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A03718 The brutish thunderbolt: or rather feeble fier-flash of Pope Sixtus the fift, against Henrie the most excellent King of Nauarre, and the most noble Henrie Borbon, Prince of Condie Togither with a declaration of the manifold insufficiencie of the same. Translated out of Latin into English by Christopher Fetherstone minister of Gods word.; P. Sixti fulmen brutum in Henricum sereniss. Regem Navarrae & illustrissimum Henricum Borbonium, Principem Condaeum. English Hotman, François, 1524-1590.; Fetherston, Christopher.; Catholic Church. Pope (1585-1590 : Sixtus V). Declaratio contra Henricum Borbonium. English. 1586 (1586) STC 13843.5; ESTC S117423 154,206 355

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he is neither dead but liueth an euerlasting and blessed life and séeing he is perpetually present in his church hée doth alwaies execute the office of the chiefest pastor and priest Moreouer we may 1. Pet. 2. Mark 16. 20. Psal 110. Heb. 2. 4. 7. 9. adde that also without any doubting that no bishop can be called the successor no not of Peter or of any other Apostle as the canonists vse to call the pope Peters successor Apud Decium in l. qui per successionem D. regul iur in Decius where when the lawiers vse to say that The heire of an heire that is the Testator is the heire of the testator though he be heire by the longest succession the Canonists reason that euery pope is the successor of Peter though there came manie betwéene For no bishop hath his cause from Peter or any other Apostle but from the choice made by the authoritie of Christ neither doth the place sea or chaire make the succession but the continuance of the doctrine of Christ when as the religion receiued of Christ is continually deliuered by all the successors as by hands to the Christian people Wherefore those new shifts of certaine of the popes clawebacks make nothing against vs who being mooued by hope of some benefice dispute thus that the pope of Rome is not the spirituall head of the catholike church but the ministeriall bicause like as Christ doth gouerne particular churches that is particular dioces by particular bishops his vicars in like sort the same Christ doth gouerne his vniuersall Church by some one vniuersall vicar of his namely the pope of Rome who kéepeth in doing their duty those inferior and particular bishops that are subiect to his iurisdiction For we answere this obiection thrée manner of waies First that this principalitie is not onely not ordained of Christ but also that it is brought in by the pope of Rome by ambition and desire to lord it For when Christ sent his twelue Apostles about to preach his Gospell he gaue not to som one some singular and principall commandement but the like one to them all thus Go ye into all coasts of the earth and preach the Gospell among all people and nations And therefore in the Reuelation the heauenlie Ierusalem is not said to be founded vpon one and a particular piller or especially vpon one of all the rest but simplie vpon twelue and when as vpon the day of Pentecost the holie Ghost was powred out vppon the twelue Apostles he was not powred out vpon some one of them especially and chiefly but he was simply powred out vpon all Last of all when Paul describeth the functions and offices of the pastors of the Church he doth not giue to any one the principalitie or lordship ouer the rest but he expoundeth to them the same in plaine words Christ is gone vp on high he hath led captiuitie captiue and hath giuen gifts to men For he hath made some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelists some pastors and teachers for the restoring of the Saints for the worke of the ministerie to the edifieng of the bodie of Christ. The other answere is that if Christ or Peter had ordained any principalitie and one ministeriall head in his Church no doubt the primitiue Church would haue retained that ordinance being so fresh in memorie But on the contrarie we sée that the most ancient generall Synods of all namely the Nicene that of Constantinople of Ephesus and Chalcedon did ordaine that ouer euery citie should be appointed a bishop that done that euery prouince should haue an Archbishop or patriarke hauing all like dignitie authoritie iurisdiction power degrée besides that it was granted to the Archbishop of Rome that for the antiquitie and honor of the city he should sit in the first place but yet not in an higher place and next him should sit the Archbishop of Constantinople for the selfe-same cause bicause he was bishop of new Rome being the emperors citie wheras if they had had regard of the more ancient Church that first or else the second place shuld haue béen due to the bishop of Antiochia then the bishop of Alexandria of Hierusalem afterward the thrée archbishops of Iustinian made by the emperor Iustinian for most light causes shuld take place in like seats which causes we will shew afterward vnder the crime of forgerie where we will reckon vp the forgeries cossenages and corruptions deuised by the pope of Rome to fill vp this his ambition The third answer is that séeing Christ did appoint his Apostles to be messengers and preachers of his commandements to go throughout diuers coasts of the earth we read not that any one of them was appointed to be an Archmessenger especially to be mute and to be at ease that he might lie busking and loitering at Rome and harken after those things that were done in other places of the world wheresoeuer and might in the meane season serue his ambition For bishops are nothing else but messengers of Christ and proclaimers of his commandements ordained in euery citie like as in times past the emperors of Rome were woont to giue things in charge to the Proconsuls and Presidents as all those that are students of the law and antiquities of the Romans do affirme Therefore he that is dumbe either by nature or will that is he that kéepeth silence and doth not execute the office of a messenger herald and doth not preach the Gospell he is not only not woorthy of the authoritie but not so much as of the name of bishop or archbishop But bicause the popes in their decretals do in euery third line inculcate that song Bicause it was said to Peter Feede my sheepe and Vpon this rocke it is woorth the paines to set downe the true and naturall interpretation of those places For Augustine in his 124. tract vpon Iohn When saith he it was said to Peter I will giue thee the keies of the kingdome of heauen and whatsoeuer thou shalt bind vpon earth he ment the vniuersal church that is founded vpon the rocke From whence euen Peter tooke his name For the rocke was not called Petra of Peter but Peter of Petra or the rocke as Christ tooke not his name of Christians but Christians of Christ. For therefore the Lord saith Vpon this rocke will I build my Church bicause Peter had said Thou art Christ the sonne of the liuing God Therefore vpon this rocke saith he which thou hast confessed will I build my Church For Christ was the rocke vpon which foundation euen Peter himselfe was builded For no man can lay any other foundation than that which is alreadie laid which is Iesus Therefore the Church that is founded in Christ receiueth from him the keies of the kingdome of heauen in Peter that is power to bind and loose sinnes For the same which Christ is in the Church by propertie the same is Peter in the rocke by
night in Gods seruice giuing himselfe to meditation and praier he did execute a threefold discipline as it were daily with his owne hand not with a cord but with an iron chaine till the blood came one for his owne offences which were the least another for those that were in purgatorie the third for those that are conuersant in the world 19. When the Lord iournied toward Hierusalem when he saw the citie he wept ouer it and he foretold many secrets of harts and euents of things to come for which it was said in his commendation A great prophet is risen vp amongst vs. When Dominic drew neere to cities beholding in mind he wept bitterly for their sinnes and he reuealed manie hid and secret things as a true prophet as the death of the king of the Aragons in battell the conuersion of the heretike Adiu that was to come whom he therfore commanded to be saued from burning Thus far goeth Antoninus whereby the Councellers of the most mightie king of France may iudge whether the most part of Christendome haue iustly or vniustly reiected these inuentions of religion brought in by the popes séeing they durst so wickedly and heinously set Dominic the munke to be worshipped in the church of God for an idoll and to match him with Christ being God our sauior For we must not giue eare to him that shall saie that these are onelie munkish toies which graue and learned men do loath For that which we said before touching the Franciscane bables of the same sort do we saie in this place of the Dominicans séeing they are receiued for diuine oracles in the church of Rome that all Christians must either worship them or else they must looke for such punishments as are appointed for heretiks by this gallowes cowled and cord bearing frier But now let vs heare somwhat else It séemeth that nothing can be added to this impietie But yet let vs trie what can be done For the same Antoninus in the chapter following where he compareth the miracles of Christ and Dominic togither saith thus Dominic raised Pag. 187. three from death in the citie of Rome the sonne of the widow which being knowne to the pope he would haue published it but Dominic for humilitie did vtterly refuse it The carpenter that was hired by his brethren and crushed in peeces by a wall that fell vpon him and Neapoleon the cardinall of the new ditch his nephew which fell from an horse and was all rent in peeces I am fully perswaded that the Lord did also raise others bicause he saith in the plurall number The dead shall rise againe namely Mat. 11. by me whereas yet he had onely raised the ruler of the synagogues daughter according to the Gospels So likewise we find that S. Dominic did raise other that were dead though not so notorious For what shall we thinke of those fortie strāgers which were in a ship in the great riuer beside Tholosa who after they had stood long time vnder the water after that the ship was drowned by the holie praier of S. Dominic they came out of the water safe and sound what shall we thinke but that either they were restored to life or else they were preserued in the water like fishes 2. God did twise fil the hungrie with bread that he multiplied and he turned water into wine Dominic did twise procure bread for his brethren frō God at Rome and at Bononia which the Angels brought from the heauenly bread wherfore it was most sweet He made an emptie caske full of wine and another time he turned water into sweete wine 3. Christ did perfectly heale Simons mother in law that was sicke of a feuer and also he healed many sicke folks Dominic did thoroughly cure a woman of a quartan ague 4. Diuels came out of manie crieng and saieng Bicause thou art the sone of God Dominic freed many that were vexed of diuels in soule and bodie 5. Christ being made immortall entred in twise to the disciples when the gates were shut but Dominic being as yet mortall which is more miraculous entred into the church by night the doores being shut least he should awake his brethren 6. The Lord after he departed out of this world drew infinite men to the way of truth though Dominic had reclamed thousands of heretiks from errors yet many mo after his departure O woonderfull hope which thou hast giuen singeth the church of S. Dominic to those that weepe to thee in the hower of death whiles that thou hast promised that thou wilt profit the brethren after death 7. And to come to an end The Lord saith Power is giuen me in heauen and earth This power was not a little imparted to Dominic of things in heauen in earth and in hel For he had the holie Angels to wait vpon him Moreouer the very Angels comming to the brethren in mans shape gaue them bread to eate If we speake of the elements the fire forgat his force when as the booke of his doctrine being cast thrise into the fire came out thrise vnhurt when the bookes of the heretiks his aduersaries were suddenly consumed The raine comming downe out of the aire in great abundance doth obey the signe of the crosse when as not so much as one drop did touch him as he iournied though all that countrie were ouerflowen with that shower The water of the riuer into which his bookes fell as he passed ouer it could not wet them but being drawen out in stead of fish by fishers vnhurt and dry as if they had been in a cofer after a few daies they were restored to him againe The earth also which containeth metals did not denie him necessarie monie For when as hauing passed ouer a certaine riuer in a boat the ferrie man did earnestly aske his boat hire of S. Dominic and he forasmuch as he was poore did auouch that he had no monie and the ferrie man held him fast by the cloke asking his monie S. Dominic hauing praied and looking toward the ground saw the monie wherof he stood in need lieng there which he gaue him and so set himselfe at libertie but also which is more when a certaine clerke could not liue chaste hauing kissed the hand of S. Dominic as he returned from masse with a sweete sauor so great a habit of virginitie was diffused through his mind that afterward he could easily containe himselfe What shall I speake of the infernall spirits Surely the diuels did tremble at his becke neither were they able to refuse his power Which appeereth when he led him with him as he appeered in the shape of a frier through the assemblies of the conuent namely of the Dormitall quire fratry locutorie and afterward of the chapter-house and he asked him of euery place what he gained there with the friers All which he was enforced to declare Thus writeth Antoninus By which we leaue it to the kings Counsellers to be iudged whether this be
cōmitted to him It followeth Casting down from their throne those that are mightier he throweth them downe euen to the ground as ministers of proud Lucifer How madlie the drunken frier inuadeth the place of Isaias * which doth properlie Ch. 14. concerne the popes of Rome and the vniuersall priests of the church For Gregorie the great doth plainly testifie that vnder the person of Nabuchadnosor the vniuersal pope is described For in hel there are brought in the damned kings princes comming out as it were to méete the pope and to welcome him comming vnto them after his death and mocking him thus Hell was afraide bicause of thee against the meeting of thy comming al the princes of the earth that are dead arise to thee All the kings of the nations rise out of their throns and they speak vnto thee on this wise Art thou also become weake as one of vs and art thou become like to vs Thy pride is drawne vnto the hell O Lucifer when didst thou fall from heauen thou sonne of the morning and art cut downe to the earth that didst terrifie the nations But thou saidst in thine hart I will clime vp into heauen I will exalt my throne aboue the stars of heauen I will clime vp aboue the height of the cloud and will become like to the most highest Those that see thee shall saie Is this he that troubled the earth and did shake kingdoms Now let vs heare Gregorie out of his fourth booke of Epistles ch 82. where he applieth that place of Isaias vnto him that did professe himselfe to be pope and vniuersall bishop I will clime vp saith he aboue the height of the clowdes I will be like to the most highest For what are all thy brethren the bishops of the vniuersall church but stars of heauen Before whom whiles thou couetest to set thy selfe by a worde of pride and to tread their name vnder foote in comparison of thee what else dost thou say but I will clime vp into heauen I will exalt my seat aboue the stars of heauen Whom whiles your brotherhood despising them doth go about to tread vnder foote what other thing saith it but this which the old enimie saith I will clime vp aboue the height of the clowds Al which things when I behold weeping c. By which words it is vnderstood that the place of Isaias concerning Lucifer cast downe into the neather most part of the earth and of his crueltie thrust downe into hell doth not belong to the most noble king of Nauarre than whom the sunne beholdeth nothing more méeke more gentle but vnto our Polyphemus Sixtus the fift and vnto his pride in treading vnder-foote the maiestie of kings But if we must cut the throat of this gyant with his owne sword lo we haue a plaine text in his owne decrée * where it is thus written Lucifer de poeniten dist 2. §. qui vero reprobi whiles that he presumed of himselfe in pride he was cast downe from paradyse into hell Also * Whiles Nabuchadnosor waxing proud in 23. q. 5. §. hinc notandum his hart said Is not this Babylon which I haue built c. God did foorthwith change his reasonable mind and he changed him into the forme of beastlines so that flieng from men he liued with beasts Which words he reciteth referring them vnto the pope which we wil haue especially noted and he commendeth Ludouike of Rome * But now let vs procéed in cons vlt. num 2. to the rest after we haue added that one thing out of the 38. leafe of the booke of the Conformities bicause mention is made of the seat of Lucifer The peace making Frier being caught vp into heauen whether in the bodie or without the bodie God knoweth let the readers consider how wickedly the vile munk doth mock the words of Paul and he saw in heauen manie seates amongst which he saw one higher than his fellowes bedeckt with pretious stone And he heard a voice saieng to him This was Lucifers seate and in his place shall humble Francis sit And this surely is that which we said before that Francis Bernardo togither with the rest of his stage plaiers and comicall mates shall haue a place in Lucifers kingdome so that we néed not greatly dispute whether Francis or pope Sixtus the fift a bishop of the order of Francis is worthie the seate It followeth in the bull According to the care for all chruches people and nations that lieth vpon vs. Good Lord What a burden hath our great cowled Frier taken vpon him séeing he hath taken vp vpon his shoulders the care both for all churches and people nations We will héerafter cease to woonder what is the cause that painters haue in his image painted the form of one that stoupeth Scarce Atlas who they say held vp heauen did beare a heauier burden What shall then become of vs if the pope begin to faint and faile vnder that so great a burden which he complaineth to lie vpon his shoulders alone They say that the cause of a certain melancholy persons gréefe was bicause he was afraid least Atlas who had so long borne so great a burden should at length sinke vnder it But we thinke it good to set downe in this place a certaine pleasant narration of William Budeus a man as I said before that loued his countrie and was very learned touching these Atlasses out of his fift booke De Asse A certain pleasant and merie preacher saith he was woont not long ago to cauill at them and to say that they seemed to him to be such as are those corbat images in churches which are set vpon posts or pillers For as we see some of these images as it were yeelding vnder their burden which are either in stead of corbats or else they reach without the mortesses of the corbats and they seeme to one that beholdeth them as if they tooke great paines and swet with bearing the worke whereas indeed they are without feeling and they help the strength of the stones nothing howsoeuer they seeme to take great paines so we see these Atlasses set and placed vpon the very tops of the pillers in the temple of the Lord hauing indeed that false honor and maiestie of titles like reuerend old men and their custome is to pretend holines and to beare a faire shew of reuerend old men that vnderprop the Lords sanctuarie but when we behold their blockish ignorance or dissolute carelesnes it is euident that they do no more good than images of stone But it séemeth that we ought not to omit that which Antoninus archbishop of Florence whom we haue sundry times before mentioned hath taught vs that when as long ago the pope began to faint vnder so great a burden there were some found that did vnderprop him with their shoulders namely Dominican Friers For he writeth thus * Dominic Histor. part 3. tit 23. §. 3. fol. 191. went
much that The pope being chosen otherwise than canonically is a diuell and hath not the keies of heauen but of hell For these be the words of Felinus * Let them furthermore In c. Ego N. de iureiur consider that all the popes cardinals and bishops which haue borne rule in the church of Rome more than an hundred yéeres came assuredly out of the seminarie of schismatiks and apostataes For it is now almost an hundred and fiftie yéers ago sithence the councel of Basill was kept and held with the great desire will of all Christian estates It is well knowen that neuer any councell was called had and kept in the church of Rome with greater solemnitie than this For it was both called by the decrée of two popes namely of Martin the fift and Eugenius the fourth and also it was held their legates being presidents Eugenius being cited and called out of the same councell after that they had solemnly heard the cause he was at length conuict of fraud iuglings craftie conueiances and factions against the libertie of that councell and so put from the popedome and disgraded as a schismatike and reuolt togither with all the cardinals and bishops which tooke his part And Amedaeus duke of Sauoy was put in his place Let vs heare what maner end this tragedie had Soone after the same Eugenius being condemned depriued disgraded was through the fauor of certain princes restored to his sea and he likewise restored with him all the cardinals and bishops that tooke his part And Amedaeus hauing though against his will a cardinals hat giuen him did resigne his popedome Let graue men and such as are of courage now consider whether according to that most holie function of the popes decrée wherof we spake euen now they be to be counted apostolicall or rather apostaticall whether they haue the keies of heauen or of hell who arising out of that seminarie of the Eugenians beare rule in the church of Rome in these times Which that it may more commodiously be iudged it is woorth the labor to heare and knowe the opinions of the doctors and lawiers who haue written somewhat touching this matter and first of all of Ludouike of Rome who was present at the councell of Basill where he wrote the last councell whose words are these * If the num 15. shepheard of shepheards offensiuely gouerning and inordinately handling the church being admonished by the church do not foorthwith repent yea continue in his insolencie of gouernment he may and ought to be put from his office For seeing he honoreth not the church admonishing him wholesomly neither shall he then deserue to be honored of the church so that it should tollerate him gouerning offensiuely and being incorrigible being an argument of that which the orator Domitius saith and Hierom reporteth in his epistle to the Neopolitanes saieng thus Why then should I count thee as my prince seeing thou dost not take me for a senator * Therefore the truth is that the pope dist 95. c. esto subiectus offending the church notoriouslye with his crimes and remaining incorrigible may be accused to the church and by the same be vncased of his popedome Which conclusion is shewed farther thus The pope standing in a notorious crime that offendeth the whole church and being vnwilling to cease of falleth into suspition of heresie * He that liueth rebelliously and refuseth c. nullus dist 38. sic dicente to learne and do good things is shewed to be a member rather of the diuel than of Christ and he is shewed to be rather an infidell than a beleeuer Thus saith Ludouike of Rome who as we said was present at the councell of Basil with great authoritie Where be those that dispute that they are and ought to be counted heretiks which set themselues against the popes tyrannie Which thinke that his outragious boldnes in proscribing kings ought not any longer to be borne with Which detest the impietie of Sixtus the fift in maintaining the feined religions of Bernardo and Dominick But now let vs cite another authoritie of the same notable man out of the same councell for shortly after * he num 17. saith thus If naturall reason tell vs that an incurable member that infecteth the whole bodie ought to be cut off for the safetie of the whole bodie in like sort ciuill reason ought to tell vs that an incurable member that infecteth the whole mistical church must be cut off that the rest of the bodie be not infected or offended and consequently the pope let vprightnes of minds be vsed in reading these things and let these words of Ludouike of Rome be compared with that our curse and detestation who though he be a principall part of the church yet is he also a member of the bodie of the church according to the glosse * Also the reason of the scripture of God in c. ecce 93. dist persuadeth this approouing the asseueration of Caiphas the chiefe priest who said It is expedient that one man die for the people and that all the people do not perish seeing that though he were pope placed to gouerne the people yet ought he not to be their ruine saith text 11. q. 3. ita corporis Yea he is worthie of as manie deaths as he sendeth ouer examples of destruction to his subiects saith text eadem caus q. in c. praecipuè For as it is a laudable and discreet thing to giue reuerence and honor to superiors so it is a point of vprightnes and the feare of God not to cast behind vs by any dissimulation the things that are in them and need any correction least the disease go through the whole bodie if the sicknes be not cured in the head saith text 2. q. 7. c. sicut inquit This conclusion is also prooued by the text in c. in canonibus 16. q. 1. and in d. c. sed illud So likewise he ought to be banished out of the church who is not amended by the admonition of the church as the Lord saith Take away euill from among you For those wounds must be launced which feele not the softening of the medicine * argum de iudic c. cum non ab hom Thus writeth 82. dist c. quia aliquanti 1. q. 1. c. reperiuntur Ludouike of Rome word for word Wherby being compared with that our detestation vpright readers may iudge whether iustly or vniustly we haue so boldly accursed the tyrannous boldnes of that pope Moreouer to that complaint of Ludouike of Rome agrée those things which cardinall Zabarella wrote about the yéere M. ccccvj in his treatise of schisme num 20. For euery notorious crime of the pope saith he if he cannot be reformed and do offend the church he may be accused bicause he is accounted as an heretike * in c. olim col pen. extra de rescrip for this incorrigiblenes not in gloss 40 dist c. si papa concerneth
this was the cause that Ferdinando did cast out the king his neighbor though he did also pretend another bicause both the king of France and those that did aid him were pronounced accursed by the popes edict and their kingdoms were made common Thus writeth Ferronus whereby we may coniecture what great danger hangeth ouer the most noble princes of Germanie and so consequently ouer all the kings of Europe by reason of that so néere a conspiracie of the popes and the Spanish inquisition For by this short cut any munke so he be of a craftie and subtill nature hauing taried some time in Spain as this our Sixtus and hauing béene conuersant with the inquisitors of Spaine may make such a bargain and league with them that if through their fauor and commendation he may obtaine the popedome then he may pronounce what king or prince soeuer he will a schismatike or heretike taking to him any occasion he may adiudge to them his kingdom opened and committed as a fée to the sea of Rome Therefore we are to wish that we may once haue some king giuen vs that may be of a valiant courage that he may thrust this whoore of Babylon out of hir seat and may at length rid the Church of Christ from so long and miserable seruitude and restore hir to hir former libertie and dignitie which courage that king of ours Ludouike the twelfth who was called the parent of the countrie being wearie of that bondage tooke vpon him when after that furious curse of pope Iulius he commanded French crownes to be coined in France with this inscription Ludouike 12. by the grace of God king of France duke of Mediolanum And then on the other side the armes of France and Mediolanum ioined togither with this inscription I will destroy Babylon Of which name if happily any man be ignorant let him read the Reuelation of Iohn ch 17. and Hierom in his catalog where he maketh mention of Mark and writeth plainly that Peter did figuratiuely vnderstand Rome by Babylon in his former epistle * Ch. 5. Also in the prolog of his booke touching the holie Ghost where he doth plainly call Rome Babylon and that purple whoore which is described in the Reuelation Which thing he doth likewise confirme vpon Esay c. 14. and againe c. 47. and vnto Aglasia in the 11. question For which cause Paula also and Eustochium in that epistle which they wrote vnto Marcellus do in like sort call Rome Babylon and no whit more obscurely Hierom in his epistle When I was at Babylon saith he a citizen of the purple whoore c. The conclusion of the former protestation THese things therefore being thus set down it remaineth that we conclude this reason Séeing pope Sixtus the fift hath béen condemned by the most part of Christendome of seauen most gréeuous crimes namely of impietie of vsing tyrannie in the Church of corrupt religion sacrilege treason rebellion and forgerie and séeing that hauing followed the insolencie boldnes and crueltie of those that went before him he hath published this most mad decrée contrarie to all lawes diuine and humane vsing false allegations and that without any iudiciall order yea foolishly blockishly impudently against the most excellent king of Nauarre and most noble prince of Condie and hath burdened them with filthie and geason reproches of words forasmuch as he called them sonnes of wrath obstinate heretiks notorious relapsed such as lie tumbling in filth rebels against the most Christian king persecutors of the Church a detestable issue traitors against God and man and did for these causes depriue them of their principalities dukedoms lordships fées and all honors and of the right of lawfull succession in the realme of France and forasmuch as this his old and outragious boldnes of abiudging and adiudging of kingdoms doth plainly appertaine vnto all kings princes and potentates of Europe and it is to be feared least those that shall be desirous of other mens kingdoms will lay wait for peaceable and quiet princes héerafter by this policie of excommunications or proscriptions for these causes the foresaid princes protest that the same pope Sixtus the fift is to be counted a wicked periured sacrilegious person a tyrant an author of feigned religions a cruell and bloodie murderer of the Church of Christ an importunate and wicked enimie of religion and to be most assuredly Antichrist and that al monarchs of Christendome kings princes potentates and those that haue any gouernment or lawful power are to be requested and earnestly intreated that they will helpe these most roiall princes to suppresse the furie of this fierce tyrant and to breake in péeces his cruell and furious assaults and that they will lay their heads togither and ioine togither their forces to extinguish that plague of mankind and to deliuer the Christian commonwealth from that monstrous and deadly monster In the meane season that the foresaid pope Sixtus the fift ought for his intollerable reprochfull words which he hath powred out against our foresaid princes with a beastly mind to be accounted and called of al Christians a most hidious monster a most filthy monster and a monster not woorthie to be bestowed euen in the farthest parts of the world but such a one as ought to be banished out of the coasts and borders of mans nature as a most certaine notorious and manifest Antichrist to whose accursed head all Christians ought to wish an euill plague ruine and destruction that so long as any breth shall remaine in his accursed bodie so long he may be to all the godlie Anathema Maranata as saith the holie Ghost And least happily any of vs do thinke this to be a new and vnwoonted kind of curse we will desire the readers that they will first of all remember those places which we cited before specially out of the books of Saint Bernard where the papacie of Rome is flatly plainly by name called Antichrist the sonne of perdition the man of sinne a diuell not onely of the day but also of the noone day who is not onely transfigured into an angell of light but is extolled aboue al that is called God or that is worshipped Now Hierom calleth Rome Babylon and the purpled whoore Secondly that they read and attentiuely consider the most holie sanction of the popes decrée * where it is ordained In c. 2. dist 23. c. si quis pecunia dist 79. that He which by monie or fauor of men such as it is manifest this frier had in the west parts or by tumult of the people or by anie pollicie that is by ambition and euill arts shall attaine to the papacie let him be accounted not apostolicall but apostaticall and let him togither with his fautors and followers be cast out of the bounds of the holie Church of God being thence separated as Antichrist and as an inuader and destroier of all Christendome Whereto the canonists durst with great consent subscribe and openly professe thus