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A86127 Hell's everlasting flames avoided, and heaven's eternal felicities injoyed containing the penitent sinner's sad lamentation for the deplorableness of his impious life ... : also holy preparations to a worthy receiving of the Lord's Supper ... / by John Hayward, D.D. Hayward, John, D.D. 1696 (1696) Wing H1231A; ESTC R42331 47,842 119

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thou visitest him with Everlasting Loving kindness an● thou givest thy Angels charge over him and thou wilt not suffer any harm to come unto him thou a●t with him in his distress and when he weeps thou holdest a Bottle under to catch his Tears thou bindest up his Wounds and healest all his Sores thou watchest over him and thy Ears are open to his Prayers and his Groans are not hi● from thee his Peace is made with thee so here they that truly fear and serve thee are free from all slavish fears nothing but Love rules in their Hearts which makes their Yoak easie and their Burthen light and the Narrow way full of delight and satisfaction they have peace of Consc●ence a peace which passeth all understanding so that the Devil can make no War against them to do them any harm he may raise a Storm and lay a Siege but he cannot overthrow for he that is for them is stronger than he that is against them he may set their House on fire but he cannot consume them and rain Brimstone upon them but they have a Tower to flee to a Place of Refuge and Defence Who is a strong Tow●r in the day of distress and the Righteous ●lee unto it and are safe Ah Lord these are great and glorious Priviledges that ●hy chosen ones are made Partakers of O Lord make me one of these and ●uide me by thy Counsel until thou shalt ●ing me unto Glory ●ome Considerations of the Glory of the Saints in Heaven THis Felicity is represented to us by many Names but most especially Two taken from Two things in this World which we affect most that is Life and a Kingdom First Life Luke 10. 15. Master who shall I do to inherit eternal Life And Secondly A Kingdom Matt. 22. 3● Mark 12. 28. Luke 2. 32. Fear not litt●● Flock for it is your Father's pleasure to gi●● you a Kingdom The Nature of Life is so sweet to all Me● because naturally we desire to preserve o● Being even in this mortal Life which 〈◊〉 fast chained not only to infinite change o● Calamities but to many Dangers and f●nally to Death it self but that Life whic● is the blessed State of those who have a fu●fruition of God is a true lively and perfect Life a pure Life a holy Life a secur●● Life a Life free from Molestation fr●● from Change a most happy Life as we● for the Glory thereof as for the Eternity In this Glory there may be degrees 〈◊〉 there can ●e no defect altho' like S●a●● one Saint shall differ from another yet a●●hall shine altho' like Vessels one s●a●●● hold more than another yet all shall 〈◊〉 full Neither shall this difference cause ●ny to complain First Because in the●selves they shall find no want And ●●condly Because the Glory of others sha●● be as their own And yet this Glory could not make Life ●appy if it were not also perpetual The ●ore glorious it is to be enjoyed the more ●●ievous it would be to determine the ●ery Thoughts of Ending wou'd much ●bate the pleasures of Enjoying but Eter●ity addeth so much to Contentment in ●his Glorious Life as it addeth to conti●uance it maketh the Pleasures of this ●ife even like it self no less than infinite Likewise a Kingdom is of such Estima●●on among Men that for it they will ven●ure their Estates their Lives their Souls ●ay they will surmount all difficulties and ●angers they will make their way thro' ●lood through Wounds through Death 〈◊〉 self to attain it altho' it be but a small Corner-Kingdom upon Earth incident to ●numerable Casualties and Care But his Kingdom is a Heavenly Kingdom 〈◊〉 ●ternal Kingdom a most blessed Kingd●● 〈◊〉 Tim. 4. 18. 2 Pet. 1. 11. Luke 〈…〉 ●at 23. 34. a Heavenly Kingdom 〈…〉 ●●ove the tempestuous Troubles of this 〈◊〉 ●●riour World an eternal Kingdom sub●●ct neither to declination nor change a ●lessed Kingdom furnished with all Feli●●ties without any mixture of Misery or ●rief the Excellency whereof may be consider'd in two principal Points Larg●ness and Magnificence which may not b● obscurely conjectured For if it be true which all Authors a●firm That many Stars do far exceed th● whole Body of the Earth in greatness seeing these Stars bear so small a Proportion in regard of that Heaven whereo● they are fixed the Face whereof is ope● to our View how little is the compass ● all the Kingdoms upon the Earth in co●parison to the Celestial Kingdom which 〈◊〉 above the Starry Heaven and in unknow● dimensions exceedeth that Sphear Be astonish'd O my Soul and altogether wrap from thy bodily Senses upon consideration both of the Greatness of this Kingdom and the unspeakable Goodness ●● the King thereof who hath said unto the ●●ncerning the same as once he said unt● 〈◊〉 of the Land of Canaan Lift ● 〈…〉 ●yes now and look from the Place wh●● 〈◊〉 art for all the Land which thou seest ●●●●●ve unto thee for ever Gen. 13. 14 15. Proceed also to consider the Beauty an● Majesty of that Kingdom even by th● Rule which the Apostle hath taught Ro● 1. 20. In esteeming the invisible Works ● God by those that are visible If then God hath provided for these our base Bodies and sinful Souls such excellent such abundant Pleasures from the Service of all Creatures in this World ●ow excellent how innumerable are those Pleasures which are prepared for those glorified Bodies and Souls which shall behold him Face to Face If the Delights ●e so great and various which he imparteth to the Evil as well as the Good to his Enemies as to his Friends what hath he reserved for his good best and choicest Friends If our Prison yield such fair contentments what will he do for us in his Royal Court If we find such Comfort in this stormy time of Tears what may we expect in the sweet Sun shine of Joy If this corruptible World which he set up for a small time as a Cottage or Out-house be so gorgeous so magnificent that many desire no other Heaven what Estimation shall we make of his princip●l and Princely Palace His Eternal Habitation prepar'd before all Worlds to set forth his Majesty and Glory and for the uttermost declaration both of his Wisdom and Power It is very like that the Palace of Babylon was exceeding fair whereof Nebu●hadnezzar so much gloried Is not this great Babel which I have built for the Hou● of the Kingdom for the Honour of my Maj●sty But assuredly all this World of ou● which holdeth a middle state between He●ven and Hell and in some sort participate● of both surpasseth and it surpasseth n● Hell so far in Beauty and Glory as it surpassed by the Royal Court of Heave● which being framed fit for the Majesty greeable to the Estate of Almighty God no less gorgeous and great than his Wi●dom could contrive and his Power p●●form and that is above all compass of co●parison Infinite Ps 84. 11. O! how
And St. Mar● 14. 22 23. And as they did eat Jesus too● Bread and blessed it and brake it and gave t● them and said Take eat this is my Body An● he took the Cup and when he had given thanks he gave it to them and they all drank of it Luk 22. 19 20. And he took Bread and gave thanks and brake it and gave unto them saying This is my Body which is given for you do this in remembrance of me Likewise also the Cup after Supper saying this Cup is the New Testament of my Blood which is she● for you And by St. Paul we have a hint o● it 1 Cor. 11. 23 24 25. For I have receiv'● of the Lord that which also I have delivere● unto you that the Lord Jesus the same night that he was betrayed the same night took Bread And when he had given thanks he brake it and said Take eat this is my Body which is broken for you This do in remembrance of me And the reason that is given is For as often as ye eat of this Bread and drink of this Cup ye do shew forth the Lord's Death till he come How we ought to examine and resolve with our selves before we Communicate in this great Ordinance WE are Exhorted to it by the Apostle St. Paul 1 Cor. 11. 28. But let ● Man examine himself and so let him eat of that Bread and drink of that Cup. The Apostle's reason is Because he that eateth and drinketh Unworthily eateth and drinketh Damnation to himself not discerning the Lord's Body O Dreadful that any shou'd be so careless so heedless and presumptuous to go to this Table of the Lord and not be fitted and prepared for it when they that run may read the fatal Consequence of Unworthy Receiving Therefore that you may not come to this Ordinance and go away in a far wo●se Condition than you came fit and prepare your self for it First by examination examine thy own Heart which is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked who can know it and try your own ways see what you are doing whether serving of God or the Devil or your self And if you have been serving your self or the Devil do so no more but turn from all your wicked ways with a full resolution and purpose of heart and cea● from doing evil learn to do well Examine and see what God hath sai● concerning those that break his Statute● that observe not his Commandments t● keep them that are stubbo●n careless an● unconverted Sinners that will not hav● God for their Portion nor none of h● ways but will walk after the imaginatio● of their own Hearts striving as it wer● with all their might to make sure of Eternal Burnings which will be the certai● Portion of all the Workers of Iniquity a God himself hath declar'd that canno● Lye Ask thy self the Question whether tho● art one of those head strong Sinners or no● Why shouldst thou be afraid to ask thi● Question when no less than eternal Joy● or eternal Woes depend upon it I am not afraid to look over my Estate to se● whether I am a rich Man or a poor an● why shou'd I be afraid of seeing whethe● I am a wise Man or a Fool a Friend ●● an Enemy to God and whether the blesed Portion of the Righteous or the cu●sed Portion of the Wicked will fall to m● Share What means my living in so many known Sins and be contented to perform some formal Ceremonies in the Service of God and now and then put up a dead ●ull heartless Prayer and put him off with ●he world's leaving O dreadful poor de●uded Soul that I am to think that the All-wise God maker of Heaven and Earth and the Fountain of Waters will be con●ented with these false hypocritcal and indifferent Actions No God is not such a ●ne as my self he is of purer eyes than to behold such Wickedness with any approbation Therefore take heed O my Soul and ●heat not thy self any longer but turn to ●he Lord with singleness and uprightness of Heart and serve him with a ready and ● thankful Mind and take as much nay more pleasure in obeying his Commandments in doing his Will in observing his ●tatutes and Judgments as ever thou didst ●● thy most darling Sin in deceitful Dali●h's which will certainly bring thee to ●verlasting Ruine and Destruction if thou ●ost not leave them and forsake them and ●eave to the Lord and fear his dreadful ●ame and love him with all thy Heart ●●d with all my Soul and with all thy Mind ●●d with all thy Strength and thy Neighbours as thy self and love mercy and do justly and walk humbly with thy God and then thou wilt be fit and prepared for this Heavenly Banquet whereby thy Soul will be infinitely refreshed and the Souls of all those that are Receivers in the true Faith Fear and Love A Prayer to be used before the Receiving of the Blessed Sacrament MOst Holy Lord God and Everlasting Father who out of thy infinite loving kindness to Mankind gavest thy only begotten Son to make satisfaction to thy Justice for the Sins of the whole World O Lord thy Mercy is very great toward● me and all Men in that we have sinned and thou hast appointed thy only Son to bear the Burthen of the Punishment fo● them O Lord do thou fit and prepar● me by thy Heavenly Grace for this thy great Ordinance and so grant me by thy Strength as that I may perform my pa● of it with that holy Fear and Reveren● as I ought And Lord Grant I may r●ceive that benefit by it thou designest ●● in it which is that Soul-satisfying Cordi● the fresh stream of thy Everlasting Lov● Lord make me more and more sensible by it of thy great Loving-kindness towards me O Lord grant this and abundantly more than I am able to ask or think for thy dear Son's sake to whom with thee O Father and the blessed Spirit be all Honour Praise and Glory from this time henceforth and for ever At the time of Receiving you may use these Ejaculations BLess the Lord O my Soul and all that is within me bless his holy Name for his wonderful Mercy and Loving-kindness to me is very great Magnifie the Lord O my Soul and sing Praises to the most high God for he hath visited and redeem●d his People with his most precious Blood At the Receiving of the Bread say THis is that Bread which came down from Heaven That whosoever eateth ●hereof shall never hunger Thou hast dealt ●●y Bread to the Hungry O feed me with ●is Bread of Life O strengthen my Faith ●nd open my Mouth with fervent desires ●at I may eat not to satisfie my Bodily ●unger but Spiritual and to the refresh●ent of my Immortal Soul O let my Soul feel the Efficacy of thy Grace that may not eat unworthily O Lord I beseech thee to direct me by thy holy Spiri● to receive it worthily
Licens'd and Enter'd according to Order Ma●thew 25. ve 3● Come ve Blessed of my Father inherit the Kingdom● prepared for you c ●●●thew 25. ver 41 Depart from me ye Curse● 〈◊〉 Everlasting Fire prepared for the Dev●● HELL's Everlasting Flames AVOIDED AND Heaven's Eternal Felicities INJOYED The First Part. Containing the Penitent Sinner's Sad Lamentation for the Deplorableness of his impious Life With a short View of the Terrors of the Damned in Hell and his Holy Resolutions to a thorough Reformation with some Considerations upon the Glory of the Saints in Heaven Also holy Preparations to a Worthy Receiving of the Lord's Supper With Devout Prayers Praises and Thanksgivings upon several Occasions with Graces before and after Meat To all which are Added Hymns and Spiritual Songs of Praises to Almighty God for our happy Deliverance from Popery and the horrid Cruelty and Barbarity of Blood-thirsty Men With an excellent Prayer for King William By that eminent Divine Mr. John Hayward The Tenth Edition London Printed for Robert Gifford and are to be sold at his Shop in Old-Bedlam without Bishopsgate 1696. Price bound 1s TO THE Christian READER AS you tender the Everlasting Welfare of your Precious and Immortal Souls cease from doing Evil learn to do well and with this humble Penitent take a view and look back upon what you hav● been a doing ever since you came in to the World to this day and I doub● not but that you will find you hav● been too much like him in doing th● which you ought not and leavin● that undone which you ought to do Therefore let him be your Pattern and take up with him in his Resolutions which is fully to leave h● old course of Life and to follow on hard after the Lord and to seek him while he may be found and to call upon him while he is near and to press forward towards the Mark of the high Calling of God in Christ Jesus our Lord for which end this small Piece is Published And that you may reap this Benefit by it of finding Acceptance with the Lord Jesus and by his Merits be received into Glory is and shall be the Constant and Hearty Prayer of Your Soul 's Cordial Friend JOHN HAYWARD THE PENITENT SINNER Bemoaning and Bewailing the DEPLORABLENESS OF HIS IMPIOUS LIFE PART I. Psal xi 6. Upon the Wicked he shall rain Snares Fir● and Brimstone and a horrible Tempe● This shall be the Portion of their Cup. O Christ the Son of the most H●● God the Saviour of most mi●rable Men who for us Men a● for our Salvation left thy Glorious Ha●tation in the highest Heavens whose B●fed Body was buffetted with Fists to with Whips stretched upon the Cropierced with Nails and Spears and bath in the sweet Streams of thy own preci● Blood for the Redemption of all 〈◊〉 kind O Father O Restorer O Preserver of Life to thy Majesty to thy Mercy my sinful Soul full of fresh bleeding Wounds full of old corrupted Sores sick to the Death with the surfeit of Sin would willingly present it self and send a few faint Groans unto thy heavenly Ears But alas the greatness of my Disease ha●● almost taken away the sense thereof and so horrible is my corruption that I fear I shall offend thy pure Presence and altogether turn thee from regarding me thine Ear from attending me and thy Compassion from relieving me for I have a sharp Testimony within me which accuseth which condemneth that altho' in words I have profess'd thy Service yet my Actions have charged my Tongue with Untruth For I have never subdued my own Will and ●elinquisht the Prey whereon it hath fed which Conquest is a necessary part of Christian Duty to obey the Pleasure But I have remain'd Proud Ambitious Angry Cruel Rash Vain-glorious Envious Covetous Deceitful Delicate Sensual Idle Light a great lover of my self of my Flesh of my Estimation of all wordly both Advantages and De●●ghts I have added Folly unto Blindness Malice to Ignorance and Obstinacy to Offence I have sinned with a high hand against thee and more impudently should I have sinned if as I had ended with my Conscience I had ended also with my Shame In a word all my Passions have been so lively and strong that I cannot cast my trembling thoughts into any corner of thy Commandments but my Conscience giveth me a sharp conviction and crieth out guilty against me Adam did once taste of one forbidden Fruit but I have often tasted of all I have broken every Branch of the Tree of Good which thou hast commanded and of the Tree of Evil which thou hast forbidden I have taken delight in all sorts of sins not always for pleasure but either in meer Licentiousness or depraved Custom and many times not without great trouble and toil even as the Prophet said Jer. 9. 5. They have taken great pains to do evil Behold O gracious Lord the Guides which I have followed the Friends which I have affected the Counsellors which 〈◊〉 have credited and the Masters which I ha● obeyed with these have I lovingly liv● with these have I loyally kept my Fai● even wi●h the Appetites of my filthy Fle●● with the Transitory Treasures of this World bathing my unhappy Soul in the soul and foolish Pleasures of this Life These have been my Gods these have been my Idols but now they are my Accusers now Witnesses against me now my Judges now my Tormentors I am far more wretched than I can possibly imagine and altho' I think that I am at the very bottom of my Misery yet do I find my self to sink daily more deep in the Mire I am one of the most poor and wretched Creatures in the World I am one that hath most abused thy benefits and if thou hadst wrought so much both by secret Inspiration and by outward means in them of Tyre and Sidon even in other great Sinners as thou hast wrought in me they would have converted unto thee in Sackcloth and Ashes I am unworthy of the service and use of any of thy Creatures I am unworthy to lift up mine Eyes towards Heaven and more unworthy to speak unto thee but most of all to ●eceive from thee those Comforts and Consolations wherewith thou usest to cherish thy Children O Sin the very Bane and Death of my Soul was it not enough for th●e to infect a heedless Creature with thy Poyson bu● thou must make it so ugly and loathsom● that the Eye of Mercy should not endu●● to behold Was it not enough for thee ●● crush it in pieces with thy weight but tho● must also go to stop the Ear of Pity wit● Horror and the Mouth of Praye● 〈◊〉 Shame Was it not enough for thee to draw me to destruction but thou must all so take from me both the sense of my Grief and the sight of my Danger an● consequently the Cure of the one and the Care of the other I was wounded and I felt it not
this Celestial City for assuredly if there be much Joy in Heaven at the conversion of Sinners much greater will the Joy be when they come to be glorified O how sweet will then be the Fruit of Vertue whose Root in this World is esteem'd so bitter how pleasant will that Peace be after this troublesome Warfare after great variety of Perils that eternal Security after this Weariness that sweet Rest The Children of Israel went up armed out of Egypt Exod. 13. 13. but when they came into the Land of Promise they laid down their Weapons they forgot their Fears 1. Kings 4. 25. Every Man sate securely under his own Vine and under his own Fig-tree Here we are set in the State of Strife there our War shall be at an end there shall they sit secure from so much as the Fear of the fiery Dart of the Enemy There they shall not dread his Stratagems or his Strength thither the Sighs do not pierce there the hissing is not heard of the poysonous Basilisk but the Glory of God doth enlighten that Region and the soft and sweet Breath of the Holy Spirit doth refresh it O pleasant Peace O sweet Security what can be sufficiently said of thee Job 4. I acknowledge with the Woman of Samaria not only that this Well is very deep but that I want a Bucket to draw Thou canst not be understood of those that enjoy thee not thou canst not be prais'd enough of those that enjoy thee O ye Sons of Adam O blind and perverse Generation miserable lost Sheep if this be your Country whether do you range if this be your Pasture whither do you stray whither do you wander if this be your home What do you Wherefore stand ye looking about wherefore will ye lose these Joys the least whereof are greater and more lasting than any this World can afford Assuredly if we should endure the Torments of Hell for a long season to enjoy these Felicities but for a short time our Pains wou'd be abundantly satisfied with this exceeding weight of Glory And if thou enquirest O Man what thou must do to attain to the enjoyment of these Everlasting Joys give an attentive Ear to what thy blessed Saviour hath said Matt. 11. 11. The Kingdom of Heaven suffereth violence and the violent take it by force If thou canst violently break off with all thy beloved and darlings sins thy Dalilahs which would ruine thy immortal Soul and if thou canst but do justly love Mercy and walk humbly with thy God and thou canst set thy whole desires after this Kingdom thou shalt certainly enjoy it and that for evermore O weak Man wherefore art thou troubled Christ hath taken all the pains and he hath paid the Price and a dear one too no less than his own precious Blood hear what he saith unto thee Mat. 13. 41. The Kingdom of Heaven is like unto a Treasure hid in a Field which when a Man hath found he goeth and sells all that he hath and buyeth that Field Lo here the Purchase ●s laid before thee it is worth all that thou ●ast it is valued to thee as thou valuest thy self therefore make away all thy desires in things of this Life and let all thy joy be fix'd upon that Kingdom and tho● shalt have it Christ hath given himself to purchase this Kingdom for thee therefor● let not sin reign in thy Body but give up thy self in Love to him and he will giv● himself and his Father's Kingdom unto thee But alas O my Soul where ar● thou what dost thou where is thy Joy ● where is thy Love wherewith thy though● shou'd be inflam'd how art thou chain'● with the Inchantments on this ugly Earth● How art thou drown'd in drowsiness O my Soul that thou art so careless and senseles● of true Spiritual Pleasures and so fon● upon the vanities and vexations of thi● Life Tell me dost thou believe there is ● Kingdom of Heaven wherein thou art inroll'd a Citizen whereto thou art adopted an Heir and hast thou not a longing Love to be possess'd of the same Alas how faint is thy Faith how unbelieving 〈◊〉 thy belief Tell me I pray thee what Entertainment hath intangled thee into th● Love of this Life What dost thou fin● therein but wanting and wishing fro● whence ariseth two Tortures of the Mind Hope and Fear how art thou busied there in as the Spider that consumeth her ow● Bowels in weaving curious Nets only to catch Flies O my Soul it is not any true contentment or satisfaction that thou findest in any of the Pleasures of this Life but ●t is thy own Heaviness that holdeth thee down it is thy own Dulness that doth undo thee There is no difference between doubting of this Happiness and not desiring of it If then thou hast any Sparkles of Faith shake off this sleepy Sloath away with this Unchearfulness away with this dead Dulness away with all the profane Earthly Pleasures those Lime twigs of the Devil which cleaving to the Feathers of thy Devotion make thee unable to ●●ount upwards O my God! O that I could so free my Affection O that I cou'd so heave up my heavy Heart unto thee O that I were in desire as I am indeed a Sojour●er a Traveller a Stranger upon Earth O that I cou'd travail like a Woman in Childbirth to be delivered of this lum●ish Load of Sensuality and to solace my self only in Desire Hope and in Assu●ance of thee This do I desire O Lord or rather weakly wish for I am so fetter'd with Flesh and Blood that I am so far fro● performing it that I cannot desire it i● such sort as I should It is Nature tha● drowneth me in this dead Sea of Worldliness I cannot endure to think upon much less desire a Dissolution If th●● Nature be not O Lord over-rul'd and chain'd down by thy Grace I shall b● neither able to do nor desire but like Lot I shall be loath to depart out of Sodom therefore O Lord let me grow i● thy Grace and in the Knowledge of Jesus Christ my Lord that I may live to thy Praise here and be glorified with thee hereafter in those Glorious Mansions have had a short View of SOME HOLY PREPARATIONS To a Worthy Receiving of the BLESSED SACRAMENT OF THE LORD's SUPPER The Necessity of this Duty pressed from several Portions of Scripture FIrst by the Express Commands of our Blessed Lord and Saviour who is the Chief nay the Sum and Substance of what this blessed Ordinance representeth unto us as in Matt. 26. 26. 27. And as they were eating Jesus took Bread and blessed it and brake it and gave to the Disciples saying Take eat this is my Body And he took the Cup and gave thanks and gave to them saying drinkye all of it And for this good and beneficial Reason to all Mankind as Ver. 28. This is my blood of the New Testament which was shed for man for the remission of their Sins