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A86277 The idea of the lavv charactered from Moses to King Charles. Whereunto is added the idea of government and tyranny. / By John Herdon Gent. Philonomos. Heydon, John, b. 1629. 1660 (1660) Wing H1671; Thomason E1916_2; ESTC R210015 93,195 282

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things that you may take pleasure in And Adam answered saying No we are not forbidden any thing that the Divine life in us approves as good and pleasant We are only forbidden to feed on our own will and to seek pleasures apart and without the warrant of the will of God for if our own will get head in us we shall be Arrested and assuredly be carried into the prison of Mortallity and there lye in the state of death But 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and his Dog said unto Adam Tush this is but a Panick fear in you Adam I warrant you you shall not so surely dye as you conceit be ruled by me The only matter is this God indeed loves to keep his Creatures under a Law holding them in from ranging too farr and reaching too high but he knows very well that if you break his Law and but take your liberty with us and satiate your selves freely with with your own will your eyes will be wonderfully opened and you shall meet with a world of variety of Presidents and experiments in things so that you will grow abundantly wise and like Gods know all things whatsoever both good and evill Now the faeminine part in Adam was so tickled with this deceiver that the Concupiscible began to be so immoderate as to resolve to do any thing that may promote pleasure and experience in things and carried away by this warrant Adams will and reason by his heedlesness and inadvertency So that Adam was wholly resolved to obey the power of this Writ signed with a counterfeit mark according the various toyings and titillations of the lascivious life of the whitle no longer calling for God or taking any Assistance of the Divine Genius And when he had tyred himself with a rabble of toyes and unfruitfull and unsatisfactory devices rising from the devil and the multifarious working of the Particles of his Vehicle at last the eyes of his faculties were opened and they perceived they were now naked he having as yet neither the covering of the Heavenly nature nor the Terrest● body only they sewed Fig-leaves tog●her and made some pretences of excuse from the vigor of the Plantal life that now in a thinner manner might manifest it self in Adam and predispose him for a more perfect exercise of his Plastick Power when the prepared matter of the Earth shall drink him in In the mean time the voyce of God or the Divine Wisdom spake for them in the cool of the day when the writ was served and Adams word taken for appearance yet he knew no Atturny now to give a plea to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Declaration but was grown so out of order and so much afraid to plead his own cause being guilty and now estranged from the life of God so much that they durst not come before God but hide themselves from him But the Divine light in the Conscience of Adam persued him and upbraided unto him the case he was in And Adam acknowledged within himself how naked he was having no Power nor Ornaments nor Abilities of his own and yet that he had left his obedience and dependence upon God and submitted to the false feigned Latitat of that cursed Bayliffe and deceiver 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 wherefore he was ashamed and hid himself at the approach of the Divine light manifesting it self unto him to the reprehension and rebuke of him And the Divine Judge charged all this Misery and confusion that had thus overtaken him upon the following the Luscious dictates of his will But Adam again excu'sd himself within himself that it was the vigour and impetuosity of that life in the vehicle which God himself implanted in it whereby he miscaried the woman that God had given him And the Divine Judge spake in Adam concerning woman What work hath she made here but the woman in Adam excused her self for she was beguiled by that grand deceiver Valifer the Bayliffe as Irictericus cals him In this confusion of mind was Adam by forsaking the Divine Judge and letting his own will get head against it for it so changed the Nature of his vehicle that whereas he might have continued in an Angelical and Aethereal condition and his faeminine part been brought into perfect obedience to the Divine light and had joyes multiplied upon the whole man beyond all Expression and Imagination forever he now sunk more and more and by habeas corpus is carried towards a Mortal and Terrestial Estate himself not being unsensible thereof as you shall hear when I have told you the Judgment of the Eternal God concerning the Serpent and him Things therefore have been carried on in this wise the Eternal Lord God decreed thus with himself concerning the Serpent and Adam That this old Serpent the Prince of the rebellious Angels should be more accursed then all the rest and whereas he Lorded it aloft in the higher parts of the Aire and could glide in the very Ethereal Region amongst the innocent and unfaln Souls of men and the good Genii before that he should now sweep the dust with his belly being cast lower towards the surface of the Earth And that there should be a general enmity betwixt this old Serpent as also all of his fellow Rebels and betwixt mankind and that in progress of time the ever faithfull and obedient soul of the Messias should take a body and should trample over the power of the devel very notoriously here upon Earth and after his death should give Rule and Supersede all mankind being now constituted the Supreme and Principal Attorny Counsellour and Prince of all the Angelical orders what ever in Heaven And concerning Adam the Eternal Lord God decreed that he should indeed be removed down to the Earth and that he should not there indulge to himself the pleasures of the body without the Concomitants of Pain and Sorrow and that his Faeminine part his Affections should be under the chastisement of the Law of his Reason That he should have a wearisom and toylsom Labour an Travel in this World the Earth bringing forth thornes and thistles though he must subsist by the corn of the field wherefore in the sweat of his brows he should eat his bread till he retured unto the ground of which his terrestrial body is made This was the Counsel of God concerning Adam and the Serpent Now as I was telling you Adam though he was sinking apace into th●se lower functions of life yet his mind was not grown so fully stupid but he had the knowledg of his own condition and added to all his former Apologies that the Faeminine part in him though it had seduced him yet there was some use of this Miscariage For the Earth would hence be inhabited by intellectual Animals wherefore he called the life of his vehicle Eve because she is indeed the Mother of the generations of men that live upon the Earth And at last the Plastick power being fully awakened Adams soul was cast into
the spots in the Moon with some men are Earth but I am inform'd they are Water there is no Day so clear but there are Lees towards the Horizon so Inferior wits when they reflect on higher intellects leave a mist in their beams When envious fools read my writings they do not understand being not able to confute me by Reason then they go about to do it by Scandals saying as the Jews did to our Saviour Thou art a Samaritan and hast a Devil now if Hounds be Devils why do they eat Hares there is a great difference betwixt those Hell-hounds that pursue and Arrest men and those that catch Foxes one tels me if the season permit the scrambling pens of Ideots will prove false Prophets some happy success being neer this time designed for his Majesty of Sweden Alas silly Soul some men will tell me a lye and shew me a reason for it but this can not confute me with flattering non-sence lyes and ignorance The King of Sweden is dead and my friend Eugenius Theodidactus told you the time when he would die in his Almanack and advice to a Daughter 1658. But how this King of Sweden being now dead before March 1660 shall be succesful in April either by Sea or Land I know not his success in October November is a flattering noyse and non-sense indeed and until this Astrologer take's Coach in a Cloud and discover the true knowledg of the Planets I am resolved to say there is as much certainty in Geomancy as there is in Astrology for near this time the King will be Crown'd in London and J shall see Monarchy established 1662 in dispite of all Merlines Bulls Bears Moles Dunes Oxen and such Cobwebs of folly Now God defend what will become of me I do not flatter lye and decieve any man with false Predictions I have not consulted these Independant Prophets nor Anabaptists nor Quakers the Astrologers of this Religion shall pardon me for this 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 There is a Mystery in their profession Coelum stellatum Christianam A new Geomantick heaven fancied on the old Earth here I look on this life as the progress of an Essence Royal The Soul quit her Court to see this Country Heaven hath in it a Scene of Earth and had she been contented with Ideas she had not travelled beyond this Map But excellent patterns commend their Mi●es Nature that was so faire in the Type could not be a slut in the Anaglyph This makes her ramble hither to examine the Medal by the Flask but while she scans their Symmetry she formes it thus her descent speaks her Original God in love with his own beauty frames a glass to view it by reflection and gives it a Law but the frailty of the matter excluding Eternity the composure was subject to desolution Ignorance gave this release the name of death but properly it is the Souls birth and a Charter that makes for her liberty she hath several wayes to break up house but her best is without a disease this is her mistical walk an exit only to return when she takes aire at this doore it is without prejudice to her tenement thus I write my fancies and if the Round-heads like not my humour let them not tell me of it least I laugh at them c. And now I will send a Genius whose name is Phebus a Spirit that rises like a man in the middle of Gemini Phebus go to White-hall and heare what News there is that may make the poor honest Communalty happy and if nothing but the King will Crown their desires go find the King out and bring me word again His wingy shoes of gold he buckles on With which fair plumes for expedition Bare him aloft quite over Sea and Land With a swift gale then quick he takes his wand With which he calls the hideous Souls from Hell And others sends to Scotland's dungeon fell He gives bereaves sweet sl●ep from death preserves Therwith he drives the winds with wing'd nervs Swims through the clustring clouds and now in 's flight Of craggy Atlas tops and sides hath sight Of Altas whose huge hight the Heavens do prop On whose pine-bearing head black clouds do stop And daily's girt oft dash't with wind and rain Thick drifts of Snow do on his shoulders drain Then down his Aged chin thick floods do flow With frosty Ice his beard doth grisly grow Cyllenius fluttering wings first staid him here And headlong hence to th'waves his corps doth bear Much like a Bird which 'bout the shores and sides Of fish full Rocks with hovering smoothly glides Above the waves about the banks even so Mercurius Phaebus did go too and fro Flutter ore Sea and Land and winds did s●ine And Dunkirks sandy shore touch in a trine His windy feet no sooner did alight On Brussels Towers but straight he saw in sight Charles ●orts to raise rooms to repair And he himself girt with a hanger rare With yellow Jasper stones like Stars bedeckt And a rich sword In cloths of rich respect A Gold lac'd Scarlet cloak on 's corps cas● carelesly which rarely shew'd c. Having thus found him I humbly present my self upon my knees before his Divine Majesty Now I come to the matter in hand and that which indeed I intend to say is this let Charles the Son of King Charles be King of England for without the head the body is dead and these three Nations will never cease to be miserable until such times as this King of Scots reign in the stead of King Charles that was murthered at White hall you may consider though many of the Kings of Judah and Israel were extraordinary sinful Idolatrous bloody Tyranical and great oppressours of their people yea shedders of Priests and Prophets and other good mens Innocent blood not only in the wars but in peace yet there is no president in the old Testament of one King ever Judiciously impeached arraigned deposed or put to death by the Congregation Sanhedrin or Parliament of Judah or Israel but those who slew any of them in a tumultuous manner or by Treason were for the most part slain themselves either in a tumult or else put to death by their Children who succeeded to the Crown or by the people of the Land and that the Israelites after their revolt from Rohoboam had never any one good King or good day almost among them but were over-run with Idolatry prophaneness Tyranny invaded by enimies involved in perpetual wars civil or forraign and at last all destroyed and carried away captive into Babilon as the Book of Kings and Chronicles will informe you that the Rule in the old Testament is not to take any wicked King from their Thrones and behead them but take away the wicked from before the King and his throne shall be established in righteouness And the Rule in the New Testament is to be subject to Kings and the Higher power 's and to submit
was that all Laws were unprofitable and superfluous as they which were not made neither for good nor ill men forasmuch as they have no need of Laws and these be made never the better for them Furthermore Sinensis confesseth that unless any Law can be made which to all men may be profitable in that which very often it doth happen that Equity fighteth with the rigor of the Law Maim●n also defining equity calleth it the Correction of a righteous Law in which point he faileth because it is made generally Is it not then sufficiently declared by this alone that all the force of the Law and Justice doth not so much depend upon the Laws as upon the honesty and equity of the Judge Another error proceeds from the Civil law to the Canon Law or the Popes Law which to O. Cromwell and his Fellows the Fanatique Parliamentiers appeared most Holy so wittily it doth shadow the Precepts of Covetousness and manners of robbing under the color of Godliness albeit there be very few things ordained appertaining to Godliness to Religion to the worshipping of God and the solemnity of the Sacraments I will not speak of some which are contrary and repugnant to the Law of God I accuse not D. Owen Vice-Chancellor of Oxford he knows them all the residue are nothing but contentions strifes pride pomp means to gain riches and the decrees of the Popes of Rome to whom the Canons be not sufficient which were in time passed made by the holy Fathers except they continually add to them new Decrees extravagancies Declarations and Rules of Chancery so that there is no end nor measure of making Canons which alone is the ambition and desire of the Bishops of Rome that is to say to make new Canons whose arrogancy is grown so far that they have commanded the Genii and Angels in Heaven and have presumed to rob and bring their booty out of Hell and to put in their hands among the spirits of the dead and on the Law of God also they have sometimes exercised their Tyrannie interpreting declaring and disputing to the end that nothing might want or be derogated from the greatness of his power Is it not true that Pope Clement in that Leaden Bull which at this day is yet kept in Lievorno vulgarly called Legorn and at Venice and in other places in Italy in the Coffers of Priviledges commandeth the Angels of Heaven that they should bring into everlasting joys the soul of him that useth to go in pilgrimage to Rome for Indulgences and there dying being delivered out of the pains of Purgatory saying moreover We will not in any wise that he go to the pains of Hell granting also to them that be signed with the Cross that at their Prayers they may take three or four souls out of Purgatory which they list which erroneous and intolerable Tymerity I will not say Heresie the Schools of London in the Kings time openly detested and abhorred But the Fanatick Parliament intended very shortly if Kings Charles the Second do not come the sooner to interrupt the Hyperbolical zeal of Clement with some Anabaptistical godly shaking Invention that the thing may rather flourish then perish seeing that for their affirming or denying nothing is altered in the deed and authority of the Pope whose Canons and Decrees have in such sort bound all Episcopacy and Presbyterie c. in a cord for Damnation because they detest the Popes Canons and after this example they fear their own Clergy so that none of all their Divines or Jesuites be he never so contantious dareth to determine no not imagine or dispute any thing contrary to the Popes Canons without protestation and leave Furthermore we have learned out of these Canons and Decrees that the Patrimony of Christ his Kingdoms Castles Donations Foundations Riches and Possessions and that Empire and Rule belongeth to the Bishops and Priests of Christ and to the Prelates of the Church and the Jurisdiction and Temporal Power is the Sword of Christ And that the Person of the Pope is the Rock being the foundation of the Church that the Bishops are not only the Ministers of the the Church but also Heads of the Church and that Evangelical Doctrine the fervency of Faith the contempt of the world are not only the goods of the Church but Revenues tenths Offerings collections Purples Mitres Gold Silver Pearl Possessions and Money and that the authority of the Pope is to make war to break truce to break oaths and to assoyl from obedience and of the House of Prayer to make a den of Theeves and so the Pope can depose a Bishop without cause and Oliver Cromwell could cut off Doctor John Huit his head by the same rule The Pope can give that which is another mans Cromwell and the Fanatique Parliament after the same president sold the Kings Lands and the Church Lands that he can commit Symony that he can dispense against his vow against his Oath against the Law of Nature And did not Cromwell and his Fellows do so too and none may say unto him Why dost thou this And also he can as they say for some grievous cause dispense against all the New Testament and to draw not only a third part but also the souls of the faithful into Hell That the duty of Bishops is not now as it was in time past to preach the Word of God with Crosses to Confirm children to give Orders to Dedicate Churches to Baptize Bells to hallow Altars and Challices to Consecrate and bless Vestments and Images and Geomantical Telesmes which esteem their wits more meet for higher matters and leaving the charge to certain Bishops which have nothing else but the Title go in Embassage to Kings they be Presidents of their Oratories or attend upon Queens excused for a sufficient great and weighty cause not to serve God in Churches so that they royally honour the King in the Court Hereof these Cautles took their beginnings by means whereof at this day without Simony Bishopricks Benifices be bought sold and moreover what Fairs and Markets soever be in Pardons Grants Indulgences Dispensations such like maner of robberies by whom also there is a price set in the free remission of sins given by God there is found a Mean to gain by the punishments of Hell Furthermore that false Donation of Constantine proceeds from this Law albeit in effect and with the Testimony of Gods Word Caesar cannot leave his charge neither the Parson of the Clergy ought to usurp the things that belong to Caesar but of infinite Laws of Ambition of Pride and of Tyrannie These are Errors crept in with Cromwell amongst the Laws of England He that will diligently examine the Laws and Statutes of Rome shall find how much the Fat Fa●atique Parliament hath borrowed of them and corrupted our Laws But the Idea of the Law will put all in Order The Method and Rules you read before Another Error in Laws you shall
a lawlesse Army and justly too being we deserve no better then to become slaves to our servants when our pertinacy could not brook to yield loyall obedience to our Masters 11. But behold Providence we say hath most miraculously restored us again to the management of our just authority O Infernall Impudence to attribute our Rebellions and usurpation to the heavenly care making God not onely accessary to our most execrable wickedness but the prime agent in all our impious machinations when we should fear rather that the sins wherewith we have provoked him are not yet ripe for our severer chastisement we have twice already felt the vengeance of his dreadfull hand if we persevere in our perversity we shall yet suffer greater testimonies of of his indignation the divine Justice is not to be corrupted by bribery nor shall villanies goe unpunished unlesse repentance prove their advocate 12. How my Compatriotes have been misled and how most egregiously abused the sequestrations impositions excises exactions oppressions and divers other exorbitant enormities of whose smart they are most justly sensible do sufficiently evidence how under colour of Religion and some supposed miscarriages of persons who had the free care of our Soveraign they have been trapanned into Rebellion is enough notorious to the world how usurpers tyrants and traytors are enriched with the spoiles of the innocent is evident to too too many who dayly groan for their miseries how all the three Nations doe generally suffer by the disreglement of our Government it is both sensible and visible to us all Jayles racks gibbets and scaffolds being the sole portion of the Loyall to repaire which mischiefs and to prevent their perpetuity is the most concerning interest of this most distressed nation to effect but hoc opus hic labor est 13. If we struggle for the maintenance of that cause which hath already cost us such an Ocean of blood and such an incredible treasure and entertain that fruitlesse warre against the Spaniard it cannot be supported but by the effusion of more and the utter destruction of all the three nations violence oppression and massacry being the undoubted concommitants of so pernicious a resolution 14. What is' t that we pretend unto by the continuation of our present goverment a felicity and a constant one what certainty thereof can our weake hopes promise us the various mutations we have already had are strong arguments we are in possibility of more yet to support this fraile Idol the whole land must be condemned to an insupportable bondage without hope either of release or intermission nay admit no private discords among our selves did generate a new mutation admit the whole nation did unanimously espouse the Government of a Common-wealth and that we had an army as invincible as it hath always bin formidable for the maintenance of our cause all this ensures not a permanency nor extenuates the sufferings of the Subjects 15 Armies by Sea and land cannot be entertained but with the vast consumption of treasure and this must bee squez'd out of the lively-hood of poor vassals the sweat of whose brows cannot earne a sufficiency for the nutriment of his own family yet must wee have our miseries perpetuated to justifie the crimes of usurpers and to enrich their posterity with the beggery of our own can we possibly be so stupid as not to be sensible of our interminable servitude can we be so blind as not to behold the charitable care our rulers have of the publick good when they are so impudent as publikly to vaunt they fight for their own lives and fortunes not for ours as if we were obliged both by nature and duty to prop their greatness with our ruine 16. Rare Patriots indeed and right worthy Senators to be entrusted with the conservation of their countreys welfare for the establishment of whose power the whole Nation must be condemned to a perpetual misery was this the motive to our fist at thing hath all the bloud spilt been sacrificed to this intent have we brought an indelible staine upon the Nation by the death of the King to justifie his Judges have we ruined thousands of families to erect fortunes for oppressours must the innocent be accounted criminal to avouch criminals to be Innocent now let us no longer be deluded with apparent fancies if we have a regard to our felicity let us propose the meanes to attaine to it as long as we are plun●'d in a fathomeless war we shall not be exempted from the inconveniences depending on 't and wars we cannot avoid as long as we subscribe to no other government then the present under whose Regency our sufferance have been as unsufferable as innumerable nor shall we want either revolutions at home or invasions from abroad as long as we are disgusted with oppressions in the land or have so numerous a progenie of warlike Princes to pretend a right to these dominions whose titles forreigne Princes of the blood and their Allyes will vigorously stickle if not out of affection out of reason of state not to countenance Rebellion against the naturall Prince least it prove a precedent to their own subjects to practise the like to their prejudice 17. Our uninterruptable and probably immutable felicity must be purchased by our humble submission to those who out soules convince us 〈◊〉 have a just right to that power which we have so tyrannically usurped but our Conscience do incessantly allarme us that the uglinesse of our Crimes are so horrible that a humane Clemency cannot condescend to pardon them Indeed in Justice and rigor we cannot presume to obtaine so undeserved a blessing but mercy the highest attribute of Gods goodness with the affluence of other singular graces are inherent in the souls of his earthly substitutes who will as bountifully distribute them among his vassals as the emergencie shall require it his paternall Jndulgence of his beloved people suffocates his vengeance and surmounts the horridnesse of our crimes so rather than to heap mischief on mischiefe and to put a period to our threatning desolations let us postrate our selves at the feet of mercy embracing that peace with willingness which otherwise will be impos'd upon us by force and let us have no other vengeance to stand in feare of then that of heaven whose gracious pardon we ought not also to despaire of disposing our souls to an unfained contrition and to a perfect humilitie to beg his gracious remission To you O invincible Martialists let me give a friendly admonition at parting your hands have been made instrumental to our mischiefs which served rather as Executioners of rage then the Pillars of our cause you had once begun with a notable piece of Justice perfectionate that Justice for the happiness of your Countrey and the redemption of those evils acted under the protection of your power Remember whose you were at your birth forfeit not your birth-right for the complyance with avarice and ambition a visible vengeance