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A09432 A godly and learned exposition of Christs Sermon in the Mount: preached in Cambridge by that reuerend and iudicious diuine M. William Perkins. Published at the request of his exequutors by Th. Pierson preacher of Gods word. Whereunto is adioyned a twofold table: one, of speciall points here handled; the other, of choise places of Scripture here quoted Perkins, William, 1558-1602. 1608 (1608) STC 19722; ESTC S113661 587,505 584

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thinketh on them though heauen be Gods throne and the earth his footstoole yet will hee looke to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit yea the Lord will dwell with him that is of a contrite and broken heart Christ came to preach the glad tidings of the Gospel to the poore yea the Lord filleth the hungrie that is the poore and hungrie soule with good things but the rich he sends emptie away Let these and many such fauours with God which they enioy prouoke vs to become poore in spirit Secondly are they blessed that be poore in spirit then here all poore and wretched persons in the world may learne to make good vse of their wants and distresses they must consider them as the hand of God vpon them and thereby be ledde to the viewe of their sinnes and by the consideration of their sinnes be brought to see their miserie in thēselues the true ground of this spirituall pouertie Now when they are once poore in spirit they are in a blessed state in the iudgement of Christ. If a man bleed dangerously at the nose the best way to saue his life is to let him blood else-where and so turne the course of the blood another way euen so when a man is oppressed with worldly calamities hee cannot finde any comfort in them for in themselues they are Gods curses yet if thereby he can bee brought to see his spirituall pouertie then of curses they become blessings vnto him and therefore when we are in any distresse wee must not onely fixe our eies vpon the outward crosse but by meanes of that labour to see the pouertie of our soules and so will the crosse lead vs to happinesse Thirdly they that abound with worldly wealth must hereby learne to become poore if they would be saued Poore I say not in goods but in soule and spirit this indeed is hard to flesh and blood for naturally euery rich man blesseth himselfe in his outward estate and perswades himselfe that God loues him because he giues him wealth but such conceits must he striue against and learne of God to reioyce in this that he is made lowe Iam 〈…〉 Fourthly on this saying of Christ that the poore are blessed the Popish teachers obseruing the word translated poore to be●oken outward pouertie goe about to builde their vowe of voluntarie pouertie whereby men renouncing their wealth and possessions of this world doe be take themselues to some Monasterie there to liue a poore and solitarie life But their voluntarie pouertie will not agree with this text son Christs poor● here pronounced blessed are such as by reason of their pouerty are miserable and wretched wanting outward comforts as we shewed o●t of Luke where Christ opposeth them to the rich who abound with all worldly delights but to vndergoe the Popish vow of voluntarie pouertie is no estate of miserie or distresse for who doe liue in greater ●ase or enioy more freedome from the crosses and vexations of this life then their begging Friers Againe if their vowed pouertie had any ground in this text then Christ should pronounce such poore blessed as made themselues poore but that he doth not for then in the next verse he should pronounce such mourners blessed as voluntarily cause themselues to mourne for that verse dependeth on this as a more full explanation of this first rule But no man will say that they that mourne without a cause are there called blessed and therefore Popish vowed pouertie hath no ground on this place And thus much of the persons II. Point Wherein the blessednes of these poore consists namely in hauing a right to the kingdome of heauen For theirs is the kingdome of heauen By kingdome of heauen for the better conceiuing of this blessednes we must vnderstand a state or condition of man whereby he is in Gods fauour and hath fellowship with God The truth of this description is euident by the tenour of the new Testament Now this estate of man is called a Kingdome because herein God rules as king and man obeies as Gods subiect for no man can be in Gods fauour nor enioy his fellowship vnlesse God be his King ruling in his heart by his word and spirit and he Gods subiect resigning himselfe to be ruled by him for this happie estate consists in Gods gracious ruling of man and mans holy subiection vnto God Indeede fewe doe see any great happines in this estate but the truth is mans whole felicity stands herein Rom. 14. 17. The kingdome of God is not meate and drinke but righteousnes peace and ioy in the holy Ghost Here the Apostle teacheth vs three things namely that when Gods spirit rules in a mans heart then first he is iustified there is righteousnes secondly he hath peace with God euen that peace of conscience which passeth all vnderstanding thirdly the ioy of the holy Ghost which is all vnspeakable comfort passing all worldly ioy whatsoeuer And these three doe notably set out the state of an happie man which will yet more plainly appeare by their contraries in Iudas who beeing a wretched sinner vnrighteously betraied his master and thereupon fell into the miserie of a guiltie accusing conscience which was the cause of his desperate death and also that his bodie burst asunder and his bowells gushed out now if an euill conscience be so fearefull then ●ow blessed an estate is the peace and ioy of a good conscience which a man then hath when God by his word and spirit ruleth in his heart Againe this estate is called the kingdome of heauen because that man in whom Christ 〈…〉 by his word and spirit is alreadie himselfe in heauen though i● bodie he be yet on earth for heauen is like a citie with two gates thorough both of which a man must passe before he obtaine the full ●oyes thereof now so soone as God by his word and spirit rules in any mans heart he is alreadie entred the 〈…〉 te of grace which is the first gate the other remaines to be passed thorough at the time of death which is the gate of glorie and then he is in full possession Doth true happines consist in this estate where Christ ruleth and man obeies then here behold the errour of all Philosophers and wise men of this world touching happines for some haue placed it in pleasure some in wealth and others in ciuill vertue and some in all these But the truth is it stands in none of these A naturall man may haue all these and yet be condemned for the ciuill vertues of the heathen were in them but glorious sinnes Our Sauiour Christ hath here reuealed more vnto vs then all the wise men of the world did euer know and hereby we haue iust occasion to magnifie the bookes of Scripture farre aboue all humane writings because they doe fully set out vnto vs the nature and estate of true felicitie which no humane
and rebellion into our Land if this were not our peace would continue for euer for the worke of iustice shall be peace quietnesse and assurance for euer And againe in righteousnesse shalt thou be established and be farre from oppression This therefore should mooue all vngodly persons to repent and to breake off the course of their sinnes vnlesse they will continue professed enemies to the peace of the state vnder which they liue The second Point wherein this blessednesse of Peace-makers consists namely in that they shall be called the children of God that is they shall be esteemed and reputed for Gods children in this world of God himselfe and all good men and in the world to come fully manifested so to be That this is true happinesse will soone appeare by the view of the state of euery childe of God for they are vnited vnto Christ by the spirit of grace by which they are regenerate and in Christ they are adopted for sonnes and daughters and so enioy Gods speciall grace and fauour Now hereupon they are Kings children hauing God for their Father who loues them more tenderly then any earthly Parents can loue their owne children secondly they haue Christ for their brother and so are heires annexed with him hauing heauen and earth for their possession In him they are made Kings and Priests vnto God and shall be iudges of the world at the last day yea they haue the holy Angels for ministring spirits to attend vpon their persons for their defence from the power of the enemie which farre surpasseth the dignity of any guard of men on earth whatsoeuer all things worke together for the best vnto them their crosses and afflictions are no curses but fatherly trialls and chastisements yea their sinnes are turned to their good to them death is no death but a sweet sleepe vnto their bodies and a straite passage for their soules into eternall glorie yea in the acte of death they haue the comfort of life in the ioy of the spirit and the Angels readie when breath departeth to carrie their soules to heauen If this be true happinesse to be called Gods children then they that liue after their owne wicked lusts voyd of all care to keepe a good cōscience are miserable and accursed for they are the children of the diuell seruing him in the workes of sinne and expressing his image in vngodlinesse and worldly lustes It stands them therefore in hand if they haue any care of true happinesse to labour after regeneration whereby forsaking the lusts and courses of their former ignorance and embracing and obeying sincerely the word of life they may become Gods children and so happie Secondly hast thou receiued this grace of Gods spirit whereby thou art inclined to haue peace with all men and to seeke for peace between God and thine owne conscience yea betweene the Lord and others then comfort thy selfe thou art the childe of God these motions come from grace flesh and blood brings forth no such fruits labour therefore to maintaine these good motions with all other pledges of thine adoption and so shalt thou growe fully assured of thine own happines In this age men make much adoe to get good assurance of earthly purchases but what madnesse is this so greatly to regard momentanie things and to haue no care in comparison of our eternall inheritance which we shall haue assured vnto vs when wee become the children of God Verse 10. Blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnes sake for theirs is the kingdome of heauen 11. Blessed are ye when men reuile you and persecute you and say all manner of euill against you for my sake falsly 12. Reioyce and be glad for great is your reward in heauen for so persecuted they the Prophets which were before you Here Christ propounds his eight Rule touching happinesse which he handles more largely then the former for hauing laid downe the Rule vers 10. he expounds the same in a speciall application of it to his Disciples in the 11. and 12. verses In the Rule it selfe note two points first the parties blessed secondly wherein their blessednesse consists The parties blessed are they which suffer persecution for righteousnesse sake Persecution properly signifieth pursuite such as one enemie maketh after another but here the word must be taken generally for all kind of persecution whatsoeuer Now because it is a paradoxe and absurd in humane reason to thinke him blessed that for any cause is persecuted therefore Christ to verefie the truth hereof repeats the same Rule in the nextwerse where also he expounds euery parcell thereof wherewith I will content my selfe because Christ is the best interpreter of his owne words In the 11. verse therefore Christ sets downe three things all pertaining to the true exposition of this Rule First he explaines more particularly the parties that be blessed saying to his Disciples Blessed are yee In the beginning of the Chapter wee heard that hee cast his eies vpon them and spake vnto them and now here he doth the like again therefore this Rule must not be vnderstood of all men in the world that suffer but of all Christs true Disciples and generally it is not true for the heathen and infidels doe often suffer for good causes and yet remaine infidels without the true God and so are not blessed Againe a Chrstian professor may giue vp his life in a good cause yet not of loue to God or his truth but vpon ambition and so not be blessed for though I giue my bodie to be burned yet wanting loue it profiteth mee nothing Secondly Christ expoundeth particularly what hee meaneth by persecution naming three parts thereof first slaundering and reuiling which is the persecution of the tongue Thus the Iewes persecuted the Apostles saying they were drunke or full of sweete wine Thus Festus persecuted Paul making him madde or beside himselfe Secondly persecution meaning hereby as the word doth properly signifie first pursuite such as one enemie maketh after another when he seekes to spoile him of his goods or of his life secondly the bringing a man vnto the Barre and there of malice to accuse and arraigne him thirdly euill speaking with lying when as men of purpose be without cause malitiously carried thereunto as when the Iewes called Christ a Samaritan that had a diuell and said that he cast out diuels by Belzebub the prince of diuels and thus were the Christians in the Primitiue Church persecuted beeing malitiously accused for killing their owne children for worshipping the head of an asse for incest and such like To these three kindes of persecutions S. Luke Chap. 6. 22. addes a fourth namely hatred and a fift called separation wherby men were excommunicated and cast out of the Temple Synagogues for Christs sake and his Gospels These are the seuerall kinds of that persecution for the enduring whereof Christ pronounceth men blessed vers 10.
stay his hand nor say vnto him what doest thou Gods speciall kingdome is that whereby hee ruleth his elect and chosen people working his will not onely by them as he doth in his generall kingdome by the deuils themselues but in them also by his holy spirit and it is called speciall because it is not exercised ouer all the world but onely ouer the elect whom hee hath ordained to eternall life This speciall kingdome of God is two-folde either of Grace or of Glorie The kingdome of grace is a spiritual estate wherein God makes men willingly subiect to his written word by his spirit I call the kingdome of grace a spirituall estate both because it is principally exercised in the conscience and also because this regiment in the conscience is by the spirit of God Secondly I shew wherein it consists namely in a voluntarie subiection of the whole man in soule and bodie and spirit to the will of God reuealed in the word Psalm 110. 3. Thy people shall come willingly in the day of assembling thine armie in holy beautie And this subiection stands in three things in Righteousnesse Peace and Ioy in the holy Ghost Rom. 14. 17 18. In Righteousnes that is First in Christs righteousnesse imputed and secondly in the righteousnesse of a good conscience the ground whereof is sanctification by the spirit which Christ giues to them whom he doth iustifie In Peace that is peace of conscience towards God and peace with Gods Church yea with all creatures so farre forth as is needfull for them Now vnder peace we must comprehend loue and all duties of loue for as righteousnesse concernes the person in soule and bodie so peace respects all duties and actions of the life Righteousnesse is the root from whence springeth this peace with euery action thereof for when the heart is sanctified the life is reformed Lastly in ioy in the holy Ghost this is a fruite of both the former respecting especially the state of affliction for when a man is iustified and sanctified and hath peace towards God then ariseth in his heart a spirituall delight in God in all estates yea though great afflictions light vpon him for Gods cause yet he beareth them with inward ioy and delight knowing that the spirit of glorie of God resteth vpon him and that he shall be glorified with Christ if he suffer with Christ which things while he compareth together hee little esteemeth the afflictions of this life in respect of the glorie that shall be reuealed for the light affliction that is but for a moment causeth vnto vs a farre more excellent and eternall waight of glorie These are the branches of this spirituall subiection which whosoeuer hath is a good subiect in the kingdome of grace as the Apostle saith in the next verse he that in these things serueth Christ is acceptable vnto God and approoued of men The kingdome of glorie is the blessed estate of Gods elect in heauen whereby God in Christ becomes all things vnto them immediately 1. Cor. 15. 28. This estate of glorie is a subiection also but yet such a subiectiō as is indeed a glorious regimēt for there we raigne with Christ in whom and through whom God himselfe becomes honour peace health foode raiment and all things needfull to the perfection of felicitie Now these two beeing Gods kingdome differ thus The state of grace is the beginning and entrance to the state of glorie and the state of glorie is the perfection of the state of grace This state of glorie is the citie and the state of grace as it were the suburbs of it In this life wee liue in the kingdome of grace but the kingdome of glorie is reserued for the life to come and this speciall kingdome of God in both these estates doe we here pray for Thy kingdome This imports that there is another kingdome euen the kingdome of Satan which is a kingdome of darkenes full of all disorder and confusion through sinne which greatly hindereth annoyeth Gods kingdome of grace especially Come That is to vs men in the world and then it commeth when God doth erect establish the same in their hearts now vnto perfection it comes by 5. degrees 1. When God giues vnto men the outward meanes of saluation wherein he doth reueale his grace fauour in Christ as the Gospel preached which is therefore called the word of the kingdome Matth. 13. 19. And so Christ hauing relation to his preaching which he confirmed by miracles among the Iewes saith The kingdome of God is come vnto you Luk. 11. 20. and beeing demaunded by the Pharisies when the kingdome of God should come he tels them it was among them Luk. 17. 21. meaning that it was brought vnto them by the ministerie of Iohn Baptist of himselfe and of his Disciples although indeed it were without profit to many of them 2. When the word preached inlightens the minde so as a man knowes and vnderstands the mysterie of the Gospel which is the law of this kingdome 3. When a man is thereby regenerate and so brought into this kingdome for by regeneration we haue effectuall entrance into the state of grace wherein Christ rules in vs by his word and spirit and wee yeeld subiection vnto him 4. At the ende of this life when the bodie goeth to the earth but the soule to God that gaue it beeing translated to the ioyes of heauen in the glorie of this kingdome 5. At the last iudgement when body and soule beeing vnited againe are both made partakers of the glorie of this kingdome and this is the full and perfect cōming of it So then our request to God in this petition is to this effect O Father let thy kingdome come to vs that be pilgrimes and strangers here on earth prepare vs for it and enter vs into it that be yet without renue vs by thy spirit that we may be subiect to thy will confirme vs also in this estate that our soules after this life and both soule and bodie at the day of iudgement may be fully glorified yea Lord hasten this glorie to vs and to all thine elect The Uses 1. Wants to be bewailed The wants we are taught to bewaile in this petition either concerne our selues or others First we must lament and mourne for our owne miserable estate by nature whereby we are the seruants of sinne and so in thraldome and bondage vnder Satan sinne leads vs into bondage for he that committeth sinne is the seruant of sinne and where sinne raigneth there the deuill hath dominion And hence it comes that wee rebell so much against the kingdome of God and refuse to stoop to the scepter of his word Indeede this bondage is weakened in Gods children but none is wholly freed from it in this life as Pauls complaint declares Rom. 7. 14. The law is spirituall but I am carnall sold vnder sin The naturall man is dead
Thirdly in Christs addressing of himselfe to speake all persons must learne to make conscience both of silence and of speech this wee shall doe if by silence we close vp our lippes till wee haue iust matter to speake of tending to the glory of God or the good of our brethren and beeing so prepared vpon fit occasion and in due time we may vtter our minde we must remember that Christ left himself an example that we should follow his steppes and also consider that of euery idle word that we shall speake we must render account vnto God If this were knowne and beleeued there would not be so many sinnes in words by cursing swearing vaine and idle speaking as there be Thus much of the Preface Now we come to the matter of this Sermon beginning at the third verse of this Chapter and so continuing to the 28. verse of the 7. Chapter And it may be diuided into 12. heads or places of doctrine The first whereof concerneth true happinesse or blessednesse from the 2. verse of this Chapter to the 13. wherin are propounded sundry rules directing men to attaine thereunto The scope of them all must bee considered which in generall is this Our Sauiour Christ had now preached two yeares among the people and thereby had wonne many to become his Disciples and among the rest his 12. Apostles to all whom hee promised happinesse and life euerlasting if they would continue in the faith and obedience of his word Now though they beleeued in him yet they still remained in the same state for outward things and became more subiect to outward miseries then before so as if they iudged of happinesse by their present outward estate they might easily suspect the truth of Christs doctrine and thinke he had deceiued them because he promised them happinesse and yet for outward things their case was farre worse then before they knewe him This our Sauiour Christ considering doth here goe about to remooue this false conceit out of their minds and for this purpose deliuereth this doctrine vnto them in the first generall head of his sermon that true happinesse before God is euer ioyned yea couered many times with the crosse in this world Whereby hee strikes at the roote of their carnall conceit who placed true happinesse in outward things and looked for outward peace and prosperitie vpon the receiuing of the Gospel As this is the scope of the doctrine following so it stands vs in hand to learne the same and to finde experience hereof in our owne hearts that true comfort and felicitie is accompanied with manifold miseries in this life Indeede carnall wisdome deemeth them happie that enioy outward peace wealth and pleasure but this conceit must be remooued and Christs doctrine embraced who ioyneth true happinesse with the crosse Secondly this serueth to teach vs patience in affliction for it is Gods will to temper happines and the crosse together now this puts life into an afflicted soule to thinke that Christ will haue his felicitie inioyed and felt in outward miserie Thus much of this head of doctrine in generall now we come to the branches thereof Vers. 3. Blessed are the poore in spirit for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Here is Christs first Rule concerning happinesse wherein obserue two points first the parties blessed the poore in spirit secondly wherein this blessednesse consists for theirs is the kingdome of heauen Before we come to these parts seuerally note in a word the forme of speech here vsed they that are ledde by humane reason will rather say blessed are the rich for theirs are the kingdoms of the world But Christ here speaks the flat contrary saying blessed are the poore for theirs is the kingdom of heauen which is infinitely better then all the kingdoms of the world whereby we may see that the wisdome of this world is foolishues with God and the ordinarie conceit of man flat opposite to the sauing doctrine taught by Christ. Blessed are the poore in spirit The word translated poore doth properly signifie a begger one that hath no outward necessaries but by gift from others but here it is more largely taken not onely betokening those that want outward riches for S. Luke opposeth these poore to the rich in this world but also those that are any way miserable wanting inward or outward comfort and such an one was Lazarus that lay begging at Dives gates What is meant by poore in spirit is plainely expounded Isa. 66. 2. where the Lord saith I will looke to him that is poore and of a contrite spirit and that trembleth at my words Christs meaning then is this that those poore are blessed who by meanes of their distresse through want of outward comforts are brought to see their sinnes and their miserie thereby so as finding no goodnesse in their hearts they despaire in themselues and flie wholly to the mercie of God in Christ for grace and comfort as Lazarus did to Diues gates for outward reliefe Seeing Christ doth thus set out the person that is truly blessed let vs see whether we be in the number of these poore ones Indeed we haue many poore among vs some that by excesse and ryot haue spent their substance and others that through idlenesse increase their want as the wandring beggars a sinnefull and disordered people who ioyne themselues to no Church but none of these can by their pouertie make iust claime to true felicitie The blessed poore are poore in spirit and this pouertie we must finde in our hearts if we would knowe our selues to be truely happie but after triall this will be found much wanting for first if men liue outwardly ciuill and keepe themselues from grosse sinnes this thought of pride takes place in their hearts that they are righteous and they perswade themselues with the young man in the Gospel that they can keepe Gods commandements Secondly let worldly wants befall men in body goods or name and they are grieued yea their soules are full of sorrow but for spiritual wants as blindnesse of minde hardnesse of heart vnbeliefe and disobedience their hearts are neuer touched Now whence comes this but from that pride of heart whereby they blesse themselues in their estate and thinke all is well with them in respect of their soules so that true it is pouertie of spirit is hard to be found We therefore must search our selues and labour to feele our spirituall wants and looke how Lazarus lay for his bodie at Diues gates so must wee lie at Gods mercie gate in Christ for our soules abandoning this pride of heart and acknowledging that there is no goodnesse in vs of our selues for the straite gate of heauen cannot receiue a swelling heart that is puffed vp with pride And to induce vs vnto this good dutie let vs consider the gratious promises made to them that be poore in spirit they are called Gods poore hee
praiest in secret that is as though thou wert in secret intending onely to approoue thine heart vnto God in praier then thy father seeth thee he knowes thine heart and heares thy praier This is verefied by the example of Ionas who was heard praying in the Whales bellie of Daniel praying in the Lyons denne and of Moses who is said to crie vnto the Lord when as he praied onely in heart The vse of this point is manifold 1. It serueth to admonish vs that when wee pray wee must in singlenesse of heart bring our selues into Gods presence and heartily and truely put vp our requests vnto God so as we may approoue vnto him both our hearts and our prayers for there is nothing in our prayers that can be hid from God and therefore we must not content our selues with the thing done but labour so to pray that God may be well pleased with the manner thereof Secondly hereby we are taught to make conscience not only of our doings and speeches but euen of our very thoughts and that in secret places for though we may conceale the same from men yet we cannot couer them from the eies of God he is inuisible and yet all things are naked before him Thirdly this prooueth that no prayer can lawfully be made to the virgin Marie or to any other Saint departed for he alone is to bee called vpon in praier who sees in secret but God onely sees in secret neither the virgin Marie nor any other of the Saints can see in secret and therefore praier is to be made to none but to God alone The Papists answer that Saints departed see in secret though not of themselues yet by God and in God but that is false the Angels before their fall saw not their own future fal nor the fall of man The blessed Angels in heauen know not now the time and day of the last iudgement yea the Saints departed lie vnder the Altar crying how long Lord beeing ignorant of the time of their full redemption and therfore the Saints departed see not in secret The second reason drawne from Gods promised bountie is in these words shall reward thee openly that is shall repay thee for thy praier in the day of iudgement before the Saints and holy Angels as we expoūded the same words in the fourth verse This is a notable reason to induce men to pray in a true and holy manner wherein we may see the endlesse mercie of God vouchsafed to them that pray aright if any subiect put vp a supplication to his earthly Prince he takes it for a speciall fauour if the Prince vouchsafe to admit him to his presence behold here the King of Kings will not onely vouchsafe vs accesse vnto the throne of his grace when wee put vp our supplications vnto him but if we pray aright he doth hold himselfe indebted vnto vs for the same and promiseth one day to reward vs openly This far●e exceedes the loue of all creatures in heauen and earth no Prince is so kinde and gratious to his best subiects as the Lord is to all that call vpon him in spirit and truth From this place the Papists would gather that prayer is a worke that merits at Gods hand eternall life for thus they reason Where there is repaying by way of reward there is something done which meriteth but vnto prayer there is a repaying therefore it doth merit at Gods hand Answ. Reward is due to man two waies either by desert or of free gift and promise now in this place God will reward man for his prayers not for their desert but of his owne free will and grace because he hath promised so to doe That this is so may thus appeare If a Begger should aske an almes of any man it were absurd to say that the begger by asking did deserue the almes and so stands the case for the merit of our prayers thereby we beg things at Gods hands and therefore can no more merit thereby then the begger can deserue his almes by asking nay rather we may gather hence that Gods rewarding them that pray proceedes from his owne free grace alone for prayer properly is a worke of man vnto God wherein man giues nothing vnto God as the Iewes did in the sacrifices or as is done in some other spiritual sacrifices of the new Testament but onely asketh and receiueth some thing from God and therefore cannot hereby merit any thing at Gods hands And by this may all other places be expounded where reward is promised to mans worke Lastly note the phrase here vsed he shall reward thee openly that is at the last day whence I gather that till the day of iudgement no seruant of God shall fully reape the fruite and benefit of his praiers This must bee well considered of all that haue care to call vpon God vnfainedly for many times after long and earnest praier we feele little or no comfort whereby we may be brought to dislike our estate as though God had no respect vnto vs but we must know that God doth often long deferre to reward his seruants that praie vnto him not doubt but Zacharie and Elizabeth prayed for 〈◊〉 in their yonger age and yet they were not heard till they were both olde● and Dauid saith his eies failed for waiting on God when hee would accomplish his promise made vnto him this we may also see in the petitions of the Lords prayer for they be all according to his will yet the full fruition of the benefits there asked is reserued to the appearing of our Lord Iesus Christ Verse 7. And when you pray vse 〈◊〉 vaine repetitions a● the heathen for they thinke to be heard for their much babling Our Sauiour Christ hauing de●lt against hypocrisie in prayer doth here come to the second vice which hee intends to reforme therein namely babling consisting in the outward forme of praier The words containe two parts ● commandement and a reason thereof The commandement When ye pray vse n● vaine repetitions a● the heathen doe where first we must know th●● Christ reproues not repetition in praier simply but needelesse repetitions only for Psal. 51. Dauid doth sundrie times repeat his requests for the pardon of sinne and for sanctification also Moses El●● and our Sauiour Christ praied fourtie da●es together and in these long praiers no doubt vsed many repetitions much lesse can we pray one day together without many repetitions Here then by vaine repetitions is meant babling that is a desire and affectation to vse and speake many words in praier and vnder this one vice are condemned all sinnes of the same kind that is all superst●ous multiplication of words in praier as the heathen that is such as were not the people of God but al●●ns from the common wealth of Israel and strangers from the couenant of promise In this commandement are condemned many abuses in the manner of
of blood God will not heare them though they make many prayers If therefore we call vpon God as on our father we must be sine to loue his children as our brethren for this commandement we haue of God that he which loueth God should loue his brother also and he is not of God that loueth not his brother 1. Ioh. 3. 10. IIII. Here we see that all true beleeuers whether high or lowe poore or rich are in an equall condition in regard of God for God is no respecter of persons and here Christ teacheth euery one to say Our father In earthly kingdomes there be differences of estates and degrees some be noble some base some rule others serue and obey but with God in Christ there is neither bond nor free c. Coloss 3. 11. The beleeuing shepheard may call God his father as well as the beleeuing King and haue as good a place in Christs kingdome Which serues notably both to encourage the poore to embrace the Gospel in sinceritie seeing their meane outward estate can nothing preiudice or hinder their high acceptance with the Lord if they be faithfull as also to admonish the rich and noble in this world not to bee puffed vp with these outwarde thinges to contemne the poore for these things giue them no title to the kingdome of God nay not many noble nor mightie after the flesh are called but God hath chosen the poore of this world that they should be rich in faith Iam. 2. 5. Which art in heauen These words shewe towardes what place we must dispose our selues in praier our father to whome we pray is in heauen and therefore thither must we direct our hearts our eyes our hands and all that is in vs. Indeede the Iewes vnder the law looked towards the Temple and in the Temple towards the mercie-seat because the Lord had there promised the manifestation of his presence and therefore Daniel turned his face towardes Ierusalem when he praied in Chaldea but now in the new Testament difference of place in respect of Gods presence is taken away and we are not tyed in praier to looke East or West North or South but men may now euery where and euery way lift vp pure hearts and hands vnto God towardes heauen thou must dispose thy heart because thy father to whome thou praiest is there and looke which way thou wilt or goe whither thou wilt heauen is not nearer nor further off Which shewes euidently two notable and grosse Popish fooleries in the matter of Gods worship the first is their going on pilgrimage from place to place to serue God the better for God whome thou must worship is in heauen in respect whereof all places are alike goe whither thou wilt thou art not nearer and stirre no foote thou art not further off Their second foolerie which is also abominable before God is to worship God in an Image at Crosses and in Crucisixes c. these they vse to put them in minde of God and of Christ but this they learne by the precepts and traditions of men and therefore it is but meere vaine and foolish worship in the sight of God Christ teacheth vs to set our hearts towardes heauen and not to po●●e on dumme Images here on earth II. Instruct. Is God in heauen then when we pray we must come before God with all reuerence feare and trembling for he is in heauen a most glorious God full of all maiestie and power Eccles. 5. 1. Be not rash with they mouth nor let thine heart be hastie to vtter a word before God why so for he is in heauen and thou art vpon earth therefore let thy words be fewe Now this reuerence must shewe it selfe first in the holy disposition of the heart and affections towardes the Lord when the minde is not caried away with by-thoughts but applyeth it selfe wholly and onely to the present seruice it hath in hand secondly in the comely gesture of the body beseeming so holy an action done to so high a maiestie Thirdly in the humble and reuerend vttering of our requests hauing before hand well considered the things we are to vtter before God But goes the case thus with men in their ordinarie praiers nothing lesse for beside the multitude that pray without vnderstanding euen the better sort in the time of praier haue their minds running vpon other matters some about their profits others about their sports or such like now is not this pharisaicall praier wherein the lippes draw neare to God but the heart is farre remooued Againe many shew no reuerence in gesture or in speach some disdaine to bow to God in prayer and others doe rush vpon God in many words without premeditation But all these sinne grieuously for howsoeuer vnreuerent praying troubles few mens consciences because it is not easily discerned beeing against the first table yet it is to be esteemed as a disgrace vnto the Almightie and beeing carelessely practised when it is once knowne it is plaine mockerie of Gods maiestie worser then mocking of father or mother and therefore we must with all carefulnes auoide it and set our hearts with all reuerence towards God in prayer III. Hence we must learne to aske of God in prayer heauenly things especially these earthly blessings may be asked so farre forth as they are helpes to further vs towardes our euerlasting inheritance in heauen to which we are called 1. Pet. 1. 3 4. But to be euer groueling in the earth is against the nature of him that hath a father in heauen IIII. Our principall care must be how to come to heauen for there our father is ordinarily a child desires to be with his father and is best pleased on his mothers lappe or in his fathers armes herein therefore we must testifie our selues to be the sonnes and daughters of God by our vnfained desire to be in heauen where our father is It is vnnaturall for a child not to be delighted with his fathers house and so it argues them to be void of grace that haue no affection towards heauen and heauenly things let vs therefore delight to pray whereby we may creepe into our fathers bosome and though our bodies be on earth yet in affection and desire let our soules mount vp to heauen here we are but pilgrimes if God be our father our hearts must be vpon our home which is heauen where our father is Now the words of this preface thus opened containe a twofold notable ground and proppe to all our praiers to wit that God is both able and willing to heare and helpe when we pray for his beeing in heauen imports that he is almightie and therefore can heare and helpe vs our God is in heauen and be doth whatsoeuer he will And beeing a father yea our father in Christ he must needes be willing and readie to graunt our requests for no father is so tenderly affected towardes his naturall
bold-hardie that they will rai●e vpon and defie the deuill and command him to be gone But without a calling thereunto we may not so doe Indeede if by Gods prouidence we be called to liue in such places necessarily then this we may doe we must not reason with the deuill but betake our selues to God by humble and earnest praier and complaine of Satans vexation making God our shelter and defence both for soule and bodie els if we presume to meddle with him without a calling from God we may iustly be foyled and abused by him as the sonnes of Sceva were because we haue no promise from the Lord to be protected from him For thine is the kingdome and the power and the glorie for euer Amen These words conteine the reason of the former sixe petitions touching which we must obserue two things in generall first that they are not a reason to mooue God whose wil is vnchāgeable but to perswade the child of God that prayeth thus that God will graunt his requests Secondly that this reason is not peculiar to the last petition but generally belonging to them all as halowed be thy name because thine is the kingdome power and glorie and so for the rest The meaning Kingdome This here imports three things in God first that he is al-sufficient of himselfe to doe all things whatsoeuer needing no helpe nor instrument beside his soueraigne will Gen. 17. 1. I am God al-sufficient Secondly that he hath a soueraigne right and title to all things in heauen and earth as a King hath to those things which belong to his territories and iurisdiction Thirdly that he hath soueraigne rule and authoritie ouer all things in heauen and earth gouerning them as he pleaseth and bringing them into an absolute subiection Further the kingdome of God is twofold The kingdome of his prouidence whereby he rules and gouernes all things in heauen and earth euen the deuill and all his angels and instruments and the kingdome of grace whereby he gouernes his Church by his word and spirit and both these are here to be vnderstood Thine The kingdome is here called Gods for two causes First to shew that God hath his kingdome of himselfe and from himselfe alone thus the kingdome of grace and of prouidence are both his Secondly to distinguish God from earthly kings for though they haue a kingdome power and glorie as Daniel tells Nebuchadnezzer yet they haue all these from God not of themselues but God hath them of himselfe alone and not from any other Now because our nature is blind in the things of God I will here propound some reasons to prooue that God hath such a soueraigne kingdome as also to shew the excellencie of it First this appeares by that excellent order which God hath set in all his workes by their creation for how fitly doe times and seasons as spring time and summer autumne and winter succeede one an other how sweetely doe the heauenly creatures the sunne moone and starres serue for the creatures here below as hearbs and plants how doe these serue for beasts and foules and all of them for the vse of man as this prooues against the Atheist that there is a God so it shewes the soueraigntie and most wise regiment of his kingdome When a man sees a great armie in good array and euery one keeping his place and standing constantly he will presently commend the wisdome and authoritie of the leader why then should we not acknowledge the power and souerangntie of the almightie in that constant station of the creatures in that sweete order which they obserue from the creation Secondly the terror accusation of a guiltie conscience doth argue euidently the absolute soueraigntie of Gods kingdom for when a man hath committed some grieuous sinne either against the law of nature or the written word of God though it be so secretly that no man know of it yet wil his conscience accuse and fright him which it would not doe vnles he were to answer for that fact to God the soueraigne Lord of al. Thirdly men of death that is such as by some notorious crime deserue death though through the ignorance or negligence of magistrats they be let to escape yet ordinarily they are ouertaken with some fearefull iudgement and one way or other meete with their desert which is a speciall worke of Gods soueraigne prouidence Fourthly the Gospel preached is as contrarie to mans corrupt nature as fire is to water and yet hath it in all ages wonne men vnto it to professe it and to loue it so as they haue been content for the Gospels sake to forsake house and lands wife children yea and life itselfe This no word of man could euer doe therfore it argues plainly that some supernatural power worketh with it which draws the heart of mā vnto it Here some may say that the Deuill hath a kingdome contrarie to Gods kingdome wherein he raigneth and therfore Gods kingdome is not absolute Ans. If we regard the malice of Satan or the practise of the wicked it may seeme Gods kingdome should not be absolute because they continually rebell against his reuealed will but consider the power of God which ouerruleth Satan and all his instruments disposing most wisely of all their works to his owne glorie the good of his Church and their own ruine and then we shall plainly see that God ruleth ouer all for howsoeuer the deuill and his angels and all other his instruments oppose themselues vnto the word of God which is the law of his kingdom of grace yet God willingly permits all such works and restraines them all at his pleasure so as that which comes to passe against Gods reuealed will is not contrarie to his absolute will Thine is the power By power is meant an abilitie in God whereby he can doe whatsoeuer he will and more then he will doe for the better conceiuing of it note these two things First that God is not onely powerfull but euen power it selfe in regard of his nature as he is goodnesse and wisdome c. Men and Angels are called powerfull as receiuing power from God but God onely is power it selfe because his nature is infinite in power as in all other properties Secondly that power and will in God are one and the same for our better conceiuing of them they may be distinguished but in themselues they differ not for Gods willing of a thing is the effecting and doing of it It is not so in vs for we will many things which we cannot doe but whatsoeuer God willeth that he doth and that which he cannot doe he cannot will The Scripture saith God cannot lie nor denie himselfe nor die c. now as he cannot doe these things so neither can he wil them for they are no workes of power but of weakenesse and frailtie and therefore is God omnipotent because he can neither doe nor will the same Thine is
God doth equally rule in them both the prolonging of mans life is no lesse an action of the Creator then the augmenting of mans stature Indeede art may help to preserue life till it come to the period in nature but further to prolong it is beyond the art and power of man for man is not lord ouer the spirit to retaine the spirit Eccles. 8. 8. God hath herein appointed his bounds which he cannot passe Iob. 14. 5. Secondly the opinion of some Magicians and witches is hereby also confuted who thinke and auouch that by enchantments they can turne their bodies into the bodies of other creatures as cats hares c. and also make their bodies to passe through a key hole or such like narrow place But this were to change nature which is more then to adde to nature which yet Christ here denies to be in the power of man and therefore it is impossible these things are the illusions of Satan whereby he bleares the eyes of such as regard his lying wonders As for that which is saide of Nebuchadnezzer that he should be turned into a beast because it is said he ate grasse like an oxe this we must know and hold that the substance of his soule was not changed neither the substance of his bodie nor the shape thereof into the shape and substance of a beast but onely the hand of God was heau●e vpon his minde striking him with bruitish frensie and madnesse whereupon his behauiour became bruitish and he liued among the beasts of the field Thirdly the opinion of the Alchemists is hereby also refuted who pretend that they can turne baser mettalls into better as brasse or lead into gold but this is to change the nature of creatures which is more then to adde thereto by augmenting their quantitie which yet Christ denies and make impossible to art in the stature of man Fourthly the opinion of the Papists for their merit of works is hereby also confuted they teach that by good workes a man may merit for himselfe a greater degree of glorie in heauen but consider if a man by all that he can doe cannot augment his bodily stature nor his outward estate in this world as we haue shewed then much lesse can he adde vnto his estate of glorie if the increase of nature be the worke of God then much more is the gift of grace and the increase of glorie as therefore he determines of the ●tature of the bodie so much more may we resolue that the state of the soule for glorie is decreed of God and man cannot adde thereunto Indeede the more we glorifie God by well-doing on earth the more is our assurance of greater glorie in heauen but yet the merit thereof is the worke of Christ alone and our fruition of it the gift of God according to the good pleasure of his owne will v. 28. And why care ye for raiment learne how the lil●es of the field doe grow they labour not neither spinne 29. Yet I say vnto you that euen Salom●n in all his glorie was not araied like one of these 30. Wherefore if God so clothe the grasse of the field which is to day and to morrow is cast into the ●ven shall he not doe much more vnto y●● O ye of little faith In these three verses Christ returneth to his former commandement against distrustfull care conteyned in the 25. verse and here vrgeth one part thereof concerning care for rayment and the other for meate and drinke in the 31. verse Now what meaneth Christ by this maner of handling this heauenly doctrine not onely to propound it and to vrge it by strong and forcible reasons but againe to repeat it and vrge it by peece-meale Surely hereby he declares himself to be the true doctor of his Church for hauing a waightie point of doctrine in hand which the nature of man in vnwilling to receiue and practise he doeth beside the propounding and confirming of it thus vrge it by peece-meale that hereby it may the better take place in our heart and be the more effectuall to b●ing forth obedience in our liues And this fidelity must euery one shew that is to teach the word of God to others not onely ministers though it be their dutie specially but also masters and parents as Deut. 6. 7. thou shalt whet them vpon thy children as the word signifies that so it may more deeply enter into the heart Thus much of the maner of prosecuting this argument Now wee come to the words And why care you for rayment This interrogation hath the force of a prohibition and so it is the same with this branch of the 25. verse care not for your bodie what you shall put on Now all care for apparell is not here forbidden for there is a lawfull godly care whereby men seeke and labour vprightly and in a sober maner for such apparell as is meete for their callings and needefull to the health and comfort of their bodies But the care here forbidden is an inordinate and immoderate care for apparell ioyned either with distrust and feare of want or els with a discontentednesse with that apparell which is meete and necessarie And this is the common sinne of this age as the sundrie bad practises of men and women about apparell proceeding from this inordinate care doe euidently declare as first the affecting of superfluitie and aboundance in apparell and the following of strange and forraine fashions so soone as they are taken vp Secondly the wearing of too costly apparell aboue their abilitie and degree as when seruants are as ●ine as their masters trades-men like gentlemen and gentles like nobles Thirdly the spending of much time in the curious trimming and attiring of the bodie which might be spent in better duties This proceeds from some dislike in Gods workmanship as though he had not done his part throughly to their bodies or they by their curiositie could make themselues better Now that Christ might remooue out of mens hearts this inordinate care he doeth here enforce his commandement by a fourth reason taken from his prouidence ouer the lilies of the field and the reason is waightie though the subiect of it be meane and simple It may be framed thus If God c●othe the lilies of the field then doubtlesse he will clothe you But God clotheth the lilies of the field Therefore much more will he clothe you This reason is fully set downe in these three verses though the parts of it be inuerted by reason of their amplifications for first Christ propounds to our consideration the subiect matter whence his reason is drawen learne how the lilies of the field doe grow Where this must be marked that Christ speakes of field-lilies which haue not the help of man as garden flowers haue Then he layes downe a proofe of his assumption that God clothes them by remoouing from them the ordinarie meanes of clothing They labour not
simple manner for herein is that true that God hath chosen such things as to the world are foolish weake vile and despised to confound and bring to nought the wise and mightie things of the world and hereby also it is made euident that the faith of Gods elect doth not consist in the wisdome of men but in the power of God againe the preaching of the Gospel with the wisedome of words makes the crosse of Christ of none effect let no man therefore deceiue himselfe for the foolishnes of God is wiser then men and the weaknes of God stronger then men Againe he that doth exercise himselfe in the word of God either priuately or publiquely must labour thereby to see his owne sinnes and Gods heauie iudgement due vnto him for them and so will he beginne to reuerence Gods word as the onely meanes of true comfort The woman of Samaria at the first beganne to cauill with Christ when shee heard him talke of the water of life but so soone as he discouered her sinne to her conscience telling her shee had had fiue husbands and he whome shee now had was not her husband then shee left off to cauill and honoured him by beleeuing his word and causing others to come and to beleeue in him The Iewes made light of the giuing of the holy Ghost vnto the Apostles at the first but when Peter had pricked their hearts they sought vnto the word and receiued it with gladnes so the Iayler though ouer night he dealt vnkindly with the Apostles putting their feete in the stockes in the dungeon yet beeing stricken with a feare by the opening of the prison doores he then fell downe before them trembling and asked what he might doe to be saued Secondly others take occasion of offence from the contents of the Bible as when they read of the Miracles wrought by the Prophets by Christ and his Apostles they say the like may be done by Magicke and so blasphemously doe father vpon the Scripture that most wicked practise of sorcerie like to the malicious Iewes who said of Christ that he cast out deuills by the power of Beelzebub Luk. 11. 15. Others denie the Historie of Moses to be true by reason of Noahs Arke which they say as it is described for quantitie could not containe a couple of euery kind of creatures with prouision and fodder for them for a whole years space of this opinion was Appelles an auncient heretike in the primitiue Church and many vpon these occasions haue become Atheists denying the truth of Gods word to their damnation To these I answer first for the Miracles that no creature men or Angels is able to doe such works as are recorded in Scripture to be done by the power of God Ioh. 9. Christ opened the eyes of one that was borne blind The deuill by his skill and man by Arte can doe much in curing blindnes caused by wounds and diseases but no power of nature nor of magick no not all the power of all Angels is sufficient to procure sight to one that was borne blind that must be done by a power creating which is in no creature Againe as Histories record the deuill is able to enter into a dead bodie and cause it to mooue and can speake in it but to raise vp one to life that had beene dead foure daies as Christ did Lazarus is a worke that all the deuills in hell nay all the Angels in heauen are not able to doe And for Appelles the heretike who tooke occasion from Noahs Arke to condemne the bookes of Moses the answer made to him in the Primitiue Church may serue the turne to wit that it was in quantitie sufficient to containe couples of all kindes of creatures and prouision for them for a whole yeares space for to omit the height and breadth of it it was three hundred cubits long and euery cubit according to the auncient measure contained nine foote which in all came to the length of halfe a mile and more Againe others say that though euery cubit had beene but one foote and an halfe long as our cubits are yet hauing three lofts it was of sufficient bignesse to containe all kinds of creatures by couples and prouision for them for a yeares space But yet put the case that we could not tell how an Arke should be made great enough to containe couples of all kinds of creatures and prouision for them should we thereupon take occasion to condemne the bookes of God that record the same and the thing it selfe God forbidde nay rather we must hereby learne to acknowledge and confesse our owne blindnesse and the shallow reach of our vnderstanding and so admire the wonderfull worke of God The way to cut off this occasion of offence taken from the Scripture is first to obserue that howsoeuer nothing is more repugnant to our nature then the word of God yet the same word of God hath more preuailed with many mens hearts to winne the same vnto it then any thing in the world besides could euer doe Humane writings are farre more plausible to naturall men then the holy Scriptures of God for the wisdome of God in Scripture is esteemed foolishnesse to mans naturall reason and yet who did euer cleaue so fast to the writings of men as Gods children haue done to the word of God for the testimonie whereof they haue beene and are content to liue and die This thing argueth plainely that there is in Scripture a diuine power for if it had beene from man and against his nature as it is man would haue contemned it Secondly this must be considered that the penmen of holy Scriptures both the Prophets and Apostles haue recorded their owne faults in penning of it which plainely argueth that they were penned by holy men of God according to the direction of the holy Ghost and are not the inuentions of politique heads to keepe men in awe for then the Authors and penmen thereof would rather haue concealed their owne faults then haue published the same in their owne workes to their discredit Lastly consider the subiect and matter of the whole Bible to wit Iesus Christ who therein hath professed himselfe to be the Sonne of God now if Christ had not beene very God and yet should haue taken that honour vnto him then the like iudgements would haue befallen him that befell others for the like offence for none euer tooke that honour vnto them who were not grieuously punished As was Adam in Paradise for seeking to be like vnto God and Herod for receiuing and applying to himselfe the blasphemous praise of the people crying The voice of God and not of man but howsoeuer most fearefull iudgements befell Gods enemies that thus sought to robbe him of his honour yet Christs ende was glorious and blessed which may mooue vs to thinke highly of Scripture as of the word
soules and shall we dispose of them after our pleasures to offend him who doth wholly support vs and that continually Secondly here note Christ saith his sunne not the sunne teaching vs that the sunne which shineth in the firmament is Gods sunne not mens God himselfe is the sole author and gouernour thereof hee continueth that beeing which it hath and the power and vertue which it sheweth forth And the same thing by proportion must be vnderstood of all other creatures both in heauen an earth the moone and starres all beasts and cattell yea and we our selues are Gods creatures and hee is our creator our Lord and gouernour Psal. 50. 12. The whole world is mine and all that is therein Now hence we must learne two things First not to abuse any creature to our lust as food raiment c. but to vse whatsoeuer we enioy to Gods glorie according to his wil. Secondly to endeauour to bee lead by the creatures which we enioy to the knowledge of our creator for they are his but alasse the practise of the world is otherwise men suffer themselues by the creatures to be drawn from God for some make their bellie their God to others riches and pleasures are their God Thirdly Christs saying of the Father that he maketh his sunne to arise on the euill and on the good doth shew vs that common bountie which God vouchsafeth to his creatures both good and bad for the rising and shining of the sunne is an excellent worke of God by which many other blessings are conuaied to the creatures For first euery thing vpon the earth receiueth heate and warmnesse from it nothing is hid from the heat thereof Psal. 19. 6. In which regard it may well be called the vniuersall fire of the whole world Secondly the sunne serueth notably for the distinction of times by daie and night weekes moneths quarters and whole yeares whereby wee know the tearme of times from the beginning and so may doe till the ende of the world in regard whereof it may well bee called the clocke of the whole world Which things considered may make vs to blush and bee confounded in our selues for that light regard we haue had of so excellent a creature whereby God conuaies so manifold blessings vpon the earth let vs therefore learne to blesse God for the sunne and to expresse our thankfulnesse by all good duties And sendeth raine on the iust and vniust Here is noted the second common blessing bestowed of God vpon the world to wit the falling of the raine vpon the ground both of good and bad Now here first obserue the forme of speech vsed by Christ saying God raineth see Deut. 11. 14. The Lord giueth raine in due season the first and latter raine This worke is attributed to God for waightie causes First to shew that the same God who ordained in the beginning that the clouds should water the earth doth by his owne power vpholde the continuance of the same blessing vnto this daie and indeede if he should not will the continuance hereof it would for euer cease to raine vpon the earth Secondly to teach vs that God disposeth of the raine that falleth restraining and enlarging it at his pleasure either for the blessing or the punishment of the place whereon it falleth and that many times without the helpe of the second causes Leuit. 26. 3 4. If yee walke in mine ordinances I will send you raine in due season and verse 19. But if you will not obey me I will make your heauen as yron and your earth as brasse Amos 4. 7. I haue with-held the raine from you and caused it to raine vpon one citie and not vpon another one peete was rained vpon and that which was not rained vpon withered Here then we learne first that wee ought to pray vnto God for his raine of blessing that is for fruitfull seasons and also to be thankfull vnto God for seasonable weather when we receiue it because hee sendeth it 2. This must teach vs to obey serue God for he hath the clouds in his hands like a spunge when he wil he presseth out the raine therof now if we obey him he wil cause it to fall vpon the earth for a blessing but if we rebell against him he will either hold it backe or powre it downe vpon vs for a curse 3. Seeing God sendeth down the raine we may gather that no man can certainly tel by the course of the heauēs the particular season of the weather day by day If the raine depended wholly vpon the celestiall bodies then should it fall alike in all places that be of like position to the heauens but that is not so for God ordereth it according to the state of the people vpon whom it falleth either for a blessing or a curse as we haue heard 4. Hence we may gather that neither witches by the help of Satan nor yet Satan himselfe can cause raine as many thinke for it is God alwaies that raineth The deuill indeede is the prince of the ayre and by Gods permission he may ioyne himselfe vnto a storme make it more terrible and hurtful as he did in the destruction of Iobs cattell children by fire from heauen by a mightie winde but yet he cannot make the matter of winde or of raine that is proper to God 5. Doth God raine vpon the earth then we may well consider why the land is so often plagued with vnseasonable raine it is no doubt for our disobedience as we haue heard Leu. 26. 19. the contempt of the word among other sins is one maine cause of this iudgement Now if we would either remoue or preuent this plague at any time we must turne vnto the Lord and repent of our sins for thereto we are called by this iudgement Amos 4. 7. And if we doe turne then wil the Lord send a gratious raine vpon our land but if we wil not turne we shal haue another raine the raine of Sodome and Gomortha for vpon the wicked God will raine snares fire and brimstone And this is certaine where God sends his iudgements for the contempt of his word and yet men doe not repent there one iudgement is but the fore-runner of a greater till they bee consumed And sith experience teacheth that after invndations of waters vsually comes plague and pestilence for the preuenting of these Iudgements let vs repent The last point to bee here obserued is this in what tearmes our Sauiour Christ expresseth who bee the friends of God and who bee his enemies His friends he calleth good and iust his enemies euill and vniust Now that we may discerne of our estate towards God in this behalfe we must see what a good and iust man is In euery such a one two things are required First true faith whereby a man laies holde on Christ for his
redeemer God and man and of remission of sinne and life euerlasting by him The inferiour promises are of temporall blessings as food raiment health peace liberty c. these depend vpon the main promise of Christ so farforth as they are for our good for in Christ all the promises of God whether they concerne life eternall or this temporall life are yea and amen that is sure and certaine to Gods children And hence it is that when by true faith a man laies holde on the maine promise of God in Christ he doth withall apprehend the promises of God for temporall blessings the heart that saith by faith God will pardon my sinne and saue my soule will say also by the same faith God will giue me food and raiment and all things sufficient for this life Thus Abraham by the same faith whereby he was iustified beleeued Gods promise that hee should haue a sonne in his olde age and Noah beleeued Gods promise of his preseruation in the Arke by the same faith whereby he was made heire of righteousnesse This point must be obserued and the order remembred wherein faith laies hold vpon the promises First it apprehends mercie in Christ and then prouidence for this life Now hence we learne that as we looke to be saued by our faith after death so wee must liue by faith in this world if wee relie vpon his mercie for our soules we must depend vpon his prouidence for our bodies how this is done we shall see afterward for how should we cast our selues vpon Gods mercie for the kingdome of heauen if wee cannot depend vpon his prouidence for food and raiment Lastly hereby we may trie our faith what it is true or ●ained weake or strong for this Christ here tells vs that the more we are distracted with worldly cares the lesse is our beleefe in God for distrustfull care comes from vnbeleefe in Gods prouidence and the lesse we trust in God for temporall things the lesse doe we beleeue eternall mercies for the same faith laies hold on both but if we can truly depend vpon God for temporall blessings in the sober vse of lawfull meanes then we shall relie vpon his mercie for the saluation of our soules This triall is not made in prosperitie for when God sends aboundance euery one will trust in him but when want comes then is the triall of thy faith if then thou ●el●e on God though meanes faile thy faith is strong but if thy heart be oppressed with sorrow and feare and thou make no conscience of vnlawfull meanes so it may supplie thy want then suspect thy selfe thy faith is weake or none at all for the iust shall liue by faith in all estates vers 31. Therefore take no thought saying What shall we eate or what shall we drinke or wherewith shall we be cloathed Here Christ againe repeateth his commandement against distrustfull care giuen in the 25. verse The reasons of his repetition be these First to set an edge vpon the commandement that so it may more sharply and deepely enter into their hearts as we said before Secondly to further his disciples in this practise of faith for by this often repetition he giues them occasion to meditate and thinke vpon the dutie the oftner whereby their faith must needes be much confirmed for this we must know for our direction to get and strengthen true faith in our hearts that a man is not a meere patient in the receiuing and strengthening of this grace it comes not from God to vs as visions did to the Prophets in a dreame in the night or as the print of the seale is set into the waxe but God workes it in the vse of ordinarie meanes And therefore if we would haue faith wrought or increased in vs we must doe that which by nature we may doe to wit heare the word preached and read we must meditate therein and labour so to vrge the promises of God vpon our owne hearts yea we must doe what we can to stirre vp in our hearts a desire to beleeue and to striue against doubting and distrust and therefore must giue our selues to praier with sighs and groanes to God for the working of his spirit in our hearts Now touching this cōmandement against distrustfull care we handled it in the 25. v. shewing how farre our care must goe for things needfull and where it must stay It must extend it selfe to the diligent vse of lawfull ordinarie meanes to procure things needefull and there stay giuing place to faith to waite vpon Gods prouidence for the blessing of our endeauours The distrustfull care which perplexeth the heart about the successe of our lawfull labours is that which Christ forbids and it is that euil sicknesse which infects most mens soules as they may easily discerne by obseruing these things What it is that oft breakes their sleepe in the night what comes first into their thoughts when they awake and what their mindes runne● most vpon all the day long and whereabout they can take greatest paines with most delight and least wearinesse If it be for the things of this world then distrustfull care infects their soules which we must striue against and learne to liue by faith Here onely obs●●●e how Christ describes this vnlawfull care by the effects of it in distrustfull persons bringing them in saying What shall we eate what shall we drinke or wherewith shall we be cloathed And thus indeede they vse to complaine especially when they haue great charges and slender meanes or els doe sustaine any great losses then how shall we liue what shall we doe and such like speeches of distrust which Christ here iustly reprooues because they blame God for his dealing towards them as though he had no care of them or would not prouide things needefull for them We therefore must here learne to shut our mouthes against distrustfull thoughts and beware we murmure not nor complaine of his dealing towards vs. When Aarons two sonnes Nadab and Abihu were both slaine for offering straunge fire Moses tells him it was the Lords doing who would be glorified in all that come neere him then the text saith Aaron held his peace And Dauid notably testifieth his contentation in Gods prouidence Psal. 39. 2. I held my peace and said nothing yea v. 9. I should haue beene dumb and not haue opened my mouth because thou Lord diddest it Excellent is that saying of the Lord Isa. 30. 15. In rest and quietnesse shall y● be saued in quietnesse and confidence shall be your strength meaning that by patience and contentation a man shewes strong confidence in God so that though Gods dealing seeme neuer so hard we must beware of impatient words and murmuring thoughts endeauouring to say with Eli It is the Lord let him doe what seemeth good in his eyes and with Iob Though he kill me yet will I trust in him v. 32. For after all these things seeke
deale with a broken ioynt wil handle the same very tenderly and so must they be dealt with in reproofe that sinne of humane fiailtie Example of this mildenes in reproofe we haue in Nathan who reprooued Dauid in a parable and so brought him to condemne himselfe the Apostle Paul reproouing the Co●inthians in the beginning of the first Epistle doth include himselfe Apollos in the same reproofe as though they had bin guiltie of the same crime 1. Cor. 4. 6. And giuing direction to Timothy how to carrie himselfe in the Church of God though he allow him to vse rebuke reproofe 2. Tim. 4. 2. yet he bids him Exhort an Elder therein giuing good directiō for admonition if the partie be an Elder though reproofe be not vnlawfull yet it is not so fit as exhortation and the like mildenesse must be vsed toward all those that sinne of humane frailty But if the offence proceede from wilfulnes and obstinacie then the iudgements of God must be denounced against them to driue them to repentance 4. Euery one that is to correct another must consider himselfe and his owne estate knowing that of himselfe he may fall into the like offence So Paul bids them that are to seeke the restoring of such as are fallen to consider thēselues Galat. 6. 1. 5. Brotherly correction must bee deliuered with Doctrine and instruction 2. Tim. 4. 1 2. I charge thee before God to reprooue exhort and rebuke with all long suffering and doctrine He that will admonish must first himselfe be resolued that the thing done is a sinne then he must propound it to the partie as a sinne out of Gods word and deliuer the reproofe not in his owne name but in the name of God so as hereby the partie may know himselfe to haue offended and also say that he is reprooued of God himselfe rather then of man This ought all superiours to practise in correcting and admonishing their inferiours they must not goe thereto in rage but in long suffering nor rudely but with doctrine that the partie offending may see his fault And thus much for this dutie of brotherly correction Vers. 6. Giue not that which is holy vnto dogs neither cast yee your pearls before swine least they tread them vnder their feet and turning againe all to rent you Hitherto the Euangelist hath set down the seuerall heads of Christs Sermon more at large but from this verse to the ende of the Chapter he handleth briefly the points which follow This verse dependeth not vpon the former but herein our Sauiour Christ laies down a new point of instruction directing his Disciples and in them all ministers vnto that Christian discretion which ought to be obserued in the dispensation of the word of God And his direction is here propounded in a prohibition of giuing holy things to dogs or casting pearles before swine which is enforced by a double reason least they tread vpon you c. Now for the better vnderstanding hereof first I will speake of the words because they are hard and difficult and then come to the doctrines In the words foure things are to be sought out 1. What is meant by holy things 2. What is meant by pearles 3. What is meant by dogs and 4. what is meant by swine For the first by that which is holy we must vnderstand first and properly the word of God written in the bookes of the old and new testament in his right and holy vse that is read dispensed and preached and consequently by holy things are meant the Sacraments and Christian admonition Gods word is called an holy thing for sundry causes but principally for these two first because it is holy in it selfe and secondly in effect operation It is holy in it selfe because it is set apart by God to be in the Church in stead of his owne liuely voyce vnto his people for the reucaling and determining of all things to be beleeued and done in his Church In the old testament God himselfe spake by a liuely voice vnto the Patriarkes and after the giuing of the Law hee gaue answer to the high Priest at the Mercie-seat yet we are not inferiour to them though we want that liuely voice for we haue the written word in stead thereof which is answerable euery way thereunto for looke what the written word saith is as much as if the Lord from heauen should speake by a liuely voice and so consequently it is to vs in stead of the Arke of God a pledge of his presence And thus it is holy in it selfe Secondly Gods word is holy in regard of operation for it is the instrument of the spirit set apart by God himselfe to be the meanes whereby he sanctifies and reformes the hearts and liues of his children And consequently the Sacraments are holy things for they are the word made visible so likewise is Christian admonition grounded ●pon Gods word From this doctrine sundrie dutie 〈◊〉 to be learned First we are oft commanded in Gods word to drawe neer● v●●o God to seeke him to feare him and to walke before him in his pr●●●nce how shall wee doe these things seeing God is inuisible and in glory and maiestie is in heauen Surely we must consider the word of God which is that holy thing set apart by God to be in stead of his owne liuely voyce therefore we neede not seeke for him that is inuisible but wee must haue recourse vnto the word labour to haue it present with vs in our hearts in our liues and consciences Enoch walked before God not onely in regard of his infinite maiestie which though it bee inuisible is euery where present but principally in respect of his word setting that before him wheresoeuer he was When we are commanded to feare God wee must know that that is done not onely when wee stand in awe of his glorious maiestie but principally when wee feare to offend God commanding vs in his word The Apostle saith that the holy Ghost dwels in our hearts which must not be thought to be meant of that infinite substance of the holy spirit but of the dwelling of the word which is made effectuall by the holy spirit for saith euer hath relation to the word beeing beleeued it dwels in the heart makes the spirit which workes by the same word present also In which regard Paul saith Now I liue not but Christ liues in me which he expoundeth after saying I liue now by faith in the son of God because the word of Christ was present with him and the grace of saith that liues by that word Secondly seeing the word of God is of this holinesse we must learne to vse the same publikely or priuately with all reuerence carefully sanctifying our selues thereunto When the people came to receiue the Law in Mount Sina they were sanctified three daies before the same preparation for substance ought we to
seeing that we may faile in the particulars of that which we know in ●enenll Againe preaching serues not only for the remoouing of ignorance and the increase of knowledge but to erect and build vp good conscience and honest liues by the in increase of faith repentance bue of God and man and of obedience and this vse the most learned and godly man that euer was may make of the publike ministerie though dispensed by one that is farre inferiour to him in knowledge and p●tie Lastly it may be demanded how this can be ●e summe of the law and the Prophets to doe as we would be done to vith men seeing we are further bound by the law to performe duties of loue and obedience to God Answ. This rule is the summe of all for our loue to God must be shewed in the practise of the duties of loue iustice and mercie towards men for God is inuisible and it please th●im to make himselfe seene in our visible neighbour requiring that our loue to himselfe should be shewed in the works of mercie iustice and goodnes towards men Men may flatter themselues and say they loue God but if it be not shewed in the loue of their neighbours they deceiue themselues there is no loue of God in them And therefore they are deceiued that thinke all is well with them when they come to Church and receiue the sacraments for religion stands not in the outward seruice of God vnles it be shewed forth in the duties of iustice loue and mercie commanded in the second table see Iames 1. vers 27. pure religion and vndesiled before God is to visit the fatherlesse and widdowes in their aduerstie and to keepe himselfe vnspotted of the world v. 13. I Entern at the strait gate for it is the wide gate and broad way that ●adeth to destruction and many there be which goe in thereat 11. Because the gate is strait and the way narrow that leadeth vnto life and few there be that finde it These two verses beeing the fifth part of this chapter containe the tenth point of Doctrine in this Sermon of our Sauiour Christ wherein he ex●●rteth his hearers and vs all effectually to an earnest care in seeki●● euerlasting life and withall admonisheth vs in the matter of Saluation not to follow the multitude because most men goe the broad ●ay to destruction The words containe two parts A commandement Enter in at the strait gate and a reason in the words following for it is the wide gate Yet for our further edification and instruction I will consider and handle fiue points which are here set downe by our Sauiour Christ I. that there be two contrarie cities or kingdoms in one of which euery man and woman must abide for euer after this life and further that these afford vnto men a contrarie estate the one life the other death destruction II. That there are two distinct waies to these two cities or kingdomes one leading to destruction the other leading vnto life III. The condition and propertie of these two waies The way of life is straite and narrow The way of destruction is broad and wide and that from the beginning to the end IV. What men doe in these waies namely that many walke in the broad way and few can find the straite and narrow way V. What men ought to doe touching these waies namely passe by the broad way and enter into and walke in the straite way which is the scope of Christs exhortation and instruction in this place Of these in order For the first These two cities are two distinct places ordained of God for the finall and eternall aboad of all mankind after this life according to that which euery man hath done in his bodie These are tearmed diuersly in Scripture one the kingdome of heauen the other vtter darknes in the chapter following vers 11 12. The one Abrahams ●osome the other hell fire Luk. 16. 23. and in the 21. and 22. Chapters of the Reuelation they are notably described the one is called the citie of God the other the burning lake and vsually the one is called heauen the other hell And as these are distinct places so they afford vnto men two distinct estates The one life the other destruction as it is said the narrow way leades to life the br●●dway to destruction By life here is meant a blessed state of man in whi●● he liues in fellowship with God and hath his heart filled with the vnbreakable loue and goodnes of God and with endles ioy from Gods im●●diate presence And this indeed is the onely true life our naturall life i●●ut a shadow thereof By perdition or destruction we are to vnderstand cursed state of man in which he is without all fellowship with God i● respect of his fauour mercie and loue and yet in bodie soule and ●nscience doth apprehend the bitternes of Gods wrath and furie for ●●●more hauing no fellowship saue onely with the deuill and his angel● and damned soules This is no life but eternall death though soule● and bodie liue together eternally Uses I. In that Christ doth here mention but two cities or plac●● to the one whereof euery man must resort after death we may gather that there is no middle place or condition betweene life and destruction A third place or state the Scripture knoweth not and therefore there is no place of purging the soules of men after this life which the Papists call Purgatorie if there had the word of God would haue reuealed it But the Papists say it is the vpper part of hell neere to the hell of the damned I answer If that were so then there is no saluation for them that are in purgatorie for there is no returning out of hell to heauen by reason of the great gulfe between them Luk. 16. 26. and they that are in any part of hell are but damned persons II. Use. If there be but two places and in them two estates onely according to that which men haue done here on earth either good or euill then we must be admonished with all care and conscience to vse all good meanes whereby we may escape the one and attaine to the other to be freed from destruction and to gaine saluation In the massacre and sacking of a citie in which some are slaine and some escape aliue euery one hath care to shift for himselfe to saue his temporall life much more then ought we to prouide for eternall life seeing at the last day wherein the whole world shal be ransacked euery one must vndergoe either saluation or destruction if we had our deseruing we should be confounded euery moment but God in mercie grants vnto vs length of dayes for this very ende that we should seeke Gods kingdome and life euerlasting and therefore this must be our principall care and studie that we may be alwaies readie whensoeuer we shal be called hence and the rather because we know