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A11588 A briefe exposition vvith notes, vpon the second epistle to the Thessalonians. By VVilliam Sclater Doctor of Diuinitie, and minister of Pitmister in Summerset. Sclater, William, 1575-1626. 1627 (1627) STC 21830; ESTC S116803 223,255 316

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I meane largely whatsoeuer hath causalitie or is a motiue to induce the Lord to choose Resp Thus I conceiue these gifts and their exercise to fall vnder the same ordinance of God with our saluation as meanes destined and so conducing to that end how then causes moouing to elect He hath chosen vs to bee holy Ephes 1.4 To be faithfull 1. Cor. 7.25 Vt essemus non quia eramus aut futuri erimus is Saint Augustines glosse 2 What sanctitie is that which mooues 1 That of nature It affordes none Quis dabit mundum ex immundo conceptum semine 2 That of grace Whither the measure incident to this life Or that perfect in the life to come 1 That of this life imperfect Isai 64.6 nor could it bee foreseene otherwise then it was to be 2 The holynesse of another life Wee are then extra statum merendi demerendi as being in termino quiescentiae where wee receiue and enioy rewards procure not reward or ought tending thereto 3 These all q Mat. 11.25 Exod. 1.4 flow from election as their cause And for sanctitie Arminians consent it had no causalitie in respect of election yet for faith foreseene are peremptorie that on it rests election and is ex fide praeuisà And why I wonder faith rather then charitie or other sanctitie 1 Is it more excellent Not saith the Apostle 1. Cor. 13.13 2 More perfect as it is in vs Nor that Luke 17.5 Mar. 9.24 3 Next is not it also part of sanctitie A prime ingredient Especially apprehended as they conceit it respected as a qualitie or act in vs and so auailing to election iustification saluation for that it iustifies or saues as an instrument and by vertue of the obiect it apprehends Christs righteousnesse they belieue not 4 Else how pleased it God out of his freedome to respect it more then other gratious qualities and to assigne it motiue to election Audio Indeed in iustification it auailes more then charitie hope penitence any other holy qualitie or action Accordingly its fitted to doe what its appointed vnto more then any other part of sanctitie that is to r Rom. 5.17 receiue the gift of righteousnesse for and by which we stand iust in Gods sight But that the Lord hath assigned it causalitie in respect of election where finde wee Rather an effect and fruit of election therefore no cause or reason or condition of it Take them therefore here mentioned and ment meanes of saluation not merites or so much as conditi●●s of election And thence learne that howsoeuer the decree of election flow not from meanes yet implies it meanes congruent and hath execution thereby See Rom. 8.30 Eph. 1.3 4 5 c. 1 Wherefore obserue necessitie of them absolute to the obtaining saluation Hebr. 12.14 Marke 16.16 Luke 13.3.5 2 The decree is not onely of the end but also the meanes elect to bee holy predestinated to the adoption Eph. 1.4 5. and not onely to the inheritance 3 Knowledge of the decree suspended on the meanes 2 Pet. 1.10 2. Tim. 2.21 4 Vessels of mercie though for the time aliens from the life of God yet in the day of visitation called with a holy calling 2. Tim. 1.9 and so made meet to partake in the inheritance of the Saints in light Col. 1. Vse It wonders me to here the desperate inference Vse if I bee predestinate I shall bee saued though I neglect scoffe at sanctitie Reduce it thou shalt easily see a contradiction in the termes the predestinate vnsanctified or the vnsanctified of the elect shall be saued There are none such finaliter tales it implies to say it God elects to holinesse and not onely to saluation to saluation but by sanctification of the spirit More to see men professing knowledge of the decree and order of it assurance of their owne personall election yet to walke after the flesh By our studie of sanctitie we know our election 2. Tim. 2.21 2. Pet. 1.10 They lie to God and men who professe to know their owne election while they are ſ Tit. 1.16 abominable disobedient and to euery good worke reprobate yea from any good worke abhorrent of any holy gift destitute to any knowne sinne addicted The meanes specified are first sanctification Secondly iustification implied in faith The order seemes inuerted but thus conceiue sanctification though posteriour in order of nature yet is first in euidence and our knowledge trueth of faith title to iustification being not knowne of vs till wee feele the power of Gods Spirit sanctifying That sanctitie is a meane Scriptures are plentifull See Heb. 12.14 1. Pet. 1.2 Congruitie you will easily discerne if you consider 1 The t 1 Pet. 1.15 16. caller and chooser is holy 2 The habitation so holy that it u Apoc 21.27 admits no vncleane thing to enter 3 To damne deuils for vnholinesse to saue men though vnholy how had it lien open to exception and quarell of damned spirits There is sanctitie first * 1 Cor. 7.14 ciuile So children borne in vnequall wedlocke to Theophylact are called holy id est legitimate not spurious 2 Faederall so x Num. 16.3 all Gods people holy all of the Church visible 3 Sacramentall so Apostataes y Heb. 10.29 sanctified with the blood of Christ the Sacrament of it Baptisme 4 Opinatiue of Phariasicall hypocrites in their owne and other mens opinion holy 5 Reall and true called here the Sanctification of the spirit vnderstand not ours but Gods as Rom. 1.4 This the marke of election meane of saluation The nature of it is in two things 1 Purging our hearts from those vitious propensions naturall z 2 Cor. 7.1 from all filthinesse of flesh and spirit 2 Planting in vs as seedes of vertuous life holy qualities and inclinations a Gal. 5.22 fruites of the spirit as Paul stiles them This habituall holinesse according are their actes and exercise for they b 2 Pet. 1.8 suffer vs not to bee idle and vnfruitfull 1 A constant care and endeuour to c Iac. 1.27 keepe our selues vnspotted of the world 2 d 1 Pet. 1.9 Shewing forth the vertues of him that hath called vs in being zealous of euery good worke or as Paul to Titus expresseth it e Tit. 2 12. denying vngodlinesse and worldly lusts walking godly iustly soberly in this present euill world this they call actuall holinesse Beginnings onely are here vouchsafed the f Rom. 8.23 2 Cor. 11 22. first fruites and earnest of the spirit Consummation we expect according to Gods promise in the g 2 Pet. 3.13 new heauens and new earth wherein dwelleth righteousnesse its comfortable if wee finde truth though we want perfection of holinesse Notes of it thus number and so make election sure 1 It goes ouer the whole man the h 1 Thes 5.23 whole spirit soule body sanctified throughout else no part truely sanctified As the leprosie deriued from the first Adam hath defiled the whole
2. And to be rich in faith 3. And heires with the mightiest amongst them of the Kingdome which he hath promised In one part of the Reward wee haue our paritie in all our partnership with the most eminent among Saints The motiue to recompence followeth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Seeing it is a iust thing with God Q. Is it of Iustice that God rewards the patience of Saints so as it is that he punisheth the crueltie of their persecutors Ans Confessedly it s true The recompense of the righteous is oft ascribed to Gods a Heb. 6.10 2 Tim 4 8. Iustice But 1. Iustice sometime denotes Gods b 1 Iohn 1.9 fidelitie promittendo se fecit debitorem He should doe wrong to himselfe to forget our worke and labour of loue which by promise he hath bound himselfe to reward Wrong also to vs whom with faire promise he hath led on to endure such hardship in his seruice But God is faithfull 2 In respect of Christs meriting not so much to himselfe as to vs with such a price Remission of sinnes esteeme of righteousnesse Crowne of righteousnesse it is of Iustice that our tolerance is rewarded as Paul intimates very b Rom. 3.26 pardon of sinne to be of Iustice in respect of Christs satisfaction equiualent to the violation of Gods Maiestie though in respect of vs it be of meere Grace 3 There is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 rigorous Iustice let no man thinke his patience or suffering can at that barre of common pleas chalenge reward vae etiam laudabili vitae Hominum si remota misericordiâ discutias eam And there is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 moderate Iustice as in a Court of Chancerie especially when a Church man sits in it Such as the Gospell propounds and according whereto the whole of Christianitie is censured According to rigorous Iustice the sinners selfe should satisfie According to moderate Iustice a Mediatour interposeth and his satisfaction is accepted According to rigorous Iustice nothing but perfect is tolerated in our workes According to moderate Iustice the weake endeauours of Gods Children are crowned Hence say some moderate Papists Though there be Iustice in Retribution to both kindes yet not like Iustice in dispensing the Rewards To euill workes is due eternall punishment out of the nature of the workes To good workes eternall life onely by positiue ordinance of God 4 Quoad genus It s of Iustice that it should be well with the Righteous Ill with the wicked hitherto there is agreement in generali ratione iusti That it should be so ill with the wicked heere is also exacta ratio iusti But that it should be so well with men vnperfectly righteous heere is apparent mixture of vnmerited mercy Vse 1 How doth it augment the comfort of Gods Children to meditate his very Iustice is ingaged for their refreshment We haue heard experimented his mercy and grace in our afflictions tempering them to our strength giuing c 1 Cor. 10.13 issue with the temptation granting d Ez. 9.8 reuiuing from our seruitude proportioning e 2 Cor. 1.5 comforts exciting manifesting increasing grace by afflictions filling vs with f Rom. 15.13 ioy and peace in beleeuing that we might taste how sweete the Lord is in this life and long to be satisfied with fulnesse of Ioy at his right hand If this be too little his very Iustice lies at gage for our refreshment and full redemption should not shall not the g Gen. 18.25 Iudge of all the world doe right Or shall not this make vs say Amen to Dauids Asseueration Verily there is a Reward for the Righteous that 's as verily true as it s doubtles there is a God that iudgeth the earth So saith Amen the faithfull and true witnesse 2. Serues it not also to terrifie and astonish all gracelesse men Especially those of h 1 Ioh. 3.12 the broode of Caine. Who ledd either with hatred of good men or goodnes or with fancie of vniust mercie in God i Iac. 5.5 6. nourish their hearts as in a day of slaughter euen when they condemne and kill the Iust Who shall stand before the Lord in the day of his fierce wrath and reuelation of his iust Iudgement least they who haue abused the bountifulnes long-suffering and tolerance of God No man blames them to thinke Gods mercy greate for its infinite rather for thinking his mercy not iust That Iustice of the mercifull God they may obserue sometimes to breake through the vaile of mercy and to wreake it selfe vpon the troublers of Saints The iust Lord sometimes awaketh as a Gyant refreshed with much wine as a Lyon tearing in peeces when there is none to helpe That by seuerity on some particulars hee might warne all to repent and minde them of the wrath kept in store for the impenitent some are heere punished saith Saint Augustine that we may know there is a Prouidence taking notice of all not all that we may know there is a iudgement to come Instances take Sodome the old world Angels you will see it is true k 2 Pet. 2.4 ad 10 God knowes to deliuer his out of temptation and to reserue the vniust to the day of Iudgement to be punished Then shall Iustice breake forth in furie thorough the cloude of mercy so long ouershading it so much the more furious by how much the m●re his mercy hath binne contemned Master said the Disciples when shall these things bee When the Lord Iesus shall be reuealed from heauen But till then is the full Recompence of the righteous and full vengeance of the wicked mercifully yet iustly deferred Art thou come to torment vs l Mat. 8.29 before the time say Spirits of Aire reserued to the Iudgement of the great day m Apoc. 6.10 How long Lord holy and true Soules vnder the Altar Not as if Diues now n Luke 16.25 receiued no paine nor Lazarus comfort But for that neither hath yet receiued the whole nor the whole of either their full retribution That made Bernard say Martyrs glorified in their soules haue yet some reflexion of loue vpon themselues for their bodies sake remaining vnder the dominion of death That makes me thinke damned soules in hell tremble and are more tormented at thought of the Iudgement to come because then their bodies instruments of their soules weapons of sinne to fight so stoutly for vnrighteousnesse shall be reunited to augmentation of their torture Of respiting full recompence of the iust conceiue these Reason 1. That o Heb. 11.40 they without vs might not be perfected Nor we without after-commers from Gentiles and Iewes receiue complement of our Beatitude 2. Besides though after death we be all extrastatum merendi aut demerendi for any personall performances yet a vertue operatiue of example or counsell we leaue behinde vs the sauour of the good as of Christs oyntment powred out p Cant. 1.2 drawing
many after vs And the stench of euill as that of Ieroboam reaching to the infection of many a soule yet vnborne This is Gods course the good is done before it s rewarded the euill committed before punished 3. Corpus quod corrumpitur aggrauat animam 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quasi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 by meanes of corruption Ergastulum Carcer Animae How many deaths haue passed in thorough those windowes by which the soule lookes out into the world How hardly hath that masse of flesh bin haled on to good duties Sleeping and turning vpon the Bed as Salomons sluggard with modo and modo quae non habent modum It 's iust with God to say to it in our Sauiours language Sleepe on now and take thy rest Ly brute sensles wormes-meat till for the better part sake thou be rowzed by the last trumpe out of the sleepe of Death proportionally conceiue Reasons of respiting the full vengeance of the wicked Vse 1 The wish is sweet of the Spirit and Bride q Apoc 22.17 Come Holy the according prayer of the Euangelist r 20. Euen so come Lord Iesus come quickly I cannot but approue the extaticall desire of the Apostle that hee might ſ Phil 123. bee dissolued thinke it most what generally true of all Saints that they t 2 Tim. 48. loue Christs appearing would presse the exhortation of Saint Peter to u 2 Pet. 3.12 hasten to the comming of the Lord yet would perswade all men patiently to waite for the appearing of that blessed hope 1. Fulnesse of Gentiles is not yet come in 2. Restitution of Iewes not yet accomplished 3. Our selues are reserued to doe more good that we may receiue more reward 4. Vertue of vs runs on in a continuall line till the heauens be rolled vp as a scroll and that to augment our glory I maruell not if Paul desired to be * 2 Cor. 5.1 clothed vpon with his house from heauen so rauishing is the taste of that beatitude yet doubt not but he daily receiues encrease of ioy vnspeakeable and glorious from the endlesse good inspired from God through him into vs in the heauenly doctrine of his writings and blessed example of his life left vs in record On which grounds I exhort all to patient their hearts vntil the comming of the Lord so to long for as yet they quietly waite for his blessed appearing But Oh death Oh Iudgement how bitter is the remembrance of thee to a man liuing in his sinnes They say commonly Let all alone till that day Not all take taste a little in horrours of your conscience in life dreads no l●sse then astonishing in death torments vnsufferable at the separation yet there is a day of fuller Retribution comming when you shall run to the Rockes to hide you to the Mountaines to couer you from the presence of the Lambe and him that sits vpon the Throne These heere are but 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Thinke of him whose but soule cryed out I * Luc. 16.24 am horribly tormented in this flame What shall that torment be when body and soule come to be vnited for torture Intermissions God giues you in this life Respit to bodies till the last day But wo wo wo vnto you when the Lord Iesus shall be reuealed from heauen Tropically it s put to denote Christs comming to Iudgement this reuealing of the Lord Iesus being coniunct therewith Consider 1. The Style of Christs comming his Reuelation 2. His Attendants Angels 3. The manner of it in flaming fire 4. The end to render vengeance 1. What is this reuelation of the Lord Iesus The same it may be which Paul calles 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his y 2 Tim. 4.8 appearing Saint Iohn 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 his z 1 Ioh. 3.2 manifestation and somebodie some-where his glorious appearing 1. Heauen it selfe and the great Chasma betwixt it and vs cannot keepe from vs his heauenly a Mat 28.20 vertue and influence Yet must b Act 3.21 containe him till the time that all things shall be restored That though we feele his power daily in our protection and support his gratious operations in our foules in our Sanctification and Comfort yet an Interstitium there is which keepes from vs sight of his glorious person perfect fruition of his God-head and Manhood Then shall that veile be remoued and euery man shall bee able to point the finger and say Ecce Agnus Dei that Lyon of the Tribe of Iudah c Apoc. 1.7 Behold hee commeth with cloudes And euery Eye shall see him euen they that pierced him 2. Or what if wee thinke reference is to the daies of his flesh What time though he were Lord and Christ yet appeared he not so to the eyes of flesh His God-head sometimes peeping out thorough the viele in a miracle yet mostlie obscuring it selfe 1. Partly to embolden Satan to the encounter 2. Partly by concealing himselfe from forlorne Iewes to make way to calling of Gentiles 3. Partly to shew that his kingdome is not of this world 4. And which is not the least to magnifie and make more glorious the faith of them who in that state of abasure discerned him such as Thomas could not till after his Resurrection their d Ioh. 20.28 Lord and their God Thus pleased our Sauiour to liue in obscurity while he was vpon earth yet shall bee reuealed both Lord and Iesus when he comes from heauen in glory with his mighty Angels Vse Wee also haue our veile of Abasures by afflictions infirmities and imperfections such so great that the e Ioh. 3.1 world knowes vs not So God will haue it that the world may be blinded Yet Comfort we our selues in this We are predestinated to be f Rom. 8.29 conformable to the Image of Christ in affliction and glory in veiling and Reuealing Wee as the Sonne and Heire of the great God haue our day when the g Rom. 8.19 Sonnes of God shall be reuealed When God shall bring our Innocencie to light and our Righteousnes as the Noone-day Yea when we h Col. 3.4 shall also appeare with him in glory When all the world shall befoole themselues for thinking our life madnes and i Sap. 5.3 4 5. admire how we are accounted and aduanced as the Sons of God 2. His retinew are Angels Mighty Angels Whither as Assistant and approouing Iudges together with Saints I referre you to Schoolemen for resolution Their vse and imployment then is not onely to fill vp the Glory and Magnificence of the great Iudge but first to gather the k Mat. 24.31 Elect from the foure windes secondly to separate the Tares from the wheat thirdly to be executioners of Gods wrath vpon the wicked l 13.41.42 binding vp those Tares in sheaues and casting them into euerlasting fire Mighty Common place of the power of Angels and their might how farre it reacheth in workes of Nature or
of afflictions for whom glory no lesse then wonderfull is prepared against the appearing of Christ I say as Paul on like occasion Consider what I say and the Lord giue you vnderstanding in all things 4. The last particle remaines The persons to whom this glory this maruellous glory belongs Thus they are pointed out vnto vs. 1. Saints 2. And Beleeuers such onely and such all Two things are heere obseruable 1. The limitation to Saints and beleeuers onely 2. The extent to all that beleeue no doubt but to all Saints Saints in Popish language heare none but who are Canonized Among whom yet who doubts but may be found some damned Spirits sith in Canonizing the Pope may erre Amongst our people ignorant of Scripture Phrase none may so be e●●eemed but those iust men whose spirits are now made perfect in heauen In the style of the holy Ghost All Gods people but professing sanctity are so named though more strictly such as by God Spirit are e 2 Cor. 7.1 purged though but inchoately from all filthines of sl●sh and Spirit and are growing towards full holinesse in the feare of God The style is sometimes with an 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 giuen to men eximious in Sanctitie yet generally belongs to all Gods Children That to them onely belong the Glory that shall be reuealed Scripture Testimonies are plentifull hence it s called the f Col. 1.12 inheritance of Saints Wherefore also the g Heb. 12.14 vnholy and profane are excluded Reasons of congruence yee may obserue reading the Scriptures quoted 1 Ioh. 3 3. Apoc. 11.27 Vse If any measure of profanenes might breed wonder in these last times I should maruell to see Christians by profession men hoping for heauen and setting their face that way so generally auerse from Sanctitie so scoffing out of countenance the studie and endeauour of it Saith Peter considering the terrour of the last day h 2 Pet. 3.8 What manner men ought we to be in holy conuersations No measure should suffice S. Iohn weighing the purity of the Iudge and the condition of seeing him with comfort i 1 Ioh. 3.3 whosoeuer hath this hope purgeth himselfe as God is pure S. Iames expressing imperat Acts of sincere Religion thus points to vs our measure of sanctitie to keepe our selues k Iac. 1.27 vnspotted of the world S. Iude commands to hate the l Iude ver 23. garment spotted of the flesh S. Paul allowes not m Ephes 5.3 naming of any vncleannes without detestation Nice scrupulousnes about Ceremonies and such like trifles what wise man either loathes not or pitieth And yet cries woe to all that violate n Mat. 5.19 minima man datorum approuing euen precisenes in moralities so it be guided by prudence As to Saints so to belieuers is this glorie appropried places a●e plentifull see these pregnant Mar. 16.16 Iohn 3.15 16 17 18. whither Infid●litie be of more Negation such as in Pagans to whom the name of Iesus hath not bin heard or of euill disposition as in vnbeleeuing or misbeleeuing Christians it matters little ad poenam damni Though that of sense be greater to children of the Church Mistake not as if I thought the not knowing or not beleeuing in Christ shall be imputed to a simple Pagan as a crime to damne him Howbeit had he beleeued he had bin saued not beleeuing he perisheth in his Paganisme Vse I like pittie though it be a little foolish yet would haue no man wiser then his maker what if the body of Paganish Nations perish what when their Infidelitie in which they perish is muincible It s pittie of them they say And God seemes either not iust or not so mercifull Ans Pittie be it who allowes not o Rom. 9.2 condoling their miscarriage yet neither is God iniust in not shewing them mercie to saluation sith 1 that gratuitous 2 and hee p Eccl. 7.31 made them righteous 3 And they are inexcusably sinfull in violating the rules of naturall law reserued in their Notice But is God lesse mercifull Nay rather more q Rom. 9.23 to the vessels of mercie whom from among so many millions of men and women of equall condition in nature he hath selected to magnifie his mercie vpon The mercies of God are better prised by weight then by number of enioyers But we passe to the extent As to Saints and beleeuers onely so to all Saints for which is more doubtfull to all beleeuers doth this heauenly glorie belong That to all Saints these Scriptures are pregnant The inheritance belongs to r Acts 20.32 all them that are sanctified Beatificall vision to all that are f Mat. 5.8 pure in heart wherefore the sanctied are said to be t Eph. 4.30 sealed to the day of Redemption And the first fruits of the Spirit is called the u 2 Cor. 1.22 carnest of our inheritance Vse 1 They erre who extend Sanctification to Reprobates What say they to this Argument Euery sanctified man is glorified No Reprobate is glorified Ergo nor sanctified 2 * 1 Pet. 1.2 Eph. 1.4 Elected we are to sanctification of the Spirit suppose you to the common solaces of Reprobates 3 Or think we Christs merit and x Iohn 17.9 intercession by which the Spirit of Sanctificaon is procured intended to Reprobates 4 Not giuen them saith our Sauiour the y Iohn 14.17 world cannot receiue him But de his alibi the homonymies wherewith Aduersaries haue perplexed the question are elsewhere noted and explained Let Gods people make sure to themselues their sanctification they make sure their z 2 Pet. 1.10 election Vse 2 calling glorification Thus ye may in part discerne it 1 The lesse a Col. 3.2 earthly-minded the more sanctified 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 quasi 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 or 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 2 It s comfortable to see in our selues the b 2 Pet. 1.5 6. connexion of all vertues gratious to be failing in no gift or fruit of the Spirit argues our through our true sanctification 3 Especially if these things be in vs and abound c 2 Pet. 1.8 yea if they be but growing that argues life of grace in vs. 4 In exercise of them constancie and resolution is specially comfortable 5. Most when the motiue is obedience to the commander d 1 Cor. 13.3 Loue of the Inioyner and the end that the Author in all things may be glorified Mat. 5.16 The greater question is whither to all that beleeue for euen e Iac. 2.19 Diuels beleeue and wee read of f 1 Tim 4.1 reuolters from faith whose damnation is as certaine as if damned already in chaines of darknesse how then saith the Apostle this Glorie belongs to all that beleeue Resp Pardon vs a little to see if Schooles may helpe vs in this inquirie Of faith as of other vertues they make two kindes The one Acquisite the other Infused Acquisite such as may be wrought
i Rom. 4.17 enabled to do what it s exhorted to do Ps 27.8 My heart answered thy face Lord wil I seek k Rom. 6.17 ye haue obeyed from the heart that forme of doctrine into the which you were deliuered The phrase seemes purposely chosen to expresse the efficacie of diuine doctrine in the hearts of his children as if they were cast into it as into a mould and came forth bearing the stampe and figure of it See 2 Cor. 3.18 Vse Say not now in thy heart who shall ascend into heauen to search those court roles whither thy name bee written in the Booke of life the word is neere thee euen in thy heart That if thou haue selt it such as Paul describes it Spirit and Life enabling to be and doe what it prescribes leauing impressions of holinesse mercy loue and such like heauenly properties as it selfe breathes thou maist rest assured of thy Calling and Election Blessed is that soule that discernes impressions of the Word and Spirit of God in it selfe It s sealed to the day of Redemption Ephes 4.30 Instrument of vocation our Gospell vnderstand not an Euangelicall storie written by Paul and his Associates as by Matthew and the rest But their preaching of the Gospell their publishing the glad tidings of remission of sinnes reconciliation with God saluation purchased by Christ to all beleeuers The Gospell is 1 Gods as the Author and sender of it 2 Christs as the matter and next reuealer of it out of the bosome of his Father He is the Angell of the Couenant 3 Pauls as l 1 Cor. 4.1 a dispenser amongst others of the mysteries it containes Our Gospell that is tropically our preaching of the Gospell That the instrument and meane of their of our vocation two things commended to our notice 1 the matter or quality of the doctrine whereby our effectuall calling is wrought its Gospell 2 The Act conuersant about it or the manner of propounding it when its powerfull to our calling that 's preaching Of the first that its Gospell and not Law Scriptures plentifully witnesse 1 That 's the m Rom. 1.16 17. power of God to saluation for it onely reueales the righteousnesse of God the meanes of reconcilement vnto him therefore stiled the n 2 Cor. 5.19 word of reconciliation 2 That o 2 Cor. 3.6 9. Spirit not Letter the ministration of the Spirit the ministery by which the Spirit giues life and ability to doe what it prescribes Howbeit in the conuersion of a sinner there is vse of the Law and that ministery of condemnation 1 to humble the soule swelling with conceit of righteousnesse by p Rom. 3.20 conuincing it of sinne 2 To make it q Rom. 7.9 sensible of miserie to which for sin its lyable 3 That so it may be our r Gal. 3.24 Schoolemaster to Christ preparatiue therefore it is to conuersion yet as Moses brought onely to the borders of the promised land Ioshuah set them in possession So the Law prepares vs a people to Christ the Gospell makes vs so Iohn 1.17 Of the second In what manner propounded Resp Preached vnto vs. What call we preaching Resp Not euery telling a faire tale in a pulpit or singing a piece of descant vpon a Text But the 1 opening and interpreting of the doctrine of the Gospell and 2 the applying of it to the state and vse of the hearers Compare these Scriptures Neh. 8.8 Luk. 24.27 32. Iob 33.23 2 Tim. 4.2 1 Cor. 14.24 25. Whither this be done publiquely e suggestu in the Congregation or in priuate Conference de Scripto or memoriter with a set Text or without matters not to the nature of preaching But that this is the meane ordinary of vocation the meane ordinary sine quo non Scriptures are plentifull Rom. 10.14 17. How shall they heare to belieue without a preacher 1 Cor. 1.21 It pleased God by foolishnesse of preaching to saue them that belieue Hence the charge so strict to Timothy deliuered with solemnest adiuration to preach the word 2 Tim. 4.1 2. and woe to vs to whom the dispensation is committed if we preach not the Gospell 1 Cor. 9. see also Ezech. 3.18 34.2 But is not reading the Scriptures to the people preaching Resp In large sense it is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a publike proclaiming of the word of God But shall we say that preaching which in strict sense Scripture so cals for shame when Paul bids Timothie preach the word meanes he read it distinctly see his owne explication and drawing that whole into parts 2 Tim. 4.2 when he commands to study to show himselfe approued a workman that needs not be ashamed ment he reading distinctly 2 Tim. 2.15 rather right diuiding the word When Christ ascended on high and gaue ſ Eph. 4.8 11. gifts to men fitting them to the worke of the ministerie in their seuerall degrees was this amongst their habiliments Mistake not as if I would vilifie publique Reading I know it Gods ordinance vsefull and efficacious to the ends whereto it s assigned And haue so farre expressed my iudgement in my rude notes on the former Epistle Howbeit would haue no man in loue of his ignorance or ouer-loue of ease so farre mistaken as to thinke he hath done the whole of that worthy that t 1 Tim 3.1 5.17 18. toylesome worke of the ministery when he hath read faire seruice vnto the people Nor be so erronious against sense as to thinke reading that kinde of preaching which Scripture makes instrument of effectuall calling Of Gods selecting it and separating it to this vse other Reason we can giue none saue his 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 1 Cor. 1.21 Howbeit Congruence you may obserue 1 Cor. 14.25 2 Tim. 4 2. 2.15 And would you please seriously to view and compare Congregations wanting this meanes with those to which God hath granted constant preaching of his Truth the greatest Antipreacher shall be forced to see as great oddes as betwixt Sodome and Sion in her beautie betwixt ignorance and knowledge betwixt ciuility and sanctity betwixt corruption and grace betwixt the sonnes of God and the children of Belial Vse 1 On which ground I hope I may without presumption minde my reuerend Brethren of the Ministery of what Paul with solemnest adiuration chargeth vpon Timothie to u 2 Tim. 4.2 preach the word to be instant in season out of season 1 the * 3. itch of the eares hath infected the people that 's little 2 x Acts 20.29 Wolues enter or insideate not sparing the flocke 3 We watch for their soules as those that y Heb. 13.17 shall giue account 4 Bloud of soules cries lowder then that of Abel which yet God threatens to z Ezech. 3.18 require of vs in case of our negligence 5 a 1 Cor. 9.16 Ezech. 34.2 Woes are many to rouse vs with all comfortable promises many to animate and encourage 1 the b Mat 28.10 Lord shall
manibus non laborat similis est praedoni Ob. Their labour is in prayer watching hearing Confessions contemplation c. Resp While distenti crepantes they crie out haec quanta patimur c. But faine I would know for my learning where God hath warranted to any man on earth abled for imployment in particular functions to spend his whole time in deuotion and Contemplation Where hee teacheth the performance of these generall offices of the Christian calling to exempt any such man from imployment in particular vocation or office tending to publique good Valeant Euchitae Contemplation is good sweet aboue hony but vita Coeli Non Terrae except fruites issue by writing or other courfes beneficiall to Communitie See S. Augustine de opere Monachorum But out vpon our vagrants sturdie Beggers the burthens of the earth scorne of heauen shame of our Common-Wealth I perswade my selfe the worst of infernall Spirits haue not lesse sense of piety haue more sense Iac. 2.19 Deity then our Canting Vagrants drowzily deadly in this behalfe dormit stertit Reipublicae disciplina When may wee hope to awake it When most are minded these are amongst the poore commended to our merciful reliefe and as chearefully deale their bread to them in the r●fulnesse as to the paynfullest Artisan or truest labourer in his hunger Erasmus mentions a kinde of mercy meetest for such 'T is in this language miserecordia puniens Surely the whip is more their due then foode Bridewell to entertaine them fitter then an Almes-house Should such out by Pauls Rule Liue after monition by our holesome statute Nor yet dwells idlenesse all sub dio nor all lodgeth or lowzeth it selfe vnder Beggars Bush entertainenment it findes alasse how sumptuous in sieled houses Semble to your selues a while the life of young and Elder Gallants of our Gentrie and tell me if you seeme not to be Moses his c Exod. 32.6 Idolaters or Pauls d 1 Cor. 15.32 Epicures reuiued in them men whose whole life is eating drinking snorting sporting or if any thing may be more Epicureal or Bestial then this or if you can discerne other in them then Ezechiel mentions of Sodomites e Ezech. 16.49 Pride fulnes of Bread abundance of Idlenes would God not also much of their Bestiality f Deut. 32.6 doe you thus requite the Lord Oh people foolish and vnwise Is this the thankes you render him the seruice you doe him for all that rich bounty powred out vpon you Potentes potentur tormenta patientur But I spare you The penalty of wilfull neglecting the labour enioyned with the appertinencies follow Let not such eate hee meanes of the common charge of the Church that if naught else yet hunger and necessity may driue them to labour And yet remember Nature may not bee deserted in extreame necessity but out of that Case they nourish Idlenesse who succour the Idler The life of Law is penality when duely executed wherefore the great Law-giuer to his owne Israel vseth such enforcements See Exod. 21. 22 c. 1. Refractaries euery state and kingdome affords whom but penalty nothing restraines scarce doth penalty executed reforme 2. Yet the Treacle is made of such Vipers for preseruing others All Israel shall heare and feare and do no more presumptuously 3. Seruility is much in men of best inclination They are not all alwaies ledde by that Spirit of Ingenuity Psal 51.12 Rules for their enacting 1. That they be proportioned to quality and measure of the offence Draco his seuerity is deemed ouer rigorous prouiding death for least offences our lenity in some enormities is no lesse blame●ble whiles Adultery laughes at the sheet or secures it selfe of Redeeming that shame with the purse 2. As offences grow though but in circumstances so ought penalties to be augmented See Numbers 15 30 32 35. For exception 1. That it be done g Deut. 1.17 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 impartially 2. Not following priuate passions which turnes iustest punishment oft into vengeance The question I meddle not with whither submission to the penalty free Conscience from guilt of sin in violating holesome Constitutions who so affirme had need build on better Reasons then supposed equiualence of satisfaction for dammage done to community by bearing the penalty Vse Maxima peccandi illecebra est impunitatis spes There is no greater encouragement entisement to sin then hope of impunitie Licentious we are growne out of measure most liue by that occasion lentitude rather then lenity of Magistrates that now wisest begin to thinke as that sage Politician spake by occasion of Neruaes remisnesse in gouernment It s better to liue where nothing then in this state where all things are lawfull We heare daily clamorous outcries of Separatists and others for I know not what tolerations of euill men yet faults not the Church in hir Constitutions what euill man or practise doe they legitimate or but tolerate Yer confessedly there is fault amoghst vs that penalties are not more strictly executed How may we feare least the Lord lay to his hand while his deputies are so remisse See is not wrath already gone out from the Lord Oh that some Phinehas would stand forth h Psal 106.30 to execute Iudgement before the Lords wrath breake forth to deuoure vs. These Reasons mee thinkes should excite vs. 1. With such feare or seucrity thou maist saue a soule and i Iud● ver 23. respect it out of the fire such blessing God gaue to that sternnes towards k 1 Cor. 5. 2 Cor. 2. Collat. the incestuous person 2. Or if the delinquents be incorrigible yet others seeing their punishment may feare to doe presumptuously Deut 13.11 when otherwise thorough Conniuence the example is as l 1 Cor. 5.6 leauen as a m 2 Tim. 2.17 Gangrene encreasing to more vngodlinesse 3. And why sith this may propitiate the diuine Maiesty and n Num. 25.7 8. cease the Plague mercileslie expose we the body to destruction Which with losse of some incurable members may be preserued Consider what I say and the Lord giue you vnderstanding in all things Conscience in this The persons whom the penalty toucheth are next pointed at Any of any ranke or quality that will not worke That clause deserues our notice Not want of ability but lacke of will to worke is stricken at in the penalty for what when feeblenesse by age or sicknesse or other impotencie by casualty betides vs Suppose you Paul warrants to shut vp bowels of Compassion to such God forbid where then is place for visito poto cibo and such like works of mercie omission whereof o Mat. 25.41.42 excludes from heauen Or why add we affliction to those whom God hath wounded Yea what if in greatest strength there want meanes of imployment Is it not equiualent to other impotencie Such want not will but meanes to be imployed Are therefore capable of the common reliefe Vse Wickednesse is wittie to