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A09147 The Protestants theologie containing the true solutions, and groundes of religion, this daye mainteyned, and intreated, betwixt the Protestants, and Catholicks. Writen, by the R. F. F. VVilliame Patersoune religious priest, Conuentuall of Antwerpe, preacher of Gods word, and Vicar generall of the holy order of S. Augustin, through the kingdome of Scotland. The 1. Part. Paterson, F. William. 1620 (1620) STC 19461; ESTC S101863 199,694 338

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that rock was the reward of the confession The prayer of Christ for Peters faith was the warrand of perpetuity of his strong confession The prayer of Christ is a warrant of p●rpetuity Peters primacy The power to feede Christ sheepe was to make Peter such a rock as should stay vp his Church by teaching and ruling the faithfull whose voyce we are bound to hear as Chry. in Iohn hom 18. Cyril in Ioh. l. 2. c. 12. Hill de Trin. l. 6. Tertul. de praesc aduers Haeret. Hippol. de consum mundi Origen hom 5. in exod Cyp l. 1. Epist 3. l. 4. Epist 9. Hil. c. 16. in Matth. S. Amb. 68. S. Bas in conc de paenit S. Hier in 16. Matth. Epiph. in anchoratu Theod. in cant cant Damasc in Iosaphat Barlaam Theoph. in 22. Luc Euthym. in 26. Mat. Aug. retract l. 1. c. 21. cont Epist Don. Prosp de vocat gēt lib. 2 c. 28. S. Greg. epist l. 6. epist. 37. In fine we haue many reasons why S. Peter aboue all others was this rock to wit the excellency of his faith The excellēcy of Peters confession and faith is the cause that he is the rock In Peter is vnity and an euerlasting Preisthood the auoyding of Schisme an ecclesiasticall iorisdict●ō These are Peters prerogatiues which declare him head of the Church and are collected and conferred of the Scripture set in order as followes Peters prerogatiue of primacy The keyes of heauens are promised to him Christ compares Peter with himself in paying tribut Christ made choise o● Peters but to preach in and the excellēcy of his glory the vnity of the church built on him are a lone the signifying of Christ to be the only euerlasting sheepheard And last for the eschwing of Schisme and for receauing of ecclsiasticall power for the whole Church So that the Apostle Peter passeth farr the other Apostles in ecclesiasticall dignity in so much that these his prerogatiues may be easly gathered out of the Scripture it selfe as first he is only named first of all the twelue Matt. 10. For asmuch as he had the promise to be called Cephas that is to say a rock and this promiss was made before the twelue were choosen and was really named Peter at the tyme of his choise Ioh. 1. For asmuch that although both S. Iohn Baptist had confessed Christs Godhead before and Na●hanieli had sayd Thow art the sone of God thow art the King of Israel Mar● 3. Ioh. 1. Yet only Peters confession being made after was most heighly esteemed and rewarded For asmuch as he is called Peter and Christ doth say to him Matt. 16. Thow art Peter vpon this rock I will build my Church For asmuch as the keyes of the Kingdome of heauen are namely promised to Peter alone Matt. 16. And for asmuch That the tribut of didragma was dewe for the first begotten of euery famille num 3. loseph de antiq lib. 18. cap. 12. Yet Christ payed both for himself for Peter also as being the vnderhead and first begotten of his family the Church Chry. in Matt. Hom. 59. For asmuch as also Christ although an other boate was a hand yet he taught the people out of Peters boate Luc. 5. to shewe that in Peters chayre his doctrine should alwaies be firmely professed Christ prayeth for Peters faith Peter entered first into the sepulture of Christ Peter of the Angel is nominated specially Peter walkes on the sea as aprerogatiue to rule the world Peter more then others loued Christ and is commaunded to feed his sheepe Christ fortelleth Peter that he shall suffer death on the crosse for christs sake Peter answered for the rest of the Apostles Peter giues sentence on iudas to depose him Peter after receipt of the holy Ghost taught the faith to the multitude Amb. in 5. cap. Luc. For so much as the Apostles were sure to be sifted of Sathan Yet the faith of Peter allone is prayed for that he being once conuerted might strenghthen his bretheren Luc. 22. Leo serm 2. de nat Pet. Paul For so much as when the tidings of Christs resurrection was sent to his disciples Peter was first that entred into the sepul●hre Luc. 24. For asmuch as he was not coprehended with the rest but was seuerally named by himselfe whil the Angel sayd Teil his disciples and Peter Marc. 16. For asmuch as the other Apostes sayled in the sea in a boat yet Peter alone walked in the sea without a boate as a token that the whole world was as a sea and was to be subiect to his turisdiction Iohn 22. Bern. de considerat lib. 2. For asmuch as some other Apostles standing by Peter alone is shewed to haue loued Christ more then they Ioh. 21. And he alone is commaunded to seed Christs sheepe and to rule his lambes Aug. ibid. For asmuch as it is sayd to Peter alone Thow shalt strech-forth thy handes and fo● ow thow me which way in following was by suffering death on the Crosse prophesied by Christ Ioh. 21 For asmuch as Peter answered alwayes for the Apostles as being the mouth of them all Iohn 6. Matth. 16. For asmuch as after Christs ascention Peter allone gaue sentence vpon Iudas and pronunced him deposed Act. 1. And an other to be choosen in his place Act. 1. Chry in act Apost hom 3. For asmuch as when the Holy Ghost came downe Peter aboue all the test first of a● taught the faith and the multitude being conuerted saye to Peter and to none other what shall we do c Act 2 Peter exhortes the conuerted to pēnance and baptisme Peter wrought the 1. miracle Peter first publickly confessed Christ before the counsell Peter knew the secrets of Ananias and Saphiras harts Peters shadow wrought myracles Peter excommunicated enioyned pennance to Simō Magus For asmuch as Peter made answere for all that they should repent and be baptized Act. 2. For somuch as Peter did the first miracle after the comming of the holy Ghost and first healed the seete of the lame because he being the head shewed mistically that he established the feete of others Act. 3. Amb. serm 68. For so much as Peter confessed Christ first not only before priuat men but also at the seat of iudgment Act. 4. For asmuch as Peter perceaued the secrets of the hartes of men some to do in simplicitie and some in deceipt He therefore extended his power on Anania and Saphira stryking them dead with one word Act. 5. Greg. lib. 1. Epist 24. For asmuch as all the Apostles did miracles yet Peter was so famous aboue the rest that his shaddowe wrought myracles Act. 5. For asmuch as Peter excommunicated and enioyned pennance to Simon Magus the first Heretick Act 8. For asmuch as he was the first after Christs Ascentiō who rayted a dead persone to lyfe called Tabitha Act. 9. Peter by visiō is made to know of the conuersion of the gentils For
L. course of ly●e cōuersation and present exemple of lyfe may thereby glorify God in that your L. haue been an persecutor now to giue a true testimony of a confessor to acknowledg your L. vocation to be extraordinary of God who now hath illuminated your L. vnderstanding in the knowledge of his truth how he hath wrought in your L. according to the multitude of his mercies a strange alteration much from the nature of your L. education and profession to which the whole Kingdome of Scotland can beare testimony of your L. profession in Heresie and of the monuments of your L. Yeall Valour which are yet to be seen extant in the land Symtomes proceeding from an euill cause whose feruour yeall and temerous presumption was greatly to be regrated to see the issue of such noble Carholicke antecessores degenerat indewed with so many good parts of nature to follow such irrationall courses of Heresie in which your L. was nourished instructed brought vp at the feet of Gamaliell weell versant in the circumstances of puritanisme perfect in the oppinions of Caluin yealous and feruent in professiō in lyfe an another Solon in grauitie conformable with the Rabbies of the new Ghospell in litle Israell in yeall most firy in spirit repugnāt in will peruerse in knowledge ignorant to wraith sodainly moued in reuendge foreward in execution most ready with Saull making hauock puting cōfidēce in the multitude of men and in polyce of wordly wites more then in the truth esteeming more the honour of the world then the glory of God or the honesty of the cause albeit there is no polyce or strenth against God who out of euil bringes good who gouern otherwayes thē man disposeth which may be seen in the conuersion of your L. to the Catholick Faith who in end hath disposed all for the best to bring your L. an other Paul out of Saull and of an veshell of dishonour an veshell of honour that in tyme comming your L. may recall to mynd the infinit goodnesse of God your L. former estat and perill his vocation and cooperating grace And therefore in consideratiō of Gods manifold benefits towards your L. and of the wisdome and graces wherewith your L. is indewed hath moued me more bold to dedicate this Treatise called The Protestantes Theologie to your L. partly for your L. comfort and vtility that whē vacant tyme shall present your L. may reade and peruse this Booke in which your L. shall perceaue the miserable estat and condîtion of all Heretiks out of the Church of God and now hauing opportunatie to redeeme the tyme past your L. may make profit and lay vp in Heauen a treasure that shall not faill approuing your L. self lyke another Iulius Caesar of whome ît is sayd that at all tymes eyther he had a lance in his hand or the Iliades of Homer that when the wares impedite him not thē was he reading Homers Iliades that out of the I hilosophers sayings he might learne wisdome eue● so I doubt not but when your L. shall be vacant of wordly besines your L. will follow that renowmed Caesar in which litle Treatise I Hope your L. shall finde great contētement of mynd sufficient matter to discouer the Heretickes Hypocrysie and false Religion and also shal be an helpe to others to come to the knowledge of the truth who allace are lyke the Israelites in Aegypt more willing to liue in slauery of Pharao then to suffer paynes to goe the Land of Chanaan and preferes more the wraithfull contenāce of Pharao rhen the holy Land and lykewyse for the good of these who are morall and desyrous to know the truth who in end are lyke the Iewes who loued more the honour of the world thē the glory of God And lykewyse for the good of such who lyke Atheistes liue lyke the Prodigall sonne contented to liue miserable and to full their bellyes with the huskes of error instead of other fruictes of verity considering with themselues their misery and condition in Heresie as in a farre Country from their Parentes and naturall soyll may come to remorse of conscience to condemne their owne prodigall course and ignorance of lyfe and to make recourse to there parentes whoe pities the misery of their childrē And lykewyse for all sortes of persones who knowing no better and are ready to imbrace all noualties whose eares are filled with descant of Religions and the innumerable Sectes that euery day appeares or with the vntouned harmony of blasphemy against the Papists And therfore for the good of many aswell as of your L. and vpon the ioy of your L. conuersion and feruent yeall in profession with hope of perseuerāce and in congratulation of Gods benefits towards your L. and in calling your L. to the knowledg of the truth and in making your L. an child of God and one member of the Catholicke Church who lykewyse hath illuminated your L. eyes with the oile of his grace that the ignorant blindnesse of heresie may be expelled and in pulling you out of the golfe of perdition from the slauery of Aegypt and the basse captiuity of Babylon from the worish Ielousie of Heresie and from eternall damnation vnto saluation for the Ioye of the Angels for the perfection of lyfe comfort of Catholickes conuersion of heretickes and in end for the participation of glorie hath ministred the occasion of boldnes to present this Treatise to your L. for the subiect of this Treatise requyres such a patrone whose yeall in Heresie affore tyme without the knowlege of Godes truth may be in the verity with the true knowledg of God may not only protect and accept of this Treatise but also by your L. magnificent liberality to giue a testimony of your L. yeall to assist and concurre for the affecting of the secōd Treatise in which fyftie questions shal be intreated Reposing confidently this Treatise in the meane tyme to be acceptable to your L. to an other occasion wishing your L. with all my hart all Heauēly blessings with incresse of wordly Honour and the successe of good fortune Farewell Your L. humble Seruitoure F. VVilliam Patersoune Augustin The Preface TO THE READER THE Blessed Apostle S. Paul not without instruction of the Holy Ghost doe forsee the troubles and calamities of the Church of Christ Prognosticates saying 1. cor 11. There must be Heresies amōgst you to that intente that they who are perfeict and approued amongst you might be knowne In which graue predictiō two things is to be obserued the one is for our comfort and the other is for our instruction that by the one to wit Heresie we be not dismayed or much offended when we see in the holy profession of our Christian Religion Heresies Sectes and Schismes to arise that then we foresaeke not the field of our faith wherin we warefare to God 1. cor 9. and runnes not as at an vncertaine thing neyther fightes as ' an that
him againe fall with his owne waight in the waters breaking his bones strangled and almost left dead this was the euent of his myracle as witnesseth Thomas Bozio de signis eccl dei lib. 5. cap. 2. Therfore iustly of the reformed minysteres and all Protestants we Catholycks demaunde and aske by what power they haue entered into the church of God Myracles for confirmation of their doctrine iustly demaunded for no true faith is without myracles and with what supernaturall signes for the confirmation of their reformation for a new faith moust haue newe myracles and therefore seing they haue induced a new faith in all things repugnant to the faith professed and belieued this thowsand fyue hundreth yeares past and doe contemne the ordinary mission lawfull succession ordination of the Church and haue intruded thēselue extraordinarly by their mouing spirit therfore rightly demaūde we supernaturall myracles for the confirmation of their supernaturall vocation And seing from the tyme of the begynning of the old Church Myracles are necessary to proue trew faith and lawfull vocation vnto the vprysing of the new no man denyes and all affirmes that myracles were euer needfull For the Heretickes thēselues affirmes myracles to be so necessary as a proofe of their lawful vocatiō That they who otherwayes would entre into the Church of God to be preachers reformers planters of Religion and Faith are to be adiudged bold temerous heretickes presūptuous imitatores of Chore Dathon worthy for their intollerable Zuing. condemnes those that preach a new faith without myracles and diuelish arrogance to descend into Hell for taking more on them then Iohn the Baptist Peeter and Paul yea and Christ himself This hath zuingl vttered against the Euangelicall extraordinary vocation as is euident to be read in his owne booke Tom. 2. Eccl. fol. 52.53.54 Lykewyse Brentius declareth the effect to what end myracles are done Brent declairs that myracle are to confirme trew faith In cap 3. Luc. hom 6. hom 76. de Resurrectione Christi myracles sayth he haue this vse especialy that they are a testimony and a confirmation of a doctrine and religion reuealed from heauen Vnto Brent agreeth and subscrybeth Luther Tom. 4. in cap. 35. Isa Musculus in loc comm 41. de nomine dei pag. 394. The Hereticks seek myracles of the other Sectes and professores of the new Gospell In so much that the Heretycks themselues impugne and contradict other Sectaries and requyre of them myracles who professe a new doctrine For they affirme proue that no doctrine which is from heauen can want myracles for the confirmation of the same doctrine Therfore this their doctrine is not from heauen Heretycks are lyke the sons of Scena the Iewe in working of myracles who are men lyke vnto the sonnes of Scaena the Iew as is written of them Act. 19. v. 14.15.16 who were more presumptuous then wyse who thought to haue cōi●red Diuells and for their laboures were beaten of the Diuels so the Protestant willingly would worke myracles but the proofe takes none effect not so much as onlay me-horses No maruail that they worke no myracles Casu blasphemy against myracles after the pharisies manner who account so little of myracles for they so esteem of them as Caluin sayth as of feined fantasticall and Diuelish things and not to be of God Cal praef instit So sayd the Pharesyes of Christ myracles Matth. 12. and the paganes of thoses myracles which were done amongst the Christians yea the Heretyckes shew themselues worse and attributed the working of myracles to the Diuell The Heretiks of old were of this same mynd against myracles Of this mynd were the Arrians Eunomians Vigilantius so that these myracles done by the Catholickes were ascrybed to be wrought by the power of the Diuell and not of God as witnesse the holy Fathers as Aug. lib. de ciuitat dei cap. 18. Ambros Serm. de Geru prof Hier. cont Vigil Victor lib. 2. de vandalica persecut But the Catholyks haue better assurance to wit the word of God and promise of Ghrist for the defence of myracles against all counterpoyses manyfolde sleightes of Sathan Moyses with lawfull vocation workes myracles in Aegypt or what such hyrelings can obiect For first is not Moyses sent to Pharao by diuyne vision and hath communicated to him myracles and the power to worke myracles that the Iewes may belieue that the God of their Fathers hath appeared to Moyses Iohn Baptist natiuity and lyf is full of myracles as Scripture witnesseth Exod. 4.5 Lykewyse is not Iohn the baptist sent to denounce the mysterie of the Incarnation hid to the world who vvas adorned and beautifyed vvith many heygh myracles and a man replenyshed with the holy Ghost Moreouer is not Iesus the sonne of God sent who hath not glorifyed himself as heygh Priest but aboad vntill the tyme that his Father sayd Thou art an high Priest for euer after the order of Melchisedech ps 109. And was approued of God by the oppenyin of the heauens Christ proues his owne mission with myracles and the descēding of the spirit of God in the forme of a doue vpon him vvith a voyce saying This is my beloued sone in whom I am well pleased Mat. 3. That after bearing vvitnes to the truth for vvhich he vvas sent sayes to the Ievves The workes themselues which I do bear witnes of me that the Father hath sent me Ioh. 5. And agayne he sayes in the 10. cap. If you will not belieue me yet beliue the workes that ye may know and belieue that the Father is in me and I in him And lykevvyse the Apostles The Apostles and Disciples are sent to preach and do confirme it with myracles and Disciples are sent into the vvhole vvorld to preach the Euangely but not except from Christ the chief presedēt of his Church vvho gaue them povver to preach baptisme and cōsecrat bread into his blessed body vvith povver to absolue and bynde synners and to vvorke myracles receauing giftes freely and commaunded to giue freely as witnesseth Mat. 10. saying He gaue them power ouer vnclean spirits to cast them out and to cure all deseases Moreouer in the 7. v. he sayth to them As ye go preach saying the kingdome of heauē is at hand heall the sicke clense the leprouse rayse vp the dead cast out diuels frely you haue receaued frely giue And in lyke forte diuerse Prophets vvere sent extraordinarily The Prophets mission was approued with myraclest but not allowed except their missiō were approued of God vvith signes and myracles for so it agreeth vvell vvith the disposition of Gods prouidence as S. August disputes lib. 22. de ciuit dei cap. 8. For except mission and the doctrine be approued vvith myracles from heauen and receaued with common consent of men Trew doctrine must be approued from heauen with myracle and by the authority of the
priestly vnity began neyther do they consider them to be Romans whose faith is praysed by the Apostles owne mouth to whom infidelity can haue no accesse This he For this Seat Emperours and Kings honoured and reuerenced Ruff. lib. 10. Eccl. Hist. cap. 2 Lykewyse Byshops To the sea of Rome infidelity can haue no accesse and Prelates haue made their appellatiōs to Rome as Cyp. cont epist. Steph. ppae Hist. tripart lib 4. cap 15. Arnob. in ps 106. Opt. mel cont parm Donat lib. 2. Hier. Epist ad Dam. Papa By her authority Generall Counsells haue been indicted and appointed By the authority of the roman see Hereticks Schismaticks are accused No Heretick Byshop euer found in the sea of Rome Schismaticks and Hereticks by the same authority or accursed and condemned In this succession and authority noe Heretick Byshop euer was found as witnes S. Aug. epist. 165. And therefore as S. Aug. sayes to the Donatists in ps cont par donat Come yee bretheren if yee wil be grafted in the vyne it grieues vs when we see youly thus cut of Nomber ye the Byshops euen from the very seat of S Peter and consider who succeded whō in that order that himself is the rock which the proud gates of hell do not ouercome What greater testimony can be said for the primacy of the Byshop of Rome and successor of S. Peter whom all good Christians ought to honour and reuerence as the high priest of God and gouernour of his Church OBIECVIO THe Protestants affirme that Peter himself is not called this rock but eyther Christ alone or the faith which Peter confessed is called this rock So that the wordes of the text are thus meant Vpon this faith and confession of thyne which thow hast testified of me vpon this rock which I am or on this stronge faith which is confessed of me I will build my Church And wheresoeuer this faith is there is the rock vpon which Christ buildeth his Church ANSVVER ALbeit the faith cōfession of Christs-goodhead be indeed a most stronge rock wherevpon the Church is builded yet that is not all which Christ meanes at this present For these wordes thow art Peter haue a respect vnto three diuerse tymes First to the tyme past because they are spoken to him who was promised to be called Peter And secondly to the present tyme because they are spoken to him who now confessed Christs-goodhead And thirdly to the tyme to come because they are spoken to him to whom Christ sayes he wil giue the keyes of Heauen and vpon whom he will hereafter build his Church which thing he performed when he sayd to him Peter louest thow me c. Io. 21. For the proposition is qualified with the persone to whome it is spoken and with the diuersity of three tymes To conclude the Protestants deny Peter himself who make the confession te be this rock and deuyde the confession from the promise going immediately before which wrought the effect which ensued after for somuch it is affirmed true but in respect of that which is denyed it is a maine falshood for Christs wordes doe teach that this rocke wherupon Christs Church is built is S. Peter in respect of the promise past present confession and the authority of feeding of Christs sheepe Io. 21. OBIECTIO PETER alone was not made the sheepheard of Christ flock aboue all others but that in him Christ spake to all the Apostles ergo ANSVVER PEter alone is spoken to and commanded to feede Christs sheepe in the presence of al the other Apostles to none of thē Christ speaketh any thing therof at this tyme. Ergo Peter alone is preferred OBIECTION AL Hereticks cry out that all the Apostles were equall and the rest were the same thing which Peter was which thing say they S. Cyp de vnit Ecclaes doth witnes and lykenwyse the very practise of the Apostles in so much that Paul withstood and reproued Peter who was not one of the twelue Ergo. ANSVVER SAINCT Peter was not only an Apostle in which office duringe their lyues all the Apostles were his equalles but also both chiefe Apostle and also ordinary sheepheard and high Byshop wherin they all were inferiors to him as the members and body to the head Ergo. OBIECTION THe old Catholik Fathers haue written and pronunced that no mortall man as Peter was but Christ himself the sone God can be this head Ergo. ANSVVER IT is manifest false for all the ancient Fatheres agree and affirme that Peter receaued the building of the Church on him as Bas aduers eunom lib. 2. Hilar. lib. 6. de Trinit S. Cyp. ad Iubatan S. Aug. de past S. Hier. lib. 1. de Iouin l●b 2. aduers Iouinian Leo in assumpt serm 3. Aug. Epist 165. in Tract Io. 124. OBIECTION SAINCT Aug. de verbis Domint sayes Christ was ●he rock vpon which foundation Peter himself ●as also built Ergo. ANSVVER WHo doth not know that one rock might be built on another the lesse on the greater is not the house of God built of many stones Christ is the chief Rock and the corner-stone vpon him lyeth S. Peter a Rock in comparison of Christ very small in comparison of vs very great Vpon S Peter the rest of the Church which liued vnder him was built who is also a Rock since euery man in his degree is a liuely stone concurring to the building vp of the whole Church which are ioyned togeather and fastned by faith and charity make also a Rock of themselues beside that they are built vpon the foundation of the Prophets and Apostles 1 Pet 2 1. Cor. 10 Ephes 2. Neyther doth one of these verities contradict or disproue the other Ergo c. OBIECTION VVHEN the Apostles who were in Ierusalem had ●eard that Samarta had receaued the word of God They sent to them Peter and Iohn Act 8. But no man is sent but by a higher power Therfore Peter was not head of the Apostles ANSVVER THe holy Ghost is sayd to be sent of the Father and of the Sone is not yet the holy-Ghost of equal honour and dignity with them Is it therfore because he is sent that he is inferiour But we vnderstand that he is inferior that is sent by commandement Otherwyse equals and superiors are sayd to be sent from thē at whose request counsel they go chiefly if those from whom they come be of great authority with those to whom they are sent And such was the college of the Apostles in Sama●ia For indeed it was much to moue them that the Prince of the Apostles with the beloued disciple of Christ by iudgemēt and decree of all the Apostles came to their conuersion OBIECTION IT is sayd that Peter did suffer an heauie reprehension of the Apostle Paul Gal. 2. to wit that to his face he withstood him but this was not decent in a subiect or inferior Therfore the Apostle did not acknowledge Peter Superior but a
ANSVVER I Confesse we are called so of only Heretickes but not so of any nation vnder heauen no not of the Turkes neyther is that name of any particular man as Heretickes names be but ●f ●im who in the place of Chr●st gouerneth the Church of God and if all the Popes were nombred to th●s present day all the Protestants are not able to fynd one that is called by this name Pope or any of them to haue inuented any new religion or to haue left any disciple after thē who haue byn named after that name Therefore when we are called Papists I aske of the Heretickes was there euer any that was called Papa by his proper name or did euer any Heresie cōtin●e a thowsand yeare without a name giuen to it but how should the Church descrybe Heresies to vs but by naming them from their proper names for their names shewe who hath instituted and inuented that sect OBIECTION THe Church is belieued by faith but we belieue the holy Catholick Church Therefore it is not seene because saith is not a thing of appearence and seene ANSVVER THe conclusion is false because that which is seen may also be belieued in so far as it hath some thing that is not seene as Christ Iesus was seene wi●h mens eyes a man and was belieued by fa●th God and man as is said 10.20 to S Thomas because thow hast seen me Thomas thou hast beliued that is to say thou hast seen a man and thou hast belieued him to be thy God and Lord euen so we see men with our eyes who appertaine to the Church and those men we belieue to be the holy Apostolik and Catholick Church and in this Church to be only remission of sinnes grace iustification eternall lyfe and therefore out of this multitude of mortall men neyther Saluation nor the fauour of God is to be expected of any other societie or Church OBIECTION CHrist sayes that the Kingdome of God shall not come with obseruation ney●her shall they say behold here or there ●e is ergo the Church cannot be demonstrated and seen ANSVVER THe solution is made in the words following for he sayes behold the Kingdome of God is with yow but Christ denyeth not but the Kingdome his Church may be seen and demonstrated But he answers the folish question of the pharisie who had heard so oft the Kingdome of God preached of Christ who was desyrous to see it it is āswered that Christ is not to reygne in this world after their mynd as other Kinges doe with magnificence and pompe and to place the throne of Maiesty in a certaine place of the Kingdome but he sayes he dorh reygne as he hath begunne in the hartes of men which is his Kingdome whom he doth paint out with his finger saying Mat. 5. Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the Kingdome of God to wit ye are citizens of Gods kingdome the Church from which the pharisies are farr of OBIECTION THe Church is belieued to be Holy and none except the holy appertayn to the Church but holines is not seen knowne with the eyes ergo the Church is inuisible the members of the Church are vnknowne ANSVVER THe conclusion is false for there are Sainctes and holy men in the Church albeit we see them not yet we belieue for to a lyuing tree there adhere many dead branches and in the body of man are many humors and excrementes without life resident in the body and yet notwithstāding all men belieue and say that a man is a lyuing man ergo OBIECTION IT is defended of the Fathers that the Church in this present lyfe is sayd to be beautifull and to be without spot cant 4 Ergo sinners and wicked men are not mēbers of his Church ANSVVER THe Scripture in that place speaketh of the Triumphant Church in Heauen notwithstanding if with S. Greg. cap. 86 Eccl. dogmat Thou cōpa●re it to be the m●litant Church in that sense it is called also beautifull and spotles because of the Sacrament of regeneration which makes her mēbers liuely by inherent righteousnes and grace are made glorious before God and are not obscured and hid as the Donatistes thought with the conuersation of the wicked And albeit as S. Greg. cap. 4. Gen. sayes no iust or holy man doth want sinne yet notwithstanding he fails not to be holy and iust if in affection he retayn holynes and righteousnes and by pennance doth wash away his sinnes carefull to keep himselfe from mortall synnes and is contrite for the venyall saying with the Psalm 50. Create in me a new hart o God OBIECTION THe Church of God is only in the spirit because it is belieued ergo it is inuisible ANSVVER IF the Church be inuisible how hath Christ cōmaunded Matth. 18. to tell the Church and if he heare not the Church let him be c. but if the Church be inuisible how shall she be told and how shall they hear her censure Lykewyse if the Church be the body of Christ and Christians members Rom. 12. 1. Cor. 1. 12. Ephes 15 Coll. 1. If the Chutch be inuisible and only mathematicall how hath the Apostle sayd ye are the body of Christ and members of his members It is true the Protestant Church is inuisible and mathematicall but the Catholick Church is a visible Church as a candell on a candelstick and as the sonne and moone in the firmament Luc. 11. ps 19. For if it had been mathematicall and hid S. Paul should not haue had the prayses of all the Churches 2. Cor. 8. Neyther Dauid would not haue sayd Ps 21. with thee my prayse is in the Church of the people and in the chaire of the elder they doe praise him What the moderne heresies do say about the inuisibility of the Church the same haue the former Heresies done lykewyse as S. Augustin is witnes against the Donatists who would haue included the vniuersall Church in that inuisibility and in a hid corner in Africk QVESTIO XIII Of the pretended reformation of the Protestantes WHerefore enuyously name the Papists our reformed Church deformed Seeing we haue reiected all papisticall doctrine and superstitions of Poperie out of it Bucherus Melan. Piscator Sarcer Caluin c. ANSVVER THat shall we declare friendly without enuy seeing that vnder the pretext of a sounde reformation The Protestāts reformation consistes in denying the article of our Faith ye haue introduced a most horrible deformation concerning the doctrine of fayth and in abolishing all ecclesiasticall discipline in reiecting the generall Counselles in condemning the ceremonies of the Church in dispysing the auncient Fathers and in giuing liberty to the flesh For what is more deformed or abominable in religion then to counfound deforme and deny the faith of Christ For what article of our faith is not deformed and denyed of the Protestantes as appeareth by the iudgement and doctrine of their owne Rabbies Against the 1. article of the
contrary is with the Protestants no constancy no stability in their doctrin as witnes Zuingl Tom. 2. comm de vera falsa relig cap. de euch fol. 202. We recant here what we sayd there with this condition that that which we delyuer the 42 yeare of our age take place of what was taught in the 40. yeare In this same mynd is Beza in colloq mompel pag. 1●0 268 388 I confesse me to haue written many things which I wish had not been written I would to God the memory of them all were abolished Moreouer they impugne this article and fall in misbeliefe who appeall to an inuisible Church remoued from all senses lyk a Platonicall Idea separated from all knowledge neyther extant in any country neyther read of in any history in which there is no Euangelicall Annunciation no Sacraments minystred no persones knowne and this is done because their conscience informed them that the true visible auncient and vniuersall Church in which Christs name Scriptures and Sacraments were preserued stood with vs agaynst them in auouching the same It is a desperat opinion proceeding from profound infidelitie As concerning that article The communion of Saints the forgiuenes of sinnes Against the 10 Article By this article it is euident that there should be a communion betwixt the liuing and the dead who liue and die in one faith hope and charity But this article is misbel●eued of the Protestants who deny all corespondence betwixt the Saincts in Heauen and men in earth As also they misblieue impugne Scriptures which iustify this controuersie of the inuocation of Saincts conformable to this article Moreouer this article disalloweth the discordes amongst the Protestants themselues For Sturn di rati● contradict ineundae pag. 24. sayes that the Lutherans in their published bookes do condemne the Churches of England Fraunce Flanders Scotland c. And call their martyres Martyres of the Diuel And Iester Zuingl Caluinist lib. de diuturm belli eucha pag. 25.80 There is no end of chiding wryting accusing disputing condemning excōmunicating betwixt the Lutherans and the Caluinistes and this is the communion of the Saincts in the reformed Church Morouer they fall in misbeliefe and impugne this Article who affirme it blasphemie to giue tytles to Saincts in Heauen which they themselues vsurpe and giue to sinners on earth in this madde humor is Caluin who not induring any honour towards Saincts or images yet could permit his owne picture to be borne about the necks of them in Geneua and when some thought it insolent arrogancy and reprehensible admonished that the people might sinne thereby because they esteemed it as a remedy against mischances answered them grieue at it till yow burst and after hange your selues Bols in vita Calu. cap. 12. Morouer as concerning the forgiuenes of synnes all protestants remayne in this misbeliefe and are repugnant to this article partly affirming only fayth to iustifye and consequently being once in this Protestants fayth which once had can neuer be lost they can neuer after synne what should they belieue which they already haue as we haue declared in the second question at length Partly by making God the author of euil and themselues but bare instruments and consequently not themselues but that God hath need of the remission of sinnes Partly in saying a man hath no frewill and consequently cannot synne Partly by saying that synnes cānot be forgiuē in the Church contrary to Christs doctrin Iob 20 For if the Protestant will not deny but there is remission of sinnes in baptisme whey not in pennance to the remission of sinnes for if the one be a washing of the spotted the other is also a lowsing of the bound and the one as necessary as the other Against the 2● article Moreouer as concerning the resurrection of the dead this article is misbelieued and impugned amongst themselues For Luther sayth of the Caluinists that they intend to a manifest Apostasie cōcerning this article Tom. 7. VVitt. defend Verb. Caen. fol. 390. The same Villagaignon epist ad Geneu in praef lib. 1 de euch affirmes that with his eares he hard it preached of the Caluinistes that the hope of lyf did not belōg to the bodyes but to the soules Lykwyse Almaricus on of Foxes Martyres as Caesar lib dial dial 5 affirmes sayd that there was no resurrection of the bodyes Caluin is of this same opinion in his epist ad Farell fol. 194. saying In that the resurrection of the flesh seemeth incredible to thee it is no thing admirable Moreouer they misbelieue this Article who deny mens soules to be immortall vnto which opinion Luther is inclyned Tom. 4 in Eccles cap. 9● 5 10. It appears sayth he out of this place that the dead feel nothing Lykewyse Calu in praef Psi●hrinachiae in praef Gallasij sayes that he knew certayne good men to whome this opinion of the souls sleeping seemed sound It followes that he himself is one of these good mē who in the ps 130. sayes that the soules of the wicked are anihillated and not in hell lib. 3. iust cap. 25. § 12. and the residue to be but shadowes imaginations fantasies idoles dead And consequently no immortality Whereupon it was concluded in a solemne disputation at Geneua when they had long consulted how to auoyd purgatory to say Let vs affirme the soule to be extinguished togeather with the body Purgatorie is abolished by denying the article of the ●●eed and so purgatory wil be spedely abolished For this doctrine is so vrgent that they are persuaded that it cannot well be denyed vntill the resurrection of the dead and the immortality of the soule also be denyed But why is purgatorie so annexed to this article that the Protestants are driuen to his extremity because they obserued that God oft forgiueth the offenses and yet reserueth a chastisment for satisfaction as in Adam in Moyses in Dauid whose offenses being forgiuen yet Adam remayned subiect to death This place serueth for the proofe of Purgatory and indured all other myseries Moyses neuer entred into the land of promise Dauids ch ld begotten in sinne dyed So lykewyse because God is euer one and lyk himself such as repent late or slakly might be forgiuen at their death and yet for satisfaction remayne in purgatory therefore it is the rediest way to deny purgatory by the denyall of the resurrection of the dead and mortality of the soule Against the 12 article And as for that Article the lyfe euerlasting So many are in misbeliefe and impugne this as deny God Heauen the resurrection of the dead the immortality of the soule and our redemption by Christ c. And this is the great aboundāt light of truth that hath sprung with the reformed who in the blindnes and night of darkenes wherein they are wrapped do vant and glorifie as in the clearnes of the light Greg. lib. 1. Mor cap. 26. who wil be more curious to know how
of God lykewyse that Church which was after Christ hath neuer fayled or might fayle according to that stait in which it was instituted of himself It is euidēt by testimony of holy Scripture in which Christ kingdomes is fortold to be eternall as psal 47 v. 9. Is sayd as we haue hard so we haue we seen in the city of our God and God hath established it for euer Which psalme is spoken altogeather of the Church and her perpetuity lykewyse her visibility is also mētioned whyl the prophet sayes as we haue hard and seene therefore it is not obscurly designed or inuisible Also Dan. 2. v. 44. sayes That in the dayes of those Kings the God of Heauen shall set vp a Kingdome which shall neuer be distroyed and this Kingdome shall not be giuen to another people but it shall break and distroy all these Kingdomes and it shall stand for euer Moreouer S. Matth. 16. v. 18. sayes That the gates of Hell shall not preuayle against her for as there is a visible head there must be a visible body and seing Christ was seen in earth did conuerse with men shall not his body and members therof also be visible if the foundamēt be visible it behoweth also the house to be visible and seing the Apostles and prophets are foundament of his Church Ephes 2. who can deny the building not to be visible Lykewyse our coniunction with Christ is not only spirituall but also is bodily that we may be bone of his bones and flesh of his flesh the Apostle calleth it a great Sacraments Eph. 5. And seing by Sacramentes we are vnited and knowne togeather which are visible things and therfore appertayne to a visible body which is his Church also which hath a visible head that the Church of God may euer appeare visible wherupon Chrysest Tom. 5. orat de non rontemnend Eccles What is more stronger then the Church of God the barbarous may pull downe the walles but the infernall diuels cannot ouercome it When she is battered she is victor and when she is inuaded with deceipt ouercommeth thus he And S. Bernard Serm. 79. neyther by the verbositie of Philosophers neyther cauillations of heretyckes neyther by the sword of the persecutors might the Church at any tyme be separat from the loue of God thus he Moreouer it is sayd Eph. 4. v. 11. He gane some to be Apostles and some Prophets some Euangelistes and some Pastors and ●eachers for the ●●summation of the Saincts for the worke of the ministery and for the edification of the body of Christ whyll we all meer togeather in the vnity of faith and in knowledge of the sone of God vnto a perfyt man and vnto the measur of the age of the fulnes of Christ In which words the Apostle rehearsing these offices Apostles Pastors and Doctors to abyd in the Church to the end of the world declares the Church to be visible which no ways cā be vnderstood of an inuisible church by reason that there is no such offices that Moreouer it implicates a contradition the visible Church sometyme to haue fayled and the inuisible to remayne for somuch as the wonders of the world are noted partly by Scripture as the deludge Gen. 6 4 Reg 17 Matth. 25. the going back of the sonne the sonne mone to haue lost their light and darkenesse to haue ouer shaddowed the whole face of the earth at the death of Christ Lykwyse Historiographers and Chronologies make mention of erthquakes fyre tempestes pestilence and such lyke prodigious things which are registred and are extant in euery mans hand and yet what tyme the Church fayled and became inuisible there is no Scripture no chronologie no witnes euer to be found but only clamorous mens voyces to say it once it was visible this they graunt but how in fayled it is improbable For if the visible Church hath fayled and the inuisible remaine and was not seene there followe to wyld absurdities for eyther she professed her fayth and yelded not to the persecutions of the Gentills or Heceticks and in so doing it followeth that she was visible as the primitue Church in the tyme of the Apostles and Martyres in tyme of persecutors for in profession suffering sho appeared and was a spectacle to the world and contrary wise if she professed not her sayth but lurked and retayned it inwardly in the hart and outwardly by dissimulation accommodated hirself to the tyme in following of false worship as the Helchesi●nes did as witnes Euse lib. 6. cap. 31. In so doing sho cannot be accounted the true Church of Christ For Christ sayes Matth. 10. ● 33 VVho shall deny me before men him shall I deny before my Father in Heauen Therefore the Church in vigor and subsistance cannot want a signe of visibility Morouer the Church contayning alswell the vniuersality of faithfull as of Byshops absolutely cannot err in matters of fayth which vniuersally eyther are to be belieued of fayth or propounded vnto vs to be done for good manners whether expressely they be found in the Scripture or noe because the Church is gouerned of Christ the head as S. Paul sayes Ephes 1. u 22. He hath giuen him to be head of all the Church which is his body And therefore if sho may err it redounds vnto Christ which according to the verity it self no manner of way may fall because God is true and because the Church is the pillar and foundament of verity 1. Tim. 3 v. 15. Therefore sho cannot err lykewyse Christ promissed to his Apostles and to the whole Church The spirit of verity to abyd with hir for euer and to leade hir in all verity S Ioan. 14. 16. It is not to be vnderstood of simple verity because the Scripture speakes generally of all verity descrybing the holy spirit to teach the Church and sho to be a pillar of verity that in nothing sho should err otherwayes if the Church may erre in teachings things necessary to saluation no man shall know wher the verity is and the holy Ghost shall be found the lyar For haue not all the Fathers in whatsoeuer question and controuersie of fayth fled to the church as vnto the ancher of verity They would neuer haue taken this refuge if they thought that the Church might erre To this effect S. Aug. lib. 1. contra Cresc c. 33. sayth the verity of the Scriptures is kept of vs seing we doe that thing which hath pleased the vniuersall Church the which doth commend the authority of the selfe Scripture forsomuch the holy Scripture may deceaue none but whosoeuer hath feared to be deceaued by obscurity of any question let him consult with the Church which without any ambigu●ty doth demonstrate and shaw the holy Scripture Againe Epist 118. To dispute against that thing sayes he which the vniuersall Church belieues it is most insolent madnes Againe in psal 57. In the bowells of the Church sayes he veritie remaynes
whosoeuer is separated frō this bowels of the Church of necessity he must speake false I say of necessity he must speake false who eyther would not be conceaued or eyther of the mother is made abortiue being once conceaued Which Church Serm ad Catachum cap. 20. He calleth a true mother a godly mother a chast spouse garnished with the dignitye and riches of hir husband not in outward showe by lying deceipt but in veritie which cannot erre And if the prelates of the Church may err consequently the whole Church may err for the people are bound to follow their pastors Mat. 23. v. 3. from whence then is the protestants Church seing the Church is inuisible and hath erred c. OBIECTION IT is written say they the kingdome of God shall not come with obseruation Luc 17 neither shall they say behold here or behold there Luc. 17 v. 21 Therfore the Church which is thè kingdome of God is inuisible and may not be seen ANSVVER IN the same chapter answer is made saying behold the kingdome of God is within yow or amonge yow for in the obiection Christ repelles the vaine opinion of the Pharisies who thought the kingdome of God to haue his beginninge with obseruation of worldly pompe with triumph and publique coronation after the maner of worldly princes makeing his residence in a certaine place of the kingdome He answers them that the Messias shall not reigne that maner of way but in such maner as he hathe begunne to wit in the hartes of men and in his church which then consisted in his Apostles and disciples which in another place he verifieth saying Blissed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of God Luc. 6. v. 20. as though he would say yow ar members of the kingdome of God with peace without worldly tumultes and triumphes from which the riche Pharisies are far of Lykewyse S. Pet. 1. epi. cap. 2. v. 5. sayes The Church is a spirituall house to wit not according to the inuisible substance as angells or soules c. Neither sayes he that the Churche consisteth of grosse materialls but of consecrated and sanctified men to God vnited in one body and mynd as was the multitud of belieuers in the dayes of the Apostles OBIECTION Yow haue not come to the mount that may not be touched and to the burninge fyre Hebr. 12. v. 18. 22. But yow haue come to the mount Sion the citie of the liuing God Therfore the Church is not visible for that the citie of the liueing God is not visible ANSVVER THe Apostle in this place denyeth not the visibilitye of the Church but discrybes the beautie of the triumphant Church in calling it heauenly Ierusalem vnto which it is sayd the faithfull haue to approche by faith and hope not that there are two Churches seing that it is all one but builded with diuerse estates to wit perfect and imperfyt vnto which perfection the militant doth labour in faith and hope whill she come to that beauties ende which is descrybed in heauen OBIECTION THose thinges which are belieued ar not seen but in the Creed VVe belieue the holy Catholik Church and therfor the Church being belieued is inuisible ANSVVER MAny things are belieued which notwithstanding are seen as Christ was seen with mans eyes and yet he is belieued the Messias and God and this he proues him self Iohan. 20. v. 29. saying Because thou hast seen me Thomas thou hast belieued ergo Christ was seen and belieued Lykewise in baptisme we see water and the application there of with the prolation of wordes and yet notwithstāding the vertue of the Sacramēt which we see not is effected which is that original synne is takē away iustifying grace is infused a character is impressed in the soule none of these are seen and yet faith belieues them for in all these things there is some things seen and other things belieued euen so in the Church we see with our eyes a company of men professing themselfes Christianes vnder the gouernment of a head but that that company is the very trew Church of Christ we belieue so that some things are seen and some things belieued Is therfore the article of our beliefe to be abolished and to say I see and suppose the Catholik Church and deny to say I belieue the Catholik Church this article conteineth many things more proper to faithe then reason because we see not the elect neither do we know them and yet we firmly belieue them to be in this company as lykewise we belieue this company and Church to be ruled of the holy ghost and yet we see him not and to be without error the piller and ground of veritie and in this Church only to be remission of synnes iustification the infusion of grace hope of eternall lyf the holy scripture and hir true interpretation dispensation of the Sacramentes and the true preaching of Gods word and out of this company and holy Church no mortall man can attain to the fauor of God or eternall saluation all these ar belieued and ar not seen nor known ergo the Church is visible OBIECTION ADam and Eua haue synned therefor the whole visible Church which consisteth in these two persones hath failled and erred Ergo ANSVVER ADam and Eua were not the Church but hir begining neither erred they in teachinge of false doctrine but as priuat persones doing euill or thinking euill OBIECTION IN the tyme of Isai and other Prophetes of the old Testament it appeared to haue failled for Isai sayes 1. cap. v. 3. That Israel hath not known me and in the 6. v. he sayes that from the soale of the foote to the crown of the head there is no whole place Lykewise Hier. 2. v. 29. Ye haue left me sayth the Lord. Et Psal 13. v. 3. All haue declyned and are made altogether vnprofitable there is not one who doth good there is not one VVherupon we gather both the Church to be inuisible and to haue erred ANSVVER ALbeit the whole Church of the Iewes in the tyme of Elias or at any other tyme hath failed which I graunt not notwithstāding it follow not that the Church of Christ hath failed because the Synagoge was not an vniuersall company of Gods peopl but a particular in which were many who liued holy and erred not as Melchisedech Iob Cornelius Centurio the queene of Candies Enuch and all these were found both righteous and faithfull Morouer the Prophet speaketh after the maner of Scripture by reason of the multitude of the wicked which speach passeth as an vniuersal signe how beit in truth all are not such for the mynd of the Prophet is no maner of way to affirme that all men haue falne from God absolutly but such as deny the diuyne prouidence of God saying there is no God and to be none who doth good notwithstanding a little after he declaires some to be good whom he calleth the people of God poor Iacob and Israell and
euer called Catholick as witnes Zozom l. 7. c 4. that Gratian Emperor would not permit to disput of the Roman Faith but made an edict that euery one should hould the same religion which the head of the Apostls Peter had deliuered from the beginning and that which Damasius Pope of Rome doth keep and so with Gratian all the Catholick Byshops doe call the Church of Rome Catholicks cannot be called by any other name the Heretickes themselues shall beare witnes the Mother Church and true Catholicke Church as S. Ambros orat funeb de obit frat Suppose if any man come to the portes of London or Edinburg and be asked what he is if he doth say I am a Catholick forthwith will the Protestants answere and say then thou art a papist also if he demande for a Catholick house to lodge in it will they not out of humanity conuoy him to a papists house which title name declares them to be members of the Catholicke Church for they can no other wyse be named for the word Catholick is ●he surname of a Christian and therefore of his mother he is called a Christian Catholik The Protestants could neuer be called Catholiks which no Hereticke can suffer to hear because they hate the Church for the name sake Therefore the reformed Church can no wayes be called Catholick because neyther the Lutherans Caluinistes Anabaptistes or whatsoeuer sect else separat from the Roman-Church at any tyme hath occupyed the whole world or any one Kingdome of it The Protestants are euer in suspitiō of Catholicks yea and where they professe and are surest and in the greatest feruor of their Heresie they remaine doubting in suspition of the Papists as an open enemie of their religion Wherefore their only note is to flee to inuisibilitie of the Church and to lurk in certaine corners and bragg with the Donatistes that the Catholick Church hath perished only lurketh in corners and that Church which was visible to the whole world and was through the world is obscured become inuisible and yet with the Donatists they will clame this Catholik Church and showe her visible in their corners and in obscure dennes The Protestants are lyke the Donatists of old For with the Donatistes cryeth Luth. here is Christ and his Church In Saxonie Calu. lykewyse cryes behold here is Christ and his Church In Geueua Memmo Pacimont Rotman crye Christ and his Church is in Morauia lykewyse the Puritans of Scotland crye lyke Rauens here is Christ and his Church and ech kingdome Common-welth Prouince and whersoeuer Heretickes are all crye behold Christ and his Church is here with vs. But who can belieue them when we see no tokens and markes of his Church The Protestants make a monster of Christ his Church and yet all bragge of Christ and are repugnant to themselues they make a monster of Christ and his Church there is one Christ and one Church and yet all Sectaries will haue as many Christes and as many Churches as they are deuyded in factions who fayle to be called Christian and farelesse to be named Catholiks As concerning this note Catholick see more in the first quest on The Church is called Apostolicall because of the Apostls planting excelle●cy and prerogatiue The fourth note is called Apostolicall because it retaines the seat of the Prince of the Apostles so that for her singular excellency and prero a●ue from the holy Apostle himself of all the auncient Fathers she is called Apostolicall As S. Hier. ep●st ad Dom. To thy Holynes saith he that is I ioyne my selfe to the communion of the chayr of S. Peter And seing all the other Seates of the Apostles as Ierusalem Alexandria Antioch haue perished and are possessed of the infideles only the chayr of Rome by the prouidence of God The Apostolicall chayr still remayned vnmoued albeit Rome hath byn subiect to diuers mutations remayneth in which as S. Aug. epist 162. sayes hath euer liued the principality of the Apostolicke chayr And albeit in Rome there hath byn diuerse mutations and temporall Lordes sometyme Emperors ruling now the Go●hes now cōsuls notwithstanding the Seat of Peter hath remayned vnmoued which is done by the prouidence of God See more in the 8. question concerning the Apostolicall succession To what ende the Protestāts labor Cant. 4.5 Apoc. 3 Prou. 23. Ephes 5 2. ●ar 36. Zac. 7. For conclusion it is the intention of the Protestantes that there should be no Church at all but such as is none prophane obscure and satanicall They lay the fault on Christ and defende that he hath forsaken his owne spouse and to haue discharged the gouernour of the ruling his owne Ark and to haue dispysed his owne flesh Hath he permitted the Synagogue which was lesse beloued of him to remaine only seauē●ie yeares in captiuity for her sinnes and his Church which once was visible Mat. 20. and perfect to be led into error and from error to haue perished these th●wsand years past hath the diligent husband man who went out diuerse tymes in the day to conduce laborers into his vyneyarde neclected it or hath byn so carrelesse to suffer and permit brambelles thornes of error superstttion to suppresse the vyhes and his vyneyard to be come a wildernesse only fit for the fyre Is the kingdome of God which in the Scripture is called his Church corrupted with error Matth. 3. and is falshood permitted to reygne in her seing the kingdome of God is the kingdome of verity Apoc. 21. Psalm 18. Apoc. 21. Matth. 18. 14. Is lykewyse the tabernacle of God set in the sonne become inuisible and obseured Is the city of God situated on an hill become confused babell Hath Hell gates preuailed against his Church Hath the shipp of S Peter byn drowned with the seas of Heresies Is the sanctuarie of refuge become adenne of dragonnes Is the mount of thy sanctification become the moūt of prophanation Is the inheritance of God soe polluted Is the strong castel with adamant walles thus beaten down O wondrous reformatiō who belieues them OBIECTION THe Lutherans and Caluinistes and moreouer all the Ghospellers agree in one vniforme defence of the reformed faith Against the Papists Ergo. ANSVVER I Grant ye agree but lyke Sampsones foxes who forthwith running hyther and thyther brunt vp the corne of the Philistins but their heades were deuyded Such are Luth. Calu. and all the rest of the crew of the Euangelistes Protestantes to wit that their tayles that is to say forces and euill will do assist and help others handes to burne the haruest of Gods husbandrie but in religion and capitall pointes they are extreame discordant through the whole articles of our faith euen vnto death OBIECTION YOw are called Papistes which is a name not pertinent to the Ca●holicke Church but seing this name is a particular name ergo it doth also separa●e you from the Catholicke Communion