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A93702 Rome ruin'd by VVhite Hall, or, The papall crown demolisht: containing a confutation of the three degrees of popery, viz. papacy, prelacy, and presbitery; answerable to the triple crowne of the three-headed Cerberus the Pope, with his three fold hierarchies aforesaid. With a dispelling of all other dispersed clouds of errour, which doth interpose the clear sun-shine of the Gospel in our horrizon. Wherein the chiefe arguments each of them have, for the vindication of their erronious tenents are incerted, and refuted; with a description of such whem [sic] the true Church of Christ doth consist of: as also how, and by whom, they may be gathered, and governed, according to the will, and appointment of Jesus Christ, and his apostles, in the primative purity thereof. / By Iohn Spittlehouse, assistant to the Marshall Generall of the Army, under the command of his Excellency, the Lord Generall Fairfax. Imprimated by Theod. Jennings, and entred in the Stationers Hall. Spittlehouse, John. 1649 (1649) Wing S5013; Thomason E586_2; ESTC R203633 304,213 396

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THe Sacrament then of the Body and blood of Christ is given The Body and blood of Christ only eaten and drunk by faith taken and eaten only after a spirituall manner by the mouth of faith and it is a token of love which Christians ought to have amongst themselves and for which it is called the Lords Table 1 Cor. 10. 11. the Lords Supper 1 Cor. 11. 10. a communion of the body of Christ and they that partake thereof though they be many yet are but one bread and one body 1 Cor. 10. 16 17. Now the same faith shall save us which saved the Fathers before Christs Incarnation who did eate his body and drink his blood spiritually through faith and therefore as the Manna which came down from Heaven and the water which issued out of the Rock was the same to the Israelites as the bread and wine in the Sacrament is to us and in regard as many as did apprehend Christ in the Manna and water of the Rock are said to eate the same spirituall meat and to drink the same spirituall drink which we doe and albeit the figures are changed and altered yet faith abideth one and the same And thus the Fathers did eate Christ before the Manna and after the Manna was ceased Having shewed the manner of eating Christ in the Manna and seeing the like may be spoken of the Pascall Lambe which was not to be eaten raw Exod. 12. 9. that is carnally substantially and visibly with what face can these blockish people think to eate with their mouth and teeth the very body and bones of Christ And who may better be said to eate Christ raw then they which come not with a true and a lively faith but with such an erronious perswasion therefore as raw flesh is offensive to the stomack and such an one as eateth it may to said to eate his owne death so they that eate and drink in the Sacrament unworthily are said by the Apostle to eate and drink their owne damnation 1 Cor. 5. 7. SECT 10. By whom the Sacrament is truly eaten 3. AS none were admitted to eate of the Lambe of Consecration Exod. 29. 33. but such as were of Abrahams Family so none but those that are of Christs Family indeed and doe beleeve in him can be partakers of his body and blood for whosoever saith Christ eateth of my body and drinketh of my blood hath eternall life Joh. 6. 54. so then those men are grosly mistaken and deceived that think that the wicked and unbeleevers doe eate the very flesh and drink the very blood of Christ in the Sacrament for then it would follow upon our blessed Saviours words that they shall have eternall life Further as the Pascall Lambe was not to be eaten by uncircumcised persons or such as were strangers from the faith of Israel Exod. 12. 33. so neither are those Mysteries or Sacraments of Religion to be given to Infidels or profaine persons for our Saviour would not have us give holy things to doggs or cast pearls amongst swine Mat. 7. 2. This shall seeme to be spoken in confutation of the Papists detestable and damnable opinion of Transubstantiation as also that the Sacrament of the Altar giveth life Ex eperè operato by the thing done and being present at though there be never a good thought thereunto by him that is present and a receiver thereof as also that the true and naturall body of Jesus Christ is in with and under the Bread and Wine and may be eaten chewed and digested even of Turkes and Infidels as also that the same true and reall body of Jesus Christ may be devoured of Doggs Hoggs Cats Rats and so consequently these creatures receive and injoy by vertue of the same eternall life which is blasphemy in the highest degree SECT 11. Whether the corporall presence of Christ can be in more places then one at one time Obj. THe Papists verifie it may their reason is because Christs Man-hood say they is so annexed to his God-head as fire in Iron which cannot be separated and therefore must be in all places with the God-head Ans That assertion is false as may evidently appeare by The body of Christ not in two places at one time these Scriptures as Luk. 24. 6. when the woman sought Christ at the Sepulchre where the Angels told them that he was not there for he was risen but if his body had been in every place the Angel had lyed As also at the raising of Lazarus Christ saith to his Disciples I am glad for your sakes that I was not there Joh. 11. 15. and so Christ should not have spoken truly if that he had been there as he was Man Moreover Christ saith The poore you shall alwayes have with you but me you shall not have alwayes Joh 12. 8. Again it followeth not that every thing that is in God should be in every place as God is for the Scripture saith That in him we live move and have our being Act. 17. 28. and yet we are not in every place as he is God for so he is in all places but as he is man he sitteth at his Fathers right hand and if we should grant Christ to be in all places as he is Man we should take away the truth of his body for though his Man-hood be in God and God in his Man-hood yet is followeth not that it should be in all places as his Diety is for as touching his Manhood he was on earth not in heaven when he said No man ascendeth into heaven but he that descended from heaven Joh. 3. 13. And further to confirme this point Christ saith to his Disciples I ascend to my Father and yours my God and yours Joh. 20. 17. Again the being of one body in divers places or in two places at once is against nature and Scripture cannot allow of it One writing to his friend to resolve him touching that passage of Christ to the Thiefe on the Crosse where he saith This day shalt thou be with me in paradise Luk. 23. 43. whether our Saviour meant he should be with his Soule or his Body or his God-head in paradise to which question his friend returned this answer Touching Christs corporall Body that day it was in the Sepulchre and that was not in paradise although in a garden and as touching his Soule it was that day in Hel and none will say that paradise was there therefore that text saith he must needs he understood to be spoken of his God-head and therefore Christs Man-hood was neither that day in heaven or on earth but in the Sepulchre SECT 12. Of Christs preaching to the Spirits in prison Object IN that reply is confirmed that the wicked of the old world were not so condemned but that they might be redeemed from them by the descension of Christ who is said by Saint Peter to be quickned in the Spirit by the which he preached to the spirits in prison which
a judgement in the thing to be observed and judgement is obtained by practice and experiments Ergo It is lawfull to study and practice Astrologie as any other Art If that Text of Isay 47. 12. 13. c. be objected I answer Them Texts are spoken of such as depend upon the Aspects of Starres and confide in their Influences as inevitable causes of joy or sorrow But shall we therefore reject a thing that is lawfull in it selfe because some people abuse it Because Papists give Almes by way of Merit shall we therefore give none at all Because Ordinances are slighted by some and Adored by others shall we therefore despise them Again if the Presbyterians look well unto themselvs they will be found the very Sorcerers c. for that Prophecie alludeth unto Rome of which they are Members If it be demanded what good is got by the knowledge of Astrology I answer It is the same to the outward or externall man as Divinity to the inward or internall And therefore as a man doth labour to know the minde of God by studying the Scriptures in relation to his soule So may he practice the other in relation to the preservation of his body Againe He that is well read in Astrology hath these advantages above other men As to know the Inclinations of the Heavens towards him which if he discerne to be good it will or at least ought to procure thankfulnesse in him to the Creator of that meanes by which he obtaineth that knowledge as also to stirre him up to a pious life and conversation lest he should be deprived of that good portended unto him in regard he knoweth they are not so irrevocably fixed but that his sinnes may divert his enjoyment of them 2. If they presage evill towards him he is also thereby stirred up to petition the disposer of such events that they may be diverted from him so that there can no harme happen by the knowledge of Astrology to a Beleever but rather much good If it be demanded whether we may or ought to confide or depend upon Astrologie or Astrologers I answer that we ought to have respect to them as we have to Physicians who by Symptomes doth discover the condition of thy body as also will tell thee that God hath ordained such and such hearbs c. for the healing of thy infirmitie c. Now albeit his judgment is such thou art 〈◊〉 therefore positively to conclude that these things will 〈◊〉 thee because he telleth thee so for a Believer knoweth that God is able to divert the operations of such things as in their proper natures are good for us So is it in Astrology the Astrologer discovereth unto us the Predictions of the Heavenly Bodies telleth us such and such things seemes to be intended by the Creator in regard he discovereth them by the Conjunction and operations of the Heavens yet are we not positively bound to beleeve that they shall so come to passe We ought therefore to confide in neither as solely to depend upon them neither are we to reject them Againe we are not bound absolutely to depend upon such as teach Divinity and yet the Profession is lawfull and so of any other Art or Science But yet where experience teacheth us that a man is an able Divine Physitian c. we ought to confide in them more then in others of their Function or Science And in the same sence I approve of Mr. Lilly as an able Artist in his Science in regard that experience hath taught me that he is an inge●●ous Profi●ient in the same If that Prediction of his cited in the beginning of the moneth of January be applyed to my book where he saith that it will beginne with mutanous Paradoxies by means of a froward repining and seditious Clergy or men pretending Religion indeavouring to affront our State which must stand though not statu quo I answer That I take Mr. Lilly if he be of the aforementioned judgement to be a better Astrologer then a Divine for otherwise he would not have given so dubious a construction of that passage I desire therefore he would more fully amplyfie his judgement in that particular As to what he hath predicted against the Presbyterian Government and the prefixed time he hath set down as A full period to it time will make manifest but as to my own particular I am fully satisfied that it will be as punctually accomplished as he hath said it unlesse it be upheld more out of obstinacy then Affection Yet I am verily perswaded that God hath endued that man with a knowledge above other of his Science to the end he may discover how the Stars in their Courses fight against all that oppose the true Church of Jesus Christ under what form or notion soever I shall therefore add one question more to the Provinciall Sinnod in Mr. Lillies behalf whose Person and Profession they so much vilifie which I desire they would satisfie me in viz. How or by what manner Deborah and Barack Iudg. 5. 20. knew that Sisera was fought against from Heaven or by the Stars in their courses if not by their influences And if so why may they not be observed now as then In the interim I take my leave of the Provinciall Synod And Master Lilly the Prince of the Astrologers In that he hath prefixt the precise day That Presbytrie shall passe fade and decay In that he hath avowd Its Consummation Or banishment out of this State and Nation Rome ruin'd by White-hall Or The Papall Crown demollish●t Containing a confutation of the three degrees of Popery viz. Papacy Prelacy and Presbytery answerable to the triple Crown of that three-headed Cerberus the Pope with his three fold Hierarchies aforesaid CHAP. 1. The first Chapter treateth of the opinions of Atheists and the confutation thereof IT was the opinions of the antient Heathens Atheisticall opinions That there was no God ascribing the event of all things to naturall causes as to Fortune Chance and Fate which things they conceived to have great power upon Counsells Lawes and Actions of men the best learned of them did distinguish and determine them thus viz. To Fortune they ascribed such things as when any digged the ground as to lay a foundation or the like and found a treasure which he did not looke for to Chance when any thing good or bad hapned to any whilst they slept or thought not of it or to infants To Fate those things which proceeded from the influence of starres motions or operations of the Heavens and all inferiour bodies subordinate to them the counter-change of the day and night and all other seasons of the yeare Now 〈…〉 such 〈…〉 a● I feare there is many I demand of them what they meane by the word Nature and whether they apprehend it to be a thing which hath reason or understanding in it selfe and so moveth all creatures according to the proper nature and kinde of every of them
sometimes were disobedient Ans Those imaginations are contrary to Scripture for out of Out of Hell is no redemption Hell is no redemption as Abraham said to the rich man They which would goe from hence to you cannot neither can they come from them to us Luk. 16. 26. Again Hell is thus described Where the worme dyeth not and the fire never goeth out Mark 9. 45. the worme of the conscience in everlasting fire shall torment the wicked and therefore that place in Peter or the other cannot be understood of the descending of Christs Soule into Hell for Christ cannot be said to be quickned or made alive in his Spi●●● that is his Soule because it was not subject to death and 〈…〉 fore by the word soule or spirit they truly understand the Divine power of Christ whereby he preached to Noah 2. If there were preaching in Hell then it will follow that there is a Church there and repentance and conversion of soules 3. The Apostle only speaketh of such as were disobedient but they were not delivered by Christ 4. It cannot be shewed in all the Scripture where the resceptacle of the soules of the faithfull and beleevers is called a prison SECT 13. Object TO proceed where we left God is Almighty and therefore can doe what he will Ans That God is Almighty because he can doe all things is VVhy God is said to be Almighty to prove that he is not Almighty for all things he cannot doe As he cannot deny himself he cannot restore virginity being once violated he cannot sinne because there is no superiour above him but that he may doe all things what he will but he hath no will or pleasure to make his Sonne a lyar or to make his Scriptures false and yet notwithstanding he is Almighty and may doe what he will and thus they alledge that God by his power might make Christs body in many places but they forget to prove that he hath done so Obj. God worketh by Myracles and therefore he may doe it though to us it seeme not to be done Ans As before I desire to know where God hath promised to doe so we read that the shadow of Peter did heale many Act. 5. 15. and yet the shadow was not Peters owne person We read also that Napkins and Handkerchiefes were carried from Paul to many that was sick and possessed with unclean spirits and they received their healths Act. 19. 12. and yet it were a madnesse to think that Pauls body had been actually in those things which was sent from him to them which were diseased or possessed with the unclean Spirits so that these their assertions being proved false by Scripture we may conclude against them all that Christs body is but in one place only As concerning his flesh the Church injoyed him but a few dayes but as he is God he is every where and at all times by his grace providence and Divine Nature His Naturall Body which was borne of the Virgine dyed rose for us and sitteth on the right hand of God he went away by that which was but in one place he stayed by that which was in all places he ascended above all Heavens in his body but he departed not hence in his Majesty Again to shew the unmesurablenesse of his God-head he saith to his Disciples Loe I am with you ever even to the end of the world Mat. 28. 20. and how could he ascend into Heaven but as he was locall and very Man and how he is present with the faithfull but because he is unmeasurable and very God SECT 14. Against the reservation of Reliques in the Sacrament Obj. HAving thus as I conceive manifested their errour aforesaid I shall say something concerning their superstitious reservation of the Reliques of the Sacrament which they gather from Gods command to the Israelites to keep a gomer of Manna Exod. 13. 32. to evidence to their posterity how and by what meanes they were sustained and preserved in the Wildernesse for so many yeares Ans That Relique was an holy Relique kept by the Commandment of God not to be adored and worshipped but to put the people in minde of that benefit in feeding of their Fathers in the Wildernesse but the keeping of this Relique doth offend against all these rules As 1. God hath not commanded them to keep any such thing 2. In that they shew them to the people for adoration and not for the commemoration of any benefit 3. The Manna which putrified being one day kept contrary to the Commandement of God Exod. 16. 20. indures many hundreds of yeares by his appointment but Popish Reliques are not preserved from putrifying therefore God hath not ordained them so to be kept 4. God commanded that no part of the Pascall Lambe should be reserved untill the morning which doubtlesse was to take away the cause of superstition lest they might have adored and abused the Reliques of the Passeover which charge given to the Israelites may also reprove the superstition of the Papists which doe reserve the Reliques of the Sacrament and of Saints carrying them about to sick folkes as things of great vertue and holinesse Obj. Josephs bones was carried from Aegypt to Cannan Gen. 50. 26. ergo the Reliques of Saints may be preserved Ans Joseph was laid in a Coffin they did not rake out his ushes and take his bones and carry them about to work Miracles as the Papists seeme to doe by the bodies of Saints if they be their bodies and in that Joseph desired to be carried to the Land of promise the Scriptures directly sheweth the cause to have been the profession of their faith and hope that the Land of promise should be given unto them as Joseph had formerly said in these words God shall surely visite you and you shall carry my bones hence Gen. ●0 25. SECT 15. Against the posture of kneeling to the Sacrament A Word also as touching the gestures and deportments of the body in the act of receiving the Sacrament which hath been variable according to the manner of the Countries where it hath been and is administred as it was the custome of the Jewes to sit upon the ground as Christ leaning upon Johns breast at Supper which is imitated now by the Irish but the Communion of the body and blood of Christ is called the Lords Supper and sitting being an accustomed gesture amongst us at our ordinary suppers therefore sitting is a gesture most stress for such an 〈◊〉 Again some Churches use the posture of standing as well as sitting in imitation of the Passeover but we never read that the Apostles kneeted at the Sacrament for so to doe is directly Idolatry and Superstition as may thus appeare For to worship God in act or desort a creature is Idolatry and Popery but such is their kneeling ergo 2. To worship Christs Man-hood as present when it is absent is Idolatry but Christs locall body is in Heaven as I have
proved and therefore being so adored here on earth is Idolatry and Superstition CHAP. VIII The eighth Chapter treateth of their Limbus Patrum or their Purgatory SECT 1. Objection THeir opinion of Purgatory or Limbus Patrum where they say all the ancient Fathers were before Christ they ground upon such Texts of Scripture as these viz. In that it is said that Abraham was gathered to his people Gen. 25. 8. c. which Purgatory say they is not for the purging of Mortall but Veniall sinnes and therefore the sinnes of the Fathers were purged there But that Abraham went to no such place is evident Luke 16. Against these grosse opinion of Purgatory or Limbus Patrum 15. where the place to which he went is called Abrahams bosome which certainly cannot be a member of Hell as they make Limbus the Apostle also sheweth to what place the faithfull are gathered unto Heb. 6. 12. where he exhorteth to be followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises as also Heb. 12. 22 23. where the Author termeth the place to which they are gathered The City of the living God the heavenly Jerusalem the place of an innumerable company of Angels the generall Assembly and Church of the first borne which are written ïn Heaven to God the Judge of all and to the spirits of just men made perfect so that where the spirits of just men were there the Angels were for so we read Luk. 16. 22. that Lazarus's Soule was carried by Angels into Abrahams bosome but Angels are not in Limbus Patrum ergo not the soules of Saints departed Again Henock is said to be of that people to whom Abraham was gathered but Henock was not in Limbus for he was taken up into heaven Gen. 5. 24. 2. Abraham went to his fathers in ●race Gen 25. 8. that is with joy and comfort but what joy and comfort is there in Limbus a Lake and dungeon of darknesse 3. To be joyned to his people is not to be joyned to the Angels for Abraham is said to goe to his Fathers but the Angels were not his Fathers neither is the phrase alone as to say he slept with his Fathers or went the way of all flesh or changed his life for Ishmael is also said to goe to his people Gen. 25. 17. SECT 2. Of Abrahams and Ishmaels people NOw Abraham and Ishmael had not the same people to goe unto the faithfull cannot be said to be Ishmaels people nor the prophane sort to be Abrahams people but if the meaning of the phrase were no more then that they were joyned to the state of the dead the faithfull and prophane should all goe to one people wherefore this phrase must needs imply a speciall disposition of the Soules of the faithfull after this life in being associated to the company of the just and laying up their bodies in an assured hope of the resurrection The Apostle also sheweth what it is for the righteous to be gathered to their people Heb. 12. 22 23. to which we are joyned by faith whilst we live and really when we are dead as one saith now quo ad spem in hope but then quo ad rem indeed Again the Spirit of the Lord pronounceth a blessing to them that dye in the Lord Rev. 14. 13. which are three Arguments against Purgatory 1. In that they which dye in the faith of Christ are blessed but they which are in Hells torments for Purgatory they say is a part of Hell are not blessed 2. They are said to rest from their labours but they which are in Purgatory are in labour and paine 3. Their works are said to follow them for their reward but they which are tormented and punished are not rewarded Therefore we acknowledge no other Purgatory but in this life No other Purgatory but in this life a perfect purgation of our sins in Christ and an imperfect which is by a fiery probation of affliction as the Apostle termeth it 1 Pet. 4. 12. where he willeth the Jewes not to think strange concerning the fiery triall which was amongst them to prove them Job also sheweth that our Purgatory fire is in the affliction and sorrow of this life where he saith Ex ibo aurum I shall come forth like Gold Job 23. 10. As also the Prophet Isaiah saith That the Lords fire i● in Sion and his furnace at Jerusalem Isa 35. 9. it is not then in Hell or Purgatory SECT 3. The Papists leave many things uncertain and undiscussed touching Purgatory AGain the most learned of them shewing the difference betwixt the ministry of the Angels in this life and in the next leaveth it as uncertain and undiscussed whether the good Angels or the bad are the Ministers of the torments in Purgatory as for the bad Angels that they should be the Ministers of the Torments in Purgatory or that they should exercise power over them that in their life time did conquer the Devill they hold not neither yet will they have them to be the good Angels for it is not meet say they that they which shall shortly come to be fellowes and partakers with the blessed Angels in Heaven should be punished by such Angels Now let any reasonable man judge whether Purgatory be a meere fantasie yea or no where there is supposed to be torments and yet no tormentors viz. neither good or bad Angels and if not they who then not Christ I am certain for he hath redeemed them neither God himself for the Apostle saith Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Gods elect it is God that justifieth who shall condemne Rom. 8. 33 34. God then having justified them by faith in Jesus Christ there is nothing further to be laid to their charge if then there be no tormentor in Purgatory there is no torment in Purgatory and so the fire of Purgatory is quite extinguished and put out SECT 4. Other circumstances not agreed on c. AGain besides the uncertainty who should be the tormenters there be other maine points not yet resolved amongst them concerning Purgatory as 1. Of the place where it is 2. Of the fire what it is whether it be Corporall or Spirituall 3. Of the time how long it shall last whether for hundreds of yeares or thousands 4. Concerning the greatnesse of the paine whether it exceed all the torments and punishments in this life all which Articles are not yet defined and determined amongst them we will therefore leave them to their uncertainties and as they make question of the circumstances of Purgatory so let all Christians not only make question of Purgatory it self but also assure themselves Purgatory and Absolution invented only to get money that it is meerely an invention of their owne as that of Absolution which they invented for no other end then to advance themselves in wealth and dignity For otherwise what rationall man can think that it is in the power of any man to forgive the
shall profit you nothing Gal. 5. 2. for when the body is come the shadow must be abolished but the Ceremonials were shadowes the body is Christ Col. 2. 17. their Temple signified the Church of God their holy place Heaven their Sacrifices the Passion of Christ their expiations the remission of sins these things then being fully exhibited and fulfilled in Christ have now no more place in the Church Again the Ceremonials served only for that carnall people To what end Ceremonies served which were as children kept in bondage under the rudiments of the world Gal. 4. 3. but now we are no longer under tutors and governours the time appointed by the Father being expired but are set free and redeemed by Christ Another reason for the abolishing of them is in respect of that people to whom they were prescribed as a marke and cognizance to discerne them from all other Nations but now this distinction being taken away and the wall of partition being broden downe both Jewes and Gentiles being made all one in Christ that also is abolished which discerneth them from other people for the causes being changed for the which the Law was made there must needs also follow an alteration of the Law it self As Of the juditiall Law for the Judicials they are neither abolished nor yet with such necessity to be injoyned the equity of them bindeth but not the strict severity they doe not hold affirmatively that we are tyed to the same severity of punishment now as was inflicted then but negatively they doe hold that now the punishment of death should not be adjudged where sentence of death is not given by Moses Christian Magistrates living now under Christ the prince of peace Isa 9. 6. that is of clemency and mercy may abate of the severity of Moses Lawes and mittigate the punishment The severity of the judicial Law to be abated of death but they cannot adde unto it to make the burthen more heavie To shew more rigor then Moses becommeth not the Gospel to extend more favour is not unbeseeming of which two assertions these are the reasons 1. The first is urged from Lukes Gospel where our Saviour Example reproveth his Disciples because they would have had fire to have come downe from Heaven upon the Samaritans by which we are shewed that vengeance is not alwaies to be taken on them that offend because oftentimes clemency is more profitable both for patience in the offended and amendment in the offend●r and that by the example of our Saviour Luk. 9. 54. The Son of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them 2. In that example of Christ who suffered the woman taken Example in Adultery to escape without punishment of death Joh. 8. 11. from which may be inferred that the Adultresse now is not to be put to death but to live rather to be reconciled to her Husband or to come to repentance in which instance our Saviour doth not abrogate the Law against Adultery but refuseth only to meddle with the Magistrates office And albeit Christ did not exercise the Magistrates office in his owne person giving unto Caesar the things that was Caesars according to his owne direction yet in this case it had not been impertinent to have given directions to have had her before the Civill Magistrate as in another case he did send the Leaper to the Priest Mat. 8. 4. if it had pleased him to impose still the severity of the Law yea our Saviour sheweth by this answer Let him that is amongst you without sinne cast the first stone at her Joh 8. 7. so that he would not have them such straight executors of the rigour of the Law of Moses upon others but rather be severe Judges of themselves and with charitable affections to support the frugality of others to which they themselves were subject unto SECT 3. THe difference betwixt the time of the Law and the Gospel The difference of time to be considered must be considered then they received the spirit of bondage to feare but now the spirit of adoption Rom. 8. 15. Then they which came neare the Mount where the Morall Law was given were stoned or strucken through with a Dart whether man or beast Heb. 12. 20. but it is not so now then the blood of Abel called for vengeance but the blood of Christ now calleth for mercy and so speaketh better things then that of Abel ver 24. therefore to mittigate the severity of Moses Law in some cases yet not leaving sin unpunished nor by connivance cherished it is more sutable to the profession of the Gospel of peace and mercy 4. The continuall practice of the Church sheweth as much The practice of succeeding Churches decline th●m to b● mitigated that the rigour of Moses Judicials is mittigated the Apostle only willing the infectious man to be excommunicated 1 Cor. 5. 5. by which it seemeth there was no Law in force to put such to death neither therefore was the Law cruell then neither now doth the Gospel seeme to be desolate but in them both the benignity of God appeared yet by a divers dispensation Then by the death of the body the people was rather parged from their sins then cond●mned but unto us sin is not purged by corporall punishment but by repentance The death of the body then served a● an expiation of their sins prefiguring the death of Christ Gal. 3. 13. but now the expiation of sins is by repentance and remission of sins in Christ Now a greater punishment abideth the contemners of the Gospel even eternall in the next world and therefore corporall death is not so much inflicted now As to the continuance of the Morall Law it is yet in force The Morall Law yet in force and is not abrogated in respect of obedience which thereunto is still required under the Gospel but in respect of the curse and ●alidictio● which Christ hath taken away so that it is most true which our Saviour saith He came not to dissolve the Law but to fulfill it Mat. 5. 17. he hath fulfilled it in his owne person in keeping it ● In paying the punishment which was due by the Law to the transgressors thereof 3. By inabling us by his grace to walk in obedience to the Law SECT 4. Obj. THe Morall Law only prescribeth duties concerning God and our Neighbour and speaketh nothing of man toward himself 2. It forbiddeth perjury whereas blasphemy and heresie was ●s needfull to be forbidden 3. The precepts of the Sabbath is only expressed whereas there were divers other Feasts as of the Passeover P●ntic●ast and others which the Israelites were bound to keep 4. The duty of Parents is commanded but not the the love of Parents againe unto their children 5 The inward act of Murder is not forbidden as the inward act of Adultery namely concupisence therefore there is not a sufficient enumeration in the M●rall Law of all Morall