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A38422 England's remembrancer being a collection of farewel-sermons preached by divers non-conformists in the country. 1663 (1663) Wing E3029; ESTC R36570 328,646 530

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one glimpse thereof in the Transfiguration put Peter in a trance Christ ascended to be glorified 3. It was expedient for us that Christ should ascend Obj. O but how can these things be how much better had it been for us to have had Christs bodily presence still on Earth What a deal of good did he by his Life Doctrine Miracles Compassion on the Poor Blind Diseased that cryed for help for themselves children and servants Lord hadst thou been here my brother had not dyed said Martha So may poor desolate souls say Lord hadst thou been on Earth still this evil and that storm had not come upon the Church or particular members of it Expedient Christ go O leave us not Answ In general Saddest providences and most terrible things whereby God answereth his People often carry a great deal of sweetness and comfort in them which we through ignorance and unbelief hardly discern Christians often loose much by poring on present or imminent evils and not looking to the sweet Result and glorious issue thereof We walk too much by sence and too little eye by Faith the things that are not seen Thus the Disciples were loth to hear that Christ must be put to death When he was buryed We trusted say two of them Luke 24.21 it had been he that should have redeemed Israel Their Faith was low not considering that he came to give his Life a Ransome for many Such fools so slow of heart are we to believe Thus when Christ told the Disciples I go my way to him that sent me They asked him not whither goest thou and therefore sorrow filled their hearts John 16.5 6 7. they did not look to the sweet Fruit which they should reap of his Departure they would have found cause of joy had they seriously considered that Christ went to his Father and their Father to his God and their God But particularly You have Christ's Word for it which should silence all objections and questioning thoughts John 16.7 Nevertheless I tell you the truth it is expedient for you that I go away There were four Expediencies of Christ's Ascension in respect of us 1. It was expedient for us that Christ should ascend that he might in our nature as our Head and Surety take possession of Heaven for us Heb. 6.20 Whither the fore-runner is for us entred even Jesus He had purchased the Inheritance and paid the price and he went to have seizen and possession for us John 14.2 I go to prepare a place for you 2. Christ's Ascension was expedient for us that he might intercede for us in Heaven and now appear in the Presence of God for us Heb. 9.24 and that we might have that consolation 1 Joh. 2.2 If any man sin we have an Advocate with the Father Jesus Christ the Righteous And Heb. 7.25 He ever liveth to make intercession We have a constant and skilful faithful Sollicitor in the Court of Heaven pleading our cause Is the Church militant oppressed Jesus the Angel of the Covenant pleadeth How long Lord wilt thou be angry Zech. 1.12 and he is answered with good and comfortable words I am returned with Mercies to Jerusalem as it follows ver 16. The Lord Christ standeth as with a golden Censer having much Incense which he offereth with the Prayers of Saints on the Golden Altar before the Throne the Smoak of which Incense with the Prayers of the Saints ascendeth before God out of the Angels Hand When his People pray on Earth He as their Sollicitor procureth a Grant in Heaven which he sometimes sendeth down by a swift Messenger So he did to Daniel and Cornelius So that now being ascended Believers may triumph Who shall condemn It is Christ that died is risen again is at the Right Hand of God who also maketh intercession for us 3. It was expedient for us that Christ should ascend that he might send the Spirit the Comforter Joh. 16.7 If I go away the Comforter will not come unto you but if I depart I will send him to you The sending of the Spiri● to lead Believers into Truth to convince the World to help Believers Infirmities to quicken to comfort to stablish them and to abide with them to the end of the World is the fruit of Christs Ascension 4. Christ's Ascension was expedient to assure us that he hath fully satisfied Justice for the sins of his Elect and left nothing undone of the great Work which he undertook Heb. 9.12 By his own Blood he entred once into the holy Place having obtained Eternal Redemption for us His sitting at the Right Hand of God is an evidence that he hath obtained for us Eternal Redemption In his Ascension he triumphed over all Enemies He had spoiled Principalities spoiled them of their Prey having rescued his Elect spoiled them of their Dominion and Power over his Sheep He had cast out the Prince of this World the Accuser of the Brethren and He made shew of them openly Col. 2.15 Christ having overcome Death and Hell declareth his Conquest in ascending as a Conqueror into Heaven Take the Application in four Particulars briefly 1. Christ is gone to Heaven Be not deceived by false christ's Such shall come Mat. 24.24 O remember he is not here but ascended as he told his Disciples Seek not then a bodily presence in the Sacrament The Heavens must contain him Acts 3.21 The Martyrs who burned at the Stake not for ceremonies c. as some would have it but for denying Transubstantiation or the bodily Presence of Christ in the Lord's Supper however now-a-dayes some bespatter them had a sure Foundation to build on The Scripture makes it plain that Christ's Body is in Heaven 2. Christ is gone into Heaven Christians let your hearts be there Seek those things that are above where Christ sitteth at the right hand of God Col. 3.1 Why do ye grovel on Earth when Christ your best Friend is in Heaven What on Earth can satisfie or what is to be desired when Christ is gone Well may Believers desire with the Apostle Phil. 1● 23 to be dissolved and be with Christ which is far better 3. Let us prepare for Christ's Coming from Heaven Phil. 3.20 Behold He cometh quickly in like manner as he ascended but more gloriously attended more manifest every eye shall see him Blessed is that Servant whom his Lord when he cometh shall find watching Luke 12.37 We are left to trade with talents our Lord will come and reckon with us Mat. 25.19 Be ready for the Son of Man cometh in an hour when ye think not Luke 12.40 O let us watch 4. Lastly Be comforted Christ our Fore-runner is in Heaven He is gone but he went about our business This providence of Christ's departing looketh with a bitter aspect it is doleful to consider Christ is Gone But as Jacob's Spirit revived when he knew Joseph was alive so it is exceeding comfortable for drooping distressed souls to consider Christ hath taken possession of a
the Prophet said to Elisha 2 Kings 2.3 Knowest thou not that the Lord will take thy Master from thy head to day So know you not that your beloved Minister is a going As they said to David Psal 42.10 Where is now thy God So to you Where is now your Minister whom you almost made a God of This will be a sword in your bones such Reproaches added to your loss will be ready to break the heart of those who prize their faithful Ministers as they ought to do to whom they are as Chrysostome to his People equally necessary as the Sun in the Firmament But it is your part to arm your selves with Courage and Patience and to observe that double Rule of Solomon Prov. 26.4 5. Answer not a Fool that is do not render Reproach for Reproach or Railing for Railing nor yet be put besides your Patience or Constancy which is his design Yet answer him according to his folly that is chide and rebuke him let him know that there is no such cause of rejoycing in the loss of a faithful Ministry that he shall one day know the worth of that Mercy which now he dis-esteems and undervalues 3. Though it must be acknowledged one of God's sadest Dispensations to take away a faithful Ministry to send a Famine of the Word yet this must not discourage us so as to make us desist from Holiness bless God that you ever had such a Mercy and got good by it bewaile sin that hath deprived you of it but take heed you do not upon this account turn aside as Joash when good Jehojadah was dead and as the Israelites when Moses was gone rather call to mind what we have spoken for your Confirmation give diligence when we are gone to have the things in remembrance which you have heard from us and as an encouraging Word with which I shall conclude assure your selves that even this sad Providence is within the compass of those things in the Promise which shall work for good to them that love God Rom. 8.28 The loss of a Faithful Minister may be sanctified to effect that good in and for you which the Enjoyment hath not You mistake if you think we have done Preaching no we are only called to preach to you out of the Pulpit of the Cross and I hope it may be said of us as of Abel Heb. 11.4 though we are dead we yet speak And why may it not be hoped that our Preaching out of that Pulpit may be more effectal than out of this That 's a comfortable Word to those that can apply it 1 Cor. 3.22 Whether Paul all are yours i.e. they are ordained for your benefit all God's disposals of us whatever you may think are for your advantage and through Grace I shall in confidence thereof say with the Apostle Phil. 2.17 If I be offered upon the sacrifice and service of your Faith I joy and rejoyce with you all May but my Sufferings attain their end which is your Consolation and Salvation I shall through Grace bless God in making use of me to that purpose In the mean while that is a staying Word to my soul Luke 13.33 It cannot be that a Prophet perish out of Jerusalem that is be taken away before he hath done his work I know God is not tyed to one way he can make our silence speak louder and more effectually than all our Sermons have done To conclude then let me resume my request to you all Let none of you stumble or take offence at our Sufferings Let me humbly use the Words of our blessed Saviour Mat. 11.16 Blessed is he that is not offended in us Let not our Enemies rejoyce or censure us let not our Friends sorrow as without hope but let all wait and observe the issue and I doubt not but God in his own time will manifest to the world that his intentions even in this thing were good towards his faithful Ministers and waiting People that this shall be as a Refiners Fire and Fullers Soap to purifie the Sons of Levi that this shall be the fruit even the taking away of Jacobs sin Isa 27.9 and that the Lord will not forsake his People nor cast away his Inheritance but Judgement shall return unto Righteousness and all the Upright in heart shall follow after it Psal 94.14 15. As for the third Doctrine That a gracious soul fears and prayes against the evil Influence that his Sufferings might have upon others I shall as God enables put it in practice on your behalf and shall take up the Psalmists Words Let not them that wait on thee be ashamed for my sake O Lord God of Hosts Let not those that seek thee be confounded for my sake O God of Israel SERMON XII John 16.33 These things I have spoken unto you that in me ye might have peace in the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good chear I have overcome the world IN the begining of this chapter the Lord Christ telleth his Disciples what they shall suffer in the world that when sufferings came according to his prediction they mi●ht not be offended at but rather confirmed in the Faith of the Gospel and telleth them the reason why they shall undergo these sufferings from the world from verse 1. to verse 5. 2. He acquainteth them with his departure out of the world and that they should want his company and counsel verse 5.6 3. Yet Christ telleth them it is for their advantage that he goeth away implying he should do them more good in Heaven than on Earth especially in sending the Comforter verse 7. And here he sheweth the Spirits Office as to the world from verse 7. to verse 12. Secondly to them from verse 12. to vers 16. and and in the 16th verse he bringeth his discourse to a conclusion 4. We have the Disciples enquiring after the meaning of this discourse of Christs from verse 17. to verse 20. To which he answereth in declaring the sorrow they shall have after his departure and that it shall end in joy yea such joy as they shall not be deprived of verse 20. to verse 23. I will see you again and your hearts shall rejoyce This coming again was by the Comforter and when he came they should have joy because a full return of Prayer ver 23. to verse 28. 5. Upon this discourse the Disciples profess their understanding of Christ's meaning verse 29 30. 6. You have Christ's discourse upon this foretelling their leaving of him at his passion and their sufferings in the world and the peace they should have in him from ver 31. to the end In the Text observe 1. Christ's Assertion That in the world they should have tribulation 2. His Exhortation To be of good chear 3. The Motive to this Christ telleth them he hath overcome the world Doct. 1. That Christ told his Disciples in the world they should have Tribulation Explicat 1. What is ment by Tribulation 2. What is meant
109.8 Though he had the honour to be one of Christ's Disciples dignified with gifts ordinary and extraordinary yet his Apostacy procured him that dreadful Curse Wo be to that man it had been good for that man he had never been born They that were the constant followers of Christ whom he led out they are his blessed ones 3. Here is the action 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he blessed them and in blessing or while he blessed twice mentioned that we should well consider it 4. The circumstances of this Farewel and they are three the Place the Time the Gesture 1. The Place Bethany it was a Village about fifteen furlongs from Jerusalem the Town of Mary and Martha and Lazarus where Christ raised Lazarus John 11.1 8 18. Bethany at the mount of Olives so it is called Mark 11.1 Reverend Beza upon Act. 1. 12. where the Ascension of Christ seemeth to be from Mount Olivet understandeth by Bethany not strictly the Village but the whole tract containing the Mount of Olives and that from the Mount near Bethany Christ ascended You see Christ could make a house of affliction or poverty as Bethany signifieth a place of blessing he is not tied to places but where two or three are gathered in his Name there is he amongst them where true Worshippers are worshipping him in Spirit and Truth there will he come unto them and bless them He preached and pronounced blessing in the Monnt The Disciples John 20.19 were met in a house and had the doors shut for fear of the Jews and Christ came and said Peace be unto you He might at his Ascension have Blessed his Disciples in the Temple or holy City but he led them out to mount Olivet where or nigh to which Bethany stood And why Some say lest being seen new troubles should arise but the main reason is because he would have a select number to be eye witnesses to testifie to the world that he ascended according to Acts 10.40 41. Him God raised up the third day and shewed him openly not to all the People but unto Witnesses chosen before of God even unto us so Beza on Acts 1.12 Historia ipsa The History it self sheweth that Christ would not ascend into Heaven from some place where there were many Inhabitants or other Witnesses of his Ascension but took only his Disciples into some part of the Mount Olivet to be Witnesses of his departure from us in respect of the humane nature till the last day 2. The Time when he blessed them Just at his Ascension he had blessed them before and doth it now solemnly with hands lifted up it was the last thing he did on Earth He was seen of his Apostles forty dayes after his Resurrection and now that they must see him no longer on earth he would shew them not only his hands and his feet as sometimes he did for the strengthening of their Faith but his heart enlarged in love and compassion his bowels yearning towards them he here kisseth them with the kisses of his mouth and his lips drop sweet smelling Myrrhe on them he speaks kindly to them Blesseth them and while he Blessed 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 he departed 3. The Gesture used in Blessing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 He lift up his hands Where observe it is arrogance and great presumption in the Papists to say for the upholding of their Crucifixes and Crossings that its very like that Christ Blessed them with his arms cross as Jacob Blessed Joseph's Sons Gen. 48.17 See Rhem. Testam Where Jacob as is evident from the text laid his right hand on the head of the younger by a Spirit of prophecy fore-telling that he should be the greater and at not all in favour of any their superstitious use of the sign of the Cross whereof Valentinus the Heretick was the first that made any great account as Dr. Fulke relateth out of Irenaeus We have Christ's Blessing in the Text twice mentioned and the gesture not omitted of lifting up his hands but a total silence of the sign of the Cross We may then conclude it is a cursed addition of the Rhemists who presume to father that upon Jacob nay on the Lord Christ which is indeed but a Novel fancy not in any estimation with the Apostles nor the Godly in their time How can they reade and not tremble Rev. 22.18 If any man add God shall add to him the plagues Nor can Christ's using of this gesture warrant humane Inventions in the Worship of God nor the rigorous enforcing of a heap of Gestures Vestments and other unnecessary and ungrounded Ceremonies so as men must not worship at all nor enjoy their properties without them since lifting up of the hands is but a natural gesture of Reverence and Authority neither is there any consequence in arguing from things written to things Apocryphal But as bodily exercise profiteth little so large discourses about it are but little to edification of common hearers Only let me mind you that Jesus Christ was faithful as Moses and his Apostles kept back nothing that was profitable for us Scripture must not cannot be taxed with deficiency And little children keep your selves from Idols O be not tainted with Romish Superstitions when her plagues are so nigh at hand But the Doctrine which I would this day commend to you from these words is this Doct. The Lord Jesus Christ went to Heaven solemnly blessing his Disciples In this Doctrine you have two branches 1. Christ ascended into Heaven 2. Christ blessed his Disciples at his Ascension 1. Jesus Christ went into Heaven 1 Pet. 3.22 There are three Reasons why Christ ascended The first is that he might fulfill the Scriptures In his Ascension he fulfilled Scripture-Types and Scripture-Prophesies Christ was typified in the High-Priest's going into the second Tabernacle alone once every year not without blood Heb. 9.7 24. Christ is entred not into those Holy places made with hands which are 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the figure of the true but into Heaven it self now to appear in the presence of God for us It was prophesied of Christ Psal 68.18 Thou hast ascended on high thou hast led captivity captive The Apostle Eph. 4.8 9. expoundeth this Text accomplished in Christ's Ascension 2. Christ ascended that he might be glorified He had glorified his Father on Earth and finished the work which the Father gave him to do and then went to be glorified with his Father John 17.4 5. He had been manifest in the flesh and then is received up into Glory He descended dwelt among men was a man of sorrows and again ascended and sate down at the Right-hand of the Majesty on high when he had purged our sins by himself Heb. 1.3 As it was impossible he should be held of Death so it was impossible he should be held in a state of Humiliation Ought not Christ to suffer and enter into his Glory Luke 24.26 The Vision of Christ's glorified Body is reserved for Heaven in mercy
mother sent into Egypt Mat. 2.14 He withdrew when the Pharisees held a Council to destroy him Mat. 12.13 14. He fled from the Tyranny of Herod when he had cut off John Baptists head Mat. 14.12 13. He hid himself when the Jews would have stoned him John 8.59 and conveyed himself out of the multitude when they would have cast him down an hill and broke his neck What shall I say concerning Chrysostom Cyprian Athanasius and other learned and renowned Fathers of the Church who were often banished and removed from their People Again we reade in Rev. 11.7 8. that before Antichrist shall fall he shall make war against the two VVitnesses By Witnesses some understand Magistrates and Ministers Magistrates are God's Representatives amongst men Psal 82.6 Witnesses and Demonstrations of God's Soveraignty in ruling in punishing the wicked in defending and rewarding the Good and Virtuous Ministers are God's Witness to declare assert plead and maintain God's Cause and Interest his stupendious Work and glorious Attributes in Mans Redemption Some by Witnesses understand Ministers only and against these the Beast shall make war and by a powerful prevailing of his interest and of a prophane and corrupt party shall slay them slay them not in their Persons but in their Offices it is not a natural but a civil death a routing them from their Offices and suspending them from the execution of their duties whether Magistrates Ministers or both The ground and reasons why I take the killing of the Witnesses to be a civil not a natural death is in the word of verse 9. And they of all People Kindreds and Tongues and Nations shall see their dead bodies three dayes and an half and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves Now it is barbarous inhumanity and cruelty to bury men alive to put them quick into the grave and if they were naturally dead it would be undecent loathsome and unnatural to keep them above ground exposing them to every visitant and spectator and to the tearing and devouring ravenousness of birds and beasts of prey Not to suffer them to be put in graves if naturally dead is contrary to the instinct of nature for of those numberless number of birds in the air we may suppose all that are dead are not killed but many thousands dye naturally by reason of age And yet of those many thousands we find very few or none at all because nature hath taught them when the time of death draws night to provide themselves graves by creeping into hollow trees or holes of the ground or some courteous bird covers them with leaves Further these Nations and Kindreds and People and Tongues that saw their dead bodies were friends Pious and Religions persons that cordialy owned loved and affected them and the more love and affection the greater care of a decent and commendable interment But if you say they might be enemies that out of malice to expose them unto greater shame and contempt would not suffer them to be buried it cannot be because it is contrary to the rules of Policy for their dead bodies lying three dayes and an half understand three Prophetical daies and an half that is three years and an half unburied would infect the air and so produce hurtful and destructive diseases so that self-preservation would engage them to inter them if they were naturally dead And in the 11. verse after the daies of their death were accomplished They heard a great voice from Heaven saying Come up hither so that if they were naturally dead this must be a corporal resurrection a resurrection of the bodies slain and before the great and general Resurrection at the last Day which is contrary to the Scriptures which mention but one general Resurrection of the body and impertinent to this place where there is no mention made of the Day of Judgment nor of any of the transactions of that Day And by a voice from Heaven in that place verse 11. I understand with submission to more deep learned and grave judgments the Supream Authority of a Nation that by enacted Laws shall give liberty and Authority to the slain Witnesses to re-assume the publick exercise of their Ministry and Magistracy of which they were before deprived so then I conclude from the rules of decency from the instinct of nature the respective and tender care of love and affection from the Rules and Reasons of Policy from the harmony of Scriptures from the barbarousness of burying persons alive that it is not a natural but a civil death slain in their Offices not in their Persons Now the place where their dead bodies shall be slain and lye unburied is said In the streets of the great City called Sodom and Egypt by the City is meant Rome compared to Sodom for Uncleaness and Whoredom to Egypt for Idolatry and Cruelty against God's People By the Streets of the great City you are not to understand it litteraly and locally of the streets of Rome but of several Nations and Kingdome that did belong to Antichrist that were under the Papal Power and parts of his Dominion as streets are parts and appurtenances of a City For the words in verse 9. They of the People and Kindreds and Tongues and Nations should see their dead bodies seem to me to imply and intimate the several Nations and Kingdoms where they should be slain which Kingdoms having shaked off the Romish Antichristian Iron yoak and bondage should enjoy the pure and pow●●ful preaching of the Word and administration of Sacraments in some comfortable manner and measure by a constant succession of pious painful and learned Ministers whereby those Nations and Kingdoms should be much enlightened but before the number of Antichrist be run up and his period accomplished Rev. 13.18 these Nations called the streets of the great City shall suffer an Eclipse in their Ministers they should be laid aside as dead men and become useless in their publick exercises of their Ministry And during the space of their civil death they shall have the warm hearts and affections of the People they will not suffer them to be put into graves alive and buried quick but still own them as Ministers desire long pray for their restoration and instalment into their Offices and Places again Thus amongst many Reasons I have given you two why Ministers may not alwayes expect a continued residence amongst and ministration to their People First because of barrenness under means Secondly because of these afflictions that light upon the Church and her Lights Guides and Watchmen Now for Application First to Ministers Secondly to People A Word to both 1. Ministers should labour to do all the good they can to and among the People to whom they are Ministers From us from us our People expect relief and how should we endeavor to administer all the helps advantages we can for their Salvation in removing of Scandals in healing Divisions in confuting Heresies to beat down wickedness
Refidence amongst their People be you then exhorted to make good use and improvement of present Gospel-Enjoyments you are not sure of a constant enjoyment of pious able and painful Ministers and the uncertainty of the future should make us lay in store of provision at the present lest by neglecting present opportunities we run our selves upon the damage of a future necessity The Jews were togather twice so much Manna on the sixth day as on other dayes because on the Seventh there was none to be found The Mariner hoiseth Sails to the present seasonable and right Gales of Wind. The Husbandman layeth hold on the present seasonable weather for the reaping and gathering in of the Fruits of the Earth And all of you in Summer lay in Provision for Winter Present Opportunities neglected may not in the future be enjoyed No Manna could be found on the Seventh-day the Wind turns and stands contrary the Summer is ended no harvest no reaping in Winter A People that enjoy a faithful and painful Ministry have the Manna of God's Word falling round about them they have the pleasant Gales of God's Spirit to waft them nearer to Heaven they have an harvest day of and pleasant seasons to make provision for Glory but if you neglect present Seasons you run desperate hazzards and adventure your precious souls upon great uncertainties He that sends his Embassadours to day may call them back to morrow God hath threatned his Spirit shall not alwayes strive with men The tongue that is speaking to you this day will be tyed up and silenced before the next Sabbath How miserable would it have been with Egypt in the seven years of Famine if there had not been vast provisions and innumerable store laid up in the seven years of plenty How miserable would they be pintched with hunger and cold in winter who have not laid in full and sutable provisions in Summer How miserable will they be in a famine of God's Word who have made no provision in times of plenty To be without Ministry and Ministers without World and Ordinances is the most miserable and destructive want in the world Where there is no Vision the People perish A People without a Pastour are without a Watchman to warn and awaken them without Lights to enlighten them without Guides to direct and lead them without Salt to season them without Physicians to heal them without Shepherds to watch over them to feed and defend them and the condition of such must needs be a miserable condition And to have such are as spoken of in Isa 56.10 11 12. blind and dumb covetous and greedy and drunkards or such as are mentioned in Ezek. 34. that are dispersers of the Flock not dispensers of the Word and Ordinances with force and cruelty to rule over you will be your cross not your comfort The actions of publick persons are very influentiall as is the Praetor such are the Citizens as is the Pedagogue such are the Children as is the Pastor such are the People like People and like Priest and how can there chuse but be Whoredom in Ephraim and Defilement in Israel when the Priests commit lewdness Am. 6.9 10. No wonder if that people be made a prey and brought to nought whose Watchmen are blind whose Preachers are dumb whose Champions are lame whose Physicians are sick whose Salt is unsavory whose Teachers are untaught whose Guides are ignorant of the Way whose Pastours are Impostors whose Pillars are Pollars fleecing but not feeding the Flock Doth not hence spring the ruine of the Church the contempt of the Ministry and all Church Orders and Ordinances the corruption of manners a sinck of sin and deluge of prophaness the starving of Charity the debasement of Religion the hazarding of your Graces the endangering of your soules for ever And for a Christian now to order his conversation aright it requires that God's Word should dwell richly in him in all Wisdom and to be preserved safe and found in infecting times it is expedient and necessary that he be fraught with the impregnable Cordials and Plague-expelling Antidotes of God's most holy Word This was the Preservative and Security of that good King Psal 119.11 I have hid thy Word in my heart that I might not sin against thee Therefore my Brethren for the glory of God for the honour of Christ the credit and ornament of your Profession the rejoycing of your dying Minister and your own Salvation See that you walk in the strength of that Doctrine and Word I have almost for the space of these four years delivered unto you as the Prophet Elijah in the strength of the Cake until you come unto the Mount of God 1 Kings 19.8 That whether I come again unto you or be absent yet I may hear of your affairs that your conversation be as becomes the Gospel that ye stand fast in one Spirit with one mind striving together for the Faith of the Gospel Now I have done with the Sore A Ministers Departure from his Poople I should now shew you the Plaister and apply it But of this by and by SERMON XIV Acts 20.32 And now Brethren I commend you to God and the Word of his Grace which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance amongst them that are sanctified These words I have told you are part of Pauls Valediction to his Beloved Ephesians the Parts and Arguments whereof I have briefly shewed you In the words you have a twofold Remedy in opposition to a twofold Malady The first Malady was Affliction and Persecution mentioned in ver 29. for which the Apostle prescribeth God as the Sovereign Cure and Remedy And now I commend you to God The second Malady is Infection and Heresie mentioned ver 30. for which the Apostle prescribeth God's Word as the best Preservative and Remedy And now I commend you to God and the Word which Remedy is further implified by the title given to it Grace the Word of his Grace 2dly From the precious effects and benefits of the Word first Edification secondly Life Eternal in these words which is able to build you up and give you an inheritance amongst them that are sanctified Then the relative name Paul gives to the Ministers of Ephesus Brethren from which word you may remember I gave you this Observation Doct. That true and real Christians are Brethren It is not only true in respect of Ministers but of all Christians Pastors and People I have demonstrated it briefly and briefly improved it by way of Application But then secondly from the Provision of Security and Comfort that Paul commendeth his Ephesians to at his departure you had this Doctrine Doct. That God and the Word of his Grace is the best Security and Comfort a departing Minister can commit his People unto You may remember I took this Doctrine in two and gave you this Note or Doctrine Doct. That Ministers cannot alwayes expect a continued and uninterrupted Residence amongst their
have Tribulation but be of good Comfort As you should be humble in Prosperity so quiet and chearful in Adversity Carry an even frame in each state Let your Moderation be known unto all men even in bearing Afflictions Be not overmuch cast down with any trouble Let the Enemy see that you have been with God by the Gladness of your Countenance You 'l discredit Religion by too much drooping Let not others say You serve a hard Master God that knows all things knows what condition is best for you and how to deal with you Rejoyce in the Lord alwayes Though Adversity and the Wicked may intermeddle with your outward comforts and take them away yet let them see you have inward Joyes with which they cannot intermeddle nor take away 13. Esteem and approve Time as a precious Commodity Husband Opportunities for Soul-Advantage When you have spare hours improve them in Reading Meditation and Prayer Redeem Time from sleep your callings and recreations in order to Heaven Men usually work sleep and recreate more than necessity calls for and then cry out they have no time for holy Exercises Oh what would damned spirits give for two or three of those hours which we throw away Oh how would they spend them would they sleep play or work them away Nay how would they Pray Read and Repent more in one hour than we do in many Brethren the time is short your work is much you have God to honour your Relations to watch over your own Evidences to make clear O then redeem precious Time do not throw it away Ephes 5.16 15. Contend earnestly for the Faith Jude 3. Maintain fundamental Truths I do not mean that you should fall a wrangling with every one you meet The Apostle indeed takes notice of some men that place their Religion in fightings of Words in conflicting with the Air in janglings and disputings about things they understand not 1 Tim. 1.5 6. Some place their Religion in being of this and that Opinion and indeed they are meer Opinionists Our meaning is this When the Enemies of the Church labour to root up the necessary and very foundation Truths of Christianity that we should stick to them As Paul he did earnestly contend for the Doctrine of Christ being the Messiah against the Jews He maintained the Doctrine of the Resurrection against the Saduces The Doctrine of Justification by Christ's Righteousness against the Teachers of the Law He doth strongly and vehemently maintain Divine Worship against the idolatrous worship of the Athenians And so should we contend opportunely and wisely with tongues and lives Contend against Justification by Works against Idolatry rather than God's Honour should be given to dumb Idols give your honour to the Dust Consider fundamental yea every Truth hath been confirmed by no less than Miracles preserved in a miraculous way and sealed in the Blood both of Christ and of Martyrs Never then sell the Truth but buy it 16. Get longing Desires after the Enjoyment of God in Heaven Let your hearts be often sending sighs thither Long till you be at home Groan earnestly till mortality be clothed with Immortality 2 Cor. 5.1 2. Say as he When shall I come and appear before God Long till you be in Heaven that so you may have constant Communion with God's Angels and Saints that ye may be wholly freed from sin and made perfect in Holiness Let your Conversation be in Heawhilst you are on Earth To this end get more acquaintance with Heaven Study till you be convinced that it is and what it is Understand what that Happiness is that Saints enjoy there When you have got minds informed and hearts affected with it often muse and meditate of it This heavenly Conversation is very sweet it will comfort us when we are never so sad Well may the soul say Now I am full of sin O but then no sin I am now sold under sin O but then I shall be free Now I dishonour God but then I shall honour him altogether Now I am in continual fear of falling into sin but then I shall be past all danger Now I am in continual sorrow but then all tears shall be wip'd away Now I am kept in bondage through fear of death but then there shall be living and no more Death and so no more fears of it Moreover this would teach us to understand the World When we do experimentally taste Heavens Joyes we shall despise Earths Pleasures when we seriously think of that Friendship and Communion we shall have with Friends in Heaven even God Christ Angels and Saints it will wean us from Friends on Earth and make us more willing to leave them And when we think of Heavens Honour we shall undervalue the honours and scorn the contempt we meet with in this world Get now and then upon the top of Pisgah and solace your selves with a view of the Heavenly Canaan Having now given you an account of those main Duties and Counsels that relate more immediately to God and your souls I shall briefly give you the sum of those Counsels I have to leave you about things that relate more nearly to you and others with whom you converse and have to do The first is this 1. Discharge domestical Duties Study and perform the Duties that every Relation calls for Act as Christian Parents and Christian Masters towards your Children and Servants bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord call on them to re●d the Scriptures frequently that even of Children they be acquainted with that which will make them wise to Salvation keep them to a form of sound words 2 Tim. 1.13 hold them to the Principles of Religion Catechisms are called A Form of sound words because they keep the Judgment and Affections sound they help to discern betwixt Truth and Error fit and prepare for hearing of the Word preached and for the receiving of the Lord's Supper For want of this we may observe notorious ignorance in grown youth and old men also For want of this how many that are Fathers in years are meer Children in understanding Again pray with and for your Children and Servants and set them to pray by themselves for this end give them time convenient do not so much forward them in your service as to hinder them from serving God your Servants have God to acknowledge honour and serve as well as you they have sins to be pardoned corruptions to be subdued Graces to beg wants to be supplied and souls to be saved as well as you and will you make them throw their souls over-board to secure your goods And so study to carry as Christians in every other Relation Carry as Christian Husbands and Christian Wives are directed and ought to do that the Gospel of Christ be not blamed upon your account And so you that are Children and Servants as you expect your Parents and Masters should discharge their duties towards you so it is expected you should