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A07666 A mappe of mans mortalitie Clearely manifesting the originall of death, with the nature, fruits, and effects thereof, both to the vnregenerate, and elect children of God. Diuided into three bookes; and published for the furtherance of the wise in practise, the humbling of the strong in conceit, and for the comfort and confirmation of weake Christians, against the combat of death, that they may wisely and seasonably be prepared against the same. Whereunto are annexed two consolatory sermons, for afflicted Christians, in their greatest conflicts. By Iohn Moore, minister of the word of God, at Shearsbie in Leicester-shire. Moore, John, d. 1619. 1617 (1617) STC 18057; ESTC S112851 257,806 358

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things consist A Stone cast out of a sling neuer resteth vntill it come to his centre so God whose centre is euery where and circumference nowhere is our onely rest and without him who is onely infinite our desires are neuer replenished which are infinite and endlesse We must therefore passe through this world as the Israelites passed through Edome who onely desired to goe through and to make no stay at all what should we set our delights in this Edome of the world our passage through it is all we should require we spend our goulden daies of prosperitie as ill husbands waste their substance we know not how and are in a manner so carelesse as if God were bound to bring vs to section 8 heauen whether we will or no. God hath set the earth vnder our feete that it should not be too much esteemed The world it selfe is of a round figure saith one but the heart of man is triangular and so comprehends more then the world Our bodies walke on earth but our soules should be in heauen by heauenly desires and we should frame our affections in forme of a Ship that is closed downeward and open vpward in a hearty desire of happy state Let my minde saith Augustine muse of it let my tongue talke of it let my heart loue it and my whole soule neuer cease to hunger and thirst after it Gods children in this world with their tryals and troubles are tilled and manured as the ground to be made section 9 fruitfull and fertill and are here proued with Symon of Syrene euery one with his crosse and must thus be contented to accompanie Christ to his Kingdome Manifold troubles are incident to all who are departing from the myre durt of Egypt to doe sacrifice to God who yet will bring them into a good land that floweth with milke and hony Here we are a flying before many Iesabels here we sit in darkenesse and see not the true light which shineth in glory Here wee are poore captaines as in Babilon how should we sing and reioyce in this vale of teares in so low and marshie a soyle naturally so subiect vnto moysture This farre Country is full of penurie and sorrow no plenty no musicke vntill wee returne vnto our fathers house while wee are on this side Iordane wee are amidst many troubles and tryals we must looke for no other vntill we come into the heauenly land of rest and what is it to liue long but to be troubled long Noahs Doue at her first flight from the Arke fetched many retyres but could finde no resting place till Noah opened the window to take her in againe So may our poore soules soare a time by lifting vp many a sigh and supplication to God who at last will open the window of his heauenly Arke and then and not before they shall finde safe footing after these worldly flouds for sure repose and rest Here we doe but sowe with teares there we shall reape in ioy Here our earthly houses are like the Tabernacles that were moueable there they shall be like the glorious Temple sure fixed Blessed are they indeed that dwell in thy house O Lord of Hosts Those that at mid-day desire to see the superiour planets section 10 and lights must goe downe into a wonderous deepe pit from the light of the horizon wherein they liue This is an Astronomicall experiment so to behold the light inaccessible and ioyes of heauen wee must be farre remoued from the loue and delights of this inferiour world whilst we set our affections on earthly things wee seeke for no better for wee looke for no higher So long as Zacheus abode in the preasse among the other people hee was vpon to low a ground to looke on Christ till hee climbed higher Seafaring men that haue long beene weather beaten in the surging Seas are wont to showt for ioy when they discerne the shoare So should Christians reioyce after so manifold stormes of this raging world to draw so neere by death and by faith to see a farre off their heauenly harbour and place of endlesse rest Worldlings are like the Reubenites content to stay on this side Iorden because it was a place fit for their Droues and cattell and nothing regarded the promised land so many desire to stay here and goe no further esteeming the profits and pleasures of this temporall life more then of the incomprehensible ioyes of life eternall They are so satisfied with earthly things that they sauour not heauenly c. men led captiue into a forraine Country from their infancie doe not onely forget their naturall language but euen the desire of returning home but to the truer Israelites all is wearinesse vntill they come into the land of rest section 11 Augustine writeth of certaine beasts that are so patient of thirst that seeing many puddles and other waters will yet neuer drinke till they come to a fountaine that is very cleare and cleane so should the faithfull stay their desire till they come indeed to the true waters of comfort so fresh and cleare Here we must but recreate our selues retaining still our thirst vntill wee come to drinke our fill at the true fountaine of blisse and happinesse The worlds manner saith one is the Iewes manner who were wont to bring the best wine first but Christ obserues his old manner and keepes the best wine last The Israelites many and often times murmured in the wildernesse thinking that after their deliuerance out of Egypt they should presently haue all sweetnesse and abundance But they were deceiued God kept that vntill they came into the land of promise wee must not looke for our happinesse here God reserueth that till hereafter Here euery day we must be gathering Mannah but when the high Sabaoth commeth then wee shall cease Ioseph gaue his brethren prouision for the way but the full sackes were kept in store vntill they came home to their fathers house God giues vs here a taste and assay of his goodnesse but the maine sea of his bountie and store is horded vp in the kingdome of heauen In this life Adam shall eate his bread in the sweate of his browes in labour and sorrow shall he eate thereof vntill he returne vnto the earth out of which he came as if the daies of man by reason of sinne were nothing else but the daies of sorrow because euery day hath her griefe and euery night his terrour The Christian soule shall neuer sing her sweetest song vntill she come to beare her part with the Saints in the ioyfull quire of heauen Wherefore if our inheritance be that wee shall raigne as kings why put we our selues in such slauerie of creatures If our birth allow vs to feede of bread in our fathers house why delight we to eate huskes prouided for the swine If a golden prize be propounded to such as winne
holy life heauenly conuersation chearefull death and blessed daparture of the faithfull redeemed by Christ section 1 GOds children now being redeemed from Sinne and Death and truely vnited to Christ by his spirit whom they apprehend by an vnfained faith cannot chuse but shew forth the fruits of this their high calling to the glory of him that hath chosen them And being partakers of the diuine nature they flye from the corruptions of the world and giue all diligence to ioyne vertue with their faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance and with temperance patience and with patience godlinesse and with godlinesse brotherly kindenesse and with brotherly kindenesse loue and these things being among them and abounding will keepe them from being idle and vnfruitfull The grace of God to them appeareth not in vaine but teacheth them to denie all vngodlinesse and worldly lusts to liue soberly righteously godly in this present world c. and being risen with Christ from the graue of corruption they euery day more and more seeke those things which are aboue setting their affections where Christ sitteth and not on the things that are on the earth for they are dead to the world and their true life is hid with God in Christ therefore they labour to be holy as he that hath called them to his kingdome and glory is holy They daily imploy themselues in reading and meditating of the word of God in prayer and religious exercises of holy deuotion loathing still this world and sinfull life daily growing to be spirituall and heauenly hauing their affections and zeale inflamed with the loue of God They say with Augustine O Lord I delight to heare of thee to talke of thee to write of thee to deuise of thee and in my heart to print whatsoeuer I learne of thee So must wee walke in these holy paths with all Gods Saints Godly deuotion and holy meditations saith one are section 2 as brine and pickle to keepe and preserue this corruptible flesh of ours from the euill scent that breedeth in our nature by originall sinne They are as faggots and firebrands that enkindle and inflame the loue of God in our hearts And as the fish out of the water die forthwith and the drops of raine distilling from the clouds vpon the ground doe quickly dry and drench vp and the fire without fuell is soone extinguished So our faith and loue c. without these sanctified meanes doe suddenly decrease They are as precious perfumes burnt in a polluted house and sick-mans chamber The sweet incense of prayer and the sauory smell of that odorifferous balme of a liuely faith and effectuall knowledge of God purge and clense the corruption of our liues and vncleane desires God hath chosen vs to be his glorious temple in whom hee dwelleth by his spirit therefore wee must haue our hearts purified by faith and clense our selues from all filthinesse and vncleanenesse both of bodies and soules and so adorne the place of his presence and habitation with all vertue and holinesse Hee that destroyeth the Temple of God him will God destroy for the Temple of God is holy which you are Saint Peter willeth vs to gird vp the loynes of our mindes teaching vs that as they which weare long garments when they come in the foule wayes doe take and gird them vp lest they should tag in the way So we whose mindes and affections doe traile as it were vpon the earth trudging through this foule and filthy world must heaue them vp towards heauen lest they should touch the damnable filth of sinne and wickednesse It is in vaine to boast of iustification without the vnfained sanctification of Gods spirit For as there can be no fire section 3 without warmth and light so neither can God by his spirit be in vs of with any of vs but he will also purifie vs from vice and corruption therefore wee must follow peace and holinesse without the which no man can see the Lord. Christ hath crucified our old man and put to death our vice and corruption and shall wee reuiue the same Shall we maintaine our Sauiours enemies and giue life againe to these deadly poysons of our soules If wee will be Burgesses of heauen we must be strangers to the earth Where is the house of our Father but in heauen and there dwelleth our eldest brother Iesus Christ and all our christian friends and kindred Heauen then is our true Country and on earth we are but trauellers section 4 When Moses had conuersed with God but fortie daies vpon the Mount-Oliue at his comming downe his face shined and glistered with heauenly glory So must we beholding in a mirror the glory of our Lord Iesus Christ in his word and Gospell as it were with open face and not with a vaile as did Moses be changed into the same image from glory to glory as by the spirit of the Lord. If I say but this short time while we liue we be conuersant in heauen by our most holy faith and fruits thereof in all holy affections thoughts words and meditations we shall in the end become heauenly and spirituall both in word and deede As wee see by experience when a country-man hath beene trayned vp sometime in the Court he forgetteth his clownish kinde of life and becommeth a Courtier Let vs therefore leaue the speaches habit fashions and manners of this wicked world wherein we liue and inure our selues with the customes and course of the court of Heauen Let all our thoughts words and communication testifie that in spirit wee are already there section 5 Christ Iesus whom all true Christians haue put on by baptisme as a garment is a most royall robe of grace holinesse and sanctification and shall we be so sloathfull to traile and trample him in the dyrt of filthinesse and sinne or putting him off to put on the vile and spotted garment of the flesh by following the lusts thereof When winter is once ouer the nearer that the Sunne draweth vnto vs the more doth the earth being warmed with the heate thereof fructifie and increase and the longer the daies are the more worke we may doe euen so the nearer the kingdome of heauen doth approach vnto vs by the comming of Iesus Christ the sonne of righteousnesse or the nearer we draw to death the more we should be inflamed in the loue of God and all good workes As the Sunne beames doe come to the earth and yet are in the region from whence they are sent so the mindes and soules of Gods children though conuersant in the earth are truely seated and setled with God in heauen from whence they came Let vaine-glorious worldlings who with the Camaelion section 6 liue by the ayre and therefore are alwaies found gaping and who haue with the Moone but a borrowed light in the world and no true light of
of victorie to all the true Israelites of God He hath fought the fight and got the conquest for vs that being deliuered from our enemies wee may serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life Faith sheweth to Christian Souldiers the blood of Christ to whet them on in their spirituall warfare to win the field as the blood of Grapes and Mulberries shewed to the Elephants in warre prouoke them to fight For Christians indeede ouercome through the blood of the Lambe By the righteousnesse of Christ alone apprehended by faith we are reconciled vnto God hee hath paid our debts by suffering Death and satisfying the Law who is the end of the Law and the Prophets But they that giue neuer so little to their owne deseruings in the worke of their redemption doe wrongfully keepe to themselues the praise of grace passing by them as if a wall should say it bringeth forth light when it receiueth it through a window We are of our selues but diuels and sathans euen aduersaries to God enemies to his Lawes and foes of all vertues neither is there any other difference betwixt vs and them but the onely pittie and gracious fauour of God our Father The grace of Christ must be our onely cloathing before the iudgement seate of God for there is nothing in vs that can please and content him but onely his goodnesse in Christ that he hath put within vs. Much it is I grant which wickednesse hath deserued yet farre much more it is which the loue of my redeemer challengeth For though great be mine vnrighteousnesse yet is the righteousnesse of my redeemer greater Because how much God is better then man by so much is my wickednesse inferiour to his goodnesse both in qualitie and quantitie For what hath man committed which the Sonne of God made man hath not redeemed Surely had wee the knowledge and power of the holy Angels yet could our amends be nothing correspondent to thy mercy and goodnesse and were all our members conuerted into tongues yet could we neuer extoll thee sufficiently All our strength is in humilitie the humble man is an vnmoueable rocke built vpon Christ There is none so hard to be healed as hee that thinketh himselfe to be whole such a one careth not for the Physitian nor keeping of good diet Men commonly ioyne with their equals in riches dignity and greatnesse But God which is the soueraigne maiestie and height it selfe consorts himselfe with none but those that be poore and meeke It is best therefore before our God to confesse our selues banckrupts and as the prouerbe is to lay the keyes vnder the dore forsaking all when it commeth to satisfie God In this we should resemble the couetous men who alwaies thinke themselues poore what riches so euer they haue because they still more regard what they desire then what they haue God pardoneth where he loueth and he is mercifull where he hath iust cause to hate so that he is mercifull and hateth not he pardoneth and loueth where he findeth a fault and seeth who hath neede of compassion that both he and we may be knowne hee by his mercy we by our desart that to him might all praise be giuen and we when we would reioyce might reioyce onely in the Lord. If I wholly owe my selfe to my God for my first making what shall I then further giue him for my reforming and new making after I was marred with sinne In the first he gaue me to my selfe in the second himselfe to me and giuing himselfe to me he restored me againe to my selfe therefore both giuen and restored I owe my selfe to God for my selfe and shall be indebted still What therefore shall I render to the Lord for himselfe For although I should giue my selfe a thousand times what am I to God that redeemed mee and wholly gaue himselfe for my sinnes and saluation Christs power is made perfect in our weakenesse for where the flesh carrieth a confidence in it selfe there is no roome for the spirit of God for the spirit onely helpeth those that be infirme Christ is a Physitian to those that be sicke As all waters come from the sea as from the well-head and returne thither againe boyling out of the vaines of the earth so God sending out the streames of his law into our hearts it must euen from the very bottome of of our hearts returne to him againe for wee haue nothing but what we haue receiued Christ is all things to vs that haue nothing he is our bread being hungry our drinke being thirstie our light being blinde our health being sicke the life of our desires the heauen of our mindes a guide to our wandring steppes our succour in necessitie all in all things to be beleeuers As life is conueied from the heart through the vaines to all the vitall parts so is saluation from the Father through Christ to all his liuing members As out of Eden went a riuer to water the garden which being deriued into foure heads compassed the whole world so out of heauen flowed the streame of Gods mercie in and through our Sauiour Christ whose graces deriued diuersely cause all the earth to be filled with his glorie Christ is a mutuall helpe to the Father and to vs. He is a hand to the Father by which he reacheth vs and a hand to vs by which we reach him The Fathers mouth by which he speaketh to vs and our mouth to the Father by which we speake to him Our God is a consuming fire without Christ our vaile wee cannot endure him For what is our miserie but to meete with his maiestie except it be onely in the temple of mercie which mercies seate all is Christ As then our words are messengers of our mindes and semblance of our soules to parley with our friends so is Christ the Sonne of God the image of the Father and mouth to instruct his dearest Saints and not onely a mouth to speake by but an eye to see by and the foote-way to goe by Christ is the life of the world and the heire of all things without whom I can possesse nothing that is good either in grace or glory Hee is the true Salt Eliza threw in to sweeten the bitter waters of Iericho Hee hath healed this water Death shall no more come thereof to men nor barrennesse to the ground And for the Law it now leadeth vs out of our tents as Moses brought the people to trembling Sinai It bringeth vs from rest and quietnesse and haileth vs before the iudgement seate of God to receiue his wrath and sentence of condemnation for our sinnes Then wee are affraid with the poore Israelites and cry let not the Lord speake vnto vs least we die but speake thou O Moses as a mediatour speake thou O Christ When we flie to Christ Moses and his law vanisheth away so that his
Things present things to come Life Death the world it selfe all is ours and we are Christs Christ in regard of this our vnion with him is not ashamed to call vs Brethren who yet made heauen and earth section 20 and is an immortall and glorious God one with his Father to whom all Angels doe obeysance and the most glorious Princes are but dust and ashes It was a rare thing in Moses being so high in fauour with Pharao that hee would vouchsafe to visite his poore brethren such slaues and bond-men It was singular loue in Ioseph being next to the King in honour and place yet not to be ashamed of his Fathers house being herd-men and sheepe-herds But this is nothing to the kindenesse of Iesus Christ the very shining brightnesse of that most glorious God and his onely begotten Sonne before all eternitie who yet was not ashamed of vs miserable wretched sinners but of his free grace acknowledged vs that were his very enemies in whose person he should suffer a most shamefull and slanderous Death And is it not trow you a iust condemnation if wee wretched men should be ashamed of him who being the God of glory was not ashamed of vs And as they are naturall brethren which are borne of the same Parents so all wee are brethren with Christ which are borne of God through the same spirit by which we cry Abba Father and exercise our loue one towards another in the vnitie of Christian faith section 21 Wee wrastle here with sin as though the steppes of our strength were restrained and looke euen fully vpon death as the Ialour that committeth vs to our graue as a dungeon how be it euen in this doth the Lord reach forth a most approued cordiall to reuiue the faintnesse of our hearts for through the vnion and communion we haue with Christ the vncleanenesse of our birth is washed away in the sanctification of his nature Our transgression remoued in his innocencie our rebellion discharged in his obedience and the vtmost farthing paid in his sufferings And hauing the Image of God which we lost in Adam not renewed onely but a fairer and deeper stampe thereof ingrauen and set vpon vs we may in a Christian resolution challenge at the gates of Hell and Death that nothing can be charged vpon vs as a debt and therefore nothing can light vpon vs as a punishment Wherefore though we mingle here our bread with care and drinke with weeping and haue our lodging in the bed of darkenesse and discomfort it is but to weane vs from the flesh-pots of Egypt till in the heauenly land of Canaan we haue our hearts desire section 22 And though our bodies seeme to perish for euer in in the iudgement of men yet still they haue a being in the sight of God and are members of Christ For the vnion as I haue said betweene Christ and the faithfull is not onely of our soules but of our bodies also all the bodies of the faithfull being vnited to the bodie of Christ And this is such a coniunction as Death can neuer dissolue For though it doth breake the knot betweene Man and Wife yet cannot it infringe the bond betwixt Christ and the faithfull As Death did not make a separation betwixt the two natures of Christ at the time of his suffering though his soule and body were then farre distant in regard of place the one being in heauen and the other in the graue yet were they at that time and in that case personally vnited vnto his god-head no more can Death make a diuision betwixt Christ and the faithfull though there bodies putrifie and rot in their graues yet still they remaine true members of his body And as the Husbandman doth make as great reckoning section 23 of that corne which he hath sowen in his Field and lieth vnder clods as hee doth of that which lieth safe in his barne or garner because he assureth himselfe it will come vp againe and yeelde encrease So Christ our Sauiour doth as highly esteeme of those bodies which are dead and buried as of those which remaine aliue because hee knowes that one day they shall rise againe in honour Their life is but hid for a time and will be found out againe for Christ is able to restore that which nature hath destroyed And God doth deale herein no otherwise with the bodies of his children then Goldsmiths with their old peeces of plate long agoe out of fashion who cast them in the Furnace to refine them and to bring them to a better forme according to his minde Therefore let not the wofull condition of our bodies discourage vs any whit or lessen our hope being ready to die For though the graue deuoure them wormes doe eate section 24 them fire consume them or sea swallow them vp yet being ioyned to Christ in his death and resurrection as Christ and Christians are made one indiuisible body by the bond of Gods spirit they can neuer be seuered from him And although their bodies be as it were rent from the soule by the violence of Death yet in regard of this coniunction with Christ their head neither death nor the graue can separate them from their head For though our bodie be buried in the earth yet our head is in heauen And as one that swimmeth though his body diue and sinke vnder the water yet his head being aboue the streames the whole man is sure and safe from perishing So sure are the faithfull from euerlasting death and destruction though their bodies be entrenched and enterred in their graues being members of their head Iesus Christ ascended aloft aboue the highest heauens to whom they are vnited still by an inseparable bond of his spirit which death can neuer breake CHAP. IIII. The combat and conflict of Christians with Sinne Flesh Death Law and Diuell with their heauenly conquest and triumph ouer them all through Iesus Christ section 1 SVch is the enmitie of the old Serpent in the iust iudgement of God set betweene him and Adams seede that though his head be broken yet still he will labour to bruise their heele Like a coward ouercome he lags behinde for aduantage and not daring to shew his face any more in the field hee dragges in the way and lieth aloofe vpon euery occasion to take them in a trappe Though he cannot preuaile yet prouoke vs still hee will to fight and try our manhood neither can wee otherwise be conquerours then was Christ our Captaine and head who by dying in the field recouered life both for himselfe and his Souldiers for nothing but Death can end this combat Our life is a warfare and that most strange for any section 2 other warre may haue an end either by a conclusion of peace with the enemie or by flying farre from him or by ouercomming him in fight But in this spirituall warre we cannot lawfully make any peace with these our enemies the
the word and therefore still continue in waxing and waining let such I say feede still their fancies with shewes and shadowes all which shall end in a moment but let vs that are Christians liue the life of the righteous that so we may die a righteous death and liue in peace and happinesse both here and hereafter If we liue in the spirit then let vs walke in the spirit Our walking and behauiour is a sure and certaine signe whether wee be aliue or dead If our walking and working be spirituall then doe we liue in the spirit but if our workes be carnall we are dead in the spirit neither haue we any thing to doe with Christ and his kingdome As there is a resurrection to the life of glory so is there also a resurrection to the life of grace As the death of the soule went before the death of the body so must the resurrection of the soule from the death of sinne be first and then in due time will come the resurrection of the body Sinne is a kinde of death this my sonne was dead and is now aliue holy conuersation is a rising againe and blessed are those that haue their part in this resurrection The prodigall Sonne by repentance found himselfe who first by riot had lost himselfe and therefore let vs giue him our life who gaue vs life section 7 Christians must be as birds who for necessitie sake are faine to stay vpon the earth yet still for the most part are soaring in the skie where they tune many a pleasant note so should our thoughts be imployed in things beneath but our chiefe delights must still climbe higher where true ioyes dwell where no distracting thoughts can once disturbe them Raise vp thy selfe O soule saith Augustine and thinke of that good which containeth all good Our deuotion must not be as the Morning dewe which vanisheth with the Sunne nor like the leaues of Autumne that fall from the tree but our goodnesse must abide so long as wee liue yea wee must rather yeelde vp our breath and being then our faith and deuotion section 8 Euery one feareth the death of the body but few are affraide of the death of the soule That which possibly cannot be auoyded men seeke to shun but to auoide sin that they may liue for euer few or none doe care To labour not to die is but trauell in vaine this is to defer not to auoide Death but if we would take heede we sinne not then neede we not be doubtfull after death to liue for euer Simply to liue is not so good except a man liue well and in Gods feare for the Diuels and the damned liue but better it were if they had no being The soule without grace is as the ground without moysture which turneth to dust and vanisheth and like the barren earth accursed It is as an vnarmed man and one that is naked amongst the pykes and darts of his aduersaries And since the earth was cursed for our sinnes in Adam and our soules are saued by faith in Christ let the direction of our thoughts to him be the messenger to our hearts that our affections are in heauen for we are not placed that wee should be planted here but being bought from this earth by bloud we should clense our selues in this world with water that since some inferiour affections must needes be found here below yet the dust onely may cleaue to our feete and our head and hands lift vp to God So shall we haue comfort in our death being thus sanctified section 9 in our life and it shall serue vs as a barge to bring vs to the hauen of happy rest which now is made through Iesus Christ the issue of all miserie and an entrance to true safetie to all Gods elect Christians therefore one would thinke neede not as Pagans consolations against death but death should serue them as a consolation against all afflictions So that wee should not onely strengthen our selues not to feare it but accustome our selues to hope for it for vnto vs it is not onely a departing from paine and euill but an accesse and possession-taking of all happinesse and good not the end of life but the end of death and beginning of life because it is not to vs a last day but the dawning of an euerlasting day Death now is the way to recouer our former estate being lost by our first parens It is the meanes to translate vs from our mortall condition to euerlasting immortalitie and happinesse in Christ Who therefore will not be glad to exchange for the better Let them desire to liue in the world whom it loueth and affecteth but all true Christians it hateth euermore and despiseth What man being farre from home would not hasten to section 10 returne into his country and though he saile vpon the dangerous seas would hee not hoyst vp the sailes of his Ship and hasten his iourney with some hazard to come to the hauen of rest where he would be Now this world is a forraine Countrie to all Christians where they wander for a while our home is the Paradise of God heauen it selfe is the hauen whither Gods children must saile to land and the way and passage both by sea and land is death decreed of God which to the godly as hath beene said is not an end of their liues but an end of their sinnes It destroyeth not nature but reformes it It cutteth off our corruption and restoreth vs to immortalitie Whilst I remaine vpon earth I am as it were in my wardship but hereafter I shall haue the full managing of all my goods O happy dying and blessed death which art made so gainefull vnto me why should I feare thee which bringest all sorrowes and feares to an end Thy name is fearefull but thy effect full of consolation especially when I behold thee vnder his feete which hath pulled out thy sting taken from hell his command and spoyled the diuell of his power section 11 The iudgement of God cannot afflict me for that the Iudge is my aduocate Sathan my accuser is condemned the Angels of the Lord are my defenders against him The graue though it gape wide yet can it not deuoure me for although I must rot in it yet was it my Sauiours bed who was laid therein to sanctifie it for me by his sweet funerall and to prepare me there a chamber of rest But O Lord suffer me not to die before I begin to liue nor to rot in the graue before I be assured of my immortall inheritance in heauen wound my hart with a holy sorrow wash my soule with thy precious blood Let other men desire to liue many yeares vpon earth my longing is to aspire to the dayes of heauen whereas one day consumes not another but are endlesse and eternall The reward of life the ioy of euerlasting saluation and perpetuall blisse the possession of Paradise
which were lost by sinne returne againe vnto vs as soone as we leaue this world section 12 Now where coelestiall things succeede terrestriall great and inestimable things those that are small and base eternall and euerlasting such as are transitorie and fraile is there any occasion so to waile and weepe It belongeth to him to feare death that would not goe to Christ which beleeueth not that then hee begins to reigne in heauen when hee leaues the earth wherefore wee must iudge of death not as it seemeth in it selfe but as it is in Christ Naturally we desire to be and consequently wee shunne death which depriues vs of our being heere Death I confesse is fearefull to the dearest children of God for a while because it is repugnant to their nature yet notwithstanding we see our estate being holden as prisoners in this body of sinne so long as wee liue and therefore we ought to long for the euerlasting life which is promised vs after death For when wee draw nigh towards death then come we neere to it and death is the very gate of life assuring our selues that since Iesus Christ himselfe hath passed that way we neede not be dismayed that death shall conquer vs for it is now through him but as a rebated sword and blunted knife whose edges and points are bowed and broken which albeit they draw some bloud yet serueth it but to purge vs. Neyther doth God euer suffer his Elect to depart this section 13 life without great comfort vntill they haue seene their Sauiour with old Simeon eyther in soule or Spirit The life of this perswasion is the death of sinne and such hope of eternitie is the reuenge of iniquitie Fye vpon sinne whilest I behold my Sauiour fie vpon shame whilest I behold my glory Heauen is my hope the spirituall visions of my heart are the impressions of my ioy Therefore let vs shake off feare and arme our selues to runne this race not seeking any by-way but keeping on the high-way to heauen whither Christ our captaine hath already conducted vs in his flesh CHAP. IX The blessed and vnspeakable happinesse ioy and immortalitie of the faithfull after this life ended NOw that our desires may be further inlarged section 1 towards heauen and our affections the better with-drawne from the loue of this deceitfull life and world of vanities it will not be amisse at the least to meditate on those compleat ioyes which no tongue indeede is able to expresse or heart of man conceiue which Christ by his bitter death and sufferings hath full dearely purchased for vs. Saint Paul counteth all the afflictions of this life that men can suffer not to be worthy of the glory which shall be shewed which he calleth an eternall waight of glory Our afflictions here are but momentany and temporall but the ioyes of heauen are eternall not possible to be expressed It is a shew beautifull in sense wonderfull in waight excessiue in measure without bounds in dignitie without comparison and in continuance without end yea it is such and so great that as one torment in hell shall make a reprobate to forget all his worldly pleasures so the least taste of this glory shall make the heyres of God to forget all their former miseries This glory is like God the giuer of it that must be imbraced for the excellencie of it and thirsted after for the eternitie of it The ioyes of heauen as farre exceed these prison-ioyes section 2 on earth as Mannah in the Wildernesse did the flesh-pots of Egypt and the bread that the lost sonne ate in his fathers house the huskes he ate abroad with Swine They are so great saith one that they cannot be measured so long that they cannot be limited so many that they cannot be numbred so precious that they cannot be valued yet wee shall see them without wearinesse loue them without measure and praise them without end God in creating this transitory world which yet is but a poore cottage to his eternall habitation what power what magnificence what maiestie hath he shewed therein what glorious heauens and how wonderfull hath hee created what infinite Starres and other Lights hath he deuised what Elements hath he framed and how strangely hath hee compact them together The Seas tossing and tumbling without rest so well replenished with all sorts of fish the Riuers running incessantly through the earth like veynes in the body and yet neuer to be empty or ouer-flow the same The Earth it selfe so furnished with all varietie of creatures as that the hundred part thereof are not imployed by man but remaine to shew to man the full hand and strong arme of his Creator And all this was done in an instant with one word and that for a small time in respect of the eternitie to come What then shall wee conceiue of the house of God that glorious heauen it selfe If the cottage of his meanest seruant and that made for a time to beare off as it were a showre of raine be so princely so glorious so gorgeous so full of maiestie as wee see this world is what must we think that the Kings Pallace it selfe is appoynted for all eternitie for himselfe and his friends to liue and raigne in for euer O Lord saith Augustine if thou in this vile body of ours giuest vs so great and innumerable benefits from the firmament section 3 from the ayre from the earth from the sea by light by darkenesse by heate by shadow by dewes by showres by windes by raines by birds by fishes by beasts by trees by hearbs by plants and by such varietie and ministery of all thy creatures Oh sweet Lord what manner of things how great how good and how infinite are those which thou hast prepared in our heauenly Countrey where we shall see thee face to face If thou doe so great things for vs in our prison what wilt thou giue vnto vs in our Pallace If thy enemies and thy friends be so well prouided for together in this life what shall thy onely friends receiue in the life to come If our Iayle containe so great matters what shall our Countrey and Kingdome doe O my Lord and God thou art a great God and as there is no end of thy greatnesse nor measure of thy wisedome nor number of thy mercies so is there neyther end number nor measure of thy rewards towards them that loue thee But these ioyes alas can we not comprehend whilest we liue in loue with this world no more then a prisoner shut vp in a dungeon can know what is done in a Princes pallace or a banished man in a forraine land can learne what is done in his Country from which he is exiled If the very remembrance of the ioyes of heauen so affect section 4 Gods Children what will the fruition doe Wee are somewhat moued when wee call to minde that all the Saints in heauen doe know God all see God all loue
instruction that we labour vse 2 to be of Gods familie and houshold for then wee cannot want his protection ayde and assistance If wee be within his Couenant he hath sworne not to forsake vs if we be his people he will be our God We must keepe our selues in his folde as good sheepe walking in his wayes and then he will heede vs. If we wander like the prodigall we shall waste our goods and want vntill we hasten home If wee will haue the priuiledge of his Sonnes wee must honour him as our Father and if we will be his Spouse we must be loyall onely vnto him and not fall in loue with others So will hee be our vaile against the heate of afflictions our shield and defence against all our enemies and still preserue and deliuer vs from all extremities and distresses vse 3 Againe it must stirre vs vp to thankefulnesse and praise for our deliuerance How often therefore is the Church of the Iewes incited in the Psalmes to take vp this note of Praise as the burden of their Song Let them therefore saith the Prophet confesse before the Lord his louing kindnes and his wonderfull workes before the Sonnes of men And let them offer sacrifices of praise and declare his workes with reioycing Let them exalt him in the congregation of the people and praise him in the assembly of Elders And see the practise of the Church concerning this dutie and the manner of their confession as well in amplifying their deliuerance as inlarging Gods praises Praised be the Lord which hath not giuen vs as a prey vnto their teeth Our soule is escaped as a Bird out of the snare of the fowler the snare is broken and wee are deliuered Our helpe is in the Lord which hath made Heauen and Earth This is a dutie commanded of God himselfe I will deliuer thee and thou shalt praise me So the Apostle blesseth God euen the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ which comforted him and the rest in all their tribulations vse 4 Lastly it maketh for the consolation of Gods children that whatsoeuer stormes arise God yet will send a calme who can rebuke both windes and seas and make them still for though they rage horribly yet he that dwelleth on high is mightier Feare not Abraham I will be thy shield buckler and thy exceeding great reward Feare not O Israell when thou passest through the waters I will be with thee and through the flouds that they doe not ouerflow thee When thou walkest through the fire thou shalt not be burnt neither shall the flame kindle vpon thee Though I should walke through the valley of the shadow of death I will feare no euill for thou art with me thy rod and thy staffe they comfort me God is our hope and strength and helpe in troubles ready to be found Therefore will not we feare though the earth be moued and though the Mountaines fall into the middest of the Sea The delight hee had in GODS word kept him from perishing which yeeldeth vnto vs this second instruction That euery Christian should learne to know by Dauids doctrine 2 example and experience the excellent vse and profit of Gods word which is able through Gods blessing being truly vnderstood and fitly applyed to keepe vs vpright in our greatest afflictions and trials that we fall not away from God nor miscarry in our selues He professeth plainely that he had perished had he not beene comforted and so supported by Gods word See how fearefully his faith was assailed his feet were almost gone his steps had well neere slipt to behold the prosperity of the wicked and to see them so lusty How they escaped all manner of troubles when Gods dearest children were fearefully plagued They exceeded in pride which they put on as a chaine about their necke and as for cruelty it couered them as a garment they were licentious in their words presumptuous in their talke setting their mouth against Heauen it selfe blaspheming God whom they laboured to depriue both of knowledge and prouidence Yet these wicked men did prosper alway and increase in riches when hee and other godly men were punished daily that had care and conscience to cleanse their hearts and wash their hands from all such defilements of sinne So that hee knew not what to thinke or how to finde out the cause thereof Though hee tooke paines in this poynt yet certainely his heart was still vexed and his reines pricked so foolish hee was and ignorant like a beast vntill he went into the sanctuarie of GOD to consult with his word in the holy ministerie thereof then presently hee vnderstood the reason hereof and was resolued Then he as well considered the end as the beginning and proceedings of such miscreant and blasphemous wretches in what slippery places God had set them in how sodainely he cast them downe into desolation being horribly consumed Their prosperity changed as a dreame and their very image was despised Thus God did guide him by his counsell to recouer himselfe in this staggering temptation The law of God was in his heart and his steps did not slide though he was ready to fall away yet the Lord put vnder his hand and preserued him from destruction by the benefite of his word Blessed therefore is the man whom thou chastisest O Lord and teachest him in thy law that thou mayest giue him rest from the dayes of euill whiles the pit is digged for the wicked First God chastiseth then he teacheth and lastly resolueth and giueth rest and contentment to the afflicted Christian Is it not reason that we endure with patience the dead corpes though otherwise it would annoy vs while the graue is making to put it in and which neuer againe being once buried can trouble our sight or my sense So the wicked that trouble Gods children are dead in Gods decree and their graue is a making Surely the Lord wil not faile his people neither wil he forsake his inheritance but minister comfort vnto them in the midst of all their troubles by the meanes of his word But an vnwise man knoweth it not and a foole doth not vnderstand this When the wicked grow as the grasse and all the workers of wickednesse doe flourish that then they shall be destroyed for euer For loe thy enemies O Lord for loe thine enemies shall perish all the workers of iniquity against thee thy Church and children shall be destroyed but thou O Lord art most high for euermore How often in this long Psalme doth the Prophet stirre vp himselfe when his soule cleaued to the dust and melted for heauinesse when hee was almost brought to the graue and dropping away like water in his trials and temptations he prayeth God to quicken and to raise him by his word Trouble and anguish are come vpon me yet thy commandements are my delight Thus Gods word was his
life Onely in name to professe him is the part of dead men for as whosoeuer beleeueth not remaineth in death and hath the wrath of God still staying vpon him so none beleeueth in Christ that loues him not and none loueth him that keepeth not his commandements Hereof saith Saint Iohn to the Angell of Sardis thou hast a name that thou liuest but thou art dead so Christ called the Scribes and Pharisees painted sepulchers whose soules were dead in their bodies for want of faith Hence it was that he said to the young man let the dead burie their dead and Paul of the wanton Widdow that being aliue she was but dead Awake thou that sleepest and stand vp from the dead and Christ shall giue thee light you hath he quickned that were dead in your trespasses and sinnes As the soule infused into the body quickeneth a massie piece of flesh which had no motion before so the soule to make it a liuely and a good soule must haue as it were a soule powred into it that is the Spirit of God and if this Spirit be absent wee are but dead from all holy motions as the body naturall is from outward actions by absence of the soule So that a man may liue a life in the flesh and yet be dead in respect of the life of God Againe as the body while it hath a soule is but a naturall body wasting it selfe like oyle in the Lampe and cannot choose but in the end to dye yet after this life shall be called a spirituall body not in substance but in qualitie because in the resurrection it shall be quickened by the spirituall power of Christ So a man that hath but simply a soule if hee haue not the true soule of the soule which is the Spirit of God to quicken and reuiue it hee is but a meere naturall man and must needes be damned Furthermore as a body raised vp and quickened by the power of God can neuer dye againe so the soule of a faithfull man being a spirituall soule hauing once receiued the earnest of Gods Spirit and a measurable power of true Sanctification from the holy Ghost can neuer dye Now the life of Gods Spirit hath three degrees in Gods elect Regeneration in this life when we are renued in our affections and doe feele a true change of minde within vs the second after this life when the soule shall be separated from the body which being once as it were released from the fetters of the flesh shall swiftly take her flight to heauen and then shall the soule liue indeede a heauenly life being altogether freed from the temptations of the Diuell and all allurements of the flesh But the highest degree of all of the soules estate is at the generall day of resurrection when the world with the lusts thereof shall passe away like a cloud and be sodainely wrapped vp like a scrole for then both the body and soule of man shall not onely enioy the presence of God but liue also with him for euer in heauenly blisse So likewise the reprobate in this life and in the life to come haue double miseries coupled to their double deaths For first while they liue they want Gods grace and fauour being strucken with terrour in their conscience as Cain that runnagate and vagabond not onely fearing their liues but being frighted at their shadowes And they haue the Diuell who is the God of this world possessing them and still leading them captiues by the cords and chaines of all manner of wickednesse towards hell and damnation and in the life to come they are not onely depriued of the presence of God but suffer and endure all endlesse and vnspeakable torments with the Diuell and his Angels As Gods Children therefore being crucified to the world and the flesh haue the life of God liuing in them which will most perfectly appeare and shew it selfe at Christs comming so all fleshly and wicked men who haue giuen themselues to the Flesh World and Diuell doe presently liue the life of hell which they carrying about in their bodies will clearely shew it selfe to their shame and confusion at the latter day So that the wicked in this life doe liue in death and conuersing in earth they are the bond-slaues of hell And as Faith in Christ as I said before is the life of the soule in Gods elect so no faith can quicken vs which is not liuely in it selfe which apprehendeth not Christ aright which worketh not by loue which flourisheth not with fruits for Faith without good workes is dead And therefore to the end wee may be reuiued being dead and buryed in our sinnes we must first beleeue in Christ which is our life and if our beliefe be liuely wee must shew it forth by our fruits otherwise we may haue a name to liue and yet be dead Now to vnderstand this poynt the better let vs obserue what it is to be dead in sinne They are said to be dead in their sinnes whom Death still holdeth in the cords and bonds thereof such as are strangers from the life or God that haue neyther sense nor feeling of their sinnes nor any motion to godlinesse to whom all goodnesse is vnsauory whose bodyes and soules are holden captiue of the Diuell whom they serue as slaues such as are void of Gods Spirit wedded to their owne wicked wils whom the God of this world hath blinded that they can neyther see nor beleeue the truth whose conuersion is as hard as to raise vp Sonnes of Stones vnto Abraham Who is more dead then hee that carryeth fire in his bosome sinne in his Conscience and doth neyther feele it nor shake it out nor tremble at it for Sathan hath gotten quiet possession and hee is carelesse in assaulting of such in whom he hath gotten a quiet dwelling Hence we may learne to loath our selues for our sinnes which bring vs into such thraldome to Death and Diuell which cut vs off from God shut vs out of heauen rob vs of saluation and bring the euerlasting wrath of God vpon vs which is vnmeasurable infinite and vnportable neuer able to be sustained of any but of Christ our infinite God and Sauiour who in maiestie and power is equall with his Father Thus we haue heard the nature of death common vnto all by the meanes of sinne without exception Well therefore is Death deriued from a word that signifies to to diuide not onely for that it maketh diuision where it comes but that without exception it equally diuides to all alike Some thinke that it proceedes from bitternesse for that the sweetnesse of the forbidden fruit proued bitter to Adam and his brood And Augustine not vnwittily deriueth Mors à morsu for that our first parents in biting the Apple were bitten of death Whence hee also alludeth to that of Osea 15. O death I
rageth and is as restlesse as the troubled sea If hee be poore hee liueth in trauell if rich hee is proud and licentions c. The Sea changeth not but when the windes turne contrary vnto it but mans life whatsoeuer the weather and seasons are eyther calme or windy is continually troubled with alterations and stormes No man is contented with his owne estate but desireth to exchange it with another The King feeleth the weight of the Crowne and desireth to be a subiect for his safety the Subiect not content to be ruled would be a King c. Thus men vexe themselues and like vnto sicke men doe nothing else but tosse and tumble vpon their beds thinking to finde the better ease and rest and yet are deceiued seeing the cause of disquietnesse is within themselues which is their griefe and disease Great and heauy is the yoake of the Sonnes of men from the day of their birth till the day of their death the mother of all Therefore Bernard was not afraid to say that he thought this life little better then the life of hell were it not for the hope to attaine and come to the Kingdome of heauen Wee liue here as in an Ocean Sea of troubles wherein wee can see no firme land one waue falling vpon another ere the former haue wrought all his malice and spight Mischiefes striue for places as if they feared to loose their roomes if they hasted not So many good things as wee haue so many euill threaten their losse and depriuation besides many reall and positiue euils that afflict vs. Our life is lent vs as a ship to transport vs to the hauen of rest From the Cradle to the Graue we liue as it were vpon the stormy Sea neuer long quiet and at rest but troubled and tossed with the troublesome waues of this world which is a sea of hurtfull bitternesse it hath many waues of tribulations and tempests of temptations Men are here floating like fishes following and swallowing many hurtfull baites to their bane and destruction nay deuouring one another as the greater fishes doe the small It is a Sea swelling with pride blewish with enuy deepe and profound in couetousnesse no Plummet being able to sound the bottome of it casting out all that commeth in the way through excessiue miscarriage hauing a mercilesse man to swallow vp all it can get with insatiable oppression very dangerous to saile in by reason of the pernitious rockes of Desperation and Presumption lofty through the reciprocall waues of mens passions ebbing and flowing in inconstancie terrible salt through sinne very brynish are the waters thereof not to be brooked of Gods Children As in the sea are all sorts of fishes and that great Leuiathan that hath his pastime therein so there be in this world men of all natures and affections Wee can name no creatures of inclination neuer so cruell filthy and abhominable but here will be a copesmate of like qualitie and condition amongst the crowd and company of men This transitory world is a dungeon of ill sauours where vertue is poysoned with the puddle-water of vice where ranckor and despight chiefely raigne and all goodnesse is ouerwhelmed with malice where Heresie is an handmaide to sugred Hypocrisie where smooth hatred hidden ambition smiling enuy and wicked tyranny shrowd themselues Our life is encountred with capitall enemies Paine Care and Sorrow Paine bids the body battell Care continueth the skirmish and Sorrow giueth the victory This life is but a borrowed dreame of pleasure a vision of ioy a pageant of transitory delights What should I speake of the shortnesse and swiftnesse of the same It is like a Post saith Iob swiftly galloping away yet sometime hee that rideth so fast resteth and breatheth but our dayes passe away still without ceasing till wee come to our graues Our dayes passe away as the Barke of hasty messengers A ship is not made to rest but continually to sayle thorow the tempestuous sea and to set forward to the long desired hauen So are we not created to rest but to labour as the bird is made to flye vntill by Death wee be brought home to our happy Port of rest As the ship passeth thorow the Sea not leauing so much as any tracke in the waues so our life goes away swiftly and scarce leaues any signe thereof A ship is subiect to many dangers for it may be suncke by the least leake it may be ouerwhelmed with the waues it may be shiuered against the rockes it may perish by tempests it may be spoyled by Pirats so is our life subiect to many perils and may be taken from vs by a thousand dangers Our dayes flye away like an arrow and wee are kept vnder as a fogge chased by the Sunne beames and beaten downe by the heate thereof When the Sunne is at the highest the shadowes are the shortest but when it beginnes to decline and set then the shadowes well-neare change euery moment vntill they slip away with the darknesse that ensues So the dayes of all men passe away as a shadow at night which appeares the longest when it is nearest to an end Our dayes goe as an Eagle to her prey and what are men but the prey of Death which soareth after vs with an open mouth to deuoure vs Wee are as flowers and grasse and why doe wee not thinke when wee walke in the fields that Death in the hand of God is like vnto a Sythe in the hand of a labourer attending to cut vs downe euery houre Wee gather flowers in our garden and they fade presently and though wee leaue them there they wither before the euening and doe wee thinke to flourish alwayes and to haue our Spring-time continuall in this world Our dayes slide away like the winde and fayle without hope our bodies ebbe and turne backe like the course of waters all the time which thou seest flyes away with the time it selfe Nothing remaines of all that wee see Euen I while I am now writing that all things are changed am changed my selfe See therefore our folly that wee should so dearely loue a thing that so quickely leaues vs for euery moment of this life is the death of the other There is nothing in vs that will not by and by be dead onely our sinnes liue yea reuiue and grow young againe in despight of Nature Our Spring is fading our Lampe is wasting and the tyde of our life is drawing by degrees to a very low ebbe Whatsoeuer we doe our wheele whirles about apace and we must learne to know that euery one of vs hath a poore soule to saue And not to forget the cares of this life How doe they swarme about vs like the Flyes of Egypt Of all the plagues this was most loathsome for they neuer suffered men to rest but the more they were beaten off the more they came vpon them so of all miseries and vexations of mortall men this is
onely might be ransomed thorough his riches but also loue him the more for his goodnesse God appeared in the similitude of sinfull flesh that each sense of man might be made blessed in him and as well the eye of the heart renewed in his diuinity as the eye of the body in his humanity that whether it goe in or out mans nature which he hath created might in it finde comfort and refreshing No man or any creature else is able to satisfie God for sinne and so saue from death An infinite iustice is offended an infinite punishment is deserued by euery sin and euery mans sinnes are as neere to infinitie as number can make them Where then shall we finde an infinite value but in him who is onely and altogether infinite in himselfe the dignity of whose person being infinite gaue such worth to his satisfaction that what hee suffered in short time might satisfie beyond all times Christ did all and suffered all he did it for vs we in him hee emptied himselfe of his glory that hee might put on our shame and misery not ceasing to be God which he was he became man which before he was not Man to be a perfect mediatour betwixt God and man which were both in one person God that he might satisfie Man that hee might suffer that since man had sinned and God was offended he which was both God and man might satisfie God for man None therefore but he can beare our sinnes and none but he can pay the wages of our sinnes which is the sustaining of euerlasting Death None but he can pleade our cause which onely hath fulfilled all righteousnes for vs. None can purchase our saluation but hee onely that hath paid the price of our redemption He alone hath trod the wine-presse of Gods wrath and there was none to helpe him The cup of bitter affliction whereof he tasted the drops of blood which in his agony distilled from his face for no intreaty with his father could passe from him to any other None but he saueth vs and he is but one and will be alone in all his courses without mixture without medley First last and middest and all filling all yet fined from all in the glorious worke of our redemption No man can ascend but by him that did descend and that is Christ the ladder which Iacob saw at Peniel the Cloud by day and the Piller by night which guideth thee Israell of God in the desart of this world the Kings highway to heauen and happy rest There is no Paradise without this tree of life no perfume without this balme so sweete no building sure without this corner-stone no sacrifice to please without this vnspotted Lambe I say there is no God without Christ in this wicked world As the light of the day is conueyed vnto vs by the Sunne in the firmament so is the brightnesse of heauen by that Sonne of righteousnesse A Planet in the midst of Planets to lighten all aboue and all below whom blessed Angels desire to behold and godly men are earnest to adore Christ is sufficient of himselfe onely and so perfect is his glory that all height must be abased before him he created alone and he will redeeme alone he made alone and hee will saue alone nothing else in earth nothing in heauen nor in the heauen of heauens no vertue no power no strength no name no meanes of saluation but by this our Sauiour Iesus Christ and him alone winne him and enioy ail good things loose him and though thou shouldest get the whole world thy gaine is but damnation Christ is our true Ionah that was alotted to die to deliuer his companions from Death and Diuell He is our true Daniel cast betweene the iawes of these deuouring beast euen the Diuell and Death and yet was not consumed he was sunke and swallowed downe into the bottome of the sea of our sinnes and yet was not drowned but enioyed still the breath of life Many despaire of saluation because of their owne vnworthinesse as though there were no hope of Gods mercie vnlesse we bring our gifts and pawnes in our hands but this indeede were to discredit the Lords mercy and bring in credit our owne merits and rather binde the Lord to vs then vs to him But if our sins be great our redemption is greater though our merits be beggerly Gods mercy is a rich mercy If our case were not desperate and we past hope of recouery our redemption should not be so precious and plentifull But when Heauen and Earth Sunne and Moone and Starres goe against vs then to ransome vs and make a perfect restitution is to draw something out of nothing Euen as in sicknesse to haue either little danger or being in great danger to haue present deliuerance by meanes is nothing in respect but in extreame perill when Physicke can doe nothing and nothing maketh for vs but the graue then to be rescued from the pit and to recouer our life from Death it selfe which Christ onely could and did is redemption indeede Our righteousnesse consisteth in Christ alone who therefore is called our righteousnesse as Ieremy saith He saith Paul is our righteousnesse and sanctification and redemption by his obedience many were made righteous he hath paid our debts by him alone wee are reconciled vnto God he hath obtained remission for our sinnes by his death he hath pacified the wrath of God his father he hath washed vs in his blood which clenseth vs from all sinne All things saith Christ are giuen to mee of God If we then will haue all that is necessary for our happines as Gods fauour righteousnes life pardon of our sins sanctification of the spirit redemption c. We must addresse our selues to Iesus Christ alone whom the Father hath chosen to be the Lord-treasurer of heauen and steward of all his graces As in the colde winter we can be no sooner from the fire but we are colde nor out of the light but we are in darknesse so we are no sooner gone from Christ who is our true righteousnesse light and life but straight way we are in sinne and death for as much as he is the life that quickneth vs the Sunne that giues vs light the fire that warmeth comforteth and refresheth all his members As the Moone hath her light from the Sunne so the Church hath her light life and righteousnes from Christ her head Christ is the sheepe that hath borne the wooll and fleece to make vs garments of righteousnesse to couer our sinne and wickednesse Hee as a glorious King hath adorned the Queene his spouse He hath prepared for her all rich and sumptuous robes hee hath washed her from her blood and pollutions throughout And as there is nothing more vncleane then the Church when she is naked in her selfe so there is nothing more beautifull then when she is decked with
procurement of life but by suffering of death Now when God commeth to obay hee must needes be humbled and when hee comes to deserue he must needes serue which God alone could not doe and when he comes to dye hee must needes be mortall which God could not be therefore hee was man to be bound himselfe and God to free others Man to suffer God to vanquish Man to become mortall God to triumph ouer death Christ thus fitted to be our Sauiour proceeded to the worke of our redemption Now in our sins from which hee saueth vs wee must consider three things first our disobedience to the Law secondly our originall corruption thirdly our condemnation for this corruption The first of these is double eyther in breaking the Law or not fulfilling it The second is the originall cause of this disobedience which is the euill inclination of our heart and our corrupt affections The third is the punishment of this disobedience hell fire itselfe These being as three running soares are healed and cured by three running streames in Christ For our rebellion to the Law is satisfied in him who not onely paid the penaltie for that wee had broken it but actually fulfilled euery poynt thereof to the full For the second which is our originall corruption wee haue the holinesse and sanctification of his nature which was euer seperate from all vncleannesse so that now in Christ our redeemer our estate is farre better then euer it was in Adam in his first creation for though he was made good yet was he changeably good as hath beene said before but those that are in Christ are absolutely good and vnmoueable euen as the strongest mountaines that cannot be stirred Thirdly wee haue Christ by his passion to deliuer vs from condemnation Euen as in the sacrifice vnder the Law the blood of the innocent beast was shed for him that had sinned who worthily by sinne deserued to dye himselfe so we by the shedding of Christs blood that immaculate Lambe are purged from the guilt of all our sinnes for by his stripes we are healed and by suffering in his flesh hee hath prepared a ready way for vs to heauen hauing rendred in the same most perfect obedience for vs and by his death fully satisfied his Father for our sinnes and through the remission thereof obtayned righteousnesse and by righteousnesse the grace and fauour of God and by grace euerlasting life that wee may boldly present our selues before the throne of God But here obserue the wonderfull wisedome of God in the worke of our redemption prouiding such remedy which none could haue deuised but God alone for what else is death but the power of the Diuell and the vtter euersion of all the world Now to make the death of Christ as an antidote against the death of man and the very meanes to vanquish Diuell and Hell as also the high way to heauen and happinesse it selfe what was it else but the excellent vertue and admirable wisedome of him alone who calleth all things that are not as though they were bringing light out of darknesse good out of euill and death out of life And surely if all men and Angels should haue conspired together in study and deuise to wish a plague to haue fallen vpon Diuell and Death it selfe they could not haue determined such another course to wit that their glory should be their shame their power should be their plague and their kingdom of pride their vtter confusion What could the Prophet Dauid in all the hottest zeale he boare to God wish more against the wretched reprobates so traiterous to Christ his sonne and to his Gospell then to pray that their dainty tables might be as snares to take themselues withall and that their great prosperitie might be their greatest ruine Euen thus hath Christ ouercome the Diuell and Death and albeit they still doe warre against the Church yet their strength is so weakened and their power so abated that they cannot hurt it And where the Apostle saith that by death Christ ouercame him that had the power of death it is clearely manifest what manner of death our Sauiour Christ sustayned euen that ouer which the Diuell had his power the same death which is the reward of sinne by bearing it he ouercame it and hee conquered no more then hee submitted himselfe vnto for by death hee ouercame death If hee suffered no more but a bodily death hee ouercame also but a bodily death and so though wee all rise againe yet should wee arise in the condemnation of the sinne of our soules or if hee haue ouercome death and the power of it both in our bodies and soules then Christ hath suffered the paines of it both in body and soule that wee might rise againe from the bands of death and liue with him for euer for hee hath broken the force of it no further then hee hath felt the sting of it himselfe Therefore let vs beleeue that Christ both body and soule was made a sacrifice for our sinnes for so hee said himselfe My soule is exceeding sorrowfull euen vnto death And Marke saith Hee beganne to be astonished with his griefe and was ouerwhelmed with his sorrow And S. Luke declareth that in his Agonie his sweate was as droppes of bloud distilling from his face and that God sent an Angell from heauen to comfort him And can wee thinke that all this was for the feare of bodily death which many of Gods children yea many wicked men haue desperately despised Did the Apostles sing in Prison and went away reioycing being whipped and scourged Did Paul glory in so many tribulations which hee reckoneth vp and should our Sauiour Christ in the like paine with a fainting heart cry out My God my God why hast thou forsaken me No no if could not be saith a godly man but that which hath made Christ to tremble would haue torne his Apostles and dearest Saints a sunder that which made him to sweat blood so plentifully would haue made all other creatures to haue sunke to the bottome of hell most sodainly and that which forced him to cry would haue held both men and Angels in euerlasting woe and hellish howlings without all end Which comfortable poynt serueth to confute the hereticall doctrine of all such which say that the soule of Christ suffred nothing but only for the bodies sake as our soules suffer when our bodies are weake sicke or a dying But how then should wee be saued from the death of sinne and condemnation Doe they know that hee bore our sinnes in his body and submitted himselfe to the death of the Crosse and that by the wounds of his stripes wee are healed And did our sinnes deserue onely a bodily death and not a spirituall also which is the wrath of God holding body and soule in the euerlasting fire of hell This also maketh for the exceeding comfort
nature hee was made like vnto vs in all things sinne onely excepted so likewise are Christians regenerate by his Spirit cleansed from sinne in his bloud that they being the body may not be vnlike the head but as the true husband and wife may both be but one flesh and of like nature and condition Christ washeth his Children whom he will ioyne and section 8 couple to himselfe from their sinnes first by his bloudshed vpon the Crosse hauing vndoubtedly obtayned of his Father remission and forgiuenesse of the same Sanctifying them vnto himselfe by imputing vnto them and communicating with them his owne righteousnesse and holinesse Secondly by the washing of the new birth hee sanctifieth them with reall and true holinesse making them holy indeed As for reliques of sin remaining partly hee doth not impute them and partly taketh away daily more and more till at length they be presented as his glorious Spouse in the kingdome of heauen without spot and wrinckle And as Adam acknowledged and tooke no other to be his wife then her that was taken and made of his owne ribbe no more doth Christ receiue any other to be of his Church but those that are taken out of his side vpon the Crosse that is who are washed from their sinnes in his bloud who are made new and regenerate by his Spirit By order of nature regeneration and renewing of the heart is first begunne in man by the holy Ghost before hee can haue a true and liuely faith which after is more and more perfected by the encrease of the Spirit for what power hath a dead man to doe the workes of life but truely to beleeue in Christ is a worke of life The whole person of the Sonne of God tooke into the section 9 vnitie of himselfe whole man that is to say the whole humane nature not flesh alone nor the soule alone but both together Therefore when Christ is vnited to euery faithfull man the whole is vnited to the whole whole Christ to the whole faithfull man So that Christ is not the head and Sauiour to the Church according to his diuine nature alone nor onely according to his humane soule and body but whole Christ in his God-head in his soule and in his flesh is our head and Sauiour Neyther is the soule alone of the faithfull or the body alone saued by Christ but both together that is to say the whole faithfull man And no man is made partaker of saluation but by the vnion and coniunction which hee hath with Christ Wherefore in this spirituall vnion whole Christ is coupled with whole man A mystery vnspeakable yet I say to be beleeued that God cloathed in the flesh should come downe to man and become man that man might be exalted into the highest heauens and that our nature might be taken into the fellowship of the Deity that hee to whom all Powers in heauen bowe and thinke it their honour to be seruiceable should come downe to be a seruant to his slaues a ransome for his enemies together with our nature taking vp our infirmities and shame and bearing our sinnes without sinne God offered peace to man the holy seekes to the vniust the Potter to the clay the King to the traitor section 10 Christ hauing taken mans nature vpon him not Angels and glorifying it with the roabe of his holy Resurrection and Immortalitie hath exalted the same aboue all Heauens Angels and Thrones and placed it at Gods right hand And since euery one of the faithfull hath a portion of flesh in the body of Iesus Christ therefore where a piece of my flesh is saith Augustine there I trust to raigne where my flesh is glorified I know I shall be glorious and where my flesh doth rule there I looke to haue dominion and although I am yet a sinner yet I doubt not of this participation of grace Although my sinnes yet doe hinder mee yet my substance doth require it and although my offences for a time doe exclude mee yet the communion of nature will not repell mee section 11 As by the flesh of Adam corrupted Sinne and Death spread ouer all so by the flesh of Christ sanctified and vnited to the eternall God-head Righteousnesse and Life is communicated vnto vs. The flesh of Christ is the Arke wherein dwelleth all the fulnesse of the God-head corporally by that and from that are all heauenly good things conueyed vnto vs It is the instrument of the God-head yet so onely being taken and ioyned inseparably into the vnitie of the person The God-head of Christ is as a fountaine whence all good things as Life and Saluation doe flow but his flesh and his humanitie is as it were the channell and conduit-pipe by which all these good things doe come vnto vs. Which conduit of his flesh vnlesse we apprehend and be vnited thereunto wee cannot possibly partake of the waters of Gods graces flowing from the fountaine By his flesh hee hath prepared a way for vs to heauen to attaine vnto life hauing rendred in the same most perfect obedience vnto God for vs and by his death fully satisfied for our sinnes and through the remission thereof giuen righteousnesse and by righteousnesse the grace and fauour of God and by grace life that in assurance we may present our selues before the throne of God Wee must goe to Iesus Christ that is God by Iesus section 12 Christ that is man by the Word which was made to the Word which was in the beginning with God and by the bread which men eate vnto the meate which Angels eate As Iacob came in Esaus garment to get Isaacks blessing and as the high Priest neuer appeared without his holy garments and Ephod in the Sanctuary of God so if we will be accepted and receiued of God wee must not present our selues but in the royall roabes of Christs righteousnesse Christ in our flesh hath beene raysed from the dead and in our nature hath ascended into heauen that faithfull man in his person might be crowned with glory and honour Hee hath carryed our flesh into the presence of God his Father and it is no more possible to take this glory from vs as many as be one with him then it is possible to pull away againe his personall humanitie from the person of his God-head And as no man ascendeth vnto God and is vnited vnto section 13 him but by Christ the Mediator and that by his flesh so God also doth communicate nothing with vs but by the same Mediator and that by his flesh The reason is because euen in his flesh our Redemption was wrought Sinne destroyed the Diuell vanquished Death ouercome and eternall Life obtayned And although our whole saluation and life doe depend on the fulnesse of the God-head which is in Christ yet it is not communicated vnto vs but in the flesh and by the flesh of Christ Therefore saith
Christ Except yee shall eate the flesh of the Sonne of man you shall haue no life in you Againe Hee that eateth my flesh dwelleth in mee and I in him Now it is all one to say that Christ is in vs and that hee abideth in vs and to say with the Apostle that Christ dwelleth in our harts by faith Hee is therefore in vs and abideth in vs and is vnited to vs by a liuely Faith And as wee eate the true and naturall flesh of Christ so wee are vnited to the true flesh of Christ but the former is by Faith therefore the latter also section 14 Againe wee are not vnited but to a liuely and quickening flesh and this is the end why wee are vnited thereto that being quickened thereby wee may liue eternally But the flesh of Christ is not a quickening flesh of it selfe but so far forth as it was taken of the Son of God into the vnitie of the person Our soule is ioyned to the soule of Christ and our naturall flesh with the flesh of Christ and therefore like vnto ours in all things sinne only excepted which teacheth vs to fasten the eyes of our mindes immediately and first of all vpon the humane flesh of Christ as it were vpon the vayle by which the entrance was into the most holy place where the glory of God most clearly shined and then after that to enter into the Sanctuary it selfe to behold his Deity section 15 Furthermore as Christ by the communication of his Spirit vniteth himselfe vnto vs so we by Faith are ioyned to him For the first By this wee know saith S. Iohn that Christ is in vs euen by the Spirit which hee hath giuen vs. Hee that hath not the Spirit of Christ saith S. Paul hee is none of his For the second saith the same Apostle that Christ dwelleth in our hearts by Faith Hee that eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood saith Christ abideth in me and I in him but hee is eaten and drunke by faith as in the same place Christ expoundeth He that beleeueth in me shall neuer thirst We therefore are vnited to Christ by a liuely faith The knowledge and apprehension of which vnion with Christ by a true and liuely faith not onely ministreth a section 16 true euidence of our right and interest in Iesus Christ but putteth vs in possession of all his benefits purchased to mankinde Hence commeth assured remission and forgiuenesse of sinnes and by a necessary consequence perfect deliuerance from eternall Death by Christs obedience in Death and likewise full and perfect possession of eternall life following his obedience in fulfilling the Law For both the parts of that obedience which was really performed by Christ is communicated to vs by imputation and is truely made ours by the right of this spirituall vnion seeing while Christ how great soeuer hee be is made one flesh with vs and we with him and in regard thereof by imputation also we as the members together with Christ the head are now crucified are dead are buried are raised from death haue ascended into heauen doe sit with him in the highest heauens are blessed with Christ with all spirituall blessings and that not onely in hope but already in Christ our head wee are reputed for such in heauen with God the Father Againe two things necessarily concurre to the iustification section 17 of life First remission of our sinnes that we be not found guilty of eternall death Secondly the imputation of the righteousnesse of Christ that we may be thought worthy of eternall life and neither of these can be without the other and both of them we haue of Christ For the Lord Iesus of his grace and fauour towards vs maketh that what things soeuer wee doe by this his inherent righteousnesse communicated vnto vs to make vs continually fruitfull both to our selues and others although they be most imperfect workes and stained with the corruption of the flesh yet hee I say maketh that they be pleasing and acceptable to God all our spots and blemishes being couered in the robes of Christs righteousnesse And as Adams eating of the forbidden tree was imputed to all his posteritie though they neuer tasted of the fruit with their lippes So the righteousnesse and obedience of Christ shall make all faithfull men righteous before God though they themselues as yet haue tasted no righteousnesse For God hath made him sinne for vs that knew no sinne that wee should be made the righteousnesse of God in him As therefore Christ was made sinne for vs not by infusion of sinne into his person but by imputation of our sinnes vnto him so must wee be made righteous before God not by infusion of righteousnesse into our owne persons but by imputation of Christs righteousnesse vnto vs. As the Moone and Starres borrow all their light from the Sunne so the Church and euery member of the same borrow all their righteousnesse from Christ the Sonne of righteousnesse And as for the sinnes of the faithfull howsoeuer they section 18 cleaue vnto their bones yet if they hate them as hell from whence they are the Diuell working them they neede not care for them being heauy in waight and many in number for they haue their hope not in their own person but in the body of Christ into which they are grafted and in which there is no spot but perfection of righteousnesse euen before God himselfe Their sinnes by his meanes are put vnder their feete and they are rulers ouer them They are not imputed vnto them but vnto Christ The punishment of them is forgiuen vnto the faithfull but not forgiuen to Christ Righteousnesse is freely giuen vnto vs but it was not freely giuen vnto him he obeyed the law of his Father euery iot and tittle that he might fulfill all righteousnesse He bore the condemnation of hell and death that he might abolish it So that in him is life in him is righteousnesse in him is immortalitie and in him is the reconciled good will of God to man And that excellent wisedome which hath made vs by faith one with him the same hath made vs partakers of all his honour and blessed immortalitie If we be ingrafted into the body of Christ wee be his section 19 and he liueth in vs his victory ouer all is ours we see it by faith and all things are in subiection vnder our feete The Diuels doe challenge no good by Christ but disclaime his mercies person and all his meanes Oh what haue wee to doe with thee but euery good Christian may claime him as his due with blessed Paul and say that Christ is his righteousnesse wisedome sanctification and redemption and be bolde to affirme that though his body be in heauen yet shall I there finde it mine his diuinity on earth yet there shall I feele it mine c. All is for mee since Christ is mine
be made righteous through him wayting for eternall life He hath opened the eyes of the blinde and brought the prisoners from the dungeon and him that sate in darknesse hath hee placed in light To conclude by his triumph on the Crosse hee destroyed section 12 Sinne and so was Death in the same victory maimed For Sinne as was said is the sting of Death and when Death had lost his sting and was conquered in Christs resurrection from death Sathan also lost his strength and power which rested vpon them which through sinne were in danger of death Finally because Hell onely deuoureth them which through Sinne and Death are slaues to Sathan it followeth that the other three by Christ being so mightily vanquished that hell also with all the torments thereof were vtterly subdued and the faithfull deliuered And so according to the saying of Zachary God hath performed the Oath which hee sware to deliuer vs from our enemies that wee might serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse all the dayes of our life Now then all wee which beleeue are freed from the slauery of Sinne kingdome of the Diuell gulfe of Hell and chaines of Death so that henceforth Death is no death to Gods Children through Christ but great aduantage and appoynted for a passage to a better life And therefore though cursed reprobates may tremble at the name of Death and Diuell to whom they are in thraldome yet Gods Children being conquerours through Christ may well triumph for now through him wee haue an entrance made to heauen and Death is the very doore of life a passage out of this world to the Father a freedome from the prison of this body to goe to Christ It is a returning to our heauenly Countrey from which wee were exiled This is the cause why the godly sigh and sorrow to be loosed and to be with Christ section 13 If Sathan therefore charge vs as surely hee will with the greatnesse of our crimes then turning to God let vs pray that hee will turne away his face from our sinnes and not looke vpon vs as wee are in our selues but in the face of Iesus Christ that redeemed vs from our sinnes If hee say that our sinnes are more then the sands of the sea let vs consider that his mercies are more and most infinite and looke what sinne can doe against Christ so much can it doe against me which beleeue in Christ for I am in him and hee in mee and therefore am righteous through Christ who is a condemning sinne to condemne thee O Sathan which art a condemned sinner If hee say it is absurd for an vniust and wicked man to expect the reward of righteousnesse let vs answere that Christ is our righteousnesse and redemption and that we shall neuer be without merits so long as Christ is not without mercies But from whence hast thou this hope Because I haue a good Lord an exorable Iudge and a gracious Aduocate But thou shalt be swallowed vp of death No my Redeemer liueth and my head is in heauen who I am sure will draw mee to him Christ hath ouercome Death and opened to mee the gate of Life O Death thou wouldest haue killed him with the sting of sinne but being of no force thy strength hath failed and hee being my life is become thy death And though Death like a proud Goliah dareth the whole world to match him with an equall Champion and whilest the whole hoast of worldlings shew him their backes for feare yet the true and humble Christian with Faith and resolution in Christ dare shew his face and stand to the fight till hee haue foyled him and wounded him in the fore-head as Dauid the great Gyant euen the wonted seate of terrour and feare and trampling him vnder foot can cut off his head with his owne sword victoriously triumphing ouer him A most admirable victory we dye and are not foyled yea we are conquerours in dying for we could not ouercome Death if we dyed not But thou shalt be damned saith the Diuell Sathan section 14 thou art a false accuser and no vpright Iudge one that art damned thy selfe and not a condemner of others But the Law of thy God accuseth and condemneth thee Sathan Christ hath fulfilled it and giuen his satisfaction vnto mee to him I onely cleaue who hath fulfilled it so that I my selfe haue nothing to doe with it I haue another Law which striketh it downe euen the Law of libertie which through Christ maketh mee free For my Conscience which henceforth serueth the Law of Grace is as a glorious Prince to triumph ouer the Law of Wrath. But see how many Legions of Diuels looke for thy soule as Death for thy body I denye it not and should therefore despayre but that I haue a strong protector who hath vanquished their tyrannie and hellish hatred against mee Yea but God is vniust if hee bestow eternall life vpon malefactors Nay hee is rather iust in keeping his promise and I haue long agoe appealed from his Iustice to his Mercy But thou flatterest thy selfe with vaine hope No the Truth cannot lye to mee Sathan and it is thy propertie to deceiue Oh but thou seest what thou leauest in the world but what after this life thou shalt inioy thou knowest not I tell thee Sathan these things that are seene are temporall and momentany but the things which as yet I see not yet hope assuredly to inioy are eternall and pearlesse Againe hee doth more then see which firmely beleeueth But alas thou goest hence laden with euill deedes and destitute of good Yet will I intreat my Christ to vnburden mee of the euill and to cloath mee with his good But God heareth not sinners I know hee heareth penitent sinners and for such hee dyed But thy repentance is too late No it is neuer too late in this life to turne to God as we truely learne by the theefe vpon the Crosse But thy Faith is weake and ready to fayle thee Yet I will pray to God for the increase and strengthening of it and then it shall neuer fayle mee section 15 But how canst thou be perswaded of Gods fauour who doth thus torment thee with sicknesse God doth it in fauour and loue Sathan as the good Physitian giueth the bitter Potion to cure his Patient and wee see that for the obtayning of bodily health we are content not onely to admit any loathsome Pils and vnsauory Receipts but also if neede require to spill and spare some part of our bloud how much more should wee hazard for the recouery of the eternall health and saluation of our soules But this cup of teares tribulations shall be so tempered in measure by our heauenly Physitian as that no man shall taste thereof aboue his strength This dose of Aloes and other bitter ingrediences I meane the very cup of death itselfe shall be qualified with heauenly Manna and sufficient sweetnesse of ioy and
to desire to haue a thing whereof we doubt for being demanded whither they be sure to be saued they answer they can haue no assurance for then how could they hope Thus they make hope a doubtfull desire of a thing they wish instead of a present feeling of the thing they long for But we are then indeede the children of God if we hold the reioycing of our hope stedfast and sure vnto the end section 4 Neither must Christians be discouraged though their hoped-for glory come not so soone as it is looked for for God giueth them the plastour of patience which shall suffice and support their hope for he is sure that hath promised but not to be prescribed a time by vs but he must take his own time our patience must preuent al distrust Faith is the foundation of our hope for what can we hope for except we beleeue it as the ground of faith is the word promise for why should we beleeue but in respect of Gods promise Faith telleth vs we beate not the ayre hope biddeth vs hold on our race finish the course fight the combat and then expect the crowne of glory yea Faith is fastened by hope that it doe not wander and is continued by hope that it doe not hasten but wait the time it is confirmed by hope that we may hold on the Faith Example we haue in the Cananitish woman who suffered three denials of Christ each of them doubled with seuerall reproaches yet her faith was relieued by her hope and she had her desire So Iacob wrestled with God by Faith and in an assured hope told him flatly to his face that he would not let him goe vntill he had blessed him Faith will not flye or yeeld a foot to her spirituall foes and hope will neuer be foyled It is the sure and certaine anchor of safety to keepe both ship and sailes from dangerous shipwracke The saile that maketh the Ship of our life to ride merily section 5 amidst the loftie surges of the Sea of this troublesome world is our apparant and stedfast profession of faith in Christ taking hold of the middle-mast of his promises and nestling it selfe in them as Doues in the holes of rocks hoysting vp rhe harts of the godly aboue al earthly things giuing them a safe thorow-fare and free passage through all the stormes and tempests of this wretched life The Apostle bringeth forth a cloud of examples of such who by the sailes of faith haue passed the pikes of this dangerous nauigation and haue happily arriued at the heauenly hauen of rest A faithfull heart is furnished like a Ship of warre with shot and powder and other strong munition which will surely make all hellish Pyrots and fleshly force either to pull in their heads or betake them to their heeles The Diuell and diuellish men can neuer sinke our Ship with all their subtilties so long as wee cast our faith and hope vpon Christ Iesus the corner-stone but if it dash vpon the rockes of sinne it is in danger Ionahs sin had welnigh sunke the Ship A Ship may more safely carry any Passenger then a fugitiue which is a vagrant and runaway from God so saith Epiphanius So long therefore as the rocke of sinne is in our way we can make no way towards heauen wherefore let vs cast away our sinnes into the Sea as Ionah was for with this sacrifice the Sea of Gods wrath was appeased section 6 Wee can haue no certaine knowledge of heauenly things but by faith for such is their nature that they can no otherwise be knowne for some of them are passed and some to come some in heauen some in hell Againe God whom our faith principally apprehendeth dwelleth in that light that none can attaine wee must therefore beleeue the Sonne speaking of his Father search to whom the Sonne hath reueiled him since wee cannot see him with our eyes God onely is to be beleeued touching himselfe who onely knoweth himselfe and he well beleeueth God who beleeueth his teachers in whom God speaketh Neither is it strange why wee should beleeue God alone concerning himselfe since we must credit a mortall man touching his owne secrets whose spirit next God knoweth best what is in him Humane vnderstanding in diuine things is as the sight of an Owle against the Sunne Such things are knowne by faith in Gods word Since God is the highest it is not possible to reach him by the ladder of our reason no more then a Dwarfe can reach so high as a huge and tall Gyant Now we cannot see Gods face but he is couered vnder something as with a vaile yea sometime in such things as are contrary to his nature As for vs to behold his mercy in his anger In bringing vs to hell Faith seeth him bringing vs to heauen in darkenesse it beholdeth his brightnesse in hyding his face it beholdeth his chearefull countenance section 7 And did not Iob see God as they say vnder Sathans cloake for who cast fire from heauen vpon his goods who ouerthrew his house and slew his children who stirred vp strangers to driue away his cattell but Sathan himselfe and yet Iob peirced with the sight of his faith through all these instruments and actions confessing plainely that as the Lord had giuen them so the Lord had taken them away and so praised his name And how often did holy Dauid amidst the shadowes of Death see life it selfe For Faith is of things absent of things hoped for of things desired and can wee desire any thing wee know not and is there of heauenly things any other true knowledge then by faith grounded vpon the word of God Let vs send then our faith in beleeuing and our hope in expecting as Iosuah sent messengers before to view that heauenly countrie that God hath promised to giue vs and these messengers will bring vs word that the eye hath not seene nor the eare heard nor heart of man conceiued the excellencie thereof which should moue all faithfull men to giue this world willing farewell He that is eternall hath promised these things and he is section 8 eternall through whom he hath promised them and the things that be promised are eternall bringing eternall felicitie to the beleeuers and euerlasting destruction to the infidels Againe the gifts and graces of God are not without delay no delay in the creation no delay in the redemption no delay in the comming of the holy Ghost for suddenly it fell and shall we surmise a delay after the desolution of our bodies by death when we haue fought a good fight finished our course and kept the faith No no Christ Iesus standeth ready with a crowne in his hand ouer the heads of all his Saints to put it on when they haue put off this flesh Our saluation in Christ is alwayes fresh and new If once I be within the
new couenant it is an euerlasting couenant I was not taken vnder condition of time nor no time shall preuaile against mee Our Christian state and condition is not changeable as Adams was in Paradise but it is made sure in the body of Christ vnited with the person of the godhead so are the waies in which wee are led into it immutable Our faith is not extinguished our loue cannot be quenched our hope faileth not nor the holy spirit can euer be taken from vs but still they are new to vs to eternall life section 9 And as for the wicked they shall be as well able to saue themselues without God as to hurt vs hauing God and the worst they can doe is but to send vs to God And for Sathans darts cast out against vs they are turned aside in the armour of Christ his flouds can neuer drowne vs and his buffetings shall be as our preseruatiues against presumption Christ our head was wounded for our sins and is healed againe raigning and triumphing in heauen why then should we which beleeue in him haue our hearts heauie in earth as though the head had forgotten the body or any part thereof No let vs not doubt that he will suffer a haire thereof to perish which he so dearely purchased Michael I meane our captaine Christ hath conquered that dreadfull red dragon and subtill serpent with his leaders and liuetenants death and hell why should we be so much moued with any force of flesh and bloud or any mischiefe the world can worke vs section 10 Be of good cheare saith Christ I haue ouercome the world Seeing hee hath broken the head of our enemie what should his taile so much trouble vs Seeing hee hath taken away our sinnes what should any sorrow remaine amongst vs God doth not choose them worthy but in choosing them maketh them worthy He hath all in himselfe which hath himselfe and hee hath himselfe which hath God and he hath God who beleeueth and confesseth his creatour but he that hath lost his faith hath nothing else to loose Christ hath said it and it is a warrant to our wearied soules that those that his father hath giuen him may be where he is to behold his glory This is his will and who dare wrest it the head will haue his members the Bridegroome his spouse God his elect and Christ his redeemed and where will he haue them but where he is and that is in heauen So much what Death is in Christ Now followeth our preparation thereunto The end of the second Booke THE THIRD BOOKE Of preparation vnto DEATH CHAP. I. The necessitie of preparation with the motiues the remembrance of Death much auaileth thereunto to the godly and the carelesnesse of most men herein FOr as much as the best things are section 1 not easily attained vnto being so precious and excellent in themselues without the hardest labour and greatest attempt vile and easie things being vsually most common and these so rare Our most wise and prouident God to whet our affections and to sharpen our desires to heauen and heauenly things hath inioyned vs a taske to be performed before we can aspire to our happy perfection For hauing the sumptuous tower of our saluation to build we must first sit downe and reckon our costs it will stand vs in The crowne of glory being proposed wee must first fight the battaile of faith without being foyled And the garland of saluation being hung vp as it were before our eyes we must striue to run the race without tyring vntill we come to the goale where we must receiue the prize of our paines with endlesse profit section 2 The dominions of heauen I confesse are great and large but the way thither is narrow and straight and we must striue to enter in the wicket-doore is small and the throng great therefore we must vse a godly violence to thrust our selues in if we will be saued Now the way wee haue heard already and the doore of our entrance which is death hath sufficiently beene described It onely remaineth that we be christianly fitted and prepared for the entrance Constant therefore we must be in our course condition of life enioyned vs of God for what auaileth it the Sea-faring man to haue sailed safely through the surging Seas to haue escaped dangerous syrts and sands the craggie rockes and rough passages if yet he be sunke or sustaine Shipwrake in the hauen What profiteth it the Souldier or most corragious Captaine to haue giuen many on-sets in the battaile and foyles to his foes if yet he be killed before he ouercome It booteth not to run ourselues breathlesse in the race if we get not the goale and we shoote but at Rouers if wee misse the marke This world therefore being as a Sea a field a race and a marke to all Gods elect Let them so saile therein as they may come safely to the shoare so fight in this field that they may ouercome so runne that they may obtaine and so shoote that they misse not the marke that is that they may after this life come to the expectation of their hope end of their trauell euen the blessed immortalitie of euerlasting life section 3 We all with our lips confesse that we must die and that death is the gate either to heauen or hell and yet not one of vs amongst milions of men so religiously spend and passe their daies as hoping to goe to heauen or fearing the way to hell If we be once resolued that in extremitie of sicknesse we cannot escape with life there is none of vs that is not very sorry that euer he offended God liuing in drunkennesse adulterie deceit riot or in any such excesse or bad course of life without Gods feare then will euery one wish that he had better serued God c. Such are vaine mens complaints and late lamentations Yet now whiles God vouchsafeth meanes and time to liue why doe we not prepare our selues in time Why hasten wee not to liue in such sort as at the day of death wee wish we had For looke how Death leaueth a man so shall the last Iudgement finde him In this life there may be changes and conuersions from euill to good but after death there can be none at all for looke where the tree falleth there it lyeth whether towards the North or towards the South Neede wee haue ro gird vp our loynes and to get Oyle for our Lampes at all assayes for the sodaine and vncertaine comming of the Bridge-groome Our corrupt and cursed nature will still make vs carelesse section 4 of our end naturally wee are giuen to cocker our selues with fleshly dreames of continuall peace and securitie and there is none so olde but hee hopeth still to liue longer as though he were in league with Death and Graue But it is too late to beginne then to liue when wee must
drags him along that goeth by compulsion CHAP. II. How dangerous a thing it is not to be prepared for Death or to deferre the time thereof HAuing partly heard of the necessitie of preparation section 1 let vs a little consider of the dangerous want thereof for Death being such a fearefull enemie we may not without great hazard of our estates meete him naked in the field but knowing him and his forces it is fit wee be throughly prepared against the combat And albeit we cannot of our selues make any prouision sure inough to serue our turne for it is not our owne strength counsell or pollicie that can stand vs in stead in such a fight yet prouided we must be if we will preuaile neither is it Sauls harnesse that will buckle handsomely to our backs or any other furniture deuised by man but onely the sling of faith casting out the stone taken out of that riuer or rather that inuincible rocke Iesus Christ that will vtterly foyle this huge Goliah Death For Gods children hauing continuall experience of his section 2 mighty power in their worldly deliuerances and of his gracious protection and aide in all the miseries and calamities of this life feeling still in themselues the sufficiencie of his grace and assistance of his spirit in all their extremities they doubt not euer to commit their bodies and soules to this their faithfull creatour They doe not feare to be ruled by him in life death no they will goe to God thorow fire water no dangerous paths will they eschew when he cals them they care not to goe thorow the vale of death leaning on his staffe nor to sayle as it were through hell that they may come to heauen to enioy his blessed sight knowing that by the susteining of a temporall death they are freed from eternall torments and endlesse fire of hell For although at deaths first entrance a huge flood of sinnes and a fountaine of sorrowes issued out yet now being altered by Christ it killeth sinne in Gods Saints and perfecteth their estate And so farre off is it from the destruction of a Christian man that it brings him to perfection for after the death of the body followes the freedome of the spirit nay it is the very furnace appointed of God for the purifying both of body and soule from the drosse of all corruption and sinne But as it auaileth nothing as I said before to goe to section 3 warre without weapons or to keepe a Castle without munition no more or lesse can we withstand deaths deadly force our soules not harnessed against the same The greatest cowards haue many times the greatest talke then it will onely appeare what thou hast gained in knowledge when thou commest to combat with Death no man knowes in what place Death attends him therefore in all places we must be prouided What cares Death for prisons for guards for iron barres c. one gate or another stands alway open to him there is but one chaine onely that keepes vs bound euen the loue of this life and this must not wholly be shaken off but extenuated and lessened that when occasion serueth nothing may hinder vs. If euery day of our life were as long as that long day of Iosua when as the Sunne stood still a whole day in the middest of heauen it would auaile vs nothing For as in the end the night came which dissolued that long day so the night of death will at last assaile vs and make the daies of our life vanish away how long so euer they haue beene for euery thing subiect to corruption fadeth and he that troubleth himselfe therewith shall passe away Man is resembled to a peece of rotten wood which breaking in peeces is turned into powder section 4 This life is a moment of time whereon all eternitie of life and death to come dependeth If it be a moment and a moment of so great importance how is it passed ouer by worldly men so carelesly as it is If Death be an enemie then let vs watch him as an enemy preuent him as an enemie that so we may endure his hard assaults when time shall serue Doe that before death which may doe thee good when thou art dead for if we prouide not before death there is no prouision after It is farre better to enter while the gate is open then afterwards to knocke in vaine when the gate is shut to seeke the Lord while he may be found then to be found of him vnprouided when we would not be sought The morning was faire when Lot went out of Sodome and yet before night it was burnt to ashes Nebuchadnezar neuer thought himselfe so sure as when he boasted himselfe of Babel and yet while the word was in his mouth God puld him downe vpon his knees The rich man neuer thought himselfe so likely to liue as when hee said to his soule Eate drinke and be merry yet the selfe same night it was taken from him The ship would be mended in the hauen not in the tempestuous Sea the breach would be repayred in the time of peace not in the skirmishes of warre In time a care would be had of our estate for the time to come The dayes of man are short and his time vncertaine that little moment wee haue to prouide for a state of all continuance and to gaine eternitie in is quickly runne ouer before wee be aware Gods mercy in giuing vs time and space passeth along section 5 as a pleasant-riuer if we stop the course thereof by continuance in sinne it will rise high as a floud and turne into Iustice bearing vs downe by force as a violent streame and ouerthrow our surest repose Such is here our fraile and brittle estate that when wee seeme to stand in great securitie wee then doe dwell in deepest danger and when wee least feare we soonest fall Calamitie commeth vpon vs not looked for sicknesse sodainly inuadeth and Death without ransome requireth her due therefore Boast not thy selfe of to morrow for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth Our continuance here is certaine in vncertaintie therefore saith one Let our vncertaine condition worke a certaine carefulnesse of our estate to come That which once and neuer but once is done should be aduisedly begunne carefully prosecuted and most seriously laboured with all industry vnto the end Wee sleepe with our cause and wee rise with our cause saith Augustine Doe well and haue well liue the life of the righteous and dye the death of the righteous To him that passeth through darke places one light carryed before him will doe him more good then many brought after him When sleepe is gone from the sicke mans eyes when rather extremitie of griefe then true sorrow doth rake out a little sicke repentance from the most carelesse person when rest is departed from their tossed beds then many can
resurrection And shall we so lament our death which is so gainefull The very Pagans in some places as it is recorded did celebrate the day of their death with mirth melodie and minstrelcie and shall wee that are Christians be so dismaid and cast downe should such a friend as it is be vnwelcome shall the foulenesse of his face feare vs from his good conditions shall the hardnesse of the huske hinder vs from the sweetnesse of the kirnell shall the roughnesse of the tide feare vs from the banke and shoare and so hazard our drowning rather then the desire of our home driue vs to the land with all expedition shall the hardnesse of the saddle set vs on foote to slacken our voyage rather then wee will leape vp and endure the same a little and so come swiftly to the place wee doe desire section 18 Lastly touching the heauenly life prepared for the faithfull after death if I should goe about to expresse it the more I should so doe the further I should be from it so farre exceeding the sight thought or conceit of man or any creature Behold saith Saint Iohn the tabernacle of God is with men and he will dwell with them and they shall be his people and he their God and he shall wipe away all teares from their eyes and there shall be no more death nor sorrow nor crying nor paine for the former things are past O most blessed tabernacle O most safe refuge O region most resplendant and glorious All thy inhabitants weare crownes of glory sit in thrones of maiestie liue in life eternall and possesse a paradise of infinite pleasures Which as Saint Bernard saith are so many that they cannot be numbred of such eternitie that they are endlesse so precious as they cannot be estimated and so great as they cannot be measured This Citie is made of pure gold the very wals of precious stones hauing twelue foundations made of twelue distinct precious stones hauing twelue gates set with pearles the very streetes paued with gold interlaied with precious stones The light of this citie is Christ in his shining brightnesse sitting in the midst thereof from whose seate proceedeth the water of life and there growes the tree of life bearing continuall fruit for the continuall refection of the Saints There is no night in that citie nor any defiled thing but they which are within shall raigne for euer in vnspeakeable glory who shine as the Sunne in the Kingdome of their Father If one Sunne can lighten and fill the whole world with section 19 his brightnes if the Maiestie glory of his beames be such and so great that some Ethnicks haue worshipt him for a God and haue called him the father of gladnes the eye of the world and the fountaine of light What shall so many glorified bodies of the blessed appeare that shall be as so many Sunnes so many Lampes and so many shining lights in heauen Then shall we be blessed indeede when we shall be like vnto God which by nature is blessed and we shall be like vnto God when we shall see him as hee is For this onely sight of God is our whole happinesse O what a ioy shall it be when at one view we shall behold the most high and hidden misterie of the inseparable trinitie and of the loue of God therein For what shall not he see who seeth him that seeth all things Then shall mans minde haue perpetuall rest and peace neither shall it desire any further vnderstanding when hee hath all before his eyes that may be vnderstood Then shall mans will be quiet when he enioyeth that felicitie wherein all other good things as in the fountaine of all happinesse are contained Then shall Faith haue her perfect worke Hope shall inioy that which she long desired but Charitie shall indure for euer Then shall be sung continuall praises vnto the Lambe the song although it be alwaies sung yet it shall be euer new The ioy mirth melodie pleasure power wealth riches honour beautie fellowship dainties odors glory wisedome knowledge treasures securities peace quietnesse and eternall felicitie is beyond all vnderstanding and comprehension of man which the faithfull shall haue and inioy world without end with God the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost with Angels and Arkangels Patriarks and Prophets with the Apostles and Euangelists with the Martyrs and Confessors and with the Saints of God in the pallace of the Lord in heauen the kingdome of God the glory of the Father Where there shall be an euerlasting Saboath which no euening shall end section 20 There we shall rest and we shall see we shall see and we shall loue wee shall loue and wee shall praise Behold saith Augustine that which is in the end is without end for what other end is there ordained for the godly but to attaine to that kingdome which hath no end Wee call Paradise our Country and the Patriarks our Fathers and the Saints our brethren and friends Why runne we not then with all speede to enioy our Country and to salute our Parents A great number of our friends and kinsfolkes brethren and children already assured of their immortalitie and desirous of our good doe there attend wishing and expecting our comming What ioy will it be both to them and vs there to renew our acquaintance and meete one another What pleasures are there amongst the inhabitants of heauen which now feare death no more and are sure to liue for euer Woe to the blindnesse of our eyes that see not this woe to the hardnesse of our hearts that feele not this woe to the deafenesse of our eares that heare not this in such wise as we should do where through we might be so farre from fearing death that rather wee should wish it with old Simeon Now let thy seruant depart in peace and with Dauid when shall I come and appeare before thee section 21 If true knowledge and faith possest our hearts as they should feare and doubtfulnesse would vanish quite away For assurance of heauenly things maketh vs willing to part with earthly Hee cannot contemne this life that knoweth not the other If wee would dispise this world we must thinke of heauen If wee will make death easie we must thinke of the glorious life that followeth it And if we can endure paine for health much more should wee abide a few pangs for glory How foolish are wee to feare a vanquished enemie Christ hath triumphed ouer death it bleedeth as it were and gaspeth vnder vs and yet doe we tremble It is enough that Christ died neither would he haue died but that we might die with safetie and pleasure How truely may wee say of this our Dauid thou art worth ten thousand of vs yea worth a world of Angels yet he died and died for vs. Who would therefore liue that knowes his Sauiour died Who can be a Christian and would not
banquetteth with his Elect euen hee which is the fountaine of the Garden the true and onely head of all particular Christian Churches The Well of liuing waters and the spring of Lebanon Hither he commeth to eate his pleasant fruit This onely true and Christian Church being his sister and Spouse is as a garden enclosed as a spring and fountaine sealed vp not onely sufficient to refresh it selfe in all the parts as beds and plants but strongly fenced against all strangers enemies and annoyances that may hurt or hinder the flourishing estate thereof Hither Christ comm●th to make merry with his friends and to banquet with his beloued there hee gathereth his myrthe with his spices there he eates the hony combe with his hony and drinketh his wine with his milke delighting himselfe with the sweet pleasant and profitable fruits that the children of God doe yeeld vnto him Euen as one in gathering most sweet smelling hearbes and spices or eating hony or drinking the best wine and purest milke by which no doubt he meaneth the word of God and doctrine of the Church Here Christ sollaceth himselfe as the good Gardener with the diuersity of his plants and variety of flowers which himselfe with the borders thereof hath trod out planted and watered And the faithfull againe refreshed comforted and furnished with his graces grow still in spirituall strength against all temptations Now the reason why the word of God cannot profit vs without delight is reason 1 Because that comfort and liking prouoke and procure men to bee diligent in hearing and diligent hearing by Gods blessing begetteth faith and faith bringeth vs assurance of Gods loue and protection the euidence and certainty wherof are the infallible promises of God which are Yea and Amen Againe Loue supporteth our labour and setteth our faith aworke It suffereth all things it belieueth all things it reason 2 hopeth all things it endureth all things Iacob louing Rahell serued twise seauen yeares for her sake neither the heate of the day nor the frost of the night nor the breaking of his sleepe no danger losse or crosse could driue him out So the Israelites toyled and trauelled many miles to the Temple hungry weary and thirsty they going through the vale of Baca make Wells therein contented to refresh themselues with the raine that filled their pooles in so barren a Wildernesse and thus they went from strength to strength till they appeared before the Lord their God in their long desired Syon And what was the reason hereof that they still proceeded without any interruption euen this was the reason O Lord of hostes how amiable are thy Tabernacles Our soule longeth and fainteth for thy Courts our heart and flesh reioyce in the liuing God Blessed are they that dwell in thy house and in whose hearts are thy wayes for the Lord our God is a Sunne and shield vnto vs the Author of all good things and the deliuerer from all euill He will giue grace and glory and no good thing will hee with-hold from them that are sincere Therefore O Lord of hostes blessed is the man that trusteth in thee We see that euery action without affection is laborious and toylesome and none euer soundly profited by the word and holy ministry thereof that delighted not in the same Which poynt serueth to stirre vp our loue and liking of vse 1 Gods truth to raise vp our dead affections and to cause our dull senses more earnestly to imbrace the same and to set before our eyes the best examples for imitation and practise And that we may be perswaded the better for the performance of this dutie let vs briefly consider the singular fruits and effects of Gods word which we ought so worthily to affect Gods law and word is perfect of it selfe to conuert our soules from sinne and Sathan to God and godlinesse Heauen and happinesse His testimonie is sure to giue wisedome to the simple The statutes of the Lord are right and reioyce the heart The commandement of the Lord is pure and giueth light to the eyes The feare of the Lord is cleane the iudgements of the Lord are truth and righteous altogether By them is thy Seruant made circumspect and in keeping of them there it great reward And therefore they are more to be desired then gold yea then much fine gold sweeter also then hony and the hony combe Gods word is the meanes for young and old to redresse their wicked wayes a Counseller to aduise vs a guide to direct vs a lanthorne to our feete a light to our pathes a resoluer of our doubts a sweetning of our afflictions able to reuiue vs being dead Therefore saith Dauid I will delight in thy statutes and I will not forget thy word The law of thy mouth is better vnto mee then thousands of gold and siluer O how loue I thy law it is my meditation continually How sweet are thy promises vnto my mouth Yea more then honie vnto my taste Thy testimonies haue I taken as an heritage for euer no earthly thing being comparable to them for they are the ioy of my heart They that know thy law shall haue great prosperity and they shall haue no hurt Keepe them and doe them saith Moses for this is your wisedome and vnderstanding in the sight of other people Who shall say onely this people is wise and what Nation is so great that hath ordinances and lawes so righteous Therefore take heede to thy selfe and keepe thy soule diligently Let not these things depart out of thy heart all the dayes of thy life but teach them thy Sonnes and thy Sonnes Sonnes Hence proceedeth all blessings from Heauen and Earth vpon man and beast Corne and Cattell Wine Oyle or what can be desired For Godlinesse hath the promise of this life and of the life to come If we seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse all other things shall be ministred vnto vs. This is the best part and most necessary duty that caused Marie to be preferred before Martha for setting all other things aside to come sit at Iesus his feete to heare his word This Pearle must bee purchased with all we haue all other things are but drosse and dung in respect of the excellent knowledge of Christ Iesus our Lord. Therefore wee must not onely heare and reade and meditate but by all possible meanes encrease our loue liking and delight to the holy ministery of Gods word longing and thirsting after it with Dauid As the chased Hart brayeth for the Riuers of water so to haue our soules pant and thirst for the liuing God and word of life not so much to labour for the food that perisheth but for the meate that endureth to euerlasting life Thus euery good Christian must whet the appetite of his soule to delight in Gods law by conference meditation hearing reading praying preaching and daily frequenting of all