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A45116 Annotations on Milton's Paradise lost wherein the texts of sacred writ, relating to the poem, are quoted, the parallel places and imitations of the most excellent Homer and Virgil, cited and compared, all the obscure parts by P.H. ... Hume, Patrick, fl. 1695. 1695 (1695) Wing H3663; ESTC R12702 483,195 324

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Weeds of St. Dominic Are cloathed and buried in the Habit of St. Dominic to make sure of their Passage into Paradise thô not half so well assured of it as the order is of a considerable Legacy Weeds an old Word of the Sax. Waede Cloaths V. 481. They pass the Planets seven They get up above the seven Circles assigned to the wandring Lights Saturn Jupiter Mars Sol Venus Mercury Luna styled 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wanderers or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gr. Wandring because of their various and unequal Motions Ibid. And pass the fix'd And soar above the Firmament where the fixed Stars are placed called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gr. unerring not as if this Sphere were void of all motion but because it moves so slowly on the Poles of the Ecliptic as not to compleat its compass in less than 25000 years therefore seeming fix'd to the giddy Planets V. 482. And that Chrystalline Sphear Gassendus tells us this Caelum Chrystallinum is so named being void of Stars it is transparent and as clear as Chrystal 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Gr. The same Astronomer for the convenience of solving the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 has divided this Chrystalline Heaven into two constituting the 9 and 10 Sphears which are supposed to be so equally poized and ballanced the ninth on the Poles of the Ecliptic and the tenth on the Equinoxial Points that by a kind of trembling libration the one inclines from the West to the East and so back again and the other from North to South reciprocally with a trepidation so slow that the first is moving two degrees and one third which makes one libration 1700 years and the latter is twice as long in performing a libration but of 24 minutes an Invention that might have become a Quaking Astronomer Gass. l. 2. c. 8. V. 483. The Trepidation talk'd They pass the Chrystalline Orb so poized that it moves forwards and back again by a slow trembling too much fancied and talk'd of like a Spanish Jennet never standing still and yet gaining no ground Ballance of the Lat. Bilanx a Beam that holds Scales poized and centred upon a Point Trepidatio Lat. trembling of Trepidare to shake Ibid. And the first moved The eleventh Heaven the Primum mobile because the twelfth is by the School-men made immoveable the Empyrean of a square form as to its outside according to the description of the Heavenly Jerusalem Rev. 21. 16. V. 484. At Heaven's Wicket seems to c. And now St. Peter seems to stand ready to open Heaven's Doors waiting for 'em with his Keys in his hand How the Romanists have conferred this Office of Door-keeper on St. Peter and for what reason I know not unless they interpret the Power of the Keys our Saviour gave him which is generally by them understood the absolute Power and Authority of Governing Christ's Church on Earth delegated to him to be exercised Literally by him now in Heaven the Popes his pretended Successors managing the other Magisterially enough on Earth Read Matth. 16. v. 18 and 19. Wicket of the Fr. Guichet a little Door V. 486. At foot of Heaven's Ascent Now at the beginning of Heaven's high rise at the bottom of the going up or arising up towards Heaven Ascent of Ascensus Lat. a climbing up of Ascendere Lat. to mount V. 488. Blows them transverse c. Blows them aside Mutati transversa fremunt vespere ab atro Consurgunt venti AEn 5. Transversus Lat. turned aside put by Ibid. League At Sea especially is three English miles so called of the Fr. Lieûe as this of Leuca Lat. derivable says Ammi Marcellinus a 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 from white Stones whereby the Accients distinguished them as the Romans also did Decimus ab Urbe Lapis 10 miles from Rome V. 489. Into the devious Air Out of the way into this blustering Climate Devius Lat. Devid out of the way V. 490. Cowles Hoods and Habits The Dresses and Habits of Monks and Friars Cowle Sax. Cugle Fr. Cagoulle of the Lat. Cucullus a Monk's Hood Habit of Habitus Lat. a Dress Cloaths V. 491. Flutter'd into Rags Torn and rent into Rags Flutter'd beaten B. 2. V. 933. Reliques Lat. Reliquiae the Remainders of Saints Bodies Bones Ashes old Garments c. supposed to work miraculous Cures by their credulous Admirers and Adorers V. 492. Indulgences Dispenses Bulls Licenses Dispensations Proclamations and Edicts of the Pope Indulgentia Lat. a Permission from the Pope to do something otherwise forbid Dispenses of Dispensatio Lat. Leave given to do things against the Laws of Men and often those of God as Murders incestuous Marriages breach of Faith c. Bulls the Popes Letters Patents sealed with a piece of Lead hanging to 'em of Bulla Lat. for the Boss of a Bridle and thence a Seal V. 493. The sport of Winds Vacuis Ludibria ventis Or as Virgil of the Sibyls Verses writ on Leaves of Trees Haec turbata volant rapidis ludibria ventis AEn 6. V. 495. Into a Limbo large and broad Limbus Lat. for the Welt or Hem of a Garment by the School men supposed the place in the Neighbourhood of Hell where the Souls of the Just who dyed before the Ascension of our Saviour were detained and into which they consign the Souls of the Infants dying unbaptized A daring and enterprizing Opinion grounded on these following Texts of Scripture Jacob mourning for the suppofed Death of his Son Joseph says in the bitterness of his Soul I will go down into the Grave unto my Son mourning Gen. 35. 35. The Hebr. word is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 signifying generally the place of Human Bodies after Death and therefore in our Bibles well translated the Grave The same word does indeed signifie the lowest Place and is understood of Hell As Hell is naked before him Job 26. 6. Of which Aben Ezra says in his Commentary on the place Centrum ipsius terrae ipsi in aperto propatulo est the very Center of the Earth where Hell is supposed to be is open and plain before him The next place assigned for a Support and Foundation is that where the Witch of Endor tells Saul I saw Gods ascending out of the Earth 1 Sam. 28. 13. And in the Eulogy of Samuel this ascending God it is said And after his death he Prophesied and shewed the King his end and lift up his Voice from the Earth Eccles. 46. 20. Another Text is Zecha 9. 11. where the Prophet foretelling the joyful Coming of the Messiah says As for thee also by the blood of thy Covenant I have sent forth thy Prisoners out of the Pit wherein is no Water 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Vinctos tuos those that are bound which Place if compared with its Parallel Isa. 61. 1. where it is said of our Saviour He hath sent me to bind up the broken-hearted to proclaim liberty to the Captives and the opening of the Prison to them that are bound it
shalt thou sit in thy Flesh Incarnate in carne of Caro Lat. Flesh. V. 316. Son both of God and Man Thou art my Son this day have I begotten thee Psal. 2. 7. For that which is conceived in her is of the Holy-Ghost Matth. 1. 20. Therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God Luc. 1. 35. Which was the Son of Adam which was the Son of God Luke 3. 38. V. 317. Anointed Universal King Who is the blessed and only Potentate the King of Kings and Lord of Lords 1 Tim. 6. 16. Kings in Scripture are styled God's Anointed Saul the first King of the Israelites was anointed by Samuel 1 Sam. 10. 1. and his Successor David by the same hand 1 Sam. 16. 13. Then Samuel took the Horn of Oyl and anointed him a Ceremony still in use among most Nations Therefore God even thy God hath anointed thee with the Oyl of Gladness above thy fellows Heb. 1. 9. Acts 10. 38. V. 321. That bide in Heaven c. That have their Abode in Heaven according to Phil. 2. 10. That at the Name of Jesus every Knee should ●ow of things in Heaven and things in Earth and things under the Earth Bide and abbreviation of Abide to stay in a place V. 324. Shalt in the Skie They shall see the Son of Man coming in the Clouds of Heaven with Power and great Glory Matth. 24. 30. V. 325. The summoning Archangels The Chief of thy Angels that shall summon and call all that are or ever were living Michael is named one of the Archangels Epist. Jude v. 9. Summoning of Summonere Lat. to warn and Summonitio in our Law is a giving notice to appear in Court 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Chief Angel For the Lord himself shall descend from Heaven with a shout with the voice of the Archangel and with the trump of God 1 Thes. 4. 16. V. 326. Thy dread Tribunal Thy dreadful Judgment Seat For we must all appear before the Judgment Seat of Christ knowing therefore the terrour of the Lord 2 Cor. 5. v. 10 11. Tribunal Lat. Ibid. From all Winds From all Parts and Quarters of the World from whence the Winds blow and take their Names Eurus ad auroram Nabathaeque regna recessit Persidaque radiis juga subdita matutinis Met. l. 1. They shall gather together his Elect from the four Winds Matth. 24. 31. V. 327. The cited Dead The Dead called to appear at the General Day of Doom And I saw the Dead small and great stand before God Rev. 20. 11 Citare and Citatio Lat. are Terms of the Civil Law signifying a calling one to answer an Accusation or Crime brought against him V. 329. Such a Peal Such a Sound shall awaken 'em from their long and lazy Lethargy He shall send his Angels with a great sound of a Trumpet Matth. 24. 31. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 With a Trumpet and loud Voice as the Original V. 331. They Arraigned shall sink They as soon as brought to that bright Bar self-accused and condemned shall sink down into Hell beneath thy Sovereign Sentence To Arraign is to bring a Prisoner to the Bar to hear the Accusation laid to his Charge of Arranger Fr. to set and digest Things into order by way of Proof in Tryals V. 334. The World shall burn The Heaven and the Earth which are now by the same Word are kept in store reserved unto Fire against the Day of Judgment and perdition of ungodly Men. But the Day of the Lord will come as a Thief in the Night in which the Heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the Elements shall melt with fervent heat the Earth also and the Works that are therein shall be burnt up 2 Pet. 3. v. 7 and 10. Lucretius tells us the World shall be destroyed by a downfal Principio mare ac terras caelumque tuêre Horum naturam triplicem tria corpora Memmi Tres species tam dissimiles tria talia texta Una dies dabit exitio multosque per annos Sustentata ruet moles machina Mundi Lib. 5. Ovid affirms its Destruction shall be by Fire Esse quoque infatis reminiscitur affore tempus Quo mare quo tellus correptaque Regia Caeli Ardeat mundi moles operosa laboret Met. l. 1. Lucan agrees with him Hos Caesar populos si nunc non usserit ignis Uret cum terris uret cum gurgite tonti Communis mundo superest rogus ossibus astra Misturus Phar. l. 7. How this lower World and all therein may probably enough be liable to a General Conflagration is easie to imagine but how the Heavens the Celestial Bodies the Sun Moon and Stars those bright burning Beings which many of the Fathers as well as Philosophers believed to consist and be made of Fire shall be obnoxious to it is not so familiar to our Understandings Certain it is the World shall have an end Generation and Corruption shall cease Motion give place to Rest and Time to Eternity and then both the Elementary and Celestial Bodies having performed and finified their Function and all their Vicissitudes and manifold Mutations being determined shall be done away The Heavens the work of thy hands they shall perish but thou shalt endure yea all of them shall wax old like a Garment as a Vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed Psal. 102. 26. And with this agrees the Vision of St. John And I saw a great white Throne and him that sate on it from whose Face the Earth and the Heavens fled away and there was found no place for them Rev. 20. 11. V. 335. New Heaven and Earth Of which Isaiah Prophesied Behold I create new Heavens and a new Earth and the former shall not be remembred ch 65. v. 17. Confirmed by St. Peter Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new Heavens and a new Earth wherein dwelleth Righteousness 2 Pet. 3. 13. Foreseen by St. John And I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth were passed away Rev. 21. 1. The number of Beings subject to Generation and Corruption to encrease and decay will one day be compleat and fulfilled then the Heavenly Orbs the Elements the Earth and Sea the Causes and the Receptacles and Subjects of those many Mutations of Matter through the Vicissitudes of Time and Motion shall be no more And God will make another World more beautiful and much more glorious than this void of all Alteration incapable of Decay the House of Eternity V. 336. After Tribulations long After all the Afflictions of this Life Tribulatio Lat. Anguish Pain Suffering V. 337. See Golden Days As the Poets express'd the first happy Simplicity of the World by the Golden Age before that mischievous Metal was discovered to disturb it Aurea prima sata est aetas Ov. Met. 1. Toto surget gens aurea mundo Virg. Ecl. 4. V.