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A05102 The third volume of the French academie contayning a notable description of the whole world, and of all the principall parts and contents thereof: as namely, of angels both good and euill: of the celestiall spheres, their order and number: of the fixed stars and planets; their light, motion, and influence: of the fower elements, and all things in them, or of them consisting: and first of firie, airie, and watrie meteors or impressions of comets, thunders, lightnings, raines, snow, haile, rainebowes, windes, dewes, frosts, earthquakes, &c. ingendered aboue, in, and vnder the middle or cloudie region of the aire. And likewise of fowles, fishes, beasts, serpents, trees with their fruits and gum; shrubs, herbes, spices, drugs, minerals, precious stones, and other particulars most worthie of all men to be knowen and considered. Written in French by that famous and learned gentleman Peter de la Primaudaye Esquier, Lord of the same place, and of Barree: and Englished by R. Dolman.; Academie françoise. Part 3. English La Primaudaye, Pierre de, b. ca. 1545.; Dolman, R. (Richard) 1601 (1601) STC 15240; ESTC S108305 398,876 456

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eternall incorruptible which mooue them in an infinitenes and through an infinitenes that is emptines which bodies are in number infinite with these two qualities forme and greatnes and that by a chance of aduenture without constraint of any nature heauen and earth of them were composed Hipparchus Metapontine and Heraclitus the Ephesian said that fire was the vnick beginning bicause it is the subtile maintainer and sustainer of all bodies and whereof at first the heauens were made And bicause it is a brightnes that mooueth all things by his light they teach that in abasing it selfe it was mixed with all things in such sort that all things were thereof engendred by the meanes of discord and loue Empedocles for feare of failing said that all the fower elements had beene the onely beginning but that the earth was the matter and first subiect of all containing the formes and figures of things which neither the water aire nor fire could doe The Poets following his opinion attributed the originall of things to etherian Iupiter terrene Pluto aërian Iuno and to Mestis the beginning of the water who they said nourished with her teares the riuers of the earth Pythagoras mounting higher then many deeme esteemed that numbers and their subiect that is the measures and apt proportions called harmonies and consonancies were the originall of things not those numbers which marchants vse but the formall and naturall the knowledge of which lies onely hidden in such as haue learned Philosophie and Theologie by numbers Almeon followeth Pythagoras saying that the vnity was the effectiue beginning but the two or binarie not finite was the subiect and materiall beginning of all multitude Epicurus in his Philosophie pursuing the steps of Democritus teacheth the beginnings of things to be corporal solide not created perceiued by vnderstanding onely eternall that coulde not be corrupted nor destroied nor changed in any sort To which prime causes beside the forme and greatnes which his master assigned them he also attributeth waight Socrates and Plato set three principals God the matter and the Idea Aristotle affirmed for the first Entelechie or the kinde the matter and priuation although he had otherwhere taught the equiuocations as is priuation not to be numbred among the principles Zenon appointeth for the first God and the matter so that he is the actiue and it the passiue the fower elements meanes betweene But on this point wee may note that amongst all those which haue taught that the matter was the principall subiect we haue one alone who telleth vs whether it hath beene created by the blessed God or whether this nature pliable and depriued of all beawty togither with God hath made the world or else if voide of all fashion it hath beene coeternall wife and companion of Demogorgon father of the Gods as Poets faine or if like a Pallas it hath beene borne of Iupiters braine Certainly our minde can finde no repose when we finde a nature depriued of all power and all forme without the maker and creator thereof Now who or what he hath beene we haue none of these Philosophers that can relate vnto vs. Very well see we that they agree very ill togither in the doctrine of the principles and foundations of the world which doubtlesse hapned vnto them bicause they did straie very farre off from the vnity master of all veritie in whom they shoulde all haue met and yet euery one went a seuerall way following the inuentions of their naturall speculations temerariously presuming by their owne proper powers to manifest that which God would rather haue kept close and hidden to wit the nature of celestiall things And thence commeth it that their teachings founded on the confused multitude were dissolued and vanished after I say that they were so seuered from the vnitie which giueth to all essences the power to be and harmoniously to accord How all those that haue had the true knowledge of God do agree in the doctrine of one onely originall of the vniuers But they who confesse one God creator of all things and acknowledge him for the true source and fountaine from which all the waters of eternall sapience do flowe all vnited in profession of pietie religion and doctrine Hebrewes Chaldees Greekes and Latins doe all togither giue praise to this God alone father of the vniuers planting the foundations of this mundaine habitation with an harmonious concord For Moses Iob Dauid Salomon Esay and all the other prophets Euangelists Apostles and disciples of Iesus Christ and all those whom he hath made woorthie to entreat of diuine mysteries all with one voice do teach vs one onely and prime cause of all formes and that alone to be the maker of the matter and moderatresse of all nature To which doctrine agree all the ancient and moderne doctors of the Christian church hauing the rule of holie letters so fixed and bounded that they doe not crosse themselues in any point bicause they haue setled the foundations of all things in the onely and true author of all wisedome And vpon the same principles innumerable persons of great erudition and laudable life diuersly dispersed into contrary climates according to the course of times and different languages haue enterprised diuers works of a diuine consonancie and all to one end to cause acknowledgement of God creator of heauen and earth Which coulde in no wise haue beene done if all these excellent men had not beene illuminated with one selfesame diuine vnderstanding as the Platonists call it or with one selfesame holie spirite as our doctors teach which maketh all such as dwell in the house of God to be of one minde and indueth all of them with one hart and one soule and therefore also all the ancient Prophets blessed ambassadors of Iesus Christ being replenished with this spirit despising the vaine babble of Philosophers schooles and all contentious disputations haue proposed their teachings with such and so great constancie though they had to deale with princes and people learned and vnlearned that they haue confirmed them for truth by sanctitie and splendor of life and by many myracles yea with their owne bloud And our doctors imitating this doctrine lightned and illustrated with the same spirite haue acknowledged God the onely and very beginning of all things the free Creator and supreme fountaine from whom all veritie and vertue floweth Amongst which doctors fowre Greekes and fowre Latins shall sing in the little quire of God like the bases and fundaments of our Theologie according with the fowre disciples of our Lord who deliuered the Euangelicall elements in Canticles sweetely distinguished and yet in agreeable consonancie Of the most celebrated doctors of the church Greekes and Latins For Saint Hierome and Saint Chrysostome shall vnloose the knottie heads of the holie letters the one and the other Gregory to wit the Romaine and Nazianzene shall pursue the diuine sense closed and couered vnder the barke of the letter Damascenus with Saint
vnderstood That that which is the first in intention is the last in execution but the meanes betweene keeping a like order doe succeed from the first till the last By such reason therefore the diuision of daies mentioned in Genesis must be referred not to the time but to the order which is to be considered in the producement of things created Thus much for their opinions But others contend to the contrarie and maintaine that God hath distinguished the creation of the world by certaine degrees and course of daies according as Moses describeth them to keepe vs the more attentiue and to constraine vs to abide in the consideration of his works For it is most certaine that we passe lightly ouer the infinite glorie of God which shineth vnto vs here below and the vanitie of our vnderstanding doth willingly carrie vs away To correct which vice his diuine bountie would temper his works to our capacity And they which hold this opinion haue noted how the text before cited out of Ecclesiasticus wherein this word togither is read is not properly so in the Greeke copie but the Greeke word signifieth likewise or in common and hath relation not to the time but to the vniuersalnes and communitie of creatures Now to reconcile these diuers opinions me thinketh we may say that for the matter and rich seede of all the beauties and richesses of the vniuers it hath been created of God all in one moment but that afterward he gaue forme to it taking out of them the works which he did in the sixe daies For thus the prophet speaketh Genes 1. v. 1.2 God in the beginning created the heauen and the earth And the earth was without forme and void and darknes was vpon the deepe and the spirit of God moued vpon the waters Behold then the matter of this All which had his being all at once the chaos the embryon created of nothing which was to take forme figure place and abiding according to the order and disposition of all his partes and which in the meane while was sustained by the secret power of God Afterward when Moses addeth Then God said Let there be light Vers 3.4.5 and there was light And God saw the light that it was good and God separated the light from the darkenes and God called the light day and the darkenes he called night So the euening the morning were the first day In this I say and in all the rest which ensueth concerning the workes of God in the fiue other daies is shewed vnto vs the forme that God gaue to the matter in the space of them creating and forming all creatures celestiall and terrestrial contained in the whole Vniuers See then how we may resolue this question whether all things were created togither or in diuers daies and thus we may reconcile their sundrie opinions Let vs farther note S. August de ciuit Dei lib. 11. ca. 7. how Saint Augustine accustomed to mount as we haue said with the wings of contemplation vnto the Anagogicall sense discoursing vpon this point concerning the light which was said to haue beene created the first day with euening and mormng three daies before the sun confesseth freely that it is farre-remote from our sense what light this is and by what alternate motion the euening and morning were made and he vseth this disiunctiue question whether it were some corporall light that is some lightsome bodie in the highest parts of the world farre from our sight or else a light without bodie in some place whereat the sunne was shortly after kindled or else by the name of light Gal. 4. was signified the holy citie of Angels and blessed spirits whereof the Apostle saith Hierusalem which is aboue is the eternall mother of vs all in the heauens Therefore in another place also this great doctor of the church referreth the euening and morning to the science and knowledge of angelical thoughts calling it morning when by the view of things created knowne in themselues where there is darkenes and most deepe night these blessed spirits aduaunce themselues in the loue of God And if louing and contemplating him they acknowledge all things in him which knowledge is much more certaine then if one should view them indirectly then is it day But it is euening when the angell turneth himselfe from God to things created regarding them not in him but in themselues And yet this euening commeth not to night because these angelicall thoughts neuer preferre the workes before the workman neither haue them in greater estimation for so should it bee most profound night Behold then how deepely Saint Augustine doth discourse in this place concerning the euening and morning But for the place before-cited concerning the point of the light he referreth the same termes euening and morning to the condition of our soule For he saith that that which it can know and vnderstand in comparison of the knowledge of God is like an euening and that yet when it is bent to praise and loue the creator then doth it returne to morning And for the distinct daies concerning the workes of God he applyeth them likewise to the orderly and perfect knowledge of things produced The distinction of the daies inferred to the acknowledgement of the workes of God saying thus When the minde stayeth in the knowledge of it selfe then is there one day when in the acknowledgement of the firmament which betwixt the water beneath and aboue is called the heauen then is the second day if concerning the earth the sea and all things fructifying which keepe themselues in the rootes of the earth there is the third day and when it stayeth in the acknowledgement of the lights both the greater and lesser and of the stars there is the fourth day if of the creatures which liue in the waters there is the fift day if of terrene things and man himselfe there is the sixt day And thus doth this good father trauell to discouer the great mysteries closed concealed vnder the couert of Moses words which in the relation of his historie hee doth most vndoubtedly apply to the capacitie of the rude and common people with whom he had to deale deliuering to the wise and more learned enough wherewith to satisfie their mindes But without farther disputing about this present matter wee may note that in the creation of the light wherewith the world was to be adorned was the beginning of forme giuen to the matter of the world and of the distinction of creatures Yea in that the light did precede the sun moone which were created but the fourth day God would thereby testifie that in his onely hand light is resident and that he can conferre it vpon vs without any other meanes For we are so enclined as nothing more to alligate the power of God to those instruments and organes wherewith he serueth himselfe because that for as much as the sun moone do minister light vnto
equall cannot haue equall ascensions euen in the right sphere it is necessarie that the said twelue howers both of day and night should be vnequall one to another and by so much the more vnequall by how much more the Pole is eleuated aboue the Horizon according to the diuersitie of the artificiall daies and nights whereof they likewise are called artificiall howers They are also named Planetarie and temporall for that they are taken in the way of the planets which is the zodiacke and also because the ancients haue assigned the time of the seuen naturall daies of the weeke to the domination of the seuen planets attributed to the said vnequall howers and haue appointed to the said naturall daies the names of those planets which raigne the first vnequall hower of the artificiall day But leauing this discourse we must now entreat of the altitudes of the sunne and of his shadowes according as hath beene declared in our antecedent speech That we may better then vnderstand the reason of shadowes we must first haue knowledge of the altitudes of the sunne aboue the Horizon bicause that the diuersitie of shadowes proceedeth from the varietie of those heights Of the heights of the sunne Now by the height of the sunne is vnderstood the arck of the verticall circle which passeth by the center of the bodie of the same sunne being comprised betweene the same center and the Horizon and distinguished by the parallell of the same Horizon which passeth togither with the same center as heretofore hath been related So that the height of the sunne increaseth from sunne rising till noone and proportionally decreaseth from noone till sunne set So that the greatest altitude that the sunne may haue in an artificiall day is at the noone hower wherefore it is called the Meridian altitude Which surmounteth the height of the Equinoctiall in the oblique sphere by the quantitie of the declination of the sunne so long time as he is in that part of the zodiacke inclining towards the pole which is eleuated aboue the Horizon and is lesse then the height of the Equinoctiall by the same quantitie when the sunne is in the other moitie of the zodiacke which inclineth towards the opposite pole So that the least altitude that the sunne may haue is vnder the winter solstice and the greatest is when he is in the summer solstice But the sunne being in the Equinoctiall points his Meridian altitude differeth not in the oblique sphere from the height of the Equinoctiall Whereupon ensueth that in all the degrees of the zodiacke which are alike distant from the one or other solstice the sunne hath one selfesame Meridian altitude And thereupon ensueth that in all howers whereof the one is before noone and the other after and equally distant from noone as are ten a clocke in the morning and two a clocke after noone the sunne hath one selfesame altitude which is the cause that in all sunne dials being composed by helpe of the said howers as the old quadrants are the hower-spaces serue indifferently as well for before as after noone And bicause that the altitudes of the sunne varie according to the obliquenes of the sphere the said sunne dials cannot serue generally but onely to that polarie eleuation whereunto the altitudes of the sunne haue been calculated Concerning shadowes they are made by meane of solid-darke bodies exposed against the sunne Of right reuerse shadowe And of those some are called right shadowes and some reuerse shadowes The right shadow is that which is caused by interposition of the shadowing bodie rightly erected vpon the Horizon and the reuerse shadow is that which proceedeth from euery shadowing bodie equally distant from the said Horizon So that the right shadow reacheth out at length vpon the Horizontall superficies and the reuerse shadow is turned ouer perpendicularly aboue the said Horizon Whereby it is manifest that right shadowes are infinite and reuerse none at all either at sunne rising or sunne set Againe right shadowes decrease by little and little from sunne rising till noone and doe proportionally increase from noone till sunne set to which the reuerse shadowes are contrarie So that the least right shadow and the greatest reuerse shadow that can be in any day whatsoeuer is at noonetide And you must note that the sunne being eleuated aboue the Horizon more thē 45. degrees euery shadowing body being directly erected vpon the said Horizon surmounteth his right shadow but euery reuerse shadow surpasseth his shadowing bodie which causeth it And when the sunne is raised lesse then 45. degrees the contrarie commeth for the right shadow exceedeth his shadowing bodie and the shadowing bodie surpasseth the reuerse shadow But if the sunne be precisely 45. degrees high then all shadowing bodies are equall to their shadowes both right and reuerse From which equalitie is extracted the Geometricall square which is set in quadrants or vpon the backe of the astrolobe by which are measured by meanes of the shadowes or visuall lines representing the saide shadowes all lengths heights and depths by reason that the two sides of the said square which meete at right angles in the center of the instrument represent two shadowes one equall to another Yet Geographers doe commonly vse but right Meridian shadowes to know in what part of the world the regions of the earth consist and how farre they decline from the Equinoctiall which shadowes doe varie lesse about the Solstists then about the Equinoctiall points like to the altitudes of the sunne But wee haue said enough concerning this matter and to morrow we will prosecute our first discourse concerning the celestiall world now intreating of the substance and nature of heauen and of the particular effects of the sphericall bodies in things here below whereof you ASER shall begin to discourse The end of the third daies worke THE FOVRTH DAIES WORKE Of the substance and nature of heauen and of the celestiall bodies and of their continuance and change Chap. 25. ASER. BEing this day to intreate of the substance and nature of heauen and of the particular effects of the sphericall bodies in things here below we shall make more easie entrance thereto if we first begin with some briefe consideration concerning all essences First then will we propound this principle that among all creatures in heauen and earth some are spirituall and the rest corporall By the spirituall we meane those that haue no bodie and cannot be perceiued by corporall senses as are angels or diuels and the soules or spirites of men And by the corporall wee meane all other creatures that are visible and sensible to the senses of our bodies Now of these some are without life Diuision of all essences or natures and the rest liue And amongst those which are without life there is a difference in two points One is in that some haue naturall motion and the rest haue not And amongst those which haue this motion some are mutable and corruptible and
in the principles and first causes of the subiect which he desireth to know contrariwise hauing well knowne them the vnderstanding of the effects which thereupon ensue of the vertues and qualities which thereby redound of the actions which therof proceed of the degrees which therein are established of the bounds and limits whereto these first causes tend to obtaine their perfection declareth it selfe as of it owne accord without great difficultie and much paine This was the cause why many sages in old time despising the care of temporall affaires addicted themselues altogether to search out the cause of all nature so that the most excellent of them would boldly discourse of the originall and making of the world But the saying of Plato remaining euer true that it is as hard to finde out the maker and father of this All as to speake properly of him being found out it so falleth out that the most part of them who haue entreated of so loftie a matter haue erred straying by diuers by-waies yea euen all those whom the Son of Iustice hath not fully illuminated with his supreme brightnes Thereupon it proceeded that the philosophers haue beene diuided into diuers and contrarie opinions about this question whether the world hath beene from euerlasting or whether it hath beene of late whether of necessitie or else by the free will and motion of God Aristotle with all the troupe of those Diuers opinions of the Philosophers in th●● argument of the being of the world who beleeue nothing but that which they can inuent and comprise by naturall reasons and syllogismes taken from sensible things which guide them to a certaine demonstration not being able thereby to vnderstand how and wherefore heauen earth haue beene created affirme that they were neuer made but that they haue beene from eternitie But Plato followed of a great number of the most cleere-sighted wisemen hath confessed the generation of the world which he teacheth to be ordered and disposed by compleat and perfect numbers vnder the vaile of which the obscure notes of hidden sense it seemeth that he would hide the close mysteries of the creation of the vniuers to those which were not yet instructed in such secrets which onely may be comprehended by a pure and celestiall cogitation diuinely infused For let vs know that there is no certaintie at all of this doctrine except for those to whom the minde by a special and supernaturall grace is sharp being fashioned and formed by meditation of the immutable substance of God himselfe and by a secret operation of the holy Ghost to beleeue that it is the Eternall who by his word hath made all nature For so the Soueraigne Creator talketh with man and establisheth a certaine testimonie of his truth in the heart of him when he hath made him proper and meet to heare him with the best and most excellent part of his vnderstanding in regard whereof he is said to be made according to his owne image But although these things may be knowne being nor far remote from our interiour How the creation of the world may be belieued or exteriour senses yea so that they may be called present and whereof no doubt is to bee made especially being supported by authoritie of good witnesses yet those things which surpasse the ordinarie puissance of the minde because by our owne iudgement we cannot credit them must be considered and beleeued according to that couenant of verities which they announce vnto vs who haue known thē by our vnderstanding peaceful and duely purged so that we may adde faith to such holy personages as God hath made capable of his light and which instruct vs not in the things which they haue imagined but in such as they haue heard receiued from diuine oracles It is then of their authoritie that he must make a buckler whosoeuer will meetly debate of God and of his workes and of his prouidence in the gouernance of them And when the wings of Nature faile vs in so loftie a contemplation we must take to vs those of diuine grace and when the naturall light fadeth and is readie to die to require an infused and supernaturall illumination The world is greatest of all things visible and God of all things inuisible That the world is we perceiue but that God is we beleeue Now that he hath made the world we can better beleeue of no bodie then of God himselfe But where haue we heard that In his word whereto we must giue credit concerning those things whereof it is expedient that we should not be ignorant and which we of our selues are not able to vnderstand Now he hath spoken first by his prophets then by himselfe in the person of our Redeemer and lastly by the Apostles and disciples We heare him speaking aloude where Moses the father of diuines Genes 1. and master of Philosophers saith In the beginning God created the heauen and the earth The prophet was not there present but the wisedome of God by which al things were made and which by an incomprehensible vertue conueieth it selfe into holy minds and doth direct them and declare all his works without any noyse at all by his spirit which can doe all beholdeth all encourageth all and passeth through all purified spirits of vnderstanding and abideth in his elect And the blessed Angels who alwaies behold the face of their father speake to them also and announce the secrets of the eternal Maiestie to all them I say in such sort as it pleaseth the Omnipotent to make them worthie One of these was Moses who teacheth vs that God almightie made this great Vniuers A witnesse so excellent and worthy that by him we must belieue in God whom we perceiue as it were through the same wisedome and spirit which reuealed vnto him the creation of the world who prophecied almost two thousand yeeres before of the high-mysteries of Christian faith confirming also his whole doctrine by miracles prodigies oracles and prophecies wherewith all his writings abound And therefore hauing confidence in his testimonie we call God Creator of all things thereby inferring that he is author principall and first cause of all essences which cause by manner of speech ought to be full of all things if this Maxime of the Peripatetickes be true That none can giue away of that which he hath not And therefore the Poet the honor of our age very learnedly saith Ere time forme substance place to be themselues attained Du Bartas in the 1. of his weekes All God in all things was and God in all remained For there is nothing produced by nature or formed by arte but first it hath abiding in that which performeth it So euerie creature is engendred by vertue of that seede wherein it was at first by power included so each worke liueth in the minde of the workeman before he puts it in practise So had the worlde perfect being in the thought of God before it was
subiect to change and the rest are immutable incorruptible persisting alwaies in their estate during the course of this world Stones mettals minerals and such like creatures are of the number of those that haue neither life nor any naturall moouing whatsoeuer but like the earth it selfe The water aire winde and fire are creatures which though they haue not life yet haue they moouing but they are subiect vnto corruption as are all other creatures composed of the elements whether they retaine life or not For by reason that they are compounded of matters and contrarie qualities they doe at length corrupt and are changed not in regarde of their first nature and substance which perisheth not Nothing perisheth in regard of the matter though it change formes but returneth alwaies into the same elements whereof euerie compound consisteth And though stones and mettals be exceeding hard yet are they not exempt from corruption but are consumed by vsage yea euen gold and siluer which are the most precious mettals and of so excellent temper that they resist fire But the celestiall bodies whereof we entreat now consist of such matter nature and substance that being in perpetuall motion they euer perseuere in their entire and first forme not being subiect to any change in their bodies nor any way consuming like to the other creatures winch are vnder them Of the matter or substance of heauen But what this matter or substance is hath beene much disputed on amongst the most learned For some Philosophers haue affirmed that the heauens starres and planets which we behold are compounded of the same elements whereof all other creatures are made but yet of the most pure parts and portions of them And render this reason viz. that they could not be visible if they were not created of visible matter For none can make a visible thing of an inuisible Whereupon they conclude that there is in the composition of celestiall bodies some portion of earth and water which are visible elements and more water then earth because it is more pure and cleere then the earth is and because it hath motion And in that they are most splendant cleere and mooueable they attribute the principall cause thereof to the nature of the aire and fire and the most subtile parts of them whereof say they they are singularly composed But others hold that the heauens consist of another kinde of substance then of the elements which they name a fift-essence of most rare and different substance from the elementarie and much more excellent and noble Others more cunning finde in the heauens diuers and vnequal substances Whereto may seeme to accord that which Americus Vespucius hath declared in the discourse of his third Nauigation to the Indies concerning the magnitude of the stars making mention of three verie great ones called Caponi which are not cleere And many other authors haue noted diuersitie of shining and cleerenes among the stars and that some part of heauen is thicker then the rest But whatsoeuer may be subtilly inuented in this matter it seemeth verie well that heat is the substance of celestiall bodies which is inseparable from brightnes Of heat light and brightnes which is a similitude and semblance of light hauing the substance of it and of heat so annexed with it selfe that it is almost nothing else So that the light brightnes heat may be taken for one selfe same substance and matter of heauen and of all the spheres Which we must moreouer note to be so established and ordained by God that the Sunne Moone and all the other stars and planets are no whit chaunged since the day of their creation any more then their said spheres neither are they more wearied worne Of the continuance and changing of the heauens or corrupted for all the labour which they haue performed by the space of so many yeeres then they were the first day of their creation For you must not holde it for a chaunge and alteration of their natures and qualities in that according to their diuers courses the stars and planets are sometimes far from and sometimes neere to one another and that they haue oppositions coniunctions and diuers and different respects according to the varietie of their motions nor yet for the eclipses of the Sunne and Moone For such changes are not in their proper bodies substance and qualitie but onely in regard of vs and our sight But to this constancie stablenes and continuance of the heauens and the celestiall bodies the words of the kingly Prophet in the Psalmes may seeme to be repugnant Psal 102. when he saith Thou O God hast aforetime layd the foundation of the earth and the heauens are the worke of thine hands They shall perish but thou shalt endure euen they all shall waxe olde as doth a garment as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed But thou art the same and thy yeeres shall not faile Also it is written Math. 24. 2. Pet. 3. that the heauens and earth shall passe That the day of the Lord shall come like a Thiefe in the night and in which the heauens must passe away like a noise of a tempest the elements must melt with heat and the earth with all the workes that are therein shall bee burnt That the heauens being set one fire shall be dissolued Esay 65. 66. Apoc. 21. and that we looke for new heauens and new earth according to the promise of God in whom dwelleth righteousnes All these testimonies yet do not contradict that which we heretofore said concerning the nature of the celestiall bodies For we refer their stabilitie and continuance to the course of all this great world which God hath ordained and established to endure till the consummation and ending thereof in such sort as he hath declared to vs in his word Moreouer it is one thing to speake of the heauens comparing their nature with that of other visible and corporall creatures and another thing when we compare them with the nature of God or of his word as the holy Scripture cōmonly doth Psal 90. For according to the doctrine thereof a thousand yeers are as one day before God wherfore also this visible frame both celestiall terrestrial is nothing else but as a vesture which weareth waxeth old is clean done after that it is worne al out And sith that both heauen and earth are created by the word of God Iohn 1. there is no doubt but they shall faile rather then it For it remayneth for euer like God from whom it proceedeth from all eternitie There is yet diuersitie of opinions amongst the ancient doctors about the vnderstanding of the holy Scripture concerning the matter which we do now treat of For some indeed say that the heauens shall perish with the rest of the world if it so please the creator and if he will haue it so considering that all creatures both visible and inuisible
growe and increase in the earth wherefore it seemeth that they are nourished in the earth like to plants Yet we must note that to speake properly there is neither soule nor life attributed vnto them Foure kinds of soule and life For according to the common rule of the learned there are but fower kindes of soules of life except by abuse of the language this name life be taken generally for the estate of all creatures But when it is taken in his proper signification the soule and life is onely attributed to fower kindes of creatures A kinde of creature of a middle nature betweene plants and beasts that is to herbes trees and plants a nourishing or vegetatiue soule and life to * sensitiue plants as sea-sponges oisters cockles c. a sensitiue to perfect beasts a soule and life cogitatiue or knowing and to men an intellectuall or reasonable soule and life Though therefore that stones and mettals doe increase and grow in the earth yet this is done by addition of matter which is conuerted into their nature rather then by any nouriture which they draw from the earth as plants doe And therefore when we speake properly of life we must vnderstand something more then that which we simply call being And yet one may sometimes signifie the estate or being of any thing by the name of life taking the word generally and not in his most proper signification for the being of euery creature is like the life thereof insomuch as thereby it is conserued in his proper estate Iohn 1. And so it may seeme that Saint Iohn meaneth saying That all things were made by the eternall word of God and that without it nothing was made that was made and that in it was life for here the word Life might be taken for the being of all creatures In this respect it may be permitted vs to say that all creatures haue life but not like any of those which are properly called liuing creatures and each one according to the distinctions by vs before alledged Vnderstanding proper to men and angels onely Now let vs speake of the naturall vnderstanding which seemeth to be in all creatures I know that to speake properly vnderstanding and reason cannot bee attributed but onely to angels and men For though all creatures obserue their order and course in their naturall motions yet doe wee not conclude that they do this by vnderstanding and reason whereof they shoulde participate with men but rather by a naturall inclination which God hath bestowed vpon them to guide and direct them so Yet it seemeth that there is great difference betweene the celestiall bodies concerning which we now discourse and the other creatures which are without life and vnderstanding considering their well ordred motions and incorruptible nature as we haue heeretofore shewed For this is the cause why many Philosophers haue taught Opinions of diuers touching the life and vnderstanding of the celestiall bodies that the heauens retained some kinde of life and vnderstanding briefly that the world was an animall or liuing creature for the reasons heeretofore alleaged And therefore some haue supposed that the celestiall and luminary bodies did nourish and preserue themselues by the moistnes and vapors which they attracted and drew vp by their heate out of the water and other elements And for faculties of sense and reason they also considered the same to be in them because that they haue their course and motions so well ordred and comprehended one by another that therein can be found no fault disorder or confusion Which so excellent order could not bee kept nor maintained it seemed amongst them without great reason vnderstanding and wisedome yea more great then is seene in all the men of the world togither For although they were created partakers of these graces and gifts yet so farre are they from maintaining such an order amongst them as do the celestiall bodies that contrariwise there is nothing but disorder and confusion in them and in all their actions For these reasons therefore sundry Philosophers haue concluded that as there are animals or liuing creatures in the earth in the waters and in the aire so likewise are there in heauen and that the sunne and moone the other planets and stars are celestiall animals not onely liuing but also participating of reason and vnderstanding Of the excellent politicall and military order in the heauens yea some haue named them celestiall intelligences And in truth they which haue good skill in Astronomie do consider how the Sunne the goodliest and most excellent of the lights of heauen possesseth the middle place among the seuen planets like the king and prince of them and which hath about him the lords of his court For on one side is Mars the warrior which hath charge of armies and on the other side Mercurie his Orator and ambassador Then is there betwixt him and Mercurie the planet Venus which is the day starre messenger of the morning which alwaies attendeth on the sunne at his rising and setting for she riseth euery day before him and setteth euery day after him and vnder those is the Moone These two planets seeme to be allowed him like mistresses of his house and huswiues of the most moist natures Then aboue Mars is the milde and benigne planet Iupiter to the end to moderate the vehemencie and furie of him And higher yet is Saturne who is cold slowe and sadde wherefore he may the better temperate the heate of Mars and serue the sunne like a sound and well staied counsellor neere about his prince Then may be seene the high heauen commonly called the firmament which containeth all the rest of the stars vnder which the sunne marcheth in his royall magnificence accompanied like a king with his court and armie all in gallant order Is not this then a goodly policie like a royall court a celestiall common wealth and a braue armie wherein euery star and planet keepeth his ranke and order And not onely for these considerations but euen by testimonies of Scripture there are some will vndertake to prooue that the celestiall bodies haue reason and vnderstanding Deut. 32. Isay 1. For the prophets namely Moses and Isay sometimes addressing their speech to the heauens call them for auditors as when they say Oh heauens heauens heare that which I shall speake and giue eare to my words So that they woonder why these holy men should call to the heauens if they had neither soule nor life Psal 148. nor reason nor vnderstanding And the Psalmist in his canticles doth exhort the heauenly bodies to praise God no lesse then the angels themselues But now let vs tell them that if by these authorities we must conclude that the spheres haue in them a soule life sense and reason we might say the like of the aire of the clouds waters fire haile snowe vapors windes yea and of all earthly creatures to the very plants For the
he returneth to the other without any ceasing rest or fainting Wherein we must especially acknowledge gods woonderfull prouidence who hath created him neither greater nor lesse then is necessary to performe the office which hath beene committed to him And for his greatnes we may truely iudge that it is immense and admirable because that in what place soeuer men may be whether in the east or in the west or in the north or in the south parts yet do they all behold it of one selfesame greatnes And therefore doth the prophet say They which dwell in the vttermost parts of the earth Psal 65. are afraid of thy signes and thou makest them ioyfull with the going foorth of the euening and the morning that is with the rising and setting of the sunne and other planets and starres Wherein we must note that though we commonly say of the sunne that he riseth and setteth as if we spake of a man that went to take his rest in the night after that he trauailed all day yet in truth he neither riseth nor setteth for that he is continually busie How the rising and setting of the sunne must be taken bringing day to some when others haue night But men say commonly so because that in regard of vs he seemeth when he retyreth as if he went to rest at euen-tide and that he riseth in the morning when he returneth vnto vs. Wherfore we say that he is hidden and downe when we see him not and that he is risen when he appeereth at point of day And so do the rude people and children which dwel neere the mountaines accustomablie say that he is gone to hide himselfe behind them And they which are neere the sea suppose that he goeth to plunge wash himselfe therein as the Poets also say accommodating their stile to the vulgar And yet al may behold that he riseth not on the same side where he setteth but on the other quite opposite Whereby is easie to be iudged that he hath not reposed all the while that men slept but hath passed much way And that he still carrieth his light with him for it is a most certaine thing that he hath not deliuered night and darknes to those people and nations by which he passed but light and day But if there be fewe amongst the rude and ignorant which meditate these things so farre there be fewer which consider of the prouidence of God that manifesteth it selfe in this perpetuall changing of day into night and of night into day For there is nothing more contrary then light and darknes and consequently then night and day And yet hath God so well disposed compacted and reconciled these contrarieties togither that if things were otherwise ordained there were neither man nor beast that could long liue vpon the face of the earth And therefore Ecclesiasticus saith Eccles 42. Oh how delectable are all his works and to be considered euen to the very sparks of fire they liue all and endure for euer and whensoeuer need is they are all obedient They are al double one contrarie to another hee hath made nothing that hath any fault The one commendeth the goodnes of the other and who can be satisfied with beholding Gods glory And indeed if the day should last perpetually and equally alike in all parts of the world the heat of the sunne would so scorch euery thing that it would drie vp and consume not onely men and beasts but euen all moisture and humiditie which is in the earth Meruailes of the prouidence of God in the commodities of day and night Whereby all liuing creatures should faile for they could not liue for two causes First because that life doth principally lie in heate and moisture and is conserued by them according to the order that God hath set in nature to guard and maintaine it Wherefore as men and beasts loose their life if their naturall heat be altogither extinguished so doth it likewise befall them when their moisture is entirely consumed For there must be a verie equall proportion in all those qualities which are in the bodies of liuing creatures to wit in heat and coldnes in drines and moisture according to the nature of the fowre elements whereof they are composed for the excesse of the one doth confound the other For which cause God hath so disposed the course of the Sunne that hee distributeth his heate in so good and iust measure that he hindreth the too much coldnes and moisture which might quench the naturall heate and yet doth not so consume them by the heat and drines which he causeth but that there alwaies remaineth so much as is needful for the life of all creatures And for the other reason that they would faile it is that neither man nor any other animall can liue without nourishment to repaire in them that which the naturall heate like a fire incessantly flaming hath consumed of radicall humor in their bodies yet this heat must be likewise maintained that it be not extinguished as wee haue amply discoursed concerning these things in the second part of our Academie For this cause then God hath ordained eating and drinking for the nouriture of all liuing creatures and hath appointed to the earth as to the mother of al the charge and office to produce fruits and other nourishments needfull for them Which she cannot do being by nature cold and drie if as she is warmed by the heat of the sunne she be not also moistned by the waters both of heauen earth And therefore when that the sunne hath heated and dried it vp all day long the night which is the shadow of the earth doth afterwards ensue and taking from vs the sight of the sunne and his light doth by this meanes bring vnto vs darknes which causeth night wherein the Moone who is colde and moist hath her rule as the sunne who is hot and drie hath his rule in the day time And so we must consider these two celestiall bodies very neerely according to their proper effects which we perceiue and experiment heere on earth below Genes 1 as also Moses testifieth vnto vs saying that God created two great lights amongst others to be as regents and rulers the one of day and the other of night So then as the earth and all that it beareth togither with all animals or liuing creatures that it nourisheth are heated and dried vp in the day time by the sunne euen so are they moistned and refreshed in the night time by the withdrawing thereof and by the humiditie and coldnes of the Moone Wherein there especially hapneth a mutuall accord betweene heauen and earth vnder which we comprise the aire waters and al creatures therein contained with their natures and qualities Moreouer in this maruel we are to consider that as men and animals cannot suruiue without nourishment which God hath prouided by the meanes aforesaid so likewise could they not liue without taking some rest
about it is of a round and circular figure in all parts for as for the mountaines valleies they are insensible in regard of the whole globe of earth The roundnes whereof doth euidently declare it selfe by the shadow thereof which sheweth it selfe in the eclipses of the moone to be round for it could not seeme so if the earth were not also of the same forme Moreouer the diuers and certaine supputation that Astronomers calculate concerning the times of the eclipses of the moone according as the places are more orientall or more occidentall doth manifestly conclude the same round forme so also doth the natural inclination of all the parts of the earth and of the water who stil tend downe declining to a lower place and this common descent of euerie part causeth this round figure The earth is of insensible quantitie Consequently it is to be noted that this earthly frame although it be in it selfe of maruellous greatnes yet is it of verie little and insensible quantitie in regard and comparison not onely of all the firmament but also of the sphere of the sunne the same earth being but as a point in the middest of the whole world which is apparantly demonstrated by the foresaid equalities of the daies and nights and by the obseruations of the courses of the celestiall bodies and chiefly of the sunne taken here below by instruments fit for such effects in such maner as if one were in the center of the world For in a little space that one may passe here vpon the earth proceeding from one place to another the view and disposition of heauen doth change and varie notably And in an open plaine place wherein one may stand vpon the earth or be in the sea they may alwaies discouer the one halfe of heauen All which things declare as we haue said that the earth and the water make a round globe which is but as a point and center in regard of the vniuersall world So much for the situation immobilitie figure That the earth onely meriteth the title of a mother and quantitie of the earth which onely aboue all other elements hath merited the title of a mother by reason of the great good which it affoordeth to all breathing liuing creatures For this gentle mother receiueth vs when we are borne shee nourisheth vs being borne she maintaineth and sustaineth vs being nourished and finally when the other elements refuse and leaue vs she receiueth vs into her bosome and couereth vs hauing as it were a perpetuall care of vs. Moreouer she riseth not vp against man as other creatures doe For the water conuerts it selfe into raine snowe and haile it swelleth in surges and waues and ouerfloweth all with flouds the aire thickeneth and ladeth it selfe with cloudes out of which proceede stormes and tempests and the fire is often cause of strange calamities vpon earth But this gentle and debonaire mother maketh hir selfe as a slaue to serue for all the commodities of man For how many things doe we cause hir to beare by force and how many things doth she bestowe of hir owne goodwill What odours and perfumes what sauours what iuices what and how many sorts of colours With what exchaunge and interest doth shee restore that which is lent hir How many sundry things doth shee nourish for man What quantitie of pretious mettals doth shee conceiue and keepe in hir entrailes for his vse Of two kindes of earth And therefore it seemeth that the earth subsisteth not of one onely kinde and indeede Aristotle diuideth it into two the one fossible which may bee digged and the other transmutable which may change qualitie For the fossible earth it doth alwaies remaine the same and is very earth but the transmutable remaineth not the same in kinde and in view for it conuerteth it selfe into mettall or into iuice or into some other matter But before wee doe proceede vnto the consideration of so many admirable effectes produced by the earth wee may now here beholde that we haue summarily set downe particulars enough wherin we may learne to acknowledge the infinite power wisedome and bountie of God the creator Testimonies of the power of God Isay 6. and how according to the testimonie of the angels all the earth is full of his glorie For first of all is not this a great woonder that the earth which is so huge a masse and the heauiest element of all the rest should be hanged in the aire in the midst of the world being so counterpoised that it sustaineth as one may say all the other elements and that it is inuironed by them and by all the other spheres and celestiall bodies it remaining firme for euer not moouing from the place thereof For where are the columnes and the pillers which beare and sustaine it and vpon what foundation are they founded And therefore it is not without cause ●ob 38. that the Lord saith to Iob minding to cause him to acknowledge his power maiestie where wast thou when I laide the foundations of the earth declare if thou hast vnderstanding who hath laide the measure thereof if thou knowest Or who hath stretched the line ouer it to wit to signe and marke out the foundations thereof whereupon are the foundations thereof set Or who hath laid the corner stone thereof And afterwards he addeth It is turned as clay to fashion Wherein it seemeth that he had reference to that that he created the earth as all this great visible world in round forme because it is the most capable of all formes that may be Behold then the testimonie that God himselfe deliuereth to Iob his seruant of the admirable creation of the earth Psal 104. And to the same purpose the kingly prophet saith that God did forme the earth vpon the bases therof that is to say vpon firme foundations so that it shall neuer mooue But what may we say then to the motions and tremblings of the earth which haue euer been knowne and are ordinarily seene This might seeme repugnant to that which Dauid here speaketh and to that which we haue deliuered concerning the immobilitie and firmenes of the earth And therefore mine aduise is that pursuing this discourse we should consider the causes of such tremblings to the end that we may know how that the earth faileth not to remaine euer firme though such shakings happen in some parts thereof which ACHITOB let vs heare of you Of earth-quakes Chap. 56. ACHITOB. FOrasmuch as the earth is not onely heauie by nature but euen the heauiest of all elements and is heaped vp and compacted togither in the midst of the great vniuersall world as the point and center thereof it therefore followeth that it is immooueable and without any naturall motion For if it had any as the other elements haue it is certaine that it must be downwards But bicause that God hath placed the earth in the midst of all his works towards which all heauy
chap. 15 Page 74 Of diuels and euill spirits chap. 16 The third daies worke Page 80 OF the celestiall or sphericall world chap. 17 Page 86 Of the forme and figure of heauen and of the motion thereof as well generall as particular chap. 18 Page 91 Of the circles ingenerall and particularly of the Equinoctiall and Zodiake and of their signes chap. 19 Page 95 Of the two great circles named Colures and of the fower lesse circles and parallels and of the fiue Zones of the world and immooueable circles chap. 20 Page 101 Of the hower-circles and what is done by them in sunne-dials and of the circles which diuide the 12. houses of heauen chap. 21 Page 106 Of the ascensions and descensions of the stars and of the signes and other arkes of the Zodiake and of the orientall and occidentall latitude of the sun or degrees of the zodiacke chap. 22 Page 109 Of the naturall and artificiall daies and of the nights of their diuersitie and cause chap. 23 Page 112 Of equall and vnequall temporall and artificiall howers of the heights of the sunne aboue the Horizon and of his right and reuerse shadowes chap. 24 The fourth daies worke Page 117 OF the substance and nature of heauen and of the celestiall bodies of their continuance change cha 25 Page 121 Of motions ingenerall of their first cause and of their vnion in all nature chap. 26 Page 125 Of the life reason and vnderstanding of the celestiall bodies and of the excellent politicall and militarie order which is amongst them chap. 27 Page 130 Of the influence and effects of the planets and starres in things here below either to good or euill chap. 28 Page 135 Of the truth which is found in prognostications of Astrologers and how the starres are appointed by God for signes and that from their influences no euill proceedeth chap. 29 Page 140 Of the planet Saturne and how it is not euill nor anie other starre chap. 30 Page 144 Of the planets ingenerall and how they worke in man not in constraining but disposing chap. 31 Page 148 Of the true Astronomie which the heauens doe teach vs and especially the sunne in his admirable effects chap. 32 The fift daies worke Page 152 OF the rising and setting of the sunne and of the prouidence of God which shineth in the commodities of daie and night chap. 33 Page 157 Of the second course and motion of the sunne and moone for the distinction of yeeres moneths and seasons and of the prouidence of God in these things chap. 34 Page 161 Of the image of God and of his light which is proposed vnto vs in the sunne with the felicitie of mans life in changing of light and darkenes chap. 35 Page 166 Of the eclipses of the sunne and moone and of the image which we haue therein of the constancie which is in God and of the inconstancie of men and of humane things chap. 36 Page 171 Of the beginning of naturall and corruptible things chap. 37 Page 176 Of the elements and of things to be considered in them in that they are distinguished by the number of fower chap. 38 Page 180 Of the opinion of those who admit but three elements not acknowledging the elementarie fire chap. 39 Page 185 Of the perfect compositions which are in the nature of all things by which the fower elements may be considered chap 40 The sixt daies worke Page 189 OF the agreement betwixt the elements and planets chapter 41 Page 195 Of the fire and of the aire and of the things engendred in them and of their motions and of the windes cha 42 Page 199 Of thunder and lightning chap. 43 Page 203 Of the true Meteors of Christians and of the supernaturall causes of thunder and lightning chap. 44 Page 208 Of snowes mists frosts frosts yce and haile chap. 45 Page 212 Of comets chap. 46 Page 216 Of cloudes and vapours chap. 47 Page 221 Of the waters sustayned and hanged in the aire and of the rainebow chap. 48 The seuenth daies worke Page 226 OF dewes and raine chap. 49 Page 230 Of the fertilitie caused by dewes and raine and of the prouidence of God therein chap. 50 Page 234 Of the windes and of their kindes and names and of the testimonies which we haue in them of the power and maiestie of God chapter 51 Page 239 Of the fowles of the aire and namely of the Manucodiata of the Eagle of the Phenix and of other wilde fowle chap. 52 Page 243 Of singing birdes and chiefly of the Nightingale and of sundrie others and of their wit and industrie chap. 53 Page 247 Of the Estridge of the Peacocke of the Cocke and of other fowles chap. 54 Page 251 Of the earth and of the situation immobilitie figure and qualitie thereof chap. 55 Page 255 Of earth-quakes chap. 56 The eight daies worke Page 261 OF the sea and of the waters and of the diuision and distribution of them throughout the earth chap. 57 Page 265 Of the flowing and ebbing of the sea and of the power that the moone hath ouer it and ouer all other inferior bodies chap. 58 Page 269 Of salt fresh and warme waters and of other diuersities in them chapter 59 Page 274 Of the commodities which men reape of the waters by Nauigation and of the directions which sea-men doe receiue from heauen and from the starres vpon the sea chap. 60 Page 278 Of the diuision of lands and countries amongst men by the waters and of the limits which are appointed them for the bounds of their habitation chap. 61 Page 283 Of the commodities which are incident to men and to all creatures by the course of the waters thorough the earth chap. 62 Page 287 Of diuers kindes of fishes namely of the whale of the dolphin of the sea-calfe and others chap. 63 Page 291 Of the image that we haue of the state of this world and of men in the sea and in the fishes thereof chap. 64 The ninth daies worke Page 295 OF fruits and of the fertilitie of the earth and the causes thereof and of herbes trees and plants chap. 65 Page 299 Of the vertue that herbes and other fruits of the earth haue in phisick and in food and of the true vse of them chap. 66 Page 304 Of the diuersitie of plants and of their difference and naturall growth and of their parts of the most excellent amongst them chapter 67 Page 308 Of trees and especiallie of the pine the fir-tree the cypress tree and the cedar chap. 68 Page 313 Of trees bearing cinnamom cassia franckincense mirrh and cloues chap. 69 Page 318 Of trees and plants that beare nutmegs ginger and pepper chapter 70 Page 321 Of the date-tree of the Baratha or tree of India of the Gehuph and of brasill chap. 71 Page 326 Of the citron-tree limon-tree orange-tree oliue-tree and pomegranate-tree chap. 72 The tenth daies worke Page 331 OF mallowes wilde-mallowes purple-violets betonie ceterach and Saint Iohns-wort
in the primitiue production free from all lawes of nature whereto by right the prince thereof is not obliged And we agree also that euery thing which is produced must first be included in some other power before it be effected but we say that naturall things remained first in the matter and the world and diuersitie of substances were comprised in the Ideas or exemplaries resident euerlastingly in God And so doe the Platonists maintaine who mounting much higher then the Peripateticks agree with that which Saint Iohn saith Iohn 1. That all things were made by the word and that in it was life which brought foorth all things and that in it the world before was by power comprised Wherefore these be no dreames as Aristotle calleth them but the Ideas of Plato but those are sighted like the bat who see not the things most manifest in nature thereby to acknowledge the author of nature And to the end that we loosen the strongest knot of their arguments to wit Nullitie of the argument Nothing of nothing can be made That of nothing nothing is created I would desire them to expound me their sentence bicause it is doubtfull and ambiguous for if the sense be thus that of nothing by arte or nature nothing is made bicause they require the matter whereupon to worke we willingly accord But what is this to purpose concerning the supreme and almightie architect whom nature doth follow after as farre as arte doth nature as all philosophers confesse For according as the naturall agent bounded and subiect to motion time and succession is lesse and more disable in essence so is it lesse in performance then he who is free and at libertie from all lawes of nature But if they meane that of nothing to wit after it hath no being nothing is created then haue they left it to this present to discusse and to all posteritie for euer Wherefore we haue a spacious field to denie them that which is neither prooued nor euident in it selfe If they inferre that this nothing reiecteth all manner of causes then we consent to them in this point But in the creation or generation of the world we presuppose as truth requireth a working and soueraigne cause who in the infinite vertue of it selfe containeth the matter subiect and fashion to bestow the meanes the disposing qualities and all that which is requisite to reduce and bring to perfection any busines Behold then how all these arguments conclude nothing against the doctrine of the worlds creation no more these other reasons deriued from the motions and their bounds which the Peripateticks doe farther induce against the same as pursuing this matter ACHITOB we may heare of you Of the Reasons taken from motion and the moouing Intelligences against the Genesis of the world and of the nullitie of them Chapter 4. ACHITOB THE Peripateticks whereof now adaies manie may be found perseuering in their naturall speculations Nullitie of the argument of materiall generations in respect of the diuine peece of worke and considering that motion consisteth in that which is mooued or ingendred or else in the subiect of transmutation and because no substance did precede the primitiue production of the world thereupon they conclude that it was neuer created But it is no maruell if they be greatly abused seeing they would neuer swarue from their sense and sensible things whereof no pure and sincere truth can be gathered because that by them or by the reasons on them founded we cannot attaine to the knowledge of diuine mysteries which are intellectuall farre remote from any substance moouing succession or other sensiblenes And therefore they much deceiue themselues when they in such sort argue of these grosse material generations comparing them with the diuine master peece of worke which surpasseth all meanes of nature They maintaine that all direct or forward motion cannot be perpetuall because it requireth infinit space which nature is not able to endure but circular motion because it passeth nothing infinit may be perpetuall Now in eternall things the consequence is good from the power to the being One may then say they thereby assure himselfe of the eternitie of the world But see a goodly reason to presuppose that to be perpetuall and infinite which they pretend to prooue Auerrois proceedeth farther and saith that it is impossible for the world to haue had any other disposition then such as at this present it hath and that being exempt from all contrarietie it followeth that in no wise it is corruptible and therefore was not engendred But who reuealed vnto him that which he supposeth of the state of the world With what measure pretendeth he to meat out the puissance of the soueraigne workeman Other vaine arguments of Philosophers By what authoritie dares he limite out the power of the infinite so that hee may not destroy and builde vp at his good pleasure I say then that the passing away of heauen hath another kinde of bound and limit then the earth and the very rest it selfe whereto as with one minde all Philosophers teach all motion doth tend All motion tends to a rest But forasmuch as motion begetteth time and time it selfe is the measure of motion thereby it commeth that forging their arguments vpon one part of time they misse and faile in reason when they dispute thus If the world was not before it tooke beginning seeing this before is an appendix of time then it followeth that time shoulde precede motion which is his cause and progenitor Again they say In euery instant and moment assigned is the beginning of time to come and the end of time past then time hath beene before this first instant and consequently motion and the world But the cause of these errors proceedeth from the misunderstanding of words when they woulde barre that this worde before should signifie any thing else then some part of time For as well in the diuine as prophane writings of all authors who can speake fitly and properly we may finde that this particle before signifieth more then a part of time for sometimes it denoteth the extreme as is said in the Prouerbes Prou. 8. The Lord hath possessed me in the beginning of his way before he created any thing I haue had principalitie from euerlasting Eccles 24.12 and before the earth And in Ecclesiasticus He created me from the beginning and before the world Ouid himselfe in his Metamorphosis vseth this manner of speech Before the sea the earth and heauen which couereth all things though that being of a fine and subtile spirite he was not ignorant that time slideth away by reason of the turning of heauen Moreouer this worde Ante signifieth amongst the Latins the highest degree whereof is deriued Antistes he which is principall and cheefe among others Sith therefore this particle before hath diuers significations why will our Peripateticks restraine it to denote any other thing but onely a portion of time
Would they not grant me this that by a certaine order the matter was before the forme and yet preceded it not in time So is it that God was before the world by a certaine order of eternitie What they farther inferre That the instant is the end of time past and the beginning of time to come Of the point as instant We answere them that as the point is to things continued so is the instant to things succeeding Now the point is sometime the extreme of one part of a line and the beginning of another part and sometimes also it is the beginning of the whole line and not the end of any part precedent So the instant and moment wherein the world had being was the beginning of the time to ensue and not the end of any past They adde another argument against this doctrine That say they which passeth on hath something both before and after it But I le proceede farther and grant them more to wit that all that which passeth on returneth to the same point from whence it began to passe For the water returneth to the sea from whence it had an originall The bodie returneth to the earth from whence it was borrowed The soule Al things returne to God and other intellectuall things created of God I except that which the Scripture teacheth vs of the reprobate returne to himselfe of whom they were engendred And all essences produced from the diuine thought make a full circle beginning in God and finishing in God himselfe So must time returne into the same eternitie whereout it proceeded and which shall remaine this same ceasing in such sort as it consisted before it And therefore we answere those who demaund how the creator coulde precede the fabrication of the world that hee proceeded it by an eternall enduring Wherefore they conclude iust nothing against the Creation of that which then was and is after the generation of things Others which reason vpon the point which we haue deliuered concerning the opinion of Auerrois that the world is not corruptible therefore not engendred argue thus That which is dissolued into another thing is diuided but considering that beside the world there is nothing into which it can be dissolued it must therefore endure euerlastingly To which we may answere them How the world is dissolued that the world is dissolued according to his parts to the ende that it may remaine in a better estate But now we dispute not of the dissolution but onely of the originall thereof And it may seeme nothing contrarie to Christian religion that the worke of God may alwaies haue a being but farre otherwise then as we see it and which shall be then when we most blessed shall inhabite the new heauens and new earth in life euerlasting And herein doe we concurre with sundrie great Philosophers who esteeme that it is ill done to suppose that those things which immediately proceed from the blessed God can perish And therefore we affirme that the soule is immortall because it was produced and inspired by God and that the bodie it selfe shall obtaine eternitie when afterwards in the resurrection it shall be reuested with the nature of the soule which subiect we haue amply discoursed vpon in the second part of our Academie But it is ill-concluded to take away all beginning from things by reason of the perpetuall enduring of the same The opinion of diuers is that the celestiall spirits moo●e the spheres For as we haue declared it were to argue by naturall generations of the diuine masterpeece of worke which surpasseth all sensible consideration And sith we are in this talke of the enduring of the world we may further note that those who haue thereupon imagined to take away the originall thereof haue taught that the spirits moouing the spheres should obtaine felicitie in the eternall recourse of the heauens which point Aristotle enforceth himselfe to demonstrate in his most loftie part of Philosophie where repeating diuers considerations more loftie then in any other place he sharply contendeth for this eternitie of the world And Iohn Lescot seemeth to graunt him more then he requireth when he saith that the spirits are blessed not only moouing the spheres but for so much as by such reuolution seruing God they communicate perfection to things here beneath To which agreeth that which Plotin entreating of heauen and of the soule of the world saith It is an absurd thing and discordant to suppose that that soule which did for a time containe the heauen should not alwaies do the same as if by violence it had contained it And thereupon he cōcludeth that the world should endure for euer because the principall part of the soule thereof cannot be dissolued nor the nature thereof empaire Aristotle also amongst his other considerations inserteth this That the prince of this worldly palace being eternall not receiuing any vicissitude or chaunging it is most likely that his palace should also be eternall and that his ministers or celestiall spirits being altogither addicted to perpetuall motion should neuer take rest But that we may vntie this knot we will say that it is an error of comparison to argue of that which hath his beginning immediately from God in respect of the creator and of that which is here below in regard of things aboue and of the immediate ende of euerie thing in comparison of his last ende For the immediate end of vnreasonable creatures is to liue Of the sundrie ends of all thing● and feede themselues but their finall ende is to serue mans vse which according to the minde of sundrie wisemen is the ende of all things here below And the immediate ende of man is to gouerne his house and family or the common-wealth to contemplate trafficke and such like businesses but his latest ende is to attaine to God or to felicitie be it as one would say through a Stoicall vertue or by a Peripateticke contemplation or by Academicke purifying or which is most certaine true through faith and grace according as our religion doth import And also wee affirme that the immediate ende of the spirits separated from God and of the corruptible matter is to gouerne the heauens and men and such other things as haue beene committed to their charge But their last ende is their onely contemplation of that first essence from which they deriue their felicitie as Aristotle himselfe testifieth in his Ethickes Suppose then that they cease to mooue from their immediate end yet shall they neuer cease to be blessed no more then man shall be lesse happie when he shall cease to gouerne the common-wealth or to performe his other temporall businesses And certainely it is maruellous that any can thinke that the Angels and celestiall spirits should obtaine their happines by moouing the heauens continually about seeing that all moouings as the Philosophers teach do tend to a resting But none can say that the spirits shall not cease
Consent of the doctrine of Iesus Christ with that of Moses woorthie to bee beleeued to them that which surpasseth all admiration the doctrine of the celestiall and diuine messenger Iesus Christ the true Messias annointed with diuine graces aboue anie other prophet doth accord Who allowing and approouing the doctrine of Moses openeth and reuealeth many secrets which he receiued of God his father and announceth the perfection of true religion wherewith his apostles haue so filled the whole worlde that euen to this day all the wise men in euerie part of the world do embrace and reuerence so excellent doctrine as that wherein shineth so much diuinity and celestiall brightnes that without comparison it surpasseth all humane doctrine Let vs receiue it then euen all of vs that desire wisedome bicause that neuer any more excellent did euer yet appeere to mortall men neither shall euer appeere heereafter And let vs not make a staie in that that Socrates knoweth some thing or that Anaxagoras seeth the light in darknes or that Democritus draweth vertue out of pits or that Empedocles enlargeth the path of his spirit or that Archesilas and Carneades attaine to some newe kinde of knowledge or that Aristotle prooueth that which flieth from sence But let vs giue full faith to the authoritie of so many irreprochable witnesses who make the generation of the world vndoubtable to vs and let vs proceed to the reasons which further confirme it vnto vs and which ACHITOB we desire to heare of you Of the reasons making for the Creation and newnes of the world Chapter 8. ACHITOB AMongst those other arguments which we haue heard some Philosophers obiect against the creation of the world one hath bin the disconueniencie of the newnes thereof with eternall God not being able to perceiue how and which way it might come to passe for by reason of the consideration of such a like question to wit which of the egge or of the birde was first engendred seeing that the egge without the birde nor the bird without the egge could not subsist they haue imagined that this world was eternall and that the beginning of euerie thing engendred was the ende likewise thereof through a perpetuall course and proceeding But let me aske these doctors Reasons for the newnes of the world whence commeth this newnes which we behold euerie day in all things of this world For there is nothing which suffreth not vicissitude and chaunging Auerrois saith that this proceedeth from new reuolutions which notwithstanding are auncient by an euerlasting succession and that there is the stay where the oldnes and newnes is conserued For which cause also some haue affirmed that heauen is some part new some part old But for as much as these Philosophers do teach that reuolutions are made by those disposing spirits which are called the seruants of the creator or of the first moouer doth it not thereupon follow that there is no stay in the heauens but that they mooue anew to accomplish that which the first moouer doth propose in a certaine time to be performed and who remayning stable doth giue motion to all the rest Wherefore we may say that the beginning of newnes cannot bee from heauen nor through the spirits but by the first moouer who at his good pleasure commandeth and all things are made and afterwards renued by a secret order within himselfe not constrayned by any necessitie For so it is that God proceedeth to his worke and so prosecuteth it without being otherwise bound to base things which Aristotle himselfe accordeth to when he declareth that he is blessed without any good that is strange or not of himselfe And farther I would willingly know with what kinde of measure they would meate out the Vniuers who beare such fauour to the eternitie of the world If by time it be measured then is not eternall for those reasons which we haue deliuered heretofore in the discourse concerning the time of the Creation If by eternitie it selfe then let them remember that that is a possession altogither separated from time and from motion as hath beene to vs sufficiently declared How then can this world be eternall which is equall in age to Time and altogither subiect to Motion That the world cannot be eternall But if any one yet would hold that it is eternal let him tell me whether it endureth by the selfe same eternitie which is in the blessed God or by some other If it be by another sort of eternitie then should there be diuers eternities of gouernours and of kindes which should sauour of the nature of the infinite and also many infinitenesses should be contained in this world which is so small If they will say that the world subsisteth of the same eternitie by which God is certainely such are not worthie of any answere but rather to be mocked at who thinke the spheres and their mouers to be measured with God for eternal enduring differeth not from God But that which is changeable according to Nature and operation cannot be measured with the same compasse as he who is altogether vnchangeable They will tell me that the eternitie of the world differeth from that of the first agent because the one being altogither diuine is a possession at once altogether and the other is successiue But I answere them that if it be successiue it hath certaine portions now such portions cannot be infinite and therefore such eternitie hath a beginning and successiue ending Now if it be limited and bounded with these termes how can it be that it may agree with the eternall who is not closed or limited by any ending Besides by what reason may this be called eternall to which alwaies something is added by a continuall succession For one can adde nothing to the infinite neither doth it encrease at all And therefore I aske them againe that if their eternitie subsisteth what do become of the new reuolutions Shall we say they are conioyned with the former or else that they begin a new infinitenesse If they graunt the first then will they be more in number then infinite Auerrois saith that this is no more disagreeable to successions then to numbers that infinite tens be infinitely repeated which amount to so much as innumerable hundreths without making any more encrease in one part then in another But good God who can heare these things with a quiet eare By an impossible supposition which he deuiseth in numbers and which neuer commeth to passe he would resolue the inconueniences which depēd vpon infinit reuolutions which he saith did precede al eternity And for the other point to thinke that the new reuolutions should begin a new infinitenes we haue already answered that saying that many infinitenesses cannot be imagined in this world But here leauing the successions numbers I would farther request these defēders of the eternity of this round frame to tell me whether the moouing spirits knowe the reuolutions or not If they
vs by the flowing waters and instable substance the Angelicall by fire bicause of the shining of the light and eleuation of the place and the heauen of meane nature is called of the Hebrues by a name signifying the same to be composed of water and fire In this lowe-world life and death striue for the maisterie by a kinde of vicissitude change and rechange all things but in the highest is eternall life and permanent operation and in that of the spheres is certaine assurance of life but there is changing of works and of places The elementarie is built of the perishing substance of bodies the intellectuall of a nature more diuine and excellent and the meane heauen is compounded of bodies but incorruptible and of a disposition conuenient for the nature thereof The third is mooued by the second and the second is gouerned by the first and this remaineth stable in his worke fit for his owne nature vnder the holy of holies the Lord-God almightie which was which is and which is to come And it seemeth that our great prophet of whom we haue learnt the creation of heauen and earth Exod. 25. The figure of the three worlds in the tabernacle o● Moses hath euidently described these three worlds in the structure of his maruellous tabernacle For he diuideth it into three parts whereof each doth liuely represent each world so that the first being not couered with any roofe or couering was open and exposed to raine snowes windes sunne heate and cold and which hath more reference to our elementarie world in this former part haunted not onely men both cleane and polluted temporall and ecclesiasticall but also beasts of all sortes and there was likewise bicause of the ordinarie sacrifices and offerings a perpetuall exchange of life and death The two other parts of the tabernacle were closed on euery side and defended from all outward iniurie euen as neither the celestiall nor supercelestiall world can receiue dammage Moreouer these two were honoured with the title of holy yet so that the most secret was named the holy of holies and the other simply the holy or sacred So likewise the sphericall world is holy bicause that it perseuering in the order which was appointed it by the soueraigne creator hath in it no fault or crime but the Angelicall is euen the most holy and most diuine wherein the blessed soules incessantly resound this song Thou art woorthie Apocal. 4. O Lord to receiue honour and glorie and power for thou hast created all things and for thy wils sake they are and haue been created But moreouer if we consider how the last part of the tabernacle was common to men and to beasts how the second all shining with the splendor of the gold was lighted with the candlesticke diuided into seuen lampes which as many Greeke Latine and Hebrue interpreters will haue doe signifie the seuen planets and how in the third the most holy were the winged Cherubins should we not say that these three partes manifest vnto our sight three worlds To wit this which men and all kind of creatures frequent the celestiall where the planets shine and giue light and the supercelestiall which is the dwelling and abode of the blessed Angels the way to which hath been opened by the crosse and bloud-shed of our Sauiour Iesus Christ true God and true man as the vaile of the temple by which the holy of holies being a type of the angelicall world was separated from the other partes thereof renting and tearing at the death of our Sauiour was a certaine sacrament to vs Matth. 27. Luke 23. Psal 18. Genes 3. For thereby wee had assurance that from thencefoorth was free accesse granted man to the kingdome of God of God I say who flieth aboue the cherubins through the very same entrance that from the beginning for the since of the first man had been barred vp by the lawes of iustice Thus haue we many notable things concerning the diuision of the vniuersall world Why the triple is called one which we may also call One not onely bicause the three worlds do proceed of one onely and selfe cause and tend to the like end or else bicause being duly tempered by numbers they are ioined togither by an harmonious accord and affinitie of nature and by ordinarie succession of degrees but also bicause that that which is in all the three is likewise comprised in one of them and that there is not one wherein all things which are in the other three doe not remaine It is most certaine that that which remaineth in this lowe world is in the vppermost of farre better stuffe and that which is in those aboue is seene also in this of farre woorse condition and as it were of a bastard and sophisticall nature For here heate is an elementarie qualitie in heauen it is an heating virtue and in the Angelicall thoughts an Idea and exemplarie forme Or to shew this more cleerely we haue with vs in this base world the fire which is an element the sunne in heauen is a fire in the supercelestiall region the seraphicke or burning intellect is another fire But let vs note how much they differ The element burneth the celestiall fire quickneth the supercelestiall is imbraced by loue There is also here below water and so there is another water aboue being motresse and mistresse of this belowe which is the moone in the first circle of heauen but the cherubin or cleere-sighted spirituall substances are the waters that flowe aboue the heauen And as touching the disagreeable condition among these three kindes of waters the elementarie humour quencheth vitall heate that of heauen nourisheth it and the supercelestiall hath an intellectuall apprehension of it Furthermore in the first world God the first vnitie ruleth ouer the nine hierarchies of Angels like so many spheres and remaining immooueable mooueth them al vnto him In the celestiall and meane world the imperiall heauen commandeth likewise as a captaine doth his bands the nine celestiall spheres in such sort that though they be mooued by continual agitation yet it remaineth stable by diuine power So likewise is there in the elementarie world after the first matter being the foundation thereof nine spheres or circular reuolutions of corruptible formes that is three of things inanimate which first are the elements then their compounds and thirdly the meanes betweene these two truly mixed and compounded but vnperfectly and such are the impressions which appeere in the aire Then are there three reuolutions of vegetable nature distinguished likewise into three kindes as of herbes shrubs and wood of olde growth And lastly three other of the sensitiue soule which are either imperfect as the Zoophyta or to speake English creatures of a middle condition betweene things sensitiue and plants or very perfect but such as are within the bounds of the fantasie not reasonable and in the third place that which is found excellent in beastes being capable of
mans teaching a meane thing between man and beast as the Zoophyta partaketh of the plant and animal But it may be we haue said more concerning these things then is requisite for our purpose I will onely therefore adde that the mutual vicinity and communication of the worlds which we haue here described is also declared in holy writ For it is written in the Psalmes In wisedome he made the heauens Psal 136. 2. Cor. 12. And Saint Paul saith of himselfe that he was rauished into the third heauen which afterwards he calleth Paradise Psal 103. 104. We read also that the Angels of God are spirits and his ministers a flame of burning fire And thence without doubt it commeth that oftentimes to diuine natures are attributed both celestiall and terrestriall surnames when as sometimes they are figured by starres Apocal. 2. Ezech. 1.3 Apocal. 2. Apocal. 21. sometimes by wheeles and beasts and sometimes by elements as we sometimes also appropriate diuine and celestiall names to terrestriall natures For euen as the three worlds being girt and buckled with the bands of concord doe by reciprocall liberalitie interchange their natures the like doe they also by their appellations And this is the principle from whence springeth and groweth the discipline of allegoricall sense The originall of allegoricall sense For it is certaine that the ancient fathers could not conueniently haue represented one thing by other figures but that they had first learned the secret amitie and affinitie of all nature Otherwise there could be no reason why they should represent this thing by this forme and that by that rather then otherwise But hauing the knowledge of the vniuersall world and of euery part thereof and being inspired with the same spirit that not onely knoweth all things but did also make all things they haue oftentimes and very fitly figured the natures of the one world by that which they knew to be correspondent thereto in the others Wherefore the same knowledge and the grace of the same spirit is requisite for those who would vnderstand and directly interpret such significations and allegoricall meanings Moreouer besides these worlds which we haue also distinguished there is also another a fourth Of a fourth world wherein may likewise be found all that which subsisteth in the others And this is man who for this cause as our doctors shew is vnderstood in the gospell by the name of euery creature then when Iesus Christ commandeth to preach to men the good newes Mark 16. not to beasts nor angels being neuerthelesse enioyned to publish it to euery creature Likewise it is a common vse in schooles to teach that man is a little world and that within him the bodie is composed of the elements the reasonable soule is celestiall the vegetable power common to men and plants the sense common to brute beasts the reason participated to Angels and finally the image of God is therein seene considered But of him we haue sufficiētly intreated in the second part of our Academicall discourses wherefore of this great vniuersall world must our ensuing talke be And as we haue diuided it into three generall parts so must we particularly discourse of them First therefore let vs say something concerning the Angelicall and intellectuall world and of the celestiall intelligences or Angels which ARAM shall be the subiect of your discourse Of the Angelicall and intellectuall world Chapter 15. ARAM. NOw shal I haue great need to say with the kingly prophet Oh that I had wings like a doue Psal 55. wings I say of siluer and shining golde that I might flie vp into the supercelestiall region where resteth true rest true peace and certaine tranquillitie which this wretched worldly corps cannot yeeld Open mine eies you supermundaine spirits but rather thou oh father of them and I shall contemplate the woonder of your citie wherein God attendeth for those that feare him that which eie hath neuer seene eare neuer heard nor any hart woorthily thought vpon Well I wot that many call disputations and searching out of the nature and multitude of angels and their orders vaine questions and fit for idle imaginations but surely they are secrets which Saint Paule himselfe who had beene rapt vp aboue the third heauen hath not onely taught but hath also protested that he had there heard many things ● Cor. 12. which were not lawfull for him to reueale And I am likewise of beleefe that the full reuelation of the angelicall and intellectuall world is deferred till the last day yet will wee heere speake soberly thereof and as briefly as we can according to that which diuines haue written without any waies offending pietie or christian religion When the holy Scripture speaketh of the creation of the world it is not euidently expressed in what order and how the angels were created Genes 2. That the angels are God his creatures But forasmuch as it is said that God created heauen and all things therein contained it is most certaine that therein are comprised the spirits celestiall as well those that through obedience haue stood in their integritie as those who rebelling against God haue beene cast out vnto destruction Neither is it heereto repugnant that Moses reciting the Genesis or creation of the world maketh no expresse mention thereof For we see how that in silence passing ouer all things which surmount our capacitie or else couering them vnder the mysticall sense of his words for those whom God would fully illuminate with the brightnes of his holy spirite he onely entreateth of those which we behold with our eies yea and that too in familiar and vulgar sort conforming himselfe to the rudenes of the people with whom he had to deale And for this cause hath the opinion of sundry great personages and namely of Saint Augustine beene Lib 2. de ciuit Dei cha 9. 1● that the angels haue beene signified either by the name of heauen there where it is said In the beginning God made heauen and earth or else by the name of the light which he saith was created the first day But howsoeuer this is doubtlesse that the angels are the worke of God For the holy Scripture doth testifie it in infinite places with a most cleere voice namely in the song of the three children which were in the furnace Dan. 3. who hauing saide Blesse the Lord all his works in pursuite of the narration of them the angels are also named And the prophet saith You creatures of the heauens praise the Lord you which are in the hie places praise him All his angels Psal 148. and all his armies praise him Sith also they are the ministers of God appointed to doe that which he commandeth them as the apostle to the Hebrewes saith there is no doubt but they are his creatures Moreouer the holy Scriptures teach vs that they are alwaies watching for our safetie that they are alwaies readie to
description thereof is properly called Cosmographie which doth comprise in it the first part of Astronomie and Geographie that is the order and reason as well of heauen as of the earth vnder which we vnderstand all natures and essences in them contained And for this cause it seemeth that God being father and author of all things is oftentimes called in the scriptures creator of heauen and earth And as the Greekes did first call the heauen Cosmos bicause of the surpassing beautie so afterward the name of Mundus hath been attributed thereto bicause of the perfect and most pure hiew and neatnes thereof Againe because the world is a solide bodie that is full of celestiall or elementarie substances and because it is of a round and orbicular forme performing a circular motiō without intermission vpon his owne poles round about the earth as about the center thereof it is called a Sphere What a sphere is For a sphere is a bodie contayned vnder one round superficies in the midst whereof is a point from which all lines that are drawne to the circumference are equall Diuision of the world But as we consider the world in this sphere so must we also contemplate it in two distinct parts which manifest themselues by continuall experience and naturall reason to wit the elementarie region continually occupied in generation and corruption in change and alteration of all things as well liuing as not liuing and the celestiall part being of inuariable substance and adorned with innumerable stars as well fixed as wandring which enuiron the saide elementarie region round about so that the elements being diuersly intermingled infused and proportioned are the materiall cause and nouriture of all things and the heauenly part by the light thereof by the motion and influence of the stars is the formall cause of their figure varietie and specificall difference and from it proceedeth their life Now that we may entreat of this first part of the world which we haue named in our first diuision of the Vniuers the world of the spheres we must note that this celestiall region which philosophers call the fift essence thereby meaning that it is of another and more simple nature then the fower elements is by them diuided into eight orbes and particular heauens one ioyning to the other and all concentricall that is hauing one common and selfe same center to wit that of all the world and of these heauens the greatest doth enuiron and by a sphericall order enclose within it that which is next and lesse then it selfe being each discerned by the proper and particular motion of those stars which they containe all which motions do varie one from another And these eight orbes or spheres are the heauen of fixed stars which keepe an vnchangeable distance betweene themselues and for this cause it is called the firmament then follow the seuen planets of which the sunne and moone are properly called Luminaria or great lights Reason of the name of Planets And for Saturne Iupiter Mars Venus and Mercurie they are especially named planets that is wandring in their motions Whereupon we may note in regard of their names that Astrologians to the ende to make their doctrine to be more easily retayned and for certaine good respect and secret reason making themselues like painters to instruct the ignorant haue also named and represented these stars by personages of diuers habits and countenances as likewise they haue disposed vnder diuers figures the twelue signes of the Zodiacke which are certaine stars appointing to one the fashion of a ramme to another of a bull to another of two twinnes and so of the rest So likewise they haue signified the images of heauen which are out of the Zodiacke one by a beare another by an eagle another by an harpe this by a dog and that by a dragon and so of the rest To the sunne it selfe they haue assigned a proper forme and figure as also to the moone And we see that painters haue alwaies made the picture of stars with fiue beames to denote their twinckling light though all of them do not glister so but are of round fashion without points or corporall beames But returne we to our matter concerning the heauens and celestiall spheres and let vs speake of their order and situation Of the order and scituation of the heauens The firmament which is the eight heauen as the highest and greatest of all the rest and as the vttermost ornament and beawtie of all the world doth enuiron round about the heauen of Saturne that of Saturne the heauen of Iupiter that of Iupiter the heauen of Mars and that of Mars the orbe of the Sunne which possesseth the middle place among the seuen planets then the heauen of the Sunne compasseth round about the heauen of Venus that of Venus the heauen of Mercurie and lastly that of Mercurie the heauen of the Moone which is the least lowest of all the rest and placed next about the elementarie region And this number and order of the heauens is commonly receiued of all Astronomers and Philosophers and sheweth it selfe to be such both by naturall reasons and by Mathematicall obseruations Moreouer for so much as by the Astronomers ring and other instruments fitting for the demonstration of this science one may perceiue that these eight spheres are distinguished and separated one from the other certaine reason doth thereupon conclude Of the first moouer which is the ninth heauen that beside these there is a ninth which is called the first moouer which is the guide of the heauens and which by his owne power and violence doth carrie away all the others with it being no whit gouerned by any lower circle but onely by that intelligence which mooueth it or else by the commandement of God to whom all motion is drawen as to the first moouer to the end that the whole harmonie of heauen be not confused as Aristotle in the ende of his Organon prooueth True it is also that some moderne Philosophers doe place betweene the firmament and the first moouer a ninth sphere Of the Chrystalin heauen which they cal the Chrystalline heauen for that some stars are not seene therein And this is because that they cannot perceiue how there might be made in the eight sphere the motion called Trepidation or tottering of the fixed stars if there were not a ninth heauen enclosed within the first moouer For it seemes not likely to them that the firmament which is turned with three motions should be ioyned to the first moouer which is carried with one onely course For this eight sphere hath one daily motion from the west to the east vpon the poles of the Zodiack which is the circle of the signes vpon which according to Ptolomie in each hundred yeeres it rūneth one degree or else in sixty yeers as others hold then hath it the foresaid motion of Trepidation Wherupon they conclude that there is a ninth heauen that
hath onely a two-fold motion betwixt the starrie heauen and the first moouer which is onely turned with one motion to the end that in good order all things may bee reduced to the first moouing For as Aristotle in his profound Philosophie saith it is necessary that by most fit agreement and consent euery thing may be reduced to that which is the cause thereof But because Ptolomy Hermes Aratus and other ancients most exquisite beholders of the heauens and of their motions and aspects are contented with the number of nine spheres many therefore reiect the opinion of those which make ten because that nothing maketh for them but onely the motion of Trepidation which say they may be well considered vnder the first moouer put for the ninth sphere Besides which our diuines do yet declare to be a tenth heauen which they call Empyreall vitall flaming and diuine Of the tenth Empyreall heauen into which are receiued the soules of the blessed And it seemeth that Plato and his Academicks especially Plato in his booke of the world doth consent to them But this heauen and throne of God cannot properly be reckoned with the other nine For they bee mooueable but this is stable and immooueable they be of one substance onely and this of another Wherefore we may aptly referre it to the Angelicall and intellectual world whereof we discoursed yesterday And if we may bee permitted againe to discourse by numbers as we haue begun it is certaine that as the number of ten retaineth a double nature because it doth partake with that number whereof it is the end and with that other whereof it is the beginning so the tenth in all the prime kindes of things doth consist of double nature For man which is the tenth kinde of things subiect to corruption at whom the other nine finish is of a corruptible and incorruptible composition So the nine heauens end at the imperiall heauen which in that it is material agreeth with them but in dignitie of matter it doth participate with the supercelestiall throne As likewise they that speake of the nine orders of angels say that they end in Christ their king who holdeth and embraceth in all perfection both the nature of angels and also of God to whom at last all things must be reduced as to him of whom from whom and by whom all thinges consist Now that which heere we speake of the heauens may likewise be learned out of Moses the prince of all Philosophers or rather of the creator of all things himselfe who hath spoken by the mouth of his prophet as also by himselfe For after Moses had praied the Eternall that he woulde be alwaies with him and that he woulde by continuall oracles instruct him as there should be great need that hee might rule such a number of people and that he might giue them the law I will be saith he with thee and will dwell in the midst of thee And according to all those things which I shall shew thee euen so shall you make the forme of the Tabernacle They shall make an Arke of Shittim wood whereof the height and the bredth shall be a cubite and an halfe Such as haue diligently interpreted this text do amongst other mysteries finde therein the nine heauens aptly represented for a cubite is sixe palmes then a cubite and halfe hie and broad are nine palmes And againe when he commandeth that vpon the same arke he shoulde make a crowne of gold which should serue it for a couering and which was of precious stuffe farre aboue that of the arke of wood they would thereby make vs vnderstand that the tenth heauen was figured Which for that cause is not numbred commonly with the other nine but is considered by our vnderstanding to bee the beginning of an other combination and coupling For ten as it doth accomplish the other numbers so is it the originall of the tens so an hundreth finishing the tens beginneth the hundreths So this couering of gold otherwise called propitiatorie crowning the arke was beginning to a better thing for vpon the same were placed the Cherubims and there were obtained the mercifull and fauorable graces of God In such sort likewise the imperiall heauen though it accomplisheth and finisheth the number of the nine heauens yet is it the beginning of spirituall and diuine thinges and retaineth an angelicall nature yet so that it is proportioned to the spheres who are appointed to haue a place Againe wee haue heeretofore heard in the generall diuision of the vniuers how in the partition of the Tabernacle into three speciall parts was very aptly signified that of the world being a threefold-one How also by the seuen lampes of gold ordained to be set to the candlesticke in the arke might fitly seeme to be represented the seuen planets shining in their spheres as likewise by the body of the same candlesticke out of the sides whereof proceeded sixe branches to wit three out of either side might bee particularly denoted the sun which is placed in the midst of the planets wherof there be three on each part in round forme which like cups or vessels receiuing influences from aboue do conferre them on things heere below by which meanes sundry flowers do spring vp But because it woulde be too tedious for vs to compare all that which belonged to the making of the arke with that which is taught vs concerning the spheres wee will come to conclude that there be nine Heauens to wit the first mooueable by which the supreme worker and first moouer of all mooueth all things Then is the starrie heauen or firmament by which the same creator distributeth his power into innumerable instruments to performe such things as he executeth especially by meanes of the seuen planets which haue euery one their heauen according to the order heeretofore declared And vpon which according to our yesterdaies speech the Hebrew doctors and many other diuines do teach that certaine spirits which they call celestiall or separated intelligences do make abode who being before the throne of God reioicing in his presence do behold in his countenance as in a mirrour all things which may be contemplated and at the very becke of the prince of nature do put his will in execution vsing the heauens as instruments by which and according to the number of diuers influences proceeding from all the starres and signes heere below are produced with one concurrence mettals stones plants and liuing creatures But before we more amplie touch these things which respect the nature and admirable effects of the heauens in al creatures we must first entreat of their figure and motion which AMANA shall be the subiect of your discourse Of the forme and figure of heauen and of the motion thereof as well generall as particular Chap. 18. AMANA THat the heauen is generally and particularly of circular forme and altogether round the Latin name Orbis by which the ancients haue commonly called it
That heauen is of round forme is a sure testimonie vnto vs. So likewise there are many naturall reasons which declare it to be such For all the partes of the frame thereof doe consist of themselues doe sustaine themselues and doe comprehend themselues not hauing neede of any stay or ioint hauing neither a beginning nor ending place Moreouer this roundnes of heauen may be knowne by the sight of the eie For on which side soeuer you behold it you may see the halfe in our hemisphere as it doth shew it selfe which could not come to passe in any other figure but in a round which also is the most perfect and most capable of all other figures to bee comprised in one selfesame circuit and is therewithall the easiest to mooue euery way And therefore it is not onely conuenient but also necessarie for all the heauens and celestiall orbes of which we before intreated as well bicause of the perfection of their essence as by reason of their proper motions which are circular and correspondent to a round forme besides all this bicause these spheres are placed one within another making their reuolutions vpon diuers poles and in diuers spaces of time Which could not be obserued nor the integritie of the whole heauen maintained if the celestiall forme were any other saue round and circular Of the proper and naturall motion of the spheres For the proper and naturall motion of the spheres is circular that is framed equally distant round about their center which is the point in the midst of the world so that neither the whole heauen nor any of the particular spheres doth wholy abandon or passe out of his owne place and situation but onely the partes of them doe incessantly change place in that they turne about their said common center And therefore is this circular motion much more noble and perfect then that which is made by a right line either mounting from the center of the world towards the circumference Of the motion proper to the fowre elements or else descending from it towards the center which motion is proper to the fower elements For fire and aire do mount vpwards but water and earth descend naturally downwards Also fire mounteth higher then aire and earth descendeth lower then water and each of these enuiron the center of the world which is the lowest place of all and farthest from the circumference which is the highest of all So then the circular motion is naturally due and conuenient to the most noble and most simple bodie which is the heauen and most necessarie for it as it appeereth more cleerely to vs by the continuall motion of the starres both fixed and wandring which proceedeth of the onely moouing of their spheres What stars are For we must note that the starres are nothing else but certaine firme cleere and solide partes of their heauens made in round forme like the heauen whose motion they follow which likewise receiue their light from the sunne who is the very source and fountaine whereinto the soueraigne creator hath put the brightnes of the whole vniuersall world Now this circular motion of heauen is found by obseruation to haue two principall differences that is to be made vpon sundry poles and axes and in sundry partes and positions of the world as also in diuers spaces and quantities of times Of the axis of the spheres and of the poles We call that the axis of the sphere which is the diameter that passeth through the same vpon which it is turned and the vttermost points of the same axis are the poles For the whole vniuersall world hath his proper and naturall motion like a liuing creature and euery of the orbes and particular heauens haue also a peculiar motion like to the partes and members of the whole great bodie For which cause as also for diuers other considerations many learned personages haue affirmed that the world is an animal or liuing creature And amongst others Origen is wholy of that minde who enforceth himselfe to prooue it as well by reasons as by authoritie of holy scripture And therefore he saith thus in his booke of principles Though the world be ordained to diuers offices yet the estate thereof must not be thought to be dissonant or any whit disagreeing But euen as our bodie alone is composed of many members Reasons of such as haue said that the world is an animal and is contained by one soule so I thinke we must suppose that the vniuersall world is a great and vnmeasurable animal which as by a soule is sustained by the power and wisedome of God The Platonists doe all with one mouth teach the same thing And among many reasons by which they would confirme this point we will take onely that of Plato in his Timaeus which me thinkes is most excellent There are saith he two motions the one proper the other strange or exterior now that is more diuine which of it selfe is mooued then that which is stirred by the power of another And this motion proper and diuine is in our soules onely from which the beginning of the other strange motion is taken Seeing therefore that all motion proceedeth of the ardor of the world and that this ardor is not mooued by exterior agitation but of it owne accord it is therefore necessarie that there must be a soule Whereupon we gather that the world is an animal and that not without vnderstanding Now if thereupon any aske why heauen changeth not nor becommeth diseased nor dieth nor faileth as other liuing creatures doe The answere of Chalcidius in this point pleaseth me very much Notable difference in the workes of God when he saith commenting vpon Timaeus That which is instituted by God without meanes is free and exempt from change from age from sicknes from oldnes and from death And in this point agree all Academicks as also might bee well proued by circumstance if that be well considered which the sage philosopher Moses declareth to haue beene produced by the creator without helpe or matter and that which hath beene also performed by meanes of the second causes For though man was created and formed by the handes of God yet was hee not made without dust or earth which was a meane subiect But the Eternall hath made the heauens and the whole frame of the world of nothing For which reason it might seeme perpetuall and not perishing For as we haue heretofore declared though the heauens and earth must passe away yet doth not this plainly conclude an annihilating of them but rather a changing and renewing Psal 102. For so speaketh the kingly prophet saying The heauens shall waxe old as doth a garment as a vesture shalt thou change them and they shall be changed And of this consideration we may frame an excellent reason concerning the immortalitie of the soule bicause it was made without any meanes by God himselfe But leauing this argument let vs pursue that
receiue their essence and continuance not from themselues but from God alone Yet for all that do they not thinke that the heauens shall altogither faile nor that God will haue it so And others maintaine that though the heauens must passe and be dissolued according to the word of God that yet this defect shall not be an entire annihilating but onely a certaine chaunge which shall come to them by which they shall be renued in far more perfection Whereto it seemeth that Saint Paule agreeth Rom. 8. when he cleerly testifieth concerning all creatures ingenerall that they are subiect to corruption because of the sinne of man and for that cause they doe attend with great desire for the reuelation and redemption of the children of God because they shal not be relieued nor deliuered from the seruitude of corruption to be in the liberty of the glory of them and restored to their integritie till the day ordayned by the creator for the acceptation of his into eternall felicitie For thereupon ensueth that the heauens and celestiall bodies sigh and grone attending togither with the other creatures this blessed day to be chaunged renued restored which S. Peter likewise teacheth in the place before cited Yea some philosophers accord with him concerning the dissolution of the world by fire but not concerning the cause thereof For they refer it not to the sinne of man which hath infected the heauen the earth and all things contained therein and put the world into disorder and confusion but to the nature of fire which at last consumeth all and whereof they giue a reason by naturall causes There are also some Astronomers who affirme that some change may bee perceiued in the spheres and heauenly bodies concerning their courses and ordinarie motions and that they are somewhat different from those which they haue had from the beginning how they waxe weary are worne and become old in their function like to other creatures although this change doth much lesse appeere in them then in the other works of God but wee will leaue this argument to the professors of Astrologie And let it suffice vs for conclusion of this matter to consider what the stabilitie and continuance of men in this world may be seeing that all other creatures must receiue a change and haue an end yea the very heauens themselues For what are all people in respect of this great Vniuers And againe what is euery one of them particularly in comparison of the generalitie of mankinde and of all those which haue already gone before vs But let vs returne to that which concerneth the heauens and sphericall bodies considering that which doth touch their motions besides that which hath beene already declared which AMANA shall be the subiect for you to discourse vpon Of the motions ingenerall of their first cause and of their vnion in all nature Chapter 26. AMANA EAre we enter into the declaration of the subiect which is now propounded vnto vs to discourse vpon concerning heauen my desire is that wee may cal to our memorie that which we haue already heeretofore heard of the nature of the heauens concerning the matter whereof they are compounded and concerning their beautie stabilitie and continuance For so shall wee reduce the end of our discourse to that principall point whereunto we haue alreadie from the beginning destinated it that is so much the better to acknowledge our God and his prouidence to the end to glorifie him I say then that if we considerately meditate vpon the excellencie of the celestiall bodies we shall therein finde a more expresse image of the eternitie and maiestie of God and of his diuine and immutable nature then in any of all the other visible creatures Moreouer we may accept of them as a testimony and example not onely of the immortalitie which God hath ordained for mens soules which are spirituall natures but also of that which he hath promised our bodies after our resurrection For that hee can accomplish his promise we neither may nor must make doubt of if we beleeue that he is almightie No more must we make doubt of his will sith he hath declared it vnto vs in his word If then he hath beene able to create the heauens and the stars and planets which in them are like splendant precious stones enchased in rings of a matter so firme and durable that it remaineth incorruptible and as it were immortall whether it be taken from the fowre elements or be of an other quint-essence as we haue already heard It shal be no lesse easie for him to make our bodies incorruptible and immortall hauing deliuered them from corruption and death to which through sinne they were subiect Now let vs pursue that which particularly concerneth the heauen in his motion wherein wee haue notable signes of the glorie and bountie of our God Three sorts of motion To vnderstand then sufficiently that which concerneth the present matter we will first note that there be three sorts of motion in the whole world For there is one which tendeth to the midst and to the center of the Vniuers which is in the earth the lowest of elements which motion for that it descendeth is proper to the most heauie elements and to such creatures as do most participate with them Then is there another motion contrarie to the first which alwaies tendeth from the midst and from belowe vpwards and this is proper to the most light elements and to those natures which do neerest approch vnto them and which participate with their qualities more then the rest But the third kinde of motion is that which neither mounteth nor descendeth either one way or other but goeth round euer turning about the midst like a circle or a wheele And this is that which is proper to heauen and to the sphericall bodies being most certaine disposed and composed by a most constant and firme order For though that all the elements and all other creatures which haue motion obserue an order therein yet is it more subiect to change according as the inferior bodies are subiect to the superior But those haue a more certaine course because they depend not vpon other bodies which are aboue them but immediately vpon God without the meanes of any other corporall nature And therefore of all the motions which are in all creatures that of the heauen and heauenly bodies is chiefest and most excellent Of the motion of the spheres attributed to the angels For whereas some attribute the motions of the spheres to the angels as if God vsed their ministerie heerein as we haue already declared whether it be so or not yet this is most certaine that the heauens haue their motion immediately from God seeing there are no corporall natures aboue them whereby they may be mooued For the angels are certaine spirituall creatures on whom if the omnipotent hath imposed this charge we must be content to leaue the vnderstanding thereof to him alone
sith it is so much hidden from man Now in that the celestiall bodies and the elements and all creatures haue their proper motion wherein they continue according to the first ordinance established in nature by the soueraigne creator thereof we are much to admire both the cause and effects of such a constancie I intend heere to speake of a neere cause which is a secret amitie ingraffed into euery creature toward his owne nature For there is a loue Euery creature foloweth his owne nature an appetite or vniuersall inclination in all creatures which vrgeth and inciteth them to desire and search that which agreeth with their nature so that there is none so insensible which hath not in it selfe this amitie innate which euer pusheth it to follow the nature thereof and for this cause may we say that all motions proceed from loue And passing further we may contemplate the loue of God as the eternall source of amitie and inclination of all nature and as the first cause of causes and we shall say that in the same loue God louing himselfe proceeded to his worke which hitherto we haue celebrated and do now meane to prosecute For sith that God is the soueraigne good that all goodnes is by nature louing it cannot be but he must likewise loue himselfe exceedingly and consequently loue all that which he iudgeth to be good insomuch as it proceedeth from him who is the supreme good and the limit of all goodnes This loue then not being able to be idle The loue of God is the first of all motions nor yet the good which it loued would manifest both the one and the other first in the creation of the world namely in that of man and then againe in the restauration and reparation of his fall So we learne that the first motion whereupon all the rest depend is the loue of God which proceedeth from his bountie which he would not keepe shut vp nor inclosed in himselfe but would manifest and communicate it with his creatures whom he hath created to the end that he might be glorified in them and by them And as he loueth them for his owne loues sake and for that they were his worke so hath he set in them the seeds of loue both towards him and towardes themselues according to the diuers nature which he hath conferred vpon them It is then this naturall loue which constraineth them by a secret feeling of nature imprinted euen in those essences which haue neither reason nor vnderstanding to take delight in that which is agreeable to their creator and to follow his ordinance tending all to him and to that which he loueth bicause it is good and therefore good being done according to his will and bicause it pleaseth him to iudge it and approoue it for such Whereupon we may conclude that loue and amitie is the good by which all creatures haue an accord and agreement first with God their creator and then one with another and that vpon the same cause their conseruation and perfection doth depend Of the vnion and accord betweene all creatures Wherefore loue must be the bond and vnion of all the world which is an vniuersall peace and concorde betweene God and all his creatures For the diuine prouidence hath so disposed all the order of them that they be all conioined one with another by such loue and amitie that euen they which seeme to be cleane contrarie are allied reconciled and vnited togither by those which haue more correspondencie betweene them In such sort that we may therein behold a very pleasant and perfect harmonie like as in musicke wherein although it seemeth that the notes tunes and sounds be different one to another yet notwithstanding there is such a moderation in them that they yeeld togither a goodly concord and sweete melodie keeping their proportions times and measures As then by such peace and concord the celestiall spheres follow the generall and common course of the first highest and greatest of all within which they are contained and inclosed performing likewise each of them his particular course without endommaging themselues as we haue heretofore made mention so doe all the elements follow the heauen and obserue their order after it euery one in their degree from the highest to the lowest hauing their motions agreeable to their nature And euen as liuing creatures haue their agreements and coniunctions one with another euery one in his degree according to the couenant and participation of nature which they haue togither and as they are either neere to or farre off one from another euen so is it in the agreement and consent of nature which is betweene the celestiall bodies and the elements and all creatures composed of them For this cause as the angels retaine the first degree among liuing creatures and then man the second next them by reason that in his nature he neerest agreeth with the angels and doth neerest approch them so doth the heauen and celestiall fires retaine the first degree among creatures which are without soule and without life in their proper and conuenient motions according as we haue already declared And as man doth in some sort hold the middle place betweene the angels and the most perfect beasts so doth fire betwixt the heauen and the aire and as the aire doth keepe the middle place betwixt the fire and water so the water is a meane betwixt the aire and the earth But these things will claime a fitter place when we come to intreate of the elementarie world Wherefore we will returne to that which onely concerneth the heauenly bodies which forsomuch as we haue saide to be of the number of those creatures which are without life being contrarie to the opinion of the most famous philosophers my minde is that we should consider neerer of this matter bicause that by the excellent politicall and militarie order which is amongst them it seemeth that they are not altogither depriued of life reason and vnderstanding as ARAM we may learne of you Of the life reason and vnderstanding of the celestiall bodies and of the excellent politicall and militarie order which is amongst them Chap. 27. ARAM. THis being true that all creatures haue a certaine motion agreeable to their nature and a naturall loue which euer vrgeth them to seeke and pursue that which is most naturall for them as hath been already related in our antecedent speech it seemeth that this can hardly come to passe but that there must be in them some kinde of soule and life yea euen in those creatures that are most insensible And more I will say that it is not onely to be presumed that they haue some kinde of life but also a naturall vnderstanding which we may properly name inclination sith there is no essence but can follow his proper course and order in his owne nature and peculiar motions For the stones themselues and mettals by a kinde of soule and vegetatiue life doe
and variable motion so that she causeth to be correspondent to man as to the end and image of the whole Vniuers all the loftie members of it All these properties I say are attributed by sundry Astronomers to the planets in regard of the good which they cause to men Againe others acknowledge some of them to be the cause of many euils and those they call ill planets not celestiall For they say that Saturne is foolish niggardly difficult Euilnes of Saturne inducing to dangers fraud mischiefe treasons violence captiuitie banishment losse periurie contumacie wrath hatred of all good feare anguish griefe burials sorrow and losse of children also that he causeth sorceries empoisonings theft maketh Magicians Of Mars they say that he prouoketh to treason warre Of Mars murder boldnes rashnes pride sedition contention rapine ambushments woundings flights disloialties villanies foolish loue easie offending many cogitations ill counsell and that he maketh princes violent cruell inhumane desirous of bloud and slaughter periured deceitfull inconstant cursing and full of all wickednes and that he foresheweth a mishapen and impudent man and that he is pernicious to birthes causing abortiue fruit Finally that in all parts of heauen he menaceth some mischiefe For the rest I passe them heere in silence that I may not bee too tedious in this matter which some Mathematicians and Poets ascribe to other planets making them cause of many other euils according to the diuers constellations where they doe contemplate them But to speake my minde we like Christians must beleeue and not thinke as many naturalists doe who in stead of acknowledging a God do forge to themselues an Idoll of Nature that it should be the planets or starres who like fountaines or Ladies of vertues properties and powers giue influence to men of the foresaide qualities but onely that in disposing their bodies being compounded of the elements vpon which the planets worke they serue to aide them to abound in vertues or vices according as their minde beeing moderatrix of all their actions doth dispose hir faculties to intend good or euill For this cause we say that to those which want the gifts and graces of Gods spirit all things cannot but succeed badly and the influences of the spheres hurt them rather then otherwise yea some more then other some as to the contrarie the minde of the faithful well instructed doth correct the naughtines of the stars deliuereth himselfe from all peruerse inclination This is it that the thrise great Philosopher Mercurius saith entreating of those whom the diuine power whatsoeuer it was had forsaken leauing and abandoning them to the euill as hee speaketh and all that which was sensible in them For thus saith he Of such the forces of anger appetite which being wel directed would cause euery good worke turne into a nature depriued of reason So then we learne that very vaine is the faith that is giuen to the planets to constellations and to foolish diuinations and superstitious prognostications of Astrologians For true Christians feare not the signes of heauen nor their aspects and regards but do wholly depend vpon the grace of God and of his prouidence which turneth all to the good of his elect Against iudiciall astrologie And therefore though wee condemne not true Astrologie namely Astronomie yet must we not approoue the superstition and curiositie which is in many concerning that part of this science called Iudiciall which they holde for a certaine and infallible doctrine by which may be foreseene and knowne the euents of men But let vs rather hold with that which Ieremie teacheth vs Ierem. 10. saying Feare not the signes of heauen according to the gentiles for the customes of the people are vaine Which is as much as if he had said that such curious obseruations full of superstitions are friuolous and false belonging to pagans and idolaters and not to the people of God For this cause also we haue in the bookes of the other prophets many things spoken against the predictions and prognostications of the Chaldees and Babylonians Esay 47. namely in Isay For God which is aboue all nature hath meanes which men cannot perfectly know either by reason of their ignorance or for that those meanes are supernaturall So that it happeneth that things oftentimes succeede cleane contrarie to that which the Astronomers haue forespoken prognosticated Against the casters of natiuities according to their contemplation But I woulde willingly aske them what foundation they can haue when like prophets they enterprise to foretell men good lucks and ill lucks and all euents which they must expect and chiefly to kings princes and other chiefe personages For where doe they finde when God created the stars and planets that he gaue them commission to reueale to Astrologers what should be the nature and complexion of euery one according to the planet vnder which they should be borne And againe how can such iudiciall science haue certaintie seeing there are a thousand men that are borne euery day in the world in one selfesame countrie at one selfesame time hower and instant one sometimes to be a king and another a poore shepherd being neither like in nature nor like in manners but sometimes more contrarie then fire and water For this is much prooued in many twinnes as the scripture giueth vs a notable example in Iacob and Esau For they were borne so close to one another Genes 25. that Iacob helde with his hand the sole of his brother Esaus foote and therefore the name of Iacob was giuen him And by how much the one was humble good and peaceable by so much the other was proud wicked and warlike And who can beleeue that God hath set marks in any of the signes of heauen to signifie to men that which he hath ordained concerning euery one in his eternall counsell which is hidden from the angels themselues Surely whatsoeuer we can learne is through his holy spirit which he communicateth to such as he pleaseth reuealing to them his secrets as heretofore he did to his most faithfull seruants And therefore he that would haue most certaine prognostications must not goe away to seeke and aske them of other more true Astrologians then the prophets and apostles with their writings For they haue surely foretold all that must come to passe in the world to the very consummation of time and chiefly touching the monarchies empires and kingdoms of the earth namely Daniel And I belieue that God hath not created the stars planets more for kings princes other great personages thē for the simple least Too sound true a prognosticatiō haue we against them all in Isay Isay 60. by which he prophesieth that euery kingdome euery nation which serueth not the Lord shall perish So likewise all the blessings and cursings of the lawe Leuit. 26. Deut. 28. are so many most certaine prophesies of all that which good and bad
glorie of the Lorde At noone when it burneth the countrie who may abide for the heat thereof The sunne burneth the mountaines three times more then he which keepeth a furnace with continuall heate it casteth out firie vapors and with the shining beames blindeth the eies Hast thou commanded the morning since thy daies saith the Lord to Iob and hast thou caused the morning to know his place Iob. 38. That it might take hold of the corners of the earth and that the wicked might be shaken out of it For as it is said in another place They are among those which abhorre the light Iob. 24. and knowe not the waies thereof nor continue in the paths thereof The murtherer riseth early and killeth the poore and needie and in the night he is as a thiefe The eie also of the adulterer waiteth for the twylight and saith None eie shall see me and disguiseth his face They dig through houses in the darke which they marked for themselues in the day they know not the light But the morning is euen to them as the shadow of death if one know them they are in the terrors of the shadow of death By which testimonies aptly agreeing with that which is written euerie man that doth euill hateth the light we may know Iohn 3. besides the greatnes of the workes of God which principally shineth in the creation of the Sunne how euen they who would not behold the light thereof but fly from it as much as they may bicause they hate it and feare it as the death cannot for all that auoide it To the ende then that we may reape some profit by this discourse and so finish this daies talke let vs thinke that if the most ignorant and most doltish are inexcusable for their ignorance and ingratitude towards God for the sermons of the heauens which they continually make to all creatures how much more are the learned and chiefly Astronomers and Astrologians if they know not verie well how to vse their science to the glorie of God Of the names of Astronomers and Astrologers and of their true intent For they are called Astronomers because they haue the knowledge of the lawes and rules which the soueraigne creator hath established and ordayned among the starres and their courses and motions according as their name deriued from the Greeke toong importeth as also the name of Astrologie will infer as much seeing that thereby is signified that they vnderstand and can render a reason of the nature and of the effects of the celestiall bodies Wherefore then sith they haue greater knowledge then the ignorant and common people as well by the knowledge as by the obseruations and continuall experience of the effects of the planets they shall be therfore found the more culpable before God if they vnderstand not the language of the heauens thereby to learne how to glorifie him And yet so far are the greater part of them from doing that which we say that contrariwise we see verie many which impute that to the spheres that they should attribute to the spheres-creator and so draw men from God their father by the vanitie of their humaine dreames vnder colour of their Astronomie and Astrologie causing them to stay in regard of the creatures with them and so make them Atheists as they are when they acknowledge none other God but an idoll of Nature And therefore I desire that we may to morrow againe proceed to behold the admirable effects of the Sun being most apparant to all and most easie for to know by which the rudest and most simple may learne to come to God as among other effects is that of the rising and setting of this goodly light For the prouidence of God shineth maruellously in this point as ASER we may learne of you The end of the fourth day THE FIFT DAIES WORKE Of the rising and setting of the sunne and of the prouidence of God which shineth in the commodities of day and night Chapter 33. ASER. IF with vnderstanding we read the bookes of the heauens wee shall verily esteeme the celestiall bodies to bee the chiefe naturall Philosophers Doctors and Astronomers by whom God dayly teacheth vs that principall Astronomie and Astrologie which he will haue vs learne and whereof we must not be ignorant without being conuicted as well the vnlearned as the learned of verie great vnthankefulnes towards him and of more beastly brutishnes then is amongst the bruite beasts For he hath assigned vs teachers and masters which keepe common schoole with vs day and night as by our precedent discourse we haue alreadie vnderstood And yet the greatest part of men yea almost all do no more profit in this schoole then the verie beasts though indeed it standeth continually wide open to all yea and they which should chiefly learne out of this great booke of nature touching the knowledge of the creator of all things are those which oftentimes are farthest to seeke For in liew of committing themselues to be guided by this booke so to approch to God as he pointeth out the path and way to those who haue eies to see and a spirit to vnderstand they rather take occasion therein by the vaine dreames of their own apprehensions to wander from the truth And for this cause Moses Dauid and the other Prophets and seruants of God speaking of the workes of the creation and of the diuine prouidence in them do propound vnto vs but simply those which are the most apparant to al the most easie to be vnderstood because they wil not only teach the most learned who are they which willingly make least profit in their writings but will also instruct the simple and ignorant whō God doth oftentimes make capable of his secrets For which cause likewise these holy fathers speake not of the spheres and heauenly bodies subtilly as Philosophers in their schooles do but rather vulgarly to the ende that the most rude and playnest may vnderstand their philosophy replenished with the doctrine of saluation For it is verie necessarie that euerie one should be instructed therein according to his owne capacitie To pursue then our yesterdaies speech Vtility of the light and heat of the sunne begun concerning the Sunne which the holy Scripture setteth so often before our eies as an vniuersal preacher of the soueraigne Maiesty I pray you let vs first consider what ioy and what good it is that men receiue by it so long as it distributeth his light as wee haue alreadie heard being like the chariot of God to bring it to them Likewise how much pleasure and profit receiue they by his heat Againe do we not see how he hath his determined time to make vs day And how that after he hath lightned one part of the world during such time as was assigned to him by God the creator hee then transporteth his light to the other part And when he hath performed his taske on one side of the world
therfore according as it is said in the common prouerbe God keepeth the moone from wolues the faithfull may very aptly speake this of themselues concerning their enemies bicause they are much surer in the alliance of the Almightie and vnder his protection For as the sunne shall neuer be without the moone nor the moone without the sunne so the eternall sonne of God shall neuer be without his church nor his church without him although we see it sometimes increase and sometimes decrease and sometimes as if it cleane failed and were vanished like the eclipsed moone But as the moone doth not so faile by any eclipse that can happen but that it persisteth to remaine a moone still though she be not seene of men so the church can neuer cleane faile nor bee so consumed but that it shall euer bee a church notwithstanding that it may seeme to humane sight and exterior appeerance to be nothing at all and without any vigor For it is founded vpon the firme rocke which is Iesus Christ and therefore all the power of hell cannot preuaile against it nor waste it And the Lord can alwaies tell who be his though men knowe it not Next we must learne that as the moone is eclipsed when she is so opposed to the sunne that the shadowe of the earth spread out betweene them both hindreth her to receiue that light from him which she is accustomed to attract so commeth it to men in the church when their sinnes are like an obscure cloud and an obstacle which hindreth the fauor and grace of God that it cannot attaine to them and when there be mists and darknesses of ignorance which doe detaine them from beholding of Iesus Christ the true sunne of their soules and to commit themselues to be guided by the light of his worde But as the sunne faileth not though hee be eclipsed in regarde of vs so the soueraigne head of the elect doth neuer faile to his church though hee may seeme sometimes to bee absent and quite withdrawen for hee alwaies supporteth it by his power And therefore also it is written that the woman by whome the church is signified hath the moone vnder hir feete Apocal. 12. which is as much to say as that the conuersation of the children of God which are members of the church is not in earth but in heauen as Saint Paule testifieth and that they haue already put vnder their feete all worldly things Phil. 3. which are mutable and inconstant insomuch as they liue after the spirit not after the flesh Rom. 8. are illuminated by Iesus Christ who is the true sunne of iustice that by the brightnes of his word and of his comming discouereth all things It is most certaine that the number of these is verie small in respect of those worldly men Man subiect to greater changes then the moone who following the nature of elementarie and corporall things are subiect to greater changes then the moone hirselfe which being lower then all the other stars planets by so much neerer to the earth receiueth likewise some mutation greater then the rest of the starres as if God would represent vnto vs in her the changings whereto the elements and all creatures composed of them which are vnder the celestiall spheres are ordinarily subiect And yet doth not the moone change from her proper nature which was ordained by the creator from the beginning as we haue already declared yea though that in regard of vs and of our sight she haue the foresaid mutations yet doth she neuer faile but doth euermore repaire himselfe and presentlie renue so that we see her not weare away in such manner but that she persisteth without ceasing in her proper and naturall course But it is not so with men who change not onelie from day to day but also from hower to hower from instant to instant from age to age For as they daily proceed in growth of body and of strength from the hower of their conception and birth from time to time vntill they be arriued to their full vigor like the full moone so after they are ascended to this degree they alwaies abate and decline till their extreamest age and to death wherein they vtterly faile in respect of this life as if they had neuer beene For they cannot do like the moone who after her defect doth continually repaire and restore herselfe till such time as she shew herselfe full and entier But they are constrained to attend for that last day Acts. 3. which is called by Saint Peter the day of the restitution and restauration of all things foretold by the prophets So then in that day shall we be renued in a permanent estate for euer Behold then what me seemeth we must consider like christians vpon our discourses of the sunne and of the moone And hauing hitherto entreated of the heauenlie world and of the spheres sufficiently to content a Christian astronomer we will now proceed to describe the elementary world whereof ASER you shall begin to speake instructing vs in the principles of naturall and corruptible things Of the beginning of naturall and corruptible things Chapter 37. ASER. ALl Philosophers with one consent do teach that there hath beene at first or at least-wise one must vnderstand so some subiect without forme Of the first matter of a●● things capable of all formes which they called matter or Hyle that is to say the substance or stuffe which some also haue named Chaos and which is properly described by Moses in these Hebrew wordes Tohu Bohu which is as much to say as I wot not what thing without forme containing by possibilitie all that which could be formed Plato in his Timaeo calleth it a Bosome without forme a power which is mother of the world a nurse a subiect and a receptacle of formes and saith that it was not distinguished by any quantity nor by any degree And bicause that out of this first subiect innumerable things were to be produced Anaxagoras disputeth how that in the same were cōtained infinit formes and numbers not limited which the onely vnderstanding and thought creator of all things had drawne out in effect And this Aristotle attributeth to nature though sometimes he seemeth to distinguish this nature from God and make them companions oftentimes repeating these words God and Nature made or made nothing without cause Now for vs wee know that that nature which the philosophers called disposing distinguishing can be nothing else but God only as appeereth by sundry reasons which we haue heretofore deduced Wherefore holding this to be confessed we must be sure that the perpetuall generation of things declareth that it is a matter which hath at first beene made by some other meanes For corne commeth of the earth and of humor animals of seede and of bloud or egges ashes are made by wood and there is nothing so little but it is made of some subiect But in all these
Motion and Place For they say that the principle Motion seemeth to be naturally in all bodies of which some as light are carried aloft others as heauie descend downe and yet are they not forcibly driuen for then violently they would returne to their proper place Neither are they drawen for the place is an accident and draweth no element at all Then forsomuch as all motion is made in place it seemeth verie well that it must be set for one of the principles of all things Now place is the supreme superficies of euerie bodie enuironing the same round about which superficies remayneth the bodie being separated And euerie place is equall to the bodie therein contayned Euerie bodie likewise is in a place and in euerie place is a bodie For euerie bodie hath his extreme superficies and the place cannot be without a bodie considering that euerie place is the highest superficies contayning a bodie And when the place is taken in regard of the roundnes of the heauens it is immutable insomuch as it contayneth the entire bodie of the Vniuers But being considered as the superficies of any particular bodie it is changed by the diuers disposition and alteration of the creatures and remayneth not alwaies the same Behold then that which I haue thought worthie to be summarily noted in regard of the principles whereof the Philosophers dispute and of which and by which namely of the forme and first matter the sensible elements of all corruptible things doe consist and are composed Whereof we are according to the course of our talke to enforme our selues as AMANA you shall presently do Of the elements and of things to be considered in them in that they are distinguished by the number of fower Chap. 38. AMANA WHen we take the heauen in his most proper signification we meane thereby the firmament and the celestiall spheres which couer and encompasse all things that are in the vniuersall world But heauen is likewise taken oftimes for the aire and for the regions next to the spheres because they approch neerest to the nature of them and for that they be elements drawne out of the first principles for the composition of corruptible things And yet in the diuision of the world there are commonly mentioned but two principall parts that is the celestiall and the elementary part as we haue heretofore related Now vnder this last part whereof our ensuing discourse must entreat we must vnderstand all that which is comprehended within the concauitie or hollow vault of heauen vnder the Moone euen to the center of the earth Of the elementary region that is the fower simple elements which are Fire Aire Water and Earth incessantly employed in the generation and corruption of all creatures vnder the which part we comprise all the diuers and innumerable species of all bodies both perfect and imperfect The number and qualities of the elements materially engendred by the naturall commixture and power of the said elements Which cannot be in number aboue fower that is iust so many and neither more nor lesse then there are first qualities predomināt in them which are heat moisture colde and drienes which neuerthelesse alone and by themselues do not constitute an element for they cannot haue the power both to doe and to suffer as it is needfull that there should be in the generation and corruption of all things neither can the foresaid qualities consist aboue two together for feare least contrarie things should be found in one selfe same subiect but being ioyned two and two they are correspondent the one to the other as the qualities of heat and drines which are in the fire the heat moisture which are in the aire cold moisture which are in the water and cold drines which are in the earth But heat cold which are actiue qualities and moisture drines which are passiue qualities are altogether contrarie And therefore can they not cōsist both together in one selfe same element Scituation of the elements wherupon it cōmeth to passe that the fire the water the aire the earth are cleane contrarie one to another which causeth also that the fire as the most subtile lightest element tending naturally vpwards is placed aboue the other three elements and enuironeth the aire round about which agreeth in heate with it which aire encompasseth the water agreeing therewith in moisture and the water is dispersed about the earth and agreeth therewith in coldnes and the same earth as the most heauie and hardest element is heaped and compacted togither in the midst of the whole world containing the center thereof It is certaine that the water enuironeth not the earth cleane round about but is spread abroad by diuers armes branches and lakes which we call seas as well within as about the same for so it was necessarie that some partes of the earth might be vncouered for the health and habitation of liuing creatures so as it hath pleased the soueraigne king of the world to ordaine for the benefit of all things There are then fower elements first foundations of things compounded and subiect to corruption How the number of fowre is note-woorthy in diuers things And by this number of fower perfectly consonant the elementarie world is diuided into these fower partes the firie the airie the watrie and the earthy part so also is this terrestriall frame distinguished into fower points to wit East West North and South as we knowe the like to be in the celestiall bodies And by their diuers motions and courses we obtaine the fower seasons of the yeere to wit the spring sommer autumne and winter From whence likewise proceedeth all aide and fauor to the substance and composition of the creatures comprised vnder these fower kindes that is corporall vegetable sensitiue and reasonable creatures which subsist of these fower qualities hot cold moist and drie We likewise see that all quantitie is diuided into fower to wit into a point into a length bredth and depth There are also fower sortes of motion ascending descending progression and turning round Moreouer if we will here drawe out some mysteries of the Pythagorians we shall knowe that all the foundation of euery deepe studie and inuention must be setled vpon the number of fower bicause it is the roote and beginning of all numbers which exceed fower For a vnitie being ioined to a fower maketh vp ten and in this number all the rest to ten are found as may appeere in this figure 1. 2. 3. 4. Aboue which number of ten as Aristotle in his problemes and Hierocles in his verses vpon Pythagoras reciteth no land nor language hath euer proceeded For the Hebrues Greekes Latins and Barbarians themselues being come so farre as to ten begin againe with an vnitie saying 11. 12. and so forward imitating nature guided by her soueraigne who by the order of tens parteth the fingers of the hands and toes of the feete as the same creator would distribute
greatnes and huge extension seene by euery eie But for the fire we onely see the increase the power and simple matter thereof and his force or fountaine is esteemed to be in the concauitie of the moone aboue the aire Of such as say that there is no fire vnder the sphere of the moone Yet some among the naturall Philosophers affirme and maintaine that there is no fire vnder the orbe of the moone neither will acknowledge any other elementary fire but the fires of the celestial bodies and the heate of them which they communicate to all the rest of the creatures And therefore they assigne to these fires all the space which is from the moone to the highest heauen Saying moreouer that sith the heauen is a thing most pure it is not conuenient to place a thing most burning vnder that which is exempt from all qualitie For nature doth alwaies ioine extremities with things of meane qualitie as is found betwixt the flesh and the bones where she hath placed a filme or thinne skinne and betweene the bones and the ligatures she hath put the gristles so betwixt the scull and the braine because it is softer then flesh nature hath placed two filmes the hardest whereof is neerest to the bone of the head Thereupon then they conclude that the aire is much fitter then the fire to bee next the heauens and serue as a meane to ioine them with the earth and water And against it they argue that swiftnes of motion is the cause or argument of the heate and that there is no other fire others againe auouch that this cannot be For say they although that solide substances may by motion be heated as stones lead and liuing creatures yet those which disperse or scatter themselues abroad become thereby so much the colder by how much they are more lightly mooued witnes the aire and the water For all strong and swift windes are cold and riuers that haue a quick course are very cold Againe those that denie the elementarie fire Reasons of such as deny the fire to enuiron the aire do bring this argument to wit that the comets and flames which oftentimes do appeere in the heauens do cause in the aire verie great and as it were intollerable heates Therefore they demand what might happen if the vniuersall world especially the elementarie were enuironed by fire who could hinder but that that fire would inflame the aire and after it all other things sith the heate of the celestiall bodies would thereto giue aide They adde how Auerrois doth esteeme that all brightnes is hot and that the aire is such and that euery moist qualitie doth least of all other resist heate How then say they shall the aire resist the fire which is the most vehement and most sharpe of all elements It is true that this Arabicke author hath said that sometimes the fire is not actually hot but what then shall be his possibilitie We say that some medicines are hot by possibilitie because that being taken they heat woondrously But by what creatures shall the fire be deuoured to the end to reduce it to the qualitie of medicines Moreouer if the fire be not hot then is not the water cold which should be to confound al reason and the very order of the world Againe they demand what it is that letteth the fire that it shineth not and that it is not seene in the elementarie region Againe if fire be in the aire why then the higher we mount doe we finde the aire more cold and why do snowes more abound on the mountaine tops then in the lowest places yea vnder the torrid zone Which neuerthelesse might not seeme strange if one should consider how snowe falleth in winter onely and very colde haile in midst of summer the cause whereof we shall heereafter discouer But say they if one should obiect that the highest places are farthest remote from the reuerberation of the sunne this may be an argument of lesse heate but not of coldnes In fine they adde that if heate were in the highest of the aire in an elementary body it should principally there rest for to cause the generation of things Now for this reason it cannot be there considering that the celestiall heat is it that doth engender as al Philosophers maintaine Thereupon they conclude that this imagination of fire aboue the aire is vaine It seemeth also that be a thing neuer so light as is the fire yet can it not mount so exceeding high and to say that it was caried aloft onely coniecturing so and that the place thereof must be there such Rhetoricall arguments are not woorth rehearsing in serious matters Answere to many reasons which are alledged to prooue foure elements There are some also which to the reasons by vs before touched in the beginning of this speech do replie that it seemeth they do not conclude that there be fower simple bodies but rather the contrarie For for the first betwixt two extremes one meane not two is cōmonly assigned which being considered in regard of the elements there shoulde onely be three in number And for this vulgar opinion that in all compound bodies there are esteemed to bee fower elements the heat which is in mixt and compound substances cannot consist of elementarie fire For if the fire shoulde remaine in them it should much more rest in the herbe called Euphorbium and in Pepper which are of an extreme hot and drie nature and therefore one might more commodiously get fire out of them then out of most colde stones which yet wee finde to bee cleane contrarie Moreouer the distillations wherein many straine themselues to search the fower elements doe demonstrate but three substances onely to wit water for water oile insteed of aire and the earth which is in the bottome Now if that any do say that the reddest part of the oyle doth represent the fire because it is verie sharpe and verie subtile we will answere that such piercing sharpnes of sauour proceedeth from the vehement vertue of the fire which operateth in the distillation Which likewise doth manifestly appeere in the oyle extracted from mettals euerie part whereof is of a verie sharpe sauour Wherefore if euerie thing of such a qualitie representeth the fire it must follow of necessity that in euerie such essence no portion of aire may subsist But all the world doth alleage that there may fower humours be perceiued to remaine in the bodies of all liuing creatures And yet what auaileth that to prooue so many elements Nay what if I should say with Thrusianus expounder of Galen vpon the art of Phisicke that there are but three humors only But leaue we this disputation and let vs speake of a more strong and forcible argument taken from the combinations and coniunctions of the elementarie qualities which are in number fower as we haue heard in our precedent discourse They alone then and apart doe not constitute an element for they cannot
haue the power to doe and to suffer neither also can they consist more then two togegither for else contraries should remaine in one selfe same subiect Neither can heat be ioyned with cold without some meane nor dry with moist Whereupon doth follow that the qualities not contrarie being ioyned two and two together doe declare vnto vs fower well ordered combinations or couplings which do argue vnto vs the fower elements But hearken what the aduers part answereth Such coniunctions and copulations doe onely shew themselues in mixtures and compound bodies for some things being hot in the first degree are also moist and some being cold are drie others are hot and drie others cold and moist and so consquently of the rest But for the elements because that heat and great drines had reduced all things to an ende in steed of ministring a beginning vnto them Nature or rather the author of Nature Of the celestiall heat producing fire hath ordayned a celestiall heat well tempered by which all things should be engendred And by it and by putrefaction and motion the creature called Fire is incessantly produced Whereupon ensueth that though there be a fire yet neuerthelesse it is no element And therefore they conclude that there are but three elements The earth most thicke and heauie seated below the aire most thin and light placed aboue and the water meane betwixt these qualities situate between both They also affirme that vnto these elements it is common to haue no naturall heat because there is no heat but from the heauens and consequently from the soule and from brightnes That the earth because it is exceeding thicke and solide and the aire because it is beyond measure thinne seeme to be least cold but the water which is of meane substance betweene both seemeth to be most cold That the earth because of some certaine thinnesse thereof admitteth heat and therefore is esteemed lesse cold then stones And the aire because of the temperate cleernes and for that by the thinnesse thereof it is easily chaunged is esteemed not onely not to be cold but to be hot though in truth all the elemēts are cold by their own nature Which coldnes is nothing else but priuatiō of heat which heat doth wholly rest in the stars which is a proper celestiall qualitie moouing the bodie which aided by motion produceth fire But say they many may bee deceiued by reason of the violent heat which sometimes maketh impression in the elements For by the action of the starres some parts of the elements are mixed and participate with the nature of the celestiall bodies as Pepper becommeth hot And yet such mingling cannot be said to be an element but a thing composed partly of elements And for the fire which lighteth by the striking and beating of stones that it is likewise an heat of the stars in a bodie rarified by the celestiall power By these reasons then they conclude that two qualities do onely appeere vnto vs the heat of heauen and the proper moisture of the elements and as for drie and cold that they be the priuations of those qualities and that therfore a thing verie hot or verie cold cannot properly be called an element What an element is but that that may be said to be an element which hath no need of nourishment which of it selfe is not corrupt neither wandreth here and there but retayneth a certaine place in great quantitie according to nature and is prepared for generation All which things not agreeing with the fire because it is alwaies mooued neither can subsist without nouriture and burneth the aire which is next it whereby being inflamed it is called a flame for flame is nothing else but the aire inflamed it followeth that it cannot be called an element but rather an accidentall and great heat Behold then how Philosophers do diuersly dispute vpon this matter but our intention is not to giue sentence therein especially against the ancient and generally confirmed opinion which admitteth fower elements Wherefore as leaning thereunto tel vs ACHITOB how they may be considered by the perfect compositions which are in the world Of the perfect compositions which are in the nature of all things by which the fower elements may be considered Chap. 40. ACHITOB. ACcording as we are taught by those who haue first diligently sought out the secrets of nature we shal consider an elementarie fire and the element thereof approching the heauenly spheres by reason of the naturall agreement which they haue together being much greater then there is of the heauens with the aire the water and the earth Now these fower elements do demonstrate themselues by the like number of perfect compounds The agreement of stones with the earth which follow the nature of them to wit by stones mettals plants and animals or sensitiue creatures For stones haue their foundation or originall vpon the earthie corner of this worlds frame because that agreeing with the nature of earth they descend alwaies towards the center except they be such as are ouer-dried and burned as are the pumice-stones which are made spungie in caues full of aire But when they are turned into dust then resuming their proper nature of stones they descend Chrystall and the Beryll are also numbred among stones because that though they may be engendred of water they are neuerthelesse so congealed and in manner frozen that being made earthie they descend downewards which is not the manner of frost and snow So is it with those stones that are bredde in the bladder though they be produced of a waterie humour And all these kindes of stones become so close and solide in their nature with such fastnes and binding that they cannot be molten like mettals although the saide mettals descend downewardes like stones Mettals agreeing with the water And therefore also vpon the second watrie angle of the elementarie world mettals are builded which though they be said to be composed of all the elements yet bicause they are principally made of water they retaine the nature thereof and will melt as Abubacher doth excellently discourse speaking thus We see in mines that by reason of the continuall heate of some mountaines the thickest of the water steweth and boileth so that in tract of time it becommeth quicksiluer And of the fat of the earth so stewed and boiled togither with heate is brimstone ingendred and through continuall heate also are mettals procreated For gold that hath no default is ingendred of quicksiluer and of brimstone that is pure tough cleere and red Siluer of the same liquid siluer and of close pure cleere and white sulphur wherein colour wanteth and something of the closenes surenes and consequently of waight Tinne that is more vnperfect is ingendred of the same causes and parts vnperfect bicause they are lesse concocted and attenuated Lead of the same terrestriall-siluer and full of filth depriued of purenes and surenes and of grosse sulphur or brimstone somewhat red whereto
wanteth fastnes clearnes and waight which makes this mettall vnperfect and impure And Iron is procreated of the same quicksiluer impure tough part earthie and burnt white and not cleere which maketh this mettall base and foule failing in purenes and in waight All which mettals being made of quicksiluer which is waterie doe for this cause retaine the nature of the water To this author accordeth Auicen in his Phisickes and in the epistle to Hazem the philosopher But Gilgil the Spanyard supposed that mettals had been engendred of cinders bicause they sinke in water and melt like the glasse which is drawne from terrestriall-cinders and beaten stone But this concludeth not for mettall sinketh and descendeth by reason of that terrestriall part which it hath incorporated with the liquid part and bicause that the pores which retaine the aire are closed and shut vp And for glasse it is not extracted out of the earthie matter but out of the radicall moisture which is within the cinders and stones For in euery compound are the fower elements though the nature of one hath more domination therein For this cause likewise plants are founded vpon the third angle of the world called airie Concord of the plants with the aire for they doe not growe nor fructifie but in open day and doe properly retaine the nature of the aire which they alwaies require as being fittest and aptest for them Yea the wood it selfe would presently corrupt and rot being depriued of the aire if the watrie humor doe not succour it which participateth with the aire Finally vpon the fourth angle of this fower-faced edifice to wit Animals accord with the fire vpon the fire is the liuing sensitiue creature built whose life as many learned doe teach is by meanes of fire and obtained from the Empyreall heauen and from the spirit of life which is a quickning fire and distributeth life to all the mundane wheeles as we may learne by the oracles of Ezechiel saying Ezech. 1. And the spirit of life was in the wheeles Behold then how vpon the fower bases of the elements are planted fower sorts of perfect compounds to wit stones mettals plants and liuing creatures True it is that vnder euery vniuersall kinde of these there are diuers particular species distinct the one from the other for although stones may be properly earthie yet are they sometimes nominated of some other element which most preuaileth in their composition For doubtlesse all the elements doe meete togither in the procreation of them but chiefly earth and water Whereupon obscure and thicke-darke stones are called earthie-stones and cleere transparent stones waterie Diuersitie of the nature of stones and some also are melted by a great fire to be turned into glasse Some also with raine falling drop by drop are engendred in the shels of oisters as those pearles which are found in the Indian and Britaine seas The chrystal and Beryll are made of water frozen voide of pores or subtile passages so that they can neither receiue heate nor be melted It appeereth also that there is fire in the composition of stones which likewise is forced out of the flint being stroken with a gad of steele To which purpose Hermes amongst his secrets teacheth that a stone doth sometimes spring out of the fire mounting from earth to heauen and then againe returning to the earth that nourished it For mettals likewise Diuersitie of the mettals though they be waterie some of them doe neuertheles retaine the nature of fire as gold and iron one of which imitateth the fire of the sunne and the other the fire of Mars But tinne and copper are airie this receiuing influence from Venus that from Iupiter Siluer agreeth with the moone Lead with Saturne quicksiluer with Mercurie and yet all of them are endued with a waterie nature wil melt and doe differ in waight For as one water doth differ in waight from another so doth mettall from mettall not onely in speciall but also in vndiuisible proportion For common gold differeth in waight from that which the Latines call Obrysum or else Ofiryzum of the Hebrue word Ofir which we call fine golde and which hath been oftentimes purged and refined in the fire and wasteth not therein The gold of Tharsis also doth differ from the gold of India and Hungarie and so of others So likewise doe waters differ in goodnes and in waight according to the region and place wherein they are and by how much they are neerer to the fountaine by so much are they better and lighter And by their waight as Vitruuius will haue it one may knowe the goodnes of the aire according to which he willeth men to choose out places to build houses in Concerning plants although they may be by nature airie A different propertie of the plants yet there are some whose rootes iuice leaues and blossomes are said to be hot in the first second third or fourth degree and others are cold and drie some also are moist which diuersitie happeneth according as the plant obtaineth more or lesse of the nature of one of the elements Diuersitie of nature in animalibus The like is of liuing creatures For though they may properly be said to be of the nature of fire yet are there some which being more earthie delight in the earth as mowles woormes and commonly all creeping things Likewise all fishes are nourished by the water the chameleon by the aire the salamander by fire as some affirme bicause that he long time indureth fire through his excessiue coldnes There are some also which burne with great heate as doues and lions some are cooled with moisture as the lambe and some are dry as hares and deere But neuerthelesse in regarde of their life they are all especially of the nature of fire distinguished by degrees wherefore diuers names haue beene assigned to them being borrowed from the elements or from their qualities Of the celestiall and supercelestiall elements And besides all this which we haue heere discoursed concerning the elements which may bee found in the perfectly compounded substances of this elementarie world many learned men affirme that they are also resident in the celestiall and supercelestiall world But that as they are heere thicke and grosse so by a contrary reason they are pure and cleane in heauen and in it liuing and euery where well doing They say then that these celestiall elements are as the woorthiest excellent portion of those which subsist vnder the moones-sphere in the second degree and which remaine also in the bowels of the earth as the most base and grosse lees of the elements And that in heauen they are certaine vertues or powers and in nature the seedes of things and in the world below grosse formes For as they argue if there were no elementarie powers in heauen how then by the celestiall influences should these elements heere below be engendred and transformed in such sort as that which
now is aire may be conuerted into raine the water exhaled into aire the earth turned into wood which nourisheth the fire and from the wood riseth aire and ashes fal which is earth For these causes also it is very likely that the Astronomers distinguish the signes of the Zodiack and the Planets by the elements attributing three signes to euery of them as we haue already declared But we shal finde enough to content vs concerning this matter when we discourse particularly as touching the firme concord which remaineth betwixt the terrestriall elements and the Planets Which AMANA let be the subiect of your morrow speech The end of the fift day THE SIXT DAIES WORKE Of the agreement betwixt the Elements and the Planets Chap. 41. ASER. AS the celestiall spheres doe follow that vniuersall common course which the first heauen that containeth and encloseth them all doth begin beside the motions that are proper peculiar to each of thē as we haue alreadie heeretofore declared so must we in like sort note that the elements do follow the heauens obserue an order after them euery one in his degree hauing their motions also agreeable to their nature And that likewise there is betwixt them and the celestiall bodies a certaine accord and answerablenes of powers and qualities aptly proportioned by degrees euen as is found in all creatures compounded of them We will then first entreat of this agreement betwixt the elements and the heauens Agreeablenes of the earth with the moone beginning with the earth which is correspondent to the moone in diuers respects For as the earth draweth the water to it and soketh it vp in such sort that it is numbred by the Sages amongst those things which are neuer satisfied to wit with water so doth the moone with a perpetuall attraction draw the water making it sometimes to rise to wit when from the orientall Horizon she cōmeth to the midst of heauen from whence descending to the occidentall Horizon she carieth it away with her with such violence that it seemeth to flie from vs. Againe when the moone runneth in the point opposite to the midde heauen she draweth the water away with her then returning againe to the easterne Horizon she causeth it to follow after her in like sort When she encreaseth also she draweth vp the humors in trees and mens bodies when she waineth she chaseth them downe Againe the earth and moone do agree in the first qualities of cold and drie wherewith the earth is actually and the moone operatiuely replenished which also according to her nature being somewhat terrestriall doth suppe vp the celestiall waters and all the influences of the bodies aboue her which as neerest to vs she doth communicate with vs. For she receiueth from the other planets and principally from the sunne that which she distributeth heere below And therefore Plato in his Banquet saith The moone and earth singular in variety That the moone participateth with the sunne and with the earth Moreouer the moone is singular in varietie whence it commeth to passe that one while she is crooked with hornes another time diuided into equall proportions or halues then being full round she is here and there bespotted somtimes she seemeth vnmeasurably great in hir round fulnesse presently after she appeereth very small now she sheweth very faire towards the north afterwards againe she is couched in the south so within a few daies she submitteth hir selfe to coniunction and by and by is she full and big presently after she is deliuered of the fruit which she had conceiued Now in this great changeablenes the moone doth shew vs that the earth is like vnto hir For now being disrobed of hir ornaments she appeereth blacke afterwards being painted and adorned with herbes and flowers she seemeth very faire One part thereof is stonie another part is marish In one place it is leane in another place fat here abased in vallies there lift vp in mountaines here fertile yonder barren One part is checkered with diuers spots this red that blacke one white another browne One portion is close and clammie another thinne and sandie Moreouer the earth is sometimes void and emptie and then she receiueth the coniunction of the planets whereby in short space being filled she bringeth foorth fruit So then the moone amongst the stars and the earth amongst the elements doe agree in many particulars Now as touching the water The water correspondent to mercury it seemeth to be answerable to Mercurie and to Saturne also For the order of the planets and the correspondencie which they haue to things here belowe did require that next after the earthly moone waterie Mercurie should be situate whome poets haue named the Arbiter or vmpier of the waters then followeth next airie Venus and after hir the sunne which is of the nature of fire Then againe Mars participating of the same force hath his seate next aboue the sunne airian Iupiter aboue Mars waterish Saturne ouer Iupiter and the signe-bearing heauen aboue Saturne as answering to the earth then higher againe is the first mooueable of the nature of fire It is certaine that the nature of Mercurie is by so much more hard to be deciphered by how much his starre is more hidden and harde to be seene and that very seldome too And therefore doe Astronomers affirme that his influent power is secrete by reason that hee easily accepting the nature of the planet wherewith hee is conioyned or of the signe wherein hee is resident seemeth to operate not according to his owne proper nature but as the executor of the influence of another Whereupon he is by them nominated Hermes to signifie that he is as it were interpretor of the other stars intendements For by the testimonie of Ptolemie he drieth vp being with the Sunne he cooleth with the Moone hee fauoureth the vnderstanding with Saturne he bestoweth aduise policie in warlike affaires where stoutnes is required with Mars and conioyned to Venus he engendreth the * One that is of both sexes Anerogyne or Hermaphrodite which must be vnderstood concerning him who exerciseth subtiltie of wit which he receiueth from Mercurie in the second Venus which is disordinate For such a man is effeminate retayning the propertie of both sexes So that Mercurie agreeing with the reasonable discourse and fauouring the same as he is turned towards the superiour stars or else towards the inferiour he likewise produceth diuers effects in so much that his propertie cannot easily be comprehended And yet may he verie aptly be said to be of the nature of water as many Philosophers are of opinion considering that the order of the planets requireth to obserue the harmonie and league of things heere below with those aboue that he should be watrie Moreouer as water doth in washing take away the spot that couereth in such sort that the naked bare forme doth appeere so Mercurie contributing fauour to the promptnes and subtiltie of mens wits
his voice he worketh great things which we know not And who I pray you would not woonder to see the fire and water which are of contrarie natures mingled one with another and lodged both in one lodging and proceeding out of one place together For where remayneth this fire which sheweth it selfe in lightning commeth it not out of the cloudes wherein it is enclosed before they be opened and burst by the thunder And of what substance is the cloude Is it not of water massed vp together which couereth and keepeth in the fire as in an harth For doe not we oftentimes behold while it raineth and great flouds and streames of water do fall so that it seemeth that all the cloudes and the whole aire should melt and resolue into water that great lightnings of fire flash appeere and runne euerie where about like burning darts and arrowes For while the hot exhalations are inclosed in the cloude Causes of the noise and of the lightning of thunder and retayned therein peforce with the violence and contention which is betwixt these contraries the noise of thunder is made And when the matter is so abundant in the cloude that it maketh it to breake and open and that it may reach to the earth then is there not onely thunder and great lightning but also thunderbolts and which are of diuers verie maruellous and fearfull kinds For some bring with them that fire which is not easie to be quenched as we haue alreadie declared others are without fire and pierce through the most solide and firme bodies so that there is no force which can resist them And sometimes also it happeneth that those which are stroken therewith be they men or beasts remaine all consumed within as if their flesh sinewes and bones were altogither molten within their skin it remayning sound whole as if they had no harme so that it is verie hard to finde in what part the bodie was striken We are not then to hold in small accompt that the holy scripture proposeth God vnto vs so often thundring and lightning when it would declare vnto vs his maiesty and how terrible he is and to bee feared For it is certaine that he hath many weapons and of diuers sorts very strong and ineuitable when he will punish men and that his onely will is sufficient to serue him when and how he pleaseth Supernaturall causes to bee considered in thunder And therefore also wee must acknowledge besides these naturall causes which make and engender thunder the prime eternall and supernaturall cause of all things from which proceede so many signes of the meruailous iudgements of God through the ministerie of his creatures oftentimes contrary to that which seemeth to bee ordained by the lawes of nature For when he will thunder vpon his enemies he breaketh and suddainely consumeth them in strange manner And therefore it is written 1. Sam. 2. 7 that the Lord shall destroy those who rise vp against him and that he shall thunder vpon them from heauen And in the battaile which the children of Israel had against the Philistims it is said that after the praier of Samuell the Lord in that day thundred a great thunder vpon his enemies and scattered them and slew them before the host of Israel When Moses also stretched out his rod towards heauen it is said Exod. 9. that the Lord caused thunder and haile and that the fire walked vpon the ground and that haile and tempests stroke many men and beasts in Egypt Moreouer we doubt not but that euill spirits do sometimes raise vp tempests thunder and lightning because that the principall power of them is in the aire And therefore when it pleaseth God to slack their bridle they raise vp terrible and woondrous stormes Which is apparently demonstrated vnto vs in Iob Iob. 1. whose seruants and cattell Sathan burned with the fire which he caused to fall from heauen and by a great winde that he raised he ouerturned the house vpon his children And therefore also the scripture calleth the diuell Prince of this world Ephes 2. 6. and of darknes and of the power of the aire teaching vs also that wee must fight against the euill spirits which are in the celestiall places It is no meruaile then if euill spirits ioyne themselues with tempests to hurt men to their vttermost abilitie For which cause Dauid calleth the inflaming of the wrath of God choler Psal ●8 indignation and anguish the exploit of euill angels Wherefore it is certaine that when God hath a meaning not onely to punish the wicked but also to chastice his owne or to try their faith constancie patience he giueth power to diuels to this effect yet such as that he alwaies limiteth thē so that they can do nothing but so far as is permitted them Now he permitteth them so far as he knoweth to bee expedient for his glory and for the health of his or so much as the sins and infidelity of men deserue that he may chastice and punish them and bring vengeance vpon them for their iniquities And therefore mee seemeth that to such meteors the Epicures and Atheists should bee sent who mocke at the prouidence of God as likewise the tyrants of this world Against Atheists and Tyrants who treade all iustice vnderfoot to make them thinke a little whether there be a God in heauen and whether he bee without power and without medling in the gouernment of the world For I cannot beleeue that there is any one of them but would be waked out of his sleep how profound soeuer it were when he should heare God shoote out of the highest heauens and should vnderstand the noise of his cannons and should behold the blowes that he striketh For he is in a place so high that all the wicked together cannot make batterie against him nor yet auoid his ineuitable strokes who can slay them with the feare onely which they shall haue of his noise without touching them But though they cannot assure themselues in their harts against this soueraigne maiestie and power of the eternall yet are they so peruerse and wicked that rather then they will render to him the honor and glorie which is due they forge vnto themselues a nature to which they attribute his workes or else beleeue that they happen by chance as things comming by haphazard without any diuine prouidence But leauing such manner of people we will pursue our discourse concerning things engendred in the higher elements entreating of snowes mists frosts and haile the discourse whereof ASER I referre to you Of snowes mists frosts ice and haile Chap. 45. ASER. SIth that God is not subiect to the nature which hee hath created but doth euer rest the Lord and master thereof who can performe both without it and with it all that he pleaseth it therefore followeth that we must refer not to the creatures or to nature the workes which he hath done
but by force Againe how could men exercise the workes of charitie amongst themselues which workes are very much commended vnto them by God to be done towards their neighbors if euery one could at his pleasure excell his companion As then God hath placed and disposed sundry members in one bodie and yet hath not appointed them one selfesame office but to euery one his owne so hath it pleased him to diuide and distribute his goodnes gifts and graces amongst men to the end that they may one serue another as members of one and the same bodie which can not consist without the reciprocall helpe of all So likewise hath he established the sundrie regions of the earth enriching euerie one of them with certaine particular commodities which do often constraine men to helpe and succour one another and to liue in peace without which they woulde like madde beasts ouer-runne and destroy each other as we wretches doe finde true especially in time of warre But wee may well note vpon this point that although the most mightie do by their hate enimities dissensions reuengements and warres contend oftentimes with all their power to stop and hinder the trafficke dealings and transportations of merchandize from one countrey and out of one place to another especially of foode and victuals yet whatsoeuer they may or can doe bee they kings princes or Emperors they cannot for all that make such a stoppe That nothing can stop the intercourse of men but that they will alwaies passe and scape by some meanes maugre all their powers Wherein wee must acknowledge that seeing God hath ordained that those which beare his image shoulde haue communication one with another for the causes aforesaide and that chiefly by the aide of nauigation it is a great presumption in mighty men to oppose themselues against the order of the Omnipotent and against that communion of benefits which hee will haue to bee maintained amongst men Whom he can constraine to obserue his ordinances euen through their owne couetousnes when their charitie faileth making them to despise all dangers that they may supply where neede is though they be forbidden vpon paine of death For such restraint by commandement is so farre from hindring their couetousnes that it doth more inflame it bicause they expect greater gaine then if there were mutual libertie and therefore they cause more ware secretly to passe and by that meanes they put all to hazard yea they would rather open a way vnder ground like moles or else would flie in the aire like birds then leaue such trading so woonderfull is God in all his works and in the gouernment of all nature For when he pleaseth he serueth his owne turne with the affections and euill works of men yea drawing good out of their euill euen against their owne wils And therefore we may very well affirme that seeing God will haue men trafficke togither it cannot choose howsoeuer they enterprise to the contrarie but that this order must be continued For this cause likewise it was not the will of the creator that the waters should so gather themselues into one place that they might not run through the earth but hee ordained that out of the great Ocean which is like the great bodie of the waters and like the wombe out of which they doe all first spring and wherein they are engendred and whereby they are repaired for euer there should issue diuers armes and members by meanes whereof wee haue the Mediterranean seas lakes floods riuers and brookes So also in this distribution and by the meanes of nauigation God hath giuen vs many other meanes to the ende we might behold with our eies many testimonies of his prouidence engrauen in euery part of the vniuers by the disposition of the works of his almightie hand as they who saile vpon the waters are constrained to acknowledge Of the direction that marriners haue by the stars For as he hath appointed the watrie element to serue men to nauigate therin so hath he established the heauē ordained the stars enchased therin to direct them in the midst of the great gulfs deeps of the sea For when the ships are entred very farre into it they that be therein doe cleane lose the sight of lande so that they cannot iudge by the consideration thereof in what place they are nor vpon what side neither to what place they may bend their course to finde a conuenient port but they must take their directions from heauen And for this cause also though that the heauen be in perpetuall motion and that all the planets and starres doe follow it rising and setting in such sort as they doe not alwaies appeere to men yet there are some of another condition For neere to the place which Astronomers take for the pole there are certaine starres which haue their motion and course so disposed that they are alwaies seene at sea being neuer hidden like the rest and among these that is one which is called the Pole-starre which is neuer seene to remooue except a very little out of one place so that it seemeth the whole heauen turneth about this starre As we also maintaine that it hath the like place correspondent thereto directly ouer against it in the other part of heauen with a like appellation of name as we haue heretofore declared in our discourses concerning the celestiall bodies excepting the difference which is put betweene these two poles taken from their opposite situation in heauen and from the starres which are next vnto them which also haue their course and motion like the rest but doe onely differ in this that rising and setting are not attributed vnto them bicause they may be alwaies seen when the spheres are discerned For when the skie is couered with clouds marriners doe finde themselues very much hindred and troubled For then they prooue that which Iob saith concerning the workes of God to wit Iob. 9. that hee commandeth the sunne and it riseth not and he closeth vp the starres as vnder a signet And that he maketh the starre Arcturus Orion and Pleiades and the Climates of the south doing great things and vnsearchable yea maruellous things without number Whereupon we may note that here is especiall mention made of the septentrionall starres as well bicause that they are more seene then the rest as also bicause it is their propertie to bring and to procure raine and tempests if we may credite Astrologers which cause that the heauen cannot be seene Of Charles hi● waine And bicause that some of these starres are so disposed that they seeme to represent the figure of a chariot with fower wheeles and they are very much glistering aboue others they are commonly called by the name of Charles-waine bicause also they haue three other very bright starres neere to them placed in such order as if they were cart-horses or oxen Indeede some haue called them the Beare seeing them so cōioined togither taking the foure quarters
that they know the most blessed God for now I speake to such as are not verie farre off from religion and godlines for as for Atheists and such as beleeue not God we will deale with them apart in the sequele of our discourse I doubt not but they will answere me that they haue knowledge of God by the motions and other sensible things which lead them by the hand to all such things as may be knowne by vs. For these be their common sayings All our knowledge proceedeth of sense And the experience of true discoursing is That by meanes of sensible things one cannot attaine to the knowledge of God that it agree with that which is perceiued by sense that being best knowne which best agreeth with sense But I would entreat them to tell me if sensible things haue an agreement of one and the selfe same name or of a name common to manie with the soueraigne God It is most certaine that they are not of one signification or name to the ende that we may follow their owne institutions by which they teach that God and things created do not agree in a selfe same proportion of substance or essence And if one nominate all kinds he shall name them saith Aristotle by many sundrie names But if God and his workes are diuers in reason then is it no maruell if the Philosophers proceeding by things here below deceiue themselues in the knowledge of God For how can they imagine of his high Maiestie by the motions these things sensible seeing the Eternall is altogither exempt from sense and motion Doth not Aristotle affirme and after him Auerrois the Arabian that God is altogither different from the manner of creatures That he is the first moouer not being mooued Is it not to depriue themselues of the true knowledge of God by sensible things when they separate him from the manner of creatures Let vs not thinke it strange then if those who admit nothing but that which they can inuent and comprise by naturall reasons and syllogismes deriued from sensible things enforce themselues to take from the Omnipotent many things which are to them hidden and vnknowne being onely receiued by an holy intellect and by a pure and celestiall thought diuinely infused as are these verities following That God hath created the world That of a free and liberal will he framed and ordained it when and according as it pleased him That it belongeth to man the master-peece of worke of his power to consider what this great God produced according to Nature and what according to his bountie innate How he dealt in his workes briefly all the secrets of so wondrous a workeman But to returne to our purpose I woonder how these Philosophers will on one side distinguish God altogither from the creatures and on another side wil measure his al-mightines and power by that which they consider of things here below I would entreat them to heare and yet they haue no occasion heerein to doe it for they know it well enough alreadie I speake therefore to their schollers that which Saint Dennis first instructed in their doctrine Dennis in his Hierarchie and afterward lightened with the beames of the holy Ghost hath saide of the Eternall God saith he is euerie thing in excellencie For euerie good thing which we behold in these domesticall things wee must dedicate and appropriate the same to GOD in the most excellent sort that wee can For euerie thing which appeareth faire in the worke should flourish much fairer in the worker And that which is in it selfe woorthie of the simplest The good in a better is euer most excellent and meanest commendation is in him found to be the best and most excellent of all for good in a better is euer most good Good is wisedome in a citizen better in a President and most good in a king Good is fortitude in a souldier better in a captaine but most good in a prince The like is to be thought concerning clemency liberalitie and other vertues and ornaments Sith then fecunditie puissance vigor pietie beautie magnificence and such other properties doe shine in things here below much more must they in the diuine thought shoote out their beames in soueraigne brightnes For in the creatures all these vertues like borowed colours doe point out the soule of the world but in the celestial prince they flame out in raies of his infinite essēce which vniteth al things being appropriated dedicated vnto it See then how we must speake and beleeue concerning the Soueraigne and how to measure his workes by his omnipotencie and power But forasmuch as the Philosophers doe confesse that God is the first and best of all things and all other things are vnder him and subiect to him and that they praise and commend in them fertilitie liberalitie generation and such other vertues and faculties which from time to time do here make manifest their effects wherefore should they not acknowledge them in the Soueraigne good God who saith in Esay If I giue fruitfulnes to others shall I be barren They may tell me that they separate from God not onely all that which feeleth his owne imperfection but all that also which wanteth of perfection and thereof it ariseth that they take from him all fertilitie concerning things that are without him least any new thing or alteration might bee attributed to the euerlasting and immutable and likewise the libertie of contingence least as if imperfect Al things enforce themselues to represent the image of God he might seeme to negotiate vnder hope of reward and yet they denie him not the libertie by which he worketh as is conuenient for him Certainely these be subtile and sharpe allegations and yet of small force For let me aske them if all schooles teach not that the things of this world enforce themselues to their power to represent the image of God The Platonists in euerie discourse doe acknowledge it as well as the Theologians Yea the Peripatetickes themselues agree in this point as their master teacheth in the second treatise of the soule in such words It is the most naturall deed of all liuing things so far forth as they be perfect not impotent to make another thing like to it selfe as the beast a beast the plant a plant because they participate of the diuine and eternal essence so much as they can For all essences desire it and all things which follow their course according to nature worke for the loue of it but they cannot imitate it continually and with perpetuall proportion because no corruptible thing attayneth to bee one and the same in number These bee verie obscure sayings but yet by them we may learne that all creatures tend according to their facultie to agree with the semblance of God and by how much more each member of this worldly body is more perfect by so much more doth it enforce it selfe as if in emulation to imitate the creator
of it It is true that Auerrois doth interpret this text of Aristotle concerning heauen But how should the heauen be this Eternall whom all things should enforce themselues to follow considering that it of it selfe is eternall in fauour of whom the elements heauen it selfe and euerie creature doth worke Doth not the doctrine of Aristotle resound in each point that God is the end of all things in desire of whom they are mooued as to the thing loued and desired But leauing this Arabian Auerrois who studieth in all his works to deface marre many other sentences of his master that he may defend that which he imagineth let vs conclude that according as the Philosophers confesse the elements in their being the plants in their life and fruitfulnes the liuing creatures in a better life and in their condition such as it is imitate in emulation the diuine power and perfection and that man endued with the singular gift of libertie and free will doth in the same imitate God and beareth in a better estate and condition then any other thing his image and semblance By such considerations say I is also prooued the freedome and libertie of God alwaies tending to good according to his good pleasure because he contayneth within himselfe that which hee conferreth vpon others And briefly to answere all their reasons heretofore alleaged let vs hold that that Soueraigne perfection which is in God wanteth not in the lowest degree nor for the cause thereof nor yet that his simple vnitie is distributed into a multitude because that in it selfe by infinite power it contayneth all things Neither doth the intellectuall soule degenerate although as they teach it exerciseth the power to feele Proper faculties to be considered in God to strengthen to cause encreasing and to mooue according to his estate For that we may mount to higher considerations God perceiueth with such his senses as the holy Scriptures attribute vnto him He mooueth all other things himselfe remaining stable he giueth them strength and feedeth them with the foode of his wisedome But hee performeth all these things by a meanes by a perfection power which is vnknowne to humane spirits except they be illustrated with his light And there is in him a fertilitie without trauel which is the fountaine of all other things through which he produceth alwaies within himselfe but outwardly he doth it at the pleasure of his will Which because it is the rule of contingence it is not possible nor fit for vs to search out the cause of the first beginning For when we are thereto arriued Aristotle himselfe doth charge to stay for God hath no need of any precedent disposition nor of helpe neither did feare resistance nor was hindered by space he who in commaunding created all things But the causes of things here below the instruments and subiect framed by his word require a precedent disposition haue need of an application attaine succession of time and seeke such helpes as are requisite for such a one as negotiateth by power limited And therefore as we haue alreadie said when they deduce their reasons from these conditionall and naturall workers to him which is free and deliuered from all these things they fall into diuers errors But if by the workes which they contemplate in this Vniuers they do enforce themselues to attaine to the knowledge of the Soueraigne Architect then let them attribute vnto him all these things after a conuenient perfect manner separating from him all that denoteth feeblenes and impotencie in the worker And then they shall see that the supreme things of the Architype accord by a sweete and melodious consonancie to those which are more base and meane all which are comprised in the creator as in a modell and patterne and contemplated by vs here below as in a shadow or trace But this shadow and much more the trace doth want much of him whom they represent And yet by them as by a token or priuie note we attaine to some obscure knowledge of the creator although his workes doe agree with him neither in different proportion or signification nor yet in al and through all in the same reason but onely by a certaine resemblance they represent vnto vs the perfect fashion of supernall things by their most grosse and base nature euerie one in their degree But this is sufficient concerning this subiect now speake we of the authoritie of such witnesses as make the creation of the world vndoubtable which we refer to you ARAM to declare vnto vs. Of the authoritie of such witnesses as make the creation and newnes of the world vndoubted Chapter 7. ARAN AS we haue seene how weake and feeble the arguments of Philosophers against the creation and newnesse of the world are so is it expedient also that being readie for the combat we march in battell against them armed with true and strong reasons and vnder the authoritie of very good and approoued witnesses to the end to make vndoubted to all Manie witnesses of the worlds creation that which wee haue already declared concerning the creation of the Vniuers And first we will recite those who being woorthie of credite haue taught it vs. We haue alreadie seene how that the opinion of Plato concerning this generation of the world accordeth with the doctrine of Moses Mercurius Trismegistus in his Pimandre deliuereth in few words the same sacred mysteries rendring the composition of this Vniuers and of the gouernors thereof and of all things created to be vndoubtable And by the baser elements he aduertiseth vs of the pure workemanship of nature vnited neuerthelesse with the thought of the Creator Which elements he affirmeth to be for this purpose established by the will of God onely and yet in farre woorse condition then before they were in the worker Empedocles of Agrigentum and Heraclitus of Ephesus affirme not once but oftentimes the world to be engendred and corruptible Democritus teacheth that it hath had beginning that it one day must perish and neuer againe be renued Hesiod and Orpheus the Poets sing that it hath beene created Thales one of the seuen Sages affirmeth Hieraclus that this round frame is the worke of God Pythagoras Hieraclus his expounder confesse God creator father of all things To which accord Auicen Arabian Algazel Sarrasin Philo no lesse excellent in doctrine then in Greeke eloquence and Alcinois the Platonist who saith It is necessarie for the vniuersall world to be the perfectly-beautious worke of God And many such other authors the most cōmended for learning whom it would be too lōg tedious to rehearse affirme the same But leauing the testimonies of strangers let vs come to such as haue receiued frō diuine oracles A certaine approbation of the doctrine of Moses by supernatural illumination that which they haue taught vnto vs. We haue heard that which Moses teacheth vs concerning the generation of the world now let vs consider how his
we see euen at this day Against those that seeke after diuels who make boasts to haue at their commaund such ministers of iniquitie whom they thinke to disguise when they call them by the name of familiar spirits I will not stande heere to disptue whether there be diuers kindes of diuels or not as many haue written but I beleeue the worde of God that all of them tend to this purpose to be hurtfull to men And though some coniure them by the names of God and so keepe them bound and chained as many bragge that they do yet are they euer watchfull till at length they deceiue their masters I will also beleeue that they are not ignorant in ought which either the reasonable or intellectuall nature can comprehend concerning corporall and temporall things Lib. 2. de ciuit Dei cap. 22. yea as Saint Augustine saith by experience of certaine signes vnknowne to vs they foresee very many things to ensue more then men do and doe sometimes beforehand tell the dispositions of them Matth. 8. Marke 1. Luke 4. They are so skilfull that they said to Iesus Christ clothed with the infirmitie of our flesh What haue we to do with thee Iesus of Nazareth art thou come hither to torment vs before our time But as the same doctor of the church proceedeth because they do not contemplate the eternall causes of times in the wisedome of God but onely coniecture of temporall things by the temporall and of mutable by the mutable they are oftentimes deceiued For they cannot behold the euents of the eternall and immutable decrees of God which flourish in his diuine wisedome by such a direct insight as it hath beene giuen to the holy angels and they see not the thing if we may terme it so to which are fastened all causes and whereupon they turne neither do they know the fountaine out of which they spring wherefore it commeth to passe that as all things which are not collected and concluded by their certaine principles but by erring and estranged coniectures may deceiue so the diuels are oftentimes beguiled in those signes whereupon they relie and tell lies euen then when they thinke themselues most assured to speake truth But they alwaies tend to this point bicause of their malignant enuious nature to bring all hurt to men which in the end they cannot auoide when they forget themselues so farre as that they will against the word of God take counsell of the diuell an offence surely woorthie of all punishment Moreouer I doubt not but as the pure and superiour powers whom according to the stile of holy writ we call the good Angels which is a word among the Greeks signifying Messenger doe not commonly suffer themselues to be intreated by euery one but doe require and attend the cleannes of hart the holines of life and the commandement of God so on the contrarie the diuels or euill angels to whom these two names doe properly agree this last according to doctrine of the scriptures and the other Daemon of a Greeke word signifying to knowe they doe make themselues easie and shew men a kinde of lying fauour to the end that drawing to themselues by their craft and subtiltie those who require and seeke their aide in their occasions they may put God in obliuion and abandon themselues to be possessed and gouerned by the diuell who is their prince For so in fine it commeth to all those which serue themselues with these ministers of iniquitie To all magicians soothsayers necromancers sorcerers witches and enchanters Leuit. 2● Deut. 18. with whom the word of God doth expressely charge vs in many places to haue no communication commanding also that they should be rooted out of the earth And what woonders doe they by the aide and helpe of euil spirits often performing that which neither art nor humane vnderstanding can permit to be done Yet can we no otherwise name all their workes then very coosenage and illusion bicause they doe it either in apparance onely or to the hurt and dammage of those which allow and suffer them Such were those miracles as we read in many authors to haue beene done amongst the idols of the gentiles by the arte of the diuels Of whom Saint Augustine after a long discourse addeth these words What shall we speake of these woonders Lib. 18. de ciuit Dei ch 1● Ier. 51. saue that we must flee out of the middest of Babylon For this propheticall commandement must thus be spiritually vnderstood of vs to wit that with the wings of faith which worketh by charitie we flee out of the citie of this world which doubtlesse is the dale of diuels and of most wicked and impious men For by how much greater we see the power of euill spirits in these inferiour things by so much the more must we most firmely cleaue to our mediator Iesus Christ by whom we mount vp from belowe And indeede it is by his grace that we may discerne the spirits whether they be of God 1 Iohn 4. 2. Cor. 11. or not yea that sathan cannot deceiue vs though he were transformed into an angell of light Otherwise let vs not doubt that if we will harken to him or to his ministers and spirits whom the fooles of this age flatter with the name of familiar spirits that he will easily glide into our soules to lead vs at last in triumph to his kingdome of perdition where we shall deerely buie the familiaritie of so pernitious an enemie Wherefore let vs rather haue alwaies in our hart and in our mouth that praier which our Sauiour himselfe hath taught vs Matth. 6. Luke 11. That he leade vs not into temptation but deliuer vs from euill And let vs leaue the magicians and sorcerers which run to their owne destruction seeking after the spirits who lead them to the eternall Gehenna which is prepared for the diuell and his angels Matth. 25. But now sith it is time to put an ende to our talke for this day hauing surueied the angelicall or intellectuall world according to the capacitie of our feeble spirit we will to morrow intreate of the celestiall world or of the spheres Whereupon you ASER shall begin to discourse The end of the second daies worke THE THIRD DAIES WORKE Of the celestiall or sphericall world Chapter 17. ASER. IF wee begin our speech concerning the sphericall and of the elementarie world and intreate of them both according to the proper definition we shall doe very well to the ende that that which wee intende to discourse of may more easily be vnderstood The world then What the world is which yesterday we called the threefold-one being contemplated with one view is the perfect and entire composition of all things and the true image and admirable workmanship of the Godhead The greatnes whereof is incomprehensible and yet limited being also adorned with all bodies and kindes of creatures which are in nature And the