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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A51638 The Egyptian history, treating of the pyramids, the inundation of the Nile, and other prodigies of Egypt, according to the opinions and traditions of the Arabians written originally in the Arabian tongue by Murtadi, the son of Gaphiphus, rendered into French by Monsieur Vattier ... and thence faithfully done into English by J. Davies ... Murtaḍā ibn al-ʻAfīf, 1154 or 5-1237.; Vattier, Pierre, 1623-1667.; Davies, John, 1625-1693. 1672 (1672) Wing M3128; ESTC R23142 128,209 344

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time as his enterprize having been observed Men bewared of him and the King heard of him They say that Mechavel God curse him imprisoned Noah 3 years before he died and that after his death his son Darmasel who was his Successor brought Noah out of Prison and commanded him to forbear corrupting Religion and exclaming against the Gods There was among them for their seven great Idols a Feast which they celebrated every year during which they assembled to offer Sacrifices and make Processions about the Idols The time of that Feast being come which is also the Feast of Jagoth the people came together from all parts and then Noah came to that Assembly and having pass'd through the midst of the People and cry'd with a loud voice O Friends say as I do There is no other God then the great God The people put their fingers into their Ears and their Heads into their garments but the Idols fell at Noah's cry which obliged the men to fall upon him and to beat him cruelly giving him several wounds in the head then dragging him along the ground with his face towards the Kings Palace into which they made him enter and brought him before him Have not I done thee a favour said the King in taking thee out of Prison though thou hast spoken against our Religion rail'd at our Gods and forsaken the footsteps of thy Fathers and Grand-fathers Mean time thou comest again to exercise thy Magick against the Gods so as thou hast made them to fall from their thrones torn from their stations and the places of their honour and their glory What hath forc'd thee to this extremity If these Idols replied Noah were Gods as you imagine they would not have fallen at my voice Fear God unhappy Prince turn to him and believe nothing equal to him for he sees you Who is he said the King who has made thee so confident as to speak to me in these terms I will sacrifice thy Bloud to the Idols He thereupon commanded him to be kept in prison till the day of the Feast of Jagoth that he might be sacrificed to him and that the Idols might at the same time be exalted to their thrones But he saw afterwards a Dream which startled him and obliged him to order Noah to be put out of prison giving out among the people that he was distracted Noah being afterwards 500 years of age had his son Sem and after him Cham and after him Jam then Japhet Their mother was named Nouba●he the Daughter of Enos the son of Enoch Noah was afterwards a long time preaching to hi● Nation yet could convert to the profession of the Unity of God but a small company of the meaner sort of people wherefore they made this reproach to him according to what God himself said to him Thou hast been followed by the dr●gs of the people Noah was a Carpenter and those who believed in him were of his own profession He spent afterwards three Ages in preaching always to the people the Religion of Almighty God without other effect save that they grew the more impious and insolent Nay they kill'd some of those who believed in him and rifled their honses and then God revealed to him that of his Nation there would be no other Believers save onely those who had already embraced the Faith Noah despairing of their Conversion began to pray to God against them and to say O my Lord suffer not upon earth any habitation of the Unbelievers Then Almighty God commanded him to build the Ship then he smote them with Sterility as well to the Fruits of the earth as the Procreation of children making their women unable to bring forth and in like manner the Females of their Cattel incapable of generation and withdrawing his benedictions from their Orchards and Agriculture They invoked their Idols but it did bestead them nothing with God Then Noah began to build the Ship and spent three years in cutting down Indian Plane-trees and polishing them in making Nails and Pins and providing whatever was necessary then he set it together in the moneth of Regebe Those of his Nation would needs pass by him as he was at work laughing and making sport at him After he had finished it God commanded him to put into it two pairs of every species Those who embarqued with him of the sons of Adam and his own were Sem Cham and Japhet and the others who belonged to him and were of his family The Angels brought to him Adams Shrine which was in the Countrey of Tehama which is the Septentrional Territory of Meca There was also with him in the Ark the Egyptian Priest Philemon with his family and his daughters The rest were of the children of his Father and of his Grandfather Edrisus After the chastisement was completed by the destruction of the Inhabitants of the Earth that the Heaven had given a check to the Rains that the Earth by the permission of her Lord had drunk up the waters and that the Ark rested on Mount G●edis they went out and built a City which they called The Match of Fourscore and which is at this day famous in its place under the name of Themanine which signifies Fourscore They say that the several Nations though they were not ignorant of the Deluge and that they knew well enough it was to come yet could not learn of their Priests precisely the time of its coming because it was the will of the Almighty and All-good God to punish them The Mountains cast stones at them and they knew not which way to turn to avoid the falling of the Rain and the Stones They say also that the water which fell was hot and corrupted as if i had come out of a boiling Pool of Sand. Some affirm that the Ship continued on the water a hundred and fifty days others that it continued 11 Moneths God knows how it was Some affirm also that the Deluge happen'd in the Moneth of Regebe and that the Ark nested on Mount Geudis the tenth day of the Moneth of Mucharram There were between the descent of Adam and the Deluge two thousand one hundred fifty six years When God would restore the Earth to a good condition he sent a wind upon the water which dry'd it and put a stop to the Springs The ordinary light return'd to the World and the Sun and the Moon and the Night and the Day Forty days after God commanded Noah to open the Ark. He opened it and let out the Raven to see how low the water was The Raven went out and stayed to feed on the Carrions of the dead and returned no more Whereupon Noah made imprecations against her that she might always be a Stranger and never a domestick Bird and that it should feed on Carrions Then he let out the Dove after her She soon return'd with her feet dy'd with the slime of the Earth which was grown hot Wherefore Noah prayed God to
Ocean out of which they affirmed the Nile to take its origine but they explicated not after what manner this was done Others affirmed that this overflux proceeded from the Snow which they pretended was dissolved in Summer upon the sides of the Nile Herodotus refutes all these conjectures and then gives his own opinion which is that the Nile coming from some very remote parts of the South that is from a Countrey from which the Sun is far distant in Summer when it is very near Aegypt its course which at its coming out of the source is always equally big comes then quite to Aegypt without losing any thing of its fulnesse in regard the Sun consumes nothing or very little of it whereas in Winter it decreases much by the way for the contrary reason which is that the Sun being then directly upon its waters devours a great part thereof Strabo who thought not this reason of Herodotus more probable then the others recurs to that which he says had been observed by Homer when he called Aegypt that is to say the Nile in Homerical terms a River falling from Heaven 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He would therefore have the overflux of the Nile proceed from the Summer-rains which saith he are frequent in Ethiopia according to their Relation who have sailed on the Red Sea as far as the Countrey which produces Cinnamon as also of those who have been at the Hunting of Elephants The Relation of the Monk Cosmas inserted by the most Learned and Ingeniously curious person Monsieur Thevenot in the First Part of his Collections says methinks the same thing But besides that the sources of the Nile are at a far greater distance then is supposed by that reason alledged also by our Author in its proper place there is no great likelihood that the rains should be so frequent in Summer in a Countrey next adjoyning to Aegypt where it never rains and more Southerly then it Whence it comes that at this time the ablest Philosophers endeavours to find out some other cause of so considerable an effect and Monsieur de la Chambre among others by an extraordinary sagacity hath found out one for it in the Bowels of the Land of Aegypt whose Nitrous qualities stirred by the heats of Summer are in his judgement capable of causing the Waters of that River to rise up to so great an overflux as we see by experience that it does This opinion when we shall have comprehended the subtile Discourses and considered the excellent remarks whereby that great great person confirms it will doubtless be found the most likely to be true Monsieur Chapelain to whom most of the Virtuosi do now give an account not onely of their works but also of their designs out of the confidence they have of his excellent judgment and sincere advice told me not long since that the most Learned and most Eloquent Monsieur Vossius hath a Treatise ready on the same Subject wherein we are like to meet with many things yet unknown to us To make it appear then that I have also made some reflections on this Miracle I shall here set down the reason I have imagined to my self for it which does not contradict Homer though it agrees not with Strabo for it will haply suffice those who may not have the leisure to examine such as are more subtile I observe then in the first place that to my thinking it is affirmed by Macinus that the risings of the Nile are framed above Aegypt For towards the end of his forty eighth Chaliph he says that the Nile being very low in the time of Michael Patriarch of Alexandria that Prelate was sent by the Mustanser Choliph of Aegypt to the King of the Abyssines who upon his intreaty having cleared the passage of the Water it rose in Aegypt three Cubits in one night and came to its height I suppose next the two propositions by me already alledged That the sources of the Nile are far beyond the Equinoctial Line and That its course thence into Aegypt is in length above twelve hundred leagues that is fourteen of fifteen hundred I suppose further that at the Sources of the Nile as in many other places the Waters are higher in Winter then in Summer according to what is affirmed by F. Maffaeus in his first Book of the History of the Indies where he has this passage Processit ad ostium ingentis Fluvii qui exipsis Nili fontibus originem trahens Zaires ab incolis dicitur actanta aquarum vi praesertim hyeme sese in Oceanum infert ut prodatur in octaginta millia passuum ab eo vinci mare I suppose moreover that the Waters of the Nile when they are high advance within the Chanel wherein they flow at about the rate of four leagues a day according to what observation I have made upon the like occasion For those who have seen the Nile overflown in Aegypt have assur'd me that its course is about the same rate of swiftnesse as that of the Seine when it is in the same condition at Paris Now the waters of the Seine and the Rivers falling into it according to my computation when they are risen make about the same measure of way every day For at Montereul in Normandy where I writ this we have a small River which is of that number and into which there come Waters when it is high from about four leagues distance though its ordinary current comes but from the Spring of Ternant distant from it but a league and a half When this little River rises of a sudden by a storm as it happens often and that sometimes even in Summer the Waters are up but one day at Montereul which argues that those which come last are a day in running the four leagues whence they come There passes by Cernieres which is but half a league from the same place another small River into which there come Waters from a distance double to the other whence it comes that they are up two days whereas they are but one at Montereul In the last Inundation of the Seine which was great and sudden enough at the end of Winter in the Year 1665 by reason of the abundance of Snow which was dissolved in a short time I observed being then at Paris that the Waters began to rise the 18th day of February and continued till the end of that Moneth after which they notably decreased till the 10th of March which discovers that the last-arrived were twenty days coming from the places where the Snow was dissolved Those places I conceive to be about fourscore leagues from Paris and consequently those Waters had advanced about four leagues a day All this supposed I say for example that the Waters which cause the overflowing of the Nile this day being the first of August in Aegypt were got together in the places where its course began about a Year before whether occasioned by Rain or Snow melted Wherein there
horrid and dreadful cries as they fell He thereupon awoke much troubled and related not his Dream to any body and was satisfied in himself that some great accident would happen in the World A year after he dreamt again that he saw the Fixed Stars come down to the earth in the form of white Birds which carried men away and cast them between two great Mountains which almost joyned together and covered them and then the bright shining Stars became dark and were eclips'd he thereupon awaked extremely astonished and entered into the Temple of the Sun and beset himself to bathe his cheeks and to weep Next morning he ordered all the Princes of the Priests and Magicians of all the Provinces of Egypt to meet together which they did to the number of a hundred and thirty Priests and Southsayers with whom he went aside and related to them his Dream which they found very important and of very great consequence and the interpetation they gave of it was that some great accident would happen in the World Among others the Priest Aclimon who was the greatest of all and resided always in the Kings Court said thus to him Sir your Dream is admirable and I my self saw another about a Year since which frightned me very much and which I have not revealed to any one Tell me what it was said the King I dreamt said the Priest that I was with your Majesty on the top of the Mountain of Fire which is in the midst of Emsos and that I saw the Heaven sunk down below its ordinary Situation so that it was near the Crowns of our Heads covering and surrounding us like a great Basin turn'd upside down that the Stars were intermingled amongst Men in diverse Figures that the people implored your Majesties succour and ran to you in multitudes as to their refuge that you lifted up your hands above your head and endeavoured to thrust back the Heaven and to keep it from coming down so low and that I seeing what your Majesty did did also the same While we were in that posture extreamly affrighted methought we saw a certain part of Heaven opening and a bright light coming out of it that afterwards the Sun rose over us out of the same place and we began to implore his assistance whereupon he said thus to us The Heaven will return to its ordinary situation when I shall have performed three hundred courses I thereupon awaked extreamly affrighted The Priest having thus spoken the King commanded them to take the heights of the Stars and to consider what accident they portended Whereupon they declared that they promised first the Deluge and after that Fire Then he commanded that Pyramids should be built that they might remove and secure in them what was of most esteem in their Treasuries with the bodies of their Kings and their Wealth and the Aromatick Roots which served them and that they should write their wisdom upon them that the violence of the Water might not destroy it wherein they presently set themselves at work The Egyptians relate in their Annals that Saurid is he who himself caused the Pyramids to be built and that inasmuch as after the death of his Father he follow'd his steps causing the Provinces to be inhabited and cultivated and Governing them well administring Justice to the People even to his own prejudice and that of his Domesticks causing Temples to be built and Statues and Talismans to be erected so that the People had a great love for him In the Upper-Egypt he built three Cities and did so many wonders therein that it is not possible to relate them He first regulated the Tribute in Egypt and enjoined works on Artists according to their power He also was the first who ordered Pensions out of hi Treasuries for maimed and sick people He caused to be made a Mirrour of all sorts of Minerals wherein they saw all the Climats where there was abundance of Provisions or Sterility and what new accident happen'd in any of the Coasts of Egypt This Mirrour was upon a high Turret of Brass in the midst of ancient Masre which is Emsos He also first ordered Registers to be made wherein was set down every day's receipts and expences and the augmentation or diminution thereof and kept them in the Royal Treasuries then when a Moneth was pass'd he caused all to be reduced into one total sum which he also had kept in the Royal Treasuries sealed with the Royal Seal causing moreover to be graved on Stone what was to be graved thereon He made very liberal gratifications to the Masters of Arts and those who deserved something should be given them He also set up in the midst of the City the Figure of a Woman sitting made of green stone with a little Child in her lap sucking All women who were troubled with any disease came to that Idol and set their hands on the breasts of it and presently they were cur'd of their indisposition When a Woman was in very hard labour as soon as she set her hand on the little Childs head she was immediately brought to bed with ease If an unchaste Woman set her hand on the same Childs head all her members shook so that she was not able to speak He made also several other works which were destroyed by the Deluge Yet the Coptites affirm that they were found again after the Deluge and used and adored as Idols that their Figures are represented in all the Pyramids of Egypt and their diverse names that those who taught them were Disciples of the Priest Aclimon who also shewed them all the other works in Egypt We shall speak of them in their proper place with the assistance of Almighty God Saurid did also other prodigious things in his time and among others he made an Idol named Becres consisting of a mixture of divers Medicinal drugs which had a marvellous vertue in securing Mens bodies from all sorts of diseases and inconveniences By means hereof they knew who should escape and who should die of their sickness by certain signs which appeared in the Idol so that they gave over using remedies to some and endeavoured the curing of others They washed the members of that Idol and gave the washings thereof to the sick to drink who were thereupon immediately eased of their pain 'T was he also built the two great Pyramids so famous in all Nations For a great part of the Sages affirm they were built by Sedad the Son of Gad and that he was interred in one of the two but the Ancients of the Coptites and their Sages deny the Gadites ever entred into the Land of Egypt They deny also the same thing of the Amalekites and say that Egypt was always inaccessible to them by reason of its Enchanters and their Artifices and Stratagems The Learned relate in the Lives and Histories that the Pyramids were built three hundred years before the Deluge