Prov. 8.34 Psal 92 13. Yea I will satisfie your souls in drought and make fat your bones and you shal be like a watered Garden Esay 58.11 Lo I will be as the dew unto you and you shal grow as the Lilly and cast forth your roots as Lebanon and your branches shal spread and your beauty shal be as the Olive-tree i i Hos 14.5,6 You shal stil bring forth fruit in old age you shal be fat and flourishing Psal 92.14 His Soveraignty to be as it were commanded by us My Soveraignty shal be commanded by you l l Gen. 32.26,28 Deut. 9.14 You shal be my Favourites men of Power to prevail with me m m Hos 12.4 Jam. 5.17,18 All mine Attributes shal be at the command of your Prayers n n Esay 45.11 His All-sufficiency to be the lot of our Inheritance In summe mine Allsufficiency shal be the lot of your Inheritance o o Gen. 17.1 Lam. 3.14 Psal 16.5,6 My fullness is your treasure p p Numb 18.20 Deut 10.9 Psal 16 5,6 My house is your home q q Psal 91.1,9 You may come as freely to my store as to your own Cupboard r r Eph. 3.12 You may have your hand as freely in my Treasures as in your own Purses You cannot ask too much you cannot look for too much from me ſ ſ Eph. 3.20 Mat. 7.8 I will give you or be my self to you instead of all comforts t t Gen. 15.1 Psal 84.11 You shal have children or I will be better to you then ten children u u Esay 56.3,4 You shal have riches or I will be more to you then all riches w w 2 Cor. 6.10 You shall have friends if best for you or else I will be your Comforter in your solitude x x Esay 51.3 Ioh. 14.26 2 Cor. 1.3,4 your Counsellor in your distress y y Psal 73.24 If you leave Father or Mother or Houses or Lands for my sake you shall have an hundred fold in me even in this time z z Mark 10 30. When your enemies shall remove your comforts it shall be but as the letting the Cistern run and opening the fountain or putting out the candles and letting in the sun The swelling of the waters shal raise higher the Ark of your comfort a a Ro. 5.3 Heb. 10.34 Act. 5.41 I will be the staffe of bread to you your life and the strength of your daies b b Deut. 30.20 Esay 33.16 I will be the house and home to you you shall dwell with me yea dwell in me and I in you c c Deut. 33.12 Iohn 14.23 1 Iohn 3.24 I will stand and fall with you d d Psa 37.17,24 54.4 Esay 41.10 I wil repair your losses and relieve your needs e e Phil. 4.19 Mark 8.35 Mat. 19.27,28,29 Can you burn out the Lamp of Heaven or lave out the boundless Ocean with your hands why the Sun shall be dark and the Sea be dry before the Father of Lights the Fountain of Mercies shall be exhausted Behold though the world hath been spending upon the stock of my mercy ever since I created man upon earth yet it runs with full stream still My Sun doth diffuse its Raies and disburse its light and yet shines as bright as ever Much more can I dispence of my goodness and fill my creatures brim-ful and running over and yet have never the less in my self and till this all-sufficiency be spent you shall never be undone I am the God of Abraham and of Isaac and of Iacob and whatever I was to them I will be to you Are you in want you know whither to go I am ever at home you shall not go away emptie from my door Never distract your selves with cares and fears but make known your requests by prayer and supplication unto me f f Phi. 4.6 I will help when all do fail g g Psa 73.26 Esa 63,5 Psal 102.17 When friends fail and heart fails when your eye strings crack and your heart strings crack when your acquaintance leave you and your souls leave you my bosome shall be open to you h h Psa 49.15 2 Cor. 5 1. Luke 16.9,22 I will lock up your dust I will receive your souls His infiniteness to be the extent of our inheritance And mine infiniteness shall be the extent of your inheritance Can you by searching find out God can you find out the Almighty to perfection It is as high as Heaven what can you do deeper then Hell what can you know i i Iob 11.7,8,9 with Psa 50.7 This heighth incomprehensible this deep unfathomable shall be all yours for ever yours I am your inheritance which no lines can measure no Arithmetick can value no Surveyor can describe k k Ezek. 44.28 Eph. 3.8 1 Tim. 6.16 Psa 145.3 Lift up now your eies to the ancient mountains and to the utmost bounds of the everlasting hills all that you can see is yours but your short sight cannot ken the moietie of what I give you and when you see and know most you are no less then infinitely short of the discovery of your own riches l l Iob 26.14 Yea further I will be yours in all my personal relations In all his personal relations God the Father to be a Father to us I am the everlasting Father and I will be a Father to you m m Iohn 20.17 I take you for my sons and daughters n n Cor. 6.18 Behold I receive you not as servants but as sons
from falling by the presence of his Grace till he present them faultless before the presence of his Glory O its good being with Christ any where Tell me O thou whom my soul loveth where thou feedest and causest thy flocks to rest at noon Where thou feedest yea where thou art whether feeding or fasting whether rejoycing or mourning where thou causest thy flocks to rest at noon yea and where thou sufferest thy flocks to be scattered in the night Where thy flocks are thou art not far away tell mee where thou feedest tell mee where thou art My beloved that feedeth among the lillies feedeth sometimes among the thorns When his love is a lilly among thorns there hee feedeth Hee feedeth among the thorns he feedeth with his sheep he feedeth with his Lambs where ever they feed when darkness and desolation and devils and death feed upon them even then he feedeth them and takes his feeding with them O where ever my Lord is there let my lot fall Let me dwell amongst the thorns so my dwelling be with my Lord amongst the lillies Let me wander amongst the mountains whilest he is with me telling all my wandrings Let me be scourged so he will wash my stripes let me weep so he will wipe off my tears I would not want wounds whilest I have such oyl to pour in Come all yee thieves and robbers I fear you not my dear Samaritan comes by come yee bulls of Bashan yee boars of the forest let my beloved kiss mee with the kisses of his mouth and I regard it not though you kick me with the heel O my Lord bring me where thou feedest let me live in thy face let me feel thy smiles upon my heart let me love thee tell me thou lovest me remembrest pittiest acceptest takest care for me and then chuse my condition my dwelling and entertainment for me Fainting Christian lift up thine eyes comfort thine heart here 's that thou fearest and tormentest thy self withall Here is the inside of that formidable cross the light side of those dark clouds the sunny side of that shady thorny hedge that so wounds and afflicts thine heart Fear not bee strong and of a good courage Thou still sayest woe is me I can find no such thing Ah Lord God doth he not speak parables O that I were assured it might be thus with me why art thou in Covenant believe and all is thine I believe and therefore have I spoken believe and thou shalt see the salvation of God as sure as the cross is thine all the comforts of the cross are setled upon thee Read over all the gracious words thou hast before thine eyes view over all the instances of suffering Saints that have gone before thee on whom these good words have been made good in conspicuous increases of divine grace in the signal discoveries of divine love in the clearest and fullest revelation of divine glory in the intimate sense of the divine presence quickning enlarging encouraging supporting their spirits in the darkest dens in the sharpest conflicts with reproaches mockings bonds banishments torments and deaths and know that all these things are written for thy learning that thou through patience and comfort of the Scriptures maist have hope Read over Isa 51. Hearken to mee yee that follow after righteousness yee that seek the Lord look unto the Rock whence ye are hewen and to the hole of the pit whence ye are digged for the Lord shall comfort Zion hee will comfort all her wast places hee will make her wildernesse like Eden and all her desarts like the Garden of the Lord joy and gladness shall bee found therein thanksgiving and the voice of melody lift up your eyes to the Heavens c. Verse 7 8 12 13. Hearken unto me ye that know righteousness the people in whose heart is my Law fear yee not the reproach of men neither bee ye afraid of their revilings for the Moth shall eat them up like a Garment and the worm shall eat them like wool but my Righteousness shall bee for ever and my salvation from Generation to Generation I even I am hee that comforteth you who art thou that thou shouldest bee afraid of a man that shall dye and of the Son of man which shall bee made as grass and forgettest the Lord thy maker that hath stretched forth the heavens and layd the foundations of the earth and hast feared continually every day because of the fury of the oppressour as if he were ready to destroy and where is the fury of the oppressour I even I am he c. and where is the fury of the oppressour where is the fury of the oppressour where is it not rather is it not in the house and in the field is it not in the City and in the Villages is it not upon my Cattel upon my Purse upon my body upon my Children upon my friends where is not the fury of the oppressour I but when thou remembrest the Lord thy maker the Oath the Promise and Covenant of God the Presence Protection and Comfort of thy God when thou remembrest this then where is the fury of the Oppressour CHAP. V. The Angels of Light in the Covenant 5. THe Angels of Light are in the Covenant Heb. 1.14 are they not all Ministring Spirits sent forth for them who shall bee Heirs of Salvation Whilest our Lord himself was sent down to Minister behold his servants are to bee ministred unto the Angels are made their Ministers Psal 91.11 Hee shall give his Angels charge over thee to keep thee in all thy waies they have received a charge and they have great advantages for the keeping the charge of the Lord. 1. They are mighty Psal 103.20 Bless the Lord yee his Angels that excel in strength an Angel is more than an Armie what slaughters have the Angels made in the Armies of the Aliens an hundred fourscore and five thousand Assyrians are slain by one Angel of the Lord when encamped against Judah Isa 37.36 It is hard service indeed that is too hard for an Angel 2 They are numerous there are great multitudes of them Psal 68.17 Thousands of Angels a multitude of the Heavenly Host Luke 2.13 An Angel is more than an army but what then are an Army of Angels 3. They are faithful They can do much for the Saints but will they do it yes they are faithful They do the Commandements of God Psal 103.20 God bids them keep and they are faithful they will keep his sheep wee are taught to pray that the will of God may bee done on earth as it is in Heaven that men may bee faithful as the Angels of God 4. They are Favourites they behold the face of God they dwell in his presence they are admitted to stand before his Throne they can bee heard they have favour in Heaven and therefore such power on earth Mat. 18.10 Take heed yee despise not one of these little ones for I say unto you that in Heaven
their Angels do alwaies behold the face of my Father which is in Heaven Touch not mine annointed let alone my little ones take heed how you offend them their Angels are before my Father and are mighty with him to engage his power for their aid and deliverance O the great security of the least of Saints These Mighty ones these Multitudes these Faithful ones these Favourites of Heaven the Holy Angels of God have all received a charge from the Lord to preserve and defend them Lord open their eyes that they may see Behold the Mountains full of Chariots and Horses of fire round about Elisha 2 King 6.17 Should a mighty Prince commit any Subject of his to a potent and faithful Life-guard with this charge Look to this man keep him in safety see that hee come to no harm whoever offends do you defend him where-ever hee goes go you with him where-ever hee lodges stand you as a guard about the house while hee sleeps do you watch see that hee want for nothing nor hurt come to him If this were thy case in what great security wouldst thou count thy self But O! what is a life-guard of men to a guard of mighty Angels Fear not little flock in Heaven your Angels behold the face of God and in Earth have they pitched their Tents round about you CHAP. VI. The powers of darkness delivered over in the Covenant 6. THe powers of darkness are delivered over in the Covenant Satan and all his Instruments We are naturally in bondage to Satan held captive by him at his Will 2 Tim. 2.26 His Prisoners his Slaves his Vassals By the blood of the Covenant the Lord hath brought forth his Prisoners and redeemed his Captives Zach. 9.11 and also hath spoiled Principalities and Powers and led Captivity Captive In this Covenant there is deliverance of the Prisoners and a delivery over of them by whom they were held a Gaol-delivery and a delivery of the Jaylors too into their hands and they are delivered over bound the God of this world in Chains limited spoiled banished and cast out Mat. 16.18 The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against it The Gates of Cities were antiently their special strength and in them were their great Councels held for the contriving and managing of all their concernments by Hell understand the whole Infernal Corporation all that belong to that dark Region Satan and all his Instruments the dragon with his armies the serpent and all his seed By the gates of hell understand the power and policy the combination and councels of Sathan and his whole party These gates of hell shall not prevail against it that is against the Church neither against head nor any member of it they shall not prevail that notes two things 1. They shall fight against it they are all combin'd and listed against the Church making a war upon it Raze it Raze it even to the foundation thereof Down with it root and branch let it not have a being let it not have so much as a name under heaven particular quarrels there may bee betwixt devil and devil Herod against Pilate and Pilate against Herod yet the tails of these smoaking fire-brands are united against the Lord and his anointed ones Against their profession against their Religion against the soul of every Saint What-ever vails or specious pretences they varnish their quarrel with this is it that lies at the bottom of all their counsels and machinations wherein all their aims are concentred to root out godliness and the professours of it out of the earth to deceive and destroy souls for ever 2. Though they shall fight against them yet they shall not overcome They shall not prevail against it that is not finally in the end the victory shall be the Saints Zach. 12.3 Jerusalem shall be a burthensom stone to all people 1. Such a stone that they shall not be able to lift or move it out of its place it shall stand as a rock against which the impetuous waves may dash themselves but they cannot move it 2. They shall not be able to bear it It shall crush them that burthen themselves with it those that shake the Church they are pulling an house about their ears a rock upon their loins it shall break the backs of all those that contend against it they shall bee cut in pieces saith the Text that burthen themselves with it though all the earth yea and hell too be gathered together against it It is a vain design that Sathan and his partakers are driving on Psal 2.1 Why do the heathens rage and the people imagine a vain thing it is a vain design and it is a fatal design to themselves Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron thou shalt dash them in pieces like a Potters vessel Gen. 3.15 In the first dawning of this glorious day light it 's promised that the seed of the woman shall break the serpents head I will put enmity between thee and the woman and between thy seed and her seed It shall bruise thy head and thou shalt bruise his heel John 12.31 Now is the judgment of this world now shall the prince of this world be cast out Cast out whence why cast out of his kingdome out of his hold cast down from his throne and dominion His prison is broken and now the prey is taken from the strong the captives of the mighty are taken away But how was this now done at the death of Christ to which these words referre Doth not Sathan still reign Is hee not still the god of this world and the prince of the power of the air Yea what hold hath hee yet of the Saints that are in the earth what a tyrant is hee to them how doth hee entangle and ensnare them what havock doth hee make in their consciences lording it over them leading them captive by lusts and temptations what a strong party hath he still within them bearing arms against their Lord fighting against their souls what sad spoil doth he make upon their grace upon their peace they cannot rest for him day nor night abroad nor at home alone nor in company hee 's ever following them whither ever they go the Devil is at their backs they cannot pray nor read nor spend a thought nor cast a look nor dispatch a sigh towards the Lord but Sathan stands by to resist and hinder them what a yoke hath he still upon their necks what clogs and weights hath he still upon their loins how do they mourn in their souls whilest he vexes them from day to day how do they groan and travel in pain sighing in themselves and waiting for their redemption How is it then said now is hee cast out why now hee hath received his judgment the prince of this world is judged Joh. 16. Now is the fatal blow given now is the serpents head broken though hee still may bruise and hang in the Saints heel The blow he levelled at our
be put upon it to finde out Arguments to prove Will to be Reason and to determine that what the Will would have done ought to be done facile credimus quod nimis volumus We easily bring our Opinion to our Affection bring our selves to believe that to be right which we are unreasonably willing to have to be tight But if it cannot prevail thus far to gain Conscience to say that 's right which it would have to be right then it will put hard for it to carry it whether it be right or wrong And this rebellion of the Will and so of the Passions against the Reason is the great reason of the souls rebellion against God When Conscience hath lost its Authority Gods Authority is gone Whilest the Understanding and the Conscience are maintained in their due Authority where the Will and Affections are held in their due subjection there the Lord reigneth While Conscience rightly inform'd hath its due God shall have his due Where the Will and the Passions have no more then their due he shall have his own God shall be will'd the more where nothing else is will'd too much God shall be loved the more and feared the more where nothing else is lov'd and fear'd too much The more Anger the more Hatred the more Grief will be spent upon sin if it be not inordinately spent elsewhere Oh how much service might be done and how much quiet would be enjoyed in the heart were this Authority and Subjection maintained and held up We may say of our Affections as men say of Fire and Water They are the worst Masters but the best Servants How much should the Lord have of us were these onely the Executioners of his will If Conscience be commanded by the word and the Will and Affections would be commanded by Conscience what would there then be wanting We should then not onely be abundantly serviceable but all would be serene and sweet and comfortable within us If nothing were will'd but what should be will'd we should ever have our will If nothing were desired but what should be desired and no more then it should be lov'd or desired we should ever have what we love If we were not angry or grieved or afraid but where we ought and no more then we ought what a calm would there be upon our spirits even in such cases wherein the spirits of others are like a troubled Sea that cannot be at rest whose waters cast forth mire and dirt But where there is such disorder such rebellion of the Inferiour against the Superiour Faculties there we are at a perpetual loss both in point of duty and comfort This therefore is necessary if we will be obedient And those that have prov'd what there is in it do understand that this is hard work 2. I shall instance in some few particular duties that are harder then others He that will be entirely obedient must stick at nothing that God will have There 's scarce any thing that God requires but Lust will be quarrelling at as too hard but there are some duties harder then others It shall suffice onely to name them The denyal of our selves The disobliging our nearest friends The loving our Enemies The disobeying all the world in their unrighteous commands Obeying God rather then men returning good for evill Reproving men for sin especially if they be S●periours or such on whom we have dependency The sacrificing our Isaacs yea parting with all that we have Well this also must be considered ere you resolve you will obey But are you for any thing for every thing the Lord requires 4. Circumspection and care Ephes 5.15 See that ye walk circumspectly A little labour will go far with care but will be nothing without it 'T is not he that is hot and busie and active at all adventures he that keeps to his Line and his Rule hee 's the obedient Christian 'T is not so much Action as regular Action wherein the life of Christianity lies He that lives by rule peace be on him and mercy Activity without care is Extravagancie 'T is care that keeps within compass He that is all Action has the more need of caution A Christian must have his eyes in his head as well as a soul in his body He that resolves well in Generals and comes not off in Particulars does but build Castles in the Air. What we ordinarily are pro hic nunc in Particulars will best prove what we are He that is for any thing but this any time but now is for nothing Circumspection notes two things Taking notice Taking heed He that will be circumspect must eye and observe what 's before him must have his eye upon his End his Rule and his Goings must eye duty and sin opportunities and temptations his times and seasons he must take heed as well as take notice must keep a strict eye on himself and hold a strict hand on himselfe that he leap not over a duty nor turn aside to iniquity must set a guard upon himself upon his tongue upon his eyes upon his appetite upon his company upon his habit upon his thoughts upon his passions upon all the motions of his soul and the actions of his body This will require something What not a word but must be weighed Not a look but must be look'd to Not a thought but must be examined Not a sin to be allowed Not a duty to be abated Not a circumstance to be neglected Must all be in Weight and in Measure by Line and by Rule and this alwais too If something might serve if sometimes might suffice it might be borne but to keep touch in every point and that every day this is an hard saying indeed But thus it must be to live as a Christian and to walk exactly accurately precisely is the same thing Duty and sin though they be as far distant as Heaven and Hell yet there is but an hair betwixt them The least latitude is a transgression either all this that is as to the purpose of the heart either all this or nothing Well all this must be considered You will be Obedient but will you be circumspect 5. Spirituality This Obedience must be the Obedience of faith Rom. 16.26 .. It is the very life of Jesus made manifest in our mortal flesh I live yet not I but Christ liveth in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God Christians Obedience is their walking in Christ Coloss 2.6 All the Acts of it are exerted and performed in the strength of Christ I will go in the strength of the Lord without him they can do nothing but can do all things through Christ which strengthneth them I live yet not I bur Christ liveth in me I work I wrestle I run yet not I but Christ in me as the Apostle speaks of his sins It is no more I that do it but sin that dwelleth in me 'T
hand crown you t t Rev. 2.10 and set you in Thrones u u Rev. 3.21 Mat. 19.28 and you shal judge men and Angels w w 1 Cor. ● 2,3 and you shal have power over the Nations x x Rev. 2.26,27 and you shall set your feet upon the necks of your enemies y y Psal 49.14 Lo I have set the very day for your en●aiment z z Acts 17.31 I have provided your Crowns a a 2 Tim. 4.8 I have prepared the King●om b b Mat. 25.34 Wherefore do you doubt O you of little faith These are the true sayings of God c c Rev. 19.9 Are you sure that you are now on Earth so surely shal you be shortly with me in Heaven Are you sure that you shal die so surely shal you rise again in glory Lo I have said it and who shal reverse it You shal see me face to face and be with me where I am and behold my glory d d 1 Cor. 13.12 Ioh. 17.24 For I will be glorified in my Saints and admired in all them that believe e e 2 Thess 1.10 and all flesh shal know that I have loved you f f Rev. 3 9. For I will make you the instances of my grace g g Eph. 1.5 6. and 2.7 in whom the whole world shal see how unutterably the Almighty God can advance the poor Worms-meat and dust of the ground And the despisers shal behold and wonder and perish h h Act. 13.41 for they shal be witnesses to the riches of my magnificence and exceeding greatness of my Power * * Luk. 16.23 They shal go away into everlasting punishment but you into life eternal i i Mat. 25.46 Our Triumphant Ascension into heaven For no sooner shal their doom be past but the Bench shal rise k k Mat. 25.41,46 and the Judge shal return with all his glorious Train with sound of trumpet and shouts incredible shal he ascend and shal lead you to your Fathers house l l Psal 45.14,15 Mat. 25.23 Joh. 14.2 with 2 Cor. 5.1 Then shal the triumphal Arches lift up their heads and the everlasting Gates stand open and the heavens shal receive you all and so shal you be ever with the Lord. m m Joh. 12.26 1 Th. 4.17 And now will I rejoyce over you with singing and rest in my love n n Zeph. 3.17 and Heaven shal ring with joyes and acclamations because I have received you safe and sound o o Luk. 15.10,23,25,27 And in that day you shal know that I am a Rewarder of them that diligently seek me p p Heb. 11.6 and that I did record your words q q Mal. 3.16 and bottle your tears and tell your wandrings r r Psal 56.8 and keep an account even to a cup of cold water of whatever you said or did for my Name ſ ſ Mat. 10.42 Blessed Eternity You shal surely finde that nothing shal be lost t t 1 Cor. 15.58 but you shal have full measure pressed down and running over thousands of years in Paradise for the least good thought and thousand thousands for the least good word and then the reckoning shal begin again till all Arithmatick be non-plust For you shal be swallowed up in a blessed Eternity and the doors of Heaven shal be shut upon you and there shall be no more going out u u Dan. 12.2,3 Rev. 3.12 Luk. 16.26 Glorious company The glorious Quire of mine holy Angels the goodly fellowship of my blessed Prophets the happy society of Triumphant Apostles the royal Hosts of victorious Martyrs these shal be your Companions for ever w w Mat. 8.11,12 Heb. 12.22,23 And you shal come in white Robes with Palmes in your hands every one having the Harps of God and golden Vials full of Odours and shal cast your Crowns before me and strike in with the multitude of the heavenly Hosts glorifying God and saying Hallelujah the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth x x Rev. 7.9,10,11,12 and 19 5.6 Blessing honour glory and Power be unto him that sitteth upon the Throne and unto the Lamb for ever and ever y y Rev. 5.13 In short I will make you equal to the Angels z z Luk. 20.36 of God and you shal be the everlasting Trumpets of my praise a a Rev. 7.10,11,12,15 You shal be abundantly satisfied with the fatness of my House and I will make you drink of the Rivers of my pleasures b b Psal 36.8 You shal be an eternal Excellency c c Esay 60.15 and if God can die and Eternity run out then and not else shal your joyes expire Beatifical Vision For you shal see me as I am d d 1 Joh. 3.2 and know me as you are known e e 1 Cor. 13 12. and shal behold my face in righteousness and be satisfied with my likeness f f Psal 17.25 And you shal be the vessels of my Glory whose blessed use shall be to receive the overflowings of my Goodness and to have mine infinite Love and Glory poured out into you brimfull and running over for evermore g g Rom. 9 23. 2 Tim. 2,20 Rev. 22.1 And blessed is he that hath believed for there shall be a performance of the things that have been told him h h Lu. 1.45 The Lord hath spoken it you shall see my Face and my Name shall be written in your foreheads and you shall no more need the Sun nor the Moon for the Lord God shall give you light and you shall reign for ever and ever i i Rev. 22.3,4,5 He taketh us for his people And as I give my self to you for your God and all things with my self so I take you for my Covenant-people k k Heb 8.10 Esay 43 1. and you shall be mine in the Day when I make up my jewels saith the Lord of hosts and I will spare you as a man spareth his own Son that serveth him l l Mal 3.17 The Lord shall count when he writeth up the people Surely they are my children m m Psa 87 6 Esay 63.8 I do not onely require you to be mine if you would have me to be for you but I do promise to make you mine Lev. 20.26 Ezek. 36. 28. and to work in you the conditions which I require of you I will circumcise your hearts to love me o o Deu. 30.6 I will take out the heart of stone p p Ezek. 36.26 My Laws will I write within you q q J●… 31.33 Yet you must know that I will be sought unto for these things r r Eze. 36,37 and as ever you expect to partake of the mercies I charge you to lie at the Pool and wait for my Spirit and be diligent in the use of the meanss
not thou have a little patience he for the fruits of the Earth but thou for the joyes of Heaven He upon meer probabilities but thou upon infallible certainties He for a Crop of Corn but thou for a Crown of Glory Were he but sure that every Corn would bear a Crow how plentifully would he sowe how joyfully would he wait Why such is thy harvest As sure as the Summer delights do follow the Winters severities as sure as the wisht-for Harvest doth follow the toilsome and costly Seeds-time so sure shall thy Lord return and bring thy reward with him Revel 22.12 Therefore my soul love and long for the approaching Jubile and wait all the daies of my appointed time until my change shall come O blessed state that my Lord hath translated me into O happy change that he hath made I was a stranger and he took me in and made me an heir and preferred me from the Dunghill to the Throne and from a Hewer of wood and Drawer of water to attend his Court and know his Counsels and do his pleasure Happy am I that ever I was born to partake of this endless dignity Hebr. 12.22,23,24 O my Lord it is no little thing thou hast given me in hand I am already come to mount Zion and the City of the Living God the heavenly Jerusalem and to an innumerable company of Angels to the general Assembly and Church of the first-born and to God the Judge of all and unto the Spirits of Just men made perfect and unto Jesus the Mediator of the New Covenant and unto the blood of sprinkling Gal. 4.6 Luke 5.20 My heart reviveth as Jacobs when I behold the tokens which thou hast sent me the spirit of Adoption the pardon of my sins my patent for Heaven the chain of thy Graces the Son of thy Bosome and the New Testament in his blood 1 Cor. 11.25 Luk. 12.32 Cant. 1.10 Joh. 3.16 Joh. 14.21,23 and the Letters of his love My Lord hath said that he will love me and manifest himself unto me and that the Father will love me and both will come unto me and make their abode in me But is it true indeed Will the Lord dwel on Earth Or if he will shal so foul a Stable so unclean a Stye as my heart hath been shal this be the place that the Lord of life will take up his lodging and keep his Court in Will he indeed come with all his Train of Graces and live and walk in me How can these things be But he hath said it and I do and I will believe it Psal 31.19 Yet all this is but the earnest of what is to come Oh how great is thy goodness laid up for them that fear thee Yet a little while and my warfare shal be accomplished and the Heavens must receive me till the time of the restitution of all things 2 Pet. 1.14 It is but for a short term that I shal dwel in this dirty flesh in an earthen Tabernacle Joh. 12.26 My Lord hath shewed me that where he is there shal his servant be Now the living is tyed to the dead and my Soul is a Stage of strife and a Field of war 1 Cor. 13.10 But t is but a little moment and that which is perfect shal come perfect Holiness and perfect Peace eternal Serenity and a Serene Eternity O my sins Rev. 21.27 I am going where you cannot come where no unclean thing shal enter nor any thing that defileth Methinks I see all my Afflictions and Temptations all mine infirmities and corruptions falling off me as Elijah's Mantle at his translation O my Soul dost thou not see the Chariots of fire and the Horses of fire come to take thee up Luk. 16.22 Be thou as poor as Lazarus yet God will not disdain to send a Party of Angels to conduct thee home How canst thou doubt of ready reception who hast such a friend in Court who will lead thee with boldness into his Fathers presence Gen. 45.16 If there were Joy in Pharaoh's Court when it was said Joseph's Brethren are come surely it will be welcom newes in Heaven when it s told Jesus his Brethren are come My Soul fear not to enter though the Lord be clothed with Terrour and Majesty For thy Redeemer will procure thee favour and plead thy right Joh. 16.27 I am sure of welcom for the Father himself loveth me I have tasted and tryed his love Luke 15. and when I had played the wicked Prodigal yet he despised not my Raggs but fell on my neck and kissed me and Heaven it self made merry over me Much more will he receive me gladly and let out his loves upon me when presented to him by his Son in his perfect likeness as a fit Object for his everlasting delight Fear not O my Soul as if thou wert going to a strange place Why Heaven is thy Countrey and thy home wilt thou doubt of leave or fear of welcome when it is thine own home Why my Soul thou wast born from above and here is thy Kindred and thy Fathers House and therefore thou shalt surely be admitted And then shall I see the glorious preparations of Eternal Love and the blissful Mansions of the Heavenly Inhabitants Doubtless it shal be thus These are not sick-mens Dreams or childrens hopes The living God cannot deceive me and may not I certainly promise my self what the Lord hath promised me I will sooner think that all my senses are deluded and what I see and feel and taste is but a fancy then think that the living God will deceive me or that his unchangeable Covenant will fail 1 Joh. 3.2 Now I am a son of God but it doth not yet appear what I shal be but this I know I shal be like him and see him as he is I know it shal be thus Why what security should I ask of God He hath given me all the assurance in the world And though the word of God be enough yet he willing to shew more abundantly to the Heits of Promise the immutability of his Counsel confirmed it by an Oath Heb. 6.17 that by two immutable things in which it was impossible for God to lye I might have strong consolation O unreasonable Unbelief What shal not the Oath of a God put an end to thy strife O my God I am satisfied it is enough Now I may be bold without presumption and boast without Pride And will no more call my Duty Arrogance nor my Faith a Fancy O my Soul There is but a short life betwixt thee and Glory where holy Angels and glorified Saints shal be mine onely Associates and Love and Praise mine onely employment Job 38.7 Methinks I hear already how the Morning-stars sing together and all the sons of God shout for joy O that I could come in for one But it was said unto me I should rest yet for a little