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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A05025 A brief discouerie of the false church. 1590 Barrow, Henry, 1550?-1593. 1591 (1591) STC 1517; ESTC S111924 311,536 274

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law into whose handes they were for a season deliuered c. After these visions Da●…iel was shewed how this presumptuous horne was consumed destroied with y ● fiery streame that proceeded from the ancient of daies and how this vnlawfull dominion was taken from the other beasts and giuen to him that came f●…om heauē and hauing finished the ful redemption of his ●…aints being ascended vp againe and set at the right hand of his Father there was giuen vnto him dominion and glorie and a kingdome that all people nations and tongues should serue him whose dominion is a perpetual dominion that passeth not away his kingdome is ●…euer corrupted Ver. 14. Also Ver 27. What cā be more di●…ect for the perpetuity of the gouernmēt ordinances that Christ hath left apointed in his new Testament for his ch●…rch which whosoeuer presumeth to again●… or violate much more to innouate or change shall he not be vnder the same sinne damnatiō curse with this presumptuous blasphemous horne The Prophet zachariah also in the eleuenth of his prophecie sheweth that all CHRISTS ●…heep are gouerned and kept vnder our cheif shepeheards pastorall staues Beawtie Bands All other are out of his protection deliuered vp in his wrath to be guided by the instruments of foolish idol shepheards whose right arme shalbe without strength and whithered vp their right eie shalbe vtterlie darkened there shall be no light in them Both these shepheards their flockes euen all such as are misled by with them are giuen vp of the Lord to vtter destructiō because they cast the Lords coards from them would not be bound in his bands their soule abhorred the Lord they would not haue him to reigne ouer them therfore his soule abhorred them he gaue them vp to their owne lusts insnared them in their owne pollicies For all the wisdome of all flesh without the Lord is madnes their most exquisite plattes of gouernment which they can deuise vnto themselues are but the instruments of foolish sheepheards to their owne perdition of as manie as are gouerned by them These things are so manifest in that Chapter the true shepheard gouernment sheepe as also the false shephearde gouernmet sheepe with the diuers endes of both being there described the one in y e person of our Sauiour his disciples the other in the Priests rulers phariseis people of the Iewes with their verie maner of reiecting betrai●…ng him so liuelie set downe as none can cauill at the●…e things or mistake them ●…o grosly againe as one of these foolish shepheardes D. SOME hath done taking his chapter to be vnderstood of the estate of the Iewes in zecheri●…hs time the 1●… 13. verse of 〈◊〉 person wages Who if he had but compared this chapter in yt self much more to the discourse of the Prophet precedent subsequent but especially to the euident euent perimplishing in by our Sauiour Christ Math. 21. 23. 24 26. Chapters he would neuer haue iustified tithes by the 12 13 verses of of this eleuenth Chapter of zechariah If any doubt of the interpretatiō of these two staues 〈◊〉 Bands let him consider the allegorie how shepheards vse their staues hookes or rather let him waigh the 7 ver where he shall find that Christ with these staues fed gouerned and defended those sheepe his Father gaue him as also verse 14 the interpretation end of the staffe B●…ndes how there can be no true cōmunion where they are not knit together in the faith order gouernment and loue of Christ. But if he compare this prophecie to the euent fulfilling therof by our Sauiour Christ his Apostles that called al men from the shadowes figures of the Temple vnto the kingdome Church of Christ he shall manifestlie see that this sense in all things accordeth and no other can be made to agree to the words and Argument of this Prophet in this Chapter Note●… might plentifullie be drawen manie waightie Arguments framed from these allegories as also frō the e●…ymologie of these words to shew the excellencie amenitie pleasantnes comlines congruence vtilitie necessity perpetuity of CHRISTS pastorall gouernment of his Church and how disorderly and vnnaturall a thing yt were for the sheepe to disobey especially to controule and teach their shepheard But I hope the iudgments denounced in that chapter for such faultes and the plaine demonstration of the danger error folly horror of all other gouernments and instruments whatsoeuer may suffice to satisfie the godly in this point and to restraine them from such presumption and rebellion either to reiect or to innouate or alter CHRISTS holy gouernment order and ordinances As for the vnperswaded and disobedient I leaue them to their accompt when they shall see him whome they haue perced through come with clowdes and in the meane while will addresse my self to prooue by sundry expresse places of the new Testament y ● the ordinances the Apostles left for the building administration gouernment of the Church are the cōmandements of God perpetual inuiolable to be obserued and not to be willingly neglected or changed vnto the worlds end Our Sauiour CHRIST hauing fini●…hed whatsoeuer was needful here vpon earth to be ●…one in his person either for the worke of our redemption or for the remouing abolishing all the legal shadow●…s ceremonial worship or for the ratifijng his Gospel the gathering plāting establishing his Church hauing chosen apointed and perfectly instructed his Apostles of all things belonging thervnto In the 28 chap. according vnto Mathew Vers. 1●… 19. 20. he vsed this speach vnto them And ●…esus comming spake vnto them saying all authority in heauen in earth is giuen vnto me Go therfore teach ye all the nations baptising them into the name of the Father and of the Sonne and of the holy Spirit teaching them to keep all things whatsoeuer I haue commanded you And loe I am with you all daies vntill the consummation of the world Amen Omitting the sundry necessary circumstances and manifold profitable doctrines that might from this scripture be obserued and drawen to hold me to the present purpose we heere may see not only the Apostles personal power and authority but the warrant and dignity of all things they taught or did in this brief of their commission and ministery which we heere see to be deriued from founded vpon our Sauiour CHRISTS sacred person and soueraigne power We heere see whome they were to teach whome to baptise how to baptise how and what to ●…each the baptised and how to leaue such as they had thus taught gathered and instructed In summe we here ●…ee the very maner and order of winning receauing gathering ordering instructing building vp and establishing the Church of CHRIST We heere see all the orders and ordinances which the Apostles practised in and left vnto the Churches by our Sauiou●… owne mo●…th pronounced to be
this Chapter to proue that the Church of Chri●… ought to be built in all things according to the wil of Chrift as he hath set downe in his Testamēt othérwise yt cā neither be said his howse nor y e builders therof or builded therin his faithfull seruantes See how before I wist or would I am drawne into particulars as into a whirlepoole bottomles gulph of knowledg whiles I thought but to haue drawne but a litle water at the brinke in the shallow vessel of my vnderstanding and crazed memory which though they be no way able to breake vp these vnmeasured depthes or orderly to deliuer but that litle God giueth me to see in them yet I doubt not but many infallible Arguments may from this Chapter be drawen without any violence or wresting to proue the necessity perpetuity of that forme order of building gouerning Christs Church which he by his Apostles hath set downe in his Testament Now let me proceed to confirme this Proposition by other reasons drawen from other places of scripture As yt hath beene shewed that there can be no true building without that only true foundation expresse patterne of the Apostles practice in Christs Testament that all other foundations formes buildings builders are deceitful false and wil not abide the fiery trial or stand in Gods sight so if we consider the manner how the holy Ghost instructeth vs in other places vz. 1 Cor. 12. Ep●…es Rom. 12. vve shall there see the cōgruence necessity perpetuity of the order gouernmēt which Christ hath in his Testamēt prescribed We there reade this his Church compared to an ●…umane body which consisting of diue●…s members must of n●…cessitie haue them duly placed and knit together in their ●…ight order srame We reade there that as God createth fashioneth placeth and knitteth together the memb●…rs of this our earthly b●…die without taking coūcel of one or another so in like wisdome power he createth prepareth ordereth disposeth cōmingleth cōtempereth al the members of this his heauenlie bodie according to the rules of his T●…stament by the manifestation of the spirit in euerie one But now ●…uen common sense teacheth how far the wisest man vpon earth is from being able to make vnto mans bodie the least m●…mber therof euen but one haire white or blacke much lesse to knit the members together by iointes sinewes in their due place function How thē can dust and a●…hes imagine to make vnto the spirituall bodie of Chri●… new strāge members knit them as strāgely together by new iointes and synewes We reade in the●…e chapters that the ministers officers appointed by our Sauiour Chri●…t in his Testamēt are the principal mēbers of this publike bodie of the Church his ordināces lawes there set downe the iointes and sinewes wherby the members are fitly knit vnto the whole bodie euen as the curtaines of the tabernacle by their strings and hookes But now as no mortal man can make fashion dispose or knit together these humane members of a naturall bodie so much lesse can he make anie other members serue in the places of the true natural mēbers or by anie meanes place fastē and knit these as by ioints and sinewes vnto and in a mans bodie What vse should a man haue of an eie of glasse a nose of waxe an hand of brasse a foot of wood what congruence coherence proportion sympathie feeling compassion should these haue with the other members what learning or art can knit these by iointes sinewes vaines artures or draw one the same ●…kin ouer them as a couering or fasten yt vnto them as vnto or together with the true and natural members Yf mans wisdome cannot 〈◊〉 this in a frai●…e humane bodie of earth and clay what possibilitie thē is there to bring this to passe in the spiritual bodie of Christ what communion what commixture can there be betwixt heauen earth betwixt light and darknes betwixt spirituall carnal things how thē is yt possible to knit or make agree the earthly darke carnal diuised members and lawes of man to the heauenlie lightsome spiritual bodie of Christ Yea albeit this could be supposed to be brought to passe then which nothing cā be more fonde thē to imagine more wicked then to attempt vvhat kind of strange and monstrous bodie should ●…hey now make vnto Christ by knytting vnto him strange members such as belong not to his bodie Yf an humane bodie should haue growing vnto yt anie other then the true members that belonge vnto a man were not ●…uch a creature to be held a monster and not a man As for example if yt had manie heades in steade of one if yt should haue feete like a Beare a mouth as a Lion the rest like a Leopard c. who that had anie sight or sense could take esteeme this for the natural bodie of a man muchlesse for the comely beawtiful amiable bodie of Christ or of his Bride were not this to be liker vnto the bodie of Antichrist that Beast of that whore that monster what then i●… the presumption reb ellion furi●… of those Prelates that dare enterprise not onlie to cast away the true and naturall members but in the place of them to plant these adulterate monstrous members and that as they would make themselues and others beleeue in the bodie Church of Christ. Againe what an astonishment madnes hath inuaded and possessed these learned reforming Priests that confesse the want of al Christs true members I meane such officers as he hath ordeined for the building and gouerning his Church that complaine likewise of the vnlawfulnes and antichristianitie of these members which now grow vpon this bodie and gouerne the same and yet discerne not themselues to be of these mōstrous antichristian members euen the ministerie mouth of that Beast●… hauing the same orginal shape and forme with them being all come out of one smokie forge c yea and for all this mistake that beastlie bodie of the harlot their Church that beareth groweth vnto and consisteth of these members for that heauenlie bodie that true spowse established Church of Christ as though Christs bodie Christs Church could grow vnto and consist of these false members or be said built and established without the true members What strange paradoxes are these yet are they euen the forwardest positions they can be drawen vnto But we are taught in these scriptures that Christs bodie consisteth not neither can his Church be built with such strange Antichristian mēbers or with anie other then those which he hath there prescribed for the gathering the Saints into one for the worke of the ministerie and for the edification of the bodie of Christ c. From which Scriptures infinitie reasons if we would enter into particulets might be drawen to prooue the necessitie congruence and perpetuitie of these officers ordinances there prescribed to the ministerie gouernment and
words hath arisen amongst them without end or edifying Therfore let vs for the apeasing and assurance of our consciences giue heed to the word of God and by that golden reed measure our temple our altar our worshippers euen by these rules wherby the Apostles ●…hose excellent perfect workmē planted built the first churches comparing the synagogues of this lād vnto them in the people the ministerie administration order gouernment c. This way cannot deceau●… vs for neit●…er can the simplest erre therin neither any pol●…uted how subtle and cunning soeuer passe by yt vnespied vnre●…rooued For as ther is but one truth ●…o whatsoeuer is diuerse more or less th●…n that truth is faultie and to be repented FIRST THERFORE because euerie building consisteth of stones let vs examine of vvhat kinde of stones this Church of Eng●…and as they terme yt consisteth and is compact vvhether of such elect precious liuing stones vvhich are gathered vnto and ●…uilt vpon CHRIST IESVS and in him grow vnto an holy and spi●…itual temple vnto GOD c. or of common Babilonish repro●…ate stones wherof the Lord hath sworne that not one of them ●…halbe taken for a corner or for a foundation in his house The material temple which was but a type of this vve ●…eade to be built from the verie foundation of choice costly perfect stones the beames rafters of choise Cedars Algummin trees No cōmon or vile thing vvas vsed towardes yt neither might any profane polluted enter into yt But of the incomparable bewtie vnvtterable excellencie of this spiritual Temple vnder the holy ministerie and happy perfect gouernment of CHRIST all the prophetes haue with great delight spoken fore told and with extreme desire inquired longed to see the reuelatiō of these ioies graces which they in the spirit foresaw foreshewed vnto vs to whome they should be performed The prophet I saiah speaking of the excellēcie therof breaketh forth into these vvordes Behold I vvill lay thy stones vvith the Carbuncle thy foundatiōs with saphirs I will make thy vvindowes of Esmeraldes thy gates of shining stones and al thy borders of pretious stones and thy children shalbe taught of the Lord much peace shalbe to thy children And in an other place speaking of the excellent glorie of this spirituall temple he vseth these wordes For brasse I vvill bring gold for yron I vvil bring siluer for vvood brasse for stones yron I vvill make also thy gouerment of peace thine exactors of righteous●…es c. thy people also shalbe all righteous they shall possesse the land for eue●… the graffe of my planting shalbe the work of mine handes that I may be glorified And againe For thornes there shal grow firr trees for nettles shal grow the myrrh tree yt shalbe to the Lord for a name for an euerlasting signe that shall not be taken away Al the plantes of this orcha●…d shalbe of the Lordes planting they shal all be incense Aloe trees pomgranates and fir trees which shal cōtinually bring forth pleasant newe fre●…h fruit because they grow by the sides of the riuer of life are watered with the dewe of heauen and refreshed vvith the windes of godes spirit They come not nor grow not heere vntil they be first cut off from their corrupt natural stock vvhere they grewe before be ingrafted into ●…he true ol●…ue tree the true vine yea being planted and ingrafted that plāt that branch that bringeth not forth good fruit shalbe hewen downe shalbe cut off cast out c. Into this mountaine entereth no venemous or harmfull creature the cockatrice aspe the Lion Leopard enter not and lodge not heere vntill they haue left their poison their fiercenes c. so that the sucking child may pla●… vpon the hole of the Aspe the weaned child pu●… his hand vpō the hole of the Cockatrice the lambe and the wolfe dwel togither the kid the Leopard ●…at straw together and a litle child shal lead them Ther may none be admitted into the church of CHRIST but such as enter by publike profession of the tru●… faith None remayne there but such as bring forth the fruites of faith The forerunner Ihon the baptist first preached repentance to prepare the way and make strait the pa●…hes of the Lord before he baptised any The like did our Sauiour Christ and his disciples The Apostles also first gathered a people by preaching vnto the faith then receaued and ioyned them to the Church and administred vnto them the holy pledges of the faith baptisme as a seale of their ing●…affing into CHRIST the holy supper as a symbole of their communion with CHRIST and al his faithful seruantes Thus see we vvhat kinde of stones vvhat manner of people the Lord will haue built receaued into his Church Now yt remaineth tha●… vve by these rules examine the stones and people of the Church of England whether they be such chosen pretious stones as we see here described as the high priest caried in his broidered brestplate vvhether they be such a chosen redeemed faithful free holy people as are called vnto and walke in the faith of CHRIST IESVS or they be rather of the reffuse common pibble chalke stones which cannot be vsed to any sownd and sure building euen al the profane and wicked of the land Atheistes Papistes Anabaptistes heretikes of al sortes gluttōs riot●…urs blasphemers periures couetous extortioners thieues whores witches coniurers c. and who not that dwelleth within this Iland or is within the Queenes dominion All without exception or respect of person are receiued into and nourished in the bosome of this Church with the word and sacramentes None are here refused none kept out This Church as the prophet saith openeth her knees to euerie passenger furnisheth a table to the multitude and drink offerings to the numbers she keepeth open house to all commers bread and wine and welcome Neither is she more dainty of her stollen waters then of her hid bread of her adulterate baptisme then of her Sheshak supper not denying baptisme to the seed euen of whores and vvitches she receaueth thē al into her couenāt vvhich is not w t GOD but with death and hell giuing them her peace selling them her wares c. This is their communion of saintes their holy fellowship thus are they bound enchained togither in opē sacriledge idolatrie impietie euen al estates Prince priestes and people and as the Prophet saith euen vvreathed togither as in a strong cable of iniquitie and folded one vvithin an other as thornes in an hedg or rather vvrapped and plighted together as thornes to the fire of Godes wrathfull iudgmentes For whither vve consider the vvhole estate or any particuler part therof vve shall find yt wholy corrupte deeply s●… as in
true natural members of Christs bodie these reuerēd Lord Bishops cut off and cast away I speake heere concerning their offices ministery iurisdiction and so forth which these men sue vnto the Court parliamēt to haue vtterly remoued yf they be of Christ then without the abrogation of his Testament how should they be taken away If he haue in his Testament set downe that he wil haue in and ouer his Church L. Archbishops Lord Bishops thus attendend waited on to rule reigne in his absence to make lawes to make ministers c. then what Prince in the world ca●… pluck away these L. Archbb s. Lord Bi●…hops from the Church without they likewise cast CHRIST out of dores For CHRIST wil not be diuided nor halfed in this sort If we will haue him we must take him with all his members we cannot take one part of him refuse an other he will not abide with th●…m that thus dismember him What kind of councel then do these men giue vnto the Prince which thus draw her into battell against God his Christ in aduising her to cast out of the land the true ministerie of Christ how can the Church of Christ misse these precious members or stand without them how can she suffer them to be rent from her how can they rather offer this violence to their naturall mother so to wound dismember her yea vnto the body of Christ and vnto their owne members if they likewise belong to that bodie what outrage what vnnaturalnes what furie what madnes we●…e this what high impietie against God heauen Wil not heere be matter ynough for al the pulpets in the land stationers shoppes in London how will they now do with these vnmerciful DD. who now they haue them thus bound fettered wil lay on loade vpon them They wil now haue the popish baptisme and all ere they let them goe and that thus Those Archbish. L. BBs and all the rable of Priestes ministers which flow from their seate haue no ●…ther foundatiō or warrant for their offices ordinatiō then y ● which they had in the Church of Rome but these Archb L. BB. and PP in these offices with that calling ordination they had in the Church of Rome administer true sacramentes heere so are by them approued for true ministers therfore there vvas a true ministery in the Church of Rome This cannot be denied for that Church which hath not a tru●… but altogether a false ministery in yt cannot in deliuering their owne ministerie deliuer a true ministerie but the Church of Rome in deliuering their owne ministerie as Archbishops L. Bishops parish priestes and hireling preachers or curates Church wardens side men parish Clarkes c. ●…eliuered a true ministerie els could neither these offices remayne in the Church of Christ or these mē administer in these offices by vertue of that calling therfore yt may be conclud●…d there vvas a true ministerie in the Church of Rome To alledg that these men were called to the true faith will ●…ot help this for vve reason not heere of the men nor of their faith but of their offices and ordination ●…oth which they found in fetched from the Church of Rome and now they administer in the same offices and by vertue of the same ordination therfore if this ministerie of the Church of ENGLAND be ●…rue there must needes haue beene be a true ministery in y ● Church of Rome seeing yt is the self fame in respect of the offices and ordination neither can any false minister ordeine a true minister Well then hauing obteined and conuinced a true ministerie to be in the Church of Rom●… for els neither can these Bishops or their creatures be true ministers or the sacramentes by them or any of them administred to the Queene and the land be true sacramentes now let D. BRIDGES or D. ROBERT alone with you for all the rest for th●…y will haue both the Church sacramentes of Rome on foot agayne The true Church onlie can ordeine true ministers but y ● Church of Rome ordeined true ministers as our L. Bishops and al their priestes and ministerie of this land therfore the Church of Rome is a true Church How shal these learned Doctors be answered Againe such sacrament●… as are administred in the true Church are alwaies true sacraments sealing the fauor and blessing of God vnto them therfore the sacramentes but especially the baptisme there deliuered for to that aboue the other these Doctors haue an especiall liking is a true sacrament What a quandare haue you now brought your selues vnto you must either denie all the ministerie of the Church of England vvhich are not only ordeined by these Bishops but alike vvith them deriued from the Church of Rome or els you must affirme these L. Bishops to be the true mi●…isters of the Gosp●…ll I speake in respect of their office which then cannot be taken away and then are all they seditious persons disturbers of the peace of the Church and quiet of the common welth that seeke to disturbe or remoue these offices which Christ hath placed and planted in his Church For if thc parson of or any other learned minister that you think best of whither Doctor or other be to be held true ministers then haue they a lawful calling ordination to a lawful office c. If their calling ordination be approued then are the Bishops iustified for no false or vnlawfull minister can ordeine a true Minister as hath beene proued So then if the BB s. be allowed for true ministers needes must the Church of Rome the ministerie and sacramentes therof be ratified by necessarie consequence Vt supra No middle course as you affirme may heere be taken we must either make y e tree good or euill these ministers of the Church of England true or false yf false then deliuer they no true sacramentes then is all their administration sacramentes sermons accursed how holy soeuer or neere the truth in outward shew then are they the ministers of Sathan of Antichrist sent of God in his wrath to deceaue destroie such as are ordeined to death then ought al Christs true sheepe to flee and auoide them then ought not the Prince either to punish such as flee auoide them for that doing neither her self to repaire to their sermons or sacramentes for comfort then is all the comfort she there taketh but delusion euen the deceit of Sathan to the destructiō of all such as take comfort in vnrighteousnes and that which displeaseth the Lord Then are all they seducers which egge perswade the Queene through their hipocrisie and flatterie vnto them as wherby they draw her into the wrath of God eminent danger ineuitable destruction except she forsake them and this is the sound councell they giue her to betray her soule to these wolues these deceauers So long as she is
abhominations which haue beene recited from the beginning of this treatise To conclude though they remaine presumptuously obstinate in all these horrible transgression●… if by any this their shameles ass●…rtion namely that they hold the foundation to saluation be with neuer so playne proof of scripture denied and they louingly admonished and exhorted against such they whe●… their viperous tongues powre out all the venome of their railings reproches slaunders and most shameles lies wherof their owne festered consciences accuse them in their pulpyts priuie meetings machinating deuising against them as against open professed enemies and all because they reproue them of their counterfait walking which they cannot nor dare not in any Christian and peaceable maner enterprise by the word of God to approue iustifie But as you haue heard how they generally vse esteeme y ● word of God so let me briefly shew you what kind of CHRIST they preach you Generally and verbally they hold confesse him in both his natures verie God verie mā to the word of their redemtiō saluatiō as the papistes also doe though somwhat diuersly stumbling contending rather about wordes then about any material difference whē they are pressed For CHRIST they wil consesse their only redeemer fully sufficiently to haue wrought their saluatiō though by by stumbling at the phrase of some scriptures they will ioine vnto him their owne beggerie workes merites c. Both of them generally and verbally cōfesse CHRIST in his 3 offices viz. to be their only King Priest Prophet but when yt cōmeth to the practise obedience then they both with one consent send an embaslage after him saying that we wil not haue this man to reigne ou●…r vs Cause the holy one of Israel to cease from vs let vs breake his bandes cast his cordes from vs this is the heire come let vs kill him and let vs take his inheritance c. I know our english priestes wil haue many fine floorishes to hide this treacherie as that they acknowledg him their only Priest Mediator to haue with that one oblation of his owne pretious bodie once offred fully satisfied the iustice appeased the wrath of his Father Yea they acknowledg him to be the verie first fruites sanctifier of the whole heape clothing all his with his righteousnes that he is entered into the heauens into the v●…rie throne of God there offreth vp the praiers maketh intercession for all them Likewise that he is heire and King ouer al both mē Ang●…ls that he hath in this his or rather oure flesh vanquished al our enemies Satan sin death hel triumphed ouer them in that his crosse that he is ascended vp on high sitteth at the right hād of God frō whence he shal come to iudge the quick y e dead And for his proph●…cie y t he is the end of al prophecies to whome they were directed the fulnes and fountaine of al wisdome whome we ought to heare and how by that his heauenly word he begetteth vs to life euerlasting c. These many other comfortable true doctrines they can doe deliuer touching the offices of CHRIST but all these you must vnderstand I pray you obserue wel for so shal you cleerly espie their error deceit are still but what CHRIST hath done in his owne person for his elect here is not one word spoken what he doth in his elect how he teacheth sanctifieth ruleth them by the scepter of his word how he is a King Priest Prophet heere on earth exerciseth the offices here in his Church amongst his seruantes the Saints how he is their pastour their teacher their King how he feedeth reigneth in SION yea maketh all his children kings priests prophets Kings in y t he hath giuē them his word into their hearts mouthes wherby as w t a sharpe two edged sword they cut off sin fight against al errors wherby they reigne ouer their owne affectiōs subdue y t flesh cast downe euerie imagination that is exalted against the knowledg of God bring into captiuitie euerie thought to the obedience of Christ wherby they vnpartially censure iudge cast out al maner of sin as yt ariseth apeareth amongst them binding their rulers in chaines and their nobles in fetters of yron executing vpō them the iudgments that are writtē yea therby condemning euerie weapon tongue that shal arise in iudgment against the truth This is the heritage of the Lords seruants this honor shalbe to al his Saintes Priestes he maketh them in y t he annointeth them with his owne holy spirit wherby they both offer vp their praiers praises through him vnto God their owne bodies soules as liuing sacrifices vnto him daily which is their reasonable seruing of God Prophets he maketh them in that he reuealeth his truth vnto them cōmandeth them to witnesse yt spread yt forth in all places to his glorie One word of these heauenly effects in amongst them of their dutie obedience loue and faithfulnes they owe ought againe on their parts to performe vnto him they al this while shew not and how without this there is no comfort or benefit to be expected or receaued by Christ without this faith loue obedience none can haue him a King vnto thē to rule defend them none can haue him a Prophet to teach instructe them none cā haue him a priest to sanctifie blesse them none can haue him a Sauiour But al they that either acknowledg not the Lord Iesus Christ or obey not vnto his eternal Gospel but withhold the truth in vnrighteousnes shalbe punished with euerlasting perditiō from the presence of the Lord from the glorie of his power when he shal come to be glorified in his saintes to be made meruailous in al them that beleeue But alas how is yt possible y ● they should know or see this beautie of y e King in Sion whiles they remaine in Babilon how is yt possible that they should teach this submission obedience vnto Christ Iesus when they themselues remaine the bondseruants sworne soldiours of Antichrist in such maner as hath beene rehearsed How then in this estate should they stand the faithfull ministers of Christ or preach him sincerely Can there be any accord betwixt C●…rist Antichrist can they both reigne together in one Church or these men stand ministers vnto both at one time If Christ be their King vvhere is then his honour where is his obedience CHRIST reigneth ouer none but his owne seruantes and them he ruleth by the scepte●… of his holy word but heere with them his scepter is wrested ou●… of his hand and a Scepter of reed giuen him the canons of the pope
seuerity of God who is the iudg beholder of this church against all inordinate walkers contumatious offendors therin From euerie word almost of which epistle may an argument be drawen to proue the inuiolable excellencie perpetual necessitie of Christs orders and ordinances left in his Testament for the building direction gouernment of his Church It will not heere helpe them to say that the ministerie gouernment of Christ are eternall in respect of the couenant end in that they lead to the kingdome of heauen or in respect of the perpetuitie of the doctrine of the Gospell or in respect of the inward rule worke his holy Spirit hath in our heartes and is not vnderstood of the perpetuitie and necessitie of that outward order of gouernment administration left and practized by Christs Apostles These ignorant cauils will not helpe them For this self same couenant of life euerlasting touching the end had the Iewes and all the faithful that euer were They were all ●…aued through faith in Christ seene apprehended by the eie of faith though not yet exhibited in the flesh vnto them The difference of the couenant thē was not in the e●…d to which yt tended so mu●…h as in the present Church ministerie things administred orders ordinances worship worshippers c. the couenāt being made to these outward ritual figures and ceremonies but vntil the substance should be Ihewed and Christs heauenlie Church ministerie erected to which then the Iewes al men were called to which now the couenant is only made As for the truth perpetuitie of the doctrines of the gospel they were the same from the beginning that they are now Christ was before all beginnings that wisdome word of God Christ was the fulfilling of al the Prophets who foreshewed of him But if they meane by doctrine Gospell that heauenly ministerie sacramentes exercises and cōmunion of the Church which are peculiar vnto the Gospell according to the rules prescribed in Christs Testament then is the question graunted me without the due obseruati●…n of which rules they can haue no true ministerie sacraments exercises communion Gospel as I shall straight way shew Now as fo●… this inward gouernment sanctificatiō they speake of where Christ reigneth in their hearts by the power of his Spirit c. I say that the Spirit of God may not cānot be seuered from the word of God They that openly willingly breake the least of Gods lawes boast of a false gift when they speake of their inward sanctification Christ doth not reigne in the heart of anie that wil not submit all their outward actions to be ruled by him also Christ will haue the whole man both bodie soule to serue him he parteth not with Antichrist or Beliall This is one of the Anabaptistical errors wherby the reforming prea●…ers defend their popish ministerie They say they haue Christ●… inward calling to the ministerie in that they haue gifts learning and fitnes therfore though they want his outward calling which they say is not of the substance of the ministerie yea though they haue a false antichristian outward calling yet are they to be esteemed as the minister●… of CHRIST Might they not as tollerably yea with lesse offence both to God and man vsurpe the magistrates chaire without a calling inasmuch as yt is of no such excellencie or worthines as the heauenlie ministerie of CHRIST because they haue wisdome and fitnes c. But to returne againe to our purpose This inward gouernment sanctification of the Spirit had the faithful Iewes before Christ came in our flesh and before they were called to the Church and ministerie of Christ Therfore either these are no answeres or els the whole scope of that epistle to the Hebrues is vaine●… for all these things the Iewes enioyed before they had the same couenant of saluation the same perpetuall true doctrines Gospel the same inward gouernmēt sanc●…ification of the Spirit that we haue Only because they wanted the heauenly practise ministerie of the Gospel the heauenly orders exercises and cōmunion of the Church of Christ they were called from those ritual types figuratiue shadowes wherby in their infancie and ●…onage they were trained shut vp vnto the open sight and cleare beholding of the glorie of the Lord with open face all vailes being takē away and vnto the free orderlie practise of the same Gospel according to Christs new Testamēt al trumperie traditions being abolished With what extreame desire haue all the Prophets longed after and great delight written of the excellent beawtie heauenlie gouernmēt inuiolable order of this Church How often hath Dauid in his Psalmes remembred the same with what admiration hath he expressed the absolute perfect structure of that compact citie as Salomon also liuelie described the beawtie pretiousnes iuncture of al her parts How plentifully haue the Prophets Isaiah Ezekiel zachariah and others euen with an open eye described the whole forme of the building of this Church as also all of them giuē euident testimonies of the perpetuitie of the gouernment ordinances therof How oft doth Dauid exhorte the Saint●… to celebrate y ● excellencie perpetuitie of Christs gouernmēt throne by how many testimonies doth he extoll proue the same as is euerie where found in the psalmes sundrie wherof the author to the Hebrewes as also the other Apostles in their sermons writings haue vsed both to proue the excellencie necessitie eternitie of and to draw mē vnto this heauenly gouernment of CHRIST in his Church The prophet Isai●…h in the 33 of his prophecie v●…rs 20. c. willeth the ●…ewes in al their calamities to behold Sio●… that citie of their assemblies to cause their eies looke vpon Ierusalem that quiet fould that tent that shall neuer be disseuered of whose pins or stakes not one may be taken away neither shall anie of the coards therof be broken but there the mightie IEHOVAH shalbe vnto vs in place of floods of broade riuers wherin shal passe no naui●… with oares neither shall anie great ship pass●… through yt for IEHOVAH is our reuenger IEHOVAH is our Lawgiuer IEHOVAH is our King he shall saue vs. What can be said more plainly ●…or the inuiolable perpetuitie both of the order forme of building and also for the gouernment administratiō ordinances of CHRISTS Church Of al which as God himself is the author so you see he voweth to be the defendor and reuenger against all the power of tyrants o●… anie mortal man whosoeuer Likewise the prophe●… Da●…iel in his 7 chapter after he had beene shewed the calamitie tyrannie oppression done vnto the Saintes by the 4 beasts but especially by that presumptuous horne that liuelie figure foretreader of Antichrist whose mouth spake presumptuous words against the most high and consumed the ●…aints of the most high that thought he might chāge the times the