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A13881 A full and plaine declaration of ecclesiasticall discipline owt off the word off God and off the declininge off the churche off England from the same.; Ecclesiasticae disciplinae, et Anglicanae Ecclesiae ab illa aberrationis, plena è verbo Dei, et dilucidà explicatio. English Travers, Walter, 1547 or 8-1635.; Cartwright, Thomas, 1535-1603. 1574 (1574) STC 24184; ESTC S118505 144,991 206

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rule ouer the people off god that ther be no violence nor tyranny vsed or suche like as comonly is vsed in that state which degenerating from the gouernment of a fewe off the best commeth to a fewe off the richest but that they adioyne also to ther owne authoritie especially in matters off great waight as in choosinge or deposinge off any Ecclesiasticall Officer or in suspendinge or excommunicatinge any man the consent and agreement off all the people For we reade it to haue bene thus done euē frō the Apostles tymes vntill that Discipline was corrupted as appereth in the Actes off the Apostles written by Sainct Luke and the Ecclesiasticall history off the primitiue churche So that in this respect yt seemeth that the churche is gouerned rather by all then by a fewe And therin to resemble that state off gouernment wherin the cōminaltie is the chiefe Which societie must needes be gouerned by a heauenly ordre for it is the best state off all wheras all these thre meete in one kind off gouerment as both Plato thought and Aristotle and the other chiefe and excellent Philosophers that state I say wherin all the cytezins obediently submit them selues to god which cōmandeth as kinge and monarche and the assembly which decreeth by his will and authoritie where also the assembly decreeth no weighty matter without the cōsent and approbacion off the rest off the churche and people Neither is this the māner of gouernment off parish churches onely but the same is also kept where more churches are either for that they be nighe togeether or because they are all subiect to the same Magistrate or for ther cōmon proffit and commodty ioyne togeether and make as yt were one body For off this sort also be all the assemblyes which are gathered for the gouernment off the churche both those which are called Conferences and Synodes wither they be lesse Synodes suche as they were wont to haue twise a yeere in euery prouince or greater which are gathered to geether by the authoritie off any one whole kingdome free state or common wealthe or ells off mo kingdomes and countries For the souerantie allwais reserued vnto Christ by whose word all thinges are gouerned as in a Monarchy The counsell or Assembly off Elders as in the second state off gouernment which I described before decreeth by common counsell and authoritie that which is for the wealth and commoditie off the churche the people with all good will allowing off the godly iust and honest determinacions off the Assembly or making them voide and off none effect yff they be not suche as in the last ststate wherin the people hathe to rule and gouerne Off which Assemblye both Conferences and Synodes of both sortes althoughe many thinges might be said very necessary and profitable for the vse off our churche to which nothing could be more profitable then these assemblies being so vsed as they are apointed to be vsed by the word off god and vsed by other purer and better reformed churches as contrariwise nothinge doth more hurt then these Synodes visitacions and conuocations which are come into ther places which as we vse them are full off infinitie abuses wherin almost no other thīge is talked of or detreed but of square cappes copes ād surplises what fashiō the ministers gowne and cloke must be off an such like trifles yet seing this hangeth off that which hathe bene allready spoken off the gouernment off particuler churches and the more full handling off those thinges may be taken out of the lerned writinges of some off our daies which haue lately writē touching this matter passinge this thus briefly ouer let vs returne againe to the assembly and cōpany off Elders which seing I haue declared both to haue bene instituted by our Sauiour Christ and to be very necessary for the preseruacion off the churche because that therby controuersies are ended offenses are taken away the churche being purged is deliuered from the feare off the punishement off god the Sacraments are kept holie and vndefiled fynally all thinges are done seemely and orderly as the Apostle cōmandeth to be done in the churche off god By what subtelty off Satan and negligence of our selues are our churches bereaued off so singuler ād heauēly a benefit can any mā deny but that Christ hath thus apointed that this assemblie should thus gouerne in his churche iff ther be any man that can deny it Let hym tell vs what the meanyng ys off thes wordes Tell the Assembly in the xviij off Matthew or what keyes that is to say what power off openinge and shutting off heauen off bindinge or losinge sinne our Sauiour speaketh off in that place Or what that Assembly off Elders is which Paule in his Epistle to Tymothy speaketh off or what Elders they be that he speaketh off in the chap. following And Peter likewise in his Epistle who they be that to the Corinthians he calleth gouernours To the Thessalonians Rulers and Ouersers And who they be whom the Apostle to the Hebrews saith to be set ouer the congregation vnto whom he willeth them to be obedient and to submitt them selues And who they be also whom Sainct Luke in the Actes calleth the Elders off the churche off Hierusalem and off Ephesus wold they haue vs proue that it is necessary Let them teache vs contrary to that which our Sauiour Christ hath geuen vs warning off that yt is not necessary that offenses should arise or ells shewe some better meanes how to redresse them or take away when they be risen then that which our Sauiour hath appoynted which is to be exercised by the Assembly Let them shewe it to be a needles care to kepe the Sacramentes impolluted and vndefyled or iff they confesse yt to be needfull let them teache vs some better way to do yt by then that which our Sauiour Christ hath taught vs allready For I think ther is no man off any sound Iudgement that will say That which we vse nowe is fytter for this purpose that is to say that one Bishopp and he not oftentymes by him selffe but by his Chancellor and he by his Surroga●e should take hym so selffe all this authoritie alone rule as he listeth in steade off a lawfull Assembly off Elders who by common counsell and authoritie should gouerne the church For as I declared before the Bishop tooke vpon him the office off Deacons that they being taken away he might distribute the church goods all alone and how after also takinge vppon him t●e office off the Elders when he had likewise thrust ou● them he tooke vpon him alone all the care off the churche So here also he hath abolished the whole Assembly that he alone may be asked Counsell off he alone may haue knowledge iudge and determyne off all matters For he spreadeth him selffe ouer all the body euen as the eye which S. Paule speaketh off in the first to the Corinthes For as the eye will haue no
commendeth also vnto the Elders the flocks which ar amonges them that is to say to euery one off them ther owne flockes wherby yt may appeere that they were set ouer certen flockes And these be not only the examples off the Apostles but the lawes which they geue vs and the commandementes which they left vs to ordeyne Elders and Deacous in the churche as the necessitie and state theroff shall require And sure I cannot tell how he can thinck him sellfe to haue receyned any office who with out doinge any man wronge may sitt idle iff he list Offten tymes the auncient Sinodes made decrees against thes idle orders that leaue a man so free bindinge him to no certen charge That no man should be ordeyned an elder as they vse to speake yt without a title that is to say without a churche And suerly iff all wer not confused and trobled in the Discipline off our churche we could neuer beare so notable disorder that suche kind off allowinges should be esteemed lawfull ministeries which ar then only Mynisteries off the churche when they that ar thus commended and allowed off haue gotten a churche that will vse ther labor and who in the meane tyme eyther do nothinge or ells goe about as they lift in all the realme as roges and masterles seruantes seekinge some mayster that will hyre them and vse ther Labor Suche tymes in deed ar spoken off in the stories off the Iudges wher Ionathan the Leuite wantinge a highe place and an aulter went rouinge to let out his seruice to any that would hyre hym but it is added in the same place that ther was then no kinge in Israell But this great confusion was taken away afterward by Dauid and Salomon and euery one accordinge to the ancient prescripcion off Moses and Iosus wer appointed ther proper seates townes and cynes ●o occupy them in Therfore whie do we that lyue vnder the kingdome off CHRIST our true Salomon who hath sett all this in very Good order whie do we I say suffer the churche to be stayned with so notable a spott and ordeyne not accordinge to the word off God that no no man be appoynted to any Ecclesiasticall office But he that is called to a certen churche wher to to exercise it And why do we not accordinge to this example call home the Priestes to the Arcke off the Lord and the leuites to the appointed cities Ther remaineth somewhat that lickwise perteineth to all that beare office in the churche That is that they so execute them that they may not be accused for neglectinge or pretermitinge ther duties For in the church what so small a charge is there which we ought not to studie with all faithfulnes laboure and diligence to make florishe to beautifie and adorne seinge we haue the Angelles for lookers on to see how we vse and behaue our selues in the execucion theroff and the Lord him selfe a most liberall rewarder off the one parte yff we do it well and contrariwise a most seuere Iudge and Auenger iff we do it not accordinge to our dutie For that which the Apostle cōmandethe to geue Archippus warrninge off That he should diligently see to his office which he had receyued off the Lord is to be extended also to all thos that beare any charge or office in the church off God and euery one ought to thincke it to perteine to them selues which the same Apostle admonisheth Tymothie off that is That they discharge ther dutie and make knowne ther ministerie by all meanes yea further all that are called to any office or gouernment in the churche must vnderstand that the same hange he ouer ther headdes which the Apostle declareth that he was afraide off iff being called therunto he should not preache the Gospell For ther is none so litle a charge in the howse off god wheroff one day most streight Accompt shall not be asked In vayn then shall men dreame off pardons dispensacions and priuiledges All shal be called to Accompt to declare with what faithfulnes and diligence they haue done ther dewties They shal be ●e compelled to aunswer ther most deadly enemyes that off them selues shal be readie to accuse them for not hauing discharged ther dutie And the accompte shal be made in the greatest and most solemne assemble that euer was for seing that it appeare the by the parable off the talētes com̄itted to the seruantes that a most streight accompt shal be asked off the lest gift off god that we receyne in this world how muche streighter do we thinck it wil be for thē that haue receeyued gouerment in the churche and iff he shal be so hardly delt with that neglecteth one talēt that he hath receiued They that beare greatest offices in the churche and vpon whos faithe and credit in discharging off them the saluacion theroff dothe in a maner depend how carefully ought they bothe day and nyght to thinck off dischardging this dewty hauinge so great a reckoninge to make not off one Talent but off the churche which our Lord Iesus so deerely loued that for loue theroff he vouchsafed to come frō the highest heauens into thes lower partes off the earthe to redeeme it and purchase it not with gold or siluer as saithe Sainct Peter but with his precious bludd But I do otherwise then I was purposed that am fallen to threatninges and exhortacions wheras in the beginninge I only purposed to declare what ought to be doone and what we do not And yet ther be so great faultes committed in this behalff that it seemuch nothinge can be greuously and vehemently enoughe spoken against them For the chiefe charges off the churche ar not only left vndischarged for negligence but dispensacions and priuiledges are granted that exempt ministers from the necessary doinge off ther dewty and geue Pastors leaue off this condicion to leaue ther flocke and ther churches yff they leaue an other in ther place to read seruice vnto them And for them that will goe to the vniuersitie by an ordinary lawe it is lawfull to be absent three yeeres and the realt with a litle mony may purchase the like dispensacions in the Archbishops court and market Off the sāe sort also be thos bulls that are bought in the same market that geue ycence off heaping so many churches or as they call them Beneficies to gether which Faculties as they call them besides the intollerable couetousnes wher with also for some mennes diligence in this behalffe is ioyned extreeme need and pouertie off a great nomber off other as commonly it commeth to passe wher a fewe men rake all vnto them selues bringe in a●so into the churche a necessitie off neglectinge off dewty seinge yt is impossible that one should be able to serue more churches and thos often tymes the lenght off the whole land a sonder In which horrible destroyinge off the churche and neglectinge and for sakinge the Lordes flock streyinge in the
iust cause now to complaine that our church wanteth so worthy an office do not the slaunders off our aduersaries who are ready to take all occasions to speak euill off the Gospell require suche watchemen to watche and see that offences rise not in the churche doth not the shamefull wickednes off men require suche Censors And can this noble lawe off doinge all thinges orderly and comely in the churche off God want those any longer who shold haue a care to see it kept That all thinges come not to confusion and be turned vpside downe Therfore let Elders be restored to our churche againe which are both necessary helpes for the safetye and preseruation off yt and worthy ornamentes for the estimation off the same Let vs obeye the Lordes Commaundement touchinge the ordeyninge off Elders yff either the safety or estymacion off the church be deare vnto vs or yff we haue any care off doinge our duty vnto god As for election and Ordynacion off them seing yt may be taken out off those Generall rules which I haue giuen before and doth not requyre any thinge to be speciallie spoken in this behalffe Let vs conclude this matter and together with all euen the whole treaty which hath bene handled concerninge the symple charges and offices off the churche besech ing God our most mercifull father that yt may please him to haue mercy off our churche and that as he hath raised yt in a māner from the deade and oute of the graue againe So he would also vouchsafe to adorne and beautyfy yt being raised vpp That yt may please hym to take awaye the deformyties off yt cutting off that which is superfluous and supplyinge that which wantethe To encrease hir beau●y and ornamentes and to Poolishe and perfect her with his most freshe and lyuely colors To restore trewe Discypline againe To abolishe the Canon lawe that only they which are called may bare office in the churche That Ambition may be repulsed and put back That the the lawes off lawfull Election and ordynation may be kept Fynally that a lawfull Mynistery may be established thoroughout the Realme which may continewe for euer That Deacons may be made for the poore and Elders to admonishe such as goe astray And last off all that as he hath most mercifully allready begonn in our church all thinges which he hath most wisely appoynted to the glorifyinge off his name and preseruinge off his churche So yt may please hym of like grace and fauour to perfect and finishe his worck emonges vs And thus much off those offices and charges off the churche whiche we call symple It followeth now to speake off the Consystory or Councell off the churche Whereoff allthoughe ther be no newe or speciall Eelection and ordynacion because yt consisteth off suche as are allredy called to the former offices yet I thought Good euen for this cause to distinguishe them from the former for that here no one man hath any office or authothoritye to do any thing as in the former But ther is one office off all which they all do execute in common together For the Consistory or Councell off the churche is the company and Assemblye off the Elders off the churche who by common Counsell and authoritye do rule and gouerne the same Vnder the name off Elders I do meane only Pastors Doctors and those who are by proper named called Elders For I see not what ground yt hath that some would also haue Deacons to be off this company For seing that Sainct Paule calleth this assembly the company off Elders It followeth that they must be Elders who be off this assembly But the name off Elders is no wher in the Scriptures that I can remember attributed vnto Deacons But only vnto Pastors Doctors and suche as are properly so called To proue that Pastors and Doctors be Elders I neede not cite many places which are infinite where they are so named As for them who are specially called by this name That one place in the xij off the Romanes may sufficiently proue Where the Apostle distinguishinge the office off a Deacon into two partes geueth to those only the name off Elders and gouerners calling the other by an other name This Consistory therfore consisteth of these three ordres Pastors Doctors and Elders which is called by S. Paule the Assembly off Elders as also by the same Apostle they are all called by the name off Elders in an other place In the xviij off Mathew our Sauior calleth them by the name of the churche because they rule ād gouerne church matters vnder the name and authority off the churchr So likewise the name off all the assembly by Moses is geuen to the Elders off the Iewes that is to say vnto certein chosen and picked out men who were assigned by all the congregation to the gouernment off the affaires Thus plainly it is taken in the viij of nombres wher the Lord appointeth that the Congregation shall lay handes vppō the Leuites But I think no man will say that this is to be vnderstoode off all the congregatiō that so many thousandes should laie there handes vpon them as are rehersed to haue bene then in the host off Israell but the Elders and princes only as Aben Ezra doth rightly interprete yt Which is to be noted the rather because some will haue the wordes off our Sauior to be expounded off all the churche wher as accordinge to the manner off speakinge which the Hebries vse the Consistory or counsell off the churche is called the church where also it is to be obserued that togither with the name the thing it selfe is translated from the Iewes vnto vs That looke what a Counsell the Iewes vsed for the gouernment off the churche we ought to vnderstand by this name that suche a one is apointed by our Sauior to be in our churche Therfore in the same place he attributeth to this Counsell the chiefe gouernment off all churche matters that all such thinges as cannot otherwise be agreed and ended be at the last brought vnto them and ended by ther au●horitie and iudgement And iff there shold be any off so desperate boldnes that should dispise the authoritie off this Assembly off Elders Our Sauiour Christ pronounceth hym to he as an ethnik or a publycan assuringe suche a one that his stubburnnes and rebellion shall not escape vnpunished Wherfore he graunteth vnto them chiefe authoritie accordinge to his word to forgeue or retaine synnes which the Doctors off the church are wont to call the keies off heauen because that heauen is in a manner set open for them to enter into whome they haue thus accordinge to god his word forgyuen there synnes as contrarywise it is shutte and barred against them whose sinnes they doe retaine And seing that God hath giuē to our Sauiour Christ all power in heauen and in earth and that the keye off the house off Dauid which is the church off god is geuen to him
he hath testified yt with a most certeine and vndoubted testemony that is to saie by the sendyng off his onlie begotten sonne to take awaie our sinnes and as the Prophete off God to declare all the Lordes will and coūsell towardes vs and to rule the churche by his owne authoritie For this is that Prophet like vnto Moses who shold plainelie and perfectlie declare vnto vs of God all thinges which doe belonge vnto our dewtie whome we ought to heare and to obeye as the holie ghoste by the mowthe off Peter hath expounded that promise and by that heauenlie voice which testefied off him from heauen that he was the deare and onlie begotten sonne off god in whome the father was well pleased and commanded vs to heare him But how shoulde we thincke him to be like vnto Moses yff he either hath wholy omitted or not so clearlie and perfectelie as farr as was needfull for vs shewed and declared this doctrine off the manner off gouerning the churche being so necessarie and which Moses hath so diligentlie and faithfullie declared Thefore we must conclude iff we acknowledge Christe to be that Prophette that he hath fullie and perfectlie declared vnto vs whatsoeuer was nedefull for the gouernmēt off the churche excepte we will robbe hī of some parte off his Propheticall office or preferre a seruate be he neuer so faithfull before the only begotten sonne and as yt were Eliezer before Isaac in his fathers howse which surelie they doe who thincke the seruante to haur omitted nothing in this behalffe that the heire hath omitted all and that Moses lefte all thinges perfecte but Christe eyther beganne them not or did not fynishe that which he beganne Now whereas I affirme that Christ hath lefte vs so parfecte a rule and Discipline I vnderstand yt off that discipline which is common and generall to all the churche and perpetuall for all tymes and so necessarie that without yt this whole societie and company and Christiane common wealthe cannot well be kepte vnder there Prince and king Iesus Christe And surelie we must nedes either confesse that Christe hath lefte vs suche an order to liue by or ells spoile him off his kinglie office For what doth more belong vnto the name office and dewtie off a king then to geue lawes vnto his cytezens and subiectes ▪ and to make such decrees and ordinaūces wherby all the partes off his kingdome maie be mainteined The Papistes indeede denie it and dispute against vs and cōtend that it is lawfull for there highe prieste to rule and order the churche off God as he listeth but we who doe detest and abhorre this blasphemous voice and according to goddes worde aknowledge and confesse Christe to be the only king off the churche how can we saie either that he neglected so greate and so necessarie a point off his Kinglie office or that he hath left yt vs to order as we please But yff there be any whose speache is so contrarie to it selfe that they graunte Christe to be the King and lawe geuer off the churche and yet will saye that either he made no lawes touching tht gouernment off his people or fewer then were needfull Let them consider how litle they differ from the Papistes in this poincte and how vnhonorably and vnreuerently they speake off Christe our Lorde For yff he hath not set in order the whole state off his kingdome iff he hath not apointed officers and declared the dewtie and authoritie off euerie one yff he hath not apointed what shoulde be the order off courtes and off Iustice iff he hath taken no order how the controuersies off his subiectes maie be ended he hath lesse prouided for his churche then not only Moses did for the Iewes but then Lycurgus Solon Numa and other lawegeuers off the gentiles prouided for there cities and common weales Which yff we confesse what shall become off that famous kingdome which the Prophetes sette out with such pompe and glorie what shall become off that septer off Iustice and that Chariotte wherein Dauid describeth him sitting in the middest off the church Which althoughe we graunte properlie to belong to the kingdome off Christe in heauen affter th●s life yet are those Prophecies not so wholy to be referred therunto but that they haue also some relacion to the begynning off his kingdome in this life For seing his kingdome in this life differeth from the other by reason and certeine respecte only and is not altogether off an other kinde so that the thinges which are here begonne shall then be fully accomplished There is a certeyne proporcion to be considered here and all those prophecies are after a sorte also to be expopounded off this kingdome As where yt is prophesied that in the kingdome off Christe all thinges shal be ordred by perfecte Iustice and equitie that all his subiectes shal be obedient and full off heauēly knowledge that there shall be no Cananyte in all the lande that the gentiles shal be shutte out off the citie off god and suche other thinges which the prophetes most worthelie and notablie haue sett out we must vnderstand that all these thinges after a certeyne manner are to be referred also to his Kingdome in this life and declareth that the gouernment of this Kingdome of his churche here owght also to be iust and equall that the faithfull who are his subiectes owght not to be brutishe and ignoraunte but as conning in heauenly matters and as full off that knowledge as maie be That men off vicious lyfe and geuen to all sinne and wickednes are to be cast out and banyshed from the churche and the temple off god to be kepte as nere as is possible free and cleane from all pollutions and prophanacions Furder also they are conuicted by the whole historye off the Gospell and by the writinges off the Apostles by which it appeareth that he hath lefte vnto vs fully all thinges which were nedefull for the administracion off gouernment off his kingdome For howe oftē talked he with his disciples touching this kingdome How often did he declare what maner off kingdome yt was namelie that yt was no kingdome off this werlde that it handled not the busynes and affaires off this life but suche only as parteine to the mynde and conscience How often did he declare what his officers should be nāely no gracious nor honorable Lordes but ministers off the churche How exactelie did he apointe the order off his courtes and iustice that no thing more could be required to a right gouernmēt and lawfull pollicye yea euē a litle before that he went from his disciples how earnestlye and how carefully cōmēded he the charge off his kingdome vnto them how greate authoritie gaue he them to shutte or open heauen and so greate was his care for the dewe administring off his kingdome euen then when he toke his triumphant chariotte wherewith he was after caried into heauen that sitting there he
can we conuince thos that speak against it but by the scriptures as it is rehersed in the Actes that Apollos did Finally how shall he be able to do that which Sainct Paule commandeth Timothe namely to enstruct to teache to reprehend reproue and exhorte but by the Scripture which as the same Apostle in an other place teacheth Timothe are able to furnishe the man off god that is to say the minister off his word to do all thes thinges according to his dewty And seing Sainct Peter witnessethe that we are begotten againe into a new life by this seed and being borne are norished and grow vp by this milk how can it be that any man with out this seed should gett children vnto god or norishe and bring vp such as ar begotten off other The kingly Prophet Dauid doth witnes that he knew not which way to go yf this lampe did not shine allwais before hī to direct him in the right way Therfore seing the Ministers off the word are commaunded to lead vs in the right way They ought to be Torch bearers and to cary this light kindled in ther hand which may first geue light vnto them selues and after also to those off whom they haue receiued charge to leade them in the wais off god And off this office off leadinge guiding and geuing light come those worthy names and titles wherby they are called in the scriptures starrs off the heauē the salt off the earthe the light off the world and guides off the blynd and such like But onlesse thes starres do shyne and onlesse a gret deale off light be first gathered into these Sonnes as there was in the first creation when the Sonne was created to rule the day iff I say the sonne yt selffe be not first lighted and kindled It cannot shyne to others nor shew the way by that light it hathe not so likewise yff the salt be vnsauery wherwith shall a manseason yt The like may be said off thes who are guydes of the blinde For as our sauior saithe if the blind lead the blind they must both fall into the ditche And that we may more surely be perswaded off this doctrine Let vs consider some other names and titles for it wer an infinite thinge to gather all wherby ther office and dutie is declared Sainct Paule saithe that the mynister is the Stewarde off god And addeth in the same place A disposer off the mysteries off god Therfore bothe he ought to geue meat to the lords houshold in dew time and the houshold must aske thes Misteries off the steward As the Egyptians when they came to the kinge in the famyn wer sent by him to his highe steward that had the disposinge off the corne As it is also expressely said by Malachy the Prophete That the lippes off the priest keepe knowledge and the lawe shal be asked at his mouthe Therfore this steward ought to be suche an other as Ioseph was that hath gathered togither great store of corne and filled his barnes and granaries and stored the store house off his breast longe before with thes victualles that he may minister to the necessitie ād famin off the people And this is that scribe which the lord him selffe doth witnes to be made ready for the kingdome off god that is for the prechinge off the Gospell that is able to bringe out off his store hous as the houshold shall haue neede bothe newe store and old To the Ephesians S. Paule saith that the pastor and the Doctor wer geuen off Christ to the buildinge off his body as it wer off the temple off god that this most noble frame and more meruelous thē the most beautifull frame off this world might the builded But he that cannot tell how to handle the tooles and instrumetes that he should occupy for his buildinge what his he able to doe worthie the precious foundaciō wherupon he buildeth The same Paule as he calleth the the churche the Building of God so he calleth it his husbādry which allthoughe it receiueth encrease of the only blessinge off god yet ther be som seruantes set to plant it and to water it in respect of which wateringe in other places also they are compared to the heauen and to the cloudes and the doctrine with the raine and with the dewe But iff thes cloudes be such as S. Iude speakethe off Clouds without water and this Heauen such a one as the lord treatnethe in the lawe to his people whē they shall offend hym harder then any yron or steele how shall the field or herytage off the lord florishe or bring fourth fruit But because it wer an infinit thīge to gather all the names off ministers which ar immunerable let vs leaue the rest and consider only the name off a Pastor and Shephard For how many thinges are conteined vnder this one nāe of a Sheppard how infinit a care and wonderfull knowledge off diuers and sondry thinges namely that he keepe the flock day ād night euē with the daunger of his life frō the wolues wheroff S. Paule diligētly warneth the bishoppes off the church of Ephesus that they feede the sheepe rule them with the shepehooke call thē by name and leade thē out to the holesome pastures ād sweet run̄ynge streames and after bringe them to the fold againe which that Archpastor and chefe sheppard did fully and thorowly parforme Furthermore what lerninge were yt needefull to haue to do those thinges which Ezechiel and Zacharie require off the Pastors namely to strengthen the weake to heale the sick and diseased to bind the broken and wind vp thos that ar brused to seek thos that are lost and to brynge home againe to the fould thos that goe astraie Therfore no man may be chosen to be Pastor or sheppard off the lordes flock but he that is endewed with thes diuers and manifold giftes whos voyce may be insteade off a sheephooke to rule his sheepe at the hearing wheroff they may go in and out that knoweth what feadinge and what waters is fittest for the flock and fynallie that perfectly vnderstandeth how to helpe and heale the weake and diseased Neither let any man here complaine that I am more seuere and rigorous then needethe seing that which Paule requireth is nothing lesse that is to say to teache in sound doctrine to raise vp thos that faynt to cōuict thos that resist to strenghten thos that shake and are fallinge to breake the prowd and stubburne to allure the godly by hope of reward to all vertue and honesty and to terrify the wicked from synne by menacinge and thretninges For for the first point that is off doctrine what a man thinck we ought he to be that ought to vnderstand that he be able to teache thos misteries meruaillous to the Angelles themselues and vnknowen in the worlde not longe agoe off god manifested in fleshe iustified in spirit receyued vp
in glory and so forth as Paule most notably reherseth and which he declareth that the good minister off Christ ought to teache vnto the churche Furthermore who but a lerned man and well taught and brought vp in the schoole off Christ is able to discerne betwene sound and corrupt doctrine and to geue that as most holesome foode and pleasaunt waters vnto the flock and that also fitly aceordinge to the varietie of diuers times and of the other part to knowe and perceiue in tyme and wisely to auoide false and corrupt opynions or foolishe and vaine questions which as the Apostle saith like gangrenes doe freat to the ruyne off the churche And doth it not require a merueilous great diligence and singuler knowledge in the holie scriptures to prescribe all orders and degrees off men what they ought to doe what is fitt for euery one and what euery mans dutie is to declare the dewty off kinges and magistrates to shewe the obedience off subiectes to preache the law the gospell repentaunce faith which S Paule in Timothes person prescribeth all ministers to preache and in the person off the Auncientes off Ephesus wherin takinge to witnes that he had done so exhorteth them to followe hym and to do the like How hard a matter it is to stay thos that are fallinge by the comfort off the promises to refreshe and ease thos that ar weary and heauie laden to raise vp them that are beaten downe to the ground as it were from the graue againe Thes thinges had neede off a heauenly kind off cun̄inge and knowledge and off that learned tonge wherby Esay witnesseth that he refreshed thos that trauayled and wer weary But that I be not to long in this matter and that I omitt both many other thinges namely thos devine and merueilous secreates off the election off the faithfull and reprobacion off the vngodly how great is that one thinge to be able to answer whē he is asked in all matters what the lords will and pleasure is and to be as it wer the oracle off the church which it is not possible any man should be able to doe with out a great and excellent knowledge off the word off god which only is left to vs in steade off the Sainctuary off the Arke and orakle off god vnder the lawe no more then it was possible to execute the priesthoode with out Vrim and Thummim Therfore seinge ther is so great art required to the gouernment off the churche and seinge as it is said by one in an other case that it is a pece off worck that had need off many taklinges helmes and oares no man ought to haue the guidinge heroff committed to him but he that is expert and cōninge neither is it meet to set a boateman or a skoller to it Who by reason off his ignorance in the starres iff he were in the middest off the Sea cold not tell wher aboutes he were but shold be compelled to crie as it is in the Poet. O Syrs we know no east nor west wher Sonne doth rise or goeth to rest It wer more meet to set heere to the gouernmēt off the ship the con̄ingest master that euer was who lookinge to the word off god in steade off the north starre may bring it with streight and direct cuurse to the hauen Further it is also to be considered in this questiō that the case is touchinge the gouernmēt off the churche off feedinge of the flock off the lord of keping Hierusalē the citie off our god off building the temple off god off the body off Christ then the which ther is nothinge more to be esteemed in heauē and earth That we may the rather determin that suche a flock that hath as many goulden fleeces in it as ther be sheepe ought to be committed to the keepinge off none but off a most con̄inge painefull and diligēt man and as it wer an other Iacob For who is he that wer able to answer the Lord for the losse off the lest sheepe off this flock At whos bringinge to the fould againe after it hath wandred and gone astray seinge the Aungelles are so gladd off and reioyce iff it wer lost would they not in a maner Lament and would not heauē and eaathe put vpon them mourninge apparell for the same yff then we commit this flock vnto a shepphard that not only seketh not the lost sheepe nor bindeth not that which is brokē but cānot if he would howe many would be lost and how greatly do we thinck that the lord off the flock will esteeme so great a losse What would he say not only to the shepherdes but to his stewardes that had set such a one ouer his flock Surely all ther Iudgement is pronounced by Ezechiel namely that both the watchemen that geue not warninge off the enemyes and the cytie also that seteth such watch men ouer them shal be bothe taken and perishe togeether and by our Sauior Christ sayinge that if the blynd leade the blynd both shall fall into the ditche Therfore seinge the Bishopp must speake and preache off so heauenly matters by reason off his office Seinge he is set ouer the gouernment off the church off god Seing that vndoubted daunger hangeth ouer the head both off the minister and churche iff such a one be chosen to rule that is not able and seinge off the other part all this fitnes and abilitie consisteth in holie knowledg off the sacred doctrine and vnderstandinge off the word off God I thinck it is sufficiently proued that no man ought to be admitted Bishopp ot minister who is not godly and lerned And iff any haue bene o●herwise by error admitted to be put oute againe For so our Sauior Christ hath allredy pronounced that the vnsauery salt is to be cast out off the dores and the Prophet Zachary prophesied that it should come to passe in the kingdom off CHRIST that they should willingly geue ouer that office againe freely openly professinge that they are in deed not Prophetes but husbandmen and that from ther you●h vp they had neuer beene schollers vnto the Prophettes but Neathearedes Porters shepherdes seruinge men and suche like Which seinge yt is so manifest and confirmed by so many Testimonyes off the Scripture that yt can not be denyed I merueile that euer yt could come to passe in a Christian churche that so clere and expresse commandementes off God so proffitable for vs and necessary for the saluacion off the churche should be broken and transgressed But they are not only broken and that commonly and so offten that for one fyt minister a man may find a nomber off vnfit and vnlerned but excuses and pretēces are sought to defēd this fault with all as iff in manner it wer lawful to do so And the most hainous crymes that can be wanteth not there lawer and counsell to pleade for them They say that yt is euill in deed but a necessary euill
continency frugalitie and all moderacion off life but only that I would haue them receiued as the embassadores off Christ for the honor off ther master honestly ād liberally that we put not thē downe to the meany to eate with the shepherdes and hired seruantes nor forget those that labor in the Lordes worck as Moses gaue the Iewes warnīge towchinge the Leuites seing we sit all of vs by the blessinge of the Lord quietly and in peace euerie man vnder his Oliue tree and vnder his vine ād gather in our hauest and our vintage seinge I say we enioy thes cōmodities we ought not to deale couetously sparingly and niggardly with them but louingly liberally and bountifully that they may liue honestly and cōmodiously off ther labors that they may norishe and mainteine ther house and familie that they may prouide them selues suche necessary helps as they stand in need off for ther vocation and callinge yea and furder that they may be able to releiue and succor the pore and ●eedy for this is the right waie to preserue the ministerie that bothe it become not vile and contēptible thorowghe poue●●y and misery neither that it wax wanton an prophane by great excesse and abundance For as it is a shame for the churches to see ther minister in miserie thoroughe neede ād necessitie so it is to be feared leste they wax wantō by to great plēty ād riches For surely it was a right heauenly voyce and spoken as an Oracle off the maner off gouerninge the church which the story of the primitiue church reherseth was hard from heauen in the time off Constantine the great that godly Emperor that is to say that the churche was poisoned with riches For so it came to passe that they fell frō labor to idlenes from tēperancie to excesse and wantonnes from the meane estate off bishopes and ministers to affect and desire to imitate ād follow the magnificence and maiesty off lordes and princes hereof come the ther siluer ād gilted Crosiers wherby they imitated the sceptres off kinges heroff they got them myters as kinges haue ther crownes hereoff also because the noble men kept great traines of seruāts that they might be the beter able to serue the comon wealthe in tyme off need they wold also haue ther traines and began to be delighted and to take pleasure in an vnprofitable nomber off seruantes and waitinge men to adorne and set out ther cuphordes with siluer vessell and plate off gold to array thēselues in costly apparell for now a dais a man may see them that weare soft apparell not only in kīges courtes as our Sauior Christe saide but euē in the church to be called honorable lords to sit at the right hand off kinges and princes to send them giftes and presentes to bid thē to ther bancketes and bothe seeke and mainteine ther honor and estimation by a certen courtly pompe and shewe This condicion I not only wishe not to our Bishoppes but iudge it and esteeme it alltogether intollerable and by no meanes to be suffered as a meanes to hindre there labor and diligence in ther office as a meanes to make them wanton lascyuious and proud and agreathe not with that meane estate that ought to appere in Bishopps but is most contrary bothe to the ordinance and also to the examples off Christ our Sauior and off his Apostles Neither in my Iudgmen● may any church be esteemed well enoughe reformed that euen in this behalffe doth not obey to the expresse commandement off god and take away all this vaine pompe and shewe and make the Bishoppes be content with the meane estate off ther place and callinge making them able to bidde the pore to ther table and the banished for Christs sake but not to bidd kinges and princes calling them the seruantes and Ministers off Christ and not honorable lordes beinge carefull that they may be suche as may shine in godlines learninge modesty temperaunce continencie and all example of good life not with gold and siluer with traines and trompes off mē and lordly port and courtly state off honor Thes are the right ornamentes off Bishoppee wherby they may procure to thē selues an honest report with credite ād authority in the church off god to there ministerie wherbie also they mvy preserue and mayntene the same Therfore let vs not take to muche pleasure in the outward beautie and faire shewe off this pompe and glory but let vs see iff ther be any vse and proffit off it desyre rather that which is proffitable for others then that which seruethe only for avaine shewe For as the Poet saithe Seeke not the thing that faire is to eye But rather that the cyty may liue by But the church liueth not by this pompe and shewe nor hathe no neede off it but off godlines lerninge symplicitie and modesty by which thinges Christ would haue his kingdome enlarged And I pray yow how do this moue the mindes off men to goe to the church with a great traine off men before him and after him as the Bishoppe that Eusebius speaketh off in the seuenth boke off his ecclesiasticall historie to goe to the pulpit with officers afore him makinge Roume for my lorde to preache in a Rochet and a faire square cappe leaninge opon a quishion off clothe off gold Thes thinges may delight the eyes for a tyme and the outward senses take pleasure in this vaine shewe but I see not how the mīd is more easilie taught beaten downe or raised vp againe by this meanes For it must be a certen heauenly power ioyned with a pure lerned and simple interpretation off the scriptures which must work thes thinges which are Iewells more meet to shyne in a pulpit than siluer or gold Plinie shewinge the cause off the fruitfulnes off the Roman feeldes in times past more elegantly in deed then truly Then saithe he when the fieldes wer tilled by Emperors it is like that the earthe reioysed to be plowed with a share bearing a lawrell garlond vpon it and to be tilled off such a plow man who had before triumphed More pretilie I say then truly for that it is better for tillīge off the earthe that the ploughe share be sharpe then that it be crowned with a laurel garlond and that the ploughe man be diligent rather then suche a one as had entred the citie in greate pompe and triumphe Which also the same Author correctinge him selffe addeth after in the same place sayinge Or ells this might haue beene the cause off the fruitfulnes off the feeldes thē That thos worthie Captaines and Emperors handled ther seedes as carefully as ther battelles and were as diligent ouer ther fieldes as ouer ther tentes Or ells this That all thinges speede more happilie which are done by them who are honest and vertuous because they be also done more painfully and with greater trauell which surely me thincketh is the very cause off the fruitfulnes off the lordes field And that then
other Let this knowledg be brought to action and to the vse our life Let the Doctor haue a chaire set for him Let him haue schollers appointed him whom he many teache and instructe in the feare of god and know edge off heauenly misteries I meane a chaire wherin he may sytte to teache and to cathechize not wherin taking his ease he may be idle and fall a sleepe And suerly it is a merueile to see that when they should especially labor then they do geue thō selues most off all vnto ease And that they thē cherishe and make most of them selues as yff they were allredy come from the Seas into the hauen when they should rather leave the hauen and take the Seas For when they are once made Doctors either for their vnderstandinge and knowledge or for their time and continuance then they obteine I know not what priuiledges from takinge off paines any more Prerogatiues off honors and estimacion priuiledges off heapinge off benefices together so that they seeme to be like old souldiours who be exempted from doinge any more seruice or to be arriued at this Doctorshipp as it were at a hauen wher they should be at an ende off all their labor and trauell This is therfore to be corrected by vs accordinge to the Ordinaunce off God Teachinge and Cathechizinge is to be required off a Doctor Touchinge ther examinaciō how to try them who are to be chosen to this office I think it not needfull to speake any more bothe because I haue spoken heroff generally and at large before and also for that there is no great fault in the lawes and statutes but rather in negligence and want off execution off the same lawes and good Statutes I omitt also to speake off thee election and the maner off chosinge off them Which being done by an vniuersitie and by the consent off so many lerned and worthy men I wold not disalowe As for so many foolishe trifles as are vsed in the creatinge and ordeininge off them they are sufficiently confuted allready by that which hathe beene spoken by the ordeininge off Bishoppes And thus muche off Doctors In which place also some are wont to speake off schooles colledges and vniuersities because they seeme to cary a certen lykenes and similitude off Doctors and Disciples teachers and Schollers Prophetes and sonnes off the Prophetes Which sure is a worthy poynt and very needfull to be handled considering the diuerse abuses off schooles colledges and vniuersities but yet it conteinethe more matter then may be well handled at this time For it had need off a seuerall treatise which I trust as allready touching schooles hathe bene worthely and lernedly handled by maister Askham in his Schole master So touching the rest some off that lerned company wheroff there arise daily many noble and most excellent wittes will performe And surely it were worthy the labor off some notable excellent man to teache the vse of vniuersities and to call them back againe to the right ende wherunto they were ordeined and appointed which is this that they should be meanes to preserue and make perfit all other noble artes and sciences and especially diuinitie which knowlege iff it be not diligently kept by the Doctors in the aulters off the Vniuersities as in tymes past the fire that came downe from heauen was by the Leuites Surely it will shortly come to passe as we haue allready seene yt and that with in these fewe yeres that the church shall vse straunge fyre to the doinge off all thinges Suche Vniuersities the holie history rehersethe those off Naioth Bethel Hiericho and Hierusalem to haue bene which when all men thought surely that this fyre off gods word and knowledge off the scriptures had bene clea●e gone out as yt came to passe also in these our daies norished certeine sparkes in the ashes off which afterwardes by good blowing off them they kindled Religion againe And suche vniuersities should we also haue now a daies which might bothe kindle Religion being put out and also enflame and encrease yt being kindled yff the sonnes off the Prophetes did painfullie bestowe them selues in readinge meditatinge and expoundinge off the scriptures as we reade those off Samuells colledge did But now in steade off labor ydlenes is come into the vniuersities for peace and honest quietnes contention and discord the greatest poison to good studies that can be for godlines and the feare off the lord neglect and allmost contempt off all Religion with dissolute kinde off licence and libertie wherby they geue them selues to all ryot and wantonnes And suerly yt greeueth me to thinke how farr off they be from the Muses and lerninge who dwell euen in the very houses and pallaces off the Muses And that these places which are set furthest from any noyse off the world that we might the more frely geue our selues to good and honest studies ringe with cries noyses and alarmes raised vp by troblesome wittes and sounde againe with mutuall reproches hatred iniuries and reuenges and that euen the very temples off Religion the aulters off holines and the chappelles off godlines and off the feare off the lord do waxe prophane vnholy and voyde off all trewe Religion What do we think that those noble worthies which at ther great costes ād charges founded colledges to this end that the seruice off god and holynes off life might spring from them and from those foūtaines flow to the rest of the churche what do we thīk I say would they say if they were gathered to gether ād should looke downe from heauē vpon ther colledges dowe not think they would cōplaine one to an other that ther colledges were become like vnto tentes off warre wherin nothing were exercised but hate ād enmitie ād that euē in those places which they had made to be hyues off a heauenly kind off hony an innumerable sort off oranes are risen vp who not only gather no hony themselues but so mislike also off the labor and diligence off other that take great paines to gather that they neuer cease to vexe and molest them vntill they haue driuen them out off ther h●●s from amonges them What iff I should raise out off ther graue some either off the holie Bishoppes founders off the vniuersitie off Oxeford or off the famous kinges founders off the vniuersitie off Cambridge what iff that noble kink Henry the eight the last off that worthy cōpany as Hercules was the last of the worthies because he is last to deale with the vniuersities in behalffe off the rest what I say could they annswer him iff he should complaine that That which was most liberallie and bountifullie geuen for the maintenannce off good lerning is abused to riott and idlenes That the hiues for Bees are become den̄s for droanes that They are no more colledges off studentes but monasteries and cloisters off idle and snoring monckes That not only barren and vnfrutefull trees but al-also off hurtfull and most
Paule making oure whole life to answer to those 7. dayes off the Passeouer and Christ to be our Paschall Lambe the house to be the Assembly and Companye off Communicantes as also some off the Hebrew interpretors expound yt Sweate bread to be synceritie and trew the and Leauen to be maliciousnes and wikednes seemeth he not I say to ground and gather herevppon that that same Corinthian who in the tyme off the feast off our trewe Passeouer had that leauen found in his house that is to saye had so greuously synned after the profession off Christian Religion was to be cast out off the church And hauinge chaunged a litle the manner off Speakyng he addeth in the same place that this olde leauen was to be purged out from the church off God which he calleth a newe Lumpe and Sweete or vnleauened bread Herebye therfore as I think yt is plainly proued bothe that the vse offexcommunication hathe bene at all tymes necessarie in the churche and also that is was fyrst translated vnto vs from he Iewes by Lord hym selffe And that yt was afterwardes vsed by the Apostles and synce the Apostles tyme euen vnto this age in the churche off God Allthoughe myserablye depraued and corrupted in this later age wheruppon I conclude that it ought to be vsed in Christian churches when tyme and occasion doth serue Furder it hathe bene declared hereby what excommunication is and what the force and nature off it is namely that yt cutteth off from the church that is to saie that company which professeth the trewe seruice off god the party against whom suche a sentence is geuen and depriueth hym from the blessed hope ●ff the children off God and waiting for the promises togither with the signes and seales theroff which both promises Sacraments are geuen to the churche alone So that by this as it was in that most greuous sentence and condemnacion off the Romaines spoken off before all the rightes priuiledges and freedomes off a citezin off the cyty off God are cleane lost and taken away and so muche the more greuous is this sentence to be esteemed that wheras he that had lost his fredom in Rome might haue bene denyzed into some other free towne or place but he that loseth the freedome off this cytie can not be receiued as Denison into any other free state or common welthe but being cast oute off the kingdome off god is delyuered to the kingdome off darcknes and to extreame bondage seing ther is no meane but that he who is not off the one kingdome must be off the other as doth appeere in the example to the Colossians Therfore our Sauiour Christ declareth that by this sentēce a man is pronounced to be an ethnick and a publycā which being spoken in respect off the Iewes is as asmuche as one should say nowe in respect off the Christians a Panym a Saracene or a Turcke And Saint Paule declareth it to be a delyuering to Sathan wherupon also we are commāded in the Epistle to the Thessalonians that we haue not to doe with thē who are suche which Sentence the more greuous yt is and how much more terrible this sword is then that the Angell shaked before Adam to feare hym with all So muche the more care and heede is to be taken here against whom we pronounce suche a sentence against whom we draw out so sharpe ●n edged sword lest that iff it be against and Innocent or one that is not giltie off some haynous offence and vnrepentant we make our selues by prophaninge the most holie and sacred Iustice off god gyltie off his heauy iudgement and displeasure Therfore this sword is to be handled and ruled by the word and commandement off the highe Iudge and to be drauen out onlie against them against whom he shall commaund it to be drauen neither is so sharpe a kinde off surgerie to be vsed to the curing off the rest off the body except yt euidently appere that some member be cleane rotten and putrified Wherin lest we should offend by any error certen expresse rules are geuen vs which do fully sett out all the ordre whereby we ought to proceede in this case For our Sauiour Christ declareth generallie that euery one who shal be disobedient vnto the churche exhorting him to acknowledge and bewaile his offences shold be holden as an ethnick and a publican And Saint Paule more particulerly declarethe an heretick is be excommunicated A schismatike a Blasphemer an Idolater or he that offendethe so greuously in māners that he is an incestuous person or a fornicator or giltie off any of thos crymes which are rehersed in the first Epistle to the Corinthes the v. chap. and the xj verse and to the Thessalonie in the ij Epistle the iij. chap. and ij verse For allthoughe as our Sauiour Christ most wisely and worthelie handleth this matter in the xviij off Math. yt be better that one member be cut off then that all the bodie do perishe yet wher the case is concerninge the cutting off off some part off our bodie or off pulling out the eie we ought to considre first diligently yff there be any hope to recouer yt againe yff there be any medicine that may do yt good yff the publique fast off the churche as a certene spirituall diet off the whole bodie may remedy it fynally wither yt be alltogether putrified and rotten so that the part must needes be plucked awaie or cut of that the rest of the the bodie may be preserued before we suffer yt to be pulled out or cut off from the bodie Yea futhermore allthoughe it plainly appeerethe to be putrified and that the sore be alltogether desperate and past hope of remedie yet notwithstandinge we ought not to mayme the bodye or put out the eye althoughe that part and membre be become vnproffitable nay althoughe yt be hurtfull and and noysome to the rest without great griefe and sorowe off the whole bodye nor without sence and feelinge and naturall compassion off so great a myserie In which behalffe as the Papistes were wont most greuously to offend when as for euery light cause and euen for not payinge the Officiall or some Officer off his court some shillinge or two or other dewties men that were otherwise very honest and godlie had bothe other sentences and euen this most greuous emonges all geuen against them So that to this daye this notable corruption off this deuyne Iustice is not corrected nor amended But euen as yt was wont to be in tyme off darknes matters off lest waight and importance are punyshed with those greuous and fearefull sentences But seing that the Edge both off the other sentences and also off this which is most greeuous is the commanndement off god ād that not only one off the Bishopps officers but all men alyue are not able to cut off from the churche whom Christ from heauen doth quicken which his spirit as a membre off his bodie
and laid vppon his shoulders so that no man may shutte iff he doth open neither open iff he doe shutte yt is not to be doubted but that heauen is open and shutte also when they do open and shutt who haue receiued his authority and vnto whom he hath committed this keye Therfore as Lacedemon had an assemblie off Elders Athenes a highe court named Areopagus Rome a Senate and fynally euery kingdome and cōmon welthe a Counsell whos authoritie is chiefe and soueraigne in all affaires and by whome the rest off the society are gouerned So lykewise the churche hath an Assembly off Elders by whose authoritie ecclesiasticall and church matters are gouerned and administred But these thinges are to be declared more at large and all this power and authority more especially and particulerly to be shewed that we may knowe how farre it extendeth it selffe and off how great force and waight it is to the lawfull gouernment off the churche Therfore the whole authority of the cōsistory cōsisteth in ij partes off which the first concernethe the officers off the churche that is to saie touchinge bothe the choosinge and deposinge off thē wherof I shall not need to speake in this place seig I haue sufficiently spoken before off Elections wherby also may be easelye vnderstoode that which apperteynethe to the other pointe off depositions The secōd part off this authoritie cōsisteth allmost wholie in takinge heede to offences and correcting and remouinge them out off the churche Which offences Saint Paule semeth in the xvj off the Romans to deuide into two sortes into sectes and Offences wheroff the first semeth to apperteine vnto Doctrine and the other vnto manners All which authority off Correctinge is spirituall as proceeding not from the Magistrates but from the Elders off the churche For as this counsell is Ecclesiasticall and the court a spirituall court as we vse to call yt as also it is manifestly distinguished by S. Paule from the cyuill courtes and places which the Apostle calleth courtes for thinges belonging to this life So also the punyshement is speciall and suche as belongeth to the sowle and Conscience and concerneth not this life nor those thinges with which the ciuill magistrate is wont to deale So that they are the more to blame who for this cause reiect and refuse all Ecclesasticall kinde off punishement as iniurious to the magistrate seing it handleth nothing that the magistrate can in suche sort deale with all but is lymited and bounded with reprehensions taken out off the word off god by takinge awaye the vse and communication off Sacramentes and publique praiers from them and suche like thinges as do apperteine to the soule and conscience But most off all they are to be blamed who doe falsly charge this lawfull discipline as I shewed whith offendinge against Princes and magistrates wheras yt neither punysheth any thīge which belōgeth to the courtes off ciuil officers nor yet punysheth with cyuill punishemēt as off goodes or off body any fault which it correcteth but only in such sort as hath bene declared wheras they whoe do obiect this may be charged with bothe faultes For this discipline off theyrs both dealeth in cyuill causes and by right apperteyninge to the courtes off the Magystrates and often tymes those whome they haue authoritye to correct they punyshe by the purse or emprisonment But to passe thes lightly ouer for hast which notwithstanding are most waighty accusations and worthy for the haynousnes off them to be de●ie with in the kinges benche as offending so highly against the state and authoritie off the prince and Magistrate Let vs come to the diuers kindes of Censures and reprehensions which are vsed in this lawfull discipline Now this correction is off two sortes and is done either by Speeche or wordes only as when a man is rubuked for some fault which he hath committed and is warned to take heed that he offend not so againe or ells when besides the chastisement off wordes ther is some spirituall punishement and correction adioyned therunto Example we haue off the first sort in the fourth off the Actes where Theapostells Peter and Iohn being brought to the Assembly off the Elders they were asked by what authoritie they taught the people and preached the resurrection from the dead in the name of Iesus for which after that they had bene rebuked and threatned they were forbidden to preache or speake any more to any man in the name off Christ and so let go In deed they did wickedly to rebuke them for the preachinge the of gospell the best thing that cā be and most necessary for the saluacion off man but yet by this there doinge we may perceiue what was the forme off gouernment off the churche emonges the Iewes which our Sauiour Christ hath translated to his churche For this is it that our Sauiour Christ meanethe in the xviij off Matthew and xvij verse when he commandeth the stubborne that will not be obedient to the admonytion off two or three to be brought to the churche that he may be admonished and corrected by the churche Wher vnto also belongeth that wher S. Paule admonisheth Tymothy off reprouinge the Elders openly that is to say suche as had bene lawfullie conuicted And for those admonitions and corrections which haue some punishment ioined with them for the diuersitie both of faultes and punishementes they are deuided into two sortes And resemble in a manner those two punishementes off the Romanes wherby the state condition and priuilege off suche as did offend was diminished wheroff the first is called by Ecclesiasticall writers Suspension the second Excommunication Now suspension is a charge geuen by the assembly of the Elders to absteyne a certen tyme from the communication off the supper off lord Hereoff ther is some example and shadowe in the lawe which forbiddeth such as be vncleane to be partakers off ho●y thinges and suffered not indifferently any to enter into the Temple and to be partakers off the Sacramentes and sacrifices which were offred Therfore there were appointed keepers off the gates off the temple by Iehoyada the priest to keepe euery filthy and vncleane person from entringe into the temple So also in the xij off Exodus It is forbidden that any man being vncircuncised shold be admitted to the cmomunicatinge off the Passouer or that any straunger who by receiuinge circuncision professed not the like Religion with them should be admitted In the ix off Nombres ther is a notable example concerninge this matter off certen who beinge driuen from communicatinge the Passouer bycause they had polluted them selues by touchinge a dead body wēt to Moses and Aaron that is to say syttinge in the Counsell house as it is well noted by an Hebrew Interpretor and desyred that ther vncleanes might be forgeuen them that they might eate the passeouer with the rest off Israell alledginge that seinge off necessitie some must dailie die in so great a multitude yt seemed