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A15857 H. Zanchius his confession of Christian religion Which novve at length being 70. yeares of age, he caused to bee published in the name of himselfe & his family. Englished in sense agreeable, and in words as answerable to his ovvne latine copie, as in so graue a mans worke is requisite: for the profite of all the vnlearneder sort, of English christians, that desire to know his iudgement in matters of faith.; De religione Christiana, fides. English Zanchi, Girolamo, 1516-1590. 1599 (1599) STC 26120; ESTC S120607 223,465 477

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the gift of constancie in the faith the end is our glorious resurrectiō euen eternal life I say for this other principal foundation of christian religion what cā be said more plainly more largely thē that which hath bin in the councells of Africa determined out of the scriptures by Meliuitanus Arausicanus others against the Pelagians which were written by Augustine to say nothing of others in manie bookes against the same Pelagians Concerning the holy Catholike Church what is there needfull to bee knowne which hath not beene most plentifully and plainely set downe by Augustine aswell in other places as especially in his bookes against the Donatists euen out of he foundations of the holy scriptures But it is a matter of great moment to knowe what and where the true church of Christ is being out of the church there is no saluation and therefore it is an article of faith not of the least accompt About the points of the sacraments also if a man will cōtent himselfe with the simple truth what is more euident then the doctrine which the auncient fathers Iustine Ireneus Tertullian Cyprian and chieflie Augustine haue deliuered out of the scriptures and left vnto vs in their writings One saith Like as Iesus Christ being by the word of God made flesh had flesh and blood so also we haue learned that the foode hallowed by him by the word of prayer and thanks giuing is the flesh and blood of the same incarnate Iesus Christ euen according to those words of Christ This is my bodie But Christ that is the vvorde was made flesh without anie chaunging of it selfe into flesh but onely by a hypostaticall or personall vnion therefore neither is the bread made the body of Christ by any transubstantiation of it selfe into the body but onely by an vnion and that not a physicall or bodily or hypostaticall but onely a sacramētall vnion Also he saith by that foode namely of the blessed bread our blood and our body is nourished by a certaine chaunging of it selfe namely into Christ therefore that chaunge which is made in the supper is not of the bread into Christs body nor of Christ into vs but of vs into Christ by reason of our ingrafting as also wee reade in Augustine that Christ should say speaking of the receiuing of the Eucharist I shal not be chaunged into thee but thou shalt be chaunged into me The same man saith vnto this the foode of the Eucharist none is to bee admitted but they that beleeue that our doctrine is true being washed with the water of regeneration vnto remission of their sinnes so liuing as Christ hath taught them Therfore no infidells and heretikes nor they which haue not receiued the baptisme of Christ not they which liue in such apparent sinne and wickednes that they giue no notice to the church of their amendment are to bee admitted to the supper Another of them saieth the eucharist consisteth of two matters an earthly and an heauenly The bread though it be sanctified yet he calleth it an earthly matter why so because it comes from the earth it existeth on earth and is eaten with an earthly mouth the body of Christ he calleth a heauenly matter not because the substāce of it is out of heauen but partly because it is taken into vnitie of the person of the word and partly because it is in heauen endued with heauenly qualities For although in the hypostasie which is the very word it bee euerie where yet in the owne proper essence it is only in heauen and not on earth Whereupon it also followeth that it is not eaten either by earthly men or by the teeth of an earthly body but onely of those men who being borne from aboue do carrie the image of heauenly men eate it in a heauenly manner namely in soule spirite And yet notwithstanding the very bodies also of the faithful while they eate onely an earthly matter they also participate of a heauenlie matter to their glorious resurrection are nourished by it as the same author in that place very learnedly expoundeth I think that by this which I haue spoken out of the creede concerning foure principal partes of christian doctrine your Hon. can well gather such is your piety learning wisedome what is to be concluded concerning the whole body The summe is this that those bee the true churches of Christ and therefore called of vs the truely defensed citties of Christs kingdom which professing generally the sacred scriptures and specially the catechisme in all places receiued doe so reuerence the auncient church and auncient fathers hauing therefore friendshipp and communion with them being now in heauen that neither in their opinions nor yet in their expositions of the holy scriptures they will easily decline from them but onely then whenas they bee forced to dissent both by manifest wordes of the holy scriptures and also by testimonies and consequences beyond all doubt necessary drawne from the principles of faith This surely was counted for a notorious fault in Nestorius and it is written to bee the cause of his vile heresie that contemning the fathers and trusting vpon his owne witt he expounded the holy scriptures after his owne braine What speake I of Nestorius yea that the same contempt of the fathers and some confidence of their owne witts and their owne learning did cause diuers more besides otherwaies verie notable men to fall into sundrie heresies I could easilie shewe out of the Ecclesiasticall histories and councells if the breuitie of an epistle would suffer me For whence I pray was it that after that most holy councell at Nice so many heretikes forth with arose of whome some oppugned the true and euerlasting deity of Christ others his true and perfect humanitie others the true vniting of both the natures in one and the same person others the true distinctiō of their natures their proprieties hence surely that contēning the determinations of the fathers in the Nicene councell and their expositions vpon the holy scriptures and trusting confidently to their owne witts and puffed vp with humane knowledge and eloquence they dared euery one to expound yea indeed to depraue wrest the holy scriptures and foundations of the faith according to their owne fansies Hereunto pertaineth that which Vigilius left written in his first booke of the causes of heresies against Eutyches but they blow forth saieth he these smoakes of vaine accusations chieflie because they are euen sicke of the infirmity of ignorance or disease of contention and whilst they are gogged on with a fond conceite of minde they despise the rules of faith deliuered of old by the fathers onely for this cause to bring in their owne conceited opinions of innouations into the church Thus saith Vigilius This that I say is confirmed by the dispositions imitations and wordes of the sound fathers on the other side who expounding the scriptures and the foundations of christian faith
ignorant of nothing he is able to do all those things which pertaine to his office yea and such things as cannot bee performed of anie created substance but onelie of God himselfe may bee done by him by the power of his deitie yet his humaine wil alwaies working therewithal euermore by consent and as it were by desire so that in all the actions of Christ as he is God pertaining to our saluation alwaies his soule in some sorte ioyneth it selfe thereunto by loue by desire and will as also in all things which he did as man the deitie was alwaies concurrent yea euen in his death and passion not that the deitie suffred but that it willed both the passion and death of Christ and added to his passion and death an infinite power euen to cleanse vs of our sinnes To conclude concerning the two natures in Christ and the vnion and proprieties of them wee beleeue whatsoeuer hath bin determined in the Nycene Constantinopolitane Ephesian and Calcedonian counscels against Arrius Apollinaris Nestorius and Eutyches and in the sixt Synode against the Monothelites XIII Tvvo kindes of actions in Christ and all those things which we read that he did suffred were done indeede according to the trueth of the matter and not after a vaine shew or illusion Now from the person of Christ and his natures and the vnion of the natures to passe ouer peculiarly to his actions and his office First we beleeue that as there are two true natures in Christ whereof each hath had and hath her true and essentiall proprieties coupled together euen as the natures are also vnited but not confounded together so there are two kinds of actions which our Lord Iesus Christ is said partlie to haue performed and partlie wil yet performe for our saluatiō some wherof proceed from his deitie and some from his humanitie and the same partlie haue bin partly are so ioyned together and yet distinct that each of their formes as Leo speaketh alwaies worketh with communiō of the other The word performing those thinges which are of the worde and the flesh those thinges which pertaine to the flesh Moreouer as those thinges which Christ did and doeth by vertue of his diuine nature were true and not fained deeds for he truelie reconciled vs to his father he truelie forgiueth sinnes truely sanctifieth and regenerateth So whatsoeuer we read that he did or suffred for vs according to his humanitie wee beleeue that he did and suffred all those things truelie and indeed and not onelie in a vaine shew and as some speak an appearance onelie XIIII A declaration of the former opinion Wee beleeue therefore that Christ as hee was truelie conceiued of the seede of Dauid and truelie borne true man and did truelie eate drink performe other humaine deeds so also that he truelie kept the law for vs 1. Pet. 4.1 Luc. 24.36 that he truely suffred in the flesh and died and rose againe from the dead in the same flesh and ascended with his visible palpable humain bodie circumscribed with true and certaine dimensions into the true and created heauen placed aboue all these visible heauens Act. 3.21 and ther of his free wil worketh abideth til such time as hee returne againe in the same visible body truely from heauen to iudge the quick and the dead and that he truely desireth our saluation in heauen and hath a care ouer vs his spirituall and liuelie motion and feeling worketh in vs Eph. 1.22 4.16 as his members and lastly that he gouerneth the whole church XV. The fruites of the obedience passion death and resurrection of Christ And wee beleeue that Christ by his perfect obedience deserued eternal life not only for himselfe but also for vs by his passion death he satisfied for our sinns in his flesh he redeemed vs out of the hands of Satan the tirannie of death and the bondage of sinne he reconciled vs to God in himselfe and made vs his beloued that in him wee might bee deemed righteous with the father and by his resurrection and ascension into heauen hee obtained also for vs both the resurrections Apo. 20.5 as Iohn speaketh the first and the latter and that in our name he tooke vnto himselfe possession of the heauenlie in heritance Eph. 1.20 and sitteth at the right hand of God that is hath taken to himselfe power ouer all things in heauen and in earth So that in asmuch as he is our Mediatour and is man he hath obtained of his father the secōd place is appointed head of the church aswel which is in heauen as which is on earth that from him and euen from his flesh is conuaied by his holie spirite whatsoeuer pertaineth to the quickning and to the spirituall life of vs to all those which as members are fastened vnto him their head And therefore wee acknowledge beleeue confesse that in Christ alone is placed our whole saluation redemption iustice fauour of God and eternall life 1. Cor. 1.30 according to that saying VVho of God is made vnto vs wisedome and righteousnesse and sanctification redemption Also be is our peace Also Eph. 2.14 Ier. 23.6 Eph. 1.7 Col. 1.19 1. Ioh. 5.11 Iehouah our righteousnesse In him vvee haue redemption by his blood forgiuenesse of sinnes Also it pleased the Father that in him all fulnesse should dwell Also life is in his Sonne And therefore we know that the promise concerning redemption which was made vnto the first man did receiue accomplishment in this other man Iesus Christ so that whosoeuer will bee made partaker of it he must needs be ioyned to his head Christ be made a member of him For we haue redemption and saluation not onelie by him as a Mediatour but also in him as our head This is our faith cōcerning Christ the redeemer his person natures and office and the saluation of mankinde fulfilled and laide vp in him XVI Errors Therefore we condemne all aswell the ancient as later heriticks which euer taught or teach the cōtrarie Arrius Photinus namelie Seruetus and all other vngodlie men of that crewe which denie the true deitie of Christ the Cerdonians the Marcionits the Valentinians the Maniches the Priscillianits the Apollinarists and the rest which do oppugne the true humanitie of Christ some denying that Christ came in the flesh and that hee had true flesh and doe contend that he brought a phantasticall bodie from heauen or that hee was conceiued of the elementes and not of the seede of Abraham and that hee was not borne of a woman others graunting him indeede a true humaine flesh but yet depriuing him of a reasonable soule and substituting his deitie in place of his soule Also the Neitorians which denied the true vnion of the humaine nature with the person of the Sonne did set downe two persons in Christ and two Sonnes the Sonne of God and the Sonne of man We likewise condemne the
all into euerlasting glorie with Christ Neither doe wee doubt but Christ purposed to foreshew vnto vs the second by the first and the third by the second that by that which was alreadie made we might bee confirmed in the hope of that which was to be made VI. As the first vnion was made that satisfaction might bee made for our sinnes so the second is made that vve might bee partakers of that satisfaction Wee beleeue therefore that letting passe those things which pertaine not to this matter in hand wee may come neerer that the Sonne of God by the euerlasting will of the Father and therefore of himselfe also and of the holy ghost like as he tooke vpon himselfe into vnity of his person our flesh that is mans nature conceiued by vertue of the holy ghost in the wombe of the virgine that he might in himselfe purge vs of our sinnes and in that flesh he most perfectlie fulfilled the lawe of God for vs beeing made obedient vnto his Father euen vnto death and at the length the same flesh being offred vp in sacrifice for our sinnes he obtained in himselfe eternall saluation for vs so also that he might make vs partakers of this saluation by sacrifice of his flesh assumed for vs he was willing accustomed to take vnto him and to knitt and ioyne all his elect vnto him in another kinde of vnion namelie in such a coupling as in it wee may bee vnited with him though not into one person yet into one misticall bodie whereof he is the head and euerie one of vs members and may be made partakers of his diuine nature VII As the first is made by vertue of the holie ghost so is the second As we certainelie knowe that as the Sonne of God our Lord Iesus Christ in the first vnion coupled vnto himselfe our flesh and blood by vertue of his spirite for he was conceiued man of the holie ghost and therefore without sinne for which cause also he is called the man from heauen so also in the secōd vnion he doth communicate his flesh and his blood and his whole selfe vnto vs and in the same communion doth knitt ioyne and incorporate vs into him by the power of the same his spirite that alwaies the bonde where with Christ is coupled with vs and we with Christ might bee the same spirite of Christ which as it did bringe to passe in the wombe of the virgine that the sonne of god should be made flesh of our flesh and bone of our bones so also by working in our hearts and incorporating vs into Christ it bringes to passe that wee likewise by participation of the bodie blood of Christ should be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh especiallie seeing hee stirreth vp that faith in vs whereby wee acknowledge and embrace him for true God and man and therefore a perfect Sauiour VIII The vnion of vs with Christ is spirituall yet so as it is true and reall So we beleeue that this other vnion also is almost no lesse then the former so spirituall if we may so speake that yet it is true reall Because that by the spirite of Christ wee allthough remaining on the earth yet are truely and reallie coupled with the bodie blood and soule of Christ raigning in heauen so as this misticall bodie consisting of Christ as the head and of the faithfull members sometime is simplie named Christ So great is the coniunction of Christ with the faithfull and of them with Christ that surelie it may seeme not to be said amisse that as the first vnion was made of two natures in one person so this is made of many persons as it were into one nature 2. Pet. 1.4 Eph. 5.30 according to those sayings That ye should be made partakers of the diuine nature And Wee are members of his bodie of his bones and of his flesh IX A confirmation of the former opinion hovve straight this vnion is For like as the soule in a man because it is one and the same and no lesse whole in the head and in each member then it is in all the bodie together it causeth that all the members do vnite and ioyne themselues into one bodye vnder one head euen so by vertue of Christs spirit because it is one and the same in Christ and in euery of the faithfull it causeth that all of vs knitte spiritually together both in soules and bodies into one we are all one and the selfe same body with Christ our head a body I say misticall and spirituall because it is ioyned and compact by a secret band of the same spirite X. This vnion because it is made by vertue of the holie spirit cannot be hindred by anie distance of place Whereupon it followeth that this true and reall vnion though spirituall of our bodies soules with the bodie and soule of christ can be letted by no distance of place though neuer so great because that spirite is so mightie in operatiō as it reacheth from earth to heauen and beyond and ioyneth in one no lesse strictly the members of christ being on earth with their head in heauen sitting at the right hand of the Father then the soule of a man ioyneth together the hands and leggs and other members into one bodie with the head yea though that man were so great that his head did reach vnto the ninth spheare and his feete stand fast in the center of the earth So great is the vertue of the soule thē how great is that of the holie spirit the true and almightie God XI The spirit by whome this vnion is made is giuen of Christ to the preaching of the gospell and administration of the Sacraments Furthermore wee beleeue that his spirite whereby christ both coupleth himselfe vnto vs and vs vnto him ioyneth his flesh with ours and ours with his is communicated of the same christ vnto vs by his meere grace when and where and how he please yet ordinarily at the preaching of the gospell and administration of the Sacramēts Of which thing was a visible testimonie which we read how that they in the primitiue church which imbraced the gospell by faith and were baptised in the name of christ or vpon whomsoeuer the hands were laid besids the inuisible grace receiued also diuerse sensible giftes of the spirite XII This vnion is the especiall ende of the gospell and Sacraments Whereuppon we do easily gather which is the principall end both of preaching the gospell and administring the Sacraments namelye this communion with christ the Sonne of God incarnate who suffered and died for vs but now raigneth in heauē and imparteth saluation and life to his chosen which communion was begonne here but was to be perfected in heauen so that we by this true reall copulatiō of our selues with his flesh blood and his whole person may also be made partakers of eternall saluation which was purchased by him and stil remaineth and
therefore wholly euery where nor according to his partes but because he is the most simple essence 65 VVherefore whatsoeuer the Vbiquitaries do prate and bable arguing either from the Hypostaticall vnion or the right hand of God or the words of the supper or the diuers kinds of being or from the saying all power is giuen vnto me and such like speaches they euermore in this disputation inferr one fallation to speake of none els at this time which is called non causa pro causa except by those argumēts they could prooue the substance of Christs body to bee made immealurable and infinite also most simple such as is the essence of God 66 Yet do we not for al this denie but the body of Iesus Christ though it remaine in heauen yet it is truely present vnto vs not onely in his operation but in substance also 67 But how or in what manner of presence surely a true presence but so as he is really present in vs by his spirite in vs and by our faith and if we may vse similituds as the head is truly and really present to all the members yea to the feete 68 But howe are these present one to another not in neerenesse of place for so the head of a Pigmey were more present to his feete then the head of a giant but by vertue of one soule and the ioincttures of sinues and ligaments 69 Seing then according to the scriptures our bodies and Christs body are truely knitt together by the same spirit so that we are one and the same body vnder one and the same head which God hath giuen to the church namelie Christ no mā can denie this true presence without great blasphemie 70 But for the sitting at the right hand we beleeue that the Apostle ment to signifie by this phrase how Christ according to his humanity after many and most greeuous labours rubbed through vpon earth and many troubles indured for our redemption sake now gloriouslie resteth in heauen so being dearly beloued of his father liueth in exceeding happines and appeareth in Gods sight in our behalfe that his intercession and propitiatiō is most acceptable to his father and that he raigneth with his father and by him is appointed to bee the iudge which shall at length come to iudge the quicke and the dead and is placed in the celestiall throne 71 For to sitt as Tertullian teacheth is proper to one that resteth and as Augustine teacheth to one that dvvelleth raigneth and doth the office of a iudge neither are any saide to sitt at the right hand but such as are dearly beloued and neere friends 72 Augustine indeede thus interpreteth this place of the creede to the Catechumeni He ascended into heauen beleeue it Lib. 1. ca. 4 hee sitteth at Gods right hand beleeue it To sitt vnderstand to dwell as wee saye of any man Ibid. in such a cuntrey he hath sitt three yeares so therfore beleeue yee that Christ dwelleth on the right hand of God there he is Let not your heart aske ye this question what doth he doe not seeke for that which it is not lawfull to finde there he is it sufficeth vs he is blessed and of this blessednes which is called the fathers right hand the name of this blessednes it selfe is called his fathers right hand For if we take it carnally then because he is at the right hand the father should be at the left hand and is there any reason thou shouldest so set them the sonne at the right hand and the father at the left There all is the right hand seing there is nothing but blessednes Also this sitting of his beloued Lib. 2. ca. 4 ye must not take it to be ment of the humane partes as if the father satt on the left hand and the sonne satt at the right hand but by the right hand vnderstand that power which that man being entertained of God receiued namely that he might afterwardes come to iudge which before came to be iudged Also Lib. 3. ca. 7 who is he that sitteth at Gods right hand the man Christ For in that he is God he was euer with the father and of the father when he came forth vnto vs he departed not from the father for to be God is to be wholly euery where Therefore the sonne is wholly with the father whole in heauen whole on earth whole in the virgins wombe whole on the crosse whole in hell whole in paradise whether he brought the theefe Not at diuers times or diuers places do we say he is whole euery where as nowe whole in one place and another time whole in another place but he is whole alwayes and in all places Also Ibidem But by this that the sonne is said to sitt at the fathers right hand it is shewed that the man whome Christ tooke vpon him hath receiued the power of a iudge Also Lib. 4. ca. 7 The man which Christ tooke on him now raigneth sitting at the fathers right hand Also Ibidem But in that he is God and equall to the father and alwaies iudgeth he is euer present but he shall come a redeemer in that forme wherein he ascended 73 So farre from it therefore is it that by the fltting at Gods right hand the Apostle ment to signifie that Christ in the substance of his body is on earth and euery where that he rather seemeth to teach them quite contrary seing that in heauen onely and not on this earth mēs blessednes consisteth and God is said to dwel in heauen not on earth and rather that he raigneth in heauen then on earth and it is said and beleeued that Christ shal come not from earth but from heauen to iudge both the quick and the dead 74 Add this that as gods feet by a certen humane affectiō or property at not said to be in heauē but on earth according to that saying Act. 7.49 heauē is my seat and earth my footestoole so also wee may with good reason say that his right hand hath place in heauen rather then on earth 75 We therefore conclude that as by the Apostles doctrine of the resurrection frō the dead and the ascension into heauen the Vbiquitie of Christ cannot be proued but is rather confuted so neither by the doctrine which is of his sitting at gods right hand can the same be necessarily inferred 76 Nay if such an Vbiquitie bee admitted we doe not onely shake but euen quite ouerthrowe all these articles of faith of his incarnation in the wombe onely of the virgine of his true death that is the true separation of his soule and bodie of his true resurrection of his flesh of his true and visible ascension from the earth into heauen of his true sitting at Gods right hand in the heauenlie places lastlie of his visible returne from that place to iudge both the quicke and the dead 77 For a bodie that is euerie where
Sonne together with the holie ghost in the space of sixe daies created of nothing all things visible inuisible which the holie spirite in the holie scriptures comprehendeth vnder the name of heauen earth and the same all exceeding good Pro. 16.4 Heb. 1.10 Luc. 1.35 and appointed the same for mans vse and for his owne glorie so that wee acknowledge aswell the Sonne and holie ghost for creator of the world as the Father sith they are all one the selfe same god II. That heauen is distinguished from earth and the Saintes heauen doth differ from the other heauens Neither doe we mingle heauen with earth or confound the heauens among themselues 2. Cor. 12.2 Mat. 6.10 but with the holie scriptures wee distinguish them euen as we see the elements and al the kindes of liuing creatures of other things to be distinguished And therefore wee confesse this heauen likewise wherein the soules of the blessed doe liue with Christ where all the bodies of the faithfull shall be which Christ calleth his fathers house and paradise and the Apostle calleth a cuie hauing a foundation the maker and builder whereof is god Ioh. 14.2 Luc. 23.43 Heb. 11.16 to differ frō the other heauēs but much more from earth and the deepes Whereunto also Paule alludeth 2. Cor. 12.2 where he saieth he vvas taken vp into the third heauen namely aboue the heauen which we see and aboue all the visible and moueable spheares III. The Angells vvere all created good though some of them continued not in the trueth We beleeue also that all the Angells were created good and righteous spirituall immortall substances indewed with an intelligence and free will although all of them did not abide in that goodnes and righteousnes and as the Lord Iesus speaketh in the trueth but we are taught by the Scriptures that manie of them of their owne will euen from the beginning sinned beeing made enimies to god and all goodnesse yea and of mankinde especiallie of the church of god liers speaking lies of their owne menkillers diuells euill spirites and for this cause were thrust downe from heauen into hell and deliuered to the chaines of darkenesse and reserued to condemnation IV. Causes vvhy manie of those celestiall spirites were suffered to sinne and to become euill And that this also was not suffered of the diuine wisedome without cause we learne by the Scriptures For besides that he ment in this to set forth his iudgemēts and his wrath against sinne in all kindes of creatures he decreed also to vse their labour to tempt exercise vs in faith in spirituall fight in patience and so to help forward our saluation Eph. 6.12 lastlie he would haue them the executors ministers of his iudgements against mens offences that 1. Reg. 22.21 they which will not imbrace the loue of trueth wherby they might be saued 2. Thes 2.12 might followe the doctrines of diuells and might beleeue in their lies and so perish V. The good Angells were saued by the fauour of God that they might be Gods ministers and ours Againe we beleeue that innumerable manie of those celestiall spirites were saued by the fauour of god for Christ that they should not sinne with the rest Dan. 7.10 but should abide in the trueth and in obedience and that these are made the messengers ministers of god which doe their seruice for helpe of the elect Heb. 1.7 Ps 103.20 and doe defend them against the diuell and set forward the kingdome of Christ who do so loue vs and awaite vpon vs that they greatly reioyce at our welldoing yet will they not bee worshipped of vs Luc. 15.7 Apo. 22.9 Mat. 22.30 but doe instruct vs that god alone is to be worshipped and call themselues our fellow-seruants with whome also vve shall liue an eternall and blessed life in heauen VI. Man was created after the image of god Gen. 1. 2. Wee beleeue that after all other thinges were created man also at the last was created to the image and likenesse of God his bodie being fashioned of earth and his soule being a spirituall and immortall substance made of nothing and inspired into that body and that shortly after woman was giuen him made concerning the bodilie partes of his bones and formed to the same image of God VII That image of god in what things it especially consisteth But we beleeue that this image of god especially consisted herein both in that as god is the absolute Lord ouer all thinges Gen. 1.28 Ps so vnto man were all thinges subiect the foules of the aire the fishes of the sea and beastes of the earth so as he should bee king of the whole world most especiallie that as god is most holie and most iust Eph. 4.24 so man also was created righteousse in iustice and true holinesse as the Apostle interpreterh VIII Adam vvas meerelie free before his fall Hereuppon wee beleeue that man in that first estate was not onely indewed with such a libertie that he could not will anie thing without consent of his will Eccl. 7.30 Sirac 15.18 which libertie euer was and is remaining in man but also was furnished with such strength that hee might if he woulde not haue sinned and not haue died but haue continued in righteousnesse and eschewed death so that deseruedlie it is to be imputed to himselfe and no other that he lost both IX Errors We condemne therfore the Valentinians Marcionits Maniches and whosoeuer either taught or left anie thing in writing against this article of faith faininge either that all thinges were made of some other god then the father of Christ or that good things were made of one God which was good and euill things of another which was euill sith none can be god but he which is chieflie good and onely maker of al things We condemne likewise all those which either teache that the soule of man is of the substance of God or which denie the immortalitie and perpetuall action of the same or which referr the image of God in man onelie to his power and rule ouer creatures or lastly which doe denie that man was created meerelie free CHAP. VI. Of prouidence and gouernment of the world I. The vvorld and all that is Gen. 2.2 and is done therein is gouerned by gods prouidence WE beleeue that God hauing created all thinges did so rest from all the workes which he had finished that he neuerthelesse ceased not or left of to care for Wis 14.3 Matt. 10.29.30 to rule and gouerne the worlde and whatsoeuer is therein as well smale thinges as great and especiallie mankinde yea euerie particular man so that nothing can be done or may happen in the world which is not gouerned by the diuine prouidence II. The Church of God to bee gouerned by a peculiar care But although al and euery thing be subiect to the
of the natures that there is a true and a reall chaunging of the diuine proprieties into the humane nature of Christ For wee allow that axiome or principle of the Fathers against the Eutychians and Monothelities namelie that they vvhich haue the same essentiall proprieties haue also the same natures and essences and they whose naturall proprieties are confounded they haue also their natures confounded Which being of it selfe true in all things then is it especiallie true in God in whome the essentiall proprieties are indeede nothing else but the essence it selfe that it must in verie deed needs follow if those essentiall proprieties can truelie and properly be communicated to anie created substance so that it may be made such as God is as for example simplie omnipotent then the diuine essence it selfe cā also be communicated vnto it so that it might be made equall to God in substance therefore consubstantiall with God if it might be made equall vnto him in power or anie other proprietie So herein is admitted a double that a grecuous offence One is that when we communicate truelie and properlie to a creature those thinges which belong to God wee make the creature equall to god Neither can this exception serue to shift it that God hath them of himselfe but the humaine nature in Christ taketh them of the Godhead For euen the Sonne is not of himselfe nor hath he his diuine essence of himselfe but of the Father yet is he notwithstanding equall to the father and hath the same nature with the Father Another offence is that vvhile vve attribute diuine and so infinite proprieties to the humaine nature as infinite povver we depriue the same of the ovvne and proper qualitie not othervvise then the glorie of the resurrection shall depriue our bodies of the basenesse of corruption vvhen it shall bee truelie communicated vnto them and not othervvise then the cleare light of the Sunne if it bee let into the ayre vvhich vvas lightened onelie vvith the light of a candell it extinguisheth that light For if the infinite povver vvorketh and doth all thinges the finite shall be idle and therefore none at all But sith this heresie euen in our time is largely and plainly refelled by many learned men we which doe here exhibite this briefe simple confession of our faith to the church of God and to all posteritie will add no more to that which hath bin said XI Hovve great the force of this personall vnion is Meane while wee beleeue and confesse the force of this vnion of the natures in the person of Christ to be so great that first whatsoeuer Christ is or doeth according to the diuine nature that same whole Christ the Sonne of man may be said to be or to doe and againe whatsoeuer Christ doth or suffreth according to his humain nature that same whole Christ the sonne of God God himselfe is said in the holie Scriptures to bee to doe and to suffer As that God that is Christ man and God redeemed the church vvith his bloode Act. 20.28 vvhenas the force of the redemption pertained to the god head the shedding of his blood onelie to the manhood Yet both these actions are ioyned in one and each of them may be spoken alike of whole Christ although they were and are distinct because the natures although distinct yet are coupled together in Christs one person Yea Christ the mediatour according to his humanitie neuer did or doeth anie thing wherin his diuinity did not or doth not work together and he neuer performed anie thing according to his diuinitie whereunto his humanitie was not assisting or consenting that the Fathers verie fitlie called all the works of Christ the Mediatour 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is performed both by God and man Secondlie as the force of the vnion is so great betweene the Father and the Sonne that he doeth nothing nor communicateth anie good thing to the world but by the Sonne euen so the force of the personall vnion of the two natures is so great that no grace no saluation no life can come to vs from the deitie but by the humanitie apprehended of vs by faith so that hee must needs be coupled to the flesh of Christ that will be partaker of eternall life whereunto that saying of Christ tendeth Ioh. 6.53 vnlesse ye eate the flesh of the Sonne of man ye shall haue no life in you Lastlie it causeth that wee cannot adore the deitie in Christ but wee must also therewith adore the humaine nature and that the diuine and humaine nature must both bee reuerenced with one reuerence onelie according to that same And when he bringeth in his first begotten sonne into the vvoolde Heb. 1.6 he saith and let all the Angells of God worship him Him saith hee that is whole Christ God and man together when as notwithstanding the humaine nature of it selfe and considered alone in it selfe nether can nor ought to bee worshipped for God alone is to bee worshipped but the vnion not whatsoeuer but this personall vnion of the diuine nature with the humaine causeth it Therefore albeit that God dwell in the Saintes yet they are not to bee worshipped nor prayed vnto as is Christ the man Wherfore we confesse this vnion whereof we speak to be of great force yet we saie that it is an vnion which excludeth al confusion and transfusion For if the vnion betweene the father the sonne and the holie ghost in one essence then which vnion there can be none greater thought or imagined doe not take away the distinction of the persons then nether this vnion of the natures and so of the proprieties and actions in one person can take awaye the distinction of the same and bring in confusion XII Christ in that he is man is indued with a very great yet a determinate power and other gifts Finallie wee beleeuē that Christ like as in that he is God he is simplie omnipotent simplie wise and so it may be said of all his other attributes so in that he is man hee is indued of the father with a power and knowledge verie farre yea almost infinitelie exceeding the power and knowledge of all thinges created either in heauen or earth and yet a determinate or finite power and so it may be saide of all his other gifts and vertues loue prudence fortitude iustice grace trueth and the rest of which Esaias saith Esay ii 2 Ioh. 1.14 Luk. 2.52 and the spirit of the Lord shall rest vpon him c And Iohn He was full of grace and trueth Also Luke he grew in wisedome and fauour with God and man For which cause also he is saide Ioh. 3.34 Col. 2.3 in that he is man to be exalted aboue all principalities and povvers also that the spirite is giuen vnto him aboue measure also that in him lye hidden the treasures of wisedome and knowledge Whereby it comes to passe that he in that hee is man is
it belongeth to the true gouernement of the church that some godlie and wife men be apointed which may visite the sick persons comforte them out of the word of God and confirme them in faith and if it happen that those sick persons be called of God forth of this worlde to encourage and animate thē to their departure as knowing that the soules of the faithfull so soone as they goe forth of their bodies do presently passe into heauen to Christ conuaied thither by Christs spirite and accompanied with his Angells and that they are blessed which dye in the Lord Let them also pray with them and accōpanie those who are departing this life with their praiers euen vnto the last gaspe and so commend them to Christ And we doubt not but their bodies are with reuerence to bee brought vnto the graues as our churches both in words and in their deedes doe teach openly witnessing that they were temples of the holie ghost nowe indeede destroyed but shall againe in their time be restored and raised againe to life and that eternall Meane while the graues and churchyardes or buriall places must be kept decently and religiously as it is with vs the children parents kinsemen and alliance of the dead are to be comforted all those offices of humanitie which can be performed we endeauour to performe vnto them and teach that they are to bee performed And if so bee any psalme concerning the resurrection of the dead bee any where song in carrying of the course or any sermon made vnto the people after the dead body is laide in the earth wherein also some honest mention may be made of others that are dead who religiously died in the Lord this we doe not disallow so long as it is not done for the saluation of the dead but for the comfort profite of the liuing and edification of the whole church Wee beleeue also the soules of the faithfull loosed from their bodies do presently passe into heauen to Christ and therefore haue no need of our prayers yet the edification of the church is to be promoted and set forward vpon any occasion whatsoeuer 34 The church cannot rightly bee gouerned without lawfull free and christian meetings and Synodes of ministers Of Sinodes This also wee are assuredly perswaded as we learne both by the holie scriptures and by continuall experience that the church can not rightly bee gouerned vnlesse at knowne times there bee meetings of ministers aswell priuate in each seuerall church which were wont to bee called consistories or consultations Synedria as also publike and common in each prouince kingdome which for this cause were vsed to be called prouincial Synodes yea and also so much as may be common to al people in christendome which were called generall councells wherein it may be determined vppon all matters pertaining to the health preseruation and edification of the church euery ones free opinion may be heard each thing concluded by common consent and out of other the most approued councells as we read the Apostles and all the auncient churches did 35 A confirmation of the former opinion wherin of ecclesiasticall discipline Of discipline For the church is gouerned by discipline and without discipline it cannot bee ruled aright Discipline is a meanes and institution wherein wee as schollers of Christ do learne in his schoole how to liue vnto God and to do all things according to the doctrine of the gospell aswell publikely as priuately to the edification of the church and to our owne saluatiō It cōtaineth therefore the whole course of pietie the beginning proceeding ende 36 Discipline two fold Further discipline in the church is two fold one cōmon to all christian people which of many is called vulgar discipline the other proper vnto ministers and to men appointed for church-offices which therefore is vsed to be called cleargie discipline 37 The parts of vulgar or common discipline That common and popular discipline consisteth chiefly in these matters first for the beginning when any is receiued into the church he must learne to know God and Christ and to call vpon him and to vnderstand what is his will This is done by catechizing wherein euerie one is taught the summe of christian religion and being taught hee must professe his faith before the whole congregation promise obedience vnto Christ and to his church according to the doctrine of the gospel Then Rom. 10.10 Mat. 28.20 because not to go forward in the way of god is to goe backward therefore they which are godly that they may truely proceed and goe on in godlinesse must often frequent the holy assemblies at appointed times and places and giue themselues to heare the word of God make prayers with others and practise charitable deedes towards the poore bestowing their gifts and oblations liberally But seing euen in our proceeding wee doe all fall some more greeuously and with greater offence to the church some lesse greeuouslie therefore the third part consisteth in the censure of our liues and actions namely that euerie one bee subiect to the censure Mat. 18.15 1. Tim. 5.20 all the time of his life yeeld vnto brotherly correction And if any haue fallen into a greeuous fault knowne vnto the congregation and being reprehended hath not truely repented for which cause hee may deserue to bee driuen forth of the church for a time and to be bound vntill he make amends and till he make publike signification to the church of his true repentance let such a brother be excluded out of the church and be bound but when he hath repented let him be loosed receiued into fauour and admitted into his former communion This is the first discipline the ende whereof is that euerie one should liue vnto God and at last also dye in the Lord Iesus 38 The parts of the cleargie discipline By the way albeit all kindes of men aswell ministers as lay men as they call them be subiect to this christian discipline yet among the fathers came in a certaine peculiar discipline of the cleargie whose parte it was to bee rulers ouer others not onely in worde but also in example of life and diligent performance of their dueties Of this these were the principall parts The first that they should abstaine from many thinges which otherwise in some sorte might be suffred in lay-men such as are many delights of the flesh glorious pompes sumptuous feasts costly furnitures prophane attendants and such like matters The second that they should cast aside al businesses of this life which might hinder from doing their duetie which consisteth chiefly in lawfull administration of the holie things in preaching the word and exercising the discipline of māners such businesses are warre-fare marchandise law causes looking to vittlers tipling houses and such base affaires The third that they should promise a peculiar obedience to their owne bishop metropolitane of their bishop in honest matters
they vvhich beleeue in him plainly meaning that in the same place where he is in bodie and soule the faithfull are and shal be also first indeede in their soules afterwardes at their time they shal bee with their bodies but the vnfaithful with neither soules nor bodies So wee iudge it great impietie to say that heauen is euerie where sith it is to the vngodlie no where but to the godlie it is onely assigned in the holie scriptures as their proper and euerlasting seate And it must needes be graunted both that bodies are circumscribed with their certaine distances of place yea euen after the resurrection also that soules are cōtained at least as they speak definitely III. There shal be an and of this world all things shal be chaunged though the verie time be vnknowne And although it be vnknowne vnto vs Mat. 24.26 Act. 1.7 Ies 24.23 65.17 66.22 Psal 102.27 Dan. 12.2 Mal. 4.1 2. Pet. 3.13 Apoc. 21.1 Iude. 14.15 Mat. 24 Luc. 25.1 c. whē the ende of this world shal be and that it may not bee knowne yet we beleeue that doubtlesse it shal be and that then shal be chaunged not onely the earth but also the heauens and that there shal be a new heauen a new earth and that all the dead yea the wicked shal rise againe Christ calling them to the generall iudgement by the voyce and trumpe of an Archangell to the assurance of which things it appertaineth that the Lord when he foretold of the desolation of Ierusalem did forthwith apply his speach to these matters namely that we seing what happened to Ierusalem might by those thinges beleeue also that the same should certainely come to passe which he then also spake concerning the ende of the world IV. At length shall all dead men haue life againe and shall rise out of their graues We beleeue therefore that as by Adam all dye so bv Christ all shal bee reuiued 1. Cor. 15.22 yea euen the wicked also in their bodies when as euerie ones soule shall take the bodie againe though we cōfesse that some shall rise to eternall blessednesse and some to euerlasting damnation as Christ saith and they shall come forth Ioh. 5.29 that haue done good to the resurrection of life they that haue done euill to the resurrection of condēnation whereby is confirmed the order also of the resurrection which the Apostle setteth downe saying first they shall rise that are Christes then the rest V. There shall not bee newe bodies created for our soules but the verie same which died shall rise againe But we beleeue that there shall not a newe bodie bee framed for each foule but that the verie same bodies touching the substance of euerie one which died shal rise again though diuersly altered in some qualities euen as the Apostle reacheth of the same bodies of the godlie 1. Cor. 15.36 42 c. by a similitude of the same seede that it is sowne one manner of bodie it riseth another they are sowne corruptible bodies they rise incorruptible and so forth and Iob witnessing of his hope saieth I know that my redeemer liueth Iob. 19.25 and at the last day I shall rise out of the earth J shall see God my sauiour in my flesh whom I my selfe shall see none other and mine eyes shall be hold him For with our corporall eies shall wee see Christ returning in the cloudes in his bodie and also raigning in heauen VI. By the example of our bodies after the resurrection it is shewed that Christs bodie is not euerie where Phil. 3.21 But sith the Apostle saieth that Christ shall transforme our vile bodies that they may bee made like vnto his glorious bodie wee beleeue that if Christs bodie by that glorie which it receiued by rising againe receiued also the power to be euerie where in the proper substance so also our bodies for the same glorie shall also bee euerie where which sith it shall not bee therefore wee beleeue that neither the bodie of Christ is now euery where in it owne substāce how full of glorie and maiestie soeuer being it selfe finite or determinate Ioh. 17.24 the glory therof also finite especially sith he said that where he himselfe is there he will haue vs to be also and we shall not be euerie where in our bodies VII Errors We cōdemne those impious dotages both of the philosophers which taught that mens soules were mortall and of those heritickes which thought that the soules of all men once separated from the bodies were in some close places where they slept that is were depriued of all sense and operation of the minde or els waked but yet rested till they resumed againe new bodies and thē were admitted into heauen or else thrust into hell as also those which dreamed that the soules of many godlie men were cleansed by a certaine fire in purgatory from the reliques of their sinnes and their suffered temporall punishments Wee disallow also those which do not distinguish betweene heauen where we read that the godly are frō hell and the deepes where wee read that the wicked shal be but that make a difference betweene them both only in this that some are made blessed some accursed though they shal be all in one place together Neither can wee allow of those which saye that if not the certaine daye and howre yet the certaine time month or yeare may be known set downe when the Lord will come and end this world notwithstanding that Christ said it is not for you to knowe the times Yea and wee accuse those skorners of whome Peter spake which thinke that the world shall euer remaine thus Act. 17 2. Pet. 3.3 c. denying that there is any life to come laughing at it We also condemne those which denie the resurrection of the dead as also those which dreame that they shall not haue the same but other new bodies Also we condēne those that taught that our bodies after the resurrection shal be so spirituall that they shall be like to a spirite or as the ayre and not bee seene nor felt as some haue also fayned the bodie of Christ was after his resurrection and since haue also forged and impudently lyed that his bodie was as it were chaunged into his diuine nature so that it could no longer be called a creature CHAP. XXIX Of the glorious comming of our Lord Iesus Christ to iudge the quicke and the dead I. Aresurrection of the dead and chaunging of them that are aliue at the comming of the Lord Jesus out of heauen being made Christ shall straight exhibite himselfe to bee seene of them all in the cloudes and all the faithfull shall meete him in the ayre WE beleeue that the dead rising againe by the ministerie of the Angells at the comming of the Lord Iesus they which shall then bee remaining aliue they shall not indeed dye but they shall in
theruppon and to the reuerend brethren N. N. and other cōgregations round about vs who haue al of them liked very wel thereof Thus farre out of the letters of that learned man almost to the same purpose could wee bring many things besids out of letters written from other about the same matter but for that it greatly needeth not wee will for breuitie sake omitt the same Therefore to our matter An obseruation vpon the whole confession When we vse the word of condemning we meane nothing els thē that the heresies which haue bin condemned by the catholick church the same also wee condemne and which it allowed not the same also we allow not and this we desire to leaue witnessed to all posteritie Vpon the first chapter aphorisme 4. Whereas we haue giuen the first place next after the canonicall books to the Apocryphi in the volume of the Bible we did it induced by the authoritie of the greek and latine churches who did alwaies giue that honour vnto them that they should be ioyned with the canonicall books See the places in Hierome Cyprian and the councell of Laodicea cyted in the confession the first chapter fift aphorisme Moreouer we spake of books not of any manner of writinges For otherwise wee preferre the generall creeds before the Apocryphi Vpon the second chapter Of God The first aphorisme Though the propertie of existences bee to exist in the essence yet speaking of God we would rather vse another manner of speach that more vsuall for certaine causes as namely to teach against the reproches and skoffes of the Arrians of our time that the diuine essence is not found but onely in the persons and therefore that we do not make an essence aparte by it selfe subsisting from the persons wherein yet three persons should subsist as though the catholicke church should forge foure existences in God The third aphorisme Of this reall communication of the essentiall proprieties of God we haue also written a seuerall treatise in the booke which shal be intituled Of the incarnation of the sonne of God vppon the words to Phil. 2. Who when he was in the forme of God c. Vnto which we referre the reader who so he bee that desireth a further explanation of this doctrine Surely the Lord Iesus when he said No man knoweth the sonne but the father and no man knovveth the father but the sonne and he to whome the sonne will reueale him he plainely excepted his created minde from that essentiall knowledge wherewith the father knoweth that is as the schoolemen speak comprehendeth the sonne and the sonne the father teaching that what knowledge soeuer creatures haue in themselues cōcerning God the same is some waye reuealed vnto them and therefore such knowledge is not the essential infinite knowledge which is in God but a created and a finite or determinate knowledge Vpon the 5. chapter of the worlds creation c. The 2. aphorisme That the heauen of the blessed wherein the Lord Iesus is now in his bodie doth differ frō the earth and from the other heauens and is aboue all those visible heauens besides that which hath bin already said these few proofs do also confirme Eph. 4. Christ is said to haue ascended aboue all heauens in another place he is read to haue ascended into heauen and to bee in heauen and to sitt at the right hande of the father Therefore this heauen is aboue the other heauens and differeth from them So in the third to the Colloss the Apostle distinguisheth the place where Christ is at the right hand of the father from the earth and calleth it vpward saying Seeke yee the things aboue sett your affections on things aboue where Christ is and in the 4. of the first to the Thess he saieth the Lord shall descend from heauen namely into these lower partes and all the godlie shal be caught vp into the ayre to meete Christ in the cloudes That heauen therefore is aloft not on the earth not in the ayre much lesse in euerie place For he shall come downe in the visible shape of his body frō the high heauen into these parts to iudge the quick and the dead Of this heauen wee haue spoken particularly in our bookes Do operibus dei of the workes which he created in the sixe daies Wee therefore disallow of that doctrine which is contrarie which distinguisheth not the heauen from the earth nor this heauen from other heauens but would proue it to be euerie where Vppon the 7. chapter The 11. aphorisme Among other thinges which Iulianus the Pelagian obiected to Augustine proouing defending originall sinne these were some that either he made God an author of sinne or the deuill a creator of man and that because the Pelagians thought that Aughstine made originall sinne the very substance of man Al which obiections he confuted in his 7. Tome against Pelag. the 5. booke and first chapter in these words Neither do we ascribe iniustice to God but rather equitie in that euen infants are punished not vniustly with such and so many euills as we see neither doe we attribute the making of man but the corrupting and depra●ing of mans originall to the deuill neither doe we graunt a substance in the sinne but an act● of it in the first man and a contagion thereof in all his posterity neither do we graunt vnto infants a conscience without knowledge in vvhome is neither conscience nor knowledge but he knewe what he did in vvhome all haue sinned and from whome all haue drawn● corruption c. Vpon the 9. chapter The 5. aphorisme How they can winde themselues out of this errour which denie that the fathers did eate the true flesh of Christ we see not as though because he was not as yet indeede existing in nature therefore he was not existing in the assured promise of Christ consequently could no● be apprehended and eaten by faith For this proposition is generall and to all men at all times belongeth Vnlesse ye eate the flesh of the sonne of man yee haue no life in you For life is not imparted but onely to those which by faith as members to the head are ioyned to the flesh of Christ by the flesh to the spirit or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 To the word which is life Vpon the 10. chapter The 3. aphorisme For God would shew c. That which I said of the first second third and fourth estate had bin more cleare if I had told what man was before he sinned what after hee had sinned what vnder grace and what he shal be in his glorie Vpon the 11. chapter of Christ the redeemer aphorisme 6. That the person of Christ speaking properly is compounded of the diuine nature which is immeasurable and most pure and of the humaine which in respect of the diuine is lesse then a pricke to an infinite masse as of two partes truely and properly so called wee together with the schoolemen do
like as no other but the verie same Christ rose from the dead so he rose in no other but in the verie same bodie in which he suffred died and was buried 14 For he could not be truely said to be raised and to rise from the dead except that which truely died the verie same quickened againe should rise againe 15 Now the bodie wherein Christ suffred died and was buried was a true humane bodie visible palpable circumscribed Therefore Christ after his resurrection had and retained no body but that which was circumscribed in a certaine place and wheresoeuer it was and is might and may be seene and handled 16 Add also that the Apostle carefully discoursing of the qualities with which our bodies being raised vp to eternall life shal be indued he saith not that they shal not be subiect either to the eye or to the touch or not bee circumscribed in a definite place but he rehearseth onely incorruption glorie and power as is the agilitie thereof and that they shall rise spirituall not that the corporall substance shal be chaunged into an incorporeall but that they shal be as the greeks call it immortall and shal be full of the holie spirite dwelling and working in them The Apostle therefore taught that these are qualities neuer to bee seperated from the bodies namely that they shal be circumscribed visible palpable Wherefore neither did Christs body after his resurrection put of these qualities 17 Neither is that exception any thing that Christ after he was risen came in to his disciples the dores beeing shut For it was not therefore either made vnvisible or vncircumscribed or vnpalpable seeing Christ being come in and seene of his disciples presently saide Feele or handle and see Luc. 24. for a spirit hath not flesh and bones as ye see me haue And therefore as the Fathers teach there was no chaunge made of Christs bodie no more then there was when he or Peter walked vpon the waters but by the omnipotency of his diety hauing power ouer all things the doores gaue place to the true and firme bodie of the sonne of God 18 Wherefore not without cause did the Fathers condemne not onely Marcion the Maniches and others which taught that Christ tooke not a true and firme humane bodie but a phantasticall one and did all things according to imagination and phantasie but also the Originists Iohn of Hierusalem and Euticius of Constantinople Hier. tom 12. ad Pāmach Greg. in Iob. lib. 24 c. 29. Bishops and others which said that Christs bodie after his resurrectiō was made so spirituall that it was more thinne then ayre and therefore invisible and vnpalpable 19 Seeing then that in the supper no other bodie of Christ is giuen vs to be eaten but that which was broken for vs that is truely suffered and died it followeth that Christs 〈◊〉 body which we eate in the Supper is truely circumscribed visible and palpable and consequently seeing nothing is seene touched or perceiued in the Supper besides bread the same body cannot in it owne substance really be contained vnder the formes of bread and wine or lie hidden in the very bread and wine 20 Nowe we acknowledge the resurrection of Christ is both the cause and an example of our as well spirituall as corporall resurrection The cause of the spirituall because the Apostle saith to the Rom. 4. he rose againe for our iustification and an example because he saith Rom. 6. we are bur●ed togither with him by baptisme into his death that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father so we also should vwalke in newenesse of life 21 But that he is the cause of our corporall resurrection we doubt not 1. Cor. 5. for that the Apostle saith If Christ be risen againe we shall also rise againe and for that he also saith Christ is the first fruits of them that rise and an example for that the same Apostle also writeth he shall chaunge our vile bodies Phil 3.21 that they shall be like his glorious bodie 22 Wherupon It also followeth either Christs bodie not to be invisible vnpalpable vncircumscribed and so not spirituall bodies but incorporall spirits 23 For where Christ saith Feele and see for a spirite hath not flesh and bones as yee see me haue hee did not onely conclude that himselfe was no spirite but he especially taught this that there is no flesh nor bones but may bee seene and felt 24 The Scripture teacheth and the church cōfesseth that our Lord Iesus Christ being raised from the dead did shew vnto his disciples for fortie daies space by many arguments that he was truely risen and then euen in the beholding of the Apostles that he was lifted vpp from the earth ascended into heauen Therfore like as no other Christ rose againe then he which died so no other ascended into heauen nor in no other body then he in which that truely rose againe frō the dead the sonne of God truely humane visible palpable and circumscribed 25 Wherefore as the conuersation of the same Lord Iesus Christ wherein he conuersed amōg his Apostles after his refurrection for fortie daies space was not fantasticall but reall and true so also his ascension was not onely visible but also truely as the fathers say locall when the Apostles sawe him ascend from the earth vp into heruen 26 But such an ascension and mouing cannot agree to his divine nature therefore he ascended according to his humane nature 27 Yet by the way we denie not this but that Christ as God like as he is said to haue descended from heauen in respect that he abased himselfe taking vpon him the vile forme of a seruant and suffred in it so also it may rightly be said that he is exalted and ascended vp into heauen namely in respect that in the very same forme of a seruant when it was glorified euen the forme of God was after a sort glorified by his ascention and after it that is was made glorious in the wholle world 28 But it is apparent that as this consequence is not good Christ himselfe beeing God and man ascended into heauen in a locall and visible moouing Therefore he in the same sort ascended according to his dietie so neither is this good Christ God and man is with us to the ende of the world truely and in his owne essence therefore he is present on earth as wel in the substance of his body and soule as in the essence of his dietie 29 If also the Apostles sawe with their eies Christan his owne body by chaunge of place ascending from earth into heauen then the heauen into which he did ascend cānot be an vbiquitary heauen but it must needes be farre distant from the earth 30 Moreover nature and all right requireth that for every thing some certē place must be assigned as we see god hath done in all the things which he created Seing then no created thing
can be found more excellent then Christs body both for the vnion with the word and for the wonderfull gifts created in the same and so also for the most perfect glorie and happines wherein he nowe liveth It must needes be that this bodie must exist in some certaine most happie place 31 Neither can it proceede but onely from trupiety and from our true reverence towardes Christ that we should beleeue that his body doth dwell not vnder the earth not in the earth not in the waters not in a peece of bread not in every leafe of a tree not in the ayre or in the celestiall speres but in a place as the most happie faire perfect so the highest of al others which we with Ambrose think the Apostle spake of when he said that he was caught vp 2. Cor. 12.2 4. into the third heaven and into paradise 32 To this the same scripture also teacheth the Catholike faith beleeueth and confesseth that the same Iesus Christ shall come out of that heauen in the cloudes Phil. 3.20 1. Thes 4.16 1. Thes 4.17 to iudge the quicke and the dead and that we beeing raised from the dead shall be caught vp into the aire to meete him in the cloudes and so shall be with him in that heauen for euer 33 And this heauen Ioh. 14.2 which is called the Fathers house and the heauenly citty and by many other names The scripture prooueth to be placed aboue all the visible and mooveable heauēs saying that Christ is ascended aboue all heauens Eph. 4.16 and that he is in heauen 34 For this heauen wherein he is in his body and wherein we shall be in our bodies and soules cannot be some vast and I knowe not what vncreated roome partly because nothing is vncreated but God partly because it is plainely to the Hebr. Heb. 11.10 said to be Gods workmāship 35 Moreover the chiefe and principall efficient cause of that moouing wherein his bodie was carried vp into heauen was the divine nature remaining in him according to that to the Phil. 2. God hath exalted him And he was taken vp of God into glory But a secondary efficient cause was the gift of agility which followed his glorious resurrection bestowed on the humane nature by the diety by which agility that flesh ascended vp not held and sustained by angels or by the cloudes as once Elias was in the fierie chariot but of it owne accord and without trouble or difficultie and therefore that motion was not a violent motion 36 Now this ascention of Christ our head was the cause and the example of our ascension which shal be into heaven For sith the head is ascended it must needes be that the members shall ascend and as his ascension was so ours shall bee For he shall chaunge our vile bodies to be like to his glorious body and we shall be caught vp into the cloudes to meete Christ in the ayre and so we shall be with the Lord for euer 37 If then ours shall be a true ascention and that we shall truely be lifted from the earth into heauen Therefore Christs body also did truely ascend from earth into heauen not imaginarily or putatively 38 And this doctrine of Christs true ascention into that highest heauen and his perpetuall abiding there is most profitable and full of cōsolation 39 For first it serueth to strengthen our faith about the certaine place where with the eyes and hands of our faith we may behold touch and take hold of the body of Christ Then to establish our hope namely that it shall be that before the resurrection of our bodies our soules beeing separated from our bodies they shall neither discend beneath the earth nor shall flote in the waters or the aire nor roule about with the spheres but shall be carried aboue all these heauens to that blessed and heauenly house of the Father into which Christ in his body is already entred that they may be euer with Christ Lastly to kindle in our hearts the loue and desire of a heauenly life and conversation as the Apostle saith If ye be risen vvith Christ seeke those things which are aboue set your affections on thinges vvhich are aboue vvhere Christ sitteth at the right hand of God 40 Of Christs sitting at the right hand of the father thus speaketh the Apostle And hath set him Christ raised from the dead and carried vp into heauen in the heauenly places farre aboue all principallities and power and might domination and euerie name that is named not onely in this vvorld but also in that which is to come and hath made all thinges subiect vnder his feete c. YVhatsoeuer is read otherwise in the holy scripture or confessed by the church in the Creedes concerning this sitting is agreeable vnto this 41 But we cā no where read that for this sitting at Gods right hand either Christ Iesus tooke any other body call it howesoeuer or that in his naturall body there was any chaūge made of the substance of it or of any of those naturall qualities and essentiall proprieties which it retained after his resurrection It is therefore manifest that in what body Christ rose and ascended into heauen namely a visible palpable and circumscribed body in the same he also sitteth at the Fathers right hand in the highest heauens and wheresoeuer he is or pleaseth to be he keepeth still to himselfe such a body 42 The Apostle also witnesseth and the church confesseth in the Creedes that Christ first died was buried raised from the dead and taken vp into heauen before he fare at the Fathers right hand Therefore either it is false that Christs humaine nature thē first receiued a gift for substance of his body to be really euery where or if it be true then it receiued it not by the hypostaticall vnion which was made in his very incarnation 43 Neither is this exception any thing that by the hypostaticall vnion this was giuen him in the first act as that if he would he might be present every where but by the sitting at Gods right hand it was giuen him in the second act that is that he was indeed present every where 44 For besides that the tearmes of this distinction are tearmes not taken from the fountaines of Israel but out of the puddles of sophisters Christ himselfe also refelleth this exception when speaking not of the first act but of the second that is of his actuall presence he said both a little before his death Where two or three shall be gathered together in my name there am I in the middest of them and after his resurrection bofore his ascension he said Beholde I am vvith you even to the ende of the world 45 By those sayings it evidently appeareth that either Christ spake not of the reall presēce of his body but onely of the presence of his diety and power of his spirit or that he is present to vs
in the same manner that he was to the Apostles namely visibly seeing he saide not I will be but I am neither is there any necessity to alter the sense of those wordes 46 Adde this that if he speake of the same reall presence of his body and that this promise pertained not to the Apostles onely but also to all the faithfull which were then in the world Christ had not spoken a trueth For he was not before his death or after his Resurrection present in a visible presence with all the faithfull which were then in the world and which were gathered together in his name 47 VVherefore the doctrine of the reall and substantiall yet invisible presence of the body of Christ Iesus on the earth and euerie where is not agreeable with the holy scriptures but seemeth to come neere to the Maniches who as Augustine sheweth against Faustus saie that Christs bodie doth invisiblie hang on euerie tree 48 If Christ also satte not at Gods right hand in his bodie before his resurrection and ascension into heauen as the wholle Church confesseth then their doctrine is impious and hereticall which teacheth that Christ Iesus euen from his mothers wombe according to the flesh he tooke hath sitteth at the right hand of Gods power 49 If this also be true which the Apostle teacheth and the whole scripture confirmeth and the Catholike Church confesseth that Christ Iesus not only then sate at his Fathers right hand after he ascended into heauen but also is so placed in the same at Gods right hand as he is neuer read to sitte at such a right hand in any other place then in heauen therefore then it cannot onely not be saide according to the holy scriptures that Christ Iesus sitteth any other where at God the Father his right hand then in heauen but also it is false that he also so sitteth in the earth that he is no lesse present really in substance of his body in the bread of the Lords supper and in euerie place then he is in heauen 50 For the Apostle also in other places and specially in the epistle of S. Paule to the Hebrues denieth that he is vpon the earth namely in a corporall presence for as much as hee sitting at the right hand of the throne of maiestie in heauen executeth his office of priesthood 51 Moreouet wee hold beyond all controuersie that Christ sitting at Gods right hand is a figuratiue speach seing God to speake properly hath neither right hand nor left hand neither is it lawfull to imagine any carnall thing concerning the seates and thrones in heauen wherein they are saide to sitt and often-times in the scriptures this word sitting is vsed besides other significations for dwelling ruling exercising iudgment and for resting 52 But that the Apostle Paule ment not by this phrase that Christ Iesus in his owne bodie is truely and substantially present in all places besides that which hath bin already saide it is also euident by that which for declaration sake he adioyneth 53 For to this sitting of Christ at Gods right hand the Apostle addeth for declaration sake three thinges First that Christ is so placed at Gods right hand that he is aboue all principallitie that is that he hath no creature aboue him or equall to him no not in heauen but is made higher then the heauens and al heauenly things then he addeth that all thinges are made subiect to him that is that there is nothing beneath him ouer which he hath not power and authoritie thirdly that he was giuen to be a head of the church 54 Now as we said that whatsoeuer wee haue before spoken of the resurrection from the dead and so of the ascension ought to bee vnderstood according to the humane nature of Christ so wee thinke with the sound fathers that these thinges also must bee vnderstood especially according to the same humane nature 55 The exaltation of Christs humane nature aboue al things may be vnderstood two waies either in re-pect of the locall placing as this he ascended aboue all the heauens that the meaning may be the humane nature was placed locally aboue all created things or in respect of the excellēt preheminence of the dignitie and power thereof then the meaning may be Christ euen touching his humane nature was set ouer all created thinges and to him was giuen power and authoritie ouer all things For in these two manners any thing of the same kinde is said to bee ouer another eiin place or in dignitie 56 If then this saying be vnderstood the latter waye thereupon the vbiquitie cannot be proued seing Christ in that in his humane nature he may vse his authoritie ouer all creatures although he be not in substance of body euerie where If the former way then he is not euery where seing that which is euerie where is aswell beneath and at and within as aboue all creatures 57 But Paule doeth plainely teach that Christ touching his humane nature did so rise from the dead that hee was no longer among the dead and so ascended into heauen that hee was no longer on earth and so being exalted aboue all creatures sitteth at the fathers right hand that he is nether beneath nor within created things seing all thinges are put vnder his feete 58 Neither can the head bee saide to bee in it owne substance where the feete are although it be in them in vertue and operation and indeed aswell the head to the feete as the feet to the head are ioyned together in their substāce by the sinues and by the soule 59 But the Apostle saieth Christ Iesus is giuen for a head of the church namely according to his humanitie nowe the head is aboue all the bodie 60 The Apostle therefore ment nothing lesse by his wordes of Christs sitting at Gods right hand then to conclude that Christs bodie in it owne substance is present in all places Wherefore they doe great wrong to the Apostle which by their cauills labour to conclude this out of his words 61 Neither can any such Vbiquitie be proued by any necessary consequence out of that article of faith 62 For although it were graunted which cannot bee graunted that by the sitting at Gods right hand the humane nature is made truely by it selfe omnipotent yet vnlesse it bee prooued to bee so made omnipotent that it is also made infinite and immeasurable it can by no meanes bee conuinced that Christs bodie in it owne substance is euerie where present 63 For so is this the onely cause why God also in his owne essence is euerie where that if ye take immeasurablenesse from him he cannot be saide to be euery where in his owne essence 64 And if also yee faine an infinite body and therefore euerie where yet that it is whollie in all places at once you shall neuer prooue while the world stands vnlesse yee can shewe that the same body is also a most simple essence seing God is
cannot bee mooued from place to place according to it whole selfe as true philosophie teacheth christian theologie cōfirmeth which sheweth that God therefore is not mooued from place to place because being immeasurable he fileth all things 78 Neither can that bodie also which is euery where be rightly said to sitt at the right hand or the left of another but you must needs cōfoūd the substance of him that sitteth with the substance of the right hand at which with the substance of him whose right hand he sitteth at seing therefore euen the father the sonne the holy ghost filling heauen earth are euery where both all and each of them because they are one and the same essence 79 Finally we think this doctrine of the inuisible vnpalpable presence of Christs flesh euery where is neither true nor profitable 80 Not true indeed because wee could neuer see the same shewed either by any manifest testimonies of holie scriptures or any necessarie consequences drawne out of them nay wee haue obserued the same to bee repugnant to the scriptures and to the catholicke consent of the old church rightlie expounded by the rule of faith contained in the Apostles creede 81 Yea and wee see it so contrary to the scriptures that without a manifest implying of a contradiction yee cannot graunt both those things which the creed deliuereth and those things which the authors of this Vbiquitary doctrine do deliuer 82 Neither is it profitable because that which is not agreeable with gods word to propoūd beleeue and obserue it as agreeable and necessary vnto saluation is a sinne The Lord saying Add not nor diminish and the Apostle Deut. 12 32 Rom. 14.23 Rom. 6.23 All that is not of faith is sinne and the wages of sinne is death 83 Finally because if that opinion of the Vbiquitie of Christs bodie should be beleeued to be true it would bee a hinderance that a man could not apprehend and eate with a minde lifted vp Christ to the true flesh of Christ Iesus being in heauen whereunto notwithstanding both the Apostle the church calleth vs saying lift vp your hearts And seeke those thinges which are aboue where Christ is sitting at gods right hand 84 They thē do nothing lesse then eate Christs flesh which doe not behold the same in heauen where indeede it is but imagine him to bee really present euerie where in his owne substance Aesops dogg leauing the true flesh did foolishlie catch at the vaine shaddowe of the flesh because it seemed a bigger peece A question out of the 1. of Ioh. 4.3 S. Iohn describing Antichrist saith Euery spirite which confesseth not that Iesus Christ is come in the true humane flesh is not of God and this is that spirit of Antichrist And seing that Christ neuer laid aside that flesh which he once tooke but carried it with him vp into heauen and shall returne againe in the clouds in the same apparēt vnto all mē to iudge the quicke and the dead The question is of what spirite they are and by what name to bee called who make no doubt with the old heretikes to forge for our Lord Iesus Christ I know not what kinde of inuisible flesh vncircumscribed vnpalpable whole and in his whole substance forsoth really existing in all places in heauen in the starres in the ayre in the earth vnder the earth in hell in all the seuerall partes of the world and the parcells of the partes yea and in the least parcells of the parcells against Scripture and against the sound agreement of the whole catholike church Of the dispensation of saluation by Christ Out of the first chapter of the Ephesians yeare 1580. 1 OVr Lord Iesus Christ ver 7 8 in whome wee were elected vnto saluation not onely once redeemed vs by his owne blood hauing obtained remission of sinnes and gottē the victorie but doth also dayly dispense and communicate vnto his the grace of redemption and saluation 2 For it belongeth to a perfect redeemer not onely by paying the ransome to redeeme but also to make the redemption knowne to them that be redeemed and to deliuer them quite out of the hands of the tyrant into freedome as it also belongeth to a good head to impart the life sense and motion which it hath vnto the members 3 Nowe Christ vseth to dispense this grace of saluation by the word of trueth that is ver 13 by the gospel of our saluation with which wee ioyne the Sacraments as seales and instruments of saluation 4 For by the gospell hee makes knowne vnto vs the misterie of his diuine wil ver 9 10 concerning our saluation through Christ and concerning the gathering together aswell those that are in heauen as these that are on earth concerning the knitting of them to one head Christ 5 Neither doth he onely make knowne vnto vs the mistery of saluation by the gospell ver 13 but also effectually calleth draweth vs to himselfe to the communion of himselfe so to the participation of redemption saluation 6 For by the preaching of the gospell ver 13 Rom. 10 hee vseth to stirr vp faith in our hearts whereby wee beleeue in him and are receiued into his communion 7 For he giueth vs his holy spirit by which he regenerateth vs ver 13 and sealeth vs with the expresse image of God to the full possession of an eternall inheritance 8 By the same spirite he stirreth vp worketh and leadeth vs to the studie of a holy life and good workes 9 And if it so be ver 14 we fall into sinne such is our frailtie he lifteth vs vpp by repentance giuen vnto vs maketh vs more assured of forgiuenesse and by that meanes through the same spirite as it were a pledge he more and more daily confirmeth vs in that assurance of saluation 10 And these benefits Christ bestoweth on vs neuer vtterly forsaking vs till he hath brought vs by his grace and singular loue towards vs from the first redemption which is our redēption from the guilt and seruitude of sinne and from the power of the deuill to the other redemption namely the full libertie which consisteth in the perfect assuring and full possession of the heauenly inheritance 11 But our Lord Iesus as he is our redeemer the head of the whole church ver 22 according to both the natures so also he cōmunicateth eternall life saluation not onely as he is god but also as he is man according to that same Beleeue my sonne thy sinnes be forgiuen thee And immediatly after but that he might know that the sonne of man hath power to forgiue sinnes he saieth to the sicke of the palsey arise take vp thy bed goe vnto thy house where each nature worketh that which is proper to it with communion of the other 12 For as the natures are so vnited within thēselues in one person that yet there is made no
that they may auoide condemnation XI Errors Therefore wee condemne those which reiect the law out of the church as vnprofitable and not pertaining to christians and againe those which teach that a man may either wholie or in part bee iustified by the lawe fith it was rather giuen Io. 1.29 to shutt vp all men vnder sinne and to leade them to Christ who alone taketh away the sinnes of the world And this is brieflie our confession of the law deliuered from god by Moses and declared by the Prophets vvhich prepareth disposeth and bringeth men vnto Christ Rom. 10.4 and therefore Christ is ende thereof as the Apostle writeth CHAP. XI Of Christ the redeemer I. A summe of the faith of the person and office of Christ the redeemer WHen therefore the fullnesse of time was come Gal. 4.4 wherein the promise of redemption made vnto the first man was to be accomplished by the second God the euerlasting father sent his onely begotten sonne and eternal and therefore true God of the same nature vvith the father made of a vvoman alone and vvithout the seede of a man and therefore true man but vvithout sinne and so true Christ made subiect to the lavve and therefore circumcised that he in most perfect obedience might fulfill that lavv in the name of vs all made obedient to his father euen vnto death namely for vs for he being vvithout sinne deserued not to die that he might redeeme those which vvere vnder the law and all the elect euen by his obedience by his death and bloodshedding that is by a sacrifice of exceeding vertue for it vvas the blood of God and a most effectuall ransome that he might I saie redeeme vs from sinne to the old image of god to perfect righteousnesse yea from death to eternal life and from the kingdome of Satan to the kingdome of God and that we might receiue adoption of children and so in the ende bee taken into full and perfect possession of the heauenlie inheritance as sonnes and lavvfull heires And lastlie that he might gather together all thinges in heauen and in earth vnder one head and ioyne them to himselfe Eph. 1.10 for the glorie of God the father II. Christ the redeemer is true God and true man We beleeue therefore Iesus Christ to be the onely begotten sonne of God Ioh. 1.14 Mich. 5.2 Phil. 2.6 1. Ioh. 5.20 Mat. 1.1 and so the sonne in nature consubstantial and coeternall to the father and lastlie true God almightie also true man of the true seed of Abraham and Dauid conceiued vvithout the help of a man Heb. 4.15 Mat. 26.35 but onlie by vertue of the holie ghost in the vvombe of the virgine and vvithout sinne and borne of her indued vvith a true soule and a humaine minde and made like vnto vs in all thinges sinne onelie excepted so that he is true God of the substance of the father Ath. in sym begotten before all vvorldes and true man of the substance of his mother borne in the vvorld III. Onely the Sonne to be both God and man and onely Christ But so vve beleeue that the sonne of God is both true God and true man and therefore the true Christ and him alone vve confesse to bee such sith vve read that neither the father neither the holie Chost but onelie the vvorde it selfe vvas made flesh Ioh. 1.14 and the Apostle saieth that the sonne onelie vvas made of a vvoman and that he onelie suffred Gal. 4.4 although to the creation of the nature vvhich the sonne tooke vppon him not onely the Sonne but the Father also and the holy ghost vvere all concurrent IV. That the sonne vvas made man without anie change of himselfe but onely assuming to himselfe humaine nature And vvee beleeue that the sonne of God vvas made man vvithout making any confusion of the diuine and humaine natures vvithout his conuersion into flesh or anie chaunge in the flesh onely by assuming of the humaine nature into the vnitie of that person and as Athanasius speaketh In sym not by conuersion of the godhead into flesh but by taking of the manhood into God so that that vvhich he vvas he did by no meanes leese or let goe but that vvhich he vvas not he tooke vppon him as the Apostle saith Ieb 2.16 the sonne tooke on him the seede of Abraham and as he teacheth that as the sonne taking vppon him vvas not chaunged into the thing taken for God cannot be chaunged at all but remained the same that he vvas trulie distinct from the thing assumed and taken So that seede taken on him vvas not turned into the thing that tooke it but was vnited with the diuine nature into the vnitie onely of the same person according to that saying The word was made flesh The flesh therefore remained flesh and was not changed into the word V. Nether one nature tooke on it another nature nor one person another person but the person of the sonne of God tooke on him mans nature Whence also wee vnderstand that neither the diuine nature common to the three persons nay indeed one and the self same nature of them all did take on it humaine nature nor one person tooke on it another person but onelie another nature For neither did the sonne of God take on him any sonne of Abraham but the seed of Abrahā that is humaine nature spreading from Abraham therefore wee acknowledge not two persons in Christ but onely the same alone by which all thinges were made and which was so perfect before it tooke on it the seede of Abraham that by the same taking it is not made anie other or anie perfecter person or yet indeed any whitt vnperfect VI. The humaine nature was not taken to make a nevv person in Christ or to make perfect the former but onelie to be coupled and vnited to his eternall and most perfect person For albeeit we acknowledge two natures in Christ the diuine and humaine yet we doe not admit that the humaine was therefore assumed that either a new person compounded of that this as of the parts should be made in Christ or that the former and the eternall person should bee made the perfecter by the coupling of a newe nature but onelie that mans nature beeing taken into vnitie of that most perfect and euerlasting person the sonne of God remaining the same that he was might be made that he was not and might haue what to offer vnto his father for vs. And therefore we doe not simplie allow it if one saye so the person of Christ is compounded of the diuine and humaine nature as the person of a man consisteth of a soule and a bodie But we allow the vsuall phrase in the church that Christ clothed himselfe or was clothed with our flesh Whereupon Augustine saith Christ came downe from heaven as a naked man comes downe a hill but he went vp againe clothed with our flesh as vvith
Eutychians which on the contrary side as Christ is but one onelie person so they leaue him but one nature onelie namelie the diuine teaching that the humaine nature which he assumed either is wholy turned into the diuine or els so mingled and confounded with the diuine that they make no difference at al in him between the proprieties and actions of his diuine and humaine natures Wee condemne also those which haue proceeded from the former as Macarius with his followers which make but one onelie will in Christ namelie the diuine and therefore admit no proper action at al of the humane wil in Christ We condemne likewise the Cerdonians also in this pointe that they said Christ did not truelie suffer nor was truelie dead but that he fained a suffring or as some heritiks say he suffred and died putatiuelie and therefore with these we also cōdēne all which taught or teach the like things as namelie that Christ rose not againe truelie in the same flesh wherein he died but in another of a diuerse nature or else that if he rose in the same yet that he did not truelie ascend into heauen and carrie the same into heauen and chaunge the place of it Wee also also with Hierome Cyrill and other of the fathers condemne the Originists and their like who taught that Christ rose againe with a bodie like vnto a spirite most subtill and in it owne nature inuisible and not subiect to the senses all those likewise as Iewes and Turkes which denie that the worlde is redeemed by the benefite of Christes death Also all those lastlie which goe about to proue our saluation to be grounded vppon any other thing either in parte or altogether then onelie in Christ and blasphemouslie doe auouch that sinnes may bee expiate or remitted by anie other sacrifices then that one sacrifice of Christ onelie For wee acknowledge one onelie redeemer Iesus Christ without whome as there is no true God so no true saluation and one onely sacrifice the oblation or offring wherof being once made not onelie all the sinnes of the elect were once washed awaie in the person of Christ but also beeing yet continuallie washed away euen vnto the ende of the world are remitted to them that beleeue CHAP. XII Of the true dispensation of the Redemption the saluation life which is laid vp in Christ alone and therefore of the necessarie vniting and participation vvith Christ I. Saluation and eternall lise is laid in Christ that from him it may bee communicated to be WE beleeue that euen as the sinne of Adam and death which followed the same remained not in Adam alone but from him as from the head of all mankinde it did and doth flow into all men which by a common generation haue bin and are borne of him so likewise that the righteousnesse of Christ and the eternall life due vnto him is not holden in Christ alone but is deriued into all those who by the regeneration of the holie spirite are made one with him and as true members are ioyned vnto him as head of the whole church and that to this ende and purpose Christ came in the flesh and that all our saluation and life consisteth in him as in our head that it may indeed be bestowed and communicated vppon all the elect of God which are vnited vnto him II. The grace of redemption and saluation is offred vnto all men but indeed is not communicated but to the elect who are made one vvith Christ For we beleeue Mar. 16.15 16 that although the grace of redemption saluation and eternall life which God bestoweth be earnestly propounded and offered vnto all men by the preaching of the gospell for that very manie are not made partakers of the same it is through their owne fault yet is it not indeed communicated but vnto those who beeing from the beginning chosen and predestinate vnto it in Christ as in the head of all the elect that they should bee his members and so made partakers of saluation were afterwards in their time called by the gospell indued with faith and so grafted into Christ and made one with him III. To the true participation of eternall life howe necessarie this true vnion or communion is with Christ For euen as the braunch can draw no liuelie sapp from the vine Ioh. nor the bough from the tree nor the members anie motion sence or life from the head vnlesse they be ioyned to the vine tree and these to the head euen so cannot men receiue anie saluation or life from Christ in whome onelie it consisteth vnlesse they be grafted into him coupled in a true and reall vnion and being coupled doe abide in him IV. That we cannot be vnited vnto Christ vnlesse he first vnite himselfe to vs. Sith therefore the whole participation of true righteousnes saluation and life hangeth and dependeth vppon this most necessary cōmunion with Christ and vnto the same is referred both the preaching of the gospell and administration of both the Sacraments yea the whole Ecclesiasticall ministrie Therefore what our faith cōcerning the same is we purpose to declare witnes to the whole church as brieflie and plainelie as may be in certaine assertiōs or positions which after follow Of the communitie with Christ 1. Ioh. 4.10 And first we beleeue that as we therefore loue Christ as Iohn saith because he first loued vs. we come vnto him by our spirite because he came first vnto vs by his and therefore wee imbrace him by faith because he first by vertue of his spirite imbracing vs stirreth vs vp to faith so we also can by no meanes cleaue and bee vnited vnto him vnlesse he first doe ioyne and vnite himselfe vnto vs. For the one is the cause of the other the first of the latter Wherefore we must pray vnto him Ioh. 14.23 that he will come vnto vs and make his abode with vs. V. How many fold is the vnion of Christ with vs and of vs with Christ and how they are ordered in themselues We acknowledge furthermore this coniunction of Christ with vs and likewise of vs with Christ to bee threefold one which was once made in our nature another which is dailie made in the persons of the elect which yet goe astraie from the Lord and the last which shall be likewise with the Lord in our persons when they shall be present with him namelie when God shall be all in vs all And the first is referred to the second the second to the third euē as nature is ordained to grace and grace to glory For the first is also made by assuming of our nature into the vnitie of the person 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Of the word The second is made by assuming of our persons into grace and into one misticall bodie with him and as Peter speaketh into participation of his diuine nature The third shall likewise bee made by assuming of vs
abideth in him XIII That this vnion is not imaginarie nor made by participation of gifts onely but by communication of substance But we call this present incorporation of vs with christ true and reall and substantiall that we may meet with that errour wherein some thinke that wee forge a certaine imaginarie and a false vnion or that wee meane no other true vnion but that which is made by participation of spirituall giftes and grace of christ without communication of the substance of his flesh and blood XIIII This vnion is made by no other meanes but by the holie spirite and by faith But againe lest some might hereby falslie gather that wee conceiue of such an vnion which is made with the flesh of christ beeing really here vppon earth by some physical or naturall touching either grosse or subtile as al sensible thinges are coupled with the sences some in grosser and some in a subtiller manner or which is made with the same flesh remaining in heauen by certaine intelligible formes in the minde as the philosophers speake as all things which are vnderstood are vnited with the vnderstanding faculty which apprehendeth the same by certaine formes or images Therefore we al adioyne the meanes whereby this vnion incorporation is made namely by the spirite of christ communicated vnto vs really abiding in vs coupling vs vnto christ and working in vs that by a liuely faith we may embrace christ XV. A confirmation of both these propositions namelye that this vnion is essentiall but is made onely by the spirit and our faith For both these things namely that this copulation is essential made by the only spirit of God and by our faith the holy scriptures do plentifully and plainely declare Eph. 2.14.15 16 The Apostle writing vnto the church at Ephesus because all enmitie being taken away by christ the particion wal broken downe The lewes and Gentilles two sortes of people much different were reconciled to God and between themselues and were altogether ingrafted renued in christ by the same holy spirit therefore hee doubted not to saye They vvere both built not into one people as it seemed hee should haue said but the better to expresse how straight this vnion is into one new man in Christ Wherefore sith all of vs doe liue with one the selfe same spirite renued as it were in one and the same minde and are ioyned together vnto one and the selfe same head christ Eph. 4 1● wee are fittlie all of vs together called one new man And in the same epistle describing this neere and essentiall incorporation he compareth christ to the heade and all vs to the members coupled knit with the head by sinnues ioyntes and ligamentes which take their life and motion from the heade And nothing is more often vsed in the holye Scriptures then this similitude that hereby wee might more easily and clearely vnderstand what and how great this coniunction of all vs is with christ through his spirite which dwelleth in al people that are regenerate For this cause the same Apostle Eph. 2.21.22 23 compareth Christ to the foundation and all the faithfull to stones but yet liuing stones euen as the foundation that they may receiue increase from him built vppon the foundation Mat. 16.18 In vvhome all the building coupled together groweth vnto an holy temple in the Lord by the holie spirite which thing also christ did before the Apostle more then once making himselfe the foundation and the church the building surely grounded vpon that foundation and fastened by an inseparable knot Ioh. 15.1 To the same purpose christ calleth himselfe a vine and vs the braunches which drawing life and sapp from the vine do liue and bring forth good fruits The same is also shewed by the similitude of the tree and the oliue Rom. 11.17 whereinto the faithful as braunches cut from the wilde oliue are ingrafted that they may bringe forth good oliues and are ingrafted by the holy spirit and by faith Phil. 2.1 Eph. 3.17 Eph. 5.32 Whereuppon to the Philippians it is called the communion of the spirite And Christ is said to dvvell in our heartes by faith Nor is it obscure that the Apostle calleth this incorporation of the church with christ and of christ with the church and all the faithfull a mariage after the custome of the Prophets whereby two shal be made one flesh And two said God shal be one flesh And the Apostle This saith he is a great misterie but J speake concerning Christ and concerning the church But that same is still very plaine and readie which Iohn writeth of this vnion and of the spirite by which the same is made and knowne 1. Ioh. 4.13 By this sayth he we knowe that vve dwell in him and he in vs because hee hath giuen vs of his spirite Therefore he dwelleth in vs we in him by the same holy spirite which is both in him and in vs. To this also beelongeth that same He vvhich hath not the spirite of Christ the same is not his But the Apostle knoweth that all are christes which are true and liuely members of christ XVI It is concluded that this coniunction is essentiall and made by the onely spirit of Christ and our faith Being perswaded therefore by these and other the like testimonies of holy scriptures we doubt not but christ and his Apostles ment to signifie vnto vs that the communion which all we the faithfull aswell smale as great haue with christ and with his flesh and bloode is true and reall and yet is made by no other meanes then by vertue and knitting of the holy spirit And therefore though it be secret ful of misteries and spirituall because it is made by the spirite and by faith Yet we ought not to doubt but that through the same spirit it is as true essential as is that same betweene the husband and the wife beeing ioyned into one flesh betweene the foundation and the stones thereon builded betweene the tree the boughes betweene the vine the braunches lastlye betweene the members and the head coupled together with ligaments and sinues liuing and working with the same soule that no coniunction with christ himselfe can be made greater then this while wee liue in this mortall flesh XVII A confirmation of this opinion by another similitude and by very philosophie Surely if there were in all men but one and the selfe same soule it must follow that innumerable many persons were onely one man Euen as of one and the same essence being in the three diuine persons the holy writers doe conclude that therefore there is one onely God Yea and the same would appeare much more plainly to be true if those many men had but one onely head to which they should bee ioyned and of which they should haue their motion VVhat maruaile then that the holie ghost bee one and the same in all the godlie
in the bread reallie and properly For in sacraments the thinges whereof they bee sacraments are not really included although they borrowe their names of the things as in baptisme the matter is apparent and out of all question in which no man saith that the blood of Christ by which we are washed from sinne or the verie regeneration it selfe is included as also in the worde of the gospell the thinges are not therein really included which by it be declared Nowe sacraments be visible words And Christ said not my bodie is in this that is in the bread but in a farre other manner of speach as This that is this bread is my bodie Now if any wil say that this is all one in sense it will follow if the bodie of Christ bee really in the bread then the bread is really properly and substantially the bodie of Christ And if this be impious to bee spoken neither do wee thinke that the other can godlily be affirmed Yet we denie not but it is in it sacramentally in that sense that wee say remission of sinnes and saluation and life is in the worde of the gospell which it declareth and offereth But sith the common sorte haue vsed to drawe such manner of speaches to superstition wee iudge that those speaches are altogether to bee foreborne and auoided and the simple plaine phrases of the scriptures to be vsed VII In the supper are giuen not onely the signes but also the things signified by them Now this is setled in vs without all controuersie that although the bodie and blood of the Lord are not that is do not existe in their owne substance and in verie deede and properly in the bread and wine but are in heauē yet notwithstanding with the verie distribution or giuing of the bread and wine there is truely offered vnto all men the true flesh of Christ to be eaten and his blood to be drunk not simplie but in as much as his flesh was betraied vnto death for vs his blood shedd for the remission of our sinnes For the words are manifest which Christ speaketh in Iohn of the eating his flesh Ioh. 6.53 and drinking his blood if any man will haue life in him and that which the Apostle saieth euē iumping with the words of Christ He which eateth the bread and drinketh the Lords cupp vnworthilie he is made guiltie of the true bodie and blood of the Lord. Neither doubt we but Christ as he plainely commaunded the bread to bee eaten so also by adding immediatly This is my bodie he closely commaunded tha to bee eaten aswell as the bread but yet each of them in a diuerse manneri VIII None but the faithfull doe truely eate Christs true flesh But albeit the flesh of Christ be offred vnto all in the supper to be eaten yet we beleeue that it is truely eaten of the faithfull only both because they alone haue communion with Christ and with his flesh and blood and others haue not neither by receiuing the bread are made partakers of him and also because they alone haue the spirite of Christ by vertue of whom onely the flesh of Christ is truely communicated yea and also because they alone doe bring true faith without which the same cannot bee truely receiued and eaten For Christ giueth not his true bodie to bee truely and indeed eaten but only to them which do aswell beleeue that the same was betraied for them vnto death and his blood shedd for remission of their sinnes as those wordes to bee true This is my bodie IX That hypocrites eate Christs bodie sacramentallie By the way we denie not but hypocrits also lacking the true and iustifying faith in receiuing and eating the breade as a sacrament of the Lords bodie may be said to eate the very true bodie of Christ also namely sacramentally not truely and indeed Euen as the Apostle saith al the Corinthians 1. Cor. 6.11 which were baptized with water were sanctified iustified namely sacramentally as is aboue said though not all of them were truely made such X. There bee three kinds of men that eate and therefore diuerse sorts of eating Thence also we learne that there are three kindes of men which may be called into question whether they eate the flesh of Christ or eate it not The first is of such as receiue the bread as common meate and not as a sacrament They eate not the true bodie of Christ in any respect and are the true Capernaites their eating is meere carnall And others of the contrarie side receiue not the bread yet not vpon contempt but onely beleeue in the gospell and their eating is meere spirituall Lastly there are others who not contenting themselues onely with faith in the gospell do also receiue the bread not simplie as the first sorte as bare bread but as a sacrament of the Lords bodie Whereuppon it comes to passe that they are said to take and eate sacramentally But sith this may bee done aswell of the the godly and faithfull as also of vngodly hypocrites yet in a diuerse manner of the one sort by faith of the other without true faith therefore we also say that the vngodly hypocrites do eate it onely sacramentally but the faithful do eate it both sacramētally truely and spiritually and therefore to saluation XI The true body of Christ is eaten onely by faith Seing then wee say that the true bodie of Christ is reccaued onely of the faithfull both sacramentally and also truely we meane that it is eaten not with the mouth of the body but the mouth of the minde and with a heart indued with faith that by meanes of the holie ghost which worketh in vs and applieth whole Christ vnto vs. For it is the meate of the minde saith Cyprian not of the bellie And Ser. de caen 1. Cor. 12.13 The flesh profiteth nothing as Christ saith and Augustine expoundeth but it is the spirit which quickneth And the Apostle teacheth Ioh. 6.63 By one spirit we are all baptized into one bodie and haue bin all made to drinke into one spirite And if that all true coniūction with Christ be through the holy ghost though he with his bodie do remaine in heauen and we vpon the earth it followeth that this eating must bee after the same sorte For what else is it to eate then to receiue vnite vnto thee meate for the nourishment of that part to which it is ordained after a due sort But the flesh of Christ as hath beene said is food of the minde not of the bellie Neither vndoubtedly is the flesh of Christ otherwise eaten then in respect that it was killed for vs and made bloodlesse as the words do sound and the breaking of the bread doth represent and that truely also euen as the passeouer and all the sacrifices were eaten But now his body liueth and can not bee without blood as at the first supper it was neither without blood nor dead And
therefore wee cannot without sacriledge affirme that it passeth properly that by the mouth into our bodies And to what ende also as the sacrament of bread is giuē without wine the wine without bread so in the supper the bodie is giuen without blood and the blood seuerally without the bodie but that wee might know that these his owne substances as they are properly in heauen doe not passe through our mouthes but are receiued onely by a faithfull remēbrance effectually stirred vp by the holy ghost For this did the Lord himselfe require saying doe this in remembrance of me and in saying This is my bodie which is giuen for you For in speaking thus he required in them faith whereby they might beleeue this and beleeuing might eate that is might apply it vnto themselues for the food and life of their soules Wherefore wee hold assuredly that they eate the flesh of Christ truely and not by an imagination who beleeuing that it was giuen vnto death for the cleansing of their sinnes doe with a faithfull minde imbrace the same for such a sacrifice applie it vnto themselues And they which thus eate the bodie of Christ as dead wee doubt not but they are more and more ioyned to the now liuing quickning bodie of him according to his owne promise Ioh. 6.56 who first said He which eateth my flesh and afterward added abideth in me and I in him XII The opinion of the corporall eating to be reiected as vaine and vnproffitable Moreouer sith this manner of eating the flesh of Christ namely by faith is both sure and profitable to saluation And the other namely of eating it with the bodilie mouth cannot be prooued out of the holy scripturs and admit that somewhat might probably be alleadged for it yet it is not necessarie nor cā any thing at all profite the soule but bringeth with it into the church many mischiefes monstrous herisies idolatries stirres schismes dissolution of congregations yea makes christian religion to be a scorne and derision to infidells we therefore beleeue that piety willeth al of vs contenting our selues with that kinde of eating which in the supper is made by faith and by the spirite wee should not regard the other kinde but bidding it farewel we should reuerently imbrace brotherly charitie and peace to which ende also the supper was instituted Nether indeed cā the vse of those kinde of speaches be suffred in any other sense then in this as we vse to saye that what we vnderstand by hearing the words with our eares the same we learne by our eares But to bring in phrases not vsed in the scriptures especiallie such as bee not onely vnprofitable but also pernitious hurtfull wee thinke it altogether vnlawfull XIII That there is a true presence of Christ in the supper but it is spirituall Now by this which we haue saide both of the true vnion and the true eating it may easilie be seene what wee ought to beleeue of the true presence Wee hold therefore that if we be truely and indeed vnited with Christ so with his flesh and blood and if we truely eate his flesh and drinke his blood then the same Christ not onely in his deitie but also in his flesh and blood is present vnto them that are vnited vnto him and do eare his flesh and drinke his blood For what can be more present to thee then that which thou eatest and drinkest and to which thou in thine owne substance art coupled and from which as from thy head life and motion is imparted to thee as into a member XIV Such as the vnion and eating is such is the presence namely spirituall But as both the vnion and the eating are made by the spirite and by faith so also wee beleeue and haue beene taught that the presence is no other then spirituall and is in men that are indued with the spirite of god with faith and therefore that this kinde of presence cannot bee letted by any distance of place though neuer so great XV. A thing is present or absent so farre forth as the same is perceiued or not perceiued For neither the neerenesse nor the farnesse of the places maketh a thing to be present or absent but the participation or not participation of the same thing The sunne though it be verie farre distant from vs yet it is said to bee present and it is truely said to be in our eyes when as we are made partakers of it Againe it is absent whē as either ouershadowed with cloudes Aug. ad vol. Epi. 3. Col. 10. or gone into the other hemispheare we cannot see it To a man starke blinde the light thereof is neuer present though it shine euen into his eyes as likewise excellent musicke to one that is deafe or the sweetenes of an oration to an vnlearned man God is also said to be farre from the vngodlie because he is not perceiued of them by faith whenas notwithstanding in his owne essence he is not farre from any of vs. For in him wee liue and are mooued and haue our being Therefore so farre forth as a thing is perceiued or not perceiued of vs either by the naturall part or by the senses or by the minde or any other waye so far also is it said to be present or absent XVI VVhat kindes of presence we denie and vvhat kindes we graunt Wherefore albeit we disallow that the substance of the bread being changed or wasted into nothing there should succeede in place thereof the true flesh of Christ and that so to bee present vnto vs that vnder the accidents of bread should lie hidden the true substance of Christs bodie and albeit we also denie the flesh of Christ to be really and in it owne substance present in the bread which bread hath no other vnion with his flesh but the sacramentall vnion which is made by a misticall relation and albeit wee also gainsaye that he is present to the wicked which haue not that spirituall communion with him nor can bee said truely to eate his flesh And albeit we doe not graunt such a presence of Christs bodie namely that he is now present with the faithful vpon earth in the time of the supper visibly to bee seene of them as he was in the first supper present at the table visibly to be seene of his Apostles for this doth plainely disagree not onely frō the nature of the body of Christ but also frō the scripture it selfe but do graūt that he is present with them onely in an vnuisible manner and such a manner as is not to be perceaued by our senses Lastly albeit wee detest that presence wherein some doe faine the flesh of Christ really in it owne substāce to be euerie where yet wee beleeue and acknowledge such a presence as is no lesse essentiall for the things which are truely present vnto vs seing we are indeed made partakers of them then spirituall for the manner wherein
with true faith whereby they are rightly minded how can it bee saide of any particular church that it can not erre that then can much lesse be affirmed of those churches from whence the trueth is banished and wherein lyes doe preuaile and iniquitie it selfe and palpable darkenes They surely which are such cānot be the true church of Christ 1. Tim 3.15 if the church bee the pillar and ground of trueth Therefore we conclude that euerie particular flock and each seuerall sheep thereof can so farre forth not erre as it heareth onely the voyce of the shepheard Christ being guided by the holie ghost but as oft as it heareth not his voyce but harkeneth to strangers voices it cā straight waies do no other thē erre But in a word seing God in the scattering and dissoluing of all churches doeth yet reserue some vnto himselfe whome he holdeth in the trueth and by whose ministerie he will spread the same still to the ende of the world therefore we confesse that the whole catholicke church altogether is neuer suffred to erre XXII Without the catholicke church is no saluation Here hence we consequently learne beleeue that this catholicke church onely is so holie and hath saluation so annexed to it that out of it there is no holines no saluation sith that in it onely the trueth so shineth without which saluation can come to none that without it there can bee no trueth and lastly sith none but the bodie of Christ can be saued Ioh. 3.13 For no man ascendeth into heauen but he vvhich came downe from heauen the sonne of man vvhich is in heauen that is the whole sonne of man withal his whole bodie which is the church that not vnfitly Peter compared the church to Noahs arke in which alone mankinde was preserued 2. Pet. 2.5 and out of which whosoeuer were found perished in the waters of the floode Gen. 7.23 Nowe that which wee confesse of the whole church as a thing most assured the same of euerie particular one we cannot graunt namely to say that in this church alone or that in the Romish or that at Constantinople the rrueth and saluation is obtained so that without it should be no saluation and consequently to depart from it were nothing else then to forsake the trueth our saluation and Christ For some church may bee brought to that passe that vnlesse thou departest from the fellowship therof thou canst haue no parte nor fellowshipp with the catholicke church and her head XXIII The catholicke church is not tyed to certaine persons or places Moreouer we confesse this catholick church because it is catholick therefore to be tied to no certaine places persons or people so that who so would be of the church hee should needs get him to Rome or to Wittemberge or he must depend vpon the authoritie of their churches by shops or ministers Seing Christ is in all places and euerie where may the word be heard the seale of Baptisme receiued the commaundements of Christ kept and a communion with the Saintes had And wheresoeuer these things haue place ther is the church that not without good cause were the Donatists condemned who shutt vp the church in Africa onely and not in al Africa neither but in certaine parcells of it where they thēselues dwelt and taught that it was onely there Nor lesse worthily are they to be condemned which accompt the churches of no forraine countries for true churches but onely such as consist of men of their owne nation XXIV The catholicke church is partly visible and partly inuisible To conclude we beleeue this church to be partly indeed visible and partly inuisible but these in diuerse respects Visible in that it consisteth of men visibly hādling and hearing the word of God ministring and receiuing the sacraments praying not onely priuately but also publikely to God exercising the workes of loue towards their neighbours and glorifying God by their whole life which things can not indeede be performed but they must sensiblie be perceiued And if it should be meerly inuisible howe could it bee discerned from the Synagogues of the wicked Againe we call it also inuisible first because it hath in it many hypocrites mingled which performe all these outward things as the elect doe and who are the elect for of them onely consisteth the church surely it cannot be knowne of vs but onely of God according to that The Lord alone knoweth who are his 2. Tim. 2.19 Ro. 2.28.29 Whereunto also tendeth that of the Apostle He is not a Jewe which is one outward but one within Moreouer because the church in regard of the outward appearance being euermore pressed with manifold calamities in the worlde the number of the professours of Christs faith is sometimes so diminished all christian congregations thrust vpp into such narrowe straightes that it may seeme euen to be none at al remaining namely when there is no longer any publike assemblie wherein Gods name is called vppon as the histories both sacred and ecclesiasticall do most clearely and plentifully teach to haue often happened whenas notwithstanding it is very certaine that God alwaies reserueth some church vnto himselfe vppon the earth Mat. 16.18 28.20 the Lord himselfe saying And the gates of hell shall not preuaile against it and behold J am vvith you euen to the ende of the world and the same do we also with the whole church confesse in the creed saying I beleeue the holy catholick church namely to haue euer bin from the beginning to bee now and shal bee vnto the ende of the world euen vppon the earth For properly we beleeue alwaies those things which we do not alwaies see Heb. 11.1 This is our confession concerning the militant church what it is how it differeth from the triumphant howe diuerse oft times in it selfe howe of many particulars it is made one catholicke church by what markes the true may bee discerned from the false what manner of succession of byshops what māner of consent may proue a true church howe not for euery difference in the verie doctrine the vnitie of the church is to be broken what is ment by the name of ecclesiasticall vnitie and in what things it consisteth of what estimation it ought to bee in what respect also it may erre and in what it cannot erre and how without the church there is no saluation and lastly howe it is visible and howe inuisible It remaineth that we speake of the gouernment thereof CHAP. XXV Of the gouernment of the militant church and of the ecclesiasticall ministerie I. The church is gouerned of Christ WE beleeue Col. 1.17 that as all thinges were made haue their being and are ruled by Christ so hee also gouerneth the church which is his kingdome his bodie by a more peculiar meanes then all other things as being author king Eph. 1.23 Luc. 11.33 Heb. 3.6 and head of the same as the Angell saieth of
it in the flesh as being a fello-worker with the deitie in his humaine will consenting to the diuine and pronouncing the wordes thy sinnes are forgiuen thee as also Leo the first Epist 10. c. 4 so expoūdeth it to Flauianus saying each forme namely of God and man worketh with communion of the other that which is proper to it selfe as the word working that which is proper to the word the flesh performing that which belongeth to the flesh To forgiue sinnes vvas the proper action of the diuine nature and to saye thy sinnes are forgiuen thee of the humaine Thus farre he VI. Jn Christ alone is offered the forgiuenesse of sinnes and of the elect alone indued with faith it is receiued But like as in Christ alone our mediatour redeemer as the head of the whole church we haue redemption by his blood and remission of sinnes so as without Christ there is none so also wee beleeue that onely the elect indued with true repentance and true faith and ingrafted into Christ by the holie spirite as mēbers to their head are made partakers therof and therefore although forgiuenes of sinnes bee declared vnto all manner of men by the gospell yet to the reprobate as vnrepentant and vnbeleeuing they are not forgiuen but by their owne fault and blame their sinnes do still remaine VII All sinnes at once are forgiuen to the faithfull elect Wee also beleeue that as Christ by his one oblation satisfied not for some but for all our sinnes so also is offred vnto vs that are truely penitent of Christ and in Christ by the gospel the forgiuenes not only of some of our sinns but also of them altogether and the same cōmunicated to vs by the holie ghost and receiued by faith Mat. 18.23 c. seing God declared by a parable that he forgiueth all our debt not part of it VIII Forgiuenesse of sinnes is bestowed in the church onely receiued by faith onely and that onely in this life Lastlie to make an ende we beleeue that as in Christ alone is found remission of sinnes so the same also is disposed and bestowed in the church onely and as it was purchased for vs by the merits and blood of him alone so also it is receiued by true faith in Christ only without our owne meritts and as in this life onely the gospell is preached and by it forgiuenesse of sinnes declared to the repentant and beleeuers so also we can onely in this life be made partakers thereof seing after this life there is no place lefte for faith and repentance and therefore that the church by her ministerie can do nothing for the obtaining of forgiuenesse for men after they be departed this life Cyp. ad Demetr as Cyprian also saieth VVhen a man is once gone hence there is no place for repentance no effect of satisfaction Here life is either lost or gotten here he must prouide for saluation by seruing of God and by the effect of faith IX A confirmation of the former doctrine by the order of the creede According to these three pointes we interpret this article of forgiuenes of sinnes in the creede as first that after the article of the church communion of Saints is placed this article to teach vs that without the church remission of sinnes is not bestowed nor hath any place Againe that the same is placed after the confession of our faith in God the father the sonne and the holy ghost and of our faith wherein we beleeue the church to be holie to consist of the societie and communion of Saintes to wittnesse vnto vs that not for our owne merites but by our faith in the father sonne and holie ghost and because wee are in the church and haue communion with all the Saints therefore we daily obtaine forgiuenes of our sinnes And finally by this placing of the articles of faith we may well beleeue and confesse that after forgiuenesse of sinnes obtained in this militāt church there is no more to be looked for of the dead but the resurrection of the flesh and life euerlasting X. Errors Thus wee condemne the error wherein some do teach that after the fault forgiuen there remaineth a debt to be paied for the punishment and this punishment being eternall death by penitencie is chaunged into temporall paines which we must abide either in this life or after death in purgatorie vnlesse wee bee deliuered thence by masses indulgences and other helps Secondly we condemn their blasphemie which seeke for forgiuenesse of sinnes any where then in Christ and doe so teach Likewise them which would prooue that the same may bee applied to themselues and receiued by any other meanes then by true faith and by the holie spirite Wee condemne also their sacrilegious doctrine which teach that God doth forgiue alwaies to the faithfull all their sinnes but euer retaineth some of them which are to be satisfied for by fasting almes deeds prayers and other works of our owne or else by the oblations of other men and sacrifices of priests CHAP. XXVIII Of the state of souls after death and of the resurrection of the dead I. Mens soules doe neither dye with their bodies nor sleepe after they are loosed from the bodie nor lye still out of heauen or hell nor be tormented in purgatorie WE beleeue that our soules doe neither dye with our bodies nor being loosed frō our bodies do sleep or not sleeping do lye still in some close place both out of heauen and hell nor yet are tormented in purgatorie but that out of the body also mens soules do liue vnderstand desire and that the soules of the godly do raigne with Christ in heauen and of the vngodly are tormented in hell with the deuills the Lord himselfe saying of them when the godly and mercifull men do decay that is depart out of this life they that is their soules Luc. 16.9 shall be receiued into euerlasting habitations Luc. 23.43 Luc. 16.23 Act. 1.25 and teaching in another place that they are with him in paradise but of the other by shewing an example of the rich glutton that they goe downe into hel that is into the place appointed for euerlasting fire as we also read of Iudas there to be tormented II. That the places be diuerse where the soules of the faithfull and the vnfaithfull do liue after the deaths of their bodies Nowe seing the condition and state of the soules of faithfull and vnfaithfull men is so diuers we also beleeue that the places into which they passe are diuers that is to say euerlasting tabernacles ● Pet. 2.4 or heauen paradise ordained for the godlie and hell and the deepes prepared for the wicked sith to one of these places the scripturs attribute an immeasurable light and to the other exceeding darkenesse which Christ called vtter darkenesse and sith the Lord saieth Mat. 8.12 Ioh. 17.24 that he desireth that where he himselfe is there should also bee
a moment be chaunged into the same state with the dead that are risen and then Christ being come downe from heauen euen in the cloudes there shall iudge all men and from thence giue sentence on them shal shew himselfe apparently to all and that all the godlie being taken vpp from the earth euen into the clouds shall goe to meet him 1. Thess 5.1 c. Mat. 24.3 25.31 attended on by the Angells and appearing in his great maiestie and glorie as also he himselfe and his Apostles haue taught and left in writing II. Christ shall visibly returne from one place to another and that with a bodie visible locall and determinate We therefore beleeue Christ shall so return visiblie as he before in the Apostles sight ascended into heauen and shall come euen out of that heauen where he now is therefore from that which is farre distant from the earth and from the clouds vnto which he shall descend and we beleeue he shall so descend with his naturall bodie that it must needs be graūted that the same is locall and finite and consequently not existing euerie where seing also the holie ghost describeth such a descending vnto simple people which hee sheweth cannot be made without chaunge of places III. The faithlesse reprobates shall not come vpp to Christ sitting in the cloudes but remaining on the earth shall heare the sentence of the iudge But seing the Scriptures do pronounce only of the godlie that they shall bee caught vpp into the cloudes and shall meete Christ in the ayre wee beleeue that the vngodlie shall not come vp vnto Christ but remaining vnder his feete vppon the earth shall heare that sentēce of the iudge goe yee cursed into euerlasting fire when all the Saints which shal bee aloft with Christ shall approue the same sentence of the iudge according as the Apostle thinketh 1. Cor. 6.2.3 The Saints shall iudge the world yea and the Angells IV. For what causes that generall iudgement was appointed And wee beleeue that for two causes principally this iudgement was appointed wherin Christ shall sitt as iudge in the sight of all men the first is that such thinges as are nowe hidden vnto men aswel innocencie faith and the good consciences of the godlie as the hypocrisie and vile deeds of the wicked may be openly knowne to all the world and thereby be manifestly seene how iust the iudgements of God were euer from the first to the last Whereuppon also the Apostle called that day the day of declaration The other cause Rom. 2.5 is that the reward which was promised aswell to the good for their good workes as to the bad for their euill deedes should be fully paied and restored as the Apostle saieth 2. Cor. 5.10 wee must all appeare before the iudgement seat of Christ that euerie man may receiue the things vvhich are done in his bodie according to that he hath done whether it be good or euill whereupon also the same Apostle calleth it the day of the iust iudgement Rom. 2.5 V. Aeternall life which shal bee giuen to the elect is called and is a reward yet due vnto vs onely vppon fauour and not but for Christs sake For albeit it be a meere gift of God which the elect shall receiue and purchased by the meritts of Christ alone yet we doubt not but it is named and that it is truely a reward sith the Lord Iesus vouchsafed to call it so namely a free reward seing also that the good works themselues of the godlie and all the causes wherefrom the same do proceed are free gifts of God free election free redemption free calling faith iustification regeneration forgruenesse of sinnes and lastly a free pardon of all wants and imperfections wherewith our good works are infected and a free imputation of Christs perfect obedience wherewith our imperfect obedience is clothed and made acceptable to god and consequently to speak properly is a reward not due vnto vs for our owne workes considered in themselues but for the meri●ts of Christ imputed to vs. VI. After the iudgement giuen the godly shal bee presently with Christ in heauen but the vngodly in hell with the deuill his Angells Further more wee beleeue that presently after the same iudgement the godly shall follow Christ into heauen but the wicked shal be thrust downe with the deuills into hell Christ saying to the first come yee blessed of my father but to the other Goe yee cursed into euerlasting fire VII That day shal be to the godly most ioyfull and is therefore to be wished for to the wicked most heauie is therefore euē in the only hearing intollerable So do wee beleeue that this last day shal bee vnto them which are grafted into Christ most happie and ioyfull and therefore loued wished of them 2. Tim. 4.8 and ought to be loued wished for of vs and to the wicked the most accursed and wofull day that euer was and therefore no maruaile though they hate that day cannot abide the mention of it VIII Errors We condemne whosoeuer shall denie that Christ shall truely and in verie deede descend in his humaine bodie from heauen into the cloudes and then returne with his chosen into heauen againe and would prooue that it shall all bee without any chaunge of places onely by appearance as they call it a certaine likenesse to the which the Angells doe affirme the contrarie vnto the Apostles Act. 1.11 as yee haue seene him ascend into heauen so shall he come againe VVee disallowe also those which teach that the works of pietie considered in themselues are the true cause for which eternall life is giuen and are the true meritts thereof against which the Apostle also saieth Rom. 6.23 The gift of God is eternall life Neither doe we approue the opinion of the Chiliasts concerning the thousand years wherin Christ with his elect should remaine heere in the earth after the latter iudgement and that they should here liue in the delights yet honest delights of the flesh and should procreate children but Saints so at last be translated vpp into heauen And we condemne and detest their error which stand in contention that the fire whereinto the wicked shal be throwne shall at the length be quēched so that all euen the deuills themselues shall liue blessedlie in the kingdome of God flatt against the plaine words of Christ goe yee into euerlasting fire Mat. 25.4 CHAP. XXX Of eternall life I. Eternall life shal be giuen to all which by their good workes haue witnessed that they were truely grafted into Christ and haue beleeued in Christ WE beleeue that eternall life that is full and perfect possession of eternall life shal bee giuen in that last daye vnto all who by the apparent workes of true faith and godlinesse shal be declared before al Angells and men manifestly shewed and by sentence of the iudge Christ pronounced to haue beene
personally vnited to the diuine therefore the gifts of God conferred vpon the same are without measure as is declared in the aphorisme following The 12. aphorisme Although when I wrote this confession I thought to my selfe that I had hādled al things which belong vnto this article of the person of Christ yet I thought for the better explaining thereof to ioyne this also which followeth to that which I said before 1 There is and euer was one onely person of Christ For there is but one onely begotten sonne of God and one and the same Christ 2 This person being from all eternitie by the naturall begetting of the father is proper vnto the word but in time was made common to the humaine nature taken to it by vertue of the personall vnion For in the word the essence which it hath common yea the verie same with the father the holie ghost is to bee distinguished from the proper manner of subsisting whereby it comes to passe that it is a certaine Hypostasis or person distinct from the father and the holie ghost and therefore is and is called the Hypostasis or person proper to the sonne or to the worde But this eternall Hypostasis proper by nature vnto the word is by this vnion made common as we said with the diuine nature and the humaine taken vnto it namely that the vvorde doeth no lesse subsist really in this humaine form thē it doth in that diuine form in that respect is no lesse true and perfect man then true and perfect god yet the natures properties and actions remaining safe and distinct 3 Therefore into the vnitie of that immeasurable most pure and most perfect person was taken the humaine nature that is that lumpe consisting of the reasonable soule and flesh of man finite compounded and needing many things But how not so as that for example it cōtained that infinite person within the boūdes or limitts of it owne finite or determinate substance or that it spredd it selfe as it were stretched out into the largenesse of it And that which wee say of this propertie the same is to bee thought and beleeued of all the rest because they all remaine vnchaungeable and vnmixed How then was the humaine nature taken surely it was so taken into vnitie of the same person that yet it is not made the verie person but rather existeth in the person is borne and sustained of the person and euer dependeth wholly vpon the same For this vniō of the natures according to the Hypostasis or vniting of the Hypostasis is made without alteration confusion or diuision 4 Whereby it also followeth that the nature taken to speake properly is not a part of this person as is aforesaid For like as of the vnion of the two natures there is not framed a third nature so neither by taking the humaine nature into vnity of the diuine person is there framed as it were a new person which should be the proper person of Christ and should differ from the person of the word which is the word it selfe For it is altogether the verie same nor doth it differ from it selfe except herein that the same which subsisted onely in the forme of God and was onely God now subsisteth also in the forme of a seruant is also man and before was as a king naked but is nowe clothed with our flesh as with a purple garment so that for this cause the fathers not amisse called the same in some sort a compounded person But marke also this difference besids the rest that the garmēt pertaineth not to the essence of a king but the humaine nature in Christ is in such sorte that without it cannot be defined what Christ is 5 Which is the cause why the humaine nature thus takē is to be reputed acknowledged as it were a part of the person of Christ namely because it is so taken into vnity of his person that as the vvorde with this humaine flesh is said to be and is man so also this flesh in the word and with the word God is said to be and is God as Athanasius Gregorie Nazianzene Damascene and other fathers haue proued out of the scriptures for that flesh is God not by nature but by Hypostasie in which sense the same flesh is omnipotent and present in all places whereuppon it comes also that what honour belongeth to the word of it selfe the same is also to bee giuen to the flesh in the word and for the word because of them both there is but one and the same Hypostasie 6 Add this moreouer for better explications sake that the word although wheresoeuer it bee and it is in all places there also the same is not onely god but also man and that because it hath in all places the humaine nature vnited therunto by Hypostasie yet where soeuer it is it selfe it doth not make it selfe an Hypostasis or personal to the humaine nature but only there where the same nature existeth namely so as that nature is sustained borne and wrought or mooued by it For how should the same be said to bee sustained where it doth not exist the feete are sustained by the soule not wheresoeuer the the soule is be it in the head but onely where they themselues are existing When the flesh was in the virgins wombe the word being then personally vnited vnto it did not thē sustaine the same out of the wombe of Marie but onely it was Hypostasis vnto it in the womb which sustained the same there and not in any other place which is also to bee said of all the time of Christs life when he liued in diuers places Likewise after his death it was Hypostasis vnto his bodie when it was dead and buried sustained the same in it selfe but where surely not in heauen where the bodie was not but onely in the graue euen as also it was Hypostasis to his soule separated from his bodie not in the graue but out of the graue sustained the same in it selfe And now it sustaineth both the soule and bodie together in heauen not in earth much lesse euerie where 7 Neither doth it follow vppon this doctrine that the personall vnion is dissolued neither doeth it come to passe that the whole person is not Hypostasis to the flesh but onely in parte The reason is because this person of the word as it is infinite so also is it most simple and pure and therefore both is wholly Hypostasis to the flesh wheresoeuer the flesh existeth is also wholly Hypostasis in other places where the flesh existeth not being it selfe existing in the forme of god Indeed the soule as is aforesaide is wholly Hypostasis to the head giuing life to it and sustaining it but where not in euery part of the body but onely in that where the head it selfe is and out of the head is also wholly hypostasis to the feet sustaining them too not where the head is but where the
likewise the bodie of Christ be as Ireneus speaketh a heauenlie matter ●owe can it bee eaten of them which haue nothing in them that is heauely but are altogether earthly mē indued with no faith whereby they may ascend vp into heauen and eate the heauenlie foode therefore onely the godlie can do this But the faithfull also are not affected all alike or after one sort seing verie oftē they eate worthelie but sometime it chaūceth that they eate vnworthelie and therefore are sundrie wayes chastened by God for it They are saide to eate worthelie who before they eate of the Lords bread doe examine themselues whether they be in faith if they be then they diligentlie waye and cōsider the signification and greatnes of this misterie moreouer they trye their consciences whether they bee touched with a true repentance and by earnest hartie prayers do stirre themselues vp to both And they eate vnworthilie who although they be planted in Christ by faith and the spirite of regeneration yet their faith being in some sorte choaked with the cares of this world other affections of the flesh doe nor sufficientlie proue themselues do not diligētlie examine nor stirr vp themselues to an earnest consideration of so great a misterie nor weigh with an attentiue minde what is giuen in that holie table what the Lord requireth of them for whome and for what purpose the Supper was instituted by the Lord Lastlie they do eate vnworthelie who as the Apostle speaketh discorne not the Lords bodie and so come not to that table with a due reuerence feare of the Lord discerning in their minde and by faith the thinges signified from the signes and the signes from other common meates and drinkes in such sufficient manner as they ought whereby they doe not aswell open the mouth of the inward man to eate the spirituall foode as they doe the mouth of the outward man to eate the foode which of it owne nature is corporall By reason of this duetie so neglected namelie that they do not sufficientlie prooue themselues nor discerne or iudge of the Lords bodie and consequentlie do eate vnworthilie the Lords bread christians and faithfull men other whiles are wōt to be visited with diuers chastisemēts of God yet such as are for their saluation least they should be condemned in this world And of them doth the Apostle properly speake in the 1. Cor. 11. and not of such as be simplie wicked and more hypocrites when he saith these doe eate iudgement vnto themselues c. This is thus prooued 1 Because he saieth not that they which thus eate vnworthilie doe eate vnto themselues 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 which signifieth eternall destruction but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 iudgement which words what difference there is betwixt them is manifest in the same text where the Apostle in the 32 veise faieth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Wee are iudged or corrected of the Lord 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 least we should be condemned with the world 2 When hee declareth the punishment which they shall haue which eate vnworthily he rehearseth none but teporall chastisemēts making no mention of eternall destruction For this cause saieth he many are vveake and sicke c. 3 Add this that he saieth if vvee vvill iudge our selues that is trye our selues and acknowledging our sinnes chastife our selues by repentance and by true faith and amendment of life seperate our selues from the world we should not be iudged namelie of the Lord who doth therefore chasten mortifie vs because we do not mortifie our affections nor repent vs of our sinnes 4 And what meaneth this that in most plaine wordes hee calleth this iudgement by which wee are therefore iudged because wee eate vnworthilie the Lords bread a chastning verie prositable for vs. For thus he saieth But whē we are iudged we are chastened of the Lord because we should not be condemned with the world 3 And surelie he placeth himselfe and all the other true beleeuers in the number of those which being iudged are chastised of the Lord for their saluation For he maketh two sortes of men the wicked which are vnderstood in the name of the world and teacheth that vpon them awayeth eternall destruction and then the godlie who by reason of their manie falles and vnworthinesses are also chastened by manie punishments least they should also be cōdemned together with the wicked and them hee setteth downe vnder 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 iudgement that they may auoide 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 eternall destruction This place therefore is to bee vnderstood properlie of the faithful but such as are vnperfect and therefore doe greeuouslie sinne because they come vnworthilie to the Lords table Whereas some doe expound the same also of the wicked and do take 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 iudgement for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 condemnation this is rather to bee vnderstood that it is by a certaine consequēce with an argument drawne from the lesse to the greater then by force of the text Thus if the godlie which sometime eate vnworthily doe eate vnto themselues 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 condemnation then what 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 condemation shall abide the wicked 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 therefore if it be spoken of the godlie is taken for chastisement if of the wicked it signifieth eternall destruction Vppon the 17. chapter Aphorisme 1. Here we spake of such as bee of yeares of discretion concerning the yong infants of the faithfull the reason is otherwise as in another place we declared For the holie ghost doeth ingraft them into Christ as true members to their head from whome they draw their life yea and we also beleeue that they are endued with the spirite of faith although through the weakenes of nature in them they cannot vse th● same euen as they cannot vse the vertue of their vnderstanding whenas notwithstanding they are not without a minde or the faculties thereof The 2. Aphorisme In the description of faith I willingly vsed those two words of wisedome and prudence following the most learned diuine M. B. vppon the Epistle to the Ephesians because in the former I comprehend the knowledge of christian religion of God of Christ c. in the latter the practise thereof into which two the whole gospell is dissinguished which christiā religion imbraceth and vpon which onely it is grounded Whereunto belongeth also that others doe teach how faith is an assured knowledge concerning God and Christ conceaued by the word of God c. And the whole christiā doctrine consisteth partly in knowledge partly in practise And there bee two kindes of the actions of faith one in the vnderstanding another in the will The vnderstanding being endued with the light of faith doeth perceiue assent vnto and beleeue thinges set downe in the word The will being filled with the power of faith doeth loue desire and embrace the same thinges as good And further such thinges as pertaine to outward workes those it
not in his power vertue onely but in his whole essence filling heauen and earth and all the world 8 But although he bee in euery place present yet hee is more said to bee in heauen then in earth and more in his children then in wicked men and more in one godly man then in another but this not in respect of his essence but by the power of his working and of his grace 9 Wherefore when we read in the Scriptures howe God doeth either depart from vs or returne to vs we must beleeue he doth not so by chaunging of place but by the effectes of his presence both internall and externall either shewing them or withdrawing them 10 Yet he is in the humaine nature of Christ in a farre other manner then in vs namelie not onely in a more effectuall operation but also in dwelling in him corporallie and as a part of a thing compounded so as he is true God but we cannot be so 11 But further it is so Gods propertie to bee immeasurable and infinite and consequentlie also euery where present as that it can belōg to no thing created no not to the humaine nature of Christ 12 For like as it cannot bee that any creature can be made God in essence so neither can it bee that that which is not God should in it owne essence exist euery where sith it can neither be infinite nor immeasurable 13 Wherefore like as by this that Christ is shewed to be euery wherein his own essence he is prooued to be true God So if any would prooue the bodie of Iesus Christ to exist euerie where in it owne essence they must either denie that Christs deity is prooued by that argument or els they must needs frame a new god and that a corporall one 14 Christs bodie indeed is present not onely in it owne vertue but also in substance to the minds of all godlie men receiuing the same by true faith and so by Christs spirite growing more and more into one with the same Christ no lesse nay more then the sunne is to the eies of al them which see but yet Christs body can aswel exist in many places at once much lesse euerie where in that manner of existing where in it is in heauen as the bodie of the sunne can exist in al the pattes of heauen and earth in the verie same sorte that it is in his owne spheare 15 Yet hereupon followeth it not as some do impudently cauill that the eternall and true deitie of Christ is denied but contrariewise it is rather prooued sith the vvorde of the deitie is defended to be of that sort as it can be imparted to no created thing so as the same should be God in essence or equall to God in any diuine proprietie 16 For God could not bee the word if of what sort he is of the same sorte any creature might be made no though it be a spirituall creature much lesse a humaine bodie 17 On the other side rather they that wil haue his diuine and essential proprieties so powred into the humanitie of Christ that it is aswell almightie and euery where as is his deity they doe not onely open a wide gate to the Arrians but euen take away the true deitie of Iesus Christ 18 For hee is not indeede true God whose essence and nature can be so really powred into any thing created as that the same may bee made altogether such as the same God is really and by it selfe infinitely mighty infinitely wise extending it selfe as I may say endlesly and by that meanes actuallie existing euerie where in it owne essence 19 For the essentiall proprieties of God are in verie deed nothing els but his verie essence seing otherwise it could not be most simple 20 To say then that Christs humanitie is aswell made almightie and euerie where present as is his deitie is as if thou shouldst saye that it is made such in it owne essence and nature and therefore is true God 21 Now such a deity is no true deitie therefore the vvorde which is horrible blasphemie shall not be true God 22 Add that it is not onely most absurdly but also most impiouslie saide that the proprieties of the diuine nature are powred into the humaine 23 For neither did we euer reade that the word or any proprietie thereof was powred into Abrahams seede as contrarie wise we read that Abrahams seede was taken by the sonne of God neither could the proprieties of the word be powred into the humaine nature without powring of the nature it selfe and the diuine essence seing they are in verie deede nothing else but the diuine essence 24 But the diuine nature cannot be transfused into the humaine but that the vnion of the natures must cease and so a mixture and confusion must be made and they which are so mixed do cease to be that which they were 25 Now therefore we say that deitie to which any created thing can bee made equall is not a true deitie 26 For it would needs be that either the thing to bee made equall must bee made infinite which is altogether impossible or els the same deitie to which it is to be made equall must be finite seing nothing that is finite can be made equall but onely to a thing finite But a deitie finite is no true deitie Of the eternall omnipotencie of one true God yeare 1575. 1 WHen in the Scriptures god is called mightie we must not conceiue in our mindes that there is a passiue might in God whereby he may suffer any thing or leaue to be that which he is or become that which hee is not by any chaunge of himselfe but we must with a firme faith beleeue as it is indeede that hee hath onely an actiue power whereby he alwaies worketh and can worke 2 For god is an essence most simple most perfect truely eternall voide of all passion and vnchaungeable and most powerfull of whom and by whome all things are made 3 Yet wee must not imagine any such actiue power in God which is a diuers thing from his essence 4 For God in his owne most simple essence is such whatsoeuer he be iust good or almightie 5 And although there be indeed but one onely power in God yet for the diuers respectes wherein he is considered it may be saide not impiouslie to be manifold 6 For it is one respect when it is considered as God workethal waies in himselfe in vnderstanding willing louing and another respect when wee behold it as God hath wrought outwardly or without himselfen in creating the world and as he euermore worketh in gouerning the same and as he could worke innumerable things if he would 7 Therefore as the actions of god are not vnfittly distinguished into abiding actions and passing so the power of God may not vniustly be called two-fold one wherein he euer from all eternitie did worke and doeth worke in himselfe the other wherein he did not
the diuine in the abstract also by reason of the simplicity thereof For this proposition is as true and proper he deity is omnipotent as this God is omnipotēt yea euen omnipotency it selfe And againe Humanity and a man is mutable 34 Of the person expressed by the proper name and that name Rule 4 which noteth both the natures or by a name signifying the office of a mediatour as well the things which are proper to the one or to the other or to both the natures together may truely and properly be spoken as Christ is omnipotent also Christ is man Christ died Also Christ is a redeemer a mediatour Also the mediator is God is man is immortall died redeemed vs. 35 Of the person signified by a name of one nature Rule 5 the things which are proper therevnto may truely and properly be spoken as This God or onely begotten sonne of God is eternall and omnipotent Also This man or the sonne of man was borne in the last daies Rule 6 died 36 Those things which are proper to the wholle person cannot be spoken but by a Synechdoche a part taken for the wholle of one nature signified either by an abstractiue or concretiue name as The flesh quickeneth God redeemed his Church 37 Wherefore this saying of Leo each forma worketh that which belongeth to it selfe we with Damas say to be all one with this and that properly Christ worketh according to each forme 38 So where Iohn said his blood washeth vs from sinne and Christ saith my flesh is meate indeede also where it is said to quicken and that it is to be worshipped those wordes are put for concretiues namely the flesh of Christ for Christ incarnate and the blood of Christ for Christ by his blood 39 For he which said he that eateth my flesh hath eternall life the same said He that eateth me he shall liue by me And he which writ his bloode washeth vs from sinne the same expounding himselfe saith Christ shall wash vs from our sinnes by his blood And they which taught that Christs flesh was to be worshipped they also expressed the cause namely not because it was flesh but because it was flesh of God and therefore that Christians do worship not flesh properly but God incarnate 40 Of the person signified by the name of the one nature Rule 7 the things that belong to the other nature may indeede truely and really be spoken but yet improperly and figuratiuely by communicatiō of the proprieties As the sonne of man it both in heauen and on earth at once Also the onely begotten and Lord of glory was crucified 8. Rule 41 Here of followeth another of the one nature signified in a concretiue name the thinges propper to the other may truely be spoken by reason of the person togither noted yet not really but onely in respect of the name As God taken in the formall signification died man is eternall 42 Wherefore we say that those thinges are praedicated or spoken by communication of the proprieties which beeing proper to one of the natures are made common also to the other in the concrete by the mutuall manner of praedication namely while they are really attributed to the person wereof each nature is a part 43 For seeing Christ most truely and really is both God and man we doubt not to say and with the wholle Church to teach that he suffered namely for example sake according to the one nature and suffered not namely according to the other 44 And seeing the scripture saith both that God is immortall also that the same died was crucified we teach that in the former speech the name of God is taken essentially in the latter hypostatically or personally and therefore that both these are true in the speach concerning Christ but that both of them are spoken of the same in a diuerse manner of praedicatiō 45 Whatsoeuer things we reade to haue beene really giuen to Christ in time after the vnion the same may truely and really be spoken of the person in respect of the humanitie therfore also of the humanitie it selfe but it is to be vnderstood that they cannot be spoken in respect of the divinity and being signified by a concrete name but onely by communication of the proprieties An example of the first Esai 11. the spirit of wisdome shall rest vpon him c. An example of the other Ioh. 3. He hath giuen vnto him his sonne who is from heauen whōe the father sent his spirit aboue measure For he as he is the onely begotten sonne cannot be said to haue really receiued the spirit but onely by communication of the proprieties 46 But the thinges which we confesse were giuen after this manner were not the essentiall proprieties of God but onely gifts of creation and as they call thē habituall graces which belong partly to the perfection of Christs humaine nature partely to the perfecting of the office of a mediatour partely to the honour of the head of the Church 47 For the essentiall proprieties of God are vnited most really with the humaine nature in the same person but they are not really communicated to it in it owne verie essence 48 For to omitte almost infinite of other reasons testimonies of the Apostles aūcient Fathers what things Christ receiued as Man in the essence of his humaine nature he receiued the same that he might as beeing head deriue thē into his mēbers as Athanasius Cyril are witnesses seing he therefore sanctified himselfe that we also might be sanctified and the oile was powered vpon Aarons head that it might runne downe on al his members euen to the skirts of his clothing 49 And who except a mad man would saie that the essentiall proprieties of God are deriued vnto vs. 50 The cause also why Christ as he is God cānot be said to haue receiued gifts of creation is by Cyrill assigned to be this Because as God he needed them not Therefore if also as he is mā he receiued the essentiall proprieties of God really communicated vnto him he cannot then be said to haue receiued the created gifts of the holy ghost For to that ende serueth a finite power in him which is indued with an infinite power really communicated vnto him Finis