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A16281 The fardle of facions conteining the aunciente maners, customes, and lawes, of the peoples enhabiting the two partes of the earth, called Affrike and Asia.; Omnium gentium mores. Book 1-2. English Joannes, ca. 1485-1535.; Josephus, Flavius. Antiquitates Judaicae.; Waterman, William, fl. 1555? 1555 (1555) STC 3197; ESTC S102775 133,143 358

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them expediente for their owne behoue ¶ The. vii Chapiter ¶ Of Persia and the maners and ordinaunces of the Persians PErsia a countrie of the easte was so called of Perstus the Sonne of Iupiter and Danae Of whome the chiefe citie of the kingedome also was named Persepolis whiche in Englishe soūdeth Persehoroughe or as we corruptly terme it Perseburie and the whole naciō Persiens This countrie as Ptolomie writeth in his fiueth booke hath on the northe Media on the West Susiana on the easte the two Carmaniaes and on the southe an inshot of the Sea called the Bosome of Parthia The famous cities therof ware Axiama Persepolis and Diospolis By the name of Iupiter thei vnderstode the whole heauen Thei chiefely honour the Sonne whom thei calle Mitra Thei worship also the Mone the planet Venus the fyre the earthe the water and the windes Thei neither haue anltare nor temple nor ymage but celebrate their deuine seruice vndre the open heauen vpon some highe place for that purpose appoincted In doinge sacrifice thei haue no farther respecte but to take awaye the life from the beaste As hauing opinion that forasmuche as the goddes be spirites thei delighte in nothinge but the spiritual parte the soule Before they slea it thei set it aparte by them with a corone vpon the heade and heape vppon it many bittre banninges and curses Some of the nacion notwithstandinge when thei haue slaine the beaste vse to laye parte of the offalle in the fire When thei sacrifie vnto the fire they timbre vp drie stickes together cleane withoute pille or barcke And after what time thei haue powred on neates tallowe and oyle thei kindle it Not blowing with blaste of blowesse or mouthe but makinge winde as it ware with a ventile or trenchour or suche like thinge For yf any manne either blowe into it or caste in any deade thing or any durte or puddle it is deathe to the doer The Persians beare suche reuerence to their floudes that thei neither wasshe pysse nor throwe deade carcasse into them No not so muche as spitte into thē But very reuerentlye honour their water after this maner Comminge to lake mere floude ponde or springe thei trenche out a litle diche and ther cut thei the throte of the sacryfice Being well ware that no droppe of blode sprinckle into the water by As thoughe all water ware polluted and vnhalowed ouer all yf that should happen That done their Magi that is to say men skylfull in the secretes of nature layeng the flesh vppon a heape of Myrtus or Laurelle and tymbryng smalle wandes about sette fyre theron brenne yt And pronouncyng certein curses they myngle oyle mylke and hony together and sprinkle into the fyre But these cursinges make they not against the fyre ne water But against the earthe a greate whyle toguether holding in their hande a boūdle of smalle myrte wandes Their kinges reigne by successiō of one kindred or stocke To whom who so obeyeth not hath his heade armes striken of and so wythout buriall is throwē out for karreine Policritus sheweth that euery king of the Persians buyldeth his howse vpō a greate hille and ther hourdeth vp all the threasure tribute taxe that he receyueth of the people to be a recorde after his deathe how good a husbonde he hath bene for the cōmune wealthe Suche of the subiectes as dwelle vpon the sea coast are taxed to paie money But those that enhabite toward the mydde londe suche cōmodities as the quartre beateth or hath wher they dwelle As apothecary druggues woolle coulours suche like and cateille accordingly He is not permitted any one cause to putte any man to death Neither is it lawfull for any other of the Persians to execute any thyng against any of his house or stock that maie sieme in any wyse cruelle Euery one of them marie many wiues holde many cōcubines also beside for the encrease of issue The king Proclaimeth rewarde vnto him that within one yere begetteth most children Fiue yere aftre thei are begotten thei come not in the fathers sight by a certein ordenaunce vsed emong theim but are broughte vp continually emong the women To the ende that if the childe fortune to dye in the time of his infancie their fathers grief maie be the lesse Thei vse not to marie but in one tyme of the yere toward midde Marche The bridegrome eateth to his supper an apple of that countrey or a litle of the maribone of a Chamel and so without any farther banquettyng goeth to bedde From fiue yeres olde to twentie and fowre thei learne to ride to throwe the Dart● to shoote and chiefly to haue atongue voide of all vntruthe For their nourituryng and trainyng in good maners thei haue appoincted theim Masters of greate sobrenes and vertue that teache them dieties and pretie songes conteinyng either the praises of their Goddes or of some worthy Princes Whiche sometime thei sing and sometyme recite without note that so thei mighte learne to confourme their liues vnto theirs whose praises thei sieme them selues to allowe To this lesson assemble thei alwaie together at the calle of a Trompette And as thei growe into yeres an accompt is required of thē how well thei haue borne awaie the lessons of their childhode Thei vse to ronne the race to course bothe on horsebacke and on foote at the leadyng of some noble mannes sonne chosen for the nones The field for the race is at least thre mile and thre quarters longe And to the ende that heate or colde should the lesse trouble them thei vse to wade ouer brookes and swimme ouer riuers so to rowme and to hunte the fieldes and to eate drinke in their armour and wette clothes The fruyes that thei eate are akecornes wild Peares and the fruicte of the Terebinthine tree But their daiely foode aftre their ronnyng and other exercises of the bodie is hard Bisquette or a like crustie bread Hortechocques Gromelle sede a litle roste flesshe or sodden whether thei lust and faire water their drincke Their maner of Huntyng is with the bowe or the Darte on horsebacke Thei are good also in the slynge In the forenoone thei plante and graffe digge vp settes stubbe vp rootes make their owne armour or fisshe and foule with the Angle or nette Their children are decked with garnishynges of golde And their chief iuelle is the precious stone Piropus whiche thei haue in suche price that it maie come vppon no deade corps And that honour giue thei also to the fire for the reuerence thei beare there vnto From twentie till fiuetie thei folowe the warres As for byeng and sellyng or any kinde of Lawe prattle thei vse not Thei cary in their warres a kinde of shieldes facioned like a losenge a quiure with shaftes a curtilace On their heades a copintancke enibatled aboute like a turrette and a brest-plate emboussed of skaled woorke The princes and menne of honour did weare a treble
and there to stande without And then the Priest should enquire before the childe be dieped in the Fonte whether it haue renounted Sathan and all his pompe and pride If it beleue certeinely and wholie all the Articles of the Christiane faithe And the Godfathers answeryng yea for it the Prieste breathyng thrise vpon his face exorciseth it and cathechiseth it Aftre that doeth he seuen thinges to the childe in ordre Firste he putteth into the mouth hallowed salt Secondely he mingleth earthe and his spattle toguether and smereth the eyes eares nosethrilles of the childe Thirdly giuyng it suche name as it shall euer aftre bee called by he marketh it on the breast and backe with holie oile aftre the facion of a crosse Fourthly he diepeth it thrise in the Watre or besprinckleth it with watre thrise in maner of a crosse in the name of the holie Trinitie the father the sonne and holie ghost In the whiche name also all thother Sacramentes are ministred Fiuethly weting his thumbe in the holie ointement he maketh therewith a Crosse on the childes foreheade Sixthly he putteth a white garment vppon it Seuenthly he taketh it in the hāde a Candle brennyng The Iewes before thei be Christened by the determinacion of the counsaile holden at Agathone are cathechised that is to saie are scholers as the enstruction of our beleue nine monethes And are boūd to fast fourtie daies to dispossesse them selues of all that euer thei haue and to make free their bonde men And looke whiche of their children thei haue Circumcised acording to Moses lawe hym are thei bounde to banishe their companie No merueile therfore if thei come so vnwillingly to christēdome Bishopping whiche the Latines calle Confirmacion a confirming a ratifieng establishyng aucthorisyng or allowyng of that went before is the second Sacramente And is giuē of the Bishoppe onely before the Aultare in the Churche to suche as are of growē yeres and fastyng if it maie be aftre this maner As many as shal be Confirmed come all together with euery one a godfather And the Bishoppe aftre he hath saied one oraison ouer thē all wetyng his thumbe in the holie oile maketh a crosse vpō eche of their foreheades In the name of the father sonne and holie ghoste And giueth hym a blowe on the lefte chieke for a remembraunce of the Sacrament that he come not for it againe The godfathers to the ende the enoilyng should not droppe awaie or by negligence bee wiped awaie clappe on a faire filette on the foreheade whiche thei iudge to be vnlawfully takē awaie before the seuenth daie The holie fathers estemed this Sacrament so highly that if the name giuen to the childe at his Christendome f●●med not good the Bisshoppe at the giuyng hereof mighte thaunge it The thirde Sacramente is holie Ordres whiche in the firste Churche was giuen likewise of the Bishoppe onely in the monethe of Decembre But now at sixe seueralle tymes of the yere that is to saie the fowre Saturdaies in the embre wekes whiche ware purposely ordeined therefore vpon the Saturdaie whiche the Churche menne calle Sitientes because the office of the Masse for that daie appoincted beginneth with that woorde and vpon Easter euen This Sacrament was giuen onely to menne and but to those neither whose demeanour and life dispocisiō of bodie and qualitie of minde ware sufficiently tried and knowē Aftre the opinion of some there ware seuen ordres or degrees wherby the holy fathers would vs to beleue that there ware ●●uē speciall influences as it ware printed in the soule of the receiuer wherby eche one for eche ordre was to be compted an hallowed manne Aftre the mindes of other there ware nine That is to saie Musicens whiche encludeth singing and plaieng Doore kiepers Reders Exorcistes Acholites Subdeacon Deacon Prieste and Bishop And for all this it is cōpted but one Sacramente by the reason that all these tende to one ende that is to saie to consecrate the Lordes bodie To euery one of these did the Counsaile of Tolede in Spaine appoincte their seueralle liueries and offices in the Churche The Doorekepers had the office of our Common Sexceine to opē the churche dores to take hede to the churche and to shutte the dores And had therfore a keie giuen vnto theim when thei ware admitted to this ordre The Reader in signe and token of libertie to reade the Bible and holie stories had a greate booke giuen him The Exorcistes serued to commaunde euill spicices out of menne and in token therof had a lesse booke giuen them The Acholite had the bearyng and the orderyng of the Tapers Candelstickes and Cruetres at the Altare and therfore had a Candlesticke a Taper and two emptie Cruorettes deliuered hym The Subdeacon mighte take the offring and handle the Chalice and the Patine ca●ie theim to the Altare and fro the Altare and giue the Deacon Wine and water out of the Cruettes And therfore the Bishoppe deliuereth hym an emptie Chalice with a Patine and the Archedeacon one Cruet full of wine and another full of watre or Chaptres and those againe into Paroches and to set that goodly ordre that yet continueth aswell emong the clergie as the laietie That the parishe should obeie their lawfull Persone the Persone the Deane the Deane the Bishoppe the Bishoppe the Archebishoppe The Archbishoppe the Primate or Patriarche the Primate or Patriarche the Legate the Legate the Pope the Pope the generalle Counsaile the generalle Counsaile God alone For the fourthe Sacramente it is holden that euery prieste rightly priested acordyng to the keies of the Churche hauing an encente to consecrate and obseruynge the fourme of the woordes hathe power of wheaten breade to make the very bodie of Christe and of Wine to make his very bloude Christe our Lorde hym selfe the daye before he suffred kepte it solemply with his disciples and consecrated and ordeined it continually to be celebrated and eaten in the remembraunce of him selfe And about this mattier a man had nede of a great faythe Firste to beleue the breade to be chaunged into the body and the wine into the bloude of Christe Againe thoughe this be done euery daye that yet Christ for all that should growe neuer a whitte the bigger for the making nor the lesse for the eatinge Thirdely that the Sacrament being deuyded into many partes Christ should yet remaine whole in euery cromme Fourthly that thoughe the wicked eate it yet should not it be defiled Fiuethly that it bringeth to as many euyll as receius it death and to the good euerlasting life Sixthly that it tourneth not into the nature of the eater to his nourishemente as other meate dothe but turneth the eater contrariwise into the nature of it selfe And yet being eaten that it is rapte into heauen vnhurte or vntouched Seuenthly that in so smalle a syse of breade and wine the infinite and incomprehensible Christe God and manne shoulde be comprehended Then that one and the self same bodye of
Christe at one very instaunce shoulde be in many places and of many menne receiued at ones and in sondrye parcelles Ninethly that thoughe the bread it selfe be chaunged into the very flesshe of Christe and the wine into his bloude that yet to all the sences thei remaine breade and wine and neither flesshe ne bloud Further that all these cōmodities cōteined in these verses folowing should happen vnto those that worthely eate it It putteth in mynde and kindleth encreaseth hope and strengtheneth Mainteineth clenseth restoreth giues life and vniteth Stablissheth beliefe abates the foode of sinne and all vnclennes quencheth Finally to be very profitable for the saluaciō aswell of those liuyng as deade for whō it is specially offred by the priest in the Masse And therefore to haue to name Eucharistia communio In the beginning of the Christiane faithe and yet amonge certeine schismatiques as thei saye one whole lofe was consecrated of suche bigguenesse as whē the Priest had broken it in a platter into smalle pieces it mighte suffise the whole multitude that ware at the masse to participate of For in time paste the Christianes came euery day to communicate by a speciall commaundemente and ordenaunce Aftrewarde but ones in a wicke and that on the Sonday But whan it began to be skant well kepte vppon the Sonday neither then was it commaunded that euery manne should receiue it thrise in the yere or ones at the leaste at euery Easter And that euery christian manne when he stode in any daungier of death beynge whole of minde should receiue it as a waifaring viande to staye him by the waye with as good preparacion of bodye and soule as he possibly mighte Matrimonie whiche is the lawefulle coupling of the manne and the woman broughte in by the lawe of nature the lawe of God the lawe of all peoples and the lawe ciuile is the fiueth Sacrament The holy fathers woulde haue but one mariage at ones that not in secrete but with opē solemnitie eyther in the churche or in the churche porche and so that the priest be called to the matier Who shold firste examine the man and then the womanne whether thei bothe consent to be maried together Yf thei be agreed whiche is chiefely in this case requisite he taking them bothe by the right handes coupleth them together in the name of the holy and vnseperable trinitie the father the sonne and the holy ghoste And commaundeth and exhorteth them that thei alwaye remembring this their coupling of their owue free wille consent as longe as thei liue neuer forsake one a nother but loue honour one another be debonaire and buxome one to another giuing them selues to procreacion and not to lecherous luste And that thei honestly and diligently bringe vp suche children as God sendeth them of theyr bodies Aftre that he affiaunceth thē both with one ringe And sprinckling holy water vpon them reacheth them a stole and leadeth them into the churche where yf thei ware not blessed afore he blesseth them knieling before the altare The woman hath on a redde fillet or frontelette and ouer that a white veile withoute the whiche it is not lawfulle for her fro that daye forewarde to go oute of doores abrode or to sitte by any manne Twelue thinges ther be whiche the holy fathers woulde haue to barre persons from contracting of matrimonie and to disseuer them againe yf thei be contracted Errour of person that is to saye mistaking one for another A betrowthing vpon a condicion Cōsanguinitie or kindred An opē crime Diuersitie of secte Force or cōstrainte Holy ordres a Bōde or former contracte Commune or open honestie Affinitie and Dishabilitie of engēdrure The sixteth Sacramente is penaunce or repentaunce giuen of Christe as it ware for a wracke boorde wherby men are preserued fro drowninge Eche christian oughte vndoubtedly to beleue that this consisteth in foure poinctes To saie in Repētaūce of our sinnes Canonicalle cōfession Absolucion and Satisfaction or amendes Firste let him sorowe not with a lighte forthinckinge but with a moste earneste and bittre repentaunce in the botome of his conscience for the puritie and innocencie that he had gotten eyther by baptisme or the benefite of former repentaunce and nowe hathe eftsones loste and forgone throughe sinne And let him hope with this repentaunce to be reconciled to the fauour of God againe And let him humbly and truly with his owne mouthe confesse to a wise prieste in the steade of God all those offences wherwith he knoweth him selfe to haue loste his innocencie and clennesse and to haue prouoked the wrathe of GOD againste him selfe And let him assuredly beleue that the same prieste hath power giuen him of Christe as beinge his vicare or deputie on earthe to absolue him of all his sinnes Finally for satisfaction or amendes making for the faulte lette him not with grudginge but chierfully and gladly doe what so euer he shal be cōmaūded Beleuig with vndoubted faith that he is absolued and quyte of all assone as the priest in dewe forme of wordes hath pronounced the absolucion The seuenth and the laste Sacramēt is the laste enoynting by an oyle that is made to this vse by the bisshope in euery diocesse by an yerely custome vpō maūdy thursdaie like as the chrismatory oyle is And this by the precepte of sainte Iames the Apostle and by the ordinaunce of Felix the fourthe Pope after Sainte Peter was giuen only to them that laie in dyeng being of full age and requyring it Thei vse to enoynte with a prescripte fourme of wordes and with often inuocation of sainctes those partes of the bodie wher our fiue wittes or senses the hearing seyng smelling tasting and touching beare moste stroke with whiche man is iudged chiefely to sinne That is the eares the eyes the nosethrilles the mouthe the handes and the fete Wherby the holy fathers would vs to be leue that there was not onely purchased cleane forgiuenesse of all smaller offences or venialle sinnes but also either presente recou●rie or a riper and gentier deathe All the feastes and holydaies throughout the yere whiche the churche hath commaunded to be obserued kept beginne at the Aduente or approche of Christe our Lorde Whiche Peter the Apostle instituted to be obserued in Decembre with fasting and prater thre wiekes and a haulfe before Christemas whē we close vp the last viii daies of that moneth with great ioye and feaste Thei deuided the yere into two fiuetie wekes and. xij seueral monthes The monethes cōmonly into xxx daies The firste daye of Ianuary the churche recordeth howe Christe was circumcised acordinge to Moyses lawe The. iii. daye aftre howe he was worshipped of the thre Sages with thre sondry presentes and howe beinge baptissed of Iohn in Iordaine the floude he laide the foundation of the newe Lawe The seconde of Februarie how his mother vnspotted obeyeng the maner of her cōtry brought him into the temple and suftred her self to be purified or clensed