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A01511 Monotessaron The evangelicall harmonie, reducing the foure Evangelists into one continued context; and in it the entire historie of the acts and sayings, life and death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: duely ordered according to the distinction of times. By Henry Garthwait. Garthwait, Henry.; Marshall, William, fl. 1617-1650, engraver. 1634 (1634) STC 11633; ESTC S102905 223,366 288

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M Matth. Ch. 11 V. 2 Now when John had heard in the prison the works of Christ L Luke V. 19 calling unto him two of his disciples he sent them to Jesus M Matth. V. 3 And said unto him Art thou he that should come or do we look for another L Luke V. 20 When the men were come unto him they said John Baptist hath sent us unto thee saying Art thou he that should come or look we for another Luke V. 21 And in that same houre he cured many of their infirmities and plagues and of evil spirits and unto many that were blinde he gave sight M Matth. Ch. 11 V. 4 Jesus answered and said unto them Go and shew John again those things which ye do heare and see Matth. V. 5 The blinde receive their sight and the lame walk the lepers are cleansed and the deaf heare the dead are raised up and the poore have the Gospel preached unto them Matth. V. 6 And blessed is he whosoever shall not be offended in me CHAP. LVI The sermon of Christ to the multitude when the disciples of John Baptist were departed Sect. I. The Encomium given by Christ to John Baptist L Luke Ch. 7 V. 24 ANd when the messengers of John were departed M Matth. V. 7 Jesus began to say unto the multitudes concerning John What went ye out into the wildernesse to see A reed shaken with the winde Matth. V. 8 But what went ye out for to see A man clothed in soft raiment behold L Luke V. 25 they which are gorgeously apparelled and live delicately M Matth. V. 9 are in kings houses But what went ye out for to see A prophet yea I say unto you and more then a prophet Matth. V. 10 For this is he of whom it is written Behold I send my messenger before thy face which shall prepare thy way before thee L Luke V. 28 For M Matth. V. 11 verily I say unto you Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater L Luke V. 28 prophet M Matth. V. 11 then John the Baptist notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdome of heaven is greater then he Matth. V. 12 * Luke Ch. 16 V. 16 And from the dayes of John the Baptist untill now the kingdome of heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force Matth. V. 13 For all the prophets and the Law prophesied untill John Matth. Ch. 11 V. 14 And if ye will receive it this is Elias which was for to come L Luke Ch. 7 V. 29 And all the people that heard him and the publicanes justified God being baptized with the baptisme of John Luke V. 30 But the Pharisees and lawyers rejected the counsel of God against themselves being not baptized of him M Matth. V. 15 He that hath eares to heare let him heare Sect. II. The parable of the children playing in the market-place L Luke V. 31 And the Lord said Whereunto then shall I liken the men of this generation and to what are they like Luke V. 32 They are like unto children sitting in the market-place M Matth. V. 16 and calling unto their fellows Matth. V. 17 And saying We have piped unto you and ye have not danced we have mourned unto you and ye have not lamented nor L Luke V. 33 wept For John the Baptist came neither eating bread nor drinking wine and ye say He hath a devil Luke V. 34 The Sonne of man is come eating and drinking and ye say Behold a gluttonous man and a wine-bibber a friend of publicanes and sinners Luke V. 35 But wisdome is justified of all her children Sect. III. Christ upbraids and complains of Chorazin Bethsaida and Capernaum M Matth. V. 20 Then began be to upbraid the cities wherein most of his mightie works were done * Luke Ch. 10 V. 13 because they repented not Matth. V. 21 Wo unto thee Chorazin wo unto thee Bethsaida for if the mightie works which were done in you had been done in Tyre and Sidon they would have repented long ago in sackcloth and ashes Matth. V. 22 But I say unto you It shall be more tolerable for Tyre and Sidon at the day of judgement Matth. Ch. 11 V. 23 then for you And thou Capernaum which art exalted unto heaven shalt be brought down to hell for if the mightie works which have been done in thee had been done in Sodom it would have remained untill this day But I say unto you Matth. V. 24 that it shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom in the day of judgement then for thee Sect. IIII. Christs thanksgiving Matth. V. 25 * Luke Ch. 10 V. 21 At that time Jesus answered and said I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes Even so Father Matth. V. 26 for so it seemed good in thy sight Sect. V. The conclusion of Christs sermon Matth. V. 27 * John Ch. 3 V. 35 All things are delivered unto me of my Father and no man knoweth the Sonne but the Father * John Ch. 6 V. 46 neither knoweth any man the Father save the Sonne and he to whomsoever the Sonne will reveal him Matth. V. 28 Come unto me all ye that labour and are heavie laden Matth. V. 29 and I will give you rest Take my yoke upon you and learn of me for I am meek and lowly in heart and ye shall finde rest unto your souls Matth. V. 30 For my yoke is easie and my burden is light CHAP. LVII Mary Magdalene anointeth Christs feet at the house of Simon the Pharisee * Mark Ch. 14 V. 3 L Luke Ch. 7 V. 36 ANd one of the Pharisees desired him that he would eat with him and he went into the Pharisees house and sat down to meat Luke Ch. 7 V. 37 And behold a woman in the citie which was a sinner when she knew that Jesus sat at meat in the Pharisees house brought an alabaster box of ointment And stood at his feet behinde him weeping Luke V. 38 and began to wash his feet with tears and did wipe them with the hairs of her head and kissed his feet and anointed them with the ointment Luke V. 39 Now when the Pharisee which had bidden him saw it he spake within himself saying This man if he were a prophet would have known who and what manner of woman this is that toucheth him for she is a sinner And Jesus answering Luke V. 40 said unto him Simon I have somewhat to say unto thee And he saith Master say on Luke V. 41 There was a certain creditour which had two debters the one ought five hundred pence and the other
M Matth. Ch. 24 V. 24 insomuch that if it were possible they shall deceive the very elect Mr. Mark V. 23 But take ye heed behold I have foretold you all things M Matth. V. 26 Wherefore if they shall say unto you Behold he is in the desert go not forth behold he is in the secret chambers Matth. V. 27 beleeve it not For as the lightning cometh out of the east and shineth even unto the west so shall also the coming of the Sonne of man be Matth. V. 28 For wheresoever the carcase is there will the eagles be gathered together CHAP. CLXI Christs propheticall sermon concerning his second coming and the signes that are to precede it Mr. Mark V. 24 BUt in those dayes M Matth. V. 29 immediately after the tribulation of those dayes L Luke Ch. 21 V. 25 there shall be signes in the sunne and in the moon and in the starres Mr. Mark V. 25 the sunne shall be darkened and the moon shall not give her light And the starres of heaven shall fall M Matth. V. 29 from heaven L Luke Ch. 21 V. 25 and upon the earth distresse of nations with perplexitie the sea and the waves roaring Luke V. 26 Mens hearts failing them for fear and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth for the powers Mr. Mark V. 25 that are in heaven shall be shaken M Matth. V. 30 And then shall appeare the signe of the Sonne of man in heaven and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn Mr. Mark V. 26 And then shall they see the Sonne of man coming in the clouds M Matth. V. 30 of heaven Mr. Mark V. 27 with great power M Matth. V. 31 and great glorie Mr. Mark V. 27 And then shall he send his angels M Matth. V. 31 with a great sound of a trumpet and they shall gather together his elect from the foure windes Mr. Mark V. 27 from the uttermost part of the earth to the uttermost part of heaven and M Matth. V. 31 from one end of heaven to the other L Luke Ch. 21 V. 28 And when these things begin to come to passe then look up and lift up your heads for your redemption draweth nigh Luke V. 29 And he spake to them a parable M Matth. Ch. 24 V. 32 Now learn a parable of the fig-tree When his branch is yet tender and putteth forth leaves ye know that summer is nigh L Luke V. 30 Behold therefore the fig-tree and all the trees When they now shoot forth ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand Luke V. 31 So likewise ye Mr. Mark Ch. 13 V. 29 when ye see all these things come to passe L Luke V. 31 know ye that the kingdome of God is nigh at hand Mr. Mark Ch. 13 V. 29 even at the doores M Matth. V. 34 Verily I say unto you This generation shall not passe till all these things be fulfilled Matth. V. 35 Heaven and earth shall passe away but my words shall not passe away Matth. V. 36 But of that day and houre knoweth no man no not the angels Mr. Mark V. 32 which are in heaven neither the Sonne but M Matth. V. 36 my Father onely CHAP. CLXII Christ informs the godly how they are to prepare for his second coming L Luke V. 34 ANd take heed to your selves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfetting and drunkennesse and cares of this life and so that day come upon you unawares Luke V. 35 For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth M Matth. V. 37 But as the dayes of Noe were so shall also the coming of the Sonne of man be Matth. V. 38 For as in the dayes that were before the sloud they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage untill the day that Noe entred into the ark Matth. Ch. 24 V. 39 And knew not untill the floud came and took them all away so shall also the coming of the Sonne of man be Then shall two be in the field Matth. V. 40 the one shall be taken Matth. V. 41 and the other left Two women shall be grinding at the mill the one shall be taken and the other left Mr. Mark Ch. 13 V. 33 Take ye heed L Luke Ch. 21 V. 36 therefore Mr. Mark Ch. 13 V. 33 watch and pray L Luke Ch. 21 V. 36 and pray alwayes that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to passe and to stand before the Sonne of man Mr. Mark Ch. 13 V. 33 for ye know not when the time is and M Matth. V. 42 what houre your Lord doth come Matth. V. 43 But know this that if the good man of the house had known in what watch the thief would come he would have watched and would not have suffered his house to be broken up Therefore be ye also ready Matth. V. 44 for in such an houre as ye think not the Sonne of man cometh Mr. Mark V. 34 For the Sonne of man is as a man taking a farre journey who left his house and gave authoritie to his servants to every man his work and commanded the porter to watch M Matth. V. 45 Who then is a faithfull and wise servant whom his Lord hath made ruler over his houshold to give them meat in due season Matth. V. 46 Blessed is that servant whom his Lord when he cometh Matth. V. 47 shall finde so doing Verily I say unto you that he shall make him ruler over all his goods Matth. V. 48 But and if that evil servant shall say in his heart Matth. V. 49 My Lord delayeth his coming And shall begin to smite his fellow-servants and to eat and drink with the drunken Matth. V. 50 The Lord of that servant shall come in a day when he looketh not for him and in an houre that he is not ware of And shall cut him asunder Matth. V. 51 and appoint him his portion with the hypocrites there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Mr. Mark V. 35 Watch ye therefore for ye know not when the master of the house cometh at even or at midnight or at the cock-crowing or in the morning Lest coming suddenly Mark Ch. 24 V. 36 he finde you sleeping Mark V. 37 And what I say unto you I say unto all Watch. CHAP. CLXIII Christ propounds to his Apostles the parable of the ten virgins M Matth. Ch. 25 V. 1 THen shall the kingdome of heaven be likened unto ten virgins which took their lamps and went forth to meet the bridegroom And five of them were wise Matth. V.
he named apostles Mr. Mark V. 14 And he ordained twelve that they should be with him and that he might send them forth to preach Mark V. 15 And to have power to heal sicknesses Mark V. 16 and to cast out devils And Simon L Luke V. 14 whom he also Mr. Mark V. 16 surnamed Peter L Luke V. 14 and Andrew his brother Mark V. 17 And James the sonne of Zebedee and John the brother of James and he surnamed them Boanerges which is The sonnes of thunder L Luke V. 15 Philip and Bartholomew Matthew and Thomas James the sonne of Alpheus and Simon Mr. Mark V. 17 the Canaanite L Luke V. 15 called Zelotes And Judas the brother of James surnamed Mr. Mark V. 17 Thaddeus L Luke V. 16 and Judas Iscariot which also was the traitour Mr. Mark V. 17 which betraied him Luke V. 17 And he came down with them and stood in the plain and the companie of his disciples and a great multitude of people out of all Judea and Jerusalem and from the sea-coast of Tyre and Sidon which came to heare him and to be healed of their diseases And they that were vexed with unclean spirits Luke V. 18 and they were healed Luke V. 19 And the whole multitude sought to touch him for there went vertue out of him and healed them all CHAP. LI. Christs sermon in the mount after the choosing of the apostles Sect. I. Who are blessed or as they are called the Beatitudes M Matth. Ch. 5 V. 1 ANd seeing the multitudes he went up into a mountain and when he was set his disciples came unto him L Luke Ch. 6 V. 20 And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples M Matth. V. 2 And he opened his mouth and taught them saying L Luke Ch. 6 V. 20 Blessed be ye poore for yours is the kingdome of God M Matth. V. 3 Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heaven L Luke V. 21 Blessed are ye that weep now for ye shall laugh M Matth. V. 4 Blessed are they that mourn for they shall be comforted Matth. V. 5 Blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth L Luke Ch. 6 V. 21 Blessed are ye that hunger now for ye shall be filled M Matth. V. 6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousnesse for they shall be filled Matth. V. 7 Blessed are the mercifull for they shall obtain mercie Matth. V. 8 Blessed are the pure in heart Matth. V. 9 for they shall see God Blessed are the peace-makers for they shall be called the children of God Matth. V. 10 Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of heaven L Luke V. 22 Blessed are ye when men shall hate you and shall separate you from their companie and shall revile you and cast out your name as evil for the Sonne of mans sake M Matth. V. 11 and persecute you and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely for my sake L Luke V. 23 Rejoyce ye in that day M Matth. V. 12 and be exceeding glad L Luke V. 23 and leap for joy for behold M Matth. V. 12 for great is your reward in heaven L Luke V. 23 for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets M Matth. V. 12 for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you L Luke V. 24 But wo unto you that are rich for ye have received your consolation Wo unto you that are full for ye shall hunger Luke Ch. 6 V. 25 Wo unto you that laugh now for ye shall mourn and weep Luke V. 26 Wo unto you when all men shall speak well of you for so did their fathers to the false prophets Sect. II. The duties of the apostles in their ministerie M Matth. Ch. 5 V. 13 Ye are the * Mark Ch. 9 V. 50 Luke Ch. 14 V. 34 salt of the earth but if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be salted it is thenceforth good for nothing but to be cast out Matth. V. 14 and to be troden under foot of men Ye are the light of the world A citie that is set on an hill Matth. V. 15 cannot be hid Neither do men light a candle and put it under a bushel but on a candlestick and it giveth light unto all that are in the house Let your light so shine before men Matth. V. 16 that they may see your good works and glorifie your Father which is in heaven Sect. III. The exposition of the Law Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the prophets Matth. V. 17 I am not come to destroy but to fulfill For verily I say unto you Matth. V. 18 * Luke Ch. 16 V. 18 Till heaven and earth passe oncjote or one tittle shall in no wise passe from the law Matth. V. 19 till all be fulfilled Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments and shall teach men so he shall be called the least in the kingdome of heaven but whosoever shall do and teach them the same shall be called great in the kingdome of heaven Matth. V. 20 For I say unto you That except your righteousnesse shall exceed the righteousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisees ye shall in no case enter into the kingdome of heaven Matth. V. 21 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time Thou shalt not kill and whosoever shall kill Matth. Ch. 5 V. 22 shall be in danger of the judgement But I say unto you that whosoever is angry with his brother without a cause shall be in danger of the judgement and whosoever shall say to his brother Racha shall be in danger of the councel but whosoever shall say Thou fool shall be in danger of hell fire Matth. V. 23 Therefore if thou bring thy gift to the altar and there remembrest that thy brother hath ought against thee Matth. V. 24 Leave there thy gift before the altar and go thy way first be reconciled to thy brother and then come and offer thy gift Matth. V. 25 * Luke Ch. 12 V. 58 Agree with thine adversarie quickly whiles thou art in the way with him lest at any time the adversarie deliver thee to the judge and the judge deliver thee to the officer and thou be cast into prison Verily Matth. V. 26 I say unto thee thou shalt by no means come out thence till thou hast paid the uttermost farthing Matth. V. 27 Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time Matth. V. 28 Thou shalt not commit adulterie But I say unto you that whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adulterie with
governours and kings for my sake for a testimonie against them and the Gentiles Matth. V. 19 * Mark Ch. 13 V. 11 Luke Ch. 12 V. 11 But when they deliver you up take no thought how or what ye shall speak for it shall be given you in that same houre what ye shall speak Matth. V. 20 For it is not ye that speak but the spirit of your Father which speaketh in you Matth. V. 21 * Luke Ch. 21 V. 16 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death and the father the childe and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death Matth. V. 22 * Mark Ch. 13 V. 13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my names sake but he that endureth to the end Matth. V. 23 shall be saved But when they persecute you in this citie flee ye into another for verily I say unto you Ye shall not have gone over the cities of Israel till the Sonne of man be come Matth. Ch. 10 V. 24 * Luke Ch. 6 V. 40 John Ch. 15 V. 20 Ch. 13 V. 16 The disciple is not above his master Matth. V. 25 nor the servant above his lord It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master and the servant as his lord if they have called the Master of the house Beelzebub how much more shall they call them of his houshold Matth. V. 26 Fear them not therefore * Mark Ch. 4 V. 22 Luke Ch. 8 V. 17 for there is nothing covered that shall not be revealed and hid that shall not be known Matth. V. 27 What I tell you in darknesse that speak ye in light Matth. V. 28 and what ye heare in the eare that preach ye upon the house tops * Luke Ch. 12 V. 4 And fear not them which kill the bodie but are not able to kill the soul but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and bodie in hell Matth. V. 29 Are not two sparrows sold for a farthing and one of them shall not fall on the ground without your Father But the very hairs of your head are all numbred Matth. V. 30 Fear ye not therefore Matth. V. 31 ye are of more value then many sparrows Matth. V. 32 * Luke Ch. 12 V. 8 Whosoever therefore shall confesse me before men him will I confesse also before my Father which is in heaven Matth. V. 33 * Mark Ch. 8 V. 38 Luke Ch. 9 V. 26 But whosoever shall denie me before men Matth. V. 34 him will I also denie before my Father which is in heaven * Luke Ch. 12 V. 51 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth I came not to send peace Matth. V. 35 but a sword For I am come to set a man at variance against his father and the daughter against her mother and the daughter in law against her mother in law Matth. V. 36 And a mans foes shall be they of his own houshold Matth. V. 37 * Luke Ch. 14 V. 26 He that loveth father or mother more then me is not worthy of me and he that loveth sonne or daughter more then me Matth. V. 38 is not worthy of me * Mark Ch. 8 V. 34 Luke Ch. 9 V. 23 And he that taketh not his crosse and followeth after me is not worthy of me Matth. V. 39 * John Ch. 12 V. 25 He that findeth his life shall lose it and he that loseth his life for my sake shall finde it Matth. V. 40 * Luke Ch. 10 V. 16 John Ch. 13 V. 20 He that receiveth you receiveth me and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me He that receiveth a prophet in the name of a prophet Matth. Ch. 10 V. 41 shall receive a prophets reward and he that receiveth a righteous man in the name of a righteous man shall receive a righteous mans reward Matth. V. 42 * Mark Ch. 9 V. 41 And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water onely in the name of a disciple verily I say unto you he shall in no wise lose his reward CHAP. LXXIII The historie of Christs and his apostles preaching in their first going out M Matth. Ch. 11 V. 1 ANd it came to passe when Jesus had made an end of commanding his twelve disciples he departed thence to teach and to preach in their cities L Luke Ch. 9 V. 6 And they departed and went through the towns preaching the Gospel and Mr. Mark Ch. 6 V. 12 that men should repent L Luke Ch. 9 V. 6 and healing every where Mr. Mark V. 13 And they cast out many devils and anointed with oyl many that were sick and healed them CHAP. LXXIIII John Baptist is beheaded Mr. Mark V. 21 ANd when a convenient day was come that Herod on his birth-day made a supper to his lords high captains and chief estates of Galilee M Matth. Ch. 14 V. 6 But when Herods birth-day was kept the daughter of Herodias danced before them and pleased Herod Matth. V. 7 Whereupon he promised with an oath to give her whatsoever she would ask Mr. Mark V. 22 And when the daughter of the said Herodias came in and danced and pleased Herod and them that sat with him the king said unto the damsel Ask of me whatsoever thou wilt and I will give it thee Mark Ch. 6 V. 23 And he sware unto her Whatsoever thou shalt ask of me I will give it thee unto the half of my kingdome Mark V. 24 And she went forth and said unto her mother What shall I ask and she said Mark V. 25 The head of John the Baptist And she came in straightway with haste unto the king and asked saying I will that thou give me by and by in a charger the head of John the Baptist And the king was exceeding sorrie Mark V. 26 M Matth. Ch. 14 V. 8 And she being before instructed of her mother said Give me here John Baptists head in a charger Matth. V. 9 And the king was sorrie neverthelesse for the oaths sake them which sat with him at meat Mr. Mark V. 26 he would not reject her but M Matth. V. 9 commanded it to be given her Mr. Mark V. 27 And immediately the king sent an executioner and commanded his head to be brought and he went M Matth. V. 10 and beheaded John in the prison And his head was brought in a charger Matth. V. 11 and given to the damsel and she brought it Mr. Mark V. 28 and gave it to her mother Mark V. 92 And when his disciples heard of it they came and took up his corps and laid it in a tombe M Matth. V. 12
thee what doest thou work John V. 31 Our fathers did eat manna in the desert as it is written He gave them bread from heaven to eat Then Jesus said unto them John V. 32 Verily verily I say unto you Moses gave you not that bread from heaven but my Father giveth you the true bread from heaven John V. 33 For the bread of God is he which cometh down from heaven and giveth life unto the world Then said they unto him Lord John V. 34 evermore give us this bread John V. 35 And Jesus said unto them I am the bread of life he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that beleeveth on me shall never thirst But I said unto you John V. 36 that ye also have seen me and beleeve not John V. 37 All that the Father giveth me shall come to me and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out John Ch. 6 V. 38 For I came down from heaven not to do mine own will but the will of him that sent me John V. 39 And this is the Fathers will which hath sent me that of all which he hath given me I should lose nothing but should raise it up again at the last day John V. 40 And this is the will of him that sent me that every one which seeth the Sonne and beleeveth on him may have everlasting life and I will raise him up at the last day The Jews then murmured at him John V. 41 because he said I am the bread which came down from heaven And they said * Matth. Ch. 13 V. 55 John V. 42 Is not this Jesus the sonne of Joseph whose father and mother we know how is it then that he saith I came down from heaven John V. 43 Jesus therefore answered and said unto them Murmure not among your selves John V. 44 No man can come to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him and I will raise him up at the last day It is written in the prophets John V. 45 And they shall be all taught of God Every man therefore that hath heard and hath learned of the Father cometh unto me John V. 46 Not that any man hath seen the Father * Matth. Ch. 11 V. 27 save he which is of God he hath seen the Father John V. 47 Verily verily I say unto you He that beleeveth on me hath everlasting life I am that bread of life John V. 48 49 Your fathers did eat manna in the wildernesse and are dead John V. 50 This is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die John V. 51 I am the living bread which came down from heaven if any man eat of this bread he shall live for ever and the bread that I will give is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world John V. 52 The Jews therefore strove amongst themselves saying How can this man give us his flesh to eat John V. 53 Then Jesus said unto them Verily verily I say unto you Except ye eat the flesh of the Sonne of man and drink his bloud ye have no life in you John Ch. 6 V. 54 Whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my bloud hath eternall life and I will raise him up at the last day For my flesh is meat indeed John V. 55 and my bloud is drink indeed He thabeateth my flesh John V. 56 and drinketh my bloud dwelleth in me and I in him John V. 57 As the living Father hath sent me and I live by the Father so he that eateth me even he shall live by me John V. 58 This is that bread which came down from heaven not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead he that eateth of this bread shall live for ever These things said he in the Synagogue John V. 59 as he taught in Capernaum John V. 60 Many therefore of his disciples when they had heard this said This is an hard saying who can heare it John V. 61 When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it he said unto them Doth this offend you * John Ch. 6 V. 62 Ch. 3 V. 13 What and If ye shall see the Sonne of man ascend up where he was before John V. 63 It is the spirit that quickeneth the flesh profiteth nothing the words that I speak unto you they are spirit and they are life But there are some of you that beleeve not John V. 64 For Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that beleeved not and who should betray him And he said Therefore said I unto you John V. 65 that no man can come unto me except it were given unto him of my Father John V. 66 From that time many of his disciples went back and walked no more with him Then said Jesus unto the twelve John V. 67 Will ye also go away Then Simon Peter answered him John V. 68 Lord to whom shall we go thou hast the words of eternall life * Matth. Ch. 16 V. 16 And we beleeve John V. 69 and are sure that thou art that Christ the Sonne of the living God Jesus answered them John V. 70 Have not I chosen you twelve and one of you is a devil John V. 71 He spake of Judas Iscariot the sonne of Simon for he it was that should betray him being one of the twelve CHAP. LXXIX Christ disputes with the Pharisees about the traditions of the elders J John Ch. 7 V. 1 AFter these things Jesus walked in Galilee for he would not walk in Jurie because the Jews sought to kill him Mr. Mark Ch. 7 V. 1 Then came together unto M Matth. Ch. 15 V. 1 Jesus Mr. Mark Ch. 7 V. 1 the Pharisees and certain of the Scribes Mark V. 2 which came from Jerusaiem And when they saw some of his disciples eat bread with defiled that is to say with unwashen hands they found fault Mark V. 3 For the Pharisees and all the Jews except they wash their hands oft eat not holding the tradition of the elders Mark V. 4 And when they come from the market except they wash they eat not And many other things there be which they have received to hold as the washing of cups and pots Mark V. 5 brasen vessels and of tables Then the Pharisees and Scribes asked him M Matth. V. 2 saying Mr. Mark V. 5 Why walk not thy disciples according to the tradition of the elders M Matth. V. 2 why do thy disciples transgresse the tradition of the elders for they wash not their hands when they eat bread Mr. Mark V. 5 but eat bread with unwashen hands M Matth. V. 3 But he answered and said unto them Why do you also transgresse the commandment of
my Father which is in heaven Matth. V. 11 * Luke Ch. 19 V. 10 For the Sonne of man is come to save that which was lost Matth. V. 12 * Luke Ch. 15 V. 4 How think ye if a man have an hundred sheep and one of them be gone astray doth he not leave the ninetie and nine and goeth into the mountains and seeketh that which is gone astray Matth. V. 13 And if so be that he finde it verily I say unto you he rejoyceth more of that sheep then of the ninetie and nine which went not astray Matth. V. 14 Even so it is not the will of your Father which is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish Matth. V. 15 Moreover * Luke Ch. 17 V. 3 if thy brother shall trespasse against thee go and tell him his fault between thee and him alone if he shall heare thee Matth. V. 16 thou hast gained thy brother But if he will not heare thee then take with thee one or two more * John Ch. 8 V. 17 that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established Matth. V. 17 And if he shall neglect to heare them tell it unto the church but if he neglect to heare the church let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a Publicane Verily I say unto you Matth. V. 18 * John Ch. 20 V. 23 Whatsoever ye shall binde on earth shall be bound in heaven and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven Again I say unto you Matth. V. 19 that if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven Matth. V. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name there am I in the midst of them CHAP. XCLIII Christ teacheth Peter how often we ought to forgive our brethren M Matth. Ch. 18 V. 21 THen came Peter to him and said Lord how oft shall my brother sinne against me Matth. V. 22 and I forgive him * Luke Ch. 17 V. 4 till seven times Jesus saith unto him I say not unto thee Untill seven times Matth. V. 23 but untill seventie times seven Therefore is the kingdome of heaven likened unto a certain king which would take account of his servants And when he had begun to reckon Matth. V. 24 one was brought unto him which ought him ten thousand talents Matth. V. 25 But forasmuch as he had not to pay his lord commanded him to be sold and his wife and children and all that he had and paiment to be made Matth. V. 26 The servant therefore fell down and worshipped him saying Lord have patience with me Matth. V. 27 and I will pay thee all Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion and loosed him Matth. V. 28 and forgave him the debt But the same servant went out and found one of his fellow-servants which ought him an hundred pence and he laid hands on him and took him by the throat Matth. V. 29 saying Pay me that thou owest And his fellow-servant fell down at his feet and besought him saying Have patience with me and I will pay thee all Matth. V. 30 And he would not but went and cast him into prison till he should pay the debt So when his fellow-servants saw what was doue they were very sorie Matth. V. 31 and came and told unto their lord all that was done Matth. V. 32 Then his lord after that he had called him said unto him O thou wicked servant I forgave thee all that debt because thou desiredst me Matth. V. 33 Shouldst not thou also have had compassion on thy fellow-servant even as I had pitie on thee Matth. V. 34 And his lord was wroth and delivered him to the tormentours till he should pay all that was due unto him Matth. Ch. 18 V. 35 So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you if ye from your hearts forgive not every one his brother their trespasses CHAP. XCIIII The last half yeare of Christs ministerie His kinsfolk perswade him to go up to Jerusalem to the feast of tabernacles J John Ch. 7 V. 2 NOw the Jews feast of tabernacles was at hand His brethren therefore said unto him Depart hence and go into Judea John V. 3 that thy disciples also may see the works that thou dost For there is no man that doth any thing in secret John V. 4 and he himself-seeketh to be known openly If thou do these things shew thy self to the world For neither did his brethren beleeve in him John V. 5 6 Then Jesus said unto them My time is not yet come but your time is alway readie John V. 7 The world cannot hate you but me it hateth because I testifie of it that the works thereof are evil John V. 8 Go ye up unto this feast I go not up yet unto this feast * John Ch. 8 V. 20 for my time is not yet full come John Ch. 7 V. 9 When he had said these words unto them he abode still in Galilee CHAP. XCV Christ goes to Jerusalem to the feast of tabernacles L Luke Ch. 9 V. 51 ANd it came to passe when the time was come that he should be received up he stedfastly set-his face to go to Jerusalem Luke V. 52 And sent messengers before his face and they went and entred into a village of the Samaritanes to make readie for him And they did not receive him Luke V. 53 because his face was as though he would go to Jerusalem Luke Ch. 9 V. 54 And when his disciples James and John saw this they said Lord wilt thou that we command fire to come down from heaven and consume them even as Elias did Luke V. 55 But he turned and rebuked them and said Ye know not what manner of spirit ye are of Luke V. 56 For the Sonne of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them And they went to another village J John Ch. 7 V. 10 But when his brethren were gone up then went he also up unto the feast not openly but as it were in secret CHAP. XCVI Three severall men would follow Christ every of which were desicient in something L Luke V. 57 * Matth. Ch. 8 V. 19 ANd it came to passe that as they went in the way a certain man said unto him Lord I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest And Jesus said unto him Foxes have holes Luke V. 58 and birds of the aire have nests but the Sonne of man hath not where to lay his head * Matth. Ch. 8 V. 21 Luke V. 59 And he said unto another Follow me but he said Lord suffer me first to go and
but the Sonne abideth ever John V. 36 If the Sonne therefore shall make you free ye shall be free indeed John V. 37 I know that ye are Abrahams seed but ye seek to kill me because my word hath no place in you John V. 38 I speak that which I have seen with my Father and ye do that which ye have seen with your father They answered and said unto him John V. 39 Abraham is our father Jesus saith unto them If ye were Abrahams children ye would do the works of Abraham But now ye seek to kill me John V. 40 a man that hath told you the truth which I have heard of God this did not Abraham John V. 41 Ye do the deeds of your father Then said they to him We be not born of fornication we have one Father even God Jesus said unto them John V. 42 If God were your Father ye would love me for I proceeded forth and came from God neither came I of my self but he sent me John V. 43 Why do ye not understand my speech even because ye cannot heare my word Ye are of your father the devil John V. 44 and the lusts of your father ye will do he was a murderer from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him When he speaketh a lie he speaketh of his own for he is a liar and the father of it And because I tell you the truth John Ch. 8 V. 45 ye beleeve me not John V. 46 Which of you convinceth me of sinne and if I say the truth why do ye not beleeve me He that is of God John V. 47 heareth Gods words ye therefore heare them not because ye are not of God Then answered the Jews John V. 48 and said unto him Say we not well that thou art a Samaritane and hast a devil Jesus answered John V. 49 I have not a devil but I honour my Father and ye do dishonour me And I seek not mine own glorie John V. 50 there is one that seeketh and judgeth John V. 51 Verily verily I say unto you If a man keep my saying he he shall never see death John V. 52 Then said the Jews unto him Now we know that thou hast a devil Abraham is dead and the prophets thou sayest If a man keep my saying he shall never taste of death Art thou greater then our father Abraham John V. 53 which is dead and the prophets are dead whom makest thou thy self Jesus answered John V. 54 If I honour my self my honour is nothing it is my Father that honoureth me of whom ye say that he is your God Yet ye have not known him John V. 55 but I know him and if I should say I know him not I shall be a liar like unto you but I know him and keep his saying John V. 56 Your father Abraham rejoyced to see my day and he saw it and was glad John V. 57 Then said the Jews unto him Thou art not yet fiftie yeares old and hast thou seen Abraham John V. 58 Jesus said unto them Verily verily I say unto you Before Abraham was I am John V. 59 Then took they up stons to cast at him but Jesus hid himself and went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so passed by CHAP. CIIII. The seventie disciples return Christs spirituall joy and the beatitude of the disciples L Luke Ch. 10 V. 17 ANd the seventie returned again with joy saying Lord even the devils are subject unto us through thy name Luke V. 18 And he said unto them I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven Luke V. 19 Behold I give unto you power to tread on scrpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemie and nothing shall by any means hurt you Notwithstanding in this rejoyce not Luke V. 20 that the spirits are subject unto you but rather rejoyce because your names are written in heaven * Matth. Ch. 11 V. 25 Luke V. 21 In that houre Jesus rejoyced in spirit said I thank thee O Father Lord of heaven and earth that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent and hast revealed them unto babes even so Father for so it seemed good in thy sight Luke V. 22 All things are delivered to me of my Father and no man knoweth who the Sonne is but the Father and who the Father is but the Sonne and he to whom the Sonne will reveal him Luke V. 23 And he turned him unto his disciples and said privately Blessed are the eyes which see the things that ye see * Matth. Ch. 13 V. 17 For I tell you that many prophets and kings have desired to see those things which ye see Luke V. 24 and have not seen them and to heare those things which ye heare and have not heard them CHAP. CV Christs dispute with a lawyer The parable of the Samaritane L Luke Ch. 10 V. 25 ANd * Matth. Ch. 22 V. 35 behold a certain lawyer stood up and tempted him saying Master what shall I do to inherit eternall life He said unto him Luke V. 26 What is written in the Law how readest thou And he answering said Luke Ch. 10 V. 27 Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy strength and with all thy minde and thy neighbour as thy self Luke V. 28 And he said unto him Thou hast answered right this do and thou shalt live But he willing to justifie himself Luke V. 29 said unto Jesus And who is my neighbour Luke V. 30 And Jesus answering said A certain man went down from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among theeves which stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departed leaving him half dead And by chance there came down a certain priest that way and when he saw him Luke V. 31 he passed by on the other side And likewise a Levite Luke V. 32 when he was at the place came and looked on him and passed by on the other side But a certain Samaritane Luke V. 33 as he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him he had compassion on him And went to him and bound up his wounds Luke V. 34 pouring in oyl and wine and set him on his own beast and brought him to an inne and took care of him And on the morrow when he departed Luke V. 35 he took out two pence and gave them to the host and said unto him Take care of him and whatsoever thou spendest more when I come again I will repay thee Which now of these three Luke V. 36 thinkest thou was neighbour unto him that fell among the theeves And he said Luke V. 37 He that shewed mercie on
John Ch. 2 V. 1 where he made the water wine And there was a certain noble man whose sonne was sick at Capernaum John V. 47 When he heard that Jesus was come out of Judea into Galilee he went unto him and besought him that he would come down and heal his sonne for he was at the point of death Then said Jesus unto him John V. 48 Except ye see signes and wonders ye will not beleeve The noble man saith unto him Sir John Ch. 4 V. 49 come down ere my childe die Jesus saith unto him John V. 50 Go thy way thy sonne liveth And the man beleeved the word that Jesus had spoken unto him and he went his way And as he was now going down John V. 51 his servants met him and told him saying Thy sonne liveth John V. 52 Then enquired he of them the houre when he began to amend and they said unto him Yesterday at the seventh houre the fever left him So the father knew that it was at the same houre John V. 53 in the which Jesus said unto him Thy sonne liveth and himself beleeved and his whole house John V. 54 This is again the second miracle that Jesus did when he was come out of Judea into Galilee THE THIRD BOOK THE HISTORIE OF THE SECOND YEARE OF CHRISTS PUBLICK MINISTERIE CHAP. XXXIIII The beginning of Christs publick preaching in the Synagogues of Galilee teaching in the Synagogue of Nazareth his own countrey he is cast out Mr. Mark Ch. 1 V. 14 NOw after that John was put in prison L Luke Ch. 4 V. 14 Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit and Mr. Mark Ch. 1 V. 14 came into Galilee preaching the Gospel of the kingdome of God L Luke Ch. 4 V. 14 and there went out a fame of him through all that region round about And he taught in their Synagogues Luke V. 15 being glorified of all Luke V. 16 And he came to Nazareth where he had been brought up and as his custome was he went into the Synagogue on the sabbath-day and stood up for to reade Luke Ch. 4 V. 17 And there was delivered unto him the book of the prophet Esaias and when he had opened the book he found the place where it was written The Spirit of the Lord is upon me Luke V. 18 because he hath anointed me to preach the Gospel to the poore he hath sent me to heal the broken-hearted to preach deliverance to the captives and recovering of sight to the blinde to set at libertie them that are bruised Luke V. 19 To preach the acceptable yeare of the Lord. And he closed the book Luke V. 20 and he gave it again to the minister and sat down and the eyes of all them that were in the Synagogue were fastened on him Luke V. 21 And he began to say unto them This day is this scripture fulfilled in your eares And all bare him witnesse Luke V. 22 and wondred at the gracious words which proceeded out of his mouth And they said Is not this Josephs sonne And he said unto them Luke V. 23 Ye will surely say unto me this proverb Physician heal thy self Whatsoever we have heard done in Capernaum do also here in thy countrey And he said Luke V. 24 Verily I say unto you * Matth. Ch. 13 V. 57 No prophet is accepted in his own countrey But I tell you of a truth Luke V. 25 many widows were in Israel in the dayes of Elias when the heaven was shut up three yeares and six moneths when great famine was throughout all the land Luke V. 26 But unto none of them was Elias sent save unto Sarepta a citie of Sidon unto a woman that was a widow And many lepers were in Israel in the time of Elizeus the prophet Luke V. 27 and none of them was cleansed saving Naaman the Syrian Luke V. 28 And all they in the Synagogue when they heard these things were filled with wrath And rose up Luke V. 29 and thrust him out of the citie and led him unto the brow of the hill whereon their citie was built that they might cast him down headlong Luke V. 30 But he passing through the midst of them went his way CHAP. XXXV Christ leaves Nazareth and dwells in Capernaum The chief heads of his sermons in Galilee M Matth. Ch. 4 V. 13 ANd Jesus leaving Nazareth Mr. Mark Ch. 1 V. 21 went and M Matth. Ch. 4 V. 13 came and dwelt in Capernaum which is upon the sea coast in the borders of Zabulon and Nephthali Matth. V. 14 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet saying Matth. V. 15 The land of Zabulon and the land of Nephthali by the way of the sea beyond Jordan Galilee of the Gentiles The people which sat in darknesse Matth. V. 16 saw great light and to them that sat in the region and shadow of death Matth. V. 17 light is sprung up From that time Mr. Mark V. 14 Jesus came into Galilee and M Matth. V. 17 began to preach Mr. Mark V. 15 the Gospel of the kingdome of God M Matth. V. 17 and to say Mr. Mark V. 15 The time is fulfilled and the kingdome of God is at hand Repent ye and beleeve the Gospel M Matth. V. 17 for the kingdome of heaven is at hand CHAP. XXXVI The miraculous taking of fishes The calling of Peter Andrew James and John M Matth. V. 18 ANd Jesus walking by the sea of Galilee saw two brothers Simon which is called Peter and Andrew his brother casting a net into the sea for they were fishers L Luke Ch. 5 V. 1 And it came to passe that as the people preassed upon him to heare the word of God he stood by the lake of Genesareth And saw two ships standing by the lake Luke V. 2 but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets Luke V. 3 And he entred into one of the ships which was Simons and prayed him that he would thrust out a little from the land and he sat down and taught the people out of the ship Luke V. 4 Now when he had left speakings he said unto Simon Lanch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught Luke Ch. 5 V. 5 And Simon answering said unto him Master we have toyled all the night and have taken nothing neverthelesse at thy word I will let down the net And when they had this done Luke V. 6 they enclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net brake And they beckened unto their partners Luke V. 7 which were in the other ship that they should come and help them And they came and filled both the ships so that they began to sink Luke V. 8 When Simon Peter saw
her alreadie in his heart Matth. V. 29 And if thy right eye offend thee pluck it out and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole bodie should be cast into hell Matth. V. 30 And if thy right hand offend thee cut it off and cast it from thee for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish and not that thy whole bodie should be cast into hell Matth. V. 31 It hath been said Whosoever shall put away his wife let him give her a writing of divorcement Matth. V. 32 But I say unto you that * Luke Ch. 16 V. 18 whosoever shall put away his wife saving for the cause of fornication causeth her to commit adulterie and whosoever shall marrie her that is divorced Matth. V. 33 committeth adulterie Again ye have heard that it hath been said by them of old time Thou shalt not forswear thy self but shalt perform unto the Lord thine oathes Matth. Ch. 5 V. 34 But I say unto you Swear not at all neither by heaven for it is Gods throne Matth. V. 35 Nor by the earth for it is his footstool neither by Jerusalem for it is the citie of the great King Matth. V. 36 Neither shalt thou swear by thy head because thou canst not make one hair white or black Matth. V. 37 But let your communication be Yea yea Nay nay for whatsoever is more then these cometh of evil Matth. V. 38 Ye have heard that it hath been said An eye for an eye Matth. V. 39 and a tooth for a tooth But I say unto you that ye resist not evil but whosoever shall * Matth. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Luke 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 smite thee on thy right cheek L Luke Ch. 6 V. 29 offer M Matth. V. 39 and turn to him the other also L Luke Ch. 6 V. 29 and him that taketh away thy cloak forbid not to take thy coat also M Matth. V. 39 And if any will sue thee at the law Matth. V. 40 and take away thy coat Matth. V. 41 let him have thy cloak also And whosoever shall compell thee to go a mile go with him twain Matth. V. 42 Give to him that asketh thee and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away L Luke V. 30 and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again Luke V. 31 And as ye would that men should do to you do ye also to them likewise Ye have heard that it hath been said Matth. V. 43 Thou shalt love thy neighbour and hate thine enemie L Luke V. 27 But I say unto you which heare Love your enemies do good to them that hate you Luke V. 28 Blesse them that curse you and pray for them which despitefully use you M Matth. V. 45 and persecute you That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven for he maketh his sunne to rise on the evil and on the good and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust L Luke V. 32 For if ye love them which love you what thank have ye M Matth. V. 46 what reward have ye do not even the Publicanes the same L Luke V. 32 for sinners also love those that love them M Matth. V. 47 And if ye salute your brethren onely what do you more then others do not even the Publicanes so L Luke Ch. 6 V. 33 And if ye do good to them which do good to you what thank have ye for sinners also do even the same And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive Luke V. 34 what thank have ye for sinners also lend to sinners that they may receive as much again Luke V. 35 But love ye your enemies and do good and lend hoping for nothing again and your reward shall be great and ye shall be the children of the highest for he is kinde to the unthankfull and to the evil Be ye therefore mercifull Luke V. 36 as your Father also is mercifull M Matth. Ch. 5 V. 48 Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect Sect. IIII. Of Almes Take heed that ye do not your almes before men Matth. Ch. 6 V. 1 to be seen of them otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven Matth. V. 2 Therefore when thou dost thine almes do not sound a trumpet before thee as the hypocrites do in the Synagogues and in the streets that they may have glorie of men Verily I say unto you they have their reward Matth. V. 3 But when thou dost almes let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doth Matth. V. 4 That thine almes may be in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly Sect. V. Of Prayer And when thou prayest Matth. V. 5 thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are for they love to pray standing in the Synagogues and in the corners of the streets that they may be seen of men Verily I say unto you Matth. V. 6 they have their reward But thou when thou prayest enter into thy closet and when thou hast shut thy doore pray to thy Father which is in secret and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly Matth. Ch. 6 V. 7 But when ye pray use not vain repetitions as the heathen do for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking Matth. V. 8 Be not ye therefore like unto them for your Father knoweth what things ye have need of Matth. V. 9 before ye ask him After this manner therefore pray ye * Luke Ch. 11 V. 2 Our Father which art in heaven Matth. V. 10 Hallowed be thy name Thy kingdome come Thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven Give us this day our daily bread Matth. V. 11 12 And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debters And leade us not into temptation but deliver us from evil For thine is the kingdome and the power and the glorie Matth. V. 14 for ever Amen * Mark Ch. 11 V. 25 For if ye forgive men their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you Matth. V. 15 But if ye forgive not men their trespasses neither will your Father forgive your trespasses Sect. VI. Of Fasting Moreover Matth. V. 16 when ye fast be not as the hypocrites of a sad countenance for they disfigure their faces that they may appeare unto men to fast Verily I say unto you they have their reward But thou Matth. V. 17 when thou fastest anoint thine head Matth. V. 18 and wash thy face That thou appeare not unto men to fast but unto thy Father which is
evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh Luke V. 46 And why call ye me Lord Lord and do not the things which I say M Matth. V. 21 Not every one that saith unto me Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of heaven but he that doth the will of my Father which is in heaven Many will say to me in that day Lord Matth. V. 22 Lord have we not prophesied in thy name and in thy name have cast out devils and in thy name done many wonderfull works Matth. V. 23 * Luke Ch. 13 V. 27 And then will I professe unto them I never knew you depart from me ye that work iniquitie Sect. XII The conclusion of Christs sermon in the mount Against Hypocrisie An exhortation to true pietie Therefore L Luke V. 47 whosoever cometh to me and heareth M Matth. V. 24 these sayings of mine and doth them L Luke V. 47 I will shew you to whom he is like M Matth. V. 24 I will liken him unto a wise man which built his house upon a rock For L Luke V. 48 he is like a man which built an house and digged deep and laid the foundation on a rock M Matth. V. 25 And the rain descended and the flouds came and the windes blew L Luke V. 48 and when the floud arose the stream beat vehemently upon that house and could not shake it M Matth. V. 26 and it fell not for it was founded upon a rock And every one that heareth these sayings of mine and doth them not shall be likened unto a foolish man which built his house upon the sand L Luke V. 49 without a foundation upon the earth M Matth. Ch. 7 V. 27 And the rain descended the flouds came and the windes blew and beat upon that house L Luke V. 48 against which the stream did beat vehemently and immediately it fell and the ruine of that house was great M Matth. V. 28 And it came to passe when Jesus had ended these sayings * Mark Ch. 1 V. 22 Luke Ch. 4 V. 32 the people were astonished at his doctrine For he taught them as one having authoritie Matth. V. 29 and not as the Scribes CHAP. LII A leper healed after the sermon on the mount L Luke Ch. 7 V. 1 NOw when he had ended all his sayings in the audience of the people and M Matth. Ch. 8 V. 1 when he was come down from the mountain great multitudes followed him Matth. V. 2 * Mark Ch. 1 V. 40 Luke Ch. 5 V. 12 And behold there came a leper and worshipped him saying Lord if thou wilt Matth. V. 3 thou canst make me clean And Jesus put forth his hand and touched him saying I will be thou clean And immediately his leprosie was cleansed Matth. V. 4 And Jesus saith unto him See thou tell no man but go thy way shew thy self to the priest and offer the gift that Moses commanded for a testimonie unto them CHAP. LIII The Centurion in Capernaum intercedes for his servant that he might be cured of the palsie L Luke Ch. 7 V. 1 2 ANd he entred into Capernaum And a certain Centurions servant who was deare unto him was sick and readie to die Luke V. 3 And when he heard of Jesus he sent unto him the elders of the Jews beseeching him that he would come and heal his servant Luke V. 4 And when they came to Jesus they besought him instantly saying that he was worthy for whom he should do this Luke Ch. 7 V. 5 For he loveth our nation and hath built us a Synagogue Then Jesus went with them Luke V. 6 And when he was now not farre from the house the Centurion sent friends to him saying unto him Lord trouble not thy self for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter under my roof Wherefore neither thought I my self worthy to come unto thee Luke V. 7 but say in a word and my servant shall be healed M Matth. Ch. 8 V. 5 And when Jesus was entred into Capernaum the Centurion came unto him beseeching him And saying Matth. V. 6 Lord my servant lieth at home sick of the palsie Matth. V. 7 grievously tormented And Jesus saith unto him Matth. V. 8 I will come and heal him The Centurion answered and said Lord I am not worthy that thou shouldest come under my roof but speak the word onely and my servant shall be healed L Luke V. 8 For I also am a man set under authoritie having under me souldiers and I say unto one Go and he goeth and to another Come and he cometh and to my servant Do this and he doth it When Jesus heard these things Luke V. 9 he marvelled at him and turned him about and said unto the people that followed him Verily I say unto you I have not found so great faith no not in Israel M Matth. V. 11 And I say unto you that many shall come from the east and west and shall sit down with Abraham and Isaac and Jacob in the kingdome of heaven Matth. V. 12 But the children of the kingdome shall be cast out into outer darknesse there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth Matth. V. 13 And Jesus said unto the Centurion Go thy way and as thou hast beleeved so be it unto thee And his servant was healed in the self same houre L Luke V. 10 And they that were sent returning to the house found the servant whole that had been sick CHAP. LIIII The widows sonne of Naim raised to life L Luke Ch. 7 V. 11 ANd it came to passe the day after that he went into a citie called Naim and many of his disciples went with him and much people Now when he came neigh to the gate of the citie Luke V. 12 behold there was a dead man carried out the onely sonne of his mother and she was a widow and much people of the citie was with her Luke V. 13 And when the Lord saw her he had compassion on her and said unto her Weep not Luke V. 14 And he came and touched the biere and they that bare him stood still and he said Young man I say unto thee Arise And he that was dead sat up Luke V. 15 and began to speak and he delivered him to his mother And there came a fear on all Luke V. 16 and they glorified God saying That a great prophet is risen up among us and that God hath visited his people And this rumour of him went forth throughout all Judea Luke V. 17 and throughout all the region round about CHAP. LV. Messengers are sent from John Baptist out of prison to Christ L Luke V. 18 ANd the disciples of John shewed him all these things
the wicked one Matth. V. 39 The enemie that sowed them is the devil the harvest is the end of the world Matth. V. 40 and the reapers are the angles As therefore the tares are gathered and burnt in the fire Matth. V. 41 so shall it be in the end of this world The Sonne of man shall send forth his angels and they shall gather out of his kingdome all things that offend Matth. V. 42 and them which do iniquitie And shall cast them into a furnace of fire there shall be wailing Matth. V. 43 and gnashing of teeth Then shall the righteous shine forth as the sunne in the kingdome of their Father Who hath eares to heare let him heare Matth. Ch. 13 V. 44 Again the kingdome of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field the which when a man hath found he hideth and for joy thereof goeth and selleth all that he hath and buyeth that field Again Matth. V. 45 the kingdome of heaven is like unto a merchant man Matth. V. 46 seeking goodly pearls Who when he had found one pearl of great price he went and sold all that he had and bought it Again Matth. V. 47 the kingdome of heaven is like unto a net that was cast into the sea and gathered of every kinde Matth. V. 48 Which when it was full they drew to shore and sat down and gathered the good into vessels Matth. V. 49 but cast the bad away So shall it be at the end of the world the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just Matth. V. 50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth Matth. V. 51 Jesus saith unto them Have ye understood all these things They say unto him Matth. V. 52 Yea Lord. Then said he unto them Therefore every Scribe which is instructed unto the kingdome of heaven is like unto a man that is an housholder which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old CHAP. LXIII A lawyer offers to be Christs disciple Another would first burie his father M Matth. V. 53 ANd it came to passe that when Jesus had finished these parables he departed thence Mr. Mark Ch. 4 V. 35 And the same day when the even was come he saith unto them Let us passe over unto the other side M Matth. Ch. 8 V. 18 Now when Jesus saw great multitudes about him he gave commandment to depart part unto the other side Matth. Ch. 8 V. 19 * Luke Ch. 9 V. 57 And a certain Scribe came and said unto him Master I will follow thee whithersoever thou goest Matth. V. 20 And Jesus saith unto him The foxes have holes and the birds of the aire have nests but the Sonne of man hath not where to lay his head Matth. V. 21 And another of his disciples said unto him Lord suffer me first to go and burie my father Matth. V. 22 But Jesus said unto him Follow me and let the dead burie their dead CHAP. LXIIII. Christ passeth over into the countrey of the Gergesenes L Luke Ch. 8 V. 22 NOw it came to passe on a certain day that he went into a ship M Matth. V. 23 And when he was entred into a ship his disciples followed him Mr. Mark Ch. 4 V. 36 And when they had sent away the multitude they took him even as he was in the ship L Luke Ch. 8 V. 22 and he said unto them Let us go over unto the other side of the lake and they lanched forth Mr. Mark Ch. 4 V. 36 and there were also with them other little ships L Luke V. 23 But as they sailed he fell asleep M Matth. V. 24 And behold there arose a great tempest in the sea L Luke V. 23 and there came down M Matth. V. 24 a great storm of winde L Luke V. 23 on the lake Mr. Mark V. 37 and the waves beat into the ship M Matth. V. 24 insomuch that the ship was covered with waves Mr. Mark V. 37 so that it was now full L Luke V. 23 and they were filled with water and were in jeopardie Mr. Mark V. 38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship asleep on a pillow M Matth. V. 25 And his disciples came to him L Luke V. 24 and awoke him saying Master master we perish Mr. Mark V. 38 Master earest thou not that we perish M Matth. V. 26 Lord save us we perish And he saith unto them Why are ye fearfull O ye of little faith Then he arose and rebuked the windes and the sea L Luke V. 24 and theraging of the water Mr. Mark V. 39 and said unto the sea Peace be still and the winde allayed L Luke V. 24 and they ceased Mr. Mark Ch. 4 V. 40 and there was a great calme And he said unto them Why are ye so fearfull how is it that ye have not faith L Luke Ch. 8 V. 25 where is your faith Mr. Mark V. 41 And they feared exceedingly M Matth. Ch. 8 V. 27 but the men marvelled saying L Luke Ch. 8 V. 25 one to another What manner of man is this for he commandeth even the windes and water M Matth. Ch. 8 V. 27 that even the windes and the sea obey him CHAP. LXV Christ heals the possessed of devils in the countrey of the Gergesenes L Luke Ch. 8 V. 26 ANd they * 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 sayled Mr. Mark Ch. 5 V. 1 and came over unto the other side of the sea into the countrey of the Gadarenes L Luke Ch. 8 V. 26 which is over against Galilee M Matth. V. 28 And when he was come to the other side into the countrey of the Gergesenes Mr. Mark V. 2 And when he was come out of the ship L Luke Ch. 8 V. 26 to land M Matth. V. 28 there met him two possessed with devils coming out of the tombes exceeding fierce so that no man might passe by that way Matth. V. 29 And behold they cried out saying What have we to do with thee Jesus thou Sonne of God art thou come hither to torment us before the time Mr. Mark V. 2 Immediately I say there met him out of the tombes a man with an unclean spirit L Luke V. 27 a certain man out of the citie which had devils long time and ware no clothes neither abode in any house but Mr. Mark V. 3 had his dwelling among the tombes and no man could binde him no not with chains Mark V. 4 Because that he had been often bound with fetters and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the fetters broken in pieces neither could any man tame him
foundation and is not able to finish it all that behold it begin to mock him Saying Luke V. 30 This man began to build and was not able to finish Luke V. 31 Or what king going to make warre against another king sitteth not down first and consulteth whether he be able with ten thousand to meet him that cometh against him with twentie thousand Luke V. 32 Or else while the other is yet a great way off he sendeth an ambassage and desireth conditions of peace So likewise Luke V. 33 whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath he cannot be my disciple * Matth. Ch. 5 V. 13 Salt is good Luke V. 34 but if the salt have lost his savour wherewith shall it be seasoned It is neither fit for the land Luke V. 35 not yet for the dunghill but men cast it out He that hath eares to heare let him heare CHAP. CXXI The parables of the lost sheep of the piece of silver of the prodigall sonne L Luke Ch. 15 V. 1 THen drew neare unto him all the Publicanes and sinners for to heare him Luke V. 2 And the Pharisees and Scribes murmured saying This man receiveth sinners and eateth with them Luke V. 3 And he spake this parable unto them saying * Matth. Ch. 18 V. 12 Luke V. 4 What man of you having an hundred sheep if he lose one of them doth not leave the ninetie and nine in the wildernesse and go after that which is lost untill he finde it And when he hath found it Luke V. 5 he layeth it on his shoulders rejoycing Luke V. 6 And when he cometh home he calleth together his friends and neighbours saying unto them Rejoyce with me for I have found my sheep which was lost Luke V. 7 I say unto you that likewise joy shall be in heaven over one sinner that repenteth more then over ninetie and nine just persons which need no repentance Luke V. 8 Either what woman having ten pieces of silver if she lose one piece doth not light a candle and sweep the house seek diligently till she finde it And when she hath found it Luke V. 9 she calleth her friends and her neighbours together saying Rejoyce with me for I have found the piece which I had lost Likewise I say unto you Luke V. 10 There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth And he said Luke V. 11 A certain man had two sonnes Luke V. 12 And the younger of them said to his Father Father give me the portion of goods that falleth to me And he divided unto them his living And not many dayes after Luke V. 13 the younger sonne gathered all together and took his journey into a farre countrey and there wasted his substance with riotous living Luke V. 14 And when he had spent all there arose a mightie famine in that land and he began to be in want Luke Ch. 15 V. 15 And he went and joyned himself to a citizen of that countrey and he sent him into his fields to feed swine Luke V. 16 And he would fain have filled his bellie with the husks that the swine did eat and no man gave unto him And when he came to himself he said Luke V. 17 How many hired servants of my fathers have bread enough and to spare and I perish with hunger Luke V. 18 I will arise and go to my father and will say unto him Father I have sinned against heaven and before thee Luke V. 19 And am no more worthy to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hired servants And he arose and came to his father Luke V. 20 But when he was yet a great way off his father saw him and had compassion and ran and fell on his neck and kissed him And the sonne said unto him Father Luke V. 21 I have sinned against heaven and in thy sight and am no more worthy to be called thy sonne Luke V. 22 But the father said to his servants Bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet Luke V. 23 And bring hither the fatted ealf and kill it and let us eat and be merrie For this my sonne was dead Luke V. 24 and is alive again he was lost and is found And they began to be merrie Luke V. 25 Now his elder sonne was in the field and as he came and drew nigh to the house he heard musick and dancing Luke V. 26 And he called one of the servants and asked what these things meant And he said unto him Thy brother is come Luke V. 27 and thy father hath killed the fatted calf because he hath received him safe and sound Luke V. 28 And he was angrie and would not go in therefore came his father out and intreated him And he answering Luke V. 29 said to his father Lo these many yeares do I serve thee neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment and yet thou never gavest me a kid that I might make merrie with my friends Luke V. 30 But assoon as this thy sonne was come which hath devoured thy living with harlots thou hast killed for him the fatted calf And he said unto him Luke Ch. 15 V. 31 Sonne thou art ever with me and all that I have is thine Luke V. 32 It was meet that we should make merrie and be glad for this thy brother was dead and is alive again and was lost and is found CHAP. CXXII The Parable of the unjust steward L Luke Ch. 16 V. 1 ANnd he said also unto his disciples There was a certain rich man which had a steward and the same was accused unto him that he had wasted his goods And he called him Luke V. 2 and said unto him How is it that I heare this of thee give an account of thy stewardship for thou mayest be no longer steward Luke V. 3 Then the steward said within himself What shall I do for my lord taketh away from me the stewardship I cannot dig to beg I am ashamed Luke V. 4 I am resolved what to do that when I am put out of the stewardship they may receive me into their houses Luke V. 5 So he called every one of his lords debters unto him and said unto the first How much owest thou unto my lord And he said Luke V. 6 An hundred measures of oyl And he said unto him Take thy bill and sit down quickly and write fiftie Luke V. 7 Then said he to another And how much owest thou And he said An hundred measures of wheat And he said unto him Take thy bill and write fourescore Luke V. 8 And the lord commended the unjust steward because he had done wisely for
he answered them and said The kingdome of God cometh not with observation Luke V. 21 Neither shall they say Lo here or lo there for behold the kingdome of God is within you Luke V. 22 And he said unto the disciples The dayes will come when ye shall desire to see one of the dayes of the Sonne of man and ye shall not see it * Matth. Ch. 24 V. 23 Luke V. 23 And they shall say to you See here or see there go not after them nor follow them Luke V. 24 For as the lightning that lightneth out of the one part under heaven shineth unto the other part under heaven so shall also the Sonne of man be in his day Luke V. 25 But first must he suffer many things and be rejected of this generation And as it was in the dayes of Noe Luke V. 26 so shall it be also in the dayes of the Sonne of man Luke V. 27 They did eat they drank they married wives they were given in marriage untill the day that Noe entred into the ark and the floud came and destroyed them all Luke V. 28 Likewise also as it was in the dayes of Lot they did eat they drank they bought they sold they planted they builded Luke Ch. 17 V. 29 But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all Luke V. 30 Even thus shall it be in the day when the Sonne of man is revealed In that day Luke V. 31 he which shall be upon the house top and his stuffe in the house let him not come down to take it away and he that is in the field let him likewise not return back Remember Lots wife * Matth. Ch. 16 V. 25 Luke V. 32 Whosoever shall seek to save his life shall lose it Luke V. 33 and whosoever shall lose his life shall preserve it I tell you Luke V. 34 in that night there shall be two men in one bed the one shall be taken the other shall be left Luke V. 35 Two women shall be grinding together the one shall be taken and the other left * Matth. Ch. 24 V. 40 Luke V. 36 Two men shall be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left And they answered and said unto him Where Luke V. 37 Lord And he said unto them * Matth. Ch. 24 V. 28 Wheresoever the bodie is thither will the eagles be gathered together CHAP. CXXVII The parable of the unjust judge which teacheth us to pray without fainting L Luke Ch. 18 V. 1 ANd he spake a parable unto them to this end that men ought alwayes to pray and not to faint saying There was in a citie a judge Luke V. 2 which feared not God neither regarded man And there was a widow in that citie Luke V. 3 and she came unto him saying Avenge me of mine adversarie And he would not for a while Luke V. 4 but afterward he said within himself Though I fear not God nor regard man Luke V. 5 Yet because this widow troubleth me I will avenge her lest by her continuall coming she weary me And the Lord said Luke V. 6 Heare what the unjust judge saith Luke V. 7 And shall not God avenge his own elect which cry day and night unto him though he bear long with them I tell you that he will avenge them speedily Luke Ch. 18 V. 8 Neverthelesse when the Sonne of man cometh shall he finde faith on the earth CHAP. CXXVIII The parable of the Pharisee and the Publicane L Luke V. 9 ANd he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous and despised others Luke V. 10 Two men went up into the temple to pray the one a Pharisee and the other a Publicane Luke V. 11 The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself God I thank thee that I am not as other men are extortioners unjust adulterers or even as this Publicane Luke V. 12 I fast twice in the week I give tithes of all that I possesse And the Publicane standing afarre off Luke V. 13 would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven but smote upon his breast saying God be mercifull to me a sinner I tell you Luke V. 14 this man went down to his house justified rather then the other for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted CHAP. CXXIX Christ goes into Berea disputes with the Pharisees concerning divorcement M Matth. Ch. 19 V. 1 ANd it came to passe that when Jesus had finished these sayings he departed from Galilee Mr. Mark Ch. 10 V. 1 And he arose from thence and cometh into the coasts of Judea by the farther side of Jordan M Matth. V. 2 And great multitudes followed him and he healed them there Mr. Mark Ch. 10 V. 1 and the people resort unto him again and as he was wont he taught them again Mark V. 2 And the Pharisees came to him and asked him M Matth. V. 2 tempting him and saying unto him Is it lawfull for a man to put away his wife for every cause Mr. Mark Ch. 10 V. 3 And he answered and said unto them What did Moses command you And they said Mark V. 4 Moses suffered to write a bill of divorcement and to put her away M Matth. Ch. 19 V. 4 And he answered and said unto them Have ye not read that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female Matth. V. 5 And said For this cause shall a man leave father and mother and shall cleave to his wife and they twain shall be one flesh Matth. V. 6 Wherefore they are no more twain but one flesh What therefore God hath joyned together let not man put asunder Matth. V. 7 They say unto him Why did Moses then command to give a writing of divorcement and to put her away Mr. Mark V. 5 And Jesus answered and said unto them For the hardnesse of your heart he wrote you this precept and M Matth. V. 8 suffered you to put away your wives Mr. Mark V. 6 But from the beginning of the creation M Matth. V. 8 it was not so but Mr. Mark V. 7 God made them male and female For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave to his wife Mark V. 8 And they twain shall be one flesh so then they are no more twain but one flesh Mark V. 9 What therefore God hath joyned together let not man put asunder M Matth. V. 9 And I say unto you Whosoever shall put away his wife except it be for fornication and shall marry another committeth adultery and whoso marrieth her which is put away doth
is the light with you walk while ye have the light lest darknesse come upon you for he that walketh in darknesse knoweth not whither he goeth While ye have light John V. 36 beleeve in the light that ye may be the children of light These things spake Jesus Mr. Mark Ch. 11 V. 11 and now the eventide was come M Matth. Ch. 21 V. 17 he left them J John V. 36 and departed and did hide himself from them M Matth. Ch. 21 V. 17 and went out of the citie into Bethany Mr. Mark Ch. 11 V. 11 with the twelve M Matth. Ch. 21 V. 17 and he lodged there J John V. 37 But though he had done so many miracles before them yet they beleeved not on him John V. 38 That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled which he spake Lord who hath beleeved our report and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed John V. 39 Therefore they could not beleeve because that Esaias said again * Matth. Ch. 13 V. 14 He hath blinded their eyes John V. 40 and hardened their heart that they should not see with their eyes nor understand with their heart and be converted and I should heal them John V. 41 These things said Esaias when he saw his glorie and spake of him Neverthelesse among the chief rulers also John Ch. 12 V. 42 many beleeved on him but because of the Pharisees they did not confesse him lest they should be put out of the Synagogue * John Ch. 5 V. 44 Ch. 12 V. 43 For they loved the praise of men more then the praise of God CHAP. CXLVIII The cursing of the fig-tree The temple again cleansed and Christs farewell sermon concerning his office M Matth. Ch. 21 V. 18 NOw in the morning Mr. Mark Ch. 11 V. 12 and on the morrow M Matth. Ch. 21 V. 18 as he returned into the citie Mr. Mark Ch. 11 V. 12 when they were come from Bethanie he was hungrie M Matth. V. 19 And when he saw a fig-tree Mr. Mark Ch. 11 V. 13 afarre off M Matth. V. 19 in the way Mr. Mark V. 13 having leaves M Matth. V. 19 he came to it Mr. Mark Ch. 11 V. 13 if haply he might finde any thing thereon and when he came to it he found nothing M Matth. V. 19 thereon but leaves onely Mr. Mark V. 14 for the time of figs was not yet And Jesus answered and said unto it M Matth. V. 19 Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever and Mr. Mark V. 14 no man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever And his disciples heard tit M Matth. V. 19 And presently the fig-tree withered away Mr. Mark V. 15 * Matth. Ch. 21 V. 12 And they come to Jerusalem and Jesus went into the temple and began to cast out them that sold and bought in the temple and overthrew the tables of the money-changers and the seats of them that sold doves Mark V. 16 And would not suffer that any man should carrie any vessel through the temple Mark V. 17 And he taught saying unto them Is it not written My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer but ye have made it a den of theeves Mark V. 18 And the Scribes and chief priests heard it and sought how they might destroy him for they feared him because all the people was astonished at his doctrine J John V. 44 Jesus cried and said He that beleeveth on me beleeveth not on me but on him that sent me John Ch. 12 V. 45 And he that seeth me seeth him that sent me * John Ch. 12 V. 46 Ch. 3 V. 19 I am come a light into the world that whosoever beleeveth on me should not abide in darknesse * John Ch. 12 V. 47 Ch. 3 V. 17 And if any man heare my words and beleeve not I judge him not for I came not to judge the world but to save the world John Ch. 12 V. 48 He that rejecteth me and receiveth not my words hath one that judgeth him * Mark Ch. 16 V. 16 the word that I have spoken the same shall judge him in the last day John V. 49 For I have not spoken of my self but the Father which sent me he gave me a commandment what I should say and what I should speak John V. 50 And I know that his commandment is life everlasting whatsoever I speak therefore even as the Father said unto me so I speak Mr. Mark Ch. 11 V. 19 And when even was come he went out of the citie CHAP. CXLIX Christs speech to his disciples of the power of faith upon occasion of the cursing of the withered fig-tree Mr. Mark V. 20 ANd in the morning as they passed by they saw the fig-tree dried up from the roots M Matth. Ch. 21 V. 20 And when the disciples saw it they marvelled saying How soon is the fig-tree withered away Mr. Mark V. 21 And Peter calling to remembrance saith unto him Master behold the fig-tree which thou cursedst is withered away Mark V. 22 And Jesus answering saith unto them Mark V. 23 Have faith in God For verily I say unto you M Matth. V. 21 If ye have faith and doubt not ye shall not onely do this which is done to the fig-tree but also if ye shall say unto this mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea it shall be done Mr. Mark V. 23 And whosoever shall say unto this mountain Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea and shall not doubt in his heart but shall beleeve that those things which he saith shall come to passe Mark Ch. 11 V. 24 he shall have whatsoever he saith Therefore I say unto you * Matth. Ch. 7 V. 7 What things soever ye desire when ye pray beleeve that ye receive them and ye shall have them M Matth. Ch. 21 V. 22 And all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer beleeving ye shall receive Mr. Mark V. 25 And when ye stand praying forgive if ye have ought against any that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses But if you do not forgive Mark V. 26 neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses CHAP. CL. Christ questions the chief priests Scribes and elders about Johns baptisme Mr. Mark V. 27 ANd they come again to Jerusalem L Luke Ch. 20 V. 1 And it came to passe that in one of those dayes M Matth. V. 23 when he was come into the temple L Luke Ch. 20 V. 1 as he taught the people and preached the Gospel Mr. Mark V. 27 the chief priests and the Scribes M Matth. V. 23 and the elders of
2 and five were foolish They that were foolish took their lamps Matth. V. 3 and took no oyl with them Matth. V. 4 But the wise took oyl in their vessels with their lamps Matth. V. 5 While the bridegroom tarried they all slumbred and slept And at midnight there was a cry made Matth. V. 6 Behold the bridegroom cometh go ye out to meet him Then all those virgins arose Matth. V. 7 and trimmed their lamps Matth. V. 8 And the foolish said unto the wise Give us of your oyl Matth. V. 9 for our lamps are gone out But the wise answered saying Not so lest there be not enough for us and you but go ye rather to them that sell Matth. V. 10 and buy for your selves And while they went to buy the bridegroom came and they that were readie went in with him to the marriage Matth. V. 11 and the doore was shut Afterward came also the other virgins saying Lord Lord open to us Matth. V. 12 But he answered and said Verily I say unto you I know you not * Matth. Ch. 25 V. 13 Ch. 24 V. 42 Mark Ch. 13 V. 33 Watch therefore for ye know neither the day nor the houre wherein the Sonne of man cometh CHAP. CLXIIII Christ propounds to his Apostles the parable of the talents distributed among the servants M Matth. Ch. 25 V. 14 FOr the kingdome of heaven is as a man travelling into a farre countrey who called his own servants and delivered unto them his goods And unto one he gave five talents Matth. V. 15 to another two and to another one to every man according to his severall abilitie and straightway took his journey Then he that had received the five talents Matth. V. 16 went and traded with the same and made them other five talents Matth. V. 17 And likewise he that had received two Matth. V. 18 he also gained other two But he that had received one went and digged in the earth and hid his lords money Matth. V. 19 After a long time the lord of those servants cometh and reckoneth with them And so he that had received five talents Matth. V. 20 came and brought other five talents saying Lord thou deliveredst unto me five talents behold I have gained besides them five talents moe Matth. V. 21 His lord said unto him Well done thou good and faithfull servant thou hast been faithfull over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things enter thou into the joy of thy lord Matth. V. 22 He also that had received two talents came and said Lord thou deliveredst unto me two talents behold I have gained two other talents besides them Matth. V. 23 His lord said unto him Well done good and faithfull servant thou hast been faithfull over a few things I will make thee ruler over many things Matth. V. 24 enter thou into the joy of thy lord Then he which had received the one talent came and said Lord I knew thee that thou art an hard man reaping where thou hast not sowen and gathering where thou hast not strawed Matth. V. 25 And I was afraid and went and hid thy talent in the earth lo Matth. Ch. 25 V. 26 there thou hast that is thine His Lord answered and said unto him Thou wicked and slothfull servant thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not Matth. V. 27 and gather where I have not strawed Thou oughtest therefore to have put my money to the exchangers and then at my coming I should have received mine own with usurie Matth. V. 28 Take therefore the talent from him and give it unto him which hath ten talents * Matth. Ch. 25 V. 29 Ch. 13 V. 12 Mark Ch. 4 V. 25 Luke Ch. 8 V. 18 For unto every one that hath shall be given and he shall have abundance but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath Matth. Ch. 25 V. 30 And cast ye the unprofitable servant into outer darknesse there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth CHAP. CLXV Christ describes to his Apostles the acts and proceedings of the last judgement M Matth. V. 31 WHen the Sonne of man shall come in his glorie and all the holy angels with him Matth. V. 32 then shall he sit upon the throne of his glorie And before him shall be gathered all nations and he shall separate them one from another as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats And he shall set the sheep on his right hand Matth. V. 33 but the goats on the left Matth. V. 34 Then shall the king say unto them on his right hand Come ye blessed of my Father inherit the kingdome prepared for you from the foundation of the world Matth. V. 35 For I was an hungred and ye gave me meat I was thirstie and ye gave me drink I was a stranger and ye took me in Matth. V. 36 Naked and ye clothed me I was sick and ye visited me I was in prison and ye came unto me Matth. V. 37 Then shall the righteous answer him saying Lord when saw we thee an hungred and fed thee or thirstie and gave thee drink When saw we thee a stranger Matth. Ch. 25 V. 38 and took thee in or naked Matth. V. 39 and clothed thee Or when saw we thee sick Matth. V. 40 or in prison and came unto thee And the king shall answer and say unto them Verily I say unto you In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren ye have done it unto me Matth. V. 41 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand * Matth. Ch. 7 V. 23 Depart from me ye cursed into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels Matth. V. 42 For I was an hungred and ye gave me no meat I was thirstie and ye gave me no drink Matth. V. 43 I was a stranger and ye took me not in naked and ye clothed me not sick and in prison and ye visited me not Matth. V. 44 Then shall they also answer him saying Lord when saw we thee an hungred or athirst or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison Matth. V. 45 and did not minister unto thee Then shall he answer them saying Verily I say unto you In as much as ye did it not to one of the least of these Matth. V. 46 ye did it not to me * Luke Ch. 5 V. 29 And these shall go away into everlasting punishment but the righteous into life eternall L Luke Ch. 21 V. 37 And in the day-time he was teaching in the temple and at night he went out and abode in the mount that is called the mount of Olives And all the people came early in the morning to him in the temple Luke
ye shall be sorrowfull but your sorrow shall be turned into joy John V. 21 A woman when she is in travail hath sorrow because her houre is come but assoon as she is delivered of the childe she remembreth no more the anguish for joy that a man is born into the world And ye now therefore have sorrow John V. 22 but I will see you again and your heart shall rejoyce and your joy no man taketh from you John V. 23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing * Matth. Ch. 7 V. 7 Verily verily I say unto you Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name John V. 24 he will give it you Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name ask and ye shall receive that your joy may be full John V. 25 These things have I spoken unto you in proverbs the time cometh when I shall no more speak unto you in proverbs but I shall shew you plainly of the Father John V. 26 At that day ye shall ask in my name and I say not unto you that I will pray the Father for you For the Father himself loveth you John V. 27 because ye have loved me and have beleeved that I came out from God I came forth from the Father John V. 28 and am come into the world again I leave the world and go to the Father John V. 29 His disciples said unto him Lo now speakest thou plainly and speakest no proverb John V. 30 Now are we sure that thou knowest all things and needest not that any man should ask thee by this we beleeve that thou camest forth from God Jesus answered them John Ch. 16 V. 31 Do ye now beleeve * Matth. Ch. 26 V. 31 Behold the houre cometh John V. 32 yea is now come that ye shall be scattered every man to his own and shall leave me alone and yet I am not alone because the Father is with me These things I have spoken unto you John V. 33 that in me ye might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer I have overcome the world CHAP. CLXXX Christ prayes ardently for his own glorification and the conservation of the church Sect. I. J John Ch. 17 V. 1 THese words spake Jesus and lift up his eyes to heaven and said Father the houre is come glorifie thy Sonne that thy Sonne also may glorifie thee * Matth. Ch. 28 V. 18 As thou hast given him power over all flesh John V. 2 that he should give eternall life to as many as thou hast given him John V. 3 And this is life eternall that they may know thee the onely true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent John V. 4 I have glorified thee on the earth I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do John V. 5 And now O Father glorifie thou me with thine own self with the glorie which I had with thee before the world was Sect. II. I have manifested thy name unto the men which thou gavest me out of the world John V. 6 thine they were and thou gavest them me and they have kept thy word John V. 7 Now they have known that all things whatsoever thou hast given me are of thee For I have given unto them the words which thou gavest me John Ch. 17 V. 8 and they have received them * John Ch. 16 V. 27 and have known surely that I came out from thee and they have beleeved that thou didst send me I pray for them John V. 9 I pray not for the world but for them which thou hast given me for they are thine And all mine are thine John V. 10 and thine are mine and I am glorified in them John V. 11 And now I am no more in the world but these are in the world and I come to thee Holy Father keep through thine own name those whom thou hast given me that they may be one as we are John V. 12 While I was with them in the world I kept them in thy name those that thou gavest me I have kept and none of them is lost but the sonne of perdition that the scripture might be fulfilled John V. 13 And now come I to thee and these things I speak in the world that they might have my joy fulfilled in themselves I have given them thy word and the world hath hated them because they are not of the world John V. 14 even as I am not of the world John V. 15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil They are not of the world even as I am not of the world John V. 16 Sanctifie them through thy truth thy word is truth As thou hast sent me into the world John V. 17 even so have I also sent them into the world John V. 18 And for their sakes I sanctifie my self John V. 19 that they also might be sanctified through the truth Sect. III. Neither pray I for these alone John V. 20 but for them also which shall beleeve on me through their word That they all may be one John V. 21 as thou Father art in me and I in thee that they also may be one in us that the world may beleeve that thou hast sent me John V. 22 And the glorie which thou gavest me I have given them that they may be one even as we are one John Ch. 17 V. 23 I in them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou hast sent me and hast loved them as thou hast loved me * John Ch. 17 V. 24 Ch. 12 V. 26 Father I will that they also whom thou hast given me be with me where I am that they may behold my glorie which thou hast given me for thou lovedst me before the foundation of the world John V. 25 O righteous Father the world hath not known thee but I have known thee and these have known that thou hast sent me John V. 26 And I have declared unto them thy name and will declare it that the love where with thou hast loved me may be in them and I in them CHAP. CLXXXI The historie of the passion crucifying death and buriall of Christ His departure out of Jerusalem into mount Olivet with his prophesie of the flight of the disciples M Matth. Ch. 26 V. 30 ANd when they had sung an hymne they went out into the mount of Olives For J John Ch. 18 V. 1 when Jesus had spoken these words L Luke Ch. 22 V. 39 he came out and went J John Ch. 18 V. 1 with his disciples over the brook Cedron L Luke Ch. 22 V. 39 as he was wont to the mount of Olives
of your unbelief for verily I say unto you * Luke Ch. 17 V. 6 If you have faith as a grain of mustard-seed ye shall say unto this mountain Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be unpossible unto you Matth. Ch. 17 V. 21 Howbeit this kinde Mr. Mark Ch. 9 V. 29 can come forth by nothing but by prayer and fasting CHAP. XC Christ goeth secretly through Galilee His sermon of his passion Mr. Mark V. 30 ANd they departed thence and passed through Galilee and he would not that any man should know it Mark V. 31 For he taught his disciples M Matth. Ch. 17 V. 22 * Matth. Ch. 20 V. 17 And while they abode in Galilee L Luke Ch. 17 V. 6 but while they wondred every one at all things which Jesus did M Matth. Ch. 17 V. 22 Jesus L Luke Ch. 9 V. 44 said unto his disciples Let these sayings sink down into your eares for the Sonne of man shall be delivered into the hands of men Mr. Mark V. 31 and they shall kill him and after that he is killed he shall rise the third day L Luke V. 45 But they understood not this saying and it was hid from them that they perceived it not and they feared to ask him of that saying M Matth. V. 23 and they were exceeding sorie Mr. Mark V. 33 And he came to Capernaum CHAP. XCI Christ payes toll for himself and Peter in Capernaum M Matth. V. 24 ANd when they were come to Capernaum they that received tribute-money came to Peter and said Doth not your master pay tribute He saith Matth. V. 25 Yes And when he was come into the house Jesus prevented him saying What thinkest thou Simon of whom do the kings of the earth take custome or tribute of their own children Matth. Ch. 17 V. 26 or of strangers Peter saith unto him Of strangers Jesus saith unto him Then are the children free Matth. V. 27 Notwithstanding lest we should offend them go thou to the sea and cast an hook and take up the fish that first cometh up and when thou hast opened his mouth thou shalt finde a piece of money that take and give unto them for me and thee CHAP. XCII Christs sermon of humilitie of shunning scandal how to reprove our brother c. L Luke Ch. 9 V. 46 THen there arose a reasoning among them which of them should be greatest Luke V. 47 And Jesus perceiving the thought of their heart Mr. Mark Ch. 9 V. 33 and being in the house he asked them What was it that ye disputed among your selves by the way But they held their peace Mark V. 34 for by the way they had disputed among themselves who should be the greatest Mark V. 35 And he sat down and called the twelve M Matth. Ch. 18 V. 1 At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus saying Who is the greatest in the kingdome of heaven Mr. Mark V. 35 And he saith unto them If any man desire to be first the same shall be last and servant of all M Matth. V. 2 And Jesus called a little childe unto him Mr. Mark V. 36 and he took a childe L Luke V. 47 and set him by him Mr. Mark V. 36 in the midst of them and when he had taken him in his arms he said unto them M Matth. Ch. 18 V. 3 Verily I say unto you * Matth. Ch. 19 V. 14 Except ye be converted and become as little children ye shall not enter into the kingdome of heaven Matth. V. 4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little childe the same is greatest in the kingdome of heaven And L Luke V. 48 whosoever shall receive this childe or Mr. Mark V. 37 one of such children in my name receiveth me and whosoever shall receive me receiveth not me but him that sent me L Luke V. 48 for he that is least among you all the same shall be great Mr. Mark Ch. 9 V. 38 And John answered him saying Master we saw one casting out devils in thy name and he followeth not us and we forbad him because he followeth not us L Luke Ch. 9 V. 50 And Jesus said unto him Forbid him not Mr. Mark Ch. 9 V. 39 for there is no man which shall do a miracle in my name that can lightly speak evil of me L Luke Ch. 9 V. 50 for he that is not against us is for us Mr. Mark V. 41 For whosoever shall give you a cut of water to drink in my name because ye belong to Christ verily I say unto you Mark V. 42 he shall not lose his reward And whosoever shall offend one of these little ones that beleeve in me it is better for him that a mistone were hanged about his neck and he were cast M Matth. Ch. 18 V. 6 and drowned in the depth of the sea Matth. V. 7 * Luke Ch. 17 V. 1 Wo unto the world because of offences come but wo to that man by whom the offence cometh Mr. Mark V. 43 * Matth. Ch. 5 V. 30 And if thy hand offend thee cut it off M Matth. V. 8 and cast it from thee Mr. Mark V. 43 it is better for thee to enter into life maimed then having two hands Mr. Mark V. 43 to go and M Matth. V. 8 to be cast Mr. Mark V. 43 into hell M Matth. V. 8 into everlasting fire Mr. Mark V. 44 that never shall be quenched Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched Mark V. 45 And if thy foot offend thee cut it off M Matth. V. 8 and cast it from thee Mr. Mark V. 45 it is better for thee to enter halt into life then having two feet to be cast into hell M Matth. V. 8 everlasting fire Mr. Mark V. 45 that never shall be quenched Mark V. 46 Where their worm dieth not the fire is not quenched Mark V. 47 And if thine eye offend thee pluck it out M Matth. V. 9 and cast it from thee Mr. Mark V. 47 it is better for thee to enter into the kingdome of God with one eye then having two eyes to be cast into hell fire Mark V. 48 Where their worm dieth not and the fire is not quenched Mark V. 49 For every one shall be salted with fire and every sacrifice shall be salted with salt Mark V. 50 Salt is good but if the salt have lost his saltnesse wherewith will you season it Have salt in your selves and have peace one with another M Matth. Ch. 18 V. 10 Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones for I say unto you that in heaven their angels do alwayes behold the face of