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A12943 A retur[ne of vn]truthes vpon [M. Jewel]les replie Partly of such, as he hath slaunderously charg[...] Harding withal: partly of such other, as he h[...] committed about the triall thereof, in the text of the foure first articles of his Replie. VVith a reioyndre vpon the principall matters of the Replie, treated in the thirde and fourthe articles. By Thomas Stapleton student in Diuinitie.; Returne of untruthes upon M. Jewelles replie. Stapleton, Thomas, 1535-1598. 1566 (1566) STC 23234; ESTC S105218 514,367 712

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is saide Beholde Sathan hath desired to sifte you as it were wheate and I haue praied for thee Peter that thy faithe faile not And thou being once conuerted strengthen thy brethern To him it is saide Thou arte Peter and vpon this Rocke I will builde my Church and the gates of hell shall nor preuaile against it To thee I will geue the kaies of the kingdome of heauen c. Beholde he receiueth the keyes of the heauenly kingdome the power of binding and loosing is geuen vnto him The charge of the whole Churche and principalite is committed to him Yet Peter is not called the Vniuersall Apostle Thus farre Gregory In whose wordes I beseche thee gentle Reader consider thre thinges First that the Charge of the VVhole Church and Principalite thereof is committed vnto Peter Secondarely that the Commission of that charge was made by our lorde and Sauiour him selfe to Peter by name and that in three seuerall times in the gospell In S. Matthew at his Confession of Christ. Before Christes passion when the Apostles were in most daunger to falle and after Christes passion for full confirmation of all that went before Last of all that not withstanding all that preeminēce of Peter notwithstanding the Charge that he had of the VVhole Church not withstanding he was Prince of all the Apostles and had the Principalite of the whole Churche committed vnto him notwithstanding I saye all this yet by the name of an Vniuersall Apostle he was not called Touching the first point note the matter and pithe of this Article to be confessed which is the chefe gouuernement of Christes flocke in the Bishop of Rome For as Peter was Bishop of Rome as the Churche to him committed endureth for euer as that Authorite was not geuen for Peter only so are the Bishops of Rome his successours so doth that commission endure for euer and so doth that Authorite take place force and effect for all the Church of Christ from that time forewarde for euermore Therefore Chrisostom saieth expressely that Christ did shead his bloud vt pecudes eas acquireret quarum curam tum Petro tum Petri successoribus committ●bat to winne those shepe the charge of whom he did committe bothe to Peter and to the successours of Peter Of the which charge in an other place he saieth Ecclesiae Primatum gubernationemque Petro per vniuersum mundum tradidit that Christ deliuered to Peter the Primacy and gouernement of the Church throughout the whole worlde In which wordes we see M. Iewell the chiefe gouuernement in Christes flocke to be confessed in Peter the Bishop of Rome and in his Successours Touching the seconde point that this chiefe gouuernemēt so cōfessed is grounded vpon the Scriptures and Authorite of our Sauiour him selfe For S. Gregory after he had affirmed this chiefe gouuernement in Peter he added the reason thereof and saied Ipsi quippe dicitur For to him it is saied Fede my shepe Lo vpon this Commission of Christe geuen in holy Scripture to Peter Only Gregory groundeth the Authorite of Peter So doth also Chrysostom in the place aboue alleaged Touching the last pointe marke I beseche thee good Reader diligently that though such principall Authorite ouer the whole Churche be graunted in Peter yet he is not fo● all that called an Vniuersall Apostle The Power is confessed the Name or Title is denied Right so of any Bishop of Rome euer sence Peter that title or name of Vniuersal Bishop was neither desired nor vsurped And yet the Authorite notwithstanding hath bene bothe confessed and practised Neuer Pope more practised this vniuersall Authorite then Gregory him selfe His writinges decrees and Epistles yet extant doe most euidently declare it Yet no man euer more abhorred the name then he M. Iewell in all this Article hath not shewed One Pope that euer called or wrote him selfe Vniuersall Bishop It is therefore a great vanitie and but a point of a cōtentious sprit in M. Iewell to crie and call vpon the name of Vniuersall Bishop in the Pope the power and Authorite vniuersall being confessed the name also by the Pope him selfe neither desired neither vsurped For as S. Augustin most truly telleth you M. Iewel Quid est contentiosius quàm vbi de re constat certare de nomine VVhat is more Contentious then to striue vpon the name when the thinge is cōfessed Let vs see therefore what you answer to this place of S. Gregory alleaged by D. Harding You saie Iewell If S. Gregorie were now aliue he would charge M. Harding with open iniurie not only for altering his whole meaning but also for mangling and maiming his very wordes Stapletō Here be two great faultes in dede M. Iewell First to alter the meaning of S. Gregory then to mangle and maime his wordes But how proue you these two faultes to haue ben committed Let vs see You folowe and saie Iewell M. Harding to proue that the Bishop of Rome was called the vniuersall Bishop alleageth these wordes of S. Gregorie Stapletō Vntruthe M. Iewell D. Harding doth not alleage them therefore You belie him impudently He saieth in the very beginning of this Article Harding By what name so euer the Bishop of Rome was called c. this is cleare his Primacy and Supreme power is confessed VVich thinge being so whether then he were called by ether of these names he meaneth of the Vniuersall Bishop or Head of the Church or no it is not of great importance And yet for the one of them he meaneth the name of Vniuersal Bishop somewhat and for the other of head of the Church an infinit nūbre of good authorites may be alleaged But thereof Hereafter Harken M. Iewell Of these Names D. Harding saieth he will speake Herafter What then will he proue now at this present He telleth you Now Concerning the chiefe point of this Article which is the Primacie of the Pope Peters successour First it hath bene sett vp and ordained by God This this M. Iewell is the thinge that D. Hardinge first will proue For this matter he alleaged before Anacletus and now he alleageth Gregory For this point I saie to proue that the Popes supremacy was ordained by God Gregory is alleaged And we haue heard Gregory to proue it in Peter whose successour the Pope is by no lesse then three seuerall authorites of holy Scripture Here therefore I beseche thee gentle Reader consider and marke the shamelesse impudencie of M. Iewell VVhich not being able to answer to the Matter it selfe of the Popes supreme Authorite telleth thee that these wordes were alleaged to proue the Name and title He deceiueth thee he mocketh thee he abuseth thy patience gentle Reader He turneth thy minde away form the Matter to make thee beholde only the Name For thou shallt see that vpon this Name and against this Name he driueth all his talke that foloweth vtterly beside the Purpose and quite out of the Matter For now he
come vnto him that is absent by the party so sent to be of him firmely and surely obserued And let not the excuse of any occasion presume to violat such thinges as he shall decree Thus farre S. Gregory to the Bishops of Fraunce lib. 4. Epist. 52. How saye you nowe M. Iewell Wonder I pray you no more hereafter that D. Harding will maintayne the Popes estate by the Authorite of this holy Father 1. Here S. Gregory the Pope hath his Legat in Fraunce 2. and that according to the olde custome 3. to preserue the faithe 4. to appease controuersies arising either by him selfe 5. or if they be more wayghty by a number of other Bishops 6. or last of all if they touche the faithe by referring vp the Matter to the Pope him selfe 7. Finally all Bishops are commanded to obey his Legat. Such was the supreme and Vniuersall Authorite of S. Gregory being Bishop of Rome ouer all the Bishops of Fraunce and their Churches though yet he woulde not be called saluted or intitled their Vniuersall Bishop Other examples of his practised Supreme Authorite in the Realme of Fraunce as of graunting Priuileges to Monasteries and Hospitals of preferring Bishops c. are in other of his Epistles to be sene which for breuities sake I omitte That he had the like Authorite and Iurisdiction in Spayne it appeareth also in his Epistles as well by the Palle a Bishoply preferrement graunted only by the Pope sent to Leander a Bishop of that Countre as also by his Commissioner Iohn sent thither with Instructions touching cases and controuersies to be determined amonge the clergy And namely of the restoring of one Ianuarius vnto his Bishopricke who had appealed to the Pope being wrongefully deposed by a number of other Bishops and had one Steuen placed in his roome S. Gregory by Iohn his Commissioner sent to Spayne for that Purpose restoreth Ianuarius to his Bishoprike inioyneth a halfe yeres penaunce to those Bishops which had presumed to Consecrat Steuen in his place and the saied Steuen he commaundeth to be degraded and so either to remaine a● presonner to Ianuarius or els to be sent to Rome Iohn the Commissioner executeth the Sentence And the very tenour of the execution is yet to be sene in the Epistles of S. Gregory Such Authorite practised S. Gregory ouer the membres of Gods Churche and yet feared not to be any forerunner of Antichrist therein To passe from Spayne to Afrike the Authorite that S. Gregory practised ouer all the Bishops there is euident also in the Registre of his Epistles Where as in Numidia certaine which had bene Donatistes being promoted to Bishoprickes woulde also be Metropolitanes he rebuketh and expressely forbiddeth that disorder writing to all the Bishops of Numidia in this sorte Peti●stis per Hilarium Cartularium nostrum a Beatae memoriae decessore nostro vt omnes vobis retro temporum consuetudines seruarentur quas a beatae Petri Apostolorum principis ordinationum initijs hactenus vetustas longa seruauit Et nos quidem iuxta seriem relationis vestrae consuetudinem quae tamen contra fidem Catholicam nihil vsurpare dignoscitur inuiolatam permanere concedimus siue de primatibus constituendis caeterissque capitulis exceptis his qui ex Donatistis ad Epis opatum proueniunt quos prouehi ad primatus dignitatē etiam cum Ordo eos ad locum eundem deferat modis omnibus prohibemus You had required by Hilarius our Notary of our Predecessour of blessed memory that all your auncient Customes might be reserued which from the beginning of the Constitutions of blessed Peter Prince of the Apostles longe Antiquite had continewed And we verely according to the tenour of your relation made vnto vs do graunte that the Custome remaine inuiolated except it be such as maye seme to vsurpe any thinge against the Catholike faithe whether it be of making of Primates and Metropolitanes or other matters except such as from Donatistes come to be Bishops For such we vtterly forbidde to be made Metropolitanes yea though by order they were called to that degree Let it suffise t●em to beare the charge of their owne flocke and not to be preferred in obtayning the Metropolitanship before those Bishops which the Catholike faithe hath brought vp and instructed allwaies in the Churche Thus farre Saint Gregory In whose wordes it is easy to be sene bothe what Authorite he practised him selfe ouer Numidia and also what Orders his Predecessours the See Apostolike from the beginning had appoynted in that Countre By vertu of the like Authorite whereas Paulinus the Bishop of Rhegium in the coastes of Afrike had committed symony in geuing of orders and certain other outrages as his clergy complained of him to the Pope S. Gregory appointed Commissio●ers ouer that bishop Victor and Columbus bishops of Numidia with Hil●rius his notary for Iustice to be done in that behalfe Againe whereas the primat of that Countre admitted boyes and Children to holye Orders he made this Columbus a bishop of Numidia his legat and Cōmissioner to see that disorder punished and corrected The like also he did for the extirping of the Donatistes heresy springing vp againe then in Afrike willing this Columbus to sende vnto him to Rome Paulus the bishopp of Rhegium who semed to be a promoter of that matter to be examined and corrected according to the Canons Also to depose one Maximianus a bishop for committing symony And whereas Bonifacius a noble man of Afrike tooke parte with heretikes S. Gregory willeth him to come to Rome there to be instructed or at the lest in any wise to beware that he dye not out of the faithe of that See His wordes be these Hortor vt dum vitae spatium superest ab eiusdem beati petri Ecclesia cui claues R●gni caelestis commissae sunt ligandi ac solu●ndi potestas attributa vestra anima non inueniatur diuisa ne si hic beneficium eius despicitur illic vitae aditum claudat I warne you that while your bodely life endureth your soule be not founde separated from the Churche of S. Peter to whom the kayes of the kingdome of heauen are committed and the power of bi●ding and loosing is geuen lest that while here in this life you despise his benefyt in the life to come he shutt you out of life So necessary is it gentle Readers by the iudgement of lerned and holy S. Gregory to be ioyned and vnited to the Churche of Rome Therfore he commendeth in an other place Dominicus the Metropolitane off Carthage for his diligent duty that he declared to the See Apostolike writing thus vnto him You knowing very well from whence the beginning of priestly Order hath spronge in Afrike doe cōmendably in that by tendering the See Apostolike you haue recourse to the springe of your Office by discrete remēbrance therof and with laudable cōstancy doe pers●uere in the
by the way of consequence considering the reason which folowed he spake no Vntruth The reason why there ought to be one high priest in the Church who should haue peerelesse authorite ouer others is the auoiding of schismes If this reason do force that euery seuerall Dyocesse must haue one head bishop it forceth a great deale more that the whole Churche being the greater in numbre and the more in danger of Diuision haue also one Head bishop Which in no man els appearing but in the bishop of Rome to whom the Scriptures the Councelles the Emperours and the Fathers haue graunted the Primacy it maketh as I saide by a right good consequence for the supreme Authorite of the Pope Thus S. Hierom by the force of his reason maye meane the Pope though in his wordes he speake not of the Pope Harding To ordeine and appoint the vicaire of Christ it pertaineth to none other then to Christ. Iewell The 104. Vntruthe For Christ neuer appointed any such vicaire First this For foloweth not The consequence I saie is Vntrue Christ appointed no vicaire Ergo it perteineth not vnto him to do so As by the like it shall appeare The kinge of Englād neuer appointed any high Constable or general Lieutenant ouer the whole Realme of England Ergo it perteineth not vnto him to do so This hangeth very loosely He neuer did it ergo he can not or ought not to do it Especially when we talke of God who can do all that him pleaseth Againe the proposition of M. Iewell is an other most manifest and wicked Vntruthe Which for Truthes sake I wil nowe by Gods helpe euidently proue That Christ him selfe was the Head of all the Churche appointed by God the Father the Apostle saieth plainely God gaue him to be the Head ouer all the Churche which is his Body That Christ gaue the same authorite or Headship ouer all the Churche vnto Peter I proue Christ saied to Peter Thou art Peter and vpon this rocke I will builde my Churche and hell gates shall not preuaile against it Vpon this place thus I reason To be the Foundation of the whole Vniuersall Churche vnder Christ is to haue the pow●● and strength of Christ ouer it is to be in Curistes place is to be his Vniuersall Vicair But Peter is the Foundation of the whole Vniuersall Church Ergo Peter was made Christes Vniuersall Vicaire The Maior or first proposition thus I proue Christ is Head of the whole Churche bicause he is the foundatiō thereof bicause he fedeth the whole flocke bicause he vpholdeth the whole house Ergo to whom Christ geueth all this that is whom he maketh the foundation of the whole Churche whom he setteth to be the feder of al his Churche whō he strengtheneth to Cōfirme the Apostles and Bishops them selues he hath Christes place and power he is his Vicaire The minor or secōd propositiō I proue by the wordes of the ghospell alleaged which wordes to haue ben properly spoken to Peter I proue by the expositions of the Fathers vpon that place That the Person of Peter was made the foundatiō and Rocke of the whole Churche by those wordes of Christ Chrysostom expressely teacheth vs. His wordes are these vpon that place Quae deus concedere solus potest c. Those thinges which God only can graunte as the power to forgeue sinnes and that the Churche might remaine immoueable notwithstanding so many and so great whaues beating against it and that a poore fisher man might be made stronger thē any Rocke though al the worlde striued against him these thinges I saye which only God cā geue Christ promis●th in this place that he will geue Euen so God the Father saied to Hieremy the prophet I haue set thee as an yron piller and as a brasen walle But God the Father sett him ouer one natiō only but Christ sett Peter ouer the whole worlde Thus farre Chrysostom expounding that place of S. Matthew In whose wordes we see Peter to be sett ouer the whole worlde and the poore fisher man to be made stronger and more durable against all storme of the worlde then any Rocke against the whaues Againe in an other place he saieth of Peter Ecclesiae primatum gubernationemque sibi per vniuersum mundum tradidit Christ gaue vnto him the primacy and gouuernement of the Church throught out the whole worlde What is to be Christes vniuersall vicaire if this be not Hilarie expounding also this place of S. Mathewe Thou art Peter c. where Christ first gaue him that name for before he was called only Simon Bar Iona vseth this exclamation to Peter O in nuncupatione Noui Nominis faelix Ecclesiae fundamentum c. O happy foundation of the Churche in the Title of that newe name O worthy Rocke of that building which dissolued the lawes of hel the gates of the Diuel and al the bōdes of death O Blessed porter of heauē gates to whose arbitrement the kayes of the euerlasting entry are cōmitted whose iudgement on earthe is a preiudicated Authorite in heauē Thus S. Hilarie acknowledgeth the person of Peter to be that foundation and Rocke vpon the which Christ builded his Church And therefore this lerned writer as he calleth Christ the Rocke of the Church and Validum excelsi aedificij fundamētum the stronge fundation of that highe buildyng so in an other place he calleth Peter also Aedificationi ecclesiae subiacens one that laye vnder the building of the Churche that is as one vpon whom the Churche is builded Which also S. Basill confesseth of Peter euen in the very same wordes in effect as S. Hylarie dothe Al which is no more to saie then that Peter was in the Churche in Christes place and roome to holde vp the Churche to builde it and to staye it In like maner S. Ambrose by this place of S. Matthew declareth Peter to be the Rocke of the Church thoughe differently from Christ when he writeth thus of Peter Pro soliditate deuotionis ecclesiarum Petra dicitur c. He is called the Rocke of Churches bicause of his stronge deuotion as our Lorde Saieth Thou art Peter and vpon this Rocke I will builde my Churche For a Rocke he is called bicause he firste layed the foundation off the faithe amonge the gentils and bicause he holdeth together the whole frame and buyldinge off Christen religion like vnto a Rocke that can not be shaken So Peter for the fortitude off deuotion is called a Rocke and our Lorde for his Power and might is called a Rocke Thus farre S. Ambrose Thus bothe Christ and Peter are called the Rocke of the Church by S. Ambrose his iudgemēt but Peter through Christ and for Christ. For as it foloweth in S. Ambrose Recte consortium meretur nomínis qui consortium meretur operis He is well ioyned in felowship of the name which is also ioyned in the felowship of the worke S.
expresse wordes of the Ecclesiasticall story but euen by the very confession of M. Iewell him selfe in his text For hauing in many and idle wordes farre from the purpose vsed a longe florish before the fight and as a streame blowen vp with winde and weather carieth with it muche frothe and filthe by the very rage and drift of the water so M. Iewel in this place fulowing and wandering ouer the bankes with Copia Verborum by the Violence and force of his talke carying a great deale off errour and Vntruthe alonge before him at the lenght cometh in with a But. And saieth Iewell But Master Hardinge will saye The wordes be playne that Iulius restored Athanasius It is true and not denyed Stapletō Loe what a good will is It is true saieth M. Iewell and not denyed If it be true that Iulius restored Athanasius the same Iulius being the Pope of Rome why haue you put it for an Vntruthe saying The Emperour restored Athanasius and not th● Pope If it be not denied why do you denie it youre selfe Can it be true and yet not true Do you denye it and yet is it not denyed Then with you true and not true denying and not denying yea and nay is all one Iewell But the meaning of these wordes is that Iulius pronounced him clere in that he was accused off and therefore worthy to be restored Loe ones againe howe M. Iewell striueth and winceth against the Truthe He saied euen nowe That it was true that Iulius the Pope restored Athanasius Nowe he sayeth that he pronounced him clere and therefore worthy to be restored The lyke impudent shifte these men doe vse in the expresse wordes off holy Scripture For where Christe saieth to his Ministers here in earthe VVhatsoeuer you forgeue in earthe it shall be forgeuen in heauen These men saye that Gods Minister the Prieste dothe not forgeue sinnes but declareth them to be forgeuen and pronounceth the party penitent to be clere and worthye to be forgeuen By whiche meaning Christe shoulde haue sayed VVhatsoeuer you forgeue in earthe it is allready forgeuen in heauen And not It shall be forgeauen in heauen But nowe The Sentence of Peter goeth before the Sentence of heauen saieth S. Ambrose And that whiche the Prieste assoileth in earthe shall be assoyled in heauen If the Priest did but declare him to be assoiled then should he be before allready assoiled In lyke maner M. Iewell here in this place Whereas the Ecclesiasticall Historye saieth expressely that Iulius the Pope restored Athanasius M. Iewell saieth he pronounced him worthy to be restored But how will M. Iewell proue that Iulius the Pope pronounced Athanasius worthy to b● restored Howe will he proue that to be the meaning of the Ecclesiastical history He saieth Iewell For it is certaine and M. Harding well knoweth that Athanasius vpon Pope Iulius letters was not restored Be bolde and blushe not Master Iewell You that are so impudent againste the expresse wordes of the Ecclesiasticall history you may be bolde vpon D. Hardinge and vpon his knowleadge But it is certaine and M. Iewell him selfe well knoweth that Athanasius vpon Pope Iulius letters was restored The wordes of the Ecclesiasticall History are these The Bishoppe of Rome Iulius hearing the Accusations and complaintes of Athanasius and Paulus and finding thē all to agree to the Nicene Councell receiued them into Communion as hauing charge of them all through the dignite and prerogatiue of his owne See and restored to euery one their Churches And a litle after Athanasius and Paulus sending the Popes letters to the Bishops of the East recouered eche one againe their Bishoprikes Lo the ecclesiasticall history saieth that the Pope restored to Athanasius and Paulus their Churches and that as hauing charge of them all through the dignite and prerogatiue of his owne See And againe the history saieth That Athanasius and Paulus recouered their bishoprikes by sending to their aduersaries the bishops of the East the Popes letters Thus it is certaine and thus M. Iewell him selfe knoweth that Athanasius was restored vpon Pope Iulius letters In like maner Theododoretus being depriued in the Ephesine Councell repentinge and appealing afterwarde was by Leo the Pope of Rome restored and in the Conc●ll of Chalcedon was admitted by vertue of that restitution to sitt among the other bishops For the Iudges there saied Let the Reuerend B. Theodoret entre and be a part of the Synod bicause Leo the most holy B. of Rome hath restored vnto him his bishoprike and the Emperour hath decreed that he shal be present And so he was placed amōg the other bishops and allowed for a Catholike bishop by the acclamatiō of the East bishoppes and consent off the Councell notwitstandinge the cries and acclamations of the Aegyption bishopps cleauing to Dioscorus the Eutichian their Patriarche to the contrary Thus was Theodoretus thus was Athanasius and Paulus two Patriarches of the East the one of Constantinople the other of Alexandria restored by the letters of the Pope to their bishoprickes not only pronounced worthy to be restored Yet M. Iewell will proue it by a like He saieth Iewell The like is also writen of others Cassiodorus saieth Maximus also restored vnto Athanasius bothe his Communion and also his dignitie That is to sa●e pronounced him worthy to be restored For Maximus was not the bishop of Rome Stapleton First you haue printed these wordes That is to saie c. in a distinct letter as if they were the wordes off Cassiodorus Now they are your glose beside the text of Cassiodorus And so you haue ones deceiued your Reader Againe Cassiodorus dothe not vse the worde Restituit restore but praebebat did geue Such an impossible thinge it is for M. Iewell to kepe truly the wordes of his Author Againe this restoring of dignite and Communion of Maximus to Athanasius was not like to the Restoring of Pope Iulius The Pope by his letters and by the prerogatiue of his owne See saiethe the History Restored Athanasius Athanasius being after expelled againe and by the Councel of Sardica restored before he came to his owne bishoprike of Alexandria passed by Hierusalem where this Maximus was bishop who also before had consented to his deposition This Maximus geuing his Consent to the determination of the Councell communicated with Athanasius and by that Communicating declared to all the prouince vnder him that Athanasius was restored This therefore was no like matter to the Restitution made by Pope Iulius Againe a similitude or likenesse proueth not but serueth only to declare to exemplifie to make more clere and open a matter off it selfe obscure and darke And thus the meaninge off M. Iewell contrary to the expresse wordes off the History remaineth vnproued Thus also the Vntruthe is clerely Iustified Which is That Pope Iulius Restored Athanasius and Paulus to their bishoprickes Nowe to touche somewhat that which M. Iewell discourseth to the contrary