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A18640 An harmony of the confessions of the faith of the Christian and Reformed Churches which purelie professe the holy doctrine of the Gospell in all the chiefe kingdomes, nations, and prouinces of Europe: the catologue and order whereof the pages following will declare. There are added in the ende verie shorte notes: in which both the obscure thinges are made plaine, & those thinges which maie in shew seeme to be contrarie each to other, are plainelie and verie modestlie reconciled, and if anie points doe as yet hang in doubt, they are sincerelie pointed at. All which things, in the name of the Churches of Fraunce and Belgia, are submitted to the free and discrete iudgement of all other Churches. Newlie translated out of Latine into English. Also in the end is added the confession of the Church of Scotland. Alowed by publique authoritie.; Harmonia confessionum fidei orthodoxarum & reformatarum ecclesiarum. English Salnar.; Goulart, Simon, 1543-1628. 1586 (1586) STC 5155; ESTC S107818 484,469 636

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fulnes of time was come God sent his Sonne made of a woman and made vnder the law that he might redeeme them which were vnder the law and that we by adoption might receiue the right of sonnes And Acts. 15 it is saide Why tempt ye God to laie an yoke vpon the Disciples neckes which neither our fathers nor wee were able to beare but we beleeue through the grace of our Lord Iesus Christ to be saued euen as they c. And Augustine saith That people which receiued the old Testament was helde vnder certaine shadowes and figures of thinges before the comming of the Lorde according to the wonderfull and moste orderlie diuision of times Yet therein was so great preaching and foretelling of the new Testament that in the Euangelicall and Apostolike discipline though it be painfull and diuine no commaundements or promises can be found which are wanting euen in those olde bookes THE EIGHT SECTION OF REPENTANCE AND THE CONVERSION OF MAN THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA CHAP. 14. THe gospel hath the doctrine of repentance ioyned with it for so saide the Lord in the Gospell In my name must repentance and remission of sinnes be preached among all nation Byrepentance we vnderstand the change of the minde in a sinfull man stirred vp by the preaching of the Gospell and by the holy spirit receiued by a true faith by which a sinneful man doth eftsonnes acknowledge his naturall corruption and a●● his sinnes seeing them conuinced by the word of God i● hartely greeued for them and doth not onelie bewaile and freelie confesse them before God with shame but also doth loath and abhorre them with indignation thinketh seriouslie of present amendment and of a continuall care of innocencie and vertues wherein to exercise himselfe holilie all the rest of his life And surely this is true repentance namely an vnfeined turning vnto god and to all goodnes and a serious returne from the Deuill and from all euill Now we doe expresselie saie that this repentance is the meere gift of god and not the worke of our owne strength For the Apostle doth will the faithful Minister diligentlie to Instruct those which withstande the trueth if that at any time the Lord will giue them repentance that they may acknowledge the trueth Also the sinnefull woman in the gospell which washed Christs feete with her teares and Peter which bitterlie wept and bewailed his deniall of his Master doe manifestlie shew what minde the penitent man should haue to witte verie earnestlie lamenting his sins committed Moreouer the Prodigal sonne and the Publican in the Gospell that is compared with the Pharisie doe set forth vnto vs a most fit paterne of confessing our sinnes to God The Prodigall sonne saide Father I haue sinned against heauen and against thee I am not worthie to be called thy sonne make me as one of thy hired seruants The Publican also not daring to lift vp his eies to heauen but knocking his brest he cryed God be mercifull vnto me a sinner And we dout not but the Lord receiued them to mercie For Iohn the Apostle saith If we confesse our sinnes he is faithfull and iust to forgiue vs our sinnes and to purge vs from all iniquitie If we saie wee haue not sinned we make him a lier and his word is not in vs. We beleeue that this sincere confession which is made to God alone either priuatelie betweene God and the sinner or openlie in the Church where that generall confession of sinnes is rehearsed is sufficient and that it is not necessarie for the obteining of remission of sinnes that any man should confesse his sinnes vnto the priest whispering them into his eares that the priest laying his hands on his head he might receiue absolution because that we finde no commaundement nor example thereof in the holie scripture Dauid protesteth saieth I made my fault knowne to thee and my vnrighteousnes did I not hide from thee I said I will confesse my wickednes to the Lord against my selfe and thou hast forgiuen the hainousnes ofmy sinne Yea and the Lord teaching vs to pray and also to confesse our sinnes saide So shall you praie Our father which art in heauen forgiue vs our debtes euen as we forgiue our debters It is requisite therefore that we should confesse our sinnes vnto god and be reconciled with our neighbour if we haue offended him And the Apostle Iames speaking generallie of confession saith Confes ech of you your sinnes one to another If so be that any man beeing ouerwhelmed with the burthen of his sinnes and troublesome temptations wil priuatelie aske counsell instruction or comfort either of a minister of the Church or of any other brother that is learned in the law of God we doe not mislike it Like as also we doe fullie alow that generall and publike confession which is wont to be rehearsed in the Church and in holie meetings whereof we spake before beeing as it is agreeable with the scripture As concerning the keies of the kingdome of heauen which the Lord committed to his Apostles they prate manie straunge thinges and of these keies they make swordes speares scepters and crownes and full power ouer mightie kingdoms yea ouer mens soules and bodies But we iudging vprightlie according to the word of God do saie that al ministers trulie called haue and exercise the keies or the vse of them when as they preach the Gospell that is to say when they doe teach exhorte reprooue and keepe in order the people committed to their charge For so doe they open the kingdome of God to the obedient and shut it against the disobedient These keies did the Lorde promise to the Apostles in the 16. Chapter of Mathew and deliue them in Iohn 20. Chapter Marke 16. Luke the 24. when as he sent forth his disciples and commaunded them To preach the Gospell in all the world to forgiue sinnes The Apostle in the Epistle to the Cor. saith That the Lorde gaue to his minister● the ministerie of reconciliation And what this was he straighwaie maketh plaine and saieth The worde or doctrine of reconciliation And yet more plainelie expounding his words he he addeth that the ministers of Christ Do as it were go an imbassage in Christs name as if God himselfe should by his ministers exhort the people to be reconciled to god to weet by faithful obedience They vse the keies therfore when as they perswade to faith and repentance Thus do they reconcile men to God thus they forgiue sins thus do they open the kingdome of heauen and bring in the beleeuers much differing herein from those of whome the Lorde spake in the Gospell W●t be vnto you lawyers for ye haue taken awaie the keie of knowledge You haue not entred in your selues and those that would haue entered ye forbad Rightlie therefore and effectuallie do ministers absolue when as they preach the Gospell of Christ and thereby
vaine shadowes which they reason to preuaile although a man fall againe into mortall sinne And in this matter they haue deuised new iugling trickes They confesse that these satisfactions are not recompences but they saie that we muste admitte such satisfactions as chastisements as Paull doth punish the Corinthian 1. Cor. 5. That chastisement was excommunication and we confesse that they which are guiltie of manifest hainous deedes are by a lawfull iudgement and order to be excommunicated neither is iust excommunication a vaine lightning Yet notwithstanding the power of the Church doth not punish by corporall force as by prison or by hunger but it doth onelie pronounce this sentence The prison and common punishments doe pertaine to ciuill gouernours But such is the frowardnes of certaine men that although they see themselues conuinced by the euidence of truth yet they seeke to dallie by sophistrie lest if they should giue place they should be thought to haue betrayed their fellowes God which seeth the heart knoweth that with a simple indeauour we haue sought out the trueth OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of Repentance CHAP. 12. SEing that we must alwaies acknowledge our sinnes and beleeue that they be forgiuen for Christ his sake wee thinke it also meete that men should alwaies repent in this life But diuers men expound repentance diuerslie commonlie they make three partes of repentance Contrition Confession and Satisfaction We will seuerallie and brieflie runne ouer these partes that we maie declare what we maie thinke to be in deede Catholike and Apostolike in this doctrine of Repentance Of Contrition CHAP. 13. WE call Contrition a feeling of the wrath of God or a sorrow and great feare of the minde raised by the knowledge of the greatnes of our sinnes and the weightines of the wrath of God And we thinke that such a Contrition as the law of God doth vse to stirre vp in man is necessarilie required in true repentance but to teach that it doth deserue remission of sinnes or that it is a purging of our sinnes before God we thinke it contrarie to the Apostolike doctrine God truelie doth not despise a contrite and an humble heart as the Psalme saith but therefore he doth not despise it because the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ tooke vpon him a contrite humble heart by whose onelie contrition and humiliation our sinnes are purged before God and his wrath is pacified Now we are made partakers of this pacification when with a contrite and humble heart we beleeue that Iesus Christ alone is our reconciler with the heauenlie Father Isa 53. He was wounded for out trangressions he was broken for our iniquities the chastisment of our peace was vpon him and by his stripes we are healed 1. Ioh. 2. He is the propitiation for our sinnes Act. 10. To him giue all the Prophets witnes that through his name all that beleeue in him shall haue remission of their sinnes Also the examples of Cain Esau Saul Iudas Iscarioth and such like doe witnes that Contrition is not a merit of remission of sinnes For these men although they had so great contrition that it seemed to them a thing more tollerable to dispatch their life either by strangling or by thrusting themselues in with swordes rather then to suffer those horrible griefes yet could they not obteine remission of their sinnes The Glosse saith If we looke narrowlie to the matter remission of sinnes is to be attributed to the grace of God not to contrition Wherfore we confesse that to shew forth true repentance Contrition is necessarie yet not to this ende that it should be any merit or purging of our sinnes before God but that man acknowledging the greatnes of his sinnes should be stirred vp to seeke remission of sinnes saluation in the onelie free clemencie and mercie of God and that onelie for Iesus Christ our Lord his sake by faith Of Confession CHAP. 14. THey call confession a reckoning vp of sinnes before a Priest Therfore such confession as hath hitherto bin vsed as it was not commaunded of God so it is manifest that the auncient Church did not exact it with such seueritie as if it had beene necessarie to obteine eternal saluation And it is not to be doubted but that we ought to acknowledge our selues before God to be sinners and to confesse our sinnes to God yea the auncient Ecclesiasticall writers doe graunt that it is free for any one to reckon vp his sins before man vnles in some matter man be offended and the trueth by lauful and deuine calling is to be declared Chrysostome saith I will thee not to bewraie thy selfe openlie nor to accuse 〈◊〉 selfe before others but I counsell thee to obeie the Prophet saying Open thy waie vnto the Lorde And againe If thou ar● ashamed to shew thy sinnes to any man then vtter them euerie daie in thine heart I saie nos goe confesse thy sinnes to they felow seruant that maie vpbraide thee with them but confesse them vnto God that is able to cure them Now although these wordes of Chrysostome vse to be expounded of those sinnes which were before confessed to a Priest yet is this exposition a manifest wresting of the meaning of Chrysostome and the Ecclesiasticall historie doth euidentlie witnes that this custome of confessing vnto a Priest was abrogated in the Church of Constantinople Augustine saith What haue I 〈◊〉 doe with men that they should heare my confessions as if they 〈◊〉 able to heale all my griefes They are verie curious to know an other mans life and verie slow in amending their own Ambrose saith Peter sorrowed and weept because he erred as man I doe not final what he saide I know that he wept I reade of his teares I doe not reade of his satisfaction And although we thinke that it is not necessarie to saluation to reckon vp sinnes before a Priest and that it is not any merite of remission of sinnes yet we endeuour that a generall confession of sinnes so farre as may be and is lawfull maie be reteined in our Churches and that for two causes One is that by this priuate conference the ignorant may be admonished and instructed in necessarie matters the other that by this occasion the Gospell of Christ touching remission of sinnes maie be heard priuatelie the which Gospell is the true Keie of the Kingdome of heauen and absolution from sinne and that by the hearing of the Gospell or absolution faith m aie be either conceiued or confirmed For that we may truelie repent we thinke that there is nothing more sure certaine then that of necessity we should haue faith to this ende that as the Gospel of Christ doth declare it so we may assuredlie beleeue that our sinnes are freely pardoned and forgiuen for our Lord Iesus Christ his sake We are not ignorant if we looke vnto our workes that we are not one he to doubt but also to dispaire of our saluation
in this life as our Lord saith Mat. ●2 The kingdome of God is like vnto a drawe net 〈◊〉 into 〈…〉 w●●rein 〈◊〉 are gathered both good and bad but yet they which become enemies to the true doctrine cease to be members of this visible congregation according to that saying Is anie man teach another Gospell let him be acc●●sed OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the cheefe Bishop THere be those that attribute this to the Bishop of Rome that he is the heade of the Vniuersall Church that he hath power in earth not onelie to ordeine ciuill kingdomes and to gouerne all Ecclesiasticall persons and matters but also to commaund the Angels in heauen to deliuer soules out of Purgatorie and to blesse or deliuer whom it pleaseth him But we acknowledge that if the Bishop of Rome were a godly man and did teach the gospel of Christ according to the writings of the Prophets Apostles then he had a ministerie of high authoritie in this earth to wit a ministerie of remitting and reteining sinnes then which ministerie there is nothing greater or more excellent in this earth But he alone hath not this ministerie but he hath it in common with all those who by a lawful calling do preach the Gospell of Christ For the ministerie of remitting or reteining sinnes which otherwise is called the key of the kingdome of heauen is not giuen to the free power of the person of men but it is so neerelie annexed to the worde of the gospell that so many as do preach the Gospel may truly be said to remit and to reteine sins to wit to remit their sins who by faith doe receiue the Gospell to reteine theirs that doe contemne the Gospell Mar. 16. Preach the Gospell to euerie creature He that shall beleeue and be baptized shall be saued but he that will not beleeue shall be damned Hilarie De Trinit lib. 6. saith The father reuealed it to Peter that he should saie thou art the Sonne of God Therfore vpon this rock of Confession is the Church builded this faith is the foundation of the Church whatsoeuer this faith shall loose or binde in earth shall be loosed or bound in heauen Chrysostome saith They which beare the keies be the priests to whome the worde of teaching and interpreting the Scriptures is committed Now the keie is the worde of the knowledge of the Scriptures by which keie the trueth is opened to men Augustine De Doct● Christ Lib. 1. Cap. 18. saith These keies did he giue to the Church that whatsoeuer it looseth in earth should be loosed in heauen to ●it that whosoeuer would not beleeue that his sinnes are forgiuen hi● in the Church they should not be forgiuen to him but whosoeuer should beleeue and being corrected doth turne from his sinnes being placed in the lappe of the Church should by the same faith and correction be healed Ambrose saith Sinnes are remitted by the worde whereof the Leuite is the interpreter or expounder Bernard in epist ad Eug. saith The true success●●er of Paull will sate with Paull Not that we haue dominion ouer your saith but we are helpers ●f your ioy The heires of Peter will heare Peter saying Not as though ye were Lordes ouer Gods heritage but that ye maie be ensamples to the flocke Thomas in Summa sua parte 3. in addit q. 6. art 6. saith Because the Church is founded vpon Faith and the Sacraments therefore it doth not pertaine to the ministers of the Church to make new Articles of Faith or to set a parte those which are made neither to appoint new Sacramentes or to take awaie those which are appointed but this is proper to that excellencie of power which i● due to Christ alone who is the foundation of the Church And therfore as the Pope cannot dispense that anie one maie be saued without Baptisme so can he not dispense with anie to be saued without confession because that he bindeth by force of a Sacrament And although Thomas haue his opinions touching confession yet this which he saith It doth not pertaine to the Ministers of the Church among whome he reckoneth the Pope to make new Articles of Faith and to appoint new Sacraments is in deede an Apostolike and Catholike iudgement For no other ministerie doeth perteine to the ministers of the Church which haue their calling from Christ then that which we ment●oned before and which the Apostles of Christ themselues did execute touching the remittting and reteining of sinnes Therefore if anie thing more then this ministerie be attributed to the Bishop of Rome this is either giuen vnto him by mans ordinances or els it is feigned by the Monkes and other flatterers against the authoritie of the worde of God Of the Church WE beleeue and co●f●sse that there is one holie Catholique and Apostolique Church according to the Creede of the Apostles and the Nicene Creede 2. That this Church is so gouerned of the holie Ghost that although he suffer it to be weake in this earth yet he doth ●lwaies preserue it that it doe not perish either by errours or by sinnes 3. That in this world manie naughtie men and hypocrites are mingled with this Church 4. That these naughtie men and hypocrites if by a lawfull calling they shall take vponthem the ministerie of the Church shall not of themselues anie whit hinder the trueth of the Sacraments except they peruert the ordinance of Christ and teach wicked thinges 5. That in this Church there is true remission of sinnes 6. That this Church hath authoritie to beare witnes of the holie Scripture 7. That this Church hath authoritie to iudge of all doctrines according to that Trie the spirits whether they be of God And Let the other iudge 8. That this Church hath authoritie * to interpret the scripture But where this Church is to be sought and whether her authoritie be limited within certaine boundes diuers men doe iudge diuerslie But we thinke that men are to iudge by the authoritie both of the holie Scripture and also of the auncient Fathers that the true Catholike and Apostolike Church is not tied to one certaine place or nation nor to one certaine kinde of men but that it is in that place or nation where the Gospel of Christ is sincerelie preached and his Sacraments rightlie administred according to Christ his institution Ioan. 10. I haue saide ye are Gods He called them Gods vnto whome the worde of God was giuen c. Therefore there is the people or Church of God where the worde of God is preached Iohn 15. Now you are cleane through the worde which I haue spoken to you Therefore the worde of Christ which is the Gospell doeth declare where that Church is which is cleane in the sight of God Rom. 1. The Gospell is the power of God to saluation to euerie one that beleeueth Therefore where the Gospell is which is acknowledged by faith there God hath his Church wherein he
iustice Secondlie in the generall iudgement there shal be giuen to euerie man and woman resurrection of the flesh For the sea shal giue her dead the earth those that therein be inclosed yea the eternall god shall stretch out his hand on the dust and the dead shall arise vncorruptible and that in the substance of the same flesh that euerie m●n now beareth to receiue according to their workes glorie or punishment For such as now delight in va●itie crueltie filthines superstition or idolatrie shall be adiudged to the fire vnquencheable in which they shall be tormented for euer as well in their owne bodies as in their ●o●les which now they giue to serue the deuill inall abhomination But such as continue in well doing to the ende b●ldlie professing the Lord Iesus we constantlie beleene that they shall receiue glorie honour and immortalitie to raigne for euer in life euerlasting with Christ Iesus to whose glorified body all his elect shall be made like when he shalll appeare againe in iudgement and shall render vp the kingdome to God his Father who then shal be and euer shal remaine all in all things God blessed for euer to whome with the Sonne and with the holie Ghost be all honour and glorie now and euer So be it THE KINGS MAIESTIES CHARGE TO ALL COMMISSIONERS AND MINISTERS within his Realme SEeing that we and our houshold haue subscribed and giuen this publike confession of our faith to the good example of our Subiectes we commaund and charge all Commissioners Ministers to craue the same confession of their parishioners and proceede against the refusers according to our lawes and order of the Church deliuerine their names and lawfull processe tothe Ministers of our house with al haste and diligence vnder the paine of 40. pound to be taken from their stipend that we with the aduise of our counsell ●aie take order with such proud contemners of God and ourlawes Subscribed with our hand At Hol●●udhous 1581. the 2. daie of March the 14 yeare of our reigne TO THE READER I am to desire the Godlie and Christian Reader for whose sake onelie this worke was taken in hand as to accept friendlie and brotherlie of these laboures and to beare with some light faults which might easily escape in the translating so to pardon me a great ouersight committed especiallie and onelie in the obseruations wherein is was verie requisite to haue vsed greater diligence This ou●rsight is of two s●r●es one in certain obseru set downe in the margent but ye● in latine the other in such as should haue bin placed in the margent and are cleane left out These things because they be of some great weight and moment I thought it good to admonish thee thereof and to desire thee before thou readest the booke either to place euerie obseruation in it proper page or in reading ●o haue recourse to this place lest otherwise thou maist think hardly of some parts of doctrine or other matter set downe in this Booke THE LATINE OBSERVATIONS are thus to be translated In the 12. page against the 24 line read the obseruation in the margent thus Looke the 1. obseru vpon this Confession both in this and also in the second Section Pag. 13. 1. Looke the 1. obseruat vpon this Confession Pag. 19 2. Looke the 1. obseru vpon this Confess Pag. 44. 21. Of the wasting of the gifts of the holie Ghost looke the 1. obseru vpon this Confess Sect. 4. Pag. 45. 25. Looke the first obseru vpon the Confession of Saxonie THE OBSERVATIONS WHICH are cleane left out in the margent are thus to be placed in their seuerall pages Pag. 7. against the 28. line read in the margent Looke the first obseruation vp in this Confess Pag. 20. 2. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 23. 11. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 26. 1. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 27. 31. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 27. 38. Looke the third obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 37. 16. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 43. 33. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 44. 21. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 94. 23. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 103. 23. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 223. 32. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 223. 33. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 232. 2. Looke the second obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 223. 29. Looke the third obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 336. 27. Looke the fift obseruation vpon this Confess Pag. 523. 28. Looke the first obseruation vpon this Confess In the 105. page put out in the margent looke the 2. obseru c. Now vnto the King euerlasting immortall inuisible vnto God only wise be honour and glorie for euer and euer Amen THE CHIEFE POINTS OF CONFESSIONS BELONGING TO THIS FIRST SECTION OF the holy Scripture THE LATTER CONFESSION OF Heluetia touching the holie Scripture being the true word of God CHAP. 1. WE beleeue and confesse the Canonicall scriptures of the holie Prophets and Apostles of both Testaments to be the verie true worde of God and to haue sufficient authoritie of them selues not of men For God him selfe spake to the Fathers Prophets Apostles and speaketh yet vnto vs by the holie scriptures And in this holie scripture the vniuersall Church of Christ hath all things fully expounded whatsoeuer belong both to a sauing faith and also to the framing of a life acceptable to God in which respect it is expresselie commaunded of God that nothing be either put to or taken from the same Wee iudge therefore that from these scriptures is to be taken true wisdome and godlines the reformation and gouernment of Churches also the instruction in all duties of pietie and to be short the confirmation of opinions and the confutation of error with all exhortations according to that of the Apostle ● scripture inspired of God is profitable for doctrine for reproofe ● Againe These thinges I write vnto thee saith the Apostle ● Timothie 1. Chap. 3 that thou maist know how it behooueth 〈◊〉 to be conversant in the house of God c. Againe the selfe sa● Apostle to the Thessalonians When saith he yee receiued the word of vs ●●receiued no● the worde of men but as it was indee● the word of God c. For the Lord himselfe hath said in the gospell It is not ye that speake but the spirit of my father speeketh in you therefore he that heareth you heareth me and 〈◊〉 that despiseth you despiseth me Wherefore when this wor● of God is now preached in the Church by preachers la●f●lli● called we beleeue that the verie word of God is pre●ched and receiued of the faithfull and that neither anie●ther worde of God is to be fayned or to be expected fro● heauen and that now the worde it selfe which
Deuteronomine Iosue Iudges Ruth two bookes of Samuell two bookes of the Kings two bookes of Chronicles or Paralipomenon one booke of Esdras Nehemiah Ester Iob the Psalmes Salomons Prouerbes Ecclesiastes The Song of songes Esaie Ieremie with the Lamentations Ezechiell Daniell the 12. small Prophets namelie Ose Ioell Amos Abdiah Ionah Micheah Nahum Abacu● Sophonie Haggaie Zacharie Malachie the holy Gospel of Iesu Christ according to Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn the Acts of the Apostles Paulls Epistles namelie one to the Romans two to the Corinthians one to the Galathians one to the Ephesians one to the Philippians one to the Collossians two to the Thessalonians two to Timothie one to Titus one to Philemon the Epistle to the Hebrews The Epistle of Iames two epistles of Peter three epistles of Iohn one epistle of I●de Iohns Reuelation We acknowledge these bookes to be Canonicall that is we account them as the rule and square of our faith and that not onelie for the common consent of the Church but also much more for the testimonie and inward perswasion of the holie ghost by whose inspiration we are taught to discearne them from other Ecclesiasticall bookes which howsoeuer they may be profitable yet are they not such that any one article of faith may be builded vpon them We beleeeue that the worde conteined in these bookes came from one god of whome alone and not of men the authoritie thereof dependeth And seeing this is the summe of al trueth conteining whatsoeuer is required for the worship of God and our saluation we holde it not lawfull for men no not for the Angles themselues to adde or detract any thing from that word or to alter any whitte a● al in the same And hereupon it followeth that it is not lawfull to oppose either antiquitie custome multitude mans wisedome and iudgement edicts or any decrees or Councells or visions or miracles vnto this holie scripture but rather that al things ought to be examined and tried by the rule and square thereof Wherefore we doe for this cause also allow those three Creedes namelie the Apostles the Nicen and Athanasius his Creede because they be agreeable to the written word of God OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION WE receiue and embrace all the Canonicall scriptures both of the olde and new testament giuing thanks to our God who hath raised vp vnto vs that light which we might euer haue before our eies lest either by the subteltie of man or by the snares of the deuil we should be caried awaie to errors and lies Also we professe that these be the heauenlie voices whereby God hath opened vnto vs his will and that onelie in them mannes heart can haue setled rest that in them be aboundantlie and fullie comprehended al things whatsoeuer be needful for our helpe as Origen Augustine Chrysostome and Cyrillus haue taught That they be the verie might and strength to attaine to saluation that they be the fundations of the Prophets and Apostles VVhereupon is built the Church of God that they be the verie sure and infallible rule whereby may be tried whether the Churh doe swarue or erre and whereunto all Ecclesiasticall doctrine ought to be called to account and that against these scripturs neither law nor ordinance nor anie custome ought to be heard no though Paull him selfe or an angel from heauen should come teach the contrary OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA HE hath reuealed himselfe much more plainly in his holy worde so farre forth as it is expedient for his owne glorie and the saluation of his in this life We confesse that this worde of God was not brought or deliuered by any will of man but that holy men of God inspired by Gods spirit spake it as S. Peter witnesseth but afterward God himselfe for that exceeding tender carefullnes which he hath of his of their saluation gaue in commission to his seruants the Apostles Prophets that they should put those his oracles in writing and he himselfe also wrote the two tables of the law with his owne finger which is the cause whie we call such writinges sacred diuine scripture And we comprehend the holy scripture in those two books of the olde and new Testament which are called the canonicall bookes about which there was neuer anie ado And of them this is the number and also the order receiued of the Church of God The fiue bookes of Moses the booke of Iosua of the Iudges of Ruth two books of Samuell two of the Kinges two of the Chronicles which are called Paralipomena the first of Esdras Nehemias Ester lob also Dauides Psalmes three bookes of Salomon namely the Prouerbes Ecclesiastes and the song of songs the foure great Prophets Esay Ieremie Ezechiell and Daniell and furthermore also the 12 small Prophets moreouer the Canonical bookes of the new testament are the foure Euangelistes namelie Saint Matthew Marke Luke and Iohn the Actes of the Apostles the 14. Epistles of Saint Paull and seuen of the othet Apostles the Reuelation of S. Iohn the Apostle These bookes alone doe we receiue as sacred and canonicall whereupon our faith maie rest be confirmed and established therefore without any doubt we beleeue also those thinges which are conteined in them and that not so much because the Church receiueth alloweth them for Canonical as for that the holy ghost beareth witnes to our consciences that they came from god most of all for that they also testifie iustifie by them selues this their owne sacred authority sanctity seing that euen the blinde may cleerely beholde as it were feele the ●ulfilling and accomplishment of all things which were foretolde in these writinges We furthermore make a difference betweene the holie bookes and those which they cal Apocriphall for so much as the Apocriphall maie be read in the Church and it is lawfull also so fa●re to gather instructions out of them as they agree with the Canonicall bookes but their authority and certaintie is not such as that anie doctrine touching faith or Christian Religion maie safelie be built upon their testimonie so farre of is it that they can disanull or impaire the authoritie of the other We beleeue also that this holie scripture doth most perfectlie conteine all the will of God and that in it all things are aboundantlie taught whatsoeuer is necessarie to be beleeued of man to attaine saluation Therefore seeing the wholl manner of worshipping God with God requireth at the handes of the faithfull is there most exquisitelie and at large set downe● it is lawfull for no man although he haue the authoritie of an Apostle no no● for anie Angell sent from heauen as Saint Paul speaketh to teach otherwise then we haue long since beene taught in the holie scriptures For seeing it is forbidden that anie one should adde or detract any thing from the word of God thereby it is ●uident enough that this holie doctrine is
perfect and absolute in all pointes and parcells thereof and therefore no other writings of men although neuer so holie no custome no multitude no antiquitie nor prescription of times nor personall succession nor anie councells and to conclude no decrees or ordinances of men are to be marched or compared with these deuine scriptures and bare trueth of God for so much as Gods trueth excelleth al things For all men of their owne nature are lyers and lighter then vanitie it selfe therefore we do vtterlie refuse whatsoeuer things agree not with this moste certaine rule as we haue beene taught by the Apostles when they saie Trie the spirites whether they be of God And If anie come vnto you and bring not this doctrine receiue him not to house c. OVT OF THE SAXONS CONFESSION Of Doctrine Seeing it is most vndoubtedlie true that God out of mankinde doth gather together vnto him selfe a Church vnto eternal life for by his sonne thorugh preaching of that doctrine which is written in the bookes of the Prophets and Apostles we plainlie auoutch before God and the wholl Church in heauen and in earth that we do with a true faith embrace all the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and that in that verie naturall meaning which is set downe in the Creedes of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius And these selfe same Creedes and the naturall meaning of them we haue alwaies constantlie embraced without corruption and will by Gods helpe alwaies embrace and in this faith do we call vpon the true God who sending his sonne and geuing cleare testimonies hath reuealed himselfe in his Church ioyning our praier with all Saints in heauen and in earth and our declarations vpon the Creedes are abroade conteining the wholl bodie and ground of doctrine which shew that this our protestation is most true We do also verie resolutelie condemne all brainsick fantasies which are against the Creedes as are the monstrous opinions of heathen men of the Iewes of the Mahometistes of Marcion the Manichees of Samosatenus Seruetus Arrius and those that denie the person of the holie Ghost and other opinions condemned by the true iudgements of the Church OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of the holie scipture CHAP. 30. THe holie scripture we call those Canonicall bookes of the olde and new testament of whose authoritie there was neuer doubt made in the Church This scripture we beleeue and confesse to be the oracle of the holie Ghost so confirmed by heauenlie testimonies that If an Angell from heauen preach anie other thing let him be accursed Wherefore we detest all doctrine worship and religion contrarie to this scripture But whereas some men thinke that all doctrine necessarie to be knowne of vs to true and euerlasting saluation is not conteined in this scripture and that the right of expounding this scripture lyeth so in the power of chiefe Bishops that what they according to their owne wil giue out is to be embraced for the meaning of the holie Ghost it is more easelie said then prooued The wholl scripture is giuen by inspiration of God and is profitable to teach to improoue to correct and to instruct in righteousnes that the man of God may be perfect being thoroughlie prepared to euery good worke and Iohn 15. I haue called you friendes for all things that I haue heard of my father haue I made knowne to you and those things which the Apostles receiued of Christ those ha●e they by their preaching published in the wholl world and by their writings deliuered them to posterity It is a plaine case therfore that all things which are needefull to be knowen to saluation are conteined in the Prophets Apostles writings He hath reueiled his owne word in due season by preaching which is all committed to me this is the preaching For the Gospell con●einedth things both things present and things to come as honour pietie and faith yea and all things he ha●h ioyn●l●e comprised in this one word preaching Againe Without authoritie of the scriptures babling hath no credit For seeing the Lord Iesus did many things al are not written as the same holie Euangelist himselfe witnesseth that the Lord Christ both said and did many things which are not written But those things were selected to be written which seemed to suffice for the saluation of those that beleeue For whereas they saie that the right of expounding the scripture lieth in the power of chiefe Bishoppes it is euident that the gift of expounding the scripture is not of mans wisedome but of the holie ghost To euerie man saith Paull is giuen the manifestation of the spirite to profit withall for to one is giuen by the spirit the word of wisedome c. But the holie ghost is altogether at libertie and is not tyed to a certaine sort of men but giueth giftes to men according to his owne good pleasure Oh that all the people had power to prophecie and that the Lord would put his spirit vpon them Debora a woman the wife of Lapidoth is raised vp to be a prophetesse Againe I am no Prophet nor Proprophets sonne but I am a heardman and a gatherer of wilde figges And yet Amos receiued the holie ghost and was made a-Prophet All these things worketh one and the same spirit distributing to euerie man as he will Manie examples also do witnes that chiefe Bishops haue beene often and verie foulie deceiued wheresore the gift of expounding the scripture is not so tied to the Popes that whosoeuer shall be Pope must needs rightly expound the scripture but the true meaning of the scripture is to be sought in the scripture it selfe and among those that being raised vp by the spirit of God expound scripture by scripture OF COVNCELLS CHAP. 34. WE confesse that Councells ought to haue their iudgements in the Church concerning the holy doctrine of Religion and that the authoritie of lawfull councells is great but the authoritie of Gods worde must needes be the greatest For although the Church haue a sure promise of Christs continuall presense and be gouerned by the holie Ghost yet not euerie assemblie of men maie be taken for the true Church and albert neuer so manie see me often times to come together in the name of Christ yet few are chosen and all haue not faith And as it is wont to fall out in ciuill meetinges so doth it also in meetings of the Church that for the moste part the greater side ouercommeth the better Hether to may be added that the holy Ghost doeth not make men in this life not subiect to sinne but leaueth in them manie and sundrie infirmities Examples also witne that not onelie the Popes but also Councels haue bene deceiued Wherefore seing that the doctrine of the Apostles and Prophets is confirmed of god the sentence of no one mā nor of anie assembly of men is to be receiued simplie without trial for the oracle
him alone shalt thou worship or him onelie shalt thou serue Surelie all the Prophets inueighed earnestlie against the people of Israell whensoeuer they did adore and worship straunge Gods and not the one onelie true God But we teach that God is to be adored and worshipped as himselfe hath taught vs to worship him to weere in spirite and true●h not with any superstition but with sinceritie according to his worde lest at any time he also saie vnto vs who hath required these thinges at your handes For Paull also saith God is not worshipped with mans hands as though he needed any thing c. We in all daungers and casualties of our life call on him alone and that by the mediation of the onelie Mediatour and our intercessour Iesus Christ For it is expressely commaunded vs Call vpon me in the daie of trouble and I will deliuer thee and thou shalt glorifie me Moreouer the Lord hath made a moste large promise saying whatsoeuer ye shal aske of my father he shall giue it you And againe Come vnto me all ye that labour and are heauie loaden and I will refresh you And seeing it is written How shall they call vpon him in whome they haue not beleeued and we doe beleeue in God alone therefore we call vpon him onelie and that thorough Christ For there is one God saith the Apostle and one Mediatour betweene God and men Christ Iesus Againe If anie man sinne we haue an aduocate with the Father Iesus Christ the righteous c. Therefore we doe neither adore worshippe nor praie vnto the Saints in heauen or to other Gods neither do we acknowledge them for our intercessours or Mediatours before the father in heauen For God and the Mediatour Christ do suffice vs neither do we imparte vnto others the honour due to God alone and to his sonne because he hath plainlie said I wil not giue my glorie to another and because Peter hath said There is no other name giuen vnto men whereby they muste be saued but the name of Christ In which doubtles they that rest by faith doe nor seeke aniething without Christ Yet 〈◊〉 all that we doe neither despise the Saints nor th●nke bas●lie of them For we acknowledge them to be the 〈◊〉 members of Christ the friends of god who haue glor●ouslie ouercome the flesh and the world We therfore loue them as ●●●th●en and honour them also yet not with any wo●sh● 〈…〉 an honourable opinion of them and to conclude 〈◊〉 their iust praises We also doe imitate them For we desire w●●h most ea●nest affections and praiers to be followers of their faith vertues to be partakers also with them of euerlasting siluation to dwell together with them euerlastinglie with God to reioyse with them in Christ And in this point we approoue that saying of Saint Augustine in his booke De vera relig Let not the worship of men departed be any religion vnto vs. For if they haue liued holily they are not so to be esteemed as that they seek such honours but they wil haue vs to worship him by whose ill●minatiō they reioice that we are fellow seruant● ●s touching the reward They are therefore to be honoured for imitation not to be worshipped for religions sake c. And we muchlesse beleeue that the reliques of Saints are to be adored or worshiped Those auncient holie men seemed sufficientlie to haue honoured their deade if they had honestlie committed their bodies to the earth after that the soule was gone vp into heauen and they thought that the moste noble reliques of their ancetours were their vertues doctrine faith which as they commended with the praise of the dead so they did endeuour to expresse the same so long as they liued vpon earth Those auncient men did not swear b●t by the name of the only Iehoua as is it commaunded in the lawe of God Therefore as we are forbidden To sweare by the names of strange Gods so we do not sweare by Saints although we be requested thereunto We therefore in all these things doe reiect that doctrine which giueth too much vnto the Saintes in heauen OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA WE thus thinke of God that he is one in substance three in persons and almightie Who as he hath by the worde that is his sonne made all thinges of nothing so by his spirite and prouidence he doth iustl●● truely and mos●e wiselie gouerne preserue and cherish all things Who as he is the onelie Mediatour intercessour and sacrifice also our high priest Lord and King so we acknowledge and with the wholl heart beleeue that he alone is our attonement redemption satisfaction expiation wisedome protection and deliuerance simplie reiecting herein all meanes of life and saluation besides this Christ alone OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL WE beleeue in God the father in God the sonne in God the holie Ghost the holie diuine Trinitie three persons and one eternall almighte God in essence and substance and not three Gods And in the marginall note is added This is prooued by manie places of the wholl scripture of the olde and new testament Therefore we mislike the worship and inuocation of dead men the worshipping of Saintes and setting vp of Images with such like thinges And in the same place in the marginall note vpon the worde Saints Neuerthelesse we confesse that they serue in Gods presence and that they reigne with Christ euerlastinglie because they acknowledged Christ and both in deede word confessed him to be their sauiour redemption and righteousnes without any addition of mans merit For this cause doe we praise and commend them as those who haue obteined grace at Gods hand and are now made heites of the euerlasting kingdome Yet doe we ascribe all this to the glorie of God and of Christ We plainlie protest that we condemne and renounce al straunge and erronious doctrines which the spirits of errours bring forth c. And ss 2. of the selfe same article We condemne that doctrine which saith that we may in no case sweare although Gods glorie and the loue of our neighbour require it And in the marginall note vpon the worde sweare It is lawfull to vse an oath in due time For God hath commaunded this in the olde testament and Christ hath not forbidden it in the new yea Christ and the Apostles did sweare OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA O● THE WALDENSES Of the vnitie of the diuine essence and of the three persons CHAP. 3. OVt of this fountaine of holie scripture and Christian instruction according to the true and sound vnderstanding and meaning of the holie ghost our men teach by faith to acknowledge with the mouth to confesse that the holie Trinitie to wit god the father the sonne and the holie ghost are three distinct persons but in essence one onelie true alone eternall almightie and incomprehensible God of one equall
he saith Whatsoeuer ye shall aske in my name that is acknowledging and naming o● calling vpon me as the redeemer high Priest and intercessor this high Priest alone goeth into the holiest place that is into the secret counsell of the deitie and seeth the minde of the eternal father and maketh request for vs and searching our hearts presenteth our sorrowes sighes and praiers vnto him It is plaine that this doctrine of the Mediatour was obscured and corrupted when men went to the mother Virgine as more mercifull and others sought other Mediators And it is plaine that there is no example to be seene in the Prophets or Apostles where prayer is made vnto men heare me Abraham or heare me O God for Abrahams sake but prayer is made vnto God who hath reuealed himselfe to wit to the eternall father to the sonne our Lorde Iesus Christ and to the holie Ghost that he would receiue heare and saue vs for the sonnes sake It is also expresselie made to the sonne as 2. Thess 2. Our Lord Iesus Christ himselfe and God and our father who hath loued vs strengthen you c. and Gen. 48. Iacob nameth God and the sonne the Mediator when he saith God before whome my fathers walked and the Angell that deliuered me out of all troubles that is the promised Sauiour blesse these children Therefore we vse these formes of inuocation I call vpon the O Almightie God eternall father of our Lord Iesus Christ maker of heauen earth together with thy sonne our Lord Iesus Christ and thy holie spirite O wise true good righteous moste free chaste and mercifull God haue mercie vpon me and for Iesus Christes sake thy sonne crucified for vs and raised vp againe heare and sanctifie me with thy holie spirit I call vpon the O Iesus Christ the sonne of God crucified for vs and raised vp againe haue mercie on me pray for me vnto the euerlasting father and sanctifie me with thy holie spirite In these forme we know what we praie vnto And seing there are testimonies of Gods word to be seene which shewe that this praying pleaseth God and is heard such praying maie be made in faith These thinges are not to be found in that inuocation which is made vnto men Some gather testimonies out of Augustine and others to shewe that the Saintes in heauen haue care of humane affaires This may more plainlie be shewed by Moses and Elias talking with Christ And there is no doubt but that such as are in happines praie for the Church but yet it followeth not thereupon that they are to be praied vnto And albeit we teach that men are not to be praied vnto yet we propound the histories of those that are in blessed state vnto the people Because it is necessary that the history of the Church be by some meanes knowne vnto all by what testimonies the Church is called together founded and how it is preserued and what kinde of doctrine hath ben● published by the fathers Prophets Apostles and Martyrs In these histories we commaund all to giue thankes vnto God for that he hath reuealed himselfe that he hath gathered togither his Church by his son that he hath deliuered his doctrine vnto vs and hath sent teachers and hath shewed in them the witnesses of him selfe we commaund al to consider of their doctrine to strengthè their faith by those testimonies which God hath shewed in them That they likewise consider the examples of iudgement and punishments that the feare of God may be stirred vp in them we commaund them to follow their faith patience and other vertues that they learne that in God is no respect of persons and desire to haue themselues also receiued heard gouerned saued and helped as God receiued Dauid Manasses Magdalene the theefe on the Crosse We also teach how these examples are to be followed of euerie ma● in his vocation because error in imitation and preposterous zeale is oft times the cause of great euills We also commend the diligence of the Saintes themselues who tooke heede of wasting Gods giftes in vaine And to conclude they that are moste fooles maie gather great stored doctrine out of these histories which doctrine is profitable to be published to the people so that superstition be ●e● aside OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WITTEMBERG● CHAP. 1. WE beleeue and confesse that there is one onel● God true eternall and infinite almightie ma●● of all thinges visible and inuisible and that in this one 〈◊〉 eternall godhead there are three properties or persons of them selues subsisting the Father the sonne and th● holie Ghost As the Prophetical and Apostolicall scriptures teach and the Creedes of the Apostles of Nice and of Athanasius declare Of the sonne of God CHAP. 2. VVE beleeue and confesse that the sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ was begotten of his father from euerlasting true and euerlasting God consubstantiall with his Father c. Looke the rest in the 6. diuision Of the holie Ghost CHAP. 3. VVE beleeue and confesse that the holie Ghost proceedeth from God the Father from euerlasting that he is true and eternal God of the same essence maiestie glorie with the Father and the sonne as the holie Fathers by authoritie of the holie scripture wel declared in the Councel of Constantinople against Macedonius Of Inuocation of Saints CHAP. 23. THere is no doubt but the memorie of those Saintes who when they were in this bodelie life furthered the Church either by doctrine or writings or by miracles or by examples and haue either witnessed the trueth of the gospell by Martyrdome or by a quiet kinde of death fallen on sleep in Christ ought to be sacred with al the Godlie and they are to be commended to the Church that by their doctrine and examples we maie be strengthned in true faith and inflamed to follow true godlines We confesse also that the Saintes in heauen doe after their certaine manner pray for vs before God as the Angels also are carefull for vs and all the creatures doe after a certaine heauenlie manner groane for our saluation and trauell togither with vs as Paull speaketh But as the worship of inuocation of creatures is not to be instituted vpon their gronings so vpon the praier of Saints in heauen we may not alow the inuocation of saints For touching the inuocating of them there is no commaundement nor example in the holy scriptures For seeing al hope of our saluation is to be put not in the saints but in our Lord god alone through his sonne our Lord Iesus Christ it is cleere that not the Saints but God alone is to be praied vnto How shall they call one him saith Paul in whome they beleeue no t but we must not beleeue in the saints how then shal we pr ay vnto them And seeing it must needes be that he who i● praied vnto be a searcher of the heart the Saints ought not to be praied vnto because they
of life if we communicate with Christ and he be oures and we his by a true faith Let this comfort vs in the temptation touching predestination then which there is none more daungerous that the promises of God are generall to the faithfull in that he saith Aske and ye shall receiue Euerie one that asketh receiueth and to conclude in that we praie with all the Church of God Our father which art in heauen and for that in baptisme we are ingrafted into the bodie of Christ and are fedde in his Church often times with his flesh and bloode vnto euerlasting life Thereby we being strengthned we are commaunded to worke our saluation with feare and trembling according to that precept of Paul OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BASILL HEreupon we confesse that God before he had created the worlde had chosen all those to whome he would freelie giue the inheritance of eternall blessednes OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION WE beleeue that out of this vniuersall corruption damnation wherein by nature all men are drowned God did deliuer and preserue some whome by his eternall and immutable counsell of his owne goodnes and mercie without anie respect of their workes he did chuse in Christ Iesus and others he left in that corruption and damnation in whome he might as well make manifest his iustice by condemning them iustlie in their time as also declare the riches of his mercie in the others For some are not better then others til such time as the Lord doth make a difference according to that immutable counsell which he had decreed in Christ Iesus before the creation of the worlde neither was anie man able by his owne strength to make an entrance for himselfe to that good seeing that of our nature we can not haue so much as one right motion affection or thought till God do freelie preuent vs and fashion vs to vprightnes OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue that God after that the wholl ofspring of Adam was cas●e headlong into perdition and destruction thorough the fault of the first man hath declared and shewed himselfe to be such a one as he is indeed namelie both mercifull and iust Mercifull by deliuering and sauing those from condemnation and from death whome in his eternall counsell of his owne free goodnes he hath chosen in Iesus Christ our Lord without any regard at all of their worke but Iust in leauing others in that their fall and perdition whereinto they had throwen themselues headlong OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE THe confession of Auspurge doth so mention predestination in the 20. article the title wherof is De fide Of faith that it affirmeth it to be a needles thing to dispute of predestination in the doctrine of iustification by faith Which in what sorte it may be said we haue declared in the. 6. obseru vpon this confess sect 9. where these wordes of the confess are rehearsed Also the SAXON CONFESSION Doth in the same sense by the way make mention of Predestination and Election about the end of the third Article where it treateth of faith which parte we haue therefore placed in the 9. section THE SIXTH SECTION OF THE REPAIRING OR DELIVERANCE OF MAN FROM HIS FALL BY IESVS CHRIST ALONE AND OF HIS PERSON NATVRES OFFICE and the workes of Redemption THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of Iesus Christ being true god and man and the onely sauiour of the world CHAP. II. MOreouer we beleuee and teach that the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ was from all eternitie predestinated and foreord●ined of the father to be the Sauiour of the world And we beleeue that he was begotten not onely then when he tooke flesh of the Virgine Mary nor yet a litle before the foundations of the world were laide but before all eternity that of the father after an vnspeakeable manner For Isaiah saith Who can t●l his generation And Micheah saith Whose egresse hath bin from euerlasting For Iohn saieth In the beginning was the worde and the worde was with God and God was the worde c. Therefore the Sonne is coequall and consubstantiall with the father as touching his diuinitie true God not by name onelie or by adoption or by special fauour but in substance nature Euen as the Apostle saith elsewh●re This is the true God and life euerlasting Paul also saieth He hath made his sonne the heire of al things by whom also he made the world The same is the brightnes of his glorie the ingraued f●●me of his person bearing vp al things by his migh●●e worde Likewise in the Gospell the Lorde himselfe saith Father glorifie 〈◊〉 me with thy selfe with the glorie which I had with the before the worlde was Also else where it is written in the Gospeli The ●ewe● tought how to kill Iesus because he saide that God was his father making himselfe equal with God We therefore doe abhorre the blasphemous doctrine of Arrius and all the Arrians vttered against the Sonne of God And especiallie the blaspemies of Michaell Seruetus the Spanyarde and of his complices which Sathan by them hath as it were drawen out of hell moste boldelie and impiouslie spread abroade throughout the worlde against the Sonne of God We teach also and beleeue that the eternal sonne of the eternall God was made the sonne of man of the seede of Abraham Dauid not by the meane of any man as Hebion affirmed but that he was moste purely conceiued by the holie Ghost and was borne of Marie who was alwaies a Virgine euen as the historie of the Gospel doeth declare And Paul saith He took in no sort the Angels but the seed of Abraham And Iohn the Apostle saith He that beleeueth not that Iesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of god The flesh of Christ therefore was neither flesh in shew onelie nor yet flesh brought from heauen as Valentine and Marcion dreamed Mo●eouer our Lord Iesus Christ had not a soule without sense and reason as Apollinaris thought nor flesh without a s●●le as Eunomius did teach but a soull with it reason and flesh with it senses by which senses he felt true griefes in the time of his passion euen as he himselfe witnesseth when he said My soule is heauie euen to death And My soule is troubled c. We acknowledge therfore that there be in one the same Iesus Christ our Lord two natures the deuine and the humane nature we say that these two are so conioyned or vnited that they are not swallowed vp confounded or mingled together but rather vnited or ioyned together in one person the proprieties of ech nature being safe and remaining still so that we do worship one Christ our Lord and n●● two I say one true god man as touching his diuine nature of the same substance with the father as touching his humane nature of the same substance with vs
and Sauiour namelie his conception in the wombe of the Virgine Marie and his birth of her also for he was made the seede of the woman also his afflictions his rising againe from death his sitting at the right hand of God where he hath obtained the dignitie of a Priest and King of which thing the wholl life of Dauid was a certaine type for which cause the Lorde calleth himselfe another Dauid a Shepheard And this was the Gospell of those holy men before the law was giuen and since And Chapter the 6. a litle from the beginning For this is verie certaine that after the fall of Adam no man was able to set himselfe at libertie out of the bondage of sinne death and condemnation or come to be trulie reconciled vnto God but onelie by that one Mediator betweene God and man Christ Iesus through a liuelie faith in him who alone by his death and blood shedding tooke from vs that image of sinne and death and put vpon vs by faith the image of righteousnes and life For he made vnto vs of God wisedome righteousnes sanctification and redemption But firstmen are taught that these things are to be beleeued concerning Christ namelie that he is eternal of the nature of his heauenlie father the onelie begotten sonne begotten from enerlasting and so together with the Father and the holie Ghost one true and indiuisible God the eternall not created worde the brightnes and the Image or ingrauen forme of the person of his Father by whome all thinges as well those thinges which maie be seene as those which can not be seene and those thinges which are in heauen and those which are in the earth were made and created Moreouer that he is also a true and natural man our brother in verie deed who hath a soule and a bodie that is true and perfect humane nature which by the power of the holie Ghost he tooke without all sinne of Marie a pure Virgine according as S. Iohn saith The worde was made flesh And thus of these two natures their properties not being changed nor confounded yet by a wonderfull communication thereof there is made one indiuisible person one Christ Immanuell our King and priest our redeemer our Mediatour and perfect reconciler full of grace and trueth so that of his fullnes we all doe take grace for grace For the law was giuen by Moses but grace and trueth was giuen and exhibited by Iesus Christ being God and man in one person This grace and trueth are our men taught to acknowledge and by faith to beholde in all those sauing and wonderful works or affections of Christ which according to the meaning of the holie Scripture are by a stead fast faith to be beleeued and professed such as are his comming downe from heauen his conception birth torments death buriall refurrection ascension vnto heauen sitting at the right hand of God and his comming againe from thence to iudge both the quicke the dead In these principal affections as in a chest wherin treasure is kept are al those holsome fruits of our true iustification laide vp and are taken out from thence for the elect and those which doe beleeue that in Spirit and conscience they may be partakers thereof through faith which all hereafter at the daie of our ioyfull resurrection shall be fullie and perfectlie bestowed vpon vs. And towardes the ende of that Sixth Chapter these words are added In this Chapter also particularlie and for necessarie causes to shunne and auoide many pernicious and Antichristian deceites it is taught concerning Christe his presence namelie that our Lorde Christ according to his bodely cōuersation is not amongest vs any longer in this worlde neither wil be vnto the ende of the worlde in such sort and manner as he was here conuersant amongest vs in his mortalitie and wherein he was betraied and circumcised nor yet in the forme of his glorified bodie which he got at his resurrection and in the which he appeared to his disciples the for●●eth day after his resurrection departing from them ascended manifestly into heauen For after this manner of his presence companie he is in the high place with his father in heauen where al tongues professe him to be the Lord and euerie faithful one of Christ must beleeue that he is there worship him there according to the scriptures as also that part of the Catholike Christian faith doth expresselie witnes which is this He ascended into heauen he sitteth as the right hand of God the father almightie Also that other article from thence shal he come that is from an higher place out of heauen with his Angells is iudge both the quick the dead So doth Paul also say The Lord himselfe shall descend from heauen with a shoute and with the voice of an Archangell and with the trumpet of God And S. Peter saith Whom heauen must cōtaine vntil the time that al things be restored And the Euangelist Marke But when the Lord had spoken with thē he was taken vp againe into heauen sitteth at the right hand of God And the Angels which were there present whe he was taken vp into heauen said This Iesus which is taken vp from you into heauen shal so come againe as you haue seene him go into heauē Furthermore this also doe our men teach that the selfe same Christ verie God and verie man is also with vs herein this worlde but after a diuerse manner from that kinde of presence which we named before that is after a certaine spirituall manner not obiect to our eies but such a one as is hid from vs which the flesh doth not perceiue and yet it is verie necessarie for vs to our saluation that we may be partakers of him whereby he offereth and communicateth himselfe vnto vs that he may dwell in vs and we in him and this truelie he doth by the holie Ghost whome in his owne place that is in steede of his owne presence whereby he was bodelie amongst vs he promised that he would send vnto his Church and that he would stil abide with it by the same spirit in vertue grace and his holsome trueth at al times euen vntill the ende of the worlde when he said thus It is good for you that I go hence for except I go hences the comforter will not come vnto you but if I goe away I wil send him vnto you And againe I wil praie the father and he shal giue you another comforter that is another kinde of comforter then I am that he may abide i● you for euer euen the spirit of trueth whome the worlde cannot receiue because it seeth him not neither knoweth him but ye know him for he dwellesh in you shal be in you I wil not leaue you comforth but I wil come to you namelie by the selfe same spirit of trueth Now then euen as our Lord Christ
And for this cause do our diuines teach that priuate Absolution is to be reteined in the Church and they set out the dignitie of it and the power of the keies with true and verie large commendations namelie because the power of the keies doth dispense the Gospell not onelie to al in general but also to euerie * one in particular as Christ saith Thou hast wonne thy brother c. and because we must beleeue the voice of the Gospell which is dispensed vnto vs in absolution by the ministery of the Church no otherwise then a voice sounding from heauen This wholl benefit of absolution and of this ministerie hath heretofore beene whollie obscured with the false opinions of such as taught that absolution was naught worth without sufficient contrition and did afterwards wil men to misdoubt of absolution because no man knewe whether his contrition were sufficient or not What els was this but quite to take awaie from all consciences the comfort of the Gospell and to remooue out of the Church and cleane to abolish the ministery of the Gospel or the power of the keies whodoth not see that these pernitious errors are worthely reprooued Now seeing that confession yealdeth a place where to bestowe absolution in priuate and this custome doth vpholde the vnderstanding of the power of the keies and remission of sinnes among the people besides seeing that this conference auaileth much for admonishing and instructing of men therefore we doe duelie retaine Confession in our Churches yet so as that wee teach that reckoning vp of the faultes is not necessarie by Gods lawe and that mens consciences are not to be clogged with it For there is no commaundement in all the Apostles writinges sounding that way Againe this rehearsing of all ones sinnes is a thing impossible according to that in the Psalme Who can vnderstand his faultes And Ieremie saieth The heart of man is corrupt and vnsearchable But if no sinnes could be forgiuen but such as are reckoned vp mens consciences could neuer be at rest because they neither see nor can call to minde the greatest number of them Whereby it maie easilie be gathered that the ministerie of absolution and remission of sinnes doth not depend vpon the condition of numbring them vp all The auncient writers also doe testifie that this counting of sinnes by tale is a thing needles Chrysostome on the Epistle to the Heb. saith Let vs recken of it that we haue sins and let not the tongue alone vtter it but the conscience within vs also And let vs not barelie saie we are sinners but let vs recken vp our sinnes particularlie I doe not bid the to bewraie thy selfe openlie nor to occuse thy selfe to other but to followe the saying of the Prophet Laie open thy waies before the Lord confesse thy sinnes before God vtter thy sinnes with praier before the true iudge not remembring them with the tongue but with the conscience then in deed maist thou hope to finde mercie That sermon of Chrysostomes teacheth not onelie what is to be thought of reckoning vp of sinnes but doth also verie wiselie ioyne contrition and faith together as they are ioyned by vs. First he will haue vs acknowledge our sinnes vnfainedly and abhorre them from our heartes In the next place he teacheth to adde thereunto praier faith which maie assure vs that we are forgiuen Elsewhere he saith Acknowledge thy sins that thou maist as them away If thou are ashamed to shew thy sins to any man then vt them euerie day in thy heart I say not goe confes thy sins to thy fellow seruant that may vpbraide thee with them butconfes them vnto god that is able to cure thē The glosse vpon the dercees touching penance the 5. distinct graunteth that Confession was ordeyned of the Church and is not commaunded in the scriptures of the olde and new Testament of the same iudgement are manie of the Doctors Wherefore our iudgement touching the doctrine of confession is neither new nor without reason Lastlie there is moste need of all that the godlie shoulde be admonished touching satisfactions For there was more hurte and daunger in them then in numbring vp of sinnes in as much as they darkened the benefit of Christ because that the vnlearned thought they did obtaine remission of the guilt of sin for their owne workes sake and besides mens consciences were much distressed if aught were omitted that was inioyned for satisfaction Againe ceremonies and pilgrimages and such like fruitles workes were thought meete for satisfaction rather then thinges commaunded of God And forsooth their teachers themselues dreamed that eternall death was fullie redeemed by them Therfore we thought it needfull that godlie mindes should be set free from such errors and we teach that their canonicall satisfactions which they call workes not due c are neither auaileable for the remission either of the fault or euerlasting punishment nor yet necessarie It was a custome long since in the Church that in publike penance such as had fallen did returne to the Church againe should not be receiued without some punishment laid vpon them for examples sake from which custome these satisfactions did spring But the fathers minde was by such examples to fraie the people from sinnes they did not account that Ceremonie to be a iust recompence for the fault or for eternall death or for purgatorie paines These things were afterwards coyned by ignorant and vnlearned men But those auncient customes were in time worne out of vse and laid aside As for vs we doe not burden mens consciences with satisfactions but this weteach that the fruites of repentance are necessarie and that obedience the feare of God faith loue chastitie the wholl renuing of the spirit ought to increase in vs. We giue men warning of this also that sinnes are eftsonnes punished euen by temporal punishments in this life as Dauid Manasses manie others were punished and we teach that these punishments maie be mitigated by good works the whol practize of repentance as Paul declareth If we would iudge our selues we should not be iudged of the lord And repentance deserued that is obteined that God should alter his purpose touching the destruction of Niniuie Thus whereas before the disputations were intricate and endles and full of grosse opinions now that doctrine beeing purged is deliuered to the people so as it maie be vnderstoode and auaile much vnto godlines We doe still holde and set forth the true partes of repentance Contrition Faith Absolution Remission of sinnes Amendment of the wholl life Mitigation of present punishmentes and wee are in good hope that the godlie will not onelie not reprehend anie thing in this place but also will giue them thankes which haue purged this pointe of Christian doctrine which is requisite and profitable in all Churches to be expounded moste plainlie and set out moste clearelie Christ saith that the Angells in heauen doe reioyce whensoeuer they set
againe In vaine doe they worship me seeing they do only teach the commaundements of men But such works as are taught of men what shew soeuer they haue euen of goodnes are in no case to be so highly esteemed as those which are commaunded of God Yea to saie somewhat more if they be not of faith but contrary to faith they are of no value at all but are an abomination and filthines before the face of God Now all good workes are deuided first generallie into those which pertaine to all true Christians according to the vnitie of faith and catholicke saluation Secondly they are deuided particularly into those which are proper to the order age and place of euery man as the holie Ghost doth seuerallie teach Elders Masters the common sorte Parentes children the maried the vnmaried and euerie one what be their proper bonds and workes Moreouer in this point men are diligentlie taught to know how and wherein good workes doe please God Truelie they please God no otherwise then in the onelie name of our Lord Iesus Christ in whose name they ought to be done to the glorie of god according to the doctrine of Paull the Apostle who speaketh thus Whatsoeuer you doe in wordes and in deedes doe all in the name of our Lord Iesus And the Lorde himselfe saith Without me ye can doe thing that is nothing that maie please God and be for your saluation Now to doe good workes in the name of Christ is to doe them in a liuelie faith in him whereby we are iustified and in loue which is poured forth into our hearts by the holie Ghost in such sorte that God loueth vs and we againe loue him and our neighbour For the holy Ghost doth sanctifie mooue and kindle the hearts of them which are iustified to doe these holie actions as the Lorde saieth He shall be in you And the Apostle The anoynting of God teacheth you These two Faith and loue are the fountaine and square of all vertues and good workes according to the testimony of the Apostle The end of the commandement is loue out of a pure heart and a good conscience and faith not feigned And againe Without faith it is not possible to please God Also without loue nothing doth profit a man In the next place they teach why and to what purpose or end such good workes as pertaine to Christian godlines ought to be done to wit not in this respect that men by these workes should obtaine iustification or saluation and remission of sins for Christ saith When you haue done all those thinges which were commaunded you saie we are vnprofitable seruants Also Paull saith Not for the workes of righteousnes which we haue done but through his mercie hath he saued vs wherewith al those words of Dauid agree when he praieth Lord enter not into iudgement with thy seruant because that in thy sight shall no flesh liuing be iustified But Christians are to exercise themselues in good works for these causes following First that by this meane they may prooue and declare their faith by these workes be knowne to be true Christians that is the liuelie members and followers of Christ whereof our Lorde saith Euerie tree is knowen by his owne fruites In deede good workes are assured arguments and signes and testimonies and exercises of a liuelie faith euen of that faith which lieth hidde in the heart and to be shorte of the true fruit thereof and such as is acceptable to God Paull saith Christ liueth in me for in that I now liue in the flesh I liue by faith in the Sonne of God And trulie it can not be otherwise but that as sinne doth bring forth death so faith and iustification which ariseth therout doth bring forth life inwardlie in the spirit and outwardlie in the works of charitie Secondlie we must therefore doe good workes that Christians might confirme and build vp their Election and vocation in themselues and preserue it by taking heed that they fall not in mortall sinnes euen as Saint Peter teacheth among other thinges writing thus Wherefore brethren endeauour rather to make your election and vocation sure or to confirme it And how this maie be done he doth brieflie declare a litle before Therefore giuing all diligence thereunto ioyne vertue with your faith and with vertue knowledge and with knowledge temperance and with temperance pacience with pacience godlines with godlines brotherlie kindnes and with brotherlie kindnes loue For if these thinges be among you and abound in you they will make you that ye neither shall be idle nor vnfruitfull in the knowledge of our Lorde Iesus Christ In which place Saint Peter doth euidently shew that we must endeuour to exercise ourselues in good workse first for this cause lest that the grace of faith a good conscience which we haue be either lost or defiled but that it maie rather be preserued For the holie Ghost doth flie from Idolaters and departeth from prophane men and the euill and vnpure spirit doth returne into an emptie and idle house Also whosoeuer doth either loose or defile a good conscience what commendable thing or what worke can he do that is pretious and acceptable to God how shall he giue himselfe to prayer Secondlie for this cause that we maie profitte and increase more and more in this grace and that we maie gaine vnto the Lorde by occupying those talents which are committed to our trust whereof Saint Paull saith Now we all beholding as in a mirrour the glorie of the Lord with open face are changed into the same Image from glorie to glorie that is we beholde Christ who is the image and glorie of the Father herein we indeauour that we maie be conformed to the likenes of this Image by the holie ghost which doth kindle vs therunto til this Image doth get her perfection by the blessed resurrection Thirdly we must do exercise our selues in good workes as well for the promises of this life as also for the reward of eternall life whereof mention is made verie often and at large in the holie scripture that by faith in Christ wee maie haue a more easie entrance to the attaining of those rewards and to the eternal kingdome of heauen as S. Peter testifieth saying If ye doe these thinges ye shall neuer fall For by this meanes an entring shal be ministred vnto you abundantlie into the euerlasting kingdome of our Lorde and Sauiour Iesus Christ But chiefelie we must doe the workes of mercie whereby we maie benefit our neighbour whereby we prouide and doe for him and whereof he standeth in neede such as these be to giue almes to visite the sicke to haue a care of them or to be at hand to doe them seruice to teach the simple by counsell and labour to helpe others to pardon offences and such like which all haue the promises of the bountifullnes of
of a Christian man and to what actions he ought chiefelie to giue him selfe namelie to all those wherby euerie one for his parte maie profit his neighbours and that first in things pertaining to life eternall that they also maie begin to know worship and feare god and then in thinges pertaining to this life that they maie want nothing which is necessarie to the sustenance of the bodie For as the wholl lawe of god which is a moste absolute commaundement of all righteousnes is breiflie contained in this one word Thou shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe so in the performance of this loue it is necessarie that all righteousnes should be comprised and perfited Whereupon it followeth that nothing at all is to be reckoned among the duties of a Christian man which is not of force and effect to profit our neighbour and euerie worke is so much the more belonging to the dutie of Christian man by how much his neighbour maie the more be profited thereby Therefore next after Ecclesiasticall functions among the chiefe duties of a Christian man we place the gouernment of the Common we ale obedience to Magistrates for these be referred to the common profit that care which is taken for our wife children familie and the honour which is due to parents because that without these the life of man cannot consist and lastlie the profession of good artes and of al honest discipline because that except these be had in estimation we shall be destitute of the greatest good thinges which are proper to mankinde Yet in these and all other duties pertaining to mans life no man must rashlie take anie thing to him selfe but with a right conscience consider whereunto God doth call him To conclude let euerie man account that his duty and that so much the more excellent a duety the more that he shall profit other men thereby THE TENTH SECTION OF THE HOHOLIE CATHOLIKE CHVRCH THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the Catholike Church of God and of the heade of the Church CHAP. 17. FOrasmuch as God from the beginning would haue men to be saued and to come to the knowledge of the truth therefore it is necessarie that alwaies from the beginning at this daie and to the ende of the worlde there should be a Church that is a companie of the faithfull called and gathered out of the world a communion I saie of all Saints that is of them who doe truelie know and rightlie worship and serue the true God in Iesus Christ the Sauiour by the worde and the holie spirit and which by faith are partakers of all those good graces which are freelie offered thorough Christ These all are Cytizens of one and the same Citie liuing vnder one Lord vnder the same lawes and in the same fellowship of al good things for so the Apostle calleth them fellow Cytizens with the Saints and of the householde of God tearming the faithfull vpon the earth Saints who are sanctified by the blood of the Sonne of God Of these is that article of our Creede wholly to be vnderstoode I beleeue the Catholike Church the common ion of Saintes And seeing that there is alwaies but one God and one Mediatour between God man Iesus Christ also one shepheard of the wholl flocke one head of this bodie and to conclude one spirit one saluation one faith one Testament or couenant it followeth necessarily that there is but one Church which we therefore call Catholike because it is vniuersall spread abroade thorough al the partes and quarters of the worlde reacheth vnto all times and is not limited within the compasse either of time or place Here therefore we must condemne the Donatists who pinned vp the Church within the corners of Aphricke neither doe wee allowe of the Romane cleargy who vaunte that the Church of Rome alone in a manner is Catholike The Church is diuided by some into diuers partes or diuerse sortes not that it is rent and diuided from it selfe but rather distinguished in respect of the diuersitie of the members that be in it One parte therefore they make to be the Church militant the other the Church triumphant The militant warreth still on the earth and fighteth against the flesh the world and the prince of the world the deuill and against sinne and death The other beeing allready set at libertie is now in heauen and triumpheth ouer al those beeing ouercome and continuallie reioiceth before the Lord. Yet these two churches haue notwithstanding a communion and fellowship betweene them-selues The Church militant vpon the earth hath euer more had in it many particuler Churches which must all notwithstanding be referred to the vnitie of the Catholike Church This militant Church was otherwise ordered gouerned before the law among the Patriarkes otherwise vnder Moses by the law and otherwise of Christ by the gospell There are but two sortes of people for the most parte mentioned to witte the Israelites and the gentiles o● they which of the Iewes and gentiles were gathered to make a Church There be also two testaments the olde and the new Yet both these sortes of people haue had and still haue one fellowship one saluation in one and the same Messiah in whome as members of one bode they are all ioyned together vnder one heade and by one faith are all partakers of one and the same spirituall meat and drink Yet here we do acknowledge a diuersitie of times and a diuersitie in the pledges and signes of Christ promised and exhibited and that now the ceremonies beeing abolished the light shineth vnto vs more cleerlie our giftes and graces are more aboundant and out libertie is more full and ample This holy Church of god is called the house of the liuing 〈◊〉 builded of liuing and spirituall stones founded vpon a rocke that can not be remooued vpon a foundation besides which none can b● laied Whereupon it is called the pillar and foundation of the truth that doth not erre so long as it relieth vpon the rock Christ and vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles And no maruell if it do erre so often as it forsaketh him who is the alone trueth This Church is also called a virgine and the spouse of Christ and his onelie beloued For the Apostle saith I haue ioyned you vnto one husband that I might present you a chast virgine vnto Christ The Church is called a flocke of sheepe vnder one shepheard euen Christ Ezec. 34. Ioh. 10. also the bodie of Christ because the faithfull are the liuelie members of Christ hauing him for their head It is the head which hath the preheminence in the body and from whence the wholl bodie receiueth life by whose spirit it is gouerned in al thinges of whome also it receiueth increase that it may grow vp Also there is but one heade of the bodie which hath agreement with the bodie And therfore the church cannot haue any other heade beside Christ For as the
i● effectuall vnto eternall life Chrysostome in his commentaries vpon Matthew Cap. 24. hom 49. saith Therefore 〈◊〉 this time all Christians must goe to the Scriptures because that 〈◊〉 this time since heresie possessed those Churches there can be no ●ria● of true Christianitie neither can there be anie other refuge for Christians that would willinglie know the truth of faith but onelie the ●i●ine Scriptures And a little after Therefore he that will kn●● which is the true Church of Christ whence maie he know it but onelie by the Scriptures Augustine Tom. 2. Epist 166. saith I● the Scriptures we haue learned Christ in the Scriptures we hau● learned to know the Church these Scriptures we haue in common why doe we not in them ret●ine in common both Christ and the Church And againe Tom. 7. in Epist. contra Epist Peti●iani Donatistae cap. 2. 3. 4. It is a question betweene vp and the Donatistes where the Church is What then shall we does shall we seeke the Church in our owne wordes or in the wordes of his head in our Lord Iesus Christ I thinke that we ought to seeke it rather in his words who is the truth and doth best of all know his bodi● Now that which is affirmed that the Church hath author●ti● to beare witnes of the holie Scripture to interprete the Scripture and to iudge of all doctrines it is not so to be vnderstoode that the Church hath absolute authoritie to determine what she listeth and also if it please hir to change the Scripture and to feigne a new doctrine and to appoint new worships of God but that the Church as the Spouse of Christ ought to know the voice of hir husband and that she hath receiued of hir husband a certaine rule to wit the Propheticall and Apostolical preaching confirmed by miracles from heauen according to the which she is bounde to interprete those places of the Scripture which seeme to be obscure and to iudge of doctrines Psal 119. Thy worde is a light vnto my feete Rom. 3. Hauing giftes that be diuers according to the grace that is giuen vnto vs whether we haue prophecy according to the proportion of Faith c. 2. Pet. 1. We haue a more sur●●orde of the Prophets to the which ye doe well that yee take heede as vnto a light that shineth in a darke place c. Origen vpon Ierem. Hom. 1. It is necessarie for vs to call the holie Scriptures to witnes for our meanings and interpretations haue no creditte without these witnesses Ierome vpon Math. 23. That which is spoken without authoritie of the Scriptures is as easilie contemned as it is spoken And August De Nupt. Concup Lib. 2. Cap. 23. saith This contouersie seeketh a Iudge Therefore let Christ iudge and let him shew what thing it is that his death doth profit This saith he is my bloode And a little after Together with him let the Apostle iudge because that Christ himselfe also speaketh in the Apostle he crieth out and saith touching God the Father He which spared not his ●wn● 〈◊〉 c. Wherefore the Church hath so farre authoritie to iudge of doctrine that notwithstanding shee must keepe her selfe within the bondes of the holie Scripture which is the voice of hir husband from which voice it is not lawfull for any man no not for an Angell to departe OVT OF THE CONFSSION OF SVEVELAND Of the Church FVrthermore we will shew what is taught among vs ●oth touching the Christian Church and also touching the holie Sacraments and touching the Church this is it that we teach The Church or congregation of Christ which as yet is in this worlde as a stranger from god is the fellowshippe and companie of those which addict them selues to Christ and doe altogether trust and rest in his protection among whome notwithstanding many shall be mingled euen to the end of the worlde who although they professe the Christian faith yet they haue it not in deede This hath our Lorde taught sufficientlie Math. 13. by the parable both of the cockle and also of the Net cast into the sea i● the which the bad fishes are caught with the good Also Math. 22. by the parable of the King inuiting all men to the mariage of his Sonne and afterward casting him out beeing bound hand and foote into vtter darkenes which had not a wedding garment Now these places of Scripture wherin the congregation of Christ is commended to be the Spouse of Christ for the which he hath giuen himselfe Eph. 5. The house of God the pillar and ground of trueth 1. Tim. 3. Also The holie hill of Sion the Citie of the liuing God the heauenlie Ierusalem and the congregation of the first borne which are written in heauen I saie all these places of Scripture doe properlie pertaine to them who for their sincere faith are truelie and in the sight of God reckoned among the children of God For seeing that in these alone the Lorde doth fullie reigne these onelie if we will speake properly are called the Church of Christ and the communion of Saints in which sense also the name of the Church is expounded in the common Articles of faith those false Christians beeing excluded which are mingled amongest them Furthermore the holie Ghost himselfe doth gouerne this Church or congregation remaineth with it as Christ doth euen to the ende of the world and doth sanctifie it that at the length he may present it vnto himself without spo●or wrinckle as it is saide Eph. 5. Also this is that Church which all men are commaunded to heare and he that will not heare her is to to be counted as an heathen and Publicane And although that to wit faith it selfe can not be seene whereby this Congregation hath obteined to be called the Church and companie of Christ yet the fruites of that faith maie be seene and knowne and of them a certaine Christian coniecture be taken These fruites be cheeflie a bolde profession of Faith a true loue offering it selfe to doe humble seruice to all men a contempt of all things Seeing therfore that these be the proper fruites wheresoeuer the holie Gospell and the Sacraments be exercised thereupon it maie easilie be knowne where and who be the Christian Church so much as is necessary for vs to preserue among vs the christian communion that in the same we may be instructed admonished and helpe one an other according to the commaundement of Christ Furthermore seeing this congregation is the verie kingdome of God wherein all things ought to be appointed in best order she hath all kinde of offices and ministers for ●he is the body of Christ himselfe compacted of many members whereof euerie one haue their proper worke Therefore whosoeuer doe faithfullie discharge such functions and doe earnestlie labour in the worde and doctrine they doe represent the Church and may doe all things in the name thereof so that whosoeuer shall either despise them or refuse
to heare them he may worthely be saide to despise the Church it selfe Now with what spirit or with what spirituall authority we doe beleeue that they are furnished we haue declared before out of most firme foundations of the Scripture where we shewed what we thought of the spirituall or Ecclesiasticall offices dignitie For they cannot by anie meanes represent the Church of Christ or doe anie thing in the name thereof which are not Christes and therefore propound no Christian thinges but whatsoeuer is contrarie to the doctrine of Christ For although it maie be that euen the wicked maie teach some good thing and maie also prophesie in the name of Christ after their example to whom the Lord himselfe doth witnes that he will once in time to come say That he neuer knew them Yet it cannot be that they can discharge the duetie of the Church of Christ and are to be heard in his stead which doe not propound the voice of their husband Christ although otherwise they should thinke ●right of faith and be counted amongst the members of the Church as it doth often times falout when as the verie Children of God are wrapped in errours and doe also publish the same For the Church of Christ is whollie addicted to Christ himselfe Therefore that cannot be counted a doctrine precept or commaundement of the true Church except it be the same with the doctrine precept and commaundement of Christ himselfe And whosoeuer propoundeth anie other thing in her name although he were an Angell from heauen he is not to be heard as also the Church in those thinges doth represent nothing lesse the● the Church of Christ THE ELEVENTH SECTION OF THE MINISTERS OF THE CHVRCH AND OF THEIR CALLING AND OFFICE THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of the ministers of the Church their institution and Offices CHAP. 1● GOD hath alwaies vsed his ministers for the gathering or erecting vp of a Church to himselfe and for the gouerning and preseruation of the same and still he doth and alwaies will vse them so long as the Church remaineth on the earth Therefore the first beginning institution office of the ministers is a moste auncient ordinance of God himselfe not a new deuise appointed by men True it is that God can by his power without anie meanes take vnto himselfe a Church amongst men but he had rather deale with men by the ministerie of men Therefore ministers are to be considered not as ministers by themselues alone but as the ministers of God euen such as by whose meanes god doth work the saluatiō of mankinde For which cause we giue coūsel to beware that we do not so attribute the things that pertaine to our conuersion instruction vnto the secret vertue of the holy ghost that we make frustrate the ecclesiasticall ministery For it behoueth vs alwaies to haue in minde the words of the Apostle How shall they beleue in him of whom they haue not heard and how shall they heare without a preacher Therefore faith is by hearing and hearing by the word of God And that also which the Lord saieth in the Gospell Verelie verilie I saie vnto you he that receiueth those that I shall sende receiueth me and he that receiueth me receiueth him that sent me Likewise that a man of Macedonia appeared in a vision to Paull being then in Asia said vnto him Come vnto Macedonia and helpe vs. And in another place the same Apostle saith We together are Gods labourers and ye are his husbandry and his building Yet on the other side we must take heede that we do not attribute too much to the ministers and ministerie herein remembring also the wordes of our Lord in the Gospell No man commeth to me except the Father which hath sent me draw him And the wordes of the Apostle Who then is Paull and who is Apollo but the ministers by whome you beleeued and as the Lorde gaue vnto euerie one Therefore neither is he that planteth anie thing nor he that watereth but God that giueth the increase Therefore let vs beleeue that God doth teach vs by his worde outwardlie by his ministers and doth inwardlie mooue and perswade the heartes of his Elect vnto beliefe by his holie spirit and that therefore we ought to render all the glorie of this wholl benefite vnto God But we haue spoken of this matter in the 1. Chapter of this our declaration God hath vsed for his ministers euen from the beginning of the world the best and moste excellent men in the world for howsoeuer diuers of them were ●ut simple for worldly wisdom or Philosophy yet sure in true diuinitie they were moste excellent namelie the Patriarkes to whome he spake verie often by his Angells For the Patriarks were the Prophets or teachers of their age whome god for this purpose would haue to liue manie yeares that they might be as it were Fathers and lights of the world After them followed M●se● together with the Prophettes that were most famous throughout the wholl world Besides after all these ou● heauenlie Father sent his onelie begotten sonne the moste absolute and perfect teacher of the world in whome is hidden the wisedome of God and from him deriued vnto vs by that moste holie perfect and moste pure doctrine of all other For he chose vnto himselfe Disciples whome he made Apostles And they going out into the wholl worlde gathered together Churches in all places by the preaching of the Gospell And after they ordained pastors and doctors in all Churches by the commaundement of Christ who by such as succeeded them hath taught and gouerned the Church vnto this day Therfore God gaue vnto his auncient people the Patriarks together with Moses the Prophets so also to his people vnder the new couenant he hath sent his onelie begotten Sonne and with him the Apostles and teachers of his Church Furthermore the ministers of the new couenant are termed by diuers names for they are called Apostles Prophets Euangelists Bishops Elders Pastors doctors The Apostles remained in no certaine place but gathered together diuers Churches throughout the wholl world which Churches when they were once established there ceased to be any more Apostles in their places were particular parsons appointed in euerie Church The Prophe●tes in olde time did foresee and foretel things to come besides did interpret the scriptures and such are found some amongst vs at this day They were called Euangelists which were the penners of the historie of the Gospell and were also preachers of the Gospell of Christ as the Apostle Paull giueth in charge vnto Timothie To fulfill the worke of an Euangelist Bishops were the ouerseers the watchmen of the Church which did distribute foode and other necessities of the Church The Elders were the auncients as it were the senators and Fathers of the Church gouerning it with the wholesome counsell The Pastors did both keepe the Lords
for that they maie haue a competent liuing and such thinges as are needfull for the mantinance of the bodie according to the Lordes ordinance whereof Paull speaketh after this sorte The Lord hath so appointed that they which preach the Gospell should liue of the Gospell And to the end that the daunger of an idle secure and Sodomiticall life maie be auoided and so they maie be an example to the flocke whereof they haue charge and that by a feeling of the burdens of this common life they maie learne to vnderstand the miserie of men and may by this meanes be touched and haue compassion on the miseries of others for these causes I saie this is taught that they whose abilitie of strength is such especiallie those on ●●●me as yet the greatest and painfullest charge of the people is not laide should themselues with their owne handes get their liuing that they be not a burden to the Churches especiallie in the beginning of their buildinges and reparations or also intimes of long persecution or otherwise by reason of the weaker sorce and that they giue not place to vaine vol●ptu●us and riotous sloth as those who faithfullie follow Saint Pauls doctrine and who haue the Lords speach before their ●●es saying it is a more happie thing to giue then to take And if so be that some one of these Pas●ors slip into sin or errors or be somewhat neglig●n● in looking to this charge hé ought by the ordinarie lawfull discipline of the Church to be brought into the ware againe and to be chastised but if he will not repente nor be healed then he ought first to be remooued from the executing of his charge and from the ministerie and afterward as an vnprofitable seruant as a member which causeth offence a d●●e braun●h and vnsauotie salt to be cast out or banished from the fellowship of the Church and inioying of saluation of whome the Lord saith that this salt is henceforth good for nothing that which Paull also teacheth when he saith Those that offend meaning those that are elders reprooue or chastise before al men that the rest also m●ie stand in feare But the people ought so to be haue themselues toward such teachers either grown out of kinde or entangled with errors or toward other elders also not repenting and excommunicated as the holie scripture sheweth and first Christ saith Take ye heede of false Prophers which come to you in sheepes clothing but inwardlie are ra●ening wolues ye shall know ahem by their fruites and Paull Now I beseech you breethren marke those diligentlie which cause diuision and offences contrarie to the doctrine which ye haue learned and auoid them for they that are such serue not our Lord Iesu Christ but their owne bellies Of the keies of Christ CHAP. 14. THe fourteenth Chapter of Ecclesiastical doctrine is of the Lords keies of which he saith to Peter I will giue thee the keies of the kingdome of heauen and these keyes are the peculiar function or ministerie and administration of Christ his power and his holie spirit which power is committed to the Church of Christ and to the ministers thereof vnto the end of the world that they should not onelie by preaching publish the holie gospel although they should do this especiallie that is should shew forth that word of true comfort and the ioyfull message of peace and new tidings of that fauour which god offereth but also that to the beleuing and vnbeleeuing they should publikelie or priuatelie denounce and make knowen to wit to them his fauour to these his wrath that to al in general or to euery one in particular that they may wisely receiue some into the house of God to the communion of saintes and driue some out from thence and maie so through the performance of their ministerie holde in their hand the scepter of Christ his kingdome and vse the same to the gouernment of Christ his sheepe Therfore the condition and proper office of the keies is first to open and loose that is in Christ to appease and still the conscience of the faithfull ones and of those that turne againe by repentance to make it knowne vnto them that their sins be forgiuen to strengthen thē in a sure hope of saluation by this meanes to open the kingdome of heaué vnto them to giue them courage against all temptations to stirre vp stedfastnes and chearefullnes in them And all these thinges are done by the faithfull Shepheards of soules in the Lords stead not dooing this of them selues but vpon Christ his commaundement not by their owne and proper vertue but by Christes and by the efficacie of his word and sacraments as those that are stewards and dispensers of the mysteries of God and ministers onelie In the administration of which thinges they maie vse some semelie and indifferent ceremonies that is which are no waie necessarie such as are to lay on hands or to reach out the right hand or els they maie omit them On the other side the office and proper work of the keies of Christ is to shut and binde that is by the commaundement of Christ and the authoritie of this office giuen by him to the Church which is his power and scepter to denounce against all stubborne impenitent vnbeleeuing and other such like sinners Gods horrible iudgement and his intollerable wrath which no nature can abide and his seuere sentence and so by the word of Christ according to the qualitie of the offence to reprooue sinne to seuer them from the fellowship of Christ our sauiour and from the fruit and participation of the sacraments and to cast them out of the christian Church and in a worde to shut the kingdom of heauen vpon them and at the length to deliuer them to Sathan This power of his scepter and spirit hath the Lord graunted and deliuered to the holie Apostles and in them to all ministers of Churches lawfullie ordained that they might exercise it in his stead and he graunted it to them by these words As the Father hath sent me so do I send you also And by by he addeth these words Rec●●ue ye the holie Ghost If ye forgiue anie men their sins they are forgiuen them and if ye 〈◊〉 any mans sinnes they are retained Moreouer a manifest example of vsing the power of the keies is laied out in that sinner of Corinth and others whome Saint Paull together with the Church of that place by the power and authoritie of our Lord Ies● Christ and of his spirit threw out from thence and deliuered to Sathan and contrariwise after that God gaue him grace to repent he absolued him from his sinnes he toke him againe into the Church to the communion of saints and sacraments and so opened to him the kingdome of heauen againe By this we maie vnderstand that these keies or this diuine function of the Lordes is committed and
graunted to those that haue charge of soules and to each seuerall Ecclesiastic all societies whether they besmal or great Of which thing the Lord saith to the Churches Verely I saie vnto you whatsoeuer thinges ye binde on earth shal be bound in heauen And straight after For where two or three be gathered together in my name there am I in the middest of them Moreouer this is likewise taught that euerie Christian so often as he needeth these keies of the Lord ought to require them particularly for himselfe of the pastors of soules of that Church or fellowship of which himselfe is a parte to which he belongeth that he vse them with full confidence no other wise then if he receiued them of Christ himselfe seeing that Christ hath deliuered them vnto the Pastours and that he by no meanes doubt that by the ministerie of these keies through the vertue and power of Christ his sinnes are forgiuen him and that he is freed from them according to Christ his owne saying whose sinnes you forgiue c. And He that heareth you heareth me and he that receiueth you in the be halfe to wit of the Ecclesiasticall ministerie and in his time of neeed receiueth me and contrarilie He that despiseth you despiseth me This is also taught and handled * that the Priests ought not to vse these keies of the Lord otherwise then according to the meaning and will of Christ which is declared expresselie in his word and according to the sure flat and expresse determinations of his iudgement and that they doe not any manner of waie according to mens opinions much lesse after their owne minde or lust abuse these keies for so it would come to passe that the keies should swa●ue from their office And this is to be taken heed of that it be not by this meanes fulfilled in the misusing of them which the Lorde hath saide by the Prophet For you saith he is this commaundement O ye Priestes if you will not heare it nor consider it in your heartes to giue glorie to my name saith the Lorde of hoastes I will send a curse vpon you and will curse your blessings as I haue cursed them alreadie because you regarde not in your heartes the feare of the Lorde OVT OF THE FRENCH CONFESSION SEeing that we are not made partakers of Christ but by the Gospell we beleeue that that good order which by the authority of the gospel is confirmed ought to be kept sacred and inuiolable and that therefore Pastours are necessarilie required in the Church vpon whose shoulders the burden of teaching the worde and administring of the Sacraments doth lie whome also we ought to honour and reuerentlie to heare if so be that they being lawfullie called doe discharge their duetie not as though God did stand inneed of such staies inferior helps but therfore rather because that so it seemeth good to him to gouerne vs as it were by vsing this bridle Therefore we detest all those fanaticall spirites who as much as in them lieth desire that both this sacred ministerie or preaching of the word and the administration of the Sacramentes were vtterlie abolished We beleeue that this true Church ought to be gouerned by that regiment or discipline which our Lord Iesus Christ hath established to wit so that there be in it Pastours Elders and Deacons that the puritie of Doctrine maie be retained vices repre●sed the poore and others that be in miserie according to their necessitie maie be prouided for and that there maie be holie meetinges for the edifying both of small and great We beleeue that all true Pastours in what place soeuer they be placed haue the same and equall authoritie among themselues giuen vnto them vnder Iesus Christ the onelie heade and the chiefe and alone vniuersall Bishop and that therefore it is not lawfull for anie Church to challenge vnto it selfe Dominion or soueraigntie ouer anie other Church We beleeue that it is not lawfull for anie man vpon his owne authoritie to take vpon him the gouernment of the Church but that euerie one ought to be admitted thereunto by a lawfull election so neere as maie be and so long as the Lorde giueth leaue And this exception we doe expresselie adde because that sometime as it fell out also in our daies the state of the Church being disturbed it was necessarie that some should be raised vp of the Lorde extraordinarily which should repaire the ruines of the decaied Church Neuertheles howsoeuer it be we beleeue that this rule is Iwa●es to be followed that all Pastours and Elders should haue a testimonie of their calling OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION FVrthermore we beleeue that there be diuerse degrees of Ministers in the Church whereof some be Deacons some Priests some Bishops to whom is committed the office to instruct the people and the wholl charge and setting forth of Religion Yet notwithstanding we say that there neither is not can be any one man which may haue the wholl superioritie in this vniuersall state for that Christ is euer present to assist his Church and needeth not any man to supplie his roome as his onelie heire to all his substance and that there can be no one mortall creature which is able to comprehend or conceiue in his minde the Vniuersall Church that is to wit all the partes of the world much lesse hable rightlie and duelie to put them in order and to gouerne them For al the Apostles as Cyprian saith were of like power among themselues and the rest were the same that Peter was And that it was saide indifferentlie to them all Feede yee indifferentlie to them all Goe into the whole worlde Indifferentlie to them all Teach yee the Gospel And as Hierome saith All Bishoppes wheresoeuer they be be they at Rome be they at Eugubium be they at Constantinople be they at Rhegium be all of like preeminence and of like priesthood And as Cyprian saith There is but one Bishoprike and a pee● thereof is perfitlie and wholly holden of euery particular Bishop And according to the iudgement of the Nicene Councell we saie that the Bishop of Rome hath no more iurisdiction ouer the Church of God then the rest of the Patriarkes either of Alexandria or of Antioche haue And as for the Bishop of Rome who now calleth all matters before himselfe alone except he doe his duetie as he ought to doe except he minister the Sacraments except he instruct the people except he warne them and teach them we saie that he ought not of right once to be called a Bishop or so much as an Elder For a Bishop as saith Austine is a name of labour and not of honour that the man that seeketh to haue preeminence not to profit maie vnderstande himselfe to be no Bishop And that neither the Pope nor any other wordly creature can no more be head of the wholl Church or a Bishop
ouer all then he can be the Bridegroome the light the saluation and life of the church For these priuileges and names belong onely to Christ and be properlie and onelie fit for him alone And that no Bishop of Rome did euer suffer himselfe to be called by such● proude name and title before Phocas the Emperours time who as we know by killing his owne Soueraigne Mauritis the Emperour did by a trayterous villany aspire to the E●pire Which was about the sixth hundred and thirteent● yeare after Christ was borne Also the Councell of Carthage did circumspectlie prouide that no Bishop shoulde be called either the highest Bishop or chiefe Priest And therefore sithenc● the Bishop of Rome will now a daies so be called and challengeth vnto himselfe an Authoritie that is none of his besides that he doth plainlie contrarie to the auncient councells and contrary to the olde fathers We beleeue that he doth giue to himselfe as it is written by his owne companion Gregorie a presump●uouse a prophane a Sacrilegious and an antichristian name that he is also the King of pride that he is Lucifer which preferreth himselfe before his Brethren that he hath forsaken the faith and is the forerunner of Antichrist Further we saie that the Minister ought lawfullie duely and orderlie to be preferred to that office of the Church of God and that no man hath power to wrest himselfe into the holie Ministerie at his owne pleasure Wherefore these persons doe vs the greater wrong which haue nothing so common in their mouthes as that we doe nothing orderlie and comelie but all things troublesomelie and without order And that we allow euerie man to be a prieste to be a teacher and to be an Interpreter of the Scriptures Moreouer we say that Christ hath giuen to his Ministers power to binde to loose to open to shutte And we saie that the office of loosing consisteth in this pointe that the Minister either by the preaching of the Gospell offereth the merites of Christ and full pardon to such as haue lowly and contrite heartes do vnfainedlie repent themselues pronouncing vnto the same a sure an vndoubted forgiuenes of their sinnes and hope of euerlasting saluation Or else that the same minister when any haue offended their brothers mindes with some great offence or notable and open crime whereby they haue as it were bannished and made themselues strangers from the common fellowship and from the bodie of Christ then after perfit amendment of such persons doth reconcile them and bring them home againe and restore them to the companie and vnitie of the faithfull We saie also that the minister doth execute the authoritie of binding and shutting as often as he shutteth vp the gate of the kingdome of heauen against vnbeleuing and stubborne persons denouncing vnto them Gods vengance and euerlasting punishment Or else when he doth quite shut thē out from the bosome of the church by open excommunication Out of doubte what sentence soeuer the Minister of God shall giue in this sorte God himselfe doth so well allow it that whatsoeuer here in earth by their meanes is loosed and bounde God himselfe will loose and binde and confirme the same in heauen And touching the keies wherwith they may either shut or open the kingdome of heauen we with Chrysostome saie They be ●●e knowledge of the Scriptures with Tertullian we saie They be the interpretation of the Law and with ●usehius we call them the worde of God Moreouer that Christs Disciples did receiue this authoritie not that they should heare the priuate confessions of the people and listen to their whisperings as the common massing priestes doe euery where now a daies and doe it so as though in that one pointe laie all the vertue and vse of the keies but to the ende they should goe they should teach they should publish abroade the Gospell and be vnto the beleeuing a sweete sauoure of life vnto life and vnto the vnbeleeuing and vnfaithfull a sauoure of death vnto death and that the mindes of godly persons being brought low by the remorse of their former life and errours after they once begonne to looke vp vnto the light of the Gospell and beleue in Christ might be opened with the word of God euen as a dore is opened with a key Contrariwise that the wicked and wilfull and such as would not beleeue nor returne into the right waie should be left stil as fast locked shut vp as S. Paul saith wax worse and worse This take we to bethe meaning of the keis that after this sort mens consciences be either opened or shut We saie that the Priest in deede i● a iudge in this case but yet hath no manner of right to challenge an authority or power as Ambrose saith And therfore our Sauiour Iesus Christ to reprooue the negligence of the Scribes and Pharisies in teaching did with these words rebuke them saying Woe be vnto you Scribes and Phariseis which ha●e taken away the keis of knowledge haue shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men Seing then the keie whereby the waie entry to the kingdome of God is opened vnto vs is the word of the Gospel and the expounding of the law Scriptures we saie plainlie where the same word is not there is not the keie And seeing one manner of worde is giuen to all and one onelie keie belongeth to all we saie there is but one onelie power of all ministers as concerning opening and shutting And as touching the Bishop of Rome for al that his flattering Parasi●es sing these words in his eares To thee wil I giue the keies of the kingdom of heauen as though these keis were fitte for him alone and for no bodie else except he goe so to worke as mens consciences may be made pliaunt and be subdued to the word● of God we denie that he doth either open or shut or hath the keies at all And although he taught and instructed the people as would god he might once truelie doe and perswade himselfe it were at the least any peece of his duetie yet we thinke his keie to be neuer a whitte better or of greater force then other mens For who hath seuered him from the rest Who hath taught him more ●unninglie to open or better to absolue then his breethren OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BELGIA WE beleeue that this Church ought to be ruled and gouerned by that spirituall regiment which God himselfe hath deliuered in his worde so that there be placed in it pastours and ministers purelie to preach and rightly to administer the holy Sacraments that there be also in it seniours and Deacons of whome the Senat of the Church might consist that by these meanes true religion might be preserued and sincere doctrine in euery place retayned and spread abroade that vicious and wicked men might after a spirituall manner be rebuked amended and as it were
by the bridle of discipline kept within their compasse that the poore in like manner and those that be afflicted may be releeued either with aide or comfort according to the seuerall necessitie of euerie one For then shall all things in the Church be done in due conuenient order when faithfull and godlie men are chosen to haue the gouernement of the same euen as Saint Paull hath prescribed in the first to Timothie the 3. and the first to Titus We beleeue that the Ministers Seniours and Deacons ought to be called to those their functions by the lawfull election of the Church to be aduaunced into those roomes earnest praier beeing made vnto God after the order manner which is set downe vnto vs in the worde of God This especiall● 〈◊〉 one ought to take diligent heede of that he doe not b●●●lawfull meanes thrust himselfe into those offices For 〈◊〉 must waite vntill he be called of God himselfe that he 〈◊〉 haue a certaine testimonie of his vocation and may know 〈◊〉 is from the Lorde Yet in what place of the worlde 〈…〉 the ministers of the worde of God doe keepe they haue 〈◊〉 them the same and equall power and authoritie beeing 〈…〉 ●hem equallie the ministers of Christ the onelie vniuersall 〈…〉 and head of the Church Moreouer lest that this holie 〈…〉 of god be despised and brought into contempt it is the 〈◊〉 of all men to haue a verie honourable and reuerent opin●●●● of all the Ministers of the worde and Seniours of the Church euen for that workes sake wherein they doe labour also to be at peace and vnitie with them and as much as possiblie may be to abstaine from all manner of quarrelings and contentions one with another OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE COncerning Ecclesiasticall orders they teach that no man should publikelie in the Church teach or mininister the Sacraments except he be rightlie called according as Saint Paull giueth commaundement to Titus To ordaine Elders in euerie Citie Out of the Articles concerning abuses Of the power Ecclesiastical THere haue bin great controuersies touching the power and authoritie of Bishops in which many haue incommodiously mingled together the ecclesiasticall power and the power of the sword And out of this confusion there hath sprong very great warres and tumults while that the Popes bearing themselues bolde vpon the power of keies haue not onlie appointed new kindes of worship seruice of God burdened mens consciences by reseruing of cases and by violent excommunications but also haue laboured to transferre wordlie kingdomes from one to an other and to spoile Emperours of their power and authoritie These faultes did godlie and learned men long since reprehended in the Church and for that cause our diuines were faine for the comforte of mens consciences to shew the difference betwe●ne the Ecclesiastic all and ciuil powers And they haue taught that either of them because Gods commaundement is duetifullie to be reuerenced and honoured as the cheefest blessings of god vpon earth Now their iudgement is this that the power of the keies or the power of Bishopps by the rule of the Gospel is a power or commaundement from God of preaching the Gospell of remitting or retaining sinnes and of administring the Sacraments For Christ doth send his Apostles with this charge As the father hath sent me so send I you Receiue yee the holic Ghost whose sins ye forgiue they are forgiuen them whose sins ye reteine they are reteined Mar. 16. Goe and preach the Gospell to euerie creature c. This power is put in execution onelie by teaching or preaching the Gospell and administring the sacraments either to many ioyntlie or to seuerall persons according to their calling For they be not corporall thinges but eternall that are graunted vnto vs as an eternal righteousnes the holie Ghost life euerlasting These things cannot begotten but ●y the ministerie of the worde and Sacraments As Paull saith The Gospell is the power of God to saluation to euerie one that beleueth Seing then that the power ecclesiastical concerneth things eternall is put in vse onelie by the ministery of the word it hindreth not the politicall gouernement no more then doth the* skill of musicke or singing For the ciuil gouernement is occupied about other matters then is the Gospell the Magistrate is to defend not the mindes but the bodies and bodelie things against manifest iniuries he restreineth men by the sworde and corporall punishment that he may vpholde peace and a ciuill iustice Wherefore the Ecclesiasticall and ciuill powers are not to be confounded The Ecclesiasticall power hath a peculiar commaundement to preach the Gospel and administer the Sacraments Let it not by force enter into another charge let it not tourne wordlie kingdomes from the right owners Let it not abrogate the Magistrates lawes let it not withdraw from them lawfull obedience let it not hinder iudgements touching any ciuil ordinances and statutes or contractes let it not prescribe lawes to the magistrate touching the for me of a common wealth as Christ saith My kingdome is not of this world Againe Whoe made me a iudge or a di●id●r ouer you And Paull to the Philip. 3. Our conuersation is in heauen 2. Cor. ●0 The weapons of our warfare are not carnall but mightie in god to throw downe the imaginations c. Thus doe our diuines discerne and distinguish the dueties of each power one from the other and doe warne all men to honour both powers and to acknowledge both to be the good gift and blessing of God * If so ●e that the Bishopes haue anie power of the sword they haue it not as bishops by the commaundement of the Gospell but by mans law giuen vnto them of Kinges and Emperours for the ciuil gouernment of their goods Yet this is a kinde of function and charge diuerse from the ministerie of the Gospell Therefore when as the question is touching the iurisdiction of Bishoppes rule and dominion must be distinguished from Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction Againe by the Gospell or as they t●ar●e it by Gods lawe Bishops as they be Bishops that is such as haue the administration of the word sacraments cōmitted to them haue no iurisdiction at all but onlie to forgiue sin also to know what is true doctrine to reiect such doctrine as will not stand with the Gospell * to debarre from the communion of the Church such as are noto●iousl●e wicked not by humane force and violence but by the worde of God And * herein of necessitie the Churches ought by the law of God to performe obedience vnto them according to the saying of Christ he that heareth you heareth me But when as they teach or determine any thing contrary to the Gospel then haue the Churches a cōmaundement of God which forbiddeth obedience to them Mat. 7. Beware of false Prophets Gal. 1. If an Angel from heauen preach any other Gospell let him
for them which was a sacrament of Christ to come Furthermore that which circumcision did performe to the people of the Iewes the same doth Baptisme performe to the children of the faithfull For the which cause Paull calleth Baptisme The circumcision of Christ OVC OF THE CONFESSION OF AVSPVRGE COncerning baptisme they teach that it is necessarie to saluation as a ceremonie ordeined of Christ Also that by baptisme the grace of God is offered And that young infantes are to be baptized and that they being by baptisme commended vnto God are receiued into Gods fauour and are made the sonnes of God as Christ witnesseth speaking of litle children in the Church Mat. 18. It is not the will of your heauenlie father that anie of these litle ones should peris● They condemne the Anabaptistes which allow not the baptisme of infantes and holde that infantes are saued though they die without baptisme be not within the Church of God This in another edition is set downe in this sort TOuching baptisme they teach that it is necessary to saluation and that by baptisme the grace of God is offered That children are to be baptized and such as by baptisme be presented to God are receiued into his fauour They condemne the Anabaptistes that allow not of childrens Baptisme and holde that Children are saued without baptisme OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SAXONY BAptisme is an entire action to wit a dipping and the pronouncing of these wordes I baptize thee in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost We doe often expound the summe of the doctrine of the Gospell comprehended in these wordes I baptise thee that is I doe witnes that by this dippin thy sinnes be washed awaie and that thou art now receiued of the true God who is the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ who hath redeemed thee by his Sonne Iesus Christ and doth sanctifie thee by his holie Spirit I baptise thee into the name that is inuocating of this true god whome thou shalt acknowledge and inuocate and distinguish from all other feigned gods and shalt assure thy selfe that those benefits are giuen to thee which he promised in the gospell that thou art a member of the Church of God which is redeemed by the Sonne and sanctified by the holie Ghost Let them remember this meaning of this couenant who by reason of their age are capable of doctrine and being confirmed by this testimonie let them beleeue that their sinnes be forgiuen them and that they are in deede members of the Church of God and let them in a true faith inuocate the true God as Abraham considedering of circumcision did beholde the promise of the seed to come vnderstand that he was a member of the Church of God and that the cursse was taken awaie from him also by that seede of whome it was said in the promise Gen. 12. In thy seed shall all nations be blessed So also doth Peter teach 1. Pet. 3. That Baptisme is a stipulation or promise that a good conscience maketh vnto God by the resurection of Iesus Christ which is at the right hand of God He doth namelie call it a stipulation whereby God doth make a couenant with thee and receiueth thee unto fauour the woundes of thy conscience being healed and thou in like sorte doest make a couenant with God to inuocate this true God and to beleeue that thou art saued by the Sonne of God who is raised vp from death and now doth raigne So this Sonne of God sitting at the right hand of the eternall Father is effectuall in thee as also Paull saith to the Gal. You that are baptized haue put on Christ And that the holie Ghost is giuen in Baptisme Paull affirmeth it in his Epistle to Titus saying By the washing of the new birth and the renuing of the holie Ghost And in Iohn it is said Except a man be borne againe of water and of the spirit he can not enter into the kingdome of heauen Therefore we teach that Baptisme is necessarie and we do once onelie baptize euerie one as euerie one was but once onelie Circumcised but we do often make mention of the most profitable doctrine touching the signification thereof and the mutuall couenant We do also baptise infants because it is most certeine that the promise of grace doth perteine also of infants and to those onely which are ingrafted into the Church because that of these it is said Suffer little ones to come vnto me because that to such apperteineth the kingdom of heauen And Origen writeth vpon the sixth to the Romanes That the Church receiued the custome of baptizing infants from the Apostles Neither do we thinke that this custome is onelie an idle ceremonie but that the infants are then in deede receiued and sanctified of God because that then they are grafted into the Church and the promise perteineth to such And of this matter there be manie thinges written and published in our Churches whereby the Anabaptistes are refuted Also out of the 19. Art Of Confirmation IT is well knowne that the manner of consecrating oile was magicall and execrable and therefore these annointings wherein there is vse of oile are not to be tollerated and in old time they vsed these ceremonies otherwise then now they be vsed In the ceremonie of confirmation there was a triall of doctrine wherin euery one did rehearse the forme of doctrine and did openlie professe that they did mislike the madnes of the Heathen and of Heretikes and that they would be and remaine members of the true Church and neuer forsake that true opinion which they did then professe This custome was profitable to instruct men and to keep them in the true knowledge of god And in out Churches the like thinges be done in Catechizing the younger sorte and in priuate confession wherein the Pastoures do examine the doctrine of the people But as touching the ceremonie of confirmation which the Bishoppes doe now reteine what else is it but a vaine shadowe OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF WIRTEMBERGE Of Baptisme CHAP. 10. WE acknowledge that Baptisme is to be ministred as well to infants as to those that are growne to full age and that it is to be vsed in the Church euen to the end of this worlde in the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holie Ghost according to Christ his institution Also we beleeue and confesse that Baptisme is that sea into the bottome whereof as the Prophet saith God doth cas● all our sinnes and forgiue them for Christ his Sonnes sake thorough faith But whereas some affirme that sinne remaining in man after baptisme is not indeed sinne of it owne nature we think it to be a more pernitious errour then the common sort of men doth iudge it to be For although wee doe not doubt but that sinne which remaineth after baptisme is forgiuen to the faithfull for Christ and by
to saie our life For euen as corporal meat and drinke do not onelie refresh and strengthen our bodies but also do keepe them in life euen so the flesh of Christ deliuered his blood shed for vs do not only refresh strengthen our soules but also do preserue them aliue not because they be corporallie eaten dronken but for that they are communicated vnto vs spirituallie by the spirit of God the Lord saying The bread which I wil giue is my flesh which I wil giue for the life of this world also my flesh to wit corporally eaten profiteth nothing it is the spirit which giueth life And the words which I speake to you are spirit and life And as we must by eating receiue the meat into our bodies to the end that it maie work in vs and shew his force in our bodies because while it is without vs it profiteth vs not at all euen so it is necessarie that we receiue Christ by faith that he maie be made ours and that he maie liue in vs and we in him For he saith I am the bread of life he that commeth to me shall not hunger and he that beleeueth in me shall not thirst anie more And also He that eateth me shall liue through me and he abideth in me and I in him By all which it appeareth manifestlie that by spirituall meat we meane not an Imaginarie but the verie bodie of the Lord Iesus giuen to vs which yet is receiued of the faithfull not corporallie but spiritually by faith in which point we do wholie follow the doctrine of our Lord and sauiour Christ In the 6. of Iohn And this eating of the flesh drinking of the blood of the Lord is so necessary to saluation that without it no man can be saued This spiritual eating drinking is also without the supper of the Lord euen so often as whersoeuer a man doth beleeue in Christ To which purpose that sentence of S. Austin doth happilie belong why dost thou prepare thy teeth belly Beleeue thou hast eaten Besides that former spirituall eating there is a sacramentall eating of the bodie of the Lord whereby the faithfull man is partaker not onelie spirituallie and internallie of the true bodie and blood of the Lord but also outwardlie by comming to the table of the Lorde doeth receiue the visible sacrament of the bodie and blood of the Lord True it is that a faithfull man by beleeuing did before receiue the food that giueth life and stil receiueth the same but yet when he receiueth the sacrament he receiueth something more For he goeth on in continuall communication of the bodie and blood of the Lord and his faith is dailie more and more kindled more strengthened and refreshed by the spirituall nourishment For while we liue faith hath continuall encreasings and he that outwardlie doth receiue the sacraments with a true faith the same doth receiue not the signe onely but also doth enioy as we haue said the thing it selfe Moreouer the same man doeth obey the Lordes institution and commaundement and with a ioyfull minde giueth thankes for his and the redemption of all mankinde and maketh a faithfull remembrance of the Lordes death and doth witnes the same before the Church of which bodie he is a member This also is sealed vp to those which receiue the sacraments that the body of the Lord was giuen his blood shed not onelie for men in generall but particularlie for euerie faithfull communicant whose meat and drink he is to life euerlasting But as for him that without faith commeth to this holy table of the Lord he is made partaker of the sacrament only but the matter of the sacrament from whence commeth life saluation he receiueth not at all And such men doe vnworthilie eat of the Lords table Now they which do vnworthelie eat of the Lords bread and drink of the Lordes cuppe they are giltie of the bodie and blood of the Lord and they eat and drink it to their Iudgement For when as they do not approch with true faith they reproach despite the death of Christ and therefore eat and drink condemnation to themselues We doe not then so ioyne the bodie of the Lorde and his bloode with the bread and wine as though we thought that the bread is the body of Christ more then after a sacramentall manner or that the bodie of Christ doth lie hid corporallie vnder the bread so as it ought to be worshipped vnder the formes of bread or yet that he which receiueth the signe receiueth the thing it selfe The bodie of Christ is in the heauens at the right hande of his Father And therefore our hearts are to be lifted vp on high not to be fixed on the bread neither is the Lorde to be worshipped in the bread though notwithstanding the Lord is not absent from his Church when as they celebrate the Supper The Sonne being absent from vs in the heauens is yet not withstanding present amongst vs effectuallie How much more Christ the sonne of righteousnes though in bodie he be absent from vs in the heauens yet is present amongst vs not corporallie but spirituallie by his liuelie operation and so he himselfe hath promised in his last supper to be present amongst vs. Iohn 14. 15. 16. Wherupon it followeth that we haue not the Supper without Christ and yet haue an vnbloodie and mysticall Supper euen as all antiquitie called it Moreouer we are admonished in the celebration of the supper of the Lord to be mindeful of the body wherof we are made members and that therfore we be at concord with all ourbrethren that we may liue holily not pollute our selues with wickednes and straunge religions but perseuering in the true faith to the ende of our life giue diligence to excell in holines of life It is therefore verie requisite that purposing to come to the supper of the Lord we do trie our selues according to the commaundement of the Apostle first with what faith we are indued whether we beleeue that Christ is come to saue sinners and to call them to repentance and whether each man beleeue that he is in the number of them that being deliuered by Christ are saued and whether he haue purposed to chaunge his wicked life to liue holilie and perseuére through Gods assistance in true religion and in concord with his brethren and to giue worthie thankes to God for his deliuerie c. We think that rite manner or forme of the Supper to be the moste simple and excellent which commeth nearest to the first institution of the Lorde and to the Apostles doctrine VVhich doth consist in declaring the worde of God in godlie prayers the action it selfe that the Lorde vsed and the repeating of it the eating of the Lordes body and drinking of his blood the wholsome remembrance of the Lords death and faithfull giuing of thanks and in an holie fellowship in the vnion of the bodie
part agree with the writinges of the Apostles and with the custome of the auncient Church euen almoste to Gregories time which thing being so the custome of our Churches is to be approoued not to be disalowed but our Aduersaries misliking our custome doe defend manie errours some more foule and grosse others coloured with new deceites Manie heretofore haue written that in the masse there is an oblation made for the quick and the dead and that it doth deserue remission of sinnes both for him that maketh it and for others euen for the workes sake And thus were most of them persuaded and as yet are like vnto the Pharisies and the heathen For after the same manner the Pharisies and the Heathen did dreame that they for the workes sake did deserue for them selues and for others remission of sinnes peace and manie other good thinges Or although those which were not so blinde did speake more modestlie and saide that they did deserue but not without the good intention of the sacrificer yet they imagined that those sacrifices were merits a raunsome By reason of this opinion there were a multitude of sacrifices and the craftie meanes of gaine were increased Such is the marchandise of Masses and the prophanation of the Lordes Supper almost throughout the wholl world But God will haue corrupt kindes of worship to be reprooued and abolished Therefore we 〈◊〉 ●implie and in deede propound the voice of God which doth condemne those errors and with all our heart we affirme before God and the wholl Church in heauen and in earth that there was one onelie sacrifice propitiatorie or whereby the wrath of the eternall Father against mankinde is pacified to wit the wholl obedience of the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ who was crucified and raised vp againe This is that onelie Lambe which taketh awaie the sinnes of the world Ioh. 1. Of th●● onelie sacrifice mention is made Heb. 10. By one onely sacrifice he made perfect for euer those that are sanctified And this sacrifice is applied to euerie one by their owne faith when they heare the Gospell and vse the sacraments as Paull saith Rom. 3. Whome God hath set forth to be are conciliation through faith in his blood And Habac. 2. The iust shall liue by his faith And 1. Pet. 1. Being sanctified in the spirit vnto obedience and sprinkling of the blood of Iesus Christ Other sacraments in the old Testament were typicall wherof we shal speake more at large in their place they did not deserue anie remission of sinnes and all the righteousnes of holie men at all times were are and shall be sacrifices of praise which do not deserue remission either for them that did offer them or for others but they are seruices which euerie one ought to performe and are acceptable to God for the Mediatours and our high priest the Sonne of God his sake as it is said Heb. 13. By him we offer the sacrifice of praise alwaies to God That this is an vnchangeable and eternal truth it is most manifest And whereas certaine fragments which they call the Canons of the masse are alledged against this so cleare light of the trueth it is also manifest that the Greeke and Latine Canons are verie vnlike the one to the other and that the Greeke Canons do disagree among themselues in a most waightie matter and it appeareth that in the Latine Canon manie iagges peeces were by litle litle patched together of ignorant authors The auncient Church doth vse the names of Sacrifice and oblation but therby it vnderstandeth the whole action prayers a taking of it a remembrance faith a confession and thanksegiuing This wholl inward and outward action in euerie one that is turned to God and in the wholl Church is indeede a sacrifice of praise or thankesgiuing and a reasonable seruice And when the Lord saith Ioh. 4. The true worshippers shall worship the lord in spirit and in trueth he affirmeth that in the new testament outward sacrifices are not commaunded which of necessitie should be made although there were no motions of the holie ghost in the heart as in the law it was necessarie that the ceremonie of the Passe ouer should be kept But touching the supper of the Lord it is said 1. Cor. 11 Let euerie man examine him-selfe c. So the supper of th● Lord doth profit him that vseth it when as he bringeth with him repentance and faith and another mans work doth nothing at all profit him Furthermore concerning the dead it is manifest that all this shew is repugnant to the wordes of the institution of the Supper wherein it is said Take ye eat ye c. Doe ye this in remembrance of me What doth this apperteine to the dead or to those that be absent and yet in a great part of Europe manie masses are said for the dead also a great number not knowing what they do do read Masses for a reward But seing that all these things are manifestlie wicked to wit to offer as they speake to the end that they maie deserue for the quick and the dead or for a man to do he knoweth not what they do horriblie sinne that retaine and defend these mischieuous deeds And seeing that this ceremony is not to be taken for a sacramēt without the vse wherunto it was ordeined what manner of Idolworship is there vsed let godlie and learned men consider Also it is a manifest prophanation to carie about parte of the Supper of the Lord and to worship it where a parte is vtterlie transferred to an vse cleane contrarie to the first Institution whereas the text saith Take eat and this shew is but a thing deuised of late To conclude what be the manners of manie Priestes and Monks in all Europe which haue no regard of this saying 1. Cor. 11 Let euerie man examine him-selfe Also Whosoeuer taketh it vnworthelie shall be guiltie of the bodie and bloode of the Lord. Euerie man of him-selfe doth know these things Now although the chiefe Bishopes and hypocrites who seeke delusions to establish these euills doe scoffe at these complaintes yet it is most certaine that God is greeuouslie offended with these wicked deeds as he was angrie with the people of Israell for their prophanations of the sacrifices And we do see euident examples of wrath to wit the ruines of so many kingdomes the spoile and waste that the Turkes doe make in the worlde the confusions of opinions and many moste lamentable dissipations of Churches But O Sonne of God Lorde Iesus Christ which wast crucified and raised vp againe for vs thou which art the high priest of the Church with true sighes we beseech the that for thine and thy eternall Fathers glorie thou wouldest take awaie Idolls errours and abominations and as thou thy selfe didst praie Sanctifie vs with thy trueth and kindle the light of thy Gospell and true inuocation in the heartes of many and bowe our heartes to true obedience that
doctrine or hath a tongue or hath reuelation or hath interpretation let all things be done vnto edifying Hierom vpon the Epist to the Eph. Cap. 5. saith Singing and making melody to the Lord in your heartes Let yong men heare these things let them heare whose office it is to sing in the Church that we must sing to God not with the voice but with the heart and that the throate and the iawes are not to be greased with some sweete liquore as they vse to doe that play in Tragedies c. Now that which was spoken touching the vse of a tongue that is commonlie knowne it must be vnderstoode nor onlie of the singing of Psalmes but also of all the partes of Ecclesiasticall ministerie For as Sermons and praiers are to be made in a well knowne tongue to the Church so also must the Sacramentes be dispensed in a speach that is knowne For although it be lawfull at some time to vse a strange tongue by reason of the learned yet the consent of the Catholique Church doth require this that the necessarie ministeries of the Church be executed in our countrie speache 1. Cor. 14. I had rather in the Church to speake fiue words with my vnderstanding that I mayalso instruct others then ten thousand wordes in a strange tongue Innocentius the third De offi Iud. Ord. C. Quoniam saith Because that in many partes within one Citie and Diocesse there be people of diuers languages mingled together hauing vnder one faith diuers rites and customes we doe ●●reictlie commaund that the Bishops of such Cities or Diocesses doe prouide fit men who according to the diuersitie of ceremonies and language may execute among them the diuine dueties and minister the Ecclesiasticall Sacraments instructing them both by the worde and by their example Therefore they are to be said to doe godly and Catholiquelie who doe so appoint the dispensation of the Sacraments the singing of Psalmes and the reading of holy Scripture that the Church may vnderstand that which is said read or sung and the spirit may receiue fruit therby to comfort the minde to confirme the faith and to stirre vp loue OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF SVEVELAND Of the singing and praiers of Ecclesiasticall men CHAP. 21. ANd for that cause to wit that men should not wincke at that offending of God which might be committed vnder a colour of his seruice then which nothing can offend him more greeuouslie our Ministers haue condemned the most of those things which were vsed in the singings and praiers of Ecclesiasticall men For it is too too manifest that these haue degenerated from the first appointment vse of the Fathers For no man which vnderstandeth the writings of the auncient Fathers is ignorant of this that it was a custome among them wisely to rehearse also to expound a few Psalmes with some Chapter of the scripture whereas now adaies many Psalmes are chaunted for the most parte without vnderstanding and of the reading of the Scripture there be onelie the beginnings of Chapters left vnto vs and innumerable things are taken vp one after an other which serue rather for superstition then for godlines Therefore our ministers did first of all detest this that many things which were contrarie to the Scriptures are mingled with holie praiers and songs as that those things are attributed to Saints which are proper to Christ alone namelie to free vs from sinne and other discommodities and not so much to obteine as to giue vs the fauour of God and all kinde of good things Secondlie because they are increased so infinitely that they cannot be sung or rehearsed with an attentiue minde Now it is nothing but a mocking of God whatsoeuer we doe in his seruice without vnderstanding Lastlie because that these things also were made meritorious works to be sold for no smal price that we may say nothing hereof that against the expresse commanndement of the holy ghost al things are there said and sung in that tongue which not onely the people doth not vnderstand but many times also not they themselues which do liue of those kinds of singing and praiers THE SIXTEENTH SECTION OF HOLIE DAIES FASTES AND THE CHOISE OF MEATES AND OF THE VISITATION OF THE SICKE AND THE CARE THAT is to be had for the dead THE LATTER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of Holiedaies Fastes and choise of meates CHAP. 24. ALthough religion be not tied vnto time yet can it not be planted and exercised without a due diuiding allotting out of time vnto it Euery Church therfore doth choose vnto it selfe a certaine time for publique praiers and for preaching of the Gospell and for the celebration of the Sacramentes and it is not lawfull for euerie one to ouerthrowe this apointment of the Church at his owne pleasure For except some due time leasure were alotted to the outward exercise of religion out of doubt men would be quite drawne from it by their own affaires In regard hereof we see that in the auncient Churches there were not onelie certaine set howers in the weeke appointed for meetinges but that also euen the Lordes daie euer since the Apostles time was consecrated to the religious exercises and vnto a holie rest which also is now verie well obserued of our Churches for the worshippe of God and increase of charitie Yet herein we giue no place vnto the Iewish obseruation of the daie or to anie superstitions For we doe not account one day to be holier then an other nor thinke that resting of it selfe is liked of God Besides we do celebrate and keepe the Lords daie and not the Saboth and that with a free obseruation Moreouer if the Churches doe religiouslie celebrate the memorie of the Lordes natiuitie curcumcision passion and resurrection and of his ascension into heauen and sending the holie ghost vpon his disciples according to christian libertie we doe verie well allow of it But as for festiual daies ordeined to men or the saintes departed we cannot alow of them For indeede such feastes must be referred to the first table of the lawe and be long peculiarlie vnto God To conclude these festiuall daies which are appointed to saints and abrogated of vs haue in them many grosse things vnprofitable and not to be tolerated In the meanetime we confesse that the remembrance of saintes in due time and place may be to good vse and profit commended vnto the people in sermons and the holie examples of holie men set before their eies to be imitated of all Now the more sharpelie that the Church of Christ doeth accuse surfeting drunkennes al kinde of Iustes andintemperancie so much the more earnestlie it doth commend vnto vs Christian fasting For fasting is nothing els but an abstaining and temperancie of the godlie and a watching and chastising of our flesh taken vp for the present necessitie whereby we are humbled before God and withdrawe from the flesh those thinges whereby it is cherished to the e●de it
Epistles especially in those to Timothie Titus And with the same Apostle we account the doctrine of such as forbid mariage or do openly dispraise or secretlie discredit it as not holie or cleane amongst the doctrines of Deuills And we do detest vncleane single life licentious lusts and fornications both open and close and the continencie of dissembling hypocrites when as they are of all men most incontineut All that be such God will iudge We doe not disalow riches and rich men if they be godly and vse their riches well but we reprooue the sect of the Apostoliques c. OVT OF THE FORMER CONFESSION OF HELVETIA Of holie wedlocke WE thinke that wedlocke beeing appointed of God for all men that be fit for it and are not called to some other thing is nothing repugnant to the holynes of any degree The which as the Church doth consecrate and establish with a solemne exhortation and praier so it is the duetie of the Magistrate to see that it be worthelie kept and mainteined and that it be not dissolued but vpon iuste cause Therefore we doe farre reiect this Monasticall single life and this wholl slothful kinde of life of superstitious men which is nothing else but an abhominable deuise as beeing as much repugnant to the Church as to the common wealth OVT OF THE CONFESSION OF BOHEMIA Hitherto perteineth first that which is set downe in the 19. Chap. of this confession in these wordes FOr this cause it is thought to be good and well standing with wisdome so farre vndoubtedlie as may be done by conscience that Priests to the end that they may so much the more diligentlie exercise them-selues in the studie of the holie Scriptures and may the more readilie and profitablie serue the Church of God be free and exempted from all affaires and burdens of ciuill conuersation seing that it behooueth them to fight valiantlie for the faith of the gospell of God and if it may be to be also free from wedlock to this end that they may be the more ready and free to do that which is for the increase and furtherance of the saluation of the people and that manie harmfull impediments may be turned from them which doe concurre with that kinde of life do often times withhold and hinder the due workes of the ministerie For which causes our ministers think that they are more readie prest and more fit for the Ecclesiasticall Ministerie which are vnmarried yet they meane such vnmarried persons as haue this peculiar gift giuen to them of God that they maie remaine such and so giue them-selues whollie to the Ministerie This thing is so obserued among vs as is meet yet is it neither taken for a sinne neither doth anie man disdaine at it if Priests vpon iust and lawfull causes be married For holy Paull teacheth how such ought to be chosen to this function yea the holie Ghost himselfe doth permit that Byshops and Elders should haue their lawfull and honest wiues and he doth in no case giue them libertie contrarie to order and the discipline of God to entertaine concubines or otherwise so to liue as that they maie thereby giue offence to others And concerning marriage it is thus written It is better to marie then to sinne so manie waies and to burne with so great dishonestie for which sinnes not onely the Priest but also euerie Christan without respect of persons both ought and shall worthelie by excommunication be cast out of the Church Also CHAP. 19. Of single life and of Wedlock COncerning the condition of single life virginitie and widowhead our Preachers do teach that euery man hath free libertie either to chuse it to himselfe or to refuse it for by waie of a law nothing is commaunded of God to men touching these things neither is this thing appointed of God neither is it on the other side forbidden for which cause no man ought to be enforced thereunto against his wil nor be driuen from it And as concerning the Church and certaine men chiefly the ministers of the church our men haue taught from the beg●nning and do now teach first that the gift of chastitie by the peculiar goodnes of God and of the holie ghost both in times past was giuen at this day also is giuen to some for the singular vse and profit of the Church as Christ his speach doth euidentlie witnes Euerie man saith he doth not receiue these wordes that is that a man should keepe him-selfe single without a wife but they to whome it is giuen And holie Paull also doth both place and celebrate this amongst peculiar giftes and whereunto some are peculiarlie called And moreouer the examples of certaine in the Propheticall and Apostolicall writings and of Iohn Bapist and of many ministers and weomen ministers of the Church do witnes this thing In the second place they teach that this gift is not of flesh and blood for the Lord by distinguishing doth remooue and seperate from hence that vnablenes which is in this kinde but of the spirit which is ielous who from his heart hath a care and pleasure in the glorie of God and in his owne and his neighbours saluation and also in the Ministerie of the Church and for this cause he doth of his owne accord absteine from wedlock Therefore the Lord saith Those which haue made them-selues Eunuches for the kingdome of heauen that is who be such as might be maried yet they do omit and absteine from it because of the affection of the inward heart and their loue toward God and his word and for the pleasure and ioy which they receiue thereof and through this gift of the spirit whose vertue and power doth ouercome the motions of nature they do preserue the purenes as well of the spirit as of the bodie howbeit this thing is not in them without labour and difficulty euen as it is a thing of no small labour and difficultie for all Christian men to forsake and to want the vse of other pleasant things and also such as are profitable for this life as friendes riches and monie Thirdlie that single life is to be chosen and taken with a true intent and a godlie meaning that is not to this end or with this purpose that a man would by this meanes merit or get vnto himselfe or to another remission of sinnes and eternall life and so consequentlie saluation it selfe For ther is no continencie or chastitie nor anie humane action or other vertue which can merit the onelie innocencie and death of the onely begotten Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ doth performe and perfit this thing Neither must the thing be receiued with this meaning as to think that some dignitie is added to the holie ministerie of the Church by reason of this gift or that the workes of those that be vnmaried in this ministerie are to be preferred in merit and dignitie before the works of
that they which are accused to your sacred Maiestie of errour do desire nothing else but that they may be taught and haue wholly addicted themselues to the holie scriptures which are fullie sufficient to confute euerie errour also thereby that Christ our Sauiour hath made so large a promise that where euen two or three be gathered together in his name there he will be in the middest of them graunt vnto them any thing wherupon they shal agree These thinges most godlie Emperour we do here rehearse for no other cause then to shew our selues obedient to your sacred Maiestie which would haue vs also to declare what is our iudgement concerning the reforming of religion For otherwise we haue good hope that your sacred Maiesty hath of late verie well considered and doth sufficiently perceiue what necessitie doth enforce vs thereunto what fruit doth allure vs and to conclude how worthie a thing this is for your sacred Maiestie which is so much praised for religion and clemencie that all the best learned and moste godlie men beeing called together they maie finde out of the diuine scriptures what is to be thought of euerie point of doctrine which are at this time in controuersie and then that it be expounded by the fit Ministers of Christ with all meekenes and faithfulnes to them which are thought to be deteined in errors Notwithstanding herewithall it is to be feared that there will not be men wanting who will do their endeauour to withdraw your sacred Maiestie from this vnto these men it seemed good to vs in this sort to make auswere as it were before your Maiesty Let it please your sacred Maiesty according to your most excellent clemencie for which you are renowmed to take interpret in good part both this same and all other things which we haue here expounded and confessed for no other respect then to defend the glory of Christ Iesus our God as our dutie requireth and as it is meet we should to obey your sacred Maiestie and to count vs among those whoe truelie doe from our hearts desire to shew our selues no lesse obedient and addicted to your Maiestie in all humble subiection then were our Elders being readie in this point so farre as is lawfull to spend both our goods and our liues The King of glorie Iesus Christ graunt vnto your sacred Maiestie both in this and in all other matters to do all things to his glorie and preserue it long and aduance it happilie both in health and in florishing estate to the safetie of all Christendome Amen VERIE BRIEFE OBSERVATIONS VPON ALL THE FORMER HARMONIE Wherein the doubtfull sayings of euery Confession are made plaine the darke speaches opened and besides such as in outward shew seeme to be contrarie one to the other are with modestie reconciled And to be briefe such things wherein there is yet any controuersie which in deed are very few are fauourablie marked noted that they also may at length through Gods assistance come to be agreed vpon by a common consent of all the Churches 1. Cor. 14. 32. The spirits of the Prophets are subiect to the Prophets Phil. 3. 15. Let vs therefore so many as be perfect be thus minded and if ye be otherwise minded God shal reueal euen the same vnto you Neuertheles in that whereunto we are come let vs proceed by one rule that we may minde one theng VERIE BRIEFE OBSERVATIONS VPON THE FORMER HARMONIE ACCORDING TO THE ORDER OF THE SECTIONS IN THE FIRST SECTION Vpon the Confession of Bohemia ACcording to the auncient custome This auncient custome we doe thus farre allow that libertie be left to euerie Church to vse or not to vse those Postills as they call them yet so as we aduise them to beware lest this culling out of some partes of the Scripture bring in a neglect of the other partes Vpon the Confession of Saxonie IOyning our Praiers with al Saintes in heauen We learne in many places of the holie Scripture that the Angels according to the nature of their ministerie which they are sent to performe doe further the saluation of the godlie and it is euident by that saying Loue doth not fall awaie and by the 6. chap. ver 10. of the Apoc. that the spirits of the Saintes taken vp vnto Christ doe with their holie desires in some sort helpe forward the grace and goodnes of God touching the full deliuerance of the Church And thus we acknowledge that as wel this and other places of the same confefsion as also that place in the 23. Chap. of the confession of Writemberge which followeth after in the 2. Section page 45. are to be interpreted And we acknowledge no other intercession or intreating either of the blessed Angels or of the spirites of holie men that are now departed from vs. Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge OF whose authoritie there was neuer doubt made What books these be may be seene outit of the French and Bellgian Confessions where they are all reckoned vp one by one And though that in the Catalogue of the bookes of the new Testament there are some to to be found of which there hath beene some doubt made sometimes by the auncient Doctours of the Church yet at length by the common consent of the whole Catholike Church euen they also were receiued and acknowledged for canonicall And therefore there is no cause why they should now be refused for the scruples that some make about them IN THE 2. SECTION Vpon the latter Confession of Heluetia FOr as touching their nature and essence they are so ioyned together Lest any man should slaunder vs as though we did make the persons al existing together but not all of the same essence or else did make a God of diuerse natures ioyned together in one you must vnderstand this ioyning together so as that all the persons though distinct one from the other in properties be yet but one and the same whole godhead or so that all and euerie of the persons haue the whole and absolute godhead Vpon the same VVE reiect not the gods onelie of the Gentiles but also the images of Christians By Christians vnderstand such as cal themselues Christians in deed but yet do reteine the vse of images for the seruice of religion against the expresse commaundement of God Vpon the former Confession of Heluetia REiecting herein all meanes of life and saluation saue Christ alone Vnderstand it thus that here are excluded and condemned all those meanes that vse to be matched with or made inferiour vnto Christ by such as be superstitious and not instrumentall meanes ordained by the worde of God whose helpe god doth so vse that the whole force of the outward ministerie is to be ascribed wholly to God alone as is plainelie set downe afterward in the 12. Section in the declaration of this selfe same confession where it intreateth of the ministerie and sacrifices Vpon the Confession Of Bohemia IS
Section and the 7. obseruation the 9. Section and the second obseruation vnto the same Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same The Pastours of the Churches doe consecrate c. By the name of consecration we vnderstand no other thing then the vse of Christs ordination by whose blessing and power the elements are sanctified vnto vs whereof dependeth the wholl force and dignitie of the sacraments Vpon the same Euerie holie daie and other daies also if any be desirous to vse the sacrament c. Of holie daies is spoken afterwards in the 16. Section But in our Churches certaine daies by publick warning are appointed wherein if any refuse to receiue the Supper they answere for it in the Consistorie Vpon the same about the ende of the 2. Article of abuses And because that the parting c. This verilie is one cause why the carying about of the Sacrament is condemned yet neither the onlie cause nor the chiefest Vpon the Confession of Saxony ANd that he is in thee c. This we admit touching the spirituall efficacie not concerning the verie essence of the flesh the which is now in heauen and no where else as hath beene before shewed in the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same Neither are any admitted to the Communion c. This we alow as being vnderstood of Catechizing or instruction As for priuate absolution how farre we thinke it to be required it hath bin shewed of vs heretofore namelie in the 8. Section and 1. obseruation both vpon this and also vpon the Confession of Bohemia Vpon the same That Christ is trulie and substantiallie present c. Looke the 1. and 2. obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same That Christ witnesseth that he is in them and doth make them his members c. Both these also we doe imbrace as is contained in the worde of God namely so that this wholl dwelling be by his power and efficacie and that the flesh of Christ be communicated vnto vs yet after a spirituall and mysticall manner as hath bin declared of vs before both in the Confession of Bohemia and of Auspurge Vpon the same And lessons appointed c. How farre we doe alow this distribution of the holie scripture looke the 1. obseruation vpon the Confession of Bohemia the 1. Section Vpon the Confession of Wirtemberge That the true bodie of Christ c. Looke before in the first obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same Of the bodie of Christ being onelie absent c. We doe beleeue out of the word of God and by the perpetuall and euident agreement of the wholl auncient and true Church that the bodie of Christ hath alwaies bin is and shall be circumscribed and locall Wherefore as when he liued vpon the earth he was no where else so now also beeing aboue in heauen he is there and no where else in his substance as Vigilius plainlie affirmeth against Eutiches Yet for all that we doe not affirme that the verie body of Christ is onelie or simplie absent or that the bread and wine are onlie simple and naked signes or bare Pictures or nothing else but certaine tokens of Christian profession For in this sence is there one onlie action of the holie Supper that yet notwithstanding it should be partlie corporall and celebrated vpon the earth in which respect we doubt not to say that Christs body is as farre distant from vs as heauen is from the earth partlie heauenlie the minde and faith lifting vp the heart vnto God in the which respect we acknowledge that the body of the Lord is present in the Supper to our minde and faith But that they be bare and naked signes how can we possiblie affirme which so often and so euidently haue beaten vpon this that the things signified are no lesse certainly giuen vnto the mind then the signes themselues vnto the body Vpon the same Or else chaunge them into the bodie and blood c. We se not how God may be said to be able to doe that which is manifestly repugnant to his owne will concerning the euerlasting truth of Christs body as it hath bin opened vnto vs in the word of God Vpon the same But for the truth of the sacramentes c. The truth of the Sacrament we affirme whollie to consist in this that there be not any vaine signification of the signes but that that which is signified vnto them by the bodie is indeed giuen vnto the minde to be receiued by faith As hath more fully beene spoken heretofore in the first obseruation vpon the Confession of Auspurge Vpon the same But that whole Christ c. But we say by the institution of God that the body by the deliuering of the bread is giuen vnto vs as true meate and that his blood by the powring of the wine is giuen vnto vs as distinctlie as true drink yet both of them to be receiued with the minde and with faith not with the mouth Notwithstanding that by this dispensation which in respect of the thing signified is distinctlie made and in regard of the signes themselues seuerally distributed that nothing is deuided in the humanitie of Christ Vpon the same Therfore to the right action of the Eucharist c. This we do so graunt to be true that notwithstanding we doe also knowe that the supper of the Lord is not priuate vnto two but that it appertaineth to the wholl Church or at the least to some one part of the same IN THE 15. SECTION Vpon the former Confession of Heluetia TO the people euerie daie c. to wit where it may be done commodiouslie but in other places as oft as may be IN THE 16. SECTION Vpon the Confession of Bohemia OF this sort be certaine daies appointed for fasts holydaies c. And a litle after to the remembrance of holy men as of the Virgin Marie c. Also a litle after in the 17. Chap. Holy daies consecrated to the Virgin c. Also That the Saints are truely worshiped c As certaine Churches doe so farre submit themselues to the infirmitie of them with whome they be conuersant as to obserue these things though they doe disagree very much yea though they be altogether contrarie in the manner thereof so most Churches not being compelled by any such necessitie haue without the offence of other Churches vtterly abolished euen these things also not onelie as vnprofitable but as hurtfull Vpon the same Doe make godlie and Christian songs of hir c. Also a litle after and sing profitable songs and such as are free from superstition c. Herein also let the Churches vse their libertie to edifying and let that be very carefully auoided in this song which hath hapned in extolling the praises chieflie of the Virgin Marie lest that whilst God seemeth to be praised in his Saints the
married men but as the Lord saith that it maie be receiued for the kingdome of heauen that is in such sort as he which for the gift spoken of before is fit to lead a single life As therefore by these things he may with lesse hindrance and more easily and readilie with great leasure and more commodiouslie imploy his labour to the saluation of the Church and holy assemblies euen so he may be a more conuenient minister then others of the same saluation which Christ hath purchased for him and whereof that he may be partaker by faith it is giuen him freelie of grace and wherein he doth keepe and vpholde him selfe seeing that it is certeine that by the state of marriage many lets manie cares and manie thinges whereby necessary quietnes is disturbed are cast in our way And this is it which Paul saith I would that you should be without such cares He that is vnmarried is careful for those things which pertein to the Lord how he may please the Lord. Also I think that this is good for the present necessitie Also to that which is seemlie to performe diligence by seruing the Lord without distraction And before we rehearsed the voice of the Lord who saith that there be some who for the kingdome of heauen do abstaine from marriage And holy Paull saith He that giueth not his virgine to be married doth the better For which cause it is taught that all they who of their owne accord do take and chuse vnto themselues this kinde of life ought carefully to haue regard hereunto that in such a life they may with a singular earnest endeauour exercise godlines and be holie as Paull commaundeth as well in body as in spirit and giue more light then others by the honestie of their actions by the laboures of such trades as beseeme a Christian profession by doing all that they can for the benefit of the Church and by yeelding their seruice to the sicke and to other needy members This gift and purpose of such which do thus in this matter consecrate themselues to God and such an exercise of their godlines is commended of our men and they do faithfully persuade men hereunto but they do persuade as we said and not compell the which thing Paull also doth who writeth thus Concerning Virgines I haue no commaundement of the ●●rd but I deliuer my iudgement which haue receiued this mercie of the Lord that I maie be faithfull I thinke it good for a man to be such a one and he concludeth after this sort He is more happie in my iudgement if he remaine such a one that is vnmarried then if he marrie and I thinke that I haue the spirit of God In like sorte in comparison of others there be bountifull and peculiar promises and singular rewardes offered vnto those that keepe themselues single to wit that their worthie workes shall be recompensed with a great reward and that no man shall in vaine for sake anie thing as house father brother so also his wife c. as the Apostles did for the Lords cause Furthermore it is taught that they which haue receiued this gift of God and being throughly prooued and tried in this behalfe do of their own accord serue the Lord and the Church they are taught I saie together with other giftes to make great account of this gift and to keepe it diligentlie lest that by anie euill lustes or by anie allurements of occasions they do loose it Yet notwithstanding if anie good faithful and diligent man chaunce to be assaulted with such a tentation as to feare in himselfe the heat and wicked fact of luste then there is no snare laid for such a one neither is there anie daunger of entrapping his conscience but he that is in this case let him be put ouer to take counsell of the Elders and gouernours of the Church who haue the spirit of God that all may be done in the Church in order decentlie with honestie of the example and with the vsing of all due consideration Then verilie if vpon these thinges thus done he doth lawfullie chaunge his kinde of life he doth not sinne seeing that he obeyeth the counsell of the holie Ghost and the holie Church ought not for this cause to contemne him nor to make anie thing the lesse account of his ministerie Notwithstanding if for this cause he should be contemned which the Church can not do without sinne it were certeinly better for him by this meanes to preserue his soule although he should be one of the common sort of Christians onely then by persisting in his ministerie with sinne to loose and condemne it But although it seemeth to come neerer to the example of the Primitiue Church that worthie and honest maried men may be chosen to take the charge of soules in the Church thē to giue them leaue to change their kinde of life who before being vnmaried did labour diligently in the ministery of the Lord yet notwithstanding our men do not ground the worthines holines and vertue of the Ecclesiasticall ministerie no more then they doe of Christian saluation vpon either of these kindes to wit neither vpon the state of single life nor of wedlocke neither is there any other thing sought or looked for as it is before declared more then that onelie profit and opportunitie which falleth into a single life and is commended of the holie Ghost After these thinges they doe thus consequentlie teach touching wedlocke that such a condition of life though it haue many difficulties punishments and curses ioyned with it wherewith after the fall of man both mankinde and this order is opressed yet that it is in this wise holie and acceptable vnto God because that God himselfe did in the beginning ordaine it and afterward Christ our Lord did confeciate it and doth daily consecrate it in those that are his and that in such sort that their children also be holie and that moreouer God hath offered vnto it peculiarlie singular promises and blessings which are conteined in the Scriptures Thence therefore must al true Christians know that whosoeuer doe chuse this kinde of life so as it becommeth them and with an vpright purpose doe both giue them selues thereunto and be conuersant therein they doe not onelie not sinne but they doe and accomplish that which God would haue them to doe and that they lead such a kinde of life as God doth peculiarlie call some vnto and that they doe serue the selfe same Lord whome the vnmaried men doe serue THE FRENCH CONFESSION doth condemne Monasticall vowes and the forbidding of Mariage Artic. 24. which we haue inserted in the 16. Sect. OVT OF THE ENGLISH CONFESSION VVE saie that Matrimonie is holie and honorable in all sortes and states of persons as in the Patriarchs in the Prophets in the Apostles in the holy Martyrs in the Ministers of the Church and in Bishops and that it is an honest and lawfull thing as