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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16466 The breuiarie of health vvherin doth folow, remedies, for all maner of sicknesses & diseases, the which may be in man or woman. Expressing the obscure termes of Greke, Araby, Latin, Barbary, and English, concerning phisick and chirurgerie. Compyled by Andrew Boord, Doctor of phisicke: an English-man. Boorde, Andrew, 1490?-1549. 1587 (1587) STC 3377; ESTC S120760 193,922 314

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and gaspe for wind The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come from the brayne or els from the stomake or els frō the lōges if it do come from the longs looke in the chapter named Asthma if it do come out of the head reume which is putryfied corrupted infectynge the braine is the cause and if it doe come by or thorow the throte it doth come of putrified humour of the stomake or els of corruption of the longes A remedy if this impediment come of the brayne First purge the head and braine with a gargarice or with pillpul Elphangine And then vse the Electurari de Gēmus or a confection de Musto or Tiriaca diatesserō for this matter looke in the Chapter named Asthma A remedy if this impediment come of the stomake First purge the stomake with Yerapigra galem Than take of Cloues the weight of vi d. of Ligni Aloes the weight of viii d. of Galingale the weight of vi d. make pouder of this drink of it morning euening as much as an Hasel nut And vse to chew in the mouth a cloue without maces in the morning and after dinner and to bedward A remedy to pal or make sweete the breath which way so euer it doth come First in the morning eate or swallow ii or iii. cloues kepe betwixt the gummes the chéekes ii cloues or els do as I sayd before Or els take of Sauery an vnce of Galingale halfe an vnce of the wood of aloes a qurter of an vnce make pouder of this and eate or drinke a porcion in the morning a litle after diner as much to bedward The .21 Chapter doth shew of the squince ANgina is the latin word Squyncy Sinachi or Chinanchi be the gréeke words The barbarus words be named Squinancia or quinācia In english it is named the Squincy The which is an impostum in the throte the which doth let a man to swalow either meat or drink And diuers times it doth stop vp a mās wind or breth and there be iiii kindes The first kind doth not appere outward that is death except it be quickly cured The second kind doth somewhat apere more inward then outward and that is not so daungerous as the first is The third kind doth appere both inward and outward that is not so periculus as the other be how be it it doth continue longer then the other doth The thrée kindes doth onely appere outward and in it is no peryll The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of Reume ascending from the head to the thro●e And it may come of vaporous humours discending from the stomake to the throte A remedy Thrée things is requisite to help these infirmities The first is letting of bloud in a vayne named Cephalica The second is to purge the head with the pilles of Cochée And ●he thyrd is to vse gargarices to vse Clysters And than let the paciēt for a space absteine frō meat except it be of the broth made of a chiken let the patiēt take Ydormel or Oximel And take a little péece of porke or bacon or els a little péece of a sponge and encinet it in oyle Oliue tie about any of these thinges a strong thred let the pacient swallow in this matter and by by pul it out againe and be sure of the thred that he that shall do this feate in holding fast the thred doe pull it out againe quicklie The .22 Chapiter doth shew of the Soule of man A Soule ANima is the latin word In greke is named Psichae In English it is named the Soule of man The soule of man is the life of the body for when the soule is departed frō the body the body is but a dead thinge that can not sée heare nor féele The Soule can not be felt nor séene for it is like the nature of an Angel hauing wil wit wisdome reason knowledge vnderstanding And is partaker of good or euill as the body and it doth or hath deserued or operated The soule also is a creature made with mā and connexed to man for man is of two natures which is to say the natur of the Soule and the nature of the body which is flesh and bloud the fleshe or body is palpable and may be séene felt The Soule is not paly ●le nor can not be séene nor felt but both being together now shal be after the generall Resurrection in time to come doth shal doe féele ioy or paine c. It is not the soule onelie doth make a man nor the bodie of a man is a man but soule body connexed or ioyned together maketh a mā the one decepered frō the other be of ii natures as I haue said vnto the time that they do méet again at the day of dome Therefore let euery man in this life so prouide by the merite of Christes passion that soule bodie being perfit man may enter into euerlasting ioy glory to be in heauen with God The electuary of Gemmis and the confection named Alchermes be good to comefort the soule or the spirites of man foule and body being together héere in earth The .23 Chapiter doth shew of a mans mynd ANimus is the latin word In gréeke it is named Thimos A mynde In English it is named a mans mynd The mynd of a man is very mutable and inconstant more in one man then in an other but the most part might be amended The cause of this Mutabilitie This mutabilitie doth come thorow wauering incōstant wittes lacking loue charity to God to a mans owne selfe to his neighbour regarding more other sensualitis or prodigalitie couetis or lucre thē the wealth profit of the soule Yea the mynd of man is so occupied about worldly matters busines that God and the soule of man is forgotten by the which great daungers foloweth A remedy Fyrst let euerie man reconcyle himselfe in and to God and not to set by the world but to take the world as it is not being parmanent no abyding place but to liue as one shuld dye euerie houre And if a man haue this memory he will not be mutable nor set by the world but constant hauing euer a respect to god his creatour to his neighbour which is euery man wheresoeuer he dwell The .24 Chapiter doth shew of a byle named Antrax ANtrax is the latin word In english it is named a Felō A Felon is like a carbocle but not so great in quātitie or substāce The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of a venemous matter otherwhile it doth come of interial cause or of an exterial cause The interiall cause doth come of some euil humour the exterial cause doth come of some venemous stinging of a worme A remedy If it do come of an euil humour eat Triacle make a salue or a
for the splen and whosoeuer will make the hardnes of the splene whole fyrst take the mary of a calfe the mary of an hart and the fatnes of a hog of a Capon and of a Ducke and the oyle of swéete Almons of like porcion myxe this together and anoint the region of the splene and dry the lungs of a Foxe make pouder and eate it with figges for this matter looke in the Chapter named Lien in the Extrauagantes in the ende of this booke For splenatica passio looke in the Extrauagants in the ende of this booke For Sputum sanguinis looke in the Chapter named Emoptoica passio The 329. Chapter doth shew of a mans spirit SPiritus is the latin word In gréeke it is named Pnoae or Pneuma In English it is named a spirite Spirit I doe not pretend héere to speake of any spirite in heauen or in hell nor no other spirit but onely of the spirits in man in the which doth consist the life of man and there be thrée natural animall and vitall the naturall spirit resteth in the head the animall spirit doth rest in the liuer and the vitall spirit resteth in the heart of man To comfort and to reioyce these spirites First liue out of sin and folow Christes doctrine and then vse honest mirth and honest company and vse to eate good meate and drinke moderately For this matter looke in the Chapter named Anima For Squame looke in the Extrauag in the ende of this booke For Squinancia looke in the Chap. named Angina The 330. Chapter doth shew of thirst or drinesse of a man SItis is the latin word In gréeke it is named Dipsa In english it is when a man is thirstie Thirst or drye The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come many waies either it doth come by some sicknesse or else by drōkennes or else by some heate in the liuer or stomake or else it doeth come by hotnes of the ayer or els of extreme labour it may come by e●●ing of salt meates A remedy If it do come of a hot stomake or a hot liuer qualify the heate of the liuer as it doth appeare in the Chapter named Epar If it do come otherwise eate .v. or .vi. Prunes kéepe one of the prune stones in the mouth and otherwhile roule the stone with the tongue in the mouth Oxizacra or the sirupe of Violets or Oximell diuretycke is good The 331. Chapter doth shaw of a sicknesse named Soda SOda is the latin word In english it is payne in the head Paine in the head and there be two kindes vniuersall and perticuler the vniuersall holdeth a mans whole head and the perticuler is in a perticuler place in the head in the which is paine The 332. Chapter doth shew of the Strangury STranguria is the gréeke worde In latin it is named Stillicidum vrine In english it is named the strangury Strāgury the which is a distilling or dropping of a mans water diuers times in an houre with great paine and burning in the issue of man or woman or els it is an opelacion in the neck of the bladder and thorow the stone or els by some impostumous humour The cause of this infirmitie This infirmitie doth come of some vlceracion in the bladder or raynes of the back or els it may come thorowe acredite or sharpenesse of the water it may come also of to much heat or to much coldenes in the backe and bladder A remedie First if the belly be cōstupated vse clisters or suppositers thē reforme the matter the which is offendant And if it do come of heate vse suger roset the thrée kindes of Sanders compound with the sirupe of Myrtilles If it do come of colde-vse Mecridatum Diaolibanum Diamynt or Diagalanga For Strangulacio looke in the chapter named Suffocacio The 333. Chapter doth shew of nesing STernutacio is the latin word In English it is named sternutacion or nesing Nesing the which is a good signe of an euill cause The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of dilacion of the pores of the braine or of coldenes or heat in the head or it may come casting vp the sight toward the light or Sunne A remedy not to nese ¶ If a man will not nese let him holde his nose harde with his fingers and if a man will nese take a strawe or a rish and tickle himselfe in the nose or els take of the pouder made of Eliborus albus otherwise named nesing pouder The .334 Chapter doth shew of barennesse of a woman STerilitas is the latin word In greke it is named Stirolia or Acarpia In English it is named a barennes Barennes of a woman when she can not conceaue a childe The cause of this impediment This impediment doth come of to much humiditie in the matrix or in the place of conception for when the sede of man is sowen and the woman can not reteine it but doth slip away from hir ther can be no conception Also if mans nature be wake he can get no childe therefor the default may be as well in the man as in the woman A remedy For this matter looke in the Chapter named Conceptis in the Chapter named Coitus in the chapter named Embrio in the chap. named Abhorsus let the man that is weake vse restoratiue meates drinks vse cordialls and mirth with honest company and let the woman take no thought vse good things as man drago Peches and peper if she be fat The .335 Chapter doth shew of a mans stomake STomachus is the latin word In gréeke it is named Stomachos In english it is named mans stomake Stomake there be two maner of stomakes the one is an appetide to eate to drink the other is a vessel in man the which doth receiue meate and drink into it and is like a pot in the which meate licour is put in and as the fire doth decoct the meates and the broth in the pot so doth the liuer vnder the stomake decoct the meate in mans bodie and if the liuer be out of order the stomake can not be in good temper wherefore looke in the chapter named Epar and rectifie him and rectifie the stomake if he be out of order all the bodie is out of temperance The stomake is rough within and smoth without The cause of this matter is shewed partly But the cause may come otherwaies as by anger or feare or great studying vpon many matters or by extreme heate or by surfeting or such lyke doth hurt the stomake A remedy To comfort the stomake vse Ginger and Galingale vse myrth and well to fare vse Pepper in meates beware of anger for it is a shroude heart that maketh all the body fare the worse The 336. Chapter doth shew of stonning of a member of a man STupor is the latin word In english it is named a