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heaven_n body_n earth_n spirit_n 6,743 5 5.1226 4 true
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05076 An epitome of chronicles Conteyninge the whole discourse of the histories as well of this realme of England, as al other cou[n]treys, with the succession of their kinges, the time of their reigne, and what notable actes they did ... gathered out of most probable auctours. Firste by Thomas Lanquet, from the beginning of the worlde to the incarnacion of Christe, secondely to the reigne of our soueraigne lord king Edward the sixt by Thomas Cooper, and thirdly to the reigne of our soueraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, by Robert Crowley. Anno. 1559. Lanquet, Thomas, 1521-1545.; Cooper, Thomas, 1517?-1594. aut; Crowley, Robert, 1518?-1588. aut 1559 (1559) STC 15217.5; ESTC S108255 485,101 678

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the stocke of my sonne Iuda shal be borne a virgyn of whom the lambe immaculate shal be borne which is the lambe of god that by grace shall saue all men whose kingdome shal be euerlastinge and neuer corrupted Therfore the great lord shal appeare in earth as a man and shall take vpon him a mortall bodye and shall eate as a man His sterre shal arise in heuen and he shall shyne in the earth as the sonne The heauens shall open ouer him and out of the temple no lyttel sanctificacion of glory shall come to him He shall poure out the spirite of grace vppon vs and you shall be his chyldren in the truth He shal be from Leui a priest and from Iuda a kyng he shal be bothe god and man medyator betwene god and man and shal take awaye all darkenesse whiche is vnder the heauen and there shal be peace through the vniuersall worlde The voyce of the yll doers shall be agaynst him not knowing his resurrection But the bloud of his innocēcie you shal receiue on your hedes And in his passion the stones shal cleaue a sunder the sonne shal be darkened and all other thinges shal be troubled the inuisible spirites shal tremble and helle shal be spoyled he shall open the gates of paradyse and shal make the thretnynge swoorde agaynst Adam to stande and shal geue vnto his saynctes to eate of the wood of lyfe Belial shall be bound by him Then shal ye se Enoch Noe Sem Abraham Isaac and me your father rising in ioye from the ryght hande of god and shal geue power to his chyldren to ouercome pernycious spirites and as many as beleue in him on the erth shal also reioyce Then shal all men rise agayne the godly to glory and ioye the vngodly to shame and perpetuall damnacion and most specyally he shal iudge Israel whiche would not beleue in him c. Tagus surnamed Orma reigned ouer the Spaniardes The yere of the worlde 2114 The yere before Christe 1849 by whom the countrey was called Taga At the same time beganne Marsus his reigne ouer the Germaynes Abraham the most holy patriarch in this tyme finished his last daye The yere of the worlde 2124 The yere before Christe 1839 After whose decesse there arose a great famine in the land of Canaan for whyche Isaac wente to soiourne with Abimelech king of Palestine Apis was the fyrst that was supposed to bee a god in Aegypt The yere of the worlde 2128 The yere before Christe 1835 whom some cal Serapin Armatrites the ninth emperour of Assyria reygned .38 yeares who beynge wholly giuen to voluptee and delycacies dyd bothe inuent and amplifie those thinges whiche apperteined to pleasures The yere of the worlde 2138 The yere before Christe 1825 ¶ Sicanus the sonne of Malot Tages The yere of the worlde 2141 The yere before Christe 1822 begā to reigne ouer the Italians of whom the coūtrey Uetulonia was named Sicania In this time Longho reigned amonge the Gaules The yere of the worlde 2143 The yere before Christe 1820 Betus began his reigne ouer the Spaniardes of whom the realme was called Betica Leucippus the eyghte kynge of Peloponessus The yere of the worlde 2145 The yere before Christe 1818 reigned 53. yeares In this season arose the ragious flod of Achaia The yere of the worlde 2151 The yere before Christe 1812 wherby the hole prouince was almost destroyed Osyris in Tracia distroied the giant Licurgus Phoroneus the son of Inachus the second kinge of Argiues reigned .60 yeres The yere of the worlde 2158 The yere before Christe 1805 He fyrste gaue lawes and iudgementes vnto the Grecians Not longe after the begynninge of his reigne Telchises and Carpathius kepte greuous warre againste him with doubtfull hope of victorie But they beinge vanquisshed by him in battayle were driuen out of their countrey and ignoraunt of al thinges supposynge them selues to haue ben vtterly excluded from all mēs company toke for a sure possession the yle of Rhodes before that tyme called Ophiussa Thessalus the sonne of Grecus The yere of the worlde 2166 The yere before Christe 1797 fyrste reigned in Thessalia whiche before was called as Plinye testifyeth Emonia Deabus amonge the Spanyardes vsurped tirannously the kyngedome he was so called for the golde mynes and ryches which he inuented got oppressyng his subiectes Bardus the yonger reigned amonge the Gaules The yere of the worlde 2171 The yere before Christe 1792 Belochus the tenthe Emperoure of Assyria The yere of the worlde 2176 The yere before Christe 1787 reigned .35 yeres He had that name bycause that with the rule of his Empire he exercised the offyce of the highe prieste of Iupiter Belus and alwayes was occupied aboute diuinacions and prophesyes Gambriuius a valiant man in armes reigned ouer the Germans and as their histories witnesse was the fyrste that woore a crowne ▪ He inuented the makinge of beere and taught his people to brewe it ¶ In Aemathia nowe called Macedonia Macedon the son of Osyris began to reigne of whome the prouince receiued that name The yere of the worlde 2117 The yere before Christe 1786 And aboute this time Osyris suppressed giantes whiche began to vse tyrannie The yere of the worlde 2180 The yere before Christe 1783 ¶ Iacob fled from his brother Esau and wente to his vncle Laban where after seuen yeares he maryed Lya and Rachell and by theim and theyr handemaydes had the .12 Patriarches The yere of the worlde 2198 The yere before Christe 1765 ¶ Messapius the .ix. kynge of Peloponessus reigned .47 yeares The yere of the worlde 2200 The yere before Christe 1763 ¶ Ioseph the sonne of Iacob and Rachaell a man mooste chaste and vertuous was in this time borne He in his youthe by his excellente fauoure vertue and wysedome excelled all his brethren and was of his father aboue all the other beloued for whiche cause and for his dreames he was of his brethren had in great despite and by theym sold into Aegipt where after long imprysonement in the 30. yeare of his age he expounded the dreames of Pharao by whome he was made presidente of Aegypte and called the sauyour of the worlde For God woulde that by thys meruellous occasyon he shoulde come into Aegipte that his power might be there knowen and that helpe myght be ministred to Iacob and his familye in the tyme of famine This Ioseph taught the Aegyptians bothe relygyon and ciuill policies whiche is moste worthye to bee obserued that a man inspired with the holy ghoste shuld institute so harde and seuere maner of administracion and to drawe togither the hole royalme of Aegypte a countrey so large and wyde as it were the membres of one body Wherby we may learne that seuerite is moste meete to keepe people in obedyence and that it is of god approued For gentilnes corrupteth the common people But to returne to our purpose After Ioseph had gouerned the royalme of Aegypte by the space of .80 yeares