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A48358 Holy characters containing a miscelany of theolocicall [sic] discovrses that is theology, positiue, scholasticall, polemicall, and morall built upon the foundation of scriptures, traditions, councils, fathers, divided into two books / written by George Leybvrn ... Leyburn, George, 1593-1677. 1662 (1662) Wing L1938; ESTC R18553 388,184 688

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portransibit gladius she endured grieuous afflictions and painefull sorrows S. Iohn Baptist who exceeded in sanctity all others of his sex by Christ's owne testimony did practice extream penance and the calamities that holy Iob suffered were greater then his sin 's required as himself witnesseth in the sixt Chapter of his book saying Oh that my sins were weighed wherby I haue desernad wrath and my miseries together in the ballance as the sand of the sea this would appeare heauier in like manner it may be turly said of the passions endured by other blessed Saint's wherfore since the supream prouidence doth reward euery good work beyond what it deserueth vndoubtedly he hath assigned reward 's suitable thereto that is both in order to merit and satisfaction according to that of S. Luke cap. 21. There shall not an hair of your heads perish Wherby Christ promiseth a recompence to each good work how litle soeuer it be But if the works of blessed Saint's as meritorious only and not as satisfactory should receiue reward many baires of their head 's would perish that is many of their good works as they are satisfactory should not be recompenced which is contrary to Christ's promise Sithence the cōdition of satisfaction is such that it is applyable by him that satisfyes for others distinct from himselfe as appears by S. Paul that wished to be Anathema for his bretheren and by Moses that beseeched God to blot him out of the book of life for the conseruation of the Israëlites it is conformable to reason and diuine iustice which hath a reward for euery good work that the aboundant and exceeding satisfactions of blessed Saints that remaine vprecompenced be laid vp in the Treasury of the Church vnto the remission of temporall paine due to sin which is the reward that good works as satisfaction specially challenge and vndoubtedly * 2. Cor. 12. Ego autem libentissimè impendam super impendam ego ipse pro ani●●bus vestris Et S. Timoth. 2. omnia sustineo propter electos the saints themselues now departed in as much as they were inuested with the grace of charity when they did exercise their voluntary satisfactions and endured their violent passions had at least a virtuall intention to assist and profit therby the rest of the faithfull the law of charity requiring that * Vnum inquit Paulus corpus in Christo sumus Et Gal. 6. alter alterius onera portate all members of the holy catholick Church concurre mutually to the perfecting of the whole body one bearing anothers burthen and one satisfying for an other applying a meer price for temporall paine due to sinne * In Bulla Pij 5. damnatur propositio Michaelis Baij dicētis per passiones sanctorum cōmunicatas Jndulgentijs non propriè redimi debita which is the consistency of Communio Sanctorum that christians profess in the Nicene Creed and the Apostle practiced saying Now reioyce I in my suffering's for you and fulfill the rest of the afflictions of Christs in my flesh for his bodies sake which is the Church Neither hence ought any man to infer the saint's to be our Redeemers because their satisfactions for others in order to remission of temporall punishment's if Christ's satisfactions were to be laid aside would signifie nothing being founded therin (g) Though the blood of Christ be sufficient enough to olenst a soul from both the guilt and the pain of sin neuertheless it does not procure that deliuerance vnless it be applyed by the Churches Sacraments or by acts of faith and contrition and indeed euen sectaries assert a necessity of saith and contrition vnto remission of sinnes In consequence wherof wheras Christ is said Hebra 10. with one oblation to haue consummated foreuer them that are sanctifyed it is meant as to sufficiency being that one oblation without the application thereof doth not sanctify indeed and effectually and he alone is properly our Redeemer in and by whose proper merit 's through the effusion of his blood was purchased our redemption vnto forgiueness of sinnes Collos 1. And that was Christ only One mediator of God and man and as no man ought to be said his own Redeemer according to the form of proper speech for as much as through good works of painfull satisfaction he payeth a ransome for temporall punishment's corresponding to his sins or for as much as he exerciseth an act of perfect contrition whereby his sin 's are remitted so the blessed saint's ought not to be called the Redeemers of such as receiue remission of temporall paines due to sinn's through the application of their satisfactions Neither hereby are Christ's satisfaction 's preiudiced For as the prayer that one belieuer on earth maketh for another doth nothing at all diminish the dignity of Christ's dayly praying for vs at the right hand of his diuine Father * Rom. 8. quotidie interpellat pro nobis Rom. S. since the efficacy of it is founded in the merit 's of his death and passion so the satisfactions of the blessed saint's applyed for the remission of paine due to sin doe dot lessen the infinite valour of Christ's satisfactions being they receiue from them all their worthiness and efficacy And doubtless Christ's own will was to haue it so to the end that his faithfull on earth might exercise reciprocall works of charity towards one an other and exhibit honour to such as he had translated to his kingdom of eternall blessedness being the honour done to a seruant doth redound to his lord and Master Power to dispence this spirituall Treasure of Indulgences or pardons is committed to the Catholick Church as appeareth euidently by Christ's own word's Mat. 16. saying And I will giue vnto thee the key 's of the kingdome of Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt binde vpon earth shall be bound also in Heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt * Quoad verba Christi quodcūque solueris nomine solutionis non intelligitur sola absolutio iudiciaria sed etiam omnis dispēsatio imo omnis fauor gratia ex vi illius potestatis facta proinde Indulgentia concessa pro extensa ad defunctum à summo Pontifice eius enim solius est dare Indulgentias per defunctis infallibiliter prodest defuncto per modum suffragij id est pro modum auxilij adiutorij Ecclesiastici eidem defuncto applicata si caetera sint paria puta si Jndulgentia fiat ex rationabili causa sique defunctus existat in gratia c. his suppositis Indulgentia applicata defuncto alicui semper est valida rata apud Deum luxta tamen Ca●etanum Henricum Indulgentia non babes infallibilem effectu● respectu animae defuncti sed liberum est Deo eam acceptare vel non acceptare loose an earth shall be loosed also in Heauen wherby Christ promiseth to S. Peter and his successors in Church-gouernment authority and power for the remouing of all
can sacro-sancta the Apostolicall sea did not receiue supremacy and preeminence from the Apostles but from our Sauiour himselfe and indeed Christ founded and built his Church vpon S. Peter Mat. 16. Thou art Peter and on this rock I vvill build my Church .... and J vvill giue vnto the the keys of the kingdome of heauen Again Christ praid especially for S. Peter and after his resurrection appointed him to feed all his sheepe and lambs Moreouer S. Peter as head and Prince of the other Apostles called the first Councill which was celebrated between the Ascention and Pentecost And in the second Council mentioned act 15. spoke first and decided the matter in debate Bishop of Rome as lawfull successour of S. Peter in suprem authority and there is not any except the Roman Church that hath published and planted the one holy apostolicall faith from the rising of the sun to the goeing down therof which denoteth its vniuersality an order to place there is not any except the Roman Church that can rockon pastours and Teachers in a continuall line of succession down from S. Peter to the present times which sheweth its vniuersality in order to time there is not any Church-Gouernour saue the Bishop of Rome to whose definitiue sentence of iudgment (x) S. Anaclete Epis 1. commanded that euery hard question should be referd to the sea Apostolick because saith he the Apostles so appointed by speciall command from Christ Wherefore Tertullian calleth the Pope king of the world and stiles Rome the Chief and Apostolicall seat whether saith he wee ought to recur in all doubtfull matters relating to faith Besids S. Austin that was a member of the African Church Epis 9. addressing himselfe to Pope Innocent in order to the Pelagians whom he impugned writeth thus ... that errour and impiety of the Pelagians the authority of the sea apostolick must anathematize Again the Council of Alexandria cals Pope Felix prophanarum haresium depositor the deposer of prophan heresies hard controuersies of faith haue been referred in all ages Furthermore it is essentiall to the true Church to begett children in Iesus-Christ through the Gospell 1. Cor. 4 that is to say to bring whole countries out of darkness of infidelity into the maruelous light of Christian faith which not any except the Roman Church hath performed Sectaries like partriges haue gathered children * Ieremiae cap. 17. perdix fouet seu congregat quae non peperit Vnde S. Aug. assimilat haereticos perdici which they haue not brought forth but the Roman Church hath begotten vnto Christ a world of children both in the primatiue times for the first 500. yeares and since For Germans Bauarians Vandals Polans Sweds Danes Noruegians Hungarians Normans English and sundry other Countryes since the yeare 600. were begotten in Iesus-Christ through the Gospell by Priests and Bishops of the Roman Church as plainly appears by the ancient and modern histories written of each people respectiuely And as touching our country of Englād that embraced the catholick faith through the preaching of S. Austin a Priest and Bishop of the Roman Church after its conuersion which happened in the reign of S. Ethelbert for near a thousand yeares continued obedient to the Bishop of Rome and constant in the profession of the catholick religion as do euidence our ancient Cronicles laws common laws ordinances Records foundations of Bishopricks Cathedrall Churches vniuersities colleges and hospitalls which remain monuments of these dayes to beare clear witnes of catholick religion wherfore it is a wonder how English Magistrats come to look with so enuious an eye vpon their catholick subiects as to persecute them for conforming their conscience to the full and constant profession of all their christian progenitours CHAR. XX. OF TRADITIONS THE CONTENTS Down from the Apostles to these times the true Church of God hath been directed and gouernd by the written and vnwritten word as by laws and customs doctrines necessary to saluation which the Apostles receiued either from the mouth of Christ or from the holy Ghost by inspiration were deliuered to the faithfull of those dayes partly in written and partly in vnritten traditions if the Churches authority and vnwritten traditions were laid a side scriptures would haue nothing of waight with them vnto euincing christian religion Answeres vnto seuerall obiections propounded against the Churches traditions TRaditions are vnwrtten doctrines deliuered by the mouth of Christ or his Apostles and committed vnto the keeping of the Church (a) 1. Cor. 11. as I haue deliuered vnto you saith S. Paul keep my precepts From this sacred Text Theophilact infers that both S. Paul and the other Apostles deliuered many things which they did not set down in writing called traditions not because they are not at all written but in regard there is no express mention thereof in the holy scriptures for t is certaine that the traditions receiued from the Apostles and deliuered as it were from hand to hand for sundry ages are now written as precepts of faith and generall manners necessary vnto saluation Though the whole scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to conuince to correct and to instruct in iustice 2. Tim. 3. Yet it is not the same thing to be a profitable guide in the way of iustce and saluation and to be the sole expedient necessary therunto for a head is both profitable and necessary to preserue a man aliue neuertheless it alone without the society and ministery of the body is not sufficient enough to continue him aliue likewise the Sacrament of Eucharist conduceth to the purchase of eternall blessedness yet cannot effect it without the help of baptism and faith and the Chapter set down expresly asserteth that euen the old scriptures instruct to saluation and notwithstanding the Apostle requireth of Timothy perseuerance in the doctrines which he had heard of him besides what he had learned from them wherin he had been versed from (b) By the particles from his infancy euidently appeares that the Apostle spoke of these scriptures which Timothy had learned in his youth that is he meant the old testament being the new scriptures were not written when Timothy was a youth Wherefore when the Apostle writ vnto him that all scripture is profitable c. he could not vnderstand the whole body thereof as some sectaries vnaduisedly interprete him translating whole for all And indeed when the Apostle writ that Epistle to Timothy the whole body of scripture was not composed S. Iohn had not then put forth his Gosple and his Apocallps he writ after the death of S. Paul him infancy again albeit the scriptures be a great light neuertheless they doe not giue light to all a en within the house of God whose written doctrines they are vnless they be put vpon the candlestick of the Churches definitions and vnwritten traditions for setting these aside scriptures are but a light shining in a dark place 2.
wherby he is armed against his own lusts and wanton desires (b) Seneca compareth a wise man vnto the strongest army because a wise man indeed stands firm against pouerty slanders reproches ignominies and all manner of tribulations and made vndantedly valiant in all encounters with aduersity wherfore wisdome is an infinit treasure vnto such as lay hold on her for her counsell preserueth and her vnderstanding keepeth them as a pillar of a cloud led the Israëlits in their way by day and the pillar of fire gaue them light by night that they might goe both by day and night Exodus 13. soe wisdome is a guid vnto men which walk in prosperity as by day and a light vnto men that walke in aduersity as by night Wisdome is the schoolmistris of the knowledge of God the chooser out of his works the teacher of sobernes the giuer of holines and the doer of all things most profitable and acceptable in the sight of Heauen * Jacob 30. Sapientia desursum est whence she is descended Wherby is plainly evident that wisdome is not the same thing with science which taken precisely hath no bounds being common a like to each human knowledge besides many times * 1. Cor. 8. Scientia inflat science puffeth vp him that findeth it and deceiueth his judgment rendering him curious in superfluous things (c) Those which know profitable and not such as know many things are wise men indeed which haue nothing of profit Of this curiosity in order to science the Athenians were guilty who saith S. Luke Act. 17. gaue themselues to nothing else but to speak or to heare something of nouelty which is the mother of schism and heresy but in all times some wanton wits haue either begot or reuiued dangerous vnauthorised doctrins blown vp with their own science to the end they might be counted learned aboue the ordinary ranck of knowing men so that it is no strang thing that the present age should bring forth new Teachers and new hearers of prophane nouelties in consequence of the premisses noe man how knowing soeuer he seems is truly wise when (d) S. Austin in an Epistle to Dioscorus condemnes those schollars which rejoyce in knowing of Anoxagoras Anoxemenes Pithagoras Demosthenes to the end they may seem learned because there is nothing of solide doctrine and true erudition in them he seeketh out curiously things that haue nothing of profit or searcheth into hidden misteries which exceed his capacity for a wise man indeed thinketh with reuerence vppon what God hath commanded Eccles 32. in superfluous things search not and be not curious in many of his works for many things are shewed vnto thee aboue the capacity of men Furthermore true wisdom which is from aboue is pure Iacob 30. That is without vncleanes A wise man indeed (e) Ecclesiasticus cap. 3. saith that an heart which is wise and vnderstanding will abstaine from sin and shall prosper in the works of Iustice wherfore S. Bernard teacheth that those sind wisdome which are sorry for their sins purgeth out of his heart the leuen of sin casteth a way wickednes presseth down the lustes of curiosity of ambition of vain glory committeth not fornication with schism and heresy despiseth wordly pleasures (f) According to S. Austin l. de ciuit the intent and aime of true wisdome is to be where God is all in all things with an assured eternity and perfect peace and setteth his affection on things that are aboue and not on things which are on the earth true wisdome is peaceable Iacob 30. A wise man indeed hath nothing of strise in his heart is a louer of vnion established in the vnity of Christian schooles is gentle humble modest without leuity pride wantounes is full of obedience to the Churches lawes and ordinances and full of mercy and good fruits without hypocrisy Again a wise man indeed is wise in order to himselfe Prouerbs 90. if thou be wise thou shalt be wise for thy selfe The primitiue Christians were wise indeed to themselues which euery where bore in their bodies the mortifications of Christ IESUS for they suffered with great patience all manner of tribulations together with the spoiling of their goods for his sake that they might be glorified with him counting that the afflictions of this present time were not worthy of the glory to come through his merits and truly what shall it prosit a man though he did win the whole world and lose his own soul or What exchange shall a man giue for his soul Mat. 8. Wherfore such Christians as desert the Catholick Church to get worldly honours to heap vp earthly treasures preferring the world to the faith of Christ earth to Heauen flesh to the soul transitory pleasures to eternall blessednes * S. Bernard de consideratione Sic alloquitur Eugenium Papam quid prodest si vniuersum mundum lucreris te vnum perdens etsi sapiens alijs sis deest tibi sapientia si tibi non fueri● how wise soeuer they be to others are not wise to themselues for the wisdome of such men doth not descend from aboue but is earthly sensuall and deuilish Iacob 30. CHAR. XXV OF IVSTICE THE CONTENTS The things that are made equall are said to be adjusted from whence Iustice deriues its name the property of Justice is to render to euery one what is euery on 's own Iustice requireth of euery man worship and obediencein order to God exacteth loue kindnes respect honour and duty in order to man man in Iustice is bound to doe to his neighbour what he would his neighbour should doe vnto him Iustice exhorteth the faithfull aliue to shew pity vnto the faithfull departed apparitions of souls after their remouall out of their bodies asserted IVstice is a * Iustitia definitur virtus reddens vnicuique quod su●● est Seu constās perpetua voluntas in s suum vnicuique tri● buens constant perpetuall inclination of the will to render vnto euery one what is euery on 's own That is to giue vnto God the things that are Gods and to giue vnto man the things which are mans as the immobility (a) According to Aristotle l. 2. de coelo the earth is equally poisd in the mids of the world in consequence whereof t is immoueable and indeed according to the holy Scripture terra in aeternum stat Eccles 1. that is the earth for euer stands firme without mouing at all of the earth is perceiued through an equall weighing of its parts in the center of the world so the firmnes and constancy of Iustice is establisht and perpetuated by an equall adjusting of debts vnto God and man which is the center thereof (b) Iustice is a morall vertue so named because of necessity it requires equallity and things are said to be adjusted which are of equall parts wherefore the great lawer Constantine defines us to be ars boni aqui and
where God would not be adored by sacrifice this being confined to the Temple at Ierusalem Wherby followeth euidently that such as worship or adore God otherwise then he will himself be worshipped or adored doe not worship or adore him in verity or Truth Sithence God will be adored in one sole Church founded on the merits of Christ all Schismaticks and Hereticks that abandon the communion and vnity therof doe not adore God in verity vnto saluation howeuer they may flatter themselues with their mountaine of Garizim that is with their own fancied worship founded on the mountaine of pride wherfore to such worshippers may be said both according to reason and equity you adore what you know not for saluation is of one Church and such only doe pray worship and adore * Aug. in psal 130. ipse inquit in spiritu veritate orat qui in pace Ecclesiae orat in spirit and truth which pray worship and adore in peace and cōmunion of one catholick and apostolick Church wherunto is tyed and cōfined the sacrifice worship and seruice of the new law vnto iustification of life Again though sundry Church-ceremonies be neither commanded nor mentioned (g) The Council of Trent sess 21. c. 2. declares that God hath left power vnto the Church to ordaine and institute what she shall think expedient and conducing to the reuerence of the Sacraments and the aduantages of such as receiue them wherfore Church-gouernours are called dispensers of the mysteries of God 1. Cor. 4. in the holy scriptures farther then vnto an implicite faith neuertheless they are not to be condemned for many things appertaining vnto diuine worship doe not of necessity require an express ordinance Noah built an Altar to God on which he offered a sacrifice of euery clean beast all eit he had no * Noe non iussus altare construxit vt notat S. Ambrosius warrantable authority by speciall precept Abel in like manner vnbidden offered sacrifice that was * Respexit Deus ad Abel munera eius acceptable to the diuine Majesty According to the dictates of nature God is to be worshipped Priesthood to be instituted Hosts to be immolated ministers to be deputed for exhibition of diuine scruice and speciall ornaments are to be ordained and appointed as holy signes to distinguish them from the rest of the people moreouer works of speciall commande euen executed aright are not so pleasing in the sight of God as works * Vulgare apud Theologos est dictum Deus imperat minora de maioribus dat consilium counselled only if they be done according to the rule of a discreet zeale A good work that is done in and for as much as God doth counsell the doing therof is more laudable and noble then a commanded worke because of a greater alacrity and promptitude that is required to the performance of a good work vnbidden Christ * Hierom. l. 1. con Iouia ait Christum plus amare Virgines quia sponte tribuunt quod jis non fuit imperatum bears a more speciall affection to Virgins that doe consecrate vnto him their virginity without a speciall command and indeed it is a more noble action in a man to giue an almes which he is not obliged vnto then to giue it vpon the score of an obligation Furthermore Church-ceremonies ought not to be counted * Augus Epis 40. quaes 3. dicit non esse c●nsendū superstitiosum omne quod christiani cum infidelibus quomodocunque habent commun● superstitious though Pagans and other Infidells doe vse the same or the like vnto superstition for according to that argument christians should condemne vowed chastity because the Pagans had their vestall Virgins that did binde themselues by vow to a single chast life Christians should pull down Churches because Pagans built Churches christians should abolish sacrifice because Pagans offered sacrifice christians should despise all manner of prayers because Pagans vsed prayers christians should not reuerence honour and worship one true God because Pagans reuerenced honoured and worshipped many false Gods To conclude christians should not weare breeches because the Turks which be Infidells weare breeches howeuer truly according to Tertullian it is an * Pudeat inquit Tertullianus insulsos christianos quod ab Ethinicis Idolorū suorum solemni pompa religioso gestu officio superentur exceeding great shame vnto Christians to vse less solemn pompe less ceremony and less reuerence in the seruice of the true God then is vsed by the Heathens in the worship of Idols CHAR. VI. OF BAPTISM THE CONTENTS Baptism is the sole door that openeth a passage into the Church of God The kingdom of Heauen is for euer shut against the vnbaptized that is no man can come to the clear sight of God that is not washt sacramentally afore with naturall water vnder an express invocation of the blessed Trinity de facto or in desire The sanctity of holy faithfull parents cannot render their children that dye without Baptism Heirs of Heauen coheirs and brothers of Christ Through diuine mercy those which dye without Baptism and haue nothing of any other guilt are not punisht with sensible pain after their death they are banisht the court of Heauen onely S. Austins opinion as to this point cleard Baptism ministred aright imprinteth an indelible character or marke in the soul of the baptised Anabaptism confuted Ceremonies pertaining to sacramentall baptism set down and explicated BAptism is a Sacrament of new birth or regeneration vnto iustification of life through the washing of (a) Sensible naturall water is the proper remote matter of necessity requisit to the Sacrament of baptism and accordingly the Council of Lateran haith defin'd it out of the third Chapter of S. Iohn Except that a man be born again of vvater c. and from thence is named a Sacrament of regeneration which is conform to the doctrine deliuered by the Apostle ad Tit c. 3. where he calleth baptism the vvashing of a nevv birth and indeed washing is the immediate and water the remote matter onely so that neither yee hail or snow vnless they be made fluid and thereby proper to wash are a sufficient matter of baptism naturall water vnder an expresse invocation of (b) The true form of sacramentall baptism is I baptise thee in the name of the Father son and holy Ghost which is cut out of Christs own words Mat. 28. Where is required a distinct inuocation of all the three diuine persons Wherefore Pelagius the Pope dis 4. can multi de consecra reiectes baptism administred in the name of Christ only And S. Cyprian Epis 73. ad Jubaia affirmes that the Apostles neuer baptised de facto in the sole name of Christ howeuer he grant's that S. Peter and the other Apostles named Iesus-Christ in the conferring of baptism together with the other diuine persons For example saying J baptise thee in the name of the Father and Jesus-Christ his son
(i) Ephes 4. One lord one faith one Baptism Christ is our one sole lord vpon the score of generall redemption which he procured by his death and passion Faith is one onely because the object is but one and common alike to all the faithfull Baptism is one onely because by vertue of the fame baptism all men are incorporated in to the mysticall body of Christ which is the catholick Church one alone wheras if it were a Sacrament of sole man it should be many besid's it's cheife product of sanctifying grace wherby man is made a childe of God Heir of Heauen coheire and brother of Christ Ro. 8. in regard wherof it surpasseth circücision that figured only what it is indeed and verity and the (k) The baptism of S. Iohn Baptist was no Sacrament taken in the proper sense being a preparation there vnto onely howeuer Christ thought fit to be baptis'd of S. Iohn his precursor that thereby the water might be sanctifyed through a touch of his sacred body and likewise consecrated as the instrumentall cause vnto giuing ingress into his Church euen then design'd by him to be built forthwith for Christs baptism happened in that very yeare of his age when he began to preach the Gospel baptism of S. Iohn Baptist that prepared only thereunto it doth (l) S. Gregory Nazian Ora. 40. calleth baptism a seale or marke whereby a man is signed and marked for a souldier of Christ and S. Cyril Ierosol nameth it a sacred vndelible seale wherfore S. Austin l. 2. con Epis Parmeni c. 12. affirmes that as the mark 's made with a hot iron in souldiers that run from their colours abide in their flesh so baptism and holy order continue in Apostates that desert their faith and religion wherefore if such rebellious straglers returne after wards to the Church those two Sacraments ought not to be administred again because they imprinted characters which can neuer weare away imprint in the person baptised a Character which is a spirituall Mark wherby the soul is figured and fashioned in conformity to Christ as also known for his and distinguisht from such as are not his Wherfore it is a distinctiue sign and consequently indelible eternally permanent so that after a soul is once charactarised or sealed (m) Anabaptists are so nam'd because such as were baptised in their infancy those sectaries baptise again as soon as they come to perfect vse of reason as if the baptism conferred afore were invalide they ground their Heresy in Christs word 's Mat. 28. teach all nations baptising them c. but without cause as in the character is prou'd with the seale of baptisme it ought not to be sealed again As concerning the ceremonies belonging to the solemnity and meetness of this Sacrament they be outward sensible actions decently and profitably employed before in or after the administration thereof Before the receiuing of baptism as meet preparations required there unto are first * S. Hieron in cap. 28. Mat. non potest fieri vt corpus baptismi suscipiat Sacramentum nisi antea anima susceperit veritatē Loquitur de adultis instructions in the rudiments of christian religion if the person or persons suing for baptism are grown to full age of reason Math. 28. which scripture doth set down the order therin to be obserued according to the condition capacity or ripeness of each one such as are apt and capable to vnderstand christian doctrine ought to be instructed before they be admitted to the Sacrament which was the practice of the Apostles Act. 2. and 3. S. Philip the Deacon preached vnto the Eunuch Iesus and required credence therunto before he did baptize him Act. 8. and indeed it is impossible for the body to receiue the Sacrament of Baptism vnless the soul receiue afore the verity of faith when there is sufficient ripeness of judgment in the subject to receiue it Howeuer neither instruction nor any other disposition is of necessity as to the nature or essence of this Sacrament Infants in their infancy * Mar. 10. Luc. 18. Christus ait sinite paruulos nolite prohibere illos venire ad me talium ●nim est Regnum Coelorum being capable of heauenly blessedness are not vncapable of baptism though they want capacity for instruction Christ did expresse the necessity of baptism as to the new Testament after the same manner as God did explaine the necessity of circumcision as to the old Testament Gen 17. and consequently since infancy was no hindrance to circumcision neither is it a l●t to baptism Secondly * Scrutiniū quo fides baptiz andorū explorabatur agnoscit Aug. l. de side operibus c. 6. exprimitur hac caremonia in Rituali quande dicit Sacerdos infan●ulo quid petis patrinus respondet fidem deinde Sacerdos dicit abrenuncias Satanae Huius ceremoniae meminit Tertull. l. de spectaculis cap. 4. inspection or examination as to faith by interogatories Thirdly * Signi Crucis vsurpati in baptisme meminit Aug. l. de Catech. Rudibus cap. 20. sign of the cross which sheweth that Christ doth not work in this Sacrament vnto remission of sin 's by water only but by water and blood shed on the crosse It was IESUS-CHRIST that (n) Christ is said to come by water because he instituted the Sacrament of baptism in water signifyed by the sacred water that sprung out of his side hanging on the cross and he is said to come by blood in regard the blood of Christ cleanseth from all sinnes 1. Ioan. 10. came by water and blood vnto saluation of all men Io. 1. cap. 5. fourthly * Exorcismi meminit Iustinus Maertyr Dialogo de Tripho exorcism wherby the deuil is hindred so that he cannot obstruct the ministring of baptism or the effect therof Fiftly * Insufflationis qua vtitur Sacerdos solemniter baptizans dicens exi ab eo spriritus immūde meminit S. Ambros l. de ijs qui initiantur significat expulsionem Daemonis insufflation or breathing on the person that is to be baptized signifyeth the casting out of the deuill for euery one before baptism is a childe of wrath of Hell of damnation through originall sinne Sixtly * Gustus salis memenit Concil Carthag 4. can 5. transfertur ad significādam sapientiam Vnde dicitur sal sapientiae salt giuen to tast which doth represent the wisdome of christian doctrine receiued in baptism Seauenthly * Mar. 7. misit JESVS digitos suos in auriculas eius expuens tetigit linguam eius inspiciens in caelum gemuit ait illi surdo muto Epheta quod est adaperire Huius contactus narium aurium meminit S. Ambrosius loco supra citato the putting of spittle into the nostrills and eares which signifyes the receiuing of faith and grace in vertue of the Sacrament And this ceremony is grounded Mar. 7. Eightly * Mar. 1.
A man must be made a christian through baptism before he can make a progress in christianity through confirmation A man must be made a member of Christ through baptism before he can be a soldier of Christ through confirmation A man must be endued with faith through baptism before he can be deputed to a speciall office in the exercise thereof which is to defend it against the assaults of Tyrants through confirmation A man must be invested with * Hieron diolog con Lucifer cap. 4. quemodo inquit ab Ecclesia recipiet confirmationē qui nec dum remissionem peccatorum cōsecutus est Docet Arianos qui errabant contra formam baptismi non accepisse spiritum sanctū per Sacramentum Cōfirmationis grace vnto remission of sins through baptism before he can receiue the holy Ghost vnto perfection through confirmation which does not confer sanctity after the manner of other Sacraments only but also doth * Omnes S. Patres qui agunt de Sacramento confirmationis docēt baptismi gratiam perfici consummari per gratiam cōfirmationis increase and perfect the sanctity receiued afore by baptism it being the complement or consummation thereof Whereby it is plainly euident that albeit this Sacrament is not as baptism a requisite absolutely necessary vnto obtaining eternall blessedness neuertheless it is conditionally necessary to wit as to the armour of grace and (h) According to Pope Vrban dist 5. de consecratione there is no perfect christian that hath not receiu'd the holy Ghost through the imposition of Episcopall hands and Hugo de S. Vict. l. 2. de Sacram. par 7. cap. 3. countes it dangerous to dye without being confirm'd afore which is conform to the doctrine of ancient Fathers S. Dionys L●de Eccles Hierar c. 4. S. Cypr. Epis 72. ad Iubaian which assert that then a man has fulnes of sanctity and is made an adopted son of God when he receiues both the Sacraments baptism and confirmation perfection therof as also to a more ample measure of blessedness then baptisme alone doth effect so that christian catholicks especially such as liue vnder persecution ought to vse extraordinary endeauours for their admittance to this Sacrament the proper office there of being to strenghten them by grace that they may not fall from the Church of Christ * In Epis ad Fabium vti refert Eusebius l. 1. cap. 35. S. Cornelius affirmeth that Nouatus fell into Heresie for the want therof If they haue no conueniency in their own country to repaire vnto a catholick Bishop the spirituall aduantages which they may reape from the Sacrament of confirmation will compence the charges of a journey into forrain parts where catholick Bishops are to be found but this is to be vnderstood in reference to such catholicks as haue ability of body and a competency of temporall fortunes As touching the sensible rites or ceremonies employed in or about the Sacrament of confirmation the most remarkable are two only For example a Bishop in making of chrism breatheth three times in form of a cross on the mouth of the pot or flagon that containeth the said Chrism signifying thereby that euen at that time through episcopall consecration Chrism receiueth virtue from God wherby it is impowered as his instrument to confer strengthning grace to such as doe receaue the Sacrament aright and ceremonies signifying the thing that is done for the time they are employed are profitable by the confession of such * Caluinus in sua harmonia ad cap. 7. S. Marci fatetur caeremonias illas quae habent significationem eius quod tunc fit dū exercentur esse vtiles as impugne catholick ceremonies The other ceremonie is the reuerence a Bishop exhibiteth to the consecrated Chrism bowing down his head he saluteth saying Haile holy Chrism This ceremony hath nothing of Idolatry for an vnliu'd thing may challenge religious adoration in reference to an other distinct wherin excellency is contained to which religious adoration is due The ancient Iewes adored the Ark of the Testament because of the relation it had to God that is an increated excellency and all Christians doe religiously worship and adore the sacred books of the new Testament in reguard of the word of God therin comprehended And subjects of a temporall Prince do render ciuil reuerence to his chaire of state in relation to his sacred Person if a king or Emperour to which is due ciuill adoration by the law of God and nature in like manner religious worship is exhibited to holy Chrism in as much as it is the effectuall instrument of God to giue armour of grace to such as are baptised and is by speciall benediction deputed to the effecting therof CHAR. VIIJ. OF THE EVCHARISTE THE CONTENTS Christ the night before his passion made his last Testament gaue vnto his Church a legasy of his body and blood in the Sacrament of the Euchariste vnder the form's of bread and wine for to continue the spirituall food of souls till he come to Iudgment The express words of the Testament This is my body This Chalice is the nevv Testament in my blood exclude each figure that is inconsistent with the litterall sense intended by the Testatour that vseth not to say one thing literally and mean an other mystically because Christ Said this is my body this Chalice is the nevv Testament in my blood no man in reason ought to doubt of it Authorities of Councils testimonies of ancient Fathers and the warrantable practice of both primitiue and modern Churches euince the reall presence of Christ in the Sacrament of the Euchariste in vertue of the same word that was made flesh and made all things of nothing bread is transubstantiated in to the body and wine in to the bloud of Christ who is in Heauen and in the Sacrament at once One body can agree with many places by diuine dispensation Requisit's necessary to a worthy receiuing of Christs body and bloud in the Sacrament THe Euchariste is the (a) The blood of Christ shed vnto remission of sinnes is the proper legacy of the new Testament according to Christs owne words set down 1. Cor. 11. This Chalice is the nevv Testament in my blood legacy of the new Testament vnto eternall life that Christ bequeathed to his Church in a Sacrament of his body and blood the night before he suffered his passion in the presence of witnesses without exception which were his Apostles The same body and blood that Christ offered in a sacrifice on the cross visibly to the redeeming of man kind vnto liberty he left in a Sacrament vnder the elements of bread and wine invisibly to the feeding of man vnto eternall life In the bestowing of this legacy Christ who is faithfull in all he promiseth fulfilled the promise he had made long afore and which is set down Io. 6. (b) Christ Ioan. 6. promising and recommending the Sacrament of his body and blood said
impediment's inconsistent with the enioyment of heauenly blessedness wherfore since not sinn's alone but pain 's due thereunto obstruct the passage to the kingdome of Heauen according to Christ's own preaching Mat. 5. Verily 1 say vnto thee thou shalt not come out thence till thou hast paid the vtmost farthing it is euident that the power of the Church doth not only extend vnto the remitting of sinn's but likewise to the releasing of temporell punishment's due thereunto this catholick Truth is clearly euidenced by S. Paules proceeding with the incestuous Corinthian whom he had commanded afore to be deliuered vp to Satan as to destruction of the flesh that his spirit might be saued 1. Cor. 5. For when the Apostle heard that the incestuous adulterer had exercised great penance for his sin least he should be swallowed vp with ouer much sorow at the earnest request of the Corinthians he for gaue the rest or surplus of the pain he had inflicted on him writing to them thus Whom ye forgiue any thing I forgiue also for if I forgiue any thing to whom I forgiue it for your sakes forgiue I it in the person of Christ 2. Cor. 2. by these words plainly appeares that the Apostle forgaue something and since what he forgaue could not be sin in order to the guilt therof for by the Epistle it is clear that the adulterer had exercised great contrition in consequence of which he had receiued remission of his grieuous offence as to it's malice or guilt It followeth of necessity that the thing forgiuen was part of the temporall punishment which the greatness of the sin had deserued and indeed in order to that alone the Corinthians presented their request Hereby further appeares the authority wherwith Church-gouernours are inuested for the remission of temporall pain 's remaining after sin's are forgiuen which is the power of granting Indulgences proper to the Vicars of Christ in whose room they exercise it And the word 's sett down beare euidently this sense viꝪt videlicet In the person of Christ As the Apostle did deliuer vnto Satan the adulterer in the name and by the power of our lord IESVS CHRIST 1. Cor. 5. so 2. Cor. 2. * In 1. Cor. 5. Patianus Epis contra Nouatianū Vide inquit Apostoli Jndulgentiam proprias etiam sententias temperantis he did moderate his sentence by remitting part of his temporall affliction * S. Ambros l. 1. de poeniten c. 6. agens con Nouatianos ait ex eo quod Apostolus dicit se condonare in persona Christi ipsū vendicasse ius à Domino acceptum non indebitum vsurpasse challenging to that effect authority receiued of Christ whose person he represented in the dispensation of that pardon or Indulgence Neither is this doctrine infirmed at all because of the Apostles request directed to the rest of the Corinthians wherby he hearing of the said adulterers exceeding griefe for his sin exhorteth them to pardon and comfort him saying It is sufficient vnto the same man that he was rebuked of many so that now contrary wise ye ought rather to forgiue and comfort him lest exceeding heauiness should swallow him vp Cor. 2. For though it was not said to all the faithfull of the Church ioynt and seperate Whatsoeuer ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in Heauen But to the Apostles and their successours in Priestly function such only being Christ's ministers and Vicegerents to whom the power of loosing is cōmitted properly as to the iuridicall exercise of it (b) A belieuiug Christian that hath nothing of iurisdiction can by way of request or prayer obtaine for an other remission of the pain due to his sin for example a man that is bound to suffer pain or punishment may notwithstanding transfer and apply the prize of that satisfaction to the aduantage of his freind for as the Apostle saith Charitas patiens est Charity is patient wherfore a charitable man is inclinable to suffer affliction vnto profiting his Neighbour whereof the Apostle Collos 1. giues euidence euough saying Novv rejoyce I in my sufferings for you and to fulfill those things that vvant of the passions of Christ in my flesh for his bodies sake vvhich is the Church though Christs Passions were wanting in nothing as to sufficiency for he was made vnto vs iustice sanctification and redemption 1. Cor. 1. that is according to the same Apostle 1. Cor. 6. he was made the Author giuer and meritorious cause of our iustice sanctity and redemption neuertheless as to efficacy there was something wanting viz. the application of Christs merits which is made by the Sacraments of the Church vnto remitting both the guilt and pain of sin and by our own afflictions charitable offered in order to our Neighbour vnto remitting of temporall punishment due to sin remitted afore But no man can satisfye for the sin of an other as to the guilt therof for he diuine Iustice will remit no man his sin that shall not be sorry for and dereste it himselfe according to the holy scripture Luc. 13. Except yee do penance that is except ye haue in ward sorrow and detestation of your sinnes yee shall all perish Besides neither the guilt of a mortall sin nor eternall pain due thereto is forgiuen and taken away without the infusion of sanctifying grace according to the Council of Trent sess 6. c. 7. nay veniall sin according to the common opinion of Catholick Doctours is not purged out of a soul vnless grace be infused into it howeuer neither of both is remitted to those which are come to full yeares of discretion without an act of detestation and sorrow Wherfore when the Popes Bull 's whereby Indulgences are granted mention remission of sinnes they mean remission of the temporall pains due vnto them And indeed the Popes declare in their Bull 's that they grant their Indulgences to such as are contrite and truly penitent Again accordiug to holy scriptures sin is taken sometymes for the paine due thereto namely Machabae 2. neuertheless all the faithfull together with their Pastours forgiue and loose by consent desire (i) The Apostle 2. Cor. 8. in saying Let your aboundance supply their vvant that also their aboundance may supply your vvant gaue hopes to the Corinthians whom he exhorted to furnish Titus and Luke with corporall necessary's that the spirituall aboundance of the same Titus and Luke might supply and enrich their spirituall want through their good work 's prayers and corporall satisfactions And truly this sacred Text shew's euidently that not only worldly goods as Almes may be rewarded through spirtuall riches namely prayers and other holy works but that the Saincts or godly persons may as well applye their aboundant satisfactions vnto supplying the spirtuall want's of others as those which abound with worldly riches may supply with their superfluities the corporall necessities of their Neighbours commiseration outward ward good works and holy prayers offered to God
for a sinfull Brother and truly this kinde of forgiuing and loosing is common alike to all such as deuoutly and charitably recite that petition of our Lord's prayer Forgiue us our trespasses as we forgiue the trespasses against vs as witnesseth S. Augus trac 58. vpon S. Iohn and doubtless by the mentioned word 's of the Apostle viꝪt videlicet Ye ought rather to forgiue and comfort him and whome yee forgiue any thing c. is meant of this generall manner of forgiuing and loosing which is common alike to all the faithfull of the Church but to demonstrate that he himself laid claime to a higher and better kinde of forgiuing and loosing he professeth that he exercised his forgiueness and power of loosing in the person or room of Christ Wherby again appear's that the Apostle did not forgiue this adulterer the rest of the paine enioyned him in order to the rigour of Church-discipline only that is to the intent only that it should aduantage him in the ecclesiasticall Court but also in order to the diuine Court of Iustice that it might benefit him before God and this is so manifest a truth that no sectary can say the contrary without contradicting the Apostles own words viꝪt videlicet I forgaue it in the person of Christ that is in the room of Christ and as his Minister to whom Christ had committed his power of loosing and binding vpon earth and indeed S. Paul should haue extreamly preiudiced the said miserable adulterer which were great impiety to think if his forgiuenesse should haue had no weight * S. Cypria Epis 14. agens de relaxatione poenarum impositarum peccatoribus ait illam fieri per intercessionem martyrum vel aliorum fidelium quorum satisfactionibus suffragijs adiuuantur in delictis apud Dominum id est in foro Dei with the diuine Court and been of no value before God for according to that supposall he should haue pardoned a pain of this life in respect wherof the adulterer should haue suffered a far greater in the next because the punishment a man endureth vpon earth is a thousand times lesser then the torment 's of Purgatory and therby S. Paul would haue brought his penitent Corinthian out of the frying pan into the fyer That is out of the prison of the ecclesiasticall Court into the prison of the diuine Court Conformably vnto this catholick doctrine Bishops in the primitiue Church enjoyned sinners penances to satisfye God and to compence the iniury done to him through their sin 's (k) According to Tertullian l. ad martyres and S. Cyprian Epis sundry Christians that through frailty fell from the Church in tyme of grieuous persecution were wont to recur vnto the Martyrs and Confessours that their penances might be remitted vnto them and these ancient Fathers did not mean penances or pains enioynd and due only in the Churches Court but due also in the Court of God wherfore S. Cyprian Epis 14. faith expresly that they receiued help and deliuerance from their pains apud Dominum that is in the diuine Court in consequence whereof Indulgences remit penances or pains at the Tribunall of God as due there and not as due onely in order to the Churches Canons as wanton schollars of these dayes vnaduisedly teach for otherwise according to S. Thomas q. 25. a. 1. Indulgences would be more vnprofitable then profitable reseruing the penitent to more grieuous pains in Purgatory Besides according to the holy scriptures whatsoeuer priest 's shall binde on earth shall be bound in Heauen and whatsoeuer they shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heauen in consequence of which God has a Court in Heauen that remits the guilt and paine of sinne accordingly as they be remitted in the Churches Court and indeed if there were no remitting of pains in the Court of Heauen there would be no need at all of the Churches spirituall Treasure consisting of the aboundant satisfactions of Christ and the blessed Saincts and yet that there is this spirituall Treasure is an article of Christian faith for as such a Treasure could not be necessary vnto remission of pains in a ciuil Court so it could not be necessary vnto remission in an ecclesiasticall Court The ground on which the Digbean diuines build their opinion is a damned heresy namely that God does not forgiue us our sinnes as to the guilt thereof except her pardon the pain also as is plainely clear according to the definition of the Council of Trent sess 6. can 30. and this practice was both in order to such as had publickly sinned in reference to which canonicall pain 's were instituted only as also in order to such as had sinned in secret as doe demonstrate Burchard in the 13th book of decretalls and sundry others which haue made a full collection of the canonicall pains Furthermore no man can say without running into manifest errour that the Apostles forgiuenesse or indulgence in order to the penitent Corinthian was but an absolution of excommunication or of his sinne giuen in the Sacrament of penance for first a deliuerance from an ecclesiasticall censure of excommunication is neuer named by scriptures or Fathers a condonation forgiueness or indulgence Again by the Apostles words appeareth that he forgaue part only of the punishment enioyned which cannot be meant of an absolution either from excommunication or sin 's in the Sacrament of penance where there is no sharing out by partes Yet notwithstanding all this the vsage of indulgences was not neer so frequent in the primitiue times as in the subsequent ages because primary Christians carrying the fresh memory of their crucifyed Redeemer and thereby much enflamed with loue towards his sufferings allwayes bore about his dying mortification that his life also might be made manifest in their mortall flesh 2. Cor. 4. so that then there was strict discipline and great penances enioyned sinners For example rigorous fasting much praying and other painfull afflictions * In 1. Concil Nicae cui intersuerunt 318. Patres indicitur poena vndecim annorum Item in Concil Ancyrano iniungitur poena septenij ijs qui bis vel ter Idolis sacrificauerant Porro vulgatum est vnicuique peccato mort ali poenitentiam septem annorum iniungendam esse iuxta Canones pro quo tam en nullus Textus reperiri potest Et contrarium tenet S. Tho. in 4. l. sent dis 20. sanè Gratianus qui allegatur pro contraria sententia non dicit Ecclesiam septemnem poenitentiam in singula peccata statuisse sed tantum pro grauissimis iniungi solitam fuisse deinde dicit illam poenit entiam non taxatam fuisse pro foro interiori sed exteriori constat illos Canones ad forum exteriùs pertinere as by the ancientest Councils appeareth Neuerthelesse such was their feruour of spirit and extream zeale in complyance to Christ's sufferings that they fullfilled them willingly and chearfully few sought after pardons vnto
speaketh of sauing after death it is clear that he meaneth eternall saluation therby Thirdly that by the words The day of the lord shall declare it is vnderstood the day of each souls particular judgment is manifest likewise according to that saying Math. 24. Watch therfore for ye know not what howre the son of man will come that is to say what hower ye shall die and be iudged Again the same Apostle 2. Timoth 4. sayth that there was laid vp for him a crown of Iustice which At that day our lord would giue him a iust Iudg. Yet doubtless he obtained that reward instantly after his death as to essentiall blessedness Lastly that by the word (f) According to S Austin l. de fide operibus the fire of hell is euerlasting against the errour of Origin and the Latin Father 's in the Council's of Florence assert true fire in Purgatory and speake after the same manner of it as of Hell fire and the Current of catholick Doctours teach that the fire of Hell is true corporall fire fire true and reall fire is meant appear's by the Apostles saying That if any mans work burneth for to burne is proper to true fire and as concerning the particles * Jo. 1. vidimus gloriam eius quast gloriam vnigeniti à Patre vbi quasi non est particula diminuens aut faciens comparationem inter veram metaphoricam gloriam sed potius explicat veritatem vt notant S. Patres sic loquendo de Rege dicimus incedit quasi Rex id est vt Regem decet de v●ro iusto venit vt vir iustus id est vt decet virum iustum as it were they doe rather affirme then infirme the reality of fire for when S. Iohn sayeth of Christ cap. 1. we saw the glory of him as it were of the only begotten of the Father the particles as it were doe not deny Christ to be the true and naturall son of God the Father but rather affirme that vndoubted truth as all catholick writers doe obserue in their Commentaries vpon that scripture Hereby it is cleare (g) S. Cyprian Epis 52. ad Antonia writes thus T' is not the same thing to be sent to prison and there to remain till the last farthing be pay'd t' is not the same thing to receiue suddenly the reward of faith and vertue and to be clens'd and purg'd by fire after long suffering of grieuous sorrovves for sinnes committed afore that the Apostle held purgation of some soules after they were deuested of their bodies and before their translation vnto eternall life and this the catholick Church calleth Purgatory which name though it be no vsed in holy scripture no more then the words Trinity person and sundry others which are receiued and allowed of by all writers in order to a clearer explicating some misteries of christian Religion howeuer the name Purgatory taken in the sense afore mentioned layeth claime to a large series of Antiquity But seeing that scriptures and * S. Cyprian Epis tota 52. ad Anton Orig. hom 6. in Exod. cum inquit venitur si quis multa opera bona parum aliquid iniquitatis attulerit illud parum tanquā plūbum resoluitur purgatur totum remanet aurum purum .... Hilar. in illud Psal 118. concupiuit anima mea purgatorium vocat indefessum ignem in quo grania sustinentur supplicia per quae animae à peccatis expiantur Aug. l. 2. 1. de ciuit c. 24. ait constare quod spiritus aliquorum fidelium poenas aliquas temporales post mortem patiantur primitiue Fathers doe assert the thing signifyed by the name of Purgatory vꝪt videlicet purgation of some souls by suffering of temporall paines in the next life * Aug. quando de re constat de nomine non est contēndendum no man can contend about that name without incurring a censure of manifest weakness yet in regard of two states only to which God promiseth eternall life or eternall death that is beatitude or damnation for Purgatory shall cease after the day of generall Iudgment is past both the scripture and the Fathers sometimes doe mention only after death the Paradise of the blessed and the Hell of the damned * De locis seu statibus perpetuis intelliguntur hae scripturae Eccles 11. si ceciderit lignum ad Austrum aut Aquilonem in quocunque loco inciderit sbi erit Item Mat. 25 Jte maledicti in ignem aternū venite benedicti possidere Regnū which be the two euerlasting states of soules but hence no man can argue an absolute negation of a third place or state in reference to temporall afflictions after death without preiudicing both scriptur's and Fathers as is sufficiently enough proued and though S. Austin Ser. 14. de verbis Domini lib. 10. de peccatorum meritis remissione cap. 20. doth expresly affirme that the catholick faith acknowledgeth two places only vat an eternall kingdome of Heauen or Hell eternall neuertheless by his other writings appeareth plainly that he held the Purgatory of some faithfull soul 's after death and in the cited writing's he denyeth only that the Catholick Church does acknowledge such a third place as Pelagius contended for who taught that children dying without baptism should be saued though they were not admitted into the kingdome of Heauen which errour S. Austin confuteth By the premises is euident that such souls only goe to Purgatory as are liable either to veniall sins or temporall satisfactions corresponding to their sins pardoned in this life as to the guilt thereof both of them importing defects that are inconsistent with the perfection of heauenly blessdeness yet these suffering souls while they endure their painfull afflictions haue something of comfort and refreshment (b) Pope Leo the tenth in his condemnation of Luther's 26. article hath defined that soul 's in Purgatory are assured of their saluation for they know that there is fauour laid vp for them they are certaine of their saluation they loue God with all their power conforming themselues in the bitterness of their afflictions to his diuine will of Iustice they haue confidence in the suffrages and sacrifices of the faithfull vpon earth in order to their deliuerance and are visited by their good Angells that cheare them vp Neither doth it hence follow that their paines are less grieuous for the intensest sorrow is not incompatible with the said refreshments as appeareth by Christ whose grief abounded and exceeded others in intensness notwithstanding the assurance of glory the comfort flowing from his God-head the conformity to the will of his diuine Father and the extream willingness to suffer his death and passion for the Redemption of the world and indeed it is a certaine truth that the anguish and tribulation which a soul endureth in Purgatory * Docent S. Aug. l de euva pro mortuis agenda c. 16. S.
Ansel in cap. 3. 1. Cor. poenam quam patiuntur animae Purgatorij esse grauiorem omni poena huius vita is more grieuous then all the sufferings of this life for therein is the place and time of executing the diuine Iustice the instrument wherof is true and reall fire that is applyed * Aug l. 2. de ciuit c. 10. docet spiritū posse pati ab igne corporeo per omnipotentiam Dei for the tormenting of such souls truly and really according to the proportion of the guilt of petty-treasons and debt's they stand charged with yet in as much as they being departed in faith hope and charity which be the spirituall chaines of vnion in order to all the good members of Christ's mysticall body and in as much as it is proper and naturall to the (i) According to the Apostle 1. Cor. 12. members of one and the same body can mutuall helpe one another and it is an Article of Catholick faith that the soul 's in Purgatory are members of one and the same Church and can be help'd through her prayers and suffrages And as to this poynt of doctrine there was ful agreement between the Latin and Greek Fathers in the Council of Florence as clearly appear's by the letters ' of vnion Besides Aerius was counted an Here●ick by S. Epipha haer 75. and S. Austin haer because he denyed that the dead might receiue reliefe through the suffrages of the liuing Moreouer this Catholick truth is asserted by the ancientest Fathers namely S Deny's l. de caeles Hierar c. 7. S. Cyprian Epis 66. and S. Austin l de curae pro mortuis agenda ser 22. de verbis Apos expresly teacheth that the doctrine which assert's that the faithfull departed receiue help by prayers sacrifices and Almes-deeds c. is approu'd by the vniuersall Church members of one and the same body to comfort and help one an other doubtless the souls of Purgatory can be comforted and helped by the prayers and suffrages of the liuing as plainly appeares by the testimonies and Liturgies of primitiue Fathers authorities of Councils and the vniuersall practice of the catholick church that offereth dayly and howerly prayers and suffrages for the faithfull souls of such as die in grace that they may be comforted and deliuered out of the grieuous paines which they endure in Purgatory Besides for as much as they are not (k) According to S. Austin l. 20. de Ciuit. c. 9. the souls of the faithfull departed are not seperated from the Church which euen now is the kingdom of God and indeed the good soul 's of Purgatory are vnited vnto us in charity in regard at their departure out of this world they were in the state of grace again they are vnited vnto vs in faith and hope because these two vertues are not euacuated before the soul's admittance into Heauen seperated from the Church they be in a capacity to receiue benefit euen by Indulgences it being in the Churches power to apply those spirituall treasures for the aduantage of all such children as abide in vnion with her through faith Hope and charity And though prayers Church-suffrages Indulgences c. doe not remit sinnes in the next life these requiring necessarily * Trid sess 6. cap. 7. docet peccatū mortale non remit ti sine infusione gratiae at sola Sacramenta in re vel in voto suscepta in fundūt gratiam ex eodē Concil sess 6. cap. 4. sed Indulgentia nō est Sacramentum culpa venialis nunquam tollitur sine aliqua displicentia de tali peccato veniali infusion of grace if mortall or a detestation therof if veniall no man can say but that souls be deliuered thereby out of their pames and translated to the kingdome of heauen without contradicting the authority of ancient Fathers the definition of a generall Councill the Ordinances of sundry Popes and the vniuersall practice of the catholick Church For example S. Austin placeth souls after their purgation in the next life in heauen to expect their bodies lib. 15. de Trinitate cap. 25. Again S. Austin puts no longer bounds to tyme in Purgatory then the matter as to satisfaction for each sinne requireth The Council of Florence defineth the transplanting of suffering soul's out of Purgatory into Heauen before the generall Resurrection Pope Benedict the 12. decreto Benedictus Deus in donis suis rancketh such as hold with pertinacy the contrary doctrine in the number of Hereticks Pope Gregory the first and Pope Siluester afore granted (l) Although an Indulgence be an act of iurisdiction and although the Church militant hath nothing of iurisdiction ouer the souls suffering in Purgatory neuertheless she hath power ouer her spirituall Treasure In consequence of which Indulgences are not granted in order to the dead after the manner of a Iudges absolution but in nature of a suffrage vnto helping of such onely as remoue out of their bodyes in communion with Christ's body and blood wherfore when the Church-gouernours grant Indulgences for the dead they insert the particles per modum suffragij after the manner of suffrages wherby is signifyed that they doe not giue Indulgences in order to the dead as if the dead were continued vnder their iurisdiction but they grant them only as competent recompences or conuenient satisfactions for as much as the faithfull aliue offer them as satisfactory works vnto satisfying the pains due to the sinnes which the dead had committed before they were remou'd out of their bodyes Aud doubtless euery particular belieuer that is in the slate of grace may offer to God their fasting praying and giuing of almes as worthy satisfactions vnto compensing of the torment 's which good soul 's endure in Purgatory Indulgences to such Priests as offered the sacrifice of Christ's body and blood in a Chappel dedicated to the blessed Virgin Mary called by the name of Mariae Liberatricis that they might free one soul out of Purgatory as doth appeare by the ancient Records of the said Chappell and Pope Pascall the first gaue deliuerance of one soul out of Purgatory to Priests celebrating fiue Masses in a Church consecrated to S. Praxes which Indulgence eleuen succeeding Popes confirmed whereunto may be added the Indulgence of Pope Iohn the eight that administred supream Church-gouernment in the yeare 878. granted to souldiers that should loose their life 's in the holy warr for the defēce of the Church and this practice was neuer yet reproued by any Council Pope or catholick writer wherfore it seen eth a strange thing that Mr. Thomas White a priuate man and in outward profession a catholick christian should assume so vnauthorized a liberty and vnparalelled boldnesse as to publish a writing in the yeare 1653. entitled An Account of his husbanding the midle state of soul's in contradiction of the (m) According to S. Austin Tom. Epis 118. ad Ianua it is a manifest madnes to call in question
S. Mat. cap. 24. the Church of God bears the name of the kingdom of Heauen And S. Hierom stileth the Church the arke of Noe that contained Leopards kids wolfes and lambs that is to say both good and wicked men dwel in the Church of God and though she is faid Eph. 4. to haue no spot or wrinckle yet that is meant in relation to faith and doctrine which are holy and without blame Howeuer S. Austin l. de perfec iustorum expounds the sacred Text set down also in order to the Church triumphant which is without spot or wrinckle the great house of God wherin are not only vessells of gold and siluer but also of wood and of earth and some for honour and some for dishonour 2. Tim. 2. howeuer no man is so irreuocably a vessell vnto dishonour but that he may be translated into a vessell vnto honour sanctified and meet for our lord IESVS if he will cast from him all his transgressions committed after baptism wherby he was incorporated into this great house which made him a vessell vnto dishonour The Church is called catholick that is vniuersall in as much as it sendeth forth the marueilous light of christian faith from the rising of the sun vnto the goeing douwn therof For Christ that redeemed vs to God by his bloud out of euery kindred and tongue and people and nation Apoc. 5. hath not confined the knowledg of his faith * Aug. ser 13. Ecclesia inquit à solis ortu vsque ad occasum vnius fidei splendore enititur within the bounds of one kingdome Moreouer the Church is rightly named catholick or vniuersall in respect of time that is to say of perpetuall succession of pastours and Teachers for the prouidence of God towards man of necessity preserueth the Church from perishing himselfe hauing prouidently instituted it as the common ordinary way to lead man vnto his kingdom Again its vniuersall because of the obligation euery man hath to embrace it that will aspire to eternall life As out of the arke of Noe there was no deliuerance from the generall deluge (t) According to S. Cyprian trac de vnit Eccle. whosoeuer hath not the Church for his Mother shall not haue God for his Father And according to S. Fulgentius who was contemporary with S. Austin l. de fide Such as are not incorporated into the Church how charitable soeuer they be cannot be saued and this Catholick assertion S. Austin professes likwise li. 4. de baptismo besids according to the holy scriptures no man that is not within the Churches bosome can obtaine heauenly benediction in consequence of which to rebell against or fall from her is execrable and damnable so out of the true Church there is no saluation and indeed the Church is the sole Mother that conceiueth bringeth forth and nourisheth children vnto heauenly blessednes Lastly the true Church is called apostolicall because it hath doth and shall preach in all times to the end of the world christian religion planted by the Apostles vpon whom as the foundation it was built Eph. 2. By the forementioned marks or tokens ioyntly the Church of Christ is shewed and distinguished from euery false congregation The Synagogue of Iews and Mahometans cannot challeng Apostolicall foundation where of Christ himselfe is the Chief corner stone nor catholick propagation from the rising of the sun to the goeing down therof for their religion is neither christian nor spread in all parts of the world and the false Churches of sectaries though they carry the name of christian neuertheless they haue nothing of vnity as to the faith of Christ nor of perpetuall succession as to pastours and Teachers down from the Apostles to these present times for they set vp a new mysticall body of Christ composed of reformed members saying that Christ in regard of sundry great scandalls and errours hath elected the old mysticall body wherof he was head afore that is the Roman Church which seemeth a strang thing because that Church according to their own confession was once in possession of the true faith and true religion * Ad Rom. 5. gratias ago Domino Deo quod fides vestra Romana annunciata Est in vniuerso mundo and the Apostle witnesseth as much writing to the Romans I thank my God through Iesus-Christ for you all because your faith Roman is published through out the whole world and no one expresse scripture testimony can be alledged to shew that the Roman Church hath deuiated from that true faith in consequence of which sectaries that will belieue nothing without express scripture ought not to belieue that the Roman Church is deuested of the true faith which it was once in possession of and therby deserted and truly it is not to reason credible that Christ after being marryed to the Roman Church for sundry ages should repudiate her especially hauing promised by the mouth of his holy Prophet that * Sponsabo te mihi in aeternum he will neuer chang the spouse of the new law saying I will espouse thee for euer it is not as to reason credible that Christ that cast out the bill of deuorce practized in the old law should be the first to bring it again into practice nor is it as to reason credible that the spouse which Christ chose without sport or wrinckle and put vnder the conduct of the holy Ghost should cast away her spousall innocence integrity and fidelity and turne to vncleaness fornication and idolatry Wherfore it is plainly euident that the Roman Church is not repudiated or deserted wherefore she and no other is the true Church of Christ that since the first age for 1660. yeares hath not deuiated from one holy catholick and Apostolick faith neither is * Apostolus scribens ad Rom. dicit fidem vestram meam sed fides S. Pau. erat vniuersalis catholica Roman Church and catholick or vniuersall Church less consistent together then christian Church and catholick Church or apostolicall and catholick Church for Christ was a singular person whence the word Christian is deriued and the Apostles were particular men whence the word Apostolicall comes and as the catholick Church is named christian because of Christ that is the supream inuisible head therof and as the catholick Church is called apostolicall in respect of the Apostles which were the foundation of it so the Catholick Church is called Roman from the Bishop of Rome that is the visible head therof subordinate to Christ * Concil Alexand loquens de Roma Eccl. sacer inquit vertex inquo omnis Ecclesia vertitur and indeed the Roman Church taken properly doth not signifie precisely and only that Church which is at Rome but cōprehendeth euery Church through out the whole world that professeth the same faith with it and acknowledgeth obedience to the same (u) According to S. Anaclete S. Anaclete S. Peters disciple and his third successor in the Pontificate
Pet. 10. in order to many diuine ordinances in regard they doe not shew plainly clearly and euidently all the mysterious precepts of Christian faith that require necessary obseruance wherefore it is an extream weakness to infer from the light of the written a negation of light in the vnwritten word of God as to instruction in iustice and saluation and indeed down from the begining of the Church christian religion hath in all times * Trid sess 4. cap. 1. declarat veritatem disciplinä Ecclesiae contineri in libris scriptis sine scripto traditionibus qua ex ipsius Christi ore ab Apostolic acceptae aut ab ipsis Apostolis Spiritu sancto dictāte quasi per manus traditae ad nos vsque peruenerūt huiusmodi traditionū contemptoros anathemati subiecit Sectarij vero communiter reijciuns eruditiones apostolicas affirmantes omnia qua sine dispendio sulutis possunt ignorari apertè contineri in scripturis been directed and gouerned by both of the said lights that is by the written and vnwritten word as by laws and customs which kind of gouerment is common alike to euery common wealth instituted aright That this double light (c) According to S. Irenaens p. 3. con haer c. 3. 4. Tertull. l. de coro militum cap. 3. S. Basil l. ad Amphilochium de Spiritu sancto cap. 29. S. Austin Epis ad Janua there is full parity between traditions ad scriptures warrantable authority being common alike to the one and the other Wherefore S. Chrys hom 4. in 2. ad Thess saith Est traditio nihil quaras amplius T' is tradition seeke no further of written and vnwritten Traditions is of necessary and perpetuall vse in the Church appeareth by the second Epistie to the Thesalonians where S. Paul enioyneth the keeping of both saying stand fast keepe the Traditions which you haue been taught either by word or our Epistle All the doctrines necessary to saluation which the Apostles receiued either from the mouth of Iesus-Christ or by inspiration of the holy Ghost they deliuered to the faithfull of those dayes partly in written and partly in vnwritten traditions which down from the primatiue Church to the present times haue passed as from hand to hand in a continuall line of priestly succession Moreouer it appeareth clearly by the second Chapter of S. Iohns canonicall Epistle that the Apostles thought it not expedient to set forth in writing all matters of christian religion necessary to saluation for he expresly saith although I had many things to write vnto you yet would I not write with paper and inck for I trust to come vnto you and speak mouth to mouth that your ioy may bee full which he repeateth in the end of his third canonicall Epistle saying I haue many things to write but I will not with ynck and pen write vnto thee and doubtless as Christ when he said to his Disciples Io. 16. I haue yet many things to say vnto you but ye cannot beare them now meant of many mysteries of faith distinct from those he had already taught them so S. Iohns meaning was that he had other doctrines of christian faith or manners to deliuer by word of mouth then those he had written with ynck and pen and truly the particles That your ioy may be full doe import as much being meant of spirituall ioy such as faithfull christians commonly receiue when they are instructed in things pertaining to iustice and saluation and it is not in reason probable that S. Iohn should vnderstand temperall ioy in order to wordly aduantages the intent of his Epistle being to stir vp a Mother and her son vnto a vertuous life in Iesus-Christ neither is it as to reason credible that so many things which S. Iohn purposely omitted to write were set down in writing either by himself afterward or by the other Apostles afore there being no scripture testimony wheron to ground those coniectures inuented meerly by the aduersaries of vnwritten traditions Besids it is plainly euident that sundry vnwritten doctrines of christian religion which are not contained expresly in any part of the new or old Testament are of necessary credence For example we must belieue with diuine faith the receiued catalogue or canon of both Testaments to be the true and vncorrupted word of God For otherwise those holy writings would haue nothing of weight with vs as theron to relie our saluation notwithstanding not any part of either Testament expresseth the receiued catalogue or canon for example we must belieue that the true sense of the written letter is a necessary and essentiall requisit to faith because in the sense that giueth life and not in the letter that bringeth death the true word of God consists but the true sense of the written letter that is to say how (d) The Caluinists in a publick disputation with the Antytrinitarians in the presence of Iohn the second elected king of Hungary engag'd to proue by scripture the mystery of the B. Trinity but failing in their engagement the king of a Caluinist became an Anti-trinitarian the written letter ought to be taken whether in a proper or figuratiue signification is not known but by the interpretation and tradition of the Church Again we must belieue that in one God there is a Trinity of diuine persons which be really distinct one from an other and no more yet not any writing of the Apostles or Euangelists (e) According to S. Chrys hom 4. operum imperf as in Heauen so in scripture God lies hid vnseen Wherefore as all men behold this corporall Heauen and not God that dwels within it so though many read the holy scriptures neuertheless they perceiue not the God of truth that lies hid in the inward seuse thereof expresly assertes a reall distinction or excludeth expresly a quaternity of persons and truly though S. Iohn saith in his canonicall Epistle cap. 4. that there be three which beare testimony in Heauen the Father the word and the holy Ghost neuertheless he doth not say expresly * Simplex affirmatio ternarij in aliquo non excludit vel negat ibi esse aliquod quartum cū in quaternario includatur ternarium qui asserit esse tres vbi sun● quatuor non falsum dicit three only or that these three are really distinct one from an other for he addeth these three are one in so much that the great Sabellian heretick Praxeas taught that God was but one sole person that carried three distinct names in order to three seuerall effects naming him Father in as much as he createth all things son because be was borne of the Virgin Mary inuested with human nature and holy Ghost in regard he sanctifieth all creatures Wherfore if the Apostles had not deliuer'd to the faithfull of those days by word of mouth a reall distinction in God as to personality and a reall identity as to nature and substance and the Church
controuersies in debate for as much as they relate to faith Furthermore God who is not an accepter of persons Rom. 15. who is not God of men only but of women also and who desireth to saue all of each sex doubtless instituted a remedy against originall sin in fauour of men and women for as much as the expiation thereof is absolutely necessary vnto saluation wherfore in regard circumcision was the remedy proper to men and could not be applied to women some other expedient was ordained for their cure and although no express mention thereof be made in any part of the old Testament neuertheless that God instituted a remedy for the deliuerance of women * Quod qualeue fuerit illud remedium à Deo institutum ad subueniēdum faeminis quae nascebantur in peccato originali nullibi explicatur in sacris litteris nec porest deduci ex illis from the guilt of originall sin the Iews belieued as an article of faith necessary to saluation and indeed so it was as appeareth from the necessity of it and from the prouidence God hath ouer both men and women and truly to auerre that God was defectiue then in necessary requisits to the saluation of women is a manifest blasphemy wherby it is clear that euen the Iews in the old law held vnwritten besides written tradition as necessary vnto saluation neither is the said unwritten tradition preiudiced by the reply of some sectaries saying that the oblation of women in the Temple according to the law of Moyses did free them of originall sin For that legall offring was common alike to women and men and Christ was both circumcised and offered in the Temple nor by recurring for this deliuerance vnto the circumcision of Parents there being not any passage in the whole Testament of the old law that carrieth the least sound that way or that hath relation to the deliuerance of women from originall sin in vertu of their parents circumcision besides S. Austin and other ancient Fathers expresly teach that baptism is to Christians as circumcision was to the Iewes but no Christian sectary will say that women are sanctified and consecrated to God through their parents baptism for if it were enough for the purging out of originall sin to baptise the male there would be no need at all to baptise the female sex hereby it is clear again that the Iews of the old law allowed and professed vnwritten besides written traditions as necessary to saluation From the premises appeareth that the word of God taken precisely comprehendeth both vnwritten and written traditions in consequence of which vnwritten traditions are not additions to the word of God they being a part therof Wherfore neither Moyses Deut. 4. saying to the people of Israel Ye shall adde nothing to the word which I speake to you neither shall ye take ought from it Nor S. Paul Gal. 1. saying to the Galatians though that we or an Angel from Heauen preach vnto you (h) According to S. Austin tom 7. con liter petiliani l. 3. cap. 6. and tom 9. trac 98. in Io. the particle praeterquam besids in the cited Text imports the particle contra against or contrary so that the meaning is that nothing must be preached against or contrary to the holy scripture And truly this explication appears euidently by the Apostles arguing against those that asserted Iudaism to be consistent with christianism which assertion because it was contrary to the law of Christ the Apostle added the curse set down in the same sentence of the Text. Moreouer the Greek 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which the Latin Interpreter translateth praeterquam is vsed by the Apostle for contra not only in the Epistle alledged ad Gal. but also Rom. 4. besids what we haue preached vnto you let him be accursed condemne vnwritten traditions as sectaries do calumniate the Catholick Church besides sectaries very vnhandsomly and weakly do infer from these two scripture testimonies that no doctrines of faith ought to be receiued saue such as be contained expresly in or by euident consequence deduced from the written word of God for neither of both doe mention the written word of God The word says Moyses which I speake vnto you and that we haue preached vnto you says the Apostle but if it were granted vnto them what they cannot proue viz that Moyses then spoke what he had written afore notwithstanding they could not ouerthrow therby vnwritten traditions vnless they could proue which they can neuer doe that they be additions destructiue of or contrary to the written word of God for such additions only he meant and excluded by the cited scriptures and indeed if S. Paul had meant otherwise he should haue cursed S. Iohn the Euangelist that many yeares after his martyrdome writ reuelations which S. Paul had not preached to the Galatians likwise the Anathema had touched S. Paul himselfe that deliuered sundry passages in the acts of the Apostles which happened after his preaching to the Galatians Howeuer catholicks doe not deny but that traditions which are the vnwritten word be contained implicitly in the written word of God that is to say as in a generall principle from whence they are deducible and the whole word of God is contained in scriptutes yea in this sole Article of the Apostles Creed I belieue in the holy Catholick Church in as much as all the matters pertaining to faith and generall manners and not clearly expressed in holy scriptures are contained expresly in the doctrine of the Church which the scriptures commend vnto vs as infallible and indeed the whole word of God is expounded vnto vs in Christs command Math. 18. If he refuse to heare the Church let him be vnto thee as an heathen man and publican in regard wherof ancient Fathers do auerre all doctrines of faith to be contained in scriptures that is as in a generall principle from whence they can be deduced CHAR. XXJ. OF THE CHVRCH TRIVMPHANT THE CONTENTS Souls that remoue out of their earthly habitations cleansd from all vncleanes are instantly translated into Heauen the clear sight of God wherein consisteth heauenly beatitude is not deferd till the generall Resurrection though the office of mediation aduocation and intercession is proper to Christ alone as to the noblest manner therof neuertheless according to the Catholick Church all the Saints mediate and intercede in the sight of God for the faithfull on earth in subordination to Christ the Church of god does not nor neuer did teach that the faithfull on earth ought to mediate and intercede for the blessed in Heauen S. Paul did not mediate or intercede for Onesiphorus that he might obtaine mercy after his soule was beatifyed the ancient Liturgies of the Church approue not of prayers vnto helping of the blessed THe Church triumphant is a holy Congregation of blessed Saints reigning with Iesus-Christ innocēt souls not liable to any guilt of sin as soon (a) 2. Cor. 5. we know
carefully heauenly Angels endeauour to bring mortalls vnto eternall blessedness being they reioyce in the repentance of a sinner Wherefore Orig. hom 1. in Ezech. prayeth his Angel to receiue him conuerted from his former errour reioyce at the conuersion of a sinner Luc. 15. Besids according to the common vsage of the primatiue Church one beleeuing christian bargained with an other that he who went first to Heauen should pray for him that abided on earth Let vs saith S. Cyprian Epis 57. pray mutually one for an other and whether of vs two shall through the diuine mercy be first called for let his loue continue and his prayers not cease for his brethren and sisters in the world In like manner S. Hierome spoke to Heliodorus Epis 1. cap. 2. saying that when he is once in Heauen he will pray for him that exhorted and encouraged him to embrace a monasticall state of life Moreouer in the law of nature Abraham made intercession to an Angel for his sons Ioseph Ephraim and Manasse Gen. 48. the Angel which hath deliuered me from all euill bless these children And albeit it cannot be proued that in any time during the old Testament the people of God prayed directly to the holy Patriarkes and Prophets after their decease in regard then the Saints departed were not translated into Heauen and inuested with whi●e cloathes of glory their habitation being vnder the earth as in a prison 1. Petri 2. neuertheless they made intercession to God humbly asking of him mercy and grace through the merits of the said Patriarches and Prophets * Psal 131. memēto Domini Dauid omnis mansuetudinis eius propter Dauid seruum tuū non auertas faciem Christi tui Salomon asked of God meet helpe in regard of his Father Dauids great merits * Exod. recordare Domine Abraham Isaac Jacob scruorū tuum and Moyses in respect of the good workes of Abraham Isack and Israel the faithfull seruants of God Likewise the ancient Iews made intercession to God through the prayers of their progenitors departed And the holy Prophet Ieremy (k) Baruch cap. 3. prayeth thus O lord omnipotent God of Jsra Heare the prayer of the dead of Israel and though some sectaries count Baruch as apocryphall neuertheless the ancient Fathers and Councills haue ranked that book with diuine scripture both vnder the name of Ieremy Baruchs vncle and vnder the inscription of Baruch which is more proper Again the Councill of Laodicea in the last canon mentioneth Baruchs lamentations and Ieremyes Epistles Moreouer the Councils of Florence and Trent haue defined this catholick truth after his death praid much for the people of Israel 2. Mach. 75. Neither doth the Prophet Isaias preiudice this catholike truth saying cap. 63. Abraham knew vs not and Israel was ignorant of vs for he meant only that Abraham and Iacob did not acknowledge the Iews of those days for their children because of their greiuous sinns and iniquities as the ancient Fathers interpret that scripture Nor Ecclesiastes when hee saith the dead know noe more and haue reward noe more For his meaning is not to take all vnderstanding and knowledge from soules remoued out of their bodyes but to inculcate vnto vs that it is impossible after our departure out of this world to merit a reward the time of this life being a necessarie requisite there to according to Christs own testimony Io. 9. the night cometh when noe man can worke But now the ingagement mentioned in the character of Purgatory calleth for an answere vnto the Digbean White that hath studied diuinity 40. yeares who as to the contents of this character mainly resisteth the constant (l) Mr. White in the third account of the midle state of souls boldly asserts that though to pray for the blessed be against the common practice of the Church neuertheless he is not of so vveake a stomack as not to digest that morsell so that he maks not only the Church liable to errour as to manners and doctrines vniuersally receiued approued and practiced which is a manifest heresy but himselfe the Churches Reformer and vniuersall practice of the Catholick Church agreeing with so large and euident testimony of scriptures Councills and Fathers as are set down for example in the third accompt of his midle state of souls to proue that the ancient practice of the Church was to pray for the dead euen after their souls were beatified He alledged the 2. Epis and 1. cap. to Timothie where the Apostle thus prays for Onesiphorus Our lord grant him Onesiphorus to find mercy from our lord in that day by which words this knowing Master that hath studyed 40. years to build a Theology on Digbean peripateticks will of necessity proue that S. Paul prayed that Onefiphorus might find mercy after he was beatified Shall I deny saith he the Apostle prayed that Onesiphorus might find mercy euen after his soule was beatified the Text on all sides confessed for bids me what then will our aduersaries say this was not to pray for the blessed common sense permit's them not S. Paul did it But doubtless no knowing man in Theology or ecclesiasticall historie that is vnpartiall dare say for his credits sake that Mr. White doth clearly proue against the whole practice of the Church that the faithfull on earth must pray for the blessed because the Apostle prayed for Onesiphorus saying Our lord grant vnto him that he may find mercy of our lord in illo die in that day for Onesiphorus was not dead when S. Paul prayed that he might find mercy of our lord in illo die In consequence of which Mr. Whites inference from the words alledged carries no weight with it at all being grounded vpon a very false supposall Howeuer the good prayer of the Apostle was not in vain for according to the martyrologes both Latine and Greek Onesiphorus was honored afterward with a crown of martyrdom in Hellespont in consequence wherof doubtless he found mercy of our lord in that day that is in the day of particular iudgment after his death for it is the constant Tenet of the Catholick Church * Apoc. 14. Beati mortui qui in Domino moriuntur à modo iam dicit spiritus vt requiescant à laboribus suis Hic sacer textus ostēdit beatos morientes id est martyres aliosque fideles decedentes perfectè iustos sine omni macula reatu poenae id est obligatione ad poenam nō expectaturos vniuersale iudicium vt accipiāt beatitudinem ita explicat S. Aug. l. 20. de ciuit cap. 9. that martyrs by their death suffered for the confessing of Christs faith be perfectly purged of sin both in order to the guilt and paines therof and immediatly possess their glorious crowns which is the beatificall vision as S. Austin lib. de peccatorum meritis expresly teacheth saying he that prayeth for a martyr doth an iniury to a martyr The same doctrine the Councill of Trent ses
inquit haereses obortae sunt aut nata sūt schismata quam quod Sacerdoti Dei non obtemperatur nec vnus in Ecclesia ad tē pus Sacerdos Iudex vice Christi cogitatur teaching peruerse things to draw disciples after them wherby is euidenced that no priuat man is an infallible interpreter of holy scriptures neither can know certainly that scriptures are the word of God laying aside the Churches authority For example credence is not giuen to the canon or caralogue of scriptures because of scripture testimony which no where attestes that catalogue in so much that Luther and Caluin down from the begining of their defection to the departure out of the world contended about the number of canonicall scriptures and their adherents of these dayes respectiuely continue in the pursuance of the same dispute Moreouer there is greater reason that the christian faith should rely rather on the Church which * S. Cypri in trac de vnitate Ecclesiae adulterari inquit nō potest sponsae Christi incorrupta est pudicae is an infallible ground and piller of truth then of sole scriptures which are liable to mutations corruptions and false interpretations howeuer scriptures cōsidered in themselues precisely do chaleng equall authority with the Church the same diuine spirit that directeth the tongues of the supream pastours in speaking (o) God by his absolute and extrrordinary power can himselfe alone or by an Angel instruct men and reueale matters of faith and christian religion without the ministery of the Church And doubtless the Apostles had noe other master but God himselfe as to sundry mysteries of christian faith and Christ himselfe confesseth that S. Peter came to the knowledge of his diuine nature by reuelation from God the Father Caro Sanguic non reuelauit tibi sed Pater meus guided the pennes of the Apostles and Euangelists in writing and as the Church beareth witnesse of the scriptures infallible doctrine so the scriptures do witness the Churches infalible authority yet so as that faith in order to its acte of assent is resolued into the Church and not into the scriptures for noe man can prudently belieue any scripture to be the word of God if the Church that is the ground and piller of truth should not declare it for such howeuer Catholicks who doe infer the Churches infallibility from the testimony of scripture and the authority of scripture from the testimony of the Church are noe more guilty of committing (p) According to Euclide a mathematicall circle taken in the proper sense is the passing of one and the same line from and the repassing vnto the same point and by the same way a circle of errour then are Philosophers that assert mutuall causalities or doe argue from a cause its proper effect and from an effect its proper cause for example from the rising of the sun is proued the existence of the day and againe the existence of the day proueth the risiing of the sun wherin there is noe circle of errour which properly consisteth in the coming again of the same thing vnto the same thing from whence it came and by the same way it came but the way of one cause is not the way of an other cause nor the way of an effect is the way of the cause wherof it is the effect in like manner the way of the Church which is a cleare speaking Iudge is not the way of the scriptures which consiste in mute elements of characters and although we belieue that the Church is an infallible proposer of all matters pertaining to faith because of the scripture testimony neuertheless if the scriptures had borne noe witness therof there is euidence of credibility enough to induce vs prudently to belieue the Churches infallibility which euen before the writing of scriptures was beliued neither do we recur to scriptures to proue it (q) In disputs or conferences with such as deny holy scriptures motiues of credibility haue weight with them and that one which S. Austin vseth l. con Epis Faus cap. 4. seems of greattest moment Many things saith he keepe me fast in the bosom of the Catholick Church for example the vnanimous accord of people and nations authority confirmed by miracles .... by antiquity strengthned and the succession of Bishops dovvn from S. Peter the Apostle to vvhom our lord committed the feeding of his sheepe vnto the present Episcopacy but when we haue to doe with such as admit them and euen then we doe not alledge scriptures as the formall cause the Churches infallibility is known by for that is diuine reuelation but as witness of it only for we doe not belieue precisely that the Church is infallible because the scripturs do say it but in regard of many other motiues which do moue vs to giue our assent thereto neither was the church intended for the vse of the scriptures but scriptures for the vse of the Church besides no man without manifesting extream weakness can except against the mutuall testimony that Christ and S. Iohn Baptist gaue of one another or against the disciples of both who belieued their masters to be such as their masters reciprocally had declared theselues to bee The principall marks or tokens of the true Church * Quatuor illa signa dilucide constant ex sacra scriptura ex symbolis Apostolorum Nicae S. Athanasij expressè habentur in sym Constātinop cuius Patres voce apostolicam diuinitus addiderunt are foure set douwn in that Article of christian faith viz I belieue one holy catholick and apostolick Church Albeit that the true Church consisteth of many members yet it is but one body 1. Cor. 12. of Christ in vnity of faith and baptism One lord one faith one baptism Ep. 4. nor can Christ be an author of diuision that is a God of vnion Likwise it is holy for as much as it is the body of Christ that is the fountain of all holyness and enioyes a sacrifice and Sacraments which confer sanctity neither matters it that sundry members of his body are guilty of mortall transgressions For as such as profess any art are counted artificers though they doe not act according to the principalls or rules there-of so the said members in regard they put on Christ (r) According to S. Austin in psal 85. if all christians and true belieuers are baptized in Christ they haue put on Christ as the Apostle reacheth Gal. 3. and if they be made members of his body and say they are not holy they do an iniury to the head whose members are holy by Baptism and become the chosen people of God by faith are called holy although they doe not obserue the ordinances and lawes of either For example 1. Cor. 1. the Corinthians are said to be sanctified in Christ IESVS and holy neuertheless there were among them both the naturall and carnall men The true Church militant is (ſ) According to the Euangelist