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A02923 A Postill, or, Exposition of the Gospels that are usually red in the churches of God, vpon the Sundayes and feast dayes of Saincts written by Nicholas Hemminge a Dane, a Preacher of the Gospell, in the Vniuersitie of Hafnie ; and translated into English by Arthur Golding. ; before which Postill is sette a warning of the same Nicholas Heminge too the Ministers of Gods vvorde, concerning the co[n]tinuall agreement of Chrystes Church in the doctrine and true worshipping of God ... Hemmingsen, Niels, 1513-1600.; Golding, Arthur, 1536-1606. 1569 (1569) STC 13062; ESTC S5140 503,499 736

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Chryst only was méet too bée sent for the latter purpose that is too wit too teach were sent in olde time all the Prophets and afterwarde the Apostles and all men that are lawfully called to the office of preaching Therfore as in respect of teaching Chryst sendeth his disciples as hée was sent by the Father Héereby wée may gather twoo things First the difference betwéene the kingdomes of the world and the administration of the churche or betwéen the gouerners of the world and the gouerners of churches For the ministers of the woorde are not sent too bée Lordes on the earth For Chryst tooke no Lordship vpon him neyther are they sent too the pomps of this world which Christ despised but too teach the Gospel too set vp the kingdome of God and too preach saluation vntoo men Secondly héerby is too bée gathered what authoritie y e woord is of whiche they preach that are called to the ministerie As my father hath sent me sayth he so send I you that you may speak not in your own name but in mine Héere vnto perteyneth that saying of the Lorde vntoo his disciples Math. 10. He that héereth you héereth mée and he that despiseth you despiseth mée Héere haue they that teache the woord a comfort and they that héere it a weightie admonition For when those that teache the woord godlily in lawful vocation do suffer any thing at the thanklesse world they haue a comforte in this that they beare the roome of Chryste and that Chryste suffereth wrong with them who wil in time reuenge himselfe And they that héere the woord are admonished first of the aucthoritie of the woorde for they are bounde too héere the woorde none otherwise than if they herd Chryste himselfe speaking Next they are warned too make accompt of the godly ministers of Gods woorde as of Chrysts ambassadours Besides that they are put in minde of the penaltie which they incurre by the iust iudgement of God as many as despise either the word preached or the ministers themselues Also the ministers of the woord must cōsider too what degrée of worship they ar exalted that they doo not either infect the purenesse of the doctrine or estraunge their héerers from them by their euill conuersation The thirde part And vvhen he had said he breathed vpon them and said vntoo them Take yee the holy Ghost These woords cōtein a singuler doctrine For Christ by these woords sheweth from whence the woorde whiche is preached by the voyce of the ministers hath his power and woorking which vndoutedly is not inclosed in the voice of y e minister nor hāgeth vpon the holinesse and woorthinesse of man but all the power and woorking of the woord procéedeth of the vertue of Christs spirit For when as Chryst héere breatheth vpon the disicples and biddeth them take the holy ghost he giueth too vnderstād y t the holy ghost shal always be present at y e ministery of the word as if he had said behold ye shal be the ministers of the new testamēt which shall build me a church in y e woorld by preaching the gospel and I know how weake you are too go through with so great a woork specially séeing the deuill the world and all mannes reason shal set themselues ageynst you Wherfore I wil that the holy ghost shal be present in this your ministerie by whō your labor shall become effectuall For he by his power shall bring too passe that my woord which you shal preach shal not return to you in vaine Héere wée may gather a profitable doctrine and admonition The doctrine is that the holy ghost is tyed too the woord and wil be effectual by it The admonishment or comfort is that therby as wel the techers as the héerers may rayse vp themselues at the presence of the holy ghost ageynst the enemies of their saluation The fourth parte VVhose sinnes so euer yee shall release they are released vntoo them and vvhose so euer yee shal vvithholde they are vvithholden In these woords he ordeineth and establisheth that spiritual power of the church which we cal the power of the keys aud the key is shewed wherwith the kingdome of heauen is opened and shut Notwithstanding too the entent this most profitable doctrine may bée euidently vnderstood of al men I will diuide it intoo certeine points which are these From whence is the power of the church what it is in whom it resteth wherein it consisteth These poynts being well vnderstood there is no man but he shal handsomly perceiue what and what maner of thing the Ecclesiasticall power is From whence then is this power From God by Iesus Christ. For if ye haue an eye no further than on mā it is but a single ministerie But if ye haue an eye too Chryst it is an high power than the which there is none vpon earth either greater or profitabler or of more woorship For Chryste sitting at the right hand of the father in the throne of his maiestie ordereth and directeth this power He therefore that dispiseth this power both is bereft of the frute therof and also dishonoureth the sonne of God What is the power of the Churche It is the power of releasing withholding sinnes that is too say of preaching the Gospel whiche who so beléeueth too him is the kingdome of heauen opened and he that beléeueth not too him it is shewed that the kingdome of heauen is shut vp In whom resteth this power In the Church For when our Lord gaue the keyes too Peter and the other Apostles he bestowed these keyes vpon the very Churche at the whiche the ministers fetche the keyes as the handmayde hathe the keyes of hir mistresse In what thing consisteth the power of the keyes In the effectuall woorking of the holy Ghoste who in the woorde and by the woord is mightie of operation woorketh faith in the héerers of y e woord So the woord is as it were one key which the minister of the woord occupyeth and faith is another key which the holy ghost putteth too and whē these keyes are put too both toogither then is the kingdome of heauen opened Now that wée haue in this wise expounded these things let vs wey the woords of this text somewhat déeplyer Firste therefore when hée sayeth whose so euer stay thy selfe and consider of this woord whose so euer First that the promise of grace is vniuersall Set thou this vniuersall promising ageinst the temptation of particularitie and include thy selfe within the generall promise Nexte set this woord whose so euer ageinst the multitud of sinnes And when thou art tēpted too despaire for the multitude of thy sinnes let this promise of the Lorde come too thy minde whose so euer c. Hée sayeth not if a man commit a few sinnes or many neyther sayth hée if hée be a Iew a Gréek a gentleman a commoner a rich man or a poore man but he saith whose so euer Moreouer this place do●th vs too
bee vvritten euery one I suppose the vvorlde could nor conteine the bookes that should bee vvritten The exposition of the text THe summe of the Gospell After that Christe had asked Peter thrice whether hée looued him hée commaunded him too followe him meaning thereby that he should glorifie him by his death Furthermore by correcting Peters errour the Euangelist correcteth the opinion of the other disciples who misvnderstanding the Lordes woordes were in a wrong opinion that Iohn should not die Last of al he auoucheth that the Gospel whiche Iohn wrate concerning Christe is true And of this Gospel let vs make foure places whiche are these 1 The talke betwéene Christ and Peter Christs commaundement that he should folow him 2 As euery mans vocation is commended too him so is curiousnesse condemned 3 The correcting of the errour of Christes disciples risen of the mistaking of the Lordes woordes 4 A commendation of the Gospel written by Iohn ¶ Of the first ANd vvhen he had sayd so he said vntoo Peter folovve mee Bicause Peter had denied Christ thrice it was the Lordes wil to restore him too his former estate and Apostleship by his thrice confessing him For it was méete that hée whiche had so often denied his Lord and maister should by this meane and as it were by this discipline bée chastised and tried and that his conuersion should bée made knowen There are thrée things whiche Christ dooth héer with Peter First hée asketh him thrée times whither hée looueth him Too whom Péeter answereth thrice also that by this thrée times confessing hée might washe away his thrice denying of him and so bée restored into his place againe Secondlye hée commendeth vntoo him the office of Apostleship thrice saying Féed my shéepe that is too say bée my Apostle too gather my shéepe vntoo me by the doctrine of the Gospell by my sacramentes and by holy life Here it is giuen vs too vnderstand that the duetie of the Apostleship yea and of all ministers of Gods woord is too féede Christes shéepe Besides this by the metaphor of Shéepe is signified what maner a companie of men that shall bée whiche is figured vnder the name of shéepe First therefore somewhat must bée sayde héere of the manner of féeding and secondlye of the Shéepe Christ féedeth and the apostles and other ministers of the woorde féede but the manner of them all is not alike For Christ féedeth as owner and shepherde of the shéep the apostles féede as his seruantes Christe inwardly by his spirite the Apostles by their outwarde ministerie For suche as in crueltie of cōditiōs were Beares or Lions they make tame through the Lordes woorking inwardly by his holy spirite And so they bring them intoo the shéepfolde of Christ that is too say Christes kingdome and this they doo by putting too the keys of Christes churche giuen them of Chryst the true shepeheard Nothing else are these keys than the woord and Faith The minister applyeth the woorde outwardely and the spirite of Chryste inwardly ioyneth fayth too the preaching For the preaching of Gods woorde concerning the forgiuenesse of sinnes too bée obteyned through Christ is the onely key too open the kingdome of heauen Now if he that heareth ioyneth also thervnto true faith and do verily agrée vnto the Gospell then commeth also the other key With these two keis is the kingdom of heuen opened and forgiuenesse of sinnes obteined That is too say the Ambassage of Chryst sheweth wherein that which is spoken figuratiuely vnder the name of keyes is expressed in cléere and plaine meanyng woordes When hée sayth Go and preach the gospell too all creatures Behold héere haue you the firste key And when hée addeth hee that beleeueth shall bee saued Hée sheweth the other key The woord and fayth therfore are the twoo keys wherewith the kingdome of heauen is opened The woorde is applyed outwardly by the Minister which béeing receyued by the vertue of the spirite engendreth Faythe wherethrough men enter intoo the shéepefolde of Chryst. And when the shepherds haue let in the shéepe into Christes shéepfolde they must féede them with the woord and with his Sacraments When any stray from the shéepfold they must fetch them backe againe wyth theyr shéepehookes that is too say with rebuking them If any bée weake and sickely they must refresh them with chéerfull comforte And they must alwayes kéep watche about their flock least wolues come and breake vp the folde and scatter the shéepe All these things the Lorde committed too Peter and the other Apostles or rather too all the ministers of the Gospell when hée sayd too Peter féede my shéepe But why calleth he them shéep whom the apostles bring vntoo Chryst I finde specially thrée causes Wherof the first is for that it behoueth them too bée méeke which professe Chryste or will bée named Christians For it becommeth not them that will bée registred intoo Chrystes houshold too bée cruel like Lions rauening like Wolues wylie like foxes lecherous like Goats filthy like swine or too shewe them selues in affections like too other wilde beastes The second cause is for that like as shéepe doo know the voyce of their owne shepeherde and flée from a straunger so the godly acknowledge Chryste onely for their teacher and will héere those onely that vtter his woord and not any other how greatly renoumed so euer they bée no thoughe they were Angels from heauen The thirde cause is for that like as shéepe followe their owne shepherde whither so euer he goeth so must the godly folowe Christ in life in persecution and in glorie beholding hys lyfe as a rule too leade their life by bearing his Crosse through pacience as often as néede shall require and afterwarde becomming partakers of his glorie whose companions they had bene in persecution according as Paule sayth If wée suffer with him wée shall also bée glorified with him Hereby therfore may the godly ministers of y e woord learne too féede Christes flock And let the shéepe bée méeke let them héere the voyce of their shepherd only and let them folowe him in life in crosse and in glorie The thirde thing that Christ dooth héere is that he doothe Peter too vnderstand with what kinde of death hée shoulde glorifie God when he sayth VVhen thou vvert yong thou diddest girde thy selfe and vventest vvhither thou vvoldest but vvhen thou art olde thou shalte stretche out thy hande and an other shall girde thee and leade thee vvhither thou vvoldest not It is ment by these woordes that Peter for confessing Christ should one day be crucified which thing Irenaeus and diuers of the auncient writers testifie too haue béene done at Rome in the reigne of Nero. Herevntoo Christ addeth his commaundement vntoo Peter and bids him folow him not deny him any more as he had heretofore done but too shew him self stoutly an inuincible souldier of Christ euen vntoo death And let euery one of vs think the same too bée spoken too him selfe ¶
Chryste the kingdome of Sathan For Sathan is euer grudging and deuising of sundry wiles how hée maye enter vppon Chrystes kingdome according too this and thou shalt lie in wayte for his héele Secondly that Chryst by his wisdome and power ouercommeth the power and deuises of Sathan according too this there is no wisdome there is no counsel ageinst the Lord. And thirdly that wée should submit oure selues vnder him acknowledging him too bée very GOD and confessing him with all suche as flée vntoo him in true repentance ¶ Of the third ANd the people seeing it vvere afrayde and glorifyed God Héere wée haue the effect and frute of this miracle in the beholders which frute the Euāgelist setteth ouer in this storie vnto vs. I haue oftentimes spoken of Chrystes miracles héeretoofore and therefore I will say little héere Chryste by this miracle confirmed the power of his Godhead his owne fatherly will towards men his office which is too saue for whiche purpose he was sent and sealed vp the truthe of his Doctrine as it were with some authenticall and Princely seale Ageine in the héerers was conceyued faith out of faith f●owed the fear of God and by fayth they glorified God with hart voyce confession and maners Héereby then let vs also gather these foure things concerning Chryste and toogither with these lookers on let vs conceiue faith feare God glorifie him who is too bée praysed world without end Amen Vpon the .xx. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospell Math. xxij IEsus sayd too his Disciples the kingdome of heauen is like vntoo a man that vvas a kinge vvhich made a mariage for his sonne and sent forth his seruaunts too call them that vvere bidden too the vvedding and they vvold not come ▪ Ageine he sent foorth other seruaunts saying Tell them vvhich are bidden behold I haue prepared my dinner mine Oxen and my fatlings are killed and all things are ready come vntoo the Mariage But they made light of it and vvent their vvayes One too his Farme place another too his marchaundise and the remnaunt tooke his seruaunts and intreated them shamefully and slue them But vvhen the king heard thereof he vvas vvroth and sent forth his men of vvarre and destroyed those murtherers and brent vp their citie Then sayd he too his seruaunts the Mariage in dede is prepared but they vvhich vver bidden vver not vvorthy Go yee therfore out intoo the hye vvayes and as many as yee find bid them to the Mariage And the seruaunts vvent foorth intoo the hye vvayes and gathered toogither all as many as they could finde bothe good and badde and the vvedding vvas furnished vvith guestes Then the king came in too see the guestes and vvhen he spied there a man vvhich had not on a vvedding garmēt he said vnto him Frend hovv camest thou in hither not hauing a vvedding garment And he vvas euen speachles Then saide the king too the ministers take and bind him hand and foote and cast him intoo vtter darknesse there shall bee vveping and gnashing of teeth For many bee called but fevv are chosen The exposition of the Text. LOoke what Chryst dooth continually y ● dooth he also in this dayes Gospell For as the good father exhorteth his children too honest lyfe and that sundry wayes So Chryst the Lord and father of the world too come is not contēted with one way but assayeth many wayes too kéepe his children in their duetie For sometime he dooth it with fayre woordes as when he sayth in Mathew 11. Come vntoo me all yée that labour and are loden and I will refresh you and sometime with fatherly promisses as whē he sayth he that commeth vntoo me I will giue him of the water of life Sometime with rewardes when he bestoweth the present benefites vpon them And sometime with threatnings as when he sayth in the .18 of Marke He shall come and destroy those husbandmen let out his vineyard vntoo others After the same manner in this Gospel he dealeth partly by threatnings putting foorth a Parable for he threatneth destruction too those that shall refuse too come too his mariage clad in wedding rayment and partly by promisses that he wil honorably welcome and wel enterteine those that come are apparelled in wedding rayment Therefore the summe of this Gospell is that Chryst requireth of his a life woorthy ●o holy a calling and threatneth horrible punishment vntoo those that liue in the Church without repentance and sanctification which is that wedding garment y t this bridegroome requireth The Places are thrée 1 The opening of the Parable 2 The blaming of him that sate at the wedding without a wedding garment 3 Chrysts complaynt many are called and fewe chosen ¶ Of the firste THe kingdome of heauen is likened too a man that vvas a king c. Now too the intent this present gospell may become the swéeter too vs Let vs looke vpon the partes of this similitude which are many The first In this place the kingdome of heauen signifieth the Churche gathered toogither by the voyce of the Gospell which of Peter is called a holy nation a kingly préesthoode and a chosen generation The second The man that was a king signifieth God the father of heauen whom Paule calleth the king of kings and Lord of Lordes The third The kings sonne is our Lord Iesus Christ of whom he sayth This is my beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased This sonne of God is called of Dauid the Brydegroome decked with holy decking The fourth Untoo this sonne did the father then make a mariage when he willed him too bée borne of the blissed virgin Marie and he as Dauid saith cōmeth as a bridegroome out of his chamber This sonne tooke the Church vnto him as his spouse and betrouthed her vntoo himself according too this saying of the Prophet Oseas I will marry thée too my selfe for euer and I wil marrie thée too me in rightuousnesse and iudgement in mercy and compassion and I will marrie thée too me in fayth and thou shalt knowe the Lorde This Bridale as in respect of all mankind was begon by handfasting assoone as the first man and woman were created For when God made man too the intent he should knowe him and loue him when he garnished our first parents with Originall rightuousnesse when he imprinted the Image of his Godhead in them then did he make this ensurance Notwithstanding this ensurance was brokē by and by through the craftinesse of Sathā who entised man too wicked breach of wedlocke so as he forsooke his true spouse and tooke him too that moste filthie whoremaister the Diuell Which iniurie the despised Bridegroome reuenged when he made the harlot naked by taking away the kings image and spoyling hir of his wedding Iewels Howbéeit O woonderfull goodnesse of the Bridegroome He determined too redeme his spouse that had bin caryed away and most filthily defiled And so the father of this Bridegroome putteth hir foorthwith
things then it is too bée vnderstād that Christ came for twoo causes The first is to destroy the works of the diuel and the other too bring the blissyng vpon the children of Abraham y t is too say vpon all that shall receiue Christ by fayth as Abraham did For when Adam had by his fall yéelded him selfe and all his ofspring bondslaues vnder the Tirannie of Sathan and cast them intoo deserued curse the rightuousnesse of God required that either wée should suffer due deserued punishmēt or else that some of mankinde should satisfie Gods iustice Now forasmuch as no meane power was able too vanquish the diuell and pacifie Gods wrath the sonne of God cōmeth foorth of his secret dwelling place he cōmeth intoo y e world he becomes man he taketh our case vpon him he ouerthroweth the kingdome of the deuill and pacifieth his Fathers wrath being made vntoo vs both our sacrifice and our préest This selfe same thing doo many types figurate as the sacrifices of the Fathers the pascall Lambe the sprinklyng of the red cowes blood vpon the people and moreouer the Arke of couenant and all the Aaronical sacrifice with all the rites and ceremonies thereof Innumerable sayings of the Prophetes doo declare these selfe same causes of the Lordes commyng with agréeable consent as Esay 53. He suffered our diseases and bare our sorowes in déede he was wounded for our transgressiōs and was torne for our iniquities The Lord did take vpon him the iniquities of vs al. Many such testimonies as these are in the Prophets which for bréefnesse sake I omit The woordes and woorkes of Chryst at his comming doo proue the same thing Come vntoo mée sayth he all yée that labour and are heauie loden and I will refresh you Also he that beléeueth in mée shall not perishe but haue life euerlasting Also For these do I sanctifie my self that is to say I offer my selfe a sacrifice too God the father for the purgyng of their sinnes Which thing not onely the great numbre of miracles that he did and by which he destroyed the woorkes of the diuell doo assuredly proue but also his very death and his glorious victorie ensuing the same The testimonies of the Apostles who is able to numbre Paule sayth He dyed for our sinnes and rose ageine for our iustification The same man wryteth thus Him that knewe no sinne hée made sinne too the intent that wée might bée made the rightuousnesse of god in him Iohn Baptist cryeth out Behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the sinnes of the worlde Iohn the Apostle Iesus Chryst clenseth vs from al our iniquitie The same apostle making a bréefe summe of Christes benefites writeth Christ appéered too destroy the diuels woorkes Finally the whole Churche of Christ ioyfully through Christes spirit confesseth these selfe same causes of Christes cōming singing thus Thou taking vpon thée to deliuer mā didst not abhorre the virgins wombe Thou when thou haddest ouercome the sharpnes of death didst set open the kingdome of heauen to all beléeuers Now if yée demaund the time of his cōming the Apostle Paul answereth After that the fulnesse of time was come God sent out his sonne borne of woman boūd vnder y e law too the intent he should redéeme them that were giltie of the law that wée might receiue the adoption of childrē He came therfore neither later nor slowlyer than hée ought too come Concerning this time of the Lords comming the Prophets Iacob and Daniell spake before Of which thing more shalbée spoken in the day of the Lordes birth One thing more is yet behind namely the way by which hée commeth This also is too bée sought out diligently that wée may méet him rightly Therfore like as too our saluatiō he came once in the flesh visible so too saue eche mans soule wheresoeuer his woord is thought vpon red or preached hée commeth daily in spirit and inuisible yea rather hée is there alwayes present according too his promise I will bée with you vntoo the end of the world And then againe shal hée appéere visible too iudge the quick the dead too the intent that they which héertofore held scorne too take him for their phisitian and sauyour shall then féele him a most iust iudge and punisher of their wickednesse Of which comming wée shall héere more the next Sunday And thus much bréefly concerning the comming of the Lord. ¶ Of the seconde THe second place which the text of the Gospel conteineth importeth the description of Christ our king and of his kingdom Which description is confirmed by the testimonie of Zacharie which the Euangelist alledgeth that wée may vnderstand how this pomp was not instituted rashly but foreshewed long before according too the wil of God and the secrete counsell of the Trinitie For this pomp teacheth vs many things of the state of Christ our king and of his kingdome First this pomp of Chrystes riding intoo Hierusalem maketh a difference betwéen Christ our king and the kings of the world and sheweth the diuersitie of their kingdomes For this base pompe dooth sufficiently argue that neyther Chryst is a worldly king nor the administration of his kingdom worldly For worldly kings to the intēt they may bée counted honorable of their people are gorgeously apparelled In likewyse the administration of worldly kingdomes requireth gorgeousnesse and sumptuous furniture Secondly this storie teacheth y t vnder this base pompe lieth hid a certeine almightinesse godhead For when hée sayeth loose yée and bring vnto mée and ageine the Lord hath néed of them and also he shall by and by let them go Christ our king giueth vs too vnderstand that by his heauenly power hée is able too bring too passe what hée listeth yea and that hée hath the hartes and willes of men in his hand Therefore although the kingdome of Christ séem dispisable in this world yet notwithstanding if a man look vpon y e power diuinitie of y e king nothing is more stately nothing is more mightie nothing finally is more glorious than it Moreouer the prophecy of the Prophete conteyneth thrée things First an exhortation too the churche at that time cast downe and vtterly vnder foot Be glad saith he and leap for ioy thou daughter of Sion Héereby wée are taught that the Gospel perteyneth too them that are cast down vnder foot and altoogither broken in spirit Secondly this prophecie coteyneth a cōmaundement from God that wée should doo homage too this king like as y e second Psalme exhorteth wher it sayeth kisse the sonne Thirdly this prophecy conteineth a description of the person of Christ namely that he is y e king that was promised too the church Beholde saith it thy king cōmeth As if he should haue said héer is at length that king that was promised thée of whom are written so many testimonies which shall restore the kingdome of God that the diuel hath inuaded destroyed through sinne He saieth that this king is
glorie is then rightly yéelded vntoo him first as soone as wée acknowledge this woonderful benefit of God Secondly when we imbrace his sonne by fayth Thirdly whē we praise God with minde with voyce with confession and with behauiour And fourthly when wée allure as many as wée can too the knowledging of him Afterwarde when the Angels say Peace on earth there is noted the chéefe benefite of Chryst for which hée came intoo the worlde namely that peace might bée made betwéene GOD and man Thys peace is the mutuall consent of God and men Of GOD receyuing men intoo his fauoure for hys sonnes sake And of men receyuing through fayth the benefite offered wyth rendryng of thankes and continuall thankfulnesse of minde Most swéete are the frutes of this peace that is to say accesse vnto God ioyfulnesse of spirite a good conscience and gladsome passage out of this lyfe The things that breake this peace are sinnes doone against conscience carelessenesse and neglecting of the woorde And therfore they are too bée shunned no lesse than plagues In the last place they adde And too men good vvill That is too wéet As soone as God is reconciled vntoo men through Christ hée fauoreth and embraceth them with a true and fatherly affection as moste déerely beloued children whom hée holdeth right déere as adopted in Christe Of this good will speaketh Dauid also in his fifth Psalme Bicause thou shalt blisse the righteous O Lorde thou defendest him with thy good wil as with a shéelde When as Dauid in this place compareth Gods good will too a shéeld he sheweth the true vse and frute thereof For hée meaneth that Gods fauoure is too vs in stéede of a buckler wherewith wée are defended against the weapons of them that assault vs. The deuil brandisheth his fiery dartes at vs but this shéeld kéepeth vs safe And so of all others ¶ Of the seconde THe vse of it is double Generall which is deriued of the whole historie and Speciall which is deriued of the seuerall parts The generall vse therefore is that wée should learne to receiue and embrace our true Sauiour God man borne of the virgin by setting him against all our miseries sinne death curse Gods wrath and hell assuring our selues that this sonne of God and Mary is according vnto the prophecie of Esay borne too vs and giuen too vs yea and that too the intent hée shoulde bée righteousnesse and saluation too all that beléeue in him The speciall vse of it is manifolde First that wée should learne of Christs parents too bée obedient too magistrates Secondly that wée should lerne of the shepherds to giue credite to y e testimonies cōcerning Christ too séek Christ and too return too the woorks of our vocation Thirdly that we should learn of the Angels first too preache Christe too them that are vnknowen wherby all the godly ministers of Gods woord may comforte them selues in their ministerie for that they teache the same thing that was deliuered béefore by so princely spirites Moreouer wée may learn of the Angels and shepherds togither too confesse this Christ. Finally wée may learne too glorifie God and too sing with the angels Glory be to God on high too whom bée honour and praise world without end Amen The second holyday in Christmas called S. Stephens day ¶ The Gospell Math. xxiij BEholde I sende vntoo you Prophets and vvise men and Scribes and some of them yee shal kil and crucifie and some of them shal ye scourge in your Synagoges and persecute them from citie too citie that vpon you may come all the rightuous blood vvhich hath been shed vppon the earth from the blood of righteous Abell vntoo the blood of Zacharias the sonne of Barachias vvhome yee slevv betvveene the Temple and the aultare Verely I say vntoo you all these things shall come vppon this generation O Ierusalem Ierusalem thou that killest the prophets and stonest them vvhich are sent vntoo thee hovve often vvoulde I haue gathered thy children toogither euen as the henne gathereth hir chickens vnder hir vvings and ye vvould not Behold your house is left vnto you desolate For I say vntoo you Yee shall not see mee hencefoorth til that yee say Blissed is hee that commeth in the name of the Lord. The exposition of the Text. BEFORE wée goe in hande with the Exposition of the Text bicause this day is dedicated to Saint Steuen I will declare why the feastes of saincts are woont too bée halowed in the church of God and what wée ought too marke in the example of Saint Stephen Dayes are kept holy in the Churche of GOD not after the maner of the heathen as is woont too bee among the Papists that wée should cal vpon the saints as patrons intercessors which thing cannot be doon w tout horrible sacriledge cōtempt of y e son of god but there are many right weighty causes why it is profitable that the feasts of certeine saints should bée reteyned in our Churches they bée chéefly sixe The first cause is y t the continual historie of y e church may bée alwayes before our eyes which must bée vnto vs both a rule to liue by a mean to put vs in mind of gods prouidēce For if it bée a pleasure too reade the histories of heathē men in whō apéered a visor of some vertue vndoutedly it wil bée much more pleasure to read y e histories of those in whō shoon bright y e liuely images of true vertues as in Paule Péeter Mary Stephen Magdalen the théefe and many others The second is that the testimonies of the doctrine of the ministerie of teaching and of the Church might bée considered For there were miracles doone there were woonderfull callings too the ministerie of the Churche and the doctrine was set open throughe the whole Churche In these testimonies it is a moste beautifull sight too behold the continuall consent of the true Churche in the writings of the Prophets and Apostles and in the groundes or chéefe articles of the faith and too discerne the true doctrine of the Churche from the corruptions lies and deceits of all ages The third is that GOD should bée glorified and thanks yéelded vntoo him for opening him selfe vntoo vs for delyuering vs his doctrine for shewing his presence in the churche for making vs frée Denizens of that company whiche is witnessed too bée his true Churche and true woorshippers of him The fourth is that the examples may strengthē our faith when wée reade that their prayers were hearde and that they were helped from heauen as it is sayde in the .xxxiij. psalme This poore man cried vntoo the Lord and the Lorde heard him we conceiue assured hope that hée will likewise helpe vs when wée call vpon him Let euery one of vs therfore determine and reason with him selfe in this wise God receiued Magdalene the Théefe and Paule intoo fauor vppon repentance notwithstanding their excéeding great sinnes wherwith they had
for that it was the lowest parte of the aire for otherwise it coulde not haue shewed the directe way too them that trauailed by it In mouyng for that it moued not circlewise but went right forwarde as a guide of the way none otherwyse than the cloude and piller of fire went béefore the people of Israell at their goyng out of Egypt The brightnesse of it maketh a difference also bycause other starres shine onely by night but this gaue light euen in the broade day It was not therefore a naturall and continuyng starre suche as are in the skye What then Was it a Comet or blazing starre It appéereth that it was like a comet but out of dout it was an Angel of God as Epiphanius testifieth For he appéered in the shape of a starre both too shewe that Chrystes kingdome is heauenly and too open Chryste the true starre and cresset who alonly bringeth man out of the kingdome of darknesse intoo his owne glorious kingdom by holding out before hym the cresset of his woorde and by lightning mēs harts w t his spirit In cōsideratiō wherof Zacharie calleth christ y e riser frō on high the lightner of such as sit in the shadow of death And Iohn He was y e true light that lightneth euery man whiche commeth intoo this world The fourth circumstance is of Herode and all the citie of Hierusalem Herode vvas troubled and all Hierusalem vvith him Herode feared lest the kingdome should bée transferred from him vntoo the new borne king For hée vnderstoode not that Christes kingdome should bée heauenly and not of this worlde in whiche respect the churche singeth O enemy Herode wherefore fearest thou the King that giueth power too reigne in heauen of worldly kingdome doothe not men béeréeue The vnthanklesnesse and sluggishnesse of the people of Hierusalem is noted who béeing broken with werinesse of euils had cast of the hope of the redemption and saluation that was promised them They had leuer too liue in bondage with wicked Herode than too receiue their new King that brought them euerlasting fréedome But suche is the corrupted nature of men that they iudge it better for to kéep still some quietnesse of the fleshe than with any perill too receiue Christe the authour of saluation The fifth conteineth the counsel of Herode the Préests togither with the prophecy of Micheas the prophet Herode béeing otherwise a despiser of religion and of the prophecies is new troubled maketh inquisition where Christe should bée borne For as soone as hée heard the demaund of the wise men by and by he coniectureth that that king of whom they enquire was the Messias promised in old time by God But what doo the Préestes Although they answere sincerely out of the scripture bringing abrode the testimonie of Micheas yet notwithstanding they ●fterward like madde men bend themselues with might and maine ageinst the Scripture For the vngodly make muche of the Scripture as long as it séemeth not too bée against their affections But when it accuseth them of sinne when it cutteth their combes when it setteth death and dampnation before their eyes and finally when it attempteth any thing ageinst enured manners doctrine and traditions then by and by the vngodly fret at it then is Christe no more acknowledged then is hée called a rayler Our Papists now a dayes doo with vs confesse that Christe the onely begotten sonne of GOD tooke vpon him the nature of manne and that hée is one entier person consisting of twoo distinct natures But if wée come once too Christes office and auouch him too bée the only Iesus and the only Christ the only Sauiour the only high Préest intercessor that no man can be saued but he y t is iustified throughe only faith in him Then they chafe bicause their manners doctrine and traditions can not stande with this office of Christ. And therfore they partly corrupt the scriptures and partly reiect them and persecute with fire and swoord suche as teach Christ sincerely purely like the Scribes Préestes whoo héere at the firste with Simeon and Anne haue answered sincerely and afterwards like mad folkes haue cast of the faith of Christe and persecuted him by their ministers And so it is not inough that the Papists agrée with the pure Doctours in the first principles but they ought too haue a constant agréement with them in the whole foundation and in all the articles of the Faith Let vs not then serche the Scripture too our destruction like as Herode did neyther let vs looke vpon it negligently as the Scribes and Phariseys did whoo doo in déed shew a way howbéeit suche a way as they them selues walke not in wherein they are like too the shipwrightes that made the Arke of Noe and yet perished them selues when they had doone But Noe and his housholde was saued as the wise men are saued héer where as the Scribes and Préests doo perishe But let vs searche the Scripture with Simeon and Anne Mary and others whoo therby atteyned saluation Now let vs in few woords peruse the prophecie of Micheas For thus hée sayeth And thou Bethleem of the lande of Iuda art not the least among the princes of Iuda For out of thee shall come the captayne that shall feede my people Israel and the foorth commyngs of hym are from the beginning from the dayes of euerlastyngnesse This testimonie of Micheas teacheth many thyngs concernyng Chryste Firste it poynteth out the place of his birth Secondly it sheweth his office which is too play the gouerner in Israell too féede his people Thirdly it sheweth his incarnation wherby hée was borne a very man For when he sayth from the beginnyng he sheweth Christes incarnation who was promised from the beginning of the worlde that in hys time hée should bée borne after the fleshe Fourthly when he sayeth from the dayes of Euerlastingnesse he signifieth the nature of hys Godhead wherby he was before the creation of the worlde Fifthly he sheweth that he is one person consisting of twoo natures For when he sayth his foorthcommings this woord of the plurall number perteineth too the natures both of his Godhead and of his manhood And the woord him béeing of the singular numbre dooth couertly declare the vnitie of the person And so wée sée how the prophet hath ioyned togither the chéefe Articles of our faith which are vttered by others more at large The sixthe circumstaunce is of Herodes wylynesse who when hée thought hée had dealt moste wysely played most the foole For ther is no wisedom there is no wilinesse there is no counsel ageinst the lord He calleth the wise men vntoo him priuily as though he hadde loued the newe borne kyng as they dyd hée enquireth the tyme of the appéering of the starre as thoughe he had went too bée more assured of the Messias thereby hée wylteth them that when they had founde the chylde they shoulde bryng hym woordé as thoughe hée hadde
this little ship for that the Churche reprooueth the woorkes of the worlde that is too say blameth the worldly wyse men of follie condemneth the rightuous men as giltie of sinne and aduaunceth not the riche men but pronounceth them vnhappie and wretched vnlesse true godlinesse bée the gouernoure and ruler of their riches And this is it that Christ promised when hée sayde The holy Ghoste shall reproue the world of sinne of rightuousnesse and of iudgement What had Abel offended against Caine who horribly murthered him Iohn answereth Abels woorkes were good and his brothers were euil What did Noe What did Hieremie What did Esay What did Christe and too bée short what did so many martyrs from the beginning of the world vntoo this day They would haue brought the worlde backe from darknesse vntoo light that menne renouncing worldy lusts might liue godlily honestly and vprightly in the world This is the thanke that the worlde is woont too requite his benefactours withall For it woulde drown them in his waues Howbéeit all things fall not out as hée would wishe he cannot destroy this little ship vtterly for out of the bloud of the martyrs spring vp other newe martyrs ageine Wée may therefore learne hereby a holy arte against the stumbling blocke of persecution and fewenesse If the tossing of the ship trouble thée haue an eye vntoo Christe whoo is present at hand in the ship If the fewenesse trouble thée haue an eye too the Arke of Noe too the Sodomites and too the rest of the whole world Those things that are best did neuer like but the fewest The Churche at the beginnning was very small in the middes it was biggest and in the ende it shalbée so small againe that what with the malice of the Deuil and what with the leude doctrine of Diuels and what with wicked maners it may séem ouerwhelmed with waues In these waues therfore let vs learne too waken Christe with oure calling vppon him whoo is neuer away from his ship but guydeth it with his holy spirit his woord his sacraments and his discipline Too whome with the Father and the holy Ghoste bée honour and glorie worlde without end Amen The .v. Sunday after Epiphany ¶ The Gospel Math. xiij HE put foorth another parable vntoo them saying The kingdome of Heauen is like vntoo a man vvhich sovved good seede in his feeld but vvhile men slept his enimie came and sovved tares among vvheate and vvent his vvay But vvhen the blade vvas sprong vp and had brought foorth frute then appeared the tares also So the seruants of the housholder came and sayd vntoo him Sir didst not thou sovve god seede in thy feeld from vvhence thē hath it tares He sayd vntoo them the enuious man hath done this The seruants sayd vntoo him vvilt thou thē that vve go and vveede them vp But he sayd nay least vvhile yee gather vp the tares yee plucke vp also the vvheat vvith them let both grovv togither vntill the haruest and in the time of haruest I vvill say too the reapers gather yee first the tares and bind them togither in sheaues too bee brent but gather the vvheate intoo my barne The exposition of the text OCcasion of this Gospell was giuen by Christes hearers of whom some were Hipocrites who notwithstanding liked very wel of them selues that they were accounted of Christes flocke and other some were sincere and good How bée it bicause they sawe a confused mixture of the good and euill toogither their mindes were not a little troubled Too the intent therefore that the Lord might both warn the one of their hipocrisie and of the punishment that shoulde one day ensue for it raise vp the other too stedfastnesse and vnvanquishable confidence by laying béefore them the seperation and reward that was too come he propounded this parable vntoo them Whereof the meaning is this that the euil must be mixed with the good in the church as long as this world stādeth which in the end of the world shall bée seperated one from another so as vntoo the godly may be rendered reward and vntoo the wicked deserued punishment This Gospel therefore serueth too this purpose too put the hipocrites in feare and by setting foorth their punishment too prouoke them too repentaunce and too comforte the godly arming them too the sufferance of euils And the places of this Gospel are foure 1 What maner of kingdome Christes kingdome in this world is 2 Of the enimies of this kingdome 3 The prayer of Christes disciples ageinst the enimies why God suffreth enimies in his Churche 4 Of the punishment of Christes enimies and of the reward of the godly ¶ Of the first THe kingdome of heauen is takē diuersly in scripture For first when Iohn sayeth Repent and amend for the kingdome of heauen is at hand the kingdome of heauen is none other thing than the newnesse of life wherby GOD setteth vs vp ageine intoo the hope of blissed immortalitie For deliuering vs out of the bondage of sinne and death he taketh vs too him selfe that wandering as Pilgrimes vpon the earth we may before hand possesse the heauenly life through faith Therefore where as hée sayeth the kingdome of heauen is at hād he meaneth that the restoring of vs vntoo blissed life yea and the verye true and euerlasting felicitie is offered too vs in Christe Besides this it signifieth the Gospel of Christe it selfe whereby the Citizens are gathered toogither intoo the kingdome of heauen as when the Lord sayth the kingdome of heauen is within you Thirdly it signifieth the frute of the Gospel preached in the hearts of the godly and then it is as Paule defineth in the xiiij too the Romaines righteousnesse ioy spirite and peace of conscience Fourthly it signifieth the felicitie too come in euerlasting life after the iudgement as when Christe promiseth it should come too passe that manie shall come from the East and from the Weast and sit down with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the kingdom of heauen Fifthly it signifieth the verie visible Churche it selfe in this world wherin are good and euil mingled toogither vntil haruest time that is too say til the end of this world In this signification is the kingdome of heauen taken in this Gospell of which kingdome I wil nowe speake a fewe things out of this present parable The kingdome of Heauen is like a man that sovved good seed in his feeld c. The man that soweth is Chryst verie God and verie man The féeld is the world The séed are the children of the kingdom Eche of these thre doo teach many things For first when Chryst is called a sower these things are ment therby First how great the dignitie of the Church is which hath the sonne of God too hir founder Secondly that the wise of the world doo not sowe the church for that belongeth alonely vntoo Chryst and therefore that it is not preseued by the wisedom of the world Thirdely that it
in a shadowe signifie that oure passage intoo heauen should bée made by baptisme so the clensing of Naaman the Syrian did prefigurate the spirituall clensing from sinnes too bée made by baptisme For look what baptism figureth outwardly y t doth y e lord work inwardly by his own power Therfore whē we here mēciō made of Iordā let vs cal too mind what it signifieth spiritually cōcerning our baptim The third But Iohn forbade him saying I haue neede too bee baptized of thee and commest thou too mee And Iesus ansvvering sayd vntoo him Let bee novv for so it becommeth vs too the intent vvee may fulfill all rightuousnesse Then hee let him alone In this communication are many pointes too bée considered First concerning Iohns forbidding wherein he put Chryst of both by intreatance and with his hand Uerely Iohn weyed twoo things héedfully in this case but the third he neglected Hée weyed him selfe too bée vnworthie too loose the latchet of Chrystes shooes and therfore muche more too washe his naked body And secondly he weyed that Christ is frée from sinne and therefore he thinketh him too haue no néed of baptisme that hée should bee washed therewith in token of repentance The third thing as I sayd he neglected namely what belonged bothe too his owne office too Chrystes office For hée ought too haue looked vpon his office and not vppon the worthynesse of his person Hée ought too haue bin resolued that Chryste could not attempt any thing that perteyned not too the office of a mediatour And therefore hée heard Chryst say Let be novv for so it becommeth vs to fulfil all rightuousnesse Thou arte sent too baptize and I come too giue saluation too those that are baptized therfore let eche of vs doo that which becommeth him These thrée things therfore we may lerne of Iohn First too acknowledge our selues vnworthie too haue any ministerie committed vntoo vs in the church Secondly too acknowledge that Chryst is hée who alone is able too washe vs from the spottes of sinne And thirdly too obey Christes commaūdement in our vocation notwithstanding our own vnworthinesse but hauing an eye too the Lordes commaundement whiche vrgeth vs too doo our dutie The fourth is And Iesus beeing baptized Héere the eternall sonne of God holy without spot cléere from sinne and higher than the heauēs is baptized But why is hée baptized there may bée mo causes than one alledged For first it was his wil too enter intoo the ministerie of God by baptim as it were by this couenant too shewe that hée is the minister of God Secondly that outward Baptim shoulde bée a figure of his death burial resurrection in whiche respect hée termed his passion by the name of baptim when he answered y e children of Zebedie Mark 10. saying Can yée bée baptized with the Baptim that I am baptized withall Thirdly too leaue the waters halowed for all them that were too bée baptized afterward For the sacraments of the church are not halowed by the office of the préest as it were by magicall inchauntment but the halowing of the Sacramentes is made by the foundaton déed and promises of Chryste and by oure obedience towardes him Fourthly it was his pleasure too be baptized as wée are as a most assured witnesse and pledge of the vnion societie whiche hée vouchsaued too haue w t vs. Whervpon Paule prooueth vs too bée the sonnes of God who haue put on Chryste As many of you sayth hée as are baptized haue put on Christ. Fifthly it was his wil too doo that which he cōmaunded all others too doo according as Augustin sayth He is best too teach commaund which is an example of his own doctrine y e first y t doth the things that he cōmaundeth Fifthly the sequele is too be considered For the things that happened as Christ was baptized and praying are the greatest miracles of al that euer happened at any time First the heauen opened wherby is signified both that the onely way intoo heauen is Chryst whom wée put on in Baptim that heauen abideth shut vp vntoo all men that acknowledge not Chryst the only way vntoo heauen Secondly he saw the spirit of God comming downe in the likenesse of a Dooue sitting vpon him This is a moste swéete image of Christes benefites All wée were ouerwhelmed in the flood of sinne but Christ came as an Ark too vs took vs in too him self saued vs from the flood in witnesse whereof came the Dooue and rested vpon him A figure héerof was the Ark of Noe and the Dooue that he sent foorth which returning brought an Olife braunche in hir mouth in token that the flood was dried vp Euen so the holy ghost appéering héer in the shape of a doue is a witnesse that the flood of sinnes is swalowed vp But sauegard is only in the Ark that is too say Chrystes church wher the holy ghost dwelleth Thirdly a voice was herd frō heauē this is my beloued sonne by whom I am pacified Lo héer wée héere the father of heauen a preacher of the Gospel I pray you what can bée more wonderful What is more too bée amazed at O lamentable blindnesse of men O detestable deafnesse The heauenly Father soundeth his Gospell from heauen and wée blinde wretches sée not heauen wée deafe wretches héere not the voyce of the teacher But what teacheth hée I beséeche you This sayeth he is my beloued sonne Beholde the fathers testimonie of his sonne giue credit too it if thou regarde thy saluation He is his sonne by nature and wée by adoption and grace Therfore calleth he him beloued not for that wée are not beloued but for that wée are beloued in his beloued in whom only he maketh account of vs. He loueth him for his owne sake and vs for his sake For by nature wée are the children of wrath Ephes. 2. but by Chryst wée are adopted his children Whereon it foloweth in the Sermon of God In vvhom I am vvell pleased that is too say by whom I am pacified towarde mankinde and made at one with him agayne Héere are thrée things too bée déepely weyed in mind First that without Chryste God is angry with vs and that is for the sinne wherwith wée offend God Secondly that Chryst is the only reconciliatiō of vs. For he is the propitiation for sinne For y e blood of christ purgeth vs frō al iniquity Thirdly that his fatherly good will attonement is to bée receiued by faith and to be sealed vp by baptim Upon this faith must folow a new obedience and thankfulnesse towards god Behold thou hast héer the summe of al the gospel whervnto we must haue an eye all our lifetime and in the houre of death For there cannot from elsewhere bée taken any substantiall comfort of conscience And thus muche bréefly concerning the declaration of the Gospell ¶ Of the seconde ALthough the vse may easly bée gathered by those things that are
saide before yet will I repete certeine poyntes héere First therfore let vs knowe that our Baptim is héere halowed and that the water of Baptim is made holy by Christ who vouchsaued too bée baptized with water Agein the whole sight of the thing that was don peinteth out Christes church before our eyes as it were in a table Héere is to bée séene Iohn a teacher in the Churche For whereas is not the word of God and wheras the voyce of the teacher is not herde there the Church cannot be shewed Moreouer Christ is baptized For the Church that is well ordered cannot be without the vse of Sacramentes Thirdly Christ being baptized prayeth whose example his members folowe and exhibite true worship vnto God through faith Fourthly the sonne standes in the middes the fathers voice soundeth from heauen and the holy ghost resteth vpon him that was baptized The same thing is doone in very déede at this day in our churche For the father the sonne and the holy ghost is present with his churche and by the voyce of the preachers witnesseth his good will towards Christes churche By the presence of his sonne he testifieth that he hath adopted vs too bée his children and by the holy ghost he witnesseth that he gouerneth his church Whervpon we may conceiue this assured confidence that hel gates shall not preuaile ageinst it ¶ Of the thirde THe more part of those thinges that perteine to our Baptim are declared in the places aboue mentioned Wherfore I will bréefly touche certeine things whiche it is excéeding néedefull to knowe The things that I wil tel are two What maner of signe baptim is and whiche is the true consideration of the same What maner a signe then is Baptisme First it is a testimonie of grace as wel exhibited as also applyed too the party that is baptized Namely that God is pacified towards him through Chryste which testimonie verely requireth too bée apprehended by faith Agein this Sacrament is a signe that teacheth by a certein comparison For it is a sign of Christes spirituall vertue namely that Chryst by his owne death buriall and resurrection is the deliuerance of vs from death buriall and the giuer of euerlasting life Moreouer it is a representation of our newe life before God as Paule teacheth Rom. 6. by these woords As many of vs as are baptized in Iesus Chryst are baptized intoo his death We are therfore buryed together with him vntoo death that like as Chryst is raised frō the dead so we also shuld walk in newnesse of life Furthermore before men it is a certein badge of our profession wherby wée testifie our selues too bée Christes members and the Diuels enimies The godly consideration of baptisme consisteth in these things First wée must bée fully resolued that our baptisme is a certeine moste sure ensealement and Sacrament of our attonement with God Secondly baptism must bée a certein continuall warning vntoo vs that this attonement is made by the bloud deathe buriall and resurrection of Chryst. Thirdly it must put vs in minde of the mortifying of the flesh of the quickning of the spirit and so consequently of a continuall repentance in this worlde and of the glorifying that shall bée héerafter by Chryst. Fourthly it must put vs in minde that the benefite of regeneration is the gifte and woorke of the whole Trinitie in whose name wée are baptized too the intent we should stick thereuntoo and woorship it all our life long too whom be honor and glory for euermore So bée it The first Sunday in Lent ¶ The Gospel Math. iiij THen vvas Iesus led avvay of the spirit into vvildernesse too be tempted of the Deuill And vvhē he had fasted fortie dayes fortie nights he vvas at the last an hungred And vvhen the tempter came too him he sayde if thou be the sonne of God commaund that these stones bee made bread But he ansvvered and said it is vvritten man shall not liue by bread only but by euery vvoord that procedeth out of the mouth of God Then the Deuil taketh him vp intoo the holy Citie and setteth him on a pinacle of the temple and saith vntoo him if thou be the sonne of GOD cast thy selfe dovvne hedlong For it is vvritten he shall giue his Angels charge ouer thee and vvith their hands they shall holde thee vp least at any time thou dashe thy foote against a stone And Iesus said vntoo him it is vvritten again Thou shalt not tēpt the Lord thy God Ageine the Deuil taketh him vp intoo an exceding high moūtain shevved him all the kingdomes of the vvorld the glory of them and sayth vntoo him all these vvil I giue thee if thou vvilt fal dovvn and vvorship me Then saith Iesus vntoo him Auoyd Sathan for it is vvrittē Thou shalt vvorship the Lord thy GOD and him only shalt thou serue Then the Deuil leaueth him and beholde the Angels came and ministred vntoo him The exposition of the text LIke as the last Sunday we héerd the story of Chrystes baptim wherein very great things are cōteyned So this Gospel also conteyneth parte of Christes dooings that is too wit his fasting and temrtation by which things God of his singular wisdome wold his sonne should be humbled and also would shew how true it was that he had forespokē long ago namely that like as the serpent should lie in waite for the héele of the womans séede that is too say that Sathan should practize mischéefe ageinst the person and kingdome of Chryst which thing this story sheweth too bée most true so also would the same séede crush the head of the serpent with his héele wherof wée sée a certeine proof in this story Al these things are to be applied in suche wise that wée may bothe lerne Christes obedience vnder the crosse and knowe what shéeld it béehoueth vs to set before vs ageinst the temptatiōs and dartes of the diuel The places are two 1 Of Fasting 2 Of Temptation ¶ Of the firste IN this place are two things to bée considered First what is the maner of fasting in generall and secondly what is too bée thought of Christes fast in speciall Fasting is an vtter forbearing of meate and drinke for a time wherby the body is kept low and as it were mortified And it is of three sortes Indifferent Godly and vngodly Indifferent fast is whē a man absteineth from meate and drinke either for pouertie or for healthes sake or for some great sorowe of minde This of it selfe neither pleaseth nor displeaseth God but is too bée thought to please or displease according as fayth and pacience go with it The fast that is godly Christian and acceptable too God is an abstinence not only from meate and drinke whereby the body is pinched and mortified but also from all other things that may in any wise delight the flesh tending too this purpose that the spirite may haue full souereintie through true pacience godly prayer and
glory is too bée preferred before all things And thus muche concerning prayer GOD graunt vs grace that these woords may take roote in our harts through Iesus Chryst too whom bée honor and glory for euer and euer Amen Vpon the day of our Lords Ascension ¶ The Gospel Mark xvj IEsus appeared vntoo the eleuen as they satte at meate and cast in their teeth their vnbeleefe and hardenesse of harte bycause they beleeued not them vvhiche had seene that he vvas risen agein from the dead and he sayde vntoo them Go yee intoo all the vvorld and preache the Gospel too all creatures hee that beleeueth and is baptised shall bee saued But he that beleeueth not shall bee damned And these tokens shall folovv them that beleeue In my name they shall caste out Deuiles they shall speake vvith nevve tongs they shall driue avvay Serpentes And if they drinke any deadly thing it shall not hurte them They shall lay their hands on the sick and they shal recouer So then vvhen the Lord had spoken vnto them he vvas receyued intoo Heauen and is on the right hand of GOD. And they vvent forthe and preached euery vvhere The Lord vvorking vvith them and confirming the vvoord vvith miracles follovving The exposition of the Text. THis feast is ordeyned in the Church for that article of our Créed wherin wée professe our selues too beléeue in Iesus Chryste ascending intoo Heauen when hée had bin conuersaunt with his Disciples fortie dayes after his glorious resurrection In this feast as in others there be thrée things too be weyed First the storie with the circumstances thereof Then the benefite that is bestowed vppon vs And lastly the right vse and minding of the story These thrée things offer them selues in the exposition of this Gospel The summe wherof is that the Lord the fortith day after his resurrection appéered too his Disciples whome hée vpbrayded with their vnbeléefe and hardnesse of hart commaunded them too preache the Gospell throughe oute all the world shewing what frute shall redound of the preaching of it too the hearers so they receiue the Gospel by fayth Moreouer too the intente their preaching may bée credited hée promiseth too confirme their doctrine with miracles When hée had giuen this charge hée ascended visibly intoo heauen and sitteth at the right hand of his father And his Disciples obeying his commaundement went abrode too preach the gospel the which our Lord confirmed with signes ensuing And this is the effect of the Gospel The places are thrée 1 The rebuking of the Apostles 2 The institution of the ministerie of the woord 3 Chrystes Ascension intoo heauen ¶ Of the first THe fortith day after his resurrection he appered to his Disciples and vpbrayded them vvith their vnbeleefe and hardenesse of harte bycause they had not beleeued those that tolde them they had seene him risen ageine from death Hée findeth fault with two things in his Disciples hardnesse of hart and vnbeléefe that is too say the roote and his frute The roote is hardnesse of hart whiche taketh increasement and strength partly of it own originall beginning partly of it own corruption For a man that is not inspired with the holy ghost cannot vnderstand any of those things that are of the spirite of God Of this most naughtie roote there are very many and euil frutes The first is that whiche is rebuked héer namely vnbeléefe Out of this afterward bud moste naughtie braūches as disobedience towards God whatsoeuer leudnesse and wickednesse is in this life By whiche the power of the roote vnsuppressed is perceyued and also séene how great increasement vnbeléefe hath taken For this is a moste assured token that whersoeuer sinne reigneth there vnbeléefe as an Empresse possesseth the hart of man Furthermore wée may learne héereby first after the example of the weake Apostles not too despaire of oure selues béeing weake althoughe wée cannot by and by comprehende the heauenly misteries For the Churche hath euermore hir certein woundes for oure Lorde too poure his wine and Oyle intoo Neyther is it reason for any man too hope that hée maye put of all weaknesse as long as hée carieth this mortall body about him But like as in olde time the people of God béeing brought intoo the promised land had their neygbors the Philis●ines enimies vntoo them ageynst whom they kept continuall warre So wée béeing brought intoo Chrystes churche haue bothe inward and outward enimies ageinst whom wée must make warre leaste wée were sluggishe thorough idlenesse The other thing that wée haue too learne héere is that wée should consider by the déede of Chryst not casting off his rawe weake Disciples how gentle a high Préest we haue who casteth vs not off for oure weakenesse so there bée any sparke of fayth in vs. And consequently by his example also wée may learne too deale gently fauourably with the weaker sorte ¶ Of the second WHen Chryst béeing ready too ascende intoo Heauen giueth commission too his Disciples saying Go yee intoo the vvhole vvorlde and preache the Gospel too al creatures Hee that beleeueth and is baptized shall be saued and hee that beleeueth not is condemned already hée beginneth the maner of setting vp his kingdome and sheweth the frute of the same kingdome By twoo meanes is the kingdome of Chryste set vppe by woord and by the sacrament the frute whereof is saluation of the people Contrarywise they that be not Citizens in this kingdome are subiect too the sentence of damnation Héere wée sée there is great difference betwéene the aministration of a kingdome of the worlde Chrystes kingdome and no maruel at all For the kingdome of the world is fleshly but the kingdome of Chryste is spirituall That is set vp mainteyned by the lawes of men but this is set vp mainteyned by the woord of God Howbéeit forasmuch as the woord of God conteyneth singular doctrines I will expound them somewhat more largely and distinctly too the intent wée may the better vnderstād Chrysts minde towards vs and the benefits of the Gospel First he saith Go intoo the vvhole vvorld Yée sée the commission For hée sendeth his disciples not too any one nation but too all men dwelling abrode through the whole worlde Héerby wée may consider the riches of Gods mercie and the preciousnesse of Chrystes sacrifice It is Gods mercie that al that were damned throughe sinne shoulde héere the voyce of the Sonne of GOD concerning saluation too bée obteyned through Chryst. For it is not too be thought that God would haue the voice of the sonne of mā sound vnto the world y t the gretest part should be destitute of the frute therof but rather that by héering they shuld liue bée saued through Christ so that they receyued the preaching of the Apostles by fayth This is more playnly declared by this saying Preache yée or proclayme yée Too whom Too all creatures that is too say too all men without any exceptions of
ascension And thirdly the frute of Chrystes ascension In the comming downe of Chryste from heauen intoo the earth there are twoo things too bée considered the gifte and the Example The gift for that Chryst descended from Heauen and took mannes nature vpon him that by offering him selfe in sacrifice hée might ridde vs of oure sinnes For by the sacrifice of Chryst the father is pacified and for Chryste our mediatours sake so abased all beléeuers are receiued and are the children and heires of God For therefore did the Lorde come downe from heauen therefore did he humble and abase him selfe that wée might ascende from the earth too Heauen and that wée might bée exalted too euerlasting life and glory And the example That wée also should come downe and be humbled 1. Peter 2. Chryst suffered for vs leauing vs an example that wée should folow his steps Of what maner Chrystes ascension intoo heauen was the scripture sheweth He ascended visibly with a bodily and naturall mouing and a cloude tooke him vp intoo heauen Whervpon is saide he ascended aboue all heauens Eph. 4. Neuerthelesse he did not by ascending chaunge his humayne nature intoo his godhead or so shed it out that it shuld bée euerywher with his godhead although the vnion of them bée inseparable The frute of Chrysts ascension is manifolde according as it is easy too gather by diuers places of scripture The first frute therfore is that Chryst is a triumpher ouer his enimies which are sinne death the deuill and hell For these enimies hath he vanquished and triumphed ouer them by his glorious ascension Hée wyped out sinne when he was made a sacrifice for sinne Assoone as sinne was wyped away death was disarmed for sinne is the sting of death When death was once destroyed the deuil lost his force and weapons Lastly for as much as hell deuoureth onely them that are vnder sinne death and the deuill it foloweth that Chryst beyng the conqueror of sinne death and the deuill did also ouercome hell Secondly he ascended too bée our head which ascended into heauen first that he may shew the way vntoo vs whervppon Iohn 14. I go my way to prepare you a place and I will take you vp vntoo mée Thirdly he ascended that hée might from heauen spred the beames of his power ouer all the world Eph. 4. Hée ascended aboue all the heauens that hée might fill all things Then is hée not ascended too bée vtterly away from vs but that with his present power hée may rule heauen and earth and bée present with his Church vnto the ende of the world Fourthly he ascended that he might giue giftes too men Eph. 4. And he hath giuen some Apostles some Prophets some Euangelistes and some teachers That is too say hée ascended that he might bée effectuall in the ministerie confirming it by wonderfull miracles and sealing it in the hartes of men Fifthly he ascended that wée might haue an aduocate in heauen 1. Iohn 1. If any man sinne wée haue an aduocate with God the father Iesus Chryst the rightuous and hée is the propitiation for our sinnes Sixthly he ascended that he might draw our harts vntoo himself Math. 6. Where as is thy treasure there is also thy hart Coll. 3. If yée bée risen agein with Christ séeke the thinges that are aboue where Chryst sitteth at the right hand of the father Our conuersation then must bée in heauen where our Sauiour sitteth in glorie too whom with the Father and the holy Ghoste bée honour prayse and glorie world● without ende Amen The .vj. Sunday after Easter ¶ The Gospell Iohn xv WHen the comforter is come vvhom I vvill send vntoo you from the father euen the spirite of truth vvhich proceedeth from the father hee shall testifie of mee And yee are vvitnesses also bicause yee haue bin vvith mee from the beginning These things haue I saide vntoo you bicause yee should not bee offended They shall excommunicate you yea the time shall come that vvho soeuer killeth you shall thinke he doth God high seruice And such thinges vvill they doo vntoo you bicause they haue not knovvne the father neither yet mee But these things haue I tolde you that vvhen that houre is come yee might remember then that I tolde you These things saide I not vntoo you at the beginning bicause I vvas vvith you The exposition of the text THis Gospel also is a part of that sermon that Chryste made too his Disciples the night before he suffred the summe wherof wée haue herd a whyle ago This text conteyneth the promis of the Aduocate the holy Ghost whoo shall bée present in the Churche when it suffereth persecution by the wicked worlde For Chryst telleth vs it will come to passe that wicked men and specially the Iewes shall bée caryed with so great woodnesse ageynst the Church that vnder the pretence of Religion they shal rūne with might and mayn vpon the godly yea and persuade the world that it is a certeyne seruice of God too kill the godly and too cast them out of their congregations And he sayeth that the cause of this outrage is ignoraunce and blindnesse that is too wit that they neither acknowledge the wrath of God ageinst sinne nor vnderstande the benefites of Chryst. The places are thrée 1 The office of the holy ghost and of the ministers of the woord in the Church 2 A warning least the godly being offended at the stumbling block shuld renounce that profession faith 3 Of the crosse of y e godly of their glorious deliuerance ¶ Of the firste ANd vvhen the comforter shall bee come vvhom I vvill send you from my father he shal beare vvitnesse of mee yea and you also shall beare vvitnesse These woords contein the first doctrine of this Gospell namely that the holy Ghost and Apostles and their successours must beare witnesse of Chryst. Concerning the holy ghost these things are gathered out of the text First that he is one God with the father and the sonne Secondly that he is a distinct person from the father and the sonne Thirdly that he procéedeth from the father the son And fourthly y t he is giuen too the church by Chryst. And why he is giuen to the church it is héer declared namely that he may bée a comforter that he may bée a teacher of the truth and that he may beare witnes of Christ. Of which offices I will therefore speake the more bréefly bicause the same things are too bée repeted vpon Whitson Sunday Why is he called a comforter or Aduocate Lyke as by this terming of him is giuen an inkling of the persecution and accusing or condemning of the churche by the heathenish world so is it also expresly ment therby that it shall not bée forsaken of Chryst in the time of persecution but that Christ sendeth it an aduocate namely the holy Ghost The properties of this aduocate are foure First that hée bée at hande too his Clyant that is
other Gods before mée Deu. 6. Herken O Israell the Lorde our God is one God Esay 43. Before mée there is no God made neyther shall there bée any after mée I am I am God and there is no Sauioure besides mée 44. I am the first and the last and besides mée there is no God Psalm 18. Who is God but the Lorde of hostes and who is strong but our God Paule 1. Cor. 8. Wée knowe that there is none o-other GOD but one 1. Tim. 2. There is one God These recordes and many other ▪ doo euidently conuince that there is but one God whiche thing the Catholicke Churche also confesseth when it sayth I beléeue in one God The seconde of the persons That there bée thrée persons in one godly nature not multiplyed but abyding one in nūber Reason is not able too conceiue Wherefore this is a misterie rather too bée reuerenced than too be serched Héervpon sayth Bernard Too serch this is a poynt of rashnesse but too know it is eternall life And Salomon Hée that is a sercher of his maiestie shall bée ouerwhelmed of his glorie Wherefore lette vs in this behalfe kéepe our reason prisoner vnder Gods warde and let vs beléeue the testimonies of the scriptures concerning so greate a misterie The reason why the Church beléeueth that there bée thrée persones in one nature of Godhead is this There is but one God whiche thing is already proued by many testimonies The father is God the sonne is God the holy Ghoste is God Ergo the Father the Son the holy Ghoste is one God That the Father is God and likewise the Sonne and the holy Ghost it is too bée proued foure wayes First by the cléere woords of the Scripture Secondly by their woorks Thirdly by the woorship which is due too the Father the Sonne the holy Ghost And fourthly by the continuall consent of the Church The woordes of the Scripture are cléer Math. 3. The Father speaketh from heauen the Sonne standeth in the riuer the holy Ghost commeth down in likenesse of a Dooue vpon Chryst. 1. Iohn 5. There are thrée that beare witnesse in Heauen the Father the woorde and the holy Ghoste and these thrée are one Ageine their woorks shewe the same thing The Father createth the Sonne createth the holy Ghoste createth The Father iustifieth the Sonne iustifieth and the holy Ghoste iustifieth The Father gouerneth all things the Sonne gouerneth all things and the holy Ghost gouerneth all things These woorks of creating iustifying and gouerning are proper vntoo God Wherefore in as much as they are attributed too the Father the Sonne and the holy Ghost alike we must of necessitie confesse the Godhead of them The same thing is also confirmed by the worship of them The Father is prayed vntoo the Sonne is prayed vntoo the holy Ghost is prayed vntoo But none is too bée prayed vntoo saue only God neyther is any too be beléeued on sauing God only Wherfore the father the sonne and the holy Ghoste are one God Héeruntoo also perteyneth the consent of the church This is the Catholick fayth that wée woorship one God in Trinitie and the Trinitie in vnitie neyther confounding the persones nor deuiding the substance For the persone of the Father is one the person of the sonne is another and the person of the holy Ghost is another The thirde is of those things that are too bée considered in the persons In the persones there bée fiue things too bée considered 1. The substance 2. the persone 3. the distinction of the persons 4. the woork 5. and the wil. The substaunce or nature of the father the sonne and the holy ghost is all one For the father is not one thing the sōne another thing and the holy ghoste a thirde thing for the substance of the godhed is one and the nature simple And therfore the father is sayd too bée in the sonne and the holy ghost the sonne in the father and the holy ghost and the holy ghost in the father and the sonne The second thing that is too be considered in the Trinitie is the persone that is too wit that there is one persone of the father another of the sonne and another of the holy ghost In this Trinitie of persones nothing is before or after other nothing greater or lesser than other neyther in time bicause all the persons are coeternal nor in nature bicause al are of one selfe same substance nor in dignitie bicause they are coequal nor in vnderstanding bycause they are comprehended in vnderstanding all toogither The thirde thing that is too bée considered in the Trinitie of the persones is personall distinction And héere is firste too bée marked how God is discerned from creatures And nexte how the persones of the Godhead are discerned one from an other The distinctions by which God is discerned from creatures are these First that in one vndeuided nature not multiplyed there be thrée persons Secōdly that God is an euerlasting mind Thirdly that God is the creator Fourthly that God is in the world aboue the world And fiftly that God is in al places yet conteyned within no place These fiue properties are incident too God only and too no creature The persones are distinguished one from another by double properties inward and outward The inward are too beget too be borne and too procéede The father alone begetteth the sonne the sonne only is borne of the father ▪ the holy ghost onely procéedeth from them bothe The outward properties are too send and too hée sent Only the father sēdeth the sonne and the holy ghoste are sent but after a diuers manner The sonne béeing sent took vpon him mannes nature wherin hée was made a sacrifise The holy Ghoste is sent intoo mennes harts too kindle a new light in their mindes The fourth thing that is too bée considered in the persons is the woork of the Trinitie Héerein is the rule of Austin too bée obserued The woorks of y e Trinitie as in outward vew are vndeuided howbéeit sauing the propertie of eche person The father createth the sonne createth and the holy Ghoste createth The father regenerateth the sonne regenerateth the holy ghost regenerateth But the Father createth by the sonne and the holy ghost preserueth the things created The father regenerateth in the sonne by the holy ghost The fifth thing whiche I sayd was too be considered in the persons is the wil which what one it is these things folowing doo declare 1. First their woorkes past and present 2. The commaundementes 3. The threatnings and promises of the law 4. The promises of the Gospell 5. Examples and. 6. his vnparcialitie and that hée is no accepter of persons Al these things toogither teach that God is angry with sinners wil punishe them and that he wil forgiue the sin of all those that flée too the Mediator and giue them euerlasting life without hauing respect of any nation or people Now remayneth the vse which is
Chyrst too him intoo the ship Therfore according too Peters example giue thou credit vntoo Chryst bée not slacke but labour in Chrysts name and thou shalt sée how the Lord will blisse the● But I sayst thou sée the woorst men commonly most too bée luckie and contrarywise I sée the godly oftentimes most miserable I say no more but marke the end Wherfore consider this answere of Dauids whiche is in the .xxxvj. Psalm I sawe the vngodly sayeth hée lustie and flourishing as the gréene Bay and I passed by and beholde hée was gone and I sought him and hée was not too bée found So all the glory of the vngodly is a vanishing smoke Contrarywise hée that feareth the Lorde shall not bée remoued for euer Wée haue examples I pray you wher are now those glorious Gia●ts They are swalowed vp in the floud Where is the rich glutton Hée lyeth in torments On the contrary parte where is Abraham where is Dauid where is poore Lazarus In heauen wher they enioy true blissednesse These mennes examples let vs folow ¶ Of the fourth WHiche thing vvhen Simon savve hee fell dovvne at Iesus feete saying Departe from mee O Lorde for I am a sinner Sée héere what happened too Peter and his fellowes by this taking of fishe Peter is sore afrayd and willeth Chryst too depart from him What ought he not rather too haue sayd Lord tary still with mée that wée may haue good lucke in fishing Like as Peter vppon this miracle acknowledged him selfe a miserable sinner so acknowledged hée Chryste too bée rightuous endued with the power of the Godhead Wherfore hée falleth downe at his féete also Uerely men desire the presence of GOD How bée it as soone as they perceyue him too bée come by and by they flée awaye and are afrayde by reason that their conscience accuseth them of sinne vntill they bée chéered by the voyce of God and féel comfort ageinst the remorse of sinne according as the Lord in this place chéereth vp him that was afrayde saying Feare not from hence foorth thou shalt bee a fisher of men Héere hée not onely chéereth vp Peter but also chooseth him too bée an Apostle that in his time hée may catche men with the woorde of his preaching For as fishes are caught with a net so are men caught by the woord of preaching gathered out of the Sea of their sins intoo the churche of Chryst not too bée killed but too liue blissedly for euer through Iesus Chryst our Lord too whom bée honor praise and power for euer and euer Amen Vpon the .vj. Sunday after Trinitie ¶ The Gospel Math. v. IESVS sayde vntoo his Disciples except your rightuousnesse exceede the rightuousnesse of the Scribes and Pharisies yee cannot enter intoo the kingdome of Heauen Yee haue herde that it vvas sayde vntoo them of olde time Thou shalt not kil vvhosoeuer killeth shal bee in daunger of iudgement But I say vntoo you that vvhosoeuer is angry vvith his brother vnaduisedly shal bee in daunger of iudgement And vvhosoeuer sayth vnto his brother Racha shal bee in danger of a counsel But vvhosoeuer sayth thou Foole shal bee in daunger of Hel fire Therfore if thou offrest thy gift at the altar and ther remembrest that thy brother hath oughte ageinst thee leaue there thine offring before the altar and go thy vvay firste and bee reconciled too thy brother and then come offer thy gift Agree vvith thine aduersary quickly vvhiles thou art in the vvay vvith him leaste at any time the aduersary deliuer thee to the Iudge and the Iudge deliuer thee too the Minister and then thou bee cast intoo Prison Verely I saye vntoo hee t thou shalt not come out thence til thou haue payd the vttermoste farthing The exposition of the text THis text is a péece of that sermon that Chryst made too his Disciples in the mountain after he had newly chosen them wherin too speak bréefly hée teacheth them that hée came not too breake the law but too fulfill it And bicause the Phariseys béeing interpreters of the law misconstrued and wrested the law of God Chryst correcteth their errour and interpreteth the law For they thought that the doctrine of the lawe perteyned only too the outward déedes Contrarywise Chryst proueth that it perteineth too the innermost conceits of the hart Afterward in the same sermon Chryst prescribeth a forme of giuing Almesse an order of fasting and the maner of praying All which things tende too this end that men should vnderstand how farre they are off from the perfection of Gods law and how néedfull Chrysts comming was on whom whosoeuer beléeueth is exempted from the power of the law and frō damnation Thus much concerning the effect of Chrysts sermon in the mount How béeit this parcell of that Sermon which is red in the church this day as you haue herd fyndeth fault with the Pharisaicall rightuousnesse and alledging the fifthe commaundement of the law sheweth how farre the Pharisies ouershot thēselues in interpreting the law For like as these thought it ynough too abstein from killing with the hande so Chryst denounceth them giltie of this lawe not only which commit outward murther but all those that think any thing ageinst their neighbour according as wée shall héer anone The places are two 1 Of thrée sortes of righteousnesse Pharisaicall of the law and Chrysten 2 An exposition of the fifth commaundement ¶ Of the third EXcept your rightuousnesse exceede the rightuousnesse of the Scribes and Phariseys yee shall not enter into the kingdome of heauen Too the intent wée may vnderstande these things aryght wée must néedes speake of thrée sorts of rightuousnesse Of the Pharisaicall rightuousnesse whiche Chryste reproueth héere Of the Ryghtuousnesse that commeth by the law which God commendeth too vs by his owne voyce of the christen righteousnesse through which only we stand before God The Pharisaicall righteousnesse is described Math. 15. of which description these bée the peculiar poyntes First they accuse Chryst so farre is it from their thoughte too acknowledge him for their redéemer Ageyne they doo all things too the intent too bée séene of men They are hypocrites appéering outwardly religious and holy wheras for all that they are enimies of God and all godly men whom they snatch at like mad doggs Also they make Gods cōmaundement voyde for mens traditions sake For in place of Gods commaundementes they thruste in mennes deuises too worship God withall whither he will or no. This is the greatest stubbornesse ageinst God that can bée For in this case not only god is despised and more is attributed too mans folly than too Gods wisedome but also through mens traditions the zele of Religion is abolished too godward and the woorks of charitie plucked vp by the rootes Ouermore they preace vntoo God with their lips and their hart is farre from him Besides this they are layde too deuour widowes houses while they draw them to thēselues couetously vnder pretēce of holynesse
It may bée gathered by the Scripture that it was ordeined too fiue endes First that it was done of purpose too blisse and pray as in Mat. 19. and Mark 7. is declared Secondely for offering for the Préests were woont too lay their handes vpon the heads of the beasts that were slaine for sacrifice 3. For healing lyke as Chryste did oftentimes lay on his hands when he went about too heale suche as were brought vntoo him 4. That by praying the holy ghost might be bestowed vpon them as wée réede in the Acts of the Apostles Fiftly in giuing orders too the ministers of the woord handes were woont too bée layde vppon those that were receiued intoo the ministerie Nowe will wée adde somwhat concerning the mysticall méening of handes They that blissed folke by laying on of their hands dyd supplie the roome of God The hands signified Gods helpe and fauoure The laying on of hands signified that he on whom the handes were layd was vnder the fauor and protection of God and that hée was blissed of god In their blissings Gods fauour and help were wished for and in sacrifices the hosts were dedicated vntoo God In healyngs Gods hand stretched out it selfe whyle by his power he restored the sicke vntoo helth Likewise in the giuing of the holy ghost the handes signified Gods presence In consecrating the Préests this was ment by laying on of handes that those whiche tooke orders were dedicated vntoo God as sacrifices and wer allowed and appoynted too the seruice of God Thus muche concerning the firste place namely concerning the laying on of handes Now let vs bréefly consider what this place confirmeth what it confuteth and whereof it admonisheth vs. It confirmeth that the children of God are led by the spirite of God and should exercise themselues in godlinesse and charitie It confuteth those that boaste of their emptie fayth voyde of the true feare of God and charitie too their neighbour And it admonisheth vs too performe the woorkes of faith as well inward as outward if wée will bée accounted among the children of God ¶ Of the second THe seconde doctrine that I purposed is concerning the déede and miracle of Chryst. Now too the intent wée may vnderstand this déede certein things are too be noted concerning Chrystes miracles The Prophets Chryst and the Apostles wroughte miracles too assure men that the doctrine which they taught was of God and too the intent that men béeing conuicted of Gods truth by miracles mighte beléeue and by beleeuing bée saued That these are the chéef endes of miracles Iohn the Euangelist beareth witnesse in his seconde chapter where he sayth thus This beginning of miracles did Iesus in Cana of Galilée and manifested his own glorie and his Disciples beléeued on him Héere are twoo endes signified Chrystes glorie and the fayth of the Apostles The glorie of Chryst comprehendeth the power of his Godhead his affection towardes mankinde and his office and the certeintie of his doctrine Howbéeit there is a difference too bée made betwene the Prophets and Apostles and Chryst. The Prophets and Apostles wrought not miracles by their owne power but by the diuine power of Chryste whose spirite spake by the mouth of them But Chryste wrought miracles by his owne power Wherefore lyke as the Prophets and Apostles by their miracles declared them selues too bée the seruantes of Chryst so Chryst by his miracles shewed himself too bée the Lord and God of them And if any man demaund why miracles are not wrought now a dayes by the ministers of Gods woord Thou shalt vnderstand that assoon as miracles had confirmed Christes glory the truthe of God they had discharged their dutie And therefore we must no more looke for miracles but we must holde our selues content with the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles which God hath confirmed with many miracles lōg ago Thus much cōcerning miracles in generall Now let vs come too the miracle of this day in whiche are many circumstances too be obserued wherof eche one conteyneth a singuler doctrine and admonishement The first Chryst took him aside from the people And why did he so For twoo considerations that is too wit for y e time for the meaning For the time bicause he wold not as yet haue his kingdome published vntoo the whole world For he had not yet accomplished his sacrifice he had not yet broken downe the wall that was betwéene the Iewes and the Gentiles whiche thing was doone afterwarde when hée armed his disciples with this cōmission Go intoo the whole world and preache the Gospel too all nations And for the meaning bicause he that desireth too haue Chryste too bée his Phisitian must departe out of the preace of the malicious persons and repiners For there is no agréement betwéene Chryste and Beliall The second He thrust his fingers intoo his eares Surely this was not doon but for some purpose For by that signe he bothe shewed the preciousnesse of his fleshe which he had taken vpon him that by offring it in sacrifice mankinde might be restored too his former helthfulnesse whiche he had lost by sinne and also giueth vs too vnderstand that his woorde can neither be heard nor vnderstood vnlesse our eares be opened by Chrystes finger that is too say vnlesse the holy Ghoste doo open the eares of our hart The thirde And hee spit and touched his toong By this mysticall maner of dealing hée dooth vs too wit that the abilitie too speake procéedeth of him and that hée will woorke effectually in his churche by meanes The fourth He looked vp intoo Heauen By this gesture hée signifieth that his minde is lifted vp too his heauenly father whom hée prayed vntoo not onely for this man but for all others that are afflicted For prayer is not so muche the sound of the mouth as the humble lifting vp of the hart vnto God which lifting vp of the hart is signified by the outward sign of the eyes looking vp too heauenward Whervpon Dauid sayth I haue lift vp mine eyes vntoo thée that dwellest in the Heauens Of which thing wée also are put in minde when wée say Our father which art in heauen The fifth Hee sighed Surely it must néedes bée a great matter that caused so great a personage too sighe Therefore had he not an eye al only too this dumb man whom he could haue deliuered from his disease with one becke but hée had an eye too these fiue things First too sin which is the cause of all miseries in mankinde 2. Too the tirannie of the Deuil who had so sore oppressed mankinde with whiche tirannie he knew he had too encounter 3. Too the curse of the lawe whiche he should take vpon him self too the intent we might bée cléered of oure giltinesse 4. Too his owne moste bitter death which he should suffer for all mankinde 5. Too the vnthankfulnesse of the greatest part of the world For hée foresaw that many should vtterly holde skorn of his
lost shéepe How largely extendeth this mercy of God The virgin aunswereth from one generation too an other that is too say too all ages and too all nations according too this saying The earth is ful of Gods mercy Héertoo perteyneth this place of y e psalm Gods mercy endureth for euer and euer By Gods Iustice Adam and all his posteritie was made subiect too wretchednesse And by Gods mercy Adam and his ofspring was made partaker of grace so they purchase not damnation too themselues by theyr owne default Héervntoo perteineth that saying of Esay I haue giuen thée too bée a light too the Gentyles that thou mayest bée my Saluation too the vttermoste parts of the earth And Simeon sayth A lyght which thou hast prepared too all people Too whom befalleth this mercy Mary aunswereth Too those that feare him This selfe thing dooth Dauid witnesse in these woords The mercy of the Lord is from generation too generation vpon them that feare him And agein his saluation is néere them that feare him Therfore where as is the true feare of God there also Gods mercy taketh place But what is this fear of God It is true godlynesse and religion wherewith they are endued that leane vntoo Chryst by stedfast faith But héere must discretion bée had betwéene the cause of mercy and the qualitie of them too whom it befalleth Ther is none other cause than Gods fatherly good wil well liking in his déere beloued son according as he him selfe sayth This is my beloued sonne in whom I am well pleased The qualitie of them too whom mercy befalleth is not merite or desert but a marke of Gods children whiche are made his children by faith according too this he haue power too as many as beleeue in his name too become the sonnes of God By fayth only are wée borne the sonnes of God but when wée are become the sons of God wée must as it becommeth Gods children liue in al godlynesse innocencie other vertues the which the blissed virgin cōprehendeth héer vnder y e name of the feare of God 6 He hath shevved strength vvith his arme he hath scattered the proude in the imagination of their ovvne harts 7 He hath put dovvne the mighty from their seate and hath exalted the humble and meeke 8 He hath filled the hungry vvith good things and the rich he hath sent empty avvay Shée setteth out Gods iudgement ageinst the proude and his mercy towards the lowly Héereof are shewed examples without nūber both by y e holy histories by daily experiēce 9 He remēbring his mercy hath holpen his seruant Israel 10 As he promised too our forefathers Abraham and his seede for euer This is too say God hath accōplished his promise of mercy by sending his son Therfore he is sothfast to be praised for his sothfastnesse Too whō bée prayse confession and glory of mercy power rightuousnesse truth for euer euer Amen Vpon the feast day of S. Michael the Archangell ¶ The Gospell Math. viij AT the same time came the disciples vntoo Iesus saying VVho is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen Iesus called a chylde vntoo him and set him in the middest of them and sayd Veryly I say vntoo you except yee turne and become as children ye shal not enter intoo the kingdome of heauen VVhosoeuer therfore humbleth himself as this child that same is the greatest in the kingdome of heauen And vvhosoeuer receyueth such a child in my name receyueth me But vvhoso doth offend one of these litle ones vvhich beleue in me it vvere better for him that a milstone vvere hanged about his necke and that he vvere drovvned in the depth of the sea VVoe vntoo the vvorlde bicause of offences necessarie it is that offences come But vvoe vntoo the man by vvhom the offence commeth VVherfore if thy hand or thy foote hinder thee cut him of and cast it from thee It is better for thee too enter intoo lyfe halt or maymed rather than thou shouldest hauing tvvo handes or tvvo feete bee cast intoo euerlasting fyre And if thine eye offend thee plucke it out and cast it from thee It is better for thee too enter intoo life vvith one eye rather than hauing tvvo eyes too bee cast into hell fyre Take heede that yee despise not one of these little ones For I say vntoo you that in heauen their Angels do alvvayes behold the face of my Father vvhich is in heauen The exposition of the Text. THis feast was appoynted and receyued in the Church too the intent wée might learne Gods benefites towards vs who hath giuen vs his Angels too bée our kéepers Wherefore the congregation is too bée taught this day concerning Angels chéefly Howbéeit forasmuche as the Gospell that is woont too bée red this day conteineth singuler lessons I will first open the Texte of the Gospell and afterwarde speake somewhat concerning Angels The occasion of this Euangelical lesson was the statelynesse of Chrysts disciples who after they had herd Chryst make mention of his departure fell at strife for the soueraintie whom Chryst calleth back from their error sets a child in the middes of them saying Except ye be as children ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heauen Besides this hée dissuadeth them frō ministring occasion of offence cōmendeth children vnto vs that wée should receiue them intoo the churche knowing that of suche is the kingdome of Heauen The places are foure 1 The reasoning of the Apostles about the soueraintie and the reproofe of them 2 The warning too auoyd offence 3 Chrystes commaundement of receyuing Children 4 The nature and office of Angels ¶ Of the first THe Disciples came vnto Iesus saying vvho is greatest in the kingdome of Heauen Héer cometh first too bée marked the blindnesse of Chrysts Disciples vnderstanding not yet what maner a one Chrystes kingdome is They dreamed it should bée a ciuil gouernment wherin Chryst should reign as chéefe souereigne his Disciples as Dukes should rule the whole world vnder him And therfore they demaund which of them should bée chéefe and next vntoo Chryst. So wonderful blindnesse had bewitched their mindes Agein wée may sée héere the Deuils venim which wrought euen in those instrumentes of God namely Chrystes Disciples who were ordeyned too bée Apostles and ambassadours of Chryst our king in his spiritual kingdom What dooth the Deuill hée stayneth them with the moste vgly vice of pride in so much as they fell already too reasoning for the soueraintie that is too say which of them should be Lord ouer the rest What dooth Chryst vntoo this foolishe pride of his Disciples Surely he might iustly haue cast them of as proud vtterly vnméet too bear any sway in the gouernment of his spirituall kingdom yet doth hée not so but admonisheth them fatherly And as he correcteth their error so hée sharply reproueth the vice of pride For thus saith he Iesus called a Child vnto him set him in
the midst of thē saying Verely I say vnto you Except ye turne become as children yee shall not enter into the kingdome of Heauen Héere hée teacheth by example and doctrine what maner a ones he would haue the ministers of his kingdome too be He wil haue no oddes betwixt them as touching the affection of their minds Hée wil not haue one looke loftely at another but y t they should be louingly minded one too another shewing dutifulnesse one to another He wil not haue thē in his ghostly kingdom too reign proudly one ouer other after the manner of the heathen For in ciuill gouernements there is an other consideration too bée had Ageine hée maketh héer a difference betwéen his own gouernment and the worldly kingdomes Hée that is chéef in worldly kingdomes wil bée honored and serued of al men Contrarywise hée that wil bée chéef héere must be seruant too all not in woords as the Pope is but in very déede as were Paule Peter the Apostles and other sincere preachers of the Gospel So is he greatest in Chrystes Churche that is most seruant and hée is least that is most lordly Now too the intent Chryst may reuoke his disciples frō this pride he addeth a most sore threat saying Except yee become children yee shall not enter intoo the kingdome of Heauen But what meaneth the Lorde that he would haue his Disciples like little Children Dooth not Paul séem too teache otherwise when he wryteth too the Corinthians in this wise Let vs not bée children in vnderstanding Chryst wil haue vs like too Children Paule wil haue vs vnlike too Children Bothe are true Wée must be like too Children and ageine wée must bée vnlike too Children Wée must bée like too Children firste in true lowlinesse and denying of our selues as the Lorde sayeth whosoeuer humbleth himself as this Childe Therefore hée that will bée Chrystes Disciple must lay down all pride Héeruntoo perteyneth this saying of Chryst hée that wil folowe mée let him denie him self That is too say he that wil bée my Disciple let him haue a lowly opinion of himselfe and let him take nothing proudly vpon him Ageine wée must bée like vntoo children in respect of merits For like as childrē cannot boast of their own deseruings ageinst their parents euen so may not Chrystes disciples boast of any merites before God but confesse them selues too bée babes as who are able too do nothing without his fatherly prouidence Thirdly we must be like childrē in affection For as children cōmit them selues wholly too the regard of their parents so must Chrysts disciples put them selues wholly intoo Chrysts tuition looking for all welfare at his hande Fourthly wée must bée like children in purpose of obeying Good children stande not reasoning what maner a thing it is that their father cōmandeth but they take héede what he cōmaundeth folow his wil as their rule too woork by as Abrahā did who at Gods cōmaundement was redy too slea his only begotten sonne for sacrifice Abraham stood not thinking what shal this déede profite God The death of my sonne is most troublesome vntoo mée and can do no good too God But rather he thought thus Thou my God hast commaunded me this therfore will I folow thy wil as my rule too woorke by and I will obey thée Lastly wée must bée like children in malice that is too wit like as children giue not themselues too naughtie practises nor gather not couetously nor folowe filthy lustfulnesse So must Chrysts disciples absteyne from euill And wée must bée vnlike too children first that wée bée not found like babes séeking after vntoward things as children doo before their senses are setled Secondly that wée bée not weake in faith as childrē which are not able to conceiue spirituall things for want of yéeres of discretion Thirdly that wée giue not our selues too playing with fleshly affections Fourthly that wée wauer not vncerteynly and vnstayedly like childrē in the doctrin of godlinesse that as Paul saith wée bée not caried about with euery blast of doctrin but that wée yéelde a holy chyldhoode whervntoo Peter exhorteth vs when he sayth As new borne babes 1 Peter 2. Héervnto he addeth also y e reward of true lowlinesse whē he sayth VVhosoeuer receiueth such a child in my name receiueth me Let this be weyed aduisedly First by this saying Christ wil haue vs embrace his childrē louingly and that for his sake Secondly it witnesseth y t what soeuer is bestowed vpon the godly in his name he estemeth as if it were bestowed vpō himself Whom wold not this promise stirre vp too doo y e déeds of curtesy too his brethren specially too the members of Chrysts church On the other side it warns vs of the punishment which they shall suffer that despise any of those that beléeue in Chryst. He that offendeth one of these vvhich beleeue in mee sayth he it vvere better for him that a mylstone vvere hanged about his necke and he drovvned in the botom of the sea This onely threat ought too holde vs within our duetie that wée should not bée so ready too offende others But of this poynt there folow more ¶ Of the seconde WO bee to the vvorlde for offences Needes must offences come Notvvithstanding vvo bee too that man by vvhom the offence cōmeth This saying of Chrysts conteineth thrée things The first is a forewarning that the world is full of offences The second is a somwhat darke inkling of the causes of offences The third is a threatning of the punishment that shall light vpon the author of the offence The first teacheth vs warneth vs and confirmeth vs. It teacheth vs what shall come too passe namely that the woord shall bée full of offences Secondly that these offences shall bring w● vpon men that is to say punishment vnder which men shall cry wo too themselues by reason of their anguishe This woord wo as Basil sayth is a lamētable m●ne wherwithal they that grone vnder the crosse doo vtter their gréefe Thirdly that the Church shall not bée at rest in this life but y t when it shall séeme most quiet then shall stormes arise sodeynly wherwith it shal be wonderously shaken The church shal in this world bée like the bird Halcyon which layeth hir eggs hatcheth them and bringeth vp hir y●●ng ones vppon the sea This bird can neuer warrant hir self one calme day but frameth hir selfe too all hazards When the sea is calme shée and hir yoong birds are glad if any tempest arise shée beares it out with a stoute courage féeding hir minde with hope of a calme So the church is in the world as on the sea where shée bringeth foorth children She can neuer bée in any suretie of the stormes of this world such as are all false prophets the deuil a mans owne fleshe and the lewd maners examples of men When these storms are comming ageinst the Churche then must shée bée in a redinesse ageinst all
sequele therof For they shall possesse the earth by right of inheritance not for that we shal liue vppon the earth but figuratiuely For the land that was promised in old time vntoo the Fathers was a figure and representation of the heauenly kingdome and therfore the very thing it selfe is called by the name of the shadowe of it They that abuse this place too stablish the doctrine of merits as though wée could earne heauen by our owne power are fooles and vnderstand not Chrysts woords He saith they shall possesse the earth by right of inheritance Wher is that right of inheritance Are wée not therfore heires bicause we are fréely adopted in Chryst by faith Doth not Paul say Eternal life is gods gift through Iesus Chryst our Lord It is another matter too speake of the causes of saluation and too speake of the new qualities of thē y t are heirs of y e saluation Blissed are those that hunger and thirst after rightuousnesse for they shall bee satisfied Christen folke in this life shal neuer draw so much water out of the fountaynes of saluation but that they shal bée more thirstie than before Wherfore héer the Lord comforteth them promising that the time shal come that they shal bée satisfied for the which satisfying and suffizance they shall professe themselues happy Whosoeuer hungreth and thirsteth after rightuousnesse wisheth two things First that God may bée openly glorified by right doctrine holy life and profession And secondly that ech man priuatly should acknowledge God conceiue faith in Chryst bée filled with the holy Ghost and mind gods rightuousnesse in holy and pure life Of this filling speaketh Dauid sayth it shall then bée when his glory shall appéere For there as it is in the Apocalips the Saincts shall neither hunger nor thirst any more Blyssed are the mercyfull for they shall obteyne mercye Héere is commended vntoo vs mercy towardes those that bée in miserie For Chryst will haue his Disciples not only too bée touched with their owne misfortunes but also too rue other folkes miseries Which thing vndoutedly is the duetie of true charitie Neyther dooth Chryst require only that wée should bée sorye with other men for their harmes and miseries But he requireth our déede therewithall Hys wyll is that wée should put too our helping hand And least they might bée discouraged with the vnthankefulnesse of men he addeth a promise For he promiseth that he which is mercifull too his neighbour shall obteyne mercy ageyne and that not only with God but also among men God promiseth mercy too the mercifull and bringeth too passe also that wée finde mercy among men while he boweth their mindes too doo vs good Blissed bee the pure in hart for they shall see God Cleannesse of hart is héer commended vnto vs which is set ageinst two very great vices craftinesse and lustfulnesse When it is set ageinst craftinesse it is a simple or single good mening wherby we deale with men vnfeinedly and plainly without crooked fetches too deceiue them This saying of Chryst therfore is quite ageinst the iudgement of most men For a numbre thinke themselues then happy then when they can craftely compasse men and wind them in too deceyue them In respect whereof they hunt bothe for the commendation of wisedome and for gayne and also gape for the fauor of great men Notwithstanding Chryst will not haue his Disciples doo so but rather that they should be contented with a simple well mening so as their hart hand and tongue may séeme al too agrée throughly at one Too these dooth he promisse that they shall sée God in the sight of God consisteth the highest blisse But whē cleannesse of hart is set ageinst lustfulnesse it is the very true chastitie whiche Paule calleth holynesse when he saith Performe holinesse without the which no mā shal sée God For like as God abhorreth lustes so he is excéedingly delighted in the chastitie of the faithfull Blissed are the peace-makers for they shall bee called the children of God Héere Christ commendeth too his Disciples a great vertue and a rare Peacemakers and those that endeuour too make and mainteine peace and quietnesse These bicause they haue a contrary desire too the children of Sathan shal bée called the children of God as who after the example of God their father are authors of peace quietnesse and do helpe delight many with this their séeking of peace For like as precious balme filleth all the whole house with his swéete sent so one man that is a séeker of peace is able too bring too agréement a great companie that is at oddes And therfore not without cause dooth Dauid commend the desire of concorde and peace singing thus Beholde how good and pleasant a thing it is for brothers too dwell in vnitie As the excellent oyntment that runneth downe from the head vppon the beard euen vppon the beard of Aaron and droppeth downe by the skirtes of his garmentes As the dew of Hermon that falleth vppon the mountayns For as the dew maketh the ground fat through the blissing of y e Lorde so whersoeuer there bée many peacemakers there are fruitefull and happie common weales Churches and householdes Contrarywise where as is not the loue of peace there is scorchyng and droughte that is too say extréeme miserie and wretchednesse Blissed are they that suffer persecution for rightuousnesse sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Bicause the stumbling blocke of persecution dooth moste shake the mindes of the weake he dooth in very good season put his Disciples in mynde of the Crosse too the intent they shoulde not bée dismayde with the sharpnesse of persecutions and so renounce their profession but rather looke wisely vpon the kingdome of heauen which is set before them the desire of atteinement whereof might make them striue more earnestly too enter intoo it by many tribulations Therfore let vs folow the example of those that runne in a race who alwayes haue an eye too the prise that is appoynted by the mayster of the gaming and so runne foorth chéerfully till they come too their races end So will Chryste haue his too do he will haue no loytering but vnwéeryable endeuer of running tyll they come too the end of their race which is the kingdom of heauē Ageine wheras Chryst nameth but one cause of persecution namely Rightuousnesse his méening is that wée shoulde so order our life that wée bée not compelled too suffer for our owne fault or for our owne misdéedes For then should persecution bée a iust punishment and not a testimonie of the defence of rightuousnesse and truth And Peter admonisheth vs that wée should not suffer as euill dooers but as well dooers and that after the example of Chryste the Prophets Apostles and many Martyrs Blissed are you vvhen men reuyle you and persecute you and falsly reporte all maner of euill sayings ageynst you for my sake He expoundeth what it is too suffer persecution for