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A82272 Fasciculus chemicus or Chymical collections. Expressing the ingress, progress, and egress, of the secret hermetick science, out of the choisest and most famous authors. Collected and digested in such an order, that it may prove to the advantage, not onely of beginners, but proficients of this high art, by none hitherto disposed in this method. Whereunto is added, the Arcanum or grand secret of hermetick philosophy. Both made English by James Hasolle, Esquire, qui est Mercuriophilus Anglicus. Dee, Arthur, 1579-1651.; Ashmole, Elias, 1617-1692. 1650 (1650) Wing D810; Thomason E1325_1; ESTC R209088 90,355 320

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Water the second is Aire the mean between Water and Oil the third is Oil it self The Water is distilled to the likenesse or sign of perfect whitenesse which is transparent splendour and the shining clearnesse of crystall and he that attains to this Token hath the Philosophers Mercury dissolving all Bodies chiefly of the Sun and Moon because of the vicinity or nearnesse of Nature Lul Codic p. 119. In our whole Magisteriall there Lullius are three principall Spirits necessary which without the consummation of their resolution cannot be manifested and they are otherwise called three Argent vives and for Argent vive understand the Water in which the Tincture is carried Raymund Theor. p. 122. 24. If you will hear me I will truly Ripleus shew what is that Mercury chiefly profitable know therefore that there are three Mercuries which are the Keys of Science whom Raymund cals his Menstrua without which nothing is done rightly but two of those Mercuries are superficiall the third Essentiall of the Sun and Moon perfect Bodies when we first Calcine them naturally but no unclean Body is ingredienced except one which is commonly called of the Philosophers The green Lion which is the mean of joyning Tinctures With the second Mercury which is vegetable Humidity both the Principall Materiall and Formall bodies ought to be resolved otherwise they are of little moment And with the third which is Humidity very permanent and incombustible the unctuous Tree of Hermes is burnt into Ashes Ripley pa. 25. Sons of Wisdome there are Incertus three solutions the first is of a crude Body the second is of a Philosophicall Earth the third we put in Augmentation The Virgin is Mercury because it never propagated a body in the Womb of the Earth and yet it generates the Stone for us by resolving the Heaven that is it opens the Gold and bringeth forth a Soul Incertus de Chemia pa. 6. Metals are reduced to the first Ventura Matter when they are driven back to that first simplicity which their Elements had in their first Composition in which there were Spirits and Vapours by nature perfectible to the form of the Compound Vent pa. 12. By Argent vive is understood Ludus Puerorum the humidity of that unction which is the radicall humidity of our Stone Ludus Puerorum pag. 174. The Preparation of this Spirit is its subtilation which is performed Vogel by many distillations untill it hath gotten crystalline splendour and clearnesse Vogel p. 148. Keep the rectified Water apart Aristotle because that is the Mercury of the Philosophers the water of Life washing the Leton Aristotle pag. 366. The whole labour and tediousnesse Lull compendium is in this viz. the separation of the Elements and Sulphur Air cannot be divided from Metals unlesse by the twentieth twenty second or thirtieth distillation And the Fire may be divided from the Earth at the eleventh distillation and as many distillations as there are so many putrefactions and reiterations of Water and Air together to wit of our Menstruall water and every putrefaction requireth eight days or six continued so that the division of the Elements dures the space of an year but we have compleated it in seven moneths Lull compend pa. 281. The Alchymists have said that the Stone is compounded of two Waters viz. of one which makes the volatile Stone and the other which fixes and hardens it Idem Between every Calcination of Avicenna the Earth pour on water moderately to wit not much nor little because if much there 's made a sea of perturbation if little it will be burnt up into ashes But sweetly not hastily from eight days to eight days by watering decocting and calcining the Earth till it hath imbibed its Water therefore when the Earth shall not be white bray it together with its Water iterate and calcine it because Aroc and Fire doe wash the Earth and take away its obscurity from it for its preparation is always with Water and as the fitnesse of the Water shall be so also shall be the clearnesse of the Earth and by how much the more the Earth shall be white c. Avicenna pag. 420 421. He which knows not to extract Scala more things out of one is ignorant also to compound one thing of more Our separation is a separation of a watry or moist vapour or phlegme in Balneis a levigation of rarity a production of principles Scala p. 134. Imbibe Calx or Body oftentimes Geber that thence it may be sublimed and yet more purified then before because the Calx ascends upwards very difficultly or not at all unlesse holpen by the Spirit Geber lib. summae perfectionis pag. 573. The Vessell being fitly placed in Ventura the Furnace the Fire underneath must be continued then the Vapour of the Matter will ascend upwards into the Alembick most subtilly and the same will be turned into serene bright and cleare Water having the form of a water drop and the Nature of all the species of which it is generated and it descends again by the Crows beak that is the Neck of the vessell of the Alembick and this Water because it is subtile doth enter the Body and extract first the Soule afterwards it dissolves all that is left and turns it into Water Moreover know that all things which are sublimed are sublimed two ways some by themselves and some with others but our Mercury since it is a Spirit is sublimed by it self but our Earth since it is the Calx of the Body is not sublimed unlesse very well incorporated with Mercury Therefore beat or pound them together and imbibe till they become one Body because the Body ascends not unlesse incorporated with Mercury Ventura p. 141. Dissolve the Gold and Silver in Vogel Water of their kinde if thou know it Vogelius p 78. And this is the last Preparation Massa Solis Lunae viz. of Spirits often reiterated by Contrition and Assation with their Body untill thou see these things which thou desirest in it Massa Solis Lunae pag. 240. Sons of Learning know ye that Afflictes the whole Work and the Government thereof is not done but by Water with which mingle ye the body of the Magnesia and put it in its Vessel and close the mouth carefully and boil it with a gentle fire till it be made liquid for by the heat of the Water the whole will easily be made Water Afflictes in Turba p. 32. THE COROLLARY From a certain Minerall Masse coagulated lucid red ponderous being perfect Metall in the nearest power containing in it selfe vive spermatick Sulphur and vive immature Mercury multiplicable in it self with the most gentle fire of a Balneum or Bath is drawn forth a certain insipid phlegmatick Water which if it be again repoured on with its due proportion of Earth and in due season digested and abstracted by dissolving daily by little and little
Magistery is performed Scala pa. 125. We calcine perfect Bodies with Ripleus the first Fire naturally but no unclean Body doth ingredience our work except one which of the Philosophers is called the Green Lion which is the medium of uniting and joining Tinctures Ripl pa. 26. There is a certain Soul existing between Heaven and Earth arising from the Earth as Aire with pure Water the cause of the life of all living things continually running down upon our fourfold Nature producing her with all its power to a better condition which airy Soul is the secret Fire of our Philosophy otherwise called our Oil and mystically our Water Idem pa. eadem Our Mercury is made of perfect Albert. Bodies not imperfect that is with the second Water after the Bodies have been duly Calcined by the first Albert. pa. 19. This Fire is called Humour because Vogel in it as hath been said heat or the fire of Nature is hidden even as the heat of Animals in the Primogenian moisture Water since it is Heterogeneall to its Earth if sensible of the least heat will evaporate it being left and forsaken The Soul is no other then Oil Oil then Water Vogel p. 134. If any know to make choice of Flamelius such Matter as Nature delights and to inclose it rightly prepared in his Vessel and Furnace He and I saith Nature will forthwith doe the Work so he provide the requisite Fire Naturall against Nature not Naturall and without ardour Flamel pa. 123. We therefore call it Innaturall Lullius or not Naturall because it is not naturated of it self nor takes away any thing from naturated Nature nay it rather helps her by the Mediation of a moderate Exercise according to what Nature requires in her Reformations Lullius Codic pa. 24. Our Fire is Minerall is equall is Artepheus continuall it vapours not unlesse it be too much stirred up it participates of Sulphur it is taken elsewhere then of Matter it destroys dissolves congeals and calcines all things and it is Artificiall to finde out a compendium and without cost or at least very little it is also moist vaporous digesting altering penetrating subtill airy not violent not fuming encompassing containing onely one and it is the fountain of Life or which incircles the Water of Life and it contains the King and Queens bathing place in the whole Work that humid Fire shall suffice thee both in the beginning middle and end because in it the whole Art consists and it is a Fire Naturall against Nature and Unnaturall and without Adustion And to conclude it is a Fire hot dry moist cold think on these things and doe rightly without any thing of a strange nature The third is that Naturall Fire of our Water which is also called against Nature because it is Water and neverthelesse of Gold it makes meer Spirit which thing common Fire cannot doe this is Minerall Equall participates of Sulphur it destroys congeals dissolves and calcines all things this is penetrating subtile not burning and it is the fountain of living Water in which the King and Queen wash themselves which we stand in need of in the whole Work in the beginning middle and end but not of the other two except sometimes onely Join therefore in reading the Philosophers Books these three Fires and without doubt thou wilt not be ignorant of their sense and meaning concerning Fires Artephius pa. 31. Weigh the Fire measure the Dastin Air mortifie the Water raise up the heavy Earth Dastin spec pa. 202. By earnest consideration of Lullius things Naturall Innaturall and against Nature it behoveth thee to attain the Materiall and Essentiall knowledge of the temper through all his parts Essentiall and also Accidentall that thou maist know how to behave thy self in our said Magistery having so comprehended the said principles Lull Theor. fo 16. There are four principall Fires to be observed in respect of the Substance and Propriety of the four Elements Idem pa. 174. Although in our Books we have Lullius handled a threefold Fire Naturall Innaturall and against Nature and other different Manners of our Fire neverthelesse we would signifie one Fire from more compound things and it is the greatest secret to come to the knowledge of this Since it is no Humane but Angelick and heavenly gift to reveal Lull Testament pa. 78. Son our Argent vive or part of Lullius it is Water distilled from its Earth and the Earth in like manner is our Argent vive animated and the Soul is Naturall heat which stands bound together in the first Essence of the Elements of Argent vive Idem In the Structure of the Fire Trevisane some differd from others although they all aimed at the same scope namely that it should be made after this manner lest the fugient should first fly away before the Fire could any way bring forth the persequent thing Bernard Comes pa. 40. The Fire which we shew to thee is Scala Water and our Fire is Fire and not Fire Scala pa. 148. Raimond speaking of Fires in his Scala Compendium of the Soul saith It is to be noted that here lie contrary operations because as contranaturall Fire dissolves the Spirit of a fixt Body into the Water of a Cloud and constringeth the Body of a volatile Spirit into congealed Earth So contrariwise the Fire of Nature congeals the dissolved Spirit of a fixt Body into glorious Earth and resolves the Body of a Volatile Spirit fixt by Fire against Nature not into the Water of a Cloud but the Water of the Philosophers Scala pa. 126. The Water of which the Bath Basil Valent. of the Bridegroom ought to be made is of two Champions that is to be understood confected of two contrary Matters wisely and with great care lest that one adversary may vanquish the other Basil Valent. pa. 32. What ever actions they nominate Rosin know that these things are always done by the action of the heat of certain Fire which causes not Sublimation because it is so gentle nor may it elevate any smoke naturally by reason of its debility whence if it be such as may in a manner elevate and not elevate it is good Rosin ad Sarratant pa. 286. THE COROLLARY If any would rightly weigh the ayings of Philosophers in this Chapter the manner of their Equivocations would appear clearer then the Sun for as they have deciphered the second Work somewhere in the name of the first Work so in this Chapter they nominate the second Water the first Water and the third Water the second as it appears in Scala pa. 123. where it is said that the first Water the Sun calcines that the second might the better enter And again the second Water is Fire against Nature And Ripley utters like things also in his Preface But let every Artist know that the first Water is Phlegm only or unnaturall Fire because it
must be putrefied till the desired thing be obtained Afflictes in Turba But ye shall moisten this redness Nicares seaven times in the remaining Water or till it can drink all its Water then boil it till it be desiccated and turned to dry Earth then let it be put in a kindled Fire forty days untill it putrefie and the Colours thereof appear with the Ashes Nicares in Tarba 102. As the same thing is both an Dastin Embryo Infant Boy and Man passing from an incompleat Essence to a perfect Complement So also our Compound by increasing passes from one thing to another better thing and from incompleat Essence with its own Milk is carried forth to his complement of the Elixir And therefore all its Compound is of the form of the Elements Wherefore Morienus saith the disposition of that work is like the creation of a Man when as he is nourished of himself by increasing from day to day and from moneth to moneth till he hath attained his Youthfull age and in a certain time be compleated Dast spec pa. 150. The near cause of this fixation Lullius is a very little mixtion of both by their least parts so that the height of the Volatile may not excell the height of the fixt Body but let the vertue of the fixt Spirit excell the height of the unfixt according to the intent of fixation Son if thou understand this thou maist have the Treasure of Heaven and Earth It is required when the Body is so naturally augmented and nourisht by convenient moisture that then near the measure thou imbibe it with the more Water of its nutrition or augmentation according to the Weights revealed by Art to the conformity of principles and the quality of the Body given to be augmented and let it be decocted with a gentle Fire exsiccating the naturall heat and not exceeding untill it attain its perfect whitenesse Lullii Codic pa. 157. And note that after Imbibition Lullius they ought to be buried seaven days Therefore iterate the Work many times though it be tedious and the Weight in this must be every way observed lest the too much siccity or superfluous Humour spoile it in the operation as namely decoct so much by Assation as the Dissolution hath added and by Imbibition dissolve as much as hath been wasted by Assation wherefore thou shall sweetly and not hastily irrigate the Earth from eight days to eight days Idem If one Imbibition one Decoction Dastin one Contrition doth suffice they would not so much have iterated their sayings but therefore they did this that alwaies they might insist on the Work without divorce and tediousnesse Wherefore also they say Hope and so shalt thou obtain But when it is exsiccated then by another Course let it be delivered to insatiable Comestion that being by degrees between every Inceration burnt into Ashes it might try the power thereof Dastin Epist fo 4. THE COROLLARY Aristotle affirms in the first of his Physicks that the whole is not known without the parts in which it consists But the whole as it resents the nature of all its parts so the whole and the perfect are altogether the same Whence it follows that it is not sufficient for a Man to know the Subject of some Edifice that thence a House might be built unlesse he knew the particular parts and their Construction and Composition So likewise it would little conduce to the perfection of the Stone to have known onely the Subject and its Preparation unlesse after it bee prepared the Artist know how to bring it to Maturity then to nourish it and lastly to feed it even untill it attain a Degree above perfection Then the parts testifie of the whole and the whole of the parts the beginning of the end and the end of the beginning for what pity were it an Heire from the Kingly Stock should be born and none found that knew how to nourish it Therefore to nourish this our Infant we advise with Physicians that since he is of the Royall Stock and the most pure constitution he might not be delivered to any strange Nurse but might suck the Brests of his Mother who as she had before nourisht him in the Womb with her own Blood so being now come to Maturity he is to be nourisht and in a due proportion fed with the exuberated Blood circulated and rectified through the Mamillary veins And the medicinall measure of that Milk let it be weekly the fourth part of the weight of the Infant But let him keep this Diet for seaven Weeks till he be so Medicinally fed that while in a glassen Lodge ordained and firmly obserated by Physicians and Philosophers he be placed and reposed in a Bath and being lulled asleep his limbs dissolve and melt with sweat which by the help of Art and Nature and due governance shall resume their former shape renued and their strength so multiplied that now he desires Kingly food with which nourishment in a short space he will become a King stronger then a King and so stout in Battell that he alone being a most powerfull Conqueror will obtain the Victory against ten thousand Enemies Therefore seek this King whom who so hath for his Defence shall command all Sublunary things CHAP. VIII Of Fermentation BY the Testimony of all Philosophers Tauladanus there are three parts of the Elixir viz. Soul Body and Spirit The Soul is onely the Ferment or Form of the Elixir the Body is the Paste or Matter which two parts are to be drawn from Metals only to wit the Form from the Sun and Moon the Matter from Jupiter Saturn Venus and Mars as also Lullius affirms But the third part of the Stone is Spirit which since it is the Seat and Chariot of the Soul it doth pour the Soul into the Body and compounds and joins these two extremes with an indissoluble bond of agreement which Mediator being removed the Soul can never enter league with the Body For two extremes agree not well nor tarry in one place unlesse they are reconciled and confederated by the help of a mean This Spirit it nothing else then that liquor attenuating the Form and Matter of the Stone and reducing it to a spirituall Nature which Spirit is sometimes called of the Philosophers Heaven sometimes solutive Mercury sometimes menstruous Matter sometimes Quintessence and infinite other names Tauladan pa. 338. Unto thy Compound adde the Ripley fourth part the Ferment which Ferment is onely of the Sun and Moon And know that there are three Ferments two of Bodies in pure Nature which ought to be altered as we have told thee the third most secret which we now meditate is that first Earth with its proper green Water wherefore while the Lion thirsts make him drink untill his body be broken Ripley pa. 56. Take the fourth part of the Semita Semitae Ferment and let that Ferment be dissolved and made Earth like an imperfect
of Naturall Fire which of it selfe is not able to Work above its proper strength nor communicate a perfect Tincture to imperfect Bodies for it is sufficient to it selfe nor hath it any further power but being multiplyed by the unnaturall which most aboundeth with the virtue of multiplying doth act far more powerfully and reacheth it selfe beyond the bounds of Nature colouring strange and imperfect bodies and perfecting them because of its plentifull Tincture and the abstruse Treasure of multiplyed Fire 97. Philosophers call their The Water of the Stone is Fire Water Fire because it is most hot and indued with a Fiery Spirit againe Water is called Fire by them because it burneth the bodies of perfect Metals more than common fire doth for it perfectly dissolveth them whereas they resist our Fire and will not suffer themselves to be dissolved by it for this cause it is also called Burning Water Now that Fire of Tincture is hid in the belly of the Water and manifests it selfe by a double effect viz. of the bodies Solution and Multiplication 98. Nature useth a double Fire in Fire is twofold intrinsicall and extrinsicall the Work of generation Intrinsecall extrinsecall the former being placed in the seeds mixtures of things is hid in their Centre as a principle of Motion and Life doth move and quicken the body But the latter Extrinsecall whether it be poured down from Heaven or Earth raiseth the former as drowned with sleep and compels it to action for the vitall sparks implanted in the seeds stand in need of an externall mover that they may be moved and actuate 99. It is even so in the Philosophers worke for the matter of the Stone possesseth his Interiour Fire which partly Innate partly also is added by the Philosophers Art for those two are united and come inward together because they are homogeneous the internall standeth in need of the externall which the Philosopher administreth according to the Precepts of Art and Nature this compelleth the former to move These Fires are as two Wheels whereof the hidden one being smitten of the sensible one it is moved sooner or later And thus Art helpeth Nature 100. The Internall Fire is the middle between the mover and the matter whence it is that as it is moved by that it moveth thus if so be it shall be driven intensly or remisly it will work after the same manner in the matter The Information of the whole worke dependeth of the measure of externall Fire 101. He that is ignorant of the degrees and points of externall Fire let him not set upon the Philosophicall Worke for he will never pull light out of darknesse unlesse the heats passe through their mediums like the Elements whose extreams are not converted but onely by mediums 102. Because the whole work Foure degrees of Fire consisteth in Separation and perfect Preparation of the foure Elements therefore so many degrees of Fire are necessary thereunto for every Element is extracted by the degree of Fire proper to it 103. The foure degrees of Fire are called the Fire of the Bath of Ashes of Coales and of Flame which is also called Optetick every degree hath its points two at least sometimes three for the Fire is to be moved slowly and by points whether it be increased or decreased that Matter after Natures example may goe on by degrees and willingly unto Information and completion for nothing is so strange to Nature as that which is violent Let the Philosopher propound to his consideration the gentle accesse recesse of the Sun whose Light Lamp indulgeth its heat to the things of the world according to the times and Lawes of the Universe and so bestoweth a temperament upon them 104. The first point of the The point of Fire Bath of heat is called the heat of a Feaver or of Dung the second of both simply The first point of the second degree is the simple heat of Ashes the second is the heat of Sand Now the points of Fire of Coales and Flame want a proper Name but they are distinguished by the operation of the Intellect according to intention and remission 105. Three degrees onely of Fire are sometimes found amongst Philosophers viz. of the Bath of Ashes and the hot Bath which comprehendeth the Fire of Coals and Flame the Fire of Dung is sometimes distinguished from the Fire of the Bath in degree Thus for the most part Authors doe involve the light in darknesse by the various expressions of the Philosophers Fire for the knowledge therof is accounted amongst their chief secrets 106. In the White Work because Four Elements of the Stone three Elements onely are extracted three degrees of Fire also do suffice the last to wit the Optetick is reserved for the fourth Element which finisheth the Red Work By the first degree the eclipse of Sol and Luna is made by the second the light of Luna begins to be restored by the third Luna attaineth unto the fulnesse of her splendour and by the fourth Sol is exalted into the highest apex of his glory Now in every part the Fire is administred acccording to the rules of Geometry so as the Agent may answer to the disposition of the Patient and their strength be equally poised betwixt themselves 107. Philosophers have very much set upon their Fire with a desire of Secrecy so as they scarce have been bold to touch it but shew it rather by a description of its qualities and proprieties then by its name as that it is airie Fire vaporous humid and dry clear star-like because it may easily by degrees be intended or remitted as the Artificer pleaseth Hee that desireth more of the knowledge of Fire may be satisfied by the Works of Lullius who hath opened the Secrets of Practice to candid minds candidly 108. Of the conflict of the Eagle Proportion and the Lion they write diversly because the Lion is the strongest animall of all others and therefore it is necessary that more Eagles concur three at least or else more even to ten to conquer him the fewer they are the greater the contention and the slower the Victory but the more Eagles the shorter the Battaile and the direption of the Lyon will more readily follow The happyer number of seven Eagles may be taken out of Lullius or of nine out of Senior 109. The Vessell wherein Philosophers The Vessels of Nature and Art decoct their worke is twofold the one of Nature the other of Art the Vessell of Nature which is also called the Vessel of Philosophy is the Earth of the Stone or the Femella or Matrix whereinto the Seed of the Male is received it putrefies and is prepared for generation the Vessell of Nature is of three sorts for the secret is decocted in a threefold Vessell 110. The First Vessell is made of a transparent Stone or of stony Glasse the forme thereof some Philosophers have hid by a certain Enigmaticall
The white colour succeedeth the black wherein is given the perfection of the first degree and of white Sulphur This is called the blessed stone this Earth is white and foliated whererein Philosophers doe sow their gold The third is Orange colour which is produced in the passage of the white to the red as the middle and mixt of both and is as the morning with her safron-haire a fore-runner of the Sun The fourth colour is ruddy and sanguine which is extracted from the white fire onely Now because whitenesse is easily altered by any other colour before day it quickly faileth of its candor But the dark rednesse of the Sun perfecteth the worke of Sulphur which is called the Sperme of the male the fire of the Stone the Kings Crown and the son of Sol wherein the first labour of the workman resteth 65. Besides these decretory signes which firmely inhere in the matter and shew its essentiall mutations almost infinite colours appear and shew themselves in vapours as the Rain-bow in the clouds which quickly passe away and are expelled by those that succeed more affecting the aire then the earth the operatour must have a gentle care of them because they are not permanent and proceed not from the intrinsecall disposition of the matter but from the fire painting and fashioning every thing after its pleasure or casually by heat in small moisture 66. Of the strange colours some called out of time give an ill omen to the work as the Blacknesse renewed for the Crowes young ones having once left their nest are never to be suffered to returne Too hasty Rednesse for this once and in the end onely gives a certaine hope of the harvest if before it make the matter red it is an argument of the greatest aridity not without great danger which can onely be averted by Heaven alone forthwith bestowing a shower upon it 67. The Stone is exalted by Foure Digestions of the Stone successive digestions as by degrees and at length attaineth to perfection Now foure Digestions agreeable to the foure abovesaid Operations or Governments do compleat the whole worke the author whereof is the fire which makes their difference 68. The first digestion operateth First the solution of the Body whereby comes the first conjunction of male and female the commixtion of both seeds putrefaction the resolution of the elements into homogeneall water the eclipse of the Sun and Moon in the head of the Dragon and lastly it bringeth back the whole World into its ancient Chaos and dark abysse This first digestion is made as in the stomack of a melon colour and weak more fit for corruption then generation 69. In the second digestion the Second spirit of the Lord walketh upon the waters the light begins to appear and a separation of waters from the waters the Sun and Moon are renewed the elements are extracted out of the chaos that being perfectly mixt in Spirit they may constitute a new world a new Heaven and new Earth are made and lastly all bodies are become spirituall The Crowes young ones changing their fethers begin to passe into Doves the Eagle and Lion embrace one another with an eternall League And this generation of the World is made by the fiery Spirit descending in the forme of Water and wiping away Originall sin for the Philosophers Water is Fire which is moved by the exciting heat of a Bath But see that the separation of Waters be done in Weight and Measure lest those things that remaine under Heaven be drowned under the Earth or those things that are snatched up above Heaven be too much destitute of aridity Hic sterilem exiguus ne deserat humor Georg. 1. arenam Here lest small moisture leave a barren Soyle 70. The third digestion of the Third newly generated Earth drinketh up the dewy Milk and all the spirituall virtues of the quintessence and fasteneth the quickning Soul to the Body by the Spirits mediation Then the Earth layeth up a great Treasure in it selfe and is made like the coruscant Moon afterwards to ruddy Sun the former is called the Earth of the Moon the latter the Earth of the Sun for both of them is begot of the copulation of them both neither of them any longer feareth the pains of the Fire because both want all spots for they have been often clensed from sin by fire and have suffered great Martyrdome untill all the Elements are turned downwards 71. The Fourth digestion consummateth Fourth all the Mysteries of the World and the Earth being turned into most excellent leaven it leaveneth all imperfect bodies because it hath before passed into the heavenly nature of quintessence The vertue thereof flowing from the Spirit of the Universe is a present Panacea and universall medicine for all the diseases of all creatures the digestions of the first worke being repeated will open to thee the Philosophers secret Furnace Be right in thy works that thou mayest finde God fovourable otherwise the plowing of the Earth will be in vaine Nor Illa seges demum votis respondet avari Georg. a-vari Agricolae Will the expected Harvest e're requite The greedy High-shoot 72. The whole Progresse of the Philosophers work is nothing but Solution and Congelation the Solution of the body and Congelation of the Spirit neverthelesse there is but one operation of both the fixed and volatile are perfectly mixed and united in the Spirit which cannot be done unlesse the fixed body be first made soluble and volatile By reduction is the volatile body fixed into a permanent body and volatile nature doth at last change into a fixed one as the fixed Nature had before passed into volatile Now so long as the Natures were confused in the Spirit that mixed Spirit keeps a middle Nature between Body and Spirit Fixed and Volatile 73. The generation of the Stone is made after the patterne of the Creation of the World for it is necessary that it have its Chaos and First matter wherein the confused Elements do fluctuate untill they be separated by the fiery Spirit they being separated the light Elements are carried upwards and the heavie ones downwards the light arising darknesse retraits the waters are gathered into one and the dry land appeares At length the two great Luminaries arise and minerall virtues vegetable and animal are produced in the Philosophers Earth 74. God created Adam of the mud of the Earth wherein were inherent the virtues of all the Elements of the Earth Water especially which doe more constitute the sensible and corporeall heap Into this Masse God inspired the breath of Life and enlivened it with the Sunne of the Holy Spirit He gave Eve for a Wife to Adam and blessing them he gave unto them a Precept and Faculty of multiplying The Generation of the Philosophers Stone is not unlike the Creation of Adam for the Mud was made of a terrestriall and ponderous Body dissolved by Water which deserved the excellent name
of Terra Adamica wherein all the virtues and qualities of the Elements are placed At length the heavenly Soule is infused thereinto by the Spirit of the quintesse and Solar influx and by the Benediction and Dew of Heaven the virtue of multiplying in infinitum by the intervening copulation of both sexes is given it 75. The chief secret of this worke consisteth in the manner of working which is wholly imployed about the Elements for the matter of the Stone passeth from one Nature into another the Elements are successively extracted and by turnes obtaine dominion every thing is agitated by the circles of humidum and siccum untill all things be turned downwards and there rest 76. In the work of the Stone the other Elements are circulated in the figure of Water for the Earth is resolved into Water wherein are the rest of the Elements the Water is Sublimated into Vapour Vapour retreats into Water and so by an unwearied circle is the Water moved untill it abide fixed downwards now that being fixed all the Elements are fixed Thus into it they are resolved by it they are extracted with it they live and dye the Earth is the Tombe and last end of them all 77. The order of Nature requireth that every generation begin from humidum and in humidum In the Philosophers work Nature is to be reduced into order that so the matter of the Stone which is terrestriall compact and dry in the first place may be dissolved and flow into the Element of Water next unto it and then Saturne will be generated of Sol. 78. The Aire succeeds the Water drawne about by seven circles or revolutions which is wheel'd about with so many circles and reductions untill it be fixed downwards and Saturne being expell'd Jupiter may receive the Scepter and Government of the Kingdome by whose coming the Philosophers Infant is formed nourished in the wombe and at length is borne resembling the splendor of Luna in its beautifull serene countenance 79. The Fire executing the courses of the Nature of the Elements extream Fire promoving it of hidden is made manifest the Saffron dyeth the Lilly rednesse possesseth the cheeks of the whitening Child now made stronger A Crowne is prepared for him against the time of his Reigne This is the consummation of the first work and the perfect rotation of the Elements the signe whereof is when they are all terminated in Siccum and the body void of Spirit lyeth downe wanting pulse and motion And thus all the Elements do finally acquiesce in Terra 80. Fire placed in the Stone is Natures Prince Sol's Son and Vicar moving and digesting matter and perfecting all things therein if it shall attain its liberty for it lieth weak under an hard bark procure therefore its freedome that it may secure thee freely but beware that thou urge it not above measure for it being impatient of Tyranny it becomes a fugitive no hope of returne being left unto thee call it back therefore by courteous flattery and keep it prudently 81. The first mover of Nature is Externall Fire the Moderator of Internall Fire and of the whole work Let the Philosopher therefore very well understand the government thereof and observe its degrees and points for from thence the welfare or ruine of the worke dependeth Thus Art helpeth Nature and the Philosopher is the Minister of both 82. By these two Instruments of Art and Nature the Stone lifteth it selfe up from Earth to Heaven with great ingenuity and slideth from Heaven to Earth because the Earth is its Nurse and being carried in the wombe of the wind it receiveth the force of the Superiours and Inferiours 83. The Circulation of the Elements is exercised with a double The twofold Wheel the great and the less Wheel by the greater or extended and the lesse or contracted The Wheel extended fixeth all the Elements of the Earth and its circle is not finished unlesse the work of Sulphur be perfected The revolution of the minor Wheel is terminated by the extraction and preparation of every Element Now in this Wheel there are three 3 Circles Circles placed which alwayes and variously move the Matter by an Erratick and Intricate Motion and do often seven times at least drive about every Element in order succeeding one another and so agreeable that if one shall be wanting the labour of the rest is made void These are Natures Instruments wherby the Elements are prepared Let the Philosopher therfore consider the progresse of Nature in the Physicall Tract more fully described for this very end 84. Every Circle hath its proper Motion for all the motions of the Circles are conversant about the Subject of Humidum and Siccum and are so concatenated that they produce the onely operation and one only concent of Nature two of them are opposite both in respect of the causes the effects for one moveth upwards drying by heat another downwards moistning by cold a third carrying the form of rest and sleep by digesting induceth the cessation of both in greatest moderation 85. Of the three Circles the First Circle First is Evacuation the labour of which is in substracting the superfluous Humidum and also in separating the pure cleane and subtile from the grosse and terrestriall dreggs Now the greatest danger is found in the motion of this Circle because it hath to doe with things Spirituall and makes Nature plentifull 86. Two things are chiefly to be taken heed of in moving this Circle First that it be not moved too intensly the other that it be not moved longer then is meet Motion accelerated raiseth confusion in the matter so that the grosse impure and indigested part may fly out together with the pure and subtile and the Body undissolved mixed with the Spirit together with that which is dissolved with this precipitated motion the Heavenly and Terrestriall Nature are confounded and the Spirit of the Quintessence corrupted by the admixtion of the Earth is made dull and invalid By too long a motion the Earth is too much evacuated of its Spirit is made so languishing dry and destitute of Spirit that it cannot easily be restored and recalled to its Temperament Either errour burneth up the Tinctures or turns it into flight 87. The Second Circle is Restauration Second Circle whose office is to restore strength to the gasping and debilitated body by Potion The former Circle was the Organ of Sweat and labour but this of Refreshment and Consolation The action of this is imployed in the grinding mollifying the Earth Potter like that it may be the better mixed 88. The motion of this Circle must be lighter then that of the former especially in the beginning of its Revolution lest the Crow's young ones be drowned in their nest by a large floud and the growing world be overflowne by a deluge This is the Weigher and Assayer of Measures for it distributeth Water by Geometricall Precepts There is usually no greater Secret