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A42018 The sound-hearted Christian, or, A treatise of soundness of heart with several other sermons ... / by William Greenhill. Greenhill, William, 1591-1671. 1670 (1670) Wing G1859; ESTC R7468 196,980 326

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Spirit in the heart then it 's a sound heart there may be seeming Graces and seeming Comforts but these do not cause soundness Take Brass Tin Cooper let it be Silver'd over by the Art of man this is not sound it is not Currant money so many have parts and they may have seeming graces and seeming comforts and yet not be real not be true such a heart is not sound you read in Scripture of a feigned faith a dead faith you read likewise of feigned love and there are feigned comforts flashy comforts and groundless hopes Now where the heart is sound these are graces comforts wrought by the Word and Spirit hence you read of faith unfeigned 2 Tim. 1.5 and you read of Love the fruit of the Spirit Gal. 5.22 and so peace and joy There 's false peace and false joy but you read of these wrought by the Spirit and love shed abroad in the heart by the Spirit you read of a lively hope of a hope that 's grounded upon the promises 2 Pet. 3.13 Nevertheless we according to his promise look for new Heavens and a new Earth now when graces are real in the heart and comforts are real in the heart and there 's a real truth in them Then the heart is sound And so soundness is opposed to the fancies conceits and dreams of men and their mistakes but their hearts are rotten notwithstanding all their dreams and fancies Fifthly Soundness of heart doth lye in sincerity Let my heart be sound in thy Statutes let it be sincere and upright and so some read the words And the word signifies upright and sincere and so it 's opposed to Hypocrisie O let me not be an Hypocrite let me not be a deceiver a sound heart is a sincere heart where there is Hypocrisie in men and women there 's an unsound heart there 's a rotten heart the Apostle speaks of love without dissimulation Rom. 12.9 So all must be without dissimulation where there is soundness and here both the end and the means and the manner are respected First where the heart is sound there will be sound ends sincere ends and among the rest there be three great ends that a sound heart aims at First the Glory of God Secondly Publick good Thirdly the Spiritual and Eternal good of the Soul First the Glory of God that 's the great end of a sound heart such ends will a sound heart have as Gods Statutes doth propound and hold out now this is one great and high end that God holds out in his word the glorifying of himself Prov. 16.4 God hath made all things for himself for his own glory for his own honour God hath set up his own Glory as his own end and so a sound heart hath that end that God hath propounded So in the 11 Rom. last saith the Apostle there From him and through him and to him are all things to whom be glory for ever Glory is the end 1. Cor. 10.31 Do all to the Glory of God whether you eat or drink or whatever you do that 's the great end 1. Cor. 6. you are not your own you are bought with a price Glorifie God in Soul and Body That 's the great end of a sound heart Secondly the end of a sound heart is publick good Do good to all but especially to the Houshold of Faith not a private and domestick end but do good to all the world if possible but especially to Sion to the Church of God to the people of God saith Hester if I perish I perish Sion is in danger Gods people are in danger I will not stand upon my self and my own safety and upon the Kings Law but Gods glory the welfare and good of Sion lyes at the Stake and I will venture here was a sound heart that had a right end if I perish I perish I will venture my self for God and for his cause and people Thirdly It hath a right end in regard of it self viz. it 's Spiritual and Eternal good A Godly man will have a care of his body but his great care is of his soul and the spiritual and eternal good of his soul Joh. 6.27 Labour not for the meat that perisheth but for that which indureth to everlasting life that meat that perishes concerns the body but there is meat saith Christ which indures to everlasting life and that 's the meat you must look at and that 's the meat a sound heart doth aim at and seek to find out and to feed upon First seek the Kingdom of Heaven and the Righteousness thereof and saith the Apostle in 2 Cor. 4.18 our scope is not to look at the things that are seen but at the things that are not seen things that are eternal and that concern the eternal good of our souls Secondly It is sincere likewise in regard of the means a sound heart will use all the means Psal 119.6 Then shall I not be confounded when I have respect to all thy Commands there must be respect to all Gods Commands to all his Threatnings to all his Promises to all Examples to all Invitations to all Admonitions to all Counsels to the whole will of God a sound heart hath respect to all that God hath revealed to all the means whatsoever they have unsound and rotten hearts who throw off the Law or the Gospel who throw of all Ordinances who throw off the Scriptures but then shall I not be confounded when I have respect to all thy Commands Thirdly So likewise for the manner of using the means many come and hear the word but not with trembling Isa 66.2 not as the word of God 1 Thess 2.13 they receive it not with love 2 Thess 2.13 they mingle it not with faith Heb. 4.2 they hear it not as the word that shall judge them John 12.48 so many pray but not spiritually Ephes 6.18 not feelingly and fervently Rom. 12.11 Jam. 5.16 not believingly Jam. 1.6 so many receive but descern not the Lords Body 1 Cor. 11.29 and many give but not with simplicity Rom. 12.8 and secresie Mat. 6.3 Now a sound heart respects the manner in these and all other duties as much as the duties themselves and is much humbled for failings in the manner of performing duties Sixthly Lastly soundness of heart lyes in this in the hearts putting forth to practice what is revealed to it or received by it when a man hath truth and witholds truth in unrighteousness that man is not sound at the heart but where the heart is sound the soundness of it carries him to practice what is revealed and given in unto it you may see it in David and in Hezekiah 1 K. 15.15 David did that which was right in the eyes of the Lord and turned not aside from any thing that he commanded him all the dayes of his life whatsoever God commanded him that he did his heart was sound in his Statutes And so here in Isa 38. v. 3. Remember now O Lord
special care of his heart In 1 Tim. 6. he shews you there the danger of riches they that will be rich fall into temptations and a ●nare and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which drown men in distruction and perdition they drown their souls and lose their hearts they are drown'd and lost in the creature if they look not the better to it Therefore Job had a special watch upon his heart Ch. 31.7 If my step hath turned out of the way and mine heart walked after mine eye Usually the heart lets out it self at the eye there are three windows that the heart goes out at out at the eye out at the mouth out at the act on s your hearts will follow your eyes your hearts will get out by your words or your hearts will get out by your actions Now a Godly man hath a special care of his heart least his heart be gone by the eye be gone by the mouth be gone by the actions therefore he looks well to his heart and looks well to these windows Eightly A Godly man hath special care of his heart because he knows where the heart goes the whole man goes if the heart goes the hand goes the foot goes the tongue goes all the whole man goes for the heart is the Master and all the members are the Servants in Psal 45. v. 1. My heart is inditing a good matter I speak of the things which I have made touching the King my tongue is the pen of a ready writer the tongue will follow the heart presently Psal 116. I believed therefore I spake when the heart is inditing then the tongue will follow so that if the heart go any way the foot the hand the tongue the eye the whole man follows after well saith a Godly man I had need look to my heart for which way that goes all goes the whole man goes and his Estate will go that way and his Name that way and his Relations that way and his Friends shall go that way if possibly he can draw them so that a Godly man looks to his heart for that 's the great wheel sets all on work Ninthly He hath a special care of his heart because he knows God accepts not of any thing unless the heart be in it therefore he will look to his heart and have a care of his heart in Isa 29. v. 30. saith the Lord there For as much as this people draw near me with their mouth and with their lips do honour me but they have removed their heart far from me and their fear toward me is taught by the precepts of men I care not saith God for all their worship and sacrifices or any thing they do for their heart is not in it there 's no heart in their service nor in their sacrifices nor in their actions nor in any thing they do for me Prov. 23.26 My Son give me thy heart 't is not give me thy eye or thy lip or thy tongue but my Son give me thy heart He knew if he had the heart he should have all the rest but if he had not that he should have none of the rest 't is the heart the soul the spirit that God's eye is upon and that he must have or else he will not accept of any thing Tenthly Lastly a good man looks to his heart and that in a special manner because he knows that his heart and spirit and soul must return to God from whence it came and be disposed of by God to all eternity Eccles 12.7 The spirit returns to God that gave it he speaks of man dying and then saith he the spirit returns to God that gave it well when a man is aged and comes to dye dust returns to dust but his spirit returns to God that gave it Now saith a Godly man this spirit was given me from God to keep and it must return now to God to be judged and God will search it to the quick and God will judge of it according as he finds it and dispose of it now eternally in Heaven or in Hell therefore saith a Godly man I had need look to my heart look to my spirit look to my soul for as my soul shall be disposed of so will my body be at the day of judgment after Death comes Judgment the body must be raised and united to the soul and where the Spirit hath gone to Heaven or Hell the body must go thither therefore saith a good man I will have a care of my heart a care of my soul that it may be well with me to all eternity Application First this serves to reprove those that are careless and negligent of their hearts and spirits you shall have men to be careful of their houses careful of their Ships careful of their Cloaths careful of their Body careful of their Beauty careful of their Names careful of their Relations but are careless of their hearts and spirits well had'st thou grace or wert thou so gracious as thou shouldest be thy greatest care would be of thy heart and of thy spirit it may be said of such as of the Spouse my own Vinyard have I not kept So these have not kept their Vinyards have not kept their Hearts have not kept their Souls this is a great and a common evil that men have care of this and that but not of their own hearts not of their own souls hath God committed souls to you are they precious and will you neglect them the sin be upon your own heads Secondly see here that they are not many who are of this practice to have a principal care of their hearts where almost can you find a man or woman that makes it their principal care to look to their hearts put but that question to them and they are silent they are at a stand what do you tell me of my heart and soul I have somewhat else to look after have you so look after what you will you look after a shadow and neglect the substance you look after that which is of no moment no weight but you neglect that which is better than all the world But I say there 's hardly a man or woman to be found in a great way that makes it their principal business to look after their souls saith Solomon in the 7. Eccles latter end One man of a Thousand have I found not a woman at all and but One man of a Thousand God made man upright and he hath sought out many inventions God made man to look to his soul and to have Communion with himself and to mind heaven and heavenly things But I have not found among women one and but one man of a thousand So may I say it is very rare to find a man or woman that makes it their principal business to look after their souls and yet that 's one of the principalest errands you were sent into the world about that you should mind your souls Thirdly
and unsound but there were others spake otherwise they were Gods Jewels they would not joyn with the wayes of God but rather did withdraw from them Heb. 10.25 Not forsaking the assembling of our selves together as the manner of some is we need not be so strict nor so oft in prayer and hearing and in speaking of the things and wayes of God the Commandements of God are grievous to them 1 Joh. 5.3 when Gods Commandements are grievous to a mans heart or spirit it 's a sign he hath a sick heart a sore heart a corrupt rotten heart when the Commands of God that would make them sound are grievous to them Many care not for examining their own souls when as the Scripture saith prove your selves examine your selves know ye not your own selves that Christ is in you except ye be Reprobates walk circumspectly redeeming the time such men have unsound hearts and one day they will be discovered to their shame 11. Those that can walk up and down in the world without having their thoughts carried unto God that can go all the day long and never think of God or Heaven or Eternity or Christ these men have unsound hearts in Prov. 23.17 saith the wise man there Let not thy heart envy sinners but be thou in the fear of the Lord all the day long A man should have God in his thoughts all the day long and should be fearing God from morning to evening and sanctifie God in his heart and make him his dread and his fear wheresoever he goes a man should be afraid to displease God in any place in any Company at any time but now when a man goes up and down all the day long and never thinks of God nor fears God this man is rotten at the heart he hath an unsound heart for he cares not for God nor for his Company depart from us say they in Job we care not for thy company So though this man saith it not with his Tongue yet he saith it with his heart The fear of the Lord is a fountain of life to depart from the snares of death how can you depart from the snares of death when you are not in the fear of God Some fear God in time of Thunder or in a common Plague but to live in the fear of God all the day all their lives they know not what it means these have unsound hearts and will be ashamed 12. Whosoever doth presume upon the merits of Christ and the mercies of God and walk loosely they are unsound hearted and shall one day be ashamed 't is a common thing in these dayes for Christians to presume upon Christ's merits why did not Christ dye for sinners is not God merciful yes but must you walk loosely now Christ did not dye for sinners that they might go and sin neither is God merciful to encourage you to sin but you will find Christ a Stone to grind you to powder and Gods mercy to be fury and vengeance to you that do so in Rom. 8.1 There is therefore now no Condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus which walk not after the flesh mark but after the Spirit If men do presume upon Christs merits and Gods mercies and say they have a part in God and Christ they must not walk after the flesh but if you walk loosely you walk after the flesh what Drink Swear Whore Lye Cheat Rail Slander Backbite Defraud and Couzen in Bargaining and Selling you walk after the flesh you have no interest in Christs merits there 's condemnation and nothing but condemnation to you and mark what 's said in 1 Joh. 2.6 If any man say he abides in him that is in Christ he must walk as he walked what dost thou say thou art a Christian thou hast a part in the merits of Christ and in the free grace and mercy of God then must thou walk even as Christ walked in the world what 's thy walking is it so is it becoming the Gospel is it no otherwise than what Christ himself would do then thou mayest have comfort but if it be otherwise deceive not thy self thou hast an unsound heart and thou wilt one day be ashamed 13. They are unsound hearted who do account themselves rich strong wise knowing and full those that are conceited of their own worth of their own excellency of their own ability and as they have unsound hearts so they will be discovered one day for rotten hearted men and women It is incident to you all to have too high thoughts of your selves Paul tells you in Gal. 6.2 If a man thinks himself some body when he is nothing he deceives himself why should the Apostle lay down this Rule but that it was the practice of the Christians then these Galatians thought themselves wiser than Paul they must have another Gospel they must go another way to Heaven we will not be tyed to these wayes they thought themselves some bodies when they were nothing and so deceived their own souls O foolish Galatians they were fools indeed And the Church of Laodicea is a pregnant instance for you all to take notice of she said she was rich full and wanted nothing here was a Church had Priviledges Ordinances Enjoyments Apostolical men in her yet what saith Christ thou art blind thou art naked thou art poor thou art miserable thou wantest all things was not her shame discovered that Christian that is conceited of himself his Parts Gifts Graces Comforts Priviledges Enjoyments or Relations whatsoever they be that Christian is an unsound man and his shame will appear one day 14. Those Christians that do things in their own name and in their own strength they are unsound and they will be discovered and their shame will be thrown in their faces in due time 2 where almost is there a Christian but doth all in his own name and in his own strength I can do this and that saith one I can do so and so what canst thou do poor creature Christ tells thee without me ye can do nothing nothing to purpose nothing to please God nothing to afford you comfort or peace nothing to further your salvation without Christ the Apostle tells you We are not sufficient I Paul am not sufficient to think a good thought well see the Rule Col. 3.17 Whatsoever ye do in word or deed do all in the name of the Lord Jesus don 't do it in your own name you are unsound if you do your principles are not right your knowledge is not right and sound but whatsoever ye do do all in the name of Christ what Christians and do any thing in any name but in the name of Christ you are base Christians and you should do all in the strength of Christ 2 Tim. 2.1 My Son he speaks to Timothy an Evangelist a man full of grace and of the spirit My Son be thou strong through the grace that is in Christ saith David I will go forth in the
jealousie least his actions come not from a right principle all men act but few men consider from what principle their actions come why they have a soul within them and an understanding within them and they act as men I but a Godly man must act higher They are partakers of the Divine nature they have the Spirit put into them they have faith put into them they have a new heart and a new spirit and they act from another principle than the world doth Now a Godly Soul is jealous from what principal he acts Thirdly A gracious heart is jealous of its own graces whether its graces be real and true graces or feigned imagined or seeming graces or restraining graces a gracious heart is very jealous very watchful very tender and careful in this point it knows that there are seeming graces which are not saving it knows that there is reprobate Silver as well as right and good Silver it knows there is Brass and Lead and Tin as well as Gold and therefore is very jealous least it should miscarry and Judge that true grace which is not true grace it 's jealous of it self and very vigilant and careful herein O that my heart may be sound and that I may not mistake nor be turned off now with common grace restraining grace but that I may have justifying grace saving grace and sanctifying grace Fourthly A gracious heart is jealous about its union with Christ union with Christ there must be if ever any of you be sav'd Christ is the head and the body must be united to the head and every member in the body must have union with the head he that is joyned to the Lord is one Spirit now a gracious heart hath a Godly jealousie about its union am I united to Christ or am I not deceived am I not mistaken Is it any more than a bare profession is it any more than a bare external professional union Is it an Intrinsecal union an essential union Is it a union made by the Spirit of Christ hath Christ hold of me and I hold of Christ by Faith do I apprehend as I am apprehended Fifthly He is jealous of his apprehensions his apprehensions about truths about joys he hath other apprehensions than he had before and yet he hath a Godly jealousie about his apprehensions least he should not apprehend God aright and Christ aright and Scriptures aright and Promises aright and other truths aright He is jealous of his joy he hath sometimes joy inward joy but he fears least it should be the fruit of nature of fancy of misapprehending and of misapplying things least his joys be no other than the joys of the Stony ground So of his feelings and experiences he is jealous there least he do mistake in them build too much upon them draw other conclusions from them than he should And evry Godly man and woman hath cause to be jealous here There are so many errors which are so like truth and such false joys that men have cause I say to be very jealous Sixthly he hath jealousie in respect of his affections a gracious soul is jealous least his affections be misplaced least his affections be inordinate run the wrong way and run out too much towards things below and too little towards things above he is jealous that they be not plac'd upon the right object That his love is not where it should be his hatred where it should be Jealous least they do not work according as they ought to work in reference to the objects they are plac'd upon Is my love upon God do I love him him with all my Soul and with all my heart and with all my might Do I love him above all things in the world Is my heart with him constantly and continually Is my hatred carried out against Sin Do I hate sin in my self Do I not wink at Sin in a Wife a Child a Brother a Sister or a Relation So for his fear do not I fear creatures more than God have not I more lively stirrings in my Soul in regard of Thunder and Lightning and dangers and evils and death than I have of the great God of Heaven and Earth He is jealous of himself of his affections that way jealous least he sorrow for Sin because of the evils and mischiefs it brings him not because it is against God darkens his Glory is the breach of his Commands and defiles the Soul So for the manner of his affections he is jealous least they should not be real and true but hypocritical for many pretend much love and friendship and kindness and yet there 's no reality so many pretend much love to God and no reality pretend much sorrow for Sin and no reality pretend fear of God and no reality thus is he jealous over his affections with a Godly jealousie Seventhly A gracious heart is jealous over its own ends what its ends are whether its ends are right or no according to God or no he sees men have base ends and by ends and selfish ends and particular interests which carries them aside and turns them out of the way and he is jealous least his heart should have some wrong ends Religion is the pretence and Gods glory is the pretence of all men O to honour God and to countenance Religion these two ends must countenance all the base practices in the world both by Papists and others now a Godly man is jealous of his ends least he have not propounded a right end and so carry on things in order to that end Eighthly He is jealous least he should neglect any thing that may conduce to his spiritual and eternal good he is very jealous in this Paul in the 1. Cor. 9. last saith he I keep under my body and bring it into subjection least that by any means when I have preached to others I my self should be a cast away Saith Paul I dare not neglect the keeping under my body and bringing it into subjection to the Doctrine I p●●ch least that by any means when I have preached to others I my self should be a cast away Now a gracious heart is as jealous as Paul Paul was jealous he durst not neglect Fasting and Abstinence and Prayer and Mortification thus a gracious heart is jealous least he should neglect any thing that might further his spiritual good so run that you may obtain be sure to cast off every weight and the Sin that doth so easily beset you cast off the world that doth so hinder O run and so run that you may obtain Ninthly Lastly he is jealous least his heart should cary out his Tongue and his hand to such expressions and actions that are not becoming his profession he is very jealous O let my heart be sound in thy Statutes let my heart never carry me out to do any thing that may prejudice thy Statutes nor to speak any thing that may disparage them let me not Judge Censure and Condemn let me
that will be ashamed one day so then as Christ saith to Peter Let me say to you Peter Lovest thou me more then these why Lord thou knowest thou knouwest I love thee more so do you love God and Christ more than the world and things of it can you say Lord thou knowest I love thee more than them Do you love Christ and God more than Wives and Children he that don't hate Father and Mother Wife and Children in respect of God and Christ is not worthy of God and Christ though God don't require you to hate them but when they come in competition do you love God and Christ more than your lusts or estate or limbs or lives they loved not their lives unto the death in the 12 Rev. if you love God and Christ more than these happy are you you are sound hearted in truth then God will say here 's a man or woman that loves me with all their heart with all their soul with all their mind with all their strength and I will love them and do for them answerably Thus you may see there are a great many who think themselves sound hearted who are like to prove unsound at the last and so will be ashamed Now to the uses of the point First here we are informed that men of unsound hearts shall not alwayes lye hid They may cover up their unsoundness and keep it from the eyes of men a while but not alwayes They may do by their hearts as by their bodies many have unsound limbs they have untoward diseases and they cover them up and hide them from the world but at last they come to be known and to be discovered Job tells you what the Lord will do in his 12 Chapter Time discovers some see what the times have done in our dayes it hath discovered many the rottenness of their hearts and principles Afflictions are discovering things and discover some when afflictions come then unsound ones are discovered when persecution and temptation come then the stony ground was discovered Death discovers some then they see their hearts and hopes are rotten and that they have been deceived and God will discover all Job 12.21.22 he poureth Contempt upon Princes and weakneth the strength of the mighty he discovereth deep things out of darkness and bringeth forth to light the shaddow of death there 's deep rottenness lyes in darkness in mens hearts they have corrupt principles they have divided hearts they have base lusts they are Hypocrites they pretend one thing and intend another men have the world in their hearts hell in their hearts blood in their hearts revenge in their hearts and all baseness in their hearts and yet have a form of Religion God will discover them and they shall not alwayes lye hid 2. If unsound hearts shall at one time or other be made known then don't envy men of unsound hearts whatsoever their outward happiness be some are very envious when they see men to have great estates honours and great attendance upon them and that their paths are buttered and their feet dip'd in Oyl they are troubled at it but if they be men of unsound principles that have a divided heart men that have a form of Godliness and not the power men that are rotten and do not walk with God in the world do not envy them what if a man have rich cloaths upon his body when he hath a rotten body many have the Plague or the Pox and what if they go in Silks Sattins Velvets do not envy them what if a man have a bountiful body yet have ulcerated lungs what if a man have Dives fare Dives apparel and Dives heart within don 't envy him Their unsoundness will be discovered and then you will say you would not be in their condition for all the world 3. If unsound hearted men and women shall be discovered then let unsound hearted men expect their portion look for shame hast thou an unsound heart is thy heart divided between Heaven and Earth art thou a man that hast a sick soul through lust and sin hast thou seeming graces and not real graces art thou an Hypocrite dost thou profess and not practice look for thy portion shame will be thy portion time is coming thou wilt be found what thou art not thou appearest a Saint thou wilt be found an Hypocrite thou appearest a Christian thou wilt be found to be an Enemy to Christ and God thou wilt be found to be reprobate Silver in Jer. 6. Reprobate Silver shall men call them because the Lord hath rejected them you Jews of all the Nations in the world you went for Silver you had the Oracles the Prophets the Services the Temple and the worship of God but saith the Lord I have found you reprobate Silver I have found you to be dross and I have reprobated you and you are reprobate Silver and so in Ezek. 22.18 Son of man the house of Israel is to me become dross all they are Brass and Tin and Iron and Lead in the middest of the Furnace they are even the dross of Silver the house of Israel is become dross unto me I look'd they should have been sound hearted but they are dross Iron Tin Lead and Brass O that the house of Israel should be dross is not the house of England so and the people of this place so if the Lord should search you what soundness what sincerity is in you what new creatures are you are you regenerate have you Christ in you as well as the name of Christ upon you I am afraid least you should prove Dross Tin Brass Lead and the dross of Silver even reprobate Silver let all them that are unsound hearted look for their portion even shame you will be disappointed of your expectations you will meet with that you did not look for see what the Lord saith of those are right in Luke 21. When these things begin to come to pass lift up your heads and rejoyce for your Redemption draweth nigh when terrors come and when the world shall be even in a confusion and in a flame then do you lift up your heads you shall not be ashamed but all that are unsound hearted will hang down their heads and cry to mountains O cover us and fall upon us because of the wrath of the Lamb O he is come and will discover us Christ knows the heart and the reins and searches them as in Rev. 3. and will render to every man according to what he finds are you rotten you shall be ashamed and I will render to you according to what you are but I will say to the sheep that are sound come ye blessed and I will say to others go ye cursed Math. 25. The wise Virgins they come and they are called to come to enter to take the Kingdom but the foolish Virgins are shut out go ye cursed into everlasting fire they met with that they look'd not for here 's the condition of
fruit of Christ where there is a spiritual life there is a spiritual taste where there is no spiritual life there is no spiritual taste at all Heb. 5. They had their senses exercised to discern between good and evil some have no spiritual senses they cannot discern between good and evil therefore they find no ●●etness in the word of God that 's one reason men and women are dead in sins and trespasses and never are quickned with the life of grace Secondly Some have their tastes yet find no sweetness because they have a fullness of other things in them Prov. 27.7 The full soul loatheth an Honey-comb If there be a fulness in us nothing is sweet unto us now men and women are full of several things First some are full of the world Amos 8.5 when will the new moon be gone that we may sell Corn and the Sabbath that we may set forth wheat and the like these were full of the world and so they could not taste of spiritual things Matth. 13.12 He that received among Thorns is he that heareth the word and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choke the world and he becometh unfruitful Secondly Some are full of conceitedness in Luke 18.11 The Pharisee he was conceited of his own goodness righteousness and doings and the Church of Laodicea she was full and wanted nothing and so could not taste the dainties of the Lord nor the sweetness that was in his Ordinances and his word there was such a fullness in them of their own conceitedness that they wanted nothing Thirdly There is a fullness of errors in many a fullness of opinions Scribes and Pharises they found no sweetness in Christ nor in Christs way they were full of their own opinions errors traditions and false doctrines So many now are full of their own light and the light within that 's all in all unto them and they find no sweetness in Ordinances nor in the means of Grace Fourthly Many yea most are full of creature delights and creature contentments and creature comforts full of sensual pleasures they take so much pleasure in the creature in their outward comforts contentments in their estates and relations in their gifts and parts and things of that nature that they can taste no sweetness in the word of God Thirdly Men taste not the sweetness in the word because of their slighting of the word and hence it is a just Judgment of God to suffer them not to taste the sweetness that is in the word when they made light of the Gospel and the Gospel dainties prepared for them Matth. 22.5 They went away and flighted the invitation to the Gospel feast It is said in Luke 14.24 none of them shall Taste thereof that is none of them shall ever taste the sweetness or goodness therein they might hear but they should taste no sweetness in their hearing and therefore to slight the word of God is a great evil and will h●nder persons from tasting the sweetness that is in the word of God Fourthly A fourth reason is that formality that is in the people they come to the Word and Ordinances of God with formal hearts and spirits we come not to the Ordinances as the Ordinances of God we come not to the word as the word of the great God we hear not for time to come we hear not for eternity we hear not as matters of life and death and therefore we dont find that sweetness as they do that hear so Men pray but not in the Spirit serve God but not in Spirit they draw near God with their lips but their hearts are far from him Fifthly And I may add one thing more people dont find sweetness in the word of God because they do nourish some base lust or corruption in their hearts And Peter gives you an intimation of this 1 Pet. 2.1 Wherefore laying aside all malice and all guile and hypocrisie and envies and evil-speakings as new-born babes desire the sincere milk of the word that ye may grow thereby If there be in our hearts such things we shall not taste the sweetness of the sincere milk of the word neither shall we grow thereby so now you see what hinders the tasting of the sweetness of the word Qu. Another question may arise hereupon and that is What should we do to find sweetness in the word of God An. First If you would find sweetness in the word of God get hungry souls Prov. 27.7 To the hungry soul every bitter thing is sweet If we had hungry souls the bitterest truth in all the word of God would be sweet unto us Now there be three things which beget hunger in men and women there 's Fasting Purging and Excercise First If you would have hungry souls you must fast much I dont mean a fasting from bread meat and drink but from sin fasting from pleasures and delights fasting from lawful things of the world 1 Cor. 7.29 The time is short It remaineth that both they that have Wives be as though they had ●one and they that weep as though they wept not and they that rejoyce as though they rejoyced not and they that bay as though they possessed not Fast from your lawful enjoyments from your pleasures delights and contentments and this will breed an appetite to the word of God Secondly Purging we take bitter things to purge us so we should take something to purge our Hearts our Heads and Consciences Be sensible of sin and the bitterness of sin what a bitter and evil thing sin is what danger sin doth involve the soul in and expose it to the wrath of God hell and damnation we should take some pills to mortifie our lusts and then the word of God would be sweet unto us indeed Thirdly Exercise will beget a stomach 1 Tim. 4.7 Exercise thy self to Godliness If men and women did pray much read much meditate much and have their hearts much in Heaven they would have hungry souls after the word of God and find a sweetness in the word of God Joh. 7.17 saith he there If any man will do his will he shall know of the doctrine whether it be of God or whether I speak of my self He shall know whether the Doctrine be not an heavenly Doctrine and a sweet Doctrine he shall taste the sweetness of my Doctrine that I have brought down from my Father if he will do the will of God So that that 's the first thing to get hungry Souls and then we shall re●ith the word of God and find sweetness in it Secondly If we would find sweetness in the word of God we should make much Conscience of the Lords time and day and sanctifie the Lords day if we did sanctifie the Lords day as we ought to do we should find sweetness in his Ordinances and sweetness all the week after in his Ordinances and in his word Isa 58.13.14 If thou turn away thy foot from the Sabbath from doing
that were before the flood they were eating and drinking marrying and giving in marriage Their affections were set upon those things When the affection is set upon any thing we love the thing Fifthly We are said to love the world when we imploy the chiefest or most of our strength in and upon and about the things of the world when our chiefest strength is imployed about them our time and strength goes out most that way In the 6. Joh. 27. Labour not for the meat which perisheth saith Christ but for that meat which endureth unto everlasting life which the Son of man shall give unto you c. Labour not when our chief labour is about meat that perishes and upon these things we love them When the bent of the soul is that way when men rise early and lye down late and spend their time that way In the 13. Rom. Make no provision for the flesh to fulfil the lust thereof When we make provision for the flesh and the lusts thereof to fulfil them to gratifie them and satisfie them 't is an Argument that we love the world men follow it with eagerness their time and strength are improved that way Sixthly We are said to love the world when as we do watch all opportunities and occasions to get the things of the world to buy cheap and sell dear to get great estates and houses and lands and things of that nature The Children of this world saith Christ are wiser in their Generation than the Children of light The Children of the world are wise in their generation to get all advantages whereby to raise themselves In the 8. Amos 4. Hear this O ye that swallow up the needy even to make the poor of the Land to fail They do watch advantages even to swallow up the needy to make a prey of the needy and to have their labour for a song and for nothing They swallow up the needy and make the poor of the Land to fail They are like unto the Eagle or unto the Kite that sores aloft and looks downward to seize upon the prey the heart ranges and roves abroad after something or other in the world to settle upon In the 12. Luke 29. Seek not ye what ye shall eat or what ye shall drink neither be ye of doubtful mind Be not like Meteors in the air that hover there and then fall upon the earth so many are like Meteors in the air hovering about and at last they fall upon the earth Some do say if I had gotten such an estate then I would take my ease and be at rest as in the 18. Prov. 10 11. saith the wise man there The rich mans wealth is his strong City and as a high wall in his own conceit A rich man when he hath gotten wealth he will settle upon it it 's his strong City he will rest there it 's as a high wall in his own conceit 't is a wall to defend him against all his enemies and all injuries and wrongs So then we love the world when we watch advantages and hover over the things of the world to get something to rest upon and confide in and trust in and secure our selves by Seventhly We love the world when we can endure great hardships for it and the things of it That which we love we will endure any thing to accomplish it Jacob he loves Rachel and he will endure cold and heat Winter and Summer to accomplish his desires So when men can endure great difficulties and run through great dangers and venture upon any thing to get the world they do love the world It 's said of Souldiers they will venture their limbs and lives for eight pence a day And hose that are Duellers will venture their souls for their credit 't is not their credit their honour to put up an injury or a wrong but they must venture the hazzard of their lives and souls to maintain their credit and honour In Psal 107.23 24 25 26 27. you may see how men endure the dangers and the storms at Sea They that go down to the Sea in Ships and do business in great waters they see the works of the Lord and his wonders in the deep For he commandeth and raiseth the stormy wind which lifteth up the waves thereof They mount up to the Heaven they go down again to the depths their soul is melted because of trouble They endure trouble even that melts their very souls They reel too and fro and stagger like a Drunken man and are at their wits end Men will endure any thing at Sea to get the wealth of the world which argues the love of the world All the difficulties that they meet with will not quench their love though they meet with storms and waves and dangers yet it doth not quench their love to the world they are not weary of any thing so they may get the world But as for the things of God and of the Soul the Gospel and the Sabbath how soon are men weary of these Amos 8.5 Hear this ye that swallow up the needy you say when will the new Moon be gone that we may sell Corn and the Sabbath that we may set forth wheat making the Ephah small and the Shekel great and falsifie the ballances by deceit They are not weary of the world but soon weary of the new Moon and weary of the Sabbaths and of the Ordinances of God Men can endure any difficulties and dangers to get estates but will hardly endure any thing to get Heaven and Grace and Interest in Christ Eighthly Men love the world when they savour much or most of the world When they savour most of the world in their discourses and the things of the world they are of the world Christ tells you out of the abundance of the heart the tongue speaks When the world 's in the heart the heart loves it Now it 's an argument the world 's in the heart when mens discourses are of the world and savour most of the world In Joh. 3.31 saith the Lord Christ he that cometh from above is above all he that is of the earth is earthly and speaketh of the earth He that is of the earth is earthly when men are of the earth worldly and love the world they are earthly and speak of the earth and savour the things of the earth How savory are discourses of gain and pleasures and honours to them In Joh. 8.23 And he said unto them ye are from beneath I am from above ye are of this world I am not of this world Christ was not of the world and he was speaking of heaven and heavenly things and the things that concern the eternal good of mens souls but they were of the earth and spake of the earth He speaks of the Scribes and Pharises how they did love the applause of men and vain glory and sought high places and upper rooms and things of that nature They were of the
goods be lost to morrow may be a fire in thine house therefore wilt thou set thine Eyes upon that which is not But if we get grace that will continue with us if we get peace and joy none can take them from us if we get interest in Christ none can pluck us out of his hand Thirdly Suppose we do get them and we can keep them yet they will not satisfie our souls and therefore to be put upon that which will not satisfie and let go that which will satisfie the soul is unreasonable Eccles 5.10 He that loveth Silver shall not be satisfied therewith If we love the world the honours the pleasures or any thing in the world we shall not be satisfied with it for every creature hath a cranny in it yea there is a curse goes along with it In the 6. Mich. 14 15. Thou shalt eat but not be satisfied and thy casting down shall be in the midst of thee Thou shalt be cast down though thou gettest never so much And that which thou deliverest will I give up to the Sword Thou shalt sow but thou shalt not reap thou shalt tread the Olives but thou shalt not anoint thee with oyl and sweet wine but shalt not drink wine There 's a vacuum in all creatures every creature hath but dry breasts it will not yield that which we expect and look for at it There is not that in Riches and Honours or Trades or Health or Wives or Children or Estates which men expect Haman had great honour and greatness in the world as much as a man could desire yet he wants Mordecai's cruse and that doth sow● all unto him There is vanity and vexation in all estates and conditions Solomon hath written that Inscription upon all things here in the world Vanity of vanities all is vanity and vexation of spirit Therefore to love the world and the things of it puts us upon unreasonable things But now the things of God are better than the things of the world Fourthly it puts us upon the worst things all the things in the world are perishing things but the things of God are durable things These things are but Dogs meat as Paul calls them but the things of God and of Heaven and of the Kingdom they are excellent things There 's an excellency in grace there 's an excellency in the knowledge of Christ now we let these things go and choose the other that 's unreasonable Thirdly We should not love the world because it 's scandalous to the wayes and things of God when professors are as the men of the world it is a scandal unto the wayes of God To love it and the things of it so that nothing appears but a profession of Religion 2 Tim. 3.5 Having a form of Godliness but denying the power Who are those that have a form of Godliness but deny the power Covetous men lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God Now this brings a great scandal upon the wayes of God that men of the world say these Professors are as covetous as any love the world as much as any and early up and down late and as greedy after the things of the world as any others whatsoever what 's in their Religion so that hereby Religion suffers The Spies brought up an ill report upon the Land of Canaan So these bring up an ill report upon God and his Ordinances upon the Milk and Honey that is in that Land indeed They are ready to say such and such are great professors and make a noise in the world but Silver comes from them as a joynt from the body as blood from their veins they are so hard that there 's nothing to be gotten from them In Matth. 18.7 Woe be to the world because of offences And one of the great offences that comes is from Professors because they love the world so much Fourthly As it is scandalous so it is idolatrous when men love the world they make an Idol of the world The world hath their hearts their heart is glewed to the world Eph. 5.5 Nor covetous man who is an Idolater and in the 3d. Collos he tells you that covetousness is Idolatry We cry out of the Papists that they set up Images and Pictures and bow to them and we are greater Idolaters our selves if we love the world and the things of the world We set up Idols and Pictures in our hearts and certainly Idolatry is a great sin and an Idolater is a grievous sinner We would be loath to have that imputation fastened upon us to be Idolaters and yet if we love the world we are Idolaters and live in Idolatry Fifthly It 's a dangerous thing to love the world A man that loves the world whose bent is that way is in danger of two or three things 1. A man that loves the world by little and little grows a stranger to God a stranger to Christ we cannot at once have our eyes upon Heaven and upon Earth too When we are between two men or two mountains the nearer we draw to one the further we go off from the other So the further we go off from God the more we love the world When men do love the Cistern they leave the Fountain all the creatures they are but Cisterns and when our hearts run out to these then we leave God who is the Fountain 2. Another evil is that we grow acquainted with the worlds wayes and the wayes of worldlings we grow acquainted with their shifts and their over-reachings and their plots and designs and customs and many times with their oaths and wicked courses and we are defiled and hardened thereby 3. We expose our selves to divers Temptations and Snares which are hurtful Those that will be rich fall into a snare and into a temptation and many hurtful lusts 't is a thousand to one if we dont lose a good Conscience thereby Nay we are in danger of losing our very souls by loving the world and the things of the world In the 19. Matth. 23. Then said Jesus unto his Disciples verily I say unto you that a rich man shall hardly enter into the Kingdom of Heaven What a danger is that man in that loves the world and the things of the world in danger of losing Heaven of losing his soul what will it profit a man to win the world and lose his soul And he that loves the world he is labouring to get the world and be great in the world and so to hazzard his soul 'T is dangerous to love the world Sixthly We should not love the world because it puts us upon impossibilities Matth. 6.24 No man can serve two Masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will hold to the one and despise the other Ye cannot serve God and Mamon The Lord Jesus Christ tells you 't is an impossibility to serve God and Mamon every man saith I will serve God and love God I were not
not what We brought nothing into the world and 't is certain men dont think it certain that they shall carry nothing out of the world but 't is certain you may build upon it that you shall carry nothing out of the world Well let us be content then with a little of the world Fourthly This serves for reproof to reprove most men and women Professors Christians those that are look'd upon as Godly and in the state of grace 't is a reproof unto them that they love the world and the things of the world I might bitterly and sharply reprove men and women and professors upon this account But I know what will be said presently we dont love the world we do but use the world I should be glad it would prove so let us come to the test then and try it out whether we do love the world yea or no and I shall desire you to put some questions to your own hearts to deal impartially with them for you see what is said Love not the world not the things of it Qu. First put this question unto your souls am I not more careful and take greater pains and am at greater costs for the things of the world then I am for my soul and the things of my soul then I am for heaven and the things of heaven spiritual things how careful are men and women and what costs and pains will they be at for houses Land Purchases good Bargains what a deal of pains do men take about these things if there be a crack in a title of Land or of a House what pains will they take to cleer up things to get things made sure If there be a storm at Sea that Ships be in danger what insuring is there Men will take pains and be at cost to insure the same but now as for their souls and eternal conditions what little pains do men take and what little cost will they be at that way whereas the Scripture saith Phil. 2.12 Work out your own Salvation with fear and trembling you are in a storm and your salvations are in danger you may lose your souls work out your salvations with fear and trembling Work them out of the dark work them out of the doubts and fears and all disputes work them out against all objections and get things cleer'd up work out your salvations with fear and trembling 't is a hard work a difficult work to accomplish and bring about and there need be great pains taken about it 2 Pet. 1.10 Give diligence to make your calling and election sure there must be diligence give diligence to it saith he it calls for it it is not easily done 't is not saying A Lord have mercy upon me will save a man or assure a man No there must be praying and strugling and crying and wrestling with God searching of Scriptures and applying of truths home to a mans own heart and v. 5. Giving all diligence add to your faith virtue c. men and women should be diligent and very diligent and all their diligence should run out that way to get grace and to make their callings and elections sure Now we give all diligence in other things and little pains is taken about the soul what doth this argue then but that I love thy world and the things of the world my love 〈◊〉 greatest that way Qu. Secondly Put this question to your own hearts doth not the world and the things of it jossel aside and out of place the things 〈…〉 of God Do not the things of the world 〈◊〉 the wall of the things of God and jossel tha● aside In the 14. Luke when they were called to the great feast they all made their excuses saith one I have bought a yoke of Oxen and I must go try them I have bought a Farm and I must go see that I have married a Wife and I cannot come they could not come to hear Christ nor partake of the great things that Christ tendred unto them in the Gospel they jossel'd out these things So the things of the world do jossel our prayer the reading of the world instructing of their family meditating and the examining of their hearts c. and if they do not jossel them out yet they do curtail them and they are shortened and lessened do you in the first place seek the Kingdom of God and the righteousness thereof No the things of the world it 's to be fear'd do jossel out the things of the Kingdom of heaven the things of God and of the Soul and this is an argument that we love the world when better things and things of greater weight and concernment are set aside for petty and mean things in comparison some flight business do make a man neglect holy duties or post them over in a formal way whereas David who was a man after Gods own heart a gracious man in the 119. Psal saith I thought on my wayes and turned my feet unto thy Testimonies I considered my wayes the world was drawing me another way but I considered my wayes and turned my feet unto thy Testimonies I made hast and delayed not to keep thy Commandments and v. 62. At midnight I will rise to give thanks unto thee because of thy righteous Judgments I will rise at mid-night I will break my sleep I will do it in secret when no eye sees me none privy to it but God We hardly will awake to give thanks to God for choice mercies much less for righteous Judgments it 's one argument we love the world when spiritual things and duties are thrust aside upon the account of the things of the world Qu. Thirdly Put this question to your souls soul art thou content with a little art thou content with a little grace with a little knowledge of God with a little communion with God with a little heavenly-mindedness but art thou not eager upon the things of the world and never content and satisfied with the world and the things thereof Soul wouldst thou not have more and more and more and more still of the things of the world more this week and more next year and daily more and more of the world Is it not with your souls as with the Horse-leech in the Prov. that cryes give give Soul if it be so thou dost love the world men and women deceive themselves and think they dont love the world when as still they are greedy of the world and covetous after the things of the world In the 8. Amos 5. When will the new Moon be gone that we may sell Corn and the Sabbath that we may set forth wheat When will these spiritual duties be over that we may mind the world and follow the world and get the world In the 1. Prov. 19. So is every one that is greedy of gain Men are greedy of gain men look upon those that are rich in the world and they labour to be like them