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B22780 Englands deplorable condition shewing the common-wealths malady, by [brace] sacriledge, and want of duty in the people, contention, want of charity in the ministery, perjury, and want of truth in both : and its remedy by [brace] the peoples obedience and liberality, the ministers love and unity, both their repentance and fidelity : briefly declar'd in three treatises of [brace] the ministers patrimony and peoples duty, proposals to reconcile such as are for lordly episcopacy and un-ordain'd presbytery, for popular independancy and upstart antipædobaptistry, and against perjury : also, a petition for the Jews. E. F. 1659 (1659) Wing F18 72,509 69

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sinful men subject to the like passions and frailties with others yet they have heavenly treasure contained in them q 2 Cor. 4. 7 they being sent to turn men from darkness to light and from the power of Satan unto God that so they may receive remission of their sins and an inheritance among them that are sanctified by Faith in Christ Jesus r Acts 26. 18 they are called Angels for their power and honour ſ Rev. 1. and can do more with their Keyes than the greatest Kings of the earth with their Swords for they only can cut off men from the earth and destroy the body t Mar. 10. 28 but these can exclude men from heaven and deliver their Souls over to Satan u 1. Tim. 1. ult which even Theodosius the Emperour confest when he was Excommunicated by St. Ambrose w Theod. hist Eccles l. 5. c. 17 Mihi autem non modo ad Templum verum etiam ad Coetum ipsum accessus perclusus est c. And St. Paul exercis'd upon Hyminaeus and Alexander that they might learn not to blaspheme As the Priests pronouncing a person unclean the people were to put him out of the Congregation x Numb 5. 2 So the Ministers of Christ pronouncing a person unclean the Congregation is to put away from their Society such a person y 1 Cor. 5. 3 4 13. till the Minister doth Absolve him z 2 Cor. 2. 6 7 c. In a word Christ speaks with their tongues from Heaven a Heb. 12. 25 they are w 1 Tim. 1. 20 placed by Christ and the Holy Ghost to feed the flock Christ hath purchased with his bloud b Acts 20. 28 they are Rulers of the Churches c Heb. 13. 7 and the glory of Christ d 2 Cor. 8. 23 Now if their Calling be more laborious and perilous more profitable and honourable than all other Professions Offices and Callings there is no reason nor Conscience but that their Persons should be Reverenced then Wages and Maintenance should be proportionable in some sort thereunto that so their Doctrine may be esteemed and they themselves may have sufficiency both to keep Hospitality which they of all others are obliged to do e Tit. 1. 8 A Bishop or Elder ought to be 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 for they are to belovers of Hospitality and of good men and to buy Books Food and Cloathing for themselves and their Families by which means they may be the better able to perform well their Callings and with the more joy and chearfulness endure their perils and hardship and may with the more gravity reverence and honour and success preach the Word and administer the Sacraments and Censures of the Church to the glory of God and honour of our Lord Jesus Christ who hath sent them and to the greater benefit and comfort of his Churrh to whom they are sent lastly to the et●●nal salvation both of the preachers and of them that are taught by them who are free and bountiful in giving to them in the name of Prophets for they shall receive the Prophets reward f Mat 10. 41 Q●i Prophetam sua largi●ate sustentat quam vis ipse Propheti●m non habet apud Deum tamen prophetis praemium habebit August Ex. loc Ma●th 10. For hereby they shall be fellow-helpers to the truth of God g 2 John 8 and by sowing these temporal things to the Spirit they shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting h Gal 6. 8 Arguit eos qui falso paupe tatem pretendebant ne doctores suos alerent nolite inquite e●rarare novit Deus vestras facultates neque irr●detur tanquam ludibrio dcceptus haberi potest hic enim Gr●ci irrid●ri profalli sumunt Gagnes in loc Now then sith the Lands Houses Gleabs and Tythes are the Ministers of the Gospel in this Land by Donation and Gift God having given them to them by our Ancestors Wills who devoted them as they were moved by his Spirit and they being confirmed to them and their successours for so many hundreds of years for ever and Ratified by many Parliaments both in the Saxon Danish and Norman Kings Reigns and some of them in the Brittains dayes when they were Lords of the Land And sith they have as good shewings Evidences Charters Deeds and Conveyances for the quiet and peaceable enjoyment of them as any other Persons have for the enjoyment of their Manors Lordships Honours or Free-holds Lastly Sith they are theirs by the Law of Nature and Nations and by the Command and Ordinance of Christ under the Gospel whose Law is irrepealable by man he being Lord paramount sith they are theirs by the Common and Civil Law which confirms the Wills and Testaments of dead men deccased sith they are the Hire for their Labour their Wages for their Work the honour due to them from the people they teach I cannot see how any person or persons on earth without destroying Property and committing injustice and Sacriledge can sell these away from them or alienate them to any other prophane or common use or prohibit the people to pay them to those that te●ch them Hearken what the Apostle saith Be not deceived neither by thine own heart which is naturally full of self love and adict●d to covetousness yea deceitful above all things and desperately wicked i Jer. 17. 9 Tam varium est cor versipelle insidiosum quod aestus suos multis i●●olueris convolvat ac tegat ut ne homo quidem ipse fibi abunde notus esse vix unquam queat Ecol in loc nor by others who for self interests or by-ends perswades thee this is no sin out of Pride prejudice mal●ce hypocr●sie or love of the world for God is not mocked nor will he be by carnal reasons and pretences But look in th●s particular what a man soweth that shall he reap If men will impiously make void the Wills and Laws not only of men but of God they cannot free themselves from the guilt of prophanness and Sacriledge and of more than Pagan●sh injustice as the Apostle intimates k Heb. 9. 17. Gal. 3. 11 for the Heathen abhor'd to do it to their Priests though they were imploy'd in a false Worship And therefore Joseph in Egypt durst not buy the Priests Lands lest he should have been accused of Sacriledge by the Nobility or Comminalty l Gen. 47. 22 And they had a portion assigned them of Pharaoh and so had no need to sell them as others had I have heard it reported of certainty That when a Turkish Embassadour came into Spain and was by some Agents from the Pope sollicited to embrace the Christian Faith He beholding the gallantry of the Spanish Court and the rich garments and Robes they wore but withal espying the mean Habit of the Priests and how contemptible they were whom they stiled Christs Embassadours that he cryed out
ENGLANDS Deplorable Condition SHEWING The COMMON-WEALTHS Malady By Sacriledge and want of Duty in the People Contention want of Charity in the Ministery Perjury and want of Truth in both And Its Remedy By The Peoples Obedience and Liberality The Ministers Love and Unity Both their Repentance and Fidelity Briefly Declar'd in THREE TREATISES Of The Ministers Patrimony and Peoples Duty Proposals to reconcile such as are for Lordly Episcopacy and Un-ordain'd Presbytery for Popular Independancy and Upstart Antipaedobaptistry And against Perjury Also a Petition for the JEWS As they that served at the Altar lived of it so hath the Lord ordained that they which preach the Gospel should live of it 1 Cor. 9. 13 14. Every Devoted thing is most holy to the Lord it shall be the Priests it shall not be sold nor redeemed Lev. 27. 21 28. 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Intentione Dantis Exod. 20. 2 6. Extentione Recipientis 1 Cor. 16. 14. Impletione Mandatorum Rom. 13. 8. Acceptatione Evangelii Luk. 10. 27 28. Origine Obedientiae 1 Cor. 13. 1 c. Operatione nullius mali Rom. 13. 10. Who shall inherit heaven He that sweareth to his own hurt and changeth not Psal 15. 4. That hath not sworn deceitfully Psal 24. 4. I have opened my mouth unto the Lord and I cannot go back Judg. 11. 35. Even so hath the Jews now not believed that through your mercy they also may obtain mercy Rom. 11. 34. London Printed for the Author and are to be sold by Richard Skelton or at the Hand and Bible in Duck-lane 1659. To all that tremble at Gods Word and fear an Oath Grace be to you and Peace from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ who is our Hope BELOVED AFfliction the Rod God useth to correct us with for he scourgeth every Son he receiveth Heb. 12. being laid on me it made me in Jan. 8. 1651. to search and try my wayes and to turn unto the Lord and because no man as David saith knoweth his errors therefore I prayed in the words of Elihu Job 34. 32. that which I see not shew thou me and if I have done iniquity I will do so no more and knowing it a truth by experience formerly which he spake Job 33. 15. That God speaketh in a dream in visions of the night when deep sleep falleth upon men in slumbring on the bed then he openeth the ears of men and sealeth their instruction c. though I abhor those filthy Dreamers St. Jude speaks of and those Enthusiasts condemn'd by Eusebius Eccles Hist Tripart lib. 7. cap. Epiphan scholast Interpr Hi enim cujusdam Daemonis operationem expectant hanc sancti spiritus presentiam arbitrantur whose successors most of our Ranters and Quakers are who believe things contrary to the written Word and practice what the Scriptures condemn as did these old Messalians Euchitae for by all these three names they are call'd there After which God shewed me according to my Prayer my not performing my Oath and Covenant in a Sermon by accident I heard in Bathe as I was travelling through that Town and shortly after moved me exceedingly in a Dream to write against the sin of Perjury and to add it to my former Tract in my first Book I delivered to the King 1647. against this sin for sith the Lord punish'd him for this sin how can he spare us unless we repent of it And though I humbled my self for this sin presently yet was I not resolved to print it till in March following reading Ezek. 9. 4. that we ought not to mourn for our own sins only but for the sins of the Land I bethought my self of them and then was moved as I conceive by Gods Spirit for his glory and his Churches good and the discharge of my duty to mak● a Vow to write against the sins in this Book specified and then I prayed for direction and assistance for grace wisdom and prudence for strength health and means to effect it so as it may accomplish the ends desired c. And though Satan hitherto hath much bindred me together with mine own infirmities whilst I too much looked on the things seen and conferr'd with flesh and blood Yet now Christian Reader for he ends alone above-specified and to pay my Vow with fear and trembling at Gods Word and the judgements that hang over our heads and not for any by-interest to any Person or malice or hatred against any or out of pride prejudice or self-seeking have I imprinted this as God is my Record whom I serve in the Spirit I speak the truth and lie not And therefore what is of God and agreeable to his Word I desire thee only to hold fast and practice What hath not warrant thence impute it to my ignorance and weakness which in Christs name I desire thee to pardon but before thou judge any thing prove it by the Word to be an error without partiality or hypocrisie self-love interest or fear of Man and the Lord grant us both the Spirit of Discerning to know the things that differ and to approve the things that are most excellent and to walk in the light when we have it without detaining the truth in unrighteousness lest the wrath of God be revealed from Heaven against us for it but grant that we may be sincere and without offence now and hereafter in the day of Christ which the Lord grant for Christs sake AMEN So wisheth thy Souls Friend E. F. de C. V. ERRATA PAge 2. l. 2. justly claim p 3 l 4 Chemosh l 15 per l 37 chad p 4 l 12 Nicephorus p 5 l 16 the Maintenance l 22 he which l 27 de fructibus p 7 l 30 Judae l 24 in co●spectu p 8 l 5 admoveat l 19 Areopagitae l 38 this p 13 l 10 and to bring p 14 l 15 ademi possit p 20 l 26 clargiti p 22 l 1 Haeres p 26 l 4 Gal 3 15 p 30 l 33 for their p 31 l ●6 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 l 20 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 p 37 l 35 ab authore p 38 l 38 Advowsons p 40 l 9 Clinici l 36 another p 47 l 21 Alfred p 56 l 35 fraus p 58 l 11 yet p 60 l 28 dele they THE MINISTERS OF THE Gospels Patrimony AND THE Saints Duty THE Earth is Iehovaehs and the plenty thereof the World a Ps 24. 1 2. Deut. 10. 14. and they that sit therein both by right of Creation for he hath founded it on the Seas and establisht it on the Rivers and by right of conservation for as all things were made by him so he upholdeth all things by the word of his power b Heb. 4. 1. Psalm 50. 12. In him we live move and have our being c Acts 17. 26 And he hath made of one blood all Nations of men for to dwell on the face of the whole earth and hath determined the times
their finger pointed at the place recording the detestable death of Arrius 'T was therefore a good Lesson Acosta the Jesuite taught his Perjured brethren d Acost lib 2 cap 21 de salute Iudiarum That men ought not to Lie though it were to gain all the Barbarians to the Faith and he said no more than St. Augustine long before had done that a man might not Lie to his Neighbour though it were to procure his Salvation e August lib de mendacio cap 20 And if he might not Lie much lesse might he swear a Lie for though it were true which yet indeed is false as the Jesuites affirms that the officious and jocosous Lies be venial sins f Aquin 22 dae quest 110. Ar 2 c They borrowed this from the old Errour of the Priscillianists Qui do●ebant suo exemplo confirmabant licere propter alicujus salutem mentire in Religione ita ut quod credis negare quod non Credis profiteri bona conscientia possis modo veritatem fidei in Corde saluam retineres Aug. ad Consen cap 3 tom 4 yee even these when they are sworn unto and confirmed by an Oath become pernitious as Tollet a chief Father amongst them sheweth g Tollet Jes instruct sacer●d libro de Sept pec cap 54 In a word an Oath being the end of all Contention h Heb. 6. 16. all Nations by the Law of Nature have condemned this sin and provided punishment for the Perjurers that wilfully transgresse herein some adjudged them to be whipped others to be hanged others to be slit in the Nose others to be branded in the Forehead others to lose their Ears others to be bored thorow the Tongue i Dr. Whites Confutation of Equivoca t. 20 The Judicial Law of God was amongst the Jewes that he should suffer the evil or losse which by his Perjury he had brought on another as an eye for an eye a hand for a hand and life for life k Deut. 19. 19 Thus Susanna her false Witnesses are stoned to death which death they intended against her l Hist of Susanna And Daniels are cast to the Lyons who by their malice and Perjuty had caused him to be cast to them m Dan. 6. 24 And though this sin may escape the punishment of men yet shall it not the Judgement of God n Prov. 19. 5 for so the holy Ghost tell us a false Witnesse shall not be unpunished and he that speaks Lies shall not escape Plutarch gives us a notable Example hereof in one Cleomenes o Plut. in Lac. who having made a Truce with the Argives for seven dayes when he observed them the third night to be carelesse of their Watch and given to sleep in confidence of the Truce made he arose in the Night and seized on the City and slew some and captivated others But when they complained against him for his Perjury and violation of the Truce made he Replyed He Covenanted for seven Dayes the Nights were not added in the Oath But God suffered not this Perjured Commander to prevail for the Women of the City he had taken took Arms out of the Temples of their god and with them executed Vengeance on his Army and at last he himself was stricken with Madness so that the wounded himself with a Dagger and slit his body from his Ancle-bones unto his Vital ports and so langu●shing drawing his mouth aside he ended his perfidious life as a fearful Example of Gods wrath against this sin revealed from heaven Sith then God is so severe a revenger of thi● sin and the Oaths and Covenant we have taken do oblige us faithfully to observe the things contained therein so far as they are lawful good and possible to be kept Le ts all in these Three Nations that are guilty any wayes of this sin humble our selves for it confesse it and forsake it for if we hide it we shall not prosper nor obtain Mercy for it p Prov. 28. 13 14 O le ts not with the wicked pretend pretences or invent excuses to ext●nuate it or paint it over by equivocation or mental reservations that we had in the taking of any of them or think by any private interpretation of our own to elude them or by any Napkins that others may bring suppose that we may wipe them out by any new Oath or Engagements made q Ezek. 21. 28 Trem Iun. Not. in loc and so think they are frustrate or repealed safer and happier will it be for us to fear alwayes as it s in the next verse that so we may be brought to Repentance for he that hardeneth his heart in it shall fall into mischief r See Iun notes on Prov 28. 14 And truly unlesse we throughout this Land do repent of this sin as Christ tells us twice we shall all perish ſ Luk 13. 3 5 there 's no Appeal from this Judge Secondly Sith we have lifted up our Hands to Heaven and opened our Mouths to the Lord and so cannot go back from the Oaths Protestation and Covenant we have made as J●ptha said t Judg. 11. 35 Lets as we expect to stand before Christs Tribunal with Joy and receive the blessed sentence from him observe and do the things we have promised so far as they are lawful just good and possible which are Conditions should have been inserted as a Clause in all those Oaths and Covenant lest otherwise we persisting in this sin pulls down Gods wrath on us and our Land O le ts not after Vowes make inquiries w. nor suffer our mouths to cause our flesh to sin nor say before the Angel that it was an u Prov. 20. 25. Error why should God be angry at our voice and destroy the works of our hands w Eccles 5. 6 yea not only hurt our selves but hereby give a scandal to all Christians and cause the precious Name of Jesus Christ our Lord and his glorious Gospel to be blasphemed by Turks Papists and Infidels as if the Christian Religion which we professe were a Doctrine that allowed of Perjury which the very Turks and Heathen do abhor and have been content to suffer any misery rather then wilfully to run into Perjury Witness that famous Roman Augustine relates of who to avoid this sin and perform his Oath made returned into the hands of his deadly foes who with exquisite torments Mu●dered him including him in a strait piece of Wood full of sharp Na●●s in which he could scarce stand upright and if he leaned on any side he must needs wound himself and so long he stood till he died with Watching though he were a Heathen yet he chose rather to endure the worst of temporal evils rather then offend his gods by whom he had sworn x Aug lib. 1. de Civitate Dei cap 15 he feared to offend his false god● which were indeed Devils y 1 Cor. 10. 20 will not he