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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A15530 The arte of rhetorique for the vse of all suche as are studious of eloquence, sette forth in English, by Thomas Wilson. Wilson, Thomas, 1525?-1581.; Erasmus, Desiderius, d. 1536. Matrimonii encomium. English. 1553 (1553) STC 25799; ESTC S111753 195,532 268

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your grace knoweth verye younge whiche by course of Nature and by mannes estimation mighte haue liued muche longer They bothe were together in one house lodged in two seuerall chambers and almoste at one time bothe sickened and both departed They died bothe dukes bothe well learned bothe wise and bothe right Godlye They bothe before gaue straunge tokens of death to come The elder sittinge at Supper and verye merye saide soudainlye to that ryghte honeste Matroue and Godly aged gentilwoman that most faythful longe assured seruaunt of yours whose life God graunte longe to continue Oh Lorde where shall we suppe tomorowe at night whereupon she beinge troubled and yet saiynge comfortablye I truste my lorde either here or elles where at some of your frendes houses Naye quod he we shall nauer suppe together againe in this worlde be you well assured and with that seinge the gentilwoman discomforted turned it vnto mirthe and passed the reste of his Supper with much ioye and the same night after .xij. of the clocke beynge the .xiiij. of Iulye sickened and so was taken the nexte morning aboute .vij. of the clocke to the mercye of God in the yeare of our Lorde M.D.Li. When the elder was gone the younger woulde not tarye but tolde before hauinge no knowledge therof by anye bodye liuinge of his brothers Deathe to the greate wonderinge of all that were there declaringe what it was to lose so deare a frende but comfortinge him selfe in that passion saide well my brother is gone but it maketh no matter for I will go straight after him and so did within the space of halfe and houre as your grace can best tell whiche was there presente Nowe I renue these wordes to youre graces knowledge that you might the more stedfastlie consider their time to be then appointed of GOD to forsake this euill worlde and to liue with Abraham Isaac and Iacob in the Kingedome of heauen But wherfore did God take two suche awaye and at that time Surelye to tell the principall cause we maye by all likenes affirme that they were taken awaye from vs for our wretched sinnes and mooste vile naughtines of life that therby we beinge warned might be as readie for God as they nowe presentlie were aud amend our liues in time whom God will call what time we knowe not Then as I can see we haue small cause to lament the lacke of them whiche are in suche blessed state but rather to amende our owne liuinge to forthinke vs of oure offences and to wishe of GOD to purge oure hartes from all filthines and vngodlie dealinge that we maie be as they nowe be blessed with God for euer Notwithstandinge the worckes of God are vns●archeable without the compasse of mannes braine preciselye to comprehende the verie cause sauinge that this perswasion oughte surelye to be grounded in vs euermore to thinke that God is offended with sinne and that he punisheth offences to the thirde and fourthe generation of all them that breake his commaundementes beinge iuste in all his worckes and doinge all thinges for the beste And therfore when God plagueth in suche sorte I would with that our faithe might a●waies be staied vpon the admiration of Goddes glorie througheoute all his doinges in whom is none euil neither yet was there euer any guile found And I doubt not but your grace is thus affected and vnfaynedlye confessinge your owne offences taketh this scourge to come from God as a iuste punishmen●e of Sinne for the amendemente not onelye of your owne selfe but also for the amendemente of all other in generall The lamentable voyce of the pore whiche is the mouthe of God throughout the whole Realme declares full well the wickednes of this life and showes plainelye that this euill is more generallye felte the● anye man is able by worde or by wri●inge at full to set forthe When God therfore that is Lord not onelye of the riche but also of the poore seeth his grounde spoyled frome the holesome profite of manye to the vayne pleasure of a fewe and the earthe made priuate to suffise the lus●e of vnsaciable couetousnesse and that those whiche be his true membres cannot liue for the intollerable oppression the soore enhaunsynge and the moost wicked grasing of those throughout the whole Realme whiche otherwise myght well lyue with the onelye value and summe of their landes and yerelye reuenues he striketh in his anger the innocentes and tēder yonglinges to plague vs with the lacke of them whose innocencye and Godlines of life mighte haue bene a iuste example for vs to amende our mooste euill doynges In whiche wonderfull worcke of God when he receiued these two mooste noble ympes and his chyldren elected to the euerlastinge Kingedome I can not but magnifye his mooste glorious name from time to tyme that hath so graciouslye preserued these two worthy gentilmenne from the daunger of further euil and moost vile wretchednes moost like righte shortelye to ensue excepte wee all repente and forthincke vs of oure former euill liuynge And yet I speake not this as thoughe I knewe anye cryme to be more in you then in anye other but I tell it to the shame of all those vniuersallye within this Realme that are gyltye of suche offences whose inward consciences condem●ne their owne doinges and their open d●edes beare witnes against their euil nature For it is not one house that shal feele the fall of these two prynces neither hath God taken them for one priuate personnes offence but for the wickednes of the whole Realme whyche is lyke to feele the smarte excepte God be merciful vnto vs. But now tha● they be gone thoughe the fleshe be frayle weake tender and muste neades smart being woūded or cut yet I doubt not but your grace lackinge two suche porcions of your owne fleshe and hauinge theim as a manne woulde saye cutte awaye frome youre owne bodye will suffer the 〈◊〉 with a good stomake and remembre that sorowe is but an euil remedye to heale a sore For if your hande were detrenched or youre bodie maimed with some soubdaine stroake what profite were it for you to wepe vpon your wounde and when the harme is done to lamente still the sore seinge that with wepinge it wil not be lesse and maye yet throughe weping full sone be made more For the sore is encreased when sorowe is added and the paine is made double whiche before was but single A constante christian shoulde beare all miserie and with pacience abide the force of necessitie shewinge with sufferaunce the strengthe of his faithe and especiallie when the chaunge is from euyll to good from woe to weale what folye is it to so●owe that for the whiche they ioye that are departed They haue taken nowe their rest that liued here in trauaile they haue forsaken their bodies wherin they were bounde to receiue the spirite wherby they are free They haue chosen for sickenes healthe for earth heauen for life transitorie life immortall
and for manne God then the whiche what can they haue more Or howe is it possible they can better Undoubtedly if euer they were happye they are nowe moste happie if ●uer they were well they are nowe in beste case beynge deliuered frome this presente euyll worlde aud exempted from Sathan to lyue for euer with Christe our Sauioure Then what meane we that not onelye lamente the want of other but also desire to tarye here oure selues hopinge for a shorte vayne and therewith a paynefull pleasure and refusynge to enioye that continuall perfecte and heauenlye enheritaunce the whiche so soone that happen vnto vs as Nature dissolueth this Earthlye bodye Truthe it is wee are more fleshelye then spirituall soner fealynge the ache of our bodye then the griefe of oure Soule more studious with care to be healthfull in carkasse then sekynge with prayer to be pure in Spirite And therfore if oure frendes be stayned with Synne wee dooe not or we wyll not espye their sore we counte theim faulteles when they are mooste wicked neither sekinge the redresse of their euyll doynge nor yet once amendynge the faultes of oure owne liuyuge But when oure frende departeth this worlde and then forsaketh vs when Synne forsaketh him wee begynne to shewe ouce fleshelye natures w● wepe and we wayle and with louge sorowe withoute discretion declare our wante of Goddes grace and all goodnes For wheras we see that as some be borne some do dye also m●nne women and children and not one houre certaine to vs of all oure life yet we neuer mourne we neuer w●epe neither markyuge the deathe of suche as we knowe nor regardynge the euyll lyfe of those whom we loue But when suche departe as were either nigheste of oure ky●red or elles mooste oure frendes then wee lamente withoute all comforte not the synnes of their Soules but the chaunge of their bodyes leauinge to doe that whiche we shoulde and doynge that onelye whyche we shoulde not do at all Wherin not onelye we declare muche wante of Faythe but also we shewe greate lacke of wytte For as the other are gone before either to heauen or elles to hell so shall oure fre●des and kin●folke folowe after We are all made of one metall and ordeyned to dye so manye as liue Therfore what folye is it in vs or rather what fleshelye madnesse immoderatelye to wayle their death whom God hathe ordeyned to make their ende excepte wee lamente the lacke of oure owne liuinge For euen as well we myghte at theyr firste byrthe bewayle theyr Natiuitye consideryng they must nedes dye because they are borne to lyue And whatsoeuer hath a beginnynge the same hath also an endynge and the ende is not at oure will whiche desire continuaunce of life but at hys wyll whyche gaue the begynnynge of lyfe Nowe then s●ynge God hath ordeyned all ●o dye accordynge to his appointed wil what meane they that woulde haue theirs to lyue Shall God alter his fyrst purpose for the onelye satisfiynge of oure folyshe pleasure And where God hathe mynded that the whole worlde shall decaye shall anye man desyre that anye one house may stand In my mynde there can be no greater comforte to anye one liuynge for the lacke of his frende then to thinke that thys happened to him whyche all other eyther haue felte or elles shall feele hereafter And that God the rather made Deathe commune to all that the vniuersall plague and egalnes to all myght abate the fierce●es of deathe and comfore vs in the crueltie of the same considerynge no one man hath an ende but that all shall haue the lyke and dye we muste euerye mothers sonne of vs at one time or other But you will saye my chyldren might haue liued longer they dyed younge Sure it is by mannes estimation they myght haue liued longer but had it bene best for them thincke you to haue continued styll in this wretched worlde where Uyce beareth rule and Uertue is subdued where GOD is neglected his lawes not obserued his worde abused and his Prophetes that preache the iudgemente of God almost euery where contemned If your children were aliue by thaduice of some wicked person were brought to a brothell house where entisinge harlottes liued and so were in daūger to commit that fowle sinne of whoredome and so ledde from one wickednes to another I am assured your grace woulde call them backe with laboure and would with exhortations induce theim to the feare of God and vtter detestation of al synne as you haue ful often heretofore done rather fearing euil to come then knowing any open faulte to be in either of them Nowe then seynge God hath done the same for you him selfe that you woulde haue do●e for them if they hadde liued that is in deliuerynge them bothe from this present euil worlde whiche I counte none other then a brothel house and a life of al noughtines you ought to thanke God highlye that he hath taken awaye your two sonnes euen in their youthe beynge innocentes bothe for their liuynge and of such expectation for their towardnes that almoste it were not possible for them hereafter o satisfye the hope in their age whyche all menne presently hadde conceyued of their youthe It is thought and in dede it is no lesse thē a great poynct of happines to dye happely Now when coulde youre two noble gentilmen haue dyed better then when they were at the best mooste Godlye in manye thynges offendinge in fewe beloued of the ho●este aud hated of none if euer they were hated but of suche as hate the best As in deede noble vertue neuer wan●ed cankarde enuy to folow her And considering that this life is so wretched that the beste are euer most hated the vilest alwayes most estemed and your .ii. sonnes of the other side beynge in that state of honestie trained in that pathe of Godlines as I am able to b● a liuely witnes none hath ben like these many yeres or at the lest none better brought vp what thinke you of god did he enuye them or els did he prouidently forsee vnto them bothe when he toke them bothe from vs. Assuredly whom god loueth best those he taketh sonest accordinge to the saiyng of Salomon The righteous man meaninge Enoch and other the chosen of God is sodainely taken away to the entente that wickednes shoulde not alter his vnderstandinge and that hypocrisie should not begile his soul. For the craftie bewitching of lies make good thinges darke the vnstedfastnes also and wickednes of voluptuouse desire turne aside the vnderstanding of the simple And thoughe the righteous was sone gone yet fulfilled he much time for his soule pleased God and therfore hasted he to take him away from amonge the wicked Yea the good men of god in al ages haue euer had an earnest desire to be dissolued My soule quod Dauid hath an earnest desire to enter into the courtes of the lord Yea like as the herte