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A17049 The mysterie of the Lords Supper Cleerely manifested in five sermons; two of preparation, and three of the Sacrament it selfe. By a reverend and faithfull preacher of Gods word.; Sermons upon the sacrament of the Lords Supper. English. Bruce, Robert, 1554-1631.; Mitchell, S., fl. 1614. 1614 (1614) STC 3922; ESTC S119531 126,266 304

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visible and palpable I proue my Proposition by Christ his owne words taken out of Luke 24.39 In the which place to perswade the Apostles of the verity of his body and to proue euidently that it was not fantasticall heevseth the argument taken from these tvvo qualities and he commands his Apostles to feele and see giuing them thereby to vnderstand that as these two senses are the most certaine of all the rest so are they most able to discerne whether hee was a body or a spirit As if he would haue said If I be visible and palpable ye may be out of doubt that I haue a true body For as the Poet saith which Tertullian citeth also to this same purpose Tangere enim et tangi nisi corpus nulla potestres By these arguments it may be euidently seen how this Transubstantiation may no way stand with the verity of the bodie of Chr. Iesus And as it fights with the flesh of Christ Iesus so it repugnes directly the articles of our faith For in our Beliefe we professe Second sort of argumēt that Christ ascended out of this earth to the heauen where hee sits at the right hand of the Father vvhere hee gouerns and directs all things in heauen and earth from the which place he is to come at the last day to iudge the world This article teacheth vs that hee hath changed his dwelling vvhich hee had amongst vs on the earth and is ascended into the heauens where he sits at the right hand of his Father and shall remaine there according to the testimony of Peter which I cited out of the Acts 3.21 vntill the last day If hee sit at his Fathers right hand and be to remaine in heauen vntill the last day thē is he not corporally in the bread But the article of our Beliefe saith That he sitteth at the right hand of his Father and Peter saith in that place that the heauens must containe him vntill the last day Therefore this Transubstantiation is directly against the articles of our Beliefe the manifest place of the Scripture Thirdly it is opposite vnto the end Third sort of argumēt wherefore this Sacrament was instituted this is most euident for the end of the Sacrament is spirituall as the effect that floweth thereof is spiritual and the instrument whereby this spirituall food is applyed to vs is also spiritual But from a naturall and corporall presence a spirituall effect can neuer flowe therefore the corporall and naturall presence of the body and bloud of Christ Iesus repugnes directly the end of this Sacrament for the corporall presence must haue a corporall eating of this eating followeth a digestion in the stomacke and the thing that is digested in the stomack is neuer able to feed my soule to life eternall So this corporall presence must euer tend to a corporall end which is directly contrarie vnto the end wherefore this Sacrament was instituted Further Other arguments vnto the same effect if the bread were transubstantiate it should become the thing signified if it become the thing signified this Sacrament should want a signe and so it should not be a Sacrament for euery Sacrament as yee haue heard is a signe Now to say that the accidents of true bread as the colour and the roundnesse of it that they may serue as signes that is more then folly for between the signe and the thing signified there must be a conformity but there is no conformity between the accidents and the body and bloud of Christ Iesus For if that were so the accidents behoued to nourish vs corporally as the body and bloud of Christ Iesus is appointed to nourish vs spiritually Againe if the bread become the body and bloud of Christ Iesus it should follow that he had a body without bloud for hee hath instituted another signe besides to represent his bloud Also if there had been such a wonderfull thing as they speak of in this Sacrament there would haue been plaine mention made thereof in the Scripture for God himselfe works neuer a notable worke but he declares it either openly or more secretly in the Scripture that thereby hee may be glorified in his wonderfull works As yee may read in the Euangelist ●ohn 2.8 where the vvater was changed into wine Gene. 2.22 where the rib of Adam was changed into Heua Exodus 7.10 where Aarons rodde was turned into a Serpent there ye see that changing is manifestly expressed Therefore I say if there had bin such a monstrous change in these elemēts of the Supper as they affirm the Scripture would not haue concealed it but expressed it but in respect there is no mētion made of this change in the Script therfore there is no such change in this action Further if there were such a change as they say either it is before these words of consecration be spoken or followes after the same words be spoken If the change be before the words of the cōsecration be spoken the consecration is superfluous their Proposition is false if the change be after the words be spoken This bread is my body their Proposition is false also because the word bread is spoken before the last syllable of their fiue words is pronounced These and infinite moe absurdities follow of this doctrine And yet they obstinately perseuer and vrge vs with the letter affirming that the words of Christ are so plaine that they admit no figure They would haue spoken more aduisedly if they had sought counsell of Augustine to haue discerned between a figuratiue speech and a proper speech for he in his third booke and 16. chapter of Christian doctrine speakes after this sort If the speech saith hee seeme to commaund a vvickedness or mischeife on to forbid any happinesse or any vvelfare it is not proper it is then figuratiue And he adds for an example a place out of Iohn 6.53 Except saith our Sauiour ye eate the flesh of the sonne of man and drinke his bloud yee haue no life in you Whereunto Augustine addeth This speech saith he sesmeth to cōmaund a mischiefe therefore it is a figuratiue speech vvhereby wee are commanded to cōmunicate with the sufferings of Christ Iesus and with gladnes to keepe in perpetuall memory that the flesh of the Lord was crucified and wounded for vs. For otherwise it were more horrible as the same Augustine maketh mention in the second booke against the Aduersaries of the lavv to eate the flesh of Christ Iesus really then to murther him and more horrible to drinke his bloud then to shed his bloud Yet notwithstanding they are not ashamed still to hold maintaine that those words ought to be taken properly So that it appeareth that of very malice for contradiction sake to the end onely that they may withstand the truth they will not acknowledge this to be a sacramētall speech For they are compelled will they nill they in other speeches of the like sort to acknowledge a
whereby they are receiued is visible and corporall The thing signified by the bread and wine is not receiued by the mouth of the body no the Scripture denieth that plainly but it is receiued by the mouth of the soule Then there are two mouthes that bread and that wine which are the signes are receiued by the mouth of the body Christ vvho is the thing signified is receiued by the mouth of the soule that is by a true faith Then bring not to the Lords Table one mouth onely for if yee bring the mouth of your body onely it auaileth nothing but bring with you also the mouth of your soule a constant perswasion in the death of Christ for that is availeable Novv concerning the manner hovv the signes are receiued and the manner how the thing signified is receiued yee may easily knowe that these corporall naturall signes must be receiued after a corporall and naturall maner they must be taken with the hand or mouth of the body Againe a supernaturall thing must be receiued after a supernaturall manner A spirituall thing must be receiued after a spirituall manner So as the signes are corporall and receiued after a corporall manner with the hand or the mouth of the body In like manner the thing signified is spirituall and receiued after a spirituall manner with the hand and mouth of the soule which is true faith Thus yee haue briefely deliuered vnto you the whole preparation that is necessary for the vnderstanding of this Sacrament Now what doctrine gather I from this Of this last point vvhere I say that Christ is the thing signified and cannot be preceiued but by faith cannot be receiued nor digested but by a faithfull soule what kinde of receiuing confirme I in this Sacrament I establish no kind of receiuing of Christ What kinde of receiuing Christ is established in the Sacrament but a spiritual receiuing he can not be perceiued nor receiued but by faith and faith is spirituall Therefore in this Sacrament I establish onely a spiritual taking of Christ not a carnall or fleshly receiuing This is the ground Novv let vs see what inconuenience can follow vpon this ground Inconueniences cast in by the Papists against the spirituall receiuing of Christ in the Sacrament The Papists say that vpon this ground this inconuenience shall follow If there be no receiuing of Christ but a spirituall receiuing then say they your Sacrament is in vaine this Sacrament of the Lords Supper was instituted to no end And what is their reason If there be no way to receiue Christ say the Papists but by faith what need you then a Sacrament Yee receiue Christ by faith in the word by the naked and simple preaching of the word ye get faith So the simple word may serue the turne What need haue ye of a Sacrament if ye get not some new thing in the Sacrament which yee could not get in the word This is their Argument whereof ye see their conclusion to be this Wee get no other new thing in the Sacrament First inconuenience That the Sacrament is superfluous then we doe in the vvord if there be no receiuing but spirituall Ergo The Sacrament is superfluous VVee admit the Antecedent to bee true vvee get no other thing nor no new thing in the Sacrament but the same thing which we got in the word I would haue thee deuise and imagine vvith thy selfe what new thing thou vvouldest haue let the hart of man deuise imagine and wish he durst neuer haue thought to haue such a thing as the Sonne of GOD hee durst neuer haue presumed to haue pearced the clowdes to haue ascended so high as to haue craued the Sonne of GOD in his flesh to be the foode of his soule Hauing the Sonne of God thou hast him who is the heire of all things who is King of heauen and earth and in him thou hast all things What more then canst thou wish What better thing canst thou wish Hee is equall with the Father one in substance with the Father true GOD true man vvhat more canst thou wish Then I say vvee get no other thing in the Sacrament then wee had in the vvord content thee vvith this But suppose it be so yet the Sacrament is not superfluous But wouldest thou vnderstand what new thing thou obtainest what other thing thou gettest I will tell thee Refutation of the first Inconuenience Suppose thou get that same thing which thou haddest in the vvord yet thou gettest that same thing better What is that better Thou obtainest a greater and surer hold of that same thing in the Sacrament then thou hadst by the hearing of the vvord That same thing which thou possessedst by the hearing of the word thou doost possesse now more largely it hath larger bounds in thy soule by the receiuing of the Sacrament then other-wise it could haue by the hearing of the word onely Then wilt thou aske what new thing wee get I say wee get this new thing we get Christ better then before we get the thing which we had more fully that is with a surer apprehension then we had it before we gette a greater hold of Christ now For by the Sacrament my faith is nourished the boundes of my soule are enlarged and so whereas I had but a little hold of Christ before as it were betweene my finger and my thumbe now I get him in my whole hand and still the more that my faith groweth the better hold I get of Christ Iesus So the Sacrament is very necessary and if it were no more but to get Christ better and to get a faster apprehension of him by the Sacrament then vvee could haue before Now if it were true that the Sacrament is superfluous by the same reason it shold follow also that the repetition of the Sacrament is superfluous For when yee come to the Sacrament the second time ye get no other thing then yee did the first time vvhen ye come vnto the Sacrament the third time yet get no other thing then yee did the first time and yet no man will say that the third and second comming is a superfluous thing And vvhy Because by the second comming my faith is augmented I vnderstand better I growe in knowledge I growe in apprehension I grow in feeling and in getting the growth of all these as oft as I come there is no man will say that the oft comming to the Sacrament is superfluous if it were euerie day once So their first inconuenience auailes not Wee get no new thing in the Sacrament Ergo the Sacrament is superfluous Thus farre for the first Then there depends another thing on the same ground If Christ be not perceiued but by faith then say we no wicked body can perceiue him hee that lacketh faith cannot perceiue him He that lacketh faith may perceiue that Sacrament of that bread and that vvine and may eate of that bread and drinke of
was in the wombe of the Virgin His flesh is not called spirituall in respect it is glorified in the heauens at the right hand of the Father be not deceiued with that for suppose it be glorified yet it remaineth true flesh that same verie flesh which hee tooke out of the wombe of the blessed Virgine Neither is it spirituall because thouseest it not in the Supper if thou wert where it is Answere thou mightest see it But it is called spirituall in respect of the spirituall ends wherunto it serues to my body soule because the flesh bloud of Christ serueth to nourish me not to a temporall but to a spirituall heauenly life Now in respect this flesh is a spiritual foode seruing me to a spirituall life for this cause it is called a spirituall thing if it nourish mee as the flesh of beasts doth but to a temporall life it should be called but a temporall thing but in respect it nourisheth my soule not to an earthly and temporall life but to an heauenly celestiall and spirituall end In respect of this end the flesh of Christ and Christ in respect of his flesh is called the spirituall thing in the Sacrament It is called also the spiritual thing in the Sacrament in respect of the spirituall instrument whereby it is receiued The instrument whereby the flesh of Christ is receiued is not a corporall instrument is not the teeth and mouth of the body but it is spirituall it is the mouth of the soule which is faith and in respect the instrument is spirituall therefore Christ who is receiued is also called spirituall In respect also that the manner of receiuing is a heauenly spirituall and internall manner not a naturall nor externall manner in respect that the flesh of Christ which is giuen in the Sacrament is receiued by a spiritual secret maner which is not seene to the eyes of men In all these respects I call Christ Iesus the heauenly and spirituall thing which is signified by the signes in the Sacrament Now The thing signified must be applyed I say in the end the thing signified must bee applyed to vs. What auaileth it me to see my medicine in a box standing in an Apothecaries shop what can it worke toward me if it be not applyed What auaileth it mee to see my saluation afarre of if it be not applied to mee Therefore it is not enough for vs to see Christ but he must be giuen vs or else he cannot worke health and saluation in vs. And as this saluation is giuen vs wee must haue a mouth to take it What auaileth it mee to see meat before me except I haue a mouth to take it So the thing signified in the Sacrament must be giuen vs by God by the Three persons of the Trinitie one GOD by Christ Iesus who must giue himselfe as he giues himselfe so wee must haue a mouth to take him Suppose he present and offer himselfe yet he can profit and auaile none but them who haue a mouth to receiue him Then ye see what I call the thing signified whole Christ applyed to vs and receiued by vs vvhole Christ God and man without separation of his natures vvithout distinguishing of his substance from his graces All applyed to vs. Then I say seeing we come to the Sacrament to be fed by his flesh and refreshed by his bloud to be fed to an heauenly and spirituall life and seeing there is no profit to be had at this Table without some kinde of preparation therefore let no man prease to come to this holy Table except in some measure hee be prepared Some will be prepared in a greater measure then others alwayes let no man presume to go to it except in some measure his heart be sanctified therefore my exhortation concerning the way whereby euery one of you ought to prepare your selues that yee may fit you the better to this Table is this there is not one of you that commeth to the Table of the Lord that may bring before the Lord his integritie iustice and vprightnes but whosoeuer goeth to the Table of the Lord hee ought to goe with the acknowledging confession of his misery he ought to goe with a sorrowfull hart for the sinnes wherin he hath offended God he ought to goe with a hatred of those sinnes Not to protest that hee is holy iust and vpright but to protest and confesse that he is miserable and of all creatures the most miserable and therefore hee goeth to that Table to get support for his misery to obtaine mercy at the throne of Grace to get remission and forgiuenes of his sinnes to get the gift of repentance that more more he may study to liue vprightly holily and soberly in all time to come Therfore except yee haue entred into this course and haue a purpose to continue in this course to amend your life past to repent you of your sinnes and by the grace of God to liue more vprightly and soberly then yee haue done for Gods cause goe not to the Table For where there is not a purpose to doe well and to repent of necessity there must be a purpose to doe ill and whosoeuer commeth to that Table with a purpose to doe ill and without a purpose to repent he commeth to mock Christ to scorne him to his face to eate his owne present-condemnation So let no man come to that Table that hath not in his hart a purpose to doe better that hath not a hart to sorrow for his sinnes past and thinketh not his former follie and madnesse ouer-great Let no man come to that Table without this vnder the paine of condemnation But if yee haue in your hart a purpose to doe better suppose your former life hath been dissolute and loose yet if yee be touched in your harts with any feeling or remorse of your life past goe not from the Table but come vvith a protestation of your misery and wretchednesse and come with a heart to gette grace if vvith a dissolute life I meane not of open slaunders thou haue also a purpose not to amend but to doe vvorse for Gods sake abstaine Thus farre of the thing signified Vnto this generall consideration there remaineth these things yet to bee made plaine vnto you First how the signes and the thing signified are coupled together and how they are conioyned Next it restes to be told you how the signe is deliuered and hovv the thing signified is deliuered and hovv both are receiued as vvell as they are deliuered This beeing done I shall speake briefely of the other part of the Sacrament vvhich is the vvord And last of all I shall let you see what sort of faults they are that peruert the Sacrament and make it of no effect And if time shall serue I shall enter in particular to this Sacrament which wee haue in hand Then to come back againe In the third place How the signe the
presently your selues yet when yee visite them that are troubled in conscience let these things be proposed to them as cōforts and vse them as medicines most meet to apply to the griefe of the inward conscience so ye shal reape fruit of this doctrine and possesse your soules in a good estate Thus farre for the first poynt vvherein euery one of you ought to try and examine your ovvne consciences The second point is this Of loue which is the secōd point of our triall Try vvhether yee haue loue towards your neighbour or not For as we are coupled with God by faith so by the band of loue we are coupled with our neighbour and if yee want loue yee can haue no societie with your neighbour for loue is the chiefe principall branch that springs from the root of faith Loue is that celestiall glew that conioynes all the faithfull members in the vnity of a mysticall body And seeing that religion was instituted of God to serue as a path-way to conuey vs to our chiefe felicity and happy we cannot be except wee be like vnto our GOD like vnto him we can not be except we haue loue For as it is 1. Iohn 4.8 GOD is loue So seeing God is loue it selfe who-soeuer will resemble him must be indued vvith the oyle of loue This onely one argument testifieth to vs that this loue is a principall head vvhereunto all things that are commaunded in religion ought to be referred To spend long time in the praise of loue I hold it not necessarie seeing the holy Scripture resounds in blasing the commendations of it but that we speak not of any thing ambiguous I will let you see how this word is considered taken in the Scriptures How the word loue is taken in the Scriptures Loue is considered either as a spring or fountaine from whence the rest proceedes that is for the loue whereby we loue God And as loue commeth first from God and is poured by his holy Spirit into our harts So it first redownds vpward and strikes backe vpon himselfe for the loue of GOD must euer goe before the loue of the creature Next we take this word for that loue whereby wee loue Gods creatures our neighbours and especially them that are of the family of faith And thirdly It is taken for the deeds of the second Table which flowe from this loue Now when I speake of loue I speake of it as in the second signification to wit as it is taken for the loue of our neighbour The definitiō of loue And taking it so I call loue The gift of God poured into the harts of men and women by the which gift we first loue God in Christ our Sauiour and next in God for Gods cause we loue all his creatures but chiefly our bretheren that are of the family of faith the children of one common father with vs. Wee will examine this definition I say Of our loue toward God first the loue of God as it commeth frō GOD it returneth to God as it comes downe from him so it strikes vpward to him againe And is it not good reason And why Let thy hart fix thy loue as long as thou wilt vpon the creatures thou shalt neuer be satiate nor thy affection shall neuer be content except thou lay hold on God but if once thou loue God in thy hart and cast thy affections vpon him once takest hold on him the longer thou louest him the greater satietie and contentment shalt thou haue thou shalt not thirst for any other For as to the creatures there is neuer a creature that God hath created but it is stamped with his owne stamp euery creature beareth his Image and looking to the Image of God in the creature should it not draw thee to him that thou fix not thy hart vpon the creature for his owne Image in his creature should lead thee to himselfe And therefore the more that thou knowest the creatures and the greater varietie of knowledge that thou hast of them the more shold euery particular knowledge of them draw thee to God the more shouldest thou wonder at thy God and knowe thy duty towards him And seeing that delight flovveth from knowledge euery knowledge hath his owne delight as the variety of knowledge that ariseth from the creatures should make the minde to mount vp to the knowledge of God so the variety of delights that arise vpon the diuersitie of this knowledge should moue the hart vpward to the loue of God and the hart getting hold of God and beeing seised with the loue of God and the minde being occupied with the true knowledge of God so soone as hart and mind is full of God the hart is quiet and the minde is satisfied So that the more this knowledge groweth in thy minde the greater contentment thou hast and the more the loue of God groweth in thy hart the greater ioy reioycing hast thou in thy soule And why In God ye haue not only all the creatures but ye haue himselfe besides the creatures and therefore in God ye haue all the knowledge and delight that can arise of the creatures and beside the creatures yee haue God himselfe vvho is the Creator And so I say The mind of man can neuer quiet it selfe in the knowledge nor the hart can neuer settle it selfe in the loue of naked creatures in respect they are flowing vanity as Salomon calls them But in the infinite God rightly known and earnestly loued the mind shal finde a ful rest and the hart shall haue a perfect ioy For our affection is so insatiable that no finite thing thing will satisfie it nor there can be no solide settling vpon the thing that is transitory So the loue ought to moūt vpward first to God in whose face the hart shal find full and perfect ioy The second Argument that I vse is this Seeing there is onely one precept left by our Master in recommendation to be obserued by vs namely Of loue towards our neighbour That euery one of vs should loue another therefore our wise Master vnderstanding wel that where loue vvas there needed no more lawes that the life of man by loue onely behooued to be most happy left onely the same in chiefe recommendation and takes vp the whole Law Gospel in one word Loue. And if the hart of man were indued with loue his life might be most happy and blessed for there is nothing maketh this life happy but the resemblance and likelihood that we haue with God The neerer we drawe to God the more blessed is our life for there cannot be so happy a life as the life of God In the first Epist of Iohn 4.8 God is loue therefore the more we are in loue the more neer we are to that happy life for we are in God partakers of the life of God When I speake this yee must not thinke that loue in God and loue in vs is one thing for loue is but a quality in vs and it is not a quality in God There is nothing in God but that which is God so loue in God is his owne essence therfore the more that ye grow in loue the neerer ye draw to God to that happy blessed life For there is nothing more profitable more agreeable and cōuenient vnto nature then to loue and aboue all things to loue God And therefore it is that God his Angels are most happy blessed because they loue all things desire euer to do good On the other side there is nothing more vnhappy nothing more noysome more hurtfull and that eates vp nature more then to burn with enuy and hatred and therfore it is that the diuells are most miserable who torment themselues vvith continuall malice and hatred burning with a vehement appetite to be noysom to all creatures So as the life of the diuel is most vnhappy because he is full of enuy malice so our life wil be most happy if we be full of loue I will no further speake of loue Onely if yee haue loue mark the effects of it set down 1. Cor. verses which effects if ye haue not in some measure yee haue not true loue I end heer Conclusion with an exhortatiō Ye see in what points euery one of you ought to be prepared Yee must be indued with this loue ye must be indued with faith if ye haue these in any small measure goe boldly to the hearing of the vvord to the receiuing of the Sacraments This is the preparation that we allow of I grant the Papists haue a preparation farre differing from this and therfore they can haue no warrant from the word of God Last of all seeing that we are commanded to try our selues He that lacketh knowledge cannot try himselfe A mad man cannot try himselfe A child cannot try himselfe therfore they ought not to come to the Lords Table All these things being considered aright he that hath faith loue in any kinde of measure let him come to the Table of the Lord And all these things serue as wel for the hearing of the vvord fruitfully as for the receiuing of the Sacrament Therefore the Lord of his mercy illuminate your mindes and work some measure of faith and loue in your harts that yee may be partakers of that heauenly life offered in the vvord and Sacraments that yee may beginne your heauen heere and obtaine the full fruition of the life to come and that in the righteous merits of Christ Iesus To whom with the Father and the holie Ghost be all honour praise and glory both now and for euer Amen FINIS